1 /*
2  * MBDyn (C) is a multibody analysis code.
3  * http://www.mbdyn.org
4  *
5  * Copyright (C) 1996-2010
6  *
7  * Pierangelo Masarati  <masarati@aero.polimi.it>
8  * Paolo Mantegazza     <mantegazza@aero.polimi.it>
9  *
10  * Dipartimento di Ingegneria Aerospaziale - Politecnico di Milano
11  * via La Masa, 34 - 20156 Milano, Italy
12  * http://www.aero.polimi.it
13  *
14  * Changing this copyright notice is forbidden.
15  *
16  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
17  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
18  * the Free Software Foundation (version 2 of the License).
19  *
20  *
21  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
22  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24  * GNU General Public License for more details.
25  *
26  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
27  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
28  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
29  */
30 /*
31  * Author:	Louis Gagnon <louis.gagnon.10@ulaval.ca>
32  *		Departement de genie mecanique
33  *		Universite Laval
34  *		http://www.gmc.ulaval.ca
35  */
37 #ifndef MODULE_WHEEL4_H
38 #define MODULE_WHEEL4_H
40 #include "dataman.h"
41 #include "userelem.h"
42 #include "drive_.h" // to get current time (may not be needed in the end)
44 //#include "joint.h" // to get information on viscoelastic elements
46 class Wheel4
47 : virtual public Elem, public UserDefinedElem
48 {
49 private:
51 	// patch degrees of freedom,
52 	doublereal dXx, dXy, dVx, dVy, dVPx, dVPy, dXPx, dXPy;
53 	// ,patch degrees of freedom
56 	// wheel node
57 	StructNode *pWheel;
58 	Elem *pWheelB; // body
59 	Elem *pWheelE; // user loadable elem
61 	// ring node
62 	StructNode *pRing;
63 	Elem *pRingB; //body
65 	// ring node
66 	StructNode *pPatch;
69 	// wheel axle direction (wrt/ wheel node)
70 	Vec3 WheelAxle;
72 	// (flat) ground node
73 	StructNode *pGround;
77 	// friction data
78 	bool bSlip;
79 	bool bLoadedRadius;
80 	DriveCaller *pMuX0;
81 	DriveCaller *pMuY0;
82 	DriveCaller *pTr;
83 	DriveCaller *pMzr;
84 //	DriveCaller *pMuY1;
86 	// centripetal force calculation
87 	doublereal rRatio; // ratio btwn portion of ring in contact with patch and the total ring
88 	doublereal Krz; // vertical wheel-ring stiffness
90 	//time variant coefficients
91 	DriveCaller *pKpa;
92 	doublereal dKpa;
93 	Vec3 Kpatv;
94 	DriveCaller *pCpa;
95 	doublereal dCpa;
96 	Vec3 Cpatv;
98 	//road elevation
99 	DriveCaller *pRoad;
100 	doublereal dRoad;
101 	doublereal dRoadAhead; // for two-point follower
102 	doublereal dRoadBehind; // for two-point follower
103 	doublereal dRoadInitial; // road height for simulation onset
104 	doublereal dRoadPrev;
105 	doublereal dRoadPrevPrev;
107 	// thresholds
108 	doublereal TRH;		// prevents division by zero at null x-velocity at the price of losing validity for velocities above -TRH*1.1 and below TRH*1.1
109 	doublereal TRHA;	// buffer used to prevent division by zero
110 	doublereal TRHT;	// prevents division by zero for computation of the angle of the car (and wheels)
111 	doublereal TRHTA;	// buffer used on angle zero division prevention
112 	doublereal TRHC;	// cap on kappa
113 	doublereal TdLs;	// minimum value (cap) for dLs (half-length of two-point follower)
114 	doublereal TdReDiv;	// minimum value (cap) for divider used to find R_e (effective rolling radius)
115 	doublereal TdR_e;	// minimum value (cap) for R_e (effective rolling radius)
116 	doublereal RDA;		// x-pos prior to which road profile is null and after which is interpolated between 0 and value at RDB
117 	doublereal RDB;		// x-pos where road starts to be taken as fed by driver but using x=0 @ RDB
118 	doublereal RDL;		// after x reaches RDB+RDL, the road profile will loop over RDL
119 	int RDLC;			// number of times to deduct x pos from current pos for looping
121 	// tire data,
122 	Vec3 Xpa; // elongation of the contact patch spring
123 	Vec3 Xpar;  //relative to point on ring
