1 {
2 Copyright (C) Alexey Torgashin, uvviewsoft.com
3 License: MPL 2.0 or LGPL
4 }
5 unit ATSynEdit_SortedRange;
7 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
8 {$ModeSwitch advancedrecords}
10 interface
12 uses
13   Classes, SysUtils, Graphics, Math,
14   ATStrings,
15   ATStringProc,
16   ATSynEdit,
17   ATSynEdit_Carets,
18   ATSynEdit_FGL,
19   ec_SyntAnal,
20   ec_syntax_format;
22 type
23   TATRangeCond = (cCondInside, cCondAtBound, cCondOutside);
25 type
26   { TATIntegerWithPointer }
28   TATIntegerWithPointer = record
29     Value: integer;
30     Ptr: pointer;
31     class operator =(const a, b: TATIntegerWithPointer): boolean;
32   end;
34   { TATIntegersWithPointers }
36   TATIntegersWithPointers = class(specialize TFPGList<TATIntegerWithPointer>)
37   public
FindByIntegernull38     function FindByInteger(AValue: integer): pointer;
39     procedure SortByInteger;
40   end;
ComparePointsnull42 function ComparePoints(const P1, P2: TPoint): integer; inline;
44 type
45   { TATSortedRange }
47   PATSortedRange = ^TATSortedRange;
48   TATSortedRange = record
49     Pos1, Pos2: TPoint;
50     Pos1Wide, Pos2Wide: TPoint;
51     Token1, Token2: integer;
52     Color: TColor;
53     Rule: TecTagBlockCondition;
54     ActiveAlways: boolean;
55     Active: array[0..Pred(cMaxStringsClients)] of boolean;
56     class operator =(const a, b: TATSortedRange): boolean;
57     procedure Init(
58       const APos1, APos2: TPoint;
59       const APos1Wide, APos2Wide: TPoint;
60       AToken1, AToken2: integer;
61       AColor: TColor; ARule: TecTagBlockCondition;
62       AActiveAlways: boolean);
IsPosInsidenull63     function IsPosInside(const APos: TPoint): boolean;
IsPosInsideWidenull64     function IsPosInsideWide(const APos: TPoint): boolean;
65   end;
67   { TATSortedRanges }
69   TATSortedRanges = class(specialize TFPGList<TATSortedRange>)
70   private
71     FBoundTokensIndexer: TATIntegersWithPointers;
72     FLineIndexer: array of array of integer;
73   public
ItemPtrnull74     function ItemPtr(AIndex: integer): PATSortedRange; inline;
Findnull75     function Find(const APos: TPoint; AEditorIndex: integer; AOnlyActive: boolean): integer;
FindByLineIndexernull76     function FindByLineIndexer(const APos: TPoint; AEditorIndex: integer; AOnlyActive: boolean): integer;
FindStyleByTokenIndexnull77     function FindStyleByTokenIndex(ATokenIndex, AEditorIndex: integer): TecSyntaxFormat;
78     procedure UpdateOnChange(AChange: TATLineChangeKind; ALine, AItemCount: integer);
CheckCaretInRangenull79     function CheckCaretInRange(Ed: TATSynEdit; const APos1, APos2: TPoint;
80       ACond: TATRangeCond): boolean;
81     procedure UpdateRangesActive(Ed: TATSynEdit);
82     procedure UpdateBoundIndexer;
83     procedure UpdateLineIndexer(ALineCount: integer);
84     procedure DeactivateNotMinimalRanges(Ed: TATSynEdit);
85     destructor Destroy; override;
86     procedure Clear;
87     procedure ClearBoundIndexer;
88     procedure ClearLineIndexer;
DebugLineIndexernull89     function DebugLineIndexer: string;
90   end;
92 implementation
ComparePointsnull94 function ComparePoints(const P1, P2: TPoint): integer; inline;
95 begin
96   if (P1.X=P2.X) and (P1.Y=P2.Y) then exit(0);
97   if (P1.Y>P2.Y) then exit(1);
98   if (P1.Y<P2.Y) then exit(-1);
99   if (P1.X>P2.X) then exit(1) else exit(-1);
100 end;
102 { TATIntegerWithPointer }
104 class operator TATIntegerWithPointer.=(const a, b: TATIntegerWithPointer): boolean;
105 begin
106   Result:= false;
107 end;
109 { TATIntegersWithPointers }
FindByIntegernull111 function TATIntegersWithPointers.FindByInteger(AValue: integer): pointer;
112 var
113   a, b, m, dif, NCount: integer;
114 begin
115   Result:= nil;
116   NCount:= Count;
117   if NCount=0 then
118     Exit;
