1 /**
2  * @file SpatialSBMLError.h
3  * @brief Definition of the SpatialSBMLError class.
4  * @author SBMLTeam
5  *
6  * <!--------------------------------------------------------------------------
7  * This file is part of libSBML. Please visit http://sbml.org for more
8  * information about SBML, and the latest version of libSBML.
9  *
10  * Copyright (C) 2020 jointly by the following organizations:
11  *     1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
12  *     2. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
13  *     3. University College London, London, UK
14  *
15  * Copyright (C) 2019 jointly by the following organizations:
16  * 1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
17  * 2. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
18  *
19  * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 jointly by the following organizations:
20  * 1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
21  * 2. EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Hinxton, UK
22  * 3. University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
23  *
24  * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 jointly by the following organizations:
25  * 1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
26  * 2. EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Hinxton, UK
27  *
28  * Copyright (C) 2006-2008 by the California Institute of Technology,
29  * Pasadena, CA, USA
30  *
31  * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 jointly by the following organizations:
32  * 1. California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
33  * 2. Japan Science and Technology Agency, Japan
34  *
35  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
36  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
37  * Free Software Foundation. A copy of the license agreement is provided in the
38  * file named "LICENSE.txt" included with this software distribution and also
39  * available online as http://sbml.org/software/libsbml/license.html
40  * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
41  */
44 #ifndef SpatialSBMLError_H__
45 #define SpatialSBMLError_H__
58 /**
59  * @enum SpatialSBMLErrorCode_t
60  * Codes for all SBML-level errors and warnings from the 'spatial' package.
61  *
62  * These are distinguished from other SBML error codes by having a number
63  * between 1200000 and 1299999.
64  *
65  * @copydetails doc_sbml_error_code_ranges
66  */
67 typedef enum
68 {
69   SpatialUnknown                                              = 1210100
70 , SpatialNSUndeclared                                         = 1210101
71 , SpatialElementNotInNs                                       = 1210102
72 , SpatialDuplicateComponentId                                 = 1210301
73 , SpatialIdSyntaxRule                                         = 1210302
74 , SpatialAttributeRequiredMissing                             = 1220101
75 , SpatialAttributeRequiredMustBeBoolean                       = 1220102
76 , SpatialAttributeRequiredMustHaveValue                       = 1220103
77 , SpatialModelAllowedElements                                 = 1220201
78 , SpatialCompartmentAllowedElements                           = 1220301
79 , SpatialSpeciesAllowedAttributes                             = 1220401
80 , SpatialSpeciesIsSpatialMustBeBoolean                        = 1220402
81 , SpatialCompartmentsMustHaveCompartmentMapping               = 1220450
82 , SpatialParameterAllowedElements                             = 1220501
83 , SpatialReactionAllowedAttributes                            = 1220601
84 , SpatialReactionIsLocalMustBeBoolean                         = 1220602
85 , SpatialLocalReactionMustDefineCompartment                   = 1220650
86 , SpatialLocalReactionUnits                                   = 1220651
87 , SpatialDomainTypeAllowedCoreAttributes                      = 1220701
88 , SpatialDomainTypeAllowedCoreElements                        = 1220702