124 	Vec3 distM; // the real physical distance between center of ring and patch after rotation of the patch to respect the slope
125 	doublereal ddistM; // the magnitude of the home-made loaded radius distM
126 	doublereal dEffRad; // wheel effective radius
127 	Vec3 EffRad; // physical (artificial rotation done) vector distance between wheel center and patch
128 	doublereal R_e; // wheel effective radius computed only for output
129 	Vec3 XparPrev;  //relative to point on ring, previous timestep
130 	Vec3 XpaPrev; // elongation of the contact patch spring previous timestep
131 	Vec3 XparPrevPrev;  //relative to point on ring, previous previous timestep
132 	Vec3 XpaPrevPrev; // elongation of the contact patch spring, previous previous timestep
133 	Vec3 Kpa; // stiffness
134 	Vec3 Cpa; // damping
135 	Vec3 XpaBC; // elongation (POSITION?) of contact patch before convergence is confirmed
136 	Vec3 VpaBC; // elongation velocity of contact patch before convergence is confirmed
137 	Vec3 RpaBC; // angle of contact patch before convergence is confirmed
138 	Vec3 WpaBC; // angular of contact patch before convergence is confirmed
139 	Vec3 Vpa;
140 	Vec3 Vpar; // relative to point on ring
141 	Vec3 VparWheel; // relative vel betwn patch and wheel
142 	Vec3 VpaPrev;
143 	Vec3 Fint; // viscoelastic element force between ring and patch
144 	Vec3 Fint_old; // to keep value of Fint prior to rotation back into abs. ref. frame
145 	Vec3 Fint_ring; // viscoelastic element force between ring and patch used for artificial patch rotation
146 	Vec3 Fpatch; // force on patch
147 	Vec3 Mint; // viscoelastic element moment between ring and patch
148 	doublereal Mpa;
149 	doublereal tr; // pneumatic trail
150 	doublereal S_ht; // horizontal shift of pneumatic trail
151 	doublereal S_hf; // horizontal shift of residual torque (equal horiz shift of lateral force)
152 	doublereal M_zr; // residual torque
153 	doublereal dt; //timestep
154 	bool bSwift;
155 	doublereal curTime;	//current time
156 	doublereal oldTime; //time at previous timestep
157 	bool bFirstAC;	// first timestep after convergence (will not reset if timestep changes)
158 	bool bFirstAP;	// first iter after prediction (resets if timestep changed)
159 	DriveOwner	tdc;		// time drive
160 	Vec3 zZero; // to remove a z component of a vector
161 	Vec3 pcRing; // contact point of ring
162 	Vec3 pcRingPrev; // contact point of ring previous timestep
163 	Vec3 RingRad; // vector radius of ring
164 	Vec3 RingRadPrev; // previous vector radius of ring
165 	Vec3 VpcRingPrev;
166 	Vec3 VpcRing;
167 	Vec3 VpcRingPrevPrev;
168 	Vec3 Xring; // abs pos of ring axle
169 	Vec3 Vwheel; // current velocity of wheel
170 	Vec3 fwd; // forward direction of wheel in absol. ref frame
171 	Vec3 fwdRing; // forward direction of ring in absol. ref frame
172 	Vec3 fwdRingFlat; // forward direction of ring in absol. ref frame disregarding inclination of the slope
173 	Vec3 lat; // lateral direction of wheel in absol. ref frame
174 	Vec3 latRing; // lateral direction of ring in absol. ref frame
175 	Vec3 latRingFlat; // lateral direction of ring in absol. ref frame disregarding inclination of the slope
176 	Vec3 n; // ground orientation in the absolute frame
177 	Vec3 nPrev; // ground orientation in the absolute frame previous timestep
178 	Vec3 fwdRingPrev; // fwd unit vector of the ring node at previous timestep
179 	doublereal dRoadVel; // road velocity in the z-dir
180 	Vec3 Xparp; // rotated relative displacement vector of the patch prior to multiplication by the stiffness
181 	Vec3 Vparp; // rotated relative velocity vector of the patch prior to multiplication by the viscosity
182 	doublereal Fn; // force on patch in z-direction
183 	doublereal Fcent; // centrifugal force calculated from tire properties and velocity and "applied to patch"
184 	doublereal dCt; // calculated displacement induced by centrifugal force (calculated before Fcent)
185 	Vec3 Fr; // rolling resistance force vector that points in the direction of the ring
