2##  (c) Copyright 2015-  by Jaron T. Krogel                     ##
7#  simulation.py                                                     #
8#    Provides base classes for simulation objects, including input   #
9#    and analysis.  The Simulation base class enables a large amount #
10#    of the functionality of Nexus, including workflow construction  #
11#    and monitoring, in tandem with the ProjectManager class.        #
12#                                                                    #
13#  Content summary:                                                  #
14#    SimulationInput                                                 #
15#      Abstract base class for simulation input.                     #
16#                                                                    #
17#    SimulationAnalyzer                                              #
18#      Abstract base class for simulation data analysis.             #
19#                                                                    #
20#    Simulation                                                      #
21#      Major Nexus class representing a simulation prior to, during, #
22#      and after execution.  Checks dependencies between simulations #
23#      connected in workflows, manages input file writing,           #
24#      participates in job submission, checks for successful         #
25#      simulation completion, and analyzes output data.  Saves state #
26#      image of simulation progress regularly.  Contains             #
27#      SimulationInput, SimulationAnalyzer, and Job objects (also    #
28#      optionally contains a PhysicalSystem object).  Derived        #
29#      classes tailor specific functions such as passing dependency  #
30#      data and checking simulation state to a target simulation     #
31#      code.  Derived classes include Qmcpack, Pwscf, Vasp, Gamess,  #
32#      Convert4qmc, Pw2qmcpack, SimulationBundle, and                #
33#      TemplateSimulation.                                           #
34#                                                                    #
35#    NullSimulationInput                                             #
36#      Simulation input class intended for codes that do not use an  #
37#      input file.                                                   #
38#                                                                    #
39#    NullSimulationAnalyzer                                          #
40#      Simulation input class intended for codes that do not produce #
41#      or need to analyze output data.                               #
42#                                                                    #
43#    SimulationInputTemplate                                         #
44#      Supports template input files.  A template input file is a    #
45#      standard text input file provided by the user that optionally #
46#      has specially marked keywords.  Using find and replace        #
47#      operations, Nexus can produce variations on the template      #
48#      input file (e.g. to scan over a parameter).  In this way      #
49#      Nexus can drive codes that do not have specialized classes    #
50#      derived from Simulation, SimulationInput, or                  #
51#      SimulationAnalyzer.                                           #
52#                                                                    #
53#    SimulationInputMultiTemplate                                    #
54#      Supports templated input files for codes that take many       #
55#      different files as input (VASP is an example of this).  The   #
56#      multi-template is essentially a collection of individual      #
57#      template input files.                                         #
58#                                                                    #
59#    input_template                                                  #
60#      User-facing function to create SimulationInputTemplate's.     #
61#                                                                    #
62#    multi_input_template                                            #
63#      User-facing function to create SimulationInputMultiTemplate's.#
64#                                                                    #
68import os
69import sys
70import shutil
71import string
72from subprocess import Popen,PIPE
73from developer import unavailable,ci
74from generic import obj
75from periodic_table import is_element
76from physical_system import PhysicalSystem
77from machines import Job
78from pseudopotential import ppset
79from nexus_base import NexusCore,nexus_core
82class SimulationInput(NexusCore):
83    def is_valid(self):
84        self.not_implemented()
85    #end def is_valid
87    def read_file_text(self,filepath):
88        if not os.path.exists(filepath):
89            self.error('file does not exist:  '+filepath)
90        #end if
91        fobj = open(filepath,'r')
92        text = fobj.read()
93        fobj.close()
94        return text
95    #end def read_file_text
97    def write_file_text(self,filepath,text):
98        fobj = open(filepath,'w')
99        fobj.write(text)
100        fobj.flush()
101        fobj.close()
102    #end def write_file_text
104    def read(self,filepath):
105        tokens = filepath.split(None,1)
106        if len(tokens)>1:
107            text = filepath
108            self.read_text(text)
109        else:
110            text = self.read_file_text(filepath)
111            self.read_text(text,filepath)
112        #end if
113    #end def read
115    def write(self,filepath=None):
116        text = self.write_text(filepath)
117        if filepath!=None:
118            self.write_file_text(filepath,text)
119        #end if
120        return text
121    #end def write
123    def return_structure(self):
124        return self.return_system(structure_only=True)
125    #end def return_structure
127    def read_text(self,text,filepath=None):
128        self.not_implemented()
129    #end def read_text
131    def write_text(self,filepath=None):
132        self.not_implemented()
133    #end def write_text
135    def incorporate_system(self,system):
136        #take information from a physical system object and fill in input file
137        self.not_implemented()
138    #end def incorporate_system
140    def return_system(self,structure_only=False):
141        #create a physical system object from input file information
142        self.not_implemented()
143    #end def return_system
144#end class SimulationInput
149class SimulationAnalyzer(NexusCore):
150    def __init__(self,sim):
151        self.not_implemented()
152    #end def __init__
154    def analyze(self):
155        self.not_implemented()
156    #end def analyze
157#end class SimulationAnalyzer
162class SimulationEmulator(NexusCore):
163    def run(self):
164        self.not_implemented()
165    #end def run
166#end class SimulationEmulator
170class SimulationImage(NexusCore):
171    save_only_fields = set([
172            # user block (temporary) of (sim+) subcascade
173            'block',
174            'block_subcascade',
175            # local/remote/results directories
176            'locdir',
177            'remdir',
178            'resdir',
179            # image directories
180            'imlocdir',
181            'imremdir',
182            'imresdir',
183            ])
185    load_fields = set([
186            # important sim variables
187            'identifier',
188            'path',
189            'process_id',
190            # properties of the executable
191            'app_name',
192            'app_props',
193            # names of in/out/err files
194            'infile',
195            'outfile',
196            'errfile',
197            # directory and image file names for sim/input/analyzer
198            'image_dir',
199            'sim_image',
200            'input_image',
201            'analyzer_image',
202            # files copied in/out before/after run
203            'files',
204            'outputs',
205            # simulation status flags
206            'setup',
207            'sent_files',
208            'submitted',
209            'finished',
210            'failed',
211            'got_output',
212            'analyzed',
213            # cascade status flag
214            'subcascade_finished',
215            ])
217    save_fields = load_fields | save_only_fields
219    def __init__(self):
220        None
221    #end def __init__
223    def save_image(self,sim,imagefile):
