1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <math.h>
4 #include <unistd.h>
5 #include <debugtrace.h>
6 #include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
7 #include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
8 #include "mrilib.h"     // AFNIadd
9 #include "3ddata.h"     // AFNIadd
10 #include "TrackIO.h"
11 #include "DoTrackit.h"
15 /*
16   Added in Feb,2015.
18   Trim away record of bundles that are 'too small', whose threshold
19   can be defined by the user.
21  */
ByeByeBundle(int A,int B,int NET,int ** Prob_grid,float *** Prob_grid_L,float *** Param_grid,int L_paramgrid,int *** NETROI,int L_netroi,int * NROI)22 int ByeByeBundle( int A,
23                   int B,
24                   int NET,
25                   int **Prob_grid,
26                   float ***Prob_grid_L,
27                   float ***Param_grid,
28                   int L_paramgrid,
29                   int ***NETROI,
30                   int L_netroi,
31                   int *NROI )
32 {
33    int i, lll;
35    // magical matrix location
36    lll = MatrInd_to_FlatUHT(A, B, NROI[NET]);
38    Prob_grid[NET][lll] = 0;
40    Prob_grid_L[NET][lll][0] = 0; // Nov,2016
41    Prob_grid_L[NET][lll][1] = 0;
43    for( i=0 ; i<L_paramgrid ; i++ )
44       Param_grid[NET][lll][i] = 0;
46    for( i=0 ; i<L_netroi ; i++ )
47       if( NETROI[i][NET][lll] )
48          NETROI[i][NET][lll] = 0;
50    RETURN(1);
51 }
54 /*
55    Order no longer matters here for 'U'HT.
56    We check for the order internally
57    Inputs: NxN square matr coor -> (ROW, COL, N)
58    Output: flat UHT index value PLUS 1
59    *This one goes along the diagonal first!*
60    Useful for unique enumeration of tracts, hence the plus one
61  */
MatrInd_to_FlatUHT_DIAG_P1(int i,int j,int N)62 int MatrInd_to_FlatUHT_DIAG_P1(int i, int j, int N)
63 {
64    int lll;
66    if( i<=j ) {
67       i = j-i;
68       lll = i*N+j; // sq matr coor
69       lll-= (i*(i+1))/2; // fix for tridiag.
70    }
71    else {
72       j = i-j;
73       lll = j*N+i; // sq matr coor
74       lll-= (j*(j+1))/2; // fix for tridiag.
75    }
76    lll+=1;
78    return lll;
79 }
81 /*
82   For when there are multiple connections-- take the unique UHT decomp
83   from P1, and then add N(N-1)/2 to it.  Specifically when the max num
84   of overlaps is 2, but we'll also have multi PLUS two of the overlaps
85   in the string label.
86   Max value to be output (even after the +1): N*N.
87  */
MatrInd_to_FlatUHT_DIAG_M(int i,int j,int N)88 int MatrInd_to_FlatUHT_DIAG_M(int i, int j, int N)
89 {
90    int lll;
92    lll = MatrInd_to_FlatUHT_DIAG_P1(i,j,N);
93    // add N(N-1)/2 to that value.
94    lll+= FlatUHT_Len(N);
95    lll-= N;
97    return lll;
98 }
100 /*
101    Order no longer matters here for 'U'HT.
102    We check for the order internally
103    Inputs: NxN square matr coor -> (ROW, COL, N)
104    Output: flat UHT index value
105  */
MatrInd_to_FlatUHT(int i,int j,int N)106 int MatrInd_to_FlatUHT(int i, int j, int N)
107 {
108    int lll;
110    if( i<=j ) {
111       lll = i*N+j; // sq matr coor
112       lll-= (i*(i+1))/2; // fix for tridiag.
113    }
114    else {
115       lll = j*N+i; // sq matr coor
116       lll-= (j*(j+1))/2; // fix for tridiag.
117    }
119    return lll;
120 }
FlatUHT_Len(int N)122 int FlatUHT_Len(int N)
123 {
124    int out;
125    out = N*(N+1); // out must have been an even number...
126    out/= 2;
127    return out;
128 }
131 // Some funniness to deal with possibility of having biggest label of
132 // a tractogr ROI be >M, where M is actual number of ROIs.  Before, we
133 // required labels to be 1..M, but now we'll free that restriction up.
134 // REF is input data set of ROI labels
135 // NUMROI   ends with number of ROIs per brik
136 //     - dimensions:  N_briks x 1
137 //     - stores value of M per brik
138 // ROILIST ends with having ordered list of ROILABEL ints
139 //     - dimensions:  N_briks x (max ROI label)+1
140 //     - data dims:   N_briks x M+1
141 //     (where the +1s are because we go 1....value)
142 // INVLIST has the ith values at the actual input locations... hence gives
143 //     inverse info to ROILIST
144 // INVROI starts with max val per brik; ends with keeping
145 //     track of max input index per brik
146 //
147 // for now, all negative ROI indexing is handled in using MAPROI
148 // don't think negative integers can be in refset for 3dROIMaker yet, though
ViveLeRoi(THD_3dim_dataset * REF,int ** ROILIST,int ** INVLIST,int * NUMROI,int * INVROI)149 int ViveLeRoi(THD_3dim_dataset *REF, int **ROILIST, int **INVLIST,
150 				  int *NUMROI, int *INVROI)
151 { // NB what index boundaries are for various loops here...
152 	int Nbrik=0,Nvox=0;
153 	int i,j,k,m;
154 	int nrois=0;
156 	Nbrik = DSET_NVALS(REF);
157 	Nvox = DSET_NVOX(REF);
160 	for( m=0 ; m<Nbrik ; m++ )
161 		for( i=0 ; i<Nvox ; i++ )
162 			if( THD_get_voxel(REF,i,m) > 0.5 ) {
163 				ROILIST[m][(int) THD_get_voxel(REF,i,m)]=1;
164 			}
166 	// So, all M rois per brik are now marked.  Go through them,
167 	// condense them into a list by array indices 0..M-1.  NB, in this
168 	// case, the actual *value* of the ROI label might be >M.
169 	// The value of M is then stored for real in NUMROI.
170 	for( m=0 ; m<Nbrik ; m++ ) {
171 		j=1;
172 		for( i=1 ; i<=INVROI[m] ; i++ ){
173 			if( ROILIST[m][i] == 1 ){
174 				ROILIST[m][j]=i;
175 				INVLIST[m][i]=j;
176 				j++;
177 			}
178 		}
180 		if(INVROI[m] < j-1) // should never happen...
