1 //
2 // abstract.h
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 1996 Limit Point Systems, Inc.
5 //
6 // Author: Curtis Janssen <cljanss@limitpt.com>
7 // Maintainer: LPS
8 //
9 // This file is part of the SC Toolkit.
10 //
11 // The SC Toolkit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 // it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
13 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
14 // any later version.
15 //
16 // The SC Toolkit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 // GNU Library General Public License for more details.
20 //
21 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
22 // along with the SC Toolkit; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
23 // the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
24 //
25 // The U.S. Government is granted a limited license as per AL 91-7.
26 //
28 #ifndef _math_scmat_abstract_h
29 #define _math_scmat_abstract_h
31 #ifdef __GNUC__
32 #pragma interface
33 #endif
35 #include <util/group/message.h>
37 #include <util/state/state.h>
38 #include <math/scmat/dim.h>
39 #include <math/scmat/block.h>
40 #include <iostream>
42 namespace sc {
44 class SCMatrix;
45 class SymmSCMatrix;
46 class DiagSCMatrix;
47 class SCVector;
49 class SCElementOp;
50 class SCElementOp2;
51 class SCElementOp3;
53 class RefSCDimension;
55 /** The SCMatrixKit abstract class acts as a factory for producing
56 matrices.  By using one of these, the program makes sure that all of the
57 matrices are consistent.  */
58 class SCMatrixKit: public DescribedClass {
59   protected:
60     Ref<MessageGrp> grp_;
62   public:
63     SCMatrixKit();
64     SCMatrixKit(const Ref<KeyVal>&);
65     ~SCMatrixKit();
67     // these members are default in local.cc
68     /** This returns a LocalSCMatrixKit, unless the
69         default has been changed with set_default_matrixkit. */
70     static SCMatrixKit* default_matrixkit();
71     static void set_default_matrixkit(const Ref<SCMatrixKit> &);
73     Ref<MessageGrp> messagegrp() const;
75     /// Given the dimensions, create matrices or vectors.
76     virtual SCMatrix* matrix(const RefSCDimension&,const RefSCDimension&) = 0;
77     virtual SymmSCMatrix* symmmatrix(const RefSCDimension&) = 0;
78     virtual DiagSCMatrix* diagmatrix(const RefSCDimension&) = 0;
79     virtual SCVector* vector(const RefSCDimension&) = 0;
81     /** Given the dimensions and a StateIn object,
82         restore matrices or vectors. */
83     SCMatrix* restore_matrix(StateIn&,
84                              const RefSCDimension&,
85                              const RefSCDimension&);
86     SymmSCMatrix* restore_symmmatrix(StateIn&,
87                                      const RefSCDimension&);
88     DiagSCMatrix* restore_diagmatrix(StateIn&,
89                                      const RefSCDimension&);
90     SCVector* restore_vector(StateIn&,
91                              const RefSCDimension&);
92 };
95 /** The SCVector class is the abstract base class for
96     double valued vectors. */
97 class SCVector: public DescribedClass {
98   protected:
99     RefSCDimension d;
100     Ref<SCMatrixKit> kit_;
101   public:
102     SCVector(const RefSCDimension&, SCMatrixKit *);
104     /// Save and restore this in an implementation independent way.
105     virtual void save(StateOut&);
106     virtual void restore(StateIn&);
108     /// Return the SCMatrixKit used to create this object.
kit()109     Ref<SCMatrixKit> kit() const { return kit_; }
111     // concrete functions (some can be overridden)
112     /// Return a vector with the same dimension and same elements.
113     virtual SCVector* copy();
114     /// Return a vector with the same dimension but uninitialized memory.
115     virtual SCVector* clone();
117     virtual ~SCVector();
118     /// Return the length of the vector.
n()119     int n() const { return d->n(); }
120     /// Return the maximum absolute value element of this vector.
121     virtual double maxabs() const;
122     /// Normalize this.
123     virtual void normalize();
124     /// Assign each element to a random number between -1 and 1
125     virtual void randomize();
126     /// Assign all elements of this to val.
assign(double val)127     void assign(double val) { assign_val(val); }
128     /// Assign element i to v[i] for all i.
assign(const double * v)129     void assign(const double* v) { assign_p(v); }
130     /** Make this have the same elements as v.  The dimensions must
131         match. */
assign(SCVector * v)132     void assign(SCVector* v) { assign_v(v); }
133     /// Overridden to implement the assign functions.
