1 /***************************************************************************
2                           tqsllib.h  -  description
3                              -------------------
4     begin                : Mon May 20 2002
5     copyright            : (C) 2002 by ARRL
6     author               : Jon Bloom
7     email                : jbloom@arrl.org
8     revision             : $Id: tqsllib.h,v 1.14 2013/03/01 13:26:44 k1mu Exp $
9  ***************************************************************************/
11 #ifndef TQSLLIB_H
12 #define TQSLLIB_H
14 #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(TQSL_NODLL)
15 	#ifdef TQSLLIB_DEF
16 		#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
17 		#define DLLEXPORTDATA __declspec(dllexport)
18 		#define CALLCONVENTION __stdcall
19 	#else
20 		#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllimport)
21 		#define DLLEXPORTDATA __declspec(dllimport)
22 		#define CALLCONVENTION __stdcall
23 	#endif
24 #else
25 	#define DLLEXPORT	///< Symbol exports - Windows only
26 	#define DLLEXPORTDATA	///< Symbol exports - Windows only
27 	#define CALLCONVENTION	///< Symbol exports - Windows only
28 #endif
30 #include "adif.h"
31 #include "cabrillo.h"
33 /** \file
34   * tQSL library functions.
35   */
37 /* Sizes */
38 #define TQSL_MAX_PATH_LEN            256	///< Max length of a FS path
39 #define TQSL_PASSWORD_MAX            80		///< Max password length
40 #define TQSL_NAME_ELEMENT_MAX        256	///< Max Org name length
41 #define TQSL_CALLSIGN_MAX            13		///< Max callsign length
42 #define TQSL_CRQ_NAME_MAX            60		///< Max length of request name
43 #define TQSL_CRQ_ADDR_MAX            80		///< Max length of request addr
44 #define TQSL_CRQ_CITY_MAX            80		///< Max length of request city
45 #define TQSL_CRQ_STATE_MAX           80		///< Max length of request state
46 #define TQSL_CRQ_POSTAL_MAX          20		///< Max length of request zip
47 #define TQSL_CRQ_COUNTRY_MAX         80		///< Max length of req entity
48 #define TQSL_CRQ_EMAIL_MAX           180	///< Max length of req email
49 #define TQSL_BAND_MAX                6		///< Max length of a band name
50 #define TQSL_MODE_MAX                16		///< Max length of a mode name
51 #define TQSL_FREQ_MAX                20		///< Max length of a frequency
52 #define TQSL_SATNAME_MAX             20		///< Max length of a sat name
53 #define TQSL_PROPMODE_MAX            20		///< Max length of a prop mode
55 #define TQSL_CERT_CB_USER            0		///< Callback is for user cert
56 #define TQSL_CERT_CB_CA              1		///< Callback is for CA cert
57 #define TQSL_CERT_CB_ROOT            2		///< Callback is for root cert
58 #define TQSL_CERT_CB_PKEY            3		///< Callback is for private key
59 #define TQSL_CERT_CB_CONFIG          4		///< Callback for config file
60 #define TQSL_CERT_CB_CERT_TYPE(x)    ((x) & 0xf) ///< Type of the cert
61 #define TQSL_CERT_CB_MILESTONE       0		///< New certificate
62 #define TQSL_CERT_CB_RESULT          0x10	///< Cert import result
63 #define TQSL_CERT_CB_CALL_TYPE(x)    ((x) & TQSL_CERT_CB_RESULT) ///< Callback type
64 #define TQSL_CERT_CB_PROMPT          0		///< Callback prompt
65 #define TQSL_CERT_CB_DUPLICATE       0x100	///< Dupe cert callback
66 #define TQSL_CERT_CB_ERROR           0x200	///< Error import callback
67 #define TQSL_CERT_CB_LOADED          0x300	///< Cert loaded callback
68 #define TQSL_CERT_CB_RESULT_TYPE(x)  ((x) & 0x0f00) ///< Result type mask
70 typedef void * tQSL_Cert;		///< Opaque certificate type
71 typedef void * tQSL_Location;		///< Opaque location type
72 typedef char * tQSL_StationDataEnc;	///< Opaque station data type
74 /** Struct that holds y-m-d */
75 typedef struct {
76 	int year;	///< Numeric year
77 	int month;	///< Numeric month
78 	int day;	///< Numeric day
79 } tQSL_Date;
81 /** Struct that holds h-m-s */
82 typedef struct {
83 	int hour;	///< Time hour field
84 	int minute;	///< Time minute field
85 	int second;	///< Time seconds field
86 } tQSL_Time;
88 /** Certificate provider data */
89 typedef struct tqsl_provider_st {
90 	char organizationName[TQSL_NAME_ELEMENT_MAX+1];	///< Provider name
91 	char organizationalUnitName[TQSL_NAME_ELEMENT_MAX+1]; ///< Provider unit
92 	char emailAddress[TQSL_NAME_ELEMENT_MAX+1];	///< Provider e-mail
93 	char url[TQSL_NAME_ELEMENT_MAX+1];	///< Provider URL
96 /** Certificate request data */
97 typedef struct tqsl_cert_req_st {		///< Cert request data
98 	char providerName[TQSL_NAME_ELEMENT_MAX+1];	///< Provider name
99 	char providerUnit[TQSL_NAME_ELEMENT_MAX+1];	///< Provider unit
100 	char callSign[TQSL_CALLSIGN_MAX+1];	///< Callsign
101 	char name[TQSL_CRQ_NAME_MAX+1];		///< Name
102 	char address1[TQSL_CRQ_ADDR_MAX+1];	///< Address 1
103 	char address2[TQSL_CRQ_ADDR_MAX+1];	///< Address 2
104 	char city[TQSL_CRQ_CITY_MAX+1];		///< City
105 	char state[TQSL_CRQ_STATE_MAX+1];	///< State
106 	char postalCode[TQSL_CRQ_POSTAL_MAX+1];	///< Postal Code
107 	char country[TQSL_CRQ_COUNTRY_MAX+1];	///< Country
108 	char emailAddress[TQSL_CRQ_EMAIL_MAX+1];	///< e-mail
109 	int dxccEntity;				///< DXCC Entity code
110 	tQSL_Date qsoNotBefore;			///< QSOs not before date
111 	tQSL_Date qsoNotAfter;			///< QSOs not after date
112 	char password[TQSL_PASSWORD_MAX+1];	///< Password
113 	tQSL_Cert signer;			///< Signing cert
114 	char renew;				///< Rewewal reference
117 /** QSO data */
118 typedef struct {
119 	char callsign[TQSL_CALLSIGN_MAX+1];	///< QSO callsign
120 	char band[TQSL_BAND_MAX+1];		///< QSO band
121 	char mode[TQSL_MODE_MAX+1];		///< QSO mode
122 	char submode[TQSL_MODE_MAX+1];		///< QSO submode
123 	tQSL_Date date;				///< QSO date
124 	tQSL_Time time;				///< QSO time
125 	char freq[TQSL_FREQ_MAX+1];		///< QSO frequency
126 	char rxfreq[TQSL_FREQ_MAX+1];		///< QSO receive frequency
127 	char rxband[TQSL_BAND_MAX+1];		///< QSO RX band
128 	char propmode[TQSL_PROPMODE_MAX+1];	///< QSO prop mode
129 	char satname[TQSL_SATNAME_MAX+1];	///< QSO satellite name
130 	bool callsign_set;			///< QSO specifies a call worked
131 	bool mode_set;				///< QSO specifies a mode
132 	bool band_set;				///< QSO specifies a band or frequency
133 	bool date_set;				///< QSO specifies a date
134 	bool time_set;				///< QSO specifies a time
137 /// Base directory for tQSL library working files.