224        self.clear()
225        self.transfer_from(sim,SimulationImage.save_fields)
226        self.save(imagefile)
227        self.clear()
228    #end def save_image
230    def load_image(self,sim,imagefile):
231        self.clear()
232        self.load(imagefile)
233        self.transfer_to(sim,SimulationImage.load_fields)
234        self.clear()
235    #end def load_image
237#end class SimulationImage
241class Simulation(NexusCore):
242    input_type    = SimulationInput
243    analyzer_type = SimulationAnalyzer
244    generic_identifier = 'sim'
245    infile_extension   = '.in'
246    outfile_extension  = '.out'
247    errfile_extension  = '.err'
248    application   = 'simapp'
249    application_properties = set(['serial'])
250    application_results    = set()
251    allow_overlapping_files = False
252    allowed_inputs = set(['identifier','path','infile','outfile','errfile','imagefile',
253                          'input','job','files','dependencies','analysis_request',
254                          'block','block_subcascade','app_name','app_props','system',
255                          'skip_submit','force_write','simlabel','fake_sim',
256                          'restartable','force_restart'])
257    sim_imagefile      = 'sim.p'
258    input_imagefile    = 'input.p'
259    analyzer_imagefile = 'analyzer.p'
260    image_directory    = 'sim'
261    supports_restarts  = False
262    renew_app_command  = False
264    is_bundle = False
266    sim_count = 0
267    creating_fake_sims = False
269    sim_directories = dict()
270    all_sims = []
273    @classmethod
274    def clear_all_sims(cls):
275        cls.sim_directories.clear()
276        cls.all_sims = []
277        cls.sim_count = 0
278    #end def clear_all_sims
280    @classmethod
281    def code_name(cls):
282        return cls.generic_identifier
283    #end def code_name
285    # test needed
286    @classmethod
287    def separate_inputs(cls,kwargs,overlapping_kw=-1,copy_pseudos=True,sim_kw=None):
288        if overlapping_kw==-1:
289            overlapping_kw = set(['system'])
290        elif overlapping_kw is None:
291            overlapping_kw = set()
292        #end if
293        if sim_kw is None:
294            sim_kw = set()
295        else:
296            sim_kw = set(sim_kw)
297        #end if
298        kw       = set(kwargs.keys())
299        sim_kw   = kw & (Simulation.allowed_inputs | sim_kw)
300        inp_kw   = (kw - sim_kw) | (kw & overlapping_kw)
301        sim_args = obj()
302        inp_args = obj()
303        sim_args.transfer_from(kwargs,sim_kw)
304        inp_args.transfer_from(kwargs,inp_kw)
305        if 'system' in inp_args:
306            system = inp_args.system
307            if not isinstance(system,PhysicalSystem):
308                extra=''
309                if not isinstance(extra,obj):
310                    extra = '\nwith value: {0}'.format(system)
311                #end if
312                cls.class_error('invalid input for variable "system"\nsystem object must be of type PhysicalSystem\nyou provided type: {0}'.format(system.__class__.__name__)+extra)
313            #end if
314        #end if
315        if 'pseudos' in inp_args and inp_args.pseudos!=None:
316            pseudos = inp_args.pseudos
317            # support ppset labels
318            if isinstance(pseudos,str):
319                code = cls.code_name()
320                if not ppset.supports_code(code):
321                    cls.class_error('ppset labeled pseudopotential groups are not supported for code "{0}"'.format(code))
322                #end if
323                if 'system' not in inp_args:
324                    cls.class_error('system must be provided when using a ppset label')
325                #end if
326                system = inp_args.system
327                pseudos = ppset.get(pseudos,code,system)
328                if 'pseudos' in sim_args:
329                    sim_args.pseudos = pseudos
330                #end if
331                inp_args.pseudos = pseudos
332            #end if
333            if copy_pseudos:
334                if 'files' in sim_args:
335                    sim_args.files = list(sim_args.files)
336                else:
337                    sim_args.files = list()
338                #end if
339                sim_args.files.extend(list(pseudos))
340            #end if
341            if 'system' in inp_args:
342                system = inp_args.system
343                species_labels,species = system.structure.species(symbol=True)
344                pseudopotentials = nexus_core.pseudopotentials
345                for ppfile in pseudos:
346                    if not ppfile in pseudopotentials:
347                        cls.class_error('pseudopotential file {0} cannot be found'.format(ppfile))
348                    #end if
349                    pp = pseudopotentials[ppfile]
350                    if not pp.element_label in species_labels and not pp.element in species:
351                        cls.class_error('the element {0} for pseudopotential file {1} is not in the physical system provided'.format(pp.element,ppfile))
352                    #end if
353                #end for
354            #end if
355        #end if
356        # this is already done in Simulation.__init__()
357        #if 'system' in inp_args and isinstance(inp_args.system,PhysicalSystem):
358        #    inp_args.system = inp_args.system.copy()
359        ##end if
360        return sim_args,inp_args
361    #end def separate_inputs
364    def __init__(self,**kwargs):
365        #user specified variables
366        self.path          = ''     #directory where sim will be run
367        self.job           = None   #Job object for machine
368        self.dependencies  = obj()  #Simulation results on which sim serially depends
369        self.restartable   = False  #if True, job can be automatically restarted as deemed appropriate
370        self.force_restart = False  #force a restart of the run
372        #variables determined by self
373        self.identifier     = self.generic_identifier
374        self.simid          = Simulation.sim_count
375        self.simlabel       = None
376        Simulation.sim_count+=1
377        self.files          = set()
378        self.app_name       = self.application
379        self.app_props      = list(self.application_properties)
380        self.sim_image      = self.sim_imagefile
381        self.input_image    = self.input_imagefile
382        self.analyzer_image = self.analyzer_imagefile
383        self.image_dir      = self.image_directory
384        self.input          = self.input_type()
385        self.system         = None
386        self.dependents     = obj()
387        self.created_directories = False
388        self.got_dependencies = False
389        self.setup          = False
390        self.sent_files     = False
391        self.submitted      = False
392        self.finished       = False
393        self.failed         = False
394        self.got_output     = False
395        self.analyzed       = False
396        self.subcascade_finished = False
397        self.dependency_ids = set()
398        self.wait_ids       = set()
399        self.block          = False
400        self.block_subcascade = False
401        self.skip_submit    = nexus_core.skip_submit
402        self.force_write    = False
403        self.loaded         = False
404        self.ordered_dependencies = []
405        self.process_id     = None
406        self.infile         = None
407        self.outfile        = None
408        self.errfile        = None
409        self.bundleable     = True
410        self.bundled        = False
411        self.bundler        = None
412        self.fake_sim       = Simulation.creating_fake_sims
414        #variables determined by derived classes
415        self.outputs = None  #object representing output data
416                             # accessed by dependents when calling get_dependencies
418        self.set(**kwargs)
419        self.pre_init()
420        self.set_directories()
421        self.set_files()
422        self.propagate_identifier()
423        if len(kwargs)>0:
424            self.init_job()
425        #end if
426        self.post_init()
428        Simulation.all_sims.append(self)
429    #end def __init__
432    def fake(self):
433        return self.fake_sim
434    #end def fake
437    def init_job(self):
438        if self.job is None:
439            self.error('job not provided.  Input field job must be set to a Job object.')
