1#    Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
3#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
4#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
5#    a copy of the License at
7#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
11#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
12#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
13#    under the License.
15"""Common internal object model"""
17import abc
18import collections
19from collections import abc as collections_abc
20import copy
21import functools
22import logging
23import warnings
25import oslo_messaging as messaging
26from oslo_utils import excutils
27from oslo_utils import versionutils as vutils
29from oslo_versionedobjects._i18n import _
30from oslo_versionedobjects import exception
31from oslo_versionedobjects import fields as obj_fields
34LOG = logging.getLogger('object')
37class _NotSpecifiedSentinel(object):
38    pass
41def _get_attrname(name):
42    """Return the mangled name of the attribute's underlying storage."""
43    return '_obj_' + name
46def _make_class_properties(cls):
47    # NOTE(danms/comstud): Inherit fields from super classes.
48    # mro() returns the current class first and returns 'object' last, so
49    # those can be skipped.  Also be careful to not overwrite any fields
50    # that already exist.  And make sure each cls has its own copy of
51    # fields and that it is not sharing the dict with a super class.
52    cls.fields = dict(cls.fields)
53    for supercls in cls.mro()[1:-1]:
54        if not hasattr(supercls, 'fields'):
55            continue
56        for name, field in supercls.fields.items():
57            if name not in cls.fields:
58                cls.fields[name] = field
59    for name, field in cls.fields.items():
60        if not isinstance(field, obj_fields.Field):
61            raise exception.ObjectFieldInvalid(
62                field=name, objname=cls.obj_name())
64        def getter(self, name=name):
65            attrname = _get_attrname(name)
66            if not hasattr(self, attrname):
67                self.obj_load_attr(name)
68            return getattr(self, attrname)
70        def setter(self, value, name=name, field=field):
71            attrname = _get_attrname(name)
72            field_value = field.coerce(self, name, value)
73            if field.read_only and hasattr(self, attrname):
74                # Note(yjiang5): _from_db_object() may iterate
75                # every field and write, no exception in such situation.
76                if getattr(self, attrname) != field_value:
77                    raise exception.ReadOnlyFieldError(field=name)
78                else:
79                    return
81            self._changed_fields.add(name)
82            try:
83                return setattr(self, attrname, field_value)
84            except Exception:
85                with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
86                    attr = "%s.%s" % (self.obj_name(), name)
87                    LOG.exception('Error setting %(attr)s',
88                                  {'attr': attr})
90        def deleter(self, name=name):
91            attrname = _get_attrname(name)
92            if not hasattr(self, attrname):
93                raise AttributeError("No such attribute `%s'" % name)
94            delattr(self, attrname)
96        setattr(cls, name, property(getter, setter, deleter))
99class VersionedObjectRegistry(object):
100    _registry = None
102    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
103        if not VersionedObjectRegistry._registry:
104            VersionedObjectRegistry._registry = object.__new__(
105                VersionedObjectRegistry, *args, **kwargs)
106            VersionedObjectRegistry._registry._obj_classes = \
107                collections.defaultdict(list)
108        self = object.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
109        self._obj_classes = VersionedObjectRegistry._registry._obj_classes
110        return self
112    def registration_hook(self, cls, index):
113        pass
115    def _register_class(self, cls):
116        def _vers_tuple(obj):
117            return vutils.convert_version_to_tuple(obj.VERSION)
119        _make_class_properties(cls)
120        obj_name = cls.obj_name()
121        for i, obj in enumerate(self._obj_classes[obj_name]):
122            self.registration_hook(cls, i)
123            if cls.VERSION == obj.VERSION:
124                self._obj_classes[obj_name][i] = cls
125                break
126            if _vers_tuple(cls) > _vers_tuple(obj):
127                # Insert before.
128                self._obj_classes[obj_name].insert(i, cls)
129                break
130        else:
131            # Either this is the first time we've seen the object or it's
132            # an older version than anything we'e seen.
133            self._obj_classes[obj_name].append(cls)
134            self.registration_hook(cls, 0)
136    @classmethod
137    def register(cls, obj_cls):
138        registry = cls()
139        registry._register_class(obj_cls)
140        return obj_cls
142    @classmethod
143    def register_if(cls, condition):
144        def wraps(obj_cls):
145            if condition:
146                obj_cls = cls.register(obj_cls)
147            else:
148                _make_class_properties(obj_cls)
149            return obj_cls
150        return wraps
152    @classmethod
153    def objectify(cls, obj_cls):
154        return cls.register_if(False)(obj_cls)
156    @classmethod
157    def obj_classes(cls):
158        registry = cls()
159        return registry._obj_classes
162# These are decorators that mark an object's method as remotable.
163# If the metaclass is configured to forward object methods to an
164# indirection service, these will result in making an RPC call
165# instead of directly calling the implementation in the object. Instead,
166# the object implementation on the remote end will perform the
167# requested action and the result will be returned here.
168def remotable_classmethod(fn):
169    """Decorator for remotable classmethods."""
170    @functools.wraps(fn)
171    def wrapper(cls, context, *args, **kwargs):
172        if cls.indirection_api:
173            version_manifest = obj_tree_get_versions(cls.obj_name())
174            try:
175                result = cls.indirection_api.object_class_action_versions(
176                    context, cls.obj_name(), fn.__name__, version_manifest,
177                    args, kwargs)
178            except NotImplementedError:
179                # FIXME(danms): Maybe start to warn here about deprecation?