138 DLLEXPORTDATA extern const char *tQSL_BaseDir;
140 #ifdef __cplusplus
141 extern "C" {
142 #endif
144 /** \defgroup Util Utility API
145   */
146 /** @{ */
148 /// Error code from most recent tQSL library call.
149 /**
150   * The values for the error code are defined in tqslerrno.h */
151 DLLEXPORTDATA extern int tQSL_Error;
152 /// The ADIF error code
154 /// The ADIF error code
156 /// File name of file giving error. (May be empty.)
157 DLLEXPORTDATA extern char tQSL_ErrorFile[256];
158 /// Custom error message string
159 DLLEXPORTDATA extern char tQSL_CustomError[256];
160 /// System errno - stored when tQSL_Error == TQSL_SYSTEM_ERROR
161 DLLEXPORTDATA extern int tQSL_Errno;
162 /// Callsign used in import - used for missing public key error
163 DLLEXPORTDATA extern char tQSL_ImportCall[256];
164 /// Serial number of recent certificate import
165 DLLEXPORTDATA extern long tQSL_ImportSerial;
166 /// Diagnostic log file
167 DLLEXPORTDATA extern FILE* tQSL_DiagFile;
169 /** Initialize the tQSL library
170   *
171   * This function should be called prior to calling any other library functions.
172   */
175 /** Set the directory where the TQSL files are kept.
176   * May be called either before of after tqsl_init(), but should be called
177   * before calling any other functions in the library.
178   *
179   * Note that this is purely optional. The library will figure out an
180   * approriate directory if tqsl_setDirectory isn't called. Unless there is
181   * some particular need to set the directory explicitly, programs should
182   * refrain from doing so.
183   */
184 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_setDirectory(const char *dir);
186 /** Gets the error string for the current tQSL library error and resets the error status.
187   * See tqsl_getErrorString_v().
188   */
189 DLLEXPORT const char* CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getErrorString();
191 /** Gets the error string corresponding to the given error number.
192   * The error string is available only until the next call to
193   * tqsl_getErrorString_v or tqsl_getErrorString.
194   */
195 DLLEXPORT const char* CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getErrorString_v(int err);
197 /** Encode a block of data into Base64 text.
198   *
199   * \li \c data = block of data to encode
200   * \li \c datalen = length of \c data in bytes
201   * \li \c output = pointer to output buffer
202   * \li \c outputlen = size of output buffer in bytes
203   */
204 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_encodeBase64(const unsigned char *data, int datalen, char *output, int outputlen);
206 /** Decode Base64 text into binary data.
207   *
208   * \li \c input = NUL-terminated text string of Base64-encoded data
209   * \li \c data = pointer to output buffer
210   * \li \c datalen = pointer to int containing the size of the output buffer in bytes
211   *
212   * Places the number of resulting data bytes into \c *datalen.
213   */
214 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_decodeBase64(const char *input, unsigned char *data, int *datalen);
216 /** Initialize a tQSL_Date object from a date string.
217   *
218   * The date string must be YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMDD format.
219   *
220   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure
221   */
222 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_initDate(tQSL_Date *date, const char *str);
224 /** Initialize a tQSL_Time object from a time string.
225   *
226   * The time string must be HH[:]MM[[:]SS] format.
227   *
228   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure
229   */
230 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_initTime(tQSL_Time *time, const char *str);
232 /** Compare two tQSL_Date objects.
233   *
234   * Returns:
235   * - -1 if \c a < \c b
236   *
237   * - 0 if \c a == \c b
238   *
239   * - 1 if \c a > \c b
240   */
241 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_compareDates(const tQSL_Date *a, const tQSL_Date *b);
243 /** Calculate the number of days between two tQSL_Date objects.
244   *
245   * Returns a positive result if the first date is earlier, otherwise
246   * negative.
247   */
248 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_subtractDates(const tQSL_Date *a, const tQSL_Date *b, int *diff);
250 /** Converts a tQSL_Date object to a YYYY-MM-DD string.
251   *
252   * Returns a pointer to \c buf or NULL on error
253   */
254 DLLEXPORT char* CALLCONVENTION tqsl_convertDateToText(const tQSL_Date *date, char *buf, int bufsiz);
256 /** Test whether a tQSL_Date contains a valid date value
257   *
258   * Returns 1 if the date is valid
259   */
260 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_isDateValid(const tQSL_Date *d);
262 /** Test whether a tQSL_Date is empty (contains all zeroes)
263   *
264   * Returns 1 if the date is null
265   */
266 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_isDateNull(const tQSL_Date *d);
268 /** Test whether a tQSL_Time contains a valid time value
269   *
270   * Returns 1 if the time is valid
271   */
272 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_isTimeValid(const tQSL_Time *t);
274 /** Converts a tQSL_Time object to a HH:MM:SSZ string.
275   *
276   * Returns a pointer to \c buf or NULL on error
277   */
278 DLLEXPORT char* CALLCONVENTION tqsl_convertTimeToText(const tQSL_Time *time, char *buf, int bufsiz);
280 /** Returns the library version. \c major and/or \c minor may be NULL.
281   */
282 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getVersion(int *major, int *minor);
284 /** Returns the configuration-file version. \c major and/or \c minor may be NULL.
285   */
286 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getConfigVersion(int *major, int *minor);
288 /** @} */
291 /** \defgroup CertStuff Certificate Handling API
292   *
293   * Certificates are managed by manipulating \c tQSL_Cert objects. A \c tQSL_Cert
294   * contains:
295   *
296   * \li The identity of the organization that issued the certificate (the "issuer").
297   * \li The name and call sign of the amateur radio operator (ARO).
298   * \li The DXCC entity number for which this certificate is valid.
299   * \li The range of QSO dates for which this certificate can be used.
300   * \li The resources needed to digitally sign and verify QSO records.
301   *
302   * The certificate management process consists of:
303   *
304   * \li <B>Applying for a certificate.</b> Certificate requests are produced via the
305   *  tqsl_createCertRequest() function, which produces a certificate-request
306   * file to send to the issuer.
307   * \li <B>Importing the certificate</B> file received from the issuer into the local
308   * "certificate store," a directory managed by the tQSL library, via
309   * tqsl_importTQSLFile().
310   * \li <B>Selecting an appropriate certificate</B> to use to sign a QSO record via
311   * tqsl_selectCertificates().
