1 {
2 Copyright (C) Alexey Torgashin, uvviewsoft.com
3 License: MPL 2.0 or LGPL
4 }
5 unit ATSynEdit_LineParts;
7 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
9 interface
11 uses
12   SysUtils, Graphics;
14 type
15   TATLineStyle = (
16     cLineStyleNone,
17     cLineStyleSolid,
18     cLineStyleDash,
19     cLineStyleSolid2px,
20     cLineStyleDotted,
21     cLineStyleRounded,
22     cLineStyleWave
23     );
25 const
26   afsFontBold = 1;
27   afsFontItalic = 2;
28   afsFontCrossed = 4;
30 type
31   TATLinePart = packed record
32     Offset: SmallInt; //2 bytes
33     Len: word; //2 bytes
34     ColorFont, ColorBG, ColorBorder: TColor;
35     FontStyles: byte;
36     BorderUp, BorderDown, BorderLeft, BorderRight: TATLineStyle;
37   end;
38   PATLinePart = ^TATLinePart;
40 type
41   TATLinePartClass = class
42   public
43     Data: TATLinePart;
44     ColumnTag: Int64;
45   end;
47 const
48   cMaxLineParts = 210;
49 type
50   TATLineParts = array[0..cMaxLineParts-1] of TATLinePart;
51   PATLineParts = ^TATLineParts;
53 procedure DoPartFind(constref AParts: TATLineParts; APos: integer; out AIndex, AOffsetLeft: integer);
DoPartInsertnull54 function DoPartInsert(var AParts: TATLineParts; var APart: TATLinePart; AKeepFontStyles: boolean): boolean;
55 procedure DoPartSetColorBG(var AParts: TATLineParts; AColor: TColor; AForceColor: boolean);
DoPartsGetCountnull57 function DoPartsGetCount(constref AParts: TATLineParts): integer;
DoPartsShownull58 function DoPartsShow(var P: TATLineParts): string;
59 procedure DoPartsDim(var P: TATLineParts; ADimLevel255: integer; AColorBG: TColor);
60 procedure DoPartsCutFromOffset(var P: TATLineParts; AOffset: integer);
ColorBlendnull62 function ColorBlend(c1, c2: Longint; A: Longint): Longint;
ColorBlendHalfnull63 function ColorBlendHalf(c1, c2: Longint): Longint;
ConvertFontStylesToIntegernull65 function ConvertFontStylesToInteger(Styles: TFontStyles): integer;
ConvertIntegerToFontStylesnull66 function ConvertIntegerToFontStyles(Value: integer): TFontStyles;
68 implementation
ColorBlendnull70 function ColorBlend(c1, c2: Longint; A: Longint): Longint;
71 //blend level: 0..255
72 var
73   r, g, b, v1, v2: byte;
74 begin
75   v1:= Byte(c1);
76   v2:= Byte(c2);
77   r:= A * (v1 - v2) shr 8 + v2;
78   v1:= Byte(c1 shr 8);
79   v2:= Byte(c2 shr 8);
80   g:= A * (v1 - v2) shr 8 + v2;
81   v1:= Byte(c1 shr 16);
82   v2:= Byte(c2 shr 16);
83   b:= A * (v1 - v2) shr 8 + v2;
84   Result := (b shl 16) + (g shl 8) + r;
85 end;
ColorBlendHalfnull87 function ColorBlendHalf(c1, c2: Longint): Longint;
88 var
89   r, g, b, v1, v2: byte;
90 begin
91   v1:= Byte(c1);
92   v2:= Byte(c2);
93   r:= (v1+v2) shr 1;
94   v1:= Byte(c1 shr 8);
95   v2:= Byte(c2 shr 8);
96   g:= (v1+v2) shr 1;
97   v1:= Byte(c1 shr 16);
98   v2:= Byte(c2 shr 16);
99   b:= (v1+v2) shr 1;
100   Result := (b shl 16) + (g shl 8) + r;
101 end;
104 procedure DoPartFind(constref AParts: TATLineParts; APos: integer; out AIndex,
105   AOffsetLeft: integer);
106 var
107   iStart, iEnd, i: integer;
108 begin
109   AIndex:= -1;
110   AOffsetLeft:= 0;
112   for i:= Low(AParts) to High(AParts)-1 do
113   begin
114     if AParts[i].Len=0 then
115     begin
116       //pos after last part?
117       if i>Low(AParts) then
118         if APos>=AParts[i-1].Offset+AParts[i-1].Len then
119           AIndex:= i;
120       Break;
121     end;
123     iStart:= AParts[i].Offset;
124     iEnd:= iStart+AParts[i].Len;
126     //pos at part begin?
127     if (APos=iStart) then
128       begin AIndex:= i; Break end;
130     //pos at part middle?