89 , SpatialDomainTypeAllowedAttributes                          = 1220703
90 , SpatialDomainTypeSpatialDimensionsMustBeInteger             = 1220704
91 , SpatialDomainTypeNameMustBeString                           = 1220705
92 , SpatialDomainTypeDimensionsMustMatch3DGeometry              = 1220750
93 , SpatialDomainTypeDimensionsMustMatch2DGeometry              = 1220751
94 , SpatialDomainTypeDimensionsMustMatch1DGeometry              = 1220752
95 , SpatialDomainTypeNoAssignment                               = 1220753
96 , SpatialDomainAllowedCoreAttributes                          = 1220801
97 , SpatialDomainAllowedCoreElements                            = 1220802
98 , SpatialDomainAllowedAttributes                              = 1220803
99 , SpatialDomainAllowedElements                                = 1220804
100 , SpatialDomainDomainTypeMustBeDomainType                     = 1220805
101 , SpatialDomainNameMustBeString                               = 1220806
102 , SpatialDomainLOInteriorPointsAllowedCoreElements            = 1220807
103 , SpatialDomainLOInteriorPointsAllowedCoreAttributes          = 1220808
104 , SpatialDomainNoAssignment                                   = 1220850
105 , SpatialInteriorPointAllowedCoreAttributes                   = 1220901
106 , SpatialInteriorPointAllowedCoreElements                     = 1220902
107 , SpatialInteriorPointAllowedAttributes                       = 1220903
108 , SpatialInteriorPointCoord1MustBeDouble                      = 1220904
109 , SpatialInteriorPointCoord2MustBeDouble                      = 1220905
110 , SpatialInteriorPointCoord3MustBeDouble                      = 1220906
111 , SpatialInteriorPointOneCoordIn1DGeometry                    = 1220950
112 , SpatialInteriorPointTwoCoordsIn2DGeometry                   = 1220951
113 , SpatialInteriorPointThreeCoordsIn3DGeometry                 = 1220952
114 , SpatialBoundaryAllowedCoreAttributes                        = 1221001
115 , SpatialBoundaryAllowedCoreElements                          = 1221002
116 , SpatialBoundaryAllowedAttributes                            = 1221003
117 , SpatialBoundaryValueMustBeDouble                            = 1221004
118 , SpatialBoundaryNameMustBeString                             = 1221005
119 , SpatialBoundaryMinLessThanMax                               = 1221050
120 , SpatialBoundaryMustBeConstant                               = 1221051
121 , SpatialBoundaryUnitsShouldMatchCoordinateComponent          = 1221052
122 , SpatialAdjacentDomainsAllowedCoreAttributes                 = 1221101
123 , SpatialAdjacentDomainsAllowedCoreElements                   = 1221102
124 , SpatialAdjacentDomainsAllowedAttributes                     = 1221103
125 , SpatialAdjacentDomainsDomain1MustBeDomain                   = 1221104
126 , SpatialAdjacentDomainsDomain2MustBeDomain                   = 1221105
127 , SpatialAdjacentDomainsNameMustBeString                      = 1221106
128 , SpatialAdjacentDomainsMustBeAdjacent                        = 1221150
129 , SpatialGeometryDefinitionAllowedCoreAttributes              = 1221201
130 , SpatialGeometryDefinitionAllowedCoreElements                = 1221202
131 , SpatialGeometryDefinitionAllowedAttributes                  = 1221203
132 , SpatialGeometryDefinitionIsActiveMustBeBoolean              = 1221204
133 , SpatialGeometryDefinitionNameMustBeString                   = 1221205
134 , SpatialOneGeometryDefinitionMustBeActive                    = 1221250
135 , SpatialCompartmentMappingAllowedCoreAttributes              = 1221301
136 , SpatialCompartmentMappingAllowedCoreElements                = 1221302
137 , SpatialCompartmentMappingAllowedAttributes                  = 1221303
138 , SpatialCompartmentMappingDomainTypeMustBeDomainType         = 1221304
139 , SpatialCompartmentMappingUnitSizeMustBeDouble               = 1221305
140 , SpatialCompartmentMappingNameMustBeString                   = 1221306
141 , SpatialCompartmentMappingUnitSizeMustBeFraction             = 1221350
