1//go:generate go run layer_generators/main.go
3// Copyright (c) 2015-present Mattermost, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
4// See LICENSE.txt for license information.
6package store
8import (
9	"context"
10	"time"
12	"github.com/mattermost/mattermost-server/v6/model"
15type StoreResult struct {
16	Data interface{}
18	// NErr a temporary field used by the new code for the AppError migration. This will later become Err when the entire store is migrated.
19	NErr error
22type Store interface {
23	Team() TeamStore
24	Channel() ChannelStore
25	Post() PostStore
26	RetentionPolicy() RetentionPolicyStore
27	Thread() ThreadStore
28	User() UserStore
29	Bot() BotStore
30	Audit() AuditStore
31	ClusterDiscovery() ClusterDiscoveryStore
32	RemoteCluster() RemoteClusterStore
33	Compliance() ComplianceStore
34	Session() SessionStore
35	OAuth() OAuthStore
36	System() SystemStore
37	Webhook() WebhookStore
38	Command() CommandStore
39	CommandWebhook() CommandWebhookStore
40	Preference() PreferenceStore
41	License() LicenseStore
42	Token() TokenStore
43	Emoji() EmojiStore
44	Status() StatusStore
45	FileInfo() FileInfoStore
46	UploadSession() UploadSessionStore
47	Reaction() ReactionStore
48	Role() RoleStore
49	Scheme() SchemeStore
50	Job() JobStore
51	UserAccessToken() UserAccessTokenStore
52	ChannelMemberHistory() ChannelMemberHistoryStore
53	Plugin() PluginStore
54	TermsOfService() TermsOfServiceStore
55	ProductNotices() ProductNoticesStore
56	Group() GroupStore
57	UserTermsOfService() UserTermsOfServiceStore
58	LinkMetadata() LinkMetadataStore
59	SharedChannel() SharedChannelStore
60	MarkSystemRanUnitTests()
61	Close()
62	LockToMaster()
63	UnlockFromMaster()
64	DropAllTables()
65	RecycleDBConnections(d time.Duration)
66	GetCurrentSchemaVersion() string
67	GetDbVersion(numerical bool) (string, error)
68	TotalMasterDbConnections() int
69	TotalReadDbConnections() int
70	TotalSearchDbConnections() int
71	ReplicaLagTime() error
72	ReplicaLagAbs() error
73	CheckIntegrity() <-chan model.IntegrityCheckResult
74	SetContext(context context.Context)
75	Context() context.Context
78type RetentionPolicyStore interface {
79	Save(policy *model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelIDs) (*model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts, error)
80	Patch(patch *model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelIDs) (*model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts, error)
81	Get(id string) (*model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts, error)
82	GetAll(offset, limit int) ([]*model.RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts, error)
83	GetCount() (int64, error)
84	Delete(id string) error
85	GetChannels(policyId string, offset, limit int) (model.ChannelListWithTeamData, error)
86	GetChannelsCount(policyId string) (int64, error)
87	AddChannels(policyId string, channelIds []string) error
88	RemoveChannels(policyId string, channelIds []string) error
89	GetTeams(policyId string, offset, limit int) ([]*model.Team, error)
90	GetTeamsCount(policyId string) (int64, error)
91	AddTeams(policyId string, teamIds []string) error
92	RemoveTeams(policyId string, teamIds []string) error
93	DeleteOrphanedRows(limit int) (int64, error)
94	GetTeamPoliciesForUser(userID string, offset, limit int) ([]*model.RetentionPolicyForTeam, error)
95	GetTeamPoliciesCountForUser(userID string) (int64, error)
96	GetChannelPoliciesForUser(userID string, offset, limit int) ([]*model.RetentionPolicyForChannel, error)
97	GetChannelPoliciesCountForUser(userID string) (int64, error)
100type TeamStore interface {
101	Save(team *model.Team) (*model.Team, error)
102	Update(team *model.Team) (*model.Team, error)
103	Get(id string) (*model.Team, error)
104	GetByName(name string) (*model.Team, error)
105	GetByNames(name []string) ([]*model.Team, error)
106	SearchAll(opts *model.TeamSearch) ([]*model.Team, error)
107	SearchAllPaged(opts *model.TeamSearch) ([]*model.Team, int64, error)
108	SearchOpen(opts *model.TeamSearch) ([]*model.Team, error)
109	SearchPrivate(opts *model.TeamSearch) ([]*model.Team, error)
110	GetAll() ([]*model.Team, error)
111	GetAllPage(offset int, limit int, opts *model.TeamSearch) ([]*model.Team, error)
112	GetAllPrivateTeamListing() ([]*model.Team, error)
113	GetAllTeamListing() ([]*model.Team, error)
114	GetTeamsByUserId(userID string) ([]*model.Team, error)
115	GetByInviteId(inviteID string) (*model.Team, error)
116	PermanentDelete(teamID string) error
117	AnalyticsTeamCount(opts *model.TeamSearch) (int64, error)
118	SaveMultipleMembers(members []*model.TeamMember, maxUsersPerTeam int) ([]*model.TeamMember, error)
119	SaveMember(member *model.TeamMember, maxUsersPerTeam int) (*model.TeamMember, error)
120	UpdateMember(member *model.TeamMember) (*model.TeamMember, error)
121	UpdateMultipleMembers(members []*model.TeamMember) ([]*model.TeamMember, error)
122	GetMember(ctx context.Context, teamID string, userID string) (*model.TeamMember, error)
123	GetMembers(teamID string, offset int, limit int, teamMembersGetOptions *model.TeamMembersGetOptions) ([]*model.TeamMember, error)
124	GetMembersByIds(teamID string, userIds []string, restrictions *model.ViewUsersRestrictions) ([]*model.TeamMember, error)
125	GetTotalMemberCount(teamID string, restrictions *model.ViewUsersRestrictions) (int64, error)
126	GetActiveMemberCount(teamID string, restrictions *model.ViewUsersRestrictions) (int64, error)
127	GetTeamsForUser(ctx context.Context, userID string) ([]*model.TeamMember, error)
128	GetTeamsForUserWithPagination(userID string, page, perPage int) ([]*model.TeamMember, error)
129	GetChannelUnreadsForAllTeams(excludeTeamID, userID string) ([]*model.ChannelUnread, error)
130	GetChannelUnreadsForTeam(teamID, userID string) ([]*model.ChannelUnread, error)
131	RemoveMember(teamID string, userID string) error
132	RemoveMembers(teamID string, userIds []string) error
133	RemoveAllMembersByTeam(teamID string) error
134	RemoveAllMembersByUser(userID string) error
135	UpdateLastTeamIconUpdate(teamID string, curTime int64) error
136	GetTeamsByScheme(schemeID string, offset int, limit int) ([]*model.Team, error)
137	MigrateTeamMembers(fromTeamID string, fromUserID string) (map[string]string, error)
138	ResetAllTeamSchemes() error
139	ClearAllCustomRoleAssignments() error
140	AnalyticsGetTeamCountForScheme(schemeID string) (int64, error)
141	GetAllForExportAfter(limit int, afterID string) ([]*model.TeamForExport, error)
142	GetTeamMembersForExport(userID string) ([]*model.TeamMemberForExport, error)
143	UserBelongsToTeams(userID string, teamIds []string) (bool, error)
144	GetUserTeamIds(userID string, allowFromCache bool) ([]string, error)
145	InvalidateAllTeamIdsForUser(userID string)
146	ClearCaches()
148	// UpdateMembersRole sets all of the given team members to admins and all of the other members of the team to
149	// non-admin members.
