1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file node_trie.h
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief A trie class for Nodes and TNodes.
13  **/
15 #include "cvc4_private.h"
17 #ifndef __CVC4__EXPR__NODE_TRIE_H
18 #define __CVC4__EXPR__NODE_TRIE_H
20 #include <map>
21 #include "expr/node.h"
23 namespace CVC4 {
24 namespace theory {
26 /** NodeTemplate trie class
27  *
28  * This is a trie data structure whose distinguishing feature is that it has
29  * no "data" members and only references to children. The motivation for having
30  * no data members is efficiency.
31  *
32  * One use of this class is to represent "term indices" or a "signature tables"
33  * for symbols with fixed arities. In this use case, we "index" terms by the
34  * list of representatives of their arguments.
35  *
36  * For example, consider the equivalence classes :
37  *
38  * { a, d, f( d, c ), f( a, c ) }
39  * { b, f( b, d ) }
40  * { c, f( b, b ) }
41  *
42  * where the first elements ( a, b, c ) are the representatives of these
43  * classes. The NodeTemplateTrie t we may build for f is :
44  *
45  * t :
46  *   t.d_data[a] :
47  *     t.d_data[a].d_data[c] :
48  *       t.d_data[a].d_data[c].d_data[f(d,c)] : (leaf)
49  *   t.d_data[b] :
50  *     t.d_data[b].d_data[b] :
51  *       t.d_data[b].d_data[b].d_data[f(b,b)] : (leaf)
52  *     t.d_data[b].d_data[d] :
53  *       t.d_data[b].d_data[d].d_data[f(b,d)] : (leaf)
54  *
55  * Leaf nodes store the terms that are indexed by the arguments, for example
56  * term f(d,c) is indexed by the representative arguments (a,c), and is stored
57  * as a the (single) key in the data of t.d_data[a].d_data[c].
58  */
59 template <bool ref_count>
60 class NodeTemplateTrie
61 {
62  public:
63   /** The children of this node. */
64   std::map<NodeTemplate<ref_count>, NodeTemplateTrie<ref_count>> d_data;
65   /** For leaf nodes : does this node have data? */
hasData()66   bool hasData() const { return !d_data.empty(); }
67   /** For leaf nodes : get the node corresponding to this leaf. */
getData()68   NodeTemplate<ref_count> getData() const { return d_data.begin()->first; }
69   /**
70    * Returns the term that is indexed by reps, if one exists, or
71    * or returns null otherwise.
72    */
73   NodeTemplate<ref_count> existsTerm(
74       const std::vector<NodeTemplate<ref_count>>& reps) const;
75   /**
76    * Returns the term that is previously indexed by reps, if one exists, or
77    * adds n to the trie, indexed by reps, and returns n.
78    */
79   NodeTemplate<ref_count> addOrGetTerm(
80       NodeTemplate<ref_count> n,
81       const std::vector<NodeTemplate<ref_count>>& reps);
82   /**
83    * Returns false if a term is previously indexed by reps.
84    * Returns true if no term is previously indexed by reps,
85    *   and adds n to the trie, indexed by reps.
86    */
87   inline bool addTerm(NodeTemplate<ref_count> n,
88                       const std::vector<NodeTemplate<ref_count>>& reps);
89   /** Debug print this trie on Trace c with indentation depth. */
90   void debugPrint(const char* c, unsigned depth = 0) const;
91   /** Clear all data from this trie. */
clear()92   void clear() { d_data.clear(); }
93   /** Is this trie empty? */
empty()94   bool empty() const { return d_data.empty(); }
95 }; /* class NodeTemplateTrie */
97 template <bool ref_count>
addTerm(NodeTemplate<ref_count> n,const std::vector<NodeTemplate<ref_count>> & reps)98 bool NodeTemplateTrie<ref_count>::addTerm(
99     NodeTemplate<ref_count> n, const std::vector<NodeTemplate<ref_count>>& reps)
100 {
101   return addOrGetTerm(n, reps) == n;
102 }
104 /** Reference-counted version of the above data structure */
105 typedef NodeTemplateTrie<true> NodeTrie;
106 /** Non-reference-counted version of the above data structure */
107 typedef NodeTemplateTrie<false> TNodeTrie;
109 }  // namespace theory
110 }  // namespace CVC4
112 #endif /* __CVC4__EXPR__NODE_TRIE_H */