1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2020 IBM Corporation and others.
3  *
4  * This program and the accompanying materials
5  * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0
6  * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
7  * https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/
8  *
9  * SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0
10  *
11  * Contributors:
12  *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
13  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants
14  *								   NonStaticAccessToStaticField
15  *								   NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod
16  *								   Task
17  *								   ExpressionShouldBeAVariable
18  *								   AssignmentHasNoEffect
19  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants
20  *								   TooManySyntheticArgumentSlots
21  *								   TooManyArrayDimensions
22  *								   TooManyBytesForStringConstant
23  *								   TooManyMethods
24  *								   TooManyFields
25  *								   NonBlankFinalLocalAssignment
26  *								   ObjectCannotHaveSuperTypes
27  *								   MissingSemiColon
28  *								   InvalidParenthesizedExpression
29  *								   EnclosingInstanceInConstructorCall
30  *								   BytecodeExceeds64KLimitForConstructor
31  *								   IncompatibleReturnTypeForNonInheritedInterfaceMethod
32  *								   UnusedPrivateMethod
33  *								   UnusedPrivateConstructor
34  *								   UnusedPrivateType
35  *								   UnusedPrivateField
36  *								   IncompatibleExceptionInThrowsClauseForNonInheritedInterfaceMethod
37  *								   InvalidExplicitConstructorCall
38  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants
39  *								   PossibleAccidentalBooleanAssignment
40  *								   SuperfluousSemicolon
41  *								   IndirectAccessToStaticField
42  *								   IndirectAccessToStaticMethod
43  *								   IndirectAccessToStaticType
44  *								   BooleanMethodThrowingException
45  *								   UnnecessaryCast
46  *								   UnnecessaryArgumentCast
47  *								   UnnecessaryInstanceof
48  *								   FinallyMustCompleteNormally
49  *								   UnusedMethodDeclaredThrownException
50  *								   UnusedConstructorDeclaredThrownException
51  *								   InvalidCatchBlockSequence
52  *								   UnqualifiedFieldAccess
53  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants
54  *								   Javadoc
55  *								   JavadocUnexpectedTag
56  *								   JavadocMissingParamTag
57  *								   JavadocMissingParamName
58  *								   JavadocDuplicateParamName
59  *								   JavadocInvalidParamName
60  *								   JavadocMissingReturnTag
61  *								   JavadocDuplicateReturnTag
62  *								   JavadocMissingThrowsTag
63  *								   JavadocMissingThrowsClassName
64  *								   JavadocInvalidThrowsClass
65  *								   JavadocDuplicateThrowsClassName
66  *								   JavadocInvalidThrowsClassName
67  *								   JavadocMissingSeeReference
68  *								   JavadocInvalidSeeReference
69  *								   JavadocInvalidSeeHref
70  *								   JavadocInvalidSeeArgs
71  *								   JavadocMissing
72  *								   JavadocInvalidTag
73  *								   JavadocMessagePrefix
74  *								   EmptyControlFlowStatement
75  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants
76  *								   IllegalUsageOfQualifiedTypeReference
77  *								   InvalidDigit
78  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants
79  *								   ParameterAssignment
80  *								   FallthroughCase
81  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants
82  *                                 UnusedLabel
83  *                                 UnnecessaryNLSTag
84  *                                 LocalVariableMayBeNull
85  *                                 EnumConstantsCannotBeSurroundedByParenthesis
86  *                                 JavadocMissingIdentifier
87  *                                 JavadocNonStaticTypeFromStaticInvocation
88  *                                 RawTypeReference
89  *                                 NoAdditionalBoundAfterTypeVariable
90  *                                 UnsafeGenericArrayForVarargs
91  *                                 IllegalAccessFromTypeVariable
92  *                                 AnnotationValueMustBeArrayInitializer
93  *                                 InvalidEncoding
94  *                                 CannotReadSource
95  *                                 EnumStaticFieldInInInitializerContext
96  *                                 ExternalProblemNotFixable
97  *                                 ExternalProblemFixable
98  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants
99  *                                 AnnotationValueMustBeAnEnumConstant
100  *                                 OverridingMethodWithoutSuperInvocation
101  *                                 MethodMustOverrideOrImplement
102  *                                 TypeHidingTypeParameterFromType
103  *                                 TypeHidingTypeParameterFromMethod
104  *                                 TypeHidingType
105  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants
106  *								   NullLocalVariableReference
107  *								   PotentialNullLocalVariableReference
108  *								   RedundantNullCheckOnNullLocalVariable
109  * 								   NullLocalVariableComparisonYieldsFalse
110  * 								   RedundantLocalVariableNullAssignment
111  * 								   NullLocalVariableInstanceofYieldsFalse
112  * 								   RedundantNullCheckOnNonNullLocalVariable
113  * 								   NonNullLocalVariableComparisonYieldsFalse
114  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants
115  *                                 InvalidUsageOfTypeParametersForAnnotationDeclaration
116  *                                 InvalidUsageOfTypeParametersForEnumDeclaration
117  *     IBM Corporation - added the following constants
118  *								   RedundantSuperinterface
119  *		Benjamin Muskalla - added the following constants
120  *									MissingSynchronizedModifierInInheritedMethod
121  *		Stephan Herrmann  - added the following constants
122  *									UnusedObjectAllocation
123  *									PotentiallyUnclosedCloseable
124  *									PotentiallyUnclosedCloseableAtExit
125  *									UnclosedCloseable
126  *									UnclosedCloseableAtExit
127  *									ExplicitlyClosedAutoCloseable
128  * 								    RequiredNonNullButProvidedNull
129  * 									RequiredNonNullButProvidedPotentialNull
130  * 									RequiredNonNullButProvidedUnknown
131  * 									NullAnnotationNameMustBeQualified
132  * 									IllegalReturnNullityRedefinition
133  * 									IllegalRedefinitionToNonNullParameter
134  * 									IllegalDefinitionToNonNullParameter
135  * 									ParameterLackingNonNullAnnotation
136  * 									ParameterLackingNullableAnnotation
137  * 									PotentialNullMessageSendReference
138  * 									RedundantNullCheckOnNonNullMessageSend
139  * 									CannotImplementIncompatibleNullness
140  * 									RedundantNullAnnotation
141  *									RedundantNullDefaultAnnotation
142  *									RedundantNullDefaultAnnotationPackage
143  *									RedundantNullDefaultAnnotationType
144  *									RedundantNullDefaultAnnotationMethod
145  *									ContradictoryNullAnnotations
146  *									IllegalAnnotationForBaseType
147  *									RedundantNullCheckOnSpecdNonNullLocalVariable
148  *									SpecdNonNullLocalVariableComparisonYieldsFalse
149  *									RequiredNonNullButProvidedSpecdNullable
150  *									MissingDefaultCase
151  *									MissingEnumConstantCaseDespiteDefault
152  *									UninitializedLocalVariableHintMissingDefault
153  *									UninitializedBlankFinalFieldHintMissingDefault
154  *									ShouldReturnValueHintMissingDefault
155  *									IllegalModifierForInterfaceDefaultMethod
156  *									InheritedDefaultMethodConflictsWithOtherInherited
157  *									ConflictingNullAnnotations
158  *									ConflictingInheritedNullAnnotations
159  *									UnsafeElementTypeConversion
160  *									ArrayReferencePotentialNullReference
161  *									DereferencingNullableExpression
162  *									NullityMismatchingTypeAnnotation
163  *									NullityMismatchingTypeAnnotationSuperHint
164  *									NullityUncheckedTypeAnnotationDetail
165  *									NullityUncheckedTypeAnnotationDetailSuperHint
166  *									NullableFieldReference
167  *									UninitializedNonNullField
168  *									UninitializedNonNullFieldHintMissingDefault
169  *									NonNullMessageSendComparisonYieldsFalse
170  *									RedundantNullCheckOnNonNullSpecdField
171  *									NonNullSpecdFieldComparisonYieldsFalse
172  *									NonNullExpressionComparisonYieldsFalse
173  *									RedundantNullCheckOnNonNullExpression
174  *									ReferenceExpressionParameterNullityMismatch
175  *									ReferenceExpressionParameterNullityUnchecked
176  *									ReferenceExpressionReturnNullRedef
177  *									ReferenceExpressionReturnNullRedefUnchecked
178  *									DuplicateInheritedDefaultMethods
179  *									SuperAccessCannotBypassDirectSuper
180  *									SuperCallCannotBypassOverride
181  *									ConflictingNullAnnotations
182  *									ConflictingInheritedNullAnnotations
183  *									UnsafeElementTypeConversion
184  *									PotentialNullUnboxing
185  *									NullUnboxing
186  *									NullExpressionReference
187  *									PotentialNullExpressionReference
188  *									RedundantNullCheckAgainstNonNullType
189  *									NullAnnotationUnsupportedLocation
190  *									NullAnnotationUnsupportedLocationAtType
191  *									NullityMismatchTypeArgument
192  *									ContradictoryNullAnnotationsOnBound
193  *									UnsafeNullnessCast
194  *									ContradictoryNullAnnotationsInferred
195  *									NonNullDefaultDetailIsNotEvaluated
196  *									NullNotCompatibleToFreeTypeVariable
197  *									NullityMismatchAgainstFreeTypeVariable
198  *									ImplicitObjectBoundNoNullDefault
199  *									IllegalParameterNullityRedefinition
200  *									ContradictoryNullAnnotationsInferredFunctionType
201  *									IllegalReturnNullityRedefinitionFreeTypeVariable
202  *									UnlikelyCollectionMethodArgumentType
203  *									UnlikelyEqualsArgumentType
204  *      Jesper S Moller  - added the following constants
205  *									TargetTypeNotAFunctionalInterface
206  *									OuterLocalMustBeEffectivelyFinal
207  *									IllegalModifiersForPackage
208  *									DuplicateAnnotationNotMarkedRepeatable
209  *									DisallowedTargetForContainerAnnotation
210  *									RepeatedAnnotationWithContainerAnnotation
211  *									ContainingAnnotationMustHaveValue
212  *									ContainingAnnotationHasNonDefaultMembers
213  *									ContainingAnnotationHasWrongValueType
214  *								 	ContainingAnnotationHasShorterRetention
215  *									RepeatableAnnotationHasTargets
216  *									RepeatableAnnotationTargetMismatch
217  *									RepeatableAnnotationIsDocumented
218  *									RepeatableAnnotationIsInherited
219  *									RepeatableAnnotationWithRepeatingContainerAnnotation
220  *									VarLocalMultipleDeclarators
221  *									VarLocalCannotBeArray
222  *									VarLocalReferencesItself
223  *									VarLocalWithoutInitizalier
224  *									VarLocalInitializedToNull
225  *									VarLocalCannotBeArrayInitalizers
226  *									VarLocalCannotBeLambda
227  *									VarLocalCannotBeMethodReference
228  *									VarIsReserved
229  *									VarIsReservedInFuture
230  *									VarIsNotAllowedHere
231 ******************************************************************************/
232 package org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler;
234 import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.ProblemReasons;
236 /**
237  * Description of a Java problem, as detected by the compiler or some of the underlying
238  * technology reusing the compiler.
239  * A problem provides access to:
240  * <ul>
241  * <li> its location (originating source file name, source position, line number) </li>
242  * <li> its message description </li>
243  * <li> predicates to check its severity (error, warning, or info) </li>
244  * <li> its ID : a number identifying the very nature of this problem. All possible IDs are listed
245  * as constants on this interface. </li>
246  * </ul>
247  *
248  * Note: the compiler produces IProblems internally, which are turned into markers by the JavaBuilder
249  * so as to persist problem descriptions. This explains why there is no API allowing to reach IProblem detected
250  * when compiling. However, the Java problem markers carry equivalent information to IProblem, in particular
251  * their ID (attribute "id") is set to one of the IDs defined on this interface.
252  *
253  * @since 2.0
254  * @noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
255  * @noextend This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
256  */
257 public interface IProblem {
259 /**
260  * Answer back the original arguments recorded into the problem.
261  * @return the original arguments recorded into the problem
262  */
getArguments()263 String[] getArguments();
265 /**
266  * Returns the problem id
267  *
268  * @return the problem id
269  */
getID()270 int getID();
272 /**
273  * Answer a localized, human-readable message string which describes the problem.
274  *
275  * @return a localized, human-readable message string which describes the problem
276  */
getMessage()277 String getMessage();
279 /**
280  * Answer the file name in which the problem was found.
281  *
282  * @return the file name in which the problem was found
283  */
getOriginatingFileName()284 char[] getOriginatingFileName();
286 /**
287  * Answer the end position of the problem (inclusive), or -1 if unknown.
288  *
289  * @return the end position of the problem (inclusive), or -1 if unknown
290  */
getSourceEnd()291 int getSourceEnd();
293 /**
294  * Answer the line number in source where the problem begins.
295  *
296  * @return the line number in source where the problem begins
297  */
getSourceLineNumber()298 int getSourceLineNumber();
300 /**
301  * Answer the start position of the problem (inclusive), or -1 if unknown.
302  *
303  * @return the start position of the problem (inclusive), or -1 if unknown
304  */
getSourceStart()305 int getSourceStart();
307 /**
308  * Returns whether the severity of this problem is 'Error'.
309  *
310  * @return true if the severity of this problem is 'Error', false otherwise
311  */
isError()312 boolean isError();
314 /**
315  * Returns whether the severity of this problem is 'Warning'.
316  *
317  * @return true if the severity of this problem is 'Warning', false otherwise
318  */
isWarning()319 boolean isWarning();
321 /**
322  * Returns whether the severity of this problem is 'Info'.
323  *
324  * @return true if the severity of this problem is 'Info', false otherwise
325  * @since 3.12
326  */
isInfo()327 boolean isInfo();
329 /**
330  * Set the end position of the problem (inclusive), or -1 if unknown.
331  * Used for shifting problem positions.
332  *
333  * @param sourceEnd the given end position
334  */
setSourceEnd(int sourceEnd)335 void setSourceEnd(int sourceEnd);
337 /**
338  * Set the line number in source where the problem begins.
339  *
340  * @param lineNumber the given line number
341  */
setSourceLineNumber(int lineNumber)342 void setSourceLineNumber(int lineNumber);
344 /**
345  * Set the start position of the problem (inclusive), or -1 if unknown.
346  * Used for shifting problem positions.
347  *
348  * @param sourceStart the given start position
349  */
setSourceStart(int sourceStart)350 void setSourceStart(int sourceStart);
353 	/**
354 	 * Problem Categories
355 	 * The high bits of a problem ID contains information about the category of a problem.
356 	 * For example, (problemID & TypeRelated) != 0, indicates that this problem is type related.
357 	 *
358 	 * A problem category can help to implement custom problem filters. Indeed, when numerous problems
359 	 * are listed, focusing on import related problems first might be relevant.
360 	 *
361 	 * When a problem is tagged as Internal, it means that no change other than a local source code change
362 	 * can  fix the corresponding problem. A type related problem could be addressed by changing the type
363 	 * involved in it.