312   */
314 /** @{ */
316 #define TQSL_SELECT_CERT_WITHKEYS 1	///< Private keys only (no cert)
317 #define TQSL_SELECT_CERT_EXPIRED 2	///< Include expired certs
318 #define TQSL_SELECT_CERT_SUPERCEDED 4	///< Include superseded certs
320 /** Get a list of certificates
321   *
322   * Selects a set of certificates from the user's certificate store
323   * based on optional selection criteria. The function produces a
324   * list of tQSL_Cert objects.
325   *
326   * \li \c certlist - Pointer to a variable that is set by the
327   * function to point to the list of tQSL_Cert objects.
328   * \li \c ncerts - Pointer to an int that is set to the number
329   * of objects in the \c certlist list.
330   * \li \c callsign - Optional call sign to match.
331   * \li \c date - Optional QSO date string in ISO format. Only certs
332   * that have a QSO date range that encompasses this date will be
333   * returned.
334   * \li \c issuer - Optional issuer (DN) string to match.
335   * \li \c flag - OR of \c TQSL_SELECT_CERT_EXPIRED (include expired
337   * (keys that don't have associated certs will be returned).
338   *
339   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
340   *
341   * Each of the tQSL_Cert objects in the list should be freed
342   * by calling tqsl_freeCertificate(). tqsl_freeCertificateList() is a better
343   * function to use for that as it also frees the allocated array that
344   * holds the certificate pointers.
345   *
346   */
347 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_selectCertificates(tQSL_Cert **certlist, int *ncerts,
348 	const char *callsign, int dxcc, const tQSL_Date *date, const TQSL_PROVIDER *issuer, int flag);
350 /** Get a list of authority certificates
351   *
352   * Selects a set of certificates from the root or authorities certificate stores
353   * The function produces a list of tQSL_Cert objects.
354   *
355   * Each of the tQSL_Cert objects in the list should be freed
356   * by calling tqsl_freeCertificate(). tqsl_freeCertificateList() is a better
357   * function to use for that as it also frees the allocated array that
358   * holds the certificate pointers.
359   *
360   */
361 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_selectCACertificates(tQSL_Cert **certlist, int *ncerts, const char *type);
363 /** Get a particulat certificate from the list returnded by
364   * tqsl_selectCertificates. This function exists principally
365   * to make it easier for VB programs to access the list of
366   * certificates.
367   *
368   * It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that 0 <= idx < ncerts
369   * (where ncerts is the value returned by tqsl_selectCertificates)
370   */
371 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getSelectedCertificate(tQSL_Cert *cert, const tQSL_Cert **certlist,
372 	int idx);
374 /** Find out if the "certificate" is expired
375   */
376 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_isCertificateExpired(tQSL_Cert cert, int *status);
378 /** Find out if the "certificate" is superceded
379   */
380 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_isCertificateSuperceded(tQSL_Cert cert, int *status);
382 /** Find out if the "certificate" is just a key pair.
383   */
384 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateKeyOnly(tQSL_Cert cert, int *keyonly);
386 /** Get the encoded certificate for inclusion in a GABBI file.
387   */
388 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateEncoded(tQSL_Cert cert, char *buf, int bufsiz);
390 /** Get the encoded private key for inclusion in a backup file.
391   */
392 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getKeyEncoded(tQSL_Cert cert, char *buf, int bufsiz);
394 /** Import a base64 encoded certificate and private key from a backup file.
395   */
396 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_importKeyPairEncoded(const char *callsign, const char *type, const char *keybuf, const char *certbuf);
398 /** Get the issuer's serial number of the certificate.
399   */
400 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateSerial(tQSL_Cert cert, long *serial);
402 /** Get the issuer's serial number of the certificate as a hexadecimal string.
403   * Needed for certs with long serial numbers (typically root certs).
404   */
405 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateSerialExt(tQSL_Cert cert, char *serial, int serialsiz);
407 /** Get the length of the issuer's serial number of the certificate as it will be
408   * returned by tqsl_getCertificateSerialExt.
409   */
410 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateSerialLength(tQSL_Cert cert);
412 /** Get the issuer (DN) string from a tQSL_Cert.
413   *
414   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
415   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
416   * \li \c buf - Buffer to hold the returned string.
417   * \li \c bufsiz - Size of \c buf.
418   *
419   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
420   */
421 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateIssuer(tQSL_Cert cert, char *buf, int bufsiz);
423 /** Get the issuer's organization name from a tQSL_Cert.
424   *
425   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
426   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
427   * \li \c buf - Buffer to hold the returned string.
428   * \li \c bufsiz - Size of \c buf.
429   *
430   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
431   */
432 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateIssuerOrganization(tQSL_Cert cert, char *buf, int bufsiz);
433 /** Get the issuer's organizational unit name from a tQSL_Cert.
434   *
435   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
436   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
437   * \li \c buf - Buffer to hold the returned string.
438   * \li \c bufsiz - Size of \c buf.
439   *
440   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
441   */
442 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateIssuerOrganizationalUnit(tQSL_Cert cert, char *buf, int bufsiz);
443 /** Get the ARO call sign string from a tQSL_Cert.
444   *
445   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
446   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
447   * \li \c buf - Buffer to hold the returned string.
448   * \li \c bufsiz - Size of \c buf.
449   *
450   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
451   */
452 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateCallSign(tQSL_Cert cert, char *buf, int bufsiz);
453 /** Get the ARO name string from a tQSL_Cert.
454   *
455   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
456   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
457   * \li \c buf - Buffer to hold the returned string.
458   * \li \c bufsiz - Size of \c buf.
459   *
460   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
461   */
462 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateAROName(tQSL_Cert cert, char *buf, int bufsiz);
464 /** Get the email address from a tQSL_Cert.
465   *
466   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
467   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
468   * \li \c buf - Buffer to hold the returned string.
469   * \li \c bufsiz - Size of \c buf.
470   *
471   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
472   */
473 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateEmailAddress(tQSL_Cert cert, char *buf, int bufsiz);
475 /** Get the QSO not-before date from a tQSL_Cert.
476   *
477   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
478   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
479   * \li \c date - Pointer to a tQSL_Date struct to hold the returned date.
480   *
481   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
482   */
483 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateQSONotBeforeDate(tQSL_Cert cert, tQSL_Date *date);
485 /** Get the QSO not-after date from a tQSL_Cert.
486   *
487   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
488   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
489   * \li \c date - Pointer to a tQSL_Date struct to hold the returned date.
490   *
491   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
492   */
493 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateQSONotAfterDate(tQSL_Cert cert, tQSL_Date *date);
495 /** Get the certificate's not-before date from a tQSL_Cert.
496   *
497   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
498   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
499   * \li \c date - Pointer to a tQSL_Date struct to hold the returned date.
500   *
501   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
502   */
503 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateNotBeforeDate(tQSL_Cert cert, tQSL_Date *date);
505 /** Get the certificate's not-after date from a tQSL_Cert.
506   *
507   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
508   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
509   * \li \c date - Pointer to a tQSL_Date struct to hold the returned date.
510   *
511   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
512   */
513 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateNotAfterDate(tQSL_Cert cert, tQSL_Date *date);
515 /** Get the DXCC entity number from a tQSL_Cert.
