3* Copyright e107 Inc e107.org, Licensed under GNU GPL (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt)
5* Theme manager language file
8define("TPVLAN_1", "You are looking at a preview of the <b>{PREVIEWTHEMENAME}</b> theme. It has not been set as the main theme for your site, it has been activated to provide a preview of how the theme looks.<br />To set this theme as your site theme, <a href='{e_ADMIN}theme.php?choose'>return to your theme manager</a> and select 'Set As Site Theme'.<br />To preview more themes please <a href='{e_ADMIN}theme.php'>click here</a>");
9define("TPVLAN_2", "Theme Preview");
10define("TPVLAN_3", "Site theme changed.");
11//define("TPVLAN_4", "Author");//LAN_AUTHOR
12define("TPVLAN_5", "Website");
13define("TPVLAN_6", "Release date");
14define("TPVLAN_7", "Information");
15//define("TPVLAN_8", "Options");
16define("TPVLAN_9", "Preview Theme");
17define("TPVLAN_10", "Set as Site Theme");
18define("TPVLAN_11", "Version");
19define("TPVLAN_12", "No preview available");
21define("TPVLAN_13", "Upload theme (.zip or .tar.gz format)");
22define("TPVLAN_14", "Upload Theme");
23define("TPVLAN_15", "The file could not be uploaded as the ".e_THEME." folder does not have the correct permissions - please CHMOD to 777 and re-upload the file.");
24define("TPVLAN_16", "Admin Message");
25define("TPVLAN_17", "That file does not appear to be a valid .zip or .tar archive.");
26define("TPVLAN_18", "An error has occurred, unable to un-archive the file");
27define("TPVLAN_19", "Your theme has been uploaded and unzipped.");
28define("TPVLAN_20", "Auto theme upload and extraction is disabled as your themes folder does not have the correct permissions - please CHMOD your e107_themes folder to 777.");
30define("TPVLAN_21", "This is the currently selected site theme");
32define("TPVLAN_22", "Stylesheets");
33define("TPVLAN_23", "default stylesheet");
34define("TPVLAN_24", "no information");
35//define("TPVLAN_25", "To choose which stylesheet to use, please go to <a href='".e_ADMIN_ABS."theme.php'>Theme Manager</a> and click on 'Theme'.");
37define("TPVLAN_26", "Theme Manager");
38define("TPVLAN_27", "Please select stylesheet to use");
39define("TPVLAN_28", "on");
40define("TPVLAN_29", "off");
41define("TPVLAN_30", "Preload Theme Images:");
43define("TPVLAN_31", "This is the currently selected admin theme");
44define("TPVLAN_32", "Set As Admin Theme");
46define("TPVLAN_33", "Site Theme"); // shorter is better
47define("TPVLAN_34", "Admin Theme"); // shorter is better.
48define("TPVLAN_35", "Save options");
49define("TPVLAN_36", "Admin Message");
50define("TPVLAN_37", "Theme options saved");
51define("TPVLAN_38", "Upload Theme");
52define("TPVLAN_39", "Available Themes");
53define("TPVLAN_40", "Admin theme set to");
55define("TPVLAN_41", "Please select admin layout style to use");
56define("TPVLAN_42", "Save admin options");
57define("TPVLAN_43", "Admin options saved");
59define("TPVLAN_46", "PCLZIP extract error:");
60define("TPVLAN_47", "PCLTAR extract error: ");
61define("TPVLAN_48", "code:");
63define("TPVLAN_49", "Compliance");
64define("TPVLAN_50", "Layouts");
65define("TPVLAN_51", "Change Theme");
66define("TPVLAN_52", "Name");
67define("TPVLAN_53", "Suggested Plugins");
68define("TPVLAN_54", "Menu Presets");
69define("TPVLAN_55", "Default");
70define("TPVLAN_56", "Visibility Filter");
71define("TPVLAN_57", "Compatibility");
73define("TPVLAN_58", "This theme comes with pre-installed example content (such as pages and menus) which could be used on your website.");
74define("TPVLAN_59", "Please be aware that the example content will [b]overwrite[/b] your current content with the following");
