1 /*
2 Copyright (C) 1996-2001 Id Software, Inc.
3 Copyright (C) 2002-2009 John Fitzgibbons and others
4 Copyright (C) 2010-2014 QuakeSpasm developers
6 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 See the GNU General Public License for more details.
17 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
21 */
23 #ifndef _QUAKE_PROTOCOL_H
24 #define _QUAKE_PROTOCOL_H
26 // protocol.h -- communications protocols
28 #define	PROTOCOL_NETQUAKE	15 //johnfitz -- standard quake protocol
29 #define PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE	666 //johnfitz -- added new protocol for fitzquake 0.85
30 #define PROTOCOL_RMQ		999
31 #define PROTOCOL_FTE_PEXT1		(('F'<<0) + ('T'<<8) + ('E'<<16) + ('X' << 24))	//fte extensions, provides extensions to the underlying base protocol (like 666 or even 15).
32 #define PROTOCOL_FTE_PEXT2		(('F'<<0) + ('T'<<8) + ('E'<<16) + ('2' << 24))	//fte extensions, provides extensions to the underlying base protocol (like 666 or even 15).
34 // PROTOCOL_RMQ protocol flags
35 #define PRFL_SHORTANGLE		(1 << 1)
36 #define PRFL_FLOATANGLE		(1 << 2)
37 #define PRFL_24BITCOORD		(1 << 3)
38 #define PRFL_FLOATCOORD		(1 << 4)
39 #define PRFL_EDICTSCALE		(1 << 5)
40 #define PRFL_ALPHASANITY	(1 << 6)	// cleanup insanity with alpha
41 #define PRFL_INT32COORD		(1 << 7)
42 #define PRFL_MOREFLAGS		(1 << 31)	// not supported
43 // PROTOCOL_FTE_PEXT1 flags
44 #define PEXT1_CSQC					0x40000000	//(full)csqc additions, required for csqc ents+events.
45 #define PEXT1_SUPPORTED_CLIENT		(PEXT1_CSQC)	//pext1 flags that we advertise to servers (aka: full support)
46 #define PEXT1_SUPPORTED_SERVER		(PEXT1_CSQC)	//pext1 flags that we accept from clients.
48 // PROTOCOL_FTE_PEXT2 flags
49 #define PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS		0x00000008	//more compact entity deltas (can also be split across multiple packets)
50 #define PEXT2_PREDINFO				0x00000020	//provides input acks and reworks stats such that clc_clientdata becomes redundant.
51 #define PEXT2_SUPPORTED_CLIENT		(PEXT2_REPLACEMENTDELTAS|PEXT2_PREDINFO)	//pext2 flags that we understand+support
53 #define PEXT2_ACCEPTED_CLIENT		(PEXT2_SUPPORTED_CLIENT)	//pext2 flags that we can parse, but don't want to advertise
55 // if the high bit of the servercmd is set, the low bits are fast update flags:
56 #define	U_MOREBITS		(1<<0)
57 #define	U_ORIGIN1		(1<<1)
58 #define	U_ORIGIN2		(1<<2)
59 #define	U_ORIGIN3		(1<<3)
60 #define	U_ANGLE2		(1<<4)
61 #define	U_STEP			(1<<5)	//johnfitz -- was U_NOLERP, renamed since it's only used for MOVETYPE_STEP
62 #define	U_FRAME			(1<<6)
63 #define U_SIGNAL		(1<<7)	// just differentiates from other updates
65 // svc_update can pass all of the fast update bits, plus more
66 #define	U_ANGLE1		(1<<8)
67 #define	U_ANGLE3		(1<<9)
68 #define	U_MODEL			(1<<10)
69 #define	U_COLORMAP		(1<<11)
70 #define	U_SKIN			(1<<12)
71 #define	U_EFFECTS		(1<<13)
72 #define	U_LONGENTITY	(1<<14)
73 //johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE -- new bits
74 #define U_EXTEND1		(1<<15)
75 #define U_ALPHA			(1<<16) // 1 byte, uses ENTALPHA_ENCODE, not sent if equal to baseline
