1 /*
2  * ui.h - Atari user interface definitions
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 1995-1998 David Firth
5  * Copyright (C) 1998-2008 Atari800 development team (see DOC/CREDITS)
6  *
7  * This file is part of the Atari800 emulator project which emulates
8  * the Atari 400, 800, 800XL, 130XE, and 5200 8-bit computers.
9  *
10  * Atari800 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13  * (at your option) any later version.
14  *
15  * Atari800 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18  * GNU General Public License for more details.
19  *
20  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21  * along with Atari800; if not, write to the Free Software
22  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
23  */
24 #ifndef UI_H_
25 #define UI_H_
27 #include "config.h"
28 #include <stdio.h> /* FILENAME_MAX */
29 #include "atari.h"
31 /* Three legitimate entries to UI module. */
32 int UI_SelectCartType(int k);
33 void UI_Run(void);
35 extern int UI_is_active;
36 extern int UI_alt_function;
37 extern int UI_current_function;
39 #ifdef CRASH_MENU
40 extern int UI_crash_code;
41 extern UWORD UI_crash_address;
42 extern UWORD UI_crash_afterCIM;
43 #endif
47 extern char UI_atari_files_dir[UI_MAX_DIRECTORIES][FILENAME_MAX];
48 extern char UI_saved_files_dir[UI_MAX_DIRECTORIES][FILENAME_MAX];
49 extern int UI_n_atari_files_dir;
50 extern int UI_n_saved_files_dir;
52 #ifdef GUI_SDL
53 void PLATFORM_SetJoystickKey(int joystick, int direction, int value);
54 void PLATFORM_GetJoystickKeyName(int joystick, int direction, char *buffer, int bufsize);
55 int GetRawKey(void);
56 #endif
58 #ifdef DIRECTX
59 void PLATFORM_GetButtonAssignments(int stick, int button, char *buffer, int bufsize);
60 void PLATFORM_SetButtonAssignment(int stick, int button, int value);
61 int GetKeyName(void);
62 #endif
64 /* Menu codes for Alt+letter shortcuts.
65    Store in UI_alt_function and put AKEY_UI in INPUT_key_code. */
66 #define UI_MENU_DISK             0
67 #define UI_MENU_CARTRIDGE        1
68 #define UI_MENU_RUN              2
69 #define UI_MENU_SYSTEM           3
70 #define UI_MENU_SOUND            4
72 #define UI_MENU_DISPLAY          6
73 #define UI_MENU_SETTINGS         7
74 #define UI_MENU_SAVESTATE        8
75 #define UI_MENU_LOADSTATE        9
76 #define UI_MENU_PCX              10
77 #define UI_MENU_PCXI             11
78 #define UI_MENU_BACK             12
79 #define UI_MENU_RESETW           13
80 #define UI_MENU_RESETC           14
81 #define UI_MENU_MONITOR          15
82 #define UI_MENU_ABOUT            16
83 #define UI_MENU_EXIT             17
84 #define UI_MENU_CASSETTE         18
85 #define UI_MENU_CONTROLLER       19
86 #define UI_MENU_WINDOWS	         20
88 #ifdef DIRECTX
89 	#define UI_MENU_SAVE_CONFIG      21
90 	#define UI_MENU_FUNCT_KEY_HELP   22
91 	#define UI_MENU_HOT_KEY_HELP     23
92 #endif
94 /* Structure of menu item. Each menu is just an array of items of this structure
95    terminated by UI_MENU_END */
96 typedef struct
97 {
98 	UWORD flags;   /* Flags, see values below */
99 	SWORD retval;  /* Value returned by Select when this item is selected */
100 	               /* < 0 means that item is strictly informative and cannot be selected */
101 	char *prefix;  /* Text to prepend the item */
102 	char *item;    /* Main item text */
103 	const char *suffix;  /* Optional text to show after the item text (e.g. key shortcut) */
104 	               /* or (if (flags & UI_ITEM_TIP) != 0) "tooltip" */
105 } UI_tMenuItem;
107 /* The following are item types, mutually exclusive. */
108 #define UI_ITEM_HIDDEN  0x00  /* Item does not appear in the menu */
109 #define UI_ITEM_ACTION  0x01  /* Item invokes an action */
110 #define UI_ITEM_CHECK   0x02  /* Item represents a boolean value */
111 #define UI_ITEM_FILESEL 0x03  /* Item invokes file/directory selection */
112 #define UI_ITEM_SUBMENU 0x04  /* Item opens a submenu */
113 #define UI_ITEM_END     0x05  /* Indicates end of menu */
114 /* UI_ITEM_CHECK means that the value of UI_ITEM_CHECKED is shown.