131     if (APos>=iStart) and (APos<iEnd) then
132       begin AIndex:= i; AOffsetLeft:= APos-iStart; Break end;
133   end;
134 end;
DoPartsGetTotalLennull137 function DoPartsGetTotalLen(constref AParts: TATLineParts): integer;
138 var
139   N: integer;
140 begin
141   N:= 0;
142   while (N<=High(AParts)) and (AParts[N].Len>0) do Inc(N);
143   if N=0 then
144     Result:= 0
145   else
146     Result:= AParts[N-1].Offset+AParts[N-1].Len;
147 end;
DoPartsGetCountnull149 function DoPartsGetCount(constref AParts: TATLineParts): integer;
150 //func considers case when some middle part has Len=0
151 begin
152   Result:= High(AParts)+1;
153   while (Result>0) and (AParts[Result-1].Len=0) do
154     Dec(Result);
155 end;
157 var
158   ResultParts: TATLineParts; //size is huge, so not local var
DoPartInsertnull160 function DoPartInsert(var AParts: TATLineParts; var APart: TATLinePart;
161   AKeepFontStyles: boolean): boolean;
162 var
163   ResultPartIndex: integer;
164   //
165   procedure AddPart(constref P: TATLinePart); inline;
166   begin
167     if P.Len>0 then
168       if ResultPartIndex<High(ResultParts) then
169       begin
170         Move(P, ResultParts[ResultPartIndex], SizeOf(P));
171         Inc(ResultPartIndex);
172       end;
173   end;
174   //
175   procedure FixPartLen(var P: TATLinePart; NOffsetEnd: integer); inline;
176   begin
177     if P.Len>NOffsetEnd-P.Offset then
178       P.Len:= NOffsetEnd-P.Offset;
179   end;
180   //
181 var
182   PartSelBegin, PartSelEnd: TATLinePart;
183   ColorFontLeft, ColorFontRight: TColor;
184   nIndex1, nIndex2,
185   nOffset1, nOffset2, nOffsetLimit,
186   newLen2, newOffset2: integer;
187   i: integer;
188 begin
189   Result:= false;
191   //if editor scrolled to right, passed parts have Offset<0,
192   //shrink such parts
193   if (APart.Offset<0) and (APart.Offset+APart.Len>0) then
194   begin
195     Inc(APart.Len, APart.Offset);
196     APart.Offset:= 0;
197   end;
199   DoPartFind(AParts, APart.Offset, nIndex1, nOffset1);
200   DoPartFind(AParts, APart.Offset+APart.Len, nIndex2, nOffset2);
201   if nIndex1<0 then Exit;
202   if nIndex2<0 then Exit;
204   //if ColorBG=clNone, use ColorBG of previous part at that position
205   //tested on URLs in JS inside HTML
206   if APart.ColorBG=clNone then
207     APart.ColorBG:= AParts[nIndex1].ColorBG; //clYellow;
209   if APart.ColorFont<>clNone then
210   begin
211     ColorFontLeft:= APart.ColorFont;
212     ColorFontRight:= APart.ColorFont;
213   end
214   else
215   begin
216     ColorFontLeft:= AParts[nIndex1].ColorFont;
217     ColorFontRight:= AParts[nIndex2].ColorFont;
218   end;
220   //these 2 parts are for edges of selection
221   FillChar(PartSelBegin{%H-}, SizeOf(TATLinePart), 0);
222   FillChar(PartSelEnd{%H-}, SizeOf(TATLinePart), 0);
224   PartSelBegin.ColorFont:= ColorFontLeft;
225   PartSelBegin.ColorBG:= APart.ColorBG;
227   PartSelBegin.Offset:= AParts[nIndex1].Offset+nOffset1;
228   PartSelBegin.Len:= AParts[nIndex1].Len-nOffset1;
230   PartSelBegin.FontStyles:= AParts[nIndex1].FontStyles;
231   PartSelBegin.BorderDown:= AParts[nIndex1].BorderDown;
232   PartSelBegin.BorderLeft:= AParts[nIndex1].BorderLeft;
233   PartSelBegin.BorderRight:= AParts[nIndex1].BorderRight;
234   PartSelBegin.BorderUp:= AParts[nIndex1].BorderUp;
235   PartSelBegin.ColorBorder:= AParts[nIndex1].ColorBorder;
237   PartSelEnd.ColorFont:= ColorFontRight;
238   PartSelEnd.ColorBG:= APart.ColorBG;
239   PartSelEnd.Offset:= AParts[nIndex2].Offset;
240   PartSelEnd.Len:= nOffset2;
241   PartSelEnd.FontStyles:= AParts[nIndex2].FontStyles;
242   PartSelEnd.BorderDown:= AParts[nIndex2].BorderDown;
243   PartSelEnd.BorderLeft:= AParts[nIndex2].BorderLeft;
244   PartSelEnd.BorderRight:= AParts[nIndex2].BorderRight;
245   PartSelEnd.BorderUp:= AParts[nIndex2].BorderUp;
246   PartSelEnd.ColorBorder:= AParts[nIndex2].ColorBorder;
248   with AParts[nIndex2] do
249   begin
250     newLen2:= Len-nOffset2;
251     newOffset2:= Offset+nOffset2;
252   end;
254   FillChar(ResultParts, SizeOf(ResultParts), 0);
255   ResultPartIndex:= 0;
257   //add parts before selection
258   for i:= 0 to nIndex1-1 do
259     AddPart(AParts[i]);
260   if nOffset1>0 then
