2--                                                                          --
3--                 ASIS-for-GNAT IMPLEMENTATION COMPONENTS                  --
4--                                                                          --
5--                          A 4 G . A _ T Y P E S                           --
6--                                                                          --
7--                                 S p e c                                  --
8--                                                                          --
9--            Copyright (C) 1995-2015, Free Software Foundation, Inc.       --
10--                                                                          --
11-- ASIS-for-GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it --
12-- under terms of the  GNU General Public License  as published by the Free --
13-- Software Foundation;  either version 3,  or  (at your option)  any later --
14-- version. ASIS-for-GNAT is distributed  in the hope  that it will be use- --
15-- ful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MER- --
16-- CHANTABILITY or  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                       --
17--                                                                          --
18--                                                                          --
19--                                                                          --
20--                                                                          --
21--                                                                          --
22-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
23-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
24-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
25-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
26--                                                                          --
27-- ASIS-for-GNAT was originally developed  by the ASIS-for-GNAT team at the --
28-- Software  Engineering  Laboratory  of  the Swiss  Federal  Institute  of --
29-- Technology (LGL-EPFL) in Lausanne,  Switzerland, in cooperation with the --
30-- Scientific  Research  Computer  Center of  Moscow State University (SRCC --
31-- MSU), Russia,  with funding partially provided  by grants from the Swiss --
32-- National  Science  Foundation  and  the  Swiss  Academy  of  Engineering --
33-- Sciences.  ASIS-for-GNAT is now maintained by  AdaCore                   --
34-- (http://www.adacore.com).                                                --
35--                                                                          --
37with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;  use  Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
38with Ada.Characters.Handling; use  Ada.Characters.Handling;
40with GNAT.OS_Lib;             use  GNAT.OS_Lib;
42package A4G.A_Types is
44   pragma Elaborate_Body (A4G.A_Types);
46--  This package is the ASIS implementation's analog of the GNAT Types
47--  package (except the part related to the ASIS_OS_Time type).
48--  It contains host independent type and constant definitions
49--  which is supposed to be used in more than one unit in the ASIS
50--  implementation.
52   ------------------
53   -- ASIS_OS_Time --
54   ------------------
56   --  To check, that a given abstraction is valid in the sense defined by the
57   --  ASIS standard (that is, that the enclosing Context of the given
58   --  abstraction has not been closed after creating this abstraction), ASIS
59   --  needs some kind of logical time (or logical time stamp). This logical
60   --  time is increased each time when any ASIS Context is opened. It is not
61   --  reset when ASIS is initialized, because it may lead to collisions in
62   --  validity checks
64   --  An ASIS abstraction is valid if its logical time stamp is equal or
65   --  greater than the time stamp of its enclosing Context.
67   type ASIS_OS_Time is private;
69   Nil_ASIS_OS_Time  : constant ASIS_OS_Time;
70   Last_ASIS_OS_Time : constant ASIS_OS_Time;
72   procedure Increase_ASIS_OS_Time;
73   --  Increases the ASIS logical "clock"
75   function A_OS_Time return ASIS_OS_Time;
76   --  Gets the current value of the ASIS logical "clock"
78   function Later (L, R : ASIS_OS_Time) return Boolean;
79   --  Compares time stamps.
81   -----------------------------------------
82   -- Types for Context and Context Table --
83   -----------------------------------------
85   Inconsistent_Incremental_Context : exception;
86   --  raised when any inconsistency found for Incremental Tree processing
87   --  mode
89   Context_Low_Bound  : constant :=         0;
90   Context_High_Bound : constant := 1_000_000;
92   type Context_Id is range Context_Low_Bound .. Context_High_Bound;
93   --  Type used to identify entries in ASIS Context table
95   Non_Associated   : constant Context_Id := Context_Low_Bound;
96   Nil_Context_Id   : constant Context_Id := Context_Low_Bound;
97   First_Context_Id : constant Context_Id := Context_Low_Bound + 1;
99   ---------------------------------------------
100   -- Types for Container and Container Table --
101   ---------------------------------------------
103   Container_Low_Bound  : constant :=   0;
104   Container_High_Bound : constant := 100;
106   type Container_Id is range Container_Low_Bound .. Container_High_Bound;
107   --  Type used to identify entries in ASIS Container table
109   Nil_Container_Id   : constant Container_Id := Container_Low_Bound;
110   First_Container_Id : constant Container_Id := Container_Low_Bound + 1;
112   -----------------------------------------------
113   -- Types for Compilation_Unit and Unit Table --
114   -----------------------------------------------
116   Unit_Low_Bound  : constant :=       0;
117   Unit_High_Bound : constant := 100_000;
119   type Unit_Id is range Unit_Low_Bound .. Unit_High_Bound;
120   --  Type used to identify entries in the ASIS Unit table
122   Nil_Unit   : constant Unit_Id := Unit_Low_Bound;
123   No_Unit_Id :          Unit_Id renames Nil_Unit;
125   First_Unit_Id : constant Unit_Id := Unit_Low_Bound + 1;
126   Standard_Id   : constant Unit_Id := First_Unit_Id;
127   --  The entry in the Unit table corresponding to the package Standard
128   --  Standard goes first in any Unit table
130   type Unit_Id_List is array (Natural range <>) of Unit_Id;
131   Nil_Unit_Id_List : constant Unit_Id_List (1 .. 0) := (others => Nil_Unit);
133   --------------------------
134   -- Types for Tree Table --
135   --------------------------
137   Tree_Low_Bound  : constant :=       0;
138   Tree_High_Bound : constant := 100_000;
140   type Tree_Id is range Tree_Low_Bound .. Tree_High_Bound;