516   *
517   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
518   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
519   * \li \c dxcc - Pointer to an int to hold the returned date.
520   *
521   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
522   */
523 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateDXCCEntity(tQSL_Cert cert, int *dxcc);
525 /** Get the first address line from the certificate request used in applying
526   * for a tQSL_Cert certificate.
527   *
528   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
529   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
530   * \li \c buf - Buffer to hold the returned string.
531   * \li \c bufsiz - Size of \c buf.
532   *
533   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
534   */
535 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateRequestAddress1(tQSL_Cert cert, char *str, int bufsiz);
537 /** Get the second address line from the certificate request used in applying
538   * for a tQSL_Cert certificate.
539   *
540   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
541   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
542   * \li \c buf - Buffer to hold the returned string.
543   * \li \c bufsiz - Size of \c buf.
544   *
545   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
546   */
547 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateRequestAddress2(tQSL_Cert cert, char *str, int bufsiz);
549 /** Get the city from the certificate request used in applying
550   * for a tQSL_Cert certificate.
551   *
552   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
553   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
554   * \li \c buf - Buffer to hold the returned string.
555   * \li \c bufsiz - Size of \c buf.
556   *
557   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
558   */
559 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateRequestCity(tQSL_Cert cert, char *str, int bufsiz);
561 /** Get the state from the certificate request used in applying
562   * for a tQSL_Cert certificate.
563   *
564   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
565   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
566   * \li \c buf - Buffer to hold the returned string.
567   * \li \c bufsiz - Size of \c buf.
568   *
569   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
570   */
571 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateRequestState(tQSL_Cert cert, char *str, int bufsiz);
573 /** Get the postal (ZIP) code from the certificate request used in applying
574   * for a tQSL_Cert certificate.
575   *
576   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
577   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
578   * \li \c buf - Buffer to hold the returned string.
579   * \li \c bufsiz - Size of \c buf.
580   *
581   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
582   */
583 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateRequestPostalCode(tQSL_Cert cert, char *str, int bufsiz);
585 /** Get the country from the certificate request used in applying
586   * for a tQSL_Cert certificate.
587   *
588   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
589   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
590   * \li \c buf - Buffer to hold the returned string.
591   * \li \c bufsiz - Size of \c buf.
592   *
593   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
594   */
595 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateRequestCountry(tQSL_Cert cert, char *str, int bufsiz);
597 #define TQSL_PK_TYPE_ERR	0	///< Error retrieving private key
598 #define TQSL_PK_TYPE_NONE	1	///< No private key
599 #define TQSL_PK_TYPE_UNENC	2	///< Private key is not encrypted
600 #define TQSL_PK_TYPE_ENC	3	///< Private key is encrypted
602 /** Determine the nature of the private key associated with a
603   * certificate.
604   *
605   * \li \c cert - a tQSL_Cert object, normally one returned from
606   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
607   *
608   * Returns one of the following values:
609   *
610   * \li \c TQSL_PK_TYPE_ERR - An error occurred. Use tqsl_getErrorString() to examine.
611   * \li \c TQSL_PK_TYPE_NONE - No matching private key was found.
612   * \li \c TQSL_PK_TYPE_UNENC - The matching private key is unencrypted.
613   * \li \c TQSL_PK_TYPE_ENC - The matching private key is encrypted
614   * (password protected).
615   */
616 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificatePrivateKeyType(tQSL_Cert cert);
619 /** Free the memory used by the tQSL_Cert. Once this function is called,
620   * \c cert should not be used again in any way.
621   */
622 DLLEXPORT void CALLCONVENTION tqsl_freeCertificate(tQSL_Cert cert);
624 /** Free the memory used by a certificate list. The allocated list
625  * of tQSL_Certs are freed and the pointer array is freed.
626  * Once this function is called, the \c list or the \c cert
627  * should not be used again in any way.
628  */
629 DLLEXPORT void CALLCONVENTION tqsl_freeCertificateList(tQSL_Cert* list, int ncerts);
631 #define TQSL_CERT_STATUS_UNK	0	///< Status is unknown
632 #define TQSL_CERT_STATUS_SUP	1	///< Certificate is superceded
633 #define TQSL_CERT_STATUS_EXP	2	///< Certificate is expired
634 #define TQSL_CERT_STATUS_OK	3	///< Certificate is valid
635 #define TQSL_CERT_STATUS_INV	4	///< Invalid serial number
637 /** Determine the status of a callsign certificate
638   * \li \c serial - the serial number of the certificate
639   * tqsl_selectCertificates()
640   * \li \c status - an integer to receive the certificate status
641   *
642   * Returns one of the following values:
643   *
644   * \li \c TQSL_CERT_STATUS_UNK - An error occurred and the status is unknown
645   * \li \c TQSL_CERT_STATUS_SUP - The certificate has been superceded
646   * \li \c TQSL_CERT_STATUS_EXP - The certificate has expired
647   * \li \c TQSL_CERT_STATUS_OK  - The certificate is valid
648   * \li \c TQSL_CERT_STATUS_INV	- The serial number supplied is invalid
649   *
650  */
651 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCertificateStatus(long serial);
653 /** Store the status of a callsign certificate
654   * \li \c serial - serial number of the certificate
655   * \li \c status - the status value to store.
656  */
657 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_setCertificateStatus(long serial, const char *status);
659 /* int tqsl_checkCertificate(tQSL_Cert); */
661 /** Import a Gabbi cert file received from a CA
662   *
663   * The callback, \c cb, will be called whenever a certificate is ready
664   * to be imported:
665   *
666   *    cb(type, message);
667   *
668   * \c type has several fields that can be accessed via macros:
669   *
671   *
673   *
675   *
676   *  \c TQSL_CERT_CB_RESULT_TYPE() is meaningful only if \c TQSL_CERT_CB_CALL_TYPE() == \c TQSL_CERT_CB_RESULT
677   */
678 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_importTQSLFile(const char *file, int(*cb)(int type, const char *message, void *userdata), void *user);
680 /** Get the serial for the first user cert from a .tq6 file
681   * used to support asking the user to save their cert after import
682   * \li \c file is the path to the file
683   * \li \c serial is where the serial number is returned
684   *
685   * Returns 0 on success, nonzero on failure.
686   *
687   */
688 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getSerialFromTQSLFile(const char *file, long *serial);
690 /** Get the number of certificate providers known to tqsllib.
691   */
692 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getNumProviders(int *n);
694 /** Get the information for a certificate provider.
695   *
696   * \li \c idx is the index, 0 <= idx < tqsl_getNumProviders()
697   */
698 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getProvider(int idx, TQSL_PROVIDER *provider);
700 /** Create a certificate-request Gabbi file.
701   *
702   * The \c req parameter must be properly populated with the required fields.
703   *
704   * If \c req->password is NULL and \c cb is not NULL, the callback will be
705   * called to acquire the password. Otherwise \c req->password will be used as
706   * the password.  If the password is NULL or an empty string the generated
707   * private key will be stored unencrypted.
