1 /* help.h - Usage messages for CliFM */
3 /*
4  * This file is part of CliFM
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 2016-2021, L. Abramovich <johndoe.arch@outlook.com>
7  * All rights reserved.
9  * CliFM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
11  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
12  * (at your option) any later version.
13  *
14  * CliFM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  * GNU General Public License for more details.
18  *
19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
21  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
22  * MA 02110-1301, USA.
23 */
25 #ifndef MESSAGES_H
26 #define MESSAGES_H
28 #define GRAL_USAGE "[-aAefFgGhHiIlLmoOsSuUvxy] [-b FILE] [-c FILE] [-D DIR] \
29 [-k FILE] [-P PROFILE] [-z METHOD] [PATH]"
31 #define ACTIONS_USAGE "List or edit actions/plugins\nUsage: actions [edit]"
32 #define ALIAS_USAGE "List or import aliases\nUsage: alias [import FILE]"
33 #define ARCHIVE_USAGE "Compress/archive files\nUsage: ac, ad ELN/FILE ..."
34 #define AUTOCD_USAGE "Turn autocd on-off\nUsage: acd, autocd [on, off, status]"
35 #define AUTO_OPEN_USAGE "Turn auto-open on-off\nUsage: ao, auto-open [on, off, status]"
36 #define BACK_USAGE "Change to the previous directory in the directory history list\nUsage: back, b [h, hist] [clear] [!ELN]"
37 #define BL_USAGE "Create multiple symbolic links at once\nUsage: bl FILE(s)"
38 #define BLEACH_USAGE "Clean up file names from non-ASCII characters\nUsage: bb, bleach FILE(s)"
39 #define BOOKMARKS_USAGE "Handle bookmarks\nUsage: bm, bookmarks [a, add FILE] [d, del] [edit]"
40 #define BULK_USAGE "Bulk rename files\nUsage: br, bulk ELN/FILE ..."
41 #define CD_USAGE "Change current working directory\nUsage: cd [ELN/DIR]"
42 #define COLORS_USAGE "Print a list of currently used color codes\nUsage: cc, colors"
43 #define COLUMNS_USAGE "Set columned list of files on-off\nUsage: cl, columns [on, off]"
44 #define CS_USAGE "Switch color schemes\nUsage: cs, colorschemes [edit] [COLORSCHEME]"
45 #define DESEL_USAGE "Deselect one or more selected files\nUsage: desel, ds [*, a, all]"
46 #define DIRHIST_USAGE "List or access entries in the directory history list\nUsage: b/f [hist] [clear] [!ELN]"
47 #define DUP_USAGE "Duplicate files\nUsage: d, dup SOURCE [DEST]"
48 #define EDIT_USAGE "Edit the main configuration file\nUsage: edit [reset] [APPLICATION]"
49 #define EXT_USAGE "Turn the use of external commands on-off\nUsage: ext [on, off, status]"
50 #define EXPORT_USAGE "Export files to a temporary file\nUsage: exp [FILE(s)]"
51 #define FC_USAGE "Turn the files counter for directories on-off\nUsage: fc, filescounter [on, off, status]"
52 #define FF_USAGE "Set show folders first on-off\nUsage: ff, folders-first [on, off, status]"
53 #define FILTER_USAGE "Set a filter for the files list\nUsage: ft, filter [unset] [REGEX]"
54 #define FORTH_USAGE "Change to the next directory in the directory history list\nUsage: forth, f [h, hist] [clear] [!ELN]"
55 #define HF_USAGE "Set hidden files on-off\nUsage: hidden, hf [on, off, status]"
56 #define HISTEXEC_USAGE "Access commands history entries\nUsage: \
57 !!: Execute the last command. \
58 !n: Execute the command number 'n' in the history list. \
59 !-n: Execute the last-n command in the history list."