142 , SpatialCompartmentMappingUnitSizesSum                       = 1221351
143 , SpatialCompartmentMappingUnits                              = 1221352
144 , SpatialCoordinateComponentAllowedCoreAttributes             = 1221401
145 , SpatialCoordinateComponentAllowedCoreElements               = 1221402
146 , SpatialCoordinateComponentAllowedAttributes                 = 1221403
147 , SpatialCoordinateComponentAllowedElements                   = 1221404
148 , SpatialCoordinateComponentTypeMustBeCoordinateKindEnum      = 1221405
149 , SpatialCoordinateComponentNameMustBeString                  = 1221406
150 , SpatialCoordinateComponentUnitMustBeUnitSId                 = 1221407
151 , SpatialSampledFieldGeometryAllowedCoreAttributes            = 1221501
152 , SpatialSampledFieldGeometryAllowedCoreElements              = 1221502
153 , SpatialSampledFieldGeometryAllowedAttributes                = 1221503
154 , SpatialSampledFieldGeometryAllowedElements                  = 1221504
155 , SpatialSampledFieldGeometrySampledFieldMustBeSampledField   = 1221505
156 , SpatialSampledFieldGeometryLOSampledVolumesAllowedCoreElements= 1221506
157 , SpatialSampledFieldGeometryLOSampledVolumesAllowedCoreAttributes= 1221507
158 , SpatialSampledFieldAllowedCoreAttributes                    = 1221601
159 , SpatialSampledFieldAllowedCoreElements                      = 1221602
160 , SpatialSampledFieldAllowedAttributes                        = 1221603
161 , SpatialSampledFieldDataTypeMustBeDataKindEnum               = 1221604
162 , SpatialSampledFieldNumSamples1MustBeInteger                 = 1221605
163 , SpatialSampledFieldInterpolationTypeMustBeInterpolationKindEnum= 1221606
164 , SpatialSampledFieldCompressionMustBeCompressionKindEnum     = 1221607
165 , SpatialSampledFieldSamplesMustBeNumeric                     = 1221608
166 , SpatialSampledFieldSamplesLengthMustBeInteger               = 1221609
167 , SpatialSampledFieldNameMustBeString                         = 1221610
168 , SpatialSampledFieldNumSamples2MustBeInteger                 = 1221611
169 , SpatialSampledFieldNumSamples3MustBeInteger                 = 1221612
170 , SpatialSampledFieldOneSampleIn1DGeometry                    = 1221650
171 , SpatialSampledFieldTwoSamplesIn2DGeometry                   = 1221651
172 , SpatialSampledFieldThreeSamplesIn3DGeometry                 = 1221652
173 , SpatialSampledFieldSamplesLengthMustMatchUncompressed       = 1221653
174 , SpatialSampledFieldSamplesLengthMustMatchCompressed         = 1221654
175 , SpatialSampledFieldFloatArrayDataMustMatch                  = 1221655
176 , SpatialSampledFieldUIntArrayDataNotNegative                 = 1221656
177 , SpatialSampledFieldIntArrayDataIntegers                     = 1221657
178 , SpatialSampledFieldCompressedSamplesMustBeInts              = 1221658
179 , SpatialSampledVolumeAllowedCoreAttributes                   = 1221701
180 , SpatialSampledVolumeAllowedCoreElements                     = 1221702
181 , SpatialSampledVolumeAllowedAttributes                       = 1221703
182 , SpatialSampledVolumeDomainTypeMustBeDomainType              = 1221704
183 , SpatialSampledVolumeNameMustBeString                        = 1221705
184 , SpatialSampledVolumeSampledValueMustBeDouble                = 1221706
185 , SpatialSampledVolumeMinValueMustBeDouble                    = 1221707
186 , SpatialSampledVolumeMaxValueMustBeDouble                    = 1221708
187 , SpatialSampledVolumeSampledValueMinMax                      = 1221750
188 , SpatialSampledVolumeMinLessThanMax                          = 1221751
189 , SpatialSampledVolumeValuesMustDiffer                        = 1221752
190 , SpatialSampledVolumeValuesNotInOtherRange                   = 1221753
191 , SpatialSampledVolumeRangesCantOverlap                       = 1221754
192 , SpatialAnalyticGeometryAllowedCoreAttributes                = 1221801
193 , SpatialAnalyticGeometryAllowedCoreElements                  = 1221802
