1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 **  This file is part of GAP, a system for computational discrete algebra.
4 **
5 **  Copyright of GAP belongs to its developers, whose names are too numerous
6 **  to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file for details.
7 **
8 **  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
9 **
10 **  This file contains the  functions  to compute  with elements  from  small
11 **  finite fields.
12 **
13 **  The concepts of this kernel module are documented in finfield.h
14 */
16 #include "finfield.h"
18 #include "ariths.h"
19 #include "bool.h"
20 #include "calls.h"
21 #include "error.h"
22 #include "finfield_conway.h"
23 #include "gvars.h"
24 #include "io.h"
25 #include "lists.h"
26 #include "modules.h"
27 #include "opers.h"
28 #include "plist.h"
30 #ifdef HPCGAP
31 #include "hpc/aobjects.h"
32 #include "hpc/thread.h"
33 #endif
35 /****************************************************************************
36 **
37 *V  SuccFF  . . . . .  Tables for finite fields which are computed on demand
38 *V  TypeFF
39 *V  TypeFF0
40 **
41 **  SuccFF holds a plain list of successor lists.
42 **  TypeFF holds the types of typical elements of the finite fields.
43 **  TypeFF0 holds the types of the zero elements of the finite fields.
44 */
46 Obj SuccFF;
47 static Obj TypeFF;
48 static Obj TypeFF0;
51 /****************************************************************************
52 **
53 *V  TYPE_FFE  . . . . . kernel copy of GAP function TYPE_FFE
54 *V  TYPE_FFE0 . . . . . kernel copy of GAP function TYPE_FFE0
55 **
56 **  These GAP functions are called to compute types of finite field elemnents
57 */
58 static Obj TYPE_FFE;
59 static Obj TYPE_FFE0;
61 /****************************************************************************
62 **
63 *V  PrimitiveRootMod
64 **
65 **  Local copy of GAP function PrimitiveRootMod, used when initializing new
66 **  fields.
67 */
68 static Obj PrimitiveRootMod;
71 /****************************************************************************
72 **
73 *F  LookupPrimePower(<q>) . . . . . . . .  search for a prime power in tables
74 **
75 **  Searches the tables of prime powers from ffdata.c for q, returns the
76 **  index of q in SizeFF if it is present and 0 if not (the 0 position of
77 **  SizeFF is unused).
78 */
LookupPrimePower(UInt q)79 static FF LookupPrimePower(UInt q)
80 {
81     UInt l, n;
82     FF   ff;
83     UInt e;
85     /* search through the finite field table                               */
86     l = 1;
88     ff = 0;
89     while (l <= n && SizeFF[l] <= q && q <= SizeFF[n]) {
90         /* interpolation search */
91         /* cuts iterations roughly in half compared to binary search at
92          * the expense of additional divisions. */
93         e = (q - SizeFF[l] + 1) * (n - l) / (SizeFF[n] - SizeFF[l] + 1);
94         ff = l + e;
95         if (SizeFF[ff] == q)
96             break;
97         if (SizeFF[ff] < q)
98             l = ff + 1;
99         else
100             n = ff - 1;
101     }
102     if (ff < 1 || ff > NUM_SHORT_FINITE_FIELDS)
103         return 0;
104     if (SizeFF[ff] != q)
105         return 0;
106     return ff;
107 }
110 /****************************************************************************
111 **
112 *F  FiniteField(<p>,<d>) .  make the small finite field with <p>^<d> elements
113 *F  FiniteFieldBySize(<q>) . .  make the small finite field with <q> elements
114 **
115 **  The work is done in the Lookup function above, and in FiniteFieldBySize
116 **  where the successor tables are computed.
117 */
FiniteFieldBySize(UInt q)119 FF FiniteFieldBySize(UInt q)
120 {
121     FF    ff;            /* finite field, result            */
122     Obj   tmp;           /* temporary bag                   */
123     Obj   succBag;       /* successor table bag             */
124     FFV * succ;          /* successor table                 */
125     FFV * indx;          /* index table                     */
126     UInt  p;             /* characteristic of the field     */
127     UInt  poly;          /* Conway polynomial of extension  */
128     UInt  i, l, f, n, e; /* loop variables                  */
129     Obj   root;          /* will be a primitive root mod p  */
131     ff = LookupPrimePower(q);
132     if (!ff)
133         return 0;
135 #ifdef HPCGAP
136     /* Important correctness concern here:
137      *
138      * The values of SuccFF, TypeFF, and TypeFF0 are set in that
139      * order, separated by write barriers. This can happen concurrently
140      * in a different thread.
141      *
142      * Thus, after observing that TypeFF0 has been set, we can be sure
143      * that the thread also sees the values of SuccFF and TypeFF.
144      * This is ensured by the read barrier in ATOMIC_ELM_PLIST().
145      *
146      * In the worst case, we may do the following calculations once per
147      * thread and throw them away for all but one thread. Correctness
148      * is still ensured through the use of ATOMIC_SET_ELM_PLIST_ONCE(),
149      * which results in all threads sharing the same types and successor
150      * tables.
151      */
152     if (ATOMIC_ELM_PLIST(TypeFF0, ff))
153         return ff;
154 #else
155     if (ELM_PLIST(TypeFF0, ff))
156         return ff;
157 #endif
159     // determine the characteristic of the field
160     p = CHAR_FF(ff);
162     /* allocate a bag for the successor table and one for a temporary */
163     tmp = NewKernelBuffer(sizeof(Obj) + q * sizeof(FFV));
164     succBag = NewKernelBuffer(sizeof(Obj) + q * sizeof(FFV));
166     indx = (FFV *)(1 + ADDR_OBJ(tmp));
167     succ = (FFV *)(1 + ADDR_OBJ(succBag));
169     /* if q is a prime find the smallest primitive root $e$, use $x - e$   */
171     if (DEGR_FF(ff) == 1) {
172         if (p < 65537) {
173             /* for smaller primes we do this in the kernel for performance and
174             bootstrapping reasons
175             TODO -- review the threshold */
176             for (e = 1, i = 1; i != p - 1; ++e) {
177                 for (f = e, i = 1; f != 1; ++i)
178                     f = (f * e) % p;
179             }
180         }
181         else {
182             /* Otherwise we ask the library */
183             root = CALL_1ARGS(PrimitiveRootMod, INTOBJ_INT(p));
184             e = INT_INTOBJ(root) + 1;
185         }
186         poly = p - (e - 1);
187     }
189     /* otherwise look up the polynomial used to construct this field       */
190     else {
191         for (i = 0; PolsFF[i] != q; i += 2)
192             ;
193         poly = PolsFF[i + 1];
194     }
196     /* construct 'indx' such that 'e = x^(indx[e]-1) % poly' for every e   */
197     indx[0] = 0;
198     for (e = 1, n = 0; n < q - 1; ++n) {
199         indx[e] = n + 1;
200         /* e =p*e mod poly =x*e mod poly =x*x^n mod poly =x^{n+1} mod poly */
201         if (p != 2) {
202             f = p * (e % (q / p));
203             l = ((p - 1) * (e / (q / p))) % p;
204             e = 0;
205             for (i = 1; i < q; i *= p)
206                 e = e + i * ((f / i + l * (poly / i)) % p);
207         }
208         else {
209             if (2 * e & q)
210                 e = 2 * e ^ poly ^ q;
211             else
212                 e = 2 * e;
213         }
214     }
216     /* construct 'succ' such that 'x^(n-1)+1 = x^(succ[n]-1)' for every n  */
217     succ[0] = q - 1;
218     for (e = 1, f = p - 1; e < q; e++) {
219         if (e < f) {
220             succ[indx[e]] = indx[e + 1];
221         }
222         else {
223             succ[indx[e]] = indx[e + 1 - p];
224             f += p;
225         }
226     }
228     /* enter the finite field in the tables                                */
229 #ifdef HPCGAP
230     MakeBagReadOnly(succBag);
231     ATOMIC_SET_ELM_PLIST_ONCE(SuccFF, ff, succBag);
232     CHANGED_BAG(SuccFF);
233     tmp = CALL_1ARGS(TYPE_FFE, INTOBJ_INT(p));
234     ATOMIC_SET_ELM_PLIST_ONCE(TypeFF, ff, tmp);
235     CHANGED_BAG(TypeFF);
236     tmp = CALL_1ARGS(TYPE_FFE0, INTOBJ_INT(p));
237     ATOMIC_SET_ELM_PLIST_ONCE(TypeFF0, ff, tmp);
238     CHANGED_BAG(TypeFF0);
239 #else
240     ASS_LIST(SuccFF, ff, succBag);
241     CHANGED_BAG(SuccFF);
242     tmp = CALL_1ARGS(TYPE_FFE, INTOBJ_INT(p));
243     ASS_LIST(TypeFF, ff, tmp);
244     CHANGED_BAG(TypeFF);
245     tmp = CALL_1ARGS(TYPE_FFE0, INTOBJ_INT(p));
246     ASS_LIST(TypeFF0, ff, tmp);
247     CHANGED_BAG(TypeFF0);
248 #endif
250     /* return the finite field                                             */
251     return ff;
252 }
FiniteField(UInt p,UInt d)254 FF FiniteField(UInt p, UInt d)
255 {
256     UInt q, i;
257     FF   ff;
259     q = 1;
260     for (i = 1; i <= d; i++)
261         q *= p;
263     ff = FiniteFieldBySize(q);
264     if (ff != 0 && CHAR_FF(ff) != p)
265         return 0;
266     return ff;
267 }
270 /****************************************************************************
271 **
272 *F  CommonFF(<f1>,<d1>,<f2>,<d2>) . . . . . . . . . . . . find a common field
273 **
274 **  'CommonFF' returns  a small finite field  that can represent  elements of
275 **  degree <d1> from the small finite field <f1> and  elements of degree <d2>
276 **  from the small finite field <f2>.  Note that this is not guaranteed to be
277 **  the smallest such field.  If  <f1> and <f2> have different characteristic
278 **  or the smallest common field, is too large, 'CommonFF' returns 0.
