2# <20190627.1738.30>
4# This is the begining spec. for a Virtual File System for use with Filerunner.
6# The intent is to provide a frame work for a generalized VFS for inside of
7# Filerunner. We are NOT trying to provide access to any other program to the
8# virtual files we are working with, however, for those VFS implementations
9# that map into (read 'mount') normal file system space, such access is
10# available.
12# When we started, Filerunner already had three vfs' up and running:
14# ftp://
15# sftp://
16# aftp:// (aftp: being access through adb to such devices as it talks to)
18# This is an attempt to generalize this and inclued many more types of
19# vfs'. In particular, we want to be able to handel:
21# zip, tar tar+comp such as tar.gz any archive sort of structure
22#                   including rpm, deb and msi
24# It is hoped that we can generalize this enough that a user can easily add
25# a new type by supplying only a few key parts.
27# Here we define the basic structure and use of VFS.
28# We define two types:
29# Type I  requires code for most (if not all) of the accesses. These are usually
30#         accesses to file structure on remote systems. ftp://, sftp:// and such
31#         are examples
32# Type II requires only setup (open/mount) and close/umount. It is usually
33#         completely local (although it may cast a remote system to a different
34#         format for access). Examples of this form of VFS are zip, tar, etc.
36# Type II is implemented by providing an open/mount script and a close/unmount
37#         script. These scripts may call external programs, but once a given
38#         Type II VFS is mounted it is treated and behaves as a normal file
39#         system, i.e. open/close/read/write etc. work within and out side
40#         of filerunner. This means we can use all of our normal scripts
41#         to display modify and manage these files.
42#         The scrits that filerunner provides for Type II VFS mounts are:
43#         1) The choosing and execution of the open/mount and close/umount
44#            scripts.
45#         2) The DisplayName structure that puts up a different name for the
46#            VFS mount point.
47#         3) Logic to allow nested Type II VFS mounts and their proper close/umount
49#         Each Type II VFS subtype (e.g. zip, tar, etc.) requires a structure
50#         that tells the 'mount' command that it handles this particular subtype.
51#         Usually this is done by passing the 'mount' command the name of the
52#         file to mount (e.g. subtype zip might have a *.zip as its selection
53#         criteria) the same as the "view" command does. The 'mount' command finds
54#         the required list entry which will have a script to run to do the
55#         mount.
58# The following code implements Type I VFS
59# Identifying a Type I VFS.
60# A particular VFS is identified by a URL type of reference. For our use we
61# are interested in identifing that we have a URL (as apposed to a simple file name)
62# Here is a full blown URL:
63# <protocol>://<address><path>
64# <protocol> is something like "file", "https", "http", "zip", "tar", etc.
65# ://        is what we use to suggest that this is a URL rather than a simple file or dir
66# <address>  is (possibly) composed of a set of 1 or more names seperated by dots (.)
67#            and optionally followed by :<port>. This <port> is usually a number but
68#            we do not require this to be so. It may be preceded by "user@" where user
69#            is the user on the given host address to login as.
70#            The <address> is terminated by the '/'
71#            (forward slash) which can also be considered part of the <path>. That is:
72# <path>     starts with '/' and has the same format as a normal file.
75# IsVFS <URL>
77# This command tests for a VFS URL. If it is of proper form we populate the variables:
78#   VFStok     with <protocol>://<address>
79#   VFSpro     with the <protocol>
80#   VFSadd     with the <address>
81#   VFSpath    with the <path>
82# We have extra stuff here to allow pro:// to be VFS while pro:/// is not.
83# This makes it easier to do URL join, below.
84proc IsVFS {url} {
85  return [uplevel regexp {^((\[^:\]+)://($|(\[^/\]+)))(.*)} \{[regsub -all {\{|\}} $url {\\&}]\} match \
86	      VFStok VFSpro VFSadd VFSextraRubish VFSpath]
89# This command splits a URL (much as split) and returns a list
90# of the parts. Missing parts are returned as nil ({}).
91# The parts are: protocol, user, address, port and path
93proc URLsplit {url} {
94  if {![IsVFS $url]} {return {}}
95  regexp {(([^@]*)@)?([^:]*)?(:(.*))?} $VFSadd m ux user add px port
96  return [list $VFSpro $user $add $port $VFSpath]
98# just the address split...