708   *
709   * If req->signer is not zero and the signing certificate requires a password,
710   * the password may be in req->signer_password, else signer_pwcb is called.
711   */
712 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_createCertRequest(const char *filename, TQSL_CERT_REQ *req,
713 	int(*pwcb)(char *pwbuf, int pwsize, void *userdata), void *user);
715 /** Save a key pair and certificates to a file in PKCS12 format.
716   *
717   * The tQSL_Cert must be initialized for signing (see tqsl_beginSigning())
718   * if the user certificate is being exported.
719   *
720   * The supplied \c p12password is used to encrypt the PKCS12 data.
721   */
722 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_exportPKCS12File(tQSL_Cert cert, const char *filename, const char *p12password);
724 /** Save a key pair and certificates to a Base64 string in PKCS12 format.
725   *
726   * The tQSL_Cert must be initialized for signing (see tqsl_beginSigning())
727   * if the user certificate is being exported.
728   *
729   * The supplied \c p12password is used to encrypt the PKCS12 data.
730   */
732 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_exportPKCS12Base64(tQSL_Cert cert,  char *base64, int b64len, const char *p12password);
734 /** Load certificates and a private key from a PKCS12 file.
735   */
736 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_importPKCS12File(const char *filename, const char *p12password, const char *password,
737 	int (*pwcb)(char *buf, int bufsiz, void *userdata), int(*cb)(int type , const char *message, void *userdata), void *user);
739 /** Load certificates and a private key from a Base64 encoded PKCS12 string.
740   */
741 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_importPKCS12Base64(const char *base64, const char *p12password, const char *password,
742 	int (*pwcb)(char *buf, int bufsiz, void *userdata), int(*cb)(int type , const char *message, void *userdata), void *user);
744 /** Get the list of restorable station locations. */
745 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getDeletedCallsignCertificates(char ***calls, int *ncall, const char *filter);
747 /** Free the list of restorable Callsign Certificates. */
748 DLLEXPORT void CALLCONVENTION tqsl_freeDeletedCertificateList(char **list, int nloc);
750 /** Restore a deleted callsign certificate by callsign. */
751 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_restoreCallsignCertificate(const char *callsign);
753 /** Delete a certificate and private key
754   */
755 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_deleteCertificate(tQSL_Cert cert);
757 /** @} */
759 /** \defgroup Sign Signing API
760   *
761   * The Signing API uses a tQSL_Cert (see \ref CertStuff) to digitally
762   * sign a block of data.
763   */
764 /** @{ */
766 /** Initialize the tQSL_Cert object for use in signing.
767   *
768   * This produces an unencrypted copy of the private key in memory.
769   *
770   * if \c password is not NULL, it must point to the password to use to decrypt
771   * the private key. If \c password is NULL and \c pwcb is not NULL, \c pwcb
772   * is called to get the password. If the private key is encrypted and both
773   * \c password and \c pwcb are NULL, or if the supplied password fails to
774   * decrypt the key, a TQSL_PASSWORD_ERROR error is returned.
775   *
776   * \c pwcb parameters: \c pwbuf is a pointer to a buffer of \c pwsize chars.
777   * The buffer should be NUL-terminated.
778   */
779 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_beginSigning(tQSL_Cert cert, char *password,  int(*pwcb)(char *pwbuf, int pwsize, void *userdata), void *user);
781 /** Test whether the tQSL_Cert object is initialized for signing.
782   *
783   * Returns 0 if initialized. Sets tQSL_Error to TQSL_SIGNINIT_ERROR if not.
784   */
785 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_checkSigningStatus(tQSL_Cert cert);
787 /** Get the maximum size of a signature block that will be produced
788   * when the tQSL_Cert is used to sign data. (Note that the size of the
789   * signature block is unaffected by the size of the data block being signed.)
790   */
791 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getMaxSignatureSize(tQSL_Cert cert, int *sigsize);
793 /** Sign a data block.
794   *
795   * tqsl_beginSigning() must have been called for
796   * the tQSL_Cert object before calling this function.
797   */
798 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_signDataBlock(tQSL_Cert cert, const unsigned char *data, int datalen, unsigned char *sig, int *siglen);
800 /** Verify a signed data block.
801   *
802   * tqsl_beginSigning() need \em not have been called.
803   */
804 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_verifyDataBlock(tQSL_Cert cert, const unsigned char *data, int datalen, unsigned char *sig, int siglen);
806 /** Sign a single QSO record
807   *
808   * tqsl_beginSigning() must have been called for
809   * the tQSL_Cert object before calling this function.
810   *
811   * \c loc must be a valid tQSL_Location object. See \ref Data.
812   */
813 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_signQSORecord(tQSL_Cert cert, tQSL_Location loc, TQSL_QSO_RECORD *rec, unsigned char *sig, int *siglen);
815 /** Terminate signing operations for this tQSL_Cert object.
816   *
817   * This zero-fills the unencrypted private key in memory.
818   */
819 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_endSigning(tQSL_Cert cert);
821 /** @} */
823 /** \defgroup Data Data API
824   *
825   * The Data API is used to form data into TrustedQSL records. A TrustedQSL record
826   * consists of a station record and a QSO record. Together, the two records
827   * fully describe one station's end of the QSO -- just as a paper QSL card does.
828   *
829   * The station record contains the callsign and geographic location of the
830   * station submitting the QSO record. The library manages the station records.
831   * The tqsl_xxxStationLocationCapture functions are used to generate and save
832   * a station record. The intent is to provide an interface that makes a step-by-step
833   * system (such as a GUI "wizard") easily implemented.
834   *
835   * The tqsl_getStationLocation() function is used to retrieve station records.
836   *
837   * With the necessary station location available, a signed GABBI output file can
838   * be generated using the tqsl_getGABBIxxxxx functions:
839   *
840   * \li tqsl_getGABBItCERT() - Returns a GABBI tCERT record for the given tQSL_Cert
841   * \li tqsl_getGABBItSTATION() - Returns a GABBI tSTATION record for the given
842   *    tQSL_Location
843   * \li tqsl_getGABBItCONTACT() - Returns a GABBI tCONTACT record for the given
844   *    TQSL_QSO_RECORD, using the given tQSL_Cert and tQSL_Location.
845   * \li tqsl_getGABBItCONTACTData() - Returns a GABBI tCONTACT record and the
846   * SIGNDATA for the given TQSL_QSO_RECORD, using the given tQSL_Cert and
847   * tQSL_Location.
848   *
849   * The GABBI format requires that the tCERT record contain an integer identifier
850   * that is unique within the GABBI file. Similarly, each tSTATION record must
851   * contain a unique identifier. Aditionally, the tSTATION record must reference
852   * the identifier of a preceding tCERT record. Finally, each tCONTACT record must
853   * reference a preceding tSTATION record. (A GABBI processor uses these identifiers
854   * and references to tie the station and contact records together and to verify
855   * their signature via the certificate.) It is the responsibility of the caller
856   * to supply these identifiers and to ensure that the supplied references match
857   * the tQSL_Cert and tQSL_Location used to create the referenced GABBI records.