150	UpdateMembersRole(teamID string, userIDs []string) error
152	// GroupSyncedTeamCount returns the count of non-deleted group-constrained teams.
153	GroupSyncedTeamCount() (int64, error)
155	// GetCommonTeamIDsForTwoUsers returns the intersection of all the teams to which the specified
156	// users belong.
157	GetCommonTeamIDsForTwoUsers(userID, otherUserID string) ([]string, error)
160type ChannelStore interface {
161	Save(channel *model.Channel, maxChannelsPerTeam int64) (*model.Channel, error)
162	CreateDirectChannel(userID *model.User, otherUserID *model.User, channelOptions ...model.ChannelOption) (*model.Channel, error)
163	SaveDirectChannel(channel *model.Channel, member1 *model.ChannelMember, member2 *model.ChannelMember) (*model.Channel, error)
164	Update(channel *model.Channel) (*model.Channel, error)
165	UpdateSidebarChannelCategoryOnMove(channel *model.Channel, newTeamID string) error
166	ClearSidebarOnTeamLeave(userID, teamID string) error
167	Get(id string, allowFromCache bool) (*model.Channel, error)
168	InvalidateChannel(id string)
169	InvalidateChannelByName(teamID, name string)
170	GetFromMaster(id string) (*model.Channel, error)
171	Delete(channelID string, time int64) error
172	Restore(channelID string, time int64) error
173	SetDeleteAt(channelID string, deleteAt int64, updateAt int64) error
174	PermanentDelete(channelID string) error
175	PermanentDeleteByTeam(teamID string) error
176	GetByName(team_id string, name string, allowFromCache bool) (*model.Channel, error)
177	GetByNames(team_id string, names []string, allowFromCache bool) ([]*model.Channel, error)
178	GetByNameIncludeDeleted(team_id string, name string, allowFromCache bool) (*model.Channel, error)
179	GetDeletedByName(team_id string, name string) (*model.Channel, error)
180	GetDeleted(team_id string, offset int, limit int, userID string) (model.ChannelList, error)
181	GetChannels(teamID string, userID string, includeDeleted bool, lastDeleteAt int) (model.ChannelList, error)
182	GetAllChannels(page, perPage int, opts ChannelSearchOpts) (model.ChannelListWithTeamData, error)
183	GetAllChannelsCount(opts ChannelSearchOpts) (int64, error)
184	GetMoreChannels(teamID string, userID string, offset int, limit int) (model.ChannelList, error)
185	GetPrivateChannelsForTeam(teamID string, offset int, limit int) (model.ChannelList, error)
186	GetPublicChannelsForTeam(teamID string, offset int, limit int) (model.ChannelList, error)
187	GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam(teamID string, channelIds []string) (model.ChannelList, error)
188	GetChannelCounts(teamID string, userID string) (*model.ChannelCounts, error)
189	GetTeamChannels(teamID string) (model.ChannelList, error)
190	GetAll(teamID string) ([]*model.Channel, error)
191	GetChannelsByIds(channelIds []string, includeDeleted bool) ([]*model.Channel, error)
192	GetForPost(postID string) (*model.Channel, error)
193	SaveMultipleMembers(members []*model.ChannelMember) ([]*model.ChannelMember, error)
194	SaveMember(member *model.ChannelMember) (*model.ChannelMember, error)
195	UpdateMember(member *model.ChannelMember) (*model.ChannelMember, error)
196	UpdateMultipleMembers(members []*model.ChannelMember) ([]*model.ChannelMember, error)
197	GetMembers(channelID string, offset, limit int) (model.ChannelMembers, error)
198	GetMember(ctx context.Context, channelID string, userID string) (*model.ChannelMember, error)
199	GetChannelMembersTimezones(channelID string) ([]model.StringMap, error)
200	GetAllChannelMembersForUser(userID string, allowFromCache bool, includeDeleted bool) (map[string]string, error)
201	InvalidateAllChannelMembersForUser(userID string)
202	IsUserInChannelUseCache(userID string, channelID string) bool
203	GetAllChannelMembersNotifyPropsForChannel(channelID string, allowFromCache bool) (map[string]model.StringMap, error)
204	InvalidateCacheForChannelMembersNotifyProps(channelID string)
205	GetMemberForPost(postID string, userID string) (*model.ChannelMember, error)
206	InvalidateMemberCount(channelID string)
207	GetMemberCountFromCache(channelID string) int64
208	GetMemberCount(channelID string, allowFromCache bool) (int64, error)
209	GetMemberCountsByGroup(ctx context.Context, channelID string, includeTimezones bool) ([]*model.ChannelMemberCountByGroup, error)
210	InvalidatePinnedPostCount(channelID string)
211	GetPinnedPostCount(channelID string, allowFromCache bool) (int64, error)
212	InvalidateGuestCount(channelID string)
213	GetGuestCount(channelID string, allowFromCache bool) (int64, error)
214	GetPinnedPosts(channelID string) (*model.PostList, error)
215	RemoveMember(channelID string, userID string) error
216	RemoveMembers(channelID string, userIds []string) error
217	PermanentDeleteMembersByUser(userID string) error
218	PermanentDeleteMembersByChannel(channelID string) error
219	UpdateLastViewedAt(channelIds []string, userID string, updateThreads bool) (map[string]int64, error)
220	UpdateLastViewedAtPost(unreadPost *model.Post, userID string, mentionCount, mentionCountRoot int, updateThreads bool, setUnreadCountRoot bool) (*model.ChannelUnreadAt, error)
221	CountPostsAfter(channelID string, timestamp int64, userID string) (int, int, error)
222	IncrementMentionCount(channelID string, userID string, updateThreads, isRoot bool) error
223	AnalyticsTypeCount(teamID string, channelType model.ChannelType) (int64, error)
224	GetMembersForUser(teamID string, userID string) (model.ChannelMembers, error)
225	GetMembersForUserWithPagination(teamID, userID string, page, perPage int) (model.ChannelMembers, error)
226	AutocompleteInTeam(teamID string, term string, includeDeleted bool) (model.ChannelList, error)
227	AutocompleteInTeamForSearch(teamID string, userID string, term string, includeDeleted bool) (model.ChannelList, error)
228	SearchAllChannels(term string, opts ChannelSearchOpts) (model.ChannelListWithTeamData, int64, error)
229	SearchInTeam(teamID string, term string, includeDeleted bool) (model.ChannelList, error)
230	SearchArchivedInTeam(teamID string, term string, userID string) (model.ChannelList, error)
231	SearchForUserInTeam(userID string, teamID string, term string, includeDeleted bool) (model.ChannelList, error)
232	SearchMore(userID string, teamID string, term string) (model.ChannelList, error)
233	SearchGroupChannels(userID, term string) (model.ChannelList, error)
234	GetMembersByIds(channelID string, userIds []string) (model.ChannelMembers, error)
235	GetMembersByChannelIds(channelIds []string, userID string) (model.ChannelMembers, error)
236	AnalyticsDeletedTypeCount(teamID string, channelType string) (int64, error)
