1 /*
2  * Project: VizKit
3  * Version: 2.3
5  * Date: 20090823
6  * File: VisualGraphicTypes.h
7  *
8  */
10 /***************************************************************************
12  Copyright (c) 2004-2009 Heiko Wichmann (http://www.imagomat.de/vizkit)
15  This software is provided 'as-is', without any expressed or implied warranty.
16  In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
17  arising from the use of this software.
19  Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
20  including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
21  freely, subject to the following restrictions:
23  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented;
24  you must not claim that you wrote the original software.
25  If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment
26  in the product documentation would be appreciated
27  but is not required.
29  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such,
30  and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
32  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
34  ***************************************************************************/
36 #ifndef VisualGraphicTypes_h
37 #define VisualGraphicTypes_h
40 #include "VisualTypes.h"
41 #include <vector>
44 /* The common graphics related types used by VisualGraphics and VisualActorGraphics. */
46 namespace VizKit {
48 	class VisualVertex; // Forward declaration (to avoid include of header file).
50 	/**
51 	 * A pixel color contains ARGB values (alpha, red, green, blue with 8 bits for each color channel).
52 	 */
53 	typedef uint32 PixelColor;
55 	/**
56 	 * A Point2D is a position in 2-dimensional planar space.
57 	 */
58 	typedef struct {
59 		double x; /**< Horizontal position. */
60 		double y; /**< Vertical position. */
61 	} Point2D;
63 	/**
64 	 * A pixel is a two-dimensional point relative to physical coordinate system.
65 	 */
66 	typedef struct {
67 		uint32 x; /**< Horizontal position. */
68 		uint32 y; /**< Vertical position. */
69 	} Pixel;
71 	/**
72 	 * A colored pixel is a pixel with a color value.
73 	 */
74 	typedef struct {
75 		PixelColor color; /**< Color value of the pixel. */
76 		uint32 x; /**< Horizontal position. */
77 		uint32 y; /**< Vertical position. */
78 	} ColoredPixel;
80 	/**
81 	 * A Point3D is a position in 3-dimensional space.
82 	 */
83 	typedef struct {
84 		double x; /**< Horizontal position. */
85 		double y; /**< Vertical position. */
86 		double z; /**< Depth position. */
87 	} Point3D;
89 	/**
90 	 * A Coord is a three-dimensional point relative to logical coordinate system.
91 	 */
92 	typedef Point3D Coord;
94 	/**
95 	 * A RelCoord is a relative three-dimensional point in coordinate system.
96 	 * x: 0.0 means: left, 1.0 means: right; y: 0.0 means: bottom, 1.0 means: top; z: 0.0 means: front, 1.0 means: back.
97 	 */
98 	typedef Point3D RelCoord;
100 	/**
101 	 * Predefined zero coord (x = 0.0 and y = 0.0).
102 	 */
103 	extern const Coord zeroCoord;
105 	/**
106 	 * A Vector points in a direction.
107 	 */
108 	typedef Point3D Vector;
110 	/**
111 	 * A TexCoord is a coord position of a texture.
112 	 */
113 	typedef struct {
114 		double s; /**< Horizontal position. */
115 		double t; /**< Vertical position. */
116 	} TexCoord;
118 	/**
119 	 * A RelTexCoord is a coord position of a texture.
120 	 * s: 0.0 means: left, 1.0 means: right; t: 0.0 means: bottom, 1.0 means: top.
121 	 */
122 	typedef TexCoord RelTexCoord;
124 	/**
125 	 * A two-dimensional size relative to logical coordinate system.
126 	 */
127 	typedef struct {
128 		double width; /**< Horizontal size. */
129 		double height; /**< Vertical size. */
130 	} CoordSize2D;
132 	/**
133 	 * A three-dimensional size relative to logical coordinate system.
134 	 */
135 	typedef struct {
136 		double width; /**< Horizontal size. */
137 		double height; /**< Vertical size. */
138 		double depth; /**< Size in z-dimension. */
139 	} CoordSize3D;
141 	/**
142 	 * A two-dimensional size relative to physical coordinate system.
143 	 */
144 	typedef struct {
145 		uint32 width; /**< Horizontal size. */
146 		uint32 height; /**< Vertical size. */
147 	} PixelRect;
149 	/**
150 	 * A rectangle.
