1 /**
2  * @file wimlib.h
3  * @brief External header for wimlib.
4  *
5  * This file contains comments for generating documentation with Doxygen.  The
6  * built HTML documentation can be viewed at https://wimlib.net/apidoc.  Make
7  * sure to see the <a href="modules.html">Modules page</a> to make more sense of
8  * the declarations in this header.
9  */
11 /**
12  * @mainpage
13  *
14  * This is the documentation for the library interface of wimlib 1.13.0, a C
15  * library for creating, modifying, extracting, and mounting files in the
16  * Windows Imaging (WIM) format.  This documentation is intended for developers
17  * only.  If you have installed wimlib and want to know how to use the @b
18  * wimlib-imagex program, please see the manual pages and also the <a
19  * href="https://wimlib.net/git/?p=wimlib;a=blob;f=README">README file</a>.
20  *
21  * @section sec_installing Installing
22  *
23  * @subsection UNIX
24  *
25  * Download the source code from https://wimlib.net.  Install the library by
26  * running <c>configure && make && sudo make install</c>.  See the README for
27  * information about configuration options.  To use wimlib in your program after
28  * installing it, include wimlib.h and link your program with <c>-lwim</c>.
29  *
30  * @subsection Windows
31  *
32  * Download the Windows binary distribution with the appropriate architecture
33  * (i686 or x86_64 --- also called "x86" and "amd64" respectively) from
34  * https://wimlib.net.  Link your program with libwim-15.dll.  If needed by your
35  * programming language or development environment, the import library
36  * libwim.lib and C/C++ header wimlib.h can be found in the directory "devel" in
37  * the ZIP file.
38  *
39  * If you need to access the DLL from non-C/C++ programming languages, note that
40  * the calling convention is "cdecl".
41  *
42  * If you want to build wimlib from source on Windows, see README.WINDOWS.  This
43  * is only needed if you are making modifications to wimlib.
44  *
45  * @section sec_examples Examples
46  *
47  * Several examples are located in the "examples" directory of the source
48  * distribution.  Also see @ref sec_basic_wim_handling_concepts below.
49  *
50  * There is also the <a
51  * href="https://wimlib.net/git/?p=wimlib;a=blob;f=programs/imagex.c">
52  * source code of <b>wimlib-imagex</b></a>, which is complicated but uses most
53  * capabilities of wimlib.
54  *
55  * @section backward_compatibility Backward Compatibility
56  *
57  * New releases of wimlib are intended to be backward compatible with old
58  * releases, except when the libtool "age" is reset.  This most recently
59  * occurred for the v1.7.0 (libwim15) release (June 2014).  Since the library is
60  * becoming increasingly stable, the goal is to maintain the current API/ABI for
61  * as long as possible unless there is a strong reason not to.
62  *
63  * As with any other library, applications should not rely on internal
64  * implementation details that may be subject to change.
65  *
66  * @section sec_basic_wim_handling_concepts Basic WIM handling concepts
67  *
68  * wimlib wraps up a WIM file in an opaque ::WIMStruct structure.   There are
69  * two ways to create such a structure:
70  *
71  * 1. wimlib_open_wim() opens an on-disk WIM file and creates a ::WIMStruct for
72  *    it.
73  * 2. wimlib_create_new_wim() creates a new ::WIMStruct that initially contains
74  *    no images and does not yet have a backing on-disk file.
75  *
76  * A ::WIMStruct contains zero or more independent directory trees called @a
77  * images.  Images may be extracted, added, deleted, exported, and updated using
78  * various API functions.  (See @ref G_extracting_wims and @ref G_modifying_wims
79  * for more details.)
80  *
81  * Changes made to a WIM represented by a ::WIMStruct have no persistent effect
82  * until the WIM is actually written to an on-disk file.  This can be done using
83  * wimlib_write(), but if the WIM was originally opened using wimlib_open_wim(),
84  * then wimlib_overwrite() can be used instead.  (See @ref
85  * G_writing_and_overwriting_wims for more details.)
86  *
87  * wimlib's API is designed to let you combine functions to accomplish tasks in
88  * a flexible way.  Here are some example sequences of function calls:
89  *
90  * Apply an image from a WIM file, similar to the command-line program
91  * <b>wimapply</b>:
92  *
93  * 1. wimlib_open_wim()
94  * 2. wimlib_extract_image()
95  *
96  * Capture an image into a new WIM file, similar to <b>wimcapture</b>:
97  *
98  * 1. wimlib_create_new_wim()
99  * 2. wimlib_add_image()
100  * 3. wimlib_write()
101  *
102  * Append an image to an existing WIM file, similar to <b>wimappend</b>:
103  *
104  * 1. wimlib_open_wim()
105  * 2. wimlib_add_image()
106  * 3. wimlib_overwrite()
107  *
108  * Delete an image from an existing WIM file, similar to <b>wimdelete</b>:
109  *
110  * 1. wimlib_open_wim()
111  * 2. wimlib_delete_image()
112  * 3. wimlib_overwrite()
113  *
114  * Export an image from one WIM file to another, similar to <b>wimexport</b>:
115  *
116  * 1. wimlib_open_wim() (on source)
117  * 2. wimlib_open_wim() (on destination)
118  * 3. wimlib_export_image()
119  * 4. wimlib_overwrite() (on destination)
120  *
121  * The API also lets you do things the command-line tools don't directly allow.
122  * For example, you could make multiple changes to a WIM before efficiently
123  * committing the changes with just one call to wimlib_overwrite().  Perhaps you
124  * want to both delete an image and add a new one; or perhaps you want to
125  * customize an image with wimlib_update_image() after adding it.  All these use
126  * cases are supported by the API.
127  *
128  * @section sec_cleaning_up Cleaning up
129  *
130  * After you are done with any ::WIMStruct, you can call wimlib_free() to free
131  * all resources associated with it.  Also, when you are completely done with
132  * using wimlib in your program, you can call wimlib_global_cleanup() to free
133  * any other resources allocated by the library.
134  *
135  * @section sec_error_handling Error Handling
136  *
137  * Most functions in wimlib return 0 on success and a positive
138  * ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.  Use wimlib_get_error_string() to get a
139  * string that describes an error code.  wimlib also can print error messages to
140  * standard error or a custom file when an error occurs, and these may be more
141  * informative than the error code; to enable this, call
142  * wimlib_set_print_errors().  Please note that this is for convenience only,
143  * and some errors can occur without a message being printed.  Currently, error
144  * messages and strings (as well as all documentation, for that matter) are only
145  * available in English.
146  *
147  * @section sec_encodings Character encoding
148  *
149  * To support Windows as well as UNIX-like systems, wimlib's API typically takes
150  * and returns strings of ::wimlib_tchar which have a platform-dependent type
151  * and encoding.
152  *
153  * On Windows, each ::wimlib_tchar is a 2-byte <tt>wchar_t</tt>.  The encoding
154  * is meant to be UTF-16LE.  However, unpaired surrogates are permitted because
155  * neither Windows nor the NTFS filesystem forbids them in filenames.
156  *
157  * On UNIX-like systems, each ::wimlib_tchar is a 1 byte <tt>char</tt>.  The
158  * encoding is meant to be UTF-8.  However, for compatibility with Windows-style
159  * filenames that are not valid UTF-16LE, surrogate codepoints are permitted.
160  * Other multibyte encodings (e.g. ISO-8859-1) or garbage sequences of bytes are
161  * not permitted.
162  *
163  * @section sec_advanced Additional information and features
164  *
165  *
166  * @subsection subsec_mounting_wim_images Mounting WIM images
167  *
168  * See @ref G_mounting_wim_images.
169  *
170  * @subsection subsec_progress_functions Progress Messages
171  *
172  * See @ref G_progress.
173  *
174  * @subsection subsec_non_standalone_wims Non-standalone WIMs
175  *
176  * See @ref G_nonstandalone_wims.
177  *
178  * @subsection subsec_pipable_wims Pipable WIMs
179  *
180  * wimlib supports a special "pipable" WIM format which unfortunately is @b not
181  * compatible with Microsoft's software.  To create a pipable WIM, call
182  * wimlib_write(), wimlib_write_to_fd(), or wimlib_overwrite() with
183  * ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_PIPABLE specified.  Pipable WIMs are pipable in both
184  * directions, so wimlib_write_to_fd() can be used to write a pipable WIM to a
185  * pipe, and wimlib_extract_image_from_pipe() can be used to apply an image from
186  * a pipable WIM.  wimlib can also transparently open and operate on pipable WIM
187  * s using a seekable file descriptor using the regular function calls (e.g.
188  * wimlib_open_wim(), wimlib_extract_image()).
189  *
190  * See the documentation for the <b>--pipable</b> flag of <b>wimcapture</b> for
191  * more information about pipable WIMs.
192  *
193  * @subsection subsec_thread_safety Thread Safety
194  *
195  * A ::WIMStruct is not thread-safe and cannot be accessed by multiple threads
196  * concurrently, even for "read-only" operations such as extraction.  However,
197  * users are free to use <i>different</i> ::WIMStruct's from different threads
198  * concurrently.  It is even allowed for multiple ::WIMStruct's to be backed by
199  * the same on-disk WIM file, although "overwrites" should never be done in such
200  * a scenario.
201  *
202  * In addition, several functions change global state and should only be called
203  * when a single thread is active in the library.  These functions are:
204  *
205  * - wimlib_global_init()
206  * - wimlib_global_cleanup()
207  * - wimlib_set_memory_allocator()
208  * - wimlib_set_print_errors()
209  * - wimlib_set_error_file()
210  * - wimlib_set_error_file_by_name()
211  *
212  * @subsection subsec_limitations Limitations
213  *
214  * This section documents some technical limitations of wimlib not already
215  * described in the documentation for @b wimlib-imagex.
216  *
217  * - The old WIM format from Vista pre-releases is not supported.
218  * - wimlib does not provide a clone of the @b PEImg tool, or the @b DISM
219  *   functionality other than that already present in @b ImageX, that allows you
220  *   to make certain Windows-specific modifications to a Windows PE image, such
221  *   as adding a driver or Windows component.  Such a tool could be implemented
222  *   on top of wimlib.
223  *
224  * @subsection more_info More information
225  *
226  * You are advised to read the README as well as the documentation for
227  * <b>wimlib-imagex</b>, since not all relevant information is repeated here in
228  * the API documentation.
229  */
231 /** @defgroup G_general General
232  *
233  * @brief Declarations and structures shared across the library.
234  */
236 /** @defgroup G_creating_and_opening_wims Creating and Opening WIMs
237  *
238  * @brief Open an existing WIM file as a ::WIMStruct, or create a new
239  * ::WIMStruct which can be used to create a new WIM file.
240  */
242 /** @defgroup G_wim_information Retrieving WIM information and directory listings
243  *
244  * @brief Retrieve information about a WIM or WIM image.
245  */
247 /** @defgroup G_modifying_wims Modifying WIMs
248  *
249  * @brief Make changes to a ::WIMStruct, in preparation of persisting the
250  * ::WIMStruct to an on-disk file.
251  *
252  * @section sec_adding_images Capturing and adding WIM images
253  *
254  * As described in @ref sec_basic_wim_handling_concepts, capturing a new WIM or
255  * appending an image to an existing WIM is a multi-step process, but at its
256  * core is wimlib_add_image() or an equivalent function.  Normally,
257  * wimlib_add_image() takes an on-disk directory tree and logically adds it to a
258  * ::WIMStruct as a new image.  However, when supported by the build of the
259  * library, there is also a special NTFS volume capture mode (entered when
260  * ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_NTFS is specified) that allows adding the image directly
261  * from an unmounted NTFS volume.
262  *
263  * Another function, wimlib_add_image_multisource() is also provided.  It
264  * generalizes wimlib_add_image() to allow combining multiple files or directory
265  * trees into a single WIM image in a configurable way.
266  *
267  * For maximum customization of WIM image creation, it is also possible to add a
268  * completely empty WIM image with wimlib_add_empty_image(), then update it with
269  * wimlib_update_image().  (This is in fact what wimlib_add_image() and
270  * wimlib_add_image_multisource() do internally.)
271  *
272  * Note that some details of how image addition/capture works are documented
273  * more fully in the documentation for <b>wimcapture</b>.
274  *
275  * @section sec_deleting_images Deleting WIM images
276  *
277  * wimlib_delete_image() can delete an image from a ::WIMStruct.  But as usual,
278  * wimlib_write() or wimlib_overwrite() must be called to cause the changes to
279  * be made persistent in an on-disk WIM file.
280  *
281  * @section sec_exporting_images Exporting WIM images
282  *
283  * wimlib_export_image() can copy, or "export", an image from one WIM to
284  * another.
