3Todo list when making a new translation
4- Copy this file and rename it to the language you want to translate to like someLanguage.go
5- Change the addEnglish() name to the language you want to translate to like addSomeLanguage()
6- change the first function argument of i18nObject.AddMessages( to the language you want to translate to like language.SomeLanguage
7- Remove this todo and the about section
11package i18n
13type TranslationSet struct {
14	NotEnoughSpace                      string
15	DiffTitle                           string
16	FilesTitle                          string
17	BranchesTitle                       string
18	CommitsTitle                        string
19	StashTitle                          string
20	UnstagedChanges                     string
21	StagedChanges                       string
22	MainTitle                           string
23	StagingTitle                        string
24	MergingTitle                        string
25	NormalTitle                         string
26	CommitMessage                       string
27	CredentialsUsername                 string
28	CredentialsPassword                 string
29	CredentialsPassphrase               string
30	PassUnameWrong                      string
31	CommitChanges                       string
32	AmendLastCommit                     string
33	SureToAmend                         string
34	NoCommitToAmend                     string
35	CommitChangesWithEditor             string
36	StatusTitle                         string
37	GlobalTitle                         string
38	LcNavigate                          string
39	LcMenu                              string
40	LcExecute                           string
41	LcToggleStaged                      string
42	LcToggleStagedAll                   string
43	LcToggleTreeView                    string
44	LcOpenMergeTool                     string
45	LcRefresh                           string
46	LcPush                              string
47	LcPull                              string
48	LcScroll                            string
49	LcCommitFileFilter                  string
50	FilterStagedFiles                   string
51	FilterUnstagedFiles                 string
52	ResetCommitFilterState              string
53	MergeConflictsTitle                 string
54	LcCheckout                          string
55	NoChangedFiles                      string
56	NoFilesDisplay                      string
57	NotAFile                            string
58	PullWait                            string
59	PushWait                            string
60	FetchWait                           string
61	FileNoMergeCons                     string
62	LcSoftReset                         string
63	AlreadyCheckedOutBranch             string
64	SureForceCheckout                   string
65	ForceCheckoutBranch                 string
66	BranchName                          string
67	NewBranchNameBranchOff              string
68	CantDeleteCheckOutBranch            string
69	DeleteBranch                        string
70	DeleteBranchMessage                 string
71	ForceDeleteBranchMessage            string
72	LcRebaseBranch                      string
73	CantRebaseOntoSelf                  string
74	CantMergeBranchIntoItself           string
75	LcForceCheckout                     string
76	LcCheckoutByName                    string
77	LcNewBranch                         string
78	LcDeleteBranch                      string
79	NoBranchesThisRepo                  string
80	CommitMessageConfirm                string
81	CommitWithoutMessageErr             string
82	CloseConfirm                        string
83	LcClose                             string
84	LcQuit                              string
85	LcSquashDown                        string
86	LcResetToThisCommit                 string
87	LcFixupCommit                       string
88	OnlySquashTopmostCommit             string
89	YouNoCommitsToSquash                string
90	Fixup                               string
91	SureFixupThisCommit                 string
92	SureSquashThisCommit                string
93	Squash                              string
94	LcPickCommit                        string
95	LcRevertCommit                      string
96	OnlyRenameTopCommit                 string
97	LcRenameCommit                      string
98	LcDeleteCommit                      string
99	LcMoveDownCommit                    string
100	LcMoveUpCommit                      string
101	LcEditCommit                        string
102	LcAmendToCommit                     string
103	LcRenameCommitEditor                string
104	NoCommitsThisBranch                 string
105	Error                               string
106	LcSelectHunk                        string
107	LcNavigateConflicts                 string
108	LcPickHunk                          string
109	LcPickAllHunks                      string
110	LcUndo                              string
111	LcUndoReflog                        string
112	LcRedoReflog                        string
113	LcPop                               string
114	LcDrop                              string
115	LcApply                             string
116	NoStashEntries                      string
117	StashDrop                           string
118	SureDropStashEntry                  string
119	StashPop                            string
120	SurePopStashEntry                   string
121	StashApply                          string
122	SureApplyStashEntry                 string
123	NoStashTo                           string
124	NoTrackedStagedFilesStash           string
125	StashChanges                        string
126	MergeAborted                        string
127	OpenConfig                          string
128	EditConfig                          string
129	ForcePush                           string
130	ForcePushPrompt                     string
131	ForcePushDisabled                   string
132	UpdatesRejectedAndForcePushDisabled string
133	LcCheckForUpdate                    string
134	CheckingForUpdates                  string
135	OnLatestVersionErr                  string
136	MajorVersionErr                     string
137	CouldNotFindBinaryErr               string
138	MergeToolTitle                      string
139	MergeToolPrompt                     string
140	IntroPopupMessage                   string
141	GitconfigParseErr                   string
142	LcEditFile                          string
143	LcOpenFile                          string
144	LcIgnoreFile                        string
145	LcRefreshFiles                      string
146	LcMergeIntoCurrentBranch            string
147	ConfirmQuit                         string
148	SwitchRepo                          string
149	LcAllBranchesLogGraph               string
150	UnsupportedGitService               string
151	LcCreatePullRequest                 string
152	LcCopyPullRequestURL                string
153	NoBranchOnRemote                    string
154	LcFetch                             string
155	NoAutomaticGitFetchTitle            string
156	NoAutomaticGitFetchBody             string
157	FileEnter                           string
158	FileStagingRequirements             string
159	StageSelection                      string
160	ResetSelection                      string
161	ToggleDragSelect                    string
162	ToggleSelectHunk                    string
163	ToggleSelectionForPatch             string
164	TogglePanel                         string
165	ReturnToFilesPanel                  string
166	FastForward                         string
167	Fetching                            string
168	FoundConflicts                      string
169	FoundConflictsTitle                 string
170	PickHunk                            string
171	PickAllHunks                        string
172	ViewMergeRebaseOptions              string
173	NotMergingOrRebasing                string
174	RecentRepos                         string
175	MergeOptionsTitle                   string
176	RebaseOptionsTitle                  string
177	CommitMessageTitle                  string
178	LocalBranchesTitle                  string
179	SearchTitle                         string
180	TagsTitle                           string
181	MenuTitle                           string
182	RemotesTitle                        string
183	CredentialsTitle                    string
184	RemoteBranchesTitle                 string