151 	 */
152 	typedef struct {
153 		PixelRect pixelRect; /**< The size of the rectangle in pixels. */
154 		CoordSize2D coordSize; /**< The size of the rectangle in coord dimensions. */
155 	} Rect;
157 	/**
158 	 * A positioned rectangle, measured in pixels. Origin at top-left.
159 	 */
160 	typedef struct {
161 		PixelRect pixelRect; /**< The size of the rectangle in pixels. */
162 		Pixel topLeftPixel; /**< The top-left pixel of the positioned rect. */
163 	} TopLeftPositionedPixelRect;
165 	/**
166 	 * A positioned rectangle, measured in pixels. Origin at bottom-left.
167 	 */
168 	typedef struct {
169 		PixelRect pixelRect; /**< The size of the rectangle in pixels. */
170 		Pixel bottomLeftPixel; /**< The bottom-left pixel of the positioned rect. */
171 	} BottomLeftPositionedPixelRect;
173 	/**
174 	 * A positioned rectangle, measured in coords. Origin at bottom-left.
175 	 */
176 	typedef struct {
177 		CoordSize2D coordSize; /**< The size of the rectangle in coords. */
178 		Coord bottomLeftCoord; /**< The top-left coord of the positioned rect. */
179 	} PositionedCoordRect;
181 	/**
182 	 * Orientation.
183 	 */
184 	typedef enum {
185 		kPortrait = 0,
186 		kLandscape,
187 		kSquare
188 	} Orientation;
190 	/**
191 	 * A relational rectangle is determined by aspect ratio of width and height and orientation. No absolute are given.
192 	 */
193 	typedef struct {
194 		Orientation orientation; /**< The orientation of the rectangle. */
195 		double aspectRatio; /**< The aspect ratio (being > 1). */
196 	} RelationalRect;
198 	/**
199 	 * A box.
200 	 */
201 	typedef struct {
202 		CoordSize3D coordSize; /**< The size of the box in coord dimensions. */
203 	} Box;
205 	/**
206 	 * A positioned box. Origin at bottom-left-front.
207 	 */
208 	typedef struct {
209 		CoordSize3D coordSize; /**< The size of the rectangle in coord dimensions. */
210 		Coord bottomLeftFrontCoord; /**< The top-left-front coord of the positioned box. */
211 	} PositionedBox;
213 	/**
214 	 * ScalingBehaviourEnumValues enumerate the possible bit flag values of a ScalingBehaviour.
215 	 */
216 	enum ScalingBehaviourEnumValues {
217 		kNoScaling = 0x1, // 00000001
218 		kScalingAllowed = 0x2, // 00000010
219 		kPreserveAspectRatio = 0x6, // 00000110
220 		kNonproportional = 0xA, // 00001010
221 		kClippingAllowed = 0x10 // 00010000
222 	};
224 	/**
225 	 * ScalingBehaviour is the data type for specifying the scaling behaviour of a texture in combination with margins
226 	 */
227 	typedef uint32 ScalingBehaviour;
229 	/**
230 	 * Visibility specifies the visibility. Two states are possible: visible and invisible.
231 	 */
232 	typedef enum {
233 		kVisible = 0,
234 		kInvisible
235 	} Visibility;
237 	/**
238 	 * ProjectionMode specifies orthographic or perspective projection.
239 	 */
240 	typedef enum {
241 		kOrthographic = 0,
242 		kPerspective
243 	} ProjectionMode;
245 	/**
246 	 * Symbolic names for arbitrary positions in 3-dimensional space.
247 	 */
248 	typedef enum {
249 		kTopLeft = 0,
250 		kBottomLeft,
251 		kBottomRight,
252 		kTopRight
253 	} SpacePosition;
255 	/**
256 	 * Stores the values of a composite color of red, green, blue and alpha.
257 	 */
258 	typedef struct {
259 		double red; /**< Red value. Backing store. Value does not change except if it is set explicitely exernally. 0.0f .. 1.0f. */
260 		double green; /**< Green value. Backing store. Value does not change except if it is set explicitely exernally. 0.0f .. 1.0f. */
261 		double blue; /**< Blue value. Backing store. Value does not change except if it is set explicitely exernally. 0.0f .. 1.0f. */
262 		double alpha; /**< Alpha value. Backing store. Value does not change except if it is set explicitely exernally. 0.0f .. 1.0f. */
263 		double r; /**< Red value. 0.0f .. 1.0f. */
264 		double g; /**< Green value. 0.0f .. 1.0f. */
265 		double b; /**< Blue value. 0.0f .. 1.0f. */
266 		double a; /**< Alpha value. 0.0f .. 1.0f. */
267 	} RGBAColor;
269 	/**
270 	 * Stores the color values used by a vertex.