180                result = cls.indirection_api.object_class_action(
181                    context, cls.obj_name(), fn.__name__, cls.VERSION,
182                    args, kwargs)
183        else:
184            result = fn(cls, context, *args, **kwargs)
185            if isinstance(result, VersionedObject):
186                result._context = context
187        return result
189    # NOTE(danms): Make this discoverable
190    wrapper.remotable = True
191    wrapper.original_fn = fn
192    return classmethod(wrapper)
195# See comment above for remotable_classmethod()
197# Note that this will use either the provided context, or the one
198# stashed in the object. If neither are present, the object is
199# "orphaned" and remotable methods cannot be called.
200def remotable(fn):
201    """Decorator for remotable object methods."""
202    @functools.wraps(fn)
203    def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
204        ctxt = self._context
205        if ctxt is None:
206            raise exception.OrphanedObjectError(method=fn.__name__,
207                                                objtype=self.obj_name())
208        if self.indirection_api:
209            updates, result = self.indirection_api.object_action(
210                ctxt, self, fn.__name__, args, kwargs)
211            for key, value in updates.items():
212                if key in self.fields:
213                    field = self.fields[key]
214                    # NOTE(ndipanov): Since VersionedObjectSerializer will have
215                    # deserialized any object fields into objects already,
216                    # we do not try to deserialize them again here.
217                    if isinstance(value, VersionedObject):
218                        setattr(self, key, value)
219                    else:
220                        setattr(self, key,
221                                field.from_primitive(self, key, value))
222            self.obj_reset_changes()
223            self._changed_fields = set(updates.get('obj_what_changed', []))
224            return result
225        else:
226            return fn(self, *args, **kwargs)
228    wrapper.remotable = True
229    wrapper.original_fn = fn
230    return wrapper
233class VersionedObject(object):
234    """Base class and object factory.
236    This forms the base of all objects that can be remoted or instantiated
237    via RPC. Simply defining a class that inherits from this base class
238    will make it remotely instantiatable. Objects should implement the
239    necessary "get" classmethod routines as well as "save" object methods
240    as appropriate.
241    """
243    indirection_api = None
245    # Object versioning rules
246    #
247    # Each service has its set of objects, each with a version attached. When
248    # a client attempts to call an object method, the server checks to see if
249    # the version of that object matches (in a compatible way) its object
250    # implementation. If so, cool, and if not, fail.
251    #
252    # This version is allowed to have three parts, X.Y.Z, where the .Z element
253    # is reserved for stable branch backports. The .Z is ignored for the
254    # purposes of triggering a backport, which means anything changed under
255    # a .Z must be additive and non-destructive such that a node that knows
256    # about X.Y can consider X.Y.Z equivalent.
257    VERSION = '1.0'
259    # Object namespace for serialization
260    # NB: Generally this should not be changed, but is needed for backwards
261    #     compatibility
262    OBJ_SERIAL_NAMESPACE = 'versioned_object'
264    # Object project namespace for serialization
265    # This is used to disambiguate owners of objects sharing a common RPC
266    # medium
267    OBJ_PROJECT_NAMESPACE = 'versionedobjects'
269    # The fields present in this object as key:field pairs. For example:
270    #
271    # fields = { 'foo': obj_fields.IntegerField(),
272    #            'bar': obj_fields.StringField(),
273    #          }
274    fields = {}
275    obj_extra_fields = []
277    # Table of sub-object versioning information
278    #
279    # This contains a list of version mappings, by the field name of
280    # the subobject. The mappings must be in order of oldest to
281    # newest, and are tuples of (my_version, subobject_version). A
282    # request to backport this object to $my_version will cause the
283    # subobject to be backported to $subobject_version.
284    #
285    # obj_relationships = {
286    #     'subobject1': [('1.2', '1.1'), ('1.4', '1.2')],
287    #     'subobject2': [('1.2', '1.0')],
288    # }
289    #
290    # In the above example:
291    #
292    # - If we are asked to backport our object to version 1.3,
293    #   subobject1 will be backported to version 1.1, since it was
294    #   bumped to version 1.2 when our version was 1.4.
295    # - If we are asked to backport our object to version 1.5,
296    #   no changes will be made to subobject1 or subobject2, since
297    #   they have not changed since version 1.4.
298    # - If we are asked to backlevel our object to version 1.1, we
299    #   will remove both subobject1 and subobject2 from the primitive,
300    #   since they were not added until version 1.2.
301    obj_relationships = {}
303    def __init__(self, context=None, **kwargs):
304        self._changed_fields = set()
305        self._context = context
306        for key in kwargs.keys():
307            setattr(self, key, kwargs[key])
309    def __repr__(self):
310        repr_str = '%s(%s)' % (
311            self.obj_name(),
312            ','.join(['%s=%s' % (name,
313                                 (self.obj_attr_is_set(name) and
314                                  field.stringify(getattr(self, name)) or
315                                  '<?>'))
316                      for name, field in sorted(self.fields.items())]))
317        return repr_str
319    def __contains__(self, name):
320        try:
321            return self.obj_attr_is_set(name)
322        except AttributeError:
323            return False
325    @classmethod
326    def to_json_schema(cls):
327        obj_name = cls.obj_name()
328        schema = {
329            '$schema': 'http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#',
330            'title': obj_name,
331        }
332        schema.update(obj_fields.Object(obj_name).get_schema())
333        return schema
335    @classmethod
336    def obj_name(cls):
337        """Return the object's name
339        Return a canonical name for this object which will be used over
340        the wire for remote hydration.