134     virtual void assign_val(double val);
135     virtual void assign_p(const double* v);
136     virtual void assign_v(SCVector *v);
137     /// Assign v[i] to element i for all i.
138     virtual void convert(double* v) const;
139     /** Convert an SCVector of a different specialization
140         to this specialization and possibly accumulate the data. */
141     virtual void convert(SCVector*);
142     virtual void convert_accumulate(SCVector*);
143     /// Multiply each element by val.
144     virtual void scale(double val);
146     /// Return the RefSCDimension corresponding to this vector.
dim()147     RefSCDimension dim() const { return d; }
148     /// Set element i to val.
149     virtual void set_element(int i,double val) = 0;
150     /// Add val to element i.
151     virtual void accumulate_element(int,double) = 0;
152     /// Return the value of element i.
153     virtual double get_element(int i) const = 0;
154     /// Sum the result of m times v into this.
accumulate_product(SymmSCMatrix * m,SCVector * v)155     void accumulate_product(SymmSCMatrix* m, SCVector* v)
156         { accumulate_product_sv(m,v); }
accumulate_product(SCMatrix * m,SCVector * v)157     void accumulate_product(SCMatrix* m, SCVector* v)
158         {  accumulate_product_rv(m,v); }
159     virtual void accumulate_product_sv(SymmSCMatrix* m, SCVector* v);
160     virtual void accumulate_product_rv(SCMatrix* m, SCVector* v) = 0;
161     /// Sum v into this.
162     virtual void accumulate(const SCVector*v) = 0;
163     /// Sum m into this.  One of m's dimensions must be 1.
164     virtual void accumulate(const SCMatrix*m) = 0;
165     /// Return the dot product.
166     virtual double scalar_product(SCVector*) = 0;
167     /// Perform the element operation op on each element of this.
168     virtual void element_op(const Ref<SCElementOp>&) = 0;
169     virtual void element_op(const Ref<SCElementOp2>&,
170                             SCVector*) = 0;
171     virtual void element_op(const Ref<SCElementOp3>&,
172                             SCVector*,SCVector*) = 0;
173     /// Print out the vector.
174     void print(std::ostream&o=ExEnv::out0()) const;
175     void print(const char* title=0,std::ostream&out=ExEnv::out0(),int=10) const;
176     virtual void vprint(const char*title=0,std::ostream&out=ExEnv::out0(),
177                         int=10) const = 0;
179     /// Returns the message group used by the matrix kit
180     Ref<MessageGrp> messagegrp() const;
182     /** Returns iterators for the local (rapidly accessible) blocks used in
183         this vector.  Only one iterator is allowed for a matrix is it has
184         Accum or Write access is allowed.  Multiple Read iterators are
185         permitted. */
186     virtual Ref<SCMatrixSubblockIter> local_blocks(
187         SCMatrixSubblockIter::Access) = 0;
188     /// Returns iterators for the all blocks used in this vector.
189     virtual Ref<SCMatrixSubblockIter> all_blocks(SCMatrixSubblockIter::Access) = 0;
190 };
192 /** The SCMatrix class is the abstract base class for general double valued
193     n by m matrices.  For symmetric matrices use SymmSCMatrix and for
194     diagonal matrices use DiagSCMatrix. */
195 class SCMatrix: public DescribedClass {
196   protected:
197     RefSCDimension d1,d2;
198     Ref<SCMatrixKit> kit_;
199   public:
200     // used to control transformations
201     enum Transform { NormalTransform = 0, TransposeTransform = 1 };
203     // concrete functions (some can be overridden)
204     SCMatrix(const RefSCDimension&, const RefSCDimension&, SCMatrixKit *);
205     virtual ~SCMatrix();
207     /// Save and restore this in an implementation independent way.
208     virtual void save(StateOut&);
209     virtual void restore(StateIn&);
211     /// Return the SCMatrixKit used to create this object.
kit()212     Ref<SCMatrixKit> kit() const { return kit_; }
214     /// Return the number of rows.
nrow()215     int nrow() const { return d1->n(); }
216     /// Return the number of columns.
ncol()217     int ncol() const { return d2->n(); }
218     /// Return the maximum absolute value element.
219     virtual double maxabs() const;
220     /// Assign each element to a random number between -1 and 1
221     virtual void randomize();
222     /// Set all elements to val.
assign(double val)223     void assign(double val) { assign_val(val); }
224     /// Assign element i, j to m[ir*nrow()+j].
assign(const double * m)225     void assign(const double* m) { assign_p(m); }
226     /// Assign element i, j to m[i][j].
assign(const double ** m)227     void assign(const double** m) { assign_pp(m); }
228     /// Make this have the same elements as m. The dimensions must match.
assign(SCMatrix * m)229     void assign(SCMatrix* m) { assign_r(m); }
230     /// Overridden to implement to assign members.