120   a:= 0;
121   b:= NCount-1;
122   while a<=b do
123   begin
124     m:= (a+b) div 2;
125     dif:= _GetItemPtr(m)^.Value - AValue;
126     if dif<0 then
127       a:= m+1
128     else
129     if dif=0 then
130       Exit(_GetItemPtr(m)^.Ptr)
131     else
132       b:= m-1;
133   end;
134 end;
Compare_IntegerWithPointernull136 function Compare_IntegerWithPointer(const a, b: TATIntegerWithPointer): integer;
137 begin
138   Result:= a.Value - b.Value;
139 end;
141 procedure TATIntegersWithPointers.SortByInteger;
142 begin
143   Sort(@Compare_IntegerWithPointer);
144 end;
146 { TATSortedRange }
148 class operator TATSortedRange.=(const a, b: TATSortedRange): boolean;
149 begin
150   Result:= false;
151 end;
153 procedure TATSortedRange.Init(const APos1, APos2: TPoint; const APos1Wide, APos2Wide: TPoint; AToken1,
154   AToken2: integer; AColor: TColor; ARule: TecTagBlockCondition; AActiveAlways: boolean);
155 var
156   i: integer;
157 begin
158   Pos1:= APos1;
159   Pos2:= APos2;
160   Pos1Wide:= APos1Wide;
161   Pos2Wide:= APos2Wide;
162   Token1:= AToken1;
163   Token2:= AToken2;
164   Color:= AColor;
165   Rule:= ARule;
166   ActiveAlways:= AActiveAlways;
167   for i:= Low(Active) to High(Active) do
168     Active[i]:= false;
169 end;
TATSortedRange.IsPosInsidenull171 function TATSortedRange.IsPosInside(const APos: TPoint): boolean;
172 begin
173   Result:= IsPosInRange(
174     APos.X, APos.Y,
175     Pos1.X, Pos1.Y,
176     Pos2.X, Pos2.Y
177     ) = cRelateInside;
178 end;
TATSortedRange.IsPosInsideWidenull180 function TATSortedRange.IsPosInsideWide(const APos: TPoint): boolean;
181 begin
182   Result:= IsPosInRange(
183     APos.X, APos.Y,
184     Pos1Wide.X, Pos1Wide.Y,
185     Pos2Wide.X, Pos2Wide.Y
186     ) = cRelateInside;
187 end;
189 { TATSortedRanges }
TATSortedRanges.Findnull191 function TATSortedRanges.Find(const APos: TPoint; AEditorIndex: integer; AOnlyActive: boolean): integer;
CompProcnull193   function CompProc(ItemIndex: integer): integer; inline;
194   var
195     Item: PATSortedRange;
196     bOk: boolean;
197   begin
198     Item:= ItemPtr(ItemIndex);
200     if AOnlyActive then
201       bOk:= Item^.ActiveAlways or Item^.Active[AEditorIndex]
202     else
203       bOk:= true;
205     if bOk and Item^.IsPosInside(APos) then
206       Result:= 0
207     else
208       Result:= ComparePoints(Item^.Pos1, APos);
209   end;
211 var
212   L, H, I, C, NCount: Integer;
213   bOk: boolean;
214   Item: PATSortedRange;
215 begin
216   Result := -1;
217   NCount := Count;
218   if NCount = 0 then
219     Exit;
221   L := 0;
222   H := NCount - 1;
223   while L <= H do
224   begin
225     I := (L + H) shr 1;
226     C := CompProc(I);
227     if C < 0 then
228       L := I + 1
229     else
230     if C = 0 then
231       Exit(I)
232     else
233       H := I - 1;
234   end;
236   Result := L;
237   if Result >= NCount then
238     Result := NCount - 1;
239   if Result >= 0 then
240     if CompProc(Result) > 0 then
241       Dec(Result);
243   if AOnlyActive then
244     if Result>=0 then
245     begin
246       Item:= ItemPtr(Result);
247       bOk:= Item^.ActiveAlways or Item^.Active[AEditorIndex];
248       if not bOk then
249         Result:= -1;
250     end;
251 end;
FindByLineIndexernull253 function TATSortedRanges.FindByLineIndexer(const APos: TPoint; AEditorIndex: integer; AOnlyActive: boolean): integer;
254 var
255   Rng: PATSortedRange;
256   NLine, iItem, iRange: integer;
257 begin
258   Result:= -1;
260   NLine:= APos.Y;
261   if NLine>High(FLineIndexer) then exit;
263   //test all ranges listed in FLineIndexer[NLine]
264   for iItem:= High(FLineIndexer[NLine]) downto 0 do
265   begin
266     iRange:= FLineIndexer[NLine][iItem];
267     Rng:= ItemPtr(iRange);