194 , SpatialAnalyticGeometryAllowedElements                      = 1221803
195 , SpatialAnalyticGeometryLOAnalyticVolumesAllowedCoreElements = 1221804
196 , SpatialAnalyticGeometryLOAnalyticVolumesAllowedCoreAttributes= 1221805
197 , SpatialAnalyticVolumeAllowedCoreAttributes                  = 1221901
198 , SpatialAnalyticVolumeAllowedCoreElements                    = 1221902
199 , SpatialAnalyticVolumeAllowedAttributes                      = 1221903
200 , SpatialAnalyticVolumeAllowedElements                        = 1221904
201 , SpatialAnalyticVolumeFunctionTypeMustBeFunctionKindEnum     = 1221905
202 , SpatialAnalyticVolumeDomainTypeMustBeDomainType             = 1221906
203 , SpatialAnalyticVolumeNameMustBeString                       = 1221907
204 , SpatialAnalyticVolumeOrdinalMustBeInteger                   = 1221908
205 , SpatialAnalyticVolumeOrdinalShouldBeUnique                  = 1221950
206 , SpatialParametricGeometryAllowedCoreAttributes              = 1222001
207 , SpatialParametricGeometryAllowedCoreElements                = 1222002
208 , SpatialParametricGeometryAllowedElements                    = 1222003
209 , SpatialParametricGeometryLOParametricObjectsAllowedCoreElements= 1222004
210 , SpatialParametricGeometryLOParametricObjectsAllowedCoreAttributes= 1222005
211 , SpatialParametricGeometryNotIn1D                            = 1222050
212 , SpatialParametricObjectAllowedCoreAttributes                = 1222101
213 , SpatialParametricObjectAllowedCoreElements                  = 1222102
214 , SpatialParametricObjectAllowedAttributes                    = 1222103
215 , SpatialParametricObjectPolygonTypeMustBePolygonKindEnum     = 1222104
216 , SpatialParametricObjectDomainTypeMustBeDomainType           = 1222105
217 , SpatialParametricObjectPointIndexMustBeString               = 1222106
218 , SpatialParametricObjectPointIndexLengthMustBeInteger        = 1222107
219 , SpatialParametricObjectCompressionMustBeCompressionKindEnum = 1222108
220 , SpatialParametricObjectNameMustBeString                     = 1222109
221 , SpatialParametricObjectDataTypeMustBeDataKindEnum           = 1222110
222 , SpatialParametricObjectPointIndexLengthMustMatchUncompressed = 1222150
223 , SpatialParametricObjectPointIndexLengthMustMatchCompressed  = 1222151
224 , SpatialParametricObjectThreePointsForTriangles              = 1222152
225 , SpatialParametricObjectFourPointsForQuadrilaterals          = 1222153
226 , SpatialParametricObjectIndexesMustBePositiveIntegers        = 1222154
227 , SpatialParametricObjectIndexesMustBePoints                  = 1222155
228 , SpatialParametricObjectFacesSameChirality                   = 1222156
229 , SpatialParametricObjectMaxTwoPointBorders                   = 1222157
230 //, SpatialParametricObjectMaxOnePointJunctions                 = 1222158
231 , SpatialCSGeometryAllowedCoreAttributes                      = 1222201
232 , SpatialCSGeometryAllowedCoreElements                        = 1222202
233 , SpatialCSGeometryAllowedElements                            = 1222203
234 , SpatialCSGeometryLOCSGObjectsAllowedCoreElements            = 1222204
235 , SpatialCSGeometryLOCSGObjectsAllowedCoreAttributes          = 1222205
236 , SpatialCSGObjectAllowedCoreAttributes                       = 1222301
237 , SpatialCSGObjectAllowedCoreElements                         = 1222302
238 , SpatialCSGObjectAllowedAttributes                           = 1222303
239 , SpatialCSGObjectAllowedElements                             = 1222304
240 , SpatialCSGObjectDomainTypeMustBeDomainType                  = 1222305
241 , SpatialCSGObjectNameMustBeString                            = 1222306
242 , SpatialCSGObjectOrdinalMustBeInteger                        = 1222307
243 , SpatialCSGObjectOrdinalShouldBeUnique                       = 1222350
244 , SpatialCSGObjectMustEncompassInteriorPoints                 = 1222351
245 , SpatialCSGNodeAllowedCoreAttributes                         = 1222401
246 , SpatialCSGNodeAllowedCoreElements                           = 1222402