185	PatchBuildingTitle                  string
186	InformationTitle                    string
187	SecondaryTitle                      string
188	ReflogCommitsTitle                  string
189	ConflictsResolved                   string
190	RebasingTitle                       string
191	ConfirmRebase                       string
192	ConfirmMerge                        string
193	FwdNoUpstream                       string
194	FwdCommitsToPush                    string
195	ErrorOccurred                       string
196	NoRoom                              string
197	YouAreHere                          string
198	LcRewordNotSupported                string
199	LcCherryPickCopy                    string
200	LcCherryPickCopyRange               string
201	LcPasteCommits                      string
202	SureCherryPick                      string
203	CherryPick                          string
204	CannotRebaseOntoFirstCommit         string
205	CannotSquashOntoSecondCommit        string
206	Donate                              string
207	AskQuestion                         string
208	PrevLine                            string
209	NextLine                            string
210	PrevHunk                            string
211	NextHunk                            string
212	PrevConflict                        string
213	NextConflict                        string
214	SelectPrevHunk                      string
215	SelectNextHunk                      string
216	ScrollDown                          string
217	ScrollUp                            string
218	LcScrollUpMainPanel                 string
219	LcScrollDownMainPanel               string
220	AmendCommitTitle                    string
221	AmendCommitPrompt                   string
222	DeleteCommitTitle                   string
223	DeleteCommitPrompt                  string
224	SquashingStatus                     string
225	FixingStatus                        string
226	DeletingStatus                      string
227	MovingStatus                        string
228	RebasingStatus                      string
229	AmendingStatus                      string
230	CherryPickingStatus                 string
231	UndoingStatus                       string
232	RedoingStatus                       string
233	CheckingOutStatus                   string
234	CommittingStatus                    string
235	CommitFiles                         string
236	LcViewCommitFiles                   string
237	CommitFilesTitle                    string
238	LcCheckoutCommitFile                string
239	LcDiscardOldFileChange              string
240	DiscardFileChangesTitle             string
241	DiscardFileChangesPrompt            string
242	DisabledForGPG                      string
243	CreateRepo                          string
244	AutoStashTitle                      string
245	AutoStashPrompt                     string
246	StashPrefix                         string
247	LcViewDiscardOptions                string
248	LcCancel                            string
249	LcDiscardAllChanges                 string
250	LcDiscardUnstagedChanges            string
251	LcDiscardAllChangesToAllFiles       string
252	LcDiscardAnyUnstagedChanges         string
253	LcDiscardUntrackedFiles             string
254	LcHardReset                         string
255	LcViewResetOptions                  string
256	LcCreateFixupCommit                 string
257	LcSquashAboveCommits                string
258	SquashAboveCommits                  string
259	SureSquashAboveCommits              string
260	CreateFixupCommit                   string
261	SureCreateFixupCommit               string
262	LcExecuteCustomCommand              string
263	CustomCommand                       string
264	LcCommitChangesWithoutHook          string
265	SkipHookPrefixNotConfigured         string
266	LcResetTo                           string
267	PressEnterToReturn                  string
268	LcViewStashOptions                  string
269	LcStashAllChanges                   string
270	LcStashStagedChanges                string
271	LcStashOptions                      string
272	NotARepository                      string
273	LcJump                              string
274	LcScrollLeftRight                   string
275	LcScrollLeft                        string
276	LcScrollRight                       string
277	DiscardPatch                        string
278	DiscardPatchConfirm                 string
279	CantPatchWhileRebasingError         string
280	LcToggleAddToPatch                  string
281	ViewPatchOptions                    string
282	PatchOptionsTitle                   string
283	NoPatchError                        string
284	LcEnterFile                         string
285	ExitLineByLineMode                  string
286	EnterUpstream                       string
287	ReturnToRemotesList                 string
288	LcAddNewRemote                      string
289	LcNewRemoteName                     string
290	LcNewRemoteUrl                      string
291	LcEditRemoteName                    string
292	LcEditRemoteUrl                     string
293	LcRemoveRemote                      string
294	LcRemoveRemotePrompt                string
295	DeleteRemoteBranch                  string
296	DeleteRemoteBranchMessage           string
297	LcSetUpstream                       string
298	SetUpstreamTitle                    string
299	SetUpstreamMessage                  string
300	LcEditRemote                        string
301	LcTagCommit                         string
302	TagNameTitle                        string
303	LcDeleteTag                         string
304	DeleteTagTitle                      string
305	DeleteTagPrompt                     string
306	PushTagTitle                        string
307	LcPushTag                           string
308	LcCreateTag                         string
309	CreateTagTitle                      string
310	LcFetchRemote                       string
311	FetchingRemoteStatus                string
312	LcCheckoutCommit                    string
313	SureCheckoutThisCommit              string
314	LcGitFlowOptions                    string
315	NotAGitFlowBranch                   string
316	NewBranchNamePrompt                 string
317	IgnoreTracked                       string
318	IgnoreTrackedPrompt                 string
319	LcViewResetToUpstreamOptions        string
320	LcNextScreenMode                    string
321	LcPrevScreenMode                    string
322	LcStartSearch                       string
323	Panel                               string
324	Keybindings                         string
325	LcRenameBranch                      string
326	NewGitFlowBranchPrompt              string
327	RenameBranchWarning                 string
328	LcOpenMenu                          string
329	LcCloseMenu                         string
330	LcResetCherryPick                   string
331	LcNextTab                           string
332	LcPrevTab                           string
333	LcCantUndoWhileRebasing             string
334	LcCantRedoWhileRebasing             string
335	MustStashWarning                    string
336	MustStashTitle                      string
337	ConfirmationTitle                   string
338	LcPrevPage                          string
339	LcNextPage                          string
340	LcGotoTop                           string
341	LcGotoBottom                        string
342	LcFilteringBy                       string
343	ResetInParentheses                  string
344	LcOpenFilteringMenu                 string
345	LcFilterBy                          string
346	LcExitFilterMode                    string
347	LcFilterPathOption                  string
348	EnterFileName                       string
349	FilteringMenuTitle                  string
350	MustExitFilterModeTitle             string
351	MustExitFilterModePrompt            string
352	LcDiff                              string
353	LcEnterRefToDiff                    string
354	LcEnteRefName                       string
355	LcExitDiffMode                      string
356	DiffingMenuTitle                    string
357	LcSwapDiff                          string
358	LcOpenDiffingMenu                   string
359	LcOpenExtrasMenu                    string
360	LcShowingGitDiff                    string
361	LcCopyCommitShaToClipboard          string
362	LcCopyCommitMessageToClipboard      string
363	LcCopyBranchNameToClipboard         string