364 	 */
365 	int TypeRelated = 0x01000000;
366 	int FieldRelated = 0x02000000;
367 	int MethodRelated = 0x04000000;
368 	int ConstructorRelated = 0x08000000;
369 	int ImportRelated = 0x10000000;
370 	int Internal = 0x20000000;
371 	int Syntax = 0x40000000;
372 	/** @since 3.0 */
373 	int Javadoc = 0x80000000;
374 	/** @since 3.14 */
375 	int ModuleRelated = 0x00800000;
376 	/** @since 3.18 */
377 	int Compliance = 0x00400000;
378 	/** @since 3.20 */
379 	int PreviewRelated = 0x00200000;
381 	/**
382 	 * Mask to use in order to filter out the category portion of the problem ID.
383 	 */
384 	int IgnoreCategoriesMask = 0x1FFFFF;
386 	/*
387 	 * Below are listed all available problem IDs. Note that this list could be augmented in the future,
388 	 * as new features are added to the Java core implementation.
389 	 *
390 	 * Problem IDs must be kept unique even when their mask is stripped, since
391 	 * the bare integer literal is used for message lookup in
392 	 * /org.eclipse.jdt.core/compiler/org/eclipse/jdt/internal/compiler/problem/messages.properties.
393 	 * Use this regex to find duplicates: (?s)(\+ \d+)\b.*\1\b
394 	 */
396 	/**
397 	 * ID reserved for referencing an internal error inside the JavaCore implementation which
398 	 * may be surfaced as a problem associated with the compilation unit which caused it to occur.
399 	 */
400 	int Unclassified = 0;
402 	/**
403 	 * General type related problems
404 	 */
405 	int ObjectHasNoSuperclass = TypeRelated + 1;
406 	int UndefinedType = TypeRelated + 2;
407 	int NotVisibleType = TypeRelated + 3;
408 	int AmbiguousType = TypeRelated + 4;
409 	int UsingDeprecatedType = TypeRelated + 5;
410 	int InternalTypeNameProvided = TypeRelated + 6;
411 	/** @since 2.1 */
412 	int UnusedPrivateType = Internal + TypeRelated + 7;
414 	int IncompatibleTypesInEqualityOperator = TypeRelated + 15;
415 	int IncompatibleTypesInConditionalOperator = TypeRelated + 16;
416 	int TypeMismatch = TypeRelated + 17;
417 	/** @since 3.0 */
418 	int IndirectAccessToStaticType = Internal + TypeRelated + 18;
420 	/** @since 3.10 */
421 	int ReturnTypeMismatch = TypeRelated + 19;
423 	/**
424 	 * Inner types related problems
425 	 */
426 	int MissingEnclosingInstanceForConstructorCall = TypeRelated + 20;
427 	int MissingEnclosingInstance = TypeRelated + 21;
428 	int IncorrectEnclosingInstanceReference = TypeRelated + 22;
429 	int IllegalEnclosingInstanceSpecification = TypeRelated + 23;
430 	int CannotDefineStaticInitializerInLocalType = Internal + 24;
431 	int OuterLocalMustBeFinal = Internal + 25;
432 	int CannotDefineInterfaceInLocalType = Internal + 26;
433 	int IllegalPrimitiveOrArrayTypeForEnclosingInstance = TypeRelated + 27;
434 	/** @since 2.1 */
435 	int EnclosingInstanceInConstructorCall = Internal + 28;
436 	int AnonymousClassCannotExtendFinalClass = TypeRelated + 29;
437 	/** @since 3.1 */
438 	int CannotDefineAnnotationInLocalType = Internal + 30;
439 	/** @since 3.1 */
440 	int CannotDefineEnumInLocalType = Internal + 31;
441 	/** @since 3.1 */
442 	int NonStaticContextForEnumMemberType = Internal + 32;
443 	/** @since 3.3 */
444 	int TypeHidingType = TypeRelated + 33;
445 	/** @since 3.11 */
446 	int NotAnnotationType = TypeRelated + 34;
448 	// variables
449 	int UndefinedName = Internal + FieldRelated + 50;
450 	int UninitializedLocalVariable = Internal + 51;
451 	int VariableTypeCannotBeVoid = Internal + 52;
452 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #CannotAllocateVoidArray} instead */
453 	int VariableTypeCannotBeVoidArray = Internal + 53;
454 	int CannotAllocateVoidArray = Internal + 54;
455 	// local variables
456 	int RedefinedLocal = Internal + 55;
457 	int RedefinedArgument = Internal + 56;
458 	// final local variables
459 	int DuplicateFinalLocalInitialization = Internal + 57;
460 	/** @since 2.1 */
461 	int NonBlankFinalLocalAssignment = Internal + 58;
462 	/** @since 3.2 */
463 	int ParameterAssignment = Internal + 59;
464 	int FinalOuterLocalAssignment = Internal + 60;
465 	int LocalVariableIsNeverUsed = Internal + 61;
466 	int ArgumentIsNeverUsed = Internal + 62;
467 	int BytecodeExceeds64KLimit = Internal + 63;
468 	int BytecodeExceeds64KLimitForClinit = Internal + 64;
469 	int TooManyArgumentSlots = Internal + 65;
470 	int TooManyLocalVariableSlots = Internal + 66;
471 	/** @since 2.1 */
472 	int TooManySyntheticArgumentSlots = Internal + 67;
473 	/** @since 2.1 */
474 	int TooManyArrayDimensions = Internal + 68;
475 	/** @since 2.1 */
476 	int BytecodeExceeds64KLimitForConstructor = Internal + 69;
478 	// fields
479 	int UndefinedField = FieldRelated + 70;
480 	int NotVisibleField = FieldRelated + 71;
481 	int AmbiguousField = FieldRelated + 72;
482 	int UsingDeprecatedField = FieldRelated + 73;
483 	int NonStaticFieldFromStaticInvocation = FieldRelated + 74;
484 	int ReferenceToForwardField = FieldRelated + Internal + 75;
485 	/** @since 2.1 */
486 	int NonStaticAccessToStaticField = Internal + FieldRelated + 76;
487 	/** @since 2.1 */
488 	int UnusedPrivateField = Internal + FieldRelated + 77;
489 	/** @since 3.0 */
490 	int IndirectAccessToStaticField = Internal + FieldRelated + 78;
491 	/** @since 3.0 */
492 	int UnqualifiedFieldAccess = Internal + FieldRelated + 79;
493 	int FinalFieldAssignment = FieldRelated + 80;
494 	int UninitializedBlankFinalField = FieldRelated + 81;
495 	int DuplicateBlankFinalFieldInitialization = FieldRelated + 82;
496 	/** @since 3.6 */
497 	int UnresolvedVariable = FieldRelated + 83;
498 	/** @since 3.10 */
499 	int NonStaticOrAlienTypeReceiver = MethodRelated + 84;
501 	/** @since 3.11 */
502 	int ExceptionParameterIsNeverUsed = Internal + 85;
503 	/** @since 3.17 */
504 	int BytecodeExceeds64KLimitForSwitchTable = Internal + 86;
506 	// variable hiding
507 	/** @since 3.0 */
508 	int LocalVariableHidingLocalVariable = Internal + 90;
509 	/** @since 3.0 */
510 	int LocalVariableHidingField = Internal + FieldRelated + 91;
511 	/** @since 3.0 */
512 	int FieldHidingLocalVariable = Internal + FieldRelated + 92;
513 	/** @since 3.0 */
514 	int FieldHidingField = Internal + FieldRelated + 93;
515 	/** @since 3.0 */
516 	int ArgumentHidingLocalVariable = Internal + 94;
517 	/** @since 3.0 */
518 	int ArgumentHidingField = Internal + 95;
519 	/** @since 3.1 */
520 	int MissingSerialVersion = Internal + 96;
521 	/** @since 3.10 */
522 	int LambdaRedeclaresArgument = Internal + 97;
523 	/** @since 3.10 */
524 	int LambdaRedeclaresLocal = Internal + 98;
525 	/** @since 3.10 */
526 	int LambdaDescriptorMentionsUnmentionable = 99;
528 	// methods
529 	int UndefinedMethod = MethodRelated + 100;
530 	int NotVisibleMethod = MethodRelated + 101;
531 	int AmbiguousMethod = MethodRelated + 102;
532 	int UsingDeprecatedMethod = MethodRelated + 103;
533 	int DirectInvocationOfAbstractMethod = MethodRelated + 104;
534 	int VoidMethodReturnsValue = MethodRelated + 105;
535 	int MethodReturnsVoid = MethodRelated + 106;
536 	int MethodRequiresBody = Internal + MethodRelated + 107;
537 	int ShouldReturnValue = Internal + MethodRelated + 108;
538 	int MethodButWithConstructorName = MethodRelated + 110;
539 	int MissingReturnType = TypeRelated + 111;
540 	int BodyForNativeMethod = Internal + MethodRelated + 112;
541 	int BodyForAbstractMethod = Internal + MethodRelated + 113;
542 	int NoMessageSendOnBaseType = MethodRelated + 114;
543 	int ParameterMismatch = MethodRelated + 115;
544 	int NoMessageSendOnArrayType = MethodRelated + 116;
545 	/** @since 2.1 */
546     int NonStaticAccessToStaticMethod = Internal + MethodRelated + 117;
547 	/** @since 2.1 */
548 	int UnusedPrivateMethod = Internal + MethodRelated + 118;
549 	/** @since 3.0 */
550 	int IndirectAccessToStaticMethod = Internal + MethodRelated + 119;
551 	/** @since 3.4 */
552 	int MissingTypeInMethod = MethodRelated + 120;
553 	/** @since 3.7 */
554 	int MethodCanBeStatic = Internal + MethodRelated + 121;
555 	/** @since 3.7 */
556 	int MethodCanBePotentiallyStatic = Internal + MethodRelated + 122;
557 	/** @since 3.10 */
558 	int MethodReferenceSwingsBothWays = Internal + MethodRelated + 123;
559 	/** @since 3.10 */
560 	int StaticMethodShouldBeAccessedStatically = Internal + MethodRelated + 124;
561 	/** @since 3.10 */
562 	int InvalidArrayConstructorReference = Internal + MethodRelated + 125;
563 	/** @since 3.10 */
564 	int ConstructedArrayIncompatible = Internal + MethodRelated + 126;
565 	/** @since 3.10 */
566 	int DanglingReference = Internal + MethodRelated + 127;
567 	/** @since 3.10 */
568 	int IncompatibleMethodReference = Internal + MethodRelated + 128;
570 	// constructors
571 	/** @since 3.4 */
572 	int MissingTypeInConstructor = ConstructorRelated + 129;
573 	int UndefinedConstructor = ConstructorRelated + 130;
574 	int NotVisibleConstructor = ConstructorRelated + 131;
575 	int AmbiguousConstructor = ConstructorRelated + 132;
576 	int UsingDeprecatedConstructor = ConstructorRelated + 133;
577 	/** @since 2.1 */
578 	int UnusedPrivateConstructor = Internal + MethodRelated + 134;
579 	// explicit constructor calls
580 	int InstanceFieldDuringConstructorInvocation = ConstructorRelated + 135;
581 	int InstanceMethodDuringConstructorInvocation = ConstructorRelated + 136;
582 	int RecursiveConstructorInvocation = ConstructorRelated + 137;
583 	int ThisSuperDuringConstructorInvocation = ConstructorRelated + 138;
584 	/** @since 3.0 */
585 	int InvalidExplicitConstructorCall = ConstructorRelated + Syntax + 139;
586 	// implicit constructor calls
587 	int UndefinedConstructorInDefaultConstructor = ConstructorRelated + 140;
588 	int NotVisibleConstructorInDefaultConstructor = ConstructorRelated + 141;
589 	int AmbiguousConstructorInDefaultConstructor = ConstructorRelated + 142;
590 	int UndefinedConstructorInImplicitConstructorCall = ConstructorRelated + 143;
591 	int NotVisibleConstructorInImplicitConstructorCall = ConstructorRelated + 144;
592 	int AmbiguousConstructorInImplicitConstructorCall = ConstructorRelated + 145;
593 	int UnhandledExceptionInDefaultConstructor = TypeRelated + 146;
594 	int UnhandledExceptionInImplicitConstructorCall = TypeRelated + 147;
596 	// expressions
597 	/** @since 3.6 */
598 	int UnusedObjectAllocation = Internal + 148;
599 	/** @since 3.5 */
600 	int DeadCode = Internal + 149;
601 	int ArrayReferenceRequired = Internal + 150;
602 	int NoImplicitStringConversionForCharArrayExpression = Internal + 151;
603 	// constant expressions
604 	int StringConstantIsExceedingUtf8Limit = Internal + 152;
605 	int NonConstantExpression = Internal + 153;
606 	int NumericValueOutOfRange = Internal + 154;
607 	// cast expressions
608 	int IllegalCast = TypeRelated + 156;
609 	// allocations
610 	int InvalidClassInstantiation = TypeRelated + 157;
611 	int CannotDefineDimensionExpressionsWithInit = Internal + 158;
612 	int MustDefineEitherDimensionExpressionsOrInitializer = Internal + 159;
613 	// operators
614 	int InvalidOperator = Internal + 160;
615 	// statements
616 	int CodeCannotBeReached = Internal + 161;
617 	int CannotReturnInInitializer = Internal + 162;
618 	int InitializerMustCompleteNormally = Internal + 163;
619 	// assert
620 	int InvalidVoidExpression = Internal + 164;
621 	// try
622 	int MaskedCatch = TypeRelated + 165;
623 	int DuplicateDefaultCase = Internal + 166;
624 	int UnreachableCatch = TypeRelated + MethodRelated + 167;
625 	int UnhandledException = TypeRelated + 168;
626 	// switch
627 	int IncorrectSwitchType = TypeRelated + 169;
628 	int DuplicateCase = FieldRelated + 170;
630 	// labelled
631 	int DuplicateLabel = Internal + 171;
632 	int InvalidBreak = Internal + 172;
633 	int InvalidContinue = Internal + 173;
634 	int UndefinedLabel = Internal + 174;
635 	//synchronized
636 	int InvalidTypeToSynchronized = Internal + 175;
637 	int InvalidNullToSynchronized = Internal + 176;
638 	// throw
639 	int CannotThrowNull = Internal + 177;
640 	// assignment
641 	/** @since 2.1 */
642 	int AssignmentHasNoEffect = Internal + 178;
643 	/** @since 3.0 */
644 	int PossibleAccidentalBooleanAssignment = Internal + 179;
645 	/** @since 3.0 */
646 	int SuperfluousSemicolon = Internal + 180;
647 	/** @since 3.0 */
648 	int UnnecessaryCast = Internal + TypeRelated + 181;
649 	/** @deprecated - no longer generated, use {@link #UnnecessaryCast} instead