231     virtual void assign_val(double val);
232     virtual void assign_p(const double* m);
233     virtual void assign_pp(const double** m);
234     virtual void assign_r(SCMatrix* m);
235     /** Like the assign members, but these write values to the
236         arguments. */
237     virtual void convert(double*) const;
238     virtual void convert(double**) const;
239     /** Convert an SCMatrix of a different specialization to this
240         specialization and possibly accumulate the data. */
241     virtual void convert(SCMatrix*);
242     virtual void convert_accumulate(SCMatrix*);
243     /// Multiply all elements by val.
244     virtual void scale(double val);
245     /// Scale the diagonal elements by val.
246     virtual void scale_diagonal(double val);
247     /// Shift the diagonal elements by val.
248     virtual void shift_diagonal(double val);
249     /// Make this equal to the unit matrix.
250     virtual void unit();
251     /// Return a matrix with the same dimension and same elements.
252     virtual SCMatrix* copy();
253     /// Return a matrix with the same dimension but uninitialized memory.
254     virtual SCMatrix* clone();
256     // pure virtual functions
257     /// Return the row or column dimension.
rowdim()258     RefSCDimension rowdim() const { return d1; }
coldim()259     RefSCDimension coldim() const { return d2; }
260     /// Return or modify an element.
261     virtual double get_element(int,int) const = 0;
262     virtual void set_element(int,int,double) = 0;
263     virtual void accumulate_element(int,int,double) = 0;
265     /** Return a subblock of this.  The subblock is defined as
266         the rows starting at br and ending at er, and the
267         columns beginning at bc and ending at ec. */
268     virtual SCMatrix * get_subblock(int br, int er, int bc, int ec) =0;
270     /// Assign m to a subblock of this.
271     virtual void assign_subblock(SCMatrix *m, int, int, int, int, int=0, int=0) =0;
273     /// Sum m into a subblock of this.
274     virtual void accumulate_subblock(SCMatrix *m, int, int, int, int, int=0,int=0) =0;
276     /// Return a row or column of this.
277     virtual SCVector * get_row(int i) =0;
278     virtual SCVector * get_column(int i) =0;
280     /// Assign v to a row or column of this.
281     virtual void assign_row(SCVector *v, int i) =0;
282     virtual void assign_column(SCVector *v, int i) =0;
284     /// Sum v to a row or column of this.
285     virtual void accumulate_row(SCVector *v, int i) =0;
286     virtual void accumulate_column(SCVector *v, int i) =0;
288     /// Sum m into this.
289     virtual void accumulate(const SCMatrix* m) = 0;
290     virtual void accumulate(const SymmSCMatrix* m) = 0;
291     virtual void accumulate(const DiagSCMatrix* m) = 0;
292     virtual void accumulate(const SCVector*) = 0;
293     /// Sum into this the products of various vectors or matrices.
294     virtual void accumulate_outer_product(SCVector*,SCVector*) = 0;
accumulate_product(SCMatrix * m1,SCMatrix * m2)295     void accumulate_product(SCMatrix*m1,SCMatrix*m2)
296         { accumulate_product_rr(m1,m2); }
accumulate_product(SCMatrix * m1,SymmSCMatrix * m2)297     void accumulate_product(SCMatrix*m1,SymmSCMatrix*m2)
298         { accumulate_product_rs(m1,m2); }
accumulate_product(SCMatrix * m1,DiagSCMatrix * m2)299     void accumulate_product(SCMatrix*m1,DiagSCMatrix*m2)
300         { accumulate_product_rd(m1,m2); }
accumulate_product(SymmSCMatrix * m1,SCMatrix * m2)301     void accumulate_product(SymmSCMatrix*m1,SCMatrix*m2)
302         { accumulate_product_sr(m1,m2); }
accumulate_product(DiagSCMatrix * m1,SCMatrix * m2)303     void accumulate_product(DiagSCMatrix*m1,SCMatrix*m2)
304         { accumulate_product_dr(m1,m2); }
accumulate_product(SymmSCMatrix * m1,SymmSCMatrix * m2)305     void accumulate_product(SymmSCMatrix*m1,SymmSCMatrix*m2)
306         { accumulate_product_ss(m1,m2); }
307     virtual void accumulate_product_rr(SCMatrix*,SCMatrix*) = 0;
308     virtual void accumulate_product_rs(SCMatrix*,SymmSCMatrix*);
309     virtual void accumulate_product_rd(SCMatrix*,DiagSCMatrix*);
310     virtual void accumulate_product_sr(SymmSCMatrix*,SCMatrix*);
311     virtual void accumulate_product_dr(DiagSCMatrix*,SCMatrix*);
312     virtual void accumulate_product_ss(SymmSCMatrix*,SymmSCMatrix*);
313     /// Transpose this.