141   --  Type used to identify entries in ASIS Tree table
143   Nil_Tree      : constant Tree_Id := Tree_Low_Bound;
144   No_Tree_Name  : Tree_Id renames Nil_Tree; --  ???
145   First_Tree_Id : constant Tree_Id := Tree_Low_Bound + 1;
147   -----------------------------------------------
148   -- Types for Search Directories Paths Tables --
149   -----------------------------------------------
151   No_Dir       : constant :=     0;
152   First_Dir_Id : constant :=     1;
153   Last_Dir_Id  : constant := 1_000;
155   type Dir_Id is range No_Dir .. Last_Dir_Id;
157   type Search_Dir_Kinds is (
158      Source, --  for source search path
159      Object, --  for object search path
160      Tree);  --  for tree search path
161   --  this type may be further expanded
163   --------------------------------------------
164   --  Types for Internal Element Structure  --
165   --------------------------------------------
167   type Special_Cases is (
168   --  this enumeration type is needed to distinguish some special
169   --  cases in Element constructing and handling
170      Not_A_Special_Case,
172      A_Dummy_Block_Statement,
173      --  the result of an obsolescent function
174      --  Declarations.Body_Block_Statement
176      Predefined_Operation,
177      --  indicates the predefined operation for a user-defined type
178      --  (or component thereof???). Note, that such an operation is
179      --  defined not in the Standard package.
181      Explicit_From_Standard,
182      --  indicates the explicit Element obtained  from the package
183      --  Standard. "Explicit" means here any construct which is
184      --  contained in the "source" text of Standard included in RM95
185      --  plus explicit constants substituting "implementation-defined"
186      --  italic strings in this "source"
188      Numeric_Error_Renaming,
189      --  Indicates the artificial ASIS Element created to represent the
190      --  obsolete renaming of Numeric_Error in the package Standard
191      --  (see B712-005)
193      Implicit_From_Standard,
194      --  indicates the implicit Element obtained from the package
195      --  Standard, that is, implicitly declared predefined operations
196      --  and their components, and root and universal numeric type
197      --  definitions and declarations
199      Stand_Char_Literal,
200      --  indicates the defining character literal declared in the
201      --  definition of the predefined type Standard.Character
202      --  or Standard.Wide_Character. An ASIS Element representing such
203      --  a literal has no corresponding node in the tree, and it is
204      --  based on the N_Defining_Identifier node for the corresponding
205      --  type
207      Expanded_Package_Instantiation,
208      --  indicates A_Package_Declaration element which represents the
209      --  package declaration which is the result of an instantiation
210      --  of a generic package
212      Expanded_Subprogram_Instantiation,
213      --  indicates A_Procedure_Declaration or A_Function_Declaration
214      --  element which represents the package declaration which is the
215      --  result of an instantiation of a generic package
217      Configuration_File_Pragma,
218      --  Indicates a configuration pragma belonging not to the source of some
219      --  Ada compilation unit, but to the configuration file (an components
220      --  thereof)
222      Rewritten_Named_Number,
223      --  Indicates An_Identifier Element representing a named number in the
224      --  situation when the corresponding tree structure is rewritten into
225      --  N_Integer/Real_Literal node and no original tree structure is
226      --  available (see BB10-002)
228      Is_From_Gen_Association,
229      --  See D722-012.