181 			ERROR_exit("Problem with ROI labels! Badness in reading/counting.");
183 		// reset value with real total number, not just max label
184 		NUMROI[m] = j-1;
185 	}
187 	RETURN(1);
188 };
191 /*
192   check a given voxel about whether the track running through it is in
193   an entered NOT-mask
194 */
CheckNotMask(int id,int br,short ** amask,int AO)195 int CheckNotMask(int id, int br, short **amask, int AO){
196 	int out=0;
198 	if(AO){ // N_nets==NOTMASK
199 		if(amask[id][br])
200 			out=1;
201 	}
202 	else // single NOTMASK for all
203 		if(amask[id][0])
204 			out=1;
206 	return out;
207 }
210 /*
211   varied length version
213  */
ScoreTrackGrid_M(float *** PG,int idx,int h,int C,THD_3dim_dataset ** inset,int bot,int top)214 int ScoreTrackGrid_M( float ***PG, int idx, int h, int C,
215                       THD_3dim_dataset **inset, int bot, int top)
216 {
217    int i,j=1;
218 	float READS_fl=0;
220    PG[h][C][0]+= 1.0; // N_vox
222    for( i=bot ; i<top ; i++ ) {
224       //mu and std of FA,MD,RD,L1
225       PG[h][C][j]+=
226          THD_get_voxel(inset[i],idx,0);
227       PG[h][C][j+1]+=
228          (float) pow(THD_get_voxel(inset[i],idx,0),2);
229       j+=2;
230    }
232 	RETURN(0);
233 }
237 /* OLD
238 int ScoreTrackGrid_M( float ****PG,int idx, int h, int C, int B,
239                       THD_3dim_dataset **inset, int bot, int top,
240                       int DTI)
241 {
242    int i,j=1;
243 	float READS_fl=0;
245    PG[h][C][B][0]+= 1.0; // N_vox
247    for( i=bot ; i<top ; i++ ) {
249       //mu and std of FA,MD,RD,L1
250       PG[h][C][B][j]+=
251          THD_get_voxel(inset[i],idx,0);
252       PG[h][C][B][j+1]+=
253          (float) pow(THD_get_voxel(inset[i],idx,0),2);
254       j+=2;
255    }
257    if(DTI) { // RD = 0.5 * ( 3*MD - L1 )
258       READS_fl = 0.5*(3.0*THD_get_voxel(inset[i-2],idx,0)-
259                       THD_get_voxel(inset[i-1],idx,0));
260       PG[h][C][B][j]+=
261          READS_fl;
262       PG[h][C][B][j+1]+=
263          (float) pow(READS_fl,2);
264    }
266 	RETURN(1);
267 }*/
271 // *******************************************************************
273 // basic format for writing out tracking results of 3dTrackID:
274 // + a file of individual ROI intercepts
275 // + a file of the pairwise combinations
WriteBasicProbFiles(int N_nets,int Ndata,int Nvox,char * prefix,THD_3dim_dataset * insetFA,int * TV_switch,char * voxel_order,int * NROI,int *** NETROI,int *** mskd,int *** INDEX2,int * Dim,THD_3dim_dataset * dsetn,int argc,char * argv[],char *** ROI_STR_LABS,int NameLabelsOut,Dtable * roi_table,int ** roi_labs,int PAIR_POWERON,int NIFTI_OUT)276 int WriteBasicProbFiles(int N_nets, int Ndata, int Nvox,
277 								char *prefix,THD_3dim_dataset *insetFA,
278 								int *TV_switch,char *voxel_order,int *NROI,
279 								int ***NETROI,int ***mskd,int ***INDEX2,int *Dim,
280 								THD_3dim_dataset *dsetn,int argc, char *argv[],
281                         char ***ROI_STR_LABS, int NameLabelsOut,
282                         Dtable *roi_table,
283                         int **roi_labs, int PAIR_POWERON,
284                         int NIFTI_OUT)
285 {
287 	int i,j,k,bb,hh,kk,rr,idx;
288 	char **prefix_netmap=NULL;
289 	char **prefix_netmap2=NULL;
290 	char **prefix_dtable=NULL;
291    char *Dtable_str=NULL;
292    Dtable *new_dt=NULL;
293    char mini[50];
294 	THD_3dim_dataset *networkMAPS=NULL,*networkMAPS2=NULL;
295    char bric_labs[THD_MAX_NAME];
296    int idx3;
297    FILE *fout1;
298    int MAXOVERLAP = 2;
299    int i1,i2;
300    char EleNameStr[128];
301    int maxROInum, MAXOVERLAP_VAL;
302    int MULTI_ROI = 0;
304 	// ****** alloc'ing
305 	prefix_netmap = calloc( N_nets, sizeof(prefix_netmap));
306 	for(i=0 ; i<N_nets ; i++)
307 		prefix_netmap[i] = calloc( THD_MAX_NAME, sizeof(char));
308 	prefix_netmap2 = calloc( N_nets, sizeof(prefix_netmap2));
309 	for(i=0 ; i<N_nets ; i++)
310 		prefix_netmap2[i] = calloc( THD_MAX_NAME, sizeof(char));
311 	prefix_dtable = calloc( N_nets, sizeof(prefix_dtable));
312 	for(i=0 ; i<N_nets ; i++)
313 		prefix_dtable[i] = calloc( THD_MAX_NAME, sizeof(char));
315 	if( ( prefix_netmap== NULL) || ( prefix_netmap2== NULL)
316        || ( prefix_dtable== NULL) ) {
317 		fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
318 		exit(122);
319 	}
321 	// ****** calc/do
322 	for( hh=0 ; hh<N_nets ; hh++) {
324       // Oct. 2014: if only 1 ROI in set, then just output 0th brick
325       // (because others add no information)
326       // MULTI_ROI acts as both a switch and a number
327       MULTI_ROI = ( NROI[hh] > 1 ) ? 1 : 0;
329       if( NIFTI_OUT )
330          sprintf(prefix_netmap[hh],"%s_%03d_PAIRMAP.nii.gz",prefix,hh);
331       else
332          sprintf(prefix_netmap[hh],"%s_%03d_PAIRMAP",prefix,hh);
334       // Sept 2014
335       sprintf(prefix_dtable[hh],"%s_%03d_PAIRMAP.niml.lt",prefix, hh);
336       if( roi_table ) {
337          // copy dtable
338          Dtable_str = Dtable_to_nimlstring(roi_table, "VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE");
339          new_dt = Dtable_from_nimlstring(Dtable_str);
340          free(Dtable_str); Dtable_str=NULL;
341       }
342       else {
343          new_dt = new_Dtable( NROI[hh] );
344       }
345       // from either above cases, we have either a non-empty or empty
346       // starter; in either case, check through all our ROIs to add in
347       // more as necessary.
348       for( bb=1 ; bb<=NROI[hh] ; bb++) {
349          snprintf(mini, 50, "%d", roi_labs[hh][bb]);
350          if(!(findin_Dtable_a( mini, new_dt ))) {
351             addto_Dtable(mini, ROI_STR_LABS[hh][bb], new_dt );
352          }
353       }
356 		// just get one of right dimensions!
357 		networkMAPS = EDIT_empty_copy( insetFA ) ;
358       // Oct. 2014: if only 1 ROI in set, then just output 0th brick
359       // (because others add no information)
360       if( MULTI_ROI )
361          EDIT_add_bricklist(networkMAPS ,
362                             NROI[hh], NULL , NULL , NULL );
363       if( PAIR_POWERON )
364          EDIT_dset_items(networkMAPS,
365                          ADN_datum_all , MRI_float ,
366                          ADN_none ) ;
367       else
368          EDIT_dset_items(networkMAPS,
369                          ADN_datum_all , MRI_short ,
370                          ADN_none ) ;
372       if( NIFTI_OUT )
373          sprintf(prefix_netmap2[hh],"%s_%03d_INDIMAP.nii.gz",prefix,hh);
374       else
375          sprintf(prefix_netmap2[hh],"%s_%03d_INDIMAP",prefix,hh);
377 		// just get one of right dimensions!
378 		networkMAPS2 = EDIT_empty_copy( insetFA ) ;
379       // Oct. 2014: if only 1 ROI in set, then just output 0th brick
380       // (because others add no information)
381       if( MULTI_ROI )
382          EDIT_add_bricklist(networkMAPS2 ,
383                             NROI[hh], NULL , NULL , NULL );
384 		EDIT_dset_items(networkMAPS2,
385 							 ADN_datum_all , MRI_float ,
386 							 ADN_none ) ;
388       float **temp_arrFL=NULL;
389       short int **temp_arrSH=NULL;
390       float **temp_arr2=NULL;
392       int **intersec=NULL;
394 		// first array for all tracks, 2nd for paired ones.