650 	 *   @since 3.0 */
651 	int UnnecessaryArgumentCast = Internal + TypeRelated + 182;
652 	/** @since 3.0 */
653 	int UnnecessaryInstanceof = Internal + TypeRelated + 183;
654 	/** @since 3.0 */
655 	int FinallyMustCompleteNormally = Internal + 184;
656 	/** @since 3.0 */
657 	int UnusedMethodDeclaredThrownException = Internal + 185;
658 	/** @since 3.0 */
659 	int UnusedConstructorDeclaredThrownException = Internal + 186;
660 	/** @since 3.0 */
661 	int InvalidCatchBlockSequence = Internal + TypeRelated + 187;
662 	/** @since 3.0 */
663 	int EmptyControlFlowStatement = Internal + TypeRelated + 188;
664 	/** @since 3.0 */
665 	int UnnecessaryElse = Internal + 189;
667 	// inner emulation
668 	int NeedToEmulateFieldReadAccess = FieldRelated + 190;
669 	int NeedToEmulateFieldWriteAccess = FieldRelated + 191;
670 	int NeedToEmulateMethodAccess = MethodRelated + 192;
671 	int NeedToEmulateConstructorAccess = MethodRelated + 193;
673 	/** @since 3.2 */
674 	int FallthroughCase = Internal + 194;
676 	//inherited name hides enclosing name (sort of ambiguous)
677 	int InheritedMethodHidesEnclosingName = MethodRelated + 195;
678 	int InheritedFieldHidesEnclosingName = FieldRelated + 196;
679 	int InheritedTypeHidesEnclosingName = TypeRelated + 197;
681 	/** @since 3.1 */
682 	int IllegalUsageOfQualifiedTypeReference = Internal + Syntax + 198;
684 	// miscellaneous
685 	/** @since 3.2 */
686 	int UnusedLabel = Internal + 199;
687 	int ThisInStaticContext = Internal + 200;
688 	int StaticMethodRequested = Internal + MethodRelated + 201;
689 	int IllegalDimension = Internal + 202;
690 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated */
691 	int InvalidTypeExpression = Internal + 203;
692 	int ParsingError = Syntax + Internal + 204;
693 	int ParsingErrorNoSuggestion = Syntax + Internal + 205;
694 	int InvalidUnaryExpression = Syntax + Internal + 206;
696 	// syntax errors
697 	int InterfaceCannotHaveConstructors = Syntax + Internal + 207;
698 	int ArrayConstantsOnlyInArrayInitializers = Syntax + Internal + 208;
699 	int ParsingErrorOnKeyword = Syntax + Internal + 209;
700 	int ParsingErrorOnKeywordNoSuggestion = Syntax + Internal + 210;
702 	/** @since 3.5 */
703 	int ComparingIdentical = Internal + 211;
705 	/** @since 3.22
706 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
707 	int UnsafeCast = TypeRelated + 212;
709 	int UnmatchedBracket = Syntax + Internal + 220;
710 	int NoFieldOnBaseType = FieldRelated + 221;
711 	int InvalidExpressionAsStatement = Syntax + Internal + 222;
712 	/** @since 2.1 */
713 	int ExpressionShouldBeAVariable = Syntax + Internal + 223;
714 	/** @since 2.1 */
715 	int MissingSemiColon = Syntax + Internal + 224;
716 	/** @since 2.1 */
717 	int InvalidParenthesizedExpression = Syntax + Internal + 225;
719 	/** @since 3.10 */
720 	int NoSuperInInterfaceContext = Syntax + Internal + 226;
722 	/** @since 3.0 */
723 	int ParsingErrorInsertTokenBefore = Syntax + Internal + 230;
724 	/** @since 3.0 */
725 	int ParsingErrorInsertTokenAfter = Syntax + Internal + 231;
726 	/** @since 3.0 */
727     int ParsingErrorDeleteToken = Syntax + Internal + 232;
728     /** @since 3.0 */
729     int ParsingErrorDeleteTokens = Syntax + Internal + 233;
730     /** @since 3.0 */
731     int ParsingErrorMergeTokens = Syntax + Internal + 234;
732     /** @since 3.0 */
733     int ParsingErrorInvalidToken = Syntax + Internal + 235;
734     /** @since 3.0 */
735     int ParsingErrorMisplacedConstruct = Syntax + Internal + 236;
736     /** @since 3.0 */
737     int ParsingErrorReplaceTokens = Syntax + Internal + 237;
738     /** @since 3.0 */
739     int ParsingErrorNoSuggestionForTokens = Syntax + Internal + 238;
740     /** @since 3.0 */
741     int ParsingErrorUnexpectedEOF = Syntax + Internal + 239;
742     /** @since 3.0 */
743     int ParsingErrorInsertToComplete = Syntax + Internal + 240;
744     /** @since 3.0 */
745     int ParsingErrorInsertToCompleteScope = Syntax + Internal + 241;
746     /** @since 3.0 */
747     int ParsingErrorInsertToCompletePhrase = Syntax + Internal + 242;
749 	// scanner errors
750 	int EndOfSource = Syntax + Internal + 250;
751 	int InvalidHexa = Syntax + Internal + 251;
752 	int InvalidOctal = Syntax + Internal + 252;
753 	int InvalidCharacterConstant = Syntax + Internal + 253;
754 	int InvalidEscape = Syntax + Internal + 254;
755 	int InvalidInput = Syntax + Internal + 255;
756 	int InvalidUnicodeEscape = Syntax + Internal + 256;
757 	int InvalidFloat = Syntax + Internal + 257;
758 	int NullSourceString = Syntax + Internal + 258;
759 	int UnterminatedString = Syntax + Internal + 259;
760 	int UnterminatedComment = Syntax + Internal + 260;
761 	int NonExternalizedStringLiteral = Internal + 261;
762 	/** @since 3.1 */
763 	int InvalidDigit = Syntax + Internal + 262;
764 	/** @since 3.1 */
765 	int InvalidLowSurrogate = Syntax + Internal + 263;
766 	/** @since 3.1 */
767 	int InvalidHighSurrogate = Syntax + Internal + 264;
768 	/** @since 3.2 */
769 	int UnnecessaryNLSTag = Internal + 265;
770 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
771 	int InvalidBinary = Syntax + Internal + 266;
772 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
773 	int BinaryLiteralNotBelow17 = Syntax + Internal + 267;
774 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
775 	int IllegalUnderscorePosition = Syntax + Internal + 268;
776 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
777 	int UnderscoresInLiteralsNotBelow17 = Syntax + Internal + 269;
778 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
779 	int IllegalHexaLiteral = Syntax + Internal + 270;
781 	/** @since 3.10 */
782 	int MissingTypeInLambda = MethodRelated + 271;
783 	/** @since 3.20
784 	 * @noreference preview related error */
785 	int UnterminatedTextBlock = PreviewRelated + 272;
786 	// type related problems
787 	/** @since 3.1 */
788 	int DiscouragedReference = TypeRelated + 280;
790 	int InterfaceCannotHaveInitializers = TypeRelated + 300;
791 	int DuplicateModifierForType = TypeRelated + 301;
792 	int IllegalModifierForClass = TypeRelated + 302;
793 	int IllegalModifierForInterface = TypeRelated + 303;
794 	int IllegalModifierForMemberClass = TypeRelated + 304;
795 	int IllegalModifierForMemberInterface = TypeRelated + 305;
796 	int IllegalModifierForLocalClass = TypeRelated + 306;
797 	/** @since 3.1 */
798 	int ForbiddenReference = TypeRelated + 307;
799 	int IllegalModifierCombinationFinalAbstractForClass = TypeRelated + 308;
800 	int IllegalVisibilityModifierForInterfaceMemberType = TypeRelated + 309;
801 	int IllegalVisibilityModifierCombinationForMemberType = TypeRelated + 310;
802 	int IllegalStaticModifierForMemberType = TypeRelated + 311;
803 	int SuperclassMustBeAClass = TypeRelated + 312;
804 	int ClassExtendFinalClass = TypeRelated + 313;
805 	int DuplicateSuperInterface = TypeRelated + 314;
806 	int SuperInterfaceMustBeAnInterface = TypeRelated + 315;
807 	int HierarchyCircularitySelfReference = TypeRelated + 316;
808 	int HierarchyCircularity = TypeRelated + 317;
809 	int HidingEnclosingType = TypeRelated + 318;
810 	int DuplicateNestedType = TypeRelated + 319;
811 	int CannotThrowType = TypeRelated + 320;
812 	int PackageCollidesWithType = TypeRelated + 321;
813 	int TypeCollidesWithPackage = TypeRelated + 322;
814 	int DuplicateTypes = TypeRelated + 323;
815 	int IsClassPathCorrect = TypeRelated + 324;
816 	int PublicClassMustMatchFileName = TypeRelated + 325;
817 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated */
818 	int MustSpecifyPackage = Internal + 326;
819 	int HierarchyHasProblems = TypeRelated + 327;
820 	int PackageIsNotExpectedPackage = Internal + 328;
821 	/** @since 2.1 */
822 	int ObjectCannotHaveSuperTypes = Internal + 329;
823 	/** @since 3.1 */
824 	int ObjectMustBeClass = Internal + 330;
825 	/** @since 3.4 */
826 	int RedundantSuperinterface = TypeRelated + 331;
827 	/** @since 3.5 */
828 	int ShouldImplementHashcode = TypeRelated + 332;
829 	/** @since 3.5 */
830 	int AbstractMethodsInConcreteClass = TypeRelated + 333;
832 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #UndefinedType} instead */
833 	int SuperclassNotFound =  TypeRelated + 329 + ProblemReasons.NotFound; // TypeRelated + 330
834 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #NotVisibleType} instead */
835 	int SuperclassNotVisible =  TypeRelated + 329 + ProblemReasons.NotVisible; // TypeRelated + 331
836 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #AmbiguousType} instead */
837 	int SuperclassAmbiguous =  TypeRelated + 329 + ProblemReasons.Ambiguous; // TypeRelated + 332
838 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #InternalTypeNameProvided} instead */
839 	int SuperclassInternalNameProvided =  TypeRelated + 329 + ProblemReasons.InternalNameProvided; // TypeRelated + 333
840 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #InheritedTypeHidesEnclosingName} instead */
841 	int SuperclassInheritedNameHidesEnclosingName =  TypeRelated + 329 + ProblemReasons.InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName; // TypeRelated + 334
843 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #UndefinedType} instead */
844 	int InterfaceNotFound =  TypeRelated + 334 + ProblemReasons.NotFound; // TypeRelated + 335
845 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #NotVisibleType} instead */
846 	int InterfaceNotVisible =  TypeRelated + 334 + ProblemReasons.NotVisible; // TypeRelated + 336
847 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #AmbiguousType} instead */
848 	int InterfaceAmbiguous =  TypeRelated + 334 + ProblemReasons.Ambiguous; // TypeRelated + 337
849 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #InternalTypeNameProvided} instead */
850 	int InterfaceInternalNameProvided =  TypeRelated + 334 + ProblemReasons.InternalNameProvided; // TypeRelated + 338
851 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #InheritedTypeHidesEnclosingName} instead */
852 	int InterfaceInheritedNameHidesEnclosingName =  TypeRelated + 334 + ProblemReasons.InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName; // TypeRelated + 339
854 	// field related problems
855 	int DuplicateField = FieldRelated + 340;
856 	int DuplicateModifierForField = FieldRelated + 341;
857 	int IllegalModifierForField = FieldRelated + 342;
858 	int IllegalModifierForInterfaceField = FieldRelated + 343;
859 	int IllegalVisibilityModifierCombinationForField = FieldRelated + 344;
860 	int IllegalModifierCombinationFinalVolatileForField = FieldRelated + 345;
861 	int UnexpectedStaticModifierForField = FieldRelated + 346;
863 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #UndefinedType} instead */
864 	int FieldTypeNotFound =  FieldRelated + 349 + ProblemReasons.NotFound; // FieldRelated + 350
865 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #NotVisibleType} instead */
866 	int FieldTypeNotVisible =  FieldRelated + 349 + ProblemReasons.NotVisible; // FieldRelated + 351
867 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #AmbiguousType} instead */
868 	int FieldTypeAmbiguous =  FieldRelated + 349 + ProblemReasons.Ambiguous; // FieldRelated + 352
869 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #InternalTypeNameProvided} instead */
870 	int FieldTypeInternalNameProvided =  FieldRelated + 349 + ProblemReasons.InternalNameProvided; // FieldRelated + 353
871 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #InheritedTypeHidesEnclosingName} instead */
872 	int FieldTypeInheritedNameHidesEnclosingName =  FieldRelated + 349 + ProblemReasons.InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName; // FieldRelated + 354
874 	// method related problems
875 	int DuplicateMethod = MethodRelated + 355;
876 	int IllegalModifierForArgument = MethodRelated + 356;
877 	int DuplicateModifierForMethod = MethodRelated + 357;
878 	int IllegalModifierForMethod = MethodRelated + 358;
879 	int IllegalModifierForInterfaceMethod = MethodRelated + 359;
880 	int IllegalVisibilityModifierCombinationForMethod = MethodRelated + 360;
881 	int UnexpectedStaticModifierForMethod = MethodRelated + 361;
882 	int IllegalAbstractModifierCombinationForMethod = MethodRelated + 362;