341        """
342        return cls.__name__
344    @classmethod
345    def _obj_primitive_key(cls, field):
346        return '%s.%s' % (cls.OBJ_SERIAL_NAMESPACE, field)
348    @classmethod
349    def _obj_primitive_field(cls, primitive, field,
350                             default=obj_fields.UnspecifiedDefault):
351        key = cls._obj_primitive_key(field)
352        if default == obj_fields.UnspecifiedDefault:
353            return primitive[key]
354        else:
355            return primitive.get(key, default)
357    @classmethod
358    def obj_class_from_name(cls, objname, objver):
359        """Returns a class from the registry based on a name and version."""
360        if objname not in VersionedObjectRegistry.obj_classes():
361            LOG.error('Unable to instantiate unregistered object type '
362                      '%(objtype)s'), dict(objtype=objname)
363            raise exception.UnsupportedObjectError(objtype=objname)
365        # NOTE(comstud): If there's not an exact match, return the highest
366        # compatible version. The objects stored in the class are sorted
367        # such that highest version is first, so only set compatible_match
368        # once below.
369        compatible_match = None
371        for objclass in VersionedObjectRegistry.obj_classes()[objname]:
372            if objclass.VERSION == objver:
373                return objclass
374            if (not compatible_match and
375                    vutils.is_compatible(objver, objclass.VERSION)):
376                compatible_match = objclass
378        if compatible_match:
379            return compatible_match
381        # As mentioned above, latest version is always first in the list.
382        latest_ver = VersionedObjectRegistry.obj_classes()[objname][0].VERSION
383        raise exception.IncompatibleObjectVersion(objname=objname,
384                                                  objver=objver,
385                                                  supported=latest_ver)
387    @classmethod
388    def _obj_from_primitive(cls, context, objver, primitive):
389        self = cls()
390        self._context = context
391        self.VERSION = objver
392        objdata = cls._obj_primitive_field(primitive, 'data')
393        changes = cls._obj_primitive_field(primitive, 'changes', [])
394        for name, field in self.fields.items():
395            if name in objdata:
396                setattr(self, name, field.from_primitive(self, name,
397                                                         objdata[name]))
398        self._changed_fields = set([x for x in changes if x in self.fields])
399        return self
401    @classmethod
402    def obj_from_primitive(cls, primitive, context=None):
403        """Object field-by-field hydration."""
404        objns = cls._obj_primitive_field(primitive, 'namespace')
405        objname = cls._obj_primitive_field(primitive, 'name')
406        objver = cls._obj_primitive_field(primitive, 'version')
407        if objns != cls.OBJ_PROJECT_NAMESPACE:
408            # NOTE(danms): We don't do anything with this now, but it's
409            # there for "the future"
410            raise exception.UnsupportedObjectError(
411                objtype='%s.%s' % (objns, objname))
412        objclass = cls.obj_class_from_name(objname, objver)
413        return objclass._obj_from_primitive(context, objver, primitive)
415    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
416        """Efficiently make a deep copy of this object."""
418        # NOTE(danms): A naive deepcopy would copy more than we need,
419        # and since we have knowledge of the volatile bits of the
420        # object, we can be smarter here. Also, nested entities within
421        # some objects may be uncopyable, so we can avoid those sorts
422        # of issues by copying only our field data.
424        nobj = self.__class__()
426        # NOTE(sskripnick): we should save newly created object into mem
427        # to let deepcopy know which branches are already created.
428        # See launchpad bug #1602314 for more details
429        memo[id(self)] = nobj
430        nobj._context = self._context
431        for name in self.fields:
432            if self.obj_attr_is_set(name):
433                nval = copy.deepcopy(getattr(self, name), memo)
434                setattr(nobj, name, nval)
435        nobj._changed_fields = set(self._changed_fields)
436        return nobj
438    def obj_clone(self):
439        """Create a copy."""
440        return copy.deepcopy(self)
442    def _obj_relationship_for(self, field, target_version):
443        # NOTE(danms): We need to be graceful about not having the temporary
444        # version manifest if called from obj_make_compatible().
445        if (not hasattr(self, '_obj_version_manifest') or
446                self._obj_version_manifest is None):
447            try:
448                return self.obj_relationships[field]
449            except KeyError:
450                raise exception.ObjectActionError(
451                    action='obj_make_compatible',
452                    reason='No rule for %s' % field)
454        objname = self.fields[field].objname
455        if objname not in self._obj_version_manifest:
456            return
457        # NOTE(danms): Compute a relationship mapping that looks like
458        # what the caller expects.
459        return [(target_version, self._obj_version_manifest[objname])]
461    def _obj_make_obj_compatible(self, primitive, target_version, field):
462        """Backlevel a sub-object based on our versioning rules.
464        This is responsible for backporting objects contained within
465        this object's primitive according to a set of rules we
466        maintain about version dependencies between objects. This
467        requires that the obj_relationships table in this object is
468        correct and up-to-date.
470        :param:primitive: The primitive version of this object
471        :param:target_version: The version string requested for this object
472        :param:field: The name of the field in this object containing the
473                      sub-object to be backported
474        """
475        relationship_map = self._obj_relationship_for(field, target_version)
476        if not relationship_map:
477            # NOTE(danms): This means the field was not specified in the
478            # version manifest from the client, so it must not want this
479            # field, so skip.