395 		// still just need one set of matrices output
396       if( MULTI_ROI ) {
397          if( PAIR_POWERON ) {
398             temp_arrFL = calloc( (NROI[hh]+MULTI_ROI), sizeof(temp_arrFL));
399             for(i=0 ; i<(NROI[hh]+MULTI_ROI) ; i++)
400                temp_arrFL[i] = calloc( Nvox, sizeof(float));
401          }
402          else {
403             temp_arrSH = calloc( (NROI[hh]+MULTI_ROI), sizeof(temp_arrSH));
404             for(i=0 ; i<(NROI[hh]+MULTI_ROI) ; i++)
405                temp_arrSH[i] = calloc( Nvox, sizeof(short int));
406          }
407       }
409 		temp_arr2 = calloc( (NROI[hh]+MULTI_ROI), sizeof(temp_arr2));
410 		for(i=0 ; i<(NROI[hh]+MULTI_ROI) ; i++)
411 			temp_arr2[i] = calloc( Nvox, sizeof(float));
413 		if( temp_arr2 == NULL ) {
414 			fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
415 			exit(122);
416 		}
418       // use this per vox
419       if( MULTI_ROI ){
420          intersec = calloc( (NROI[hh]+MULTI_ROI), sizeof(intersec));
421          for(i=0 ; i<(NROI[hh]+MULTI_ROI) ; i++)
422             intersec[i] = calloc(MAXOVERLAP+1, sizeof( int ));
424          if( PAIR_POWERON ) {
425             if( temp_arrFL == NULL ) {
426                fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
427                exit(122);
428             }
429          }
430          else {
431             if( temp_arrSH == NULL ) {
432                fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
433                exit(122);
434             }
435          }
436          if( intersec == NULL ) {
437             fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
438             exit(122);
439          }
440       }
443       // for string label outputs
444 		maxROInum = roi_labs[hh][NROI[hh]];
445       // should never happen normally -- even with _M_<->A<->B
446       MAXOVERLAP_VAL = maxROInum*maxROInum + 1;
448       idx=0;
449       for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ )
450          for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ )
451             for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ ) {
452                // allow for more than one `connector' tract
453                if(mskd[i][j][k]) {
454                   for( bb=1 ; bb<=NROI[hh] ; bb++)
455                      for( rr=bb ; rr<=NROI[hh] ; rr++) {
456                         idx3 = MatrInd_to_FlatUHT(bb-1,rr-1,NROI[hh]);
457                         if(NETROI[INDEX2[i][j][k]][hh][idx3]>0) {
458                            // store connectors
459                            if( MULTI_ROI ){
460                               if(bb != rr){
461                                  if(PAIR_POWERON)
462                                     temp_arrFL[0][idx] = 1.;
463                                  else
464                                     temp_arrSH[0][idx] = (short) 1;
465                               }
466                            }
468 									// store tracks through any ROI
469 									temp_arr2[0][idx] = (float)
470 										NETROI[INDEX2[i][j][k]][hh][idx3];
473                            if( MULTI_ROI ) {
474                               // then add value if overlap
475                               if(bb != rr) {
476                                  if( PAIR_POWERON ) {// OLD
477                                     // unique
478                                     temp_arrFL[bb][idx]+=(float) pow(2,rr);
479                                     temp_arrFL[rr][idx]+=(float) pow(2,bb);
480                                  }
481                                  else{
482                                     temp_arrSH[bb][idx]+= (short) roi_labs[hh][rr];
483                                     temp_arrSH[rr][idx]+= (short) roi_labs[hh][bb];
484                                     intersec[bb][0]+= 1;
485                                     intersec[rr][0]+= 1;
486                                     // keep track of which ones get hit,
487                                     // less than the value
488                                     if( intersec[bb][0]<=MAXOVERLAP )
489                                        intersec[bb][intersec[bb][0]] = rr;
490                                     if( intersec[rr][0]<=MAXOVERLAP )
491                                        intersec[rr][intersec[rr][0]] = bb;
492                                  }
493                               }
496                               if(bb != rr) {
497                                  temp_arr2[bb][idx] = (float)
498                                     NETROI[INDEX2[i][j][k]][hh][idx3];
499                                  temp_arr2[rr][idx] = (float)
500                                     NETROI[INDEX2[i][j][k]][hh][idx3];
501                               }
502                               else
503                                  temp_arr2[bb][idx] = (float)
504                                     NETROI[INDEX2[i][j][k]][hh][idx3];
505                            }
507 								}
508                      }
509                   // continuation of labelling functions for this voxel
510                   if( MULTI_ROI )
511                      for( bb=1 ; bb<=NROI[hh] ; bb++) {
513                         if( intersec[bb][0] == 1 ) { // already tabled, ->erase
514                            intersec[bb][0] = intersec[bb][1] = 0;
515                         }
516                         else if ( intersec[bb][0] == 2 ){ // check labeltable
518                            i1 = roi_labs[hh][intersec[bb][1]];
519                            i2 = roi_labs[hh][intersec[bb][2]];
520                            temp_arrSH[bb][idx] =
521                               MatrInd_to_FlatUHT_DIAG_P1( i1-1,
522                                                           i2-1,
523                                                           maxROInum);
524                            snprintf(mini, 50, "%d", (int) temp_arrSH[bb][idx]);
526                            if(!(findin_Dtable_a( mini, new_dt ))) {
527                               snprintf( EleNameStr, 128, "%s<->%s",
528                                         ROI_STR_LABS[hh][intersec[bb][1]],
529                                         ROI_STR_LABS[hh][intersec[bb][2]]);
530                               addto_Dtable(mini, EleNameStr, new_dt );
531                            }
532                            intersec[bb][0]=intersec[bb][1]=intersec[bb][2]=0;
534                         }
535                         else if( intersec[bb][0] ) { // 'multi' + 2 label names
537                            i1 = roi_labs[hh][intersec[bb][1]];
538                            i2 = roi_labs[hh][intersec[bb][2]];
539                            // use the multi function now.
540                            temp_arrSH[bb][idx] =
541                               MatrInd_to_FlatUHT_DIAG_M( i1-1,
542                                                          i2-1,
543                                                          maxROInum);
544                            snprintf(mini, 50, "%d", (int) temp_arrSH[bb][idx]);
546                            if(!(findin_Dtable_a( mini, new_dt ))) {
547                               snprintf( EleNameStr, 128, "%s<->%s<->%s",
548                                         "_M_",
549                                         ROI_STR_LABS[hh][intersec[bb][1]],
550                                         ROI_STR_LABS[hh][intersec[bb][2]]);
551                               addto_Dtable(mini, EleNameStr, new_dt );
552                            }
553                            intersec[bb][0]=intersec[bb][1]=intersec[bb][2]=0;
555                         }
557                      }
558                }
559                idx+=1;
560             }
564       if ( MULTI_ROI ) {
565          if( PAIR_POWERON ) {// OLD
566             EDIT_substitute_brick(networkMAPS, 0, MRI_float, temp_arrFL[0]);
567             temp_arrFL[0]=NULL;
568          }
569          else {
570             EDIT_substitute_brick(networkMAPS, 0, MRI_short, temp_arrSH[0]);
571             temp_arrSH[0]=NULL;
572          }
573       }
576 		EDIT_substitute_brick(networkMAPS2, 0, MRI_float, temp_arr2[0]);
577 		temp_arr2[0]=NULL;
579       if( MULTI_ROI )
580          for( bb=1 ; bb<=NROI[hh] ; bb++) {
581             if( PAIR_POWERON ) {// OLD
582                EDIT_substitute_brick(networkMAPS,bb,MRI_float,temp_arrFL[bb]);
583                temp_arrFL[bb]=NULL; // to not get into trouble...
584             }
585             else {
586                EDIT_substitute_brick(networkMAPS,bb,MRI_short,temp_arrSH[bb]);
587                temp_arrSH[bb]=NULL; // to not get into trouble...
588             }
590             // Sept 2014: updating labelling
591             sprintf(bric_labs,"AND_%s",ROI_STR_LABS[hh][bb]);
592             EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(networkMAPS, bb, bric_labs); // labels, PAIR
594             EDIT_substitute_brick(networkMAPS2, bb, MRI_float, temp_arr2[bb]);
595             sprintf(bric_labs,"OR_%s",ROI_STR_LABS[hh][bb]);
596             EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(networkMAPS2, bb, bric_labs); // labels, INDI
598             temp_arr2[bb]=NULL; // to not get into trouble...
