1 /*
2  * This source file is documented using Doxygen markup.
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6 /*
7  * This copyright notice applies to this header file:
8  *
9  * Copyright (c) 2008-2015 NVIDIA Corporation
10  *
11  * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
12  * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
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19  *
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22  *
31  */
33 /**
34  * \mainpage Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix
35  *
36  * \section intro Introduction
37  *
38  * The Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (VDPAU) provides
39  * a complete solution for decoding, post-processing, compositing,
40  * and displaying compressed or uncompressed video streams. These
41  * video streams may be combined (composited) with bitmap content,
42  * to implement OSDs and other application user interfaces.
43  *
44  * \section api_partitioning API Partitioning
45  *
46  * VDPAU is split into two distinct modules:
47  * - \ref api_core
48  * - \ref api_winsys
49  *
50  * The intent is that most VDPAU functionality exists and
51  * operates identically across all possible Windowing Systems.
52  * This functionality is the \ref api_core.
53  *
54  * However, a small amount of functionality must be included that
55  * is tightly coupled to the underlying Windowing System. This
56  * functionality is the \ref api_winsys. Possibly examples
57  * include:
58  * - Creation of the initial VDPAU \ref VdpDevice "VdpDevice"
59  *   handle, since this act requires intimate knowledge of the
60  *   underlying Window System, such as specific display handle or
61  *   driver identification.
62  * - Conversion of VDPAU surfaces to/from underlying Window
63  *   System surface types, e.g. to allow manipulation of
64  *   VDPAU-generated surfaces via native Window System APIs.
65  *
66  * \section objects Object Types
67  *
68  * VDPAU is roughly object oriented; most functionality is
69  * exposed by creating an object (handle) of a certain class
70  * (type), then executing various functions against that handle.
71  * The set of object classes supported, and their purpose, is
72  * discussed below.
73  *
74  * \subsection device_type Device Type
75  *
76  * A \ref VdpDevice "VdpDevice" is the root object in VDPAU's
77  * object system. The \ref api_winsys allows creation of a \ref
78  * VdpDevice "VdpDevice" object handle, from which all other API
79  * entry points can be retrieved and invoked.
80  *
81  * \subsection surface_types Surface Types
82  *
83  * A surface stores pixel information. Various types of surfaces
84  * existing for different purposes:
85  *
86  * - \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface"s store decompressed
87  *   YCbCr video frames in an implementation-defined internal
88  *   format.
89  * - \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface"s store RGB 4:4:4
90  *   data. They are legal render targets for video
91  *   post-processing and compositing operations.
92  * - \ref VdpBitmapSurface "VdpBitmapSurface"s store RGB 4:4:4
93  *   data. These surfaces are designed to contain read-only
94  *   bitmap data, to be used for OSD or application UI
95  *   compositing.
96  *
97  * \subsection transfer_types Transfer Types
98  *
99  * A data transfer object reads data from a surface (or
100  * surfaces), processes it, and writes the result to another
101  * surface. Various types of processing are possible:
102  *
103  * - \ref VdpDecoder "VdpDecoder" objects process compressed video
104  *   data, and generate decompressed images.
105  * - \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface"s have their own \ref
106  *   VdpOutputSurfaceRender "rendering functionality".
107  * - \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer" objects perform video
108  *   post-processing, de-interlacing, and compositing.
109  * - \ref VdpPresentationQueue "VdpPresentationQueue" is
110  *   responsible for timestamp-based display of surfaces.
111  *
112  * \section data_flow Data Flow
113  *
114  * Compressed video data originates in the application's memory
115  * space. This memory is typically obtained using \c malloc, and
116  * filled via regular file or network read system calls.
117  * Alternatively, the application may \c mmap a file.
118  *
119  * The compressed data is then processed using a \ref VdpDecoder
120  * "VdpDecoder", which will decompress the field or frame,
121  * and write the result into a \ref VdpVideoSurface
122  * "VdpVideoSurface". This action may require reading pixel data
123  * from some number of other \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface"
124  * objects, depending on the type of compressed data and
125  * field/frame in question.
126  *
127  * If the application wishes to display any form of OSD or
128  * user-interface, this must be created in a \ref
129  * VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface".
130  *
131  * This process begins with the creation of \ref VdpBitmapSurface
132  * "VdpBitmapSurface" objects to contain the OSD/UI's static data,
133  * such as individual glyphs.
134  *
135  * \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface" \ref
136  * VdpOutputSurfaceRender "rendering functionality" may be used
137  * to composite together various \ref VdpBitmapSurface
138  * "VdpBitmapSurface"s and \ref VdpOutputSurface
139  * "VdpOutputSurface"s, into another VdpOutputSurface
140  * "VdpOutputSurface".
141  *
142  * Once video has been decoded, it must be post-processed. This
143  * involves various steps such as color space conversion,
144  * de-interlacing, and other video adjustments. This step is
145  * performed using an \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer" object.
146  * This object can not only perform the aforementioned video
147  * post-processing, but also composite the video with a number of
148  * \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface"s, thus allowing complex
149  * user interfaces to be built. The final result is written into
150  * another \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface".
151  *
152  * Note that at this point, the resultant \ref VdpOutputSurface
153  * "VdpOutputSurface" may be fed back through the above path,
154  * either using \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface" \ref
155  * VdpOutputSurfaceRender "rendering functionality",
156  * or as input to the \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer" object.
157  *
158  * Finally, the resultant \ref VdpOutputSurface
159  * "VdpOutputSurface" must be displayed on screen. This is the job
160  * of the \ref VdpPresentationQueue "VdpPresentationQueue" object.
161  *
162  * \image html vdpau_data_flow.png
163  *
164  * \section entry_point_retrieval Entry Point Retrieval
165  *
166  * VDPAU is designed so that multiple implementations can be
167  * used without application changes. For example, VDPAU could be
168  * hosted on X11, or via direct GPU access.
169  *
170  * The key technology behind this is the use of function
171  * pointers and a "get proc address" style API for all entry
172  * points. Put another way, functions are not called directly
173  * via global symbols set up by the linker, but rather through
174  * pointers.
175  *
176  * In practical terms, the \ref api_winsys provides factory
177  * functions which not only create and return \ref VdpDevice
178  * "VdpDevice" objects, but also a function pointer to a \ref
179  * VdpGetProcAddress function, through which all entry point
180  * function pointers will be retrieved.
181  *
182  * \subsection entry_point_philosophy Philosophy
183  *
184  * It is entirely possible to envisage a simpler scheme whereby
185  * such function pointers are hidden. That is, the application
186  * would link against a wrapper library that exposed "real"
187  * functions. The application would then call such functions
188  * directly, by symbol, like any other function. The wrapper
189  * library would handle loading the appropriate back-end, and
190  * implementing a similar "get proc address" scheme internally.
191  *
192  * However, the above scheme does not work well in the context
193  * of separated \ref api_core and \ref api_winsys. In this
194  * scenario, one would require a separate wrapper library per
195  * Window System, since each Window System would have a
196  * different function name and prototype for the main factory
197  * function. If an application then wanted to be Window System
198  * agnostic (making final determination at run-time via some
199  * form of plugin), it may then need to link against two
200  * wrapper libraries, which would cause conflicts for all
201  * symbols other than the main factory function.
202  *
203  * Another disadvantage of the wrapper library approach is the
204  * extra level of function call required; the wrapper library
205  * would internally implement the existing "get proc address"
206  * and "function pointer" style dispatch anyway. Exposing this
207  * directly to the application is slightly more efficient.
208  *
209  * \section threading Multi-threading
210  *
211  * All VDPAU functionality is fully thread-safe; any number of
212  * threads may call into any VDPAU functions at any time. VDPAU
213  * may not be called from signal-handlers.
214  *
215  * Note, however, that this simply guarantees that internal
216  * VDPAU state will not be corrupted by thread usage, and that
217  * crashes and deadlocks will not occur. Completely arbitrary
218  * thread usage may not generate the results that an application
219  * desires. In particular, care must be taken when multiple
220  * threads are performing operations on the same VDPAU objects.
221  *
222  * VDPAU implementations guarantee correct flow of surface
223  * content through the rendering pipeline, but only when
224  * function calls that read from or write to a surface return to
225  * the caller prior to any thread calling any other function(s)
226  * that read from or write to the surface. Invoking multiple
227  * reads from a surface in parallel is OK.
228  *
229  * Note that this restriction is placed upon VDPAU function
230  * invocations, and specifically not upon any back-end
231  * hardware's physical rendering operations. VDPAU
232  * implementations are expected to internally synchronize such
233  * hardware operations.
234  *
235  * In a single-threaded application, the above restriction comes
236  * naturally; each function call completes before it is possible
237  * to begin a new function call.
238  *
239  * In a multi-threaded application, threads may need to be
240  * synchronized. For example, consider the situation where:
241  *
242  * - Thread 1 is parsing compressed video data, passing them
243  *   through a \ref VdpDecoder "VdpDecoder" object, and filling a
244  *   ring-buffer of \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface"s
245  * - Thread 2 is consuming those \ref VdpVideoSurface
246  *   "VdpVideoSurface"s, and using a \ref VdpVideoMixer
247  *   "VdpVideoMixer" to process them and composite them with UI.
248  *
249  * In this case, the threads must synchronize to ensure that
250  * thread 1's call to \ref VdpDecoderRender has returned prior to
251  * thread 2's call(s) to \ref VdpVideoMixerRender that use that
252  * specific surface. This could be achieved using the following
253  * pseudo-code:
254  *
255  * \code
256  * Queue<VdpVideoSurface> q_full_surfaces;
257  * Queue<VdpVideoSurface> q_empty_surfaces;
258  *
259  * thread_1() {
260  *     for (;;) {
261  *         VdpVideoSurface s = q_empty_surfaces.get();
262  *         // Parse compressed stream here
263  *         VdpDecoderRender(s, ...);
264  *         q_full_surfaces.put(s);
265  *     }
266  * }
267  *
268  * // This would need to be more complex if
269  * // VdpVideoMixerRender were to be provided with more
270  * // than one field/frame at a time.
271  * thread_2() {
272  *     for (;;) {
273  *         // Possibly, other rendering operations to mixer
274  *         // layer surfaces here.
275  *         VdpOutputSurface t = ...;
276  *         VdpPresentationQueueBlockUntilSurfaceIdle(t);
277  *         VdpVideoSurface s = q_full_surfaces.get();
278  *         VdpVideoMixerRender(s, t, ...);
279  *         q_empty_surfaces.put(s);
280  *         // Possibly, other rendering operations to "t" here
281  *         VdpPresentationQueueDisplay(t, ...);
282  *     }
283  * }
284  * \endcode
285  *
286  * Finally, note that VDPAU makes no guarantees regarding any
287  * level of parallelism in any given implementation. Put another
288  * way, use of multi-threading is not guaranteed to yield any
289  * performance gain, and in theory could even slightly reduce
290  * performance due to threading/synchronization overhead.
291  *
292  * However, the intent of the threading requirements is to allow
293  * for e.g. video decoding and video mixer operations to proceed
294  * in parallel in hardware. Given a (presumably multi-threaded)
295  * application that kept each portion of the hardware busy, this
296  * would yield a performance increase.
297  *
298  * \section endianness Surface Endianness
299  *
300  * When dealing with surface content, i.e. the input/output of
301  * Put/GetBits functions, applications must take care to access
302  * memory in the correct fashion, so as to avoid endianness
303  * issues.
304  *
305  * By established convention in the 3D graphics world, RGBA data
306  * is defined to be an array of 32-bit pixels containing packed
307  * RGBA components, not as an array of bytes or interleaved RGBA
308  * components. VDPAU follows this convention. As such,
309  * applications are expected to access such surfaces as arrays
310  * of 32-bit components (i.e. using a 32-bit pointer), and not
311  * as interleaved arrays of 8-bit components (i.e. using an
312  * 8-bit pointer.) Deviation from this convention will lead to
313  * endianness issues, unless appropriate care is taken.
314  *
315  * The same convention is followed for some packed YCbCr formats
316  * such as \ref VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_Y8U8V8A8; i.e. they are
317  * considered arrays of 32-bit pixels, and hence should be
318  * accessed as such.
319  *
320  * For YCbCr formats with chroma decimation and/or planar
321  * formats, however, this convention is awkward. Therefore,
322  * formats such as \ref VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_NV12 are defined as
323  * arrays of (potentially interleaved) byte-sized components.
324  * Hence, applications should manipulate such data 8-bits at a
325  * time, using 8-bit pointers.
326  *
327  * Note that one common usage for the input/output of
328  * Put/GetBits APIs is file I/O. Typical file I/O APIs treat all
329  * memory as a simple array of 8-bit values. This violates the
330  * rule requiring surface data to be accessed in its true native
331  * format. As such, applications may be required to solve
332  * endianness issues. Possible solutions include:
333  *
334  * - Authoring static UI data files according to the endianness
335  *   of the target execution platform.
336  * - Conditionally byte-swapping Put/GetBits data buffers at
337  *   run-time based on execution platform.
338  *
339  * Note: Complete details regarding each surface format's
340  * precise pixel layout is included with the documentation of
341  * each surface type. For example, see \ref
343  *
344  * \section video_decoder_usage Video Decoder Usage
345  *
346  * VDPAU is a slice-level API. Put another way, VDPAU implementations accept
347  * "slice" data from the bitstream, and perform all required processing of
348  * those slices (e.g VLD decoding, IDCT, motion compensation, in-loop
349  * deblocking, etc.).
350  *
351  * The client application is responsible for:
352  *
353  * - Extracting the slices from the bitstream (e.g. parsing/demultiplexing
354  *   container formats, scanning the data to determine slice start positions
355  *   and slice sizes).
356  * - Parsing various bitstream headers/structures (e.g. sequence header,
357  *   sequence parameter set, picture parameter set, entry point structures,
358  *   etc.) Various fields from the parsed header structures needs to be
359  *   provided to VDPAU alongside the slice bitstream in a "picture info"
360  *   structure.
361  * - Surface management (e.g. H.264 DPB processing, display re-ordering)
362  *
363  * It is recommended that applications pass solely the slice data to VDPAU;
364  * specifically that any header data structures be excluded from the portion
365  * of the bitstream passed to VDPAU. VDPAU implementations must operate
366  * correctly if non-slice data is included, at least for formats employing
367  * start codes to delimit slice data. However, any extra data may need
368  * to be uploaded to hardware for parsing thus lowering performance, and/or,
369  * in the worst case, may even overflow internal buffers that are sized solely
370  * for slice data.
371  *
372  * The exact data that should be passed to VDPAU is detailed below for each
373  * supported format:
374  *
375  * \subsection bitstream_mpeg1_mpeg2 MPEG-1 and MPEG-2
376  *
377  * Include all slices beginning with start codes 0x00000101 through
378  * 0x000001AF. The slice start code must be included for all slices.
379  *
380  * \subsection bitstream_h264 H.264
381  *
382  * Include all NALs with nal_unit_type of 1 or 5 (coded slice of non-IDR/IDR
383  * picture respectively). The complete slice start code (including 0x000001
384  * prefix) must be included for all slices, even when the prefix is not
385  * included in the bitstream.
386  *
387  * Note that if desired:
388  *
389  * - The slice start code prefix may be included in a separate bitstream
390  *   buffer array entry to the actual slice data extracted from the bitstream.
391  * - Multiple bitstream buffer array entries (e.g. one per slice) may point at
392  *   the same physical data storage for the slice start code prefix.
393  *
394  * \subsection bitstream_vc1_sp_mp VC-1 Simple and Main Profile
395  *
396  * VC-1 simple/main profile bitstreams always consist of a single slice per
397  * picture, and do not use start codes to delimit pictures. Instead, the
398  * container format must indicate where each picture begins/ends.
399  *
400  * As such, no slice start codes should be included in the data passed to
401  * VDPAU; simply pass in the exact data from the bitstream.
402  *
403  * Header information contained in the bitstream should be parsed by the
404  * application and passed to VDPAU using the "picture info" data structure;
405  * this header information explicitly must not be included in the bitstream
406  * data passed to VDPAU for this encoding format.
407  *
408  * \subsection bitstream_vc1_ap VC-1 Advanced Profile
409  *
410  * Include all slices beginning with start codes 0x0000010D (frame),
411  * 0x0000010C (field) or 0x0000010B (slice). The slice start code should be
412  * included in all cases.
413  *
414  * Some VC-1 advanced profile streams do not contain slice start codes; again,
415  * the container format must indicate where picture data begins and ends. In
416  * this case, pictures are assumed to be progressive and to contain a single
417  * slice. It is highly recommended that applications detect this condition,
418  * and add the missing start codes to the bitstream passed to VDPAU. However,
419  * VDPAU implementations must allow bitstreams with missing start codes, and
420  * act as if a 0x0000010D (frame) start code had been present.
421  *
422  * Note that pictures containing multiple slices, or interlace streams, must
423  * contain a complete set of slice start codes in the original bitstream;
424  * without them, it is not possible to correctly parse and decode the stream.
425  *
426  * The bitstream passed to VDPAU should contain all original emulation
427  * prevention bytes present in the original bitstream; do not remove these
428  * from the bitstream.
429  *
430  * \subsection bitstream_mpeg4part2 MPEG-4 Part 2 and DivX
431  *
432  * Include all slices beginning with start codes 0x000001B6. The slice start
433  * code must be included for all slices.
434  *
435  * \subsection bitstream_hevc H.265/HEVC - High Efficiency Video Codec
436  *
437  * Include all video coding layer (VCL) NAL units, with nal_unit_type values
438  * of 0 (TRAIL_N) through 31 (RSV_VCL31) inclusive. In addition to parsing
439  * and providing NAL units, an H.265/HEVC decoder application using VDPAU
440  * for decoding must parse certain values of the first slice segment header
441  * in a VCL NAL unit and provide it through VdpPictureInfoHEVC. Please see
442  * the documentation for VdpPictureInfoHEVC below for further details.
443  *
444  * The complete slice start code (including the 0x000001 prefix) must be
445  * included for all slices, even when the prefix is not included in the
446  * bitstream.
447  *
448  * Note that if desired:
449  *
450  * - The slice start code prefix may be included in a separate bitstream
451  *   buffer array entry to the actual slice data extracted from the bitstream.
452  * - Multiple bitstream buffer array entries (e.g. one per slice) may point at
453  *   the same physical data storage for the slice start code prefix.
454  *
455  * \section video_mixer_usage Video Mixer Usage
456  *
457  * \subsection video_surface_content VdpVideoSurface Content
458  *
459  * Each \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface" is expected to contain an
460  * entire frame's-worth of data, irrespective of whether an interlaced of
461  * progressive sequence is being decoded.
462  *
463  * Depending on the exact encoding structure of the compressed video stream,
464  * the application may need to call \ref VdpDecoderRender twice to fill a
465  * single \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface". When the stream contains an
466  * encoded progressive frame, or a "frame coded" interlaced field-pair, a
467  * single \ref VdpDecoderRender call will fill the entire surface. When the
468  * stream contains separately encoded interlaced fields, two
469  * \ref VdpDecoderRender calls will be required; one for the top field, and
470  * one for the bottom field.
471  *
472  * Implementation note: When \ref VdpDecoderRender renders an interlaced
473  * field, this operation must not disturb the content of the other field in
474  * the surface.
475  *
476  * \subsection vm_surf_list VdpVideoMixer Surface List
477  *
478  * An video stream is logically composed of a sequence of fields. An
479  * example is shown below, in display order, assuming top field first:
480  *
481  * <pre>t0 b0 t1 b1 t2 b2 t3 b3 t4 b4 t5 b5 t6 b6 t7 b7 t8 b8 t9 b9</pre>
482  *
483  * The canonical usage is to call \ref VdpVideoMixerRender once for decoded
484  * field, in display order, to yield one post-processed frame for display.
485  *
486  * For each call to \ref VdpVideoMixerRender, the field to be processed should
487  * be provided as the \b video_surface_current parameter.
488  *
489  * To enable operation of advanced de-interlacing algorithms and/or
490  * post-processing algorithms, some past and/or future surfaces should be
491  * provided as context. These are provided in the \b video_surface_past and
492  * \b video_surface_future lists. In general, these lists may contain any
493  * number of surfaces. Specific implementations may have specific requirements
494  * determining the minimum required number of surfaces for optimal operation,
495  * and the maximum number of useful surfaces, beyond which surfaces are not
496  * used. It is recommended that in all cases other than plain bob/weave, at
497  * least 2 past and 1 future field be provided.
498  *
499  * Note that it is entirely possible, in general, for any of the
500  * \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer" post-processing steps other than
501  * de-interlacing to require access to multiple input fields/frames. For
502  * example, an motion-sensitive noise-reduction algorithm.
503  *
504  * For example, when processing field t4, the \ref VdpVideoMixerRender
505  * parameters may contain the following values, if the application chose to
506  * provide 3 fields of context for both the past and future:
507  *
508  * <pre>
509  * current_picture_structure: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD
510  * past:    [b3, t3, b2]
511  * current: t4
512  * future:  [b4, t5, b5]
513  * </pre>
514  *
515  * Note that for both the past/future lists, array index 0 represents the
516  * field temporally closest to current, in display order.
517  *
518  * The \ref VdpVideoMixerRender parameter \b current_picture_structure applies
519  * to \b video_surface_current. The picture structure for the other surfaces
520  * will be automatically derived from that for the current picture. The
521  * derivation algorithm is extremely simple; the concatenated list
522  * past/current/future is simply assumed to have an alternating top/bottom
523  * pattern throughout.
524  *
525  * Continuing the example above, subsequent calls to \ref VdpVideoMixerRender
526  * would provide the following sets of parameters:
527  *
528  * <pre>
529  * current_picture_structure: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_BOTTOM_FIELD
530  * past:    [t4, b3, t3]
531  * current: b4
532  * future:  [t5, b5, t6]
533  * </pre>
534  *
535  * then:
536  *
537  * <pre>
538  * current_picture_structure: VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_TOP_FIELD
539  * past:    [b4, t4, b3]
540  * current: t5
541  * future:  [b5, t6, b7]
542  * </pre>
543  *
544  * In other words, the concatenated list of past/current/future frames simply
545  * forms a window that slides through the sequence of decoded fields.
546  *
547  * It is syntactically legal for an application to choose not to provide a
548  * particular entry in the past or future lists. In this case, the "slot" in
549  * the surface list must be filled with the special value
550  * \ref VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, to explicitly indicate that the picture is
551  * missing; do not simply shuffle other surfaces together to fill in the gap.
552  * Note that entries should only be omitted under special circumstances, such
553  * as failed decode due to bitstream error during picture header parsing,
554  * since missing entries will typically cause advanced de-interlacing
555  * algorithms to experience significantly degraded operation.
556  *
557  * Specific examples for different de-interlacing types are presented below.
558  *
559  * \subsection deint_weave Weave De-interlacing
560  *
561  * Weave de-interlacing is the act of interleaving the lines of two temporally
562  * adjacent fields to form a frame for display.
563  *
564  * To disable de-interlacing for progressive streams, simply specify
565  * \b current_picture_structure as \ref VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PICTURE_STRUCTURE_FRAME;
566  * no de-interlacing will be applied.
567  *
568  * Weave de-interlacing for interlaced streams is identical to disabling
569  * de-interlacing, as describe immediately above, because each
570  * \ref VdpVideoSurface already contains an entire frame's worth (i.e. two
571  * fields) of picture data.
572  *
573  * Inverse telecine is disabled when using weave de-interlacing.
574  *
575  * Weave de-interlacing produces one output frame for each input frame. The
576  * application should make one \ref VdpVideoMixerRender call per pair of
577  * decoded fields, or per decoded frame.