271 	 */
272 	typedef RGBAColor VertexColor;
274 	/**
275 	 * Predefined black color.
276 	 */
277 	extern const VertexColor black;
279 	/**
280 	 * Predefined white color.
281 	 */
282 	extern const VertexColor white;
284 	/**
285 	 * Predefined red color.
286 	 */
287 	extern const VertexColor red;
289 	/**
290 	 * Predefined green color.
291 	 */
292 	extern const VertexColor green;
294 	/**
295 	 * Predefined blue color.
296 	 */
297 	extern const VertexColor blue;
299 	/**
300 	 * Predefined transparent color.
301 	 */
302 	extern const VertexColor transparent;
304 	/**
305 	 * Stores the coord position values used by a vertex.
306 	 */
307 	typedef struct {
308 		Coord coord; /**< Coord position of vertex. */
309 		RelCoord relCoord; /**< Relative coord position of vertex. x: 0.0 means: left, 1.0 means: right; y: 0.0 means: bottom, 1.0 means: top; z: 0.0 means: front, 1.0 means: back. */
310 	} VertexPosition;
312 	/** Chain of vertex positions. */
313 	typedef std::vector<VertexPosition*> VertexPositionChain;
314 	/** Pointer to chain of vertex positions. */
315 	typedef VertexPositionChain* VertexPositionChainRef;
316 	/** Constant chain of vertex positions. */
317 	typedef const VertexPositionChain ConstVertexPositionChain;
318 	/** Pointer to constant chain of vertex positions. */
319 	typedef const VertexPositionChainRef ConstVertexPositionChainRef;
321 	/** Iterator of chain of vertex positions. */
322 	typedef VertexPositionChain::iterator VertexPositionChainIterator;
323 	/** Iterator of constant chain of vertex positions. */
324 	typedef ConstVertexPositionChain::iterator ConstVertexPositionChainIterator;
325 	/** Constant iterator of chain of vertex positions. */
326 	typedef VertexPositionChain::const_iterator VertexPositionChainConstIterator;
327 	/** Constant iterator of constant chain of vertex positions. */
328 	typedef ConstVertexPositionChain::const_iterator ConstVertexPositionChainConstIterator;
330 	/**
331 	 * Stores the s and t coordinate values of texture positions.
332 	 * Texture coordinates are referred to as s-, t-, r-, and q-coordinates to distinguish
333 	 * them from object coordinates (x, y, z, and w) and from elevator coordinates (u and v).
334 	 */
335 	/*
336 	 typedef struct {
337 	 double sPos;
338 	 double tPos;
339 	 double sRelativePos;
340 	 double tRelativePos;
341 	 } TexCoordPosition;
342 	 */
343 	typedef struct {
344 		TexCoord coord; /**< Position of texture coord. */
345 		RelTexCoord relCoord; /**< Relative position of texture coord. */
346 	} TexCoordPosition;
348 	/** Chain of vertices. */
349 	typedef std::vector<VisualVertex*> VertexChain;
350 	/** Pointer to chain of vertices. */
351 	typedef VertexChain* VertexChainRef;
352 	/** Constant chain of vertices. */
353 	typedef const VertexChain ConstVertexChain;
354 	/** Pointer to constant chain of vertices. */
355 	typedef const VertexChainRef ConstVertexChainRef;
357 	/** Iterator of chain of vertices. */
358 	typedef VertexChain::iterator VertexChainIterator;
359 	/** Iterator of constant chain of vertices. */
360 	typedef ConstVertexChain::iterator ConstVertexChainIterator;
361 	/** Constant iterator of chain of vertices. */
362 	typedef VertexChain::const_iterator VertexChainConstIterator;
363 	/** Constant iterator of constant chain of vertices. */
364 	typedef ConstVertexChain::const_iterator ConstVertexChainConstIterator;
366 	extern const int kGL_POINTS; /**< Primitive GL type GL_POINTS (mode). */
367 	extern const int kGL_LINES; /**< Primitive GL type GL_LINES (mode). */