480            return
482        try:
483            _get_subobject_version(target_version,
484                                   relationship_map,
485                                   lambda ver: _do_subobject_backport(
486                                       ver, self, field, primitive))
487        except exception.TargetBeforeSubobjectExistedException:
488            # Subobject did not exist, so delete it from the primitive
489            del primitive[field]
491    def obj_make_compatible(self, primitive, target_version):
492        """Make an object representation compatible with a target version.
494        This is responsible for taking the primitive representation of
495        an object and making it suitable for the given target_version.
496        This may mean converting the format of object attributes, removing
497        attributes that have been added since the target version, etc. In
498        general:
500        - If a new version of an object adds a field, this routine
501          should remove it for older versions.
502        - If a new version changed or restricted the format of a field, this
503          should convert it back to something a client knowing only of the
504          older version will tolerate.
505        - If an object that this object depends on is bumped, then this
506          object should also take a version bump. Then, this routine should
507          backlevel the dependent object (by calling its obj_make_compatible())
508          if the requested version of this object is older than the version
509          where the new dependent object was added.
511        :param primitive: The result of :meth:`obj_to_primitive`
512        :param target_version: The version string requested by the recipient
513                               of the object
514        :raises: :exc:`oslo_versionedobjects.exception.UnsupportedObjectError`
515                 if conversion is not possible for some reason
516        """
517        for key, field in self.fields.items():
518            if not isinstance(field, (obj_fields.ObjectField,
519                                      obj_fields.ListOfObjectsField)):
520                continue
521            if not self.obj_attr_is_set(key):
522                continue
523            self._obj_make_obj_compatible(primitive, target_version, key)
525    def obj_make_compatible_from_manifest(self, primitive, target_version,
526                                          version_manifest):
527        # NOTE(danms): Stash the manifest on the object so we can use it in
528        # the deeper layers. We do this because obj_make_compatible() is
529        # defined library API at this point, yet we need to get this manifest
530        # to the other bits that get called so we can propagate it to child
531        # calls. It's not pretty, but a tactical solution. Ideally we will
532        # either evolve or deprecate obj_make_compatible() in a major version
533        # bump.
534        self._obj_version_manifest = version_manifest
535        try:
536            return self.obj_make_compatible(primitive, target_version)
537        finally:
538            delattr(self, '_obj_version_manifest')
540    def obj_to_primitive(self, target_version=None, version_manifest=None):
541        """Simple base-case dehydration.
543        This calls to_primitive() for each item in fields.
544        """
545        if target_version is None:
546            target_version = self.VERSION
547        if (vutils.convert_version_to_tuple(target_version) >
548                vutils.convert_version_to_tuple(self.VERSION)):
549            raise exception.InvalidTargetVersion(version=target_version)
550        primitive = dict()
551        for name, field in self.fields.items():
552            if self.obj_attr_is_set(name):
553                primitive[name] = field.to_primitive(self, name,
554                                                     getattr(self, name))
555        # NOTE(danms): If we know we're being asked for a different version,
556        # then do the compat step. However, even if we think we're not,
557        # we may have sub-objects that need it, so if we have a manifest we
558        # have to traverse this object just in case. Previously, we
559        # required a parent version bump for any child, so the target
560        # check was enough.
561        if target_version != self.VERSION or version_manifest:
562            self.obj_make_compatible_from_manifest(primitive,
563                                                   target_version,
564                                                   version_manifest)
565        obj = {self._obj_primitive_key('name'): self.obj_name(),
566               self._obj_primitive_key('namespace'): (
567                   self.OBJ_PROJECT_NAMESPACE),
568               self._obj_primitive_key('version'): target_version,
569               self._obj_primitive_key('data'): primitive}
570        if self.obj_what_changed():
571            # NOTE(cfriesen): if we're downgrading to a lower version, then
572            # it's possible that self.obj_what_changed() includes fields that
573            # no longer exist in the lower version.  If so, filter them out.
574            what_changed = self.obj_what_changed()
575            changes = [field for field in what_changed if field in primitive]
576            if changes:
577                obj[self._obj_primitive_key('changes')] = changes
578        return obj
580    def obj_set_defaults(self, *attrs):
581        if not attrs:
582            attrs = [name for name, field in self.fields.items()
583                     if field.default != obj_fields.UnspecifiedDefault]
585        for attr in attrs:
586            default = copy.deepcopy(self.fields[attr].default)
587            if default is obj_fields.UnspecifiedDefault:
588                raise exception.ObjectActionError(
589                    action='set_defaults',
590                    reason='No default set for field %s' % attr)
591            if not self.obj_attr_is_set(attr):
592                setattr(self, attr, default)
594    def obj_load_attr(self, attrname):
595        """Load an additional attribute from the real object.
597        This should load self.$attrname and cache any data that might
598        be useful for future load operations.
599        """
600        raise NotImplementedError(
601            _("Cannot load '%s' in the base class") % attrname)
603    def save(self, context):
604        """Save the changed fields back to the store.
606        This is optional for subclasses, but is presented here in the base
607        class for consistency among those that do.
608        """
609        raise NotImplementedError(_('Cannot save anything in the base class'))
611    def obj_what_changed(self):
612        """Returns a set of fields that have been modified."""