285  *
286  * @section sec_other_modifications Other modifications
287  *
288  * wimlib_update_image() can add, delete, and rename files in a WIM image.
289  *
290  * wimlib_set_image_property() can change other image metadata.
291  *
292  * wimlib_set_wim_info() can change information about the WIM file itself, such
293  * as the boot index.
294  */
296 /** @defgroup G_extracting_wims Extracting WIMs
297  *
298  * @brief Extract files, directories, and images from a WIM.
299  *
300  * wimlib_extract_image() extracts, or "applies", an image from a WIM,
301  * represented by a ::WIMStruct.  This normally extracts the image to a
302  * directory, but when supported by the build of the library there is also a
303  * special NTFS volume extraction mode (entered when ::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_NTFS
304  * is specified) that allows extracting a WIM image directly to an unmounted
305  * NTFS volume.  Various other flags allow further customization of image
306  * extraction.
307  *
308  * wimlib_extract_paths() and wimlib_extract_pathlist() allow extracting a list
309  * of (possibly wildcard) paths from a WIM image.
310  *
311  * wimlib_extract_image_from_pipe() extracts an image from a pipable WIM sent
312  * over a pipe; see @ref subsec_pipable_wims.
313  *
314  * Some details of how WIM extraction works are described more fully in the
315  * documentation for <b>wimapply</b> and <b>wimextract</b>.
316  */
318 /** @defgroup G_mounting_wim_images Mounting WIM images
319  *
320  * @brief Mount and unmount WIM images.
321  *
322  * On Linux, wimlib supports mounting images from WIM files either read-only or
323  * read-write.  To mount an image, call wimlib_mount_image().  To unmount an
324  * image, call wimlib_unmount_image().  Mounting can be done without root
325  * privileges because it is implemented using FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace).
326  *
327  * If wimlib is compiled using the <c>--without-fuse</c> flag, these functions
328  * will be available but will fail with ::WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED.
329  *
330  * Note: if mounting is unsupported, wimlib still provides another way to modify
331  * a WIM image (wimlib_update_image()).
332  */
334 /**
335  * @defgroup G_progress Progress Messages
336  *
337  * @brief Track the progress of long WIM operations.
338  *
339  * Library users can provide a progress function which will be called
340  * periodically during operations such as extracting a WIM image or writing a
341  * WIM image.  A ::WIMStruct can have a progress function of type
342  * ::wimlib_progress_func_t associated with it by calling
343  * wimlib_register_progress_function() or by opening the ::WIMStruct using
344  * wimlib_open_wim_with_progress().  Once this is done, the progress function
345  * will be called automatically during many operations, such as
346  * wimlib_extract_image() and wimlib_write().
347  *
348  * Some functions that do not operate directly on a user-provided ::WIMStruct,
349  * such as wimlib_join(), also take the progress function directly using an
350  * extended version of the function, such as wimlib_join_with_progress().
351  *
352  * Since wimlib v1.7.0, progress functions are no longer just unidirectional.
353  * You can now return ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_STATUS_ABORT to cause the current
354  * operation to be aborted.  wimlib v1.7.0 also added the third argument to
355  * ::wimlib_progress_func_t, which is a user-supplied context.
356  */
358 /** @defgroup G_writing_and_overwriting_wims Writing and Overwriting WIMs
359  *
360  * @brief Create or update an on-disk WIM file.
361  *
362  * wimlib_write() creates a new on-disk WIM file, whereas wimlib_overwrite()
363  * updates an existing WIM file.  See @ref sec_basic_wim_handling_concepts for
364  * more information about the API design.
365  */
367 /** @defgroup G_nonstandalone_wims Creating and handling non-standalone WIMs
368  *
369  * @brief Create and handle non-standalone WIMs, such as split and delta WIMs.
370  *
371  * A ::WIMStruct backed by an on-disk file normally represents a fully
372  * standalone WIM archive.  However, WIM archives can also be arranged in
373  * non-standalone ways, such as a set of on-disk files that together form a
374  * single "split WIM" or "delta WIM".  Such arrangements are fully supported by
375  * wimlib.  However, as a result, in such cases a ::WIMStruct created from one
376  * of these on-disk files initially only partially represents the full WIM and
377  * needs to, in effect, be logically combined with other ::WIMStruct's before
378  * performing certain operations, such as extracting files with
379  * wimlib_extract_image() or wimlib_extract_paths().  This is done by calling
380  * wimlib_reference_resource_files() or wimlib_reference_resources().  Note: if
381  * you fail to do so, you may see the error code
382  * ::WIMLIB_ERR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND; this just indicates that data is not
383  * available because the appropriate WIM files have not yet been referenced.
384  *
385  * wimlib_write() can create delta WIMs as well as standalone WIMs, but a
386  * specialized function (wimlib_split()) is needed to create a split WIM.
387  */
389 #ifndef _WIMLIB_H
390 #define _WIMLIB_H
392 #include <stdio.h>
393 #include <stddef.h>
394 #ifndef __cplusplus
395 #  if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1800 /* VS pre-2013? */
396      typedef unsigned char bool;
397 #  else
398 #    include <stdbool.h>
399 #  endif
400 #endif
401 #include <stdint.h>
402 #include <time.h>
404 /** @addtogroup G_general
405  * @{ */
407 /** Major version of the library (for example, the 1 in 1.2.5).  */
410 /** Minor version of the library (for example, the 2 in 1.2.5). */
413 /** Patch version of the library (for example, the 5 in 1.2.5). */
416 #ifdef __cplusplus
417 extern "C" {
418 #endif
420 /*
421  * To represent file timestamps, wimlib's API originally used the POSIX 'struct
422  * timespec'.  This was a mistake because when building wimlib for 32-bit
423  * Windows with MinGW we ended up originally using 32-bit time_t which isn't
424  * year 2038-safe, and therefore we had to later add fields like
425  * 'creation_time_high' to hold the high 32 bits of each timestamp.  Moreover,
426  * old Visual Studio versions did not define struct timespec, while newer ones
427  * define it but with 64-bit tv_sec.  So to at least avoid a missing or
428  * incompatible 'struct timespec' definition, define the correct struct
429  * ourselves when this header is included on Windows.
430  */
431 #ifdef _WIN32
432 struct wimlib_timespec {
433 	/* Seconds since start of UNIX epoch (January 1, 1970) */
434 #ifdef _WIN64
435 	int64_t tv_sec;
436 #else
437 	int32_t tv_sec;
438 #endif
439 	/* Nanoseconds (0-999999999) */
440 	int32_t tv_nsec;
441 };
442 #else
443 #  define wimlib_timespec  timespec  /* standard definition */
444 #endif
446 /**
447  * Opaque structure that represents a WIM, possibly backed by an on-disk file.
448  * See @ref sec_basic_wim_handling_concepts for more information.
449  */
451 typedef struct WIMStruct WIMStruct;
453 #endif
455 #ifdef _WIN32
456 typedef wchar_t wimlib_tchar;
457 #else
458 /** See @ref sec_encodings */
459 typedef char wimlib_tchar;
460 #endif
462 #ifdef _WIN32
463 /** Path separator for WIM paths passed back to progress callbacks.
464  * This is forward slash on UNIX and backslash on Windows.  */
465 #  define WIMLIB_WIM_PATH_SEPARATOR '\\'
467 #else
468 /** Path separator for WIM paths passed back to progress callbacks.
469  * This is forward slash on UNIX and backslash on Windows.  */
472 #endif
474 /** A string containing a single path separator; use this to specify the root
475  * directory of a WIM image.  */
478 /** Use this to test if the specified path refers to the root directory of the
479  * WIM image.  */
480 #define WIMLIB_IS_WIM_ROOT_PATH(path) \
481 		((path)[0] == WIMLIB_WIM_PATH_SEPARATOR &&	\
482 		 (path)[1] == 0)
484 /** Length of a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID), in bytes.  */
485 #define WIMLIB_GUID_LEN 16
487 /**
488  * Specifies a compression type.
489  *
490  * A WIM file has a default compression type, indicated by its file header.
491  * Normally, each resource in the WIM file is compressed with this compression
492  * type.  However, resources may be stored as uncompressed; for example, wimlib
493  * may do so if a resource does not compress to less than its original size.  In
494  * addition, a WIM with the new version number of 3584, or "ESD file", might
495  * contain solid resources with different compression types.
496  */
497 enum wimlib_compression_type {
498 	/**
499 	 * No compression.
500 	 *
501 	 * This is a valid argument to wimlib_create_new_wim() and
502 	 * wimlib_set_output_compression_type(), but not to the functions in the
503 	 * compression API such as wimlib_create_compressor().
504 	 */
507 	/**
508 	 * The XPRESS compression format.  This format combines Lempel-Ziv
509 	 * factorization with Huffman encoding.  Compression and decompression
510 	 * are both fast.  This format supports chunk sizes that are powers of 2
511 	 * between <c>2^12</c> and <c>2^16</c>, inclusively.
512 	 *
513 	 * wimlib's XPRESS compressor will, with the default settings, usually
514 	 * produce a better compression ratio, and work more quickly, than the
515 	 * implementation in Microsoft's WIMGAPI (as of Windows 8.1).
516 	 * Non-default compression levels are also supported.  For example,
517 	 * level 80 will enable two-pass optimal parsing, which is significantly
518 	 * slower but usually improves compression by several percent over the
519 	 * default level of 50.
520 	 *
521 	 * If using wimlib_create_compressor() to create an XPRESS compressor
522 	 * directly, the @p max_block_size parameter may be any positive value
523 	 * up to and including <c>2^16</c>.
524 	 */
527 	/**
528 	 * The LZX compression format.  This format combines Lempel-Ziv
529 	 * factorization with Huffman encoding, but with more features and
530 	 * complexity than XPRESS.  Compression is slow to somewhat fast,
531 	 * depending on the settings.  Decompression is fast but slower than
532 	 * XPRESS.  This format supports chunk sizes that are powers of 2
533 	 * between <c>2^15</c> and <c>2^21</c>, inclusively.  Note: chunk sizes
534 	 * other than <c>2^15</c> are not compatible with the Microsoft
535 	 * implementation.
536 	 *
537 	 * wimlib's LZX compressor will, with the default settings, usually
538 	 * produce a better compression ratio, and work more quickly, than the
539 	 * implementation in Microsoft's WIMGAPI (as of Windows 8.1).
540 	 * Non-default compression levels are also supported.  For example,
541 	 * level 20 will provide fast compression, almost as fast as XPRESS.
542 	 *
543 	 * If using wimlib_create_compressor() to create an LZX compressor
544 	 * directly, the @p max_block_size parameter may be any positive value
545 	 * up to and including <c>2^21</c>.
546 	 */
549 	/**
550 	 * The LZMS compression format.  This format combines Lempel-Ziv
551 	 * factorization with adaptive Huffman encoding and range coding.
552 	 * Compression and decompression are both fairly slow.  This format
553 	 * supports chunk sizes that are powers of 2 between <c>2^15</c> and
554 	 * <c>2^30</c>, inclusively.  This format is best used for large chunk
555 	 * sizes.  Note: LZMS compression is only compatible with wimlib v1.6.0
556 	 * and later, WIMGAPI Windows 8 and later, and DISM Windows 8.1 and
557 	 * later.  Also, chunk sizes larger than <c>2^26</c> are not compatible
558 	 * with the Microsoft implementation.
559 	 *
560 	 * wimlib's LZMS compressor will, with the default settings, usually
561 	 * produce a better compression ratio, and work more quickly, than the
562 	 * implementation in Microsoft's WIMGAPI (as of Windows 8.1).  There is
563 	 * limited support for non-default compression levels, but compression
564 	 * will be noticeably faster if you choose a level < 35.
565 	 *
566 	 * If using wimlib_create_compressor() to create an LZMS compressor
567 	 * directly, the @p max_block_size parameter may be any positive value
568 	 * up to and including <c>2^30</c>.
569 	 */
571 };
573 /** @} */
574 /** @addtogroup G_progress
575  * @{ */
577 /** Possible values of the first parameter to the user-supplied
578  * ::wimlib_progress_func_t progress function */
579 enum wimlib_progress_msg {
581 	/** A WIM image is about to be extracted.  @p info will point to
582 	 * ::wimlib_progress_info.extract.  This message is received once per
583 	 * image for calls to wimlib_extract_image() and
584 	 * wimlib_extract_image_from_pipe().  */
587 	/** One or more file or directory trees within a WIM image is about to
588 	 * be extracted.  @p info will point to ::wimlib_progress_info.extract.