99proc VFSaddrSplit {VFSadd} {
100  regexp {(([^@]*)@)?([^:]*)?(:(.*))?} $VFSadd m ux user add px port
101  return [list $user $add $port]
104# URL normalize removes "." and ".." from the path
105# while preserving the URL front end.
106# For a local file it will also resolve soft links (same
107# as file norm.
108# This is set to work with any file path, VFS/URL or not
109# NOTE: On MSW file norm wants to put the 'pwd' in front of
110#       file names that start with "/". To prevent this we
111#       put a volume name (a:) in front and then strip it
112#       after 'file norm' is done. The use of 'a:' for this
113#       should also prevent attempts to find softlinks.
115# URL join does the "file" join for URLs and normal files
116# in addition it removes the "." and ".."s
118# URL directory does "file" directory on URLs and normal file names
119# error on others
121# The normalizeVFSPath is a bit of code to save coding the routine
122# in three places. We also need slightly different code for MSW and *nix
125# We have a deep distrust of the 'join' option in the URL command below.
126# The tcl 'file join' treats a leading "~" as the stare of an absolute path
127# which it then tries to dereference (usually failing).
128# For filerunner, we never want to join more than two items, it is much safer
129# to do it manually.  The code in 'normalizeVFSPath' below works because 'IsVFS'
130# puts a '/' in front of the VFSpath.
131# The 'normalize' option has the same problem if the argument starts with '~'.
132# If we know it is relative we should add the path, i.e. [pwd]/ or ./ if it is
133# the cwd...
135if {$::MSW} {
136  proc normalizeVFSPath {path} {
137    upvar VFStok VFStok
138    if {$path in {.  {}}} {return $VFStok}
139    frputs VFStok path
140    return $VFStok[string range [file norm a:/$path] 2 end]
141  }
142} else {
143  proc normalizeVFSPath {path} {
144    upvar VFStok VFStok
145    if {$path in {.  {}}} {return $VFStok}
146    frputs VFStok path
147    return $VFStok[file norm $path]
148  }
151proc URL {option URL args} {
152  set pos {dirname normalize join}
153  set opt [lsearch -glob -all -inline $pos "$option*"]
154  if {$args != {} && $opt != "join" && $opt != {}} {
155    return -code error "Too many arguments. Should be \"URL $opt url\"."
156  }
157  switch -exact $opt[IsVFS $URL] {
158    normalize1 {return [normalizeVFSPath $VFSpath]}
159    normalize0 {return [file norm $URL]}
160    join1      {return [normalizeVFSPath [file join $VFSpath {*}$args]]}
161    join0      {
162      set tmp [file join $URL {*}$args]
163      if {$URL == {}} {return $tmp}
164      return [file norm $tmp]
165    }
166    dirname1   {return [normalizeVFSPath [file dir $VFSpath]]}
167    dirname0   {return [file dir $URL]}
168    1           -
169    0           -
170    default    {return -code error\
171		    "URL: unrecognized option \"$option\", not one of \"$pos\""}
172  }
175# Here we provide a VFS global statment
177proc VFSglobal {args} {
178  # We assume that the caller has a defined URL or VFStok in his local space
179  uplevel {if {![info exists VFStok]} {IsVFS $URL}}
180  uplevel [list foreach arg $args {
181    upvar #0 ::VFSvars::($VFStok,$arg) $arg
182  }]
185# Exploring various ways to build a script with a \; in it. This is one
186# of the few that work... WE leave here for education and recall...
187# proc VFSglobalt {args} {
188#   # We assume that the caller has a defined URL or VFStok in his local space
189#   append s expr { {[info exists VFStok] ? {} : [IsVFS $URL]} ;foreach arg }
190#   append s "$args" { {
191#     upvar #0 ::VFSvars::($VFStok,$arg) $arg
192#   }}
193#   uplevel $s
194# }
196# Here is a name space to keep more global stuff in.
198namespace eval VFSvars {
199  # For full VFS all the following are required. For a VFS that is mapped
200  # to file space, only open and close are required.
