1 /*
2  * flags.h
3  */
4 /*
5  * Copyright (C) 1997 Robey Pointer
6  * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2021 Eggheads Development Team
7  *
8  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
10  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
11  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  *
13  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * GNU General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
20  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
21  */
23 #ifndef _EGG_FLAGS_H
24 #define _EGG_FLAGS_H
26 struct flag_record {
27   int match;
28   int global;
29   int udef_global;
30   intptr_t bot;
31   int chan;
32   int udef_chan;
33 };
35 #define FR_GLOBAL 0x00000001
36 #define FR_BOT    0x00000002
37 #define FR_CHAN   0x00000004
38 #define FR_OR     0x40000000
39 #define FR_AND    0x20000000
40 #define FR_ANYWH  0x10000000
41 #define FR_ALL    0x0fffffff
43 /*
44  * userflags:
45  *   abcdefgh?jklmnopqr?tuvwxyz + user defined A-Z
46  *   unused letters: is
47  *
48  * botflags:
49  *   abcde?ghij?l?n?p?rs?u0123456789
50  *   unused letters: fkmoqt
51  *   unusable letters: vwxyz
52  *
53  * chanflags:
54  *   a??defg???klmno?qrs??vw?yz + user defined A-Z
55  *   unused letters: bchijptux (s from bot flags)
56  */
57 #define USER_VALID 0x003fbfeff   /* Sum of all valid USER_ flags */
58 #define CHAN_VALID 0x003677c79   /* Sum of all valid CHAN_ flags */
59 #define BOT_VALID  0x07ff6abdf   /* Sum of all valid BOT_  flags */
62 #define USER_AUTOOP        0x00000001 /* a  auto-op                               */
63 #define USER_BOT           0x00000002 /* b  user is a bot                         */
64 #define USER_COMMON        0x00000004 /* c  user is actually a public site        */
65 #define USER_DEOP          0x00000008 /* d  user is global de-op                  */
66 #define USER_EXEMPT        0x00000010 /* e  exempted from stopnethack             */
67 #define USER_FRIEND        0x00000020 /* f  user is global friend                 */
68 #define USER_GVOICE        0x00000040 /* g  auto-voice                            */
69 #define USER_HIGHLITE      0x00000080 /* h  highlighting (bold)                   */
70 #define USER_I             0x00000100 /* i  unused                                */
71 #define USER_JANITOR       0x00000200 /* j  user is file area master              */
72 #define USER_KICK          0x00000400 /* k  user is global auto-kick              */
73 #define USER_HALFOP        0x00000800 /* l  user is +h on all channels            */
74 #define USER_MASTER        0x00001000 /* m  user has full bot access              */
75 #define USER_OWNER         0x00002000 /* n  user is the bot owner                 */
76 #define USER_OP            0x00004000 /* o  user is +o on all channels            */
77 #define USER_PARTY         0x00008000 /* p  user has party line access            */
78 #define USER_QUIET         0x00010000 /* q  user is global de-voice               */
79 #define USER_DEHALFOP      0x00020000 /* r  user is global de-halfop              */
80 #define USER_S             0x00040000 /* s  unused                                */
81 #define USER_BOTMAST       0x00080000 /* t  user is botnet master                 */
82 #define USER_UNSHARED      0x00100000 /* u  not shared with sharebots             */
83 #define USER_VOICE         0x00200000 /* v  user is +v on all channels            */
84 #define USER_WASOPTEST     0x00400000 /* w  wasop test needed for stopnethack     */
85 #define USER_XFER          0x00800000 /* x  user has file area access             */
86 #define USER_AUTOHALFOP    0x01000000 /* y  auto-halfop                           */
87 #define USER_WASHALFOPTEST 0x02000000 /* z  washalfop test needed for stopnethack */
88 #define USER_DEFAULT       0x40000000 /*    use default-flags                     */
90 /* Flags specifically for bots */
91 #define BOT_ALT        0x00000001 /* a  auto-link here if all hubs fail */
92 #define BOT_SHBAN      0x00000002 /* b  can share bans                  */
93 #define BOT_SHCHAN     0x00000004 /* c  can share channel changes       */