364	LcCopyFileNameToClipboard           string
365	LcCopyCommitFileNameToClipboard     string
366	LcCommitPrefixPatternError          string
367	LcCopySelectedTexToClipboard        string
368	NoFilesStagedTitle                  string
369	NoFilesStagedPrompt                 string
370	BranchNotFoundTitle                 string
371	BranchNotFoundPrompt                string
372	UnstageLinesTitle                   string
373	UnstageLinesPrompt                  string
374	LcCreateNewBranchFromCommit         string
375	LcViewStashFiles                    string
376	LcBuildingPatch                     string
377	LcViewCommits                       string
378	MinGitVersionError                  string
379	LcRunningCustomCommandStatus        string
380	LcSubmoduleStashAndReset            string
381	LcAndResetSubmodules                string
382	LcEnterSubmodule                    string
383	LcCopySubmoduleNameToClipboard      string
384	RemoveSubmodule                     string
385	LcRemoveSubmodule                   string
386	RemoveSubmodulePrompt               string
387	LcResettingSubmoduleStatus          string
388	LcNewSubmoduleName                  string
389	LcNewSubmoduleUrl                   string
390	LcNewSubmodulePath                  string
391	LcAddSubmodule                      string
392	LcAddingSubmoduleStatus             string
393	LcUpdateSubmoduleUrl                string
394	LcUpdatingSubmoduleUrlStatus        string
395	LcEditSubmoduleUrl                  string
396	LcInitializingSubmoduleStatus       string
397	LcInitSubmodule                     string
398	LcViewResetAndRemoveOptions         string
399	LcSubmoduleUpdate                   string
400	LcUpdatingSubmoduleStatus           string
401	LcBulkInitSubmodules                string
402	LcBulkUpdateSubmodules              string
403	LcBulkDeinitSubmodules              string
404	LcViewBulkSubmoduleOptions          string
405	LcBulkSubmoduleOptions              string
406	LcRunningCommand                    string
407	SubCommitsTitle                     string
408	SubmodulesTitle                     string
409	NavigationTitle                     string
410	SuggestionsCheatsheetTitle          string
411	// Unlike the cheatsheet title above, the real suggestions title has a little message saying press tab to focus
412	SuggestionsTitle                    string
413	ExtrasTitle                         string
414	PushingTagStatus                    string
415	PullRequestURLCopiedToClipboard     string
416	CommitMessageCopiedToClipboard      string
417	LcCopiedToClipboard                 string
418	ErrCannotEditDirectory              string
419	ErrStageDirWithInlineMergeConflicts string
420	ErrRepositoryMovedOrDeleted         string
421	CommandLog                          string
422	ToggleShowCommandLog                string
423	FocusCommandLog                     string
424	CommandLogHeader                    string
425	RandomTip                           string
426	SelectParentCommitForMerge          string
427	ToggleWhitespaceInDiffView          string
428	IgnoringWhitespaceInDiffView        string
429	ShowingWhitespaceInDiffView         string
430	CreatePullRequestOptions            string
431	LcCreatePullRequestOptions          string
432	LcDefaultBranch                     string
433	LcSelectBranch                      string
434	CreatePullRequest                   string
435	CreatingPullRequestAtUrl            string
436	SelectConfigFile                    string
437	NoConfigFileFoundErr                string
438	LcLoadingFileSuggestions            string
439	LcLoadingCommits                    string
440	MustSpecifyOriginError              string
441	GitOutput                           string
442	GitCommandFailed                    string
443	AbortTitle                          string
444	AbortPrompt                         string
445	LcOpenLogMenu                       string
446	LogMenuTitle                        string
447	ToggleShowGitGraphAll               string
448	ShowGitGraph                        string
449	SortCommits                         string
450	Spans                               Spans
453type Spans struct {
454	CheckoutCommit                    string
455	CheckoutReflogCommit              string
456	CheckoutTag                       string
457	CheckoutBranch                    string
458	ForceCheckoutBranch               string
459	DeleteBranch                      string
460	Merge                             string
461	RebaseBranch                      string
462	RenameBranch                      string
463	CreateBranch                      string
464	FastForwardBranch                 string
465	CherryPick                        string
466	CheckoutFile                      string
467	DiscardOldFileChange              string
468	SquashCommitDown                  string
469	FixupCommit                       string
470	RewordCommit                      string
471	DropCommit                        string
472	EditCommit                        string
473	AmendCommit                       string
474	RevertCommit                      string
475	CreateFixupCommit                 string
476	SquashAllAboveFixupCommits        string
477	MoveCommitUp                      string
478	MoveCommitDown                    string
479	CopyCommitMessageToClipboard      string
480	CustomCommand                     string
481	DiscardAllChangesInDirectory      string
482	DiscardUnstagedChangesInDirectory string
483	DiscardAllChangesInFile           string
484	DiscardAllUnstagedChangesInFile   string
485	StageFile                         string
486	UnstageFile                       string
487	UnstageAllFiles                   string
488	StageAllFiles                     string
489	IgnoreFile                        string
490	Commit                            string
491	EditFile                          string
492	Push                              string
493	Pull                              string
494	OpenFile                          string
495	StashAllChanges                   string
496	StashStagedChanges                string
497	GitFlowFinish                     string
498	GitFlowStart                      string
499	CopyToClipboard                   string
500	CopySelectedTextToClipboard       string
501	RemovePatchFromCommit             string
502	MovePatchToSelectedCommit         string
503	MovePatchIntoIndex                string
504	MovePatchIntoNewCommit            string
505	DeleteRemoteBranch                string
506	SetBranchUpstream                 string
507	AddRemote                         string
508	RemoveRemote                      string
509	UpdateRemote                      string
510	ApplyPatch                        string
511	Stash                             string
512	RemoveSubmodule                   string
513	ResetSubmodule                    string
514	AddSubmodule                      string
515	UpdateSubmoduleUrl                string
516	InitialiseSubmodule               string
517	BulkInitialiseSubmodules          string
518	BulkUpdateSubmodules              string
519	BulkStashAndResetSubmodules       string
520	BulkDeinitialiseSubmodules        string
521	UpdateSubmodule                   string
522	CreateLightweightTag              string
523	DeleteTag                         string
524	PushTag                           string
525	NukeWorkingTree                   string
526	DiscardUnstagedFileChanges        string
527	RemoveUntrackedFiles              string
528	SoftReset                         string
529	MixedReset                        string
530	HardReset                         string
531	Undo                              string
532	Redo                              string
535const englishIntroPopupMessage = `
536Thanks for using lazygit! Seriously you rock. Three things to share with you:
538 1) If you want to learn about lazygit's features, watch this vid:
539      https://youtu.be/CPLdltN7wgE
541 2) Be sure to read the latest release notes at:
542      https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/releases
544 3) If you're using git, that makes you a programmer! With your help we can make
545    lazygit better, so consider becoming a contributor and joining the fun at
546      https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit
547    You can also sponsor me and tell me what to work on by clicking the donate
548    button at the bottom right.