76 #define U_FRAME2		(1<<17) // 1 byte, this is .frame & 0xFF00 (second byte)
77 #define U_MODEL2		(1<<18) // 1 byte, this is .modelindex & 0xFF00 (second byte)
78 #define U_LERPFINISH	(1<<19) // 1 byte, 0.0-1.0 maps to 0-255, not sent if exactly 0.1, this is ent->v.nextthink - sv.time, used for lerping
79 #define U_SCALE			(1<<20) // 1 byte, for PROTOCOL_RMQ PRFL_EDICTSCALE, currently read but ignored
80 #define U_UNUSED21		(1<<21)
81 #define U_UNUSED22		(1<<22)
82 #define U_EXTEND2		(1<<23) // another byte to follow, future expansion
83 //johnfitz
85 //johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_NEHAHRA transparency
86 #define U_TRANS			(1<<15)
87 //johnfitz
89 //spike -- FTE Replacement Deltas
90 //first byte contains the stuff that's most likely to change constantly
91 #define UF_FRAME		(1u<<0)
92 #define UF_ORIGINXY		(1u<<1)
93 #define UF_ORIGINZ		(1u<<2)
94 #define UF_ANGLESXZ		(1u<<3)
95 #define UF_ANGLESY		(1u<<4)
96 #define UF_EFFECTS		(1u<<5)
97 #define UF_PREDINFO		(1u<<6)	/*ent is predicted, probably a player*/
98 #define UF_EXTEND1		(1u<<7)
100 /*stuff which is common on ent spawning*/
101 #define UF_RESET		(1u<<8)
102 #define UF_16BIT		(1u<<9)	/*within this update, frame/skin/model is 16bit, not part of the deltaing itself*/
103 #define UF_MODEL		(1u<<10)
104 #define UF_SKIN			(1u<<11)
105 #define UF_COLORMAP		(1u<<12)
106 #define UF_SOLID		(1u<<13)	/*encodes the size of the entity, so prediction can bump against it*/
107 #define UF_FLAGS		(1u<<14)	/*some extra flags like viewmodelforclient*/
108 #define UF_EXTEND2		(1u<<15)
110 /*the rest is optional extensions*/
111 #define UF_ALPHA		(1u<<16)	/*transparency*/
112 #define UF_SCALE		(1u<<17)	/*rescaling stuff, 1/16th*/
113 #define UF_BONEDATA		(1u<<18)	/*for ssqc control over skeletal models*/
114 #define UF_DRAWFLAGS	(1u<<19)	/*scale offsets and things*/
115 #define UF_TAGINFO		(1u<<20)	/*simple entity attachments, generally needs either md3s or skeletal models*/
116 #define UF_LIGHT		(1u<<21)	/*attaching rtlights to dynamic entities from ssqc*/
117 #define UF_TRAILEFFECT	(1u<<22)	/*attaches custom particle trails to entities, woo.*/
118 #define UF_EXTEND3		(1u<<23)
120 #define UF_COLORMOD		(1u<<24)	/*rgb tints. 1/16th*/
121 #define UF_GLOW			(1u<<25)	/*tbh only useful as an extra 'renderable' field for csqc...*/
122 #define UF_FATNESS		(1u<<26)	/*push the entity's normals out by this distance*/
123 #define UF_MODELINDEX2  (1u<<27)	/*for lame visible weapon models, like q2. just adds a second ent at the same point*/
124 #define UF_GRAVITYDIR	(1u<<28)	/*yay prediction*/
125 #define UF_EFFECTS2		(1u<<29)	/*effects is 16bit, or if both effects flags are set then 32bit*/
126 #define UF_UNUSED2		(1u<<30)
127 #define UF_UNUSED1		(1u<<31)
129 /*these flags are generally not deltaed as they're changing constantly*/
130 #define UFP_FORWARD		(1u<<0)
131 #define UFP_SIDE		(1u<<1)
132 #define UFP_UP			(1u<<2)
133 #define UFP_MOVETYPE	(1u<<3)	/*deltaed*/
134 #define UFP_VELOCITYXY	(1u<<4)
135 #define UFP_VELOCITYZ	(1u<<5)
136 #define UFP_MSEC		(1u<<6)
137 #define UFP_WEAPONFRAME_OLD	(1u<<7)	//no longer used. just a stat now that I rewrote stat deltas.