94 #define BOT_SHLIMITED  0x00000008 /* d  shares userfiles but can't share anything */
95 #define BOT_SHEXEMPT   0x00000010 /* e  can share exempts               */
96 #define BOT_F          0x00000020 /* f  unused                          */
97 #define BOT_GLOBAL     0x00000040 /* g  all channel are shared          */
98 #define BOT_HUB        0x00000080 /* h  auto-link to ONE of these bots  */
99 #define BOT_ISOLATE    0x00000100 /* i  isolate party line from botnet  */
100 #define BOT_SHINV      0x00000200 /* j  can share invites               */
101 #define BOT_K          0x00000400 /* k  unused                          */
102 #define BOT_LEAF       0x00000800 /* l  may not link other bots         */
103 #define BOT_M          0x00001000 /* m  unused                          */
104 #define BOT_SHIGN      0x00002000 /* n  can share ignores               */
105 #define BOT_O          0x00004000 /* o  unused                          */
106 #define BOT_PASSIVE    0x00008000 /* p  share passively with this bot   */
107 #define BOT_Q          0x00010000 /* q  unused                          */
108 #define BOT_REJECT     0x00020000 /* r  automatically reject anywhere   */
109 #define BOT_AGGRESSIVE 0x00040000 /* s  shares userfiles and can share all */
110 #define BOT_T          0x00080000 /* t  unused                          */
111 #define BOT_SHUSER     0x00100000 /* u  can share user changes          */
112 /* BOT_V to BOT_Z not usable as they're bitflags 32-36 */
113 #define BOT_FLAG0      0x00200000 /* 0  user-defined flag #0            */
114 #define BOT_FLAG1      0x00400000 /* 1  user-defined flag #1            */
115 #define BOT_FLAG2      0x00800000 /* 2  user-defined flag #2            */
116 #define BOT_FLAG3      0x01000000 /* 3  user-defined flag #3            */
117 #define BOT_FLAG4      0x02000000 /* 4  user-defined flag #4            */
118 #define BOT_FLAG5      0x04000000 /* 5  user-defined flag #5            */
119 #define BOT_FLAG6      0x08000000 /* 6  user-defined flag #6            */
120 #define BOT_FLAG7      0x10000000 /* 7  user-defined flag #7            */
121 #define BOT_FLAG8      0x20000000 /* 8  user-defined flag #8            */
122 #define BOT_FLAG9      0x40000000 /* 9  user-defined flag #9            */
123 /* BOT_S still shares everything for backward compat, but if removed to share more precisely,
124    we need those detailed flags to still indicate the bot shares */
128 /* When adding more here, also add messages in cmds.c attr_inform */
129 /* Bot flag checking message ID's */
130 #define BOT_SANE_ALTOWNSHUB		0x00000001
131 #define BOT_SANE_HUBOWNSALT		0x00000002
132 #define BOT_SANE_OWNSALTHUB		0x00000004
133 #define BOT_SANE_SHPOWNSAGGR		0x00000008
134 #define BOT_SANE_AGGROWNSSHP		0x00000010
135 #define BOT_SANE_OWNSSHPAGGR		0x00000020
136 #define BOT_SANE_SHPOWNSPASS		0x00000040
137 #define BOT_SANE_PASSOWNSSHP		0x00000080
138 #define BOT_SANE_OWNSSHPPASS		0x00000100
139 #define BOT_SANE_SHAREOWNSREJ		0x00000200
140 #define BOT_SANE_REJOWNSSHARE		0x00000400
141 #define BOT_SANE_OWNSSHAREREJ		0x00000800
142 #define BOT_SANE_HUBOWNSREJ		0x00001000
143 #define BOT_SANE_REJOWNSHUB		0x00002000
144 #define BOT_SANE_OWNSHUBREJ		0x00004000
145 #define BOT_SANE_ALTOWNSREJ		0x00008000
146 #define BOT_SANE_REJOWNSALT		0x00010000
147 #define BOT_SANE_OWNSALTREJ		0x00020000
148 #define BOT_SANE_AGGROWNSPASS		0x00040000
149 #define BOT_SANE_PASSOWNSAGGR		0x00080000
150 #define BOT_SANE_OWNSAGGRPASS		0x00100000
151 #define BOT_SANE_NOSHAREOWNSGLOB	0x00200000
152 #define BOT_SANE_OWNSGLOB		0x00400000
153 /* User/Chan flag checking message ID's */
154 #define UC_SANE_DEOPOWNSOP		0x00000001
155 #define UC_SANE_OPOWNSDEOP		0x00000002
156 #define UC_SANE_OWNSDEOPOP		0x00000004
157 #define UC_SANE_DEHALFOPOWNSHALFOP	0x00000008
158 #define UC_SANE_HALFOPOWNSDEHALFOP	0x00000010
159 #define UC_SANE_OWNSDEHALFOPHALFOP	0x00000020
160 #define UC_SANE_DEOPOWNSAUTOOP		0x00000040
161 #define UC_SANE_AUTOOPOWNSDEOP		0x00000080
162 #define UC_SANE_OWNSDEOPAUTOOP		0x00000100
163 #define UC_SANE_DEHALFOPOWNSAHALFOP	0x00000200
164 #define UC_SANE_AHALFOPOWNSDEHALFOP	0x00000400
165 #define UC_SANE_OWNSDEHALFOPAHALFOP	0x00000800
