1 /**
2   ******************************************************************************
3   * @file    usbh_ioreq.c
4   * @author  MCD Application Team
5   * @version V3.0.0
6   * @date    18-February-2014
7   * @brief   This file handles the issuing of the USB transactions
8   ******************************************************************************
9   * @attention
10   *
11   * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
12   *
13   * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License");
14   * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
15   * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
16   *
17   *        http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2
18   *
19   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
20   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
21   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
22   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
23   * limitations under the License.
24   *
25   ******************************************************************************
26   */
27 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
29 #include "usbh_ioreq.h"
31 /** @addtogroup USBH_LIB
32   * @{
33   */
35 /** @addtogroup USBH_LIB_CORE
36 * @{
37 */
39 /** @defgroup USBH_IOREQ
40   * @brief This file handles the standard protocol processing (USB v2.0)
41   * @{
42   */
45 /** @defgroup USBH_IOREQ_Private_Defines
46   * @{
47   */
49 /**
50   * @}
51   */
54 /** @defgroup USBH_IOREQ_Private_TypesDefinitions
55   * @{
56   */
57 /**
58   * @}
59   */
63 /** @defgroup USBH_IOREQ_Private_Macros
64   * @{
65   */
66 /**
67   * @}
68   */
71 /** @defgroup USBH_IOREQ_Private_Variables
72   * @{
73   */
74 /**
75   * @}
76   */
77 /** @defgroup USBH_IOREQ_Private_FunctionPrototypes
78   * @{
79   */
81 /**
82   * @}
83   */
86 /** @defgroup USBH_IOREQ_Private_Functions
87   * @{
88   */
92 /**
93   * @brief  USBH_CtlSendSetup
94   *         Sends the Setup Packet to the Device
95   * @param  phost: Host Handle
96   * @param  buff: Buffer pointer from which the Data will be send to Device
97   * @param  pipe_num: Pipe Number
98   * @retval USBH Status
99   */
USBH_CtlSendSetup(USBH_HandleTypeDef * phost,uint8_t * buff,uint8_t pipe_num)100 USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_CtlSendSetup (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost,
101                                 uint8_t *buff,
102                                 uint8_t pipe_num)
103 {
105   USBH_LL_SubmitURB (phost,         /* Driver handle    */
106                           pipe_num,             /* Pipe index       */
107                           0,                    /* Direction : OUT  */
108                           USBH_EP_CONTROL,      /* EP type          */
109                           USBH_PID_SETUP,       /* Type setup       */
110                           buff,                 /* data buffer      */
111                           USBH_SETUP_PKT_SIZE,  /* data length      */
112                           0);
113   return USBH_OK;
114 }
117 /**
118   * @brief  USBH_CtlSendData
119   *         Sends a data Packet to the Device
120   * @param  phost: Host Handle
121   * @param  buff: Buffer pointer from which the Data will be sent to Device
122   * @param  length: Length of the data to be sent
123   * @param  pipe_num: Pipe Number
124   * @retval USBH Status
125   */
USBH_CtlSendData(USBH_HandleTypeDef * phost,uint8_t * buff,uint16_t length,uint8_t pipe_num,uint8_t do_ping)126 USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_CtlSendData (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost,
127                                 uint8_t *buff,
128                                 uint16_t length,
129                                 uint8_t pipe_num,
130                                 uint8_t do_ping )
131 {
132   if(phost->device.speed != USBH_SPEED_HIGH)
133   {
134     do_ping = 0;
135   }
137   USBH_LL_SubmitURB (phost,         /* Driver handle    */
138                           pipe_num,             /* Pipe index       */
139                           0,                    /* Direction : OUT  */
140                           USBH_EP_CONTROL,      /* EP type          */
141                           USBH_PID_DATA,        /* Type Data        */
142                           buff,                 /* data buffer      */
143                           length,               /* data length      */
144                           do_ping);             /* do ping (HS Only)*/
146   return USBH_OK;
147 }
150 /**
151   * @brief  USBH_CtlReceiveData
152   *         Receives the Device Response to the Setup Packet
153   * @param  phost: Host Handle
154   * @param  buff: Buffer pointer in which the response needs to be copied
155   * @param  length: Length of the data to be received
156   * @param  pipe_num: Pipe Number
157   * @retval USBH Status.