115    UI_ITEM_FILESEL and UI_ITEM_SUBMENU are just for optional decorations,
116    so the user knows what happens when he/she selects this item. */
117 #define UI_ITEM_TYPE    0x0f
119 /* The following are bit masks and should be combined with one of the above item types. */
120 #define UI_ITEM_CHECKED 0x10  /* The boolean value for UI_ITEM_CHECK is true */
121 #define UI_ITEM_TIP     0x20  /* suffix is shown when the item is selected rather than on its right */
123 #if defined(_WIN32_WCE) || defined(DREAMCAST)
124 /* No function keys nor Alt+letter on Windows CE, Sega DC */
125 #define UI_MENU_ACCEL(keystroke) NULL
126 #else
127 #define UI_MENU_ACCEL(keystroke) keystroke
128 #endif
130 #define UI_MENU_LABEL(item)                                    { UI_ITEM_ACTION, -1, NULL, item, NULL }
131 #define UI_MENU_ACTION(retval, item)                           { UI_ITEM_ACTION, retval, NULL, item, NULL }
132 #define UI_MENU_ACTION_PREFIX(retval, prefix, item)            { UI_ITEM_ACTION, retval, prefix, item, NULL }
133 #define UI_MENU_ACTION_PREFIX_TIP(retval, prefix, item, tip)   { UI_ITEM_ACTION | UI_ITEM_TIP, retval, prefix, item, tip }
134 #define UI_MENU_ACTION_ACCEL(retval, item, keystroke)          { UI_ITEM_ACTION, retval, NULL, item, UI_MENU_ACCEL(keystroke) }
135 #define UI_MENU_ACTION_TIP(retval, item, tip)                  { UI_ITEM_ACTION | UI_ITEM_TIP, retval, NULL, item, tip }
136 #define UI_MENU_CHECK(retval, item)                            { UI_ITEM_CHECK, retval, NULL, item, NULL }
137 #define UI_MENU_FILESEL(retval, item)                          { UI_ITEM_FILESEL, retval, NULL, item, NULL }
138 #define UI_MENU_FILESEL_PREFIX(retval, prefix, item)           { UI_ITEM_FILESEL, retval, prefix, item, NULL }
139 #define UI_MENU_FILESEL_PREFIX_TIP(retval, prefix, item, tip)  { UI_ITEM_FILESEL | UI_ITEM_TIP, retval, prefix, item, tip }
140 #define UI_MENU_FILESEL_ACCEL(retval, item, keystroke)         { UI_ITEM_FILESEL, retval, NULL, item, UI_MENU_ACCEL(keystroke) }
141 #define UI_MENU_FILESEL_TIP(retval, item, tip)                 { UI_ITEM_FILESEL | UI_ITEM_TIP, retval, NULL, item, tip }
142 #define UI_MENU_SUBMENU(retval, item)                          { UI_ITEM_SUBMENU, retval, NULL, item, NULL }
143 #define UI_MENU_SUBMENU_SUFFIX(retval, item, suffix)           { UI_ITEM_SUBMENU, retval, NULL, item, suffix }
144 #define UI_MENU_SUBMENU_ACCEL(retval, item, keystroke)         { UI_ITEM_SUBMENU, retval, NULL, item, UI_MENU_ACCEL(keystroke) }
145 #define UI_MENU_END                                            { UI_ITEM_END, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL }
147 /* UI driver entry prototypes */
149 /* Select provides simple selection from menu.
150    title can be used as a caption.
151    If (flags & UI_SELECT_POPUP) != 0 the menu is a popup menu.
152    default_item is initially selected item (not item # but rather retval from menu structure).
153    menu is array of items of type UI_tMenuItem, must be termintated by UI_MENU_END.