589 	 * This message is received only once per wimlib_extract_paths() and
590 	 * wimlib_extract_pathlist(), since wimlib combines all paths into a
591 	 * single extraction operation for optimization purposes.  */
594 	/** This message may be sent periodically (not for every file) while
595 	 * files and directories are being created, prior to file data
596 	 * extraction.  @p info will point to ::wimlib_progress_info.extract.
597 	 * In particular, the @p current_file_count and @p end_file_count
598 	 * members may be used to track the progress of this phase of
599 	 * extraction.  */
602 	/** File data is currently being extracted.  @p info will point to
603 	 * ::wimlib_progress_info.extract.  This is the main message to track
604 	 * the progress of an extraction operation.  */
607 	/** Starting to read a new part of a split pipable WIM over the pipe.
608 	 * @p info will point to ::wimlib_progress_info.extract.  */
611 	/** This message may be sent periodically (not necessarily for every
612 	 * file) while file and directory metadata is being extracted, following
613 	 * file data extraction.  @p info will point to
614 	 * ::wimlib_progress_info.extract.  The @p current_file_count and @p
615 	 * end_file_count members may be used to track the progress of this
616 	 * phase of extraction.  */
619 	/** The image has been successfully extracted.  @p info will point to
620 	 * ::wimlib_progress_info.extract.  This is paired with
624 	/** The files or directory trees have been successfully extracted.  @p
625 	 * info will point to ::wimlib_progress_info.extract.  This is paired
629 	/** The directory or NTFS volume is about to be scanned for metadata.
630 	 * @p info will point to ::wimlib_progress_info.scan.  This message is
631 	 * received once per call to wimlib_add_image(), or once per capture
632 	 * source passed to wimlib_add_image_multisource(), or once per add
633 	 * command passed to wimlib_update_image().  */
636 	/** A directory or file has been scanned.  @p info will point to
637 	 * ::wimlib_progress_info.scan, and its @p cur_path member will be
638 	 * valid.  This message is only sent if ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_VERBOSE has
639 	 * been specified.  */
642 	/** The directory or NTFS volume has been successfully scanned.  @p info
643 	 * will point to ::wimlib_progress_info.scan.  This is paired with a
644 	 * previous ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SCAN_BEGIN message, possibly with many
645 	 * intervening ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SCAN_DENTRY messages.  */
648 	/** File data is currently being written to the WIM.  @p info will point
649 	 * to ::wimlib_progress_info.write_streams.  This message may be
650 	 * received many times while the WIM file is being written or appended
651 	 * to with wimlib_write(), wimlib_overwrite(), or wimlib_write_to_fd().
652 	 */
655 	/** Per-image metadata is about to be written to the WIM file.  @p info
656 	 * will not be valid. */
659 	/** The per-image metadata has been written to the WIM file.  @p info
660 	 * will not be valid.  This message is paired with a preceding
664 	/** wimlib_overwrite() has successfully renamed the temporary file to
665 	 * the original WIM file, thereby committing the changes to the WIM
666 	 * file.  @p info will point to ::wimlib_progress_info.rename.  Note:
667 	 * this message is not received if wimlib_overwrite() chose to append to
668 	 * the WIM file in-place.  */
671 	/** The contents of the WIM file are being checked against the integrity
672 	 * table.  @p info will point to ::wimlib_progress_info.integrity.  This
673 	 * message is only received (and may be received many times) when
674 	 * wimlib_open_wim_with_progress() is called with the
678 	/** An integrity table is being calculated for the WIM being written.
679 	 * @p info will point to ::wimlib_progress_info.integrity.  This message
680 	 * is only received (and may be received many times) when a WIM file is
681 	 * being written with the flag ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_CHECK_INTEGRITY.  */
684 	/** A wimlib_split() operation is in progress, and a new split part is
685 	 * about to be started.  @p info will point to
686 	 * ::wimlib_progress_info.split.  */
689 	/** A wimlib_split() operation is in progress, and a split part has been
690 	 * finished. @p info will point to ::wimlib_progress_info.split.  */
693 	/** A WIM update command is about to be executed. @p info will point to
694 	 * ::wimlib_progress_info.update.  This message is received once per
695 	 * update command when wimlib_update_image() is called with the flag
699 	/** A WIM update command has been executed. @p info will point to
700 	 * ::wimlib_progress_info.update.  This message is received once per
701 	 * update command when wimlib_update_image() is called with the flag
705 	/** A file in the image is being replaced as a result of a
706 	 * ::wimlib_add_command without ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_NO_REPLACE specified.
707 	 * @p info will point to ::wimlib_progress_info.replace.  This is only
708 	 * received when ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_VERBOSE is also specified in the add
709 	 * command.  */
712 	/** An image is being extracted with ::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_WIMBOOT, and
713 	 * a file is being extracted normally (not as a "WIMBoot pointer file")
714 	 * due to it matching a pattern in the <c>[PrepopulateList]</c> section
715 	 * of the configuration file
716 	 * <c>/Windows/System32/WimBootCompress.ini</c> in the WIM image.  @p
717 	 * info will point to ::wimlib_progress_info.wimboot_exclude.  */
720 	/** Starting to unmount an image.  @p info will point to
721 	 * ::wimlib_progress_info.unmount.  */
724 	/** wimlib has used a file's data for the last time (including all data
725 	 * streams, if it has multiple).  @p info will point to
726 	 * ::wimlib_progress_info.done_with_file.  This message is only received
730 	/** wimlib_verify_wim() is starting to verify the metadata for an image.
731 	 * @p info will point to ::wimlib_progress_info.verify_image.  */
734 	/** wimlib_verify_wim() has finished verifying the metadata for an
735 	 * image.  @p info will point to ::wimlib_progress_info.verify_image.
736 	 */
739 	/** wimlib_verify_wim() is verifying file data integrity.  @p info will
740 	 * point to ::wimlib_progress_info.verify_streams.  */
743 	/**
744 	 * The progress function is being asked whether a file should be
745 	 * excluded from capture or not.  @p info will point to
746 	 * ::wimlib_progress_info.test_file_exclusion.  This is a bidirectional
747 	 * message that allows the progress function to set a flag if the file
748 	 * should be excluded.
749 	 *
750 	 * This message is only received if the flag
751 	 * ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_TEST_FILE_EXCLUSION is used.  This method for file
752 	 * exclusions is independent of the "capture configuration file"
753 	 * mechanism.
754 	 */
757 	/**
758 	 * An error has occurred and the progress function is being asked
759 	 * whether to ignore the error or not.  @p info will point to
760 	 * ::wimlib_progress_info.handle_error.  This is a bidirectional
761 	 * message.
762 	 *
763 	 * This message provides a limited capability for applications to
764 	 * recover from "unexpected" errors (i.e. those with no in-library
765 	 * handling policy) arising from the underlying operating system.
766 	 * Normally, any such error will cause the library to abort the current
767 	 * operation.  By implementing a handler for this message, the
768 	 * application can instead choose to ignore a given error.
769 	 *
770 	 * Currently, only the following types of errors will result in this
771 	 * progress message being sent:
772 	 *
773 	 *	- Directory tree scan errors, e.g. from wimlib_add_image()
774 	 *	- Most extraction errors; currently restricted to the Windows
775 	 *	  build of the library only.
776 	 */
778 };
780 /** Valid return values from user-provided progress functions
781  * (::wimlib_progress_func_t).
782  *
783  * (Note: if an invalid value is returned, ::WIMLIB_ERR_UNKNOWN_PROGRESS_STATUS
784  * will be issued.)
785  */
786 enum wimlib_progress_status {
788 	/** The operation should be continued.  This is the normal return value.
789 	 */
792 	/** The operation should be aborted.  This will cause the current
793 	 * operation to fail with ::WIMLIB_ERR_ABORTED_BY_PROGRESS.  */
795 };
797 /**
798  * A pointer to this union is passed to the user-supplied
799  * ::wimlib_progress_func_t progress function.  One (or none) of the structures
800  * contained in this union will be applicable for the operation
801  * (::wimlib_progress_msg) indicated in the first argument to the progress
802  * function. */
803 union wimlib_progress_info {
805 	/** Valid on the message ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_WRITE_STREAMS.  This is
806 	 * the primary message for tracking the progress of writing a WIM file.
807 	 */
808 	struct wimlib_progress_info_write_streams {
810 		/** An upper bound on the number of bytes of file data that will
811 		 * be written.  This number is the uncompressed size; the actual
812 		 * size may be lower due to compression.  In addition, this
813 		 * number may decrease over time as duplicated file data is
814 		 * discovered.  */
815 		uint64_t total_bytes;
817 		/** An upper bound on the number of distinct file data "blobs"
818 		 * that will be written.  This will often be similar to the
819 		 * "number of files", but for several reasons (hard links, named
820 		 * data streams, empty files, etc.) it can be different.  In
821 		 * addition, this number may decrease over time as duplicated
822 		 * file data is discovered.  */
823 		uint64_t total_streams;
825 		/** The number of bytes of file data that have been written so
826 		 * far.  This starts at 0 and ends at @p total_bytes.  This
827 		 * number is the uncompressed size; the actual size may be lower
828 		 * due to compression.  */
829 		uint64_t completed_bytes;
831 		/** The number of distinct file data "blobs" that have been
832 		 * written so far.  This starts at 0 and ends at @p
833 		 * total_streams.  */
834 		uint64_t completed_streams;
836 		/** The number of threads being used for data compression; or,
837 		 * if no compression is being performed, this will be 1.  */
838 		uint32_t num_threads;
840 		/** The compression type being used, as one of the
841 		 * ::wimlib_compression_type constants.  */
842 		int32_t	 compression_type;
844 		/** The number of on-disk WIM files from which file data is
845 		 * being exported into the output WIM file.  This can be 0, 1,
846 		 * or more than 1, depending on the situation.  */
847 		uint32_t total_parts;
849 		/** This is currently broken and will always be 0.  */
850 		uint32_t completed_parts;
851 	} write_streams;
853 	/** Valid on messages ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SCAN_BEGIN,
856 	struct wimlib_progress_info_scan {
858 		/** Top-level directory being scanned; or, when capturing an NTFS
859 		 * volume with ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_NTFS, this is instead the path
860 		 * to the file or block device that contains the NTFS volume
861 		 * being scanned.  */
862 		const wimlib_tchar *source;
864 		/** Path to the file (or directory) that has been scanned, valid
865 		 * on ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SCAN_DENTRY.  When capturing an NTFS
866 		 * volume with ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_NTFS, this path will be
867 		 * relative to the root of the NTFS volume.  */
868 		const wimlib_tchar *cur_path;
870 		/** Dentry scan status, valid on
872 		enum {
873 			/** File looks okay and will be captured.  */
876 			/** File is being excluded from capture due to the
877 			 * capture configuration.  */
880 			/** File is being excluded from capture due to being of
881 			 * an unsupported type.  */
884 			/** The file is an absolute symbolic link or junction
885 			 * that points into the capture directory, and
886 			 * reparse-point fixups are enabled, so its target is
887 			 * being adjusted.  (Reparse point fixups can be
888 			 * disabled with the flag ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_NORPFIX.)
889 			 */
892 			/** Reparse-point fixups are enabled, but the file is an
893 			 * absolute symbolic link or junction that does
894 			 * <b>not</b> point into the capture directory, so its
895 			 * target is <b>not</b> being adjusted.  */
897 		} status;
899 		union {
900 			/** Target path in the image.  Only valid on messages
903 			const wimlib_tchar *wim_target_path;
905 			/** For ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SCAN_DENTRY and a status
908 			 * target of the absolute symbolic link or junction.  */
909 			const wimlib_tchar *symlink_target;
910 		};
912 		/** The number of directories scanned so far, not counting
913 		 * excluded/unsupported files.  */
914 		uint64_t num_dirs_scanned;
916 		/** The number of non-directories scanned so far, not counting
917 		 * excluded/unsupported files.  */
918 		uint64_t num_nondirs_scanned;
920 		/** The number of bytes of file data detected so far, not
921 		 * counting excluded/unsupported files.  */
922 		uint64_t num_bytes_scanned;
923 	} scan;
925 	/** Valid on messages
934 	 *
935 	 * Note: most of the time of an extraction operation will be spent
936 	 * extracting file data, and the application will receive
937 	 * ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_EXTRACT_STREAMS during this time.  Using @p
938 	 * completed_bytes and @p total_bytes, the application can calculate a
939 	 * percentage complete.  However, there is no way for applications to
940 	 * know which file is currently being extracted.  This is by design
941 	 * because the best way to complete the extraction operation is not
942 	 * necessarily file-by-file.