75define("TPVLAN_60", "[x] record(s) in your [y] table");
76define("TPVLAN_61", "Would you like to [b]replace[/b] your current content with the default example content provided by the theme?");
77define("TPVLAN_62", "Find Themes");
78define("TPVLAN_63", "Convert");
80define("TPVLAN_64", "This Wizard will build a theme.xml meta file for your theme.");
81define("TPVLAN_65", "Before you start : ");
82define("TPVLAN_66", "Make sure your theme's directory is writable");
83define("TPVLAN_67", "Select your theme's folder to begin.");
84define("TPVLAN_68", "Select your theme's folder");
85define("TPVLAN_69", "Available for Download");
86define("TPVLAN_70", "Preview/Live-demo : ");
87define("TPVLAN_71", "Not Specified");
88define("TPVLAN_72", "Set pages which should automatically use this layout. One per line.");
89define("TPVLAN_73", "Activate Menus");
90define("TPVLAN_74", "Activates the following:");
91define("TPVLAN_75", "Price");
92define("TPVLAN_76", "Free");
93define("TPVLAN_77", "Recommended!");
94define("TPVLAN_78", "Requirements");
95define("TPVLAN_79", "cURL is currently required to use this feature. Contact your webhosting provider to enable cURL");
96define("TPVLAN_80", "No Themes found which match your search criteria");
98// convert
99define("TPVLAN_CONV_1", "Step 1");
100define("TPVLAN_CONV_2", "Step 2");
101define("TPVLAN_CONV_3", "The name of your theme. (Must be written in English)");
102define("TPVLAN_CONV_4", "If you have a language file, enter the LAN_XXX value for the theme's name");
103define("TPVLAN_CONV_5", "The version of your theme. Format: x.x");
104define("TPVLAN_CONV_6", "Creation date of your theme");
105define("TPVLAN_CONV_7", "Compatible with this version of e107");
106define("TPVLAN_CONV_8", "Author Name");
107define("TPVLAN_CONV_9", "Author Website Url");
108define("TPVLAN_CONV_10", "A short one-line description of the plugin. (!@#$%^&* characters not permitted)(Must be written in English)");
109define("TPVLAN_CONV_11", "Keyword/Tag for this theme (Must be written in English)");
110define("TPVLAN_CONV_12", "A full description of the theme (Must be written in English)");
111define("TPVLAN_CONV_13", "What category of theme is this?");
112define("TPVLAN_CONV_14", "Enable this stylesheet as a selectable option in the Theme Manager.");
113define("TPVLAN_CONV_15", "Give this stylesheet a name");
114define("TPVLAN_CONV_16", "URL to a live-demo of this theme.");
118define("TPVLAN_83","Automated download not possible!");
119define("TPVLAN_84","[Please Download Manually]");
121define("TPVLAN_86","Could not change site theme.");
122// define("TPVLAN_87","Rendering Theme Config"); //XXX Debug info
124define("TPVLAN_89", "Apply dashboard preferences to all administrators");
126define("TPVLAN_91", "Create a new theme based on");
127define("TPVLAN_92", "New Theme Folder");
129define("TPVLAN_93", "Selection");
130define("TPVLAN_94", "Site theme changed to [x].");
131define("TPVLAN_95", "Skin");
133define("TPVLAN_96", "Set URLs/script-paths which should automatically use this layout. One per line.");
135define("TPVLANHELP_01", "The theme manager allows you to set your site's public theme and your admin areas theme.");
136define("TPVLANHELP_02", "Look at the tooltips (when available) for more details.");
138define("TPVLANHELP_03", "By default, the visibility filter will change the theme's layout based on a partial URL match.");
139define("TPVLANHELP_04", "End lines with a [b]![/b] to exactly match against the end of URL.");
140define("TPVLANHELP_05", "End lines with a [b]$[/b] to exactly match against the end of script path.");
142define("TPVLAN_97", "This theme requires a newer version of e107.");