1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
2 unit UPython;
4 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
6 interface
8 uses
9   Classes, SysUtils, UProcessAuto;
11 const
12   DefaultPythonBin = {$IFDEF WINDOWS}'pyw'{$ELSE}'python3'{$ENDIF};
14 type
15   TReceiveLineEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; ALine: UTF8String) of object;
16   TCommandEvent = procedure(ASender: TObject; ACommand, AParam: UTF8String; out AResult: UTF8String) of object;
18   { TPythonScript }
20   TPythonScript = class
21   private
22     FOnBusy: TNotifyEvent;
23     FPythonBin: string;
24     FPythonVersion: string;
25     FLinePrefix: RawByteString;
26     FOnCommand: TCommandEvent;
27     FOnError: TReceiveLineEvent;
28     FOnOutputLine: TReceiveLineEvent;
29     FPythonSend: TSendLineMethod;
30     FErrorText: UTF8String;
31     FFirstOutput: boolean;
GetPythonVersionMajornull32     function GetPythonVersionMajor: integer;
33     procedure PythonError(ALine: RawByteString);
34     procedure PythonOutput(ALine: RawByteString);
35     procedure PythonBusy(var {%H-}ASleep: boolean);
36   public
37     constructor Create(APythonBin: string = DefaultPythonBin);
38     procedure Run(AScriptFilename: UTF8String; APythonVersion: integer = 3);
DefaultScriptDirectorynull39     class function DefaultScriptDirectory: string;
40     property OnOutputLine: TReceiveLineEvent read FOnOutputLine write FOnOutputLine;
41     property OnError: TReceiveLineEvent read FOnError write FOnError;
42     property OnCommand: TCommandEvent read FOnCommand write FOnCommand;
43     property OnBusy: TNotifyEvent read FOnBusy write FOnBusy;
44     property PythonVersion: string read FPythonVersion;
45     property PythonVersionMajor: integer read GetPythonVersionMajor;
46     property ErrorText: UTF8String read FErrorText;
47   end;
GetPythonVersionnull49 function GetPythonVersion(APythonBin: string = DefaultPythonBin): string;
GetScriptTitlenull50 function GetScriptTitle(AFilename: string): string;
52 var
53   CustomScriptDirectory: string;
55 implementation
57 uses process, UResourceStrings, Forms, UTranslation;
59 var
60   PythonVersionCache: record
61     Bin: string;
62     Version: string;
63   end;
GetPythonVersionnull65 function GetPythonVersion(APythonBin: string = DefaultPythonBin): string;
66 const PythonVersionPrefix = 'Python ';
67 var versionStr: string;
68 begin
69   if (PythonVersionCache.Bin <> APythonBin) or (PythonVersionCache.Version = '?') then
70   begin
71     RunCommand(APythonBin, ['-V'], versionStr, [poStderrToOutPut]);
72     PythonVersionCache.Bin := APythonBin;
73     if versionStr.StartsWith(PythonVersionPrefix) then
74       PythonVersionCache.Version := trim(copy(versionStr,length(PythonVersionPrefix)+1,
75              length(versionStr)-length(PythonVersionPrefix)))
76     else
77       PythonVersionCache.Version := '?';
78   end;
79   result := PythonVersionCache.Version;
80 end;
GetScriptTitlenull82 function GetScriptTitle(AFilename: string): string;
83 var t: textfile;
84   header: string;
85   matchLang: boolean;
87   procedure RetrieveTitle(AText: string; ADefault: boolean; var title: string; out ALangMatch: boolean);
88   var
89     posCloseBracket: SizeInt;
90     lang: String;
91   begin
92     If AText.StartsWith('#') then
93       Delete(AText, 1,1);
94     AText := AText.Trim;
95     ALangMatch := false;
96     if AText.StartsWith('(') then
97     begin
98       posCloseBracket := pos(')', AText);
99       if posCloseBracket > 0 then
100       begin
101         lang := copy(AText, 2, posCloseBracket-2);
102         delete(AText, 1, posCloseBracket);
103         AText := AText.Trim;
104         if lang = ActiveLanguage then
105           ALangMatch:= true;
106       end;
107     end else
108     begin
109       if not ADefault then exit;
110       if ActiveLanguage = DesignLanguage then ALangMatch:= true;
111     end;
112     if ALangMatch or ADefault then
113     begin
114       title := AText;
115       title := StringReplace(title, ' >', '>', [rfReplaceAll]);
116       title := StringReplace(title, '> ', '>', [rfReplaceAll]);
117     end;
118   end;
120 begin
121   result := '';
122   assignFile(t, AFilename);
123   reset(t);
124   try
125     readln(t, header);
126     if header.StartsWith('#') then
127     begin
128       RetrieveTitle(header, true, result, matchLang);
129       while not matchLang do
130       begin
131         readln(t, header);
132         if header.StartsWith('#') then
133         begin
134           RetrieveTitle(header, false, result, matchLang);
135         end else break;
136       end;