138 #define UFP_VIEWANGLE	(1u<<7)
139 //spike
141 #define	SU_VIEWHEIGHT	(1<<0)
142 #define	SU_IDEALPITCH	(1<<1)
143 #define	SU_PUNCH1		(1<<2)
144 #define	SU_PUNCH2		(1<<3)
145 #define	SU_PUNCH3		(1<<4)
146 #define	SU_VELOCITY1	(1<<5)
147 #define	SU_VELOCITY2	(1<<6)
148 #define	SU_VELOCITY3	(1<<7)
149 #define	SU_UNUSED8		(1<<8)  //AVAILABLE BIT
150 #define	SU_ITEMS		(1<<9)
151 #define	SU_ONGROUND		(1<<10)	// no data follows, the bit is it
152 #define	SU_INWATER		(1<<11)	// no data follows, the bit is it
153 #define	SU_WEAPONFRAME	(1<<12)
154 #define	SU_ARMOR		(1<<13)
155 #define	SU_WEAPON		(1<<14)
156 //johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE -- new bits
157 #define SU_EXTEND1		(1<<15) // another byte to follow
158 #define SU_WEAPON2		(1<<16) // 1 byte, this is .weaponmodel & 0xFF00 (second byte)
159 #define SU_ARMOR2		(1<<17) // 1 byte, this is .armorvalue & 0xFF00 (second byte)
160 #define SU_AMMO2		(1<<18) // 1 byte, this is .currentammo & 0xFF00 (second byte)
161 #define SU_SHELLS2		(1<<19) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_shells & 0xFF00 (second byte)
162 #define SU_NAILS2		(1<<20) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_nails & 0xFF00 (second byte)
163 #define SU_ROCKETS2		(1<<21) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_rockets & 0xFF00 (second byte)
164 #define SU_CELLS2		(1<<22) // 1 byte, this is .ammo_cells & 0xFF00 (second byte)
165 #define SU_EXTEND2		(1<<23) // another byte to follow
166 #define SU_WEAPONFRAME2	(1<<24) // 1 byte, this is .weaponframe & 0xFF00 (second byte)
167 #define SU_WEAPONALPHA	(1<<25) // 1 byte, this is alpha for weaponmodel, uses ENTALPHA_ENCODE, not sent if ENTALPHA_DEFAULT
168 #define SU_UNUSED26		(1<<26)
169 #define SU_UNUSED27		(1<<27)
170 #define SU_UNUSED28		(1<<28)
171 #define SU_UNUSED29		(1<<29)
172 #define SU_UNUSED30		(1<<30)
173 #define SU_EXTEND3		(1<<31) // another byte to follow, future expansion
174 //johnfitz
176 // a sound with no channel is a local only sound
177 #define	SND_VOLUME		(1<<0)	// a byte
178 #define	SND_ATTENUATION		(1<<1)	// a byte
179 #define	SND_LOOPING		(1<<2)	// a long
184 //johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE -- new bits
185 #define	SND_LARGEENTITY	(1<<3)	// a short + byte (instead of just a short)
186 #define	SND_LARGESOUND	(1<<4)	// a short soundindex (instead of a byte)
187 //johnfitz
188 //spike -- parsing, but not using at this time
189 #define	SND_FTE_MOREFLAGS	(1<<2)	// a byte, for channel flags
190 #define SND_DP_PITCH		(1<<5)	//dp uses this for pitch...
191 #define SND_FTE_TIMEOFS		(1<<6)	//signed short, in milliseconds.
192 #define SND_FTE_PITCHADJ	(1<<7)	//a byte (speed percent (0=100%))
193 #define SND_FTE_VELOCITY	(1<<8)	//3 shorts (1/8th), for doppler or whatever.
194 //spike
196 //johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE -- flags for entity baseline messages
197 #define B_LARGEMODEL	(1<<0)	// modelindex is short instead of byte
198 #define B_LARGEFRAME	(1<<1)	// frame is short instead of byte
199 #define B_ALPHA			(1<<2)	// 1 byte, uses ENTALPHA_ENCODE, not sent if ENTALPHA_DEFAULT
200 //johnfitz
202 //johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE -- alpha encoding
203 #define ENTALPHA_DEFAULT	0	//entity's alpha is "default" (i.e. water obeys r_wateralpha) -- must be zero so zeroed out memory works
204 #define ENTALPHA_ZERO		1	//entity is invisible (lowest possible alpha)
205 #define ENTALPHA_ONE		255 //entity is fully opaque (highest possible alpha)
206 #define ENTALPHA_ENCODE(a)	(((a)==0)?ENTALPHA_DEFAULT:Q_rint(CLAMP(1,(a)*254.0f+1,255))) //server convert to byte to send to client
207 #define ENTALPHA_DECODE(a)	(((a)==ENTALPHA_DEFAULT)?1.0f:((float)(a)-1)/(254)) //client convert to float for rendering
208 #define ENTALPHA_TOSAVE(a)	(((a)==ENTALPHA_DEFAULT)?0.0f:(((a)==ENTALPHA_ZERO)?-1.0f:((float)(a)-1)/(254))) //server convert to float for savegame
209 //johnfitz
211 // defaults for clientinfo messages
214 // game types sent by serverinfo
215 // these determine which intermission screen plays
216 #define	GAME_COOP			0
217 #define	GAME_DEATHMATCH		1
219 //==================
220 // note that there are some defs.qc that mirror to these numbers
221 // also related to svc_strings[] in cl_parse
222 //==================
224 //used by the 2021 rerelease
225 //Note: same value as svcdp_effect!