247 , SpatialCSGNodeAllowedAttributes                             = 1222403
248 , SpatialCSGNodeNameMustBeString                              = 1222404
249 , SpatialCSGTranslationAllowedCoreAttributes                  = 1222601
250 , SpatialCSGTranslationAllowedCoreElements                    = 1222602
251 , SpatialCSGTranslationAllowedAttributes                      = 1222603
252 , SpatialCSGTranslationTranslateXMustBeDouble                 = 1222604
253 , SpatialCSGTranslationTranslateYMustBeDouble                 = 1222605
254 , SpatialCSGTranslationTranslateZMustBeDouble                 = 1222606
255 , SpatialCSGTranslationAllowedElements                        = 1222650
256 , SpatialCSGTranslationTranslateYRequiredIn2D                 = 1222651
257 , SpatialCSGTranslationTranslateZRequiredIn3D                 = 1222652
258 , SpatialCSGTranslationNoTranslateYIn1D                       = 1222653
259 , SpatialCSGTranslationNoTranslateZIn2D                       = 1222654
260 , SpatialCSGRotationAllowedCoreAttributes                     = 1222701
261 , SpatialCSGRotationAllowedCoreElements                       = 1222702
262 , SpatialCSGRotationAllowedAttributes                         = 1222703
263 , SpatialCSGRotationRotateXMustBeDouble                       = 1222704
264 , SpatialCSGRotationRotateAngleInRadiansMustBeDouble          = 1222705
265 , SpatialCSGRotationRotateYMustBeDouble                       = 1222706
266 , SpatialCSGRotationRotateZMustBeDouble                       = 1222707
267 , SpatialCSGRotationAllowedElements                           = 1222750
268 , SpatialCSGRotationRotateYRequiredIn2D                       = 1222751
269 , SpatialCSGRotationRotateZRequiredIn3D                       = 1222752
270 , SpatialCSGRotationNoRotateYIn1D                             = 1222753
271 , SpatialCSGRotationNoRotateZIn2D                             = 1222754
272 , SpatialCSGRotationNoOriginIn3D                              = 1222755
273 , SpatialCSGScaleAllowedCoreAttributes                        = 1222801
274 , SpatialCSGScaleAllowedCoreElements                          = 1222802
275 , SpatialCSGScaleAllowedAttributes                            = 1222803
276 , SpatialCSGScaleScaleXMustBeDouble                           = 1222804
277 , SpatialCSGScaleScaleYMustBeDouble                           = 1222805
278 , SpatialCSGScaleScaleZMustBeDouble                           = 1222806
279 , SpatialCSGScaleAllowedElements                              = 1222850
280 , SpatialCSGScaleScaleYRequiredIn2D                           = 1222851
281 , SpatialCSGScaleScaleZRequiredIn3D                           = 1222852
282 , SpatialCSGScaleNoScaleYIn1D                                 = 1222853
283 , SpatialCSGScaleNoScaleZIn2D                                 = 1222854
284 , SpatialCSGHomogeneousTransformationAllowedCoreAttributes    = 1222901
285 , SpatialCSGHomogeneousTransformationAllowedCoreElements      = 1222902
286 , SpatialCSGHomogeneousTransformationAllowedElements          = 1222903
287 , SpatialTransformationComponentAllowedCoreAttributes         = 1223001
288 , SpatialTransformationComponentAllowedCoreElements           = 1223002
289 , SpatialTransformationComponentAllowedAttributes             = 1223003
290 , SpatialTransformationComponentComponentsMustBeDoubleArray   = 1223004
291 , SpatialTransformationComponentComponentsLengthMustBeInteger = 1223005
292 , SpatialTransformationComponentComponentsLengthMustBe16      = 1223050
293 , SpatialTransformationComponentArrayLengthMustBe16           = 1223051
294 , SpatialCSGPrimitiveAllowedCoreAttributes                    = 1223101
295 , SpatialCSGPrimitiveAllowedCoreElements                      = 1223102
296 , SpatialCSGPrimitiveAllowedAttributes                        = 1223103
297 , SpatialCSGPrimitivePrimitiveTypeMustBePrimitiveKindEnum     = 1223104
298 , SpatialCSGPrimitive3DShapes                                 = 1223150