943 	 */
944 	struct wimlib_progress_info_extract {
946 		/** The 1-based index of the image from which files are being
947 		 * extracted.  */
948 		uint32_t image;
950 		/** Extraction flags being used.  */
951 		uint32_t extract_flags;
953 		/** If the ::WIMStruct from which the extraction being performed
954 		 * has a backing file, then this is an absolute path to that
955 		 * backing file.  Otherwise, this is @c NULL.  */
956 		const wimlib_tchar *wimfile_name;
958 		/** Name of the image from which files are being extracted, or
959 		 * the empty string if the image is unnamed.  */
960 		const wimlib_tchar *image_name;
962 		/** Path to the directory or NTFS volume to which the files are
963 		 * being extracted.  */
964 		const wimlib_tchar *target;
966 		/** Reserved.  */
967 		const wimlib_tchar *reserved;
969 		/** The number of bytes of file data that will be extracted.  */
970 		uint64_t total_bytes;
972 		/** The number of bytes of file data that have been extracted so
973 		 * far.  This starts at 0 and ends at @p total_bytes.  */
974 		uint64_t completed_bytes;
976 		/** The number of file streams that will be extracted.  This
977 		 * will often be similar to the "number of files", but for
978 		 * several reasons (hard links, named data streams, empty files,
979 		 * etc.) it can be different.  */
980 		uint64_t total_streams;
982 		/** The number of file streams that have been extracted so far.
983 		 * This starts at 0 and ends at @p total_streams.  */
984 		uint64_t completed_streams;
986 		/** Currently only used for
988 		uint32_t part_number;
990 		/** Currently only used for
992 		uint32_t total_parts;
994 		/** Currently only used for
996 		uint8_t guid[WIMLIB_GUID_LEN];
999 		 * ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_EXTRACT_METADATA messages, this is the
1000 		 * number of files that have been processed so far.  Once the
1001 		 * corresponding phase of extraction is complete, this value
1002 		 * will be equal to @c end_file_count.  */
1003 		uint64_t current_file_count;
1006 		 * ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_EXTRACT_METADATA messages, this is
1007 		 * total number of files that will be processed.
1008 		 *
1009 		 * This number is provided for informational purposes only, e.g.
1010 		 * for a progress bar.  This number will not necessarily be
1011 		 * equal to the number of files actually being extracted.  This
1012 		 * is because extraction backends are free to implement an
1013 		 * extraction algorithm that might be more efficient than
1014 		 * processing every file in the "extract file structure" and
1015 		 * "extract file metadata" phases.  For example, the current
1016 		 * implementation of the UNIX extraction backend will create
1017 		 * files on-demand during the "extract file data" phase.
1018 		 * Therefore, when using that particular extraction backend, @p
1019 		 * end_file_count will only include directories and empty files.
1020 		 */
1021 		uint64_t end_file_count;
1022 	} extract;
1024 	/** Valid on messages ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_RENAME. */
1025 	struct wimlib_progress_info_rename {
1026 		/** Name of the temporary file that the WIM was written to. */
1027 		const wimlib_tchar *from;
1029 		/** Name of the original WIM file to which the temporary file is
1030 		 * being renamed. */
1031 		const wimlib_tchar *to;
1032 	} rename;
1034 	/** Valid on messages ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_UPDATE_BEGIN_COMMAND and
1036 	struct wimlib_progress_info_update {
1037 		/** Pointer to the update command that will be executed or has
1038 		 * just been executed. */
1039 		const struct wimlib_update_command *command;
1041 		/** Number of update commands that have been completed so far.
1042 		 */
1043 		size_t completed_commands;
1045 		/** Number of update commands that are being executed as part of
1046 		 * this call to wimlib_update_image(). */
1047 		size_t total_commands;
1048 	} update;
1050 	/** Valid on messages ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_VERIFY_INTEGRITY and
1052 	struct wimlib_progress_info_integrity {
1054 		/** The number of bytes in the WIM file that are covered by
1055 		 * integrity checks.  */
1056 		uint64_t total_bytes;
1058 		/** The number of bytes that have been checksummed so far.  This
1059 		 * starts at 0 and ends at @p total_bytes.  */
1060 		uint64_t completed_bytes;
1062 		/** The number of individually checksummed "chunks" the
1063 		 * integrity-checked region is divided into.  */
1064 		uint32_t total_chunks;
1066 		/** The number of chunks that have been checksummed so far.
1067 		 * This starts at 0 and ends at @p total_chunks.  */
1068 		uint32_t completed_chunks;
1070 		/** The size of each individually checksummed "chunk" in the
1071 		 * integrity-checked region.  */
1072 		uint32_t chunk_size;
1074 		/** For ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_VERIFY_INTEGRITY messages, this is
1075 		 * the path to the WIM file being checked.  */
1076 		const wimlib_tchar *filename;
1077 	} integrity;
1079 	/** Valid on messages ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SPLIT_BEGIN_PART and
1081 	struct wimlib_progress_info_split {
1082 		/** Total size of the original WIM's file and metadata resources
1083 		 * (compressed). */
1084 		uint64_t total_bytes;
1086 		/** Number of bytes of file and metadata resources that have
1087 		 * been copied out of the original WIM so far.  Will be 0
1088 		 * initially, and equal to @p total_bytes at the end. */
1089 		uint64_t completed_bytes;
1091 		/** Number of the split WIM part that is about to be started
1092 		 * (::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SPLIT_BEGIN_PART) or has just been
1093 		 * finished (::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SPLIT_END_PART). */
1094 		unsigned cur_part_number;
1096 		/** Total number of split WIM parts that are being written.  */
1097 		unsigned total_parts;
1099 		/** Name of the split WIM part that is about to be started
1100 		 * (::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SPLIT_BEGIN_PART) or has just been
1101 		 * finished (::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SPLIT_END_PART).  Since
1102 		 * wimlib v1.7.0, the library user may change this when
1103 		 * receiving ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SPLIT_BEGIN_PART in order to
1104 		 * cause the next split WIM part to be written to a different
1105 		 * location.  */
1106 		wimlib_tchar *part_name;
1107 	} split;
1109 	/** Valid on messages ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_REPLACE_FILE_IN_WIM  */
1110 	struct wimlib_progress_info_replace {
1111 		/** Path to the file in the image that is being replaced  */
1112 		const wimlib_tchar *path_in_wim;
1113 	} replace;
1115 	/** Valid on messages ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_WIMBOOT_EXCLUDE  */
1116 	struct wimlib_progress_info_wimboot_exclude {
1117 		/** Path to the file in the image  */
1118 		const wimlib_tchar *path_in_wim;
1120 		/** Path to which the file is being extracted  */
1121 		const wimlib_tchar *extraction_path;
1122 	} wimboot_exclude;
1124 	/** Valid on messages ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_UNMOUNT_BEGIN.  */
1125 	struct wimlib_progress_info_unmount {
1126 		/** Path to directory being unmounted  */
1127 		const wimlib_tchar *mountpoint;
1129 		/** Path to WIM file being unmounted  */
1130 		const wimlib_tchar *mounted_wim;
1132 		/** 1-based index of image being unmounted.  */
1133 		uint32_t mounted_image;
1135 		/** Flags that were passed to wimlib_mount_image() when the
1136 		 * mountpoint was set up.  */
1137 		uint32_t mount_flags;
1139 		/** Flags passed to wimlib_unmount_image().  */
1140 		uint32_t unmount_flags;
1141 	} unmount;
1143 	/** Valid on messages ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_DONE_WITH_FILE.  */
1144 	struct wimlib_progress_info_done_with_file {
1145 		/**
1146 		 * Path to the file whose data has been written to the WIM file,
1147 		 * or is currently being asynchronously compressed in memory,
1148 		 * and therefore is no longer needed by wimlib.
1149 		 *
1150 		 * WARNING: The file data will not actually be accessible in the
1151 		 * WIM file until the WIM file has been completely written.
1152 		 * Ordinarily you should <b>not</b> treat this message as a
1153 		 * green light to go ahead and delete the specified file, since
1154 		 * that would result in data loss if the WIM file cannot be
1155 		 * successfully created for any reason.
1156 		 *
1157 		 * If a file has multiple names (hard links),
1158 		 * ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_DONE_WITH_FILE will only be received
1159 		 * for one name.  Also, this message will not be received for
1160 		 * empty files or reparse points (or symbolic links), unless
1161 		 * they have nonempty named data streams.
1162 		 */
1163 		const wimlib_tchar *path_to_file;
1164 	} done_with_file;
1166 	/** Valid on messages ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_BEGIN_VERIFY_IMAGE and
1168 	struct wimlib_progress_info_verify_image {
1169 		const wimlib_tchar *wimfile;
1170 		uint32_t total_images;
1171 		uint32_t current_image;
1172 	} verify_image;
1174 	/** Valid on messages ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_VERIFY_STREAMS.  */
1175 	struct wimlib_progress_info_verify_streams {
1176 		const wimlib_tchar *wimfile;
1177 		uint64_t total_streams;
1178 		uint64_t total_bytes;
1179 		uint64_t completed_streams;
1180 		uint64_t completed_bytes;
1181 	} verify_streams;
1183 	/** Valid on messages ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_TEST_FILE_EXCLUSION.  */
1184 	struct wimlib_progress_info_test_file_exclusion {
1186 		/**
1187 		 * Path to the file for which exclusion is being tested.
1188 		 *
1189 		 * UNIX capture mode:  The path will be a standard relative or
1190 		 * absolute UNIX filesystem path.
1191 		 *
1192 		 * NTFS-3G capture mode:  The path will be given relative to the
1193 		 * root of the NTFS volume, with a leading slash.
1194 		 *
1195 		 * Windows capture mode:  The path will be a Win32 namespace
1196 		 * path to the file.
1197 		 */
1198 		const wimlib_tchar *path;
1200 		/**
1201 		 * Indicates whether the file or directory will be excluded from
1202 		 * capture or not.  This will be <c>false</c> by default.  The
1203 		 * progress function can set this to <c>true</c> if it decides
1204 		 * that the file needs to be excluded.
1205 		 */
1206 		bool will_exclude;
1207 	} test_file_exclusion;
1209 	/** Valid on messages ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_HANDLE_ERROR.  */
1210 	struct wimlib_progress_info_handle_error {
1212 		/** Path to the file for which the error occurred, or NULL if
1213 		 * not relevant.  */
1214 		const wimlib_tchar *path;
1216 		/** The wimlib error code associated with the error.  */
1217 		int error_code;
1219 		/**
1220 		 * Indicates whether the error will be ignored or not.  This
1221 		 * will be <c>false</c> by default; the progress function may
1222 		 * set it to <c>true</c>.
1223 		 */
1224 		bool will_ignore;
1225 	} handle_error;
1226 };
1228 /**
1229  * A user-supplied function that will be called periodically during certain WIM
1230  * operations.
1231  *
1232  * The first argument will be the type of operation that is being performed or
1233  * is about to be started or has been completed.
1234  *
1235  * The second argument will be a pointer to one of a number of structures
1236  * depending on the first argument.  It may be @c NULL for some message types.
1237  * Note that although this argument is not @c const, users should not modify it
1238  * except in explicitly documented cases.
1239  *
1240  * The third argument will be a user-supplied value that was provided when
1241  * registering or specifying the progress function.
1242  *
1243  * This function must return one of the ::wimlib_progress_status values.  By
1244  * default, you should return ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_STATUS_CONTINUE (0).
1245  */
1246 typedef enum wimlib_progress_status
1247 	(*wimlib_progress_func_t)(enum wimlib_progress_msg msg_type,
1248 				  union wimlib_progress_info *info,
1249 				  void *progctx);
1251 /** @} */
1252 /** @addtogroup G_modifying_wims
1253  * @{ */
1255 /** An array of these structures is passed to wimlib_add_image_multisource() to
1256  * specify the sources from which to create a WIM image. */
1257 struct wimlib_capture_source {
1258 	/** Absolute or relative path to a file or directory on the external
1259 	 * filesystem to be included in the image. */
1260 	wimlib_tchar *fs_source_path;
1262 	/** Destination path in the image.  To specify the root directory of the
1263 	 * image, use ::WIMLIB_WIM_ROOT_PATH.  */
1264 	wimlib_tchar *wim_target_path;
1266 	/** Reserved; set to 0. */
1267 	long reserved;
1268 };
1270 /** Set or unset the "readonly" WIM header flag (<c>WIM_HDR_FLAG_READONLY</c> in
1271  * Microsoft's documentation), based on the ::wimlib_wim_info.is_marked_readonly
1272  * member of the @p info parameter.  This is distinct from basic file
1273  * permissions; this flag can be set on a WIM file that is physically writable.
1274  *
1275  * wimlib disallows modifying on-disk WIM files with the readonly flag set.
1276  * However, wimlib_overwrite() with ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_IGNORE_READONLY_FLAG
1277  * will override this --- and in fact, this is necessary to set the readonly
1278  * flag persistently on an existing WIM file.