158   */
USBH_CtlReceiveData(USBH_HandleTypeDef * phost,uint8_t * buff,uint16_t length,uint8_t pipe_num)159 USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_CtlReceiveData(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost,
160                                 uint8_t* buff,
161                                 uint16_t length,
162                                 uint8_t pipe_num)
163 {
164   USBH_LL_SubmitURB (phost,         /* Driver handle    */
165                           pipe_num,             /* Pipe index       */
166                           1,                    /* Direction : IN   */
167                           USBH_EP_CONTROL,      /* EP type          */
168                           USBH_PID_DATA,        /* Type Data        */
169                           buff,                 /* data buffer      */
170                           length,               /* data length      */
171                           0);
172   return USBH_OK;
174 }
177 /**
178   * @brief  USBH_BulkSendData
179   *         Sends the Bulk Packet to the device
180   * @param  phost: Host Handle
181   * @param  buff: Buffer pointer from which the Data will be sent to Device
182   * @param  length: Length of the data to be sent
183   * @param  pipe_num: Pipe Number
184   * @retval USBH Status
185   */
USBH_BulkSendData(USBH_HandleTypeDef * phost,uint8_t * buff,uint16_t length,uint8_t pipe_num,uint8_t do_ping)186 USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_BulkSendData (USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost,
187                                 uint8_t *buff,
188                                 uint16_t length,
189                                 uint8_t pipe_num,
190                                 uint8_t do_ping )
191 {
192   if(phost->device.speed != USBH_SPEED_HIGH)
193   {
194     do_ping = 0;
195   }
197   USBH_LL_SubmitURB (phost,         /* Driver handle    */
198                           pipe_num,             /* Pipe index       */
199                           0,                    /* Direction : IN   */
200                           USBH_EP_BULK,         /* EP type          */
201                           USBH_PID_DATA,        /* Type Data        */
202                           buff,                 /* data buffer      */
203                           length,               /* data length      */
204                           do_ping);             /* do ping (HS Only)*/
205   return USBH_OK;
206 }
209 /**
210   * @brief  USBH_BulkReceiveData
211   *         Receives IN bulk packet from device
212   * @param  phost: Host Handle
213   * @param  buff: Buffer pointer in which the received data packet to be copied
214   * @param  length: Length of the data to be received
215   * @param  pipe_num: Pipe Number
216   * @retval USBH Status.
217   */
USBH_BulkReceiveData(USBH_HandleTypeDef * phost,uint8_t * buff,uint16_t length,uint8_t pipe_num)218 USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_BulkReceiveData(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost,
219                                 uint8_t *buff,
220                                 uint16_t length,
221                                 uint8_t pipe_num)
222 {
223   USBH_LL_SubmitURB (phost,         /* Driver handle    */
224                           pipe_num,             /* Pipe index       */
225                           1,                    /* Direction : IN   */
226                           USBH_EP_BULK,         /* EP type          */
227                           USBH_PID_DATA,        /* Type Data        */
228                           buff,                 /* data buffer      */
229                           length,               /* data length      */
230                           0);
231   return USBH_OK;
232 }
235 /**
236   * @brief  USBH_InterruptReceiveData
237   *         Receives the Device Response to the Interrupt IN token
238   * @param  phost: Host Handle
239   * @param  buff: Buffer pointer in which the response needs to be copied
240   * @param  length: Length of the data to be received
241   * @param  pipe_num: Pipe Number
242   * @retval USBH Status.