299 , SpatialCSGPrimitive2DShapes                                 = 1223151
300 , SpatialCSGSetOperatorAllowedCoreAttributes                  = 1223201
301 , SpatialCSGSetOperatorAllowedCoreElements                    = 1223202
302 , SpatialCSGSetOperatorAllowedAttributes                      = 1223203
303 , SpatialCSGSetOperatorAllowedElements                        = 1223204
304 , SpatialCSGSetOperatorOperationTypeMustBeSetOperationEnum    = 1223205
305 , SpatialCSGSetOperatorLOCSGNodesAllowedCoreElements          = 1223208
306 , SpatialCSGSetOperatorLOCSGNodesAllowedCoreAttributes        = 1223209
307 , SpatialCSGSetOperatorTwoComplementsForDifference             = 1223250
308 , SpatialCSGSetOperatorNoComplementsUnionIntersection          = 1223251
309 , SpatialCSGSetOperatorDifferenceMustHaveTwoChildren          = 1223252
310 , SpatialCSGSetOperatorComplementsMustReferenceChildren       = 1223253
311 , SpatialCSGSetOperatorShouldHaveTwoPlusChildren              = 1223254
312 , SpatialSpatialSymbolReferenceAllowedCoreAttributes          = 1223301
313 , SpatialSpatialSymbolReferenceAllowedCoreElements            = 1223302
314 , SpatialSpatialSymbolReferenceAllowedAttributes              = 1223303
315 , SpatialSpatialSymbolReferenceSpatialRefMustReferenceMath    = 1223304
316 , SpatialSpatialSymbolReferenceUniqueRef                      = 1223350
317 , SpatialDiffusionCoefficientAllowedCoreAttributes            = 1223401
318 , SpatialDiffusionCoefficientAllowedCoreElements              = 1223402
319 , SpatialDiffusionCoefficientAllowedAttributes                = 1223403
320 , SpatialDiffusionCoefficientVariableMustBeSpecies            = 1223404
321 , SpatialDiffusionCoefficientTypeMustBeDiffusionKindEnum      = 1223405
322 , SpatialDiffusionCoefficientCoordinateReference1MustBeCoordinateKindEnum= 1223406
323 , SpatialDiffusionCoefficientCoordinateReference2MustBeCoordinateKindEnum= 1223407
324 , SpatialDiffusionCoefficientNoCoordinateReferencesForIsotropic = 1223450
325 , SpatialDiffusionCoefficientTwoCoordinateReferencesForTensor = 1223451
326 , SpatialDiffusionCoefficientOneCoordinateReferencesForAnisotropic = 1223452
327 , SpatialDiffusionCoefficientUnits                            = 1223453
328 , SpatialDiffusionCoefficientCoordinateReferenceDifference    = 1223454
329 , SpatialDiffusionCoefficientCoordinateReferenceNoYIn1D       = 1223455
330 , SpatialDiffusionCoefficientCoordinateReferenceNoZIn2D       = 1223456
331 , SpatialNoDiffusionCoefficientOverlap                        = 1223457
332 , SpatialAdvectionCoefficientAllowedCoreAttributes            = 1223501
333 , SpatialAdvectionCoefficientAllowedCoreElements              = 1223502
334 , SpatialAdvectionCoefficientAllowedAttributes                = 1223503
335 , SpatialAdvectionCoefficientVariableMustBeSpecies            = 1223504
336 , SpatialAdvectionCoefficientCoordinateMustBeCoordinateKindEnum= 1223505
337 , SpatialAdvectionCoefficientUnits                            = 1223550
338 , SpatialAdvectionCoefficientsMustBeUnique                    = 1223551
339 , SpatialBoundaryConditionAllowedCoreAttributes               = 1223601
340 , SpatialBoundaryConditionAllowedCoreElements                 = 1223602
341 , SpatialBoundaryConditionAllowedAttributes                   = 1223603
342 , SpatialBoundaryConditionVariableMustBeSpecies               = 1223604
343 , SpatialBoundaryConditionTypeMustBeBoundaryKindEnum          = 1223605
344 , SpatialBoundaryConditionCoordinateBoundaryMustBeBoundary    = 1223606
345 , SpatialBoundaryConditionBoundaryDomainTypeMustBeDomainType  = 1223607
346 , SpatialBoundaryConditionBoundaryDomainTypeOrCoordinateBoundary = 1223650
347 , SpatialBoundaryConditionsMustBeUnique                       = 1223651
348 , SpatialDirichletUnits                                       = 1223652
349 , SpatialNeumannUnits                                         = 1223653
350 , SpatialRobinValueCoefficientUnits                           = 1223654