226 #define svc_achievement				52		// [string] id
228 //
229 // server to client
230 //
231 #define	svc_bad					0
232 #define	svc_nop					1
233 #define	svc_disconnect			2
234 #define	svc_updatestat			3	// [byte] [long]
235 #define	svc_version				4	// [long] server version
236 #define	svc_setview				5	// [short] entity number
237 #define	svc_sound				6	// <see code>
238 #define	svc_time				7	// [float] server time
239 #define	svc_print				8	// [string] null terminated string
240 #define	svc_stufftext			9	// [string] stuffed into client's console buffer
241 									// the string should be \n terminated
242 #define	svc_setangle			10	// [angle3] set the view angle to this absolute value
243 #define	svc_serverinfo			11	// [long] version
244 									// [string] signon string
245 									// [string]..[0]model cache
246 									// [string]...[0]sounds cache
247 #define	svc_lightstyle			12	// [byte] [string]
248 #define	svc_updatename			13	// [byte] [string]
249 #define	svc_updatefrags			14	// [byte] [short]
250 #define	svc_clientdata			15	// <shortbits + data>
251 #define	svc_stopsound			16	// <see code>
252 #define	svc_updatecolors		17	// [byte] [byte]
253 #define	svc_particle			18	// [vec3] <variable>
254 #define	svc_damage				19
255 #define	svc_spawnstatic			20
256 //#define svc_spawnbinary		21
257 #define	svcfte_spawnstatic2		21
258 #define	svc_spawnbaseline		22
259 #define	svc_temp_entity			23
260 #define	svc_setpause			24	// [byte] on / off
261 #define	svc_signonnum			25	// [byte]  used for the signon sequence
262 #define	svc_centerprint			26	// [string] to put in center of the screen
263 #define	svc_killedmonster		27
264 #define	svc_foundsecret			28
265 #define	svc_spawnstaticsound	29	// [coord3] [byte] samp [byte] vol [byte] aten
266 #define	svc_intermission		30	// [string] music
267 #define	svc_finale				31	// [string] music [string] text
268 #define	svc_cdtrack				32	// [byte] track [byte] looptrack
269 #define svc_sellscreen			33
270 #define svc_cutscene			34
272 //johnfitz -- PROTOCOL_FITZQUAKE -- new server messages
273 #define	svc_skybox				37	// [string] name
274 #define svc_bf					40
275 #define svc_fog					41	// [byte] density [byte] red [byte] green [byte] blue [float] time
276 #define svc_spawnbaseline2		42  // support for large modelindex, large framenum, alpha, using flags
277 #define svc_spawnstatic2		43	// support for large modelindex, large framenum, alpha, using flags
278 #define	svc_spawnstaticsound2	44	// [coord3] [short] samp [byte] vol [byte] aten
279 //johnfitz
281 //spike -- some extensions for particles.
282 //some extra stuff for fte's pext2_replacementdeltas, including stats
283 //fte reuses the dp svcs for nq (instead of qw-specific ones), at least where the protocol is identical. this should make dpp7 support a little easier if you ever want to implement that.
284 //dp has a tendancy to use the svcs even when told to use protocol 15, so supporting them helps there too.
285 #define svcdp_downloaddata			50
286 #define	svcdp_updatestatbyte		51
287 #define svcdp_effect				52		// [vector] org [byte] modelindex [byte] startframe [byte] framecount [byte] framerate
288 #define svcdp_effect2				53		// [vector] org [short] modelindex [short] startframe [byte] framecount [byte] framerate
289 #define	svcdp_precache				54		// [short] precacheindex [string] filename. index&0x8000 = sound, 0x4000 = particle, 0xc000 = reserved (probably to reclaim these bits eventually), otherwise model.
