1 /***************************************************************
2  * Name:      ThreadSearch
3  * Purpose:   ThreadSearch Code::Blocks plugin
4  *            Most of the interactions with C::B are handled here.
5  * Author:    Jerome ANTOINE
6  * Created:   2007-10-08
7  * Copyright: Jerome ANTOINE
8  * License:   GPL
9  **************************************************************/
11 #ifndef THREAD_SEARCH_H
12 #define THREAD_SEARCH_H
14 #include <wx/string.h>
15 #include <wx/splitter.h>
17 #include <cbplugin.h> // for "class cbPlugin"
18 #include <globals.h> // for "ModuleType"
20 #include "ThreadSearchFindData.h"
21 #include "ThreadSearchViewManagerBase.h"
22 #include "ThreadSearchLoggerBase.h"
23 #include "InsertIndexManager.h"
25 class wxWindow;
26 class wxMenu;
27 class wxMenuBar;
28 class wxToolBar;
29 class wxLogWindow;
30 class wxComboBox;
31 class FileTreeData;
32 class wxCommandEvent;
33 class wxUpdateUIEvent;
35 class cbConfigurationPanel;
36 class cbProject;
38 class ThreadSearchView;
41 class ThreadSearch : public cbPlugin
42 {
43 public:
44     /** Constructor. */
45     ThreadSearch();
47     /** Destructor. */
48     virtual ~ThreadSearch();
50     /** Return the plugin's configuration priority.
51       * This is a number (default is 50) that is used to sort plugins
52       * in configuration dialogs. Lower numbers mean the plugin's
53       * configuration is put higher in the list.
54       */
GetConfigurationPriority()55     virtual int GetConfigurationPriority() const { return 50; }
57     /** Return the configuration group for this plugin. Default is cgUnknown.
58       * Notice that you can logically OR more than one configuration groups,
59       * so you could set it, for example, as "cgCompiler | cgContribPlugin".
60       */
GetConfigurationGroup()61     virtual int GetConfigurationGroup() const { return cgContribPlugin; }
63     /** Return plugin's configuration panel.
64       * @param parent The parent window.
65       * @return A pointer to the plugin's cbConfigurationPanel. It is deleted by the caller.
66       */
67     virtual cbConfigurationPanel* GetConfigurationPanel(wxWindow* parent);
69     /** Return plugin's configuration panel for projects.
70       * The panel returned from this function will be added in the project's
71       * configuration dialog.
72       * @param parent The parent window.
73       * @param project The project that is being edited.
74       * @return A pointer to the plugin's cbConfigurationPanel. It is deleted by the caller.
75       */
GetProjectConfigurationPanel(wxWindow * WXUNUSED (parent),cbProject * WXUNUSED (project))76     virtual cbConfigurationPanel* GetProjectConfigurationPanel(wxWindow* WXUNUSED(parent), cbProject* WXUNUSED(project)){ return 0; }
78     /** This method is called by Code::Blocks and is used by the plugin
79       * to add any menu items it needs on Code::Blocks's menu bar.\n
80       * It is a pure virtual method that needs to be implemented by all
81       * plugins. If the plugin does not need to add items on the menu,
82       * just do nothing ;)
83       * @param menuBar the wxMenuBar to create items in
84       */
85     virtual void BuildMenu(wxMenuBar* menuBar);
87     /** This method is called by Code::Blocks core modules (EditorManager,
88       * ProjectManager etc) and is used by the plugin to add any menu
89       * items it needs in the module's popup menu. For example, when
90       * the user right-clicks on a project file in the project tree,
91       * ProjectManager prepares a popup menu to display with context
92       * sensitive options for that file. Before it displays this popup
93       * menu, it asks all attached plugins (by asking PluginManager to call
94       * this method), if they need to add any entries
95       * in that menu. This method is called.\n
96       * If the plugin does not need to add items in the menu,
97       * just do nothing ;)
98       * @param type the module that's preparing a popup menu
99       * @param pMenu pointer to the popup menu
100       * @param data pointer to FileTreeData object (to access/modify the file tree)
101       */
102     virtual void BuildModuleMenu(const ModuleType type, wxMenu* pMenu, const FileTreeData* data = 0);
104     /** This method is called by Code::Blocks and is used by the plugin
105       * to add any toolbar items it needs on Code::Blocks's toolbar.\n
106       * It is a pure virtual method that needs to be implemented by all
107       * plugins. If the plugin does not need to add items on the toolbar,
108       * just do nothing ;)
109       * @param toolBar the wxToolBar to create items on
110       * @return The plugin should return true if it needed the toolbar, false if not
111       */
112     virtual bool BuildToolBar(wxToolBar* toolBar);
114     /** This method is called to update observers.