858   *
859   * Station Location Generation
860   *
861   * The station-location generation process involves determining the values
862   * for a number of station-location parameters. Normally this
863   * will be done by prompting the user for the values. The responses given
864   * by the user may determine which later fields are required. For example,
865   * if the user indicates that the DXCC entity is UNITED STATES, a later
866   * field would ask for the US state. This field would not be required if the
867   * DXCC entity were not in the US.
868   *
869   * To accommodate the dynamic nature of the field requirements, the fields
870   * are ordered such that dependent fields are queried after the field(s)
871   * on which they depend. To make this process acceptable in a GUI
872   * system, the fields are grouped into pages, where multiple fields may
873   * be displayed on the same page. The grouping is such that which fields
874   * are within the page is not dependent on any of the values of the
875   * fields within the page. That is, a page of fields contains the same
876   * fields no matter what value any of the fields contains. (However,
877   * the \em values of fields within the page can depend on the values
878   * of fields that precede them in the page.)
879   *
880   * Here is a brief overview of the sequence of events involved in
881   * generating a station location interactively, one field at a time:
882   *
883   * 1) Call tqsl_initStationLocationCapture() (new location) or tqsl_getStationLocation()
884   * (existing location).
885   *
886   * 2) For \c field from 0 to tqsl_getNumLocationField():
887   * \li Display the field label [tqsl_getLocationFieldDataLabel()]
888   * \li Get the field content from the user. This can be a selection
889   * from a list, an entered integer or an entered character string,
890   * depending on the value returned by tqsl_getLocationFieldInputType().
891   *
892   * 3) If tqsl_hasNextStationLocationCapture() returns 1, call
893   * tqsl_nextStationLocationCapture() and go back to step 2.
894   *
895   * In the case of a GUI system, you'll probably want to display the
896   * fields in pages. The sequence of events is a bit different:
897   *
898   * 1) Call tqsl_initStationLocationCapture() (new location) or tqsl_getStationLocation()
899   * (existing location).
900   *
901   * 2) For \c field from 0 to tqsl_getNumLocationField(),
902   * \li Display the field label [tqsl_getLocationFieldDataLabel()]
903   * \li Display the field-input control This can be a list-selection
904   * or an entered character string or integer, depending on the value
905   * returned by tqsl_getLocationFieldInputType().
906   *
907   * 3) Each time the user changes a field, call tqsl_updateStationLocationCapture().
908   * This may change the allowable selection for fields that follow the field
909   * the user changed, so the control for each of those fields should be updated
910   * as in step 2.
911   *
912   * 4) Once the user has completed entries for the page, if
913   * tqsl_hasNextStationLocationCapture() returns 1, call
914   * tqsl_nextStationLocationCapture() and go back to step 2.
915   *
916   * N.B. The first two fields in the station-location capture process are
917   * always call sign and DXCC entity, in that order. As a practical matter, these
918   * two fields must match the corresponding fields in the available certificates.
919   * The library will therefore constrain the values of these fields to match
920   * what's available in the certificate store. See \ref CertStuff.
921   */
923 /** @{ */
925 /* Location field input types */
927 #define TQSL_LOCATION_FIELD_TEXT	1	///< Text type input field
928 #define TQSL_LOCATION_FIELD_DDLIST	2	///< Dropdown list input field
929 #define TQSL_LOCATION_FIELD_LIST	3	///< List type input field
930 #define TQSL_LOCATION_FIELD_BADZONE	4	///< Used to return zone selection errors
932 /* Location field data types */
933 #define TQSL_LOCATION_FIELD_CHAR 1	///< Character field
934 #define TQSL_LOCATION_FIELD_INT 2	///< Integer field
936 /** Begin the process of generating a station record */
937 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_initStationLocationCapture(tQSL_Location *locp);
939 /** Release the station-location resources. This should be called for
940   * any tQSL_Location that was initialized via tqsl_initStationLocationCapture()
941   * or tqsl_getStationLocation()
942   */
943 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_endStationLocationCapture(tQSL_Location *locp);
945 /** Update the pages based on the currently selected settings. */
946 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_updateStationLocationCapture(tQSL_Location loc);
948 /** Return the number of station location capture pages. */
950 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getNumStationLocationCapturePages(tQSL_Location loc, int *npages);
952 /** Get the current page number */
953 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getStationLocationCapturePage(tQSL_Location loc, int *page);
955 /** Set the current page number.
956   * Typically, the page number will be 1 (the starting page) or a value
957   * obtained from tqsl_getStationLocationCapturePage().
958   */
959 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_setStationLocationCapturePage(tQSL_Location loc, int page);
961 /** Set the certificate flags used in a location page.
962   * This is used to enable expired certs (or disable).
963   */
964 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_setStationLocationCertFlags(tQSL_Location loc, int flags);
966 /** Advance the page to the next one in the page sequence */
967 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_nextStationLocationCapture(tQSL_Location loc);
969 /** Return the page to the previous one in the page sequence. */
970 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_prevStationLocationCapture(tQSL_Location loc);
972 /** Returns 1 (in rval) if there is a next page */
973 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_hasNextStationLocationCapture(tQSL_Location loc, int *rval);
975 /** Returns 1 (in rval) if there is a previous page */
976 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_hasPrevStationLocationCapture(tQSL_Location loc, int *rval);
978 /** Save the station location data. Note that the name must have been
979   * set via tqsl_setStationLocationCaptureName if this is a new
980   * station location. If the \c overwrite parameter is zero and a
981   * station location of that name is already in existance, an error
982   * occurs with tQSL_Error set to TQSL_NAME_EXISTS.
983   */
984 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_saveStationLocationCapture(tQSL_Location loc, int overwrite);
986 /** Get the name of the station location */
987 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getStationLocationCaptureName(tQSL_Location loc, char *namebuf, int bufsiz);
989 /** Set the name of the station location */
990 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_setStationLocationCaptureName(tQSL_Location loc, const char *name);
992 /** Get the number of saved station locations */
993 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getNumStationLocations(tQSL_Location loc, int *nloc);
995 /** Get the name of the specified (by \c idx) saved station location */
996 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getStationLocationName(tQSL_Location loc, int idx, char *buf, int bufsiz);
998 /** Get the call sign from the station location */
999 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getStationLocationCallSign(tQSL_Location loc, int idx, char *buf, int bufsiz);
1001 /** Get a named field from the station location */
1002 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getStationLocationField(tQSL_Location locp, const char *name, char *namebuf, int bufsize);
1004 /** Retrieve a saved station location.
1005   * Once finished wih the station location, tqsl_endStationLocationCapture()
1006   * should be called to release resources.
1007   */
1008 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getStationLocation(tQSL_Location *loc, const char *name);
1010 /** Get any errors returned from parsing the selected station location.
1011   * This should be called after tqsl_getStationLocation to determine if
1012   * any of the existing fields failed validation. Currently only zone
1013   * data is validated here, but future validations for things like
1014   * properly formatted grid squares is likely.
1015   */
1016 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getStationLocationErrors(tQSL_Location loc, char *buf, int bufsiz);
1018 /** Return the contents of the station data file as a byte stream.