599          }
601 		if(TV_switch[0] || TV_switch[1] || TV_switch[2]) {
602          if( MULTI_ROI ){
603             dsetn = r_new_resam_dset(networkMAPS, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
604                                      voxel_order, RESAM_NN_TYPE,
605                                      NULL, 1, 0);
606             DSET_delete(networkMAPS);
607             networkMAPS=dsetn;
608             dsetn=NULL;
609          }
611          dsetn = r_new_resam_dset(networkMAPS2, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
612                                   voxel_order, RESAM_NN_TYPE,
613                                   NULL, 1, 0);
614          DSET_delete(networkMAPS2);
615          networkMAPS2=dsetn;
616          dsetn=NULL;
617       }
619       if( MULTI_ROI ) {
620          EDIT_dset_items(networkMAPS,
621                          ADN_prefix    , prefix_netmap[hh] ,
622                          ADN_brick_label_one , "AND_all",
623                          ADN_none ) ;
625          // Sept 2014
626          if( !PAIR_POWERON ) {
627             Dtable_str = Dtable_to_nimlstring(new_dt, "VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE");
628             destroy_Dtable(new_dt); new_dt = NULL;
629             THD_set_string_atr( networkMAPS->dblk ,
630                                 "VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE" , Dtable_str);
632             if( (fout1 = fopen(prefix_dtable[hh], "w")) == NULL) {
633                fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s.",prefix_dtable[hh]);
634                exit(19);
635             }
636             fprintf(fout1,"%s",Dtable_str);
637             fclose(fout1);
639             free(Dtable_str); Dtable_str = NULL;
640          }
642          THD_load_statistics(networkMAPS);
643          if( !THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(networkMAPS)) )
644             ERROR_exit("Can't overwrite existing dataset '%s'",
645                        DSET_HEADNAME(networkMAPS));
646          tross_Make_History("3dTrackID", argc, argv, networkMAPS);
647          THD_write_3dim_dataset(NULL, NULL, networkMAPS, True);
648          DSET_delete(networkMAPS);
650          if(PAIR_POWERON){
651             for( i=0 ; i<NROI[hh]+MULTI_ROI ; i++) // free all
652                free(temp_arrFL[i]);
653             free(temp_arrFL);
654          }
655          else{
656             for( i=0 ; i<NROI[hh]+MULTI_ROI ; i++) // free all
657                free(temp_arrSH[i]);
658             free(temp_arrSH);
659          }
660          for( i=0 ; i<NROI[hh]+MULTI_ROI ; i++) // free all
661             free(intersec[i]);
662          free(intersec);
663          intersec = NULL;
664       }
666 		EDIT_dset_items(networkMAPS2,
667 							 ADN_prefix    , prefix_netmap2[hh] ,
668 							 ADN_brick_label_one , "OR_all",
669 							 ADN_none ) ;
670 		THD_load_statistics(networkMAPS2);
671 		if( !THD_ok_overwrite() && THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(networkMAPS2)) )
672 			ERROR_exit("Can't overwrite existing dataset '%s'",
673 						  DSET_HEADNAME(networkMAPS2));
674 		tross_Make_History("3dTrackID", argc, argv, networkMAPS2);
675 		THD_write_3dim_dataset(NULL, NULL, networkMAPS2, True);
676 		DSET_delete(networkMAPS2);
677 		for( i=0 ; i<NROI[hh]+MULTI_ROI ; i++) // free all
678 			free(temp_arr2[i]);
679 		free(temp_arr2);
681 	}
683 	// ****** freeing  **********
685    if(MULTI_ROI){
686       for( i=0 ; i<N_nets ; i++) {
687          free(prefix_netmap[i]);
688       }
689       free(prefix_netmap);
690       free(networkMAPS);
691    }
692 	for( i=0 ; i<N_nets ; i++) {
693 		free(prefix_dtable[i]);  // free in all cases because where initialized
694 		free(prefix_netmap2[i]);
695 	}
696 	free(prefix_netmap2);
697    free(prefix_dtable);
698 	free(networkMAPS2);
700 	RETURN(1);
701 }
703 // second format for writing out tracking results of 3dTrackID:
704 // each pairwise map in own file
705 // (will be in new directory with prefix name)
WriteIndivProbFiles(int N_nets,int Ndata,int Nvox,int ** Prob_grid,char * prefix,THD_3dim_dataset * insetFA,int * TV_switch,char * voxel_order,int * NROI,int *** NETROI,int *** mskd,int *** INDEX2,int * Dim,THD_3dim_dataset * dsetn,int argc,char * argv[],float *** Param_grid,int DUMP_TYPE,int DUMP_ORIG_LABS,int ** ROI_LABELS,int POST_IT,char *** ROI_STR_LAB,int NameLabelsOut,int NIFTI_OUT)706 int WriteIndivProbFiles(int N_nets, int Ndata, int Nvox, int **Prob_grid,
707 								char *prefix,THD_3dim_dataset *insetFA,
708 								int *TV_switch,char *voxel_order,int *NROI,
709 								int ***NETROI,int ***mskd,int ***INDEX2,int *Dim,
710 								THD_3dim_dataset *dsetn,int argc, char *argv[],
711 								float ***Param_grid, int DUMP_TYPE,
712 								int DUMP_ORIG_LABS, int **ROI_LABELS, int POST_IT,
713                         char ***ROI_STR_LAB, int NameLabelsOut,
714                         int NIFTI_OUT)
715 {
717 	int i,j,k,bb,hh,rr,ii,jj,kk;
718 	int idx,idx2,count;
719 	char ***prefix_netmap=NULL;
720 	char ***prefix_dump=NULL;
721 	THD_3dim_dataset *networkMAPS=NULL;
722 	int *N_totpair=NULL;
723 	int sum_pairs=0;
724 	FILE *fout;
725    int idx3;
726    int OUT_FLOAT_MAP = 0;
727    //char str1[128]={""}, str2[128]={""};
728    //char *str_lab1=NULL, *str_lab2=NULL;
731    if( POST_IT || ( DUMP_TYPE==4) )
732       OUT_FLOAT_MAP = 1;
735 	N_totpair = (int *)calloc(N_nets, sizeof(int));
736    //   str_lab1 = (char *)calloc(100, sizeof(char));
737    //str_lab2 = (char *)calloc(100, sizeof(char));
739 	// find out how many networks we'll be outputting.
740 	// this means going through UHT part of probgrid, looking for nonzeros
741 	for( k=0 ; k<N_nets ; k++)
742 		for( i=0 ; i<NROI[k] ; i++ )
743 			for( j=i ; j<NROI[k] ; j++ ) // include diags
744 				if(Prob_grid[k][MatrInd_to_FlatUHT(i,j,NROI[k])]>0){
745 					N_totpair[k]+=1;
746 					sum_pairs+=1;
747 				}
749 	if( sum_pairs==0 )
750 		INFO_message("No pairs in any network to output.");
751 	else {
753 		INFO_message("Writing out individual files to: %s/NET_ ...",prefix);
756 		// ****** alloc'ing
757 		prefix_netmap = (char ***) calloc( N_nets, sizeof(char **) );
758 		for ( i = 0 ; i < N_nets ; i++ )
759 			prefix_netmap[i] = (char **) calloc( N_totpair[i], sizeof(char *) );
760 		for ( i = 0 ; i < N_nets ; i++ )
761 			for ( j = 0 ; j < N_totpair[i] ; j++ )
762 				prefix_netmap[i][j] = (char *) calloc( THD_MAX_NAME, sizeof(char) );
763 		prefix_dump = (char ***) calloc( N_nets, sizeof(char **) );
764 		for ( i = 0 ; i < N_nets ; i++ )
765 			prefix_dump[i] = (char **) calloc( N_totpair[i], sizeof(char *) );
766 		for ( i = 0 ; i < N_nets ; i++ )
767 			for ( j = 0 ; j < N_totpair[i] ; j++ )
768 				prefix_dump[i][j] = (char *) calloc( THD_MAX_NAME, sizeof(char) );
770 		if( ( prefix_netmap== NULL) || ( prefix_dump== NULL)) {
771 			fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
772 			exit(122);
773 		}
775       mkdir(prefix, 0777);
776 		// ****** calc/do, loop through networks
777 		for( hh=0 ; hh<N_nets ; hh++) {
778 			count=0;
779 			for( i=0 ; i<NROI[hh] ; i++ )
780 				for( j=i ; j<NROI[hh] ; j++ ) {// include diags
781                idx3 = MatrInd_to_FlatUHT(i,j,NROI[hh]);
782 					if(Prob_grid[hh][idx3]>0) {
783                   if( ROI_STR_LAB && NameLabelsOut ) {
784                      if( NIFTI_OUT )
785                         snprintf(prefix_netmap[hh][count], THD_MAX_NAME,
786                                  "%s/NET_%03d_ROI_%s__%s.nii.gz", prefix, hh,
787                                  ROI_STR_LAB[hh][i+1], ROI_STR_LAB[hh][j+1]);
788                      else
789                         snprintf(prefix_netmap[hh][count], THD_MAX_NAME,
790                                  "%s/NET_%03d_ROI_%s__%s", prefix, hh,
791                                  ROI_STR_LAB[hh][i+1], ROI_STR_LAB[hh][j+1]);
792                   }
793 						else if(!DUMP_ORIG_LABS) {
794                      if( NIFTI_OUT )
795                         snprintf(prefix_netmap[hh][count], THD_MAX_NAME,
796                                  "%s/NET_%03d_ROI_%03d__%03d.nii.gz",
797                                  prefix,hh,i+1,j+1);
798                      else
799                         snprintf(prefix_netmap[hh][count], THD_MAX_NAME,
800                                  "%s/NET_%03d_ROI_%03d__%03d",
801                                  prefix,hh,i+1,j+1);
802                   }
803                   else{
804                      if( NIFTI_OUT )
805                         snprintf(prefix_netmap[hh][count], THD_MAX_NAME,
806                                  "%s/NET_%03d_ROI_%03d__%03d.nii.gz",prefix,hh,
807                                  ROI_LABELS[hh][i+1],ROI_LABELS[hh][j+1]);
808                      else
809                         snprintf(prefix_netmap[hh][count], THD_MAX_NAME,
810                                  "%s/NET_%03d_ROI_%03d__%03d",prefix,hh,
811                                  ROI_LABELS[hh][i+1],ROI_LABELS[hh][j+1]);
812                   }
817 						// single brik, byte map
818 						networkMAPS = EDIT_empty_copy( insetFA ) ;
819 						EDIT_dset_items(networkMAPS,
820 											 ADN_datum_all , MRI_byte ,
821 											 ADN_none ) ;
823 						sprintf(prefix_dump[hh][count],
824 								  "%s/NET_%03d_ROI_%03d__%03d.dump",
825 								  prefix,hh,i+1,j+1);
827                   float *temp_arr_FL=NULL;
828                   byte *temp_arr_BY=NULL;
830 						// first array for all tracks, 2nd for paired ones.