440        elif not isinstance(self.job,Job):
441            self.error('Input field job must be set to a Job object\nyou provided an object of type: {0}\nwith value: {1}'.format(self.job.__class__.__name__,self.job))
442        #end if
443        self.job = self.job.copy()
444        self.init_job_extra()
445        self.job.initialize(self)
446    #end def init_job
449    def init_job_extra(self):
450        None
451    #end def init_job_extra
454    def set_app_name(self,app_name):
455        self.app_name = app_name
456    #end def set_app_name
459    def set(self,**kw):
460        cls = self.__class__
461        if 'dependencies' in kw:
462            self.depends(*kw['dependencies'])
463            del kw['dependencies']
464        #end if
465        kwset = set(kw.keys())
466        invalid = kwset - self.allowed_inputs
467        if len(invalid)>0:
468            self.error('received invalid inputs\ninvalid inputs: {0}\nallowed inputs are: {1}'.format(sorted(invalid),sorted(self.allowed_inputs)))
469        #end if
470        allowed =  kwset & self.allowed_inputs
471        for name in allowed:
472            self[name] = kw[name]
473        #end for
474        if 'path' in allowed:
475            p = self.path
476            if not isinstance(p,str):
477                self.error('path must be a string, you provided {0} (type {1})'.format(p,p.__class__.__name__))
478            #end if
479            if p.startswith('./'):
480                p = p[2:]
481            #end if
482            ld = nexus_core.local_directory
483            if p.startswith(ld):
484                p = p.split(ld)[1].lstrip('/')
485            #end if
486            self.path = p
487        #end if
488        if 'files' in allowed:
489            self.files = set(self.files)
490        #end if
491        if not isinstance(self.input,(self.input_type,GenericSimulationInput)):
492            self.error('input must be of type {0}\nreceived {1}\nplease provide input appropriate to {2}'.format(self.input_type.__name__,self.input.__class__.__name__,self.__class__.__name__))
493        #end if
494        if isinstance(self.system,PhysicalSystem):
495            self.system = self.system.copy()
496            consistent,msg = self.system.check_consistent(exit=False,message=True)
497            if not consistent:
498                locdir = os.path.join(nexus_core.local_directory,nexus_core.runs,self.path)
499                self.error('user provided physical system is not internally consistent\nsimulation identifier: {0}\nlocal directory: {1}\nmore details on the user error are given below\n\n{2}'.format(self.identifier,locdir,msg))
500            #end if
501        elif self.system!=None:
502            self.error('system must be a PhysicalSystem object\nyou provided an object of type: {0}'.format(self.system.__class__.__name__))
503        #end if
504        if self.restartable or self.force_restart:
505            if not cls.supports_restarts:
506                self.warn('restarts are not supported by {0}, request ignored'.format(cls.__name__))
507            #end if
508        #end if
509    #end def set
512    def set_directories(self):
513        self.locdir = os.path.join(nexus_core.local_directory,nexus_core.runs,self.path)
514        self.remdir = os.path.join(nexus_core.remote_directory,nexus_core.runs,self.path)
515        self.resdir = os.path.join(nexus_core.local_directory,nexus_core.results,nexus_core.runs,self.path)
517        if not self.fake():
518            #print '  creating sim {0} in {1}'.format(self.simid,self.locdir)
520            if not self.locdir in self.sim_directories:
521                self.sim_directories[self.locdir] = set([self.identifier])
522            else:
523                idset = self.sim_directories[self.locdir]
524                if not self.identifier in idset:
525                    idset.add(self.identifier)
526                else:
527                    self.error('multiple simulations in a single directory have the same identifier\nplease assign unique identifiers to each simulation\nsimulation directory: {0}\nrepeated identifier: {1}\nother identifiers: {2}\nbetween the directory shown and the identifiers listed, it should be clear which simulations are involved\nmost likely, you described two simulations with identifier {3}'.format(self.locdir,self.identifier,sorted(idset),self.identifier))
528                #end if
529            #end if
530        #end if
532        self.image_dir = self.image_dir+'_'+self.identifier
533        self.imlocdir = os.path.join(self.locdir,self.image_dir)
534        self.imremdir = os.path.join(self.remdir,self.image_dir)
535        self.imresdir = os.path.join(self.resdir,self.image_dir)
536    #end def set_directories
539    def set_files(self):
540        if self.infile is None:
541            self.infile  = self.identifier + self.infile_extension
542        #end if
543        if self.outfile is None:
544            self.outfile = self.identifier + self.outfile_extension
545        #end if
546        if self.errfile is None:
547            self.errfile = self.identifier + self.errfile_extension
548        #end if
549    #end def set_files
552    def reset_indicators(self):
553        #this is needed to support restarts
554        self.got_dependencies = False
555        self.setup          = False
556        self.sent_files     = False
557        self.submitted      = False
558        self.finished       = False
559        self.failed         = False
560        self.got_output     = False
561        self.analyzed       = False
562    #end def reset_indicators
565    def completed(self):
566        completed  = self.setup
567        completed &= self.sent_files
568        completed &= self.submitted
569        completed &= self.finished
570        completed &= self.got_output
571        completed &= self.analyzed
572        completed &= not self.failed
573        return completed
574    #end def completed
577    def active(self):
578        deps_completed = True
579        for dep in self.dependencies:
580            deps_completed &= dep.sim.completed()
581        #end for
582        active = deps_completed and not self.completed()
583        return active
584    #end def active
587    def ready(self):
588        ready = self.active()
589        ready &= not self.submitted
590        ready &= not self.finished
591        ready &= not self.got_output
592        ready &= not self.analyzed
593        ready &= not self.failed
594        return ready
595    #end def ready
598    def check_result(self,result_name,sim):
599        self.not_implemented()
600    #end def check_result
602    def get_result(self,result_name,sim):
603        self.not_implemented()
604    #end def get_result
606    def incorporate_result(self,result_name,result,sim):
607        self.not_implemented()
608    #end def incorporate_result
610    def app_command(self):
611        self.not_implemented()
612    #end def app_command
614    def check_sim_status(self):
615        self.not_implemented()
616    #end def check_sim_status
618    def get_output_files(self): # returns list of output files to save
619        self.not_implemented()
620    #end def get_output_files
623    def propagate_identifier(self):
624        None
625    #end def propagate_identifier
627    def pre_init(self):
628        None
629    #end def pre_init
631    def post_init(self):
632        None
633    #end def post_init
635    def pre_create_directories(self):
636        None
637    #end def pre_create_directories
639    def write_prep(self):
640        None
641    #end def write_prep
643    def pre_write_inputs(self,save_image):
644        None
645    #end def pre_write_inputs
647    def pre_send_files(self,enter):
648        None
649    #end def pre_send_files
651    def post_submit(self):
652        None
653    #end def post_submit
655    def pre_check_status(self):
656        None
657    #end def pre_check_status
659    def post_analyze(self,analyzer):
660        None
661    #end def post_analyze
664    def condense_name(self,name):
665        return name.strip().lower().replace('-','_').replace(' ','_')
666    #end def condense_name
669    def has_generic_input(self):
670        return isinstance(self.input,GenericSimulationInput)
671    #end def has_generic_input
673    def outfile_text(self):
674        return self._file_text('outfile')
675    #end def outfile_text
677    def errfile_text(self):
678        return self._file_text('errfile')
679    #end def errfile_text
681    def _file_text(self,filename):
682        filepath = os.path.join(self.locdir,self[filename])
683        fobj = open(filepath,'r')
684        text = fobj.read()
685        fobj.close()
686        return text
687    #end def _file_text
