1 /* AbiWord
2  * Copyright (C) 1998 AbiSource, Inc.
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
7  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
17  * 02110-1301 USA.
18  */
23 #define TT_OTHER			0	// anything else
24 #define TT_DOCUMENT			1	// a document <book>
25 #define TT_SECTION			2	// section <section>
26 #define TT_BLOCK			3	// a paragraph <para>
27 #define TT_PHRASE			4	// formatted text
28 #define TT_EMPHASIS			5	// emphasized (italic) text
29 #define TT_SUPERSCRIPT		6	// superscript
30 #define TT_SUBSCRIPT		7	// subscript
31 #define TT_BLOCKQUOTE		8	// block quote
32 #define TT_BRIDGEHEAD		9	// heading  <bridgehead ...>
33 #define TT_CHAPTER			10	// legacy abiword documents
34 #define TT_TITLE			11	// title
35 #define	TT_PAGEBREAK		12	// <beginpage>
36 #define	TT_PLAINTEXT		13
37 #define	TT_LINK				14
38 #define	TT_ULINK			15
39 #define	TT_BOOKMARK			16
40 #define	TT_FIGURE			17
41 #define	TT_MEDIAOBJECT		18
42 #define	TT_IMAGEOBJECT		19
43 #define	TT_IMAGEDATA		20
44 #define TT_TABLE			21	// table without a title <informaltable>
45 #define TT_COLSPEC			22	// <colspec>
46 #define TT_TBODY			23	// <tbody>
47 #define TT_TGROUP			24	// <tgroup>
48 #define TT_ROW				25	// table row <row>
49 #define TT_ENTRY			26	// table cell <entry>
50 #define TT_FOOTNOTE			27	// footnote <footnote>
51 #define TT_BOOKINFO			28	// <bookinfo>
52 #define TT_AUTHOR			29	// <author>
53 #define TT_HONORIFIC		30	// <honorific>
54 #define TT_PERSONNAME		31	// <personname>
55 #define TT_FIRSTNAME		32	// <firstname>
56 #define TT_SURNAME			33	// <surname>
57 #define TT_OTHERNAME		34	// <othername>
58 #define TT_KEYWORDSET		35	// <keywordset>
59 #define TT_KEYWORD			36	// <keyword>
60 #define TT_PUBLISHER		37	// <publisher>
61 #define TT_PUBLISHERNAME	38	// <publishername>
62 #define TT_ABSTRACT			39	// <abstract>
63 #define TT_DATE				40	// <date>
64 #define TT_LEGALNOTICE		41	// <legalnotice>
65 #define TT_SUBJECTSET		42	// <subjectset>
66 #define TT_SUBJECT			43	// <subject>
67 #define TT_SUBJECTTERM		44	// <subjectterm>
68 #define TT_COLLAB			45	// a collaborator <collab>
69 #define TT_COLLABNAME		46	// <collabname>
70 #define TT_REVHISTORY		47	// <revhistory>
71 #define TT_REVISION			48	// <revision>
72 #define TT_REVNUMBER		49	// <revnumber>
73 #define TT_REVREMARK		50	// <revremark>
74 #define TT_BIBLIOMISC		51	// <bibliomisc>
75 #define TT_APPLICATION		52	// <application>
76 #define TT_ENTRYTBL			53	// nested table <entrytbl>
77 #define TT_TEXTOBJECT		54	// <textobject>
78 #define TT_INLINEEQUATION	55	// <inlineequation>
79 #define TT_MATHPHRASE		56	// <mathphrase>
80 #define TT_INFORMALFIGURE	57	// a figure without a title <informalfigure>
81 #define TT_FOOTNOTEREF		58	// <footnoteref>
82 #define TT_ITEMIZEDLIST		59	// <itemizedlist>
83 #define TT_LISTITEM			60	// <listitem>
84 #define TT_TOC				61	// table of contents <toc>
85 #define TT_TOCBACK			62	// <tocback>
86 #define TT_TOCCHAP			63	// <tocchap>
87 #define TT_TOCFRONT			64	// <tocfront>
88 #define TT_TOCPART			65	// <tocpart>
89 #define TT_TOCLEVEL1		66	// <toclevel1>
90 #define TT_TOCLEVEL2		67	// <toclevel2>
91 #define TT_TOCLEVEL3		68	// <toclevel3>
92 #define TT_TOCLEVEL4		69	// <toclevel4>
93 #define TT_TOCLEVEL5		70	// <toclevel5>
94 #define TT_COL				71	// <col>
95 #define TT_THEAD			72	// table header <thead>
96 #define TT_TFOOT			73	// table footer <tfoot>
97 #define TT_QUOTE			74	// <quote>
98 #define TT_EMAIL			75	// <email>
99 #define TT_BIBLIOCOVERAGE	76	// <bibliocoverage>
100 #define TT_BIBLIORELATION	77	// <bibliorelation>
101 #define TT_BIBLIOSOURCE		78	// <bibliosource>
102 #define TT_REVDESCRIPTION	79	// <revdescription>
103 #define TT_ABBREVIATION		80	// <abbreviation>
104 #define TT_ACRONYM			81	// <acronym>
105 #define TT_SECTIONINFO		82	// <sectioninfo> and <sect1info> - <sect5info>
106 #define TT_PART				83	// <part>
107 #define TT_ARTICLE			84	// <article>
108 #define TT_PUBDATE			85	// <pubdate>
109 #define TT_AUTHORGROUP		86	// <authorgroup>
110 #define TT_INDEX			87	// <index>
111 #define TT_INDEXDIV			88	// <indexdiv>
112 #define TT_INDEXENTRY		89	// <indexentry>
113 #define TT_INDEXINFO		90	// <indexinfo>
114 #define TT_INDEXTERM		91	// <indexterm>
115 #define TT_PRIMARY			92	// <primary>
116 #define TT_SECONDARY		93	// <secondary>
117 #define TT_TERTIARY			94	// <tertiary>
118 #define TT_PRIMARYIE		95	// <primaryie>
119 #define TT_SECONDARYIE		96	// <secondaryie>
120 #define TT_TERTIARYIE		97	// <tertiaryie>
121 #define TT_SEE				98	// <see>
122 #define TT_SEEALSO			99	// <seealso>
123 #define TT_SEEIE			100	// <seeie>
124 #define TT_ARTICLEINFO		101	// <articleinfo>
125 #define TT_PREFACE			102	// <preface>
126 #define TT_PREFACEINFO		103	// <prefaceinfo>
127 #define TT_EQUATION			104 // <equation>, <inlineequation>, <informalequation>
128 #define TT_GRAPHIC			105	// <graphic>
129 #define TT_CITETITLE		106	// <citetitle>
130 #define TT_PRODUCTNAME		107	// <productname>
131 #define TT_PRODUCTNUMBER	108	// <productnumber>
132 #define TT_INVPARTNUMBER	109	// <invpartnumber>
133 #define TT_VARNAME			110	// <varname>
134 #define TT_COMMAND			111	// <command>
135 #define TT_ORDEREDLIST		112	// <orderedlist>
136 #define TT_FORMALPARA		113	// <formalpara>
137 #define TT_TIP				114	// <tip>
138 #define TT_APPENDIX			115	// <appendix>
139 #define TT_APPENDIXINFO		116	// <appendixinfo>
140 #define TT_GLOSSARY			117	// <glossary>
141 #define TT_ACKNO			118	// <ackno>
142 #define TT_ALT				119	// <alt>
143 #define TT_VIDEOOBJECT		120	// <videoobject>
144 #define TT_VIDEODATA		121	// <videodata>
145 #define TT_YEAR				122	// <year>
146 #define TT_COPYRIGHT		123	// <copyright>
147 #define TT_EDITION			124	// <edition>
148 #define TT_SET				125	// <set>
149 #define TT_SCREENSHOT		126	// <screenshot>
150 #define TT_SCREENINFO		127	// <screeninfo>
151 #define TT_EDITOR			128	// <editor>
152 #define TT_CHAPTERINFO		129	// <chapterinfo>
153 #define TT_PRINTHISTORY		130	// <printhistory>
154 #define TT_COLOPHON			131	// <colophon>
155 #define TT_DEDICATION		132	// <dedication>
156 #define TT_PARTINFO			133	// <partinfo>
157 #define TT_PARTINTRO		134	// <partintro>
158 #define TT_AUTHORBLURB		135	// <authorblurb>
159 #define TT_BIBLIOGRAPHY		136	// <bibliography>
160 #define TT_BIBLIOENTRY		137	// <biblioentry>
161 #define TT_BIBLIOMIXED		138	// <bibliomixed>
162 #define TT_BIBLIOMSET		139	// <bibliomset>
163 #define TT_BIBLIOSET		140	// <biblioset>
164 #define TT_AUTHORINITIALS	141	// <authorinitials>
165 #define TT_ARTPAGENUMS		142	// <artpagenums>
166 #define TT_VOLUMENUM		143	// <volumenum>
167 #define TT_ISSUENUM			144	// <issuenum>
168 #define TT_HOLDER			145	// <holder>
169 #define TT_REFENTRY			146	// <refentry>
170 #define TT_REFSYNOPSISDIV	147	// <refsynopsisdiv>
171 #define TT_SGMLTAG			148	// <sgmltag>
172 #define TT_ATTRIBUTION		149	// <attribution>
173 #define TT_LINEAGE			150	// <lineage>
174 #define TT_BIBLIODIV		151	// <bibliodiv>
175 #define TT_EPIGRAPH			152	// <epigraph>
176 #define TT_ITERMSET			153	// <itermset>
177 #define TT_VARIABLELIST		154	// <variablelist>
178 #define TT_CMDSYNOPSIS		155	// <cmdsynopsis>
179 #define TT_SEGMENTEDLIST	156	// <segmentedlist>
180 #define TT_SEGLISTITEM		157	// <seglistitem>
181 #define TT_SEG				158	// <seg>
182 #define TT_AREA				159	// <area>
183 #define TT_AREASET			160	// <areaset>
184 #define TT_AREASPEC			161	// <areaspec>
185 #define TT_GRAPHICCO		162	// <graphicco>
186 #define TT_IMAGEOBJECTCO	163	// <imageobjectco>
187 #define TT_MEDIAOBJECTCO	164	// <mediaobjectco>
188 #define TT_FUNCSYNOPSIS		165	// <funcsynopsis>
189 #define TT_SCREEN			166	// <screen>
190 #define TT_SYNOPSIS			167	// <synopsis>
191 #define TT_SIMPARA			168	// <simpara>
193 #endif