314     virtual void transpose_this() = 0;
315     /// Return the trace.
316     virtual double trace() =0;
317     /// Invert this.
318     virtual double invert_this() = 0;
319     /// Return the determinant of this.  this is overwritten.
320     virtual double determ_this() = 0;
322     /** Compute the singular value decomposition for this,
323         possibly destroying this. */
324     virtual void svd_this(SCMatrix *U, DiagSCMatrix *sigma, SCMatrix *V);
325     virtual double solve_this(SCVector*) = 0;
326     virtual void gen_invert_this();
328     /** Schmidt orthogonalize this.  S is the overlap matrix.
329         n is the number of columns to orthogonalize. */
330     virtual void schmidt_orthog(SymmSCMatrix*, int n) =0;
332     /** Schmidt orthogonalize this.  S is the overlap matrix.  tol is the
333         tolerance.  The number of linearly independent vectors is
334         returned. */
335     virtual int schmidt_orthog_tol(SymmSCMatrix*, double tol, double*res=0)=0;
337     /// Perform the element operation op on each element of this.
338     virtual void element_op(const Ref<SCElementOp>&) = 0;
339     virtual void element_op(const Ref<SCElementOp2>&,
340                             SCMatrix*) = 0;
341     virtual void element_op(const Ref<SCElementOp3>&,
342                             SCMatrix*,SCMatrix*) = 0;
343     /// Print out the matrix.
344     void print(std::ostream&o=ExEnv::out0()) const;
345     void print(const char* title=0,std::ostream& out=ExEnv::out0(),
346                int =10) const;
347     virtual void vprint(const char*title=0,
348                         std::ostream&out=ExEnv::out0(),int =10) const = 0;
350     /// Returns the message group used by the matrix kit
351     Ref<MessageGrp> messagegrp() const;
353     /** Returns iterators for the local (rapidly accessible)
354         blocks used in this matrix. */
355     virtual Ref<SCMatrixSubblockIter> local_blocks(
356         SCMatrixSubblockIter::Access) = 0;
357     /// Returns iterators for the all blocks used in this matrix.
358     virtual Ref<SCMatrixSubblockIter> all_blocks(
359         SCMatrixSubblockIter::Access) = 0;
360 };
362 /** The SymmSCMatrix class is the abstract base class for symmetric
363     double valued matrices. */
364 class SymmSCMatrix: public DescribedClass {
365   protected:
366     RefSCDimension d;
367     Ref<SCMatrixKit> kit_;
368   public:
369     SymmSCMatrix(const RefSCDimension&, SCMatrixKit *);
370     ~SymmSCMatrix();
372     /// Return the SCMatrixKit object that created this object.
kit()373     Ref<SCMatrixKit> kit() const { return kit_; }
375     /// Save and restore this in an implementation independent way.
376     virtual void save(StateOut&);
377     virtual void restore(StateIn&);
378     /// Return the maximum absolute value element of this vector.
379     virtual double maxabs() const;
380     /// Assign each element to a random number between -1 and 1
381     virtual void randomize();
382     /// Set all elements to val.
assign(double val)383     void assign(double val) { assign_val(val); }
384     /** Assign element i, j to m[i*(i+1)/2+j]. */
assign(const double * m)385     void assign(const double* m) { assign_p(m); }
386     /// Assign element i, j to m[i][j].
assign(const double ** m)387     void assign(const double** m) { assign_pp(m); }
388     /** Make this have the same elements as m.  The dimensions must
389         match. */
assign(SymmSCMatrix * m)390     void assign(SymmSCMatrix* m) { assign_s(m); }
391     /// Overridden to implement the assign functions
392     virtual void assign_val(double val);
393     virtual void assign_p(const double* m);
394     virtual void assign_pp(const double** m);
395     virtual void assign_s(SymmSCMatrix* m);
396     /// Like the assign members, but these write values to the arguments.