279 */
CommonFF(FF f1,UInt d1,FF f2,UInt d2)280 FF              CommonFF (
281     FF                  f1,
282     UInt                d1,
283     FF                  f2,
284     UInt                d2 )
285 {
286     UInt                p;              /* characteristic                  */
287     UInt                d;              /* degree                          */
289     /* trivial case first                                                  */
290     if ( f1 == f2 ) {
291         return f1;
292     }
294     /* get and check the characteristics                                   */
295     p = CHAR_FF( f1 );
296     if ( p != CHAR_FF( f2 ) ) {
297         return 0;
298     }
300     /* check whether one of the fields will do                             */
301     if ( DEGR_FF(f1) % d2 == 0 ) {
302         return f1;
303     }
304     if ( DEGR_FF(f2) % d1 == 0 ) {
305         return f2;
306     }
308     /* compute the neccessary degree                                       */
309     d = d1;
310     while ( d % d2 != 0 ) {
311         d += d1;
312     }
314     /* try to build the field                                              */
315     return FiniteField( p, d );
316 }
319 /****************************************************************************
320 **
321 *F  CharFFE(<ffe>)  . . . . . . . . .  characteristic of a small finite field
322 **
323 **  'CharFFE' returns the characteristic of the small finite field  in  which
324 **  the element <ffe> lies.
325 */
CharFFE(Obj ffe)326 UInt CharFFE (
327     Obj                 ffe )
328 {
329     return CHAR_FF( FLD_FFE(ffe) );
330 }
FuncCHAR_FFE_DEFAULT(Obj self,Obj ffe)332 static Obj FuncCHAR_FFE_DEFAULT(Obj self, Obj ffe)
333 {
334     return INTOBJ_INT( CHAR_FF( FLD_FFE(ffe) ) );
335 }
338 /****************************************************************************
339 **
340 *F  DegreeFFE(<ffe>)  . . . . . . . . . . . .  degree of a small finite field
341 **
342 **  'DegreeFFE' returns the degree of the smallest finite field in which  the
343 **  element <ffe> lies.
344 */
DegreeFFE(Obj ffe)345 UInt DegreeFFE (
346     Obj                 ffe )
347 {
348     UInt                d;              /* degree, result                  */
349     FFV                 val;            /* value of element                */
350     FF                  fld;            /* field of element                */
351     UInt                q;              /* size  of field                  */
352     UInt                p;              /* char. of field                  */
353     UInt                m;              /* size  of minimal field          */
355     /* get the value, the field, the size, and the characteristic          */
356     val = VAL_FFE( ffe );
357     fld = FLD_FFE( ffe );
358     q = SIZE_FF( fld );
359     p = CHAR_FF( fld );
361     /* the zero element has a degree of one                                */
362     if ( val == 0 ) {
363         return 1L;
364     }
366     /* compute the degree                                                  */
367     m = p;
368     d = 1;
369     while ( (q-1) % (m-1) != 0 || (val-1) % ((q-1)/(m-1)) != 0 ) {
370         m *= p;
371         d += 1;
372     }
374     /* return the degree                                                   */
375     return d;
376 }
FuncDEGREE_FFE_DEFAULT(Obj self,Obj ffe)378 static Obj FuncDEGREE_FFE_DEFAULT(Obj self, Obj ffe)
379 {
380     return INTOBJ_INT( DegreeFFE( ffe ) );
381 }
384 /****************************************************************************
385 **
386 *F  TypeFFE(<ffe>)  . . . . . . . . . . type of element of small finite field
387 **
388 **  'TypeFFE' returns the type of the element <ffe> of a small finite field.
389 **
390 **  'TypeFFE' is the function in 'TypeObjFuncs' for  elements in small finite
391 **  fields.
392 */
TypeFFE(Obj ffe)393 Obj TypeFFE(Obj ffe)
394 {
395     Obj types = (VAL_FFE(ffe) == 0) ? TypeFF0 : TypeFF;
396 #ifdef HPCGAP
397     return ATOMIC_ELM_PLIST(types, FLD_FFE(ffe));
398 #else
399     return ELM_PLIST(types, FLD_FFE(ffe));
400 #endif
401 }
404 /****************************************************************************
405 **
406 *F  EqFFE(<opL>,<opR>)  . . . . . . . test if finite field elements are equal
407 **
408 **  'EqFFE' returns  'True' if the two  finite field elements <opL> and <opR>
409 **  are equal and 'False' othwise.
410 **
411 **  This is complicated because it must account  for the following situation.
412 **  Suppose 'a' is 'Z(3)', 'b' is 'Z(3^2)^4' and  finally 'c' is 'Z(3^3)^13'.
413 **  Mathematically 'a' is equal to 'b', so we  want 'a =  b' to be 'true' and
414 **  since 'a' is represented over a  subfield of 'b'  this is no big problem.
415 **  Again  'a' is equal to  'c', and again we want  'a = c'  to be 'true' and
416 **  again this is no problem since 'a' is represented over a subfield of 'c'.
417 **  Since '=' ought  to be transitive we also  want 'b = c'  to be 'true' and
418 **  this is a problem, because they are represented over incompatible fields.
419 */
EqFFE(Obj opL,Obj opR)420 static Int EqFFE(Obj opL, Obj opR)
421 {
422     FFV                 vL, vR;         /* value of left and right         */
423     FF                  fL, fR;         /* field of left and right         */
424     UInt                pL, pR;         /* char. of left and right         */
425     UInt                qL, qR;         /* size  of left and right         */
426     UInt                mL, mR;         /* size  of minimal field          */
428     /* get the values and the fields over which they are represented       */
429     vL = VAL_FFE( opL );
430     vR = VAL_FFE( opR );
431     fL = FLD_FFE( opL );
432     fR = FLD_FFE( opR );
434     /* if the elements are represented over the same field, it is easy     */
435     if ( fL == fR ) {
436         return (vL == vR);
437     }
439     /* elements in fields of different characteristic are different too    */
440     pL = CHAR_FF( fL );
441     pR = CHAR_FF( fR );
442     if ( pL != pR ) {
443         return 0L;
444     }
446     /* the zero element is not equal to any other element                  */
447     if ( vL == 0 || vR == 0 ) {
448         return (vL == 0 && vR == 0);
449     }
451     /* compute the sizes of the minimal fields in which the elements lie   */
452     qL = SIZE_FF( fL );
453     mL = pL;
454     while ( (qL-1) % (mL-1) != 0 || (vL-1) % ((qL-1)/(mL-1)) != 0 ) mL *= pL;
455     qR = SIZE_FF( fR );
456     mR = pR;
457     while ( (qR-1) % (mR-1) != 0 || (vR-1) % ((qR-1)/(mR-1)) != 0 ) mR *= pR;
459     /* elements in different fields are different too                      */
460     if ( mL != mR ) {
461         return 0L;
462     }
464     /* otherwise compare the elements in the common minimal field          */
465     return ((vL-1)/((qL-1)/(mL-1)) == (vR-1)/((qR-1)/(mR-1)));
466 }
469 /****************************************************************************
470 **
471 *F  LtFFE(<opL>,<opR>)  . . . . . .  test if finite field elements is smaller
472 **
473 **  'LtFFEFFE' returns 'True' if the  finite field element <opL> is  strictly
474 **  less than the finite field element <opR> and 'False' otherwise.