202  # The way to think about this is to consider a read only file system
203  variable requiredProcs [list open cd isdir pwd get close live]
205  variable eitherOrProcs [list {list listF}]
206  variable optionalProcs [list rename delete mkdir rmdir chmod chown list listF\
207			      put copy link command search debug menu]
208  variable binaryEntries [list RcopyOk rmdirEmpty]
210  variable open
211  variable cache
212  variable cacheCount 0
213  variable timeout
214  variable vfsIsUpWait
215  variable afterId
217  proc VFSopenSet {VFStok arg} {
218    variable timeout
219    set timeout($VFStok) 10000
220    foreach {opt value} $arg {
221      set tar [lsearch -glob -all -inline timeout "$opt*"]
222      if {$tar == {}} {continue}
223      if {[llength $tar] != 1} {
224	error "VFSvars: option ($opt) must be timeout"
225      }
226      set timeout($VFStok) $value
227      break
228    }
229    set afterId($VFStok) [after $timeout($VFStok) {}]
231  }
233  proc VFSnoCommand {cmd URL args} {
234    # If we are here there was and attempt to call a missing proc
235    IsVFS $URL
236    return -code error "VFS \"$VFSpro\" does not support the $cmd function."
237  }
239  # The VFSsetCommands proc a) insures required commands are present and
240  # b) Sets any missing commands to point the the VFSnoCommand which
241  # generates a rather standard error message.
243  proc VFSsetCommands {} {
244    variable requiredProcs
245    variable optionalProcs
246    variable binaryEntries
247    # First check for the min command set
248    uplevel {
249      foreach reqProc $::VFSvars::requiredProcs {
250	if {![info exists commands($reqProc)]} {
251	  lappend missing $reqProc
252	}
253      }
254      foreach eithOr $::VFSvars::eitherOrProcs {
255	lassign $eithOr a b
256	if {![info exists commands($a)] && ![info exists commands($b)]} {
257	  lappend missing "$a or $b"
258	}
259      }
260      if {[info exists missing]} {
261	if {[info exists commands(close)] && [info procs $commands(close)] != {}} {
262	  uplevel [list {*}$commands(close) $VFStok]
263	}
264	error "Package VFS$VFSpro is missing the following commands: $missing"
265      }
266      # If we are still here, set up the missing commands
267      foreach opProc $::VFSvars::optionalProcs {
268      	if {![info exists commands($opProc)]} {
269      	  set commands($opProc) [list ::VFSvars::VFSnoCommand $opProc]
270      	}
271      }
272      foreach opProc $::VFSvars::binaryEntries {
273	if {![info exists commands($opProc)]} {
274	  set commands($opProc) 0
275	}
276      }
277    }
278  }
280  # VFScheckNotMapped
281  # VFScheckNotMapped URL This routine insures that the given URL is an open
282  #                       URL and that it is not mapped. This is a local routine
283  # Note: this code depends on the URL existing on the callers stack as "URL"
284  # If it looks open, a test to see if the link is up is made, conditioned on
285  # time since last request and if it is not canceled by an "arg" of ! {}
287  proc VFScheckNotMapped {args} {
288    variable open
289    variable vfsIsUpWait
290    variable afterId
291    variable timeout
292    variable temp $args
294    uplevel {
295      if {![IsVFS $URL] ||\
296	      ! [info exists ::VFSvars::open($VFStok)] ||\
297	      $::VFSvars::open($VFStok)!= $VFStok} {
298	error "$URL is not an open VFS URL"
299      }
300      # Check if this access is beyond the timeout since the last one
301      # We pass args through VFSvars::temp since it is not in scope
302      # (nor is namespace current usable)
303      if {[catch {after info $::VFSvars::afterId($VFStok)}] != 0 &&\
304	      $::VFSvars::temp == {}} {
305	set ::VFSvars::afterId($VFStok)\
306	    [after 10000 [list set VFSvars::vfsIsUpWait($VFStok) 10]]
307	after idle [list VFSvars::VFSisLinkUpTest\
308			$VFStok [set ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands(live)]]
309	vwait ::VFSvars::vfsIsUpWait($VFStok)
310	after cancel $::VFSvars::afterId($VFStok)
311	lassign $VFSvars::vfsIsUpWait($VFStok) r ret
312	if {$r != 0 || $ret == {}} {
313	  # Link appears to be down...
