1 /**
2  * Copyright (C) Mellanox Technologies Ltd. 2001-2018.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
3  *
4  * See file LICENSE for terms.
5  */
7 #ifndef UCS_REG_CACHE_H_
8 #define UCS_REG_CACHE_H_
10 /*
11  * Memory registration cache - holds registered memory regions, takes care of
12  * memory invalidation (if it's unmapped), merging of regions, protection flags.
13  * This data structure is thread safe.
14  */
15 #include <ucs/datastruct/pgtable.h>
16 #include <ucs/datastruct/list.h>
17 #include <ucs/datastruct/queue_types.h>
18 #include <ucs/datastruct/mpool.h>
19 #include <ucs/stats/stats_fwd.h>
20 #include <sys/mman.h>
23 #define UCS_RCACHE_PROT_FMT "%c%c"
24 #define UCS_RCACHE_PROT_ARG(_prot) \
25     ((_prot) & PROT_READ)  ? 'r' : '-', \
26     ((_prot) & PROT_WRITE) ? 'w' : '-'
29 typedef struct ucs_rcache         ucs_rcache_t;
30 typedef struct ucs_rcache_ops     ucs_rcache_ops_t;
31 typedef struct ucs_rcache_params  ucs_rcache_params_t;
32 typedef struct ucs_rcache_region  ucs_rcache_region_t;
34 /*
35  * Memory region flags.
36  */
37 enum {
38     UCS_RCACHE_REGION_FLAG_REGISTERED = UCS_BIT(0), /**< Memory registered */
39     UCS_RCACHE_REGION_FLAG_PGTABLE    = UCS_BIT(1)  /**< In the page table */
40 };
42 /*
43  * Memory registration flags.
44  */
45 enum {
46     UCS_RCACHE_MEM_REG_HIDE_ERRORS = UCS_BIT(0) /**< Hide errors on memory registration */
47 };
49 /*
50  * Rcache flags.
51  */
52 enum {
53     UCS_RCACHE_FLAG_NO_PFN_CHECK = UCS_BIT(0), /**< PFN check not supported for this rcache */
54 };
56 /*
57  * Registration cache operations.
58  */
59 struct ucs_rcache_ops {
60     /**
61      * Register a memory region.
62      *
63      * @param [in]  context    User context, as passed to @ref ucs_rcache_create
64      * @param [in]  rcache     Pointer to the registration cache.
65      * @param [in]  arg        Custom argument passed to @ref ucs_rcache_get().
66      * @param [in]  region     Memory region to register. This may point to a larger
67      *                          user-defined structure, as specified by the field
68      *                          `region_struct_size' in @ref ucs_rcache_params.
69      *                         This function may store relevant information (such
70      *                          as memory keys) inside the larger structure.
71      * @param [in]  flags      Memory registration flags.
72      *
73      * @return UCS_OK if registration is successful, error otherwise.
74      *
75      * @note This function should be able to handle inaccessible memory addresses
76      *       and return error status in this case, without any destructive consequences
77      *       such as error messages or fatal failure.
78      */
79     ucs_status_t           (*mem_reg)(void *context, ucs_rcache_t *rcache,
80                                       void *arg, ucs_rcache_region_t *region,
81                                       uint16_t flags);
82    /**
83     * Deregister a memory region.
84     *
85     * @param [in]  context    User context, as passed to @ref ucs_rcache_create
86     * @param [in]  rcache     Pointer to the registration cache.
87     * @param [in]  region     Memory region to deregister.
88     */
89     void                   (*mem_dereg)(void *context, ucs_rcache_t *rcache,
90                                         ucs_rcache_region_t *region);
92     /**
93      * Dump memory region information to a string buffer.
94      * (Only the user-defined part of the memory regoin should be dumped)
95      *
96      * @param [in]  context    User context, as passed to @ref ucs_rcache_create
97      * @param [in]  rcache     Pointer to the registration cache.
98      * @param [in]  region    Memory region to dump.
99      * @param [in]  buf       String buffer to dump to.
100      * @param [in]  max       Maximal length of the string buffer.