549    Or even just star the repo to share the love!
552func englishTranslationSet() TranslationSet {
553	return TranslationSet{
554		NotEnoughSpace:                      "Not enough space to render panels",
555		DiffTitle:                           "Diff",
556		FilesTitle:                          "Files",
557		BranchesTitle:                       "Branches",
558		CommitsTitle:                        "Commits",
559		StashTitle:                          "Stash",
560		UnstagedChanges:                     `Unstaged Changes`,
561		StagedChanges:                       `Staged Changes`,
562		MainTitle:                           "Main",
563		StagingTitle:                        "Staging",
564		MergingTitle:                        "Merging",
565		NormalTitle:                         "Normal",
566		CommitMessage:                       "Commit message",
567		CredentialsUsername:                 "Username",
568		CredentialsPassword:                 "Password",
569		CredentialsPassphrase:               "Enter passphrase for SSH key",
570		PassUnameWrong:                      "Password, passphrase and/or username wrong",
571		CommitChanges:                       "commit changes",
572		AmendLastCommit:                     "amend last commit",
573		SureToAmend:                         "Are you sure you want to amend last commit? Afterwards, you can change commit message from the commits panel.",
574		NoCommitToAmend:                     "There's no commit to amend.",
575		CommitChangesWithEditor:             "commit changes using git editor",
576		StatusTitle:                         "Status",
577		LcNavigate:                          "navigate",
578		LcMenu:                              "menu",
579		LcExecute:                           "execute",
580		LcToggleStaged:                      "toggle staged",
581		LcToggleStagedAll:                   "stage/unstage all",
582		LcToggleTreeView:                    "toggle file tree view",
583		LcOpenMergeTool:                     "open external merge tool (git mergetool)",
584		LcRefresh:                           "refresh",
585		LcPush:                              "push",
586		LcPull:                              "pull",
587		LcScroll:                            "scroll",
588		MergeConflictsTitle:                 "Merge Conflicts",
589		LcCheckout:                          "checkout",
590		LcCommitFileFilter:                  "Filter commit files",
591		FilterStagedFiles:                   "Show only staged files",
592		FilterUnstagedFiles:                 "Show only unstaged files",
593		ResetCommitFilterState:              "Reset filter",
594		NoChangedFiles:                      "No changed files",
595		NoFilesDisplay:                      "No file to display",
596		NotAFile:                            "Not a file",
597		PullWait:                            "Pulling...",
598		PushWait:                            "Pushing...",
599		FetchWait:                           "Fetching...",
600		FileNoMergeCons:                     "This file has no inline merge conflicts",
601		LcSoftReset:                         "soft reset",
602		AlreadyCheckedOutBranch:             "You have already checked out this branch",
603		SureForceCheckout:                   "Are you sure you want force checkout? You will lose all local changes",
604		ForceCheckoutBranch:                 "Force Checkout Branch",
605		BranchName:                          "Branch name",
606		NewBranchNameBranchOff:              "New Branch Name (Branch is off of {{.branchName}})",
607		CantDeleteCheckOutBranch:            "You cannot delete the checked out branch!",
608		DeleteBranch:                        "Delete Branch",
609		DeleteBranchMessage:                 "Are you sure you want to delete the branch {{.selectedBranchName}}?",
610		ForceDeleteBranchMessage:            "{{.selectedBranchName}} is not fully merged. Are you sure you want to delete it?",
611		LcRebaseBranch:                      "rebase checked-out branch onto this branch",
612		CantRebaseOntoSelf:                  "You cannot rebase a branch onto itself",
613		CantMergeBranchIntoItself:           "You cannot merge a branch into itself",
614		LcForceCheckout:                     "force checkout",
615		LcCheckoutByName:                    "checkout by name",
616		LcNewBranch:                         "new branch",
617		LcDeleteBranch:                      "delete branch",
618		NoBranchesThisRepo:                  "No branches for this repo",
619		CommitMessageConfirm:                "{{.keyBindClose}}: close, {{.keyBindNewLine}}: new line, {{.keyBindConfirm}}: confirm",
620		CommitWithoutMessageErr:             "You cannot commit without a commit message",
621		CloseConfirm:                        "{{.keyBindClose}}: close, {{.keyBindConfirm}}: confirm",
622		LcClose:                             "close",
623		LcQuit:                              "quit",
624		LcSquashDown:                        "squash down",
625		LcResetToThisCommit:                 "reset to this commit",
626		LcFixupCommit:                       "fixup commit",
627		NoCommitsThisBranch:                 "No commits for this branch",
628		OnlySquashTopmostCommit:             "Can only squash topmost commit",
629		YouNoCommitsToSquash:                "You have no commits to squash with",
630		Fixup:                               "Fixup",
631		SureFixupThisCommit:                 "Are you sure you want to 'fixup' this commit? It will be merged into the commit below",
632		SureSquashThisCommit:                "Are you sure you want to squash this commit into the commit below?",
633		Squash:                              "Squash",
634		LcPickCommit:                        "pick commit (when mid-rebase)",
635		LcRevertCommit:                      "revert commit",
636		OnlyRenameTopCommit:                 "Can only reword topmost commit from within lazygit. Use shift+R instead",
637		LcRenameCommit:                      "reword commit",
638		LcDeleteCommit:                      "delete commit",
639		LcMoveDownCommit:                    "move commit down one",
640		LcMoveUpCommit:                      "move commit up one",
641		LcEditCommit:                        "edit commit",
642		LcAmendToCommit:                     "amend commit with staged changes",
643		LcRenameCommitEditor:                "rename commit with editor",
644		Error:                               "Error",
645		LcSelectHunk:                        "select hunk",
646		LcNavigateConflicts:                 "navigate conflicts",
647		LcPickHunk:                          "pick hunk",
648		LcPickAllHunks:                      "pick all hunks",
649		LcUndo:                              "undo",
650		LcUndoReflog:                        "undo (via reflog) (experimental)",
651		LcRedoReflog:                        "redo (via reflog) (experimental)",
652		LcPop:                               "pop",
653		LcDrop:                              "drop",
654		LcApply:                             "apply",
655		NoStashEntries:                      "No stash entries",
656		StashDrop:                           "Stash drop",
657		SureDropStashEntry:                  "Are you sure you want to drop this stash entry?",
658		StashPop:                            "Stash pop",
659		SurePopStashEntry:                   "Are you sure you want to pop this stash entry?",
660		StashApply:                          "Stash apply",
661		SureApplyStashEntry:                 "Are you sure you want to apply this stash entry?",