314	  frputs r ret
315	  eval [list {*}[set ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands(reopen)] $VFStok]
316	}
317      }
318      after cancel $::VFSvars::afterId($VFStok)
319      set ::VFSvars::afterId($VFStok) [after $VFSvars::timeout($VFStok) {}]
320    }
321  }
323  # This is the after code used above
324  proc VFSisLinkUpTest {VFStok live} {
325    variable vfsIsUpWait
326    variable command
328    set r [catch {eval [list {*}$live $VFStok]} ret]
329    set ::VFSvars::vfsIsUpWait($VFStok) [list $r $ret]
330    frputs r ret
331  }
333  # Cache management code ===========================================
334  proc VFS_WriteCache { key data } {
335    variable cache
336    variable cachet
337    variable cacheTimeOut
338    variable cacheCount
340    global config
341    set cache($key) $data
342    set cachet($key) [incr cacheCount]
343    #
344    # It is not clear, given the timeout on entries, that this is needed
345    if {[array size cache] > $config(vfs,cache,maxentries)} {
346      # prunning time
347      set low $cacheCount
348      foreach ent [array names cachet] {
349	if {$cachet($ent) < $low} {
350	  set low $cachet($ent)
351	  set an $ent
352	}
353      }
354      unset cachet($an)
355      unset cache($an)
356    }
357    # End of questionable prune code....
358    if { [info exists  cacheTimeOut]} {
359      after cancel $cacheTimeOut
360    }
361    # Lets try 1.5 min. (90000)
362    set cacheTimeOut [after 90000 [namespace current]::VFS_InvalidateCache]
363  }
366  proc VFS_ReadCache { key} {
367    variable cache
368    variable cachet
369    variable cacheCount
371    if {[info exist cache($key)]} {
372      set cachet($key) [incr cacheCount]
373      return $cache($key)
374    }
375    return 0
376  }
378  proc VFS_InvalidateCache {{URL ""}} {
379    variable cache
380    variable cachet
381    variable cacheCount
382    variable cacheTimeOut
384    if {$URL == ""} {
385      array unset cache
386      array unset cachet
387      set cacheCount 0
389      if { [info exists cacheTimeOut]} {
390	after cancel $cacheTimeOut
391	unset cacheTimeOut
392      }
393      return
394    }
395    # If we are here it is a targeted cache delete.
396    # we cheat a little and go into the details of
397    # the the entries to pick up the IsDir entries
398    #
399    foreach name [array names cache -regexp "^(Dir:)?$URL.*$"] {
400      unset cache($name)
401      unset cachet($name)
402      frputs URL
403    }
404  }
405#============================ End of Cache code  ================
408#============================ End of NameSpace VFSvars ======[::VFSvars::VFS_ReadCache $URL][::VFSvars::VFS_ReadCache $URL]====
410# # This routine will verify that the link is up and if not will try to
411# # reopen it. If all that fails and error is thrown.
412# proc VFSisLinkUp {$VFStok} {
413#   frputs
414#   # This gets control back if "live" hangs
415#   set afterId [after 10000 {set ::vfsIsUpWait 10}]
416#   after idle {VFSisLinkUpTest $VFStok}
417#   after cancel $afterId
418#   vwait ::vfsIsUpWait
420#   lassign $::vfsIsUpWait r ret
421#   if {$r != 0 || $ret == {}} {
422#     # Link appears to be down...
423#     frputs
424#     uplevel [list {*}$commands(reopen) $VFStok]
425#   }
426# }
427# ====================================================
429# The interface:
430# In the following discussion the "real" code is that which is in the VFS
431# package we are calling.
433# VFSopen URL options
434# open (or Mount) For things like ftp this may mean contacting another system
435#                 to extablish a connection. The open request requires a URL and
436#                 a user as well as other possible options.
438#                 The password is NOT passed, but rather obtained by the callee
439#                 using the "password Locker" interface. This allows us to keep
440#                 all passwords in one place and to manage them else where in
441#                 encrypted form. It is recommended that callees not (in general)
442#                 save passwords, but rather get them, use them and erase
443#                 (or at least obscure) the local copy.
445#        options  is a list of doublets of form "<option> <value>"
446#                 expected options are:
447#                 user      (may also be in the URL)
448#                 port      (may also be in the URL)
449#                 proxy     if an indirect connection
450#                 abortflag global variable that, if set, will abort the connection
451#                 timeout   how long to wait for an action in seconds
452#                 log       log function for progress reports
453#                 timefmt   format to use for time in progress reports
454#                 debug     bool, true if debugging
456# The open routine open should return {} or a corrected URL.
459#  Comment: The following would appear to be an idea not used. Local VFS
460#           and their management is now the job of cmdMount and friends.
