1 // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
2 unit UFilterConnector;
4 {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
6 interface
8 uses
9   Classes, SysUtils, UImage, ULayerAction, UImageType, Forms,
10   LazPaintType, BGRABitmap, BGRABitmapTypes, uscripting;
12 type
13   TFilterConnector = class;
14   TFilterOnTryStopActionHandler = procedure(sender: TFilterConnector) of object;
16   { TFilterConnector }
18   TFilterConnector = class
19   private
20     FLazPaintInstance : TLazPaintCustomInstance;
21     FAction: TLayerAction;
22     FActionOwned: boolean;
23     FOnTryStopAction: TFilterOnTryStopActionHandler;
24     FWorkArea: TRect;
25     FWorkAreaFullySelected: boolean;
26     FParameters: TVariableSet;
GetActionDonenull27     function GetActionDone: boolean;
GetActiveLayeOffsetnull28     function GetActiveLayeOffset: TPoint;
GetActiveLayernull29     function GetActiveLayer: TBGRABitmap;
GetBackupLayernull30     function GetBackupLayer: TBGRABitmap;
GetCurrentSelectionnull31     function GetCurrentSelection: TBGRABitmap;
32     procedure Init(ALazPaintInstance: TLazPaintCustomInstance; AAction: TLayerAction; AOwned: boolean;
33                    AParameters: TVariableSet; AApplyOfsBefore: boolean);
34     procedure OnTryStop({%H-}sender: TCustomLayerAction);
35     procedure DiscardAction;
36     procedure ApplySelectionMaskOn(AFilteredLayer: TBGRABitmap);
37     procedure ImageChanged;
38   public
39     ApplyOnSelectionLayer: boolean;
40     Form: TForm;
41     constructor Create(ALazPaintInstance : TLazPaintCustomInstance; AParameters: TVariableSet; AApplyOfsBefore: boolean);
42     constructor Create(ALazPaintInstance : TLazPaintCustomInstance; AParameters: TVariableSet; AAction: TLayerAction; AOwned: boolean);
43     destructor Destroy; override;
44     procedure ValidateAction;
45     procedure InvalidateActiveLayer; overload;
46     procedure InvalidateActiveLayer(ARect: TRect); overload;
47     procedure PutImage(AFilteredLayer: TBGRABitmap; AMayBeColored: boolean; AOwner: boolean; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmSet);
48     procedure PutImage(AFilteredLayer: TBGRABitmap; AModifiedRect: TRect; AMayBeColored: boolean; AOwner: boolean; ADrawMode: TDrawMode = dmSet);
49     procedure RestoreBackup;
50     property BackupLayer: TBGRABitmap read GetBackupLayer;
51     property CurrentSelection: TBGRABitmap read GetCurrentSelection;
52     property OnTryStopAction: TFilterOnTryStopActionHandler read FOnTryStopAction write FOnTryStopAction;
53     property ActionDone: boolean read GetActionDone;
54     property LazPaintInstance: TLazPaintCustomInstance read FLazPaintInstance;
55     property ActiveLayer: TBGRABitmap read GetActiveLayer;
56     property ActiveLayerOffset: TPoint read GetActiveLayeOffset;
57     property WorkArea: TRect read FWorkArea;
58     property Parameters: TVariableSet read FParameters;
59   end;
61 implementation
63 uses Types;
65 { TFilterConnector }
TFilterConnector.GetActiveLayernull67 function TFilterConnector.GetActiveLayer: TBGRABitmap;
68 begin
69   if FAction = nil then
70     result := nil
71   else if ApplyOnSelectionLayer then
72     result := FAction.GetSelectionLayerIfExists
73   else
74     result := FAction.SelectedImageLayer;
75 end;
GetActionDonenull77 function TFilterConnector.GetActionDone: boolean;
78 begin
79   if FAction = nil then
80     result := false
81   else
82     result := FAction.Done;
83 end;