578  *
579  * Weave de-interlacing requires no entries in the past/future lists.
580  *
581  * All implementations must support weave de-interlacing.
582  *
583  * \subsection deint_bob Bob De-interlacing
584  *
585  * Bob de-interlacing is the act of vertically scaling a single field to the
586  * size of a single frame.
587  *
588  * To achieve bob de-interlacing, simply provide a single field as
589  * \b video_surface_current, and set \b current_picture_structure
590  * appropriately, to indicate whether a top or bottom field was provided.
591  *
592  * Inverse telecine is disabled when using bob de-interlacing.
593  *
594  * Bob de-interlacing produces one output frame for each input field. The
595  * application should make one \ref VdpVideoMixerRender call per decoded
596  * field.
597  *
598  * Bob de-interlacing requires no entries in the past/future lists.
599  *
600  * Bob de-interlacing is the default when no advanced method is requested and
601  * enabled. Advanced de-interlacing algorithms may fall back to bob e.g. when
602  * required past/future fields are missing.
603  *
604  * All implementations must support bob de-interlacing.
605  *
606  * \subsection deint_adv Advanced De-interlacing
607  *
608  * Operation of both temporal and temporal-spatial de-interlacing is
609  * identical; the only difference is the internal processing the algorithm
610  * performs in generating the output frame.
611  *
612  * These algorithms use various advanced processing on the pixels of both the
613  * current and various past/future fields in order to determine how best to
614  * de-interlacing individual portions of the image.
615  *
616  * Inverse telecine may be enabled when using advanced de-interlacing.
617  *
618  * Advanced de-interlacing produces one output frame for each input field. The
619  * application should make one \ref VdpVideoMixerRender call per decoded
620  * field.
621  *
622  * Advanced de-interlacing requires entries in the past/future lists.
623  *
624  * Availability of advanced de-interlacing algorithms is implementation
625  * dependent.
626  *
627  * \subsection deint_rate De-interlacing Rate
628  *
629  * For all de-interlacing algorithms except weave, a choice may be made to
630  * call \ref VdpVideoMixerRender for either each decoded field, or every
631  * second decoded field.
632  *
633  * If \ref VdpVideoMixerRender is called for every decoded field, the
634  * generated post-processed frame rate is equal to the decoded field rate.
635  * Put another way, the generated post-processed nominal field rate is equal
636  * to 2x the decoded field rate. This is standard practice.
637  *
638  * If \ref VdpVideoMixerRender is called for every second decoded field (say
639  * every top field), the generated post-processed frame rate is half to the
640  * decoded field rate. This mode of operation is thus referred to as
641  * "half-rate".
642  *
643  * Implementations may choose whether to support half-rate de-interlacing
644  * or not. Regular full-rate de-interlacing should be supported by any
645  * supported advanced de-interlacing algorithm.
646  *
647  * The descriptions of de-interlacing algorithms above assume that regular
648  * (not half-rate) operation is being performed, when detailing the number of
649  * VdpVideoMixerRender calls.
650  *
651  * Recall that the concatenation of past/current/future surface lists simply
652  * forms a window into the stream of decoded fields. To achieve standard
653  * de-interlacing, the window is slid through the list of decoded fields one
654  * field at a time, and a call is made to \ref VdpVideoMixerRender for each
655  * movement of the window. To achieve half-rate de-interlacing, the window is
656  * slid through the* list of decoded fields two fields at a time, and a
657  * call is made to \ref VdpVideoMixerRender for each movement of the window.
658  *
659  * \subsection invtc Inverse Telecine
660  *
661  * Assuming the implementation supports it, inverse telecine may be enabled
662  * alongside any advanced de-interlacing algorithm. Inverse telecine is never
663  * active for bob or weave.
664  *
665  * Operation of \ref VdpVideoMixerRender with inverse telecine active is
666  * identical to the basic operation mechanisms describe above in every way;
667  * all inverse telecine processing is performed internally to the
668  * \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer".
669  *
670  * In particular, there is no provision way for \ref VdpVideoMixerRender to
671  * indicate when identical input fields have been observed, and consequently
672  * identical output frames may have been produced.
673  *
674  * De-interlacing (and inverse telecine) may be applied to streams that are
675  * marked as being progressive. This will allow detection of, and correct
676  * de-interlacing of, mixed interlace/progressive streams, bad edits, etc.
677  * To implement de-interlacing/inverse-telecine on progressive material,
678  * simply treat the stream of decoded frames as a stream of decoded fields,
679  * apply any telecine flags (see the next section), and then apply
680  * de-interlacing to those fields as described above.
681  *
682  * Implementations are free to determine whether inverse telecine operates
683  * in conjunction with half-rate de-interlacing or not. It should always
684  * operate with regular de-interlacing, when advertized.
685  *
686  * \subsection tcflags Telecine (Pull-Down) Flags
687  *
688  * Some media delivery formats, e.g. DVD-Video, include flags that are
689  * intended to modify the decoded field sequence before display. This allows
690  * e.g. 24p content to be encoded at 48i, which saves space relative to a 60i
691  * encoded stream, but still displayed at 60i, to match target consumer
692  * display equipment.
693  *
694  * If the inverse telecine option is not activated in the
695  * \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer", these flags should be ignored, and the
696  * decoded fields passed directly to \ref VdpVideoMixerRender as detailed
697  * above.
698  *
699  * However, to make full use of the inverse telecine feature, these flags
700  * should be applied to the field stream, yielding another field stream with
701  * some repeated fields, before passing the field stream to
702  * \ref VdpVideoMixerRender. In this scenario, the sliding window mentioned
703  * in the descriptions above applies to the field stream after application of
704  * flags.
705  *
706  * \section extending Extending the API
707  *
708  * \subsection extend_enums Enumerations and Other Constants
709  *
710  * VDPAU defines a number of enumeration types.
711  *
712  * When modifying VDPAU, existing enumeration constants must
713  * continue to exist (although they may be deprecated), and do
714  * so in the existing order.
715  *
716  * The above discussion naturally applies to "manually" defined
717  * enumerations, using pre-processor macros, too.
718  *
719  * \subsection extend_structs Structures
720  *
721  * In most case, VDPAU includes no provision for modifying existing
722  * structure definitions, although they may be deprecated.
723  *
724  * New structures may be created, together with new API entry
725  * points or feature/attribute/parameter values, to expose new
726  * functionality.
727  *
728  * A few structures are considered plausible candidates for future extension.
729  * Such structures include a version number as the first field, indicating the
730  * exact layout of the client-provided data. When changing such structures, the
731  * old structure must be preserved and a new structure created. This allows
732  * applications built against the old version of the structure to continue to
733  * interoperate. For example, to extend the VdpProcamp structure, define a new
734  * VdpProcamp1 and update VdpGenerateCSCMatrix to take the new structure as an
735  * argument. Document in a comment that the caller must fill the struct_version
736  * field with the value 1. VDPAU implementations should use the struct_version
737  * field to determine which version of the structure the application was built
738  * against.  Note that you cannot simply increment the value of
739  * VDP_PROCAMP_VERSION because applications recompiled against a newer version
740  * of vdpau.h but that have not been updated to use the new structure must still
741  * report that they're using version 0.
742  *
743  * Note that the layouts of VdpPictureInfo structures are defined by their
744  * corresponding VdpDecoderProfile numbers, so no struct_version field is
745  * needed for them. This layout includes the size of the structure, so new
746  * profiles that extend existing functionality may incorporate the old
747  * VdpPictureInfo as a substructure, but may not modify existing VdpPictureInfo
748  * structures.
749  *
750  * \subsection extend_functions Functions
751  *
752  * Existing functions may not be modified, although they may be
753  * deprecated.
754  *
755  * New functions may be added at will. Note the enumeration
756  * requirements when modifying the enumeration that defines the
757  * list of entry points.
758  *
759  * \section preemption_note Display Preemption
760  *
761  * Please note that the display may be preempted away from
762  * VDPAU at any time. See \ref display_preemption for more
763  * details.
764  *
765  * \subsection trademarks Trademarks
766  *
767  * VDPAU is a trademark of NVIDIA Corporation. You may freely use the
768  * VDPAU trademark, as long as trademark ownership is attributed to
769  * NVIDIA Corporation.
770  */
772 /**
773  * \file vdpau.h
774  * \brief The Core API
775  *
776  * This file contains the \ref api_core "Core API".
777  */
779 #ifndef _VDPAU_H
780 #define _VDPAU_H
782 #include <stdint.h>
784 #ifdef __cplusplus
785 extern "C" {
786 #endif
788 /**
789  * \defgroup api_core Core API
790  *
791  * The core API encompasses all VDPAU functionality that operates
792  * in the same fashion across all Window Systems.
793  *
794  * @{
795  */
797 /**
798  * \defgroup base_types Basic Types
799  *
800  * VDPAU primarily uses ISO C99 types from \c stdint.h.
801  *
802  * @{
803  */
805 /** \brief A true \ref VdpBool value */
806 #define VDP_TRUE 1
807 /** \brief A false \ref VdpBool value */
808 #define VDP_FALSE 0
809 /**
810  * \brief A boolean value, holding \ref VDP_TRUE or \ref
811  * VDP_FALSE.
812  */
813 typedef int VdpBool;
815 /** @} */
817 /**
818  * \defgroup misc_types Miscellaneous Types
819  *
820  * @{
821  */
823 /**
824  * \brief An invalid object handle value.
825  *
826  * This value may be used to represent an invalid, or
827  * non-existent, object (\ref VdpDevice "VdpDevice",
828  * \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface", etc.)
829  *
830  * Note that most APIs require valid object handles in all
831  * cases, and will fail when presented with this value.
832  */
833 #define VDP_INVALID_HANDLE 0xffffffffU
835 /**
836  * \brief The set of all chroma formats for \ref VdpVideoSurface
837  * "VdpVideoSurface"s.
838  */
839 typedef uint32_t VdpChromaType;
841 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:2:0 chroma format. Undefined field/frame based
842  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type have undefined
843  *  field/frame structure. The implementation is free to internally morph
844  *  the surface between frame/field(NV12/NV24) as required by
845  *  VdpVideoDecoder operation. Interop with OpenGL allows registration
846  *  of these surfaces for either field- or frame-based interop. But, an implicit
847  *  field/frame structure conversion may be performed.
848  */
849 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_420 ((VdpChromaType)0)
850 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:2:2 chroma format. Undefined field/frame based
851  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type have undefined
852  *  field/frame structure. The implementation is free to internally morph
853  *  the surface between frame/field(NV12/NV24) as required by
854  *  VdpVideoDecoder operation. Interop with OpenGL allows registration
855  *  of these surfaces for either field- or frame-based interop. But, an implicit
856  *  field/frame structure conversion may be performed.
857  */
858 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_422 ((VdpChromaType)1)
859 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:4:4 chroma format. Undefined field/frame based
860  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type have undefined
861  *  field/frame structure. The implementation is free to internally morph
862  *  the surface between frame/field(NV12/NV24) as required by
863  *  VdpVideoDecoder operation. Interop with OpenGL allows registration
864  *  of these surfaces for either field- or frame-based interop. But, an implicit
865  *  field/frame structure conversion may be performed.
866  */
867 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_444 ((VdpChromaType)2)
869 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:2:0 chroma format. Field based.
870  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type can only be
871  *  interoped with OpenGL if the matching field/frame structure is
872  *  specified in the OpenGL API */
873 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_420_FIELD ((VdpChromaType)3)
874 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:2:2 chroma format. Field based.
875  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type can only be
876  *  interoped with OpenGL if the matching field/frame structure is
877  *  specified in the OpenGL API */
878 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_422_FIELD ((VdpChromaType)4)
879 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:4:4 chroma format. Field based.
880  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type can only be
881  *  interoped with OpenGL if the matching field/frame structure is
882  *  specified in the OpenGL API */
883 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_444_FIELD ((VdpChromaType)5)
885 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:2:0 chroma format. Frame based.
886  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type can only be
887  *  interoped with OpenGL if the matching field/frame structure is
888  *  specified in the OpenGL API */
889 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_420_FRAME ((VdpChromaType)6)
890 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:2:2 chroma format. Frame based.
891  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type can only be
892  *  interoped with OpenGL if the matching field/frame structure is
893  *  specified in the OpenGL API */
894 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_422_FRAME ((VdpChromaType)7)
895 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:4:4 chroma format. Frame based.
896  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type can only be
897  *  interoped with OpenGL if the matching field/frame structure is
898  *  specified in the OpenGL API */
899 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_444_FRAME ((VdpChromaType)8)
900 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:2:0 chroma format. Undefined field/frame based
901  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type have undefined
902  *  field/frame structure. The implementation is free to internally morph
903  *  the surface between frame/field as required by VdpVideoDecoder operation.
904  *  Interop with OpenGL allows registration of these surfaces for either
905  *  field- or frame-based interop. But, an implicit field/frame structure
906  *  conversion may be performed.
907  */
908 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_420_16 ((VdpChromaType)9)
909 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:2:2 chroma format. Undefined field/frame based
910  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type have undefined
911  *  field/frame structure. The implementation is free to internally morph
912  *  the surface between frame/field as required by VdpVideoDecoder operation.
913  *  Interop with OpenGL allows registration of these surfaces for either
914  *  field- or frame-based interop. But, an implicit field/frame structure
915  *  conversion may be performed.
916  */
917 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_422_16 ((VdpChromaType)10)
918 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:4:4 chroma format. Undefined field/frame based
919  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type have undefined
920  *  field/frame structure. The implementation is free to internally morph
921  *  the surface between frame/field as required by VdpVideoDecoder operation.
922  *  Interop with OpenGL allows registration of these surfaces for either
923  *  field- or frame-based interop. But, an implicit field/frame structure
924  *  conversion may be performed.
925  */
926 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_444_16 ((VdpChromaType)11)
928 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:2:0 chroma format. Field based.
929  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type can only be
930  *  interoped with OpenGL if the matching field/frame structure is
931  *  specified in the OpenGL API */
932 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_420_FIELD_16 ((VdpChromaType)12)
933 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:2:2 chroma format. Field based.
934  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type can only be
935  *  interoped with OpenGL if the matching field/frame structure is
936  *  specified in the OpenGL API */
937 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_422_FIELD_16 ((VdpChromaType)13)
938 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:4:4 chroma format. Field based.
939  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type can only be
940  *  interoped with OpenGL if the matching field/frame structure is
941  *  specified in the OpenGL API */
942 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_444_FIELD_16 ((VdpChromaType)14)
944 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:2:0 chroma format. Frame based.
945  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type can only be
946  *  interoped with OpenGL if the matching field/frame structure is
947  *  specified in the OpenGL API */
948 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_420_FRAME_16 ((VdpChromaType)15)
949 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:2:2 chroma format. Frame based.
950  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type can only be
951  *  interoped with OpenGL if the matching field/frame structure is
952  *  specified in the OpenGL API */
953 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_422_FRAME_16 ((VdpChromaType)16)
954 /** \hideinitializer \brief 4:4:4 chroma format. Frame based.
955  *  Video surfaces allocated with this chroma type can only be
956  *  interoped with OpenGL if the matching field/frame structure is
957  *  specified in the OpenGL API */
958 #define VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_444_FRAME_16 ((VdpChromaType)17)
960 /**
961  * \brief The set of all known YCbCr surface formats.
962  */
963 typedef uint32_t VdpYCbCrFormat;
965 /**
966  * \hideinitializer
967  * \brief The "NV12" YCbCr surface format.
968  *
969  * This format has a two planes, a Y plane and a UV plane.
970  *
971  * The Y plane is an array of byte-sized Y components.
972  * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
973  *
974  * The UV plane is an array of interleaved byte-sized U and V
975  * components, in the order U, V, U, V. Applications should
976  * access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
977  */
978 #define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_NV12     ((VdpYCbCrFormat)0)
979 /**
980  * \hideinitializer
981  * \brief The "YV12" YCbCr surface format.
982  *
983  * This format has a three planes, a Y plane, a V plane, and a U
984  * plane.
985  *
986  * Each of the planes is an array of byte-sized components.
987  *
988  * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
989  */
990 #define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_YV12     ((VdpYCbCrFormat)1)
991 /**
992  * \hideinitializer
993  * \brief The "UYVY" YCbCr surface format.
994  *
995  * This format may also be known as Y422, UYNV, HDYC.
996  *
997  * This format has a single plane.
998  *
999  * This plane is an array of interleaved byte-sized Y, U, and V
1000  * components, in the order U, Y, V, Y, U, Y, V, Y.
1001  *
1002  * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
1003  */
1004 #define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_UYVY     ((VdpYCbCrFormat)2)
1005 /**
1006  * \hideinitializer
1007  * \brief The "YUYV" YCbCr surface format.
1008  *
1009  * This format may also be known as YUY2, YUNV, V422.
1010  *
1011  * This format has a single plane.
1012  *
1013  * This plane is an array of interleaved byte-sized Y, U, and V
1014  * components, in the order Y, U, Y, V, Y, U, Y, V.
1015  *
1016  * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
1017  */
1018 #define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_YUYV     ((VdpYCbCrFormat)3)
1019 /**
1020  * \hideinitializer
1021  * \brief A packed YCbCr format.
1022  *
1023  * This format has a single plane.
1024  *
1025  * This plane is an array packed 32-bit pixel data. Within each
1026  * 32-bit pixel, bits [31:24] contain A, bits [23:16] contain V,
1027  * bits [15:8] contain U, and bits [7:0] contain Y.
1028  *
1029  * Applications should access this data via a uint32_t pointer.
1030  */
1031 #define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_Y8U8V8A8 ((VdpYCbCrFormat)4)
1032 /**
1033  * \hideinitializer
1034  * \brief A packed YCbCr format.
1035  *
1036  * This format has a single plane.
1037  *
1038  * This plane is an array packed 32-bit pixel data. Within each
1039  * 32-bit pixel, bits [31:24] contain A, bits [23:16] contain Y,
1040  * bits [15:8] contain U, and bits [7:0] contain V.
1041  *
1042  * Applications should access this data via a uint32_t pointer.
1043  */
1044 #define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_V8U8Y8A8 ((VdpYCbCrFormat)5)
1045 /**
1046  * \hideinitializer
1047  * \brief The "Y_UV_444" YCbCr surface format.
1048  *
1049  * This format has two planes, a Y plane and a UV plane.
1050  *
1051  * The Y plane is an array of byte-sized Y components.
1052  * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
1053  *
1054  * The UV plane is an array of interleaved byte-sized U and V
1055  * components, in the order U, V, U, V. Applications should
1056  * access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
1057  */
1058 #define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_Y_UV_444     ((VdpYCbCrFormat)6)
1059 /**
1060  * \hideinitializer
1061  * \brief The "Y_U_V_444" YCbCr surface format.
1062  *
1063  * This format has three planes, a Y plane, a V plane, and a U
1064  * plane.
1065  *
1066  * Each of the planes is an array of byte-sized components.
1067  *
1068  * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
1069  */
1070 #define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_Y_U_V_444     ((VdpYCbCrFormat)7)
1071 /**
1072  * \hideinitializer
1073  * \brief The P010 surface format.
1074  *
1075  * This format has two planes, a Y plane and a UV plane.
1076  *
1077  * The Y plane is an array of two byte sized Y components.
1078  * Applications should access this data via a uint16_t pointer.
1079  *
1080  * The UV plane is an array of interleaved two byte sized U and V
1081  * components, in the order U, V, U, V. Applications should
1082  * access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
1083  *
1084  * Note that the P010 surface format has an identical memory
1085  * layout as the P016 surface format, with bits 0 through 5
1086  * set to zero.
1087  */
1088 #define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_P010           ((VdpYCbCrFormat)8)
1089 /**
1090  * \hideinitializer
1091  * \brief The P016 surface format.
1092  *
1093  * This format has two planes, a Y plane and a UV plane.
1094  *
1095  * The Y plane is an array of two byte sized Y components.
1096  * Applications should access this data via a uint16_t pointer.
1097  *
1098  * The UV plane is an array of interleaved two byte sized U and V
1099  * components, in the order U, V, U, V. Applications should
1100  * access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
1101  */
1102 #define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_P016           ((VdpYCbCrFormat)9)
1103  /**
1104   * \hideinitializer
1105   * \brief The "Y_U_V_444_16" YCbCr surface format.
1106   *
1107   * This format has three planes, a Y plane, a V plane, and a U
1108   * plane.
1109   *
1110   * Each of the planes is an array of two byte-sized components.
1111   *
1112   * Applications should access this data via a uint16_t pointer.
1113   */
1114  #define VDP_YCBCR_FORMAT_Y_U_V_444_16     ((VdpYCbCrFormat)11)
1116 /**
1117  * \brief  The set of all known RGB surface formats.
1118  */
1119 typedef uint32_t VdpRGBAFormat;
1121 /**
1122  * \hideinitializer
1123  * \brief A packed RGB format.
1124  *
1125  * This format has a single plane.
1126  *
1127  * This plane is an array packed 32-bit pixel data. Within each
1128  * 32-bit pixel, bits [31:24] contain A, bits [23:16] contain R,
1129  * bits [15:8] contain G, and bits [7:0] contain B.
1130  *
1131  * Applications should access this data via a uint32_t pointer.
1132  */
1133 #define VDP_RGBA_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8    ((VdpRGBAFormat)0)
1134 /**
1135  * \hideinitializer
1136  * \brief A packed RGB format.
1137  *
1138  * This format has a single plane.
1139  *
1140  * This plane is an array packed 32-bit pixel data. Within each
1141  * 32-bit pixel, bits [31:24] contain A, bits [23:16] contain B,
1142  * bits [15:8] contain G, and bits [7:0] contain R.
1143  *
1144  * Applications should access this data via a uint32_t pointer.
1145  */
1146 #define VDP_RGBA_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8    ((VdpRGBAFormat)1)
1147 /**
1148  * \hideinitializer
1149  * \brief A packed RGB format.
1150  *
1151  * This format has a single plane.
1152  *
1153  * This plane is an array packed 32-bit pixel data. Within each
1154  * 32-bit pixel, bits [31:30] contain A, bits [29:20] contain B,
1155  * bits [19:10] contain G, and bits [9:0] contain R.
1156  *
1157  * Applications should access this data via a uint32_t pointer.
1158  */
1159 #define VDP_RGBA_FORMAT_R10G10B10A2 ((VdpRGBAFormat)2)
1160 /**
1161  * \hideinitializer
1162  * \brief A packed RGB format.
1163  *
1164  * This format has a single plane.
1165  *
1166  * This plane is an array packed 32-bit pixel data. Within each
1167  * 32-bit pixel, bits [31:30] contain A, bits [29:20] contain R,
1168  * bits [19:10] contain G, and bits [9:0] contain B.
1169  *
1170  * Applications should access this data via a uint32_t pointer.
1171  */
1172 #define VDP_RGBA_FORMAT_B10G10R10A2 ((VdpRGBAFormat)3)
1173 /**
1174  * \hideinitializer
1175  * \brief An alpha-only surface format.
1176  *
1177  * This format has a single plane.
1178  *
1179  * This plane is an array of byte-sized components.
1180  *
1181  * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
1182  */
1183 #define VDP_RGBA_FORMAT_A8          ((VdpRGBAFormat)4)
1185 /**
1186  * \brief  The set of all known indexed surface formats.
1187  */
1188 typedef uint32_t VdpIndexedFormat;
1190 /**
1191  * \hideinitializer
1192  * \brief A 4-bit indexed format, with alpha.
1193  *
1194  * This format has a single plane.
1195  *
1196  * This plane is an array of byte-sized components. Within each
1197  * byte, bits [7:4] contain I (index), and bits [3:0] contain A.