883 	int AbstractMethodInAbstractClass = MethodRelated + 363;
884 	int ArgumentTypeCannotBeVoid = MethodRelated + 364;
885 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #CannotAllocateVoidArray} instead */
886 	int ArgumentTypeCannotBeVoidArray = MethodRelated + 365;
887 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #CannotAllocateVoidArray} instead */
888 	int ReturnTypeCannotBeVoidArray = MethodRelated + 366;
889 	int NativeMethodsCannotBeStrictfp = MethodRelated + 367;
890 	int DuplicateModifierForArgument = MethodRelated + 368;
891 	/** @since 3.5 */
892 	int IllegalModifierForConstructor = MethodRelated + 369;
894 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #UndefinedType} instead */
895 	int ArgumentTypeNotFound =  MethodRelated + 369 + ProblemReasons.NotFound; // MethodRelated + 370
896 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #NotVisibleType} instead */
897 	int ArgumentTypeNotVisible =  MethodRelated + 369 + ProblemReasons.NotVisible; // MethodRelated + 371
898 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #AmbiguousType} instead */
899 	int ArgumentTypeAmbiguous =  MethodRelated + 369 + ProblemReasons.Ambiguous; // MethodRelated + 372
900 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #InternalTypeNameProvided} instead */
901 	int ArgumentTypeInternalNameProvided =  MethodRelated + 369 + ProblemReasons.InternalNameProvided; // MethodRelated + 373
902 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #InheritedTypeHidesEnclosingName} instead */
903 	int ArgumentTypeInheritedNameHidesEnclosingName =  MethodRelated + 369 + ProblemReasons.InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName; // MethodRelated + 374
905 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #UndefinedType} instead */
906 	int ExceptionTypeNotFound =  MethodRelated + 374 + ProblemReasons.NotFound; // MethodRelated + 375
907 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #NotVisibleType} instead */
908 	int ExceptionTypeNotVisible =  MethodRelated + 374 + ProblemReasons.NotVisible; // MethodRelated + 376
909 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #AmbiguousType} instead */
910 	int ExceptionTypeAmbiguous =  MethodRelated + 374 + ProblemReasons.Ambiguous; // MethodRelated + 377
911 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #InternalTypeNameProvided} instead */
912 	int ExceptionTypeInternalNameProvided =  MethodRelated + 374 + ProblemReasons.InternalNameProvided; // MethodRelated + 378
913 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #InheritedTypeHidesEnclosingName} instead */
914 	int ExceptionTypeInheritedNameHidesEnclosingName =  MethodRelated + 374 + ProblemReasons.InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName; // MethodRelated + 379
916 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #UndefinedType} instead */
917 	int ReturnTypeNotFound =  MethodRelated + 379 + ProblemReasons.NotFound; // MethodRelated + 380
918 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #NotVisibleType} instead */
919 	int ReturnTypeNotVisible =  MethodRelated + 379 + ProblemReasons.NotVisible; // MethodRelated + 381
920 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #AmbiguousType} instead */
921 	int ReturnTypeAmbiguous =  MethodRelated + 379 + ProblemReasons.Ambiguous; // MethodRelated + 382
922 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #InternalTypeNameProvided} instead */
923 	int ReturnTypeInternalNameProvided =  MethodRelated + 379 + ProblemReasons.InternalNameProvided; // MethodRelated + 383
924 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #InheritedTypeHidesEnclosingName} instead */
925 	int ReturnTypeInheritedNameHidesEnclosingName =  MethodRelated + 379 + ProblemReasons.InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName; // MethodRelated + 384
927 	// import related problems
928 	int ConflictingImport = ImportRelated + 385;
929 	int DuplicateImport = ImportRelated + 386;
930 	int CannotImportPackage = ImportRelated + 387;
931 	int UnusedImport = ImportRelated + 388;
933 	int ImportNotFound =  ImportRelated + 389 + ProblemReasons.NotFound; // ImportRelated + 390
934 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #NotVisibleType} instead */
935 	int ImportNotVisible =  ImportRelated + 389 + ProblemReasons.NotVisible; // ImportRelated + 391
936 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #AmbiguousType} instead */
937 	int ImportAmbiguous =  ImportRelated + 389 + ProblemReasons.Ambiguous; // ImportRelated + 392
938 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #InternalTypeNameProvided} instead */
939 	int ImportInternalNameProvided =  ImportRelated + 389 + ProblemReasons.InternalNameProvided; // ImportRelated + 393
940 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #InheritedTypeHidesEnclosingName} instead */
941 	int ImportInheritedNameHidesEnclosingName =  ImportRelated + 389 + ProblemReasons.InheritedNameHidesEnclosingName; // ImportRelated + 394
943 	/** @since 3.1 */
944 	int InvalidTypeForStaticImport =  ImportRelated + 391;
946 	// local variable related problems
947 	int DuplicateModifierForVariable = MethodRelated + 395;
948 	int IllegalModifierForVariable = MethodRelated + 396;
949 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #RedundantNullCheckOnNonNullLocalVariable} instead */
950 	int LocalVariableCannotBeNull = Internal + 397; // since 3.3: semantics are LocalVariableRedundantCheckOnNonNull
951 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #NullLocalVariableReference}, {@link #RedundantNullCheckOnNullLocalVariable} or {@link #RedundantLocalVariableNullAssignment} instead */
952 	int LocalVariableCanOnlyBeNull = Internal + 398; // since 3.3: split with LocalVariableRedundantCheckOnNull depending on context
953 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated, use {@link #PotentialNullLocalVariableReference} instead */
954 	int LocalVariableMayBeNull = Internal + 399;
956 	// method verifier problems
957 	int AbstractMethodMustBeImplemented = MethodRelated + 400;
958 	int FinalMethodCannotBeOverridden = MethodRelated + 401;
959 	int IncompatibleExceptionInThrowsClause = MethodRelated + 402;
960 	int IncompatibleExceptionInInheritedMethodThrowsClause = MethodRelated + 403;
961 	int IncompatibleReturnType = MethodRelated + 404;
962 	int InheritedMethodReducesVisibility = MethodRelated + 405;
963 	int CannotOverrideAStaticMethodWithAnInstanceMethod = MethodRelated + 406;
964 	int CannotHideAnInstanceMethodWithAStaticMethod = MethodRelated + 407;
965 	int StaticInheritedMethodConflicts = MethodRelated + 408;
966 	int MethodReducesVisibility = MethodRelated + 409;
967 	int OverridingNonVisibleMethod = MethodRelated + 410;
968 	int AbstractMethodCannotBeOverridden = MethodRelated + 411;
969 	int OverridingDeprecatedMethod = MethodRelated + 412;
970 	/** @since 2.1 */
971 	int IncompatibleReturnTypeForNonInheritedInterfaceMethod = MethodRelated + 413;
972 	/** @since 2.1 */
973 	int IncompatibleExceptionInThrowsClauseForNonInheritedInterfaceMethod = MethodRelated + 414;
974 	/** @since 3.1 */
975 	int IllegalVararg = MethodRelated + 415;
976 	/** @since 3.3 */
977 	int OverridingMethodWithoutSuperInvocation = MethodRelated + 416;
978 	/** @since 3.5 */
979 	int MissingSynchronizedModifierInInheritedMethod= MethodRelated + 417;
980 	/** @since 3.5 */
981 	int AbstractMethodMustBeImplementedOverConcreteMethod = MethodRelated + 418;
982 	/** @since 3.5 */
983 	int InheritedIncompatibleReturnType = MethodRelated + 419;
985 	// code snippet support
986 	int CodeSnippetMissingClass = Internal + 420;
987 	int CodeSnippetMissingMethod = Internal + 421;
988 	int CannotUseSuperInCodeSnippet = Internal + 422;
990 	//constant pool
991 	int TooManyConstantsInConstantPool = Internal + 430;
992 	/** @since 2.1 */
993 	int TooManyBytesForStringConstant = Internal + 431;
995 	// static constraints
996 	/** @since 2.1 */
997 	int TooManyFields = Internal + 432;
998 	/** @since 2.1 */
999 	int TooManyMethods = Internal + 433;
1000 	/** @since 3.7 */
1001 	int TooManyParametersForSyntheticMethod = Internal + 434;
1003 	// 1.4 features
1004 	// assertion warning
1005 	int UseAssertAsAnIdentifier = Internal + 440;
1007 	// 1.5 features
1008 	int UseEnumAsAnIdentifier = Internal + 441;
1009 	/** @since 3.2 */
1010 	int EnumConstantsCannotBeSurroundedByParenthesis = Syntax + Internal + 442;
1012 	/** @since 3.10 */
1013 	int IllegalUseOfUnderscoreAsAnIdentifier = Syntax + Internal + 443;
1014 	 /** @since 3.10 */
1015 	int UninternedIdentityComparison = Syntax + Internal + 444;
1017 	// detected task
1018 	/** @since 2.1 */
1019 	int Task = Internal + 450;
1021 	// local variables related problems, cont'd
1022 	/** @since 3.3 */
1023 	int NullLocalVariableReference = Internal + 451;
1024 	/** @since 3.3 */
1025 	int PotentialNullLocalVariableReference = Internal + 452;
1026 	/** @since 3.3 */
1027 	int RedundantNullCheckOnNullLocalVariable = Internal + 453;
1028 	/** @since 3.3 */
1029 	int NullLocalVariableComparisonYieldsFalse = Internal + 454;
1030 	/** @since 3.3 */
1031 	int RedundantLocalVariableNullAssignment = Internal + 455;
1032 	/** @since 3.3 */
1033 	int NullLocalVariableInstanceofYieldsFalse = Internal + 456;
1034 	/** @since 3.3 */
1035 	int RedundantNullCheckOnNonNullLocalVariable = Internal + 457;
1036 	/** @since 3.3 */
1037 	int NonNullLocalVariableComparisonYieldsFalse = Internal + 458;
1038 	/** @since 3.9 */
1039 	int PotentialNullUnboxing = Internal + 459;
1040 	/** @since 3.9 */
1041 	int NullUnboxing = Internal + 461;
1043 	// block
1044 	/** @since 3.0 */
1045 	int UndocumentedEmptyBlock = Internal + 460;
1047 	/*
1048 	 * Javadoc comments
1049 	 */
1050 	/**
1051 	 * Problem signaled on an invalid URL reference.
1052 	 * Valid syntax example: @see "http://www.eclipse.org/"
1053 	 * @since 3.4
1054 	 */
1055 	int JavadocInvalidSeeUrlReference = Javadoc + Internal + 462;
1056 	/**
1057 	 * Problem warned on missing tag description.
1058 	 * @since 3.4
1059 	 */
1060 	int JavadocMissingTagDescription = Javadoc + Internal + 463;
1061 	/**
1062 	 * Problem warned on duplicated tag.
1063 	 * @since 3.3
1064 	 */
1065 	int JavadocDuplicateTag = Javadoc + Internal + 464;
1066 	/**
1067 	 * Problem signaled on an hidden reference due to a too low visibility level.
1068 	 * @since 3.3
1069 	 */
1070 	int JavadocHiddenReference = Javadoc + Internal + 465;
1071 	/**
1072 	 * Problem signaled on an invalid qualification for member type reference.
1073 	 * @since 3.3
1074 	 */
1075 	int JavadocInvalidMemberTypeQualification = Javadoc + Internal + 466;
1076 	/** @since 3.2 */
1077 	int JavadocMissingIdentifier = Javadoc + Internal + 467;
1078 	/** @since 3.2 */
1079 	int JavadocNonStaticTypeFromStaticInvocation = Javadoc + Internal + 468;
1080 	/** @since 3.1 */
1081 	int JavadocInvalidParamTagTypeParameter = Javadoc + Internal + 469;
1082 	/** @since 3.0 */
1083 	int JavadocUnexpectedTag = Javadoc + Internal + 470;
1084 	/** @since 3.0 */
1085 	int JavadocMissingParamTag = Javadoc + Internal + 471;
1086 	/** @since 3.0 */
1087 	int JavadocMissingParamName = Javadoc + Internal + 472;
1088 	/** @since 3.0 */
1089 	int JavadocDuplicateParamName = Javadoc + Internal + 473;
1090 	/** @since 3.0 */
1091 	int JavadocInvalidParamName = Javadoc + Internal + 474;
1092 	/** @since 3.0 */
1093 	int JavadocMissingReturnTag = Javadoc + Internal + 475;
1094 	/** @since 3.0 */
1095 	int JavadocDuplicateReturnTag = Javadoc + Internal + 476;
1096 	/** @since 3.0 */
1097 	int JavadocMissingThrowsTag = Javadoc + Internal + 477;
1098 	/** @since 3.0 */
1099 	int JavadocMissingThrowsClassName = Javadoc + Internal + 478;
1100 	/** @since 3.0 */
1101 	int JavadocInvalidThrowsClass = Javadoc + Internal + 479;
1102 	/** @since 3.0 */
1103 	int JavadocDuplicateThrowsClassName = Javadoc + Internal + 480;
1104 	/** @since 3.0 */
1105 	int JavadocInvalidThrowsClassName = Javadoc + Internal + 481;
1106 	/** @since 3.0 */
1107 	int JavadocMissingSeeReference = Javadoc + Internal + 482;
1108 	/** @since 3.0 */
1109 	int JavadocInvalidSeeReference = Javadoc + Internal + 483;
1110 	/**
1111 	 * Problem signaled on an invalid URL reference that does not conform to the href syntax.