GetActiveLayeOffsetnull85 function TFilterConnector.GetActiveLayeOffset: TPoint;
86 begin
87   if ApplyOnSelectionLayer then
88     result := Point(0,0)
89   else
90     result := FAction.SelectedImageLayerOffset;
91 end;
GetBackupLayernull93 function TFilterConnector.GetBackupLayer: TBGRABitmap;
94 begin
95   if ApplyOnSelectionLayer then
96     result := FAction.BackupSelectionLayer
97   else
98     result := FAction.BackupSelectedLayer;
99 end;
TFilterConnector.GetCurrentSelectionnull101 function TFilterConnector.GetCurrentSelection: TBGRABitmap;
102 begin
103   if ApplyOnSelectionLayer or FLazPaintInstance.Image.SelectionMaskEmpty then
104     result := nil
105   else
106   begin
107     result := FLazPaintInstance.Image.SelectionMaskReadonly;
108     if (result.Width <> ActiveLayer.Width) or (result.Height <> ActiveLayer.Height) then
109       result := nil;
110   end;
111 end;
113 procedure TFilterConnector.Init(ALazPaintInstance: TLazPaintCustomInstance; AAction: TLayerAction; AOwned: boolean;
114                                 AParameters: TVariableSet; AApplyOfsBefore: boolean);
115 var sel: TBGRABitmap;
116   y,x: integer;
117   p : PBGRAPixel;
119 begin
120   FLazPaintInstance := ALazPaintInstance;
121   FParameters := AParameters;
122   ApplyOnSelectionLayer:= not FLazPaintInstance.Image.SelectionLayerIsEmpty;
124   if AAction = nil then
125     AAction := ALazPaintInstance.Image.CreateAction(
126                   AApplyOfsBefore and not ApplyOnSelectionLayer,
127                   ApplyOnSelectionLayer);
129   FAction := AAction;
130   FActionOwned:= AOwned;
131   FAction.OnTryStop := @OnTryStop;
133   sel := CurrentSelection;
134   if sel <> nil then
135     FWorkArea := FLazPaintInstance.Image.SelectionMaskBounds
136   else
137     FWorkArea := rect(0,0,ActiveLayer.Width,ActiveLayer.Height);
138   FWorkAreaFullySelected := true;
139   if sel <> nil then
140     for y := FWorkArea.Top to FWorkArea.Bottom-1 do
141     begin
142       p := sel.ScanLine[y]+FWorkArea.Left;
143       for x := FWorkArea.Left to FWorkArea.Right-1 do
144       begin
145         if p^.green <> 255 then
146         begin
147           FWorkAreaFullySelected := false;
148           break;
149         end;
150         inc(p);
151       end;
152       if not FWorkAreaFullySelected then break;
153     end;
154 end;
156 procedure TFilterConnector.OnTryStop(sender: TCustomLayerAction);
157 begin
158   DiscardAction;
159   If FOnTryStopAction <> nil then FOnTryStopAction(self);
160 end;
162 procedure TFilterConnector.DiscardAction;
163 begin
164   if FActionOwned then
165     FreeAndNil(FAction)
166   else
167   if FAction <> nil then
168   begin
169     FAction.OnTryStop := nil;
170     FAction := nil;
171   end;
172 end;
174 constructor TFilterConnector.Create(ALazPaintInstance : TLazPaintCustomInstance; AParameters: TVariableSet; AApplyOfsBefore: boolean);
175 begin
176   Init(ALazPaintInstance,nil,True,AParameters,AApplyOfsBefore);
177 end;
179 constructor TFilterConnector.Create(ALazPaintInstance : TLazPaintCustomInstance; AParameters: TVariableSet; AAction: TLayerAction; AOwned: boolean);
180 begin
181   Init(ALazPaintInstance,AAction,AOwned,AParameters,false);
182 end;
184 destructor TFilterConnector.Destroy;
185 begin
186   DiscardAction;
187   inherited Destroy;
188 end;
190 procedure TFilterConnector.ValidateAction;
191 begin
192   FAction.Validate;
193 end;
195 procedure TFilterConnector.InvalidateActiveLayer;
196 begin