1198  *
1199  * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
1200  */
1201 #define VDP_INDEXED_FORMAT_A4I4 ((VdpIndexedFormat)0)
1202 /**
1203  * \hideinitializer
1204  * \brief A 4-bit indexed format, with alpha.
1205  *
1206  * This format has a single plane.
1207  *
1208  * This plane is an array of byte-sized components. Within each
1209  * byte, bits [7:4] contain A, and bits [3:0] contain I (index).
1210  *
1211  * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
1212  */
1213 #define VDP_INDEXED_FORMAT_I4A4 ((VdpIndexedFormat)1)
1214 /**
1215  * \hideinitializer
1216  * \brief A 8-bit indexed format, with alpha.
1217  *
1218  * This format has a single plane.
1219  *
1220  * This plane is an array of interleaved byte-sized A and I
1221  * (index) components, in the order A, I, A, I.
1222  *
1223  * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
1224  */
1225 #define VDP_INDEXED_FORMAT_A8I8 ((VdpIndexedFormat)2)
1226 /**
1227  * \hideinitializer
1228  * \brief A 8-bit indexed format, with alpha.
1229  *
1230  * This format has a single plane.
1231  *
1232  * This plane is an array of interleaved byte-sized A and I
1233  * (index) components, in the order I, A, I, A.
1234  *
1235  * Applications should access this data via a uint8_t pointer.
1236  */
1237 #define VDP_INDEXED_FORMAT_I8A8 ((VdpIndexedFormat)3)
1239 /**
1240  * \brief A location within a surface.
1241  *
1242  * The VDPAU co-ordinate system has its origin at the top-left
1243  * of a surface, with x and y components increasing right and
1244  * down.
1245  */
1246 typedef struct {
1247     /** X co-ordinate. */
1248     uint32_t x;
1249     /** Y co-ordinate. */
1250     uint32_t y;
1251 } VdpPoint;
1253 /**
1254  * \brief A rectangular region of a surface.
1255  *
1256  * The co-ordinates are top-left inclusive, bottom-right
1257  * exclusive.
1258  *
1259  * The VDPAU co-ordinate system has its origin at the top-left
1260  * of a surface, with x and y components increasing right and
1261  * down.
1262  */
1263 typedef struct {
1264     /** Left X co-ordinate. Inclusive. */
1265     uint32_t x0;
1266     /** Top Y co-ordinate. Inclusive. */
1267     uint32_t y0;
1268     /** Right X co-ordinate. Exclusive. */
1269     uint32_t x1;
1270     /** Bottom Y co-ordinate. Exclusive. */
1271     uint32_t y1;
1272 } VdpRect;
1274 /**
1275  * A constant RGBA color.
1276  *
1277  * Note that the components are stored as float values in the
1278  * range 0.0...1.0 rather than format-specific integer values.
1279  * This allows VdpColor values to be independent from the exact
1280  * surface format(s) in use.
1281  */
1282 typedef struct {
1283     float red;
1284     float green;
1285     float blue;
1286     float alpha;
1287 } VdpColor;
1289 /** @} */
1291 /**
1292  * \defgroup error_handling Error Handling
1293  *
1294  * @{
1295  */
1297 /**
1298  * \hideinitializer
1299  * \brief The set of all possible error codes.
1300  */
1301 typedef enum {
1302     /** The operation completed successfully; no error. */
1303     VDP_STATUS_OK = 0,
1304     /**
1305      * No backend implementation could be loaded.
1306      */
1308     /**
1309      * The display was preempted, or a fatal error occurred.
1310      *
1311      * The application must re-initialize VDPAU.
1312      */
1314     /**
1315      * An invalid handle value was provided.
1316      *
1317      * Either the handle does not exist at all, or refers to an object of an
1318      * incorrect type.
1319      */
1321     /**
1322      * An invalid pointer was provided.
1323      *
1324      * Typically, this means that a NULL pointer was provided for an "output"
1325      * parameter.
1326      */
1328     /**
1329      * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpChromaType value was supplied.
1330      */
1332     /**
1333      * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpYCbCrFormat value was supplied.
1334      */
1336     /**
1337      * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpRGBAFormat value was supplied.
1338      */
1340     /**
1341      * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpIndexedFormat value was supplied.
1342      */
1344     /**
1345      * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpColorStandard value was supplied.
1346      */
1348     /**
1349      * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpColorTableFormat value was supplied.
1350      */
1352     /**
1353      * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendFactor value was
1354      * supplied.
1355      */
1357     /**
1358      * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendEquation value
1359      * was supplied.
1360      */
1362     /**
1363      * An invalid/unsupported flag value/combination was supplied.
1364      */
1366     /**
1367      * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpDecoderProfile value was supplied.
1368      */
1370     /**
1371      * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpVideoMixerFeature value was supplied.
1372      */
1374     /**
1375      * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpVideoMixerParameter value was supplied.
1376      */
1378     /**
1379      * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpVideoMixerAttribute value was supplied.
1380      */
1382     /**
1383      * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpVideoMixerPictureStructure value was
1384      * supplied.
1385      */
1387     /**
1388      * An invalid/unsupported \ref VdpFuncId value was supplied.
1389      */
1391     /**
1392      * The size of a supplied object does not match the object it is being
1393      * used with.
1394      *
1395      * For example, a \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer" is configured to
1396      * process \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface" objects of a specific
1397      * size. If presented with a \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface" of a
1398      * different size, this error will be raised.
1399      */
1401     /**
1402      * An invalid/unsupported value was supplied.
1403      *
1404      * This is a catch-all error code for values of type other than those
1405      * with a specific error code.
1406      */
1408     /**
1409      * An invalid/unsupported structure version was specified in a versioned
1410      * structure. This implies that the implementation is older than the
1411      * header file the application was built against.
1412      */
1414     /**
1415      * The system does not have enough resources to complete the requested
1416      * operation at this time.
1417      */
1419     /**
1420      * The set of handles supplied are not all related to the same VdpDevice.
1421      *
1422      * When performing operations that operate on multiple surfaces, such as
1423      * \ref  VdpOutputSurfaceRenderOutputSurface or \ref VdpVideoMixerRender,
1424      * all supplied surfaces must have been created within the context of the
1425      * same \ref VdpDevice "VdpDevice" object. This error is raised if they were
1426      * not.
1427      */
1429     /**
1430      * A catch-all error, used when no other error code applies.
1431      */
1433 } VdpStatus;
1435 /**
1436  * \brief Retrieve a string describing an error code.
1437  * \param[in] status The error code.
1438  * \return A pointer to the string. Note that this is a
1439  *       statically allocated read-only string. As such, the
1440  *       application must not free the returned pointer. The
1441  *       pointer is valid as long as the VDPAU implementation is
1442  *       present within the application's address space.
1443  */
1444 typedef char const * VdpGetErrorString(
1445     VdpStatus status
1446 );
1448 /** @} */
1450 /**
1451  * \defgroup versioning Versioning
1452  *
1453  *
1454  * @{
1455  */
1457 /**
1458  * \brief The VDPAU interface version described by this header file.
1459  *
1460  * This version will only increase if a major incompatible change is made.
1461  * For example, if the parameters passed to an existing function are modified,
1462  * rather than simply adding new functions/enumerations), or if the mechanism
1463  * used to load the backend driver is modified incompatibly. Such changes are
1464  * unlikely.
1465  *
1466  * This value also represents the DSO version of VDPAU-related
1467  * shared-libraries.
1468  *
1469  * VDPAU version numbers are simple integers that increase monotonically
1470  * (typically by value 1).
1471  */
1474 /**
1475  * \brief The VDPAU version described by this header file.
1476  *
1477  * This version will increase whenever any non-documentation change is made to
1478  * vdpau.h, or related header files such as vdpau_x11.h. Such changes
1479  * typically involve the addition of new functions, constants, or features.
1480  * Such changes are expected to be completely backwards-compatible.
1481  *
1482  * VDPAU version numbers are simple integers that increase monotonically
1483  * (typically by value 1).
1484  */
1485 #define VDPAU_VERSION 1
1487 /**
1488  * \brief Retrieve the VDPAU version implemented by the backend.
1489  * \param[out] api_version The API version.
1490  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
1491  */
1492 typedef VdpStatus VdpGetApiVersion(
1493     /* output parameters follow */
1494     uint32_t * api_version
1495 );
1497 /**
1498  * \brief Retrieve an implementation-specific string description
1499  *        of the implementation. This typically includes detailed version
1500  *        information.
1501  * \param[out] information_string A pointer to the information
1502  *       string. Note that this is a statically allocated
1503  *       read-only string. As such, the application must not
1504  *       free the returned pointer. The pointer is valid as long
1505  *       as the implementation is present within the
1506  *       application's address space.
1507  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
1508  *
1509  * Note that the returned string is useful for information
1510  * reporting. It is not intended that the application should
1511  * parse this string in order to determine any information about
1512  * the implementation.
1513  */
1514 typedef VdpStatus VdpGetInformationString(
1515     /* output parameters follow */
1516     char const * * information_string
1517 );
1519 /** @} */
1521 /**
1522  * \defgroup VdpDevice VdpDevice; Primary API object
1523  *
1524  * The VdpDevice is the root of the VDPAU object system. Using a
1525  * VdpDevice object, all other object types may be created. See
1526  * the sections describing those other object types for details
1527  * on object creation.
1528  *
1529  * Note that VdpDevice objects are created using the \ref
1530  * api_winsys.
1531  *
1532  * @{
1533  */
1535 /**
1536  * \brief  An opaque handle representing a VdpDevice object.
1537  */
1538 typedef uint32_t VdpDevice;
1540 /**
1541  * \brief Destroy a VdpDevice.
1542  * \param[in] device The device to destroy.
1543  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
1544  */
1545 typedef VdpStatus VdpDeviceDestroy(
1546     VdpDevice device
1547 );
1549 /** @} */
1551 /**
1552  * \defgroup VdpCSCMatrix VdpCSCMatrix; CSC Matrix Manipulation
1553  *
1554  * When converting from YCbCr to RGB data formats, a color space
1555  * conversion operation must be performed. This operation is
1556  * parameterized using a "color space conversion matrix". The
1557  * VdpCSCMatrix is a data structure representing this
1558  * information.
1559  *
1560  * @{
1561  */
1563 /**
1564  * \brief Storage for a color space conversion matrix.
1565  *
1566  * Note that the application may choose to construct the matrix
1567  * content by either:
1568  * - Directly filling in the fields of the CSC matrix
1569  * - Using the \ref VdpGenerateCSCMatrix helper function.
1570  *
1571  * The color space conversion equation is as follows:
1572  *
1573  * \f[
1574  * \left( \begin{array}{c} R \\ G \\ B \end{array} \right)
1575  * =
1576  * \left( \begin{array}{cccc}
1577  * m_{0,0} & m_{0,1} & m_{0,2} & m_{0,3} \\
1578  * m_{1,0} & m_{1,1} & m_{1,2} & m_{1,3} \\
1579  * m_{2,0} & m_{2,1} & m_{2,2} & m_{2,3}
1580  * \end{array}
1581  * \right)
1582  * *
1583  * \left( \begin{array}{c} Y \\ Cb \\ Cr \\ 1.0 \end{array}
1584  *      \right)
1585  * \f]
1586  */
1587 typedef float VdpCSCMatrix[3][4];
1589 #define VDP_PROCAMP_VERSION 0
1591 /**
1592  * \brief Procamp operation parameterization data.
1593  *
1594  * When performing a color space conversion operation, various
1595  * adjustments can be performed at the same time, such as
1596  * brightness and contrast. This structure defines the level of
1597  * adjustments to make.
1598  */
1599 typedef struct {
1600     /**
1601      * This field must be filled with VDP_PROCAMP_VERSION
1602      */
1603     uint32_t struct_version;
1604     /**
1605      * Brightness adjustment amount. A value clamped between
1606      * -1.0 and 1.0. 0.0 represents no modification.
1607      */
1608     float brightness;
1609     /**
1610      * Contrast adjustment amount. A value clamped between
1611      * 0.0 and 10.0. 1.0 represents no modification.
1612      */
1613     float contrast;
1614     /**
1615      * Saturation adjustment amount. A value clamped between 0.0 and
1616      * 10.0. 1.0 represents no modification.
1617      */
1618     float saturation;
1619     /**
1620      * Hue adjustment amount. A value clamped between
1621      * -PI and PI. 0.0 represents no modification.
1622      */
1623     float hue;
1624 } VdpProcamp;
1626 /**
1627  * \brief YCbCr color space specification.
1628  *
1629  * A number of YCbCr color spaces exist. This enumeration
1630  * defines the specifications known to VDPAU.
1631  */
1632 typedef uint32_t VdpColorStandard;
1634 /** \hideinitializer \brief ITU-R BT.601 */
1635 #define VDP_COLOR_STANDARD_ITUR_BT_601 ((VdpColorStandard)0)
1636 /** \hideinitializer \brief ITU-R BT.709 */
1637 #define VDP_COLOR_STANDARD_ITUR_BT_709 ((VdpColorStandard)1)
1638 /** \hideinitializer \brief SMPTE-240M */
1639 #define VDP_COLOR_STANDARD_SMPTE_240M  ((VdpColorStandard)2)
1641 /**
1642  * \brief Generate a color space conversion matrix
1643  * \param[in] procamp The procamp adjustments to make. If NULL,
1644  *        no adjustments will be made.
1645  * \param[in] standard The YCbCr color space to convert from.
1646  * \param[out] csc_matrix The CSC matrix to initialize.
1647  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
1648  */
1649 typedef VdpStatus VdpGenerateCSCMatrix(
1650     VdpProcamp *     procamp,
1651     VdpColorStandard standard,
1652     /* output parameters follow */
1653     VdpCSCMatrix *   csc_matrix
1654 );
1656 /** @} */
1658 /**
1659  * \defgroup VdpVideoSurface VdpVideoSurface; Video Surface object
1660  *
1661  * A VdpVideoSurface stores YCbCr data in an internal format,
1662  * with a variety of possible chroma sub-sampling options.
1663  *
1664  * A VdpVideoSurface may be filled with:
1665  * - Data provided by the CPU via \ref
1666  *   VdpVideoSurfacePutBitsYCbCr (i.e. software decode.)
1667  * - The result of applying a \ref VdpDecoder "VdpDecoder" to
1668  *   compressed video data.
1669  *
1670  * VdpVideoSurface content may be accessed by:
1671  * - The application via \ref VdpVideoSurfaceGetBitsYCbCr
1672  * - The Hardware that implements \ref VdpOutputSurface
1673  *   "VdpOutputSurface" \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRender
1674  *   "rendering functionality".
1675  * - The Hardware the implements \ref VdpVideoMixer
1676  *   "VdpVideoMixer" functionality.
1677  *
1678  * VdpVideoSurfaces are not directly displayable. They must be
1679  * converted into a displayable format using \ref VdpVideoMixer
1680  * "VdpVideoMixer" objects.
1681  *
1682  * See \ref video_mixer_usage for additional information.
1683  *
1684  * @{
1685  */
1687 /**
1688  * \brief Query the implementation's VdpVideoSurface
1689  *        capabilities.
1690  * \param[in] device The device to query.
1691  * \param[in] surface_chroma_type The type of chroma type for
1692  *       which information is requested.
1693  * \param[out] is_supported Is this chroma type supported?
1694  * \param[out] max_width The maximum supported surface width for
1695  *       this chroma type.
1696  * \param[out] max_height The maximum supported surface height
1697  *       for this chroma type.
1698  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
1699  */
1700 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoSurfaceQueryCapabilities(
1701     VdpDevice     device,
1702     VdpChromaType surface_chroma_type,
1703     /* output parameters follow */
1704     VdpBool *     is_supported,
1705     uint32_t *    max_width,
1706     uint32_t *    max_height
1707 );
1709 /**
1710  * \brief Query the implementation's VdpVideoSurface
1711  *        GetBits/PutBits capabilities.
1712  * \param[in] device The device to query.
1713  * \param[in] surface_chroma_type The type of chroma type for
1714  *       which information is requested.
1715  * \param[in] bits_ycbcr_format The format of application "bits"
1716  *       buffer for which information is requested.
1717  * \param[out] is_supported Is this chroma type supported?
1718  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
1719  */
1720 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoSurfaceQueryGetPutBitsYCbCrCapabilities(
1721     VdpDevice      device,
1722     VdpChromaType  surface_chroma_type,
1723     VdpYCbCrFormat bits_ycbcr_format,
1724     /* output parameters follow */
1725     VdpBool *      is_supported
1726 );
1728 /**
1729  * \brief An opaque handle representing a VdpVideoSurface
1730  *        object.
1731  */
1732 typedef uint32_t VdpVideoSurface;
1734 /**
1735  * \brief Create a VdpVideoSurface.
1736  * \param[in] device The device that will contain the surface.
1737  * \param[in] chroma_type The chroma type of the new surface.
1738  * \param[in] width The width of the new surface.
1739  * \param[in] height The height of the new surface.
1740  * \param[out] surface The new surface's handle.
1741  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
1742  *
1743  * The memory backing the surface may not be initialized during
1744  * creation. Applications are expected to initialize any region
1745  * that they use, via \ref VdpDecoderRender or \ref
1746  * VdpVideoSurfacePutBitsYCbCr.
1747  *
1748  * Note that certain widths/heights are impossible for specific values of
1749  * chroma_type. For example, the definition of VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_420 implies
1750  * that the width must be even, since each single chroma sample covers two
1751  * luma samples horizontally. A similar argument applies to surface heights,
1752  * although doubly so, since interlaced pictures must be supported; each
1753  * field's height must itself be a multiple of 2. Hence the overall surface's
1754  * height must be a multiple of 4.
1755  *
1756  * Similar rules apply to other chroma_type values.
1757  *
1758  * Implementations may also impose additional restrictions on the surface
1759  * sizes they support, potentially requiring additional rounding of actual
1760  * surface sizes.
1761  *
1762  * In most cases, this is not an issue, since:
1763  * - Video streams are encoded as an array of macro-blocks, which typically
1764  *   have larger size alignment requirements than video surfaces do.
1765  * - APIs such as \ref VdpVideoMixerRender allow specification of a sub-region
1766  *   of the surface to read, which allows the padding data to be clipped away.
1767  *
1768  * However, other APIs such as \ref VdpVideoSurfaceGetBitsYCbCr and
1769  * \ref VdpVideoSurfacePutBitsYCbCr do not allow a sub-region to be specified,
1770  * and always operate on surface size that was actually allocated, rather
1771  * than the surface size that was requested. In this case, applications need
1772  * to be aware of the actual surface size, in order to allocate appropriately
1773  * sized buffers for the get-/put-bits operations.
1774  *
1775  * For this reason, applications may need to call
1776  * \ref VdpVideoSurfaceGetParameters after creation, in order to retrieve the
1777  * actual surface size.
1778  */
1779 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoSurfaceCreate(
1780     VdpDevice         device,
1781     VdpChromaType     chroma_type,
1782     uint32_t          width,
1783     uint32_t          height,
1784     /* output parameters follow */
1785     VdpVideoSurface * surface
1786 );
1788 /**
1789  * \brief Destroy a VdpVideoSurface.
1790  * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
1791  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
1792  */
1793 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoSurfaceDestroy(
1794     VdpVideoSurface surface
1795 );
1797 /**
1798  * \brief Retrieve the parameters used to create a
1799  *        VdpVideoSurface.
1800  * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
1801  * \param[out] chroma_type The chroma type of the surface.
1802  * \param[out] width The width of the surface.
1803  * \param[out] height The height of the surface.
1804  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
1805  */
1806 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoSurfaceGetParameters(
1807     VdpVideoSurface surface,
1808     /* output parameters follow */
1809     VdpChromaType * chroma_type,
1810     uint32_t *      width,
1811     uint32_t *      height
1812 );
1814 /**
1815  * \brief Copy image data from a VdpVideoSurface to application
1816  *        memory in a specified YCbCr format.
1817  * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
1818  * \param[in] destination_ycbcr_format The format of the
1819  *       application's data buffers.
1820  * \param[in] destination_data Pointers to the application data
1821  *       buffers into which the image data will be written. Note
1822  *       that this is an array of pointers, one per plane. The
1823  *       destination_format parameter will define how many
1824  *       planes are required.
1825  * \param[in] destination_pitches Pointers to the pitch values
1826  *       for the application data buffers. Note that this is an
1827  *       array of pointers, one per plane. The
1828  *       destination_format parameter will define how many
1829  *       planes are required.
1830  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
1831  */
1832 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoSurfaceGetBitsYCbCr(
1833     VdpVideoSurface  surface,
1834     VdpYCbCrFormat   destination_ycbcr_format,
1835     void * const *   destination_data,
1836     uint32_t const * destination_pitches
1837 );
1839 /**
1840  * \brief Copy image data from application memory in a specific
1841  *        YCbCr format to a VdpVideoSurface.
1842  * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
1843  * \param[in] source_ycbcr_format The format of the
1844  *       application's data buffers.
1845  * \param[in] source_data Pointers to the application data
1846  *       buffers from which the image data will be copied. Note
1847  *       that this is an array of pointers, one per plane. The
1848  *       source_format parameter will define how many
1849  *       planes are required.
1850  * \param[in] source_pitches Pointers to the pitch values
1851  *       for the application data buffers. Note that this is an
1852  *       array of pointers, one per plane. The
1853  *       source_format parameter will define how many
1854  *       planes are required.
1855  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
1856  */
1857 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoSurfacePutBitsYCbCr(
1858     VdpVideoSurface      surface,
1859     VdpYCbCrFormat       source_ycbcr_format,
1860     void const * const * source_data,
1861     uint32_t const *     source_pitches
1862 );
1864 /** @} */
1866 /**
1867  * \defgroup VdpOutputSurface VdpOutputSurface; Output Surface object
1868  *
1869  * A VdpOutputSurface stores RGBA data in a defined format.
1870  *
1871  * A VdpOutputSurface may be filled with:
1872  * - Data provided by the CPU via the various
1873  *   VdpOutputSurfacePutBits functions.
1874  * - Using the VdpOutputSurface \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRender
1875  *   "rendering functionality".
1876  * - Using a \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer" object.
1877  *
1878  * VdpOutputSurface content may be accessed by:
1879  * - The application via the various VdpOutputSurfaceGetBits
1880  *   functions.
1881  * - The Hardware that implements VdpOutputSurface
1882  *   \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRender "rendering functionality".
1883  * - The Hardware the implements \ref VdpVideoMixer
1884  *   "VdpVideoMixer" functionality.
1885  * - The Hardware that implements \ref VdpPresentationQueue
1886  *   "VdpPresentationQueue" functionality,
1887  *
1888  * VdpOutputSurfaces are directly displayable using a \ref
1889  * VdpPresentationQueue "VdpPresentationQueue" object.
1890  *
1891  * @{
1892  */
1894 /**
1895  * \brief The set of all known color table formats, for use with
1896  * \ref VdpOutputSurfacePutBitsIndexed.
1897  */
1898 typedef uint32_t VdpColorTableFormat;
1900 /**
1901  * \hideinitializer
1902  * \brief 8-bit per component packed into 32-bits
1903  *
1904  * This format is an array of packed 32-bit RGB color values.
1905  * Bits [31:24] are unused, bits [23:16] contain R, bits [15:8]
1906  * contain G, and bits [7:0] contain B. Note: The format is
1907  * physically an array of uint32_t values, and should be accessed
1908  * as such by the application in order to avoid endianness
1909  * issues.
1910  */
1911 #define VDP_COLOR_TABLE_FORMAT_B8G8R8X8 ((VdpColorTableFormat)0)
1913 /**
1914  * \brief Query the implementation's VdpOutputSurface
1915  *        capabilities.
1916  * \param[in] device The device to query.