268     if (not AOnlyActive) or (Rng^.ActiveAlways or Rng^.Active[AEditorIndex]) then
269       if Rng^.IsPosInsideWide(APos) then
270         exit(iRange);
271   end;
272 end;
TATSortedRanges.FindStyleByTokenIndexnull274 function TATSortedRanges.FindStyleByTokenIndex(ATokenIndex, AEditorIndex: integer): TecSyntaxFormat;
275 var
276   Rng: PATSortedRange;
277 begin
278   Result:= nil;
279   if FBoundTokensIndexer=nil then
280     exit;
281   Rng:= FBoundTokensIndexer.FindByInteger(ATokenIndex);
282   if Assigned(Rng) then
283     if Rng^.Active[AEditorIndex] then
284       Result:= Rng^.Rule.Style;
285 end;
ItemPtrnull287 function TATSortedRanges.ItemPtr(AIndex: integer): PATSortedRange;
288 begin
289   Result:= PATSortedRange(InternalGet(AIndex));
290 end;
292 procedure TATSortedRanges.UpdateOnChange(AChange: TATLineChangeKind; ALine, AItemCount: integer);
293 var
294   Ptr: PATSortedRange;
295   i: integer;
296 begin
297   case AChange of
298     cLineChangeDeletedAll:
299       Clear;
301     cLineChangeAdded:
302       begin
303         for i:= Count-1 downto 0 do
304         begin
305           Ptr:= InternalGet(i);
306           if Ptr^.Pos1.Y>=ALine then
307           begin
308             Ptr^.Pos1.Y+= AItemCount;
309             Ptr^.Pos2.Y+= AItemCount;
310           end
311           else
312           if Ptr^.Pos2.Y>=ALine then
313             Ptr^.Pos2.Y+= AItemCount;
314         end;
315       end;
317     cLineChangeDeleted:
318       begin
319         for i:= Count-1 downto 0 do
320         begin
321           Ptr:= InternalGet(i);
322           if Ptr^.Pos1.Y>=ALine+AItemCount then
323           begin
324             Ptr^.Pos1.Y-= AItemCount;
325             Ptr^.Pos2.Y-= AItemCount;
326           end
327           else
328           if Ptr^.Pos1.Y>=ALine then
329           begin
330             if Ptr^.Pos2.Y<=ALine+AItemCount then
331               Delete(i)
332             else
333             begin
334               Ptr^.Pos1.Y:= Max(ALine, Ptr^.Pos1.Y-AItemCount);
335               Ptr^.Pos2.Y-= AItemCount;
336             end;
337           end
338           else
339           if Ptr^.Pos2.Y>=ALine then
340           begin
341             Ptr^.Pos2.Y:= Max(ALine, Ptr^.Pos2.Y-AItemCount);
342           end;
343         end;
344       end;
345   end;
346 end;
TATSortedRanges.CheckCaretInRangenull349 function TATSortedRanges.CheckCaretInRange(Ed: TATSynEdit;
350   const APos1, APos2: TPoint;
351   ACond: TATRangeCond): boolean;
352 var
353   Caret: TATCaretItem;
354   Pnt: TPoint;
355   dif1, dif2: integer;
356   i: integer;
357   ok: boolean;
358 begin
359   Result:= false;
361   for i:= 0 to Ed.Carets.Count-1 do
362   begin
363     Caret:= Ed.Carets[i];
364     Pnt.X:= Caret.PosX;
365     Pnt.Y:= Caret.PosY;
367     dif1:= ComparePoints(Pnt, APos1);
368     dif2:= ComparePoints(Pnt, APos2);
370     case ACond of
371       cCondInside:
372         ok:= (dif1>=0) and (dif2<0);
373       cCondOutside:
374         ok:= (dif1<0) or (dif2>=0);
375       cCondAtBound:
376         ok:= (dif1=0) or (dif2=0);
377       else
378         ok:= false;
379     end;
381     if ok then exit(true);
382   end;
383 end;
385 procedure TATSortedRanges.UpdateRangesActive(Ed: TATSynEdit);
386 var
387   Rng: PATSortedRange;
388   act: boolean;
389   i: integer;
390 begin
391   for i:= 0 to Count-1 do
392   begin
393     Rng:= ItemPtr(i);
394     if Rng^.ActiveAlways then
395       act:= true
396     else
397     begin
398       if Rng^.Rule=nil then Continue;
399       if not (Rng^.Rule.DynHighlight in [dhRange, dhRangeNoBound, dhBound]) then Continue;
400       case Rng^.Rule.HighlightPos of
401         cpAny:
402           act:= true;
403         cpBound:
404           act:= CheckCaretInRange(Ed, Rng^.Pos1, Rng^.Pos2, cCondAtBound);