831 						// still just need one set of matrices output
832                   if(OUT_FLOAT_MAP) {
833                     // will be single brik output
834                     temp_arr_FL = (float *)calloc(Nvox, sizeof(float));
835                     if( temp_arr_FL== NULL ) {
836                       fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
837                       exit(120);
838                     }
839                   }
840                   else {
841                     // will be single brik output
842                     temp_arr_BY = (byte *)calloc(Nvox, sizeof(byte));
843                     if( temp_arr_BY== NULL ) {
844                       fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
845                       exit(121);
846                     }
847                   }
849                   int **temp_arr2=NULL;
850                   // we know how many vox per WM ROI, alloc that much
851                   // for the to-be-dumped mask
852                   temp_arr2=calloc(Param_grid[hh][idx3][0],
853                                    sizeof(temp_arr2));
854                   for(bb=0 ; bb<Param_grid[hh][idx3][0] ; bb++)
855                     temp_arr2[bb] = calloc(4, sizeof(int)); //x,y,z,1
857 						if( temp_arr2 == NULL ) {
858                     fprintf(stderr, "\n\n MemAlloc failure.\n\n");
859                     exit(122);
860 						}
862 						idx=0;
863 						idx2=0;
864 						for( kk=0 ; kk<Dim[2] ; kk++ )
865 							for( jj=0 ; jj<Dim[1] ; jj++ )
866 								for( ii=0 ; ii<Dim[0] ; ii++ ) {
867 									if(mskd[ii][jj][kk]) {
868                               idx3 = MatrInd_to_FlatUHT(i,j,NROI[hh]);
869 										if(NETROI[INDEX2[ii][jj][kk]][hh][idx3]>0) {
870                                 // store locations
871                                 if(OUT_FLOAT_MAP)
872                                   temp_arr_FL[idx] = (float)
873                                     NETROI[INDEX2[ii][jj][kk]][hh][idx3];
874                                 else
875                                   temp_arr_BY[idx] = 1;
876                                 temp_arr2[idx2][0] = ii;
877                                 temp_arr2[idx2][1] = jj;
878                                 temp_arr2[idx2][2] = kk;
879                                 temp_arr2[idx2][3] = 1;
880                                 idx2++;
881                               }
882                            }
883 									idx++;
884 								}
886 						if(idx2 != Param_grid[hh][idx3][0])
887                     printf("ERROR IN COUNTING! Netw,ROI,ROI= (%d, %d, %d); "
888                            "idx2 %d != %d paramgrid.\n",
889                            hh,i,j,idx2,(int) Param_grid[hh][idx3][0]);
891                   if(OUT_FLOAT_MAP){
892                     EDIT_substitute_brick(networkMAPS, 0, MRI_float,
893                                           temp_arr_FL);
894                     temp_arr_FL=NULL; // to not get into trouble...
895                   }
896                   else{
897                     EDIT_substitute_brick(networkMAPS, 0, MRI_byte,
898                                           temp_arr_BY);
899                     temp_arr_BY=NULL; // to not get into trouble...
900                   }
902 						if(TV_switch[0] || TV_switch[1] || TV_switch[2]) {
903                     dsetn = r_new_resam_dset(networkMAPS, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
904                                              voxel_order, RESAM_NN_TYPE,
905                                              NULL, 1, 0);
906                     DSET_delete(networkMAPS);
907                     networkMAPS=dsetn;
908                     dsetn=NULL;
910                     for( bb=0 ; bb<3 ; bb++ )
911                       if(TV_switch[bb])
912                         for( rr=0 ; rr<idx2 ; rr++)
913                           temp_arr2[rr][bb] = Dim[bb]-1-temp_arr2[rr][bb];
915 						}
916 						EDIT_dset_items(networkMAPS,
917 											 ADN_prefix , prefix_netmap[hh][count] ,
918 											 ADN_brick_label_one , "ROI_pair",
919 											 ADN_none ) ;
921 						// output AFNI if D_T=2 or 3 -> or now 4
922 						if(DUMP_TYPE>1) {
923 							THD_load_statistics(networkMAPS);
924 							if( !THD_ok_overwrite() &&
925 								 THD_is_ondisk(DSET_HEADNAME(networkMAPS)) )
926 								ERROR_exit("Can't overwrite existing dataset '%s'",
927 											  DSET_HEADNAME(networkMAPS));
928 							tross_Make_History("3dTrackID", argc, argv, networkMAPS);
929 							THD_write_3dim_dataset(NULL, NULL, networkMAPS, True);
930 						}
932 						DSET_delete(networkMAPS);
933                   if(OUT_FLOAT_MAP)
934                     free(temp_arr_FL);
935                   else
936                     free(temp_arr_BY);
939 						// if D_T = 1 or 3
940 						if( (DUMP_TYPE==1) || (DUMP_TYPE==3) ) {
941 							if( (fout = fopen(prefix_dump[hh][count], "w")) == NULL) {
942 								fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s.",
943 										  prefix_dump[hh][count]);
944 								exit(139);
945 							}
947 							for( bb=0 ; bb<idx2 ; bb++ ){
948 								for( rr=0 ; rr<4 ; rr++ )
949 								fprintf(fout,"%d\t",temp_arr2[bb][rr]);
950 								fprintf(fout,"\n");
951 							}
953 							fclose(fout);
954 						}
955 						for( bb=0 ; bb<(int) Param_grid[hh][idx3][0] ; bb++) // free all
956 							free(temp_arr2[bb]);
957 						free(temp_arr2);
958 					}
959             }
960 			count++;
961 		} // end of network loop
963 		// ****** freeing  **********
964 		for ( bb = 0 ; bb < N_nets ; bb++ )
965 			for ( rr = 0 ; rr < N_totpair[bb] ; rr++ ) {
966 				free(prefix_dump[bb][rr]);
967 				free(prefix_netmap[bb][rr]);
968 			}
969 		for ( bb = 0 ; bb < N_nets ; bb++ ) {
970 			free(prefix_dump[bb]);
971 			free(prefix_netmap[bb]);
972 		}
973 		free(prefix_dump);
974 		free(prefix_netmap);
976 		free(networkMAPS);
977 	}
979 	free(N_totpair);
980    /*if(str_lab1) {
981       str_lab1 = NULL;
982       free(str_lab1);
983    }
984 	   if(str_lab2) {
985       str_lab2 = NULL;
986       free(str_lab2);
987       }*/
989 	RETURN(1);
990 }
Setup_Labels_Indices_Unc_M_both(int * Dim,int *** mskd,int *** INDEX,int *** INDEX2,float ** UNC,float ** coorded,float ** copy_coorded,THD_3dim_dataset * insetFA,short * DirPerVox,int N_HAR,THD_3dim_dataset ** insetV,THD_3dim_dataset * insetUC,float unc_minei_std,float unc_minfa_std,int N_nets,int * NROI,THD_3dim_dataset * mset1,int ** MAPROI,int ** INV_LABELS,int *** NETROI)992 int Setup_Labels_Indices_Unc_M_both(int *Dim, int ***mskd, int ***INDEX,
993                                     int ***INDEX2, float **UNC,
994                                     float **coorded, float **copy_coorded,
995                                     THD_3dim_dataset *insetFA,
996                                     short *DirPerVox,
997                                     int N_HAR,
998                                     THD_3dim_dataset **insetV,
999                                     THD_3dim_dataset *insetUC,
1000                                     float unc_minei_std, float unc_minfa_std,
1001                                     int N_nets, int *NROI,
1002                                     THD_3dim_dataset *mset1, int **MAPROI,
1003                                     int **INV_LABELS, int ***NETROI)
1004 {
1006    int i,j,k,idx,m,mm,rr;
1007    int idw,n,nn;
1008    float tempvmagn;
1009    float temp1;
1011 	// set up eigvecs in 3D coord sys,
1012 	// mark off where ROIs are and keep index handy
1013 	// also make uncert matrix, with min values of del ang and del FA
1014 	for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ )
1015 		for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ )
1016 			for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ )
1017 				if(mskd[i][j][k]) {
1018 					idx = INDEX2[i][j][k];
1019                idw = INDEX[i][j][k];
1021 					coorded[idx][0]=copy_coorded[idx][0]=
1022 						THD_get_voxel(insetFA,idw,0);
1024                // Uncertainty parts if
1025                if( UNC != NULL ) {
1026                   if( N_HAR==0 ) { // DTI
1027                      // all from data set
1028                      //for( m=0 ; m<6 ; m++ )
1029                      //   UNC[idx][m] = THD_get_voxel(insetUC,idw,m);
1030                      temp1 = (THD_get_voxel(insetUC,idw,1) > unc_minei_std ) ?