475 */
LtFFE(Obj opL,Obj opR)476 static Int LtFFE(Obj opL, Obj opR)
477 {
478     FFV                 vL, vR;         /* value of left and right         */
479     FF                  fL, fR;         /* field of left and right         */
480     UInt                pL, pR;         /* char. of left and right         */
481     UInt                qL, qR;         /* size  of left and right         */
482     UInt                mL, mR;         /* size  of minimal field          */
484     /* get the values and the fields over which they are represented       */
485     vL = VAL_FFE( opL );
486     vR = VAL_FFE( opR );
487     fL = FLD_FFE( opL );
488     fR = FLD_FFE( opR );
490     /* elements in fields of different characteristic are not comparable   */
491     pL = CHAR_FF( fL );
492     pR = CHAR_FF( fR );
493     if ( pL != pR ) {
494         return (DoOperation2Args( LtOper, opL, opR ) == True);
495     }
497     /* the zero element is smaller than any other element                  */
498     if ( vL == 0 || vR == 0 ) {
499         return (vL == 0 && vR != 0);
500     }
502     /* get the sizes of the fields over which the elements are written */
503     qL = SIZE_FF( fL );
504     qR = SIZE_FF( fR );
506     /* Deal quickly with the case where both elements are written over the ground field */
507     if (qL ==pL &&  qR == pR)
508       return vL < vR;
510     /* compute the sizes of the minimal fields in which the elements lie   */
511     mL = pL;
512     while ( (qL-1) % (mL-1) != 0 || (vL-1) % ((qL-1)/(mL-1)) != 0 ) mL *= pL;
513     mR = pR;
514     while ( (qR-1) % (mR-1) != 0 || (vR-1) % ((qR-1)/(mR-1)) != 0 ) mR *= pR;
516     /* elements in smaller fields are smaller too                          */
517     if ( mL != mR ) {
518         return (mL < mR);
519     }
521     /* otherwise compare the elements in the common minimal field          */
522     return ((vL-1)/((qL-1)/(mL-1)) < (vR-1)/((qR-1)/(mR-1)));
523 }
526 /****************************************************************************
527 **
528 *F  PrFFV(<fld>,<val>)  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  print a finite field value
529 **
530 **  'PrFFV' prints the value <val> from the finite field <fld>.
531 **
532 */
PrFFV(FF fld,FFV val)533 static void PrFFV(FF fld, FFV val)
534 {
535     UInt                q;              /* size   of finite field          */
536     UInt                p;              /* char.  of finite field          */
537     UInt                m;              /* size   of minimal field         */
538     UInt                d;              /* degree of minimal field         */
540     /* get the characteristic, order of the minimal field and the degree   */
541     q = SIZE_FF( fld );
542     p = CHAR_FF( fld );
544     /* print the zero                                                      */
545     if ( val == 0 ) {
546         Pr( "%>0*Z(%>%d%2<)", (Int)p, 0L );
547     }
549     /* print a nonzero element as power of the primitive root              */
550     else {
552         /* find the degree of the minimal field in that the element lies   */
553         d = 1;  m = p;
554         while ( (q-1) % (m-1) != 0 || (val-1) % ((q-1)/(m-1)) != 0 ) {
555             d++;  m *= p;
556         }
557         val = (val-1) / ((q-1)/(m-1)) + 1;
559         /* print the element                                               */
560         Pr( "%>Z(%>%d%<", (Int)p, 0L );
561         if ( d == 1 ) {
562             Pr( "%<)", 0L, 0L );
563         }
564         else {
565             Pr( "^%>%d%2<)", (Int)d, 0L );
566         }
567         if ( val != 2 ) {
568             Pr( "^%>%d%<", (Int)(val-1), 0L );
569         }
570     }
572 }
575 /****************************************************************************
576 **
577 *F  PrFFE(<ffe>)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  print a finite field element
578 **
579 **  'PrFFE' prints the finite field element <ffe>.
580 */
PrFFE(Obj ffe)581 static void PrFFE(Obj ffe)
582 {
583     PrFFV( FLD_FFE(ffe), VAL_FFE(ffe) );
584 }
587 /****************************************************************************
588 **
589 *F  SumFFEFFE(<opL>,<opR>)  . . . . . . . . . .  sum of finite field elements
590 **
591 **  'SumFFEFFE' returns  the sum of the  two finite  field elements <opL> and
592 **  <opR>.  The sum is represented over the field over which the operands are
593 **  represented, even if it lies in a much smaller field.
594 **
595 **  If one of the  elements is represented over  a subfield of the field over
596 **  which the  other element  is  represented, it is  lifted  into the larger
597 **  field before the addition.
598 **
599 **  'SumFFEFFE' just does the conversions mentioned  above and then calls the
600 **  macro 'SUM_FFV' to do the actual addition.