237	GetChannelUnread(channelID, userID string) (*model.ChannelUnread, error)
238	ClearCaches()
239	GetChannelsByScheme(schemeID string, offset int, limit int) (model.ChannelList, error)
240	MigrateChannelMembers(fromChannelID string, fromUserID string) (map[string]string, error)
241	ResetAllChannelSchemes() error
242	ClearAllCustomRoleAssignments() error
243	MigratePublicChannels() error
244	CreateInitialSidebarCategories(userID, teamID string) (*model.OrderedSidebarCategories, error)
245	GetSidebarCategories(userID, teamID string) (*model.OrderedSidebarCategories, error)
246	GetSidebarCategory(categoryID string) (*model.SidebarCategoryWithChannels, error)
247	GetSidebarCategoryOrder(userID, teamID string) ([]string, error)
248	CreateSidebarCategory(userID, teamID string, newCategory *model.SidebarCategoryWithChannels) (*model.SidebarCategoryWithChannels, error)
249	UpdateSidebarCategoryOrder(userID, teamID string, categoryOrder []string) error
250	UpdateSidebarCategories(userID, teamID string, categories []*model.SidebarCategoryWithChannels) ([]*model.SidebarCategoryWithChannels, []*model.SidebarCategoryWithChannels, error)
251	UpdateSidebarChannelsByPreferences(preferences model.Preferences) error
252	DeleteSidebarChannelsByPreferences(preferences model.Preferences) error
253	DeleteSidebarCategory(categoryID string) error
254	GetAllChannelsForExportAfter(limit int, afterID string) ([]*model.ChannelForExport, error)
255	GetAllDirectChannelsForExportAfter(limit int, afterID string) ([]*model.DirectChannelForExport, error)
256	GetChannelMembersForExport(userID string, teamID string) ([]*model.ChannelMemberForExport, error)
257	RemoveAllDeactivatedMembers(channelID string) error
258	GetChannelsBatchForIndexing(startTime, endTime int64, limit int) ([]*model.Channel, error)
259	UserBelongsToChannels(userID string, channelIds []string) (bool, error)
261	// UpdateMembersRole sets all of the given team members to admins and all of the other members of the team to
262	// non-admin members.
263	UpdateMembersRole(channelID string, userIDs []string) error
265	// GroupSyncedChannelCount returns the count of non-deleted group-constrained channels.
266	GroupSyncedChannelCount() (int64, error)
268	SetShared(channelId string, shared bool) error
269	// GetTeamForChannel returns the team for a given channelID.
270	GetTeamForChannel(channelID string) (*model.Team, error)
273type ChannelMemberHistoryStore interface {
274	LogJoinEvent(userID string, channelID string, joinTime int64) error
275	LogLeaveEvent(userID string, channelID string, leaveTime int64) error
276	GetUsersInChannelDuring(startTime int64, endTime int64, channelID string) ([]*model.ChannelMemberHistoryResult, error)
277	PermanentDeleteBatchForRetentionPolicies(now, globalPolicyEndTime, limit int64, cursor model.RetentionPolicyCursor) (int64, model.RetentionPolicyCursor, error)
278	DeleteOrphanedRows(limit int) (deleted int64, err error)
279	PermanentDeleteBatch(endTime int64, limit int64) (int64, error)
281type ThreadStore interface {
282	GetThreadFollowers(threadID string, fetchOnlyActive bool) ([]string, error)
284	SaveMultiple(thread []*model.Thread) ([]*model.Thread, int, error)
285	Save(thread *model.Thread) (*model.Thread, error)
286	Update(thread *model.Thread) (*model.Thread, error)
287	Get(id string) (*model.Thread, error)
288	GetThreadsForUser(userId, teamID string, opts model.GetUserThreadsOpts) (*model.Threads, error)
289	GetThreadForUser(teamID string, threadMembership *model.ThreadMembership, extended bool) (*model.ThreadResponse, error)
290	Delete(postID string) error
291	GetPosts(threadID string, since int64) ([]*model.Post, error)
293	MarkAllAsRead(userID, teamID string) error
294	MarkAllAsReadInChannels(userID string, channelIDs []string) error
295	MarkAsRead(userID, threadID string, timestamp int64) error
297	SaveMembership(membership *model.ThreadMembership) (*model.ThreadMembership, error)
298	UpdateMembership(membership *model.ThreadMembership) (*model.ThreadMembership, error)
299	GetMembershipsForUser(userId, teamID string) ([]*model.ThreadMembership, error)
300	GetMembershipForUser(userId, postID string) (*model.ThreadMembership, error)
301	DeleteMembershipForUser(userId, postID string) error
302	MaintainMembership(userID, postID string, opts ThreadMembershipOpts) (*model.ThreadMembership, error)
303	CollectThreadsWithNewerReplies(userId string, channelIds []string, timestamp int64) ([]string, error)
304	UpdateUnreadsByChannel(userId string, changedThreads []string, timestamp int64, updateViewedTimestamp bool) error
305	PermanentDeleteBatchForRetentionPolicies(now, globalPolicyEndTime, limit int64, cursor model.RetentionPolicyCursor) (int64, model.RetentionPolicyCursor, error)
306	PermanentDeleteBatchThreadMembershipsForRetentionPolicies(now, globalPolicyEndTime, limit int64, cursor model.RetentionPolicyCursor) (int64, model.RetentionPolicyCursor, error)
307	DeleteOrphanedRows(limit int) (deleted int64, err error)
310type PostStore interface {
311	SaveMultiple(posts []*model.Post) ([]*model.Post, int, error)
312	Save(post *model.Post) (*model.Post, error)
313	Update(newPost *model.Post, oldPost *model.Post) (*model.Post, error)
314	Get(ctx context.Context, id string, skipFetchThreads, collapsedThreads, collapsedThreadsExtended bool, userID string) (*model.PostList, error)
315	GetSingle(id string, inclDeleted bool) (*model.Post, error)
316	Delete(postID string, time int64, deleteByID string) error
317	PermanentDeleteByUser(userID string) error
318	PermanentDeleteByChannel(channelID string) error
319	GetPosts(options model.GetPostsOptions, allowFromCache bool) (*model.PostList, error)
320	GetFlaggedPosts(userID string, offset int, limit int) (*model.PostList, error)
321	// @openTracingParams userID, teamID, offset, limit
322	GetFlaggedPostsForTeam(userID, teamID string, offset int, limit int) (*model.PostList, error)
323	GetFlaggedPostsForChannel(userID, channelID string, offset int, limit int) (*model.PostList, error)
324	GetPostsBefore(options model.GetPostsOptions) (*model.PostList, error)
325	GetPostsAfter(options model.GetPostsOptions) (*model.PostList, error)
326	GetPostsSince(options model.GetPostsSinceOptions, allowFromCache bool) (*model.PostList, error)
327	GetPostAfterTime(channelID string, time int64, collapsedThreads bool) (*model.Post, error)
328	GetPostIdAfterTime(channelID string, time int64, collapsedThreads bool) (string, error)
329	GetPostIdBeforeTime(channelID string, time int64, collapsedThreads bool) (string, error)
330	GetEtag(channelID string, allowFromCache bool, collapsedThreads bool) string