1917  * \param[in] surface_rgba_format The surface format for
1918  *       which information is requested.
1919  * \param[out] is_supported Is this surface format supported?
1920  * \param[out] max_width The maximum supported surface width for
1921  *       this chroma type.
1922  * \param[out] max_height The maximum supported surface height
1923  *       for this chroma type.
1924  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
1925  */
1926 typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceQueryCapabilities(
1927     VdpDevice     device,
1928     VdpRGBAFormat surface_rgba_format,
1929     /* output parameters follow */
1930     VdpBool *     is_supported,
1931     uint32_t *    max_width,
1932     uint32_t *    max_height
1933 );
1935 /**
1936  * \brief Query the implementation's capability to perform a
1937  *        PutBits operation using application data matching the
1938  *        surface's format.
1939  * \param[in] device The device to query.
1940  * \param[in] surface_rgba_format The surface format for
1941  *       which information is requested.
1942  * \param[out] is_supported Is this surface format supported?
1943  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
1944  */
1945 typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceQueryGetPutBitsNativeCapabilities(
1946     VdpDevice     device,
1947     VdpRGBAFormat surface_rgba_format,
1948     /* output parameters follow */
1949     VdpBool *     is_supported
1950 );
1952 /**
1953  * \brief Query the implementation's capability to perform a
1954  *        PutBits operation using application data in a specific
1955  *        indexed format.
1956  * \param[in] device The device to query.
1957  * \param[in] surface_rgba_format The surface format for
1958  *       which information is requested.
1959  * \param[in] bits_indexed_format The format of the application
1960  *       data buffer.
1961  * \param[in] color_table_format The format of the color lookup
1962  *       table.
1963  * \param[out] is_supported Is this surface format supported?
1964  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
1965  */
1966 typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceQueryPutBitsIndexedCapabilities(
1967     VdpDevice           device,
1968     VdpRGBAFormat       surface_rgba_format,
1969     VdpIndexedFormat    bits_indexed_format,
1970     VdpColorTableFormat color_table_format,
1971     /* output parameters follow */
1972     VdpBool *           is_supported
1973 );
1975 /**
1976  * \brief Query the implementation's capability to perform a
1977  *        PutBits operation using application data in a specific
1978  *        YCbCr/YUB format.
1979  * \param[in] device The device to query.
1980  * \param[in] surface_rgba_format The surface format for which
1981  *       information is requested.
1982  * \param[in] bits_ycbcr_format The format of the application
1983  *       data buffer.
1984  * \param[out] is_supported Is this surface format supported?
1985  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
1986  */
1987 typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceQueryPutBitsYCbCrCapabilities(
1988     VdpDevice      device,
1989     VdpRGBAFormat  surface_rgba_format,
1990     VdpYCbCrFormat bits_ycbcr_format,
1991     /* output parameters follow */
1992     VdpBool *      is_supported
1993 );
1995 /**
1996  * \brief An opaque handle representing a VdpOutputSurface
1997  *        object.
1998  */
1999 typedef uint32_t VdpOutputSurface;
2001 /**
2002  * \brief Create a VdpOutputSurface.
2003  * \param[in] device The device that will contain the surface.
2004  * \param[in] rgba_format The format of the new surface.
2005  * \param[in] width The width of the new surface.
2006  * \param[in] height The height of the new surface.
2007  * \param[out] surface The new surface's handle.
2008  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2009  *
2010  * The memory backing the surface will be initialized to 0 color
2011  * and 0 alpha (i.e. black.)
2012  */
2013 typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceCreate(
2014     VdpDevice          device,
2015     VdpRGBAFormat      rgba_format,
2016     uint32_t           width,
2017     uint32_t           height,
2018     /* output parameters follow */
2019     VdpOutputSurface * surface
2020 );
2022 /**
2023  * \brief Destroy a VdpOutputSurface.
2024  * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
2025  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2026  */
2027 typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceDestroy(
2028     VdpOutputSurface surface
2029 );
2031 /**
2032  * \brief Retrieve the parameters used to create a
2033  *        VdpOutputSurface.
2034  * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
2035  * \param[out] rgba_format The format of the surface.
2036  * \param[out] width The width of the surface.
2037  * \param[out] height The height of the surface.
2038  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2039  */
2040 typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceGetParameters(
2041     VdpOutputSurface surface,
2042     /* output parameters follow */
2043     VdpRGBAFormat *  rgba_format,
2044     uint32_t *       width,
2045     uint32_t *       height
2046 );
2048 /**
2049  * \brief Copy image data from a VdpOutputSurface to application
2050  *        memory in the surface's native format.
2051  * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
2052  * \param[in] source_rect The sub-rectangle of the source
2053  *       surface to copy. If NULL, the entire surface will be
2054  *       retrieved.
2055  * \param[in] destination_data Pointers to the application data
2056  *       buffers into which the image data will be written. Note
2057  *       that this is an array of pointers, one per plane. The
2058  *       destination_format parameter will define how many
2059  *       planes are required.
2060  * \param[in] destination_pitches Pointers to the pitch values
2061  *       for the application data buffers. Note that this is an
2062  *       array of pointers, one per plane. The
2063  *       destination_format parameter will define how many
2064  *       planes are required.
2065  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2066  */
2067 typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceGetBitsNative(
2068     VdpOutputSurface surface,
2069     VdpRect const *  source_rect,
2070     void * const *   destination_data,
2071     uint32_t const * destination_pitches
2072 );
2074 /**
2075  * \brief Copy image data from application memory in the
2076  *        surface's native format to a VdpOutputSurface.
2077  * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
2078  * \param[in] source_data Pointers to the application data
2079  *       buffers from which the image data will be copied. Note
2080  *       that this is an array of pointers, one per plane. The
2081  *       source_format parameter will define how many
2082  *       planes are required.
2083  * \param[in] source_pitches Pointers to the pitch values
2084  *       for the application data buffers. Note that this is an
2085  *       array of pointers, one per plane. The
2086  *       source_format parameter will define how many
2087  *       planes are required.
2088  * \param[in] destination_rect The sub-rectangle of the surface
2089  *       to fill with application data. If NULL, the entire
2090  *       surface will be updated.
2091  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2092  */
2093 typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfacePutBitsNative(
2094     VdpOutputSurface     surface,
2095     void const * const * source_data,
2096     uint32_t const *     source_pitches,
2097     VdpRect const *      destination_rect
2098 );
2100 /**
2101  * \brief Copy image data from application memory in a specific
2102  *        indexed format to a VdpOutputSurface.
2103  * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
2104  * \param[in] source_indexed_format The format of the
2105  *       application's data buffers.
2106  * \param[in] source_data Pointers to the application data
2107  *       buffers from which the image data will be copied. Note
2108  *       that this is an array of pointers, one per plane. The
2109  *       source_indexed_format parameter will define how many
2110  *       planes are required.
2111  * \param[in] source_pitches Pointers to the pitch values
2112  *       for the application data buffers. Note that this is an
2113  *       array of pointers, one per plane. The
2114  *       source_indexed_format parameter will define how many
2115  *       planes are required.
2116  * \param[in] destination_rect The sub-rectangle of the surface
2117  *       to fill with application data. If NULL, the entire
2118  *       surface will be updated.
2119  * \param[in] color_table_format The format of the color_table.
2120  * \param[in] color_table A table that maps between source index
2121  *       and target color data. See \ref VdpColorTableFormat for
2122  *       details regarding the memory layout.
2123  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2124  */
2125 typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfacePutBitsIndexed(
2126     VdpOutputSurface     surface,
2127     VdpIndexedFormat     source_indexed_format,
2128     void const * const * source_data,
2129     uint32_t const *     source_pitch,
2130     VdpRect const *      destination_rect,
2131     VdpColorTableFormat  color_table_format,
2132     void const *         color_table
2133 );
2135 /**
2136  * \brief Copy image data from application memory in a specific
2137  *        YCbCr format to a VdpOutputSurface.
2138  * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
2139  * \param[in] source_ycbcr_format The format of the
2140  *       application's data buffers.
2141  * \param[in] source_data Pointers to the application data
2142  *       buffers from which the image data will be copied. Note
2143  *       that this is an array of pointers, one per plane. The
2144  *       source_ycbcr_format parameter will define how many
2145  *       planes are required.
2146  * \param[in] source_pitches Pointers to the pitch values
2147  *       for the application data buffers. Note that this is an
2148  *       array of pointers, one per plane. The
2149  *       source_ycbcr_format parameter will define how many
2150  *       planes are required.
2151  * \param[in] destination_rect The sub-rectangle of the surface
2152  *       to fill with application data. If NULL, the entire
2153  *       surface will be updated.
2154  * \param[in] csc_matrix The color space conversion matrix used
2155  *       by the copy operation. If NULL, a default matrix will
2156  *       be used internally. Th default matrix is equivalent to
2157  *       ITU-R BT.601 with no procamp changes.
2158  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2159  */
2160 typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfacePutBitsYCbCr(
2161     VdpOutputSurface     surface,
2162     VdpYCbCrFormat       source_ycbcr_format,
2163     void const * const * source_data,
2164     uint32_t const *     source_pitches,
2165     VdpRect const *      destination_rect,
2166     VdpCSCMatrix const * csc_matrix
2167 );
2169 /** @} */
2171 /**
2172  * \defgroup VdpBitmapSurface VdpBitmapSurface; Bitmap Surface object
2173  *
2174  * A VdpBitmapSurface stores RGBA data in a defined format.
2175  *
2176  * A VdpBitmapSurface may be filled with:
2177  * - Data provided by the CPU via the \ref
2178  *   VdpBitmapSurfacePutBitsNative function.
2179  *
2180  * VdpBitmapSurface content may be accessed by:
2181  * - The Hardware that implements \ref VdpOutputSurface
2182  *   "VdpOutputSurface" \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRender
2183  *   "rendering functionality"
2184  *
2185  * VdpBitmapSurface objects are intended to store static read-only data, such
2186  * as font glyphs, and the bitmaps used to compose an applications'
2187  * user-interface.
2188  *
2189  * The primary differences between VdpBitmapSurfaces and
2190  * \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface"s are:
2191  *
2192  * - You cannot render to a VdpBitmapSurface, just upload native data via
2193  *   the PutBits API.
2194  *
2195  * - The read-only nature of a VdpBitmapSurface gives the implementation more
2196  *   flexibility in its choice of data storage location for the bitmap data.
2197  *   For example, some implementations may choose to store some/all
2198  *   VdpBitmapSurface objects in system memory to relieve GPU memory pressure.
2199  *
2200  * - VdpBitmapSurface and VdpOutputSurface may support different subsets of all
2201  *   known RGBA formats.
2202  *
2203  * @{
2204  */
2206 /**
2207  * \brief Query the implementation's VdpBitmapSurface
2208  *        capabilities.
2209  * \param[in] device The device to query.
2210  * \param[in] surface_rgba_format The surface format for
2211  *       which information is requested.
2212  * \param[out] is_supported Is this surface format supported?
2213  * \param[out] max_width The maximum supported surface width for
2214  *       this chroma type.
2215  * \param[out] max_height The maximum supported surface height
2216  *       for this chroma type.
2217  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2218  */
2219 typedef VdpStatus VdpBitmapSurfaceQueryCapabilities(
2220     VdpDevice     device,
2221     VdpRGBAFormat surface_rgba_format,
2222     /* output parameters follow */
2223     VdpBool *     is_supported,
2224     uint32_t *    max_width,
2225     uint32_t *    max_height
2226 );
2228 /**
2229  * \brief An opaque handle representing a VdpBitmapSurface
2230  *        object.
2231  */
2232 typedef uint32_t VdpBitmapSurface;
2234 /**
2235  * \brief Create a VdpBitmapSurface.
2236  * \param[in] device The device that will contain the surface.
2237  * \param[in] rgba_format The format of the new surface.
2238  * \param[in] width The width of the new surface.
2239  * \param[in] height The height of the new surface.
2240  * \param[in] frequently_accessed Is this bitmap used
2241  *       frequently, or infrequently, by compositing options?
2242  *       Implementations may use this as a hint to determine how
2243  *       to allocate the underlying storage for the surface.
2244  * \param[out] surface The new surface's handle.
2245  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2246  *
2247  * The memory backing the surface may not be initialized
2248  * during creation. Applications are expected initialize any
2249  * region that they use, via \ref VdpBitmapSurfacePutBitsNative.
2250  */
2251 typedef VdpStatus VdpBitmapSurfaceCreate(
2252     VdpDevice          device,
2253     VdpRGBAFormat      rgba_format,
2254     uint32_t           width,
2255     uint32_t           height,
2256     VdpBool            frequently_accessed,
2257     /* output parameters follow */
2258     VdpBitmapSurface * surface
2259 );
2261 /**
2262  * \brief Destroy a VdpBitmapSurface.
2263  * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
2264  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2265  */
2266 typedef VdpStatus VdpBitmapSurfaceDestroy(
2267     VdpBitmapSurface surface
2268 );
2270 /**
2271  * \brief Retrieve the parameters used to create a
2272  *        VdpBitmapSurface.
2273  * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
2274  * \param[out] rgba_format The format of the surface.
2275  * \param[out] width The width of the surface.
2276  * \param[out] height The height of the surface.
2277  * \param[out] frequently_accessed The frequently_accessed state
2278  *       of the surface.
2279  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2280  */
2281 typedef VdpStatus VdpBitmapSurfaceGetParameters(
2282     VdpBitmapSurface surface,
2283     /* output parameters follow */
2284     VdpRGBAFormat *  rgba_format,
2285     uint32_t *       width,
2286     uint32_t *       height,
2287     VdpBool *        frequently_accessed
2288 );
2290 /**
2291  * \brief Copy image data from application memory in the
2292  *        surface's native format to a VdpBitmapSurface.
2293  * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
2294  * \param[in] source_data Pointers to the application data
2295  *       buffers from which the image data will be copied. Note
2296  *       that this is an array of pointers, one per plane. The
2297  *       source_format parameter will define how many
2298  *       planes are required.
2299  * \param[in] source_pitches Pointers to the pitch values
2300  *       for the application data buffers. Note that this is an
2301  *       array of pointers, one per plane. The
2302  *       source_format parameter will define how many
2303  *       planes are required.
2304  * \param[in] destination_rect The sub-rectangle of the surface
2305  *       to fill with application data. If NULL, the entire
2306  *       surface will be updated.
2307  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2308  */
2309 typedef VdpStatus VdpBitmapSurfacePutBitsNative(
2310     VdpBitmapSurface     surface,
2311     void const * const * source_data,
2312     uint32_t const *     source_pitches,
2313     VdpRect const *      destination_rect
2314 );
2316 /** @} */
2318 /**
2319  * \defgroup VdpOutputSurfaceRender VdpOutputSurface Rendering Functionality
2320  *
2321  * \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface" objects
2322  * directly provide some rendering/compositing operations. These
2323  * are described below.
2324  *
2325  * @{
2326  */
2328 /**
2329  * \hideinitializer
2330  * \brief The blending equation factors.
2331  */
2332 typedef enum {
2333     VDP_OUTPUT_SURFACE_RENDER_BLEND_FACTOR_ZERO                     = 0,
2334     VDP_OUTPUT_SURFACE_RENDER_BLEND_FACTOR_ONE                      = 1,
2348 } VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendFactor;
2350 /**
2351  * \hideinitializer
2352  * \brief The blending equations.
2353  */
2354 typedef enum {
2360 } VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendEquation;
2364 /**
2365  * \brief Complete blending operation definition.
2366  *
2367  * A "blend state" operation controls the math behind certain rendering
2368  * operations.
2369  *
2370  * The blend math is the familiar OpenGL blend math:
2371  *     \f[
2372  *     dst.a = equation(blendFactorDstAlpha*dst.a,
2373  *     blendFactorSrcAlpha*src.a);
2374  *     \f]
2375  *     \f[
2376  *     dst.rgb = equation(blendFactorDstColor*dst.rgb,
2377  *     blendFactorSrcColor*src.rgb);
2378  *     \f]
2379  *
2380  * Note that when equation is MIN or MAX, the blend factors and constants
2381  * are ignored, and are treated as if they were 1.0.
2382  */
2383 typedef struct {
2384     /**
2385      * This field must be filled with VDP_OUTPUT_SURFACE_RENDER_BLEND_STATE_VERSIION
2386      */
2387     uint32_t struct_version;
2388     VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendFactor   blend_factor_source_color;
2389     VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendFactor   blend_factor_destination_color;
2390     VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendFactor   blend_factor_source_alpha;
2391     VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendFactor   blend_factor_destination_alpha;
2392     VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendEquation blend_equation_color;
2393     VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendEquation blend_equation_alpha;
2394     VdpColor                            blend_constant;
2395 } VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendState;
2397 /**
2398  * \hideinitializer
2399  * \brief Do not rotate source_surface prior to compositing.
2400  */
2403 /**
2404  * \hideinitializer
2405  * \brief Rotate source_surface 90 degrees clockwise prior to
2406  *        compositing.
2407  */
2410 /**
2411  * \hideinitializer
2412  * \brief Rotate source_surface 180 degrees prior to
2413  *        compositing.
2414  */
2417 /**
2418  * \hideinitializer
2419  * \brief Rotate source_surface 270 degrees clockwise prior to
2420  *        compositing.
2421  */
2424 /**
2425  * \hideinitializer
2426  * \brief A separate color is used for each vertex of the
2427  *        smooth-shaded quad. Hence, colors array contains 4
2428  *        elements rather than 1. See description of colors
2429  *        array.
2430  */
2433 /**
2434  * \brief Composite a sub-rectangle of a \ref VdpOutputSurface
2435  *        "VdpOutputSurface" into a sub-rectangle of another
2436  *        \ref VdpOutputSurface VdpOutputSurface.
2437  * \param[in] destination_surface The destination surface of the
2438  *       compositing operation.
2439  * \param[in] destination_rect The sub-rectangle of the
2440  *       destination surface to update. If NULL, the entire
2441  *       destination surface will be updated.
2442  * \param[in] source_surface The source surface for the
2443  *       compositing operation. The surface is treated as having
2444  *       four components: red, green, blue and alpha. Any
2445  *       missing components are treated as 1.0. For example, for
2446  *       an A8 VdpOutputSurface, alpha will come from the surface
2447  *       but red, green and blue will be treated as 1.0. If
2448  *       source_surface is VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, all components will
2449  *       be treated as 1.0. Note that destination_surface and
2450  *       source_surface must have been allocated via the same
2451  *       \ref VdpDevice "VdpDevice".
2452  * \param[in] source_rect The sub-rectangle of the source
2453  *       surface to read from. If NULL, the entire
2454  *       source_surface will be read. Left/right and/or top/bottom
2455  *       co-ordinates may be swapped to flip the source. Any
2456  *       flip occurs prior to any requested rotation. Values
2457  *       from outside the source surface are valid and samples
2458  *       at those locations will be taken from the nearest edge.
2459  * \param[in] colors A pointer to an array of \ref VdpColor
2460  *      "VdpColor" objects. If the flag
2462  *      VDPAU will four entries from the array, and treat them
2463  *      as the colors corresponding to the upper-left,
2464  *      upper-right, lower-right and lower-left corners of the
2465  *      post-rotation source (i.e. indices 0, 1, 2 and 3 run
2466  *      clockwise from the upper left corner). If the flag
2468  *      set, VDPAU will use the single VdpColor for all four
2469  *      corners. If colors is NULL then red, green, blue and
2470  *      alpha values of 1.0 will be used.
2471  * \param[in] blend_state If a blend state is provided, the
2472  *     blend state will be used for the composite operation. If
2473  *     NULL, blending is effectively disabled, which is
2474  *     equivalent to a blend equation of ADD, source blend
2475  *     factors of ONE and destination blend factors of ZERO.
2476  *     See \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendState for details
2477  *     regarding the mathematics of the blending operation.
2478  * \param[in] flags A set of flags influencing how the
2479  *       compositing operation works.
2485  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2486  *
2487  * The general compositing pipeline is as follows.
2488  *
2489  * -# Extract source_rect from source_surface.
2490  *
2491  * -# The extracted source is rotated 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees
2492  *    according to the flags.
2493  *
2494  * -# The rotated source is component-wise multiplied by a
2495  *    smooth-shaded quad with a (potentially) different color at
2496  *    each vertex.
2497  *
2498  * -# The resulting rotated, smooth-shaded quad is scaled to the
2499  *    size of destination_rect and composited with
2500  *    destination_surface using the provided blend state.
2501  *
2502  */
2503 typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceRenderOutputSurface(
2504     VdpOutputSurface                         destination_surface,
2505     VdpRect const *                          destination_rect,
2506     VdpOutputSurface                         source_surface,
2507     VdpRect const *                          source_rect,
2508     VdpColor const *                         colors,
2509     VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendState const * blend_state,
2510     uint32_t                                 flags
2511 );
2513 /**
2514  * \brief Composite a sub-rectangle of a \ref VdpBitmapSurface
2515  *        "VdpBitmapSurface" into a sub-rectangle of a
2516  *        \ref VdpOutputSurface VdpOutputSurface.
2517  * \param[in] destination_surface The destination surface of the
2518  *       compositing operation.
2519  * \param[in] destination_rect The sub-rectangle of the
2520  *       destination surface to update. If NULL, the entire
2521  *       destination surface will be updated.
2522  * \param[in] source_surface The source surface for the
2523  *       compositing operation. The surface is treated as having
2524  *       four components: red, green, blue and alpha. Any
2525  *       missing components are treated as 1.0. For example, for
2526  *       an A8 VdpBitmapSurface, alpha will come from the surface
2527  *       but red, green and blue will be treated as 1.0. If
2528  *       source_surface is VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, all components will
2529  *       be treated as 1.0. Note that destination_surface and
2530  *       source_surface must have been allocated via the same
2531  *       \ref VdpDevice "VdpDevice".
2532  * \param[in] source_rect The sub-rectangle of the source
2533  *       surface to read from. If NULL, the entire
2534  *       source_surface will be read. Left/right ot top/bottom
2535  *       co-ordinates may be swapped to flip the source. Any
2536  *       flip occurs prior to any requested rotation. Values
2537  *       from outside the source surface are valid and samples
2538  *       at those locations will be taken from the nearest edge.
2539  * \param[in] colors A pointer to an array of \ref VdpColor
2540  *      "VdpColor" objects. If the flag
2542  *      VDPAU will four entries from the array, and treat them
2543  *      as the colors corresponding to the upper-left,
2544  *      upper-right, lower-right and lower-left corners of the
2545  *      post-rotation source (i.e. indices 0, 1, 2 and 3 run
2546  *      clockwise from the upper left corner). If the flag
2548  *      set, VDPAU will use the single VdpColor for all four
2549  *      corners. If colors is NULL then red, green, blue and
2550  *      alpha values of 1.0 will be used.
2551  * \param[in] blend_state If a blend state is provided, the
2552  *     blend state will be used for the composite operation. If
2553  *     NULL, blending is effectively disabled, which is
2554  *     equivalent to a blend equation of ADD, source blend
2555  *     factors of ONE and destination blend factors of ZERO.
2556  *     See \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendState for details
2557  *     regarding the mathematics of the blending operation.
2558  * \param[in] flags A set of flags influencing how the
2559  *       compositing operation works.
2565  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2566  *
2567  * The general compositing pipeline is as follows.
2568  *
2569  * -# Extract source_rect from source_surface.
2570  *
2571  * -# The extracted source is rotated 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees
2572  *   according to the flags.
2573  *
2574  * -# The rotated source is component-wise multiplied by a
2575  *    smooth-shaded quad with a (potentially) different color at
2576  *    each vertex.