1279  */
1280 #define WIMLIB_CHANGE_READONLY_FLAG		0x00000001
1282 /** Set the GUID (globally unique identifier) of the WIM file to the value
1283  * specified in ::wimlib_wim_info.guid of the @p info parameter. */
1284 #define WIMLIB_CHANGE_GUID			0x00000002
1286 /** Change the bootable image of the WIM to the value specified in
1287  * ::wimlib_wim_info.boot_index of the @p info parameter.  */
1288 #define WIMLIB_CHANGE_BOOT_INDEX		0x00000004
1290 /** Change the <c>WIM_HDR_FLAG_RP_FIX</c> flag of the WIM file to the value
1291  * specified in ::wimlib_wim_info.has_rpfix of the @p info parameter.  This flag
1292  * generally indicates whether an image in the WIM has been captured with
1293  * reparse-point fixups enabled.  wimlib also treats this flag as specifying
1294  * whether to do reparse-point fixups by default when capturing or applying WIM
1295  * images.  */
1296 #define WIMLIB_CHANGE_RPFIX_FLAG		0x00000008
1298 /** @} */
1300 /** @addtogroup G_wim_information  */
1302 /** @{ */
1304 /**
1305  * General information about a WIM file.
1306  *
1307  * This info can also be requested for a ::WIMStruct that does not have a
1308  * backing file.  In this case, fields that only make sense given a backing file
1309  * are set to default values.
1310  */
1311 struct wimlib_wim_info {
1313 	/** The globally unique identifier for this WIM.  (Note: all parts of a
1314 	 * split WIM normally have identical GUIDs.)  */
1315 	uint8_t guid[WIMLIB_GUID_LEN];
1317 	/** The number of images in this WIM file.  */
1318 	uint32_t image_count;
1320 	/** The 1-based index of the bootable image in this WIM file, or 0 if no
1321 	 * image is bootable.  */
1322 	uint32_t boot_index;
1324 	/** The version of the WIM file format used in this WIM file.  */
1325 	uint32_t wim_version;
1327 	/** The default compression chunk size of resources in this WIM file.
1328 	 */
1329 	uint32_t chunk_size;
1331 	/** For split WIMs, the 1-based index of this part within the split WIM;
1332 	 * otherwise 1.  */
1333 	uint16_t part_number;
1335 	/** For split WIMs, the total number of parts in the split WIM;
1336 	 * otherwise 1.  */
1337 	uint16_t total_parts;
1339 	/** The default compression type of resources in this WIM file, as one
1340 	 * of the ::wimlib_compression_type constants.  */
1341 	int32_t compression_type;
1343 	/** The size of this WIM file in bytes, excluding the XML data and
1344 	 * integrity table.  */
1345 	uint64_t total_bytes;
1347 	/** 1 iff this WIM file has an integrity table.  */
1348 	uint32_t has_integrity_table : 1;
1350 	/** 1 iff this info struct is for a ::WIMStruct that has a backing file.
1351 	 */
1352 	uint32_t opened_from_file : 1;
1354 	/** 1 iff this WIM file is considered readonly for any reason (e.g. the
1355 	 * "readonly" header flag is set, or this is part of a split WIM, or
1356 	 * filesystem permissions deny writing)  */
1357 	uint32_t is_readonly : 1;
1359 	/** 1 iff the "reparse point fix" flag is set in this WIM's header  */
1360 	uint32_t has_rpfix : 1;
1362 	/** 1 iff the "readonly" flag is set in this WIM's header  */
1363 	uint32_t is_marked_readonly : 1;
1365 	/** 1 iff the "spanned" flag is set in this WIM's header  */
1366 	uint32_t spanned : 1;
1368 	/** 1 iff the "write in progress" flag is set in this WIM's header  */
1369 	uint32_t write_in_progress : 1;
1371 	/** 1 iff the "metadata only" flag is set in this WIM's header  */
1372 	uint32_t metadata_only : 1;
1374 	/** 1 iff the "resource only" flag is set in this WIM's header  */
1375 	uint32_t resource_only : 1;
1377 	/** 1 iff this WIM file is pipable (see ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_PIPABLE).  */
1378 	uint32_t pipable : 1;
1379 	uint32_t reserved_flags : 22;
1380 	uint32_t reserved[9];
1381 };
1383 /**
1384  * Information about a "blob", which is a fixed length sequence of binary data.
1385  * Each nonempty stream of each file in a WIM image is associated with a blob.
1386  * Blobs are deduplicated within a WIM file.
1387  *
1388  * TODO: this struct needs to be renamed, and perhaps made into a union since
1389  * there are several cases.  I'll try to list them below:
1390  *
1391  * 1. The blob is "missing", meaning that it is referenced by hash but not
1392  *    actually present in the WIM file.  In this case we only know the
1393  *    sha1_hash.  This case can only occur with wimlib_iterate_dir_tree(), never
1394  *    wimlib_iterate_lookup_table().
1395  *
1396  * 2. Otherwise we know the sha1_hash, the uncompressed_size, the
1397  *    reference_count, and the is_metadata flag.  In addition:
1398  *
1399  *    A. If the blob is located in a non-solid WIM resource, then we also know
1400  *       the compressed_size and offset.
1401  *
1402  *    B. If the blob is located in a solid WIM resource, then we also know the
1403  *       offset, raw_resource_offset_in_wim, raw_resource_compressed_size, and
1404  *       raw_resource_uncompressed_size.  But the "offset" is actually the
1405  *       offset in the uncompressed solid resource rather than the offset from
1406  *       the beginning of the WIM file.
1407  *
1408  *    C. If the blob is *not* located in any type of WIM resource, then we don't
1409  *       know any additional information.
1410  *
1411  * Unknown or irrelevant fields are left zeroed.
1412  */
1413 struct wimlib_resource_entry {
1415 	/** If this blob is not missing, then this is the uncompressed size of
1416 	 * this blob in bytes.  */
1417 	uint64_t uncompressed_size;
1419 	/** If this blob is located in a non-solid WIM resource, then this is
1420 	 * the compressed size of that resource.  */
1421 	uint64_t compressed_size;
1423 	/** If this blob is located in a non-solid WIM resource, then this is
1424 	 * the offset of that resource within the WIM file containing it.  If
1425 	 * this blob is located in a solid WIM resource, then this is the offset
1426 	 * of this blob within that solid resource when uncompressed.  */
1427 	uint64_t offset;
1429 	/** The SHA-1 message digest of the blob's uncompressed contents.  */
1430 	uint8_t sha1_hash[20];
1432 	/** If this blob is located in a WIM resource, then this is the part
1433 	 * number of the WIM file containing it.  */
1434 	uint32_t part_number;
1436 	/** If this blob is not missing, then this is the number of times this
1437 	 * blob is referenced over all images in the WIM.  This number is not
1438 	 * guaranteed to be correct.  */
1439 	uint32_t reference_count;
1441 	/** 1 iff this blob is located in a non-solid compressed WIM resource.
1442 	 */
1443 	uint32_t is_compressed : 1;
1445 	/** 1 iff this blob contains the metadata for an image.  */
1446 	uint32_t is_metadata : 1;
1448 	uint32_t is_free : 1;
1449 	uint32_t is_spanned : 1;
1451 	/** 1 iff a blob with this hash was not found in the blob lookup table
1452 	 * of the ::WIMStruct.  This normally implies a missing call to
1453 	 * wimlib_reference_resource_files() or wimlib_reference_resources(). */
1454 	uint32_t is_missing : 1;
1456 	/** 1 iff this blob is located in a solid resource.  */
1457 	uint32_t packed : 1;
1459 	uint32_t reserved_flags : 26;
1461 	/** If this blob is located in a solid WIM resource, then this is the
1462 	 * offset of that solid resource within the WIM file containing it.  */
1463 	uint64_t raw_resource_offset_in_wim;
1465 	/** If this blob is located in a solid WIM resource, then this is the
1466 	 * compressed size of that solid resource.  */
1467 	uint64_t raw_resource_compressed_size;
1469 	/** If this blob is located in a solid WIM resource, then this is the
1470 	 * uncompressed size of that solid resource.  */
1471 	uint64_t raw_resource_uncompressed_size;
1473 	uint64_t reserved[1];
1474 };
1476 /**
1477  * Information about a stream of a particular file in the WIM.
1478  *
1479  * Normally, only WIM images captured from NTFS filesystems will have multiple
1480  * streams per file.  In practice, this is a rarely used feature of the
1481  * filesystem.
1482  *
1483  * TODO: the library now explicitly tracks stream types, which allows it to have
1484  * multiple unnamed streams (e.g. both a reparse point stream and unnamed data
1485  * stream).  However, this isn't yet exposed by wimlib_iterate_dir_tree().
1486  */
1487 struct wimlib_stream_entry {
1489 	/** Name of the stream, or NULL if the stream is unnamed.  */
1490 	const wimlib_tchar *stream_name;
1492 	/** Info about this stream's data, such as its hash and size if known.*/
1493 	struct wimlib_resource_entry resource;
1495 	uint64_t reserved[4];
1496 };
1498 /**
1499  * Since wimlib v1.9.1: an object ID, which is an extra piece of metadata that
1500  * may be associated with a file on NTFS filesystems.  See:
1501  * https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa363997(v=vs.85).aspx
1502  */
1503 struct wimlib_object_id {
1504 	uint8_t object_id[WIMLIB_GUID_LEN];
1505 	uint8_t birth_volume_id[WIMLIB_GUID_LEN];
1506 	uint8_t birth_object_id[WIMLIB_GUID_LEN];
1507 	uint8_t domain_id[WIMLIB_GUID_LEN];
1508 };
1510 /** Structure passed to the wimlib_iterate_dir_tree() callback function.
1511  * Roughly, the information about a "file" in the WIM image --- but really a
1512  * directory entry ("dentry") because hard links are allowed.  The
1513  * hard_link_group_id field can be used to distinguish actual file inodes.  */
1514 struct wimlib_dir_entry {
1515 	/** Name of the file, or NULL if this file is unnamed.  Only the root
1516 	 * directory of an image will be unnamed.  */
1517 	const wimlib_tchar *filename;
1519 	/** 8.3 name (or "DOS name", or "short name") of this file; or NULL if
1520 	 * this file has no such name.  */
1521 	const wimlib_tchar *dos_name;
1523 	/** Full path to this file within the image.  Path separators will be
1525 	const wimlib_tchar *full_path;
1527 	/** Depth of this directory entry, where 0 is the root, 1 is the root's
1528 	 * children, ..., etc. */
1529 	size_t depth;
1531 	/** Pointer to the security descriptor for this file, in Windows
1532 	 * SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_RELATIVE format, or NULL if this file has no
1533 	 * security descriptor.  */
1534 	const char *security_descriptor;
1536 	/** Size of the above security descriptor, in bytes.  */
1537 	size_t security_descriptor_size;
1539 #define WIMLIB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY            0x00000001
1540 #define WIMLIB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN              0x00000002
1541 #define WIMLIB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM              0x00000004
1542 #define WIMLIB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY           0x00000010
1543 #define WIMLIB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE             0x00000020
1544 #define WIMLIB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE              0x00000040
1545 #define WIMLIB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL              0x00000080
1546 #define WIMLIB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY           0x00000100
1547 #define WIMLIB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SPARSE_FILE         0x00000200
1548 #define WIMLIB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT       0x00000400
1549 #define WIMLIB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED          0x00000800
1550 #define WIMLIB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_OFFLINE             0x00001000
1552 #define WIMLIB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ENCRYPTED           0x00004000
1553 #define WIMLIB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL             0x00010000
1554 	/** File attributes, such as whether the file is a directory or not.
1555 	 * These are the "standard" Windows FILE_ATTRIBUTE_* values, although in
1556 	 * wimlib.h they are defined as WIMLIB_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_* for convenience
1557 	 * on other platforms.  */
1558 	uint32_t attributes;
1560 #define WIMLIB_REPARSE_TAG_RESERVED_ZERO	0x00000000
1561 #define WIMLIB_REPARSE_TAG_RESERVED_ONE		0x00000001
1562 #define WIMLIB_REPARSE_TAG_MOUNT_POINT		0xA0000003
1563 #define WIMLIB_REPARSE_TAG_HSM			0xC0000004
1564 #define WIMLIB_REPARSE_TAG_HSM2			0x80000006
1566 #define WIMLIB_REPARSE_TAG_SIS			0x80000007
1567 #define WIMLIB_REPARSE_TAG_DFS			0x8000000A
1568 #define WIMLIB_REPARSE_TAG_DFSR			0x80000012
1570 #define WIMLIB_REPARSE_TAG_WOF			0x80000017
1571 #define WIMLIB_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK		0xA000000C
1572 	/** If the file is a reparse point (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT set in
1573 	 * the attributes), this will give the reparse tag.  This tells you
1574 	 * whether the reparse point is a symbolic link, junction point, or some
1575 	 * other, more unusual kind of reparse point.  */
1576 	uint32_t reparse_tag;
1578 	/** Number of links to this file's inode (hard links).