662		NoStashTo:                           "No stash to {{.method}}",
663		NoTrackedStagedFilesStash:           "You have no tracked/staged files to stash",
664		StashChanges:                        "Stash changes",
665		MergeAborted:                        "Merge aborted",
666		OpenConfig:                          "open config file",
667		EditConfig:                          "edit config file",
668		ForcePush:                           "Force push",
669		ForcePushPrompt:                     "Your branch has diverged from the remote branch. Press 'esc' to cancel, or 'enter' to force push.",
670		ForcePushDisabled:                   "Your branch has diverged from the remote branch and you've disabled force pushing",
671		UpdatesRejectedAndForcePushDisabled: "Updates were rejected and you have disabled force pushing",
672		LcCheckForUpdate:                    "check for update",
673		CheckingForUpdates:                  "Checking for updates...",
674		OnLatestVersionErr:                  "You already have the latest version",
675		MajorVersionErr:                     "New version ({{.newVersion}}) has non-backwards compatible changes compared to the current version ({{.currentVersion}})",
676		CouldNotFindBinaryErr:               "Could not find any binary at {{.url}}",
677		MergeToolTitle:                      "Merge tool",
678		MergeToolPrompt:                     "Are you sure you want to open `git mergetool`?",
679		IntroPopupMessage:                   englishIntroPopupMessage,
680		GitconfigParseErr:                   `Gogit failed to parse your gitconfig file due to the presence of unquoted '\' characters. Removing these should fix the issue.`,
681		LcEditFile:                          `edit file`,
682		LcOpenFile:                          `open file`,
683		LcIgnoreFile:                        `add to .gitignore`,
684		LcRefreshFiles:                      `refresh files`,
685		LcMergeIntoCurrentBranch:            `merge into currently checked out branch`,
686		ConfirmQuit:                         `Are you sure you want to quit?`,
687		SwitchRepo:                          `switch to a recent repo`,
688		LcAllBranchesLogGraph:               `show all branch logs`,
689		UnsupportedGitService:               `Unsupported git service`,
690		LcCreatePullRequest:                 `create pull request`,
691		LcCopyPullRequestURL:                `copy pull request URL to clipboard`,
692		NoBranchOnRemote:                    `This branch doesn't exist on remote. You need to push it to remote first.`,
693		LcFetch:                             `fetch`,
694		NoAutomaticGitFetchTitle:            `No automatic git fetch`,
695		NoAutomaticGitFetchBody:             `Lazygit can't use "git fetch" in a private repo; use 'f' in the files panel to run "git fetch" manually`,
696		FileEnter:                           `stage individual hunks/lines for file, or collapse/expand for directory`,
697		FileStagingRequirements:             `Can only stage individual lines for tracked files`,
698		StageSelection:                      `toggle line staged / unstaged`,
699		ResetSelection:                      `delete change (git reset)`,
700		ToggleDragSelect:                    `toggle drag select`,
701		ToggleSelectHunk:                    `toggle select hunk`,
702		ToggleSelectionForPatch:             `add/remove line(s) to patch`,
703		TogglePanel:                         `switch to other panel`,
704		ReturnToFilesPanel:                  `return to files panel`,
705		FastForward:                         `fast-forward this branch from its upstream`,
706		Fetching:                            "fetching and fast-forwarding {{.from}} -> {{.to}} ...",
707		FoundConflicts:                      "Conflicts! To abort press 'esc', otherwise press 'enter'",
708		FoundConflictsTitle:                 "Auto-merge failed",
709		PickHunk:                            "pick hunk",
710		PickAllHunks:                        "pick all hunks",
711		ViewMergeRebaseOptions:              "view merge/rebase options",
712		NotMergingOrRebasing:                "You are currently neither rebasing nor merging",
713		RecentRepos:                         "recent repositories",
714		MergeOptionsTitle:                   "Merge Options",
715		RebaseOptionsTitle:                  "Rebase Options",
716		CommitMessageTitle:                  "Commit Message",
717		LocalBranchesTitle:                  "Branches Tab",
718		SearchTitle:                         "Search",
719		TagsTitle:                           "Tags Tab",
720		MenuTitle:                           "Menu",
721		RemotesTitle:                        "Remotes Tab",
722		CredentialsTitle:                    "Credentials",
723		RemoteBranchesTitle:                 "Remote Branches (in Remotes tab)",
724		PatchBuildingTitle:                  "Patch Building",
725		InformationTitle:                    "Information",
726		SecondaryTitle:                      "Secondary",
727		ReflogCommitsTitle:                  "Reflog Tab",
728		GlobalTitle:                         "Global Keybindings",
729		ConflictsResolved:                   "all merge conflicts resolved. Continue?",
730		RebasingTitle:                       "Rebasing",
731		ConfirmRebase:                       "Are you sure you want to rebase {{.checkedOutBranch}} onto {{.selectedBranch}}?",
732		ConfirmMerge:                        "Are you sure you want to merge {{.selectedBranch}} into {{.checkedOutBranch}}?",
733		FwdNoUpstream:                       "Cannot fast-forward a branch with no upstream",
734		FwdCommitsToPush:                    "Cannot fast-forward a branch with commits to push",
735		ErrorOccurred:                       "An error occurred! Please create an issue at",
736		NoRoom:                              "Not enough room",
737		YouAreHere:                          "YOU ARE HERE",
738		LcRewordNotSupported:                "rewording commits while interactively rebasing is not currently supported",
739		LcCherryPickCopy:                    "copy commit (cherry-pick)",
740		LcCherryPickCopyRange:               "copy commit range (cherry-pick)",
741		LcPasteCommits:                      "paste commits (cherry-pick)",
742		SureCherryPick:                      "Are you sure you want to cherry-pick the copied commits onto this branch?",
743		CherryPick:                          "Cherry-Pick",
744		CannotRebaseOntoFirstCommit:         "You cannot interactive rebase onto the first commit",
745		CannotSquashOntoSecondCommit:        "You cannot squash/fixup onto the second commit",
746		Donate:                              "Donate",
747		AskQuestion:                         "Ask Question",
748		PrevLine:                            "select previous line",
749		NextLine:                            "select next line",
750		PrevHunk:                            "select previous hunk",
751		NextHunk:                            "select next hunk",
752		PrevConflict:                        "select previous conflict",
753		NextConflict:                        "select next conflict",
754		SelectPrevHunk:                      "select previous hunk",
755		SelectNextHunk:                      "select next hunk",
756		ScrollDown:                          "scroll down",
757		ScrollUp:                            "scroll up",
758		LcScrollUpMainPanel:                 "scroll up main panel",
759		LcScrollDownMainPanel:               "scroll down main panel",