601 */
602 static Obj SUM_FFE_LARGE;
SumFFEFFE(Obj opL,Obj opR)604 static Obj SumFFEFFE(Obj opL, Obj opR)
605 {
606     FFV                 vL, vR, vX;     /* value of left, right, result    */
607     FF                  fL, fR, fX;     /* field of left, right, result    */
608     UInt                qL, qR, qX;     /* size  of left, right, result    */
610     /* get the values, handle trivial cases                                */
611     vL = VAL_FFE( opL );
612     vR = VAL_FFE( opR );
614     /* bring the two operands into a common field <fX>                     */
615     fL = FLD_FFE( opL );
616     qL = SIZE_FF( fL );
617     fR = FLD_FFE( opR );
618     qR = SIZE_FF( fR  );
620     if ( qL == qR ) {
621         fX = fL;
622     }
623     else if ( qL % qR == 0 && (qL-1) % (qR-1) == 0 ) {
624         fX = fL;
625         if ( vR != 0 )  vR = (qL-1) / (qR-1) * (vR-1) + 1;
626     }
627     else if ( qR % qL == 0 && (qR-1) % (qL-1) == 0 ) {
628         fX = fR;
629         if ( vL != 0 )  vL = (qR-1) / (qL-1) * (vL-1) + 1;
630     }
631     else {
632         fX = CommonFF( fL, DegreeFFE(opL), fR, DegreeFFE(opR) );
633         if ( fX == 0 )  return CALL_2ARGS( SUM_FFE_LARGE, opL, opR );
634         qX = SIZE_FF( fX );
635         /* if ( vL != 0 )  vL = (qX-1) / (qL-1) * (vL-1) + 1; */
636         if ( vL != 0 )  vL = ((qX-1) * (vL-1)) / (qL-1) + 1;
637         /* if ( vR != 0 )  vR = (qX-1) / (qR-1) * (vR-1) + 1; */
638         if ( vR != 0 )  vR = ((qX-1) * (vR-1)) / (qR-1) + 1;
639     }
641     /* compute and return the result                                       */
642     vX = SUM_FFV( vL, vR, SUCC_FF(fX) );
643     return NEW_FFE( fX, vX );
644 }
SumFFEInt(Obj opL,Obj opR)646 static Obj SumFFEInt(Obj opL, Obj opR)
647 {
648     FFV                 vL, vR, vX;     /* value of left, right, result    */
649     FF                  fX;             /* field of result                 */
650     Int                 pX;             /* char. of result                 */
651     const FFV*          sX;             /* successor table of result field */
653     /* get the field for the result                                        */
654     fX = FLD_FFE( opL );
655     pX = CHAR_FF( fX );
656     sX = SUCC_FF( fX );
658     /* get the right operand                                               */
659     vX = ((INT_INTOBJ( opR ) % pX) + pX) % pX;
660     if ( vX == 0 ) {
661         vR = 0;
662     }
663     else {
664         vR = 1;
665         for ( ; 1 < vX; vX-- )  vR = sX[vR];
666     }
668     /* get the left operand                                                */
669     vL = VAL_FFE( opL );
671     /* compute and return the result                                       */
672     vX = SUM_FFV( vL, vR, sX );
673     return NEW_FFE( fX, vX );
674 }
SumIntFFE(Obj opL,Obj opR)676 static Obj SumIntFFE(Obj opL, Obj opR)
677 {
678     FFV                 vL, vR, vX;     /* value of left, right, result    */
679     FF                  fX;             /* field of result                 */
680     Int                 pX;             /* char. of result                 */
681     const FFV*          sX;             /* successor table of result field */
683     /* get the field for the result                                        */
684     fX = FLD_FFE( opR );
685     pX = CHAR_FF( fX );
686     sX = SUCC_FF( fX );
688     /* get the left operand                                                */
689     vX = ((INT_INTOBJ( opL ) % pX) + pX) % pX;
690     if ( vX == 0 ) {
691         vL = 0;
692     }
693     else {
694         vL = 1;
695         for ( ; 1 < vX; vX-- )  vL = sX[vL];
696     }
698     /* get the right operand                                               */
699     vR = VAL_FFE( opR );
701     /* compute and return the result                                       */
702     vX = SUM_FFV( vL, vR, sX );
703     return NEW_FFE( fX, vX );
704 }
707 /****************************************************************************
708 **
709 *F  ZeroFFE(<op>) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  zero of a finite field element
710 */
ZeroFFE(Obj op)711 static Obj ZeroFFE(Obj op)
712 {
713     FF                  fX;             /* field of result                 */
715     /* get the field for the result                                        */
716     fX = FLD_FFE( op );
718     /* return the result                                                   */
719     return NEW_FFE( fX, 0 );
720 }
723 /****************************************************************************
724 **
725 *F  AInvFFE(<op>) . . . . . . . . . . additive inverse of finite field element
726 */
AInvFFE(Obj op)727 static Obj AInvFFE(Obj op)
728 {
729     FFV                 v, vX;          /* value of operand, result        */
730     FF                  fX;             /* field of result                 */
731     const FFV*          sX;             /* successor table of result field */
733     /* get the field for the result                                        */
734     fX = FLD_FFE( op );
735     sX = SUCC_FF( fX );
737     /* get the operand                                                     */
738     v = VAL_FFE( op );
740     /* compute and return the result                                       */
741     vX = NEG_FFV( v, sX );
742     return NEW_FFE( fX, vX );
743 }
746 /****************************************************************************
747 **
748 *F  DiffFFEFFE(<opL>,<opR>) . . . . . . . difference of finite field elements
749 **
750 **  'DiffFFEFFE' returns  the difference  of  the two  finite  field elements
751 **  <opL> and <opR>.  The difference is represented over the field over which
752 **  the operands are represented, even if it lies in a much smaller field.
753 **
754 **  If one of the elements is  represented over a subfield  of the field over
755 **  which the  other element is  represented,  it is  lifted into  the larger
756 **  field before the subtraction.
757 **
758 **  'DiffFFEFFE' just does the conversions mentioned above and then calls the
759 **  macros 'NEG_FFV' and 'SUM_FFV' to do the actual subtraction.
760 */
761 static Obj DIFF_FFE_LARGE;
DiffFFEFFE(Obj opL,Obj opR)763 static Obj DiffFFEFFE(Obj opL, Obj opR)
764 {
765     FFV                 vL, vR, vX;     /* value of left, right, result    */
766     FF                  fL, fR, fX;     /* field of left, right, result    */
767     UInt                qL, qR, qX;     /* size  of left, right, result    */
769     /* get the values, handle trivial cases                                */
770     vL = VAL_FFE( opL );
771     vR = VAL_FFE( opR );
773     /* bring the two operands into a common field <fX>                     */
774     fL = FLD_FFE( opL );
775     qL = SIZE_FF( fL );
776     fR = FLD_FFE( opR );
777     qR = SIZE_FF( fR  );
779     if ( qL == qR ) {
780         fX = fL;
781     }
782     else if ( qL % qR == 0 && (qL-1) % (qR-1) == 0 ) {
783         fX = fL;
784         if ( vR != 0 )  vR = (qL-1) / (qR-1) * (vR-1) + 1;
785     }
786     else if ( qR % qL == 0 && (qR-1) % (qL-1) == 0 ) {
787         fX = fR;
788         if ( vL != 0 )  vL = (qR-1) / (qL-1) * (vL-1) + 1;
789     }
790     else {
791         fX = CommonFF( fL, DegreeFFE(opL), fR, DegreeFFE(opR) );
792         if ( fX == 0 )  return CALL_2ARGS( DIFF_FFE_LARGE, opL, opR );
793         qX = SIZE_FF( fX );
794         /* if ( vL != 0 )  vL = (qX-1) / (qL-1) * (vL-1) + 1; */
795         if ( vL != 0 )  vL = ((qX-1) * (vL-1)) / (qL-1) + 1;
796         /* if ( vR != 0 )  vR = (qX-1) / (qR-1) * (vR-1) + 1; */
797         if ( vR != 0 )  vR = ((qX-1) * (vR-1)) / (qR-1) + 1;
798     }
800     /* compute and return the result                                       */
801     vR = NEG_FFV( vR, SUCC_FF(fX) );
802     vX = SUM_FFV( vL, vR, SUCC_FF(fX) );
803     return NEW_FFE( fX, vX );
804 }
DiffFFEInt(Obj opL,Obj opR)806 static Obj DiffFFEInt(Obj opL, Obj opR)
807 {
808     FFV                 vL, vR, vX;     /* value of left, right, result    */
809     FF                  fX;             /* field of result                 */
810     Int                 pX;             /* char. of result                 */
811     const FFV*          sX;             /* successor table of result field */
813     /* get the field for the result                                        */
814     fX = FLD_FFE( opL );
815     pX = CHAR_FF( fX );
816     sX = SUCC_FF( fX );
818     /* get the right operand                                               */
819     vX = ((INT_INTOBJ( opR ) % pX) + pX) % pX;
820     if ( vX == 0 ) {
821         vR = 0;
822     }
823     else {
824         vR = 1;
825         for ( ; 1 < vX; vX-- )  vR = sX[vR];
826     }
828     /* get the left operand                                                */
829     vL = VAL_FFE( opL );
831     /* compute and return the result                                       */
832     vR = NEG_FFV( vR, sX );
833     vX = SUM_FFV( vL, vR, sX );
834     return NEW_FFE( fX, vX );
835 }
DiffIntFFE(Obj opL,Obj opR)837 static Obj DiffIntFFE(Obj opL, Obj opR)
838 {
839     FFV                 vL, vR, vX;     /* value of left, right, result    */
840     FF                  fX;             /* field of result                 */
841     Int                 pX;             /* char. of result                 */
842     const FFV*          sX;             /* successor table of result field */
844     /* get the field for the result                                        */
845     fX = FLD_FFE( opR );
846     pX = CHAR_FF( fX );
847     sX = SUCC_FF( fX );
849     /* get the left operand                                                */
850     vX = ((INT_INTOBJ( opL ) % pX) + pX) % pX;
851     if ( vX == 0 ) {
852         vL = 0;
853     }
854     else {
855         vL = 1;
856         for ( ; 1 < vX; vX-- )  vL = sX[vL];
857     }
859     /* get the right operand                                               */
860     vR = VAL_FFE( opR );
862     /* compute and return the result                                       */
863     vR = NEG_FFV( vR, sX );
864     vX = SUM_FFV( vL, vR, sX );
865     return NEW_FFE( fX, vX );
866 }
869 /****************************************************************************
870 **
871 *F  ProdFFEFFE(<opL>,<opR>) . . . . . . . .  product of finite field elements
872 **
873 **  'ProdFFEFFE'  returns the product of  the two finite field elements <opL>
874 **  and <opR>.   The  product is  represented  over the field  over which the
875 **  operands are represented, even if it lies in a much smaller field.