2577  *
2578  * -# The resulting rotated, smooth-shaded quad is scaled to the
2579  *    size of destination_rect and composited with
2580  *    destination_surface using the provided blend state.
2581  *
2582  */
2583 typedef VdpStatus VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBitmapSurface(
2584     VdpOutputSurface                         destination_surface,
2585     VdpRect const *                          destination_rect,
2586     VdpBitmapSurface                         source_surface,
2587     VdpRect const *                          source_rect,
2588     VdpColor const *                         colors,
2589     VdpOutputSurfaceRenderBlendState const * blend_state,
2590     uint32_t                                 flags
2591 );
2593 /** @} */
2595 /**
2596  * \defgroup VdpDecoder VdpDecoder; Video Decoding object
2597  *
2598  * The VdpDecoder object decodes compressed video data, writing
2599  * the results to a \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface".
2600  *
2601  * A specific VDPAU implementation may support decoding multiple
2602  * types of compressed video data. However, VdpDecoder objects
2603  * are able to decode a specific type of compressed video data.
2604  * This type must be specified during creation.
2605  *
2606  * @{
2607  */
2609 /**
2610  * \brief The set of all known compressed video formats, and
2611  *        associated profiles, that may be decoded.
2612  */
2613 typedef uint32_t VdpDecoderProfile;
2615 /** \hideinitializer */
2616 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_MPEG1                       ((VdpDecoderProfile)0)
2617 /** \hideinitializer */
2618 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_MPEG2_SIMPLE                ((VdpDecoderProfile)1)
2619 /** \hideinitializer */
2620 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_MPEG2_MAIN                  ((VdpDecoderProfile)2)
2621 /** \hideinitializer */
2622 /** \brief MPEG 4 part 10 == H.264 == AVC */
2623 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_H264_BASELINE               ((VdpDecoderProfile)6)
2624 /** \hideinitializer */
2625 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_H264_MAIN                   ((VdpDecoderProfile)7)
2626 /** \hideinitializer */
2627 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_H264_HIGH                   ((VdpDecoderProfile)8)
2628 /** \hideinitializer */
2629 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_VC1_SIMPLE                  ((VdpDecoderProfile)9)
2630 /** \hideinitializer */
2631 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_VC1_MAIN                    ((VdpDecoderProfile)10)
2632 /** \hideinitializer */
2633 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_VC1_ADVANCED                ((VdpDecoderProfile)11)
2634 /** \hideinitializer */
2635 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_MPEG4_PART2_SP              ((VdpDecoderProfile)12)
2636 /** \hideinitializer */
2637 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_MPEG4_PART2_ASP             ((VdpDecoderProfile)13)
2638 /** \hideinitializer */
2639 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_DIVX4_QMOBILE               ((VdpDecoderProfile)14)
2640 /** \hideinitializer */
2641 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_DIVX4_MOBILE                ((VdpDecoderProfile)15)
2642 /** \hideinitializer */
2643 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_DIVX4_HOME_THEATER          ((VdpDecoderProfile)16)
2644 /** \hideinitializer */
2645 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_DIVX4_HD_1080P              ((VdpDecoderProfile)17)
2646 /** \hideinitializer */
2647 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_DIVX5_QMOBILE               ((VdpDecoderProfile)18)
2648 /** \hideinitializer */
2649 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_DIVX5_MOBILE                ((VdpDecoderProfile)19)
2650 /** \hideinitializer */
2651 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_DIVX5_HOME_THEATER          ((VdpDecoderProfile)20)
2652 /** \hideinitializer */
2653 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_DIVX5_HD_1080P              ((VdpDecoderProfile)21)
2654 /** \hideinitializer */
2655 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_H264_CONSTRAINED_BASELINE   ((VdpDecoderProfile)22)
2656 /** \hideinitializer */
2657 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_H264_EXTENDED               ((VdpDecoderProfile)23)
2658 /** \hideinitializer */
2659 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_H264_PROGRESSIVE_HIGH       ((VdpDecoderProfile)24)
2660 /** \hideinitializer */
2661 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_H264_CONSTRAINED_HIGH       ((VdpDecoderProfile)25)
2662 /** \hideinitializer */
2663 /** \brief Support for 8 bit depth only */
2664 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_H264_HIGH_444_PREDICTIVE    ((VdpDecoderProfile)26)
2665 /** \hideinitializer */
2666 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_VP9_PROFILE_0               ((VdpDecoderProfile)27)
2667 /** \hideinitializer */
2668 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_VP9_PROFILE_1               ((VdpDecoderProfile)28)
2669 /** \hideinitializer */
2670 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_VP9_PROFILE_2               ((VdpDecoderProfile)29)
2671 /** \hideinitializer */
2672 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_VP9_PROFILE_3               ((VdpDecoderProfile)30)
2673 /** \hideinitializer */
2674 /** \brief MPEG-H Part 2 == H.265 == HEVC */
2675 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN                   ((VdpDecoderProfile)100)
2676 /** \hideinitializer */
2677 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN_10                ((VdpDecoderProfile)101)
2678 /** \hideinitializer */
2679 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN_STILL             ((VdpDecoderProfile)102)
2680 /** \hideinitializer */
2681 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN_12                ((VdpDecoderProfile)103)
2682 /** \hideinitializer */
2683 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN_444               ((VdpDecoderProfile)104)
2684 /** \hideinitializer */
2685 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN_444_10            ((VdpDecoderProfile)105)
2686 /** \hideinitializer */
2687 #define VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_HEVC_MAIN_444_12            ((VdpDecoderProfile)106)
2689 /** \hideinitializer */
2692 /** \hideinitializer */
2693 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_MPEG2_LL   0
2694 /** \hideinitializer */
2695 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_MPEG2_ML   1
2696 /** \hideinitializer */
2697 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_MPEG2_HL14 2
2698 /** \hideinitializer */
2699 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_MPEG2_HL   3
2701 /** \hideinitializer */
2702 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_1     10
2703 /** \hideinitializer */
2704 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_1b    9
2705 /** \hideinitializer */
2706 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_1_1   11
2707 /** \hideinitializer */
2708 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_1_2   12
2709 /** \hideinitializer */
2710 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_1_3   13
2711 /** \hideinitializer */
2712 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_2     20
2713 /** \hideinitializer */
2714 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_2_1   21
2715 /** \hideinitializer */
2716 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_2_2   22
2717 /** \hideinitializer */
2718 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_3     30
2719 /** \hideinitializer */
2720 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_3_1   31
2721 /** \hideinitializer */
2722 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_3_2   32
2723 /** \hideinitializer */
2724 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_4     40
2725 /** \hideinitializer */
2726 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_4_1   41
2727 /** \hideinitializer */
2728 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_4_2   42
2729 /** \hideinitializer */
2730 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_5     50
2731 /** \hideinitializer */
2732 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_H264_5_1   51
2734 /** \hideinitializer */
2736 /** \hideinitializer */
2739 /** \hideinitializer */
2740 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_VC1_MAIN_LOW    0
2741 /** \hideinitializer */
2743 /** \hideinitializer */
2746 /** \hideinitializer */
2748 /** \hideinitializer */
2750 /** \hideinitializer */
2752 /** \hideinitializer */
2754 /** \hideinitializer */
2757 /** \hideinitializer */
2759 /** \hideinitializer */
2761 /** \hideinitializer */
2763 /** \hideinitializer */
2766 /** \hideinitializer */
2768 /** \hideinitializer */
2770 /** \hideinitializer */
2772 /** \hideinitializer */
2774 /** \hideinitializer */
2776 /** \hideinitializer */
2779 /** \hideinitializer */
2782 /** \hideinitializer */
2783 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_VP9_L1 1
2785 /**
2786  * The VDPAU H.265/HEVC decoder levels correspond to the values of
2787  * general_level_idc as described in the H.265 Specification, Annex A,
2788  * Table A.1. The enumeration values are equal to thirty times the level
2789  * number.
2790  */
2791 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_HEVC_1         30
2792 /** \hideinitializer */
2793 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_HEVC_2         60
2794 /** \hideinitializer */
2795 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_HEVC_2_1       63
2796 /** \hideinitializer */
2797 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_HEVC_3         90
2798 /** \hideinitializer */
2799 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_HEVC_3_1       93
2800 /** \hideinitializer */
2801 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_HEVC_4        120
2802 /** \hideinitializer */
2803 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_HEVC_4_1      123
2804 /** \hideinitializer */
2805 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_HEVC_5        150
2806 /** \hideinitializer */
2807 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_HEVC_5_1      153
2808 /** \hideinitializer */
2809 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_HEVC_5_2      156
2810 /** \hideinitializer */
2811 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_HEVC_6        180
2812 /** \hideinitializer */
2813 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_HEVC_6_1      183
2814 /** \hideinitializer */
2815 #define VDP_DECODER_LEVEL_HEVC_6_2      186
2817 typedef enum {
2818     VDP_VIDEO_SURFACE_FIELD_STRUCTURE         = (1 << 0),
2819     VDP_VIDEO_SURFACE_FRAME_STRUCTURE         = (1 << 1)
2820 } VdpVideoSurfaceSupportedPictureStructure;
2822 typedef enum {
2823     VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_MAX_LEVEL                      = 0,
2824     VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_MAX_MACROBLOCKS                = 1,
2825     VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_MAX_WIDTH                      = 2,
2826     VDP_DECODER_PROFILE_MAX_HEIGHT                     = 3,
2828     /**
2829      * A list of supported chroma types, stored as a bitmask of 1 shifted
2830      * by each supported VdpChromaType value.  E.g.,
2831      *   (1 << VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_420) |
2832      *   (1 << VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_422) |
2833      *   (1 << VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_444)
2834      */
2836 } VdpDecoderCapability;
2838 /**
2839   * \brief Query the supported value of the requested capability, for
2840   *       the specified profile on the specified device.
2841   * \param[in] device The device to query.
2842   * \param[in] profile The decoder profile for which information is requested.
2843   * \param[in] capability The decoder profile capability for which the value
2844   *       is requested.
2845   * \param[out] capability_value The value of the requested capability.
2846   * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2847   */
2849 typedef VdpStatus VdpDecoderQueryProfileCapability(
2850     VdpDevice                   device,
2851     VdpDecoderProfile           profile,
2852     /* output parameters follow */
2853     VdpDecoderCapability        capability,
2854     void *                      capability_value
2855 );
2857 /**
2858  * \brief Query the implementation's VdpDecoder capabilities.
2859  * \param[in] device The device to query.
2860  * \param[in] profile The decoder profile for which information is requested.
2861  * \param[out] is_supported Is this profile supported?
2862  * \param[out] max_level The maximum specification level supported for this
2863  *       profile.
2864  * \param[out] max_macroblocks The maximum supported surface size in
2865  *       macroblocks. Note that this could be greater than that dictated by
2866  *       the maximum level.
2867  * \param[out] max_width The maximum supported surface width for this profile.
2868  *       Note that this could be greater than that dictated by the maximum
2869  *       level.
2870  * \param[out] max_height The maximum supported surface height for this
2871  *       profile. Note that this could be greater than that dictated by the
2872  *       maximum level.
2873  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2874  */
2875 typedef VdpStatus VdpDecoderQueryCapabilities(
2876     VdpDevice         device,
2877     VdpDecoderProfile profile,
2878     /* output parameters follow */
2879     VdpBool *         is_supported,
2880     uint32_t *        max_level,
2881     uint32_t *        max_macroblocks,
2882     uint32_t *        max_width,
2883     uint32_t *        max_height
2884 );
2886 /**
2887  * \brief An opaque handle representing a VdpDecoder object.
2888  */
2889 typedef uint32_t VdpDecoder;
2891 /**
2892  * \brief Create a VdpDecoder.
2893  * \param[in] device The device that will contain the surface.
2894  * \param[in] profile The video format the decoder will decode.
2895  * \param[in] width The width of the new surface.
2896  * \param[in] height The height of the new surface.
2897  * \param[in] max_references The maximum number of references that may be
2898  *       used by a single frame in the stream to be decoded. This parameter
2899  *       exists mainly for formats such as H.264, where different streams
2900  *       may use a different number of references. Requesting too many
2901  *       references may waste memory, but decoding should still operate
2902  *       correctly. Requesting too few references will cause decoding to
2903  *       fail.
2904  * \param[out] decoder The new decoder's handle.
2905  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2906  */
2907 typedef VdpStatus VdpDecoderCreate(
2908     VdpDevice         device,
2909     VdpDecoderProfile profile,
2910     uint32_t          width,
2911     uint32_t          height,
2912     uint32_t          max_references,
2913     /* output parameters follow */
2914     VdpDecoder *      decoder
2915 );
2917 /**
2918  * \brief Destroy a VdpDecoder.
2919  * \param[in] surface The decoder's handle.
2920  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2921  */
2922 typedef VdpStatus VdpDecoderDestroy(
2923     VdpDecoder decoder
2924 );
2926 /**
2927  * \brief Retrieve the parameters used to create a
2928  *        VdpDecoder.
2929  * \param[in] surface The surface's handle.
2930  * \param[out] profile The video format used to create the
2931  *       decoder.
2932  * \param[out] width The width of surfaces decode by the
2933  *       decoder.
2934  * \param[out] height The height of surfaces decode by the
2935  *       decoder
2936  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
2937  */
2938 typedef VdpStatus VdpDecoderGetParameters(
2939     VdpDecoder          decoder,
2940     /* output parameters follow */
2941     VdpDecoderProfile * profile,
2942     uint32_t *          width,
2943     uint32_t *          height
2944 );
2948 /**
2949  * \brief Application data buffer containing compressed video
2950  *        data.
2951  */
2952 typedef struct {
2953     /**
2954      * This field must be filled with VDP_BITSTREAM_BUFFER_VERSION
2955      */
2956     uint32_t     struct_version;
2957     /** A pointer to the bitstream data bytes */
2958     void const * bitstream;
2959     /** The number of data bytes */
2960     uint32_t     bitstream_bytes;
2961 } VdpBitstreamBuffer;
2963 /**
2964  * \brief A generic "picture information" type.
2965  *
2966  * This type serves solely to document the expected usage of a
2967  * generic (void *) function parameter. In actual usage, the
2968  * application is expected to physically provide a pointer to an
2969  * instance of one of the "real" VdpPictureInfo* structures,
2970  * picking the type appropriate for the decoder object in
2971  * question.
2972  */
2973 typedef void VdpPictureInfo;
2975 /**
2976  * \brief Picture parameter information for an MPEG 1 or MPEG 2
2977  *        picture.
2978  *
2979  * Note: References to bitstream fields below may refer to data literally parsed
2980  * from the bitstream, or derived from the bitstream using a mechanism described
2981  * in the specification.
2982  */
2983 typedef struct {
2984     /**
2985      * Reference used by B and P frames.
2986      * Set to VDP_INVALID_HANDLE when not used.
2987      */
2988     VdpVideoSurface forward_reference;
2989     /**
2990      * Reference used by B frames.
2991      * Set to VDP_INVALID_HANDLE when not used.
2992      */
2993     VdpVideoSurface backward_reference;
2994     /** Number of slices in the bitstream provided. */
2995     uint32_t        slice_count;
2997     /** \name MPEG bitstream
2998      *
2999      * Copies of the MPEG bitstream fields.
3000      * @{ */
3001     uint8_t picture_structure;
3002     uint8_t picture_coding_type;
3003     uint8_t intra_dc_precision;
3004     uint8_t frame_pred_frame_dct;
3005     uint8_t concealment_motion_vectors;
3006     uint8_t intra_vlc_format;
3007     uint8_t alternate_scan;
3008     uint8_t q_scale_type;
3009     uint8_t top_field_first;
3010     /** MPEG-1 only. For MPEG-2, set to 0. */
3011     uint8_t full_pel_forward_vector;
3012     /** MPEG-1 only. For MPEG-2, set to 0. */
3013     uint8_t full_pel_backward_vector;
3014     /** For MPEG-1, fill both horizontal and vertical entries. */
3015     uint8_t f_code[2][2];
3016     /** Convert to raster order. */
3017     uint8_t intra_quantizer_matrix[64];
3018     /** Convert to raster order. */
3019     uint8_t non_intra_quantizer_matrix[64];
3020     /** @} */
3021 } VdpPictureInfoMPEG1Or2;
3023 /**
3024  * \brief Information about an H.264 reference frame
3025  *
3026  * Note: References to bitstream fields below may refer to data literally parsed
3027  * from the bitstream, or derived from the bitstream using a mechanism described
3028  * in the specification.
3029  */
3030 typedef struct {
3031     /**
3032      * The surface that contains the reference image.
3033      * Set to VDP_INVALID_HANDLE for unused entries.
3034      */
3035     VdpVideoSurface surface;
3036     /** Is this a long term reference (else short term). */
3037     VdpBool         is_long_term;
3038     /**
3039      * Is the top field used as a reference.
3040      * Set to VDP_FALSE for unused entries.
3041      */
3042     VdpBool         top_is_reference;
3043     /**
3044      * Is the bottom field used as a reference.
3045      * Set to VDP_FALSE for unused entries.
3046      */
3047     VdpBool         bottom_is_reference;
3048     /** [0]: top, [1]: bottom */
3049     int32_t         field_order_cnt[2];
3050     /**
3051      * Copy of the H.264 bitstream field:
3052      * frame_num from slice_header for short-term references,
3053      * LongTermPicNum from decoding algorithm for long-term references.
3054      */
3055     uint16_t        frame_idx;
3056 } VdpReferenceFrameH264;
3058 /**
3059  * \brief Picture parameter information for an H.264 picture.
3060  *
3061  * Note: The \ref referenceFrames array must contain the "DPB" as
3062  * defined by the H.264 specification. In particular, once a
3063  * reference frame has been decoded to a surface, that surface must
3064  * continue to appear in the DPB until no longer required to predict
3065  * any future frame. Once a surface is removed from the DPB, it can
3066  * no longer be used as a reference, unless decoded again.
3067  *
3068  * Also note that only surfaces previously generated using \ref
3069  * VdpDecoderRender may be used as reference frames. In particular,
3070  * surfaces filled using any "put bits" API will not work.
3071  *
3072  * Note: References to bitstream fields below may refer to data literally parsed
3073  * from the bitstream, or derived from the bitstream using a mechanism described
3074  * in the specification.
3075  *
3076  * Note: VDPAU clients must use VdpPictureInfoH264Predictive to describe the
3077  * attributes of a frame being decoded with
3079  */
3080 typedef struct {
3081     /** Number of slices in the bitstream provided. */
3082     uint32_t slice_count;
3083     /** [0]: top, [1]: bottom */
3084     int32_t  field_order_cnt[2];
3085     /** Will the decoded frame be used as a reference later. */
3086     VdpBool  is_reference;
3088     /** \name H.264 bitstream
3089      *
3090      * Copies of the H.264 bitstream fields.
3091      * @{ */
3092     uint16_t frame_num;
3093     uint8_t  field_pic_flag;
3094     uint8_t  bottom_field_flag;
3095     uint8_t  num_ref_frames;
3096     uint8_t  mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag;
3097     uint8_t  constrained_intra_pred_flag;
3098     uint8_t  weighted_pred_flag;
3099     uint8_t  weighted_bipred_idc;
3100     uint8_t  frame_mbs_only_flag;
3101     uint8_t  transform_8x8_mode_flag;
3102     int8_t   chroma_qp_index_offset;
3103     int8_t   second_chroma_qp_index_offset;
3104     int8_t   pic_init_qp_minus26;
3105     uint8_t  num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1;
3106     uint8_t  num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1;
3107     uint8_t  log2_max_frame_num_minus4;
3108     uint8_t  pic_order_cnt_type;
3109     uint8_t  log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4;
3110     uint8_t  delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag;
3111     uint8_t  direct_8x8_inference_flag;
3112     uint8_t  entropy_coding_mode_flag;
3113     uint8_t  pic_order_present_flag;
3114     uint8_t  deblocking_filter_control_present_flag;
3115     uint8_t  redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag;
3116     /** Convert to raster order. */
3117     uint8_t scaling_lists_4x4[6][16];
3118     /** Convert to raster order. */
3119     uint8_t scaling_lists_8x8[2][64];
3120     /** @} */
3122     /** See \ref VdpPictureInfoH264 for instructions regarding this field. */
3123     VdpReferenceFrameH264 referenceFrames[16];
3124 } VdpPictureInfoH264;
3126 /**
3127  * \brief Picture parameter information for an H.264 Hi444PP picture.
3128  *
3129  * Note: VDPAU clients must use VdpPictureInfoH264Predictive to describe the
3130  * attributes of a frame being decoded with
3132  *
3133  * Note: software drivers may choose to honor values of
3134  * qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag greater than 1 for internal use.
3135  */
3136 typedef struct {
3137     /** \ref VdpPictureInfoH264 struct. */
3138     VdpPictureInfoH264 pictureInfo;
3140     /** \name H.264 bitstream
3141      *
3142      * Copies of the H.264 bitstream fields.
3143      * @{ */
3144     /**
3145      *  0 - lossless disabled
3146      *  1 - lossless enabled
3147      */
3148     uint8_t qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag;
3149     /**
3150      *  0 - disabled
3151      *  1 - enabled
3152      */
3153     uint8_t separate_colour_plane_flag;
3154     /** @} */
3155 } VdpPictureInfoH264Predictive;
3157 /**
3158  * \brief Picture parameter information for a VC1 picture.
3159  *
3160  * Note: References to bitstream fields below may refer to data literally parsed
3161  * from the bitstream, or derived from the bitstream using a mechanism described
3162  * in the specification.
3163  */
3164 typedef struct {
3165     /**
3166      * Reference used by B and P frames.
3167      * Set to VDP_INVALID_HANDLE when not used.
3168      */
3169     VdpVideoSurface forward_reference;
3170     /**
3171      * Reference used by B frames.
3172      * Set to VDP_INVALID_HANDLE when not used.
3173      */
3174     VdpVideoSurface backward_reference;
3176     /** Number of slices in the bitstream provided. */
3177     uint32_t slice_count;
3178     /** I=0, P=1, B=3, BI=4  from */
3179     uint8_t  picture_type;
3180     /** Progressive=0, Frame-interlace=2, Field-interlace=3; see VC-1 */
3181     uint8_t  frame_coding_mode;
3183     /** \name VC-1 bitstream
3184      *
3185      * Copies of the VC-1 bitstream fields.
3186      * @{ */
3187     /** See VC-1 6.1.5. */
3188     uint8_t postprocflag;
3189     /** See VC-1 6.1.8. */
3190     uint8_t pulldown;
3191     /** See VC-1 6.1.9. */
3192     uint8_t interlace;
3193     /** See VC-1 6.1.10. */
3194     uint8_t tfcntrflag;
3195     /** See VC-1 6.1.11. */
3196     uint8_t finterpflag;
3197     /** See VC-1 6.1.3. */
3198     uint8_t psf;
3199     /** See VC-1 6.2.8. */
3200     uint8_t dquant;
3201     /** See VC-1 6.2.3. */
3202     uint8_t panscan_flag;
3203     /** See VC-1 6.2.4. */
3204     uint8_t refdist_flag;
3205     /** See VC-1 6.2.11. */
3206     uint8_t quantizer;
3207     /** See VC-1 6.2.7. */
3208     uint8_t extended_mv;
3209     /** See VC-1 6.2.14. */
3210     uint8_t extended_dmv;
3211     /** See VC-1 6.2.10. */
3212     uint8_t overlap;
3213     /** See VC-1 6.2.9. */
3214     uint8_t vstransform;
3215     /** See VC-1 6.2.5. */
3216     uint8_t loopfilter;
3217     /** See VC-1 6.2.6. */
3218     uint8_t fastuvmc;
3219     /** See VC-1 6.12.15. */
3220     uint8_t range_mapy_flag;
3221     uint8_t range_mapy;
3222     /** See VC-1 6.2.16. */
3223     uint8_t range_mapuv_flag;
3224     uint8_t range_mapuv;
3226     /**
3227      * See VC-1 J.1.10.