115       * The pattern has not been implemented as there is only one observer
116       * (the ThreadSearchView) that already holds a reference on the plugin.
117       */
118     void Notify();
120     // Setters
SetCtxMenuIntegration(bool ctxMenuIntegration)121     void SetCtxMenuIntegration(bool ctxMenuIntegration)       {m_CtxMenuIntegration = ctxMenuIntegration;}
SetUseDefValsForThreadSearch(bool useDefVals)122     void SetUseDefValsForThreadSearch(bool useDefVals)        {m_UseDefValsForThreadSearch = useDefVals;}
SetShowSearchControls(bool showSearchControls)123     void SetShowSearchControls(bool showSearchControls)       {m_ShowSearchControls = showSearchControls;}
SetShowDirControls(bool showDirControls)124     void SetShowDirControls(bool showDirControls)             {m_ShowDirControls = showDirControls;}
SetShowCodePreview(bool showCodePreview)125     void SetShowCodePreview(bool showCodePreview)             {m_ShowCodePreview = showCodePreview;}
SetDeletePreviousResults(bool deletePreviousResults)126     void SetDeletePreviousResults(bool deletePreviousResults) {m_DeletePreviousResults = deletePreviousResults;}
SetDisplayLogHeaders(bool displayLogHeaders)127     void SetDisplayLogHeaders(bool displayLogHeaders)         {m_DisplayLogHeaders = displayLogHeaders;}
SetDrawLogLines(bool drawLogLines)128     void SetDrawLogLines(bool drawLogLines)                   {m_DrawLogLines = drawLogLines;}
SetAutosizeLogColumns(bool autosizeLogColumns)129     void SetAutosizeLogColumns(bool autosizeLogColumns)       {m_AutosizeLogColumns = autosizeLogColumns;}
SetFindData(const ThreadSearchFindData & findData)130     void SetFindData(const ThreadSearchFindData& findData)    {m_FindData = findData;}
132     void SetManagerType (ThreadSearchViewManagerBase::eManagerTypes mgrType);
SetLoggerType(ThreadSearchLoggerBase::eLoggerTypes lgrType)133     void SetLoggerType (ThreadSearchLoggerBase::eLoggerTypes        lgrType)      {m_LoggerType   = lgrType;}
SetSplitterMode(wxSplitMode splitterMode)134     void SetSplitterMode(wxSplitMode                                splitterMode) {m_SplitterMode = splitterMode;}
SetFileSorting(InsertIndexManager::eFileSorting fileSorting)135     void SetFileSorting (InsertIndexManager::eFileSorting           fileSorting)  {m_FileSorting  = fileSorting;}
137     // Getters
GetCtxMenuIntegration()138     bool GetCtxMenuIntegration()                     const {return m_CtxMenuIntegration;}
GetUseDefValsForThreadSearch()139     bool GetUseDefValsForThreadSearch()              const {return m_UseDefValsForThreadSearch;}
GetShowSearchControls()140     bool GetShowSearchControls()                     const {return m_ShowSearchControls;}
GetShowDirControls()141     bool GetShowDirControls()                        const {return m_ShowDirControls;}
GetShowCodePreview()142     bool GetShowCodePreview()                        const {return m_ShowCodePreview;}
GetDeletePreviousResults()143     bool GetDeletePreviousResults()                  const {return m_DeletePreviousResults;}
GetDisplayLogHeaders()144     bool GetDisplayLogHeaders()                      const {return m_DisplayLogHeaders;}
GetDrawLogLines()145     bool GetDrawLogLines()                           const {return m_DrawLogLines;}
GetAutosizeLogColumns()146     bool GetAutosizeLogColumns()                     const {return m_AutosizeLogColumns;}
GetFindData(ThreadSearchFindData & findData)147     void GetFindData(ThreadSearchFindData& findData) const {findData = m_FindData;}
GetFindData()148     ThreadSearchFindData& GetFindData()                    {return m_FindData;}
GetManagerType()149     ThreadSearchViewManagerBase::eManagerTypes GetManagerType() const {return m_pViewManager->GetManagerType();}
GetLoggerType()150     ThreadSearchLoggerBase::eLoggerTypes       GetLoggerType()  const {return m_LoggerType;}
GetSplitterMode()151     long                                       GetSplitterMode() const {return m_SplitterMode;}
GetFileSorting()152     InsertIndexManager::eFileSorting           GetFileSorting()  const {return m_FileSorting;}
154     /** This method runs a threaded search for text param.