331	Search(teamID string, userID string, params *model.SearchParams) (*model.PostList, error)
332	AnalyticsUserCountsWithPostsByDay(teamID string) (model.AnalyticsRows, error)
333	AnalyticsPostCountsByDay(options *model.AnalyticsPostCountsOptions) (model.AnalyticsRows, error)
334	AnalyticsPostCount(teamID string, mustHaveFile bool, mustHaveHashtag bool) (int64, error)
335	ClearCaches()
336	InvalidateLastPostTimeCache(channelID string)
337	GetPostsCreatedAt(channelID string, time int64) ([]*model.Post, error)
338	Overwrite(post *model.Post) (*model.Post, error)
339	OverwriteMultiple(posts []*model.Post) ([]*model.Post, int, error)
340	GetPostsByIds(postIds []string) ([]*model.Post, error)
341	GetPostsBatchForIndexing(startTime int64, endTime int64, limit int) ([]*model.PostForIndexing, error)
342	PermanentDeleteBatchForRetentionPolicies(now, globalPolicyEndTime, limit int64, cursor model.RetentionPolicyCursor) (int64, model.RetentionPolicyCursor, error)
343	DeleteOrphanedRows(limit int) (deleted int64, err error)
344	PermanentDeleteBatch(endTime int64, limit int64) (int64, error)
345	GetOldest() (*model.Post, error)
346	GetMaxPostSize() int
347	GetParentsForExportAfter(limit int, afterID string) ([]*model.PostForExport, error)
348	GetRepliesForExport(parentID string) ([]*model.ReplyForExport, error)
349	GetDirectPostParentsForExportAfter(limit int, afterID string) ([]*model.DirectPostForExport, error)
350	SearchPostsInTeamForUser(paramsList []*model.SearchParams, userID, teamID string, page, perPage int) (*model.PostSearchResults, error)
351	GetOldestEntityCreationTime() (int64, error)
352	HasAutoResponsePostByUserSince(options model.GetPostsSinceOptions, userId string) (bool, error)
353	GetPostsSinceForSync(options model.GetPostsSinceForSyncOptions, cursor model.GetPostsSinceForSyncCursor, limit int) ([]*model.Post, model.GetPostsSinceForSyncCursor, error)
356type UserStore interface {
357	Save(user *model.User) (*model.User, error)
358	Update(user *model.User, allowRoleUpdate bool) (*model.UserUpdate, error)
359	UpdateNotifyProps(userID string, props map[string]string) error
360	UpdateLastPictureUpdate(userID string) error
361	ResetLastPictureUpdate(userID string) error
362	UpdatePassword(userID, newPassword string) error
363	UpdateUpdateAt(userID string) (int64, error)
364	UpdateAuthData(userID string, service string, authData *string, email string, resetMfa bool) (string, error)
365	ResetAuthDataToEmailForUsers(service string, userIDs []string, includeDeleted bool, dryRun bool) (int, error)
366	UpdateMfaSecret(userID, secret string) error
367	UpdateMfaActive(userID string, active bool) error
368	Get(ctx context.Context, id string) (*model.User, error)
369	GetMany(ctx context.Context, ids []string) ([]*model.User, error)
370	GetAll() ([]*model.User, error)
371	ClearCaches()
372	InvalidateProfilesInChannelCacheByUser(userID string)
373	InvalidateProfilesInChannelCache(channelID string)
374	GetProfilesInChannel(options *model.UserGetOptions) ([]*model.User, error)
375	GetProfilesInChannelByStatus(options *model.UserGetOptions) ([]*model.User, error)
376	GetAllProfilesInChannel(ctx context.Context, channelID string, allowFromCache bool) (map[string]*model.User, error)
377	GetProfilesNotInChannel(teamID string, channelId string, groupConstrained bool, offset int, limit int, viewRestrictions *model.ViewUsersRestrictions) ([]*model.User, error)
378	GetProfilesWithoutTeam(options *model.UserGetOptions) ([]*model.User, error)
379	GetProfilesByUsernames(usernames []string, viewRestrictions *model.ViewUsersRestrictions) ([]*model.User, error)
380	GetAllProfiles(options *model.UserGetOptions) ([]*model.User, error)
381	GetProfiles(options *model.UserGetOptions) ([]*model.User, error)
382	GetProfileByIds(ctx context.Context, userIds []string, options *UserGetByIdsOpts, allowFromCache bool) ([]*model.User, error)
383	GetProfileByGroupChannelIdsForUser(userID string, channelIds []string) (map[string][]*model.User, error)
384	InvalidateProfileCacheForUser(userID string)
385	GetByEmail(email string) (*model.User, error)
386	GetByAuth(authData *string, authService string) (*model.User, error)
387	GetAllUsingAuthService(authService string) ([]*model.User, error)
388	GetAllNotInAuthService(authServices []string) ([]*model.User, error)
389	GetByUsername(username string) (*model.User, error)
390	GetForLogin(loginID string, allowSignInWithUsername, allowSignInWithEmail bool) (*model.User, error)
391	VerifyEmail(userID, email string) (string, error)
392	GetEtagForAllProfiles() string
393	GetEtagForProfiles(teamID string) string
394	UpdateFailedPasswordAttempts(userID string, attempts int) error
395	GetSystemAdminProfiles() (map[string]*model.User, error)
396	PermanentDelete(userID string) error
397	AnalyticsActiveCount(time int64, options model.UserCountOptions) (int64, error)
398	AnalyticsActiveCountForPeriod(startTime int64, endTime int64, options model.UserCountOptions) (int64, error)
399	GetUnreadCount(userID string) (int64, error)
400	GetUnreadCountForChannel(userID string, channelID string) (int64, error)
401	GetAnyUnreadPostCountForChannel(userID string, channelID string) (int64, error)
402	GetRecentlyActiveUsersForTeam(teamID string, offset, limit int, viewRestrictions *model.ViewUsersRestrictions) ([]*model.User, error)
403	GetNewUsersForTeam(teamID string, offset, limit int, viewRestrictions *model.ViewUsersRestrictions) ([]*model.User, error)
404	Search(teamID string, term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) ([]*model.User, error)
405	SearchNotInTeam(notInTeamID string, term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) ([]*model.User, error)
406	SearchInChannel(channelID string, term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) ([]*model.User, error)
407	SearchNotInChannel(teamID string, channelID string, term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) ([]*model.User, error)
408	SearchWithoutTeam(term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) ([]*model.User, error)
409	SearchInGroup(groupID string, term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) ([]*model.User, error)
410	AnalyticsGetInactiveUsersCount() (int64, error)
411	AnalyticsGetExternalUsers(hostDomain string) (bool, error)
412	AnalyticsGetSystemAdminCount() (int64, error)
413	AnalyticsGetGuestCount() (int64, error)
414	GetProfilesNotInTeam(teamID string, groupConstrained bool, offset int, limit int, viewRestrictions *model.ViewUsersRestrictions) ([]*model.User, error)
415	GetEtagForProfilesNotInTeam(teamID string) string
416	ClearAllCustomRoleAssignments() error