690    def _create_dir(self,dir):
691        if not os.path.exists(dir):
692            os.makedirs(dir)
693        elif os.path.isfile(dir):
694            self.error('cannot create directory {0}\na file exists at this location'.format(dir))
695        #end if
696    #end def _create_dir
698    def create_directories(self):
699        self.pre_create_directories()
700        self._create_dir(self.locdir)
701        self._create_dir(self.imlocdir)
702        self.created_directories = True
703    #end def create_directories
706    def depends(self,*dependencies):
707        if len(dependencies)==0:
708            return
709        #end if
710        if isinstance(dependencies[0],Simulation):
711            dependencies = [dependencies]
712        #end if
713        for d in dependencies:
714            sim = d[0]
715            if not isinstance(sim,Simulation):
716                self.error('first element in a dependency tuple must be a Simulation object\nyou provided a '+sim.__class__.__name__)
717            #end if
718            dep = obj()
719            dep.sim = sim
720            rn = []
721            unrecognized_names = False
722            app_results = sim.application_results | set(['other'])
723            for name in d[1:]:
724                result_name = self.condense_name(name)
725                if result_name in app_results:
726                    rn.append(result_name)
727                else:
728                    unrecognized_names = True
729                    self.error(name+' is not known to be a result of '+sim.__class__.__name__,exit=False)
730                #end if
731            #end for
732            if unrecognized_names:
733                self.error('unrecognized dependencies specified for simulation '+self.identifier)
734            #end if
735            dep.result_names = rn
736            dep.results = obj()
737            if not sim.simid in self.dependencies:
738                self.ordered_dependencies.append(dep)
739                self.dependencies[sim.simid]=dep
740                sim.dependents[self.simid]=self
741                self.dependency_ids.add(sim.simid)
742                self.wait_ids.add(sim.simid)
743            else:
744                self.dependencies[sim.simid].result_names.extend(dep.result_names)
745            #end if
746        #end for
747    #end def depends
750    def undo_depends(self,sim):
751        i=0
752        for dep in self.ordered_dependencies:
753            if dep.sim.simid==sim.simid:
754                break
755            #end if
756            i+=1
757        #end for
758        self.ordered_dependencies.pop(i)
759        del self.dependencies[sim.simid]
760        del sim.dependents[self.simid]
761        self.dependency_ids.remove(sim.simid)
762        if sim.simid in self.wait_ids:
763            self.wait_ids.remove(sim.simid)
764        #end if
765    #end def undo_depends
768    # remove?
769    def acquire_dependents(self,sim):
770        # acquire the dependents from the other simulation
771        dsims = obj(sim.dependents)
772        for dsim in dsims:
773            dep = dsim.dependencies[sim.simid]
774            dsim.depends(self,*dep.result_names)
775        #end for
776        # eliminate the other simulation
777        #   this renders it void (fake) and removes all dependency relationships
778        sim.eliminate()
779    #end def acquire_dependents
782    # remove?
783    def eliminate(self):
784        # reverse relationship of dependents (downstream)
785        dsims = obj(self.dependents)
786        for dsim in dsims:
787            dsim.undo_depends(self)
788        #end for
789        # reverse relationship of dependencies (upstream)
790        deps = obj(self.dependencies)
791        for dep in deps:
792            self.undo_depends(dep.sim)
793        #end for
794        # mark sim to be ignored in all future interactions
795        self.fake_sim = True
796    #end def eliminate
799    def check_dependencies(self,result):
800        dep_satisfied = result.dependencies_satisfied
801        for dep in self.dependencies:
802            sim = dep.sim
803            for result_name in dep.result_names:
804                if result_name!='other':
805                    if sim.has_generic_input():
806                        calculating_result = False
807                        cls = self.__class__
808                        self.warn('a simulation result cannot be inferred from generic formatted or template input\nplease use {0} instead of {1}\nsee error below for information identifying this simulation instance'.format(cls.input_type.__class__.__name__,sim.input.__class__.__name__))
809                    else:
810                        calculating_result = sim.check_result(result_name,self)
811                    #end if
812                    if not calculating_result:
813                        self.error('simulation {0} id {1} is not calculating result {2}\nrequired by simulation {3} id {4}\n{5} {6} directory: {7}\n{8} {9} directory: {10}'.format(sim.identifier,sim.simid,result_name,self.identifier,self.simid,sim.identifier,sim.simid,sim.locdir,self.identifier,self.simid,self.locdir),exit=False)
814                    #end if
815                else:
816                    calculating_result = True
817                #end if
818                dep_satisfied = dep_satisfied and calculating_result
819            #end for
820        #end for
821        result.dependencies_satisfied = dep_satisfied
822    #end def check_dependencies
825    def get_dependencies(self):
826        if nexus_core.generate_only or self.finished:
827            for dep in self.dependencies:
828                for result_name in dep.result_names:
829                    dep.results[result_name] = result_name
830                #end for
831            #end for
832        else:
833            for dep in self.dependencies:
834                sim = dep.sim
835                for result_name in dep.result_names:
836                    if result_name!='other':
837                        if sim.has_generic_input():
838                            self.error('a simulation result cannot be inferred from generic formatted or template input\nplease use {0} instead of {1}\nsim id: {2}\ndirectory: {3}\nresult: {4}'.format(cls.input_type.__class__.__name__,sim.input.__class__.__name__,sim.id,sim.locdir,result_name))
839                        #end if
840                        dep.results[result_name] = sim.get_result(result_name,sim)
841                    else:
842                        dep.results['other'] = obj()
843                    #end if
844                #end for
845            #end for
846            if not self.got_dependencies:
847                for dep in self.ordered_dependencies:
848                    sim = dep.sim
849                    for result_name,result in dep.results.items():
850                        if result_name!='other':
851                            if self.has_generic_input():
852                                self.error('a simulation result cannot be incorporated into generic formatted or template input\nplease use {0} instead of {1}\nsim id: {2}\ndirectory: {3}\nresult: {4}'.format(cls.input_type.__class__.__name__,self.input.__class__.__name__,self.id,self.locdir,result_name))
853                            #end if
854                            self.incorporate_result(result_name,result,sim)
855                        #end if
856                    #end for
857                #end for
858            #end if
859        #end if
860        if self.renew_app_command:
861            self.job.renew_app_command(self)
862        #end if
863        self.got_dependencies = True
864    #end def get_dependencies
867    def downstream_simids(self,simids=None):
868        if simids is None:
869            simids = set()
870        #end if
871        for sim in self.dependents:
872            simids.add(sim.simid)
873            sim.downstream_simids(simids)
874        #end for
875        return simids
876    #end def downstream_simids
879    def copy_file(self,sourcefile,dest):
880        src = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sourcefile))
881        dst = os.path.abspath(dest)
882        if src!=dst:
883            shutil.copy2(sourcefile,dest)
884        #end if
885    #end def copy_file
888    def save_image(self,all=False):
889        imagefile = os.path.join(self.imlocdir,self.sim_image)
890        if os.path.exists(imagefile):
891            os.system('rm '+imagefile)
892        #end if
893        if not all:
894            sim_image = SimulationImage()
895            sim_image.save_image(self,imagefile)
896        else:
897            self.error('attempting to save full object!')