186 	bool boolFn; // null if Fn < 0 to help get a proper jacobian
187 	Vec3 i; // unit vector in x-dir
188 	Vec3 j; // unit vector in y-dir
189 	Vec3 k; // unit vector in z-dir
190 	doublereal dLs; // half-width of the tandem elliptical cam follower
191 	doublereal dPls; // ratio of lengths between two point follower and contact patch length
192 	doublereal dR_a1; // r_a1 contact length parameter from Besselink eq. 4.85
193 	doublereal dR_a2; // r_a2 contact length parameter from Besselink eq. 4.85
194 	doublereal dLsProj; // half-legnth in abs x-dir of the two point follower projected on the abs x dir
195 	doublereal dXxProj; // projected x-pos of patch according to road inclination
196 	doublereal dXxProjPrev; // previous projected x-pos of patch, used to predict the next position
197 	doublereal dLsProjPrev; // previous projected half length of contact patch, used to predict the next position
198 	doublereal dt_maxF; // maximum divison of dt per timestep
199 	doublereal dt_minF; // minimum division of dt per timestep
200 	doublereal dLsProjRatio; // ratio of length of dLs when projected, used for timestep size calculation
201 	doublereal dtPrev; // previous timestep, used to predict the next position
202 	doublereal dt_maxH; // max height of step in vertical direction wanted, drive the timestep control
203 	doublereal dt_adjFactor; // // factor by which the current time step is too big for the bump to come in dt_numAhead times the previous step distance
204 	doublereal dt_fNow; // factor to apply now to current timestep (ie: divide current timestep by this for the next one)
205 	doublereal dt_maxstep; // maximum timestep given to input file, needed by timestep driver
206 	doublereal dt_minstep; // minimum timestep given to input file, needed by timestep driver
207 	bool dt_On; // bool to enable or disable adjustable timestep calculation
208 	doublereal dt_Res; // resolution of bump search, keep sufficiently smaller than ring radius (ie: look at every dt_Res meters for a bump in front of the tire) NOTE: will not look behind because it is assumed that the model is not made to move rearwards and that a small move rearward would not influence the timestep because it should already have been adjusted for the bump when driving towards it)
209 	doublereal dtMax; // maximum recommended timestep
210 	int dt_numAhead; // number of steps by which to look ahead for a bump in the road profile (timestep controller, not defined by user)
211 	int dt_minStepsCycle; // minimum number of steps wanted in a force cycle (approx., influences dt)
212 	doublereal dt_divF; // factor by which to divide the timestep if the force oscillates more than wanted (as determined by TminS)
213 	doublereal dt_divF3; // factor if the force changes 3 times of sign in the last dt_minStepsCycle steps
214 	doublereal dt_divF4; // factor if the force changes 4 or more times of sign in the last dt_minStepsCycle steps
215 	std::vector< std::vector<int> > FintSignCk;
216 	Vec3 FintPrev; // previous Fint for timestep control
217 	Vec3 FintPrevPrev; // previous-previous Fint for timestep control
218 	Vec3 XparpPrev; // previous Xpar for timestep control
219 	Vec3 XparpPrevPrev; // previous-previous Xparp for timestep control
220 	doublereal dn; // magnitude square of normal vector to road (n)
221 	doublereal dvx; // relative speed between center of wheel and contact point on tire in the forward direction
222 	doublereal dvax; // speed of axle in the forward direction
223 	doublereal dvay; // speed of axle in the lateral direction
224 	Vec3 va; 	// relative speed between wheel axle and ground
225 	doublereal dXxPrev; // x-pos of patch at previous timestep
226 	doublereal E;   // total system kin + pot energy
227 	doublereal KE;   // total system kin energy
228 	doublereal PE;   // total system pot energy
229 	// ,tire data
233 	// variables used by the Jacobian,
235 	doublereal derivSign; // ensures the proper derivative sign by respecting the abs(dvax) present function.