397     virtual void convert(double*) const;
398     virtual void convert(double**) const;
399     /** Convert an SCSymmSCMatrix of a different specialization
400         to this specialization and possibly accumulate the data. */
401     virtual void convert(SymmSCMatrix*);
402     virtual void convert_accumulate(SymmSCMatrix*);
403     /// Multiply all elements by val.
404     virtual void scale(double);
405     /// Scale the diagonal elements by val.
406     virtual void scale_diagonal(double);
407     /// Shift the diagonal elements by val.
408     virtual void shift_diagonal(double);
409     /// Make this equal to the unit matrix.
410     virtual void unit();
411     /// Return the dimension.
n()412     int n() const { return d->n(); }
413     /// Return a matrix with the same dimension and same elements.
414     virtual SymmSCMatrix* copy();
415     /// Return a matrix with the same dimension but uninitialized memory.
416     virtual SymmSCMatrix* clone();
418     // pure virtual functions
419     /// Return the dimension.
dim()420     RefSCDimension dim() const { return d; }
421     /// Return or modify an element.
422     virtual double get_element(int,int) const = 0;
423     virtual void set_element(int,int,double) = 0;
424     virtual void accumulate_element(int,int,double) = 0;
426     /** Return a subblock of this.  The subblock is defined as the rows
427         starting at br and ending at er, and the columns beginning at bc
428         and ending at ec. */
429     virtual SCMatrix * get_subblock(int br, int er, int bc, int ec) =0;
430     virtual SymmSCMatrix * get_subblock(int br, int er) =0;
432     /// Assign m to a subblock of this.
433     virtual void assign_subblock(SCMatrix *m, int, int, int, int) =0;
434     virtual void assign_subblock(SymmSCMatrix *m, int, int) =0;
436     /// Sum m into a subblock of this.
437     virtual void accumulate_subblock(SCMatrix *m, int, int, int, int) =0;
438     virtual void accumulate_subblock(SymmSCMatrix *m, int, int) =0;
440     /// Return a row of this.
441     virtual SCVector * get_row(int i) =0;
443     /// Assign v to a row of this.
444     virtual void assign_row(SCVector *v, int i) =0;
446     /// Sum v to a row of this.
447     virtual void accumulate_row(SCVector *v, int i) =0;
449     /** Diagonalize this, placing the eigenvalues in d and the eigenvectors
450         in m. */
451     virtual void diagonalize(DiagSCMatrix*d,SCMatrix*m) = 0;
452     /// Sum m into this.
453     virtual void accumulate(const SymmSCMatrix* m) = 0;
454     /// Sum into this the products of various vectors or matrices.
455     virtual void accumulate_symmetric_sum(SCMatrix*) = 0;
456     virtual void accumulate_symmetric_product(SCMatrix*);
457     virtual void accumulate_transform(SCMatrix*,SymmSCMatrix*,
458                             SCMatrix::Transform = SCMatrix::NormalTransform);
459     virtual void accumulate_transform(SCMatrix*,DiagSCMatrix*,
460                             SCMatrix::Transform = SCMatrix::NormalTransform);
461     virtual void accumulate_transform(SymmSCMatrix*,SymmSCMatrix*);
462     virtual void accumulate_symmetric_outer_product(SCVector*);
463     /** Return the scalar obtained by multiplying this on the
464         left and right by v. */
465     virtual double scalar_product(SCVector* v);
466     /// Return the trace.
467     virtual double trace() = 0;
468     /// Invert this.
469     virtual double invert_this() = 0;
470     /// Return the determinant of this.  this is overwritten.
471     virtual double determ_this() = 0;
473     virtual double solve_this(SCVector*) = 0;
474     virtual void gen_invert_this() = 0;
476     /// Perform the element operation op on each element of this.
477     virtual void element_op(const Ref<SCElementOp>&) = 0;
478     virtual void element_op(const Ref<SCElementOp2>&,
479                             SymmSCMatrix*) = 0;
480     virtual void element_op(const Ref<SCElementOp3>&,
481                             SymmSCMatrix*,SymmSCMatrix*) = 0;
482     /// Print out the matrix.
483     void print(std::ostream&o=ExEnv::out0()) const;
484     void print(const char* title=0,std::ostream& out=ExEnv::out0(),
485                int =10) const;
486     virtual void vprint(const char* title=0,
487                         std::ostream& out=ExEnv::out0(), int =10) const;
489     /// Returns the message group used by the matrix kit
490     Ref<MessageGrp> messagegrp() const;
492     /** Returns iterators for the local (rapidly accessible)
493         blocks used in this matrix. */
494     virtual Ref<SCMatrixSubblockIter> local_blocks(
495         SCMatrixSubblockIter::Access) = 0;
496     /// Returns iterators for the all blocks used in this matrix.