1031                            THD_get_voxel(insetUC,idw,1) : unc_minei_std;
1032                      temp1 = pow(temp1,2);
1033                      temp1+= pow(THD_get_voxel(insetUC,idw,0),2);
1034                      UNC[idx][0] = sqrt(temp1); // delta e_{12}
1036                      temp1 = (THD_get_voxel(insetUC,idw,3) > unc_minei_std ) ?
1037                         THD_get_voxel(insetUC,idw,3) : unc_minei_std;
1038                      temp1 = pow(temp1,2);
1039                      temp1+= pow(THD_get_voxel(insetUC,idw,2),2);
1040                      UNC[idx][1] = sqrt(temp1); // delta e_{13}
1042                      // mean and std of delta FA
1043                      UNC[idx][2] = THD_get_voxel(insetUC,idw,4);
1044                      UNC[idx][3] = (THD_get_voxel(insetUC,idw,5) > unc_minfa_std ) ?
1045                         THD_get_voxel(insetUC,idw,5) : unc_minfa_std;
1047                   }
1048                   else { // HARDI
1049                      // all from data set
1050                      for( m=0 ; m<DirPerVox[idx] ; m++ ) {
1051                         UNC[idx][m] =
1052                            (THD_get_voxel(insetUC,idw,m+1) > unc_minei_std ) ?
1053                            THD_get_voxel(insetUC,idw,m+1) : unc_minei_std;
1054                      }
1055                      UNC[idx][m] =
1056                         (THD_get_voxel(insetUC,idw,0) > unc_minfa_std) ?
1057                         THD_get_voxel(insetUC,idw,0) : unc_minfa_std;
1058                   }
1060                }
1062                // setup all vectors
1063                for( n=0 ; n<DirPerVox[idx] ; n++ ) {
1064                   nn = 3*n;
1066                   for( m=0 ; m<3 ; m++ )
1067                      coorded[idx][nn+m+1]=copy_coorded[idx][nn+m+1]=
1068                         THD_get_voxel(insetV[n],idw,m);
1070                   // apparently, some |V1| != 1... gotta fix
1071                   tempvmagn = sqrt(copy_coorded[idx][nn+1]*copy_coorded[idx][nn+1]+
1072                                    copy_coorded[idx][nn+2]*copy_coorded[idx][nn+2]+
1073                                    copy_coorded[idx][nn+3]*copy_coorded[idx][nn+3]);
1074                   //					if(tempvmagn<0.99)
1075                   if(tempvmagn>0)
1076                      for( m=1 ; m<4 ; m++ ) {
1077                         copy_coorded[idx][nn+m]/=tempvmagn;
1078                         coorded[idx][nn+m]/=tempvmagn;
1079                      }
1080                }
1082 					for( m=0 ; m<N_nets ; m++ ) {
1083 						// allow indentification by index --
1084 						// now, since we allow non-consecutive ROI labels,
1085 						// just use the compacted list numbers via INV_LABELS
1086 						if( THD_get_voxel(mset1, idw, m)>0.5 )
1087 							MAPROI[idx][m] = INV_LABELS[m][(int) THD_get_voxel(mset1,idw,m)];
1088 						else if( THD_get_voxel(mset1, idw, m)<-0.5 )
1089                      // silly, is zero anyways... can use this to set to neg mask
1090 							MAPROI[idx][m] = -1;
1092                   // ppppretty sure there's no need for this here->
1093                   // it's all zeros already
1094 						// counter for number of kept tracks passing through
1095                   //rr = NROI[m]*(NROI[m]+1);
1096                   //rr/= 2;
1097 						//for( mm=0 ; mm<rr ; mm++ )
1098                   //  NETROI[idx][m][mm]) = 0;
1099 					}
1100 				}
1102 	RETURN(1);
1104 }
Setup_Ndir_per_vox(int N_HAR,int * Dim,int *** mskd,int *** INDEX,int *** INDEX2,THD_3dim_dataset ** insetHARDIR,short * DirPerVox)1107 int Setup_Ndir_per_vox(int N_HAR, int *Dim, int ***mskd,
1108                        int ***INDEX,
1109                        int ***INDEX2,
1110                        THD_3dim_dataset **insetHARDIR,
1111                        short *DirPerVox)
1112 {
1113    int i,j,k,idx,m,n;
1114    float tempvmagn;
1116 	// set up eigvecs in 3D coord sys,
1117 	// mark off where ROIs are and keep index handy
1118 	// also make uncert matrix, with min values of del ang and del FA
1119 	for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ )
1120 		for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ )
1121 			for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ )
1122 				if(mskd[i][j][k]) {
1123 					idx = INDEX2[i][j][k];
1124                for( n=0 ; n<N_HAR ; n++ ){
1125                   tempvmagn = 0;
1126                   for( m=0 ; m<3 ; m++ )
1127                      tempvmagn+=
1128                         THD_get_voxel(insetHARDIR[n],INDEX[i][j][k],m)*
1129                         THD_get_voxel(insetHARDIR[n],INDEX[i][j][k],m);
1131                   if( tempvmagn > 0.01)
1132                      DirPerVox[idx]+=1;
1133                   else if( tempvmagn <0.00001 ) // i.e., zero
1134                      continue;
1135                   else { // awkwardly small.
1136                      INFO_message("Minor note: there is a tiny"
1137                                   " (magn < 0.1)"
1138                                   " vector in the %d-th direction set."
1139                                   "\n\t--> Will exclude that voxel"
1140                                   " from walkable mask-- recommend checking"
1141                                   " model fit.",n);
1142                      mskd[i][j][k] = 0;
1143                   }
1144                }
1145             }
1146    return 1;
1147 }
1149 /*
1150   For Monte Carlo iterations, perturb values in mask
1151  */
DTI_Perturb_M(int * Dim,int *** mskd,int *** INDEX,int *** INDEX2,float ** UNC,float ** coorded,float ** copy_coorded,gsl_rng * r,THD_3dim_dataset ** insetV)1152 int DTI_Perturb_M( int *Dim, int ***mskd, int ***INDEX, int ***INDEX2,
1153                    float **UNC, float **coorded, float **copy_coorded,
1154                    gsl_rng *r,
1155                    THD_3dim_dataset **insetV)
1156 {
1158    int i,j,k,m,idx,idw;
1159    float tempvmagn,testang,w2,w3;
1160    float tempv[3];
1162    // have already got `del theta' for angles in UNC!