898            self.save(imagefile)
899        #end if
900    #end def save_image
903    def load_image(self,imagepath=None,all=False):
904        if imagepath==None:
905            imagepath=os.path.join(self.imlocdir,self.sim_image)
906        #end if
907        if not all:
908            sim_image = SimulationImage()
909            sim_image.load_image(self,imagepath)
910        else:
911            self.load(imagepath)
912        #end if
913        # update process id for backwards compatibility
914        if 'process_id' not in self:
915            self.process_id = self.job.system_id
916        #end if
917    #end def load_image
920    def load_analyzer_image(self,imagepath=None):
921        if imagepath==None:
922            imagepath = os.path.join(self.imresdir,self.analyzer_image)
923        #end if
924        analyzer = self.analyzer_type(self)
925        analyzer.load(imagepath)
926        return analyzer
927    #end def load_analyzer_image
930    def attempt_files(self):
931        return (self.infile,self.outfile,self.errfile)
932    #end def attempt_files
935    def save_attempt(self):
936        local = self.attempt_files()
937        filepaths = []
938        for file in local:
939            filepath = os.path.join(self.locdir,file)
940            if os.path.exists(filepath):
941                filepaths.append(filepath)
942            #end if
943        #end for
944        if len(filepaths)>0:
945            prefix = self.identifier+'_attempt'
946            n=0
947            for dir in os.listdir(self.locdir):
948                if dir.startswith(prefix):
949                    n=max(n,int(dir.replace(prefix,'')))
950                #end if
951            #end for
952            n+=1
953            attempt_dir = os.path.join(self.locdir,prefix+str(n))
954            os.makedirs(attempt_dir)
955            for filepath in filepaths:
956                os.system('mv {0} {1}'.format(filepath,attempt_dir))
957            #end for
958        #end if
959    #end def save_attempt
962    def idstr(self):
963        return '  '+str(self.simid)+' '+str(self.identifier)
964    #end def idstr
967    def write_inputs(self,save_image=True):
968        self.pre_write_inputs(save_image)
969        self.enter(self.locdir,False,self.simid)
970        self.log('writing input files'+self.idstr(),n=3)
971        self.write_prep()
972        if self.infile is not None:
973            infile = os.path.join(self.locdir,self.infile)
974            self.input.write(infile)
975        #end if
976        self.job.write(file=True)
977        self.setup = True
978        if save_image:
979            self.save_image()
980            self.input.save(os.path.join(self.imlocdir,self.input_image))
981        #end if
982        #try to also write structure information
983        if self.system is not None:
984            filebase = os.path.join(self.locdir,self.identifier+'.struct')
985            try:
986                self.system.structure.write(filebase+'.xyz')
987            except:
988                None
989            #end try
990            try:
991                if self.system.structure.has_axes():
992                    self.system.structure.write(filebase+'.xsf')
993                #end if
994            except:
995                None
996            #end try
997        #end if
998    #end def write_inputs
1001    def send_files(self,enter=True):
1002        self.pre_send_files(enter)
1003        if enter:
1004            self.enter(self.locdir,False,self.simid)
1005        #end if
1006        self.log('sending required files'+self.idstr(),n=3)
1007        if not os.path.exists(self.remdir):
1008            os.makedirs(self.remdir)
1009        #end if
1010        if not os.path.exists(self.imremdir):
1011            os.makedirs(self.imremdir)
1012        #end if
1013        if self.infile is not None:
1014            self.files.add(self.infile)
1015        #end if
1016        send_files = self.files
1017        file_locations = [self.locdir]+nexus_core.file_locations
1018        remote = self.remdir
1019        for file in send_files:
1020            found_file = False
1021            for location in file_locations:
1022                local = os.path.join(location,file)
1023                found_file = os.path.exists(local)
1024                if found_file:
1025                    break
1026                #end if
1027            #end if
1028            if found_file:
1029                self.copy_file(local,remote)
1030            else:
1031                self.error('file {0} not found\nlocations checked: {1}'.format(file,file_locations))
1032            #end if
1033        #end for
1034        self.sent_files = True
1035        self.save_image()
1036        send_imfiles=[self.sim_image,self.input_image]
1037        remote = self.imremdir
1038        for imfile in send_imfiles:
1039            local = os.path.join(self.imlocdir,imfile)
1040            if os.path.exists(local):
1041                self.copy_file(local,remote)
1042            #end if
1043        #end for
1044    #end def send_files
1047    def submit(self):
1048        if not self.submitted:
1049            if self.skip_submit and not self.bundled:
1050                self.block_dependents(block_self=True)
1051                return
1052            #end if
1053            self.log('submitting job'+self.idstr(),n=3)
1054            if not self.skip_submit:
1055                if not self.job.local:
1056                    self.job.submit()
1057                else:
1058                    self.execute() # execute local job immediately
1059                #end if
1060            #end if
1061            self.submitted = True
1062            if (self.job.batch_mode or not nexus_core.monitor) and not nexus_core.generate_only:
1063                self.save_image()
1064            #end if
1065        elif not self.finished:
1066            self.check_status()
1067        #end if
1068        self.post_submit()
1069    #end def submit
1072    def update_process_id(self):
1073        if self.process_id is None and self.job.system_id is not None:
1074            self.process_id = self.job.system_id
1075            self.save_image()
1076        #end if
1077    #end def update_process_id
1080    def check_status(self):
1081        self.pre_check_status()
1082        if nexus_core.generate_only:
1083            self.finished = self.job.finished
1084        elif self.job.finished:
1085            should_check = True
1086            if self.outfile is not None:
1087                outfile = os.path.join(self.locdir,self.outfile)
1088                should_check &= os.path.exists(outfile)
1089            #end if
1090            if self.errfile is not None:
1091                errfile = os.path.join(self.locdir,self.errfile)
1092                should_check &= os.path.exists(errfile)
1093            #end if
1094            if not self.finished and should_check:
1095                self.check_sim_status()
1096            #end if
1097            if self.failed:
1098                self.finished = True
1099            #end if
1100        #end if
1101        if self.finished:
1102            self.save_image()
1103        #end if
1104    #end def check_status
1107    def get_output(self):
1108        if not os.path.exists(self.resdir):
1109            os.makedirs(self.resdir)
1110        #end if
1111        if not os.path.exists(self.imresdir):
1112            os.makedirs(self.imresdir)
1113        #end if
1114        images = [self.sim_image,self.input_image]
1115        for image in images:
1116            remote_image = os.path.join(self.imremdir,image)
1117            if os.path.exists(remote_image):