154    If seltype is non-null, it is used to return selection type (see UI_USER_* below).
155    UI_USER_DRAG_UP and UI_USER_DRAG_DOWN are returned only if (flags & UI_SELECT_DRAG) != 0.
156    Returned is retval of the selected item or -1 if the user cancelled selection,
157    or -2 if the user pressed "magic key" (Tab). */
158 typedef int (*UI_fnSelect)(const char *title, int flags, int default_item, const UI_tMenuItem *menu, int *seltype);
159 /* SelectInt returns an integer chosen by the user from the range min_value..max_value.
160    default_value is the initial selection and the value returned if the selection is cancelled. */
161 typedef int (*UI_fnSelectInt)(int default_value, int min_value, int max_value);
162 /* SelectSlider selects integer chosen by user from the range 0..max_value.
163    start_value is the slider's initial value. The label displayed at the slider is created
164    by calling label_fun. This function takes three parameters:
165    - *label - a buffer into which the label shuld be written to (not longer than 10 chars,
166      excluding the trailing \0);
167    - value - the slider's current value, on which the label should be based;
168    - *user_data - a pointer to any data provided by user in SelectSlider's
169      *user_data parameter.
170    Returns -1 when the user has cancelled.
171    The return value should be converted by user to a usable range. */
172 typedef int (*UI_fnSelectSlider)(char const *title, int start_value, int max_value,
173 				 void (*label_fun)(char *label, int value, void *user_data),
174 				 void *user_data);
175 /* EditString provides string input. pString is shown initially and can be modified by the user.
176    It won't exceed nSize characters, including NUL. Note that pString may be modified even
177    when the user pressed Esc. */
178 typedef int (*UI_fnEditString)(const char *title, char *string, int size);
179 /* GetSaveFilename and GetLoadFilename return fully qualified file name via pFilename.
180    pDirectories are "favourite" directories (there are nDirectories of them).
181    Selection starts in the directory of the passed pFilename (i.e. pFilename must be initialized)
182    or (if pFilename[0] == '\0') in the first "favourite" directory. */
183 typedef int (*UI_fnGetSaveFilename)(char *filename, char directories[][FILENAME_MAX], int n_directories);
184 typedef int (*UI_fnGetLoadFilename)(char *filename, char directories[][FILENAME_MAX], int n_directories);
185 /* GetDirectoryPath is a directory browser */
186 typedef int (*UI_fnGetDirectoryPath)(char *directory);
187 /* Message is just some kind of MessageBox */
188 typedef void (*UI_fnMessage)(const char *message, int waitforkey);
189 /* InfoScreen displays a "long" message.
190    Caution: lines in pMessage should be ended with '\0', the message should be terminated with '\n'. */
191 typedef void (*UI_fnInfoScreen)(const char *title, const char *message);
192 /* Init is called to initialize driver every time UI code is executed.
193    Driver must be protected against multiple inits. */
194 typedef void (*UI_fnInit)(void);
196 /* Bit masks for flags */
197 #define UI_SELECT_POPUP   0x01
198 #define UI_SELECT_DRAG    0x02
200 /* Values returned via seltype */
201 #define UI_USER_SELECT    1
202 #define UI_USER_TOGGLE    2
203 #define UI_USER_DELETE    3
204 #define UI_USER_DRAG_UP   4
205 #define UI_USER_DRAG_DOWN 5
207 typedef struct
208 {
209 	UI_fnSelect           fSelect;
210 	UI_fnSelectInt        fSelectInt;
211 	UI_fnSelectSlider     fSelectSlider;
212 	UI_fnEditString       fEditString;
213 	UI_fnGetSaveFilename  fGetSaveFilename;
214 	UI_fnGetLoadFilename  fGetLoadFilename;
215 	UI_fnGetDirectoryPath fGetDirectoryPath;
216 	UI_fnMessage          fMessage;
217 	UI_fnInfoScreen       fInfoScreen;
218 	UI_fnInit             fInit;
219 } UI_tDriver;
221 /* Current UI driver. Port can override it and set pointer to port
222    specific driver */
223 extern UI_tDriver *UI_driver;
225 #endif /* UI_H_ */