3228      * Only used by simple and main profiles.
3229      */
3230     uint8_t multires;
3231     /**
3232      * See VC-1 J.1.16.
3233      * Only used by simple and main profiles.
3234      */
3235     uint8_t syncmarker;
3236     /**
3237      * VC-1 SP/MP range reduction control.
3238      * Only used by simple and main profiles.
3239      * Bit 0: Copy of rangered VC-1 bitstream field; See VC-1 J.1.17.
3240      * Bit 1: Copy of rangeredfrm VC-1 bitstream fiels; See VC-1 7.1.13.
3241      */
3242     uint8_t rangered;
3243     /**
3244      * See VC-1 J.1.17.
3245      * Only used by simple and main profiles.
3246      */
3247     uint8_t maxbframes;
3248     /** @} */
3250     /**
3251      * Out-of-loop deblocking enable.
3252      * Bit 0 of POSTPROC from VC-1
3253      * Note that bit 1 of POSTPROC (dering enable) should not be included.
3254      */
3255     uint8_t deblockEnable;
3256     /**
3257      * Parameter used by VC-1 Annex H deblocking algorithm. Note that VDPAU
3258      * implementations may choose which deblocking algorithm to use.
3259      * See VC-1
3260      */
3261     uint8_t pquant;
3262 } VdpPictureInfoVC1;
3264 /**
3265  * \brief Picture parameter information for an MPEG-4 Part 2 picture.
3266  *
3267  * Note: References to bitstream fields below may refer to data literally parsed
3268  * from the bitstream, or derived from the bitstream using a mechanism described
3269  * in the specification.
3270  */
3271 typedef struct {
3272     /**
3273      * Reference used by B and P frames.
3274      * Set to VDP_INVALID_HANDLE when not used.
3275      */
3276     VdpVideoSurface forward_reference;
3277     /**
3278      * Reference used by B frames.
3279      * Set to VDP_INVALID_HANDLE when not used.
3280      */
3281     VdpVideoSurface backward_reference;
3283     /** \name MPEG 4 part 2 bitstream
3284      *
3285      * Copies of the MPEG 4 part 2 bitstream fields.
3286      * @{ */
3287     int32_t trd[2];
3288     int32_t trb[2];
3289     uint16_t vop_time_increment_resolution;
3290     uint8_t vop_coding_type;
3291     uint8_t vop_fcode_forward;
3292     uint8_t vop_fcode_backward;
3293     uint8_t resync_marker_disable;
3294     uint8_t interlaced;
3295     uint8_t quant_type;
3296     uint8_t quarter_sample;
3297     uint8_t short_video_header;
3298     /** Derived from vop_rounding_type bitstream field. */
3299     uint8_t rounding_control;
3300     uint8_t alternate_vertical_scan_flag;
3301     uint8_t top_field_first;
3302     uint8_t intra_quantizer_matrix[64];
3303     uint8_t non_intra_quantizer_matrix[64];
3304     /** @} */
3305 } VdpPictureInfoMPEG4Part2;
3307 /**
3308  * \brief Picture parameter information for a DivX 4 picture.
3309  *
3310  * Due to similarites between MPEG-4 Part 2 and DivX 4, the picture
3311  * parameter structure is re-used.
3312  */
3313 typedef VdpPictureInfoMPEG4Part2 VdpPictureInfoDivX4;
3315 /**
3316  * \brief Picture parameter information for a DivX 5 picture.
3317  *
3318  * Due to similarites between MPEG-4 Part 2 and DivX 5, the picture
3319  * parameter structure is re-used.
3320  */
3321 typedef VdpPictureInfoMPEG4Part2 VdpPictureInfoDivX5;
3323 typedef struct
3324 {
3325     unsigned int width;
3326     unsigned int height;
3328     //Frame Indices
3329     VdpVideoSurface lastReference;
3330     VdpVideoSurface goldenReference;
3331     VdpVideoSurface altReference;
3333     unsigned char colorSpace;
3335     unsigned short profile;
3336     unsigned short frameContextIdx;
3337     unsigned short keyFrame;
3338     unsigned short showFrame;
3339     unsigned short errorResilient;
3340     unsigned short frameParallelDecoding;
3341     unsigned short subSamplingX;
3342     unsigned short subSamplingY;
3343     unsigned short intraOnly;
3344     unsigned short allowHighPrecisionMv;
3345     unsigned short refreshEntropyProbs;
3347     unsigned char  refFrameSignBias[4];
3349     unsigned char bitDepthMinus8Luma;
3350     unsigned char bitDepthMinus8Chroma;
3351     unsigned char loopFilterLevel;
3352     unsigned char loopFilterSharpness;
3354     unsigned char modeRefLfEnabled;
3355     unsigned char log2TileColumns;
3356     unsigned char log2TileRows;
3358     unsigned char segmentEnabled;
3359     unsigned char segmentMapUpdate;
3360     unsigned char segmentMapTemporalUpdate;
3361     unsigned char segmentFeatureMode;
3363     unsigned char segmentFeatureEnable[8][4];
3364     short         segmentFeatureData[8][4];
3365     unsigned char mbSegmentTreeProbs[7];
3366     unsigned char segmentPredProbs[3];
3367     unsigned char reservedSegment16Bits[2];
3369     int qpYAc;
3370     int qpYDc;
3371     int qpChDc;
3372     int qpChAc;
3374     unsigned int activeRefIdx[3];
3375     unsigned int resetFrameContext;
3376     unsigned int mcompFilterType;
3377     unsigned int mbRefLfDelta[4];
3378     unsigned int mbModeLfDelta[2];
3379     unsigned int uncompressedHeaderSize;
3380     unsigned int compressedHeaderSize;
3381 } VdpPictureInfoVP9;
3383 /**
3384  * \brief Picture parameter information for an H.265/HEVC picture.
3385  *
3386  * References to bitsream fields below may refer to data literally parsed from
3387  * the bitstream, or derived from the bitstream using a mechanism described in
3388  * Rec. ITU-T H.265 (04/2013), hereafter referred to as "the H.265/HEVC
3389  * Specification".
3390  *
3391  * VDPAU H.265/HEVC implementations implement the portion of the decoding
3392  * process described by clauses 8.4, 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7 of the the
3393  * H.265/HEVC Specification. VdpPictureInfoHEVC provides enough data
3394  * to complete this portion of the decoding process, plus additional
3395  * information not defined in the H.265/HEVC Specification that may be
3396  * useful to particular implementations.
3397  *
3398  * Client applications must supply every field in this struct.
3399  */
3400 typedef struct {
3401     /** \name HEVC Sequence Parameter Set
3402      *
3403      * Copies of the HEVC Sequence Parameter Set bitstream fields.
3404      * @{ */
3405     uint8_t chroma_format_idc;
3406     /** Only valid if chroma_format_idc == 3. Ignored otherwise.*/
3407     uint8_t separate_colour_plane_flag;
3408     uint32_t pic_width_in_luma_samples;
3409     uint32_t pic_height_in_luma_samples;
3410     uint8_t bit_depth_luma_minus8;
3411     uint8_t bit_depth_chroma_minus8;
3412     uint8_t log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4;
3413     /** Provides the value corresponding to the nuh_temporal_id of the frame
3414         to be decoded. */
3415     uint8_t sps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1;
3416     uint8_t log2_min_luma_coding_block_size_minus3;
3417     uint8_t log2_diff_max_min_luma_coding_block_size;
3418     uint8_t log2_min_transform_block_size_minus2;
3419     uint8_t log2_diff_max_min_transform_block_size;
3420     uint8_t max_transform_hierarchy_depth_inter;
3421     uint8_t max_transform_hierarchy_depth_intra;
3422     uint8_t scaling_list_enabled_flag;
3423     /** Scaling lists, in diagonal order, to be used for this frame. */
3424     /** Scaling List for 4x4 quantization matrix,
3425        indexed as ScalingList4x4[matrixId][i]. */
3426     uint8_t ScalingList4x4[6][16];
3427     /** Scaling List for 8x8 quantization matrix,
3428        indexed as ScalingList8x8[matrixId][i]. */
3429     uint8_t ScalingList8x8[6][64];
3430     /** Scaling List for 16x16 quantization matrix,
3431        indexed as ScalingList16x16[matrixId][i]. */
3432     uint8_t ScalingList16x16[6][64];
3433     /** Scaling List for 32x32 quantization matrix,
3434        indexed as ScalingList32x32[matrixId][i]. */
3435     uint8_t ScalingList32x32[2][64];
3436     /** Scaling List DC Coefficients for 16x16,
3437        indexed as ScalingListDCCoeff16x16[matrixId]. */
3438     uint8_t ScalingListDCCoeff16x16[6];
3439     /** Scaling List DC Coefficients for 32x32,
3440        indexed as ScalingListDCCoeff32x32[matrixId]. */
3441     uint8_t ScalingListDCCoeff32x32[2];
3442     uint8_t amp_enabled_flag;
3443     uint8_t sample_adaptive_offset_enabled_flag;
3444     uint8_t pcm_enabled_flag;
3445     /** Only needs to be set if pcm_enabled_flag is set. Ignored otherwise. */
3446     uint8_t pcm_sample_bit_depth_luma_minus1;
3447     /** Only needs to be set if pcm_enabled_flag is set. Ignored otherwise. */
3448     uint8_t pcm_sample_bit_depth_chroma_minus1;
3449     /** Only needs to be set if pcm_enabled_flag is set. Ignored otherwise. */
3450     uint8_t log2_min_pcm_luma_coding_block_size_minus3;
3451     /** Only needs to be set if pcm_enabled_flag is set. Ignored otherwise. */
3452     uint8_t log2_diff_max_min_pcm_luma_coding_block_size;
3453     /** Only needs to be set if pcm_enabled_flag is set. Ignored otherwise. */
3454     uint8_t pcm_loop_filter_disabled_flag;
3455     /** Per spec, when zero, assume short_term_ref_pic_set_sps_flag
3456         is also zero. */
3457     uint8_t num_short_term_ref_pic_sets;
3458     uint8_t long_term_ref_pics_present_flag;
3459     /** Only needed if long_term_ref_pics_present_flag is set. Ignored
3460         otherwise. */
3461     uint8_t num_long_term_ref_pics_sps;
3462     uint8_t sps_temporal_mvp_enabled_flag;
3463     uint8_t strong_intra_smoothing_enabled_flag;
3464     /** @} */
3466     /** \name HEVC Picture Parameter Set
3467      *
3468      * Copies of the HEVC Picture Parameter Set bitstream fields.
3469      * @{ */
3470     uint8_t dependent_slice_segments_enabled_flag;
3471     uint8_t output_flag_present_flag;
3472     uint8_t num_extra_slice_header_bits;
3473     uint8_t sign_data_hiding_enabled_flag;
3474     uint8_t cabac_init_present_flag;
3475     uint8_t num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1;
3476     uint8_t num_ref_idx_l1_default_active_minus1;
3477     int8_t init_qp_minus26;
3478     uint8_t constrained_intra_pred_flag;
3479     uint8_t transform_skip_enabled_flag;
3480     uint8_t cu_qp_delta_enabled_flag;
3481     /** Only needed if cu_qp_delta_enabled_flag is set. Ignored otherwise. */
3482     uint8_t diff_cu_qp_delta_depth;
3483     int8_t pps_cb_qp_offset;
3484     int8_t pps_cr_qp_offset;
3485     uint8_t pps_slice_chroma_qp_offsets_present_flag;
3486     uint8_t weighted_pred_flag;
3487     uint8_t weighted_bipred_flag;
3488     uint8_t transquant_bypass_enabled_flag;
3489     uint8_t tiles_enabled_flag;
3490     uint8_t entropy_coding_sync_enabled_flag;
3491     /** Only valid if tiles_enabled_flag is set. Ignored otherwise. */
3492     uint8_t num_tile_columns_minus1;
3493     /** Only valid if tiles_enabled_flag is set. Ignored otherwise. */
3494     uint8_t num_tile_rows_minus1;
3495     /** Only valid if tiles_enabled_flag is set. Ignored otherwise. */
3496     uint8_t uniform_spacing_flag;
3497     /** Only need to set 0..num_tile_columns_minus1. The struct
3498         definition reserves up to the maximum of 20. Invalid values are
3499         ignored. */
3500     uint16_t column_width_minus1[20];
3501     /** Only need to set 0..num_tile_rows_minus1. The struct
3502         definition reserves up to the maximum of 22. Invalid values are
3503         ignored.*/
3504     uint16_t row_height_minus1[22];
3505     /** Only needed if tiles_enabled_flag is set. Invalid values are
3506         ignored. */
3507     uint8_t loop_filter_across_tiles_enabled_flag;
3508     uint8_t pps_loop_filter_across_slices_enabled_flag;
3509     uint8_t deblocking_filter_control_present_flag;
3510     /** Only valid if deblocking_filter_control_present_flag is set. Ignored
3511         otherwise. */
3512     uint8_t deblocking_filter_override_enabled_flag;
3513     /** Only valid if deblocking_filter_control_present_flag is set. Ignored
3514         otherwise. */
3515     uint8_t pps_deblocking_filter_disabled_flag;
3516     /** Only valid if deblocking_filter_control_present_flag is set and
3517         pps_deblocking_filter_disabled_flag is not set. Ignored otherwise.*/
3518     int8_t pps_beta_offset_div2;
3519     /** Only valid if deblocking_filter_control_present_flag is set and
3520         pps_deblocking_filter_disabled_flag is not set. Ignored otherwise. */
3521     int8_t pps_tc_offset_div2;
3522     uint8_t lists_modification_present_flag;
3523     uint8_t log2_parallel_merge_level_minus2;
3524     uint8_t slice_segment_header_extension_present_flag;
3525     /** @} */
3527     /** \name HEVC Slice Segment Header
3528      *
3529      * Copies of the HEVC Slice Segment Header bitstream fields and calculated
3530      * values detailed in the specification.
3531      * @{ */
3532     /** Set to 1 if nal_unit_type is equal to IDR_W_RADL or IDR_N_LP.
3533         Set to zero otherwise. */
3534     uint8_t IDRPicFlag;
3535     /** Set to 1 if nal_unit_type in the range of BLA_W_LP to
3536         RSV_IRAP_VCL23, inclusive. Set to zero otherwise.*/
3537     uint8_t RAPPicFlag;
3538     /** See section of the specification. */
3539     uint8_t CurrRpsIdx;
3540     /** See section of the specification. */
3541     uint32_t NumPocTotalCurr;
3542     /** Corresponds to specification field, NumDeltaPocs[RefRpsIdx].
3543         Only applicable when short_term_ref_pic_set_sps_flag == 0.
3544         Implementations will ignore this value in other cases. See 7.4.8. */
3545     uint32_t NumDeltaPocsOfRefRpsIdx;
3546     /** Section of the H.265/HEVC Specification defines the syntax of
3547         the slice_segment_header. This header contains information that
3548         some VDPAU implementations may choose to skip. The VDPAU API
3549         requires client applications to track the number of bits used in the
3550         slice header for structures associated with short term and long term
3551         reference pictures. First, VDPAU requires the number of bits used by
3552         the short_term_ref_pic_set array in the slice_segment_header. */
3553     uint32_t NumShortTermPictureSliceHeaderBits;
3554     /** Second, VDPAU requires the number of bits used for long term reference
3555         pictures in the slice_segment_header. This is equal to the number
3556         of bits used for the contents of the block beginning with
3557         "if(long_term_ref_pics_present_flag)". */
3558     uint32_t NumLongTermPictureSliceHeaderBits;
3559     /** @} */
3561     /** Slice Decoding Process - Picture Order Count */
3562     /** The value of PicOrderCntVal of the picture in the access unit
3563         containing the SEI message. The picture being decoded. */
3564     int32_t CurrPicOrderCntVal;
3566     /** Slice Decoding Process - Reference Picture Sets */
3567     /** Array of video reference surfaces.
3568         Set any unused positions to VDP_INVALID_HANDLE. */
3569     VdpVideoSurface RefPics[16];
3570     /** Array of picture order counts. These correspond to positions
3571         in the RefPics array. */
3572     int32_t PicOrderCntVal[16];
3573     /** Array used to specify whether a particular RefPic is
3574         a long term reference. A value of "1" indicates a long-term
3575         reference. */
3576     uint8_t IsLongTerm[16];
3577     /** Copy of specification field, see Section 8.3.2 of the
3578         H.265/HEVC Specification. */
3579     uint8_t NumPocStCurrBefore;
3580     /** Copy of specification field, see Section 8.3.2 of the
3581         H.265/HEVC Specification. */
3582     uint8_t NumPocStCurrAfter;
3583     /** Copy of specification field, see Section 8.3.2 of the
3584         H.265/HEVC Specification. */
3585     uint8_t NumPocLtCurr;
3586     /** Reference Picture Set list, one of the short-term RPS. These
3587         correspond to positions in the RefPics array. */
3588     uint8_t RefPicSetStCurrBefore[8];
3589     /** Reference Picture Set list, one of the short-term RPS. These
3590         correspond to positions in the RefPics array. */
3591     uint8_t RefPicSetStCurrAfter[8];
3592     /** Reference Picture Set list, one of the long-term RPS. These
3593         correspond to positions in the RefPics array. */
3594     uint8_t RefPicSetLtCurr[8];
3595 } VdpPictureInfoHEVC;
3597 /**
3598  * \brief Picture parameter information for an HEVC 444 picture.
3599  *
3600  * Note: VDPAU clients must use VdpPictureInfoHEVC444 to describe the
3601  * attributes of a frame being decoded with
3603  */
3604 typedef struct {
3605     /** \ref VdpPictureInfoHEVC struct. */
3606     VdpPictureInfoHEVC pictureInfo;
3608     /* SPS Range Extensions for Main 444, Main 10, etc. */
3609     uint8_t sps_range_extension_flag;
3610     /* sps extension for transform_skip_rotation_enabled_flag */
3611     uint8_t transformSkipRotationEnableFlag;
3612     /* sps extension for transform_skip_context_enabled_flag */
3613     uint8_t transformSkipContextEnableFlag;
3614     /* sps implicit_rdpcm_enabled_flag */
3615     uint8_t implicitRdpcmEnableFlag;
3616     /* sps explicit_rdpcm_enabled_flag */
3617     uint8_t explicitRdpcmEnableFlag;
3618     /* sps extended_precision_processing_flag,always 0 in current profile */
3619     uint8_t extendedPrecisionProcessingFlag;
3620     /* sps intra_smoothing_disabled_flag */
3621     uint8_t intraSmoothingDisabledFlag;
3622     /* sps high_precision_offsets_enabled_flag */
3623     uint8_t highPrecisionOffsetsEnableFlag;
3624     /* sps persistent_rice_adaptation_enabled_flag */
3625     uint8_t persistentRiceAdaptationEnableFlag;
3626     /* sps cabac_bypass_alignment_enabled_flag, always 0 in current profile */
3627     uint8_t cabacBypassAlignmentEnableFlag;
3628     /* sps intraBlockCopyEnableFlag, always 0 not used by the spec as of now */
3629     uint8_t intraBlockCopyEnableFlag;
3631     /* PPS Range Extensions for Main 444, Main 10, etc. */
3632     uint8_t pps_range_extension_flag;
3633     /* pps extension log2_max_transform_skip_block_size_minus2, 0...5 */
3634     uint8_t log2MaxTransformSkipSize;
3635     /* pps cross_component_prediction_enabled_flag */
3636     uint8_t crossComponentPredictionEnableFlag;
3637     /* pps chroma_qp_adjustment_enabled_flag */
3638     uint8_t chromaQpAdjustmentEnableFlag;
3639     /* pps diff_cu_chroma_qp_adjustment_depth, 0...3 */
3640     uint8_t diffCuChromaQpAdjustmentDepth;
3641     /* pps chroma_qp_adjustment_table_size_minus1+1, 1...6 */
3642     uint8_t chromaQpAdjustmentTableSize;
3643     /* pps log2_sao_offset_scale_luma, max(0,bitdepth-10), */
3644     /* maxBitdepth 16 for future. */
3645     uint8_t log2SaoOffsetScaleLuma;
3646     /* pps log2_sao_offset_scale_chroma */
3647     uint8_t log2SaoOffsetScaleChroma;
3648     /* -[12,+12] */
3649     int8_t cb_qp_adjustment[6];
3650     /* -[12,+12] */
3651     int8_t cr_qp_adjustment[6];
3653 } VdpPictureInfoHEVC444;
3655 /**
3656  * \brief Picture parameter information for HEVC FormatRangeExtensions picture.
3657  *
3658  * HEVC Main 444 Profile is part of Format Range Extensions profiles,
3659  * Due to similarities between Format Range Extensions profiles, the picture
3660  * parameter structure is re-used for Format Range Extensions profiles
3661  * supported.
3662  */
3663 typedef VdpPictureInfoHEVC444 VdpPictureInfoHEVCRangeExt;
3665 /**
3666  * \brief Decode a compressed field/frame and render the result
3667  *        into a \ref VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface".
3668  * \param[in] decoder The decoder object that will perform the
3669  *       decode operation.
3670  * \param[in] target The video surface to render to.
3671  * \param[in] picture_info A (pointer to a) structure containing
3672  *       information about the picture to be decoded. Note that
3673  *       the appropriate type of VdpPictureInfo* structure must
3674  *       be provided to match to profile that the decoder was
3675  *       created for.
3676  * \param[in] bitstream_buffer_count The number of bitstream
3677  *       buffers containing compressed data for this picture.
3678  * \param[in] bitstream_buffers An array of bitstream buffers.
3679  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
3680  *
3681  * See \ref video_mixer_usage for additional information.
3682  */
3683 typedef VdpStatus VdpDecoderRender(
3684     VdpDecoder                 decoder,
3685     VdpVideoSurface            target,
3686     VdpPictureInfo const *     picture_info,
3687     uint32_t                   bitstream_buffer_count,
3688     VdpBitstreamBuffer const * bitstream_buffers
3689 );
3691 /** @} */
3693 /**
3694  * \defgroup VdpVideoMixer VdpVideoMixer; Video Post-processing and Compositing object
3695  *
3696  * VdpVideoMixer can perform some subset of the following
3697  * post-processing steps on video:
3698  * - De-interlacing
3699  *   - Various types, with or without inverse telecine
3700  * - Noise-reduction
3701  * - Sharpness adjustment
3702  * - Color space conversion to RGB
3703  * - Chroma format upscaling to 4:4:4
3704  *
3705  * A VdpVideoMixer takes a source \ref VdpVideoSurface
3706  * "VdpVideoSurface" VdpVideoSurface and performs various video
3707  * processing steps on it (potentially using information from
3708  * past or future video surfaces). It scales the video and
3709  * converts it to RGB, then optionally composites it with
3710  * multiple auxiliary \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface"s
3711  * before writing the result to the destination \ref
3712  * VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface".
3713  *
3714  * The video mixer compositing model is as follows:
3715  *
3716  * - A rectangle will be rendered on an output surface. No
3717  *   pixels will be rendered outside of this output rectangle.
3718  *   The contents of this rectangle will be a composite of many
3719  *   layers.
3720  *
3721  * - The first layer is the background color. The background
3722  *   color will fill the entire rectangle.
3723  *
3724  * - The second layer is the processed video which has been
3725  *   converted to RGB. These pixels will overwrite the
3726  *   background color of the first layer except where the second
3727  *   layer's rectangle does not completely cover the output
3728  *   rectangle. In those regions the background color will
3729  *   continue to show. If any portion of the second layer's
3730  *   output rectangle is outside of the output rectangle, those
3731  *   portions will be clipped.