1118                self.copy_file(remote_image,self.imresdir)
1119            #end if
1120        #end for
1121        results_image = os.path.join(self.imresdir,self.sim_image)
1122        if os.path.exists(results_image):
1123            self.load_image(results_image)
1124        #end if
1125        if self.finished:
1126            self.enter(self.locdir,False,self.simid)
1127            self.log('copying results'+self.idstr(),n=3)
1128            if not nexus_core.generate_only:
1129                output_files = self.get_output_files()
1130                if self.infile is not None:
1131                    output_files.append(self.infile)
1132                #end if
1133                if self.outfile is not None:
1134                    output_files.append(self.outfile)
1135                #end if
1136                if self.errfile is not None:
1137                    output_files.append(self.errfile)
1138                #end if
1139                files_missing = []
1140                for file in output_files:
1141                    remfile = os.path.join(self.remdir,file)
1142                    if os.path.exists(remfile):
1143                        self.copy_file(remfile,self.resdir)
1144                    else:
1145                        files_missing.append(file)
1146                    #end if
1147                #end for
1148                if len(files_missing)>0:
1149                    self.log('warning: the following files were missing',n=4)
1150                    for file in files_missing:
1151                        self.log(file,n=5)
1152                    #end for
1153                #end if
1154            #end if
1155            self.got_output = True
1156            self.save_image()
1157        #end if
1158    #end def get_output
1161    def analyze(self):
1162        if not os.path.exists(self.imresdir):
1163            os.makedirs(self.imresdir)
1164        #end if
1165        if self.finished:
1166            self.enter(self.locdir,False,self.simid)
1167            self.log('analyzing'+self.idstr(),n=3)
1168            if not nexus_core.generate_only:
1169                analyzer = self.analyzer_type(self)
1170                analyzer.analyze()
1171                self.post_analyze(analyzer)
1172                analyzer.save(os.path.join(self.imresdir,self.analyzer_image))
1173                del analyzer
1174            #end if
1175            self.analyzed = True
1176            self.save_image()
1177        #end if
1178    #end def analyze
1181    def reset_wait_ids(self):
1182        self.wait_ids = set(self.dependency_ids)
1183        for sim in self.dependents:
1184            sim.reset_wait_ids()
1185        #end for
1186    #end def reset_wait_ids
1189    def check_subcascade(self):
1190        finished = self.finished or self.block
1191        if not self.block and not self.block_subcascade and not self.failed:
1192            for sim in self.dependents:
1193                finished &= sim.check_subcascade()
1194            #end for
1195        #end if
1196        self.subcascade_finished = finished
1197        return finished
1198    #end def check_subcascade
1201    def block_dependents(self,block_self=True):
1202        if block_self:
1203            self.block = True
1204        #end if
1205        self.block_subcascade = True
1206        for sim in self.dependents:
1207            sim.block_dependents()
1208        #end for
1209    #end def block_dependents
1212    def progress(self,dependency_id=None):
1213        if dependency_id is not None:
1214            self.wait_ids.remove(dependency_id)
1215        #end if
1216        if len(self.wait_ids)==0 and not self.block and not self.failed:
1217            modes = nexus_core.modes
1218            mode  = nexus_core.mode
1219            progress = True
1220            if mode==modes.none:
1221                return
1222            elif mode==modes.setup:
1223                self.write_inputs()
1224            elif mode==modes.send_files:
1225                self.send_files()
1226            elif mode==modes.submit:
1227                self.submit()
1228                progress = self.finished
1229            elif mode==modes.get_output:
1230                self.get_output()
1231                progress = self.finished
1232            elif mode==modes.analyze:
1233                self.analyze()
1234                progress = self.finished
1235            elif mode==modes.stages:
1236                if not self.created_directories:
1237                    self.create_directories()
1238                #end if
1239                if not self.got_dependencies:
1240                    self.get_dependencies()
1241                #end if
1242                if not self.setup and 'setup' in nexus_core.stages:
1243                    self.write_inputs()
1244                #end if
1245                if not self.sent_files and 'send_files' in nexus_core.stages:
1246                    self.send_files()
1247                #end if
1248                if not self.finished and 'submit' in nexus_core.stages:
1249                    self.submit()
1250                #end if
1251                if nexus_core.dependent_modes <= nexus_core.stages_set:
1252                    progress_post = self.finished
1253                    progress = self.finished and self.analyzed
1254                else:
1255                    progress_post = progress
1256                #end if
1257                if progress_post:
1258                    if not self.got_output and 'get_output' in nexus_core.stages:
1259                        self.get_output()
1260                    #end if
1261                    if not self.analyzed and 'analyze' in nexus_core.stages:
1262                        self.analyze()
1263                    #end if
1264                #end if
1265            elif mode==modes.all:
1266                if not self.setup:
1267                    self.write_inputs()
1268                    self.send_files(False)
1269                #end if
1270                if not self.finished:
1271                    self.submit()
1272                #end if
1273                if self.finished:
1274                    if not self.got_output:
1275                        self.get_output()
1276                    #end if
1277                    if not self.analyzed:
1278                        self.analyze()
1279                    #end if
1280                #end if
1281                progress = self.finished
1282            #end if
1283            if progress and not self.block_subcascade and not self.failed:
1284                for sim in self.dependents:
1285                    if not sim.bundled:
1286                        sim.progress(self.simid)
1287                    #end if
1288                #end for
1289            #end if
1290        elif len(self.wait_ids)==0 and self.force_write:
1291            modes = nexus_core.modes
1292            mode  = nexus_core.mode
1293            if mode==modes.stages:
1294                if not self.got_dependencies:
1295                    self.get_dependencies()
1296                #end if
1297                if 'setup' in nexus_core.stages:
1298                    self.write_inputs()
1299                #end if
1300                if not self.sent_files and 'send_files' in nexus_core.stages:
1301                    self.send_files()
1302                #end if
1303            #end if
1304        #end if
1305    #end def progress
1308    def reconstruct_cascade(self):
1309        imagefile = os.path.join(self.imlocdir,self.sim_image)
1310        if os.path.exists(imagefile) and not self.loaded:
1311            self.load_image()
1312            # continue from interruption