166 #define UC_SANE_QUIETOWNSVOICE		0x00001000
167 #define UC_SANE_VOICEOWNSQUIET		0x00002000
168 #define UC_SANE_OWNSQUIETVOICE		0x00004000
169 #define UC_SANE_QUIETOWNSGVOICE		0x00008000
170 #define UC_SANE_GVOICEOWNSQUIET		0x00010000
171 #define UC_SANE_OWNSQUIETGVOICE		0x00020000
172 #define UC_SANE_OWNERADDSMASTER		0x00040000
173 #define UC_SANE_MASTERADDSOP		0x00080000
174 #define UC_SANE_OPADDSHALFOP		0x00100000
175 #define UC_SANE_NOBOTOWNSAGGR		0x00200000
176 #define UC_SANE_BOTOWNSPARTY		0x00400000
177 #define UC_SANE_BOTOWNSMASTER		0x00800000
178 #define UC_SANE_BOTOWNSCOMMON		0x01000000
179 #define UC_SANE_BOTOWNSOWNER		0x02000000
180 #define UC_SANE_MASTERADDSBOTMOPJAN	0x04000000
181 #define UC_SANE_BOTMASTADDSPARTY	0x08000000
182 #define UC_SANE_JANADDSXFER		0x10000000
183 #define UC_SANE_AUTOOPADDSOP		0x20000000
185 #define UC_SANE_GVOICEADDSVOICE		0x80000000
187 /* Flag checking macros */
188 #define chan_op(x)              ((x).chan & USER_OP)
189 #define glob_op(x)              ((x).global & USER_OP)
190 #define chan_halfop(x)          ((x).chan & USER_HALFOP)
191 #define glob_halfop(x)          ((x).global & USER_HALFOP)
192 #define chan_deop(x)            ((x).chan & USER_DEOP)
193 #define glob_deop(x)            ((x).global & USER_DEOP)
194 #define chan_dehalfop(x)        ((x).chan & USER_DEHALFOP)
195 #define glob_dehalfop(x)        ((x).global & USER_DEHALFOP)
196 #define glob_master(x)          ((x).global & USER_MASTER)
197 #define glob_bot(x)             ((x).global & USER_BOT)
198 #define glob_owner(x)           ((x).global & USER_OWNER)
199 #define chan_master(x)          ((x).chan & USER_MASTER)
200 #define chan_owner(x)           ((x).chan & USER_OWNER)
201 #define chan_autoop(x)          ((x).chan & USER_AUTOOP)
202 #define glob_autoop(x)          ((x).global & USER_AUTOOP)
203 #define chan_autohalfop(x)      ((x).chan & USER_AUTOHALFOP)
204 #define glob_autohalfop(x)      ((x).global & USER_AUTOHALFOP)
205 #define chan_gvoice(x)          ((x).chan & USER_GVOICE)
206 #define glob_gvoice(x)          ((x).global & USER_GVOICE)
207 #define chan_kick(x)            ((x).chan & USER_KICK)
208 #define glob_kick(x)            ((x).global & USER_KICK)
209 #define chan_voice(x)           ((x).chan & USER_VOICE)
210 #define glob_voice(x)           ((x).global & USER_VOICE)
211 #define chan_wasoptest(x)       ((x).chan & USER_WASOPTEST)
212 #define glob_wasoptest(x)       ((x).global & USER_WASOPTEST)
213 #define chan_washalfoptest(x)   ((x).chan & USER_WASHALFOPTEST)
214 #define glob_washalfoptest(x)   ((x).global & USER_WASHALFOPTEST)
215 #define chan_quiet(x)           ((x).chan & USER_QUIET)
216 #define glob_quiet(x)           ((x).global & USER_QUIET)
217 #define chan_friend(x)          ((x).chan & USER_FRIEND)
218 #define glob_friend(x)          ((x).global & USER_FRIEND)
219 #define glob_botmast(x)         ((x).global & USER_BOTMAST)
220 #define glob_party(x)           ((x).global & USER_PARTY)
221 #define glob_xfer(x)            ((x).global & USER_XFER)
222 #define glob_hilite(x)          ((x).global & USER_HIGHLITE)
223 #define chan_exempt(x)          ((x).chan & USER_EXEMPT)
224 #define glob_exempt(x)          ((x).global & USER_EXEMPT)
226 #define bot_global(x)           ((x).bot & BOT_GLOBAL)
227 #define bot_chan(x)             ((x).chan & BOT_AGGRESSIVE)
228 #define bot_shared(x)           ((x).bot & BOT_SHARE)
231 #ifndef MAKING_MODS
233 void get_user_flagrec(struct userrec *, struct flag_record *, const char *);
234 void set_user_flagrec(struct userrec *, struct flag_record *, const char *);
235 void break_down_flags(const char *, struct flag_record *, struct flag_record *);
236 int build_flags(char *, struct flag_record *, struct flag_record *);
237 int flagrec_eq(struct flag_record *, struct flag_record *);
238 int flagrec_ok(struct flag_record *, struct flag_record *);
239 int sanity_check(int);
240 int user_sanity_check(int * const, int const, int const);
241 int bot_sanity_check(intptr_t * const, intptr_t const, intptr_t const);
242 int chan_sanity_check(int * const, int const, int const, int const);
243 char geticon(int);
245 #endif /* MAKING_MODS */
247 #endif /* _EGG_FLAGS_H */