497     virtual Ref<SCMatrixSubblockIter> all_blocks(
498         SCMatrixSubblockIter::Access) = 0;
499 };
501 /** The SymmSCMatrix class is the abstract base class for diagonal double
502     valued matrices.  */
503 class DiagSCMatrix: public DescribedClass {
504   protected:
505     RefSCDimension d;
506     Ref<SCMatrixKit> kit_;
507   public:
508     DiagSCMatrix(const RefSCDimension&, SCMatrixKit *);
509     ~DiagSCMatrix();
511     /// Return the SCMatrixKit used to create this object.
kit()512     Ref<SCMatrixKit> kit() const { return kit_; }
514     /// Save and restore this in an implementation independent way.
515     virtual void save(StateOut&);
516     virtual void restore(StateIn&);
518     /// Return the maximum absolute value element of this vector.
519     virtual double maxabs() const;
520     /// Assign each element to a random number between -1 and 1
521     virtual void randomize();
522     /// Set all elements to val.
assign(double val)523     void assign(double val) { assign_val(val); }
524     /// Assign element i, i to m[i].
assign(const double * p)525     void assign(const double*p) { assign_p(p); }
526     /** Make this have the same elements as m.  The dimensions must
527         match. */
assign(DiagSCMatrix * d_a)528     void assign(DiagSCMatrix*d_a) { assign_d(d_a); }
529     /// Overridden to implement the assign members.
530     virtual void assign_val(double val);
531     virtual void assign_p(const double*);
532     virtual void assign_d(DiagSCMatrix*);
533     /// Like the assign member, but this writes values to the argument.
534     virtual void convert(double*) const;
535     /** Convert an SCDiagSCMatrix of a different specialization
536         to this specialization and possibly accumulate the data. */
537     virtual void convert(DiagSCMatrix*);
538     virtual void convert_accumulate(DiagSCMatrix*);
539     /// Multiply all elements by val.
540     virtual void scale(double);
541     /// Return the dimension.
n()542     int n() const { return d->n(); }
543     /// Return a matrix with the same dimension and same elements.
544     virtual DiagSCMatrix* copy();
545     /// Return a matrix with the same dimension but uninitialized memory.
546     virtual DiagSCMatrix* clone();
548     // pure virtual functions
549     /// Return the dimension.
dim()550     RefSCDimension dim() const { return d; }
551     /// Return or modify an element.
552     virtual double get_element(int) const = 0;
553     virtual void set_element(int,double) = 0;
554     virtual void accumulate_element(int,double) = 0;
555     /// Sum m into this.
556     virtual void accumulate(const DiagSCMatrix* m) = 0;
557     /// Return the trace.
558     virtual double trace() = 0;
559     /// Return the determinant of this.  this is overwritten.
560     virtual double determ_this() = 0;
561     /// Invert this.
562     virtual double invert_this() = 0;
563     /// Do a generalized inversion of this.
564     virtual void gen_invert_this() = 0;
565     /// Perform the element operation op on each element of this.
566     virtual void element_op(const Ref<SCElementOp>&) = 0;
567     virtual void element_op(const Ref<SCElementOp2>&,
568                             DiagSCMatrix*) = 0;
569     virtual void element_op(const Ref<SCElementOp3>&,
570                             DiagSCMatrix*,DiagSCMatrix*) = 0;
571     /// Print out the matrix.
572     void print(std::ostream&o=ExEnv::out0()) const;
573     void print(const char* title=0,
574                std::ostream& out=ExEnv::out0(), int =10) const;
575     virtual void vprint(const char* title=0,
576                         std::ostream& out=ExEnv::out0(), int =10) const;
578     /// Returns the message group used by the matrix kit
579     Ref<MessageGrp> messagegrp() const;
581     /** Returns iterators for the local (rapidly accessible)
582         blocks used in this matrix. */
583     virtual Ref<SCMatrixSubblockIter> local_blocks(
584         SCMatrixSubblockIter::Access) = 0;
585     /// Returns iterators for the all blocks used in this matrix.
586     virtual Ref<SCMatrixSubblockIter> all_blocks(
587         SCMatrixSubblockIter::Access) = 0;
588 };
590 }
592 #endif
594 // Local Variables:
595 // mode: c++
596 // c-file-style: "CLJ"
597 // End: