1 /***************************************************************************
2                           gdlexception.cpp  -  exception handling
3                              -------------------
4     begin                : July 22 2002
5     copyright            : (C) 2002 by Marc Schellens
6     email                : m_schellens@users.sf.net
7  ***************************************************************************/
9 /***************************************************************************
10  *                                                                         *
11  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
12  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
13  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
14  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
15  *                                                                         *
16  ***************************************************************************/
18 #include "includefirst.hpp"
20 #include "gdlexception.hpp"
21 #include "dnode.hpp"
22 #include "initsysvar.hpp"
23 #include "gdljournal.hpp"
24 #include "dinterpreter.hpp"
26 //#define GDL_DEBUG
27 //#undef GDL_DEBUG
29 using namespace std;
31 DInterpreter* GDLException::interpreter = NULL;
Name(BaseGDL * b)33 string GDLException::Name( BaseGDL* b)
34 {
35 if(interpreter!=NULL && interpreter->CallStack().size()>0)
36 	return interpreter->Name(b);
37 return "";
38 }
GDLException(DLong eC,const string & s,bool pre,bool decorate)40 GDLException::GDLException(DLong eC, const string& s, bool pre, bool decorate):
41   ANTLRException(s),
42   errorNode(static_cast<RefDNode>(antlr::nullAST)),
43   errorNodeP( NULL),
44   errorCode(eC),
45   line( 0), col( 0), prefix( pre),
46   arrayexprIndexeeFailed(false),
47   ioException( false),
48   targetEnv( NULL)
49 {
50 if(decorate && interpreter!=NULL && interpreter->CallStack().size()>0)
51 {
52   EnvBaseT* e = interpreter->CallStack().back();
53   errorNodeP = e->CallingNode();
54   msg = e->GetProName();
55   if( msg != "$MAIN$") msg +=  ": "+ s; else msg = s;
56 }
57 else
58 {
59   msg = s;
60 }
61   // note: This is for cases, when form a destructor is thrown
62   // in these cases, program aborts
63 #ifdef GDL_DEBUG
64    cerr << s << endl;
65 #endif
66 }
GDLException(const string & s,bool pre,bool decorate)67 GDLException::GDLException(const string& s, bool pre, bool decorate):
68   ANTLRException(s),
69   errorNode(static_cast<RefDNode>(antlr::nullAST)),
70   errorNodeP( NULL),
71   errorCode(-1),
72   line( 0), col( 0), prefix( pre),
73   ioException( false),
74   targetEnv( NULL)
75 {
76 if(decorate && interpreter!=NULL && interpreter->CallStack().size()>0)
77 {
78   EnvBaseT* e = interpreter->CallStack().back();
79   errorNodeP = e->CallingNode();
80   msg = e->GetProName();
81   if( msg != "$MAIN$") msg +=  ": "+ s; else msg = s;
82 }
83 else
84 {
85   msg = s;
86 }
87   // note: This is for cases, when form a destructor is thrown
88   // in these cases, program aborts
89 #ifdef GDL_DEBUG
90    cerr << s << endl;
91 #endif
92 }
GDLException(const RefDNode eN,const string & s)94 GDLException::GDLException(const RefDNode eN, const string& s):
95   ANTLRException(s),
96   errorNode(eN),
97   errorNodeP( NULL),
98   errorCode(-1),
99   line( 0), col( 0), prefix( true),
100   arrayexprIndexeeFailed(false),
101   ioException( false),
102   targetEnv( NULL)
103 {
104 if(interpreter!=NULL && interpreter->CallStack().size()>0)
105 {
106   EnvBaseT* e = interpreter->CallStack().back();
107   errorNodeP = e->CallingNode();
108   msg = e->GetProName();
109   if( msg != "$MAIN$") msg +=  ": "+ s; else msg = s;
110 }
111 else
112 {
113   msg = s;
114 }
115 #ifdef GDL_DEBUG
116    cerr << s << endl;
117 #endif
118 }
GDLException(DLong eC,const RefDNode eN,const string & s)119 GDLException::GDLException(DLong eC, const RefDNode eN, const string& s):
120   ANTLRException(s),
121   errorNode(eN),
122   errorNodeP( NULL),
123   errorCode(eC),
124   line( 0), col( 0), prefix( true),
125   arrayexprIndexeeFailed(false),
126   ioException( false),
127   targetEnv( NULL)
128 {
129 if(interpreter!=NULL && interpreter->CallStack().size()>0)
130 {
131   EnvBaseT* e = interpreter->CallStack().back();
132   errorNodeP = e->CallingNode();
133   msg = e->GetProName();
134   if( msg != "$MAIN$") msg +=  ": "+ s; else msg = s;
135 }
136 else
137 {
138   msg = s;
139 }
140 #ifdef GDL_DEBUG
141    cerr << s << endl;
142 #endif
143 }
GDLException(const ProgNodeP eN,const string & s,bool decorate,bool overWriteNode)145 GDLException::GDLException(const ProgNodeP eN, const string& s, bool decorate, bool overWriteNode):
146   ANTLRException(s),
147   errorNode(static_cast<RefDNode>(antlr::nullAST)),
148   errorNodeP( eN),
149   errorCode(-1),
150   line( 0), col( 0), prefix( true),
151   arrayexprIndexeeFailed(false),
152   ioException( false),