876 **
877 **  If one of the elements  is represented over a  subfield of the field over
878 **  which the other element  is  represented, it  is  lifted into the  larger
879 **  field before the multiplication.
880 **
881 **  'ProdFFEFFE' just does the conversions mentioned above and then calls the
882 **  macro 'PROD_FFV' to do the actual multiplication.
883 */
884 static Obj PROD_FFE_LARGE;
ProdFFEFFE(Obj opL,Obj opR)886 static Obj ProdFFEFFE(Obj opL, Obj opR)
887 {
888     FFV                 vL, vR, vX;     /* value of left, right, result    */
889     FF                  fL, fR, fX;     /* field of left, right, result    */
890     UInt                qL, qR, qX;     /* size  of left, right, result    */
892     /* get the values, handle trivial cases                                */
893     vL = VAL_FFE( opL );
894     vR = VAL_FFE( opR );
896     /* bring the two operands into a common field <fX>                     */
897     fL = FLD_FFE( opL );
898     qL = SIZE_FF( fL );
899     fR = FLD_FFE( opR );
900     qR = SIZE_FF( fR  );
902     if ( qL == qR ) {
903         fX = fL;
904     }
905     else if ( qL % qR == 0 && (qL-1) % (qR-1) == 0 ) {
906         fX = fL;
907         if ( vR != 0 )  vR = (qL-1) / (qR-1) * (vR-1) + 1;
908     }
909     else if ( qR % qL == 0 && (qR-1) % (qL-1) == 0 ) {
910         fX = fR;
911         if ( vL != 0 )  vL = (qR-1) / (qL-1) * (vL-1) + 1;
912     }
913     else {
914         fX = CommonFF( fL, DegreeFFE(opL), fR, DegreeFFE(opR) );
915         if ( fX == 0 )  return CALL_2ARGS( PROD_FFE_LARGE, opL, opR );
916         qX = SIZE_FF( fX );
917         /* if ( vL != 0 )  vL = (qX-1) / (qL-1) * (vL-1) + 1; */
918         if ( vL != 0 )  vL = ((qX-1) * (vL-1)) / (qL-1) + 1;
919         /* if ( vR != 0 )  vR = (qX-1) / (qR-1) * (vR-1) + 1; */
920         if ( vR != 0 )  vR = ((qX-1) * (vR-1)) / (qR-1) + 1;
921     }
923     /* compute and return the result                                       */
924     vX = PROD_FFV( vL, vR, SUCC_FF(fX) );
925     return NEW_FFE( fX, vX );
926 }
ProdFFEInt(Obj opL,Obj opR)928 static Obj ProdFFEInt(Obj opL, Obj opR)
929 {
930     FFV                 vL, vR, vX;     /* value of left, right, result    */
931     FF                  fX;             /* field of result                 */
932     Int                 pX;             /* char. of result                 */
933     const FFV*          sX;             /* successor table of result field */
935     /* get the field for the result                                        */
936     fX = FLD_FFE( opL );
937     pX = CHAR_FF( fX );
938     sX = SUCC_FF( fX );
940     /* get the right operand                                               */
941     vX = ((INT_INTOBJ( opR ) % pX) + pX) % pX;
942     if ( vX == 0 ) {
943         vR = 0;
944     }
945     else {
946         vR = 1;
947         for ( ; 1 < vX; vX-- )  vR = sX[vR];
948     }
950     /* get the left operand                                                */
951     vL = VAL_FFE( opL );
953     /* compute and return the result                                       */
954     vX = PROD_FFV( vL, vR, sX );
955     return NEW_FFE( fX, vX );
956 }
ProdIntFFE(Obj opL,Obj opR)958 static Obj ProdIntFFE(Obj opL, Obj opR)
959 {
960     FFV                 vL, vR, vX;     /* value of left, right, result    */
961     FF                  fX;             /* field of result                 */
962     Int                 pX;             /* char. of result                 */
963     const FFV*          sX;             /* successor table of result field */
965     /* get the field for the result                                        */
966     fX = FLD_FFE( opR );
967     pX = CHAR_FF( fX );
968     sX = SUCC_FF( fX );
970     /* get the left operand                                                */
971     vX = ((INT_INTOBJ( opL ) % pX) + pX) % pX;
972     if ( vX == 0 ) {
973         vL = 0;
974     }
975     else {
976         vL = 1;
977         for ( ; 1 < vX; vX-- )  vL = sX[vL];
978     }
980     /* get the right operand                                               */
981     vR = VAL_FFE( opR );
983     /* compute and return the result                                       */
984     vX = PROD_FFV( vL, vR, sX );
985     return NEW_FFE( fX, vX );
986 }
989 /****************************************************************************
990 **
991 *F  OneFFE(<op>)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . one of a finite field element
992 */
OneFFE(Obj op)993 static Obj OneFFE(Obj op)
994 {
995     FF                  fX;             /* field of result                 */
997     /* get the field for the result                                        */
998     fX = FLD_FFE( op );
1000     /* return the result                                                   */
1001     return NEW_FFE( fX, 1 );
1002 }
1005 /****************************************************************************
1006 **
1007 *F  InvFFE(<op>)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inverse of finite field element
1008 */
InvFFE(Obj op)1009 static Obj InvFFE(Obj op)
1010 {
1011     FFV                 v, vX;          /* value of operand, result        */
1012     FF                  fX;             /* field of result                 */
1013     const FFV*          sX;             /* successor table of result field */
1015     /* get the field for the result                                        */
1016     fX = FLD_FFE( op );
1017     sX = SUCC_FF( fX );
1019     /* get the operand                                                     */
1020     v = VAL_FFE( op );
1021     if ( v == 0 ) return Fail;
1023     /* compute and return the result                                       */
1024     vX = QUO_FFV( 1, v, sX );
1025     return NEW_FFE( fX, vX );
1026 }
1029 /****************************************************************************
1030 **
1031 *F  QuoFFEFFE(<opL>,<opR>) . . . . . . . .  quotient of finite field elements
1032 **
1033 **  'QuoFFEFFE' returns  the quotient of  the two finite field elements <opL>
1034 **  and <opR>.  The  quotient is represented  over  the field  over which the
1035 **  operands are represented, even if it lies in a much smaller field.
1036 **
1037 **  If one of the  elements is represented over  a subfield of the field over
1038 **  which the  other  element is represented,  it is  lifted into the  larger
1039 **  field before the division.
1040 **
1041 **  'QuoFFEFFE' just does the conversions mentioned  above and then calls the
1042 **  macro 'QUO_FFV' to do the actual division.