1164    for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ )
1165       for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ )
1166          for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ ) {
1167             idx = INDEX2[i][j][k];
1168             idw = INDEX[i][j][k];
1169             // only do region in brain mask
1170             if(mskd[i][j][k]) {
1172                // these are weights determined by rotation angle,
1173                // (prob. determined by jackknifing with 3dDWUncert)
1174                // each tips in the +/- direc toward/away from each evec
1175                // by averaging and that's why tan of angle is taken
1176                //@@@
1177                testang = GSL_RAN(r,1.0)*UNC[idx][0];
1178                w2 = tan(testang);
1180                testang = GSL_RAN(r,1.0)*UNC[idx][1];
1181                w3 = tan(testang);
1184                for( m=0 ; m<3 ; m++)
1185                   tempv[m] = coorded[idx][m+1] +
1186                      w2*THD_get_voxel(insetV[1],idw,m) +
1187                      w3*THD_get_voxel(insetV[2],idw,m);
1188                tempvmagn = sqrt(tempv[0]*tempv[0]+
1189                                 tempv[1]*tempv[1]+tempv[2]*tempv[2]);
1191                for( m=0 ; m<3 ; m++)
1192                   copy_coorded[idx][m+1] = tempv[m]/tempvmagn;
1194                // apply bias and std of FA
1195                copy_coorded[idx][0] = coorded[idx][0] + UNC[idx][2] +
1196                   ( UNC[idx][3] * GSL_RAN(r,1.0) );
1198             }
1199          }
1201 	RETURN(1);
1202 }
HARDI_Perturb(int * Dim,int *** mskd,int *** INDEX,int *** INDEX2,float ** UNC,float ** coorded,float ** copy_coorded,gsl_rng * r,short * DirPerVox)1205 int HARDI_Perturb( int *Dim, int ***mskd, int ***INDEX, int ***INDEX2,
1206                    float **UNC, float **coorded, float **copy_coorded,
1207                    gsl_rng *r, short *DirPerVox)
1208 {
1210    int i,j,k,m,idx,n,B,nn;
1211    float tempvmagn,testang,w2,w3;
1212    float for_pol, for_azim;
1213    float tempv[3];
1214    float rot[3][3];
1216    for( k=0 ; k<Dim[2] ; k++ )
1217       for( j=0 ; j<Dim[1] ; j++ )
1218          for( i=0 ; i<Dim[0] ; i++ ) {
1219             idx = INDEX2[i][j][k];
1220             // only do region in brain mask
1221             if(mskd[i][j][k]) {
1223                for( n=0 ; n<DirPerVox[idx] ; n++ ){
1224                   nn=3*n+1; // plus one b/c zeroth brick is FA
1226                   // unit vect, randomly perturbed around (0,0,1)
1227                   for_pol =  GSL_RAN(r,1.0)*UNC[idx][n];
1228                   for_azim = TWOPI*gsl_rng_uniform (r); // rand in 2*pi*[0,1)
1229                   tempv[0] = tempv[1] = sin(for_pol);
1230                   tempv[0]*= cos(for_azim);
1231                   tempv[1]*= sin(for_azim);
1232                   tempv[2] = cos(for_pol);
1234                   for_pol = acos( coorded[idx][nn+2] ); // acos(z)
1235                   for_azim = atan2( coorded[idx][nn+1],coorded[idx][nn+0]); // atan(y,x)
1237                   // do rotation: select within func for which vec
1238                   // (nn) because 0th brick is now FA value
1239                   B = Two_DOF_Rot(tempv, copy_coorded[idx]+nn,
1240                                   for_pol, for_azim, rot);
1242                   /* printf("\n%d DP = %f; for (%f, %f, %f) and (%f, %f, %f)",n,
1243                          copy_coorded[idx][nn+0]*coorded[idx][nn+0]+
1244                          copy_coorded[idx][nn+1]*coorded[idx][nn+1]+
1245                          copy_coorded[idx][nn+2]*coorded[idx][nn+2],
1246                          coorded[idx][nn+0],
1247                          coorded[idx][nn+1],
1248                          coorded[idx][nn+2],
1249                          copy_coorded[idx][nn+0],
1250                          copy_coorded[idx][nn+1],
1251                          copy_coorded[idx][nn+2]
1252                          );*/
1253                }
1255                // for FA; n should have correct value here...
1256                //for_pol = GSL_RAN(r,1.0)*UNC[idx][n];
1257                copy_coorded[idx][0] = coorded[idx][0] +
1258                   GSL_RAN(r,1.0)*UNC[idx][n];
1259             }
1260          }
1262 	RETURN(1);
1263 }
Two_DOF_Rot(float * X,float * Y,double POL,double AZIM,float rot[3][3])1266 int Two_DOF_Rot(float *X, float *Y,
1267                 double POL, double AZIM, float rot[3][3] )
1268 {
1269    int i, j, k;
1270    float C0, C1, S0, S1;
1272    C0 = cos(POL);
1273    S0 = sin(POL);
1274    C1 = cos(AZIM);
1275    S1 = sin(AZIM);
1277    rot[0][0] = C0*C1;   rot[0][1] = -S1;   rot[0][2] = C1*S0;
1278    rot[1][0] = C0*S1;   rot[1][1] = C1;    rot[1][2] = S0*S1;
1279    rot[2][0] = -S0;     rot[2][1] = 0.;    rot[2][2] = C0;
1281    for( i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
1282       Y[i] = 0;
1284    for( i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
1285       for( j=0 ; j<3 ; j++)
1286          Y[i]+= rot[i][j]*X[j];
1288 	RETURN(1);
1289 }
1292 /*
1293   NEW NEW ONE.  Multi directionality.
1294  */
TrackItP_NEW_M(int NHAR,short * DirPerVox,int SEL,float ** CC,int * IND,float * PHYSIND,float * Edge,int * dim,float minFA,float maxAng,int arrMax,int ** T,float ** flT,int FB,float * physL,int *** ID2)1296 int TrackItP_NEW_M(int NHAR, short *DirPerVox, int SEL, float **CC,
1297                    int *IND, float *PHYSIND,
1298                    float *Edge, int *dim, float minFA,
1299                    float maxAng, int arrMax, int **T,
1300                    float **flT, int FB, float *physL,
1301                    int ***ID2)
1302 {
1303    int tracL = 0;  // trac length
1304    float Iam0[3]; // 'physical' location
1305    float AA, BB; // mult by L: (1-f)/2 and (1+f)/2, resp., define diagonal
1306    int vsign[3]; // keep trac of vel component sign
1307    float test[3]; // use to see if we move diag or not
1308    int ord[3];
1309    float dotprod;
1310    int go[3]; // for walking through
1311    int win;
1312    float targedge[3]; // possible walls to aim for
1313    float stest[3]; // compare s values-- get shortest 'time' to wall
1314    int m,n,tt;
1315    int walkback;
1316    float physdist = 0.0; // init dist walked is 0;
1317    float FF = 0.4143; //from: (sin(22.5*CONV)/sin((90-22.5)*CONV));
1318    float divid;
1319    int FULLSEL;
1320    float which_dp;
1322    ENTRY("TrackItP_NEW_M");
1324    AA = 0.5*(1.0-FF);
1325    BB = 0.5*(1.0+FF);
1327    // initial place in center of first volume
1328    for( n=0 ; n<3 ; n++)
1329       Iam0[n] = PHYSIND[n];
1330    tt = ID2[IND[0]][IND[1]][IND[2]]; // tt changes when INDs do
1331    // init dotprod is ~unity
1332    dotprod = 0.999;
1333    // square we are 'in' which survived tests: keep trac of, and add
1334    // to temp list
1335    for( n=0 ; n<3 ; n++) {
1336       T[tracL][n] = IND[n];
1337       flT[tracL][n] = Iam0[n];
1338    }
1339    tracL+= 1;
1341    // tracking!
1342    // conditions to stop are:
1343    // + too long of a tract (most likely something wrong with alg,
1344    //   because max is large)
1345    // + FA drops below threshold
1346    // + angulation goes above threshold
1347    while( (tracL < arrMax) && (CC[tt][0] >= minFA)
1348           && ( dotprod >= maxAng) ) {
1350       // offset in arrays to select which vect because of having:
1351       //    1) FA map as 0th brick in CC,
1352       //    2) possibly hardi/multi
1353       FULLSEL = 3*SEL+1;
1355       // go to nearest edge
1356       for( n=0 ; n<3 ; n++) {
1357          go[n] = 0; // just resetting our direction to
1358          // Designate up/down, L/R, forw/back, with FB value given before.