760		AmendCommitTitle:                    "Amend Commit",
761		AmendCommitPrompt:                   "Are you sure you want to amend this commit with your staged files?",
762		DeleteCommitTitle:                   "Delete Commit",
763		DeleteCommitPrompt:                  "Are you sure you want to delete this commit?",
764		SquashingStatus:                     "squashing",
765		FixingStatus:                        "fixing up",
766		DeletingStatus:                      "deleting",
767		MovingStatus:                        "moving",
768		RebasingStatus:                      "rebasing",
769		AmendingStatus:                      "amending",
770		CherryPickingStatus:                 "cherry-picking",
771		UndoingStatus:                       "undoing",
772		RedoingStatus:                       "redoing",
773		CheckingOutStatus:                   "checking out",
774		CommittingStatus:                    "committing",
775		CommitFiles:                         "Commit files",
776		LcViewCommitFiles:                   "view commit's files",
777		CommitFilesTitle:                    "Commit Files",
778		LcCheckoutCommitFile:                "checkout file",
779		LcDiscardOldFileChange:              "discard this commit's changes to this file",
780		DiscardFileChangesTitle:             "Discard file changes",
781		DiscardFileChangesPrompt:            "Are you sure you want to discard this commit's changes to this file? If this file was created in this commit, it will be deleted",
782		DisabledForGPG:                      "Feature not available for users using GPG",
783		CreateRepo:                          "Not in a git repository. Create a new git repository? (y/n): ",
784		AutoStashTitle:                      "Autostash?",
785		AutoStashPrompt:                     "You must stash and pop your changes to bring them across. Do this automatically? (enter/esc)",
786		StashPrefix:                         "Auto-stashing changes for ",
787		LcViewDiscardOptions:                "view 'discard changes' options",
788		LcCancel:                            "cancel",
789		LcDiscardAllChanges:                 "discard all changes",
790		LcDiscardUnstagedChanges:            "discard unstaged changes",
791		LcDiscardAllChangesToAllFiles:       "nuke working tree",
792		LcDiscardAnyUnstagedChanges:         "discard unstaged changes",
793		LcDiscardUntrackedFiles:             "discard untracked files",
794		LcHardReset:                         "hard reset",
795		LcViewResetOptions:                  `view reset options`,
796		LcCreateFixupCommit:                 `create fixup commit for this commit`,
797		LcSquashAboveCommits:                `squash all 'fixup!' commits above selected commit (autosquash)`,
798		SquashAboveCommits:                  `Squash all 'fixup!' commits above selected commit (autosquash)`,
799		SureSquashAboveCommits:              `Are you sure you want to squash all fixup! commits above {{.commit}}?`,
800		CreateFixupCommit:                   `Create fixup commit`,
801		SureCreateFixupCommit:               `Are you sure you want to create a fixup! commit for commit {{.commit}}?`,
802		LcExecuteCustomCommand:              "execute custom command",
803		CustomCommand:                       "Custom Command:",
804		LcCommitChangesWithoutHook:          "commit changes without pre-commit hook",
805		SkipHookPrefixNotConfigured:         "You have not configured a commit message prefix for skipping hooks. Set `git.skipHookPrefix = 'WIP'` in your config",
806		LcResetTo:                           `reset to`,
807		PressEnterToReturn:                  "Press enter to return to lazygit",
808		LcViewStashOptions:                  "view stash options",
809		LcStashAllChanges:                   "stash changes",
810		LcStashStagedChanges:                "stash staged changes",
811		LcStashOptions:                      "Stash options",
812		NotARepository:                      "Error: must be run inside a git repository",
813		LcJump:                              "jump to panel",
814		LcScrollLeftRight:                   "scroll left/right",
815		LcScrollLeft:                        "scroll left",
816		LcScrollRight:                       "scroll right",
817		DiscardPatch:                        "Discard Patch",
818		DiscardPatchConfirm:                 "You can only build a patch from one commit/stash-entry at a time. Discard current patch?",
819		CantPatchWhileRebasingError:         "You cannot build a patch or run patch commands while in a merging or rebasing state",
820		LcToggleAddToPatch:                  "toggle file included in patch",
821		ViewPatchOptions:                    "view custom patch options",
822		PatchOptionsTitle:                   "Patch Options",
823		NoPatchError:                        "No patch created yet. To start building a patch, use 'space' on a commit file or enter to add specific lines",
824		LcEnterFile:                         "enter file to add selected lines to the patch (or toggle directory collapsed)",
825		ExitLineByLineMode:                  `exit line-by-line mode`,
826		EnterUpstream:                       `Enter upstream as '<remote> <branchname>'`,
827		ReturnToRemotesList:                 `Return to remotes list`,
828		LcAddNewRemote:                      `add new remote`,
829		LcNewRemoteName:                     `New remote name:`,
830		LcNewRemoteUrl:                      `New remote url:`,
831		LcEditRemoteName:                    `Enter updated remote name for {{.remoteName}}:`,
832		LcEditRemoteUrl:                     `Enter updated remote url for {{.remoteName}}:`,
833		LcRemoveRemote:                      `remove remote`,
834		LcRemoveRemotePrompt:                "Are you sure you want to remove remote",
835		DeleteRemoteBranch:                  "Delete Remote Branch",
836		DeleteRemoteBranchMessage:           "Are you sure you want to delete remote branch",
837		LcSetUpstream:                       "set as upstream of checked-out branch",
838		SetUpstreamTitle:                    "Set upstream branch",
839		SetUpstreamMessage:                  "Are you sure you want to set the upstream branch of '{{.checkedOut}}' to '{{.selected}}'",
840		LcEditRemote:                        "edit remote",
841		LcTagCommit:                         "tag commit",
842		TagNameTitle:                        "Tag name:",
843		LcDeleteTag:                         "delete tag",
844		DeleteTagTitle:                      "Delete tag",
845		DeleteTagPrompt:                     "Are you sure you want to delete tag '{{.tagName}}'?",
846		PushTagTitle:                        "remote to push tag '{{.tagName}}' to:",
847		LcPushTag:                           "push tag",
848		LcCreateTag:                         "create tag",
849		CreateTagTitle:                      "Tag name:",
850		LcFetchRemote:                       "fetch remote",
851		FetchingRemoteStatus:                "fetching remote",
852		LcCheckoutCommit:                    "checkout commit",
853		SureCheckoutThisCommit:              "Are you sure you want to checkout this commit?",
854		LcGitFlowOptions:                    "show git-flow options",
855		NotAGitFlowBranch:                   "This does not seem to be a git flow branch",
856		NewGitFlowBranchPrompt:              "new {{.branchType}} name:",
857		IgnoreTracked:                       "Ignore tracked file",
858		IgnoreTrackedPrompt:                 "Are you sure you want to ignore a tracked file?",