462#                 If the VFS is to be access with a <local root> (i.e. a tmp
463#                 area on the local disk) the disk address of this area is
464#                 to be returned by the "real' open.
465#                 This code will put this address in a safe
466#                 place.
468#                 (For VFS protocols such as zip, the file to be
469#                 mounted will be in the current working directory.)
470#                 In the case of a <local root> the
471#                 VFS implimtation should supply only the 'open' and 'close'
472#                 routines.
474proc VFSopen {URL args} {
475  if {![IsVFS $URL]} {
476    error "$URL is not a VFS URL"
477  }
478  set r [catch "package require VFS$VFSpro" er]
479  if {$r != 0} {
480    error "Failed to find VFS$VFSpro: $er"
481  }
482  if {! [info exists ::VFS${VFSpro}::commands(open)]} {
483    error "VFS$VFSpro does not define VFS${VFSpro}::commands(open)"
484  }
485  # Well, it looks like we might be able to open/mount this thing...
486  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
487  frputs commands(open)
488  set rtn [eval [list {*}$commands(open) $URL $args]]
489  IsVFS $rtn
490  set ::VFSvars::open($VFStok) $VFStok
491  ::VFSvars::VFSsetCommands
492  # Set our local vars
493  VFSvars::VFSopenSet $VFStok [concat {*}$args]
494  return [expr {$rtn == {} ? 1 : $rtn}]
497# VFS supports command
498# VFSsupport URL command  Returns true if VFS is open and supports "command"
499# This
500proc VFSsupports {URL command} {
501  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
502  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
503  return [expr {[info exists commands($command)] && \
504		    [lindex $commands($command) 0] ni {0 "::VFSvars::VFSnoCommand"}}]
507# VFS management code:
508# VFSisOpen URL   returns 0 if no open flag, else the corrected VFStok or
509# what ever the vfs command returned.
511proc VFSisOpen {URL} {
512  if {[IsVFS $URL] && \
513	  [info exists ::VFSvars::open($VFStok)] && \
514	  $::VFSvars::open($VFStok) != 0} {
515    return $::VFSvars::open($VFStok)
516  } else {
517    return 0
518  }
521# It is unclear if the live routine should be exported beyond its
522# use in VFScheckNotMapped
524# VFSlive URL
525# live VFStok      This should insure that the vfs is
526#                 still mounted or open and ready to handle requests.
527#                 If it is not, this function should make every effort to
528#                 restore the connection.  Failure here will close/unmount
529#                 the connection. If this command fails to verify that the
530#                 connetion is alive and well, it should return true. If
531#                 a connection is closed/unmounted this should return false.
532#                 If VFSlive ever returns false, the "reopen" routine must
533#                 be supplied.
534# proc VFSlive {URL} {
535#   global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
536#   return [uplevel [list {*}$commands(live) $VFStok]]
537# }
539# VFScd URL
540# cd VFStok dir     Change the directory to path. True if successful, false if not.
541proc VFScd {URL} {
542  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
543  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
544  return [eval [list {*}$commands(cd) $VFStok $VFSpath]]
547# VFSrename URL oldname newname dirFlag
548# Rename VFStok new    Rename a file or directory (possibly implies move) True if
549#                         successful, false if not. "dirFlag" should be true if
550#                         the call is renaming a directory (helps us manage
551#                         the cache).
552proc VFSrename {URL new dir} {
553  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
554  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
555  if {$dir} {
556    # if a dir, get the whole tree...
557    ::VFSvars::VFS_InvalidateCache
558  } else {
559    # a file, just its dir(s)
560    ::VFSvars::VFS_InvalidateCache [URL dir $URL]
561    ::VFSvars::VFS_InvalidateCache [URL dir $VFStok/$new]
562  }
563  set rtn [uplevel [list {*}$commands(rename) $VFStok $VFSpath $new]]
564  return $rtn
567# VFSdelete URL
568# Delete          Delete a file. True if successful, false if not.
569proc VFSdelete {URL} {
570  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
571  ::VFSvars::VFS_InvalidateCache $URL
572  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
573  return [uplevel [list {*}$commands(delete) $VFStok $VFSpath]]
576# VFSmkdir URL
577# Make Directory  Makes a new directory. True if successful, false if not.