1313            if self.submitted and not self.finished and self.process_id is not None:
1314                self.job.system_id = self.process_id # load process id of job
1315                self.job.reenter_queue()
1316            #end if
1317            self.loaded = True
1318        #end if
1319        for sim in self.dependents:
1320            sim.reconstruct_cascade()
1321        #end for
1322        return self
1323    #end def reconstruct_cascade
1326    def traverse_cascade(self,operation,*args,**kwargs):
1327        if 'dependency_id' in kwargs:
1328            self.wait_ids.remove(kwargs['dependency_id'])
1329            del kwargs['dependency_id']
1330        #end if
1331        if len(self.wait_ids)==0:
1332            operation(self,*args,**kwargs)
1333            for sim in self.dependents:
1334                kwargs['dependency_id'] = self.simid
1335                sim.traverse_cascade(operation,*args,**kwargs)
1336            #end for
1337        #end if
1338    #end def traverse_cascade
1341    # used only in tests
1342    def traverse_full_cascade(self,operation,*args,**kwargs):
1343        operation(self,*args,**kwargs)
1344        for sim in self.dependents:
1345            sim.traverse_full_cascade(operation,*args,**kwargs)
1346        #end for
1347    #end def traverse_full_cascade
1350    def write_dependents(self,n=0,location=False,block_status=False):
1351        outs = [self.__class__.__name__,self.identifier,self.simid]
1352        if location:
1353            outs.append(self.locdir)
1354        #end if
1355        if block_status:
1356            if self.block:
1357                outs.append('blocked')
1358            else:
1359                outs.append('unblocked')
1360            #end if
1361        #end if
1362        outs.append(list(self.dependency_ids))
1363        self.log(*outs,n=n)
1364        n+=1
1365        for sim in self.dependents:
1366            sim.write_dependents(n=n,location=location,block_status=block_status)
1367        #end for
1368    #end def write_dependents
1371    def execute(self,run_command=None):
1372        pad = self.enter(self.locdir)
1373        if run_command is None:
1374            job = self.job
1375            command = 'export OMP_NUM_THREADS='+str(job.threads)+'\n'
1376            if len(job.presub)>0:
1377                command += job.presub+'\n'
1378            #end if
1379            machine = job.get_machine()
1380            command += job.run_command(machine.app_launcher)
1381            if len(job.postsub)>0:
1382                command += job.postsub+'\n'
1383            #end if
1384            command = ('\n'+command).replace('\n','\n  '+pad)
1385            run_command = command
1386        #end if
1387        if self.job is None:
1388            env = os.environ.copy()
1389        else:
1390            env = job.env
1391        #end if
1392        if nexus_core.generate_only:
1393            self.log(pad+'Would have executed:  '+command)
1394        else:
1395            self.log(pad+'Executing:  '+command)
1396            fout = open(self.outfile,'w')
1397            ferr = open(self.errfile,'w')
1398            out,err = Popen(command,env=env,stdout=fout,stderr=ferr,shell=True,close_fds=True).communicate()
1399        #end if
1400        self.leave()
1401        self.submitted = True
1402        if self.job is not None:
1403            job.status = job.states.finished
1404            self.job.finished = True
1405        #end if
1406    #end def execute
1409    def show_input(self,exit=True):
1410        print()
1411        print(80*'=')
1412        print('Input file for simulation "{}"\nDirectory: {}'.format(self.identifier,self.locdir))
1413        print(80*'-')
1414        print(self.input.write())
1415        print(80*'=')
1416        if exit:
1417            exit_call()
1418        #end if
1419    #end def show_input
1420#end class Simulation
1432class NullSimulationInput(SimulationInput):
1433    def is_valid(self):
1434        return True
1435    #end def is_valid
1437    def read(self,filepath):
1438        None
1439    #end def read
1441    def write(self,filepath=None):
1442        None
1443    #end def write
1445    def read_text(self,text,filepath=None):
1446        None
1447    #end def read_text
1449    def write_text(self,filepath=None):
1450        None
1451    #end def write_text
1453    def incorporate_system(self,system):
1454        None
1455    #end def incorporate_system
1457    def return_system(self):
1458        self.not_implemented()
1459    #end def return_system
1460#end class NullSimulationInput
1465class NullSimulationAnalyzer(SimulationAnalyzer):
1466    def __init__(self,sim):
1467        None
1468    #end def __init__
1470    def analyze(self):
1471        None
1472    #end def analyze
1473#end class NullSimulationAnalyzer
1476class GenericSimulationInput: # marker class for generic user input
1477    None
1478#end class GenericSimulationInput
1481class GenericSimulation(Simulation):
1482    def __init__(self,**kwargs):
1483        self.input_type    = NullSimulationInput
1484        self.analyzer_type = NullSimulationAnalyzer
1485        if 'input_type' in kwargs:
1486            self.input_type = kwargs['input_type']
1487            del kwargs['input_type']
1488        #end if
1489        if 'analyzer_type' in kwargs:
1490            self.analyzer_type = kwargs['analyzer_type']
1491            del kwargs['analyzer_type']
1492        #end if
1493        if 'input' in kwargs:
1494            self.input_type = kwargs['input'].__class__
1495        #end if
1496        if 'analyzer' in kwargs:
1497            self.analyzer_type = kwargs['analyzer'].__class__
1498        #end if
1499        Simulation.__init__(self,**kwargs)
1500    #end def __init__
1502    def check_sim_status(self):
1503        self.finished = True
1504    #end def check_sim_status
1506    def get_output_files(self):
1507        return []
1508    #end def get_output_files
1509#end class GenericSimulation
1513from string import Template
1514class SimulationInputTemplateDev(SimulationInput):
1515    def __init__(self,filepath=None,text=None):
1516        self.reset()
1517        if filepath is not None:
1518            self.read(filepath)
1519        elif text is not None:
1520            self.read_text(text)
1521        #end if
1522    #end def __init__
1524    def reset(self):
1525        self.template = None
1526        self.keywords = set()
1527        self.values   = obj()
1528        self.allow_not_set = set()
1529    #end def reset
1531    def clear(self):
1532        self.values.clear()
1533    #end def clear
1535    def allow_no_assign(self,*keys):
1536        for k in keys:
1537            self.allow_not_set.add(k)
1538        #end for
1539    #end def allow_no_assign
1541    def assign(self,**values):
1542        if self.template is None:
1543            self.error('cannot assign values prior to reading template')
1544        #end if
1545        invalid = set(values.keys()) - self.keywords - self.allow_not_set
1546        if len(invalid)>0:
1547            self.error('attempted to assign invalid keywords\ninvalid keywords: {0}\nvalid options are: {1}'.format(sorted(invalid),sorted(self.keywords)))
1548        #end if
1549        self.values.set(**values)
1550    #end def assign
1552    def read_text(self,text,filepath=None):
1553        text = self.preprocess(text,filepath) # for derived class intervention
1554        try:
1555            template   = Template(text)
1556            key_tuples = Template.pattern.findall(text)
1557        except Exception as e:
1558            self.error('exception encountered during read\nfile: {0}\nexception: {1}'.format(filepath,e))
1559        #end try