1043 */
1044 static Obj QUO_FFE_LARGE;
QuoFFEFFE(Obj opL,Obj opR)1046 static Obj QuoFFEFFE(Obj opL, Obj opR)
1047 {
1048     FFV                 vL, vR, vX;     /* value of left, right, result    */
1049     FF                  fL, fR, fX;     /* field of left, right, result    */
1050     UInt                qL, qR, qX;     /* size  of left, right, result    */
1052     /* get the values, handle trivial cases                                */
1053     vL = VAL_FFE( opL );
1054     vR = VAL_FFE( opR );
1056     /* bring the two operands into a common field <fX>                     */
1057     fL = FLD_FFE( opL );
1058     qL = SIZE_FF( fL );
1059     fR = FLD_FFE( opR );
1060     qR = SIZE_FF( fR  );
1062     if ( qL == qR ) {
1063         fX = fL;
1064     }
1065     else if ( qL % qR == 0 && (qL-1) % (qR-1) == 0 ) {
1066         fX = fL;
1067         if ( vR != 0 )  vR = (qL-1) / (qR-1) * (vR-1) + 1;
1068     }
1069     else if ( qR % qL == 0 && (qR-1) % (qL-1) == 0 ) {
1070         fX = fR;
1071         if ( vL != 0 )  vL = (qR-1) / (qL-1) * (vL-1) + 1;
1072     }
1073     else {
1074         fX = CommonFF( fL, DegreeFFE(opL), fR, DegreeFFE(opR) );
1075         if ( fX == 0 )  return CALL_2ARGS( QUO_FFE_LARGE, opL, opR );
1076         qX = SIZE_FF( fX );
1077         /* if ( vL != 0 )  vL = (qX-1) / (qL-1) * (vL-1) + 1; */
1078         if ( vL != 0 )  vL = ((qX-1) * (vL-1)) / (qL-1) + 1;
1079         /* if ( vR != 0 )  vR = (qX-1) / (qR-1) * (vR-1) + 1; */
1080         if ( vR != 0 )  vR = ((qX-1) * (vR-1)) / (qR-1) + 1;
1081     }
1083     /* compute and return the result                                       */
1084     if ( vR == 0 ) {
1085         ErrorMayQuit("FFE operations: <divisor> must not be zero", 0, 0);
1086     }
1087     vX = QUO_FFV( vL, vR, SUCC_FF(fX) );
1088     return NEW_FFE( fX, vX );
1089 }
QuoFFEInt(Obj opL,Obj opR)1091 static Obj QuoFFEInt(Obj opL, Obj opR)
1092 {
1093     FFV                 vL, vR, vX;     /* value of left, right, result    */
1094     FF                  fX;             /* field of result                 */
1095     Int                 pX;             /* char. of result                 */
1096     const FFV*          sX;             /* successor table of result field */
1098     /* get the field for the result                                        */
1099     fX = FLD_FFE( opL );
1100     pX = CHAR_FF( fX );
1101     sX = SUCC_FF( fX );
1103     /* get the right operand                                               */
1104     vX = ((INT_INTOBJ( opR ) % pX) + pX) % pX;
1105     if ( vX == 0 ) {
1106         vR = 0;
1107     }
1108     else {
1109         vR = 1;
1110         for ( ; 1 < vX; vX-- )  vR = sX[vR];
1111     }
1113     /* get the left operand                                                */
1114     vL = VAL_FFE( opL );
1116     /* compute and return the result                                       */
1117     if ( vR == 0 ) {
1118         ErrorMayQuit("FFE operations: <divisor> must not be zero", 0, 0);
1119     }
1120     vX = QUO_FFV( vL, vR, sX );
1121     return NEW_FFE( fX, vX );
1122 }
QuoIntFFE(Obj opL,Obj opR)1124 static Obj QuoIntFFE(Obj opL, Obj opR)
1125 {
1126     FFV                 vL, vR, vX;     /* value of left, right, result    */
1127     FF                  fX;             /* field of result                 */
1128     Int                 pX;             /* char. of result                 */
1129     const FFV*          sX;             /* successor table of result field */
1131     /* get the field for the result                                        */
1132     fX = FLD_FFE( opR );
1133     pX = CHAR_FF( fX );
1134     sX = SUCC_FF( fX );
1136     /* get the left operand                                                */
1137     vX = ((INT_INTOBJ( opL ) % pX) + pX) % pX;
1138     if ( vX == 0 ) {
1139         vL = 0;
1140     }
1141     else {
1142         vL = 1;
1143         for ( ; 1 < vX; vX-- )  vL = sX[vL];
1144     }
1146     /* get the right operand                                               */
1147     vR = VAL_FFE( opR );
1149     /* compute and return the result                                       */
1150     if ( vR == 0 ) {
1151         ErrorMayQuit("FFE operations: <divisor> must not be zero", 0, 0);
1152     }
1153     vX = QUO_FFV( vL, vR, sX );
1154     return NEW_FFE( fX, vX );
1155 }
1158 /****************************************************************************
1159 **
1160 *F  PowFFEInt(<opL>,<opR>)  . . . . . . . . . power of a finite field element
1161 **
1162 **  'PowFFEInt' returns the  power of the finite  field element <opL> and the
1163 **  integer <opR>.  The power is  represented over the  field over which  the
1164 **  left operand is represented, even if it lies in a much smaller field.
1165 **
1166 **  'PowFFEInt' just does the conversions mentioned  above and then calls the
1167 **  macro 'POW_FFV' to do the actual exponentiation.
1168 */
PowFFEInt(Obj opL,Obj opR)1169 static Obj PowFFEInt(Obj opL, Obj opR)
1170 {
1171     FFV                 vL, vX;         /* value of left, result           */
1172     Int                 vR;             /* value of right                  */
1173     FF                  fX;             /* field of result                 */
1174     const FFV*          sX;             /* successor table of result field */
1176     /* get the field for the result                                        */
1177     fX = FLD_FFE( opL );
1178     sX = SUCC_FF( fX );
1180     /* get the right operand                                               */
1181     vR = INT_INTOBJ( opR );
1183     /* get the left operand                                                */
1184     vL = VAL_FFE( opL );
1186     /* if the exponent is negative, invert the left operand                */
1187     if ( vR < 0 ) {
1188         if ( vL == 0 ) {
1189             ErrorMayQuit("FFE operations: <divisor> must not be zero", 0, 0);
1190         }
1191         vL = QUO_FFV( 1, vL, sX );
1192         vR = -vR;
1193     }
1195     /* catch the case when vL is zero.                                     */
1196     if( vL == 0 ) return NEW_FFE( fX, (vR == 0 ? 1 : 0 ) );
1198     /* reduce vR modulo the order of the multiplicative group first.       */
1199     vR %= *sX;
1201     /* compute and return the result                                       */
1202     vX = POW_FFV( vL, vR, sX );
1203     return NEW_FFE( fX, vX );
1204 }
1207 /****************************************************************************
1208 **
1209 *F  PowFFEFFE( <opL>, <opR> ) . . . . . . conjugate of a finite field element
1210 */
PowFFEFFE(Obj opL,Obj opR)1211 static Obj PowFFEFFE(Obj opL, Obj opR)
1212 {
1213     /* get the field for the result                                        */
1214     if ( CHAR_FF( FLD_FFE(opL) ) != CHAR_FF( FLD_FFE(opR) ) ) {
1215         ErrorMayQuit("<x> and <y> have different characteristic", 0, 0);
1216     }
1218     /* compute and return the result                                       */
1219     return opL;
1220 }
1223 /****************************************************************************
1224 **
1225 *F  FiltIS_FFE( <self>, <obj> ) . . . . . . .  test for finite field elements
1226 **
1227 **  'FuncIsFFE' implements the internal function 'IsFFE( <obj> )'.
1228 **
1229 **  'IsFFE' returns  'true' if its argument  <obj> is a finite  field element
1230 **  and 'false' otherwise.   'IsFFE' will cause  an  error if  called with an
1231 **  unbound variable.
1232 */
1233 static Obj IsFFEFilt;
FiltIS_FFE(Obj self,Obj obj)1235 static Obj FiltIS_FFE(Obj self, Obj obj)
1236 {
1237     /* return 'true' if <obj> is a finite field element                    */
1238     if ( IS_FFE(obj) ) {
1239         return True;
1240     }
1241     else if ( TNUM_OBJ(obj) < FIRST_EXTERNAL_TNUM ) {
1242         return False;
1243     }
1244     else {
1245         return DoFilter( self, obj );
1246     }
1247 }
1250 /****************************************************************************
1251 **
1252 *F  FuncLOG_FFE_DEFAULT( <self>, <opZ>, <opR> ) .  logarithm of a ff constant
1253 **
1254 **  'FuncLOG_FFE_DEFAULT' implements the function 'LogFFE( <z>, <r> )'.
1255 **
1256 **  'LogFFE'  returns the logarithm of  the nonzero finite  field element <z>
1257 **  with respect to the root <r> which must lie in the same field like <z>.