417	InferSystemInstallDate() (int64, error)
418	GetAllAfter(limit int, afterID string) ([]*model.User, error)
419	GetUsersBatchForIndexing(startTime, endTime int64, limit int) ([]*model.UserForIndexing, error)
420	Count(options model.UserCountOptions) (int64, error)
421	GetTeamGroupUsers(teamID string) ([]*model.User, error)
422	GetChannelGroupUsers(channelID string) ([]*model.User, error)
423	PromoteGuestToUser(userID string) error
424	DemoteUserToGuest(userID string) (*model.User, error)
425	DeactivateGuests() ([]string, error)
426	AutocompleteUsersInChannel(teamID, channelID, term string, options *model.UserSearchOptions) (*model.UserAutocompleteInChannel, error)
427	GetKnownUsers(userID string) ([]string, error)
428	IsEmpty(excludeBots bool) (bool, error)
431type BotStore interface {
432	Get(userID string, includeDeleted bool) (*model.Bot, error)
433	GetAll(options *model.BotGetOptions) ([]*model.Bot, error)
434	Save(bot *model.Bot) (*model.Bot, error)
435	Update(bot *model.Bot) (*model.Bot, error)
436	PermanentDelete(userID string) error
439type SessionStore interface {
440	Get(ctx context.Context, sessionIDOrToken string) (*model.Session, error)
441	Save(session *model.Session) (*model.Session, error)
442	GetSessions(userID string) ([]*model.Session, error)
443	GetSessionsWithActiveDeviceIds(userID string) ([]*model.Session, error)
444	GetSessionsExpired(thresholdMillis int64, mobileOnly bool, unnotifiedOnly bool) ([]*model.Session, error)
445	UpdateExpiredNotify(sessionid string, notified bool) error
446	Remove(sessionIDOrToken string) error
447	RemoveAllSessions() error
448	PermanentDeleteSessionsByUser(teamID string) error
449	UpdateExpiresAt(sessionID string, time int64) error
450	UpdateLastActivityAt(sessionID string, time int64) error
451	UpdateRoles(userID string, roles string) (string, error)
452	UpdateDeviceId(id string, deviceID string, expiresAt int64) (string, error)
453	UpdateProps(session *model.Session) error
454	AnalyticsSessionCount() (int64, error)
455	Cleanup(expiryTime int64, batchSize int64) error
458type AuditStore interface {
459	Save(audit *model.Audit) error
460	Get(user_id string, offset int, limit int) (model.Audits, error)
461	PermanentDeleteByUser(userID string) error
464type ClusterDiscoveryStore interface {
465	Save(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) error
466	Delete(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) (bool, error)
467	Exists(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) (bool, error)
468	GetAll(discoveryType, clusterName string) ([]*model.ClusterDiscovery, error)
469	SetLastPingAt(discovery *model.ClusterDiscovery) error
470	Cleanup() error
473type RemoteClusterStore interface {
474	Save(rc *model.RemoteCluster) (*model.RemoteCluster, error)
475	Update(rc *model.RemoteCluster) (*model.RemoteCluster, error)
476	Delete(remoteClusterId string) (bool, error)
477	Get(remoteClusterId string) (*model.RemoteCluster, error)
478	GetAll(filter model.RemoteClusterQueryFilter) ([]*model.RemoteCluster, error)
479	UpdateTopics(remoteClusterId string, topics string) (*model.RemoteCluster, error)
480	SetLastPingAt(remoteClusterId string) error
483type ComplianceStore interface {
484	Save(compliance *model.Compliance) (*model.Compliance, error)
485	Update(compliance *model.Compliance) (*model.Compliance, error)
486	Get(id string) (*model.Compliance, error)
487	GetAll(offset, limit int) (model.Compliances, error)
488	ComplianceExport(compliance *model.Compliance, cursor model.ComplianceExportCursor, limit int) ([]*model.CompliancePost, model.ComplianceExportCursor, error)
489	MessageExport(cursor model.MessageExportCursor, limit int) ([]*model.MessageExport, model.MessageExportCursor, error)
492type OAuthStore interface {
493	SaveApp(app *model.OAuthApp) (*model.OAuthApp, error)
494	UpdateApp(app *model.OAuthApp) (*model.OAuthApp, error)
495	GetApp(id string) (*model.OAuthApp, error)
496	GetAppByUser(userID string, offset, limit int) ([]*model.OAuthApp, error)
497	GetApps(offset, limit int) ([]*model.OAuthApp, error)
498	GetAuthorizedApps(userID string, offset, limit int) ([]*model.OAuthApp, error)
499	DeleteApp(id string) error
500	SaveAuthData(authData *model.AuthData) (*model.AuthData, error)
501	GetAuthData(code string) (*model.AuthData, error)
502	RemoveAuthData(code string) error
503	PermanentDeleteAuthDataByUser(userID string) error
504	SaveAccessData(accessData *model.AccessData) (*model.AccessData, error)
505	UpdateAccessData(accessData *model.AccessData) (*model.AccessData, error)
506	GetAccessData(token string) (*model.AccessData, error)
507	GetAccessDataByUserForApp(userID, clientId string) ([]*model.AccessData, error)
508	GetAccessDataByRefreshToken(token string) (*model.AccessData, error)
509	GetPreviousAccessData(userID, clientId string) (*model.AccessData, error)
510	RemoveAccessData(token string) error
511	RemoveAllAccessData() error
514type SystemStore interface {
515	Save(system *model.System) error
516	SaveOrUpdate(system *model.System) error
517	Update(system *model.System) error
518	Get() (model.StringMap, error)
519	GetByName(name string) (*model.System, error)
520	PermanentDeleteByName(name string) (*model.System, error)
521	InsertIfExists(system *model.System) (*model.System, error)
522	SaveOrUpdateWithWarnMetricHandling(system *model.System) error
525type WebhookStore interface {
526	SaveIncoming(webhook *model.IncomingWebhook) (*model.IncomingWebhook, error)
527	GetIncoming(id string, allowFromCache bool) (*model.IncomingWebhook, error)
528	GetIncomingList(offset, limit int) ([]*model.IncomingWebhook, error)
529	GetIncomingListByUser(userID string, offset, limit int) ([]*model.IncomingWebhook, error)
530	GetIncomingByTeam(teamID string, offset, limit int) ([]*model.IncomingWebhook, error)
531	GetIncomingByTeamByUser(teamID string, userID string, offset, limit int) ([]*model.IncomingWebhook, error)
532	UpdateIncoming(webhook *model.IncomingWebhook) (*model.IncomingWebhook, error)
533	GetIncomingByChannel(channelID string) ([]*model.IncomingWebhook, error)
534	DeleteIncoming(webhookID string, time int64) error
535	PermanentDeleteIncomingByChannel(channelID string) error
536	PermanentDeleteIncomingByUser(userID string) error
538	SaveOutgoing(webhook *model.OutgoingWebhook) (*model.OutgoingWebhook, error)
539	GetOutgoing(id string) (*model.OutgoingWebhook, error)
540	GetOutgoingByChannel(channelID string, offset, limit int) ([]*model.OutgoingWebhook, error)
541	GetOutgoingByChannelByUser(channelID string, userID string, offset, limit int) ([]*model.OutgoingWebhook, error)
542	GetOutgoingList(offset, limit int) ([]*model.OutgoingWebhook, error)