153   targetEnv( NULL)
154 {
155 if( overWriteNode && interpreter!=NULL && interpreter->CallStack().size()>0)
156 {
157   EnvBaseT* e = interpreter->CallStack().back();
158   errorNodeP = e->CallingNode();
159 }
160 if( decorate && interpreter!=NULL && interpreter->CallStack().size()>0)
161 {
162   EnvBaseT* e = interpreter->CallStack().back();
163   msg = e->GetProName();
164   if( msg != "$MAIN$") msg +=  ": "+ s; else msg = s;
165 }
166 else
167 {
168   msg = s;
169 }
170 #ifdef GDL_DEBUG
171    cerr << s << endl;
172 #endif
173 }
GDLException(DLong eC,const ProgNodeP eN,const string & s,bool decorate,bool overWriteNode)174 GDLException::GDLException(DLong eC, const ProgNodeP eN, const string& s, bool decorate, bool overWriteNode):
175   ANTLRException(s),
176   errorNode(static_cast<RefDNode>(antlr::nullAST)),
177   errorNodeP( eN),
178   errorCode(eC),
179   line( 0), col( 0), prefix( true),
180   arrayexprIndexeeFailed(false),
181   ioException( false),
182   targetEnv( NULL)
183 {
184   if( overWriteNode && interpreter!=NULL && interpreter->CallStack().size()>0)
185   {
186     EnvBaseT* e = interpreter->CallStack().back();
187     errorNodeP = e->CallingNode();
188   }
189   if( decorate && interpreter!=NULL && interpreter->CallStack().size()>0)
190   {
191     EnvBaseT* e = interpreter->CallStack().back();
192     msg = e->GetProName();
193     if( msg != "$MAIN$") msg +=  ": "+ s; else msg = s;
194   }
195   else
196   {
197     msg = s;
198   }
199 #ifdef GDL_DEBUG
200    cerr << s << endl;
201 #endif
202 }
GDLException(SizeT l,SizeT c,const string & s)204 GDLException::GDLException(SizeT l, SizeT c, const string& s):
205   ANTLRException(s),
206   errorNode(static_cast<RefDNode>(antlr::nullAST)),
207   errorNodeP( NULL),
208   errorCode(-1),
209   line( l), col( c), prefix( true),
210   arrayexprIndexeeFailed(false),
211   ioException( false),
212   targetEnv( NULL)
213 {
214   if(interpreter!=NULL && interpreter->CallStack().size()>0)
215   {
216     EnvBaseT* e = interpreter->CallStack().back();
217     errorNodeP = e->CallingNode();
218     msg = e->GetProName();
219     if( msg != "$MAIN$") msg +=  ": "+ s; else msg = s;
220   }
221   else
222   {
223     msg = s;
224   }
225 #ifdef GDL_DEBUG
226    cerr << s << endl;
227 #endif
228 }
GDLException(DLong eC,SizeT l,SizeT c,const string & s)229 GDLException::GDLException(DLong eC, SizeT l, SizeT c, const string& s):
230   ANTLRException(s),
231   errorNode(static_cast<RefDNode>(antlr::nullAST)),
232   errorNodeP( NULL),
233   errorCode(eC),
234   line( l), col( c), prefix( true),
235   arrayexprIndexeeFailed(false),
236   targetEnv( NULL)
237 {
238   if(interpreter!=NULL && interpreter->CallStack().size()>0)
239   {
240     EnvBaseT* e = interpreter->CallStack().back();
241     errorNodeP = e->CallingNode();
242     msg = e->GetProName();
243     if( msg != "$MAIN$") msg +=  ": "+ s; else msg = s;
244   }
245   else
246   {
247     msg = s;
248   }
249 #ifdef GDL_DEBUG
250    cerr << s << endl;
251 #endif
252 }
Message(const string & s)254 void Message(const string& s)
255 {
256   if( SysVar::Quiet() == 0)
257     {
258       cerr << SysVar::MsgPrefix() << s << endl;
259       lib::write_journal_comment( SysVar::MsgPrefix() + s);
260     }
261 }
Warning(const std::string & s)263 void Warning(const std::string& s)
264 {
265   cerr << SysVar::MsgPrefix() << s << endl;
266   lib::write_journal_comment( SysVar::MsgPrefix() + s);
267 }
ThrowGDLException(const std::string & str)269 void ThrowGDLException( const std::string& str)
270 {
271 throw GDLException( str);
272 }
WarnAboutObsoleteRoutine(const string & name)274 void WarnAboutObsoleteRoutine(const string& name)
275 {
276   // no static here due to .RESET_SESSION
277   DStructGDL* warnStruct = SysVar::Warn();
278   // this static is ok as it will evaluate always to the same value
279   static unsigned obs_routinesTag = warnStruct->Desc()->TagIndex( "OBS_ROUTINES");
280   if (((static_cast<DByteGDL*>( warnStruct->GetTag(obs_routinesTag, 0)))[0]).LogTrue())
281     Message("Routine compiled from an obsolete library: " + name);
282   // TODO: journal / !QUIET??
283 }
WarnAboutObsoleteRoutine(const RefDNode eN,const string & name)285 void WarnAboutObsoleteRoutine(const RefDNode eN, const string& name)
286 {
287 // TODO: journal?
288   // no static here due to .RESET_SESSION
289   DStructGDL* warnStruct = SysVar::Warn();
290   // this static is ok as it will evaluate always to the same value
291   static unsigned obs_routinesTag = warnStruct->Desc()->TagIndex( "OBS_ROUTINES");
292   if (((static_cast<DByteGDL*>( warnStruct->GetTag(obs_routinesTag, 0)))[0]).LogTrue())
293   {
294     GDLException* e = new GDLException(eN,
295       "Routine compiled from an obsolete library: " + name
296     );
297     Guard<GDLException> eGuard(e);
298     GDLInterpreter::ReportCompileError(*e, "");
299 // TODO: file
300   }
301 }