236 	bool latBool; // determines whether lateral forces will contribute to the Jacobian
237 	bool fwdBool; // determines whether longitudinal forces will contribute to the Jacobian
239 	// ,variables used by the Jacobian
241 	// output data
242 	Vec3 F;
243 	Vec3 M;
244 	Vec3 Mz;
245 	doublereal dR_0; // Rigid ring radius
246 	doublereal deltaPrev; // tire deflection, from previous timestep
247 	doublereal dSr; // long. slip ratio
248 	doublereal dSa; // lateral slip angle
249 	doublereal dAlpha;
250 	doublereal dAlpha_t;
251 	doublereal dAlpha_r;
252 	doublereal dMuX;
253 	doublereal dMuY;
254 	doublereal q_sy1; // should be between 0.01 and 0.02 usually...
255 	doublereal q_sy3; //
256 	doublereal dvao; // reference velocity for rolling resistance velocity influence factor
258         bool firstRes; // this_is_the_first_residual
260     doublereal dDebug; // onloy used for debugging output
263 //	secant of a scalar
sec(doublereal x)264         doublereal sec(doublereal x) const {
265         		return 1.0 / cos(x);
266         };
sign(const doublereal x)268         int sign(const doublereal x) {
269         	if (x >= 0.) {
270         		return 1;
271         	} else if (x < 0.) {
272         		return -1;
273         	}
274         	return 0;
275         };
277 #ifdef USE_NETCDF
278 	NcVar	*Var_Fint;
279 	NcVar	*Var_Xpar;
280 	NcVar	*Var_Xparp;
281 	NcVar	*Var_dXxProj;
282 	NcVar	*Var_dRoad;
283 	NcVar	*Var_F;
284 	NcVar	*Var_Fn;
285 	NcVar	*Var_debug;
286 	NcVar   *Var_dSr;
287 	NcVar   *Var_ddistM;
288 	NcVar   *Var_Fcent;
289 	NcVar   *Var_dLs;
290 	NcVar   *Var_R_e;
291 	NcVar   *Var_dSa;
292 	NcVar   *Var_dvax;
293 	NcVar   *Var_dvx;
294 	NcVar   *Var_dvay;
295 	NcVar   *Var_dMuY;
296 	NcVar   *Var_dMuX;
297 	NcVar   *Var_KE;
298 	NcVar   *Var_PE;
299 	NcVar   *Var_E;
300 	NcVar   *Var_dRoadAhead;
301 	NcVar   *Var_dRoadBehind;
302 	NcVar   *Var_dCt;
303 	NcVar   *Var_M;
304 	NcVar   *Var_distM;
305 	NcVar   *Var_n;
306 	NcVar   *Var_Xpa;
307 	NcVar   *Var_Vpa;
308 	NcVar   *Var_Vpar;
309 	NcVar   *Var_fwd;
310 	NcVar   *Var_fwdRing;
311 	NcVar   *Var_fwdRingFlat;
312 	NcVar   *Var_pcRing;
313 	NcVar   *Var_VparWheel;
314 	NcVar   *Var_Fr;
315 	NcVar   *Var_Mz;
317 #endif /* USE_NETCDF */
319 public:
320 	Wheel4(unsigned uLabel, const DofOwner *pDO,
321 		DataManager* pDM, MBDynParser& HP);
322 	virtual ~Wheel4(void);
324 	virtual void OutputPrepare(OutputHandler &OH);
325 	virtual void Output(OutputHandler& OH) const;
326 	virtual void WorkSpaceDim(integer* piNumRows, integer* piNumCols) const;
327 	VariableSubMatrixHandler&
328 	AssJac(VariableSubMatrixHandler& WorkMat,
329 		doublereal dCoef,
330 		const VectorHandler& XCurr,
331 		const VectorHandler& XPrimeCurr);
332 	SubVectorHandler&
333 	AssRes(SubVectorHandler& WorkVec,
334 		doublereal dCoef,
335 		const VectorHandler& XCurr,
336 		const VectorHandler& XPrimeCurr);
338 //    /* enables access to private data */
339 	unsigned int iGetNumPrivData(void) const;
340 	unsigned int iGetPrivDataIdx(const char *s) const;
341 	doublereal dGetPrivData(unsigned int i) const;
343 	int iGetNumConnectedNodes(void) const;
344 	virtual void SetInitialValue(VectorHandler& XCurr);