101      */
102     void                   (*dump_region)(void *context, ucs_rcache_t *rcache,
103                                           ucs_rcache_region_t *region,
104                                           char *buf, size_t max);
105 };
108 struct ucs_rcache_params {
109     size_t                 region_struct_size;  /**< Size of memory region structure,
110                                                      must be at least the size
111                                                      of @ref ucs_rcache_region_t */
112     size_t                 alignment;           /**< Force-align regions to this size.
113                                                      Must be smaller or equal to
114                                                      system page size. */
115     size_t                 max_alignment;       /**< Maximum alignment */
116     int                    ucm_events;          /**< UCM events to register. Currently
117                                                      UCM_EVENT_VM_UNMAPPED and
118                                                      UCM_EVENT_MEM_TYPE_FREE are supported */
119     int                    ucm_event_priority;  /**< Priority of memory events */
120     const ucs_rcache_ops_t *ops;                /**< Memory operations functions */
121     void                   *context;            /**< User-defined context that will
122                                                      be passed to mem_reg/mem_dereg */
123     int                    flags;               /**< Flags */
124 };
127 struct ucs_rcache_region {
128     ucs_pgt_region_t       super;    /**< Base class - page table region */
129     ucs_list_link_t        list;     /**< List element */
130     volatile uint32_t      refcount; /**< Reference count, including +1 if it's
131                                           in the page table */
132     ucs_status_t           status;   /**< Current status code */
133     uint8_t                prot;     /**< Protection bits */
134     uint16_t               flags;    /**< Status flags. Protected by page table lock. */
135     union {
136         uint64_t           priv;     /**< Used internally */
137         unsigned long     *pfn;      /**< Pointer to PFN array. In case if requested
138                                           evaluation more than 1 page - PFN array is
139                                           allocated, if 1 page requested - used
140                                           in-place priv value. */
141     };
142 };
145 /**
146  * Create a memory registration cache.
147  *
148  * @param [in]  params        Registration cache parameters.
149  * @param [in]  name          Registration cache name, for debugging.
150  * @param [in]  stats_parent  Pointer to statistics parent node.
151  * @param [out] rcache_p      Filled with a pointer to the registration cache.
152  */
153 ucs_status_t ucs_rcache_create(const ucs_rcache_params_t *params, const char *name,
154                                ucs_stats_node_t *stats_parent, ucs_rcache_t **rcache_p);
157 /**
158  * Destroy a memory registration cache.
159  *
160  * @param [in]  rcache      Registration cache to destroy.
161  */
162 void ucs_rcache_destroy(ucs_rcache_t *rcache);
165 /**
166  * Resolve buffer in the registration cache, or register it if not found.
167  * TODO register after N usages.
168  *
169  * @param [in]  rcache      Memory registration cache.
170  * @param [in]  address     Address to register or resolve.
171  * @param [in]  length      Length of buffer to register or resolve.
172  * @param [in]  prot        Requested access flags, PROT_xx (same as passed to mmap).
173  * @param [in]  arg         Custom argument passed down to memory registration
174  *                          callback, if a memory registration happens during
175  *                          this call.
176  * @param [out] region_p    On success, filled with a pointer to the memory
177  *                          region. The user could put more data in the region
178  *                          structure in mem_reg() function.
179  *
180  * On success succeeds, the memory region reference count is incremented by 1.
181  *
182  * @return Error code.
183  */
184 ucs_status_t ucs_rcache_get(ucs_rcache_t *rcache, void *address, size_t length,
185                             int prot, void *arg, ucs_rcache_region_t **region_p);
188 /**
189  * Increment memory region reference count.
190  *
191  * @param [in]  rcache      Memory registration cache.
192  * @param [in]  region      Memory region whose reference count to increment.
193  */
194 void ucs_rcache_region_hold(ucs_rcache_t *rcache, ucs_rcache_region_t *region);
197 /**
198  * Decrement memory region reference count and possibly destroy it.
199  *
200  * @param [in]  rcache      Memory registration cache.
201  * @param [in]  region      Memory region to release.
202  */
203 void ucs_rcache_region_put(ucs_rcache_t *rcache, ucs_rcache_region_t *region);
206 #endif