578#                 Note: directory is part of the URL
580proc VFSmkdir {URL} {
581  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
582  ::VFSvars::VFS_InvalidateCache [URL dir $URL]
583  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
584  return [uplevel [list {*}$commands(mkdir) $VFStok $VFSpath]]
587# VFSrmdir URL
588# rmdir              (open question on if the directory is empty. In general filerunner
589#                    assumes we can delete a directory and every thing in it with
590#                    just one call. OTH ftp can not do that and so we have a
591#                    recursive function to do just this. So, we need an option
592#                    flag here to indicate if this VFS can do the full delete.
593#                    directory is indicated by the path part of the URL
594proc VFSrmdir {URL} {
595  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
596  ::VFSvars::VFS_InvalidateCache $URL
597  ::VFSvars::VFS_InvalidateCache [URL dirname $URL]
598  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
599  return [uplevel [list {*}$commands(rmdir) $VFStok $VFSpath]]
603# VFSisDir URL
604# IsDir           Test if object is a directory. Either throw an
605#                 error or return 0 if not. If it is return the
606#                 actual dir name (assumes it may be a symbolic link)
607#                 For the most part this is only called when a dir
608#                 entry is a sym link.
610proc VFSisDir {URL} {
611  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
612  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
613  set rtn [::VFSvars::VFS_ReadCache Dir:$URL]
614  if {$rtn != 0} {
615    return $rtn
616  }
617  set r [catch {{*}$commands(isdir) $VFStok $VFSpath} path]
618  set rtn  [expr {$r == 0 && $path != 0 ? $path : {}}]
619  ::VFSvars::VFS_WriteCache "Dir:$URL" $rtn
620  return $rtn
623# VFSpwd URL
624# Pwd             Return the current working directory. It is assumed that
625#                 this returns the true path to the WD even though
626#                 the Cd command to get to it may have been via a link
627#                 It would be "nice" if the return was a URL, but if not
628#                 we fix it.
629proc VFSpwd {URL} {
630  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
631  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
632  if {[IsVFS [set ret [uplevel [list {*}$commands(pwd) $VFStok]]]]} {
633    return $ret
634  }
635  return [URL norm $VFStok/$ret]
638# VFSchmod URL mode
639# chmod           Change mode of the object (file or directory) to mode.
640#                 mode may inclued the recursion flag (formats TBD)
641proc VFSchmod {URL mode} {
642  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
643  ::VFSvars::VFS_InvalidateCache [URL dirname $URL]
644  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
645  return [uplevel [list {*}$commands(chmod) $VFStok $mode $VFSpath]]
648# VFSchown URL owner
649# chown           Change owner of the object (file or directory). owner may
650#                 include a recursion flag
651proc VFSchown {URL mode} {
652  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
653  ::VFSvars::VFS_InvalidateCache $URL
654  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
655  return [uplevel [list {*}$commands(chown) $VFStok $mode $VFSpath]]
658# VFSlist URL showall
659# list            Return a list of files and their attributes for the current directory.
660#                 Currently filerunner process several versions of this list.
661#                 1.) Those provided by 'glob' and 'file stat'
662#                 2.) Those provided by 'ftp'
663#                 3.) Those provided by 'sftp' (which, I think, is from *nix 'ls')
664#                 4.) The *nix 'ls' command.
665#                 5.) The MS windows 'cmd dir' command (with most of its options)
666# WARNNING "list" is passed the URL, not the VFStok. For the VFSglobal to work correctly
667#           this NUST be called URL by the VFSlist/VFSlistF handler.
668proc VFSlist {URL showall} {
669  frputs URL showall
670  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
671  LogStatusOnly "Reading VFS directory $URL"
672  set result [::VFSvars::VFS_ReadCache $URL]
673  if {$result != 0} {
674    LogStatusOnly "done (found in cache)"
675    return $result
676  }
677  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
678  set result [uplevel [list {*}$commands(list) $URL $showall]]
679  ::VFSvars::VFS_WriteCache $URL $result
680  LogStatusOnly "done"
681  return $result
684# VFSlistF URL args
685# list            Return a list of files and their attributes for the current directory.
686#                 This is an optional list request. Either VFSlist or VFSlistF must
687#                 be supported. In this format the callee (the VFS code) supplies a
688#                 dictionary of values for each field seperated into
689#                 the various bits of info about the file.