543	GetOutgoingListByUser(userID string, offset, limit int) ([]*model.OutgoingWebhook, error)
544	GetOutgoingByTeam(teamID string, offset, limit int) ([]*model.OutgoingWebhook, error)
545	GetOutgoingByTeamByUser(teamID string, userID string, offset, limit int) ([]*model.OutgoingWebhook, error)
546	DeleteOutgoing(webhookID string, time int64) error
547	PermanentDeleteOutgoingByChannel(channelID string) error
548	PermanentDeleteOutgoingByUser(userID string) error
549	UpdateOutgoing(hook *model.OutgoingWebhook) (*model.OutgoingWebhook, error)
551	AnalyticsIncomingCount(teamID string) (int64, error)
552	AnalyticsOutgoingCount(teamID string) (int64, error)
553	InvalidateWebhookCache(webhook string)
554	ClearCaches()
557type CommandStore interface {
558	Save(webhook *model.Command) (*model.Command, error)
559	GetByTrigger(teamID string, trigger string) (*model.Command, error)
560	Get(id string) (*model.Command, error)
561	GetByTeam(teamID string) ([]*model.Command, error)
562	Delete(commandID string, time int64) error
563	PermanentDeleteByTeam(teamID string) error
564	PermanentDeleteByUser(userID string) error
565	Update(hook *model.Command) (*model.Command, error)
566	AnalyticsCommandCount(teamID string) (int64, error)
569type CommandWebhookStore interface {
570	Save(webhook *model.CommandWebhook) (*model.CommandWebhook, error)
571	Get(id string) (*model.CommandWebhook, error)
572	TryUse(id string, limit int) error
573	Cleanup()
576type PreferenceStore interface {
577	Save(preferences model.Preferences) error
578	GetCategory(userID string, category string) (model.Preferences, error)
579	Get(userID string, category string, name string) (*model.Preference, error)
580	GetAll(userID string) (model.Preferences, error)
581	Delete(userID, category, name string) error
582	DeleteCategory(userID string, category string) error
583	DeleteCategoryAndName(category string, name string) error
584	PermanentDeleteByUser(userID string) error
585	DeleteOrphanedRows(limit int) (deleted int64, err error)
586	CleanupFlagsBatch(limit int64) (int64, error)
589type LicenseStore interface {
590	Save(license *model.LicenseRecord) (*model.LicenseRecord, error)
591	Get(id string) (*model.LicenseRecord, error)
592	GetAll() ([]*model.LicenseRecord, error)
595type TokenStore interface {
596	Save(recovery *model.Token) error
597	Delete(token string) error
598	GetByToken(token string) (*model.Token, error)
599	Cleanup()
600	GetAllTokensByType(tokenType string) ([]*model.Token, error)
601	RemoveAllTokensByType(tokenType string) error
604type EmojiStore interface {
605	Save(emoji *model.Emoji) (*model.Emoji, error)
606	Get(ctx context.Context, id string, allowFromCache bool) (*model.Emoji, error)
607	GetByName(ctx context.Context, name string, allowFromCache bool) (*model.Emoji, error)
608	GetMultipleByName(names []string) ([]*model.Emoji, error)
609	GetList(offset, limit int, sort string) ([]*model.Emoji, error)
610	Delete(emoji *model.Emoji, time int64) error
611	Search(name string, prefixOnly bool, limit int) ([]*model.Emoji, error)
614type StatusStore interface {
615	SaveOrUpdate(status *model.Status) error
616	Get(userID string) (*model.Status, error)
617	GetByIds(userIds []string) ([]*model.Status, error)
618	ResetAll() error
619	GetTotalActiveUsersCount() (int64, error)
620	UpdateLastActivityAt(userID string, lastActivityAt int64) error
621	UpdateExpiredDNDStatuses() ([]*model.Status, error)
624type FileInfoStore interface {
625	Save(info *model.FileInfo) (*model.FileInfo, error)
626	Upsert(info *model.FileInfo) (*model.FileInfo, error)
627	Get(id string) (*model.FileInfo, error)
628	GetFromMaster(id string) (*model.FileInfo, error)
629	GetByIds(ids []string) ([]*model.FileInfo, error)
630	GetByPath(path string) (*model.FileInfo, error)
631	GetForPost(postID string, readFromMaster, includeDeleted, allowFromCache bool) ([]*model.FileInfo, error)
632	GetForUser(userID string) ([]*model.FileInfo, error)
633	GetWithOptions(page, perPage int, opt *model.GetFileInfosOptions) ([]*model.FileInfo, error)
634	InvalidateFileInfosForPostCache(postID string, deleted bool)
635	AttachToPost(fileID string, postID string, creatorID string) error
636	DeleteForPost(postID string) (string, error)
637	PermanentDelete(fileID string) error
638	PermanentDeleteBatch(endTime int64, limit int64) (int64, error)
639	PermanentDeleteByUser(userID string) (int64, error)
640	SetContent(fileID, content string) error
641	Search(paramsList []*model.SearchParams, userID, teamID string, page, perPage int) (*model.FileInfoList, error)
642	CountAll() (int64, error)
643	GetFilesBatchForIndexing(startTime, endTime int64, limit int) ([]*model.FileForIndexing, error)
644	ClearCaches()
647type UploadSessionStore interface {
648	Save(session *model.UploadSession) (*model.UploadSession, error)
649	Update(session *model.UploadSession) error
650	Get(id string) (*model.UploadSession, error)
651	GetForUser(userID string) ([]*model.UploadSession, error)
652	Delete(id string) error
655type ReactionStore interface {
656	Save(reaction *model.Reaction) (*model.Reaction, error)
657	Delete(reaction *model.Reaction) (*model.Reaction, error)
658	GetForPost(postID string, allowFromCache bool) ([]*model.Reaction, error)
659	GetForPostSince(postId string, since int64, excludeRemoteId string, inclDeleted bool) ([]*model.Reaction, error)
660	DeleteAllWithEmojiName(emojiName string) error
661	BulkGetForPosts(postIds []string) ([]*model.Reaction, error)
662	DeleteOrphanedRows(limit int) (int64, error)
663	PermanentDeleteBatch(endTime int64, limit int64) (int64, error)
666type JobStore interface {
667	Save(job *model.Job) (*model.Job, error)
668	UpdateOptimistically(job *model.Job, currentStatus string) (bool, error)
669	UpdateStatus(id string, status string) (*model.Job, error)
670	UpdateStatusOptimistically(id string, currentStatus string, newStatus string) (bool, error)
671	Get(id string) (*model.Job, error)
672	GetAllPage(offset int, limit int) ([]*model.Job, error)
673	GetAllByType(jobType string) ([]*model.Job, error)
674	GetAllByTypePage(jobType string, offset int, limit int) ([]*model.Job, error)
675	GetAllByTypesPage(jobTypes []string, offset int, limit int) ([]*model.Job, error)
676	GetAllByStatus(status string) ([]*model.Job, error)
677	GetNewestJobByStatusAndType(status string, jobType string) (*model.Job, error)
678	GetNewestJobByStatusesAndType(statuses []string, jobType string) (*model.Job, error)
679	GetCountByStatusAndType(status string, jobType string) (int64, error)
680	Delete(id string) (string, error)
683type UserAccessTokenStore interface {