155       * @param text : text to look after
156       * @param isCtxSearch : bool that tells if it is a ctx search
157       * to set, if necessary, the default ctx search options
158       */
159     void RunThreadSearch(const wxString& text, bool isCtxSearch = false);
161     /** This method is a callback called by ThreadSearchView destructor.
162       * Either view is destroyed by C::B InfoPane if plugin is used in
163       * the Messages Notebook or by plugin instance if view is not displayed
164       * or used in the layout.
165       */
166     void OnThreadSearchViewDestruction();
168     /** This method shows/hide the ThreadSearch toolbar.
169       * @param show : show = true/hide = false toolbar
170       */
171     void ShowToolBar(bool show);
173     /** Method used to know is toolbar is visible. */
174     bool IsToolbarVisible();
176     wxLogWindow* m_pLog; //(pecan 2007/7/26)
178 protected:
179     /** Any descendent plugin should override this virtual method and
180       * perform any necessary initialization. This method is called by
181       * Code::Blocks (PluginManager actually) when the plugin has been
182       * loaded and should attach in Code::Blocks. When Code::Blocks
183       * starts up, it finds and <em>loads</em> all plugins but <em>does
184       * not</em> activate (attaches) them. It then activates all plugins
185       * that the user has selected to be activated on start-up.\n
186       * This means that a plugin might be loaded but <b>not</b> activated...\n
187       * Think of this method as the actual constructor...
188       */
189     virtual void OnAttach();
191     /** Any descendent plugin should override this virtual method and
192       * perform any necessary de-initialization. This method is called by
193       * Code::Blocks (PluginManager actually) when the plugin has been
194       * loaded, attached and should de-attach from Code::Blocks.\n
195       * Think of this method as the actual destructor...
196       * @param appShutDown If true, the application is shutting down. In this
197       *         case *don't* use Manager::Get()->Get...() functions or the
198       *         behaviour is undefined...
199       */
200     virtual void OnRelease(bool appShutDown);
202     /** This method loads the plugin configuration from default.conf using
203       * the standard ConfigManager
204       * @param showPanel    : reference that will be true after the call if
205       *                       the panel is managed by the MessageManager during last save.
206       * @param sashPosition : position of the splitter window.
207       * @param mgrType      : type of view manager (Messages notebook, layout)
208       * @param searchPatterns : - undocumented -
209       * @param searchDirs : - undocumented -
210       * @param searchMasks : - undocumented -
211       */
212     virtual void LoadConfig(bool &showPanel, int &sashPosition,
213                             ThreadSearchViewManagerBase::eManagerTypes& mgrType,
214                             wxArrayString& searchPatterns, wxArrayString& searchDirs,
215                             wxArrayString& searchMasks);
217     /** This method saves the plugin configuration to default.conf using
218       * the standard ConfigManager
219       * @param showPanel :    boolean telling if ThreadSearch panel is managed
220       *                       by the MessageManager.
221       * @param sashPosition : position of the splitter window.
222       * @param searchPatterns : - undocumented -
223       * @param searchDirs : - undocumented -
224       * @param searchMasks : - undocumented -
225       */
226     virtual void SaveConfig(bool showPanel, int sashPosition,
227                             ThreadSearchViewManagerBase::eManagerTypes mgrType,
228                             const wxArrayString& searchPatterns, const wxArrayString& searchDirs,
229                             const wxArrayString& searchMasks);
231 private:
232     /** Event handler called when user clicks on the 'Thread search'
233       * item of the 'View' menu.