613        changes = set([field for field in self._changed_fields
614                       if field in self.fields])
615        for field in self.fields:
616            if (self.obj_attr_is_set(field) and
617                    isinstance(getattr(self, field), VersionedObject) and
618                    getattr(self, field).obj_what_changed()):
619                changes.add(field)
620        return changes
622    def obj_get_changes(self):
623        """Returns a dict of changed fields and their new values."""
624        changes = {}
625        for key in self.obj_what_changed():
626            changes[key] = getattr(self, key)
627        return changes
629    def obj_reset_changes(self, fields=None, recursive=False):
630        """Reset the list of fields that have been changed.
632        :param fields: List of fields to reset, or "all" if None.
633        :param recursive: Call obj_reset_changes(recursive=True) on
634                          any sub-objects within the list of fields
635                          being reset.
637        This is NOT "revert to previous values".
639        Specifying fields on recursive resets will only be honored at the top
640        level. Everything below the top will reset all.
641        """
642        if recursive:
643            for field in self.obj_get_changes():
645                # Ignore fields not in requested set (if applicable)
646                if fields and field not in fields:
647                    continue
649                # Skip any fields that are unset
650                if not self.obj_attr_is_set(field):
651                    continue
653                value = getattr(self, field)
655                # Don't reset nulled fields
656                if value is None:
657                    continue
659                # Reset straight Object and ListOfObjects fields
660                if isinstance(self.fields[field], obj_fields.ObjectField):
661                    value.obj_reset_changes(recursive=True)
662                elif isinstance(self.fields[field],
663                                obj_fields.ListOfObjectsField):
664                    for thing in value:
665                        thing.obj_reset_changes(recursive=True)
667        if fields:
668            self._changed_fields -= set(fields)
669        else:
670            self._changed_fields.clear()
672    def obj_attr_is_set(self, attrname):
673        """Test object to see if attrname is present.
675        Returns True if the named attribute has a value set, or
676        False if not. Raises AttributeError if attrname is not
677        a valid attribute for this object.
678        """
679        if attrname not in self.obj_fields:
680            raise AttributeError(
681                _("%(objname)s object has no attribute '%(attrname)s'") %
682                {'objname': self.obj_name(), 'attrname': attrname})
683        return hasattr(self, _get_attrname(attrname))
685    @property
686    def obj_fields(self):
687        return list(self.fields.keys()) + self.obj_extra_fields
689    @property
690    def obj_context(self):
691        return self._context
694class ComparableVersionedObject(object):
695    """Mix-in to provide comparison methods
697    When objects are to be compared with each other (in tests for example),
698    this mixin can be used.
699    """
700    def __eq__(self, obj):
701        # FIXME(inc0): this can return incorrect value if we consider partially
702        # loaded objects from db and fields which are dropped out differ
703        if hasattr(obj, 'obj_to_primitive'):
704            return self.obj_to_primitive() == obj.obj_to_primitive()
705        return NotImplemented
707    def __hash__(self):
708        return super(ComparableVersionedObject, self).__hash__()
710    def __ne__(self, obj):
711        if hasattr(obj, 'obj_to_primitive'):
712            return self.obj_to_primitive() != obj.obj_to_primitive()
713        return NotImplemented
716class TimestampedObject(object):
717    """Mixin class for db backed objects with timestamp fields.
719    Sqlalchemy models that inherit from the oslo_db TimestampMixin will include
720    these fields and the corresponding objects will benefit from this mixin.
721    """
722    fields = {
723        'created_at': obj_fields.DateTimeField(nullable=True),
724        'updated_at': obj_fields.DateTimeField(nullable=True),
725    }
728class VersionedObjectDictCompat(object):
729    """Mix-in to provide dictionary key access compatibility
731    If an object needs to support attribute access using
732    dictionary items instead of object attributes, inherit
733    from this class. This should only be used as a temporary
734    measure until all callers are converted to use modern
735    attribute access.
736    """
738    def __iter__(self):
739        for name in self.obj_fields:
740            if (self.obj_attr_is_set(name) or
741                    name in self.obj_extra_fields):
742                yield name
744    keys = __iter__
746    def values(self):
747        for name in self:
748            yield getattr(self, name)
750    def items(self):
751        for name in self:
752            yield name, getattr(self, name)
754    def __getitem__(self, name):
755        return getattr(self, name)
757    def __setitem__(self, name, value):
758        setattr(self, name, value)
760    def get(self, key, value=_NotSpecifiedSentinel):
761        if key not in self.obj_fields:
762            raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (
763                self.__class__, key))
764        if value != _NotSpecifiedSentinel and not self.obj_attr_is_set(key):
765            return value
766        else:
767            return getattr(self, key)
769    def update(self, updates):
770        for key, value in updates.items():
771            setattr(self, key, value)
774class ObjectListBase(collections_abc.Sequence):
775    """Mixin class for lists of objects.
777    This mixin class can be added as a base class for an object that
778    is implementing a list of objects. It adds a single field of 'objects',
779    which is the list store, and behaves like a list itself. It supports
780    serialization of the list of objects automatically.
781    """
782    fields = {
783        'objects': obj_fields.ListOfObjectsField('VersionedObject'),
784        }
786    # This is a dictionary of my_version:child_version mappings so that
787    # we can support backleveling our contents based on the version
788    # requested of the list object.
789    child_versions = {}
791    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
792        super(ObjectListBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
793        if 'objects' not in kwargs:
794            self.objects = []
795            self._changed_fields.discard('objects')
797    def __len__(self):
798        """List length."""