690#                 The dictionary MUST have values for:
691#                 file        <files name>
692#                 type <one of: {d n ld ln}>   d->directory n->file l->link
693#                 -optional-
694#                 size        <file/dir size in bytes>
695#                 sec         <last modify time>
696#                 og          <owner/group string>
697#                 link        <link to string>
698#                 nlinks      <number of links> refers to hard links
699#                 flags       <a set of r/w flags per ls>
700#                 args is a list of doublets that controls various things.
701#                 at this time {showall bool} is defined.
702# WARNNING "list" is passed the URL, not the VFStok. For the VFSglobal to work correctly
703#           this NUST be called URL by the VFSlist/VFSlistF handler.
704proc VFSlistF {URL args} {
705  frputs URL showall
706  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
707  LogStatusOnly "Reading VFS directory $URL"
708  set result [::VFSvars::VFS_ReadCache $URL]
709  if {$result != 0} {
710    LogStatusOnly "done (found in cache)"
711    return $result
712  }
713  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
714  set result [uplevel [list {*}$commands(listF) $URL $args]]
715  ::VFSvars::VFS_WriteCache $URL $result
716  LogStatusOnly "done"
717  return $result
720# VFSgetFile URL lfile size ?resume?
721# get             Get contents of named URL and put in lfile.
722#                 size is the expected size (used in progress report)
723#                 if resume is true and lfile exists, the call gets
724#                 the remainder of the file. If the get fails it should
725#                 throw an error.
726proc VFSgetFile {URL lfile size args} {
727  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
728  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
729  return [uplevel [list {*}$commands(get) $VFStok \
730		       $VFSpath $lfile $size $args]]
734# VFSputFile URL localFileName size
735# put             Creates (optionally) and writes a file.
736#                 If the "put" fails it should throw an error.
737proc VFSputFile {URL localFileName size} {
738  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
739  ::VFSvars::VFS_InvalidateCache [URL dirname $URL]
740  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
741  return [uplevel \
742	      [list {*}$commands(put) \
743		   $VFStok $localFileName $VFSpath $size]]
746# VFScopy URL fromfile tofile (fromfile may be a list)
747# copy        Copy within the VFS.
748#             Optional command. Throws error if not supported
750proc VFScopy {URL fromFile toFile} {
751  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
752  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
753  if {![info exists commands(copy)]} {
754    return -code error "VFS $VFStok does not support \"copy\""
755  }
756  if {[IsVFS $fromFile]} {
757    set fromFile $VFSpath
758  }
759  if {[IsVFS $toFile]} {
760    set toFile $VFSpath
761  }
762  ::VFSvars::VFS_InvalidateCache [URL norm $VFStok/[file dirname $toFile]]
763  return [uplevel [list {*}$commands(copy) $VFStok $fromFile $toFile]]
766# VFSlink URL new opt (r or a, relative or absolute)
767# link            Creates the symbolic link 'new' pointing to URL.
769proc VFSlink {URL new opt} {
770  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
771  ::VFSvars::VFS_InvalidateCache [URL dirname $new]
772  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
773  return [uplevel \
774	      [list {*}$commands(link) $VFStok $VFSpath $new $opt]]
778# VFScommand URL command
779# command         Execute given command in the given vfs enviroment
780proc VFScommand {URL command} {
781  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
782  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
783  return [uplevel [list {*}$commands(command) $VFStok $command]]
786# VFSclose URL
787# close           Disconnect and close the VFS. For things like ftp this just
788#                 closes the connection. For data containers such as tar or zip
789#                 if the mount is not read only, this will mean producing the
790#                 updated container.
791proc VFSclose {URL} {
792  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
793  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
794  return [uplevel [list {*}$commands(close) $VFStok ]]
797# VFSmenu          This command (if it exists) should pass back a set of menu
798#                  entries. This should be a list menu entries to build a menu
799#                  to access and/or modify various items in the given VFS. When
800#                  the "Etc" menu button is pressed filerunner makes this call
801#                  to get items to put in that menu. The list items are used
802#                  in a <pathname add> command to build the menu entry.
803#                  Example: -label foois -command VFSfoo::fooiscmd
804#                  each element in the list is taken as a new add menu item
805#                  This command is optional.