197   InvalidateActiveLayer(FWorkArea);
198 end;
200 procedure TFilterConnector.InvalidateActiveLayer(ARect: TRect);
201 begin
202   if IntersectRect(ARect, ARect, FWorkArea) then
203   begin
204     with FLazPaintInstance.Image.LayerOffset[FLazPaintInstance.Image.CurrentLayerIndex] do
205       OffsetRect(ARect, X,Y);
206     FLazPaintInstance.NotifyImageChange(True, ARect);
207   end;
208 end;
210 procedure TFilterConnector.PutImage(AFilteredLayer: TBGRABitmap; AMayBeColored: boolean; AOwner: boolean; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
211 begin
212   PutImage(AFilteredLayer,FWorkArea,AMayBeColored,AOwner,ADrawMode);
213 end;
215 procedure TFilterConnector.PutImage(AFilteredLayer: TBGRABitmap;
216   AModifiedRect: TRect; AMayBeColored: boolean; AOwner: boolean; ADrawMode: TDrawMode);
217 var AMine: boolean;
218   imgRect: TRect;
219 begin
220   if IntersectRect(AModifiedRect,AModifiedRect,FWorkArea) then
221   begin
222     AMine := AOwner;
223     if AMayBeColored and LazPaintInstance.BlackAndWhite then
224     begin
225       if not AMine then
226       begin
227         AFilteredLayer := AFilteredLayer.Duplicate as TBGRABitmap;
228         AMine := true;
229       end;
230       AFilteredLayer.InplaceGrayscale(AModifiedRect);
231     end;
232     if not FWorkAreaFullySelected then
233     begin
234       if not AMine then
235       begin
236         AFilteredLayer := AFilteredLayer.Duplicate as TBGRABitmap;
237         AMine := true;
238       end;
239       ApplySelectionMaskOn(AFilteredLayer);
240     end;
241     ActiveLayer.PutImagePart(AModifiedRect.Left,AModifiedRect.Top,AFilteredLayer,AModifiedRect,ADrawMode);
242     if AMine then AFilteredLayer.Free;
243     imgRect := AModifiedRect;
244     with ActiveLayerOffset do
245       OffsetRect(imgRect, X,Y);
246     FLazPaintInstance.NotifyImageChange(True, imgRect);
247   end;
248 end;
250 procedure TFilterConnector.RestoreBackup;
251 var oldClip: TRect;
252 begin
253   if not IsRectEmpty(FWorkArea) then
254   begin
255     oldClip := ActiveLayer.ClipRect;
256     ActiveLayer.ClipRect := FWorkArea;
257     ActiveLayer.PutImage(0,0,BackupLayer,dmSet);
258     ActiveLayer.ClipRect := oldClip;
259     FLazPaintInstance.NotifyImageChange(False, FWorkArea);
260   end;
261 end;
263 procedure TFilterConnector.ImageChanged;
264 begin
265   FLazPaintInstance.NotifyImageChangeCompletely(True);
266 end;
268 procedure TFilterConnector.ApplySelectionMaskOn(AFilteredLayer: TBGRABitmap);
269 var
270   curSel: TBGRABitmap;
271   pfiltered,psource,pselection: PBGRAPixel;
272   n: integer;
273   alpha: byte;
274 begin
275   curSel := CurrentSelection;
276   if curSel <> nil then
277   begin
278     if (curSel.Width = AFilteredLayer.Width) and
279       (curSel.Height = AFilteredLayer.Height) and
280       (AFilteredLayer.Width = ActiveLayer.Width) and (AFilteredLayer.Height = ActiveLayer.Height) then
281     begin
282       pfiltered := AFilteredLayer.data;
283       psource := BackupLayer.data;
284       pselection:= curSel.data;
285       for n := AFilteredLayer.NbPixels-1 downto 0 do
286       begin
287         alpha := pselection^.green;
288         if alpha = 0 then
289           pfiltered^ := psource^
290         else if alpha <> 255 then
291           pfiltered^ := MergeBGRAWithGammaCorrection(pfiltered^,alpha,psource^,not alpha);
292         inc(pfiltered);
293         inc(psource);
294         inc(pselection);
295       end;
296     end;
297   end;
298 end;
300 end.