290 #define svcdp_spawnbaseline2		55
291 #define svcdp_spawnstatic2			56
292 #define svcdp_entities				57
293 #define svcdp_csqcentities			58
294 #define	svcdp_spawnstaticsound2		59		// [coord3] [short] samp [byte] vol [byte] aten
295 #define svcdp_trailparticles		60		// [short] entnum [short] effectnum [vector] start [vector] end
296 #define svcdp_pointparticles		61		// [short] effectnum [vector] start [vector] velocity [short] count
297 #define svcdp_pointparticles1		62		// [short] effectnum [vector] start, same as svc_pointparticles except velocity is zero and count is 1
298 #define svcfte_spawnbaseline2		66
299 #define svcfte_updatestatstring		78
300 #define svcfte_updatestatfloat		79
301 #define svcfte_cgamepacket			83
302 #define svcfte_voicechat			84
303 #define svcfte_setangledelta		85
304 #define svcfte_updateentities		86
305 //spike -- end
307 //
308 // client to server
309 //
310 #define	clc_bad			0
311 #define	clc_nop 		1
312 #define	clc_disconnect	2
313 #define	clc_move		3		// [usercmd_t]
314 #define	clc_stringcmd	4		// [string] message
315 #define clcdp_ackframe	50		// [long] frame sequence. reused by fte replacement deltas
316 //
317 // temp entity events
318 //
319 #define	TE_SPIKE			0
320 #define	TE_SUPERSPIKE		1
321 #define	TE_GUNSHOT			2
322 #define	TE_EXPLOSION		3
323 #define	TE_TAREXPLOSION		4
324 #define	TE_LIGHTNING1		5
325 #define	TE_LIGHTNING2		6
326 #define	TE_WIZSPIKE			7
327 #define	TE_KNIGHTSPIKE		8
328 #define	TE_LIGHTNING3		9
329 #define	TE_LAVASPLASH		10
330 #define	TE_TELEPORT			11
331 #define TE_EXPLOSION2		12
333 // PGM 01/21/97
334 #define TE_BEAM				13
335 // PGM 01/21/97
337 #define TEDP_PARTICLERAIN	55 // [vector] min [vector] max [vector] dir [short] count [byte] color
338 #define TEDP_PARTICLESNOW	56 // [vector] min [vector] max [vector] dir [short] count [byte] color
340 typedef struct entity_state_s
341 {
342 	vec3_t		origin;
343 	vec3_t		angles;
344 	unsigned short 	modelindex;	//johnfitz -- was int
345 	unsigned short 	frame;		//johnfitz -- was int
346 	unsigned int	effects;
347 	unsigned char	colormap;	//johnfitz -- was int
348 	unsigned char	skin;		//johnfitz -- was int
349 	unsigned char	scale;		//spike -- *16
350 	unsigned char	pmovetype;	//spike
351 	unsigned short	traileffectnum;	//spike -- for qc-defined particle trails. typically evilly used for things that are not trails.
352 	unsigned short	emiteffectnum;	//spike -- for qc-defined particle trails. typically evilly used for things that are not trails.
353 	short	velocity[3];	//spike -- the player's velocity.
354 	unsigned char	eflags;
355 	unsigned char	tagindex;
356 	unsigned short	tagentity;
357 	unsigned short	pad;
358 	unsigned char	colormod[3];	//spike -- entity tints, *32
359 	unsigned char	alpha;		//johnfitz -- added
360 	unsigned int	solidsize;	//for csqc prediction logic.
361 					#define ES_SOLID_NOT 0
362 					#define ES_SOLID_BSP 31
363 					#define ES_SOLID_HULL1 0x80201810
364 					#define ES_SOLID_HULL2 0x80401820
365 } entity_state_t;
366 #define EFLAGS_STEP				1
367 //#define EFLAGS_GLOWTRAIL		2
368 #define EFLAGS_VIEWMODEL		4	//does not appear in reflections/third person. attached to the view.
369 #define EFLAGS_EXTERIORMODEL	8	//only appears in reflections/third person
370 //#define EFLAGS_				16
371 #define EFLAGS_COLOURMAPPED		32	//.colormap=1024|(top<<4)|bottom), instead of a player number
372 //#define EFLAGS_				64
373 #define EFLAGS_ONGROUND			128	//for bobbing more than anything else. *sigh*.
375 extern entity_state_t nullentitystate;	//note: not all null.
377 typedef struct
378 {
379 	float	servertime;
380 	float	seconds;	//servertime-previous->servertime
381 	vec3_t	viewangles;
383 // intended velocities
384 	float	forwardmove;
385 	float	sidemove;
386 	float	upmove;
388 	unsigned int	buttons;
389 	unsigned int	impulse;
391 	unsigned int	sequence;
393 	int		weapon;
394 } usercmd_t;
396 #endif	/* _QUAKE_PROTOCOL_H */