1019   * The caller is required to tqsl_freeStationDataEnc() this pointer when done with it.
1020   */
1021 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getStationDataEnc(tQSL_StationDataEnc *sdata);
1023 /** Free the pointer returned by tqsl_getStationDataEnc(tQSL_StationDataEnc*)
1024   */
1025 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_freeStationDataEnc(tQSL_StationDataEnc sdata);
1027 /** Merge saved location data with existing */
1028 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_mergeStationLocations(const char *locdata);
1030 /** Remove the stored station location by name. */
1031 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_deleteStationLocation(const char *name);
1033 /** Restore the deleted station location by name. */
1034 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_restoreStationLocation(const char *name);
1036 /** Get the list of restorable station locations. */
1037 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getDeletedStationLocations(char ***locp, int *nloc);
1039 /** Free the list of restorable station locations. */
1040 DLLEXPORT void CALLCONVENTION tqsl_freeDeletedLocationList(char **list, int nloc);
1042 /** Get the number of fields on the current station location page */
1043 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getNumLocationField(tQSL_Location loc, int *numf);
1045 /** Get the number of characters in the label for the specified field */
1046 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldDataLabelSize(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, int *rval);
1048 /** Get the label for the specified field */
1049 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldDataLabel(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, char *buf, int bufsiz);
1051 /** Get the size of the GABBI name of the specified field */
1052 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldDataGABBISize(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, int *rval);
1054 /** Get the GABBI name of the specified field */
1055 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldDataGABBI(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, char *buf, int bufsiz);
1057 /** Get the input type of the input field.
1058   *
1061   */
1062 /** Get the number of fields on the current station location page */
1063 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getNumLocationField(tQSL_Location loc, int *numf);
1065 /** Get the number of characters in the label for the specified field */
1066 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldDataLabelSize(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, int *rval);
1068 /** Get the label for the specified field */
1069 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldDataLabel(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, char *buf, int bufsiz);
1071 /** Get the size of the GABBI name of the specified field */
1072 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldDataGABBISize(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, int *rval);
1074 /** Get the GABBI name of the specified field */
1075 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldDataGABBI(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, char *buf, int bufsiz);
1077 /** Get the input type of the input field.
1078   *
1081   */
1082 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldInputType(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, int *type);
1084 /** Get the data type of the input field.
1085   *
1086   * \c type will be either TQSL_LOCATION_FIELD_CHAR or TQSL_LOCATION_FIELD_INT
1087   */
1088 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldDataType(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, int *type);
1090 /** Get the flags for the input field.
1091   *
1092   * \c flags  will be either
1093   * TQSL_LOCATION_FIELD_UPPER		Field is to be uppercased on input
1094   * TQSL_LOCATION_FIELD_MUSTSEL		Value must be selected
1095   * TQSL_LOCATION_FIELD_SELNXT		Value must be selected to allow Next/Finish
1096   *
1097   */
1098 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldFlags(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, int *flags);
1100 /** Get the length of the input field data. */
1101 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldDataLength(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, int *rval);
1103 /** Get the character data from the specified field.
1104   *
1105   * If the field input type (see tqsl_getLocationFieldInputType()) is
1107   * return the text of the selected item.
1108   */
1109 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldCharData(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, char *buf, int bufsiz);
1111 /** Get the integer data from the specified field.
1112   *
1113   * This is only meaningful if the field data type (see tqsl_getLocationFieldDataType())
1115   */
1116 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldIntData(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, int *dat);
1118 /** If the field input type (see tqsl_getLocationFieldInputType()) is
1120   * index of the selected list item.
1121   */
1122 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldIndex(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, int *dat);
1124 /** Get the number of items in the specified field's pick list. */
1125 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getNumLocationFieldListItems(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, int *rval);
1127 /** Get the text of a specified item of a specified field */
1128 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldListItem(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, int item_idx, char *buf, int bufsiz);
1130 /** Set the text data of a specified field. */
1131 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_setLocationFieldCharData(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, const char *buf);
1133 /** Set the integer data of a specified field.
1134   */
1135 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_setLocationFieldIntData(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, int dat);
1137 /** If the field input type (see tqsl_getLocationFieldInputType()) is
1139   * index of the selected list item.
1140   */
1141 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_setLocationFieldIndex(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, int dat);
1143 /** Get the \e changed status of a field. The changed flag is set to 1 if the
1144   * field's pick list was changed during the last call to tqsl_updateStationLocationCapture
1145   * or zero if the list was not changed.
1146   */
1147 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationFieldChanged(tQSL_Location loc, int field_num, int *changed);
1149 /** Get the call sign from the station location. */
1150 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationCallSign(tQSL_Location loc, char *buf, int bufsiz);
1152 /** Set the call sign for the station location. */
1153 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_setLocationCallSign(tQSL_Location loc, const char *buf);
1155 /** Get the DXCC entity from the station location. */
1156 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationDXCCEntity(tQSL_Location loc, int *dxcc);
1158 /** Get the QSO details in canonical form. */
1159 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationQSODetails(tQSL_Location locp, char *buf, int buflen);
1161 /** Get the station location details in canonical form. */
1162 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getLocationStationDetails(tQSL_Location locp, char *buf, int buflen);
1164 /** Save the json results for a given callsign location Detail. */
1165 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_saveCallsignLocationInfo(const char *callsign, const char *json);
1167 /** Retrieve the json results for a given callsign location Detail. */
1168 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCallsignLocationInfo(const char *callsign, char **buf);
1170 /** Get the number of DXCC entities in the master DXCC list.
1171   */
1172 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getNumDXCCEntity(int *number);
1174 /** Get a DXCC entity from the list of DXCC entities by its index.
1175   */
1176 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getDXCCEntity(int index, int *number, const char **name);
1178 /** Get the name of a DXCC Entity by its DXCC number.
1179   */
1180 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getDXCCEntityName(int number, const char **name);
1182 /** Get the zonemap  of a DXCC Entity by its DXCC number.
1183   */
1184 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getDXCCZoneMap(int number, const char **zonemap);
1186 /** Get the start date  of a DXCC Entity by its DXCC number.
1187   */
1188 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getDXCCStartDate(int number, tQSL_Date *d);
1190 /** Get the end date  of a DXCC Entity by its DXCC number.
1191   */
1192 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getDXCCEndDate(int number, tQSL_Date *d);
1194 /** Get the number of Band entries in the Band list */
1195 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getNumBand(int *number);
1197 /** Get a band by its index.
1198   *
1199   * \c name - The GAABI name of the band.
1200   * \c spectrum - HF | VHF | UHF
1201   * \c low - The low end of the band in kHz (HF) or MHz (VHF/UHF)
1202   * \c high - The low high of the band in kHz (HF) or MHz (VHF/UHF)
1203   *
1204   * Note: \c spectrum, \c low and/or \c high may be NULL.
1205   */
1206 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getBand(int index, const char **name, const char **spectrum, int *low, int *high);
1208 /** Get the number of Mode entries in the Mode list */
1209 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getNumMode(int *number);
1211 /** Get a mode by its index.