1560        for ktup in key_tuples:
1561            if len(ktup[1])>0:   # normal keyword, e.g. $key
1562                self.keywords.add(ktup[1])
1563            elif len(ktup[2])>0: # braced keyword, e.g. ${key}
1564                self.keywords.add(ktup[2])
1565            #end if
1566        #end for
1567        self.template = template
1568    #end def read_text
1570    def write_text(self,filepath=None):
1571        kw_rem = self.keywords-set(self.values.keys())
1572        if len(kw_rem)>0:
1573            self.error('not all keywords for this template have been assigned\nkeywords remaining: {0}'.format(sorted(kw_rem)))
1574        #end if
1575        try:
1576            text = self.template.substitute(**self.values)
1577        except Exception as e:
1578            self.error('exception encountered during write:\n'+str(e))
1579        #end try
1580        return text
1581    #end def write_text
1583    def preprocess(self,text,filepath):
1584        return text # derived classes can modify text prior to template creation
1585    #end def preprocess
1586#end class SimulationInputTemplateDev
1591class SimulationInputMultiTemplateDev(SimulationInput):
1592    def __init__(self,**file_templates):
1593        self.filenames = obj()
1594        if len(file_templates)>0:
1595            self.set_templates(**file_templates)
1596        #end if
1597    #end def __init__
1600    def set_templates(self,**file_templates):
1601        for name,val in file_templates.items():
1602            if isinstance(val,str):
1603                if ' ' in val:
1604                    self.error('filename cannot have any spaces\nbad filename provided with keyword '+name)
1605                #end if
1606                self.filenames[name] = val
1607            elif isinstance(val,tuple) and len(val)==2:
1608                filename,template_path = val
1609                self[name] = SimulationInputTemplate(template_path)
1610                self.filenames[name] = filename
1611            else:
1612                self.error('keyword inputs must either be all filenames or all filename/filepath pairs')
1613            #end if
1614        #end for
1615    #end def set_templates
1618    def read(self,filepath):
1619        if len(self.filenames)==0:
1620            self.error('cannot perform read, filenames are not set')
1621        #end if
1622        base,filename = os.path.split(filepath)
1623        filenames = self.filenames
1624        self.clear()
1625        self.filenames = filenames
1626        templates = dict()
1627        for name,filename in filenames.items():
1628            templates[name] = filename, os.path.join(base,filename)
1629        #end for
1630        self.set_templates(**templates)
1631    #end def read
1634    def write(self,filepath=None):
1635        if filepath is None:
1636            contents = obj()
1637            for name in self.filenames.keys():
1638                contents[name] = self[name].write()
1639            #end for
1640            return contents
1641        else:
1642            base,filename = os.path.split(filepath)
1643            for name,filename in self.filenames.items():
1644                self[name].write(os.path.join(base,filename))
1645            #end for
1646        #end if
1647    #end def write
1648#end class SimulationInputMultiTemplateDev
1652# these are for user access, *Dev are for development
1653class SimulationInputTemplate(SimulationInputTemplateDev,GenericSimulationInput):
1654    None
1655#end class SimulationInputTemplate
1657class SimulationInputMultiTemplate(SimulationInputMultiTemplateDev,GenericSimulationInput):
1658    None
1659#end class SimulationInputMultiTemplate
1663# developer functions
1665def input_template_dev(*args,**kwargs):
1666    return SimulationInputTemplateDev(*args,**kwargs)
1667#end def input_template_dev
1670def multi_input_template_dev(*args,**kwargs):
1671    return SimulationInputMultiTemplateDev(*args,**kwargs)
1672#end def multi_input_template_dev
1679# user functions
1681def input_template(*args,**kwargs):
1682    return SimulationInputTemplate(*args,**kwargs)
1683#end def input_template
1686def multi_input_template(*args,**kwargs):
1687    return SimulationInputMultiTemplate(*args,**kwargs)
1688#end def multi_input_template
1691def generate_template_input(*args,**kwargs):
1692    return SimulationInputTemplate(*args,**kwargs)
1693#end def generate_template_input
1696def generate_multi_template_input(*args,**kwargs):
1697    return SimulationInputMultiTemplate(*args,**kwargs)
1698#end def generate_multi_template_input
1701def generate_simulation(**kwargs):
1702    sim_type='generic'
1703    if 'sim_type' in kwargs:
1704        sim_type = kwargs['sim_type']
1705        del kwargs['sim_type']
1706    #end if
1707    if sim_type=='generic':
1708        return GenericSimulation(**kwargs)
1709    else:
1710        Simulation.class_error('sim_type {0} is unrecognized'.format(sim_type),'generate_simulation')
1711    #end if
1712#end def generate_simulation
1717# ability to graph simulation workflows
1719    from pydot import Dot,Node,Edge
1721    Dot,Node,Edge = unavailable('pydot','Dot','Node','Edge')
1722#end try
1724    from matplotlib.image import imread
1725    from matplotlib.pyplot import imshow,show,xticks,yticks
1727    imread = unavailable('matplotlib.image','imread')
1728    imshow,show,xticks,yticks = unavailable('matplotlib.pyplot','imshow','show','xticks','yticks')
1729#end try
1730import tempfile
1731exit_call = sys.exit
1732def graph_sims(sims=None,savefile=None,useid=False,exit=True,quants=True,display=True):
1733    if sims is None:
1734        sims = Simulation.all_sims
1735    #end if
1736    graph = Dot(graph_type='digraph',dpi=300)
1737    graph.set_label('simulation workflows')
1738    graph.set_labelloc('t')
1739    nodes = obj()
1740    for sim in sims:
1741        if 'fake_sim' in sim and sim.fake_sim:
1742            continue
1743        #end if
1744        if sim.simlabel is not None and not useid:
1745            nlabel = sim.simlabel+' '+str(sim.simid)
1746        else:
1747            nlabel = sim.identifier+' '+str(sim.simid)
1748        #end if
1749        nopts = obj()
1750        if 'block' in sim and sim.block:
1751            nopts.color     = 'black'
1752            nopts.fontcolor = 'white'
1753        #end if
1754        node = obj(
1755            id    = sim.simid,
1756            sim   = sim,
1757            node  = Node(nlabel,style='filled',shape='Mrecord',**nopts),
1758            edges = obj(),
1759            )
1760        nodes[node.id] = node
1761        graph.add_node(node.node)
1762    #end for
1763    for node in nodes:
1764        for simid,dep in node.sim.dependencies.items():
1765            other = nodes[simid].node
1766            if quants:
1767                for quantity in dep.result_names:
1768                    edge = Edge(other,node.node,label=quantity,fontsize='10.0')
1769                    graph.add_edge(edge)
1770                #end for
1771            else:
1772                edge = Edge(other,node.node)
1773                graph.add_edge(edge)
1774            #end if
1775        #end for
1776    #end for
1778    if savefile is None:
1779        fout = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png')
1780        savefile = fout.name
1781        #savefile = './sims.png'
1782    #end if
1783    fmt = savefile.rsplit('.',1)[1]
1784    graph.write(savefile,format=fmt,prog='dot')
1786    # display the image
1787    if fmt=='png' and display:
1788        imshow(imread(savefile))
1789        xticks([])
1790        yticks([])
1791        show()
1792    #end if
1794    if exit:
1795        exit_call()
1796    #end if
1797#end def graph_sims