799        return len(self.objects)
801    def __getitem__(self, index):
802        """List index access."""
803        if isinstance(index, slice):
804            new_obj = self.__class__()
805            new_obj.objects = self.objects[index]
806            # NOTE(danms): We must be mixed in with a VersionedObject!
807            new_obj.obj_reset_changes()
808            new_obj._context = self._context
809            return new_obj
810        return self.objects[index]
812    def sort(self, key=None, reverse=False):
813        self.objects.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
815    def obj_make_compatible(self, primitive, target_version):
816        # Give priority to using child_versions, if that isn't set, try
817        # obj_relationships
818        if self.child_versions:
819            relationships = self.child_versions.items()
820        else:
821            try:
822                relationships = self._obj_relationship_for('objects',
823                                                           target_version)
824            except exception.ObjectActionError:
825                # No relationship for this found in manifest or
826                # in obj_relationships
827                relationships = {}
829        try:
830            # NOTE(rlrossit): If we have no version information, just
831            # backport to child version 1.0 (maintaining default
832            # behavior)
833            if relationships:
834                _get_subobject_version(target_version, relationships,
835                                       lambda ver: _do_subobject_backport(
836                                           ver, self, 'objects', primitive))
837            else:
838                _do_subobject_backport('1.0', self, 'objects', primitive)
839        except exception.TargetBeforeSubobjectExistedException:
840            # Child did not exist, so delete it from the primitive
841            del primitive['objects']
843    def obj_what_changed(self):
844        changes = set(self._changed_fields)
845        for child in self.objects:
846            if child.obj_what_changed():
847                changes.add('objects')
848        return changes
850    def __add__(self, other):
851        # Handling arbitrary fields may not make sense if those fields are not
852        # all concatenatable. Only concatenate if the base 'objects' field is
853        # the only one and the classes match.
854        if (self.__class__ == other.__class__ and
855                list(self.__class__.fields.keys()) == ['objects']):
856            return self.__class__(objects=self.objects + other.objects)
857        else:
858            raise TypeError("List Objects should be of the same type and only "
859                            "have an 'objects' field")
861    def __radd__(self, other):
862        if (self.__class__ == other.__class__ and
863                list(self.__class__.fields.keys()) == ['objects']):
864            # This should never be run in practice. If the above condition is
865            # met then __add__ would have been run.
866            raise NotImplementedError('__radd__ is not implemented for '
867                                      'objects of the same type')
868        else:
869            raise TypeError("List Objects should be of the same type and only "
870                            "have an 'objects' field")
873class VersionedObjectSerializer(messaging.NoOpSerializer):
874    """A VersionedObject-aware Serializer.
876    This implements the Oslo Serializer interface and provides the
877    ability to serialize and deserialize VersionedObject entities. Any service
878    that needs to accept or return VersionedObjects as arguments or result
879    values should pass this to its RPCClient and RPCServer objects.
880    """
882    # Base class to use for object hydration
883    OBJ_BASE_CLASS = VersionedObject
885    def _do_backport(self, context, objprim, objclass):
886        obj_versions = obj_tree_get_versions(objclass.obj_name())
887        indirection_api = self.OBJ_BASE_CLASS.indirection_api
888        try:
889            return indirection_api.object_backport_versions(
890                context, objprim, obj_versions)
891        except NotImplementedError:
892            # FIXME(danms): Maybe start to warn here about deprecation?
893            return indirection_api.object_backport(context, objprim,
894                                                   objclass.VERSION)
896    def _process_object(self, context, objprim):
897        try:
898            return self.OBJ_BASE_CLASS.obj_from_primitive(
899                objprim, context=context)
900        except exception.IncompatibleObjectVersion:
901            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(reraise=False) as ctxt:
902                verkey = \
903                    '%s.version' % self.OBJ_BASE_CLASS.OBJ_SERIAL_NAMESPACE
904                objver = objprim[verkey]
905                if objver.count('.') == 2:
906                    # NOTE(danms): For our purposes, the .z part of the version
907                    # should be safe to accept without requiring a backport
908                    objprim[verkey] = \
909                        '.'.join(objver.split('.')[:2])
910                    return self._process_object(context, objprim)
911                namekey = '%s.name' % self.OBJ_BASE_CLASS.OBJ_SERIAL_NAMESPACE
912                objname = objprim[namekey]
913                supported = VersionedObjectRegistry.obj_classes().get(objname,
914                                                                      [])
915                if self.OBJ_BASE_CLASS.indirection_api and supported:
916                    return self._do_backport(context, objprim, supported[0])
917                else:
918                    ctxt.reraise = True
920    def _process_iterable(self, context, action_fn, values):
921        """Process an iterable, taking an action on each value.
923        :param:context: Request context
924        :param:action_fn: Action to take on each item in values
925        :param:values: Iterable container of things to take action on
926        :returns: A new container of the same type (except set) with
927                  items from values having had action applied.
928        """
929        iterable = values.__class__
930        if issubclass(iterable, dict):
931            return iterable([(k, action_fn(context, v))
932                             for k, v in values.items()])
933        else:
934            # NOTE(danms, gibi) A set can't have an unhashable value inside,
935            # such as a dict. Convert the set to list, which is fine, since we
936            # can't send them over RPC anyway. We convert it to list as this
937            # way there will be no semantic change between the fake rpc driver
938            # used in functional test and a normal rpc driver.