1112 	 * Valid syntax example: @see <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/">Eclipse Home Page</a>
1113 	 * @since 3.0
1114 	 */
1115 	int JavadocInvalidSeeHref = Javadoc + Internal + 484;
1116 	/** @since 3.0 */
1117 	int JavadocInvalidSeeArgs = Javadoc + Internal + 485;
1118 	/** @since 3.0 */
1119 	int JavadocMissing = Javadoc + Internal + 486;
1120 	/** @since 3.0 */
1121 	int JavadocInvalidTag = Javadoc + Internal + 487;
1122 	/*
1123 	 * ID for field errors in Javadoc
1124 	 */
1125 	/** @since 3.0 */
1126 	int JavadocUndefinedField = Javadoc + Internal + 488;
1127 	/** @since 3.0 */
1128 	int JavadocNotVisibleField = Javadoc + Internal + 489;
1129 	/** @since 3.0 */
1130 	int JavadocAmbiguousField = Javadoc + Internal + 490;
1131 	/** @since 3.0 */
1132 	int JavadocUsingDeprecatedField = Javadoc + Internal + 491;
1133 	/*
1134 	 * IDs for constructor errors in Javadoc
1135 	 */
1136 	/** @since 3.0 */
1137 	int JavadocUndefinedConstructor = Javadoc + Internal + 492;
1138 	/** @since 3.0 */
1139 	int JavadocNotVisibleConstructor = Javadoc + Internal + 493;
1140 	/** @since 3.0 */
1141 	int JavadocAmbiguousConstructor = Javadoc + Internal + 494;
1142 	/** @since 3.0 */
1143 	int JavadocUsingDeprecatedConstructor = Javadoc + Internal + 495;
1144 	/*
1145 	 * IDs for method errors in Javadoc
1146 	 */
1147 	/** @since 3.0 */
1148 	int JavadocUndefinedMethod = Javadoc + Internal + 496;
1149 	/** @since 3.0 */
1150 	int JavadocNotVisibleMethod = Javadoc + Internal + 497;
1151 	/** @since 3.0 */
1152 	int JavadocAmbiguousMethod = Javadoc + Internal + 498;
1153 	/** @since 3.0 */
1154 	int JavadocUsingDeprecatedMethod = Javadoc + Internal + 499;
1155 	/** @since 3.0 */
1156 	int JavadocNoMessageSendOnBaseType = Javadoc + Internal + 500;
1157 	/** @since 3.0 */
1158 	int JavadocParameterMismatch = Javadoc + Internal + 501;
1159 	/** @since 3.0 */
1160 	int JavadocNoMessageSendOnArrayType = Javadoc + Internal + 502;
1161 	/*
1162 	 * IDs for type errors in Javadoc
1163 	 */
1164 	/** @since 3.0 */
1165 	int JavadocUndefinedType = Javadoc + Internal + 503;
1166 	/** @since 3.0 */
1167 	int JavadocNotVisibleType = Javadoc + Internal + 504;
1168 	/** @since 3.0 */
1169 	int JavadocAmbiguousType = Javadoc + Internal + 505;
1170 	/** @since 3.0 */
1171 	int JavadocUsingDeprecatedType = Javadoc + Internal + 506;
1172 	/** @since 3.0 */
1173 	int JavadocInternalTypeNameProvided = Javadoc + Internal + 507;
1174 	/** @since 3.0 */
1175 	int JavadocInheritedMethodHidesEnclosingName = Javadoc + Internal + 508;
1176 	/** @since 3.0 */
1177 	int JavadocInheritedFieldHidesEnclosingName = Javadoc + Internal + 509;
1178 	/** @since 3.0 */
1179 	int JavadocInheritedNameHidesEnclosingTypeName = Javadoc + Internal + 510;
1180 	/** @since 3.0 */
1181 	int JavadocAmbiguousMethodReference = Javadoc + Internal + 511;
1182 	/** @since 3.0 */
1183 	int JavadocUnterminatedInlineTag = Javadoc + Internal + 512;
1184 	/** @since 3.0 */
1185 	int JavadocMalformedSeeReference = Javadoc + Internal + 513;
1186 	/** @since 3.0 */
1187 	int JavadocMessagePrefix = Internal + 514;
1189 	/** @since 3.1 */
1190 	int JavadocMissingHashCharacter = Javadoc + Internal + 515;
1191 	/** @since 3.1 */
1192 	int JavadocEmptyReturnTag = Javadoc + Internal + 516;
1193 	/** @since 3.1 */
1194 	int JavadocInvalidValueReference = Javadoc + Internal + 517;
1195 	/** @since 3.1 */
1196 	int JavadocUnexpectedText = Javadoc + Internal + 518;
1197 	/** @since 3.1 */
1198 	int JavadocInvalidParamTagName = Javadoc + Internal + 519;
1200 	// see also JavadocNotAccessibleType below
1202 	/*
1203 	 * IDs for module errors in Javadoc
1204 	 */
1205 	/** @since 3.20 */
1206 	int JavadocMissingUsesTag = Javadoc + Internal + 1800;
1207 	/** @since 3.20 */
1208 	int JavadocDuplicateUsesTag = Javadoc + Internal + 1801;
1209 	/** @since 3.20 */
1210 	int JavadocMissingUsesClassName = Javadoc + Internal + 1802;
1211 	/** @since 3.20 */
1212 	int JavadocInvalidUsesClassName = Javadoc + Internal + 1803;
1213 	/** @since 3.20 */
1214 	int JavadocInvalidUsesClass = Javadoc + Internal + 1804;
1215 	/** @since 3.20 */
1216 	int JavadocMissingProvidesTag = Javadoc + Internal + 1805;
1217 	/** @since 3.20 */
1218 	int JavadocDuplicateProvidesTag = Javadoc + Internal + 1806;
1219 	/** @since 3.20 */
1220 	int JavadocMissingProvidesClassName = Javadoc + Internal + 1807;
1221 	/** @since 3.20 */
1222 	int JavadocInvalidProvidesClassName = Javadoc + Internal + 1808;
1223 	/** @since 3.20 */
1224 	int JavadocInvalidProvidesClass = Javadoc + Internal + 1809;
1226 	/**
1227 	 * Generics
1228 	 */
1229 	/** @since 3.1 */
1230 	int DuplicateTypeVariable = Internal + 520;
1231 	/** @since 3.1 */
1232 	int IllegalTypeVariableSuperReference = Internal + 521;
1233 	/** @since 3.1 */
1234 	int NonStaticTypeFromStaticInvocation = Internal + 522;
1235 	/** @since 3.1 */
1236 	int ObjectCannotBeGeneric = Internal + 523;
1237 	/** @since 3.1 */
1238 	int NonGenericType = TypeRelated + 524;
1239 	/** @since 3.1 */
1240 	int IncorrectArityForParameterizedType = TypeRelated + 525;
1241 	/** @since 3.1 */
1242 	int TypeArgumentMismatch = TypeRelated + 526;
1243 	/** @since 3.1 */
1244 	int DuplicateMethodErasure = TypeRelated + 527;
1245 	/** @since 3.1 */
1246 	int ReferenceToForwardTypeVariable = TypeRelated + 528;
1247     /** @since 3.1 */
1248 	int BoundMustBeAnInterface = TypeRelated + 529;
1249     /** @since 3.1 */
1250 	int UnsafeRawConstructorInvocation = TypeRelated + 530;
1251     /** @since 3.1 */
1252 	int UnsafeRawMethodInvocation = TypeRelated + 531;
1253     /** @since 3.1 */
1254 	int UnsafeTypeConversion = TypeRelated + 532;
1255     /** @since 3.1 */
1256 	int InvalidTypeVariableExceptionType = TypeRelated + 533;
1257 	/** @since 3.1 */
1258 	int InvalidParameterizedExceptionType = TypeRelated + 534;
1259 	/** @since 3.1 */
1260 	int IllegalGenericArray = TypeRelated + 535;
1261 	/** @since 3.1 */
1262 	int UnsafeRawFieldAssignment = TypeRelated + 536;
1263 	/** @since 3.1 */
1264 	int FinalBoundForTypeVariable = TypeRelated + 537;
1265 	/** @since 3.1 */
1266 	int UndefinedTypeVariable = Internal + 538;
1267 	/** @since 3.1 */
1268 	int SuperInterfacesCollide = TypeRelated + 539;
1269 	/** @since 3.1 */
1270 	int WildcardConstructorInvocation = TypeRelated + 540;
1271 	/** @since 3.1 */
1272 	int WildcardMethodInvocation = TypeRelated + 541;
1273 	/** @since 3.1 */
1274 	int WildcardFieldAssignment = TypeRelated + 542;
1275 	/** @since 3.1 */
1276 	int GenericMethodTypeArgumentMismatch = TypeRelated + 543;
1277 	/** @since 3.1 */
1278 	int GenericConstructorTypeArgumentMismatch = TypeRelated + 544;
1279 	/** @since 3.1 */
1280 	int UnsafeGenericCast = TypeRelated + 545;
1281 	/** @since 3.1 */
1282 	int IllegalInstanceofParameterizedType = Internal + 546;
1283 	/** @since 3.1 */
1284 	int IllegalInstanceofTypeParameter = Internal + 547;
1285 	/** @since 3.1 */
1286 	int NonGenericMethod = TypeRelated + 548;
1287 	/** @since 3.1 */
1288 	int IncorrectArityForParameterizedMethod = TypeRelated + 549;
1289 	/** @since 3.1 */
1290 	int ParameterizedMethodArgumentTypeMismatch = TypeRelated + 550;
1291 	/** @since 3.1 */
1292 	int NonGenericConstructor = TypeRelated + 551;
1293 	/** @since 3.1 */
1294 	int IncorrectArityForParameterizedConstructor = TypeRelated + 552;
1295 	/** @since 3.1 */
1296 	int ParameterizedConstructorArgumentTypeMismatch = TypeRelated + 553;
1297 	/** @since 3.1 */
1298 	int TypeArgumentsForRawGenericMethod = TypeRelated + 554;
1299 	/** @since 3.1 */
1300 	int TypeArgumentsForRawGenericConstructor = TypeRelated + 555;
1301 	/** @since 3.1 */
1302 	int SuperTypeUsingWildcard = TypeRelated + 556;
1303 	/** @since 3.1 */
1304 	int GenericTypeCannotExtendThrowable = TypeRelated + 557;
1305 	/** @since 3.1 */
1306 	int IllegalClassLiteralForTypeVariable = TypeRelated + 558;
1307 	/** @since 3.1 */
1308 	int UnsafeReturnTypeOverride = MethodRelated + 559;
1309 	/** @since 3.1 */
1310 	int MethodNameClash = MethodRelated + 560;
1311 	/** @since 3.1 */
1312 	int RawMemberTypeCannotBeParameterized = TypeRelated + 561;
1313 	/** @since 3.1 */
1314 	int MissingArgumentsForParameterizedMemberType = TypeRelated + 562;
1315 	/** @since 3.1 */
1316 	int StaticMemberOfParameterizedType = TypeRelated + 563;
1317     /** @since 3.1 */
1318 	int BoundHasConflictingArguments = TypeRelated + 564;
1319     /** @since 3.1 */
1320 	int DuplicateParameterizedMethods = MethodRelated + 565;
1321 	/** @since 3.1 */
1322 	int IllegalQualifiedParameterizedTypeAllocation = TypeRelated + 566;
1323 	/** @since 3.1 */
1324 	int DuplicateBounds = TypeRelated + 567;
1325 	/** @since 3.1 */
1326 	int BoundCannotBeArray = TypeRelated + 568;
1327     /** @since 3.1 */
1328 	int UnsafeRawGenericConstructorInvocation = TypeRelated + 569;
1329     /** @since 3.1 */
1330 	int UnsafeRawGenericMethodInvocation = TypeRelated + 570;
1331 	/** @since 3.1 */
1332 	int TypeParameterHidingType = TypeRelated + 571;
1333 	/** @since 3.2 */
1334 	int RawTypeReference = TypeRelated + 572;
1335 	/** @since 3.2 */
1336 	int NoAdditionalBoundAfterTypeVariable = TypeRelated + 573;
1337 	/** @since 3.2 */
1338 	int UnsafeGenericArrayForVarargs = MethodRelated + 574;
1339 	/** @since 3.2 */
1340 	int IllegalAccessFromTypeVariable = TypeRelated + 575;
1341 	/** @since 3.3 */
1342 	int TypeHidingTypeParameterFromType = TypeRelated + 576;
1343 	/** @since 3.3 */
1344 	int TypeHidingTypeParameterFromMethod = TypeRelated + 577;
1345     /** @since 3.3 */
1346     int InvalidUsageOfWildcard = Syntax + Internal + 578;
1347     /** @since 3.4 */
1348     int UnusedTypeArgumentsForMethodInvocation = MethodRelated + 579;
1350 	/**
1351 	 * Foreach
1352 	 */
1353 	/** @since 3.1 */
1354 	int IncompatibleTypesInForeach = TypeRelated + 580;
1355 	/** @since 3.1 */
1356 	int InvalidTypeForCollection = Internal + 581;
1357 	/** @since 3.6*/
1358 	int InvalidTypeForCollectionTarget14 = Internal + 582;
1360 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1361 	int DuplicateInheritedMethods = MethodRelated + 583;
1362 	/** @since 3.8 */
1363 	int MethodNameClashHidden = MethodRelated + 584;
1365 	/** @since 3.9 */
1366 	int UnsafeElementTypeConversion = TypeRelated + 585;
1367 	/** @since 3.11 */
1368     int InvalidTypeArguments = MethodRelated + TypeRelated + 586;
1370 	/**
1371 	 * 1.5 Syntax errors (when source level < 1.5)
1372 	 */
1373 	/** @since 3.1 */
1374     int InvalidUsageOfTypeParameters = Syntax + Internal + 590;
1375     /** @since 3.1 */
1376     int InvalidUsageOfStaticImports = Syntax + Internal + 591;
1377     /** @since 3.1 */
1378     int InvalidUsageOfForeachStatements = Syntax + Internal + 592;
1379     /** @since 3.1 */
1380     int InvalidUsageOfTypeArguments = Syntax + Internal + 593;
1381     /** @since 3.1 */
1382     int InvalidUsageOfEnumDeclarations = Syntax + Internal + 594;
1383     /** @since 3.1 */
1384     int InvalidUsageOfVarargs = Syntax + Internal + 595;
1385     /** @since 3.1 */
1386     int InvalidUsageOfAnnotations = Syntax + Internal + 596;
1387     /** @since 3.1 */
1388     int InvalidUsageOfAnnotationDeclarations = Syntax + Internal + 597;
1389     /** @since 3.4 */
1390     int InvalidUsageOfTypeParametersForAnnotationDeclaration = Syntax + Internal + 598;
1391     /** @since 3.4 */
1392     int InvalidUsageOfTypeParametersForEnumDeclaration = Syntax + Internal + 599;
1393     /**
1394      * Annotation
1395      */
1396 	/** @since 3.1 */
1397 	int IllegalModifierForAnnotationMethod = MethodRelated + 600;
1398     /** @since 3.1 */
1399     int IllegalExtendedDimensions = MethodRelated + 601;
1400     /** @since 3.1 */
1401 	int InvalidFileNameForPackageAnnotations = Syntax + Internal + 602;
1402     /** @since 3.1 */
1403 	int IllegalModifierForAnnotationType = TypeRelated + 603;
1404     /** @since 3.1 */
1405 	int IllegalModifierForAnnotationMemberType = TypeRelated + 604;
1406     /** @since 3.1 */
1407 	int InvalidAnnotationMemberType = TypeRelated + 605;
1408     /** @since 3.1 */
1409 	int AnnotationCircularitySelfReference = TypeRelated + 606;
1410     /** @since 3.1 */
1411 	int AnnotationCircularity = TypeRelated + 607;
1412 	/** @since 3.1 */
1413 	int DuplicateAnnotation = TypeRelated + 608;
1414 	/** @since 3.1 */
1415 	int MissingValueForAnnotationMember = TypeRelated + 609;
1416 	/** @since 3.1 */
1417 	int DuplicateAnnotationMember = Internal + 610;
1418 	/** @since 3.1 */
1419 	int UndefinedAnnotationMember = MethodRelated + 611;
1420 	/** @since 3.1 */
1421 	int AnnotationValueMustBeClassLiteral = Internal + 612;
1422 	/** @since 3.1 */
1423 	int AnnotationValueMustBeConstant = Internal + 613;
1424 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated (code is legite)
1425 	 *   @since 3.1 */
1426 	int AnnotationFieldNeedConstantInitialization = Internal + 614;
1427 	/** @since 3.1 */
1428 	int IllegalModifierForAnnotationField = Internal + 615;
1429 	/** @since 3.1 */
1430 	int AnnotationCannotOverrideMethod = MethodRelated + 616;
1431 	/** @since 3.1 */
1432 	int AnnotationMembersCannotHaveParameters = Syntax + Internal + 617;
1433 	/** @since 3.1 */