368 	extern const int kGL_LINE_STRIP; /**< Primitive GL type GL_LINE_STRIP (mode). */
369 	extern const int kGL_LINE_LOOP; /**< Primitive GL type GL_LINE_LOOP (mode). */
370 	extern const int kGL_TRIANGLES; /**< Primitive GL type GL_TRIANGLES (mode). */
371 	extern const int kGL_TRIANGLE_STRIP; /**< Primitive GL type GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP (mode). */
372 	extern const int kGL_TRIANGLE_FAN; /**< Primitive GL type GL_TRIANGLE_FAN (mode). */
373 	extern const int kGL_QUADS; /**< Primitive GL type GL_QUADS (mode). */
374 	extern const int kGL_QUAD_STRIP; /**< Primitive GL type GL_QUAD_STRIP (mode). */
375 	extern const int kGL_POLYGON; /**< Primitive GL type GL_POLYGON (mode). */
377 	extern const int kGL_RGBA; /**< Primitive GL type GL_RGBA (format). */
378 	extern const int kGL_BGRA; /**< Primitive GL type GL_BGRA (format). */
379 	extern const int kGL_RGB; /**< Primitive GL type GL_RGB (format). */
380 	extern const int kGL_LUMINANCE; /**< Primitive GL type GL_LUMINANCE (format). */
381 	extern const int kGL_LUMINANCE_WITH_ALPHA; /**< Primitive GL type GL_LUMINANCE_ALPHA (format). */
382 	extern const int kGL_INTENSITY; /**< Primitive GL type GL_INTENSITY (format). */
384 	extern const int kGL_UNSIGNED_BYTE; /**< Primitive GL type GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE (data type). */
385 	extern const int kGL_FLOAT; /**< Primitive GL type GL_FLOAT (data type). */
386 	extern const int kGL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV; /**< Primitive GL type GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV (data type). */
387 	extern const int kGL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8; /**< Primitive GL type GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8 (data type). */
389 	extern const int kGL_FRONT_COLOR_BUFFER; /**< GL enum GL_FRONT (color buffer specification for reading or drawing pixels). */
390 	extern const int kGL_BACK_COLOR_BUFFER; /**< GL enum GL_BACK (color buffer specification for reading or drawing pixels). */
392 	/**
393 	 * The measure of box values.
394 	 */
395 	typedef enum {
396 		kPixel = 0, /**< Box attribute is measured in pixels. */
397 		kPercent /**< Box attribute is measured in percent (of enclosing/surrounding VisualStageBox). */
398 	} Unit;
400 	/**
401 	 * Types of horizontal alignment.
402 	 */
403 	typedef enum {
404 		kLeftAligned = 0, /**< Left alignment. */
405 		kCenterAligned, /**< Centered alignment. */
406 		kRightAligned /**< Right alignment. */
407 	} HorizontalAlignment;
409 	/**
410 	 * Types of vertical alignment.
411 	 */
412 	typedef enum {
413 		kTopAligned = 0, /**< Top alignment. */
414 		kMiddleAligned, /**< Middle alignment. */
415 		kBottomAligned /**< Bottom alignment. */
416 	} VerticalAlignment;
418 	/**
419 	 * Types of alignment in z-dimension.
420 	 */
421 	typedef enum {
422 		kFrontAligned = 0, /**< Front alignment. */
423 		kDepthCenterAligned, /**< Centered alignment. */
424 		kBackAligned /**< Back alignment. */
425 	} DepthAlignment;
427 	/**
428 	 * Whether the Nurbs is displayed in outlined mode or filled.
429 	 */
430 	typedef enum {
431 		kFill = 0, /**< Fill Nurbs. */
432 		kOutlinePolygon /**< Draw outline. */
433 	} NurbsDisplayMode;
435 	/**
436 	 * How to blend texture data with the framebuffer data.
437 	 */
438 	typedef enum {
439 		kBlend = 0, /**< Blend with framebuffer data (glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA). */
440 		kReplace /**< Replace framebuffer data. */
441 	} BlendMode;
443 }
445 #endif /* VisualGraphicTypes_h */