859		LcViewResetToUpstreamOptions:        "view upstream reset options",
860		LcNextScreenMode:                    "next screen mode (normal/half/fullscreen)",
861		LcPrevScreenMode:                    "prev screen mode",
862		LcStartSearch:                       "start search",
863		Panel:                               "Panel",
864		Keybindings:                         "Keybindings",
865		LcRenameBranch:                      "rename branch",
866		NewBranchNamePrompt:                 "Enter new branch name for branch",
867		RenameBranchWarning:                 "This branch is tracking a remote. This action will only rename the local branch name, not the name of the remote branch. Continue?",
868		LcOpenMenu:                          "open menu",
869		LcCloseMenu:                         "close menu",
870		LcResetCherryPick:                   "reset cherry-picked (copied) commits selection",
871		LcNextTab:                           "next tab",
872		LcPrevTab:                           "previous tab",
873		LcCantUndoWhileRebasing:             "Can't undo while rebasing",
874		LcCantRedoWhileRebasing:             "Can't redo while rebasing",
875		MustStashWarning:                    "Pulling a patch out into the index requires stashing and unstashing your changes. If something goes wrong, you'll be able to access your files from the stash. Continue?",
876		MustStashTitle:                      "Must stash",
877		ConfirmationTitle:                   "Confirmation Panel",
878		LcPrevPage:                          "previous page",
879		LcNextPage:                          "next page",
880		LcGotoTop:                           "scroll to top",
881		LcGotoBottom:                        "scroll to bottom",
882		LcFilteringBy:                       "filtering by",
883		ResetInParentheses:                  "(reset)",
884		LcOpenFilteringMenu:                 "view filter-by-path options",
885		LcFilterBy:                          "filter by",
886		LcExitFilterMode:                    "stop filtering by path",
887		LcFilterPathOption:                  "enter path to filter by",
888		EnterFileName:                       "Enter path:",
889		FilteringMenuTitle:                  "Filtering",
890		MustExitFilterModeTitle:             "Command not available",
891		MustExitFilterModePrompt:            "Command not available in filtered mode. Exit filtered mode?",
892		LcDiff:                              "diff",
893		LcEnterRefToDiff:                    "enter ref to diff",
894		LcEnteRefName:                       "enter ref:",
895		LcExitDiffMode:                      "exit diff mode",
896		DiffingMenuTitle:                    "Diffing",
897		LcSwapDiff:                          "reverse diff direction",
898		LcOpenDiffingMenu:                   "open diff menu",
899		// the actual view is the extras view which I intend to give more tabs in future but for now we'll only mention the command log part
900		LcOpenExtrasMenu:                    "open command log menu",
901		LcShowingGitDiff:                    "showing output for:",
902		LcCopyCommitShaToClipboard:          "copy commit SHA to clipboard",
903		LcCopyCommitMessageToClipboard:      "copy commit message to clipboard",
904		LcCopyBranchNameToClipboard:         "copy branch name to clipboard",
905		LcCopyFileNameToClipboard:           "copy the file name to the clipboard",
906		LcCopyCommitFileNameToClipboard:     "copy the committed file name to the clipboard",
907		LcCopySelectedTexToClipboard:        "copy the selected text to the clipboard",
908		LcCommitPrefixPatternError:          "Error in commitPrefix pattern",
909		NoFilesStagedTitle:                  "No files staged",
910		NoFilesStagedPrompt:                 "You have not staged any files. Commit all files?",
911		BranchNotFoundTitle:                 "Branch not found",
912		BranchNotFoundPrompt:                "Branch not found. Create a new branch named",
913		UnstageLinesTitle:                   "Unstage lines",
914		UnstageLinesPrompt:                  "Are you sure you want to delete the selected lines (git reset)? It is irreversible.\nTo disable this dialogue set the config key of 'gui.skipUnstageLineWarning' to true",
915		LcCreateNewBranchFromCommit:         "create new branch off of commit",
916		LcViewStashFiles:                    "view stash entry's files",
917		LcBuildingPatch:                     "building patch",
918		LcViewCommits:                       "view commits",
919		MinGitVersionError:                  "Git version must be at least 2.0 (i.e. from 2014 onwards). Please upgrade your git version. Alternatively raise an issue at https://github.com/jesseduffield/lazygit/issues for lazygit to be more backwards compatible.",
920		LcRunningCustomCommandStatus:        "running custom command",
921		LcSubmoduleStashAndReset:            "stash uncommitted submodule changes and update",
922		LcAndResetSubmodules:                "and reset submodules",
923		LcEnterSubmodule:                    "enter submodule",
924		LcCopySubmoduleNameToClipboard:      "copy submodule name to clipboard",
925		RemoveSubmodule:                     "Remove submodule",
926		LcRemoveSubmodule:                   "remove submodule",
927		RemoveSubmodulePrompt:               "Are you sure you want to remove submodule '%s' and its corresponding directory? This is irreversible.",
928		LcResettingSubmoduleStatus:          "resetting submodule",
929		LcNewSubmoduleName:                  "new submodule name:",
930		LcNewSubmoduleUrl:                   "new submodule URL:",
931		LcNewSubmodulePath:                  "new submodule path:",
932		LcAddSubmodule:                      "add new submodule",
933		LcAddingSubmoduleStatus:             "adding submodule",
934		LcUpdateSubmoduleUrl:                "update URL for submodule '%s'",
935		LcUpdatingSubmoduleUrlStatus:        "updating URL",
936		LcEditSubmoduleUrl:                  "update submodule URL",
937		LcInitializingSubmoduleStatus:       "initializing submodule",
938		LcInitSubmodule:                     "initialize submodule",
939		LcViewResetAndRemoveOptions:         "view reset and remove submodule options",
940		LcSubmoduleUpdate:                   "update submodule",
941		LcUpdatingSubmoduleStatus:           "updating submodule",
942		LcBulkInitSubmodules:                "bulk init submodules",
943		LcBulkUpdateSubmodules:              "bulk update submodules",
944		LcBulkDeinitSubmodules:              "bulk deinit submodules",
945		LcViewBulkSubmoduleOptions:          "view bulk submodule options",
946		LcBulkSubmoduleOptions:              "bulk submodule options",
947		LcRunningCommand:                    "running command",
948		SubCommitsTitle:                     "Sub-commits",
949		SubmodulesTitle:                     "Submodules",
950		NavigationTitle:                     "List Panel Navigation",
951		SuggestionsCheatsheetTitle:          "Suggestions",
952		SuggestionsTitle:                    "Suggestions (press %s to focus)",
953		ExtrasTitle:                         "Extras",
954		PushingTagStatus:                    "pushing tag",
955		PullRequestURLCopiedToClipboard:     "Pull request URL copied to clipboard",
956		CommitMessageCopiedToClipboard:      "Commit message copied to clipboard",
957		LcCopiedToClipboard:                 "copied to clipboard",
958		ErrCannotEditDirectory:              "Cannot edit directory: you can only edit individual files",