1434 	int AnnotationMembersCannotHaveTypeParameters = Syntax + Internal + 618;
1435 	/** @since 3.1 */
1436 	int AnnotationTypeDeclarationCannotHaveSuperclass = Syntax + Internal + 619;
1437 	/** @since 3.1 */
1438 	int AnnotationTypeDeclarationCannotHaveSuperinterfaces = Syntax + Internal + 620;
1439 	/** @since 3.1 */
1440 	int DuplicateTargetInTargetAnnotation = Internal + 621;
1441 	/** @since 3.1 */
1442 	int DisallowedTargetForAnnotation = TypeRelated + 622;
1443 	/** @since 3.1 */
1444 	int MethodMustOverride = MethodRelated + 623;
1445 	/** @since 3.1 */
1446 	int AnnotationTypeDeclarationCannotHaveConstructor = Syntax + Internal + 624;
1447 	/** @since 3.1 */
1448 	int AnnotationValueMustBeAnnotation = Internal + 625;
1449 	/** @since 3.1 */
1450 	int AnnotationTypeUsedAsSuperInterface = TypeRelated + 626;
1451 	/** @since 3.1 */
1452 	int MissingOverrideAnnotation = MethodRelated + 627;
1453 	/** @since 3.1 */
1454 	int FieldMissingDeprecatedAnnotation = Internal + 628;
1455 	/** @since 3.1 */
1456 	int MethodMissingDeprecatedAnnotation = Internal + 629;
1457 	/** @since 3.1 */
1458 	int TypeMissingDeprecatedAnnotation = Internal + 630;
1459 	/** @since 3.1 */
1460 	int UnhandledWarningToken = Internal + 631;
1461 	/** @since 3.2 */
1462 	int AnnotationValueMustBeArrayInitializer = Internal + 632;
1463 	/** @since 3.3 */
1464 	int AnnotationValueMustBeAnEnumConstant = Internal + 633;
1465 	/** @since 3.3 */
1466 	int MethodMustOverrideOrImplement = MethodRelated + 634;
1467 	/** @since 3.4 */
1468 	int UnusedWarningToken = Internal + 635;
1469 	/** @since 3.6 */
1470 	int MissingOverrideAnnotationForInterfaceMethodImplementation = MethodRelated + 636;
1471 	/** @since 3.10 */
1472     int InvalidUsageOfTypeAnnotations = Syntax + Internal + 637;
1473     /** @since 3.10 */
1474     int DisallowedExplicitThisParameter = Syntax + Internal + 638;
1475     /** @since 3.10 */
1476     int MisplacedTypeAnnotations = Syntax + Internal + 639;
1477     /** @since 3.10 */
1478     int IllegalTypeAnnotationsInStaticMemberAccess = Internal + Syntax + 640;
1479     /** @since 3.10 */
1480     int IllegalUsageOfTypeAnnotations = Internal + Syntax + 641;
1481     /** @since 3.10 */
1482     int IllegalDeclarationOfThisParameter = Internal + Syntax + 642;
1483     /** @since 3.10 */
1484     int ExplicitThisParameterNotBelow18 = Internal + Syntax + 643;
1485     /** @since 3.10 */
1486     int DefaultMethodNotBelow18 = Internal + Syntax + 644;
1487     /** @since 3.10 */
1488     int LambdaExpressionNotBelow18 = Internal + Syntax + 645;
1489     /** @since 3.10 */
1490     int MethodReferenceNotBelow18 = Internal + Syntax + 646;
1491     /** @since 3.10 */
1492     int ConstructorReferenceNotBelow18 = Internal + Syntax + 647;
1493     /** @since 3.10 */
1494     int ExplicitThisParameterNotInLambda = Internal + Syntax + 648;
1495     /**
1496      * @since 3.10
1497      * @deprecated Per https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8231435 this problem is no longer raised
1498      */
1499     @Deprecated
1500     int ExplicitAnnotationTargetRequired = TypeRelated + 649;
1501     /** @since 3.10 */
1502     int IllegalTypeForExplicitThis = Internal + Syntax + 650;
1503     /** @since 3.10 */
1504     int IllegalQualifierForExplicitThis = Internal + Syntax + 651;
1505     /** @since 3.10 */
1506     int IllegalQualifierForExplicitThis2 = Internal + Syntax + 652;
1507     /** @since 3.10 */
1508     int TargetTypeNotAFunctionalInterface = Internal + TypeRelated + 653;
1509     /** @since 3.10 */
1510     int IllegalVarargInLambda = Internal + TypeRelated + 654;
1511     /** @since 3.10 */
1512     int illFormedParameterizationOfFunctionalInterface = Internal + TypeRelated + 655;
1513     /** @since 3.10 */
1514     int lambdaSignatureMismatched = Internal + TypeRelated + 656;
1515     /** @since 3.10 */
1516     int lambdaParameterTypeMismatched = Internal + TypeRelated + 657;
1517     /** @since 3.10 */
1518     int IncompatibleLambdaParameterType = Internal + TypeRelated + 658;
1519     /** @since 3.10 */
1520     int NoGenericLambda = Internal + TypeRelated + 659;
1521     /**
1522 	 * More problems in generics
1523 	 */
1524     /** @since 3.4 */
1525     int UnusedTypeArgumentsForConstructorInvocation = MethodRelated + 660;
1526 	/** @since 3.9 */
1527 	int UnusedTypeParameter = TypeRelated + 661;
1528 	/** @since 3.9 */
1529 	int IllegalArrayOfUnionType = TypeRelated + 662;
1530 	/** @since 3.10 */
1531 	int OuterLocalMustBeEffectivelyFinal = Internal + 663;
1532 	/** @since 3.10 */
1533 	int InterfaceNotFunctionalInterface = Internal + TypeRelated + 664;
1534 	/** @since 3.10 */
1535 	int ConstructionTypeMismatch = Internal + TypeRelated + 665;
1536     /** @since 3.10 */
1537     int ToleratedMisplacedTypeAnnotations = Syntax + Internal + 666;
1538     /** @since 3.13*/
1539     int InterfaceSuperInvocationNotBelow18 = Internal + Syntax + 667;
1540     /** @since 3.13*/
1541     int InterfaceStaticMethodInvocationNotBelow18 = Internal + Syntax + 668;
1542 	/** @since 3.14 */
1543 	int FieldMustBeFinal = Internal + 669;
1546 	/**
1547 	 * Null analysis for other kinds of expressions, syntactically nonnull
1548 	 */
1549 	/** @since 3.9 */
1550 	int NonNullExpressionComparisonYieldsFalse = Internal + 670;
1551 	/** @since 3.9 */
1552 	int RedundantNullCheckOnNonNullExpression = Internal + 671;
1553 	/** @since 3.9 */
1554 	int NullExpressionReference = Internal + 672;
1555 	/** @since 3.9 */
1556 	int PotentialNullExpressionReference = Internal + 673;
1558 	/**
1559 	 * Corrupted binaries
1560 	 */
1561 	/** @since 3.1 */
1562 	int CorruptedSignature = Internal + 700;
1563 	/**
1564 	 * Corrupted source
1565 	 */
1566 	/** @since 3.2 */
1567 	int InvalidEncoding = Internal + 701;
1568 	/** @since 3.2 */
1569 	int CannotReadSource = Internal + 702;
1571 	/**
1572 	 * Autoboxing
1573 	 */
1574 	/** @since 3.1 */
1575 	int BoxingConversion = Internal + 720;
1576 	/** @since 3.1 */
1577 	int UnboxingConversion = Internal + 721;
1579 	/**
1580 	 * Enum
1581 	 */
1582 	/** @since 3.1 */
1583 	int IllegalModifierForEnum = TypeRelated + 750;
1584 	/** @since 3.1 */
1585 	int IllegalModifierForEnumConstant = FieldRelated + 751;
1586 	/** @deprecated - problem could not be reported, enums cannot be local takes precedence
1587 	 *   @since 3.1 */
1588 	int IllegalModifierForLocalEnum = TypeRelated + 752;
1589 	/** @since 3.1 */
1590 	int IllegalModifierForMemberEnum = TypeRelated + 753;
1591 	/** @since 3.1 */
1592 	int CannotDeclareEnumSpecialMethod = MethodRelated + 754;
1593 	/** @since 3.1 */
1594 	int IllegalQualifiedEnumConstantLabel = FieldRelated + 755;
1595 	/** @since 3.1 */
1596 	int CannotExtendEnum = TypeRelated + 756;
1597 	/** @since 3.1 */
1598 	int CannotInvokeSuperConstructorInEnum = MethodRelated + 757;
1599 	/** @since 3.1 */
1600 	int EnumAbstractMethodMustBeImplemented = MethodRelated + 758;
1601 	/** @since 3.1 */
1602 	int EnumSwitchCannotTargetField = FieldRelated + 759;
1603 	/** @since 3.1 */
1604 	int IllegalModifierForEnumConstructor = MethodRelated + 760;
1605 	/** @since 3.1 */
1606 	int MissingEnumConstantCase = FieldRelated + 761;
1607 	/** @since 3.2 */ // TODO need to fix 3.1.1 contribution (inline this constant on client side)
1608 	int EnumStaticFieldInInInitializerContext = FieldRelated + 762;
1609 	/** @since 3.4 */
1610 	int EnumConstantMustImplementAbstractMethod = MethodRelated + 763;
1611 	/** @since 3.5 */
1612 	int EnumConstantCannotDefineAbstractMethod = MethodRelated + 764;
1613 	/** @since 3.5 */
1614 	int AbstractMethodInEnum = MethodRelated + 765;
1615 	/** @since 3.8 */
1616 	int MissingEnumDefaultCase = Internal + 766;
1617 	/** @since 3.8 */
1618 	int MissingDefaultCase = Internal + 767;
1619 	/** @since 3.8 */
1620 	int MissingEnumConstantCaseDespiteDefault = FieldRelated + 768;
1621 	/** @since 3.8 */
1622 	int UninitializedLocalVariableHintMissingDefault = Internal + 769;
1623 	/** @since 3.8 */
1624 	int UninitializedBlankFinalFieldHintMissingDefault = FieldRelated + 770;
1625 	/** @since 3.8 */
1626 	int ShouldReturnValueHintMissingDefault = MethodRelated + 771;
1628 	/**
1629 	 * Var args
1630 	 */
1631 	/** @since 3.1 */
1632 	int IllegalExtendedDimensionsForVarArgs = Syntax + Internal + 800;
1633 	/** @since 3.1 */
1634 	int MethodVarargsArgumentNeedCast = MethodRelated + 801;
1635 	/** @since 3.1 */
1636 	int ConstructorVarargsArgumentNeedCast = ConstructorRelated + 802;
1637 	/** @since 3.1 */
1638 	int VarargsConflict = MethodRelated + 803;
1639 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1640 	int SafeVarargsOnFixedArityMethod = MethodRelated + 804;
1641 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1642 	int SafeVarargsOnNonFinalInstanceMethod = MethodRelated + 805;
1643 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1644 	int PotentialHeapPollutionFromVararg = MethodRelated + 806;
1645 	/** @since 3.8 */
1646 	int VarargsElementTypeNotVisible = MethodRelated + 807;
1647 	/** @since 3.8 */
1648 	int VarargsElementTypeNotVisibleForConstructor = ConstructorRelated + 808;
1649 	/** @since 3.10 */
1650 	int ApplicableMethodOverriddenByInapplicable = MethodRelated + 809;
1652 	/**
1653 	 * Javadoc Generic
1654 	 */
1655 	/** @since 3.1 */
1656 	int JavadocGenericMethodTypeArgumentMismatch = Javadoc + Internal + 850;
1657 	/** @since 3.1 */
1658 	int JavadocNonGenericMethod = Javadoc + Internal + 851;
1659 	/** @since 3.1 */
1660 	int JavadocIncorrectArityForParameterizedMethod = Javadoc + Internal + 852;
1661 	/** @since 3.1 */
1662 	int JavadocParameterizedMethodArgumentTypeMismatch = Javadoc + Internal + 853;
1663 	/** @since 3.1 */
1664 	int JavadocTypeArgumentsForRawGenericMethod = Javadoc + Internal + 854;
1665 	/** @since 3.1 */
1666 	int JavadocGenericConstructorTypeArgumentMismatch = Javadoc + Internal + 855;
1667 	/** @since 3.1 */
1668 	int JavadocNonGenericConstructor = Javadoc + Internal + 856;
1669 	/** @since 3.1 */
1670 	int JavadocIncorrectArityForParameterizedConstructor = Javadoc + Internal + 857;
1671 	/** @since 3.1 */
1672 	int JavadocParameterizedConstructorArgumentTypeMismatch = Javadoc + Internal + 858;
1673 	/** @since 3.1 */
1674 	int JavadocTypeArgumentsForRawGenericConstructor = Javadoc + Internal + 859;
1676 	/**
1677 	 * Java 7 errors
1678 	 */
1679 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1680 	int AssignmentToMultiCatchParameter = Internal + 870;
1681 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1682 	int ResourceHasToImplementAutoCloseable = TypeRelated + 871;
1683 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1684 	int AssignmentToResource = Internal + 872;
1685 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1686 	int InvalidUnionTypeReferenceSequence = Internal + TypeRelated + 873;
1687 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1688 	int AutoManagedResourceNotBelow17 = Syntax + Internal + 874;
1689 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1690 	int MultiCatchNotBelow17 =  Syntax + Internal + 875;
1691 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1692 	int PolymorphicMethodNotBelow17 = MethodRelated + 876;
1693 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1694 	int IncorrectSwitchType17 = TypeRelated + 877;
1695 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1696 	int CannotInferElidedTypes = TypeRelated + 878;
1697 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1698 	int CannotUseDiamondWithExplicitTypeArguments = TypeRelated + 879;
1699 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1700 	int CannotUseDiamondWithAnonymousClasses = TypeRelated + 880;
1701 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1702 	int SwitchOnStringsNotBelow17 = TypeRelated + 881;	// https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=348492
1703 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1704 	int UnhandledExceptionOnAutoClose =  TypeRelated + 882;
1705 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1706 	int DiamondNotBelow17 =  TypeRelated + 883;
1707 	/** @since 3.7.1 */
1708 	int RedundantSpecificationOfTypeArguments = TypeRelated + 884;
1709 	/** @since 3.8 */
1710 	int PotentiallyUnclosedCloseable = Internal + 885;
1711 	/** @since 3.8 */
1712 	int PotentiallyUnclosedCloseableAtExit = Internal + 886;
1713 	/** @since 3.8 */
1714 	int UnclosedCloseable = Internal + 887;
1715 	/** @since 3.8 */
1716 	int UnclosedCloseableAtExit = Internal + 888;
1717 	/** @since 3.8 */
1718 	int ExplicitlyClosedAutoCloseable = Internal + 889;
1719 	/** @since 3.8 */
1720 	int SwitchOnEnumNotBelow15 = TypeRelated + 890;	// https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=360317
1721 	/** @since 3.10 */
1722 	int IntersectionCastNotBelow18 = TypeRelated + 891;
1723 	/** @since 3.10 */
1724 	int IllegalBasetypeInIntersectionCast = TypeRelated + 892;
1725 	/** @since 3.10 */
1726 	int IllegalArrayTypeInIntersectionCast = TypeRelated + 893;
1727 	/** @since 3.10 */
1728 	int DuplicateBoundInIntersectionCast = TypeRelated + 894;
1729 	/** @deprecated This problem is no longer reported; number Of functional interface is not an issue, number of abstract methods is.