60 #define HISTORY_USAGE "List or access commands history entries\nUsage: history [edit] [clear] [-n]"
61 #define ICONS_USAGE "Set icons on-off\nUsage: icons [on, off]"
62 #define JUMP_USAGE "Change to a directory in the jump database\nUsage: j, jc, jp, jl [STRING ...], jo [NUM], je"
63 #define KB_USAGE "Handle keybindings\nUsage: kb, keybinds [edit] [reset] [readline]"
64 #define LE_USAGE "Edit a symbolic link\nUsage: le SYMLINK"
65 #define LM_USAGE "Set light mode on-off\nUsage: lm [on, off]"
66 #define LOG_USAGE "List or clear CliFM logs\nUsage: log [clear]"
67 #define MEDIA_USAGE "List available media devices, allowing to mount or unmount them\nUsage: media"
68 #define MF_USAGE "Limit the amount of files listed on the screen to NUM (valid range: >= 0). Use 'unset' to remove the files limit.\nUsage: mf [NUM, unset]"
69 #define MIME_USAGE "Set default opening applications based on MIME types\nUsage: mm, mime [info ELN/FILENAME] [edit] [import]"
70 #define MSG_USAGE "List available CliFM messages\nUsage: messages, msg [clear]"
71 #define MOUNPOINTS_USAGE "List and change to a mountpoint\nUsage: mp, mountpoints"
72 #define NET_USAGE "Handle network resources\nUsage: net [NAME] [edit] [m, mount NAME] [u, unmount NAME]"
73 #define NEW_USAGE "Create a new file or directory\nUsage: n, new [FILE DIR/ ...n]"
74 #define NOT_AVAILABLE "This feature has been disabled at compile time"
75 #define OPEN_USAGE "Open a file\nUsage: o, open ELN/FILE [APPLICATION]"
76 #define OW_USAGE "Open a file with...\nUsage: ow ELN/FILE"
77 #define OPENER_USAGE "Set the resource opener\nUsage: opener APPLICATION"
78 #define PAGER_HELP "?, h: help\nDown arrow, Enter, Space: Advance one line\nPage Down: Advance one page\nq: Stop pagging\n"
79 #define PAGER_LABEL "\x1b[7;97m--Mas--\x1b[0;49m"
80 #define PAGER_USAGE "Set the files list pager on-off\nUsage: pager, pg [on, off, status]"
81 #define PIN_USAGE "Pin a file or directory\nUsage: pin FILE/DIR"
82 #define PROFILES_USAGE "Manage profiles\nUsage: pf, prof, profile [ls, list] [set, add, del PROFILE]"
83 #define PROP_USAGE "Print files properties\nUsage: p, pr, pp, prop [ELN/FILE ... n]"
84 #define SEL_USAGE "Select one or multiple files\nUsage: s, sel ELN/FILE... [[!]PATTERN] [-FILETYPE] [:PATH]"
85 #define SHELL_USAGE "Set the shell used to run external commands\nUsage: shell [SHELL]"
86 #define SORT_USAGE "Change sort method for the files list\nUsage: st [METHOD] [rev]\nMETHOD: 0 = none, \
87 1 = name, 2 = size, 3 = atime, 4 = btime, \
88 5 = ctime, 6 = mtime, 7 = version, 8 = extension, \
89 9 = inode, 10 = owner, 11 = group\nBoth numbers and names are allowed"
90 #define TE_USAGE "Toggle the executable bit on files\nUsage: te FILE(s)"
91 #define TRASH_USAGE "Send one or multiple files to the trash can\nUsage: t, tr, trash [ELN/FILE ... n] [ls, list] [clear] [del, rm]"
92 #define UNICODE_USAGE "Set unicode on-off\nUsage: unicode, uc [on, off, status]"
93 #define UNTRASH_USAGE "Restore files from the trash can\nUsage: u, undel, untrash [*, a, all]"
94 #define WRAPPERS_USAGE "c (v, paste), l, m, md, and r commands are wrappers for cp, ln, mv, mkdir, and rm shell commands respectivelly.\n\nWithout option parameters:\nc -> cp -iRp\nl -> ln -sn\nm -> mv -i\nmd -> mkdir -p\nr (for directories) -> rm -dIr (\"rm -r\" on NetBSD and OpenBSD)\nr (for non-directories) -> rm -I (\"rm -f\" on NetBSD and OpenBSD)\nv, paste FILE -> c FILE .\n\nThe 'le' command is available to edit symbolic links: le LINK"
95 #define WS_USAGE "Switch workspaces\nUsage: ws [NUM, +, -]"
96 #define X_USAGE "Launch a new instance of CliFM on a new terminal window\nUsage: x, X [DIR]"
98 #ifndef __HAIKU__
99 #define HELP_MESSAGE "Enter '?' or press F1-F3 for instructions"
100 #else
101 #define HELP_MESSAGE "Enter '?' or press F5-F7 for instructions"
102 #endif
104 #endif /* MESSAGES_H */