1579 	 *
1580 	 * Currently, this will always be 1 for directories.  However, it can be
1581 	 * greater than 1 for nondirectory files.  */
1582 	uint32_t num_links;
1584 	/** Number of named data streams this file has.  Normally 0.  */
1585 	uint32_t num_named_streams;
1587 	/** A unique identifier for this file's inode.  However, as a special
1588 	 * case, if the inode only has a single link (@p num_links == 1), this
1589 	 * value may be 0.
1590 	 *
1591 	 * Note: if a WIM image is captured from a filesystem, this value is not
1592 	 * guaranteed to be the same as the original number of the inode on the
1593 	 * filesystem.  */
1594 	uint64_t hard_link_group_id;
1596 	/** Time this file was created.  */
1597 	struct wimlib_timespec creation_time;
1599 	/** Time this file was last written to.  */
1600 	struct wimlib_timespec last_write_time;
1602 	/** Time this file was last accessed.  */
1603 	struct wimlib_timespec last_access_time;
1605 	/** The UNIX user ID of this file.  This is a wimlib extension.
1606 	 *
1607 	 * This field is only valid if @p unix_mode != 0.  */
1608 	uint32_t unix_uid;
1610 	/** The UNIX group ID of this file.  This is a wimlib extension.
1611 	 *
1612 	 * This field is only valid if @p unix_mode != 0.  */
1613 	uint32_t unix_gid;
1615 	/** The UNIX mode of this file.  This is a wimlib extension.
1616 	 *
1617 	 * If this field is 0, then @p unix_uid, @p unix_gid, @p unix_mode, and
1618 	 * @p unix_rdev are all unknown (fields are not present in the WIM
1619 	 * image).  */
1620 	uint32_t unix_mode;
1622 	/** The UNIX device ID (major and minor number) of this file.  This is a
1623 	 * wimlib extension.
1624 	 *
1625 	 * This field is only valid if @p unix_mode != 0.  */
1626 	uint32_t unix_rdev;
1628 	/* The object ID of this file, if any.  Only valid if
1629 	 * object_id.object_id is not all zeroes.  */
1630 	struct wimlib_object_id object_id;
1632 	/** High 32 bits of the seconds portion of the creation timestamp,
1633 	 * filled in if @p wimlib_timespec.tv_sec is only 32-bit. */
1634 	int32_t creation_time_high;
1636 	/** High 32 bits of the seconds portion of the last write timestamp,
1637 	 * filled in if @p wimlib_timespec.tv_sec is only 32-bit. */
1638 	int32_t last_write_time_high;
1640 	/** High 32 bits of the seconds portion of the last access timestamp,
1641 	 * filled in if @p wimlib_timespec.tv_sec is only 32-bit. */
1642 	int32_t last_access_time_high;
1644 	int32_t reserved2;
1646 	uint64_t reserved[4];
1648 	/**
1649 	 * Variable-length array of streams that make up this file.
1650 	 *
1651 	 * The first entry will always exist and will correspond to the unnamed
1652 	 * data stream (default file contents), so it will have <c>stream_name
1653 	 * == NULL</c>.  Alternatively, for reparse point files, the first entry
1654 	 * will correspond to the reparse data stream.  Alternatively, for
1655 	 * encrypted files, the first entry will correspond to the encrypted
1656 	 * data.
1657 	 *
1658 	 * Then, following the first entry, there be @p num_named_streams
1659 	 * additional entries that specify the named data streams, if any, each
1660 	 * of which will have <c>stream_name != NULL</c>.
1661 	 */
1662 	struct wimlib_stream_entry streams[];
1663 };
1665 /**
1666  * Type of a callback function to wimlib_iterate_dir_tree().  Must return 0 on
1667  * success.
1668  */
1669 typedef int (*wimlib_iterate_dir_tree_callback_t)(const struct wimlib_dir_entry *dentry,
1670 						  void *user_ctx);
1672 /**
1673  * Type of a callback function to wimlib_iterate_lookup_table().  Must return 0
1674  * on success.
1675  */
1676 typedef int (*wimlib_iterate_lookup_table_callback_t)(const struct wimlib_resource_entry *resource,
1677 						      void *user_ctx);
1679 /** For wimlib_iterate_dir_tree(): Iterate recursively on children rather than
1680  * just on the specified path. */
1683 /** For wimlib_iterate_dir_tree(): Don't iterate on the file or directory
1684  * itself; only its children (in the case of a non-empty directory) */
1687 /** Return ::WIMLIB_ERR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND if any file data blobs needed to fill
1688  * in the ::wimlib_resource_entry's for the iteration cannot be found in the
1689  * blob lookup table of the ::WIMStruct.  The default behavior without this flag
1690  * is to fill in the @ref wimlib_resource_entry::sha1_hash "sha1_hash" and set
1691  * the @ref wimlib_resource_entry::is_missing "is_missing" flag.  */
1695 /** @} */
1696 /** @addtogroup G_modifying_wims
1697  * @{ */
1699 /** UNIX-like systems only: Directly capture an NTFS volume rather than a
1700  * generic directory.  This requires that wimlib was compiled with support for
1701  * libntfs-3g.
1702  *
1703  * This flag cannot be combined with ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_DEREFERENCE or
1705  *
1706  * Do not use this flag on Windows, where wimlib already supports all
1707  * Windows-native filesystems, including NTFS, through the Windows APIs.  */
1708 #define WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_NTFS			0x00000001
1710 /** Follow symbolic links when scanning the directory tree.  Currently only
1711  * supported on UNIX-like systems.  */
1712 #define WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_DEREFERENCE		0x00000002
1714 /** Call the progress function with the message
1715  * ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SCAN_DENTRY when each directory or file has been
1716  * scanned.  */
1717 #define WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_VERBOSE			0x00000004
1719 /** Mark the image being added as the bootable image of the WIM.  This flag is
1720  * valid only for wimlib_add_image() and wimlib_add_image_multisource().
1721  *
1722  * Note that you can also change the bootable image of a WIM using
1723  * wimlib_set_wim_info().
1724  *
1725  * Note: ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_BOOT does something different from, and independent
1726  * from, ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_WIMBOOT.  */
1727 #define WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_BOOT			0x00000008
1729 /** UNIX-like systems only: Store the UNIX owner, group, mode, and device ID
1730  * (major and minor number) of each file.  In addition, capture special files
1731  * such as device nodes and FIFOs.  Since wimlib v1.11.0, on Linux also capture
1732  * extended attributes.  See the documentation for the <b>--unix-data</b> option
1733  * to <b>wimcapture</b> for more information.  */
1734 #define WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_UNIX_DATA		0x00000010
1736 /** Do not capture security descriptors.  Only has an effect in NTFS-3G capture
1737  * mode, or in Windows native builds.  */
1738 #define WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_NO_ACLS			0x00000020
1740 /** Fail immediately if the full security descriptor of any file or directory
1741  * cannot be accessed.  Only has an effect in Windows native builds.  The
1742  * default behavior without this flag is to first try omitting the SACL from the
1743  * security descriptor, then to try omitting the security descriptor entirely.
1744  */
1745 #define WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_STRICT_ACLS		0x00000040
1747 /** Call the progress function with the message
1748  * ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SCAN_DENTRY when a directory or file is excluded from
1749  * capture.  This is a subset of the messages provided by
1751 #define WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_EXCLUDE_VERBOSE		0x00000080
1753 /** Reparse-point fixups:  Modify absolute symbolic links (and junctions, in the
1754  * case of Windows) that point inside the directory being captured to instead be
1755  * absolute relative to the directory being captured.
1756  *
1757  * Without this flag, the default is to do reparse-point fixups if
1758  * <c>WIM_HDR_FLAG_RP_FIX</c> is set in the WIM header or if this is the first
1759  * image being added.  */
1760 #define WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_RPFIX			0x00000100
1762 /** Don't do reparse point fixups.  See ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_RPFIX.  */
1763 #define WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_NORPFIX			0x00000200
1765 /** Do not automatically exclude unsupported files or directories from capture,
1766  * such as encrypted files in NTFS-3G capture mode, or device files and FIFOs on
1767  * UNIX-like systems when not also using ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_UNIX_DATA.  Instead,
1768  * fail with ::WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FILE when such a file is encountered.  */
1771 /**
1772  * Automatically select a capture configuration appropriate for capturing
1773  * filesystems containing Windows operating systems.  For example,
1774  * <c>/pagefile.sys</c> and <c>"/System Volume Information"</c> will be
1775  * excluded.
1776  *
1777  * When this flag is specified, the corresponding @p config parameter (for
1778  * wimlib_add_image()) or member (for wimlib_update_image()) must be @c NULL.
1779  * Otherwise, ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM will be returned.
1780  *
1781  * Note that the default behavior--- that is, when neither
1782  * ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_WINCONFIG nor ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_WIMBOOT is specified and @p
1783  * config is @c NULL--- is to use no capture configuration, meaning that no
1784  * files are excluded from capture.
1785  */
1786 #define WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_WINCONFIG		0x00000800
1788 /**
1789  * Capture image as "WIMBoot compatible".  In addition, if no capture
1790  * configuration file is explicitly specified use the capture configuration file
1791  * <c>$SOURCE/Windows/System32/WimBootCompress.ini</c> if it exists, where
1792  * <c>$SOURCE</c> is the directory being captured; or, if a capture
1793  * configuration file is explicitly specified, use it and also place it at
1794  * <c>/Windows/System32/WimBootCompress.ini</c> in the WIM image.
1795  *
1796  * This flag does not, by itself, change the compression type or chunk size.
1797  * Before writing the WIM file, you may wish to set the compression format to
1798  * be the same as that used by WIMGAPI and DISM:
1799  *
1800  * \code
1801  *	wimlib_set_output_compression_type(wim, WIMLIB_COMPRESSION_TYPE_XPRESS);
1802  *	wimlib_set_output_chunk_size(wim, 4096);
1803  * \endcode
1804  *
1805  * However, "WIMBoot" also works with other XPRESS chunk sizes as well as LZX
1806  * with 32768 byte chunks.
1807  *
1808  * Note: ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_WIMBOOT does something different from, and
1809  * independent from, ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_BOOT.
1810  *
1811  * Since wimlib v1.8.3, ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_WIMBOOT also causes offline WIM-backed
1812  * files to be added as the "real" files rather than as their reparse points,
1813  * provided that their data is already present in the WIM.  This feature can be
1814  * useful when updating a backing WIM file in an "offline" state.
1815  */
1816 #define WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_WIMBOOT			0x00001000
1818 /**
1819  * If the add command involves adding a non-directory file to a location at
1820  * which there already exists a nondirectory file in the image, issue
1821  * ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_OVERLAY instead of replacing the file.  This was the
1822  * default behavior before wimlib v1.7.0.
1823  */
1824 #define WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_NO_REPLACE		0x00002000
1826 /**
1827  * Send ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_TEST_FILE_EXCLUSION messages to the progress
1828  * function.
1829  *
1830  * Note: This method for file exclusions is independent from the capture
1831  * configuration file mechanism.
1832  */
1835 /**
1836  * Since wimlib v1.9.0: create a temporary filesystem snapshot of the source
1837  * directory and add the files from it.  Currently, this option is only
1838  * supported on Windows, where it uses the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
1839  * Using this option, you can create a consistent backup of the system volume of
1840  * a running Windows system without running into problems with locked files.
1841  * For the VSS snapshot to be successfully created, your application must be run
1842  * as an Administrator, and it cannot be run in WoW64 mode (i.e. if Windows is
1843  * 64-bit, then your application must be 64-bit as well).
1844  */
1845 #define WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_SNAPSHOT		0x00008000
1847 /**
1848  * Since wimlib v1.9.0: permit the library to discard file paths after the
1849  * initial scan.  If the application won't use
1851  * archive, this flag can be used to allow the library to enable optimizations
1852  * such as opening files by inode number rather than by path.  Currently this
1853  * only makes a difference on Windows.
1854  */
1857 /** @} */
1858 /** @addtogroup G_modifying_wims
1859  * @{ */
1861 /** Do not issue an error if the path to delete does not exist. */
1862 #define WIMLIB_DELETE_FLAG_FORCE			0x00000001
1864 /** Delete the file or directory tree recursively; if not specified, an error is
1865  * issued if the path to delete is a directory. */
1866 #define WIMLIB_DELETE_FLAG_RECURSIVE			0x00000002
1868 /** @} */
1869 /** @addtogroup G_modifying_wims
1870  * @{ */
1872 /**
1873  * If a single image is being exported, mark it bootable in the destination WIM.