230      --  The problem here is that in case of a formal object, the front-end
231      --  creates the renaming declaration as a means to pass an actual
232      --  parameter, and the parameter itself (the corresponding tree node)
233      --  is used as a part of this renaming declaration. So we have a problem
234      --  with Enclosing_Element. The Parent pointer from this actual points
235      --  to the renaming declaration structure. In case if we are not in the
236      --  expanded code, we may compare levels of instantiation and it helps,
237      --  but in general case it is too complicated. So the solution is to
238      --  mark the corresponding node if it comes from the generic association
239      --  (and we can gen into this node only by means of a structural query!)
240      --  and to use this mark in the Enclosing_Element processing.
242      Is_From_Imp_Neq_Declaration,
243      --  Indicates if the given element is an implicit declaration of the
244      --  "/=" operation corresponding to the explicit redefinition of "=" or
245      --  a subcomponent thereof
247--      Implicit_Inherited_Subprogram
248      --  indicates the declaration of an implicit inherited user-defined
249      --  subprogram or a component thereof.
250      --  may be continued...
252      Dummy_Base_Attribute_Designator,
253      Dummy_Class_Attribute_Designator,
254      Dummy_Base_Attribute_Prefix,
255      Dummy_Class_Attribute_Prefix,
256      --  These four values are used to mark components of the artificial
257      --  'Base and 'Class attribute reference that ASIS has to simulate when
258      --  processing references to a formal type in the instantiation in case
259      --  when a formal type is an unconstrained type, and the actual type is a
260      --  'Class attribute, or when an actual is a 'Base attribute and the
261      --  front-end creates too much of artificial data structures in the tree.
263      From_Limited_View,
264      --  The corresponding Element is (a part of) a package or type limited
265      --  view, see RM 05 10.1.1 (12.1/2 .. 12.5.2)
267      End_Label
268      --  (a part of) an end label after the trailing END of a declaration or
269      --  a statement
271      --  may be continued...
273   );
275   subtype Expanded_Spec is Special_Cases
276     range Expanded_Package_Instantiation .. Expanded_Subprogram_Instantiation;
278   subtype Predefined is Special_Cases
279     range Predefined_Operation .. Stand_Char_Literal;
281   subtype Is_From_Standard is Special_Cases
282     range Explicit_From_Standard .. Stand_Char_Literal;
284   subtype Dummy_Attribute_Designators is Special_Cases
285     range Dummy_Base_Attribute_Designator .. Dummy_Class_Attribute_Designator;
287   subtype Dummy_Attribute_Prefixes is Special_Cases
288     range Dummy_Base_Attribute_Prefix .. Dummy_Class_Attribute_Prefix;
290   type Normalization_Cases is (
291   --  This enumeration type represents the different possible states of
292   --  An_Association Elements in respect to normalization of associations
293      Is_Not_Normalized,
294      Is_Normalized,
295      --  normalized association created for an actual parameter which itself
296      --  is presented at the place of the call/instantiation
297      Is_Normalized_Defaulted,
298      --  normalized association created for an actual parameter which itself
299      --  is NOT presented at the place of the call/instantiation, so the
300      --  default value should be used
301      Is_Normalized_Defaulted_For_Box,
302      --  normalized association created for an actual parameter which itself
303      --  is NOT presented at the place of the instantiation and the definition
304      --  of the formal parameter includes box as the default value, so the
305      --  actual parameter should be found at the place of the instantiation
306      Is_Normalized_Defaulted_Null_Procedure);
307      --  normalized association created for a formal subprogram that has a
308      --  null default in case when no actual procedure is provided at place of
309      --  instantiation. In this case an artificial Element is used as an
310      --  actual parameter.
312   subtype Normalized_Association is Normalization_Cases
313     range Is_Normalized .. Is_Normalized_Defaulted_Null_Procedure;
315   subtype Defaulted_Association is Normalization_Cases
316     range Is_Normalized_Defaulted .. Is_Normalized_Defaulted_Null_Procedure;
318   --  COMMENTS
319   --
320   --  *1* Handling the Parenthesized Expressions and
321   --      One_Pair_Of_Parentheses_Away and Two_Pairs_Of_Parentheses_Away
322   --      Special Cases.
323   --
324   --      An Asis Element of A_Parenthesized_Expression could be built
325   --      on the base of any tree node which could be used for building the
326   --      elements of all other An_Expresion subordinate kinds.
327   --      A_Parenthesized_Expression kind is determined by comparing (during
328   --      the automatic Internal_Element_Kinds determination only!!!) the
329   --      Paren_Count field of the node with zero - see Sinfo.ads, the
330   --      documentation item for "4.4  (Primary)" RM subsection, and
331   --      Atree.ads the documentation item related to the Paren_Count field.