1359          // Use SEL->FULLSEL to select which vect
1360          if(CC[tt][FULLSEL+n]*FB >=0) {
1361             targedge[n] = (IND[n]+1)*Edge[n]; // physical units
1362             vsign[n] = 1;
1363          }
1364          else {
1365             targedge[n] = IND[n]*Edge[n];
1366             vsign[n] = -1;
1367          }
1368       }
1371       // calc 'param' to get to edge...
1372       for( n=0 ; n<3 ; n++) {
1373          if( fabs(CC[tt][FULLSEL+n]) < EPS_V)
1374             divid = EPS_V*vsign[n];
1375          else
1376             divid = FB*CC[tt][FULLSEL+n];
1377          stest[n] = (targedge[n]-Iam0[n])/divid;
1378       }
1379       walkback=0;
1381       // say, due to very small CC in opp direction, or trying to push
1382       // us back into previous
1383       for( n=0 ; n<3 ; n++)
1384          if( (stest[n]<0) )
1385             walkback =1;
1388       if(walkback==0) {
1389          for( n=0 ; n<3 ; n++) // try this config as initial guess
1390             ord[n] = n;
1392          if(stest[ ord[1] ]<stest[ ord[0] ]) { // switch
1393             ord[0] = 1; // these are known values of each...
1394             ord[1] = 0;
1395          }
1396          if(stest[ ord[2] ]<stest[ ord[0] ]) { // switch
1397             n = ord[0]; // save temp
1398             ord[0] = ord[2]; // overwrite
1399             ord[2] = n; // finish switch
1400          }
1401          if(stest[ ord[2] ]<stest[ ord[1] ]) { // switch
1402             n = ord[1];
1403             ord[1] = ord[2];
1404             ord[2] = n;
1405          }
1407          win = ord[0];
1408          go[ord[0]] = vsign[ord[0]];
1410          // winner is here; other 2 indices haven't changed, test them.
1411          test[ord[1]] = Iam0[ord[1]] +
1412             stest[ord[0]]*FB*CC[tt][FULLSEL+ord[1]] -
1413             (IND[ord[1]]*Edge[ord[1]]);
1415          if( ( (vsign[ord[1]]>0 ) && (test[ord[1]] > Edge[ord[1]]*BB) ) ||
1416              ( (vsign[ord[1]]<0 ) && (test[ord[1]] < Edge[ord[1]]*AA) ) ){
1417             // then test and see where it would end up
1418             test[ord[0]] = Iam0[ord[0]] +
1419                stest[ord[1]]*FB*CC[tt][FULLSEL+ord[0]] -
1420                (IND[ ord[0]] + go[ord[0]])*Edge[ord[0]];
1422             if( ( (vsign[ord[0]]>0) && (test[ord[0]] < Edge[ord[0]]*AA) ) ||
1423                 ( (vsign[ord[0]]<0) && (test[ord[0]] > Edge[ord[0]]*BB) ) ){
1424                go[ord[1]] = vsign[ord[1]]; // partially-'diagonal' route
1425                win = ord[1];
1427                // and only now, do we test for the other diagonal
1428                test[ord[2]] = Iam0[ord[2]] +
1429                   stest[ord[0]]*FB*CC[tt][FULLSEL+ord[2]] -
1430                   (IND[ord[2]]*Edge[ord[2]]);
1432                if(((vsign[ord[2]]>0 ) && (test[ord[2]] > Edge[ord[2]]*BB)) ||
1433                   ((vsign[ord[2]]<0 ) && (test[ord[2]] < Edge[ord[2]]*AA)) ){
1434                   test[ord[0]] = Iam0[ord[0]] +
1435                      stest[ord[2]]*FB*CC[tt][FULLSEL+ord[0]] -
1436                      (IND[ord[0]]+go[ord[0]])*Edge[ord[0]];
1437                   test[ord[1]] = Iam0[ord[1]] +
1438                      stest[ord[2]]*FB*CC[tt][FULLSEL+ord[1]] -
1439                      (IND[ord[1]] + go[ord[1]])*Edge[ord[1]];
1441                   // check both for diag-diag
1442                   if(((vsign[ord[0]]>0) && (test[ord[0]] < Edge[ord[0]]*AA)) ||
1443                      ((vsign[ord[0]]<0) && (test[ord[0]] > Edge[ord[0]]*BB)))
1444                      if(((vsign[ord[1]]>0) &&
1445                          (test[ord[1]] < Edge[ord[1]]*AA)) ||
1446                         ((vsign[ord[1]]<0) &&
1447                          (test[ord[1]] > Edge[ord[1]]*BB))){
1448                         go[ord[2]] = vsign[ord[2]]; // fully-'diagonal' route
1449                         win = ord[2];
1450                      }
1451                }
1452             }
1453          }
1455          // move to boundary of next square, updating square we are 'in'
1456          // with current eigenvec
1457          for( n=0 ; n<3 ; n++) // phys loc
1458             Iam0[n]+= stest[ win ]*FB*CC[tt][FULLSEL+n];
1459          for( n=0 ; n<3 ; n++) // update indices of square we're in
1460             IND[n] = IND[n]+go[n]; // will change after testing vals
1462          physdist+= stest[win];
1464          // one way we can stop is by trying to 'walk out' of the volume;
1465          // can check that here
1466          if((IND[0] < dim[0]) && (IND[1] < dim[1]) && (IND[2] < dim[2]) &&
1467             (IND[0] >= 0) && (IND[1] >= 0) && (IND[2] >= 0) ) {
1468             tt = ID2[IND[0]][IND[1]][IND[2]];
1470             // dot prod for stopping cond (abs value)
1471             // check with current vec dotproducted with previous
1472             // ++ NOW also checking which vector to select if there are
1473             // multi directions: largest |dotprod| means smallest angle
1474             which_dp = 0.;
1475             SEL = 0;
1476             for( m=0 ; m<DirPerVox[tt] ; m++) {
1477                dotprod = 0.;
1478                for( n=0 ; n<3 ; n++)
1479                   dotprod+= CC[tt][3*m+1+n]*
1480                      FB*CC[ID2[IND[0]-go[0]][IND[1]-go[1]][IND[2]-go[2]]][FULLSEL+n];
1481                if (fabs(dotprod) > which_dp)
1482                   which_dp = fabs(dotprod) ;
1483                   SEL = m;
1484             }
1486             // because of ambiguity of direc/orient of evecs
1487             // and will be checked for criterion at start of next while loop
1488             // because we will keep moving in 'negative' orientation of evec
1489             if(dotprod<0) {
1490                dotprod*=-1.;
1491                FB = -1;
1492             }
1493             else
1494                FB = 1; // move along current orientation of next one
1496             // make sure we haven't been here before
1497             for( n=0 ; n<tracL ; n++)
1498                if( (IND[0]==T[n][0]) && (IND[1]==T[n][1]) && (IND[2]==T[n][2]) )
1499                   dotprod =-1.;
1501             if(dotprod<0) // bad
1502                for( n=0 ; n<3 ; n++) {
1503                   T[tracL][n] = -1;
1504                   flT[tracL][n] = -1;
1505                }
1506             else // fine
1507                for( n=0 ; n<3 ; n++) {
1508                   T[tracL][n] = IND[n];
1509                   flT[tracL][n] = Iam0[n];
1510                }
1511             tracL+= 1;
1513          }
1514          else {
1515             // to not try to access inaccessible value
1516             // so we will exit tracking in this direction
1517             // at start of next loop
1518             for( n=0 ; n<3 ; n++) {
1519                IND[n] = 0;
1520                T[tracL][n] = -1;
1521                flT[tracL][n] = -1;
1522             }
1523             dotprod = -2.;
1524             tt=0;
1525             tracL+= 1;
1526          }
1527       }
1528       else{
1529          dotprod = -3.;
1530          tt=0;
1531          for( n=0 ; n<3 ; n++) {
1532             T[tracL][n] = -1;
1533             flT[tracL][n] = -1;
1534          }
1535          tracL+= 1;
1536       }
1538    }
1540    if(dotprod>=0 &&  (CC[tt][0] >= minFA)){
1541       for( n=0 ; n<3 ; n++) {
1542          T[tracL][n] = -1;
1543          flT[tracL][n] = -1;
1544       }
1545       tracL+= 1;
1546    }
1547    if(tracL >= arrMax) //{
1548       WARNING_message("Err in data set or run conditions:\n"
1549                       "\t half-tract reached max arr len! Truncating it.\n");
1550       //exit(101);
1551    //   }
1553    physL[0] = physdist;
1555    RETURN(tracL);
1556 }