1212   *
1213   * \c mode - The GAABI mode name
1214   * \c group - CW | PHONE | IMAGE | DATA
1215   *
1216   * Note: \c group may be NULL.
1217   */
1218 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getMode(int index, const char **mode, const char **group);
1220 /** Get the number of Propagation Mode entries in the Propagation Mode list */
1221 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getNumPropagationMode(int *number);
1223 /** Get a propagation mode by its index.
1224   *
1225   * \c name - The GAABI propagation mode name
1226   * \c descrip - Text description of the propagation mode
1227   *
1228   * Note: \c descrip may be NULL.
1229   */
1230 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getPropagationMode(int index, const char **name, const char **descrip);
1232 /** Get the number of Satellite entries in the Satellite list */
1233 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getNumSatellite(int *number);
1235 /** Get a satellite by its index.
1236   *
1237   * \c name - The GAABI satellite name
1238   * \c descrip - Text description of the satellite
1239   * \c start - The date the satellite entered service
1240   * \c end - The last date the satellite was in service
1241   *
1242   * Note: \c descrip, start and/or end may be NULL.
1243   */
1244 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getSatellite(int index, const char **name, const char **descrip,
1245 	tQSL_Date *start, tQSL_Date *end);
1247 /** Clear the map of Cabrillo contests.
1248   */
1249 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_clearCabrilloMap();
1251 /** Set the mapping of a Cabrillo contest name (as found in the
1252   * CONTEST line of a Cabrillo file) to the QSO line call-worked field number
1253   * and the contest type.
1254   *
1255   * \c field can have a value of TQSL_MIN_CABRILLO_MAP_FIELD (cabrillo.h)
1256   * or greater. Field number starts at 1.
1257   *
1258   * \c contest_type must be TQSL_CABRILLO_HF or TQSL_CABRILLO_VHF,
1259   * defined in cabrillo.h
1260   */
1261 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_setCabrilloMapEntry(const char *contest, int field, int contest_type);
1263 /** Get the mapping of a Cabrillo contest name (as found in the
1264   * CONTEST line of a Cabrillo file) to a call-worked field number
1265   * and the contest type.
1266   *
1267   * \c fieldnum will be set to 0 if the contest name isn't in the Cabrillo
1268   * map. Otherwise it is set to the QSO line field number of the call-worked
1269   * field, with field counting starting at 1.
1270   *
1271   * \c contest_type may be NULL. If not, it is set to the Cabrillo contest
1272   * type (TQSL_CABRILLO_HF or TQSL_CABRILLO_VHF), defined in cabrillo.h.
1273   */
1274 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getCabrilloMapEntry(const char *contest, int *fieldnum, int *contest_type);
1276 /** Clear the map of ADIF modes
1277   */
1278 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_clearADIFModes();
1280 /** Set the mapping of an ADIF mode to a TQSL mode.
1281 */
1282 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_setADIFMode(const char *adif_item, const char *mode);
1284 /** Map an ADIF mode to its TQSL equivalent.
1285   */
1286 DLLEXPORT int CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getADIFMode(const char *adif_item, char *mode, int nmode);
1288 /** Get a GABBI record that contains the certificate.
1289   *
1290   * \c uid is the value for the CERT_UID field
1291   *
1292   * Returns the NULL pointer on error.
1293   *
1294   * N.B. On systems that distinguish text-mode files from binary-mode files,
1295   * notably Windows, the GABBI records should be written in binary mode.
1296   */
1297 DLLEXPORT const char* CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getGABBItCERT(tQSL_Cert cert, int uid);
1299 /** Get a GABBI record that contains the Staion Location data.
1300   *
1301   * \li \c uid is the value for the STATION_UID field.
1302   * \li \c certuid is the value of the asociated CERT_UID field.
1303   *
1304   * Returns the NULL pointer on error.
1305   *
1306   * N.B. On systems that distinguish text-mode files from binary-mode files,
1307   * notably Windows, the GABBI records should be written in binary mode.
1308   */
1309 DLLEXPORT const char* CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getGABBItSTATION(tQSL_Location loc, int uid, int certuid);
1311 /** Get a GABBI record that contains the QSO data.
1312   *
1313   * \li \c stationuid is the value of the associated STATION_UID field.
1314   *
1315   * N.B.: If \c cert is not initialized for signing (see tqsl_beginSigning())
1316   * the function will return with a TQSL_SIGNINIT_ERROR error.
1317   *
1318   * Returns the NULL pointer on error.
1319   *
1320   * N.B. On systems that distinguish text-mode files from binary-mode files,
1321   * notably Windows, the GABBI records should be written in binary mode.
1322   */
1323 DLLEXPORT const char* CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getGABBItCONTACT(tQSL_Cert cert, tQSL_Location loc, TQSL_QSO_RECORD *qso,
1324 	int stationuid);
1326 /** Get a GABBI record that contains the QSO data along with the associated
1327   * signdata (QSO data signed to validate the QSO).
1328   *
1329   * \li \c stationuid is the value of the associated STATION_UID field.
1330   *
1331   * N.B.: If \c cert is not initialized for signing (see tqsl_beginSigning())
1332   * the function will return with a TQSL_SIGNINIT_ERROR error.
1333   *
1334   * Returns the NULL pointer on error.
1335   *
1336   * N.B. On systems that distinguish text-mode files from binary-mode files,
1337   * notably Windows, the GABBI records should be written in binary mode.
1338   */
1339 DLLEXPORT const char* CALLCONVENTION tqsl_getGABBItCONTACTData(tQSL_Cert cert, tQSL_Location loc, TQSL_QSO_RECORD *qso,
1340 	int stationuid, char *signdata, int sdlen);
1342 /** @} */
1344 /** Output to a diagnostic trace file (if one is opened.
1345  *
1346  * \li \c name is the name of the function being executed
1347  */
1348 DLLEXPORT void CALLCONVENTION tqslTrace(const char *name, const char *format, ...);
1349 /** Close the diagnostic trace file (if it is open)
1350  */
1351 DLLEXPORT void CALLCONVENTION tqsl_closeDiagFile(void);
1352 /** Close the diagnostic trace file (if it is open)
1353  */
1354 DLLEXPORT int  CALLCONVENTION tqsl_diagFileOpen(void);
1355 /** Returns true if the log file is open
1356  *
1357  */
1358 DLLEXPORT int  CALLCONVENTION tqsl_openDiagFile(const char* file);
1360 #ifdef _WIN32
1361 DLLEXPORT wchar_t* CALLCONVENTION utf8_to_wchar(const char* str);
1362 DLLEXPORT char*    CALLCONVENTION wchar_to_utf8(const wchar_t* str, bool forceUTF8);
1363 DLLEXPORT void     CALLCONVENTION free_wchar(wchar_t* ptr);
1364 #endif
1366 #ifdef __cplusplus
1367 }
1368 #endif
1370 /* Useful defines */
1371 #define TQSL_MAX_PW_LENGTH         32     ///< Password buffer length
1373 #endif /* TQSLLIB_H */