807proc VFSmenu {URL} {
808  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
809  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
810  return [uplevel [list {*}$commands(menu) $VFStok]]
813# VFSsearch URL file  (optional, throws error if not supported)
814# search          searches for a file named file (with possible wild cards)
815proc VFSsearch {URL file} {
816  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped
817  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
818  if {[info exist commands(search)]} {
819    return  [uplevel [list {*}$commands(search) $VFStok $file]]
820  } else {
821    return -code error "Search command not supported by ${VFSpro} VFS"
822  }
824# VFSdebug URL bool  1 sets 0 turns off (optional, ignore if not supported)
825#                    enable/disenable debug messages
826proc VFSdebug {URL bool} {
827  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped 0
828  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
829  if {[info exist commands(debug)]} {
830    return  [uplevel [list {*}$commands(debug) $VFStok $bool]]
831  }
834proc VFSRcopyOk {URL} {
835  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped 0
836  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
837  return $commands(RcopyOk)
840proc VFSrmdirEmpty {URL} {
841  VFSvars::VFScheckNotMapped 0
842  global ::VFS[set VFSpro]::commands
843  return $commands(rmdirEmpty)
847# Each vfs will also have its own perconnection data area and should be coded such
848# that, within data limits, as many connections as desired may be opened at the
849# same time. The system (i.e. this code) provides a cache for the List command.
851# Some vfs' will use scratch disc space to spread out components of their containers.
852# This space should be released when the container is Closed/Unmounted.
854# Filerunner can distinguish between a display directory and a working directory
855# such that, for example zip://<path>.zip/ is displayed while /temp/zipXYZ/ is used.
857# What is "VFStok"? VFStok is an intersection of a type of VFS and its root address.
858# It is the VFSs URL without the path, and it has exactly that format.
860# Within the filerunner VFS the token is the name of an array with the following
861# entries (some of which may not exist):
863# open  if this does not exist the VFS is not mounted or open
864#       else, the access path to the VFS.  For FTP SFTP and such this will be
865#       the same as the "token". For others it may be a tmp area where the
866#       local expanded VFS is (or will be) located.
867# other other entries in this array are used by the given 'protocol' to keep
868#       track of a given instance of open or mount.
870# The commands for each protocol are kept in an array named:
871# VFS<protocol>::commands
872# For example VFSftp, VFSsftp and so on.
873# Each supported protocol action command will be in this array. Unsupported commands
874# should have no entry at all. (Attempts to use these commands will be trapped
875# and return a standard error.)
877# Making a VFS visabile to filerunner.  Filerunner uses the "package names" command
878# to find VFS systems. A package named "VFS<protocol>" defines to filerunner that
879# a VFS set of code is available for that <protocol>. When the given package is
880# "required" it should define the array VFS<protocol>::commands. This array should
881# have the following entries:
883# open reopen live cd delete mkdir rmdir rmdirEmpty isdir pwd chmod chown list
884# get put RcopyOk rename link command close and, optionally copy.
886# RcopyOk indicates if the VFS can handle recursive copys of directries. It uses
887#         two bits bit 0 for read or get and bit 1 for write or put. Thus:
888#         0 Neither read nor write recursive is supported
889#         1 read recursive is supported, write is not
890#         2 write recursive is supported, read is not
891#         3 both read and write recursive is supported.
893# rmdirEmpty should be true if and only if the VFS can rmdir non-empty dirs.
895# of these rmdirEmpty and RcopyOk should be binary (true or false). All the rest
896# should be command names that preform the indicated function. Except for live
897# and reopen, these are defined above by example (see above).
901# This file (frVFS.tcl) provides a "link is up" verification when ever a request is
902# made more that "timeout" time after the last one. This is done by calling "live"
903# and if it fails, calling "reopen". For links that are always closed after a
904# transaction, it is recommended that "live" return immeadiately with an up
905# return. In such a case reopen will never be called by this code.
907# The "live" routine should take one argument (VFStok) and return <something> if the
908# link is up. If the link is not up, it should either throw an error or return {}.
909# We are defining "live" such that it may be most any access. VFSftp uses the "pwd"
910# command.
912# The "reopen" command also take one argument (VFStok). It will be called if "live"
913# either fails or does not return with in "timeout" time (currently this is 10
914# seconds).
915# Its job is a.) close the given link and attempt to reopen it. This means that open
916# should save what ever is needed to do this reopen. The reopen routine should
917# also recover the current working dir.
921# In addition, the "package require" should define any of these commands that need
922# defineing (it is possible that some of these commands map to commands outside
923# of the package such as read or write and so do not need defining).