939            if iterable == set:
940                iterable = list
941            return iterable([action_fn(context, value) for value in values])
943    def serialize_entity(self, context, entity):
944        if isinstance(entity, (tuple, list, set, dict)):
945            entity = self._process_iterable(context, self.serialize_entity,
946                                            entity)
947        elif (hasattr(entity, 'obj_to_primitive') and
948              callable(entity.obj_to_primitive)):
949            entity = entity.obj_to_primitive()
950        return entity
952    def deserialize_entity(self, context, entity):
953        namekey = '%s.name' % self.OBJ_BASE_CLASS.OBJ_SERIAL_NAMESPACE
954        if isinstance(entity, dict) and namekey in entity:
955            entity = self._process_object(context, entity)
956        elif isinstance(entity, (tuple, list, set, dict)):
957            entity = self._process_iterable(context, self.deserialize_entity,
958                                            entity)
959        return entity
962class VersionedObjectIndirectionAPI(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
963    def object_action(self, context, objinst, objmethod, args, kwargs):
964        """Perform an action on a VersionedObject instance.
966        When indirection_api is set on a VersionedObject (to a class
967        implementing this interface), method calls on remotable methods
968        will cause this to be executed to actually make the desired
969        call. This often involves performing RPC.
971        :param context: The context within which to perform the action
972        :param objinst: The object instance on which to perform the action
973        :param objmethod: The name of the action method to call
974        :param args: The positional arguments to the action method
975        :param kwargs: The keyword arguments to the action method
976        :returns: The result of the action method
977        """
978        pass
980    def object_class_action(self, context, objname, objmethod, objver,
981                            args, kwargs):
982        """.. deprecated:: 0.10.0
984        Use :func:`object_class_action_versions` instead.
986        Perform an action on a VersionedObject class.
988        When indirection_api is set on a VersionedObject (to a class
989        implementing this interface), classmethod calls on
990        remotable_classmethod methods will cause this to be executed to
991        actually make the desired call. This usually involves performing
992        RPC.
994        :param context: The context within which to perform the action
995        :param objname: The registry name of the object
996        :param objmethod: The name of the action method to call
997        :param objver: The (remote) version of the object on which the
998                       action is being taken
999        :param args: The positional arguments to the action method
1000        :param kwargs: The keyword arguments to the action method
1001        :returns: The result of the action method, which may (or may not)
1002                  be an instance of the implementing VersionedObject class.
1003        """
1004        pass
1006    def object_class_action_versions(self, context, objname, objmethod,
1007                                     object_versions, args, kwargs):
1008        """Perform an action on a VersionedObject class.
1010        When indirection_api is set on a VersionedObject (to a class
1011        implementing this interface), classmethod calls on
1012        remotable_classmethod methods will cause this to be executed to
1013        actually make the desired call. This usually involves performing
1014        RPC.
1016        This differs from object_class_action() in that it is provided
1017        with object_versions, a manifest of client-side object versions
1018        for easier nested backports. The manifest is the result of
1019        calling obj_tree_get_versions().
1021        NOTE: This was not in the initial spec for this interface, so the
1022        base class raises NotImplementedError if you don't implement it.
1023        For backports, this method will be tried first, and if unimplemented,
1024        will fall back to object_class_action(). New implementations should
1025        provide this method instead of object_class_action()
1027        :param context: The context within which to perform the action
1028        :param objname: The registry name of the object
1029        :param objmethod: The name of the action method to call
1030        :param object_versions: A dict of {objname: version} mappings
1031        :param args: The positional arguments to the action method
1032        :param kwargs: The keyword arguments to the action method
1033        :returns: The result of the action method, which may (or may not)
1034                  be an instance of the implementing VersionedObject class.
1035        """
1036        warnings.warn('object_class_action() is deprecated in favor of '
1037                      'object_class_action_versions() and will be removed '
1038                      'in a later release', DeprecationWarning)
1039        raise NotImplementedError('Multi-version class action not supported')
1041    def object_backport(self, context, objinst, target_version):
1042        """.. deprecated:: 0.10.0
1044        Use :func:`object_backport_versions` instead.
1046        Perform a backport of an object instance to a specified version.
1048        When indirection_api is set on a VersionedObject (to a class
1049        implementing this interface), the default behavior of the base
1050        VersionedObjectSerializer, upon receiving an object with a version
1051        newer than what is in the lcoal registry, is to call this method to
1052        request a backport of the object. In an environment where there is
1053        an RPC-able service on the bus which can gracefully downgrade newer
1054        objects for older services, this method services as a translation
1055        mechanism for older code when receiving objects from newer code.
1057        NOTE: This older/original method is soon to be deprecated. When a
1058        backport is required, the newer object_backport_versions() will be
1059        tried, and if it raises NotImplementedError, then we will fall back
1060        to this (less optimal) method.
1062        :param context: The context within which to perform the backport
1063        :param objinst: An instance of a VersionedObject to be backported
1064        :param target_version: The maximum version of the objinst's class
1065                               that is understood by the requesting host.
1066        :returns: The downgraded instance of objinst
1067        """
1068        pass
1070    def object_backport_versions(self, context, objinst, object_versions):
1071        """Perform a backport of an object instance.
1073        This method is basically just like object_backport() but instead of
1074        providing a specific target version for the toplevel object and
1075        relying on the service-side mapping to handle sub-objects, this sends
1076        a mapping of all the dependent objects and their client-supported
1077        versions. The server will backport objects within the tree starting
1078        at objinst to the versions specified in object_versions, removing
1079        objects that have no entry. Use obj_tree_get_versions() to generate
1080        this mapping.