345 	void GetConnectedNodes(std::vector<const Node *>& connectedNodes) const;
346 	void SetValue(DataManager *pDM, VectorHandler& X, VectorHandler& XP,
347 		SimulationEntity::Hints *ph);
350 	virtual unsigned int iGetNumDof(void) const;
351 	virtual DofOrder::Order GetDofType(unsigned int i) const;
352 	virtual DofOrder::Order GetEqType(unsigned int i) const;
355 	std::ostream& Restart(std::ostream& out) const;
356 	virtual unsigned int iGetInitialNumDof(void) const;
357 	virtual void
358 	InitialWorkSpaceDim(integer* piNumRows, integer* piNumCols) const;
359    	VariableSubMatrixHandler&
360 	InitialAssJac(VariableSubMatrixHandler& WorkMat,
361 		      const VectorHandler& XCurr);
362    	SubVectorHandler&
363 	InitialAssRes(SubVectorHandler& WorkVec, const VectorHandler& XCurr);
365 //    /* enables access to private data */
366 //    virtual unsigned int iGetNumPrivData(void) const;
367 //    virtual unsigned int iGetPrivDataIdx(const char *s) const;
368 //    virtual doublereal dGetPrivData(unsigned int i) const;
370 	void AfterConvergence(const VectorHandler& X,
371 		const VectorHandler& XP); // to call function after convergence of current step
372 	void AfterPredict(VectorHandler& X, VectorHandler& XP); // at beginning of iteration
375     void CalculateR_e();
376     doublereal CapLoop(doublereal Xuncapped) const;
377 //    void NetCDFPrepare(OutputHandler &OH, char &buf) const;
380 };
382 #endif // ! MODULE_WHEEL4_H
385 /* Wheel4 - end */
387 /* TimeStep - begin */
391 class TimeStep
392 : virtual public Elem, public UserDefinedElem {
393 private:
395 	Elem *pWheelE; // user loadable elem
396 	std::vector<Elem *> pWheelsE;
397 //	DriveOwner	tdc;		// time drive
400 public:
401 	TimeStep(unsigned uLabel, const DofOwner *pDO,
402 		DataManager* pDM, MBDynParser& HP);
403 	virtual ~TimeStep(void);
405 	virtual void Output(OutputHandler& OH) const;
406 	virtual void WorkSpaceDim(integer* piNumRows, integer* piNumCols) const;
407 	VariableSubMatrixHandler&
408 	AssJac(VariableSubMatrixHandler& WorkMat,
409 		doublereal dCoef,
410 		const VectorHandler& XCurr,
411 		const VectorHandler& XPrimeCurr);
412 	SubVectorHandler&
413 	AssRes(SubVectorHandler& WorkVec,
414 		doublereal dCoef,
415 		const VectorHandler& XCurr,
416 		const VectorHandler& XPrimeCurr);
418 	//    /* enables access to private data */
419 		unsigned int iGetNumPrivData(void) const;
420 		unsigned int iGetPrivDataIdx(const char *s) const;
421 		doublereal dGetPrivData(unsigned int i) const;
423 	int iGetNumConnectedNodes(void) const;
424 	void GetConnectedNodes(std::vector<const Node *>& connectedNodes) const;
425 	void SetValue(DataManager *pDM, VectorHandler& X, VectorHandler& XP,
426 		SimulationEntity::Hints *ph);
427 	std::ostream& Restart(std::ostream& out) const;
428 	virtual unsigned int iGetInitialNumDof(void) const;
429 	virtual void
430 	InitialWorkSpaceDim(integer* piNumRows, integer* piNumCols) const;
431    	VariableSubMatrixHandler&
432 	InitialAssJac(VariableSubMatrixHandler& WorkMat,
433 		      const VectorHandler& XCurr);
434    	SubVectorHandler&
435 	InitialAssRes(SubVectorHandler& WorkVec, const VectorHandler& XCurr);
436 };
438 #endif // ! MODULE_TIMESTEP_H