1730 	 * @since 3.10 */
1731 	int MultipleFunctionalInterfaces = TypeRelated + 895;
1732 	/** @since 3.10 */
1733 	int StaticInterfaceMethodNotBelow18 = Internal + Syntax + 896;
1734 	/** @since 3.10 */
1735 	int DuplicateAnnotationNotMarkedRepeatable = TypeRelated + 897;
1736 	/** @since 3.10 */
1737 	int DisallowedTargetForContainerAnnotationType = TypeRelated + 898;
1738 	/** @since 3.10 */
1739 	int RepeatedAnnotationWithContainerAnnotation = TypeRelated + 899;
1741 	/** @since 3.14 */
1742 	int AutoManagedVariableResourceNotBelow9 = Syntax + Internal + 1351;
1743 	/**
1744 	 * External problems -- These are problems defined by other plugins
1745 	 */
1747 	/** @since 3.2 */
1748 	int ExternalProblemNotFixable = 900;
1750 	// indicates an externally defined problem that has a quick-assist processor
1751 	// associated with it
1752 	/** @since 3.2 */
1753 	int ExternalProblemFixable = 901;
1755 	/** @since 3.10 */
1756 	int ContainerAnnotationTypeHasWrongValueType = TypeRelated + 902;
1757 	/** @since 3.10 */
1758 	int ContainerAnnotationTypeMustHaveValue = TypeRelated + 903;
1759 	/** @since 3.10 */
1760 	int ContainerAnnotationTypeHasNonDefaultMembers = TypeRelated + 904;
1761 	/** @since 3.10 */
1762 	int ContainerAnnotationTypeHasShorterRetention = TypeRelated + 905;
1763 	/** @since 3.10 */
1764 	int RepeatableAnnotationTypeTargetMismatch = TypeRelated + 906;
1765 	/** @since 3.10 */
1766 	int RepeatableAnnotationTypeIsDocumented = TypeRelated + 907;
1767 	/** @since 3.10 */
1768 	int RepeatableAnnotationTypeIsInherited = TypeRelated + 908;
1769 	/** @since 3.10 */
1770 	int RepeatableAnnotationWithRepeatingContainerAnnotation = TypeRelated + 909;
1772 	/**
1773 	 * Errors/warnings from annotation based null analysis
1774 	 */
1775 	/** @since 3.8 */
1776 	int RequiredNonNullButProvidedNull = TypeRelated + 910;
1777 	/** @since 3.8 */
1778 	int RequiredNonNullButProvidedPotentialNull = TypeRelated + 911;
1779 	/** @since 3.8 */
1780 	int RequiredNonNullButProvidedUnknown = TypeRelated + 912;
1781 	/** @since 3.8 */
1782 	int MissingNonNullByDefaultAnnotationOnPackage = Internal + 913; // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=372012
1783 	/** @since 3.8 */
1784 	int IllegalReturnNullityRedefinition = MethodRelated + 914;
1785 	/** @since 3.8 */
1786 	int IllegalRedefinitionToNonNullParameter = MethodRelated + 915;
1787 	/** @since 3.8 */
1788 	int IllegalDefinitionToNonNullParameter = MethodRelated + 916;
1789 	/** @since 3.8 */
1790 	int ParameterLackingNonNullAnnotation = MethodRelated + 917;
1791 	/** @since 3.8 */
1792 	int ParameterLackingNullableAnnotation = MethodRelated + 918;
1793 	/** @since 3.8 */
1794 	int PotentialNullMessageSendReference = Internal + 919;
1795 	/** @since 3.8 */
1796 	int RedundantNullCheckOnNonNullMessageSend = Internal + 920;
1797 	/** @since 3.8 */
1798 	int CannotImplementIncompatibleNullness = Internal + 921;
1799 	/** @since 3.8 */
1800 	int RedundantNullAnnotation = MethodRelated + 922;
1801 	/** @since 3.8 */
1802 	int IllegalAnnotationForBaseType = TypeRelated + 923;
1803 	/** @since 3.9 */
1804 	int NullableFieldReference = FieldRelated + 924;
1805 	/** @since 3.8 */
1806 	int RedundantNullDefaultAnnotation = Internal + 925; // shouldn't actually occur any more after bug 366063
1807 	/** @since 3.8 */
1808 	int RedundantNullDefaultAnnotationPackage = Internal + 926;
1809 	/** @since 3.8 */
1810 	int RedundantNullDefaultAnnotationType = Internal + 927;
1811 	/** @since 3.8 */
1812 	int RedundantNullDefaultAnnotationMethod = Internal + 928;
1813 	/** @since 3.8 */
1814 	int ContradictoryNullAnnotations = Internal + 929;
1815 	/** @since 3.8 */
1816 	int MissingNonNullByDefaultAnnotationOnType = Internal + 930; // https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=372012
1817 	/** @since 3.8 */
1818 	int RedundantNullCheckOnSpecdNonNullLocalVariable = Internal + 931;
1819 	/** @since 3.8 */
1820 	int SpecdNonNullLocalVariableComparisonYieldsFalse = Internal + 932;
1821 	/** @since 3.8 */
1822 	int RequiredNonNullButProvidedSpecdNullable = Internal + 933;
1823 	/** @since 3.9 */
1824 	int UninitializedNonNullField = FieldRelated + 934;
1825 	/** @since 3.9 */
1826 	int UninitializedNonNullFieldHintMissingDefault = FieldRelated + 935;
1827 	/** @since 3.9 */
1828 	int NonNullMessageSendComparisonYieldsFalse = Internal + 936;
1829 	/** @since 3.9 */
1830 	int RedundantNullCheckOnNonNullSpecdField = Internal + 937;
1831 	/** @since 3.9 */
1832 	int NonNullSpecdFieldComparisonYieldsFalse = Internal + 938;
1833 	/** @since 3.9 */
1834 	int ConflictingNullAnnotations = MethodRelated + 939;
1835 	/** @since 3.9 */
1836 	int ConflictingInheritedNullAnnotations = MethodRelated + 940;
1837 	/** @since 3.10 */
1838 	int RedundantNullCheckOnField = Internal + 941;
1839 	/** @since 3.10 */
1840 	int FieldComparisonYieldsFalse = Internal + 942;
1841 	/** @since 3.14 */
1842 	int RedundantNullDefaultAnnotationModule = Internal + 943;
1843 	/** @since 3.19 */
1844 	int RedundantNullCheckOnConstNonNullField = Internal + 944;
1845 	/** @since 3.20 */
1846 	int ConstNonNullFieldComparisonYieldsFalse = Internal + 945;
1847 	/** @since 3.21 */
1848 	int InheritedParameterLackingNonNullAnnotation = MethodRelated + 946;
1850 	/** @since 3.10 */
1851 	int ArrayReferencePotentialNullReference = Internal + 951;
1852 	/** @since 3.10 */
1853 	int DereferencingNullableExpression = Internal + 952;
1854 	/** @since 3.10 */
1855 	int NullityMismatchingTypeAnnotation = Internal + 953;
1856 	/** @since 3.10 */
1857 	int NullityMismatchingTypeAnnotationSuperHint = Internal + 954;
1858 	/** @since 3.10 */
1859 	int NullityUncheckedTypeAnnotationDetail = Internal + 955;
1860 	/** @since 3.10 */
1861 	int NullityUncheckedTypeAnnotationDetailSuperHint = Internal + 956;
1862 	/** @since 3.10 */
1863 	int ReferenceExpressionParameterNullityMismatch = MethodRelated + 957;
1864 	/** @since 3.10 */
1865 	int ReferenceExpressionParameterNullityUnchecked = MethodRelated + 958;
1866 	/** @since 3.10 */
1867 	int ReferenceExpressionReturnNullRedef = MethodRelated + 959;
1868 	/** @since 3.10 */
1869 	int ReferenceExpressionReturnNullRedefUnchecked = MethodRelated + 960;
1870 	/** @since 3.10 */
1871 	int RedundantNullCheckAgainstNonNullType = Internal + 961;
1872 	/** @since 3.10 */
1873 	int NullAnnotationUnsupportedLocation = Internal + 962;
1874 	/** @since 3.10 */
1875 	int NullAnnotationUnsupportedLocationAtType = Internal + 963;
1876 	/** @since 3.10 */
1877 	int NullityMismatchTypeArgument = Internal + 964;
1878 	/** @since 3.10 */
1879 	int ContradictoryNullAnnotationsOnBound = Internal + 965;
1880 	/** @since 3.10 */
1881 	int ContradictoryNullAnnotationsInferred = Internal + 966;
1882 	/** @since 3.10 */
1883 	int UnsafeNullnessCast = Internal + 967;
1884 	/** @since 3.10 */
1885 	int NonNullDefaultDetailIsNotEvaluated = 968; // no longer reported
1886 	/** @since 3.10 */
1887 	int NullNotCompatibleToFreeTypeVariable = 969;
1888 	/** @since 3.10 */
1889 	int NullityMismatchAgainstFreeTypeVariable = 970;
1890 	/** @since 3.11 */
1891 	int ImplicitObjectBoundNoNullDefault = 971;
1892 	/** @since 3.11 */
1893 	int IllegalParameterNullityRedefinition = MethodRelated + 972;
1894 	/** @since 3.11 */
1895 	int ContradictoryNullAnnotationsInferredFunctionType = MethodRelated + 973;
1896 	/** @since 3.11 */
1897 	int IllegalReturnNullityRedefinitionFreeTypeVariable = MethodRelated + 974;
1898 	/** @since 3.12 */
1899 	int IllegalRedefinitionOfTypeVariable = 975;
1900 	/** @since 3.12 */
1901 	int UncheckedAccessOfValueOfFreeTypeVariable = 976;
1902 	/** @since 3.12 */
1903 	int UninitializedFreeTypeVariableField = 977;
1904 	/** @since 3.12 */
1905 	int UninitializedFreeTypeVariableFieldHintMissingDefault = 978;
1906 	/** @since 3.12 */
1907 	int RequiredNonNullButProvidedFreeTypeVariable = TypeRelated + 979;
1908 	/** @since 3.12 */
1909 	int NonNullTypeVariableFromLegacyMethod = TypeRelated + 980;
1910 	/** @since 3.12 */
1911 	int NonNullMethodTypeVariableFromLegacyMethod = TypeRelated + 981;
1912 	/** @since 3.21 */
1913 	int MissingNullAnnotationImplicitlyUsed = Internal + 982;
1914 	/** @since 3.21 */
1915 	int AnnotatedTypeArgumentToUnannotated = Internal + 983;
1916 	/** @since 3.21 */
1917 	int AnnotatedTypeArgumentToUnannotatedSuperHint = Internal + 984;
1920 	// Java 8 work
1921 	/** @since 3.10 */
1922 	int IllegalModifiersForElidedType = Internal + 1001;
1923 	/** @since 3.10 */
1924 	int IllegalModifiers = Internal + 1002;
1926 	/** @since 3.10 */
1927 	int IllegalTypeArgumentsInRawConstructorReference = TypeRelated + 1003;
1929 	// more on lambdas:
1930 	/** @since 3.18 */
1931 	int MissingValueFromLambda = Internal + 1004;
1933 	// default methods:
1934 	/** @since 3.10 */
1935 	int IllegalModifierForInterfaceMethod18 = MethodRelated + 1050;
1937 	/** @since 3.10 */
1938 	int DefaultMethodOverridesObjectMethod = MethodRelated + 1051;
1940 	/** @since 3.10 */
1941 	int InheritedDefaultMethodConflictsWithOtherInherited = MethodRelated + 1052;
1943 	/** @since 3.10 */
1944 	int DuplicateInheritedDefaultMethods = MethodRelated + 1053;
1946 	/** @since 3.10 */
1947 	int SuperAccessCannotBypassDirectSuper = TypeRelated + 1054;
1948 	/** @since 3.10 */
1949 	int SuperCallCannotBypassOverride = MethodRelated + 1055;
1950 	/** @since 3.10 */
1951 	int IllegalModifierCombinationForInterfaceMethod = MethodRelated + 1056;
1952 	/** @since 3.10 */
1953 	int IllegalStrictfpForAbstractInterfaceMethod = MethodRelated + 1057;
1954 	/** @since 3.10 */
1955 	int IllegalDefaultModifierSpecification = MethodRelated + 1058;
1956 	/** @since 3.13 */
1957 	int CannotInferInvocationType = TypeRelated + 1059;
1960 	/** @since 3.13 */
1961 	int TypeAnnotationAtQualifiedName = Internal + Syntax + 1060;
1963 	/** @since 3.13 */
1964 	int NullAnnotationAtQualifyingType = Internal + Syntax + 1061;
1966 	/** @since 3.14*/
1967 	int IllegalModifierForInterfaceMethod9 = MethodRelated + 1071;
1968 	/** @since 3.14*/
1969 	int IllegalModifierCombinationForPrivateInterfaceMethod9 = MethodRelated + 1070;
1970 	/** @since 3.14 */
1971 	int UndefinedModule = ModuleRelated + 1300;
1972 	/** @since 3.14 */
1973 	int DuplicateRequires = ModuleRelated + 1301;
1974 	/** @since 3.14 */
1975 	int DuplicateExports = ModuleRelated + 1302;
1976 	/** @since 3.14 */
1977 	int DuplicateUses = ModuleRelated + 1303;
1978 	/** @since 3.14 */
1979 	int DuplicateServices = ModuleRelated + 1304;
1980 	/** @since 3.14 */
1981 	int CyclicModuleDependency = ModuleRelated + 1305;
1982 	/** @since 3.14 */
1983 	int AbstractServiceImplementation = TypeRelated + 1306;
1984 	/** @since 3.14 */
1985 	int ProviderMethodOrConstructorRequiredForServiceImpl = TypeRelated + 1307;
1986 	/** @since 3.14 */
1987 	int ServiceImplDefaultConstructorNotPublic = TypeRelated + 1308;
1988 	/** @since 3.14 */
1989 	int NestedServiceImpl = TypeRelated + 1309;
1990 	/** @since 3.14 */
1991 	int ServiceImplNotDefinedByModule = TypeRelated + 1310;
1992 	/** @since 3.14 */
1993 	int PackageDoesNotExistOrIsEmpty = ModuleRelated + 1311;
1994 	/** @since 3.14 */
1995 	int NonDenotableTypeArgumentForAnonymousDiamond = TypeRelated + 1312;
1996 	/** @since 3.14 */
1997 	int DuplicateOpens = ModuleRelated + 1313;
1998 	/** @since 3.14 */
1999 	int DuplicateModuleRef = ModuleRelated + 1314;
2000 	/** @since 3.14 */
2001 	int InvalidOpensStatement = ModuleRelated + 1315;
2002 	/** @since 3.14 */
2003 	int InvalidServiceIntfType = ModuleRelated + 1316;
2004 	/** @since 3.14 */
2005 	int InvalidServiceImplType = ModuleRelated + 1317;
2006 	/** @since 3.14 */
2007 	int IllegalModifierForModule = ModuleRelated + 1318;
2008 	/** @since 3.18 */
2009 	int UndefinedModuleAddReads = ModuleRelated + 1319;
2010 	/** @since 3.20 */
2011 	int ExportingForeignPackage = ModuleRelated + 1320;
2014 	/** @since 3.14 */
2015 	int DuplicateResource = Internal + 1251;
2017 	// terminally
2018 	/** @since 3.14 */
2019 	int UsingTerminallyDeprecatedType = TypeRelated + 1400;
2020 	/** @since 3.14 */
2021 	int UsingTerminallyDeprecatedMethod = MethodRelated + 1401;
2022 	/** @since 3.14 */
2023 	int UsingTerminallyDeprecatedConstructor = MethodRelated + 1402;
2024 	/** @since 3.14 */
2025 	int UsingTerminallyDeprecatedField = FieldRelated + 1403;
2026 	/** @since 3.14 */
2027 	int OverridingTerminallyDeprecatedMethod = MethodRelated + 1404;
2028 	// with since
2029 	/** @since 3.14 */
2030 	int UsingDeprecatedSinceVersionType = TypeRelated + 1405;
2031 	/** @since 3.14 */
2032 	int UsingDeprecatedSinceVersionMethod = MethodRelated + 1406;
2033 	/** @since 3.14 */
2034 	int UsingDeprecatedSinceVersionConstructor = MethodRelated + 1407;
2035 	/** @since 3.14 */
2036 	int UsingDeprecatedSinceVersionField = FieldRelated + 1408;
2037 	/** @since 3.14 */
2038 	int OverridingDeprecatedSinceVersionMethod = MethodRelated + 1409;
2039 	// terminally with since
2040 	/** @since 3.14 */
2041 	int UsingTerminallyDeprecatedSinceVersionType = TypeRelated + 1410;
2042 	/** @since 3.14 */
2043 	int UsingTerminallyDeprecatedSinceVersionMethod = MethodRelated + 1411;
2044 	/** @since 3.14 */
2045 	int UsingTerminallyDeprecatedSinceVersionConstructor = MethodRelated + 1412;
2046 	/** @since 3.14 */
2047 	int UsingTerminallyDeprecatedSinceVersionField = FieldRelated + 1413;
2048 	/** @since 3.14 */
2049 	int OverridingTerminallyDeprecatedSinceVersionMethod = MethodRelated + 1414;
2051 	// unused constants:
2052 	/** @since 3.14 */
2053 	int UsingDeprecatedPackage = ModuleRelated + 1425;
2054 	/** @since 3.14 */
2055 	int UsingDeprecatedSinceVersionPackage = ModuleRelated + 1426;
2056 	/** @since 3.14 */
2057 	int UsingTerminallyDeprecatedPackage = ModuleRelated + 1427;
2058 	/** @since 3.14 */
2059 	int UsingTerminallyDeprecatedSinceVersionPackage = ModuleRelated + 1428;
2060 	// deprecation of modules:
2061 	/** @since 3.14 */