3732  *
3733  * - The third layer contains some number of auxiliary layers
3734  *   (in the form of \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface"s)
3735  *   which will be composited using the alpha value from the
3736  *   those surfaces. The compositing operations are equivalent
3737  *   to rendering with \ref VdpOutputSurfaceRenderOutputSurface
3738  *   using a source blend factor of SOURCE_ALPHA, a destination
3739  *   blend factor of ONE_MINUS_SOURCE_ALPHA and an equation of
3740  *   ADD.
3741  *
3742  * @{
3743  */
3745 /**
3746  * \brief A VdpVideoMixer feature that must be requested at
3747  *        creation time to be used.
3748  *
3749  * Certain advanced VdpVideoMixer features are optional, and the
3750  * ability to use those features at all must be requested when
3751  * the VdpVideoMixer object is created. Each feature is named via
3752  * a specific VdpVideoMixerFeature value.
3753  *
3754  * Once requested, these features are permanently available
3755  * within that specific VdpVideoMixer object. All features that
3756  * are not explicitly requested at creation time default to
3757  * being permanently unavailable.
3758  *
3759  * Even when requested, all features default to being initially
3760  * disabled. However, applications can subsequently enable and
3761  * disable features at any time. See \ref
3762  * VdpVideoMixerSetFeatureEnables.
3763  *
3764  * Some features allow configuration of their operation. Each
3765  * configurable item is an \ref VdpVideoMixerAttribute. These
3766  * attributes may be manipulated at any time using \ref
3767  * VdpVideoMixerSetAttributeValues.
3768  */
3769 typedef uint32_t VdpVideoMixerFeature;
3771 /**
3772  * \hideinitializer
3773  * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
3774  *
3775  * When requested and enabled, motion adaptive temporal
3776  * deinterlacing will be used on interlaced content.
3777  *
3778  * When multiple de-interlacing options are requested and
3779  * enabled, the back-end implementation chooses the best
3780  * algorithm to apply.
3781  */
3782 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_DEINTERLACE_TEMPORAL         ((VdpVideoMixerFeature)0)
3783 /**
3784  * \hideinitializer
3785  * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
3786  *
3787  * When requested and enabled, this enables a more advanced
3788  * version of temporal de-interlacing, that additionally uses
3789  * edge-guided spatial interpolation.
3790  *
3791  * When multiple de-interlacing options are requested and
3792  * enabled, the back-end implementation chooses the best
3793  * algorithm to apply.
3794  */
3796 /**
3797  * \hideinitializer
3798  * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
3799  *
3800  * When requested and enabled, cadence detection will be enabled
3801  * on interlaced content and the video mixer will try to extract
3802  * progressive frames from pull-down material.
3803  */
3804 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_INVERSE_TELECINE             ((VdpVideoMixerFeature)2)
3805 /**
3806  * \hideinitializer
3807  * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
3808  *
3809  * When requested and enabled, a noise reduction algorithm will
3810  * be applied to the video.
3811  */
3812 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_NOISE_REDUCTION              ((VdpVideoMixerFeature)3)
3813 /**
3814  * \hideinitializer
3815  * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
3816  *
3817  * When requested and enabled, a sharpening algorithm will be
3818  * applied to the video.
3819  */
3820 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_SHARPNESS                    ((VdpVideoMixerFeature)4)
3821 /**
3822  * \hideinitializer
3823  * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
3824  *
3825  * When requested and enabled, the alpha of the rendered
3826  * surface, which is normally set to the alpha of the background
3827  * color, will be forced to 0.0 on pixels corresponding to
3828  * source video surface luminance values in the range specified
3831  * keying is performed after scaling and de-interlacing.
3832  */
3833 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_LUMA_KEY                     ((VdpVideoMixerFeature)5)
3834 /**
3835  * \hideinitializer
3836  * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
3837  *
3838  * A VDPAU implementation may support multiple scaling algorithms of
3839  * differing quality, and may potentially support a different subset
3840  * of algorithms on different hardware.
3841  *
3842  * In some cases, higher quality algorithms may require more resources
3843  * (memory size, memory bandwidth, etc.) to operate. Hence, these high
3844  * quality algorithms must be explicitly requested and enabled by the client
3845  * application. This allows applications operating in a resource-constrained
3846  * environment to have some level of control over resource usage.
3847  *
3848  * Basic scaling is always built into any video mixer, and is known as
3849  * level 0. Scaling quality increases beginning with optional level 1,
3850  * through optional level 9.
3851  *
3852  * If an application requests and enables multiple high quality scaling
3853  * algorithms, the highest level enabled scaling algorithm will be used.
3854  */
3855 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_HIGH_QUALITY_SCALING_L1      ((VdpVideoMixerFeature)11)
3856 /**
3857  * \hideinitializer
3858  * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
3859  *
3861  */
3862 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_HIGH_QUALITY_SCALING_L2      ((VdpVideoMixerFeature)12)
3863 /**
3864  * \hideinitializer
3865  * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
3866  *
3868  */
3869 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_HIGH_QUALITY_SCALING_L3      ((VdpVideoMixerFeature)13)
3870 /**
3871  * \hideinitializer
3872  * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
3873  *
3875  */
3876 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_HIGH_QUALITY_SCALING_L4      ((VdpVideoMixerFeature)14)
3877 /**
3878  * \hideinitializer
3879  * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
3880  *
3882  */
3883 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_HIGH_QUALITY_SCALING_L5      ((VdpVideoMixerFeature)15)
3884 /**
3885  * \hideinitializer
3886  * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
3887  *
3889  */
3890 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_HIGH_QUALITY_SCALING_L6      ((VdpVideoMixerFeature)16)
3891 /**
3892  * \hideinitializer
3893  * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
3894  *
3896  */
3897 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_HIGH_QUALITY_SCALING_L7      ((VdpVideoMixerFeature)17)
3898 /**
3899  * \hideinitializer
3900  * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
3901  *
3903  */
3904 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_HIGH_QUALITY_SCALING_L8      ((VdpVideoMixerFeature)18)
3905 /**
3906  * \hideinitializer
3907  * \brief A VdpVideoMixerFeature.
3908  *
3910  */
3911 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_FEATURE_HIGH_QUALITY_SCALING_L9      ((VdpVideoMixerFeature)19)
3913 /**
3914  * \brief A VdpVideoMixer creation parameter.
3915  *
3916  * When a VdpVideoMixer is created, certain parameters may be
3917  * supplied. Each parameter is named via a specific
3918  * VdpVideoMixerParameter value.
3919  *
3920  * Each parameter has a specific type, and specific default
3921  * value if not specified at VdpVideoMixer creation time. The
3922  * application may query the legal supported range for some
3923  * parameters.
3924  */
3925 typedef uint32_t VdpVideoMixerParameter;
3927 /**
3928  * \hideinitializer
3929  * \brief The exact width of input video surfaces.
3930  *
3931  * This parameter's type is uint32_t.
3932  *
3933  * This parameter defaults to 0 if not specified, which entails
3934  * that it must be specified.
3935  *
3936  * The application may query this parameter's supported
3937  * range.
3938  */
3939 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PARAMETER_VIDEO_SURFACE_WIDTH  ((VdpVideoMixerParameter)0)
3940 /**
3941  * \hideinitializer
3942  * \brief The exact height of input video surfaces.
3943  *
3944  * This parameter's type is uint32_t.
3945  *
3946  * This parameter defaults to 0 if not specified, which entails
3947  * that it must be specified.
3948  *
3949  * The application may query this parameter's supported
3950  * range.
3951  */
3953 /**
3954  * \hideinitializer
3955  * \brief The chroma type of the input video surfaces the will
3956  *        process.
3957  *
3958  * This parameter's type is VdpChromaType.
3959  *
3960  * If not specified, this parameter defaults to
3961  * VDP_CHROMA_TYPE_420.
3962  *
3963  * The application may not query this application's supported
3964  * range, since it is a potentially disjoint enumeration.
3965  */
3966 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PARAMETER_CHROMA_TYPE          ((VdpVideoMixerParameter)2)
3967 /**
3968  * \hideinitializer
3969  * \brief The number of auxiliary layers in the mixer's
3970  *        compositing model.
3971  *
3972  * Note that this indicates the maximum number of layers that
3973  * may be processed by a given \ref VdpVideoMixer "VdpVideoMixer"
3974  * object. Each individual \ref VdpVideoMixerRender invocation
3975  * may choose to use a different number of actual layers, from 0
3976  * up to this limit.
3977  *
3978  * This attribute's type is uint32_t.
3979  *
3980  * If not specified, this parameter defaults to 0.
3981  *
3982  * The application may query this parameter's supported
3983  * range.
3984  */
3985 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_PARAMETER_LAYERS               ((VdpVideoMixerParameter)3)
3987 /**
3988  * \brief An adjustable attribute of VdpVideoMixer operation.
3989  *
3990  * Various attributes of VdpVideoMixer operation may be adjusted
3991  * at any time. Each attribute is named via a specific
3992  * VdpVideoMixerAttribute value.
3993  *
3994  * Each attribute has a specific type, and specific default
3995  * value if not specified at VdpVideoMixer creation time. The
3996  * application may query the legal supported range for some
3997  * attributes.
3998  */
3999 typedef uint32_t VdpVideoMixerAttribute;
4001 /**
4002  * \hideinitializer
4003  * \brief The background color in the VdpVideoMixer's compositing
4004  *        model.
4005  *
4006  * This attribute's type is VdpColor.
4007  *
4008  * This parameter defaults to black (all color components 0.0
4009  * and alpha 1.0).
4010  *
4011  * The application may not query this parameter's supported
4012  * range, since the type is not scalar.
4013  */
4014 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_ATTRIBUTE_BACKGROUND_COLOR      ((VdpVideoMixerAttribute)0)
4015 /**
4016  * \hideinitializer
4017  * \brief The color-space conversion matrix used by the
4018  *        VdpVideoMixer.
4019  *
4020  * This attribute's type is \ref VdpCSCMatrix.
4021  *
4022  * Note: When using \ref VdpVideoMixerGetAttributeValues to retrieve the
4023  * current CSC matrix, the attribute_values array must contain a pointer to
4024  * a pointer a VdpCSCMatrix (VdpCSCMatrix** as a void *). The get function will
4025  * either initialize the referenced CSC matrix to the current value, *or*
4026  * clear the supplied pointer to NULL, if the previous set call supplied a
4027  * value of NULL in parameter_values, to request the default matrix.
4028  *
4029  * \code
4030  * VdpCSCMatrix   matrix;
4031  * VdpCSCMatrix * matrix_ptr;
4032  * void * attribute_values[] = {&matrix_ptr};
4033  * VdpStatus st = vdp_video_mixer_get_attribute_values(..., attribute_values, ...);
4034  * \endcode
4035  *
4036  * This parameter defaults to a matrix suitable for ITU-R BT.601
4037  * input surfaces, with no procamp adjustments.
4038  *
4039  * The application may not query this parameter's supported
4040  * range, since the type is not scalar.
4041  */
4042 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_ATTRIBUTE_CSC_MATRIX            ((VdpVideoMixerAttribute)1)
4043 /**
4044  * \hideinitializer
4045  * \brief The amount of noise reduction algorithm to apply.
4046  *
4047  * This attribute's type is float.
4048  *
4049  * This parameter defaults to 0.0, which equates to no noise
4050  * reduction.
4051  *
4052  * The application may query this parameter's supported range.
4053  * However, the range is fixed as 0.0...1.0.
4054  */
4056 /**
4057  * \hideinitializer
4058  * \brief The amount of sharpening, or blurring, to apply.
4059  *
4060  * This attribute's type is float.
4061  *
4062  * This parameter defaults to 0.0, which equates to no
4063  * sharpening.
4064  *
4065  * Positive values request sharpening. Negative values request
4066  * blurring.
4067  *
4068  * The application may query this parameter's supported range.
4069  * However, the range is fixed as -1.0...1.0.
4070  */
4071 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_ATTRIBUTE_SHARPNESS_LEVEL       ((VdpVideoMixerAttribute)3)
4072 /**
4073  * \hideinitializer
4074  * \brief The minimum luma value for the luma key algorithm.
4075  *
4076  * This attribute's type is float.
4077  *
4078  * This parameter defaults to 0.0.
4079  *
4080  * The application may query this parameter's supported range.
4081  * However, the range is fixed as 0.0...1.0.
4082  */
4083 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_ATTRIBUTE_LUMA_KEY_MIN_LUMA     ((VdpVideoMixerAttribute)4)
4084 /**
4085  * \hideinitializer
4086  * \brief The maximum luma value for the luma key algorithm.
4087  *
4088  * This attribute's type is float.
4089  *
4090  * This parameter defaults to 1.0.
4091  *
4092  * The application may query this parameter's supported range.
4093  * However, the range is fixed as 0.0...1.0.
4094  */
4095 #define VDP_VIDEO_MIXER_ATTRIBUTE_LUMA_KEY_MAX_LUMA     ((VdpVideoMixerAttribute)5)
4096 /**
4097  * \hideinitializer
4098  * \brief Whether de-interlacers should operate solely on luma, and bob chroma.
4099  *
4100  * Note: This attribute only affects advanced de-interlacing algorithms, not
4101  * bob or weave.
4102  *
4103  * This attribute's type is uint8_t.
4104  *
4105  * This parameter defaults to 0.
4106  *
4107  * The application may query this parameter's supported range.
4108  * However, the range is fixed as 0 (no/off) ... 1 (yes/on).
4109  */
4112 /**
4113  * \brief Query the implementation's support for a specific
4114  *        feature.
4115  * \param[in] device The device to query.
4116  * \param[in] feature The feature for which support is to be
4117  *       queried.
4118  * \param[out] is_supported Is the specified feature supported?
4119  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4120  */
4121 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerQueryFeatureSupport(
4122     VdpDevice            device,
4123     VdpVideoMixerFeature feature,
4124     /* output parameters follow */
4125     VdpBool *            is_supported
4126 );
4128 /**
4129  * \brief Query the implementation's support for a specific
4130  *        parameter.
4131  * \param[in] device The device to query.
4132  * \param[in] parameter The parameter for which support is to be
4133  *       queried.
4134  * \param[out] is_supported Is the specified parameter
4135  *       supported?
4136  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4137  */
4138 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerQueryParameterSupport(
4139     VdpDevice              device,
4140     VdpVideoMixerParameter parameter,
4141     /* output parameters follow */
4142     VdpBool *              is_supported
4143 );
4145 /**
4146  * \brief Query the implementation's support for a specific
4147  *        attribute.
4148  * \param[in] device The device to query.
4149  * \param[in] feature The feature for which support is to be
4150  *       queried.
4151  * \param[out] is_supported Is the specified feature supported?
4152  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4153  */
4154 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerQueryAttributeSupport(
4155     VdpDevice              device,
4156     VdpVideoMixerAttribute attribute,
4157     /* output parameters follow */
4158     VdpBool *              is_supported
4159 );
4161 /**
4162  * \brief Query the implementation's supported for a specific
4163  *        parameter.
4164  * \param[in] device The device to query.
4165  * \param[in] parameter The parameter for which support is to be
4166  *       queried.
4167  * \param[out] min_value The minimum supported value.
4168  * \param[out] max_value The maximum supported value.
4169  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4170  */
4171 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerQueryParameterValueRange(
4172     VdpDevice              device,
4173     VdpVideoMixerParameter parameter,
4174     /* output parameters follow */
4175     void *                min_value,
4176     void *                max_value
4177 );
4179 /**
4180  * \brief Query the implementation's supported for a specific
4181  *        attribute.
4182  * \param[in] device The device to query.
4183  * \param[in] attribute The attribute for which support is to be
4184  *       queried.
4185  * \param[out] min_value The minimum supported value.
4186  * \param[out] max_value The maximum supported value.
4187  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4188  */
4189 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerQueryAttributeValueRange(
4190     VdpDevice              device,
4191     VdpVideoMixerAttribute attribute,
4192     /* output parameters follow */
4193     void *                min_value,
4194     void *                max_value
4195 );
4197 /**
4198  * \brief An opaque handle representing a VdpVideoMixer object.
4199  */
4200 typedef uint32_t VdpVideoMixer;
4202 /**
4203  * \brief Create a VdpVideoMixer.
4204  * \param[in] device The device that will contain the mixer.
4205  * \param[in] feature_count The number of features to request.
4206  * \param[in] features The list of features to request.
4207  * \param[in] parameter_count The number of parameters to set.
4208  * \param[in] parameters The list of parameters to set.
4209  * \param[in] parameter_values The values for the parameters. Note that each
4210  *     entry in the value array is a pointer to the actual value. In other
4211  *     words, the values themselves are not cast to "void *" and passed
4212  *     "inside" the array.
4213  * \param[out] mixer The new mixer's handle.
4214  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4215  *
4216  * Initially, all requested features will be disabled. They can
4217  * be enabled using \ref VdpVideoMixerSetFeatureEnables.
4218  *
4219  * Initially, all attributes will have default values. Values
4220  * can be changed using \ref VdpVideoMixerSetAttributeValues.
4221  */
4222 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerCreate(
4223     VdpDevice                      device,
4224     // The set of features to request
4225     uint32_t                       feature_count,
4226     VdpVideoMixerFeature const *   features,
4227     // The parameters used during creation
4228     uint32_t                       parameter_count,
4229     VdpVideoMixerParameter const * parameters,
4230     void const * const *           parameter_values,
4231     /* output parameters follow */
4232     VdpVideoMixer *                mixer
4233 );
4235 /**
4236  * \brief Enable or disable features.
4237  * \param[in] mixer The mixer to manipulate.
4238  * \param[in] feature_count The number of features to
4239  *       enable/disable.
4240  * \param[in] features The list of features to enable/disable.
4241  * \param[in] feature_enables The list of new feature enable
4242  *       values.
4243  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4244  */
4245 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerSetFeatureEnables(
4246     VdpVideoMixer                mixer,
4247     uint32_t                     feature_count,
4248     VdpVideoMixerFeature const * features,
4249     VdpBool const *              feature_enables
4250 );
4252 /**
4253  * \brief Set attribute values
4254  * \param[in] mixer The mixer to manipulate.
4255  * \param[in] attribute_count The number of attributes to set.
4256  * \param[in] attributes The list of attributes to set.
4257  * \param[in] attribute_values The values for the attributes. Note that each
4258  *     entry in the value array is a pointer to the actual value. In other
4259  *     words, the values themselves are not cast to "void *" and passed
4260  *     "inside" the array. A NULL pointer requests that the default value be
4261  *     set for that attribute.
4262  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4263  */
4264 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerSetAttributeValues(
4265     VdpVideoMixer                  mixer,
4266     uint32_t                       attribute_count,
4267     VdpVideoMixerAttribute const * attributes,
4268     void const * const *           attribute_values
4269 );
4271 /**
4272  * \brief Retrieve whether features were requested at creation
4273  *        time.
4274  * \param[in] mixer The mixer to query.
4275  * \param[in] feature_count The number of features to query.
4276  * \param[in] features The list of features to query.
4277  * \param[out] feature_supported A list of values indicating
4278  *       whether the feature was requested, and hence is
4279  *       available.
4280  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4281  */
4282 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerGetFeatureSupport(
4283     VdpVideoMixer                mixer,
4284     uint32_t                     feature_count,
4285     VdpVideoMixerFeature const * features,
4286     /* output parameters follow */
4287     VdpBool *                    feature_supports
4288 );
4290 /**
4291  * \brief Retrieve whether features are enabled.
4292  * \param[in] mixer The mixer to manipulate.
4293  * \param[in] feature_count The number of features to query.
4294  * \param[in] features The list of features to query.
4295  * \param[out] feature_enabled A list of values indicating
4296  *       whether the feature is enabled.
4297  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4298  */
4299 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerGetFeatureEnables(
4300     VdpVideoMixer                mixer,
4301     uint32_t                     feature_count,
4302     VdpVideoMixerFeature const * features,
4303     /* output parameters follow */
4304     VdpBool *                    feature_enables
4305 );
4307 /**
4308  * \brief Retrieve parameter values given at creation time.
4309  * \param[in] mixer The mixer to manipulate.
4310  * \param[in] parameter_count The number of parameters to query.
4311  * \param[in] parameters The list of parameters to query.
4312  * \param[out] parameter_values The list of current values for
4313  *     the parameters. Note that each entry in the value array is a pointer to
4314  *     storage that will receive the actual value. If the attribute's type is
4315  *     a pointer itself, please closely read the documentation for that
4316  *     attribute type for any other data passing requirements.
4317  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4318  */
4319 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerGetParameterValues(
4320     VdpVideoMixer                  mixer,
4321     uint32_t                       parameter_count,
4322     VdpVideoMixerParameter const * parameters,
4323     /* output parameters follow */
4324     void * const *                 parameter_values
4325 );
4327 /**
4328  * \brief Retrieve current attribute values.
4329  * \param[in] mixer The mixer to manipulate.
4330  * \param[in] attribute_count The number of attributes to query.
4331  * \param[in] attributes The list of attributes to query.
4332  * \param[out] attribute_values The list of current values for
4333  *     the attributes. Note that each entry in the value array is a pointer to
4334  *     storage that will receive the actual value. If the attribute's type is
4335  *     a pointer itself, please closely read the documentation for that
4336  *     attribute type for any other data passing requirements.
4337  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4338  */
4339 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerGetAttributeValues(
4340     VdpVideoMixer                  mixer,
4341     uint32_t                       attribute_count,
4342     VdpVideoMixerAttribute const * attributes,
4343     /* output parameters follow */
4344     void * const *                 attribute_values
4345 );
4347 /**
4348  * \brief Destroy a VdpVideoMixer.
4349  * \param[in] device The device to destroy.
4350  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4351  */
4352 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerDestroy(
4353     VdpVideoMixer mixer
4354 );
4356 /**
4357  * \hideinitializer
4358  * \brief The structure of the picture present in a \ref
4359  *        VdpVideoSurface "VdpVideoSurface".
4360  */
4361 typedef enum {
4362     /**
4363      * The picture is a field, and is the top field of the surface.
4364      */
4366     /**
4367      * The picture is a field, and is the bottom field of the
4368      * surface.
4369      */
4371     /**
4372      * The picture is a frame, and hence is the entire surface.
4373      */
4375 } VdpVideoMixerPictureStructure;
4377 #define VDP_LAYER_VERSION 0
4379 /**
4380  * \brief Definition of an additional \ref VdpOutputSurface
4381  *        "VdpOutputSurface" layer in the composting model.
4382  */
4383 typedef struct {
4384     /**
4385      * This field must be filled with VDP_LAYER_VERSION
4386      */
4387     uint32_t struct_version;
4388     /**
4389      * The surface to composite from.
4390      */
4391     VdpOutputSurface source_surface;
4392     /**
4393      * The sub-rectangle of the source surface to use. If NULL, the
4394      * entire source surface will be used.
4395      */
4396     VdpRect const *  source_rect;
4397     /**
4398      * The sub-rectangle of the destination surface to map
4399      * this layer into. This rectangle is relative to the entire
4400      * destination surface. This rectangle will be clipped by \ref
4401      * VdpVideoMixerRender's \b destination_rect. If NULL, the
4402      * destination rectangle will be sized to match the source
4403      * rectangle, and will be located at the origin.
4404      */
4405      VdpRect const * destination_rect;
4406 } VdpLayer;
4408 /**
4409  * \brief Perform a video post-processing and compositing
4410  *        operation.
4411  * \param[in] mixer The mixer object that will perform the
4412  *       mixing/rendering operation.