1874  * Alternatively, if ::WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES is specified as the image to export,
1875  * the image in the source WIM (if any) that is marked as bootable is also
1876  * marked as bootable in the destination WIM.
1877  */
1878 #define WIMLIB_EXPORT_FLAG_BOOT				0x00000001
1880 /** Give the exported image(s) no names.  Avoids problems with image name
1881  * collisions.
1882  */
1883 #define WIMLIB_EXPORT_FLAG_NO_NAMES			0x00000002
1885 /** Give the exported image(s) no descriptions.  */
1888 /** This advises the library that the program is finished with the source
1889  * WIMStruct and will not attempt to access it after the call to
1890  * wimlib_export_image(), with the exception of the call to wimlib_free().  */
1891 #define WIMLIB_EXPORT_FLAG_GIFT				0x00000008
1893 /**
1894  * Mark each exported image as WIMBoot-compatible.
1895  *
1896  * Note: by itself, this does change the destination WIM's compression type, nor
1897  * does it add the file @c \\Windows\\System32\\WimBootCompress.ini in the WIM
1898  * image.  Before writing the destination WIM, it's recommended to do something
1899  * like:
1900  *
1901  * \code
1902  *	wimlib_set_output_compression_type(wim, WIMLIB_COMPRESSION_TYPE_XPRESS);
1903  *	wimlib_set_output_chunk_size(wim, 4096);
1904  *	wimlib_add_tree(wim, image, L"myconfig.ini",
1905  *			L"\\Windows\\System32\\WimBootCompress.ini", 0);
1906  * \endcode
1907  */
1908 #define WIMLIB_EXPORT_FLAG_WIMBOOT			0x00000010
1910 /** @} */
1911 /** @addtogroup G_extracting_wims
1912  * @{ */
1914 /** Extract the image directly to an NTFS volume rather than a generic directory.
1915  * This mode is only available if wimlib was compiled with libntfs-3g support;
1916  * if not, ::WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED will be returned.  In this mode, the
1917  * extraction target will be interpreted as the path to an NTFS volume image (as
1918  * a regular file or block device) rather than a directory.  It will be opened
1919  * using libntfs-3g, and the image will be extracted to the NTFS filesystem's
1920  * root directory.  Note: this flag cannot be used when wimlib_extract_image()
1921  * is called with ::WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES as the @p image, nor can it be used with
1922  * wimlib_extract_paths() when passed multiple paths.  */
1923 #define WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_NTFS			0x00000001
1925 /** UNIX-like systems only:  Extract UNIX-specific metadata captured with
1927 #define WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_UNIX_DATA			0x00000020
1929 /** Do not extract security descriptors.  This flag cannot be combined with
1931 #define WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_NO_ACLS			0x00000040
1933 /**
1934  * Fail immediately if the full security descriptor of any file or directory
1935  * cannot be set exactly as specified in the WIM image.  On Windows, the default
1936  * behavior without this flag when wimlib does not have permission to set the
1937  * correct security descriptor is to fall back to setting the security
1938  * descriptor with the SACL omitted, then with the DACL omitted, then with the
1939  * owner omitted, then not at all.  This flag cannot be combined with
1941  */
1942 #define WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_STRICT_ACLS			0x00000080
1944 /**
1945  * This is the extraction equivalent to ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_RPFIX.  This forces
1946  * reparse-point fixups on, so absolute symbolic links or junction points will
1947  * be fixed to be absolute relative to the actual extraction root.  Reparse-
1948  * point fixups are done by default for wimlib_extract_image() and
1949  * wimlib_extract_image_from_pipe() if <c>WIM_HDR_FLAG_RP_FIX</c> is set in the
1950  * WIM header.  This flag cannot be combined with ::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_NORPFIX.
1951  */
1952 #define WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_RPFIX			0x00000100
1954 /** Force reparse-point fixups on extraction off, regardless of the state of the
1955  * WIM_HDR_FLAG_RP_FIX flag in the WIM header.  This flag cannot be combined
1956  * with ::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_RPFIX.  */
1957 #define WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_NORPFIX			0x00000200
1959 /** For wimlib_extract_paths() and wimlib_extract_pathlist() only:  Extract the
1960  * paths, each of which must name a regular file, to standard output.  */
1961 #define WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_TO_STDOUT			0x00000400
1963 /**
1964  * Instead of ignoring files and directories with names that cannot be
1965  * represented on the current platform (note: Windows has more restrictions on
1966  * filenames than POSIX-compliant systems), try to replace characters or append
1967  * junk to the names so that they can be extracted in some form.
1968  *
1969  * Note: this flag is unlikely to have any effect when extracting a WIM image
1970  * that was captured on Windows.
1971  */
1974 /**
1975  * On Windows, when there exist two or more files with the same case insensitive
1976  * name but different case sensitive names, try to extract them all by appending
1977  * junk to the end of them, rather than arbitrarily extracting only one.
1978  *
1979  * Note: this flag is unlikely to have any effect when extracting a WIM image
1980  * that was captured on Windows.
1981  */
1984 /** Do not ignore failure to set timestamps on extracted files.  This flag
1985  * currently only has an effect when extracting to a directory on UNIX-like
1986  * systems.  */
1989 /** Do not ignore failure to set short names on extracted files.  This flag
1990  * currently only has an effect on Windows.  */
1991 #define WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_STRICT_SHORT_NAMES          0x00004000
1993 /** Do not ignore failure to extract symbolic links and junctions due to
1994  * permissions problems.  This flag currently only has an effect on Windows.  By
1995  * default, such failures are ignored since the default configuration of Windows
1996  * only allows the Administrator to create symbolic links.  */
1997 #define WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_STRICT_SYMLINKS             0x00008000
1999 /**
2000  * For wimlib_extract_paths() and wimlib_extract_pathlist() only:  Treat the
2001  * paths to extract as wildcard patterns ("globs") which may contain the
2002  * wildcard characters @c ? and @c *.  The @c ? character matches any
2003  * non-path-separator character, whereas the @c * character matches zero or more
2004  * non-path-separator characters.  Consequently, each glob may match zero or
2005  * more actual paths in the WIM image.
2006  *
2007  * By default, if a glob does not match any files, a warning but not an error
2008  * will be issued.  This is the case even if the glob did not actually contain
2009  * wildcard characters.  Use ::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_STRICT_GLOB to get an error
2010  * instead.
2011  */
2012 #define WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_GLOB_PATHS			0x00040000
2014 /** In combination with ::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_GLOB_PATHS, causes an error
2015  * (::WIMLIB_ERR_PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST) rather than a warning to be issued when
2016  * one of the provided globs did not match a file.  */
2017 #define WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_STRICT_GLOB			0x00080000
2019 /**
2020  * Do not extract Windows file attributes such as readonly, hidden, etc.
2021  *
2022  * This flag has an effect on Windows as well as in the NTFS-3G extraction mode.
2023  */
2024 #define WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_NO_ATTRIBUTES		0x00100000
2026 /**
2027  * For wimlib_extract_paths() and wimlib_extract_pathlist() only:  Do not
2028  * preserve the directory structure of the archive when extracting --- that is,
2029  * place each extracted file or directory tree directly in the target directory.
2030  * The target directory will still be created if it does not already exist.
2031  */
2034 /**
2035  * Windows only: Extract files as "pointers" back to the WIM archive.
2036  *
2037  * The effects of this option are fairly complex.  See the documentation for the
2038  * <b>--wimboot</b> option of <b>wimapply</b> for more information.
2039  */
2040 #define WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_WIMBOOT			0x00400000
2042 /**
2043  * Since wimlib v1.8.2 and Windows-only: compress the extracted files using
2044  * System Compression, when possible.  This only works on either Windows 10 or
2045  * later, or on an older Windows to which Microsoft's wofadk.sys driver has been
2046  * added.  Several different compression formats may be used with System
2047  * Compression; this particular flag selects the XPRESS compression format with
2048  * 4096 byte chunks.
2049  */
2052 /** Like ::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_COMPACT_XPRESS4K, but use XPRESS compression with
2053  * 8192 byte chunks.  */
2056 /** Like ::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_COMPACT_XPRESS4K, but use XPRESS compression with
2057  * 16384 byte chunks.  */
2058 #define WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_COMPACT_XPRESS16K		0x04000000
2060 /** Like ::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_COMPACT_XPRESS4K, but use LZX compression with
2061  * 32768 byte chunks.  */
2062 #define WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_COMPACT_LZX			0x08000000
2064 /** @} */
2065 /** @addtogroup G_mounting_wim_images
2066  * @{ */
2068 /** Mount the WIM image read-write rather than the default of read-only. */
2069 #define WIMLIB_MOUNT_FLAG_READWRITE			0x00000001
2071 /** Enable FUSE debugging by passing the @c -d option to @c fuse_main().  */
2072 #define WIMLIB_MOUNT_FLAG_DEBUG				0x00000002
2074 /** Do not allow accessing named data streams in the mounted WIM image.  */
2077 /** Access named data streams in the mounted WIM image through extended file
2078  * attributes named "user.X", where X is the name of a data stream.  This is the
2079  * default mode.  */
2082 /** Access named data streams in the mounted WIM image by specifying the file
2083  * name, a colon, then the name of the data stream.  */
2086 /** Support UNIX owners, groups, modes, and special files.  */
2087 #define WIMLIB_MOUNT_FLAG_UNIX_DATA			0x00000020
2089 /** Allow other users to see the mounted filesystem.  This passes the @c
2090  * allow_other option to fuse_main().  */
2091 #define WIMLIB_MOUNT_FLAG_ALLOW_OTHER			0x00000040
2093 /** @} */
2094 /** @addtogroup G_creating_and_opening_wims
2095  * @{ */
2097 /** Verify the WIM contents against the WIM's integrity table, if present.  The
2098  * integrity table stores checksums for the raw data of the WIM file, divided
2099  * into fixed size chunks.  Verification will compute checksums and compare them
2100  * with the stored values.  If there are any mismatches, then
2101  * ::WIMLIB_ERR_INTEGRITY will be issued.  If the WIM file does not contain an
2102  * integrity table, then this flag has no effect.  */
2103 #define WIMLIB_OPEN_FLAG_CHECK_INTEGRITY		0x00000001
2105 /** Issue an error (::WIMLIB_ERR_IS_SPLIT_WIM) if the WIM is part of a split
2106  * WIM.  Software can provide this flag for convenience if it explicitly does
2107  * not want to support split WIMs.  */
2108 #define WIMLIB_OPEN_FLAG_ERROR_IF_SPLIT			0x00000002
2110 /** Check if the WIM is writable and issue an error
2111  * (::WIMLIB_ERR_WIM_IS_READONLY) if it is not.  A WIM is considered writable
2112  * only if it is writable at the filesystem level, does not have the
2113  * <c>WIM_HDR_FLAG_READONLY</c> flag set in its header, and is not part of a
2114  * spanned set.  It is not required to provide this flag before attempting to
2115  * make changes to the WIM, but with this flag you get an error immediately
2116  * rather than potentially much later, when wimlib_overwrite() is finally
2117  * called.  */
2118 #define WIMLIB_OPEN_FLAG_WRITE_ACCESS			0x00000004
2120 /** @} */
2121 /** @addtogroup G_mounting_wim_images
2122  * @{ */
2124 /** Provide ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_CHECK_INTEGRITY when committing the WIM image.
2125  * Ignored if ::WIMLIB_UNMOUNT_FLAG_COMMIT not also specified.  */
2128 /** Commit changes to the read-write mounted WIM image.
2129  * If this flag is not specified, changes will be discarded.  */
2130 #define WIMLIB_UNMOUNT_FLAG_COMMIT			0x00000002
2132 /** Provide ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_REBUILD when committing the WIM image.
2133  * Ignored if ::WIMLIB_UNMOUNT_FLAG_COMMIT not also specified.  */
2134 #define WIMLIB_UNMOUNT_FLAG_REBUILD			0x00000004
2136 /** Provide ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_RECOMPRESS when committing the WIM image.
2137  * Ignored if ::WIMLIB_UNMOUNT_FLAG_COMMIT not also specified.  */
2138 #define WIMLIB_UNMOUNT_FLAG_RECOMPRESS			0x00000008
2140 /**
2141  * In combination with ::WIMLIB_UNMOUNT_FLAG_COMMIT for a read-write mounted WIM
2142  * image, forces all file descriptors to the open WIM image to be closed before
2143  * committing it.