684	Save(token *model.UserAccessToken) (*model.UserAccessToken, error)
685	DeleteAllForUser(userID string) error
686	Delete(tokenID string) error
687	Get(tokenID string) (*model.UserAccessToken, error)
688	GetAll(offset int, limit int) ([]*model.UserAccessToken, error)
689	GetByToken(tokenString string) (*model.UserAccessToken, error)
690	GetByUser(userID string, page, perPage int) ([]*model.UserAccessToken, error)
691	Search(term string) ([]*model.UserAccessToken, error)
692	UpdateTokenEnable(tokenID string) error
693	UpdateTokenDisable(tokenID string) error
696type PluginStore interface {
697	SaveOrUpdate(keyVal *model.PluginKeyValue) (*model.PluginKeyValue, error)
698	CompareAndSet(keyVal *model.PluginKeyValue, oldValue []byte) (bool, error)
699	CompareAndDelete(keyVal *model.PluginKeyValue, oldValue []byte) (bool, error)
700	SetWithOptions(pluginID string, key string, value []byte, options model.PluginKVSetOptions) (bool, error)
701	Get(pluginID, key string) (*model.PluginKeyValue, error)
702	Delete(pluginID, key string) error
703	DeleteAllForPlugin(PluginID string) error
704	DeleteAllExpired() error
705	List(pluginID string, page, perPage int) ([]string, error)
708type RoleStore interface {
709	Save(role *model.Role) (*model.Role, error)
710	Get(roleID string) (*model.Role, error)
711	GetAll() ([]*model.Role, error)
712	GetByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (*model.Role, error)
713	GetByNames(names []string) ([]*model.Role, error)
714	Delete(roleID string) (*model.Role, error)
715	PermanentDeleteAll() error
717	// HigherScopedPermissions retrieves the higher-scoped permissions of a list of role names. The higher-scope
718	// (either team scheme or system scheme) is determined based on whether the team has a scheme or not.
719	ChannelHigherScopedPermissions(roleNames []string) (map[string]*model.RolePermissions, error)
721	// AllChannelSchemeRoles returns all of the roles associated to channel schemes.
722	AllChannelSchemeRoles() ([]*model.Role, error)
724	// ChannelRolesUnderTeamRole returns all of the non-deleted roles that are affected by updates to the
725	// given role.
726	ChannelRolesUnderTeamRole(roleName string) ([]*model.Role, error)
729type SchemeStore interface {
730	Save(scheme *model.Scheme) (*model.Scheme, error)
731	Get(schemeID string) (*model.Scheme, error)
732	GetByName(schemeName string) (*model.Scheme, error)
733	GetAllPage(scope string, offset int, limit int) ([]*model.Scheme, error)
734	Delete(schemeID string) (*model.Scheme, error)
735	PermanentDeleteAll() error
736	CountByScope(scope string) (int64, error)
737	CountWithoutPermission(scope, permissionID string, roleScope model.RoleScope, roleType model.RoleType) (int64, error)
740type TermsOfServiceStore interface {
741	Save(termsOfService *model.TermsOfService) (*model.TermsOfService, error)
742	GetLatest(allowFromCache bool) (*model.TermsOfService, error)
743	Get(id string, allowFromCache bool) (*model.TermsOfService, error)
746type ProductNoticesStore interface {
747	View(userID string, notices []string) error
748	Clear(notices []string) error
749	ClearOldNotices(currentNotices model.ProductNotices) error
750	GetViews(userID string) ([]model.ProductNoticeViewState, error)
753type UserTermsOfServiceStore interface {
754	GetByUser(userID string) (*model.UserTermsOfService, error)
755	Save(userTermsOfService *model.UserTermsOfService) (*model.UserTermsOfService, error)
756	Delete(userID, termsOfServiceId string) error
759type GroupStore interface {
760	Create(group *model.Group) (*model.Group, error)
761	Get(groupID string) (*model.Group, error)
762	GetByName(name string, opts model.GroupSearchOpts) (*model.Group, error)
763	GetByIDs(groupIDs []string) ([]*model.Group, error)
764	GetByRemoteID(remoteID string, groupSource model.GroupSource) (*model.Group, error)
765	GetAllBySource(groupSource model.GroupSource) ([]*model.Group, error)
766	GetByUser(userID string) ([]*model.Group, error)
767	Update(group *model.Group) (*model.Group, error)
768	Delete(groupID string) (*model.Group, error)
770	GetMemberUsers(groupID string) ([]*model.User, error)
771	GetMemberUsersPage(groupID string, page int, perPage int) ([]*model.User, error)
772	GetMemberCount(groupID string) (int64, error)
774	GetMemberUsersInTeam(groupID string, teamID string) ([]*model.User, error)
775	GetMemberUsersNotInChannel(groupID string, channelID string) ([]*model.User, error)
777	UpsertMember(groupID string, userID string) (*model.GroupMember, error)
778	DeleteMember(groupID string, userID string) (*model.GroupMember, error)
779	PermanentDeleteMembersByUser(userID string) error
781	CreateGroupSyncable(groupSyncable *model.GroupSyncable) (*model.GroupSyncable, error)
782	GetGroupSyncable(groupID string, syncableID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType) (*model.GroupSyncable, error)
783	GetAllGroupSyncablesByGroupId(groupID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType) ([]*model.GroupSyncable, error)
784	UpdateGroupSyncable(groupSyncable *model.GroupSyncable) (*model.GroupSyncable, error)
785	DeleteGroupSyncable(groupID string, syncableID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType) (*model.GroupSyncable, error)
787	// TeamMembersToAdd returns a slice of UserTeamIDPair that need newly created memberships
788	// based on the groups configurations. The returned list can be optionally scoped to a single given team.
789	//
790	// Typically since will be the last successful group sync time.
791	// If includeRemovedMembers is true, then team members who left or were removed from the team will
792	// be included; otherwise, they will be excluded.
793	TeamMembersToAdd(since int64, teamID *string, includeRemovedMembers bool) ([]*model.UserTeamIDPair, error)
795	// ChannelMembersToAdd returns a slice of UserChannelIDPair that need newly created memberships
796	// based on the groups configurations. The returned list can be optionally scoped to a single given channel.
797	//
798	// Typically since will be the last successful group sync time.
799	// If includeRemovedMembers is true, then channel members who left or were removed from the channel will
800	// be included; otherwise, they will be excluded.
801	ChannelMembersToAdd(since int64, channelID *string, includeRemovedMembers bool) ([]*model.UserChannelIDPair, error)
803	// TeamMembersToRemove returns all team members that should be removed based on group constraints.
804	TeamMembersToRemove(teamID *string) ([]*model.TeamMember, error)
806	// ChannelMembersToRemove returns all channel members that should be removed based on group constraints.