2062 	int UsingDeprecatedModule = ModuleRelated + 1429;
2063 	/** @since 3.14 */
2064 	int UsingDeprecatedSinceVersionModule = ModuleRelated + 1430;
2065 	/** @since 3.14 */
2066 	int UsingTerminallyDeprecatedModule = ModuleRelated + 1431;
2067 	/** @since 3.14 */
2068 	int UsingTerminallyDeprecatedSinceVersionModule = ModuleRelated + 1432;
2070 	/** @since 3.14 */
2071 	int NotAccessibleType = TypeRelated + 1450;
2072 	/** @since 3.14 */
2073 	int NotAccessibleField = FieldRelated + 1451;
2074 	/** @since 3.14 */
2075 	int NotAccessibleMethod = MethodRelated + 1452;
2076 	/** @since 3.14 */
2077 	int NotAccessibleConstructor = MethodRelated + 1453;
2078 	/** @since 3.14 */
2079 	int NotAccessiblePackage = ImportRelated + 1454;
2080 	/** @since 3.14 */
2081 	int ConflictingPackageFromModules = ModuleRelated + 1455;
2082 	/** @since 3.14 */
2083 	int ConflictingPackageFromOtherModules = ModuleRelated + 1456;
2084 	/** @since 3.14 */
2085 	int NonPublicTypeInAPI = ModuleRelated + 1457;
2086 	/** @since 3.14 */
2087 	int NotExportedTypeInAPI = ModuleRelated + 1458;
2088 	/** @since 3.14 */
2089 	int MissingRequiresTransitiveForTypeInAPI = ModuleRelated + 1459;
2090 	/** @since  3.14 */
2091 	int UnnamedPackageInNamedModule = ModuleRelated + 1460;
2092 	/** @since  3.14 */
2093 	int UnstableAutoModuleName = ModuleRelated + 1461;
2095 	// doc variant of an above constant:
2096 	/** @since 3.22 */
2097 	int JavadocNotAccessibleType = Javadoc + NotAccessibleType;
2099 	/** @since 3.13 */
2100 	int RedundantNullDefaultAnnotationLocal = Internal + 1062;
2102 	/** @since 3.13 */
2103 	int RedundantNullDefaultAnnotationField = Internal + 1063;
2105 	/** @since 3.10 */
2106 	int GenericInferenceError = 1100; 	// FIXME: This is just a stop-gap measure, be more specific via https://bugs.eclipse.org/404675
2108 	/** @deprecated - problem is no longer generated (implementation issue has been resolved)
2109 	 * @since 3.10 */
2110 	int LambdaShapeComputationError = 1101;
2111 	/** @since 3.13 */
2112 	int ProblemNotAnalysed = 1102;
2113 	/** @since 3.18 */
2114 	int PreviewFeatureDisabled = Compliance + 1103;
2115 	/** @since 3.18 */
2116 	int PreviewFeatureUsed = Compliance + 1104;
2117 	/** @since 3.18 */
2118 	int PreviewFeatureNotSupported = Compliance + 1105;
2119 	/** @since 3.20*/
2120 	int PreviewFeaturesNotAllowed = PreviewRelated + 1106;
2122 	/** @since 3.13 */
2123 	int UnlikelyCollectionMethodArgumentType = 1200;
2124 	/** @since 3.13 */
2125 	int UnlikelyEqualsArgumentType = 1201;
2127 	/* Local-Variable Type Inference */
2128 	/** @since 3.14 */
2129 	int VarLocalMultipleDeclarators = Syntax + 1500; // ''var'' is not allowed in a compound declaration
2130 	/** @since 3.14 */
2131 	int VarLocalCannotBeArray = Syntax + 1501; // ''var'' is not allowed as an element type of an array
2132 	/** @since 3.14 */
2133 	int VarLocalReferencesItself = Syntax + 1502; // Declaration using ''var'' may not contin references to itself
2134 	/** @since 3.14 */
2135 	int VarLocalWithoutInitizalier = Syntax + 1503; // Cannot use ''var'' on variable without initializer
2136 	/** @since 3.14 */
2137 	int VarLocalInitializedToNull = TypeRelated + 1504; // Variable initialized to ''null'' needs an explicit target-type
2138 	/** @since 3.14 */
2139 	int VarLocalInitializedToVoid = TypeRelated + 1505; // Variable initializer is ''void'' -- cannot infer variable type
2140 	/** @since 3.14 */
2141 	int VarLocalCannotBeArrayInitalizers = TypeRelated + 1506; // Array initializer needs an explicit target-type
2142 	/** @since 3.14 */
2143 	int VarLocalCannotBeLambda = TypeRelated + 1507; // Lambda expression needs an explicit target-type
2144 	/** @since 3.14 */
2145 	int VarLocalCannotBeMethodReference = TypeRelated + 1508; // Method reference needs an explicit target-type
2146 	/** @since 3.14 */
2147 	int VarIsReserved = Syntax + 1509; // ''var'' is not a valid type name
2148 	/** @since 3.14 */
2149 	int VarIsReservedInFuture = Syntax + 1510; // ''var'' should not be used as an type name, since it is a reserved word from source level 10 on
2150 	/** @since 3.14 */
2151 	int VarIsNotAllowedHere = Syntax + 1511; // ''var'' is not allowed here
2152 	/** @since 3.16 */
2153 	int VarCannotBeMixedWithNonVarParams = Syntax + 1512; // ''var'' cannot be mixed with explicit or implicit parameters
2154 	/** @since 3.18
2155 	 * @deprecated preview related error - will be removed
2156 	 * @noreference preview related error */
2157 	int SwitchExpressionsIncompatibleResultExpressionTypes = TypeRelated + 1600;
2158 	/** @since 3.18
2159 	 * @deprecated preview related error - will be removed
2160 	 * @noreference preview related error */
2161 	int SwitchExpressionsEmptySwitchBlock = Internal + 1601;
2162 	/** @since 3.18
2163 	 * @deprecated preview related error - will be removed
2164 	 * @noreference preview related error */
2165 	int SwitchExpressionsNoResultExpression = TypeRelated + 1602;
2166 	/** @since 3.18
2167 	 * @deprecated preview related error - will be removed
2168 	 * @noreference preview related error */
2169 	int SwitchExpressionSwitchLabeledBlockCompletesNormally = Internal + 1603;
2170 	/** @since 3.18
2171 	 * @deprecated preview related error - will be removed
2172 	 * @noreference preview related error */
2173 	int SwitchExpressionLastStatementCompletesNormally = Internal + 1604;
2174 	/** @since 3.18
2175 	 * @deprecated preview related error - will be removed
2176 	 * @noreference preview related error */
2177 	int SwitchExpressionTrailingSwitchLabels = Internal + 1605;
2178 	/** @since 3.18
2179 	 * @deprecated preview related error - will be removed
2180 	 * @noreference preview related error */
2181 	int switchMixedCase = Syntax + 1606;
2182 	/** @since 3.18
2183 	 * @deprecated preview related error - will be removed
2184 	 * @noreference preview related error */
2185 	int SwitchExpressionMissingDefaultCase = Internal + 1607;
2186 	/** @since 3.18
2187 	 * @deprecated preview related error - will be removed
2188 	 * @noreference preview related error */
2189 	int SwitchExpressionBreakMissingValue = Internal + 1610;
2190 	/** @since 3.18
2191 	 * @deprecated preview related error - will be removed
2192 	 * @noreference preview related error */
2193 	int SwitchExpressionMissingEnumConstantCase = Internal + 1611;
2194 	/** @since 3.18
2195 	 * @deprecated preview related error - will be removed
2196 	 * @noreference preview related error */
2197 	int SwitchExpressionIllegalLastStatement = Internal + 1612;
2199 	/* Java14 errors - begin */
2200 	/** @since 3.21  */
2201 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldIncompatibleResultExpressionTypes = TypeRelated + 1700;
2202 	/** @since 3.21  */
2203 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldEmptySwitchBlock = Syntax + 1701;
2204 	/** @since 3.21  */
2205 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldNoResultExpression = Internal + 1702;
2206 	/** @since 3.21  */
2207 	int SwitchExpressionaYieldSwitchLabeledBlockCompletesNormally = Internal + 1703;
2208 	/** @since 3.21  */
2209 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldLastStatementCompletesNormally = Internal + 1704;
2210 	/** @since 3.21  */
2211 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldTrailingSwitchLabels = Internal + 1705;
2212 	/** @since 3.21  */
2213 	int SwitchPreviewMixedCase = Syntax + 1706;
2214 	/** @since 3.21  */
2215 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldMissingDefaultCase = Syntax + 1707;
2216 	/** @since 3.21  */
2217 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldMissingValue = Syntax + 1708;
2218 	/** @since 3.21  */
2219 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldMissingEnumConstantCase = Syntax + 1709;
2220 	/** @since 3.21  */
2221 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldIllegalLastStatement = Internal + 1710;
2222 	/** @since 3.21  */
2223 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldBreakNotAllowed = Syntax + 1711;
2224 	/** @since 3.21  */
2225 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldUnqualifiedMethodWarning = Syntax + 1712;
2226 	/** @since 3.21  */
2227 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldUnqualifiedMethodError = Syntax + 1713;
2228 	/** @since 3.21  */
2229 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldOutsideSwitchExpression = Syntax + 1714;
2230 	/** @since 3.21  */
2231 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldRestrictedGeneralWarning = Internal + 1715;
2232 	/** @since 3.21  */
2233 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldIllegalStatement = Internal + 1716;
2234 	/** @since 3.21  */
2235 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldTypeDeclarationWarning = Internal + 1717;
2236 	/** @since 3.21  */
2237 	int SwitchExpressionsYieldTypeDeclarationError = Internal + 1718;
2238 	/** @since 3.22 */
2239 	int MultiConstantCaseLabelsNotSupported = Syntax + 1719;
2240 	/** @since 3.22*/
2241 	int ArrowInCaseStatementsNotSupported = Syntax + 1720;
2242 	/** @since 3.22 */
2243 	int SwitchExpressionsNotSupported = Syntax + 1721;
2244 	/** @since 3.22 */
2245 	int SwitchExpressionsBreakOutOfSwitchExpression  = Syntax + 1722;
2246 	/** @since 3.22 */
2247 	int SwitchExpressionsContinueOutOfSwitchExpression  = Syntax + 1723;
2248 	/** @since 3.22 */
2249 	int SwitchExpressionsReturnWithinSwitchExpression  = Syntax + 1724;
2250 	/* records - begin */
2252 	/** @since 3.22
2253 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2254 	int RecordIllegalModifierForInnerRecord = PreviewRelated + 1730;
2255 	/** @since 3.22
2256 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2257 	int RecordIllegalModifierForRecord = PreviewRelated + 1731;
2258 	/** @since 3.22
2259 	 * JLS 14 Sec 8.10.1
2260 	 * it is always a compile-time error for a record header to declare a record component with the name
2261 	 * finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, or toString. */
2262 	int RecordIllegalComponentNameInRecord = PreviewRelated + 1732;
2263 	/** @since 3.22
2264 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2265 	int RecordNonStaticFieldDeclarationInRecord = PreviewRelated + 1733;
2266 	/** @since 3.22
2267 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2268 	int RecordAccessorMethodHasThrowsClause = PreviewRelated + 1734;
2269 	/** @since 3.22
2270 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2271 	int RecordCanonicalConstructorHasThrowsClause = PreviewRelated + 1735;
2272 	/** @since 3.22
2273 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2274 	int RecordCanonicalConstructorShouldBePublic = PreviewRelated + 1736;
2275 	/** @since 3.22
2276 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2277 	int RecordMultipleCanonicalConstructors = PreviewRelated + 1737;
2278 	/** @since 3.22
2279 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2280 	int RecordCompactConstructorHasReturnStatement = PreviewRelated + 1738;
2281 	/** @since 3.22
2282 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2283 	int RecordDuplicateComponent = PreviewRelated + 1739;
2284 	/** @since 3.22
2285 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2286 	int RecordIllegalNativeModifierInRecord = PreviewRelated + 1740;
2287 	/** @since 3.22
2288 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2289 	int RecordInstanceInitializerBlockInRecord = PreviewRelated + 1741;
2290 	/** @since 3.22
2291 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2292 	int RecordIsAReservedTypeName = PreviewRelated + 1742;
2293 	/** @since 3.22
2294 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2295 	int RecordIllegalAccessorReturnType = PreviewRelated + 1743;
2296 	/** @since 3.22
2297 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2298 	int RecordAccessorMethodShouldNotBeGeneric = PreviewRelated + 1744;
2299 	/** @since 3.22
2300 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2301 	int RecordAccessorMethodShouldBePublic = PreviewRelated + 1745;
2302 	/** @since 3.22
2303 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2304 	int RecordCanonicalConstructorShouldNotBeGeneric = PreviewRelated + 1746;
2305 	/** @since 3.22
2306 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2307 	int RecordCanonicalConstructorHasReturnStatement = PreviewRelated + 1747;
2308 	/** @since 3.22
2309 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2310 	int RecordCanonicalConstructorHasExplicitConstructorCall = PreviewRelated + 1748;
2311 	/** @since 3.22
2312 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2313 	int RecordCompactConstructorHasExplicitConstructorCall = PreviewRelated + 1749;
2314 	/** @since 3.22
2315 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2316 	int RecordNestedRecordInherentlyStatic = PreviewRelated + 1750;
2317 	/** @since 3.22
2318 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2319 	int RecordAccessorMethodShouldNotBeStatic= PreviewRelated + 1751;
2320 	/** @since 3.22
2321 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2322 	int RecordCannotExtendRecord= PreviewRelated + 1752;
2323 	/** @since 3.22
2324 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2325 	int RecordComponentCannotBeVoid= PreviewRelated + 1753;
2326 	/** @since 3.22
2327 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2328 	int RecordIllegalVararg= PreviewRelated + 1754;
2329 	/** @since 3.22
2330 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2331 	int RecordStaticReferenceToOuterLocalVariable= PreviewRelated + 1755;
2332 	/** @since 3.22
2333 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2334 	int RecordCannotDefineRecordInLocalType= PreviewRelated + 1756;
2335 	/* records - end */
2336 	/* instanceof pattern: */
2337 	/** @since 3.22
2338 	 * @noreference preview feature error */
2339 	int PatternVariableNotInScope = PreviewRelated + 1760;
2340 	/* Java14 errors - end */
2341 	}