1258 */
1259 static Obj LOG_FFE_LARGE;
FuncLOG_FFE_DEFAULT(Obj self,Obj opZ,Obj opR)1261 static Obj FuncLOG_FFE_DEFAULT(Obj self, Obj opZ, Obj opR)
1262 {
1263     FFV                 vZ, vR;         /* value of left, right            */
1264     FF                  fZ, fR, fX;     /* field of left, right, common    */
1265     UInt                qZ, qR, qX;     /* size  of left, right, common    */
1266     Int                 a, b, c, d, t;  /* temporaries                     */
1268     /* check the arguments                                                 */
1269     if (!IS_FFE(opZ) || VAL_FFE(opZ) == 0) {
1270         ErrorMayQuit("LogFFE: <z> must be a nonzero finite field element", 0,
1271                      0);
1272     }
1273     if (!IS_FFE(opR) || VAL_FFE(opR) == 0) {
1274         ErrorMayQuit("LogFFE: <r> must be a nonzero finite field element", 0,
1275                      0);
1276     }
1278     /* get the values, handle trivial cases                                */
1279     vZ = VAL_FFE( opZ );
1280     vR = VAL_FFE( opR );
1282     /* bring the two operands into a common field <fX>                     */
1283     fZ = FLD_FFE( opZ );
1284     qZ = SIZE_FF( fZ );
1285     fR = FLD_FFE( opR );
1286     qR = SIZE_FF( fR  );
1288     if ( qZ == qR ) {
1289         fX = fZ;
1290         qX = qZ;
1291     }
1292     else if ( qZ % qR == 0 && (qZ-1) % (qR-1) == 0 ) {
1293         fX = fZ;
1294         qX = qZ;
1295         if ( vR != 0 )  vR = (qZ-1) / (qR-1) * (vR-1) + 1;
1296     }
1297     else if ( qR % qZ == 0 && (qR-1) % (qZ-1) == 0 ) {
1298         fX = fR;
1299         qX = qR;
1300         if ( vZ != 0 )  vZ = (qR-1) / (qZ-1) * (vZ-1) + 1;
1301     }
1302     else {
1303         fX = CommonFF( fZ, DegreeFFE(opZ), fR, DegreeFFE(opR) );
1304         if ( fX == 0 )  return CALL_2ARGS( LOG_FFE_LARGE, opZ, opR );
1305         qX = SIZE_FF( fX );
1306         /* if ( vZ != 0 )  vZ = (qX-1) / (qZ-1) * (vZ-1) + 1; */
1307         if ( vZ != 0 )  vZ = ((qX-1) * (vZ-1)) / (qZ-1) + 1;
1308         /* if ( vR != 0 )  vR = (qX-1) / (qR-1) * (vR-1) + 1; */
1309         if ( vR != 0 )  vR = ((qX-1) * (vR-1)) / (qR-1) + 1;
1310     }
1312     /* now solve <l> * (<vR>-1) = (<vZ>-1) % (<qX>-1)                      */
1313     a = 1;             b = 0;
1314     c = (Int) (vR-1);  d = (Int) (qX-1);
1315     while ( d != 0 ) {
1316         t = b;  b = a - (c/d) * b;  a = t;
1317         t = d;  d = c - (c/d) * d;  c = t;
1318     }
1319     if ( ((Int) (vZ-1)) % c != 0 ) {
1320       return Fail;
1321     }
1324     while (a < 0)
1325       a+= (qX -1)/c;
1327     // return the logarithm
1328     return INTOBJ_INT( (((UInt) (vZ-1) / c) * a) % ((UInt) (qX-1)) );
1329 }
1332 /****************************************************************************
1333 **
1334 *F  FuncINT_FFE_DEFAULT( <self>, <z> )  . . . .   convert a ffe to an integer
1335 **
1336 **  'FuncINT_FFE_DEFAULT' implements the internal function 'IntFFE( <z> )'.
1337 **
1338 **  'IntFFE'  returns  the integer  that  corresponds  to  the  finite  field
1339 **  element <z>, which must of course be  an element  of a prime field, i.e.,
1340 **  the smallest integer <i> such that '<i> * <z>^0 = <z>'.
1341 */
1342 static Obj IntFF;
1343 #ifdef HPCGAP
1344 static Int NumFF;
1345 #endif
INT_FF(FF ff)1347 static Obj INT_FF(FF ff)
1348 {
1349     Obj                 conv;           /* conversion table, result        */
1350     Int                 q;              /* size of finite field            */
1351     Int                 p;              /* char of finite field            */
1352     const FFV *         succ;           /* successor table of finite field */
1353     FFV                 z;              /* one element of finite field     */
1354     UInt                i;              /* loop variable                   */
1356     /* if the conversion table is not already known, construct it          */
1357 #ifdef HPCGAP
1358     if ( NumFF < ff || (MEMBAR_READ(), ATOMIC_ELM_PLIST(IntFF, ff) == 0)) {
1359         HashLock(&IntFF);
1360 #else
1361     if ( LEN_PLIST(IntFF) < ff || ELM_PLIST(IntFF,ff) == 0 ) {
1362 #endif
1363         q = SIZE_FF( ff );
1364         p = CHAR_FF( ff );
1365         conv = NEW_PLIST_IMM( T_PLIST, p-1 );
1366         succ = SUCC_FF( ff );
1367         SET_LEN_PLIST( conv, p-1 );
1368         z = 1;
1369         for ( i = 1; i < p; i++ ) {
1370             SET_ELM_PLIST( conv, (z-1)/((q-1)/(p-1))+1, INTOBJ_INT(i) );
1371             z = succ[ z ];
1372         }
1373 #ifdef HPCGAP
1374         GrowPlist(IntFF, ff);
1375         ATOMIC_SET_ELM_PLIST( IntFF, ff, conv );
1376         MEMBAR_WRITE();
1377         NumFF = LEN_PLIST(IntFF);
1378         HashUnlock(&IntFF);
1379 #else
1380         AssPlist( IntFF, ff, conv );
1381 #endif
1382     }
1384     /* return the conversion table                                           */
1385 #ifdef HPCGAP
1386     return ATOMIC_ELM_PLIST( IntFF, ff);
1387 #else
1388     return ELM_PLIST( IntFF, ff );
1389 #endif
1390 }
1393 static Obj FuncINT_FFE_DEFAULT(Obj self, Obj z)
1394 {
1395     FFV                 v;              /* value of finite field element   */
1396     FF                  ff;             /* finite field                    */
1397     Int                 q;              /* size of finite field            */
1398     Int                 p;              /* char of finite field            */
1399     Obj                 conv;           /* conversion table                */
1401     /* get the value                                                       */
1402     v  = VAL_FFE( z );
1404     /* special case for 0                                                  */
1405     if ( v == 0 ) {
1406         return INTOBJ_INT( 0 );
1407     }
1409     /* get the field, size, characteristic, and conversion table           */
1410     ff   = FLD_FFE( z );
1411     q    = SIZE_FF( ff );
1412     p    = CHAR_FF( ff );
1413     conv = INT_FF( ff );
1415     /* check the argument                                                  */
1416     if ( (v-1) % ((q-1)/(p-1)) != 0 ) {
1417         ErrorMayQuit("IntFFE: <z> must lie in prime field", 0, 0);
1418     }
1420     /* convert the value into the prime field                              */
1421     v = (v-1) / ((q-1)/(p-1)) + 1;
1423     /* return the integer value                                            */
1424     return ELM_PLIST( conv, v );
1425 }
1428 /****************************************************************************
1429 **
1430 *F  FuncZ( <self>, <q> )  . . .  return the generator of a small finite field
1431 **
1432 **  'FuncZ' implements the internal function 'Z( <q> )'.
1433 **
1434 **  'Z' returns the generators  of the small finite  field with <q> elements.
1435 **  <q> must be a positive prime power.