405         cpBoundTag:
406           act:= false;//todo
407         cpRange:
408           act:= CheckCaretInRange(Ed, Rng^.Pos1, Rng^.Pos2, cCondInside);
409         cpBoundTagBegin:
410           act:= false;//todo
411         cpOutOfRange:
412           act:= CheckCaretInRange(Ed, Rng^.Pos1, Rng^.Pos2, cCondOutside);
413         else
414           act:= false;
415       end;
416     end;
417     Rng^.Active[Ed.EditorIndex]:= act;
418   end;
419 end;
421 procedure TATSortedRanges.UpdateBoundIndexer;
422 var
423   Pair: TATIntegerWithPointer;
424   Rng: PATSortedRange;
425   i: integer;
426 begin
427   if FBoundTokensIndexer=nil then
428     FBoundTokensIndexer:= TATIntegersWithPointers.Create;
429   FBoundTokensIndexer.Clear;
430   for i:= 0 to Count-1 do
431   begin
432     Rng:= ItemPtr(i);
433     Pair.Value:= Rng^.Token1;
434     Pair.Ptr:= Rng;
435     FBoundTokensIndexer.Add(Pair);
436     Pair.Value:= Rng^.Token2;
437     FBoundTokensIndexer.Add(Pair);
438   end;
439   FBoundTokensIndexer.SortByInteger;
440 end;
442 procedure TATSortedRanges.UpdateLineIndexer(ALineCount: integer);
443 var
444   NCount, NItemLen: integer;
445   iRange, iLine: integer;
446   Ptr: PATSortedRange;
447 begin
448   for iLine:= High(FLineIndexer) downto 0 do
449     SetLength(FLineIndexer[iLine], 0);
451   SetLength(FLineIndexer, ALineCount);
452   if ALineCount=0 then exit;
454   NCount:= Count;
455   if NCount=0 then exit;
457   for iRange:= 0 to NCount-1 do
458   begin
459     Ptr:= ItemPtr(iRange);
460     for iLine:= Ptr^.Pos1.Y to Ptr^.Pos2.Y do
461     begin
462       NItemLen:= Length(FLineIndexer[iLine]);
463       SetLength(FLineIndexer[iLine], NItemLen+1);
464       FLineIndexer[iLine][NItemLen]:= iRange;
465     end;
466   end;
467 end;
TATSortedRanges.DebugLineIndexernull469 function TATSortedRanges.DebugLineIndexer: string;
470 var
471   S: string;
472   i, iLine: integer;
473 begin
474   Result:= '';
475   for iLine:= 0 to Min(High(FLineIndexer), 30) do
476   begin
477     S:= IntToStr(iLine)+': ';
478     for i:= 0 to High(FLineIndexer[iLine]) do
479       S+= IntToStr(FLineIndexer[iLine][i])+' ';
480     Result+= S+#10;
481   end;
482 end;
484 procedure TATSortedRanges.DeactivateNotMinimalRanges(Ed: TATSynEdit);
485 var
486   Rng, RngOut: PATSortedRange;
487   i, j: integer;
488 begin
489   for i:= Count-1 downto 0 do
490   begin
491     Rng:= ItemPtr(i);
492     if not Rng^.Active[Ed.EditorIndex] then Continue;
493     if Rng^.Rule=nil then Continue;
494     if not Rng^.Rule.DynSelectMin then Continue;
495     if not (Rng^.Rule.DynHighlight in [dhBound, dhRange, dhRangeNoBound]) then Continue;
496     //take prev ranges which contain this range
497     for j:= i-1 downto 0 do
498     begin
499       RngOut:= ItemPtr(j);
500       if RngOut^.Rule=Rng^.Rule then
501         if RngOut^.Active[Ed.EditorIndex] then
502           if (ComparePoints(RngOut^.Pos1, Rng^.Pos1)<=0) and
503              (ComparePoints(RngOut^.Pos2, Rng^.Pos2)>=0) then
504             RngOut^.Active[Ed.EditorIndex]:= false;
505     end;
506   end;
507 end;
509 destructor TATSortedRanges.Destroy;
510 begin
511   Clear;
512   if Assigned(FBoundTokensIndexer) then
513     FreeAndNil(FBoundTokensIndexer);
514   inherited;
515 end;
517 procedure TATSortedRanges.Clear;
518 begin
519   ClearBoundIndexer;
520   ClearLineIndexer;
521   inherited Clear;
522 end;
524 procedure TATSortedRanges.ClearBoundIndexer;
525 begin
526   if Assigned(FBoundTokensIndexer) then
527     FBoundTokensIndexer.Clear;
528 end;
530 procedure TATSortedRanges.ClearLineIndexer;
531 var
532   iLine: integer;
533 begin
534   for iLine:= High(FLineIndexer) downto 0 do
535     SetLength(FLineIndexer[iLine], 0);
536   SetLength(FLineIndexer, 0);
537 end;
539 end.