807	ChannelMembersToRemove(channelID *string) ([]*model.ChannelMember, error)
809	GetGroupsByChannel(channelID string, opts model.GroupSearchOpts) ([]*model.GroupWithSchemeAdmin, error)
810	CountGroupsByChannel(channelID string, opts model.GroupSearchOpts) (int64, error)
812	GetGroupsByTeam(teamID string, opts model.GroupSearchOpts) ([]*model.GroupWithSchemeAdmin, error)
813	GetGroupsAssociatedToChannelsByTeam(teamID string, opts model.GroupSearchOpts) (map[string][]*model.GroupWithSchemeAdmin, error)
814	CountGroupsByTeam(teamID string, opts model.GroupSearchOpts) (int64, error)
816	GetGroups(page, perPage int, opts model.GroupSearchOpts) ([]*model.Group, error)
818	TeamMembersMinusGroupMembers(teamID string, groupIDs []string, page, perPage int) ([]*model.UserWithGroups, error)
819	CountTeamMembersMinusGroupMembers(teamID string, groupIDs []string) (int64, error)
820	ChannelMembersMinusGroupMembers(channelID string, groupIDs []string, page, perPage int) ([]*model.UserWithGroups, error)
821	CountChannelMembersMinusGroupMembers(channelID string, groupIDs []string) (int64, error)
823	// AdminRoleGroupsForSyncableMember returns the IDs of all of the groups that the user is a member of that are
824	// configured as SchemeAdmin: true for the given syncable.
825	AdminRoleGroupsForSyncableMember(userID, syncableID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType) ([]string, error)
827	// PermittedSyncableAdmins returns the IDs of all of the user who are permitted by the group syncable to have
828	// the admin role for the given syncable.
829	PermittedSyncableAdmins(syncableID string, syncableType model.GroupSyncableType) ([]string, error)
831	// GroupCount returns the total count of records in the UserGroups table.
832	GroupCount() (int64, error)
834	// GroupTeamCount returns the total count of records in the GroupTeams table.
835	GroupTeamCount() (int64, error)
837	// GroupChannelCount returns the total count of records in the GroupChannels table.
838	GroupChannelCount() (int64, error)
840	// GroupMemberCount returns the total count of records in the GroupMembers table.
841	GroupMemberCount() (int64, error)
843	// DistinctGroupMemberCount returns the count of records in the GroupMembers table with distinct userID values.
844	DistinctGroupMemberCount() (int64, error)
846	// GroupCountWithAllowReference returns the count of records in the Groups table with AllowReference set to true.
847	GroupCountWithAllowReference() (int64, error)
850type LinkMetadataStore interface {
851	Save(linkMetadata *model.LinkMetadata) (*model.LinkMetadata, error)
852	Get(url string, timestamp int64) (*model.LinkMetadata, error)
855type SharedChannelStore interface {
856	Save(sc *model.SharedChannel) (*model.SharedChannel, error)
857	Get(channelId string) (*model.SharedChannel, error)
858	HasChannel(channelID string) (bool, error)
859	GetAll(offset, limit int, opts model.SharedChannelFilterOpts) ([]*model.SharedChannel, error)
860	GetAllCount(opts model.SharedChannelFilterOpts) (int64, error)
861	Update(sc *model.SharedChannel) (*model.SharedChannel, error)
862	Delete(channelId string) (bool, error)
864	SaveRemote(remote *model.SharedChannelRemote) (*model.SharedChannelRemote, error)
865	UpdateRemote(remote *model.SharedChannelRemote) (*model.SharedChannelRemote, error)
866	GetRemote(id string) (*model.SharedChannelRemote, error)
867	HasRemote(channelID string, remoteId string) (bool, error)
868	GetRemoteForUser(remoteId string, userId string) (*model.RemoteCluster, error)
869	GetRemoteByIds(channelId string, remoteId string) (*model.SharedChannelRemote, error)
870	GetRemotes(opts model.SharedChannelRemoteFilterOpts) ([]*model.SharedChannelRemote, error)
871	UpdateRemoteCursor(id string, cursor model.GetPostsSinceForSyncCursor) error
872	DeleteRemote(remoteId string) (bool, error)
873	GetRemotesStatus(channelId string) ([]*model.SharedChannelRemoteStatus, error)
875	SaveUser(remote *model.SharedChannelUser) (*model.SharedChannelUser, error)
876	GetSingleUser(userID string, channelID string, remoteID string) (*model.SharedChannelUser, error)
877	GetUsersForUser(userID string) ([]*model.SharedChannelUser, error)
878	GetUsersForSync(filter model.GetUsersForSyncFilter) ([]*model.User, error)
879	UpdateUserLastSyncAt(userID string, channelID string, remoteID string) error
881	SaveAttachment(remote *model.SharedChannelAttachment) (*model.SharedChannelAttachment, error)
882	UpsertAttachment(remote *model.SharedChannelAttachment) (string, error)
883	GetAttachment(fileId string, remoteId string) (*model.SharedChannelAttachment, error)
884	UpdateAttachmentLastSyncAt(id string, syncTime int64) error
887// ChannelSearchOpts contains options for searching channels.
889// NotAssociatedToGroup will exclude channels that have associated, active GroupChannels records.
890// IncludeDeleted will include channel records where DeleteAt != 0.
891// ExcludeChannelNames will exclude channels from the results by name.
892// Paginate whether to paginate the results.
893// Page page requested, if results are paginated.
894// PerPage number of results per page, if paginated.
896type ChannelSearchOpts struct {
897	Term                     string
898	NotAssociatedToGroup     string
899	IncludeDeleted           bool
900	Deleted                  bool
901	ExcludeChannelNames      []string
902	TeamIds                  []string
903	GroupConstrained         bool
904	ExcludeGroupConstrained  bool
905	PolicyID                 string
906	ExcludePolicyConstrained bool
907	IncludePolicyID          bool
908	IncludeTeamInfo          bool
909	CountOnly                bool
910	Public                   bool
911	Private                  bool
912	Page                     *int
913	PerPage                  *int
916func (c *ChannelSearchOpts) IsPaginated() bool {
917	return c.Page != nil && c.PerPage != nil
920type UserGetByIdsOpts struct {
921	// IsAdmin tracks whether or not the request is being made by an administrator. Does nothing when provided by a client.
922	IsAdmin bool
924	// Restrict to search in a list of teams and channels. Does nothing when provided by a client.
925	ViewRestrictions *model.ViewUsersRestrictions
927	// Since filters the users based on their UpdateAt timestamp.
928	Since int64
931// ThreadMembershipOpts defines some properties to be passed to
932// ThreadStore.MaintainMembership()
933type ThreadMembershipOpts struct {
934	// Following indicates whether or not the user is following the thread.
935	Following bool
936	// IncrementMentions indicates whether or not the mentions count for
937	// the thread should be incremented.
938	IncrementMentions bool
939	// UpdateFollowing indicates whether or not the following state should be changed.
940	UpdateFollowing bool
941	// UpdateViewedTimestamp indicates whether or not the LastViewed field of the
942	// membership should be updated.
943	UpdateViewedTimestamp bool
944	// UpdateParticipants indicates whether or not the thread's participants list
945	// should be updated.
946	UpdateParticipants bool