234       */
235     void OnMnuViewThreadSearch(wxCommandEvent& event);
237     /** Event handler called when user clicks on the 'Thread Search'
238       * item of the 'Search' menu.
239       */
240     void OnMnuSearchThreadSearch(wxCommandEvent& event);
242     /** Event handler called when user clicks on the 'Focus Thread Search'
243       * item of the 'View' menu.
244       */
245     void OnMnuViewFocusThreadSearch(wxCommandEvent& event);
247     /** Event handler called when user clicks on the 'Find occurrences of'
248       * item of the contextual menu.
249       */
250     void OnCtxThreadSearch(wxCommandEvent& event);
252     /** Event handler called to update the 'Thread search'
253       * item of the View menu. Checked if 'Thread search' panel
254       * is present in the message notebook.
255       */
256     void OnMnuViewThreadSearchUpdateUI(wxUpdateUIEvent& event);
258     /** Event handler called to update the 'Thread search'
259       * item of the 'Search' menu.
260       */
261     void OnMnuSearchThreadSearchUpdateUI(wxUpdateUIEvent& event);
263     void OnMnuViewFocusThreadSearchUpdateUI(wxUpdateUIEvent& event);
265     // Toolbar controls events management
266     void OnBtnOptionsClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
267     void OnBtnSearchClick (wxCommandEvent& event);
268     void OnCboSearchExprEnter(wxCommandEvent &event);
270     /** Removes the 'Thread search' item added in BuildMenu method.
271       */
272     void RemoveMenuItems();
274     /** Internal Method refactored from BuildMenu
275       */
276     static bool GetCursorWord(wxString& sWord);
278     /** Adds the 'Find occurrences of' at the right place, ie just after
279       * the 'Find implementation' item if possible
280       */
281     int GetInsertionMenuIndex(const wxMenu* const pCtxMenu);
283     // The following method are there to make it possible to copy
284     // and paste from and to view graphical widgets.
285     void OnMnuEditCopy(wxCommandEvent& event);
286     void OnMnuEditCopyUpdateUI(wxUpdateUIEvent& event);
287     void OnMnuEditPaste(wxCommandEvent& event);
290     // Member variables
291     wxString                             m_SearchedWord;              // Word under cursor on right click
292     ThreadSearchFindData                 m_FindData;                  // Search structure containing all useful inforamtions
293     ThreadSearchView*                    m_pThreadSearchView;         // Panel added to Messages notebook
294     ThreadSearchViewManagerBase*         m_pViewManager;              // View manager. Used to add, remove, show and hide view.
295                                                                       // Used on a derived class (message notebook or layout manager).
296     wxToolBar*                           m_pToolbar;                  // Panel added to Messages notebook
297     bool                                 m_CtxMenuIntegration;        // Tells if 'Find occurrences' item must be present in contextual menu
298     bool                                 m_UseDefValsForThreadSearch; // Tells if default values (whole word = true, match case = true)
299                                                                       // are used for 'Find occurrences' ctx menu command
300     bool                                 m_ShowSearchControls;        // True if user wants to use message tab controls
301     bool                                 m_ShowDirControls;           // True if user wants to display directory specific controls
302     bool                                 m_ShowCodePreview;           // True if user wants to benefit from code preview
303     bool                                 m_DeletePreviousResults;     // True if logger contents is deleted at search begin
304     ThreadSearchLoggerBase::eLoggerTypes m_LoggerType;                // Logger type, can be a list or a tree
305     bool                                 m_DisplayLogHeaders;         // Show/Hide column headers in wxListCtrl logger
306     bool                                 m_DrawLogLines;              // Draw lines between columns in wxListCtrl logger
307     /// Automatically resize columns in wxListCtrl logger after search is finished.
308     bool                                 m_AutosizeLogColumns;
309     bool                                 m_OnReleased;                // For multiple simultaneous calls of OnRelease
310     wxComboBox*                          m_pCboSearchExpr;
311     wxSplitMode                          m_SplitterMode;              // Sets vertical or horizontal display for code
312                                                                       // preview and search results (logger)
313     InsertIndexManager::eFileSorting     m_FileSorting;               // Sorts file by name or by path
316 };
318 #endif // THREAD_SEARCH_H