261   begin
262     FixPartLen(AParts[nIndex1], APart.Offset);
263     AddPart(AParts[nIndex1]);
264   end;
266   //add middle (one APart of many parts)
267   if not AKeepFontStyles then
268   begin
269     if APart.ColorFont=clNone then //fix CudaText issue #3571, #3574
270       APart.ColorFont:= ColorFontLeft;
271     AddPart(APart);
272   end
273   else
274   begin
275     nOffsetLimit:= APart.Offset+APart.Len;
276     FixPartLen(PartSelBegin, nOffsetLimit);
277     AddPart(PartSelBegin);
279     for i:= nIndex1+1 to nIndex2-1 do
280     begin
281       AParts[i].ColorFont:= ColorFontLeft;
282       AParts[i].ColorBG:= APart.ColorBG;
283       FixPartLen(AParts[i], nOffsetLimit);
284       AddPart(AParts[i]);
285     end;
287     if nIndex1<nIndex2 then
288     begin
289       FixPartLen(PartSelEnd, nOffsetLimit);
290       AddPart(PartSelEnd);
291     end;
292   end;
294   //add parts after selection
295   if nOffset2>0 then
296   begin
297     AParts[nIndex2].Len:= newLen2;
298     AParts[nIndex2].Offset:= newOffset2;
299   end;
301   for i:= nIndex2 to High(AParts) do
302   begin
303     if AParts[i].Len=0 then Break;
304     AddPart(AParts[i]);
305   end;
307   Move(ResultParts, AParts, SizeOf(AParts));
308   Result:= true;
309 end;
312 procedure DoPartSetColorBG(var AParts: TATLineParts; AColor: TColor;
313   AForceColor: boolean);
314 var
315   PartPtr: PATLinePart;
316   i: integer;
317 begin
318   for i:= Low(AParts) to High(AParts) do
319   begin
320     PartPtr:= @AParts[i];
321     if PartPtr^.Len=0 then Break; //comment to colorize all parts to hide possible bugs
322     if AForceColor or (PartPtr^.ColorBG=clNone) then
323       PartPtr^.ColorBG:= AColor;
324   end;
325 end;
DoPartsShownull327 function DoPartsShow(var P: TATLineParts): string;
328 var
329   i: integer;
330 begin
331   Result:= '';
332   for i:= Low(P) to High(P) do
333   begin
334     if P[i].Len=0 then break;
335     Result+= Format('[%d %d]', [P[i].Offset, P[i].Len]);
336   end;
337 end;
340 procedure DoPartsDim(var P: TATLineParts; ADimLevel255: integer; AColorBG: TColor);
341 var
342   i: integer;
343 begin
344   for i:= Low(P) to High(P) do
345   begin
346     if P[i].Len=0 then break;
347     with P[i] do
348     begin
349       ColorFont:= ColorBlend(ColorBG, ColorFont, ADimLevel255);
350       if ColorBG<>clNone then
351         ColorBG:= ColorBlend(AColorBG, ColorBG, ADimLevel255);
352       if ColorBorder<>clNone then
353         ColorBorder:= ColorBlend(ColorBG, ColorBorder, ADimLevel255);
354     end;
355   end;
356 end;
358 procedure DoPartsCutFromOffset(var P: TATLineParts; AOffset: integer);
359 var
360   NCount, N, i: integer;
361   PartPtr: PATLinePart;
362 begin
363   NCount:= DoPartsGetCount(P);
365   //how many parts to delete from start
366   N:= 0;
367   repeat
368     PartPtr:= @P[N];
369     if PartPtr^.Len<=0 then Break;
370     if PartPtr^.Offset+PartPtr^.Len>AOffset then Break;
371     Inc(N);
372   until false;
374   //shift all parts by N items
375   for i:= 0 to NCount-N-1 do
376     P[i]:= P[i+N];
378   //fill tail with zeros
379   for i:= NCount-N to NCount-1 do
380     FillChar(P[i], SizeOf(TATLinePart), 0);
382   for i:= 0 to NCount-1-N do
383     with P[i] do
384       if Len>0 then
385       begin
386         Dec(Offset, AOffset);
387         if Offset<0 then
388         begin
389           Inc(Len, Offset);
390           Offset:= 0;
391         end;
392       end;
393 end;
ConvertFontStylesToIntegernull396 function ConvertFontStylesToInteger(Styles: TFontStyles): integer;
397 begin
398   Result:= 0;
399   if fsBold in Styles then
400     Result:= Result or afsFontBold;
401   if fsItalic in Styles then
402     Result:= Result or afsFontItalic;
403   if fsStrikeOut in Styles then
404     Result:= Result or afsFontCrossed;
405 end;
ConvertIntegerToFontStylesnull407 function ConvertIntegerToFontStyles(Value: integer): TFontStyles;
408 begin
409   Result:= [];
410   if (Value and afsFontBold)<>0 then
411     Include(Result, fsBold);
412   if (Value and afsFontItalic)<>0 then
413     Include(Result, fsItalic);
414   if (Value and afsFontCrossed)<>0 then
415     Include(Result, fsStrikeOut);
416 end;
419 end.