243   */
USBH_InterruptReceiveData(USBH_HandleTypeDef * phost,uint8_t * buff,uint8_t length,uint8_t pipe_num)244 USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_InterruptReceiveData(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost,
245                                 uint8_t *buff,
246                                 uint8_t length,
247                                 uint8_t pipe_num)
248 {
249   USBH_LL_SubmitURB (phost,         /* Driver handle    */
250                           pipe_num,             /* Pipe index       */
251                           1,                    /* Direction : IN   */
252                           USBH_EP_INTERRUPT,    /* EP type          */
253                           USBH_PID_DATA,        /* Type Data        */
254                           buff,                 /* data buffer      */
255                           length,               /* data length      */
256                           0);
258   return USBH_OK;
259 }
261 /**
262   * @brief  USBH_InterruptSendData
263   *         Sends the data on Interrupt OUT Endpoint
264   * @param  phost: Host Handle
265   * @param  buff: Buffer pointer from where the data needs to be copied
266   * @param  length: Length of the data to be sent
267   * @param  pipe_num: Pipe Number
268   * @retval USBH Status.
269   */
USBH_InterruptSendData(USBH_HandleTypeDef * phost,uint8_t * buff,uint8_t length,uint8_t pipe_num)270 USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_InterruptSendData(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost,
271                                 uint8_t *buff,
272                                 uint8_t length,
273                                 uint8_t pipe_num)
274 {
275   USBH_LL_SubmitURB (phost,         /* Driver handle    */
276                           pipe_num,             /* Pipe index       */
277                           0,                    /* Direction : OUT   */
278                           USBH_EP_INTERRUPT,    /* EP type          */
279                           USBH_PID_DATA,        /* Type Data        */
280                           buff,                 /* data buffer      */
281                           length,               /* data length      */
282                           0);
284   return USBH_OK;
285 }
287 /**
288   * @brief  USBH_IsocReceiveData
289   *         Receives the Device Response to the Isochronous IN token
290   * @param  phost: Host Handle
291   * @param  buff: Buffer pointer in which the response needs to be copied
292   * @param  length: Length of the data to be received
293   * @param  pipe_num: Pipe Number
294   * @retval USBH Status.
295   */
USBH_IsocReceiveData(USBH_HandleTypeDef * phost,uint8_t * buff,uint32_t length,uint8_t pipe_num)296 USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_IsocReceiveData(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost,
297                                 uint8_t *buff,
298                                 uint32_t length,
299                                 uint8_t pipe_num)
300 {
301   USBH_LL_SubmitURB (phost,         /* Driver handle    */
302                           pipe_num,             /* Pipe index       */
303                           1,                    /* Direction : IN   */
304                           USBH_EP_ISO,          /* EP type          */
305                           USBH_PID_DATA,        /* Type Data        */
306                           buff,                 /* data buffer      */
307                           length,               /* data length      */
308                           0);
311   return USBH_OK;
312 }
314 /**
315   * @brief  USBH_IsocSendData
316   *         Sends the data on Isochronous OUT Endpoint
317   * @param  phost: Host Handle
318   * @param  buff: Buffer pointer from where the data needs to be copied
319   * @param  length: Length of the data to be sent
320   * @param  pipe_num: Pipe Number
321   * @retval USBH Status.
322   */
USBH_IsocSendData(USBH_HandleTypeDef * phost,uint8_t * buff,uint32_t length,uint8_t pipe_num)323 USBH_StatusTypeDef USBH_IsocSendData(USBH_HandleTypeDef *phost,
324                                 uint8_t *buff,
325                                 uint32_t length,
326                                 uint8_t pipe_num)
327 {
328   USBH_LL_SubmitURB (phost,         /* Driver handle    */
329                           pipe_num,             /* Pipe index       */
330                           0,                    /* Direction : OUT   */
331                           USBH_EP_ISO,          /* EP type          */
332                           USBH_PID_DATA,        /* Type Data        */
333                           buff,                 /* data buffer      */
334                           length,               /* data length      */
335                           0);
337   return USBH_OK;
338 }
339 /**
340 * @}
341 */
343 /**
344 * @}
345 */
347 /**
348 * @}
349 */
351 /**
352 * @}
353 */
355 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/