332   --
333   --      When a subexpression is to be selected from the element of
334   --      A_Parenthesized_Expression kind by the
335   --      Asis_Definition.Expression_Parenthesized function, the result will
336   --      be built on the base of just the same node as the argument having,
337   --      just the same value of the Paren_Count field. If the argument has
338   --      more than one pair of parentheses, the result will also be of
340   --     A_Parenthesized_Expression kind, and the Special_Cases values
341   --     One_Pair_Of_Parentheses_Away and Two_Pairs_Of_Parentheses_Away
342   --     are intended to be used to count the pairs of parentheses remained
343   --     in the result element. All the corresponding element kind
344   --     determination and element construction should be performed in
345   --     "by-hand" mode, except the case when the argument parenthesized
346   --     expression has only one pair of parentheses.
347   --
348   --     GNAT cannot distinguish more than three levels of the enclosing
349   --     pairs of parentheses for a non-parenthesized enclosed expression.
350   --     (Paren_Count = 3 stands for any number of the enclosing parentheses
351   --     equal or greater than 3.) So ASIS-for-GNAT implementation cannot
352   --     do more than GNAT itself (of course, we could do some search in the
353   --     source buffer, but we prefer to agree with GNAT team that even
354   --     Paren_Count = 3 already is a pathological case :).
355   --
356   --     See also Asis_Definition.Expression_Parenthesized (body) and
357   --     A4G.Mapping.Node_To_Element (body)
358   --
359   --  *2* Root/Universal types definitions - we do not need any special
360   --      value for representing elements of Root_Type_Kinds, because for
361   --      each value there may be only one Element of the corresponding kind
362   --      in a given opened Context.
363   --
365   -------------------------
366   -- Nil String constants--
367   -------------------------
369   Nil_Asis_String      : constant String      := "";
370   Nil_Asis_Wide_String : constant Wide_String := "";
372   -------------------------------------------------
373   --  Constants for the Diagnosis string buffer  --
374   -------------------------------------------------
376   ASIS_Line_Terminator : constant String := (1 => LF);
377   --  what about DOS-like end-of-line?
379   Diagnosis_String_Length : constant Positive :=
380     76 + ASIS_Line_Terminator'Length;
381   --  We are trying to set ASIS_Line_Terminator in the Diagnosis string to
382   --  keep text strings at most 76 characters long
384   Max_Diagnosis_Length : constant Positive := 32 * Diagnosis_String_Length;
385   --  The length of the buffer in which the Diagnosis string is formed,
386   --  now it is at most 32 lines 76 character each. Should be enough for
387   --  any practically meaningful diagnosis
389   Asis_Wide_Line_Terminator : constant Wide_String :=
390      (1 => To_Wide_Character (LF));
391   --
392   --  the physical line terminator, is used in the Diagnosis string
393   --  to separate the parts of the diagnosis message
394   --  See also documentation of the Skip_Line_Terminators procedure
395   --  in the (GNAT.)sinput.adb
397   ASIS_Line_Terminator_Len : constant Positive
398                            := ASIS_Line_Terminator'Length;
400   Incorrect_Setting : constant String := "Attempt to set Not_An_Error "
401                                & "status with non-nil diagnosis string";
403   Incorrect_Setting_Len : constant Positive := Incorrect_Setting'Length;
405   -------------------
406   -- Miscellaneous --
407   -------------------
409   Internal_Implementation_Error : exception;
410   --  Means exactly this. Is supposed to be raised in control statement
411   --  paths which should never be reached. We need this exception mostly
412   --  because some parts of old ASIS code (developed at the research stage of
413   --  the ASIS project) sometimes are not structured properly.
415   function Parameter_String_To_List
416     (Par_String : String)
417      return       Argument_List_Access;
418   --  Take a string that is a converted to the String type Parameters string
419   --  of the ASIS query Initialize, Associate or Finalize (??? Should we
420   --  process the original Wide_String Parameters string without converting
421   --  it to String?) and parse it into an Argument_List.
422   --
423   --  This function is similar to GNAT.OS_Int.Argument_String_To_List, but
424   --  it does not treat '\' as a backquoting character.
428   type ASIS_OS_Time is new Long_Integer range 0 .. Long_Integer'Last;
430   ASIS_Clock : ASIS_OS_Time := 1;
431   --  This is the ASIS logical "clock" used to ret ASIS logical time.
433   Nil_ASIS_OS_Time  : constant ASIS_OS_Time := 0;
434   Last_ASIS_OS_Time : constant ASIS_OS_Time := ASIS_OS_Time'Last;
436end A4G.A_Types;