351 , SpatialInwardNormalGradientCoefficientUnits                 = 1223655
352 , SpatialRobinSumUnits                                        = 1223656
353 , SpatialGeometryAllowedCoreAttributes                        = 1223701
354 , SpatialGeometryAllowedCoreElements                          = 1223702
355 , SpatialGeometryAllowedAttributes                            = 1223703
356 , SpatialGeometryAllowedElements                              = 1223704
357 , SpatialGeometryCoordinateSystemMustBeGeometryKindEnum       = 1223705
358 , SpatialGeometryLOCoordinateComponentsAllowedCoreElements    = 1223706
359 , SpatialGeometryLODomainTypesAllowedCoreElements             = 1223707
360 , SpatialGeometryLODomainsAllowedCoreElements                 = 1223708
361 , SpatialGeometryLOAdjacentDomainsAllowedCoreElements         = 1223709
362 , SpatialGeometryLOGeometryDefinitionsAllowedCoreElements     = 1223710
363 , SpatialGeometryLOSampledFieldsAllowedCoreElements           = 1223711
364 , SpatialGeometryLOCoordinateComponentsAllowedCoreAttributes  = 1223712
365 , SpatialGeometryLODomainTypesAllowedCoreAttributes           = 1223713
366 , SpatialGeometryLODomainsAllowedCoreAttributes               = 1223714
367 , SpatialGeometryLOAdjacentDomainsAllowedCoreAttributes       = 1223715
368 , SpatialGeometryLOGeometryDefinitionsAllowedCoreAttributes   = 1223716
369 , SpatialGeometryLOSampledFieldsAllowedCoreAttributes         = 1223717
370 , SpatialGeometryLOCoordinateComponentsOneToThreeChildren     = 1223751
371 , SpatialGeometryCoordinateComponent1DisX                     = 1223752
372 , SpatialGeometryCoordinateComponent2DisXY                    = 1223753
373 , SpatialGeometryCoordinateComponent3DisXYZ                   = 1223754
374 , SpatialMixedGeometryAllowedCoreAttributes                   = 1223801
375 , SpatialMixedGeometryAllowedCoreElements                     = 1223802
376 , SpatialMixedGeometryAllowedElements                         = 1223803
377 , SpatialMixedGeometryLOGeometryDefinitionsAllowedCoreElements= 1223804
378 , SpatialMixedGeometryLOOrdinalMappingsAllowedCoreElements    = 1223805
379 , SpatialMixedGeometryLOGeometryDefinitionsAllowedCoreAttributes= 1223806
380 , SpatialMixedGeometryLOOrdinalMappingsAllowedCoreAttributes  = 1223807
381 , SpatialMixedGeometryChildrenNotActive                       = 1223850
382 , SpatialOrdinalMappingAllowedCoreAttributes                  = 1223901
383 , SpatialOrdinalMappingAllowedCoreElements                    = 1223902
384 , SpatialOrdinalMappingAllowedAttributes                      = 1223903
385 , SpatialOrdinalMappingGeometryDefinitionMustBeGeometryDefinition= 1223904
386 , SpatialOrdinalMappingOrdinalMustBeInteger                   = 1223905
387 , SpatialOrdinalMappingOrdinalShouldBeUnique                  = 1223950
388 , SpatialSpatialPointsAllowedCoreAttributes                   = 1224001
389 , SpatialSpatialPointsAllowedCoreElements                     = 1224002
390 , SpatialSpatialPointsAllowedAttributes                       = 1224003
391 , SpatialSpatialPointsCompressionMustBeCompressionKindEnum    = 1224004
392 , SpatialSpatialPointsUncompressedArrayDataMustBeDouble       = 1224005
393 , SpatialSpatialPointsArrayDataLengthMustBeInteger            = 1224006
394 , SpatialSpatialPointsNameMustBeString                        = 1224007
395 , SpatialSpatialPointsDataTypeMustBeDataKindEnum              = 1224008
396 , SpatialSpatialPointsDataLengthMustMatchUncompressed         = 1224050
397 , SpatialSpatialPointsDataLengthMustMatchCompressed           = 1224051
398 , SpatialSpatialPointsArrayDataMultipleOfDimensions           = 1224052
399 , SpatialSpatialPointsFloatArrayDataMustMatch                 = 1224053
400 , SpatialSpatialPointsUIntArrayDataNotNegative                = 1224054
401 , SpatialSpatialPointsIntArrayDataIntegers                    = 1224055
402 , SpatialSpatialPointsCompressedArrayDataMustBeInts           = 1224056
403 } SpatialSBMLErrorCode_t;
416 #endif /* !SpatialSBMLError_H__ */