1436 */
1437 static Obj ZOp;
1439 static Obj FuncZ(Obj self, Obj q)
1440 {
1441     FF                  ff;             /* the finite field                */
1443     /* check the argument                                                  */
1444     if ( (IS_INTOBJ(q) && (INT_INTOBJ(q) > 65536)) ||
1445          (TNUM_OBJ(q) == T_INTPOS))
1446       return CALL_1ARGS(ZOp, q);
1448     if ( !IS_INTOBJ(q) || INT_INTOBJ(q)<=1 ) {
1449         RequireArgument("Z", q, "must be a positive prime power");
1450     }
1452     ff = FiniteFieldBySize(INT_INTOBJ(q));
1454     if (!ff) {
1455         RequireArgument("Z", q, "must be a positive prime power");
1456     }
1458     /* make the root                                                       */
1459     return NEW_FFE(ff, (q == INTOBJ_INT(2)) ? 1 : 2);
1460 }
1462 static Obj FuncZ2(Obj self, Obj p, Obj d)
1463 {
1464     FF   ff;
1465     Int  ip, id, id1;
1466     UInt q;
1467     if (ARE_INTOBJS(p, d)) {
1468         ip = INT_INTOBJ(p);
1469         id = INT_INTOBJ(d);
1470         if (ip > 1 && id > 0 && id <= 16 && ip < 65536) {
1471             id1 = id;
1472             q = ip;
1473             while (--id1 > 0 && q <= 65536)
1474                 q *= ip;
1475             if (q <= 65536) {
1476                 /* get the finite field */
1477                 ff = FiniteField(ip, id);
1479                 if (ff == 0 || CHAR_FF(ff) != ip)
1480                     RequireArgument("Z", p, "must be a prime");
1482                 /* make the root */
1483                 return NEW_FFE(ff, (ip == 2 && id == 1 ? 1 : 2));
1484             }
1485         }
1486     }
1487     return CALL_2ARGS(ZOp, p, d);
1488 }
1491 /****************************************************************************
1492 **
1493 *F * * * * * * * * * * * * * initialize module * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1494 */
1497 /****************************************************************************
1498 **
1499 *V  BagNames  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . list of bag names
1500 */
1501 static StructBagNames BagNames[] = {
1502   { T_FFE, "ffe" },
1503   { -1,    "" }
1504 };
1507 /****************************************************************************
1508 **
1509 *V  GVarFilts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . list of filters to export
1510 */
1511 static StructGVarFilt GVarFilts [] = {
1513     GVAR_FILT(IS_FFE, "obj", &IsFFEFilt),
1514     { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
1516 };
1519 /****************************************************************************
1520 **
1521 *V  GVarFuncs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . list of functions to export
1522 */
1523 static StructGVarFunc GVarFuncs [] = {
1525     GVAR_FUNC(CHAR_FFE_DEFAULT, 1, "z"),
1527     GVAR_FUNC(LOG_FFE_DEFAULT, 2, "z, root"),
1528     GVAR_FUNC(INT_FFE_DEFAULT, 1, "z"),
1529     GVAR_FUNC(Z, 1, "q"),
1530     { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
1532 };
1535 /****************************************************************************
1536 **
1537 *F  InitKernel( <module> )  . . . . . . . . initialise kernel data structures
1538 */
1539 static Int InitKernel (
1540     StructInitInfo *    module )
1541 {
1542     // set the bag type names (for error messages and debugging)
1543     InitBagNamesFromTable( BagNames );
1545     /* install the type functions                                          */
1546     ImportFuncFromLibrary( "TYPE_FFE", &TYPE_FFE );
1547     ImportFuncFromLibrary( "TYPE_FFE0", &TYPE_FFE0 );
1548     ImportFuncFromLibrary( "ZOp", &ZOp );
1549     InitFopyGVar( "PrimitiveRootMod", &PrimitiveRootMod );
1550     TypeObjFuncs[ T_FFE ] = TypeFFE;
1552     /* create the fields and integer conversion bags                       */
1553     InitGlobalBag( &SuccFF, "src/finfield.c:SuccFF" );
1554     InitGlobalBag( &TypeFF, "src/finfield.c:TypeFF" );
1555     InitGlobalBag( &TypeFF0, "src/finfield.c:TypeFF0" );
1556     InitGlobalBag( &IntFF, "src/finfield.c:IntFF" );
1558     /* install the functions that handle overflow                          */
1559     ImportFuncFromLibrary( "SUM_FFE_LARGE",  &SUM_FFE_LARGE  );
1560     ImportFuncFromLibrary( "DIFF_FFE_LARGE", &DIFF_FFE_LARGE );
1561     ImportFuncFromLibrary( "PROD_FFE_LARGE", &PROD_FFE_LARGE );
1562     ImportFuncFromLibrary( "QUO_FFE_LARGE",  &QUO_FFE_LARGE  );
1563     ImportFuncFromLibrary( "LOG_FFE_LARGE",  &LOG_FFE_LARGE  );
1565     /* init filters and functions                                          */
1566     InitHdlrFiltsFromTable( GVarFilts );
1567     InitHdlrFuncsFromTable( GVarFuncs );
1568     InitHandlerFunc( FuncZ2, "src/finfield.c: Z (2 args)");
1571     /* install the printing method                                         */
1572     PrintObjFuncs[ T_FFE ] = PrFFE;
1574     /* install the comparison methods                                      */
1575     EqFuncs[   T_FFE ][ T_FFE ] = EqFFE;
1576     LtFuncs[   T_FFE ][ T_FFE ] = LtFFE;
1578     /* install the arithmetic methods                                      */
1579     ZeroFuncs[ T_FFE ] = ZeroFFE;
1580     ZeroMutFuncs[ T_FFE ] = ZeroFFE;
1581     AInvFuncs[ T_FFE ] = AInvFFE;
1582     AInvMutFuncs[ T_FFE ] = AInvFFE;
1583     OneFuncs [ T_FFE ] = OneFFE;
1584     OneMutFuncs [ T_FFE ] = OneFFE;
1585     InvFuncs [ T_FFE ] = InvFFE;
1586     InvMutFuncs [ T_FFE ] = InvFFE;
1587     SumFuncs[  T_FFE ][ T_FFE ] = SumFFEFFE;
1588     SumFuncs[  T_FFE ][ T_INT ] = SumFFEInt;
1589     SumFuncs[  T_INT ][ T_FFE ] = SumIntFFE;
1590     DiffFuncs[ T_FFE ][ T_FFE ] = DiffFFEFFE;
1591     DiffFuncs[ T_FFE ][ T_INT ] = DiffFFEInt;
1592     DiffFuncs[ T_INT ][ T_FFE ] = DiffIntFFE;
1593     ProdFuncs[ T_FFE ][ T_FFE ] = ProdFFEFFE;
1594     ProdFuncs[ T_FFE ][ T_INT ] = ProdFFEInt;
1595     ProdFuncs[ T_INT ][ T_FFE ] = ProdIntFFE;
1596     QuoFuncs[  T_FFE ][ T_FFE ] = QuoFFEFFE;
1597     QuoFuncs[  T_FFE ][ T_INT ] = QuoFFEInt;
1598     QuoFuncs[  T_INT ][ T_FFE ] = QuoIntFFE;
1599     PowFuncs[  T_FFE ][ T_INT ] = PowFFEInt;
1600     PowFuncs[  T_FFE ][ T_FFE ] = PowFFEFFE;
1602     /* return success                                                      */
1603     return 0;
1604 }
1607 /****************************************************************************
1608 **
1609 *F  InitLibrary( <module> ) . . . . . . .  initialise library data structures
1610 */
1611 static Int InitLibrary (
1612     StructInitInfo *    module )
1613 {
1614     /* create the fields and integer conversion bags                       */
1627 #ifdef HPCGAP
1628     MakeBagPublic(SuccFF);
1629     MakeBagPublic(TypeFF);
1630     MakeBagPublic(TypeFF0);
1631     MakeBagPublic(IntFF);
1632 #endif
1634     /* init filters and functions                                          */
1635     InitGVarFiltsFromTable( GVarFilts );
1636     InitGVarFuncsFromTable( GVarFuncs );
1637     SET_HDLR_FUNC(ValGVar(GVarName("Z")), 2, FuncZ2);
1639     /* return success                                                      */
1640     return 0;
1641 }
1644 /****************************************************************************
1645 **
1646 *F  InitInfoFinfield()  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . table of init functions
1647 */
1648 static StructInitInfo module = {
1649     // init struct using C99 designated initializers; for a full list of
1650     // fields, please refer to the definition of StructInitInfo
1651     .type = MODULE_BUILTIN,
1652     .name = "finfield",
1653     .initKernel = InitKernel,
1654     .initLibrary = InitLibrary,
1655 };
1657 StructInitInfo * InitInfoFinfield ( void )
1658 {
1659     return &module;
1660 }