137     end;
138   finally
139     closefile(t);
140   end;
141 end;
143 { TPythonScript }
145 procedure TPythonScript.PythonOutput(ALine: RawByteString);
146 var
147   idxParam, cmdPos: SizeInt;
148   command, param, finalLine: RawByteString;
149   commandRes: UTF8String;
150   i, curDisplayPos, maxDisplayLen: Integer;
151   displayedLine: RawByteString;
152 begin
153   if FFirstOutput then
154   begin
155     if ALine <> 'LazPaint script'#9 then
156       raise exception.Create('This is not a LazPaint script')
157     else
158     begin
159       FFirstOutput:= false;
160       if Assigned(FPythonSend) then
161         FPythonSend(chr(27)+'LazPaint')
162       else
163         raise exception.Create('Send callback not defined');
164     end;
165   end;
167   cmdPos := pos(#27, ALine);
168   if (cmdPos > 0) then
169   begin
170     FLinePrefix += copy(ALine, 1, cmdPos-1);
171     delete(ALine, 1, cmdPos-1);
173     idxParam := Pos(#29, ALine);
174     param := '';
175     if idxParam = 0 then
176       command := copy(ALine,2,length(ALine)-1)
177     else
178     begin
179       command := copy(ALine,2,idxParam-2);
180       param := copy(ALine,idxParam+1,length(ALine)-(idxParam+1)+1);
181     end;
182     if command<>'' then
183     begin
184       if command[length(command)] = '?' then
185       begin
186         delete(command, length(command), 1);
187         if Assigned(FOnCommand) then
188           FOnCommand(self, command, param, commandRes)
189         else
190           commandRes := '';
191         if Assigned(FPythonSend) then
192           FPythonSend(commandRes);
193       end else
194       begin
195         if Assigned(FOnCommand) then
196           FOnCommand(self, command, param, commandRes);
197       end;
198     end;
200   end else
201   begin
202     if Assigned(FOnOutputLine) then
203     begin
204       finalLine := FLinePrefix+ALine;
205       setlength(displayedLine, 80);
206       curDisplayPos := 1;
207       maxDisplayLen := 0;
208       for i := 1 to length(finalLine) do
209       begin
210         if finalLine[i] = #13 then curDisplayPos := 1 else
211         if finalLine[i] = #8 then
212         begin
213           if curDisplayPos > 1 then dec(curDisplayPos);
214         end else
215         begin
216           if curDisplayPos > length(displayedLine) then
217             setlength(displayedLine, length(displayedLine)*2);
218           displayedLine[curDisplayPos] := finalLine[i];
219           if curDisplayPos > maxDisplayLen then
220             maxDisplayLen := curDisplayPos;
221           inc(curDisplayPos);
222         end;
223       end;
224       setlength(displayedLine, maxDisplayLen);
225       FOnOutputLine(self, displayedLine);
226     end;
227     FLinePrefix := '';
228   end;
229 end;
231 procedure TPythonScript.PythonBusy(var ASleep: boolean);
232 begin
233   if Assigned(FOnBusy) then FOnBusy(self);
234 end;
236 constructor TPythonScript.Create(APythonBin: string);
237 begin
238   FPythonBin := APythonBin;
239   FPythonVersion:= GetPythonVersion(FPythonBin);
240 end;
242 procedure TPythonScript.PythonError(ALine: RawByteString);
243 begin
244   if Assigned(FOnError) then
245     FOnError(self, ALine)
246   else
247     FErrorText += ALine+LineEnding;
248 end;
TPythonScript.GetPythonVersionMajornull250 function TPythonScript.GetPythonVersionMajor: integer;
251 var
252   posDot: SizeInt;
253   {%H-}errPos: integer;
254 begin
255   posDot := pos('.',PythonVersion);
256   if posDot = 0 then
257     result := 0
258   else
259     val(copy(PythonVersion,1,posDot-1), result, errPos);
260 end;
262 procedure TPythonScript.Run(AScriptFilename: UTF8String;
263   APythonVersion: integer);
264 begin
265   FLinePrefix := '';
266   if PythonVersionMajor <> APythonVersion then
267     raise exception.Create(
268       StringReplace( StringReplace(rsPythonUnexpectedVersion,
269         '%1',inttostr(APythonVersion),[]),
270         '%2',inttostr(PythonVersionMajor),[]) + #9 + rsDownload + #9 + 'https://www.python.org');
271   FFirstOutput:= true;
272   AutomationEnvironment.Values['PYTHONPATH'] := DefaultScriptDirectory;
273   try
274     RunProcessAutomation(FPythonBin, ['-u', AScriptFilename], FPythonSend, @PythonOutput, @PythonError, @PythonBusy);
275   finally
276     AutomationEnvironment.Clear;
277   end;
278   FPythonSend := nil;
279 end;
TPythonScript.DefaultScriptDirectorynull281 class function TPythonScript.DefaultScriptDirectory: string;
282 begin
283   if CustomScriptDirectory<>'' then
284     result := CustomScriptDirectory
285   else
286     result := GetResourcePath('scripts');
287 end;
289 end.