4413  * \param[in] background_surface A background image. If set to any value other
4414  *       than VDP_INVALID_HANDLE, the specific surface will be used instead of
4415  *       the background color as the first layer in the mixer's compositing
4416  *       process.
4417  * \param[in] background_source_rect When background_surface is specified,
4418  *       this parameter indicates the portion of background_surface that will
4419  *       be used as the background layer. The specified region will be
4420  *       extracted and scaled to match the size of destination_rect. If NULL,
4421  *       the entire background_surface will be used.
4422  * \param[in] current_picture_structure The picture structure of
4423  *       the field/frame to be processed. This field/frame is
4424  *       presented in the \b video_surface_current parameter. If
4425  *       frame, then all \b video_surface_* parameters are
4426  *       assumed to be frames. If field, then all
4427  *       video_surface_* parameters are assumed to be fields,
4428  *       with alternating top/bottom-ness derived from
4429  *       video_surface_current.
4430  * \param[in] video_surfaces_past_count The number of provided
4431  *       fields/frames prior to the current picture.
4432  * \param[in] video_surfaces_past The fields/frames prior to the
4433  *       current field/frame. Note that array index 0 is the
4434  *       field/frame temporally nearest to the current
4435  *       field/frame, with increasing array indices used for
4436  *       older frames. Unavailable entries may be set to
4437  *       \ref VDP_INVALID_HANDLE.
4438  * \param[in] video_surface_current The field/frame to be
4439  *       processed.
4440  * \param[in] video_surfaces_future_count The number of provided
4441  *       fields/frames following the current picture.
4442  * \param[in] video_surfaces_future The fields/frames that
4443  *       follow the current field/frame. Note that array index 0
4444  *       is the field/frame temporally nearest to the current
4445  *       field/frame, with increasing array indices used for
4446  *       newer frames. Unavailable entries may be set to \ref
4447  *       VDP_INVALID_HANDLE.
4448  * \param[in] video_source_rect The sub-rectangle of the source
4449  *       video surface to extract and process. If NULL, the
4450  *       entire surface will be used. Left/right and/or top/bottom
4451  *       co-ordinates may be swapped to flip the source. Values
4452  *       from outside the video surface are valid and samples
4453  *       at those locations will be taken from the nearest edge.
4454  * \param[in] destination_surface
4455  * \param[in] destination_rect The sub-rectangle of the
4456  *       destination surface to modify. Note that rectangle clips
4457  *       all other actions.
4458  * \param[in] destination_video_rect The sub-rectangle of the
4459  *       destination surface that will contain the processed
4460  *       video. This rectangle is relative to the entire
4461  *       destination surface. This rectangle is clipped by \b
4462  *       destination_rect. If NULL, the destination rectangle
4463  *       will be sized to match the source rectangle, and will
4464  *       be located at the origin.
4465  * \param[in] layer_count The number of additional layers to
4466  *       composite above the video.
4467  * \param[in] layers The array of additional layers to composite
4468  *       above the video.
4469  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4470  *
4471  * For a complete discussion of how to use this API, please see
4472  * \ref video_mixer_usage.
4473  */
4474 typedef VdpStatus VdpVideoMixerRender(
4475     VdpVideoMixer                 mixer,
4476     VdpOutputSurface              background_surface,
4477     VdpRect const *               background_source_rect,
4478     VdpVideoMixerPictureStructure current_picture_structure,
4479     uint32_t                      video_surface_past_count,
4480     VdpVideoSurface const *       video_surface_past,
4481     VdpVideoSurface               video_surface_current,
4482     uint32_t                      video_surface_future_count,
4483     VdpVideoSurface const *       video_surface_future,
4484     VdpRect const *               video_source_rect,
4485     VdpOutputSurface              destination_surface,
4486     VdpRect const *               destination_rect,
4487     VdpRect const *               destination_video_rect,
4488     uint32_t                      layer_count,
4489     VdpLayer const *              layers
4490 );
4492 /** @} */
4494 /**
4495  * \defgroup VdpPresentationQueue VdpPresentationQueue; Video presentation (display) object
4496  *
4497  * The VdpPresentationQueue manages a queue of surfaces and
4498  * associated timestamps. For each surface in the queue, once
4499  * the associated timestamp is reached, the surface is displayed
4500  * to the user. This timestamp-based approach yields high
4501  * quality video delivery.
4502  *
4503  * The exact location of the displayed content is Window System
4504  * specific. For this reason, the \ref api_winsys provides an
4505  * API to create a \ref VdpPresentationQueueTarget object (e.g.
4506  * via \ref VdpPresentationQueueTargetCreateX11) which
4507  * encapsulates this information.
4508  *
4509  * Note that the presentation queue performs no scaling of
4510  * surfaces to match the display target's size, aspect ratio,
4511  * etc.
4512  *
4513  * Surfaces that are too large to fit into the display target
4514  * will be clipped. Surfaces that are too small to fill the
4515  * display target will be aligned to the top-left corner of the
4516  * display target, with the balance of the display target being
4517  * filled with a constant configurable "background" color.
4518  *
4519  * Note that the presentation queue operates in a manner that is
4520  * semantically equivalent to an overlay surface, with any
4521  * required color key painting hidden internally. However,
4522  * implementations are free to use whatever semantically
4523  * equivalent technique they wish. Note that implementations
4524  * that actually use color-keyed overlays will typically use
4525  * the "background" color as the overlay color key value, so
4526  * this color should be chosen with care.
4527  *
4528  * @{
4529  */
4531 /**
4532  * \brief The representation of a point in time.
4533  *
4534  * VdpTime timestamps are intended to be a high-precision timing
4535  * system, potentially independent from any other time domain in
4536  * the system.
4537  *
4538  * Time is represented in units of nanoseconds. The origin
4539  * (i.e. the time represented by a value of 0) is implementation
4540  * dependent.
4541  */
4542 typedef uint64_t VdpTime;
4544 /**
4545  * \brief An opaque handle representing the location where
4546  *        video will be presented.
4547  *
4548  * VdpPresentationQueueTarget are created using a \ref api_winsys
4549  * specific API, such as \ref
4550  * VdpPresentationQueueTargetCreateX11.
4551  */
4552 typedef uint32_t VdpPresentationQueueTarget;
4554 /**
4555  * \brief Destroy a VdpPresentationQueueTarget.
4556  * \param[in] presentation_queue_target The target to destroy.
4557  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4558  */
4559 typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueTargetDestroy(
4560     VdpPresentationQueueTarget presentation_queue_target
4561 );
4563 /**
4564  * \brief An opaque handle representing a presentation queue
4565  *        object.
4566  */
4567 typedef uint32_t VdpPresentationQueue;
4569 /**
4570  * \brief Create a VdpPresentationQueue.
4571  * \param[in] device The device that will contain the queue.
4572  * \param[in] presentation_queue_target The location to display
4573  *       the content.
4574  * \param[out] presentation_queue The new queue's handle.
4575  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4576  *
4577  * Note: The initial value for the background color will be set to
4578  * an implementation-defined value.
4579  */
4580 typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueCreate(
4581     VdpDevice                  device,
4582     VdpPresentationQueueTarget presentation_queue_target,
4583     /* output parameters follow */
4584     VdpPresentationQueue *     presentation_queue
4585 );
4587 /**
4588  * \brief Destroy a VdpPresentationQueue.
4589  * \param[in] presentation_queue The queue to destroy.
4590  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4591  */
4592 typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueDestroy(
4593     VdpPresentationQueue presentation_queue
4594 );
4596 /**
4597  * \brief Configure the background color setting.
4598  * \param[in] presentation_queue The queue to manipulate.
4599  * \param[in] background_color The new background color.
4600  *
4601  * Note: Implementations may choose whether to apply the
4602  * new background color value immediately, or defer it until
4603  * the next surface is presented.
4604  */
4605 typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueSetBackgroundColor(
4606     VdpPresentationQueue presentation_queue,
4607     VdpColor * const     background_color
4608 );
4610 /**
4611  * \brief Retrieve the current background color setting.
4612  * \param[in] presentation_queue The queue to query.
4613  * \param[out] background_color The current background color.
4614  */
4615 typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueGetBackgroundColor(
4616     VdpPresentationQueue presentation_queue,
4617     VdpColor *           background_color
4618 );
4620 /**
4621  * \brief Retrieve the presentation queue's "current" time.
4622  * \param[in] presentation_queue The queue to query.
4623  * \param[out] current_time The current time, which may
4624  *       represent a point between display VSYNC events.
4625  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4626  */
4627 typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueGetTime(
4628     VdpPresentationQueue presentation_queue,
4629     /* output parameters follow */
4630     VdpTime *            current_time
4631 );
4633 /**
4634  * \brief Enter a surface into the presentation queue.
4635  * \param[in] presentation_queue The queue to query.
4636  * \param[in] surface The surface to enter into the queue.
4637  * \param[in] clip_width If set to a non-zero value, the presentation queue
4638  *       will display only clip_width pixels of the surface (anchored to the
4639  *       top-left corner of the surface.
4640  * \param[in] clip_height If set to a non-zero value, the presentation queue
4641  *       will display only clip_height lines of the surface (anchored to the
4642  *       top-left corner of the surface.
4643  * \param[in] earliest_presentation_time The timestamp
4644  *       associated with the surface. The presentation queue
4645  *       will not display the surface until the presentation
4646  *       queue's current time is at least this value.
4647  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4648  *
4649  * Applications may choose to allow resizing of the presentation queue target
4650  * (which may be e.g. a regular Window when using an X11-based
4651  * implementation).
4652  *
4653  * \b clip_width and \b clip_height may be used to limit the size of the
4654  * displayed region of a surface, in order to match the specific region that
4655  * was rendered to.
4656  *
4657  * In turn, this allows the application to allocate over-sized (e.g.
4658  * screen-sized) surfaces, but render to a region that matches the current
4659  * size of the video window.
4660  *
4661  * Using this technique, an application's response to window resizing may
4662  * simply be to render to, and display, a different region of the surface,
4663  * rather than de-/re-allocation of surfaces to match the updated window size.
4664  *
4665  * Implementations may impose an upper bound on the number of entries
4666  * contained by the presentation queue at a given time. This limit is likely
4667  * different to the number of \ref VdpOutputSurface "VdpOutputSurface"s that
4668  * may be allocated at a given time. This limit applies to entries in the
4669  * QUEUED or VISIBLE state only. In other words, entries that have
4670  * transitioned from a QUEUED or VISIBLE state to an IDLE state do not count
4671  * toward this limit.
4672  */
4673 typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueDisplay(
4674     VdpPresentationQueue presentation_queue,
4675     VdpOutputSurface     surface,
4676     uint32_t             clip_width,
4677     uint32_t             clip_height,
4678     VdpTime              earliest_presentation_time
4679 );
4681 /**
4682  * \brief Wait for a surface to finish being displayed.
4683  * \param[in] presentation_queue The queue to query.
4684  * \param[in] surface The surface to wait for.
4685  * \param[out] first_presentation_time The timestamp of the
4686  *       VSYNC at which this surface was first displayed. Note
4687  *       that 0 means the surface was never displayed.
4688  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4689  *
4690  * Note that this API would block forever if queried about the surface most
4691  * recently added to a presentation queue. That is because there would be no
4692  * other surface that could possibly replace that surface as the currently
4693  * displayed surface, and hence that surface would never become idle. For
4694  * that reason, this function will return an error in that case.
4695  */
4696 typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueBlockUntilSurfaceIdle(
4697     VdpPresentationQueue presentation_queue,
4698     VdpOutputSurface     surface,
4699     /* output parameters follow */
4700     VdpTime *            first_presentation_time
4701 );
4703 /**
4704  * \hideinitializer
4705  * \brief The status of a surface within a presentation queue.
4706  */
4707 typedef enum {
4708     /** The surface is not queued or currently visible. */
4710     /** The surface is in the queue, and not currently visible. */
4712     /** The surface is the currently visible surface. */
4714 } VdpPresentationQueueStatus;
4716 /**
4717  * \brief Poll the current queue status of a surface.
4718  * \param[in] presentation_queue The queue to query.
4719  * \param[in] surface The surface to query.
4720  * \param[out] status The current status of the surface within
4721  *       the queue.
4722  * \param[out] first_presentation_time The timestamp of the
4723  *       VSYNC at which this surface was first displayed. Note
4724  *       that 0 means the surface was never displayed.
4725  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4726  */
4727 typedef VdpStatus VdpPresentationQueueQuerySurfaceStatus(
4728     VdpPresentationQueue         presentation_queue,
4729     VdpOutputSurface             surface,
4730     /* output parameters follow */
4731     VdpPresentationQueueStatus * status,
4732     VdpTime *                    first_presentation_time
4733 );
4735 /** @} */
4737 /**
4738  * \defgroup display_preemption Display Preemption
4739  *
4740  * The Window System may operate within a frame-work (such as
4741  * Linux's VT switching) where the display is shared between the
4742  * Window System (e.g. X) and some other output mechanism (e.g.
4743  * the VT.) Given this scenario, the Window System's control of
4744  * the display could be preempted, and restored, at any time.
4745  *
4746  * VDPAU does not mandate that implementations hide such
4747  * preemptions from VDPAU client applications; doing so may
4748  * impose extreme burdens upon VDPAU implementations. Equally,
4749  * however, implementations are free to hide such preemptions
4750  * from client applications.
4751  *
4752  * VDPAU allows implementations to inform the client application
4753  * when such a preemption has occurred, and then refuse to
4754  * continue further operation.
4755  *
4756  * Similarly, some form of fatal hardware error could prevent further
4757  * operation of the VDPAU implementation, without a complete
4758  * re-initialization.
4759  *
4760  * The following discusses the behavior of implementations that
4761  * choose not to hide preemption from client applications.
4762  *
4763  * When preemption occurs, VDPAU internally destroys all
4764  * objects; the client application need not do this. However, if
4765  * the client application wishes to continue operation, it must
4766  * recreate all objects that it uses. It is probable that this
4767  * recreation will not succeed until the display ownership is
4768  * restored to the Window System.
4769  *
4770  * Once preemption has occurred, all VDPAU entry points will
4771  * return the specific error code \ref
4773  *
4774  * VDPAU client applications may also be notified of such
4775  * preemptions and fatal errors via a callback. See \ref
4776  * VdpPreemptionCallbackRegister for more details.
4777  *
4778  * @{
4779  */
4781 /**
4782  * \brief A callback to notify the client application that a
4783  *        device's display has been preempted.
4784  * \param[in] device The device that had its display preempted.
4785  * \param[in] context The client-supplied callback context
4786  *       information.
4787  * \return void No return value
4788  */
4789 typedef void VdpPreemptionCallback(
4790     VdpDevice device,
4791     void *   context
4792 );
4794 /**
4795  * \brief Configure the display preemption callback.
4796  * \param[in] device The device to be monitored for preemption.
4797  * \param[in] callback The client application's callback
4798  *       function. If NULL, the callback is unregistered.
4799  * \param[in] context The client-supplied callback context
4800  *       information. This information will be passed to the
4801  *       callback function if/when invoked.
4802  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4803  */
4804 typedef VdpStatus VdpPreemptionCallbackRegister(
4805     VdpDevice             device,
4806     VdpPreemptionCallback callback,
4807     void *               context
4808 );
4810 /** @} */
4812 /**
4813  * \defgroup get_proc_address Entry Point Retrieval
4814  *
4815  * In order to facilitate multiple implementations of VDPAU
4816  * co-existing within a single process, all functionality is
4817  * available via function pointers. The mechanism to retrieve
4818  * those function pointers is described below.
4819  *
4820  * @{
4821  */
4823 /**
4824  * \brief A type suitable for \ref VdpGetProcAddress
4825  *        "VdpGetProcAddress"'s \b function_id parameter.
4826  */
4827 typedef uint32_t VdpFuncId;
4829 /** \hideinitializer */
4830 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_GET_ERROR_STRING                                            ((VdpFuncId)0)
4831 /** \hideinitializer */
4832 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_GET_PROC_ADDRESS                                            ((VdpFuncId)1)
4833 /** \hideinitializer */
4834 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_GET_API_VERSION                                             ((VdpFuncId)2)
4835 /** \hideinitializer */
4836 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_GET_INFORMATION_STRING                                      ((VdpFuncId)4)
4837 /** \hideinitializer */
4838 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_DEVICE_DESTROY                                              ((VdpFuncId)5)
4839 /** \hideinitializer */
4840 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_GENERATE_CSC_MATRIX                                         ((VdpFuncId)6)
4841 /** \hideinitializer */
4842 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_SURFACE_QUERY_CAPABILITIES                            ((VdpFuncId)7)
4843 /** \hideinitializer */
4845 /** \hideinitializer */
4846 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_SURFACE_CREATE                                        ((VdpFuncId)9)
4847 /** \hideinitializer */
4848 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_SURFACE_DESTROY                                       ((VdpFuncId)10)
4849 /** \hideinitializer */
4850 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_SURFACE_GET_PARAMETERS                                ((VdpFuncId)11)
4851 /** \hideinitializer */
4852 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_SURFACE_GET_BITS_Y_CB_CR                              ((VdpFuncId)12)
4853 /** \hideinitializer */
4854 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_SURFACE_PUT_BITS_Y_CB_CR                              ((VdpFuncId)13)
4855 /** \hideinitializer */
4856 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_QUERY_CAPABILITIES                           ((VdpFuncId)14)
4857 /** \hideinitializer */
4859 /** \hideinitializer */
4861 /** \hideinitializer */
4863 /** \hideinitializer */
4864 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_CREATE                                       ((VdpFuncId)18)
4865 /** \hideinitializer */
4866 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_DESTROY                                      ((VdpFuncId)19)
4867 /** \hideinitializer */
4868 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_GET_PARAMETERS                               ((VdpFuncId)20)
4869 /** \hideinitializer */
4870 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_GET_BITS_NATIVE                              ((VdpFuncId)21)
4871 /** \hideinitializer */
4872 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_PUT_BITS_NATIVE                              ((VdpFuncId)22)
4873 /** \hideinitializer */
4874 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_PUT_BITS_INDEXED                             ((VdpFuncId)23)
4875 /** \hideinitializer */
4876 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_PUT_BITS_Y_CB_CR                             ((VdpFuncId)24)
4877 /** \hideinitializer */
4878 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_BITMAP_SURFACE_QUERY_CAPABILITIES                           ((VdpFuncId)25)
4879 /** \hideinitializer */
4880 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_BITMAP_SURFACE_CREATE                                       ((VdpFuncId)26)
4881 /** \hideinitializer */
4882 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_BITMAP_SURFACE_DESTROY                                      ((VdpFuncId)27)
4883 /** \hideinitializer */
4884 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_BITMAP_SURFACE_GET_PARAMETERS                               ((VdpFuncId)28)
4885 /** \hideinitializer */
4886 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_BITMAP_SURFACE_PUT_BITS_NATIVE                              ((VdpFuncId)29)
4887 /** \hideinitializer */
4888 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_RENDER_OUTPUT_SURFACE                        ((VdpFuncId)33)
4889 /** \hideinitializer */
4890 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_RENDER_BITMAP_SURFACE                        ((VdpFuncId)34)
4891 /** \hideinitializer */
4892 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_OUTPUT_SURFACE_RENDER_VIDEO_SURFACE_LUMA                    ((VdpFuncId)35)
4893 /** \hideinitializer */
4894 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_DECODER_QUERY_CAPABILITIES                                  ((VdpFuncId)36)
4895 /** \hideinitializer */
4896 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_DECODER_CREATE                                              ((VdpFuncId)37)
4897 /** \hideinitializer */
4898 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_DECODER_DESTROY                                             ((VdpFuncId)38)
4899 /** \hideinitializer */
4900 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_DECODER_GET_PARAMETERS                                      ((VdpFuncId)39)
4901 /** \hideinitializer */
4902 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_DECODER_RENDER                                              ((VdpFuncId)40)
4903 /** \hideinitializer */
4904 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_QUERY_FEATURE_SUPPORT                           ((VdpFuncId)41)
4905 /** \hideinitializer */
4906 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_QUERY_PARAMETER_SUPPORT                         ((VdpFuncId)42)
4907 /** \hideinitializer */
4908 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_QUERY_ATTRIBUTE_SUPPORT                         ((VdpFuncId)43)
4909 /** \hideinitializer */
4910 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_QUERY_PARAMETER_VALUE_RANGE                     ((VdpFuncId)44)
4911 /** \hideinitializer */
4912 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_QUERY_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_RANGE                     ((VdpFuncId)45)
4913 /** \hideinitializer */
4914 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_CREATE                                          ((VdpFuncId)46)
4915 /** \hideinitializer */
4916 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_SET_FEATURE_ENABLES                             ((VdpFuncId)47)
4917 /** \hideinitializer */
4918 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_SET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES                            ((VdpFuncId)48)
4919 /** \hideinitializer */
4920 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_GET_FEATURE_SUPPORT                             ((VdpFuncId)49)
4921 /** \hideinitializer */
4922 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_GET_FEATURE_ENABLES                             ((VdpFuncId)50)
4923 /** \hideinitializer */
4924 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_GET_PARAMETER_VALUES                            ((VdpFuncId)51)
4925 /** \hideinitializer */
4926 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_GET_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES                            ((VdpFuncId)52)
4927 /** \hideinitializer */
4928 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_DESTROY                                         ((VdpFuncId)53)
4929 /** \hideinitializer */
4930 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_VIDEO_MIXER_RENDER                                          ((VdpFuncId)54)
4931 /** \hideinitializer */
4932 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_TARGET_DESTROY                           ((VdpFuncId)55)
4933 /** \hideinitializer */
4934 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_CREATE                                   ((VdpFuncId)56)
4935 /** \hideinitializer */
4936 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_DESTROY                                  ((VdpFuncId)57)
4937 /** \hideinitializer */
4938 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_SET_BACKGROUND_COLOR                     ((VdpFuncId)58)
4939 /** \hideinitializer */
4940 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_GET_BACKGROUND_COLOR                     ((VdpFuncId)59)
4941 /** \hideinitializer */
4942 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_GET_TIME                                 ((VdpFuncId)62)
4943 /** \hideinitializer */
4944 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_DISPLAY                                  ((VdpFuncId)63)
4945 /** \hideinitializer */
4946 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_BLOCK_UNTIL_SURFACE_IDLE                 ((VdpFuncId)64)
4947 /** \hideinitializer */
4948 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_PRESENTATION_QUEUE_QUERY_SURFACE_STATUS                     ((VdpFuncId)65)
4949 /** \hideinitializer */
4950 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_PREEMPTION_CALLBACK_REGISTER                                ((VdpFuncId)66)
4951 /** \hideinitializer */
4952 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_DECODER_QUERY_CAPABILITY                                    ((VdpFuncId)67)
4954 #define VDP_FUNC_ID_BASE_WINSYS 0x1000
4956 /**
4957  * \brief Retrieve a VDPAU function pointer.
4958  * \param[in] device The device that the function will operate
4959  *       against.
4960  * \param[in] function_id The specific function to retrieve.
4961  * \param[out] function_pointer The actual pointer for the
4962  *       application to call.
4963  * \return VdpStatus The completion status of the operation.
4964  */
4965 typedef VdpStatus VdpGetProcAddress(
4966     VdpDevice device,
4967     VdpFuncId function_id,
4968     /* output parameters follow */
4969     void * *  function_pointer
4970 );
4972 /** @} */
4973 /** @} */
4975 /**
4976  * \defgroup api_winsys Window System Integration Layer
4977  *
4978  * The set of VDPAU functionality specific to an individual
4979  * Windowing System.
4980  */
4982 #ifdef __cplusplus
4983 }
4984 #endif
4986 #endif