1082        NOTE: This was not in the initial spec for this interface, so the
1083        base class raises NotImplementedError if you don't implement it.
1084        For backports, this method will be tried first, and if unimplemented,
1085        will fall back to object_backport().
1087        :param context: The context within which to perform the backport
1088        :param objinst: An instance of a VersionedObject to be backported
1089        :param object_versions: A dict of {objname: version} mappings
1090        """
1091        warnings.warn('object_backport() is deprecated in favor of '
1092                      'object_backport_versions() and will be removed '
1093                      'in a later release', DeprecationWarning)
1094        raise NotImplementedError('Multi-version backport not supported')
1097def obj_make_list(context, list_obj, item_cls, db_list, **extra_args):
1098    """Construct an object list from a list of primitives.
1100    This calls item_cls._from_db_object() on each item of db_list, and
1101    adds the resulting object to list_obj.
1103    :param:context: Request context
1104    :param:list_obj: An ObjectListBase object
1105    :param:item_cls: The VersionedObject class of the objects within the list
1106    :param:db_list: The list of primitives to convert to objects
1107    :param:extra_args: Extra arguments to pass to _from_db_object()
1108    :returns: list_obj
1109    """
1110    list_obj.objects = []
1111    for db_item in db_list:
1112        item = item_cls._from_db_object(context, item_cls(), db_item,
1113                                        **extra_args)
1114        list_obj.objects.append(item)
1115    list_obj._context = context
1116    list_obj.obj_reset_changes()
1117    return list_obj
1120def obj_tree_get_versions(objname, tree=None):
1121    """Construct a mapping of dependent object versions.
1123    This method builds a list of dependent object versions given a top-
1124    level object with other objects as fields. It walks the tree recursively
1125    to determine all the objects (by symbolic name) that could be contained
1126    within the top-level object, and the maximum versions of each. The result
1127    is a dict like::
1129      {'MyObject': '1.23', ... }
1131    :param objname: The top-level object at which to start
1132    :param tree: Used internally, pass None here.
1133    :returns: A dictionary of object names and versions
1134    """
1135    if tree is None:
1136        tree = {}
1137    if objname in tree:
1138        return tree
1139    objclass = VersionedObjectRegistry.obj_classes()[objname][0]
1140    tree[objname] = objclass.VERSION
1141    for field_name in objclass.fields:
1142        field = objclass.fields[field_name]
1143        if isinstance(field, obj_fields.ObjectField):
1144            child_cls = field._type._obj_name
1145        elif isinstance(field, obj_fields.ListOfObjectsField):
1146            child_cls = field._type._element_type._type._obj_name
1147        else:
1148            continue
1150        try:
1151            obj_tree_get_versions(child_cls, tree=tree)
1152        except IndexError:
1153            raise exception.UnregisteredSubobject(
1154                child_objname=child_cls, parent_objname=objname)
1155    return tree
1158def _get_subobject_version(tgt_version, relationships, backport_func):
1159    """Get the version to which we need to convert a subobject.
1161    This uses the relationships between a parent and a subobject,
1162    along with the target parent version, to decide the version we need
1163    to convert a subobject to. If the subobject did not exist in the parent at
1164    the target version, TargetBeforeChildExistedException is raised. If there
1165    is a need to backport, backport_func is called and the subobject version
1166    to backport to is passed in.
1168    :param tgt_version: The version we are converting the parent to
1169    :param relationships: A list of (parent, subobject) version tuples
1170    :param backport_func: A backport function that takes in the subobject
1171                          version
1172    :returns: The version we need to convert the subobject to
1173    """
1174    tgt = vutils.convert_version_to_tuple(tgt_version)
1175    for index, versions in enumerate(relationships):
1176        parent, child = versions
1177        parent = vutils.convert_version_to_tuple(parent)
1178        if tgt < parent:
1179            if index == 0:
1180                # We're backporting to a version of the parent that did
1181                # not contain this subobject
1182                raise exception.TargetBeforeSubobjectExistedException(
1183                    target_version=tgt_version)
1184            else:
1185                # We're in a gap between index-1 and index, so set the desired
1186                # version to the previous index's version
1187                child = relationships[index - 1][1]
1188                backport_func(child)
1189            return
1190        elif tgt == parent:
1191            # We found the version we want, so backport to it
1192            backport_func(child)
1193            return
1196def _do_subobject_backport(to_version, parent, field, primitive):
1197    obj = getattr(parent, field)
1198    manifest = (hasattr(parent, '_obj_version_manifest') and
1199                parent._obj_version_manifest or None)
1200    if isinstance(obj, VersionedObject):
1201        obj.obj_make_compatible_from_manifest(
1202            obj._obj_primitive_field(primitive[field], 'data'),
1203            to_version, version_manifest=manifest)
1204        ver_key = obj._obj_primitive_key('version')
1205        primitive[field][ver_key] = to_version
1206    elif isinstance(obj, list):
1207        for i, element in enumerate(obj):
1208            element.obj_make_compatible_from_manifest(
1209                element._obj_primitive_field(primitive[field][i], 'data'),
1210                to_version, version_manifest=manifest)
1211            ver_key = element._obj_primitive_key('version')
1212            primitive[field][i][ver_key] = to_version