959		ErrStageDirWithInlineMergeConflicts: "Cannot stage/unstage directory containing files with inline merge conflicts. Please fix up the merge conflicts first",
960		ErrRepositoryMovedOrDeleted:         "Cannot find repo. It might have been moved or deleted ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯",
961		CommandLog:                          "Command Log",
962		ToggleShowCommandLog:                "Toggle show/hide command log",
963		FocusCommandLog:                     "Focus command log",
964		CommandLogHeader:                    "You can hide/focus this panel by pressing '%s'\n",
965		RandomTip:                           "Random Tip",
966		SelectParentCommitForMerge:          "Select parent commit for merge",
967		ToggleWhitespaceInDiffView:          "Toggle whether or not whitespace changes are shown in the diff view",
968		IgnoringWhitespaceInDiffView:        "Whitespace will be ignored in the diff view",
969		ShowingWhitespaceInDiffView:         "Whitespace will be shown in the diff view",
970		CreatePullRequest:                   "Create pull request",
971		CreatePullRequestOptions:            "Create pull request options",
972		LcCreatePullRequestOptions:          "create pull request options",
973		LcDefaultBranch:                     "default branch",
974		LcSelectBranch:                      "select branch",
975		CreatingPullRequestAtUrl:            "Creating pull request at URL: %s",
976		SelectConfigFile:                    "Select config file",
977		NoConfigFileFoundErr:                "No config file found",
978		LcLoadingFileSuggestions:            "loading file suggestions",
979		LcLoadingCommits:                    "loading commits",
980		MustSpecifyOriginError:              "Must specify a remote if specifying a branch",
981		GitOutput:                           "Git output:",
982		GitCommandFailed:                    "Git command failed. Check command log for details (open with %s)",
983		AbortTitle:                          "Abort %s",
984		AbortPrompt:                         "Are you sure you want to abort the current %s?",
985		LcOpenLogMenu:                       "open log menu",
986		LogMenuTitle:                        "Commit Log Options",
987		ToggleShowGitGraphAll:               "toggle show whole git graph (pass the `--all` flag to `git log`)",
988		ShowGitGraph:                        "show git graph",
989		SortCommits:                         "commit sort order",
990		Spans: Spans{
991			// TODO: combine this with the original keybinding descriptions (those are all in lowercase atm)
992			CheckoutCommit:                    "Checkout commit",
993			CheckoutReflogCommit:              "Checkout reflog commit",
994			CheckoutTag:                       "Checkout tag",
995			CheckoutBranch:                    "Checkout branch",
996			ForceCheckoutBranch:               "Force checkout branch",
997			DeleteBranch:                      "Delete branch",
998			Merge:                             "Merge",
999			RebaseBranch:                      "Rebase branch",
1000			RenameBranch:                      "Rename branch",
1001			CreateBranch:                      "Create branch",
1002			CherryPick:                        "(Cherry-pick) Paste commits",
1003			CheckoutFile:                      "Checkout file",
1004			DiscardOldFileChange:              "Discard old file change",
1005			SquashCommitDown:                  "Squash commit down",
1006			FixupCommit:                       "Fixup commit",
1007			RewordCommit:                      "Reword commit",
1008			DropCommit:                        "Drop commit",
1009			EditCommit:                        "Edit commit",
1010			AmendCommit:                       "Amend commit",
1011			RevertCommit:                      "Revert commit",
1012			CreateFixupCommit:                 "Create fixup commit",
1013			SquashAllAboveFixupCommits:        "Squash all above fixup commits",
1014			CreateLightweightTag:              "Create lightweight tag",
1015			CopyCommitMessageToClipboard:      "Copy commit message to clipboard",
1016			MoveCommitUp:                      "Move commit up",
1017			MoveCommitDown:                    "Move commit down",
1018			CustomCommand:                     "Custom command",
1019			DiscardAllChangesInDirectory:      "Discard all changes in directory",
1020			DiscardUnstagedChangesInDirectory: "Discard unstaged changes in directory",
1021			DiscardAllChangesInFile:           "Discard all changes in file",
1022			DiscardAllUnstagedChangesInFile:   "Discard all unstaged changes in file",
1023			StageFile:                         "Stage file",
1024			UnstageFile:                       "Unstage file",
1025			UnstageAllFiles:                   "Unstage all files",
1026			StageAllFiles:                     "Stage all files",
1027			IgnoreFile:                        "Ignore file",
1028			Commit:                            "Commit",
1029			EditFile:                          "Edit file",
1030			Push:                              "Push",
1031			Pull:                              "Pull",
1032			OpenFile:                          "Open file",
1033			StashAllChanges:                   "Stash all changes",
1034			StashStagedChanges:                "Stash staged changes",
1035			GitFlowFinish:                     "Git flow finish",
1036			GitFlowStart:                      "Git Flow start",
1037			CopyToClipboard:                   "Copy to clipboard",
1038			CopySelectedTextToClipboard:       "Copy selected text to clipboard",
1039			RemovePatchFromCommit:             "Remove patch from commit",
1040			MovePatchToSelectedCommit:         "Move patch to selected commit",
1041			MovePatchIntoIndex:                "Move patch into index",
1042			MovePatchIntoNewCommit:            "Move patch into new commit",
1043			DeleteRemoteBranch:                "Delete remote branch",
1044			SetBranchUpstream:                 "Set branch upstream",
1045			AddRemote:                         "Add remote",
1046			RemoveRemote:                      "Remove remote",
1047			UpdateRemote:                      "Update remote",
1048			ApplyPatch:                        "Apply patch",
1049			Stash:                             "Stash",
1050			RemoveSubmodule:                   "Remove submodule",
1051			ResetSubmodule:                    "Reset submodule",
1052			AddSubmodule:                      "Add submodule",
1053			UpdateSubmoduleUrl:                "Update submodule URL",
1054			InitialiseSubmodule:               "Initialise submodule",
1055			BulkInitialiseSubmodules:          "Bulk initialise submodules",
1056			BulkUpdateSubmodules:              "Bulk update submodules",
1057			BulkStashAndResetSubmodules:       "Bulk stash and reset submodules",
1058			BulkDeinitialiseSubmodules:        "Bulk deinitialise submodules",
1059			UpdateSubmodule:                   "Update submodule",
1060			DeleteTag:                         "Delete tag",
1061			PushTag:                           "Push tag",
1062			NukeWorkingTree:                   "Nuke working tree",
1063			DiscardUnstagedFileChanges:        "Discard unstaged file changes",
1064			RemoveUntrackedFiles:              "Remove untracked files",
1065			SoftReset:                         "Soft reset",
1066			MixedReset:                        "Mixed reset",
1067			HardReset:                         "Hard reset",
1068			FastForwardBranch:                 "Fast forward branch",
1069			Undo:                              "Undo",
1070			Redo:                              "Redo",
1071		},
1072	}