2144  *
2145  * Without ::WIMLIB_UNMOUNT_FLAG_COMMIT or with a read-only mounted WIM image,
2146  * this flag has no effect.
2147  */
2148 #define WIMLIB_UNMOUNT_FLAG_FORCE			0x00000010
2150 /** In combination with ::WIMLIB_UNMOUNT_FLAG_COMMIT for a read-write mounted
2151  * WIM image, causes the modified image to be committed to the WIM file as a
2152  * new, unnamed image appended to the archive.  The original image in the WIM
2153  * file will be unmodified.  */
2154 #define WIMLIB_UNMOUNT_FLAG_NEW_IMAGE			0x00000020
2156 /** @} */
2157 /** @addtogroup G_modifying_wims
2158  * @{ */
2162 #define WIMLIB_UPDATE_FLAG_SEND_PROGRESS		0x00000001
2164 /** @} */
2165 /** @addtogroup G_writing_and_overwriting_wims
2166  * @{ */
2168 /**
2169  * Include an integrity table in the resulting WIM file.
2170  *
2171  * For ::WIMStruct's created with wimlib_open_wim(), the default behavior is to
2172  * include an integrity table if and only if one was present before.  For
2173  * ::WIMStruct's created with wimlib_create_new_wim(), the default behavior is
2174  * to not include an integrity table.
2175  */
2176 #define WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_CHECK_INTEGRITY		0x00000001
2178 /**
2179  * Do not include an integrity table in the resulting WIM file.  This is the
2180  * default behavior, unless the ::WIMStruct was created by opening a WIM with an
2181  * integrity table.
2182  */
2185 /**
2186  * Write the WIM as "pipable".  After writing a WIM with this flag specified,
2187  * images from it can be applied directly from a pipe using
2188  * wimlib_extract_image_from_pipe().  See the documentation for the
2189  * <b>--pipable</b> option of <b>wimcapture</b> for more information.  Beware:
2190  * WIMs written with this flag will not be compatible with Microsoft's software.
2191  *
2192  * For ::WIMStruct's created with wimlib_open_wim(), the default behavior is to
2193  * write the WIM as pipable if and only if it was pipable before.  For
2194  * ::WIMStruct's created with wimlib_create_new_wim(), the default behavior is
2195  * to write the WIM as non-pipable.
2196  */
2197 #define WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_PIPABLE			0x00000004
2199 /**
2200  * Do not write the WIM as "pipable".  This is the default behavior, unless the
2201  * ::WIMStruct was created by opening a pipable WIM.
2202  */
2203 #define WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_NOT_PIPABLE			0x00000008
2205 /**
2206  * When writing data to the WIM file, recompress it, even if the data is already
2207  * available in the desired compressed form (for example, in a WIM file from
2208  * which an image has been exported using wimlib_export_image()).
2209  *
2210  * ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_RECOMPRESS can be used to recompress with a higher
2211  * compression ratio for the same compression type and chunk size.  Simply using
2212  * the default compression settings may suffice for this, especially if the WIM
2213  * file was created using another program/library that may not use as
2214  * sophisticated compression algorithms.  Or,
2215  * wimlib_set_default_compression_level() can be called beforehand to set an
2216  * even higher compression level than the default.
2217  *
2218  * If the WIM contains solid resources, then ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_RECOMPRESS can
2219  * be used in combination with ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_SOLID to prevent any solid
2220  * resources from being re-used.  Otherwise, solid resources are re-used
2221  * somewhat more liberally than normal compressed resources.
2222  *
2223  * ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_RECOMPRESS does <b>not</b> cause recompression of data
2224  * that would not otherwise be written.  For example, a call to
2225  * wimlib_overwrite() with ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_RECOMPRESS will not, by itself,
2226  * cause already-existing data in the WIM file to be recompressed.  To force the
2227  * WIM file to be fully rebuilt and recompressed, combine
2229  */
2230 #define WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_RECOMPRESS			0x00000010
2232 /**
2233  * Immediately before closing the WIM file, sync its data to disk.
2234  *
2235  * This flag forces the function to wait until the data is safely on disk before
2236  * returning success.  Otherwise, modern operating systems tend to cache data
2237  * for some time (in some cases, 30+ seconds) before actually writing it to
2238  * disk, even after reporting to the application that the writes have succeeded.
2239  *
2240  * wimlib_overwrite() will set this flag automatically if it decides to
2241  * overwrite the WIM file via a temporary file instead of in-place.  This is
2242  * necessary on POSIX systems; it will, for example, avoid problems with delayed
2243  * allocation on ext4.
2244  */
2245 #define WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_FSYNC				0x00000020
2247 /**
2248  * For wimlib_overwrite(): rebuild the entire WIM file, even if it otherwise
2249  * could be updated in-place by appending to it.  Any data that existed in the
2250  * original WIM file but is not actually needed by any of the remaining images
2251  * will not be included.  This can free up space left over after previous
2252  * in-place modifications to the WIM file.
2253  *
2254  * This flag can be combined with ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_RECOMPRESS to force all
2255  * data to be recompressed.  Otherwise, compressed data is re-used if possible.
2256  *
2257  * wimlib_write() ignores this flag.
2258  */
2259 #define WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_REBUILD			0x00000040
2261 /**
2262  * For wimlib_overwrite(): override the default behavior after one or more calls
2263  * to wimlib_delete_image(), which is to rebuild the entire WIM file.  With this
2264  * flag, only minimal changes to correctly remove the image from the WIM file
2265  * will be taken.  This can be much faster, but it will result in the WIM file
2266  * getting larger rather than smaller.
2267  *
2268  * wimlib_write() ignores this flag.
2269  */
2270 #define WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_SOFT_DELETE			0x00000080
2272 /**
2273  * For wimlib_overwrite(), allow overwriting the WIM file even if the readonly
2274  * flag (<c>WIM_HDR_FLAG_READONLY</c>) is set in the WIM header.  This can be
2275  * used following a call to wimlib_set_wim_info() with the
2276  * ::WIMLIB_CHANGE_READONLY_FLAG flag to actually set the readonly flag on the
2277  * on-disk WIM file.
2278  *
2279  * wimlib_write() ignores this flag.
2280  */
2283 /**
2284  * Do not include file data already present in other WIMs.  This flag can be
2285  * used to write a "delta" WIM after the WIM files on which the delta is to be
2286  * based were referenced with wimlib_reference_resource_files() or
2287  * wimlib_reference_resources().
2288  */
2291 /** Deprecated; this flag should not be used outside of the library itself.  */
2292 #define WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_STREAMS_OK			0x00000400
2294 /**
2295  * For wimlib_write(), retain the WIM's GUID instead of generating a new one.
2296  *
2297  * wimlib_overwrite() sets this by default, since the WIM remains, logically,
2298  * the same file.
2299  */
2300 #define WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_RETAIN_GUID			0x00000800
2302 /**
2303  * Concatenate files and compress them together, rather than compress each file
2304  * independently.  This is also known as creating a "solid archive".  This tends
2305  * to produce a better compression ratio at the cost of much slower random
2306  * access.
2307  *
2308  * WIM files created with this flag are only compatible with wimlib v1.6.0 or
2309  * later, WIMGAPI Windows 8 or later, and DISM Windows 8.1 or later.  WIM files
2310  * created with this flag use a different version number in their header (3584
2311  * instead of 68864) and are also called "ESD files".
2312  *
2313  * Note that providing this flag does not affect the "append by default"
2314  * behavior of wimlib_overwrite().  In other words, wimlib_overwrite() with just
2315  * ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_SOLID can be used to append solid-compressed data to a
2316  * WIM file that originally did not contain any solid-compressed data.  But if
2317  * you instead want to rebuild and recompress an entire WIM file in solid mode,
2318  * then also provide ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_REBUILD and
2320  *
2321  * Currently, new solid resources will, by default, be written using LZMS
2322  * compression with 64 MiB (67108864 byte) chunks.  Use
2323  * wimlib_set_output_pack_compression_type() and/or
2324  * wimlib_set_output_pack_chunk_size() to change this.  This is independent of
2325  * the WIM's main compression type and chunk size; you can have a WIM that
2326  * nominally uses LZX compression and 32768 byte chunks but actually contains
2327  * LZMS-compressed solid resources, for example.  However, if including solid
2328  * resources, I suggest that you set the WIM's main compression type to LZMS as
2329  * well, either by creating the WIM with
2330  * ::wimlib_create_new_wim(::WIMLIB_COMPRESSION_TYPE_LZMS, ...) or by calling
2331  * ::wimlib_set_output_compression_type(..., ::WIMLIB_COMPRESSION_TYPE_LZMS).
2332  *
2333  * This flag will be set by default when writing or overwriting a WIM file that
2334  * either already contains solid resources, or has had solid resources exported
2335  * into it and the WIM's main compression type is LZMS.
2336  */
2337 #define WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_SOLID				0x00001000
2339 /**
2340  * Send ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_DONE_WITH_FILE messages while writing the WIM
2341  * file.  This is only needed in the unusual case that the library user needs to
2342  * know exactly when wimlib has read each file for the last time.
2343  */
2346 /**
2347  * Do not consider content similarity when arranging file data for solid
2348  * compression.  Providing this flag will typically worsen the compression
2349  * ratio, so only provide this flag if you know what you are doing.
2350  */
2351 #define WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_NO_SOLID_SORT			0x00004000
2353 /**
2354  * Since wimlib v1.8.3 and for wimlib_overwrite() only: <b>unsafely</b> compact
2355  * the WIM file in-place, without appending.  Existing resources are shifted
2356  * down to fill holes and new resources are appended as needed.  The WIM file is
2357  * truncated to its final size, which may shrink the on-disk file.  <b>This
2358  * operation cannot be safely interrupted.  If the operation is interrupted,
2359  * then the WIM file will be corrupted, and it may be impossible (or at least
2360  * very difficult) to recover any data from it.  Users of this flag are expected
2361  * to know what they are doing and assume responsibility for any data corruption
2362  * that may result.</b>
2363  *
2364  * If the WIM file cannot be compacted in-place because of its structure, its
2365  * layout, or other requested write parameters, then wimlib_overwrite() fails
2366  * with ::WIMLIB_ERR_COMPACTION_NOT_POSSIBLE, and the caller may wish to retry
2367  * the operation without this flag.
2368  */
2369 #define WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_UNSAFE_COMPACT		0x00008000
2371 /** @} */
2372 /** @addtogroup G_general
2373  * @{ */
2375 /** Deprecated; no longer has any effect.  */
2376 #define WIMLIB_INIT_FLAG_ASSUME_UTF8			0x00000001
2378 /** Windows-only: do not attempt to acquire additional privileges (currently
2379  * SeBackupPrivilege, SeRestorePrivilege, SeSecurityPrivilege,
2380  * SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege, and SeManageVolumePrivilege) when initializing the
2381  * library.  This flag is intended for the case where the calling program
2382  * manages these privileges itself.  Note: by default, no error is issued if
2383  * privileges cannot be acquired, although related errors may be reported later,
2384  * depending on if the operations performed actually require additional
2385  * privileges or not.  */
2388 /** Windows only:  If ::WIMLIB_INIT_FLAG_DONT_ACQUIRE_PRIVILEGES not specified,
2389  * return ::WIMLIB_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES if privileges that may be needed
2390  * to read all possible data and metadata for a capture operation could not be
2391  * acquired.  Can be combined with ::WIMLIB_INIT_FLAG_STRICT_APPLY_PRIVILEGES.
2392  */
2395 /** Windows only:  If ::WIMLIB_INIT_FLAG_DONT_ACQUIRE_PRIVILEGES not specified,
2396  * return ::WIMLIB_ERR_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGES if privileges that may be needed
2397  * to restore all possible data and metadata for an apply operation could not be
2398  * acquired.  Can be combined with ::WIMLIB_INIT_FLAG_STRICT_CAPTURE_PRIVILEGES.
2399  */
2402 /** Default to interpreting WIM paths case sensitively (default on UNIX-like
2403  * systems).  */
2406 /** Default to interpreting WIM paths case insensitively (default on Windows).
2407  * This does not apply to mounted images.  */
2410 /** @} */
2411 /** @addtogroup G_nonstandalone_wims
2412  * @{ */
2414 /** For wimlib_reference_resource_files(), enable shell-style filename globbing.
2415  * Ignored by wimlib_reference_resources().  */
2416 #define WIMLIB_REF_FLAG_GLOB_ENABLE		0x00000001
2418 /** For wimlib_reference_resource_files(), issue an error
2419  * (::WIMLIB_ERR_GLOB_HAD_NO_MATCHES) if a glob did not match any files.  The
2420  * default behavior without this flag is to issue no error at that point, but
2421  * then attempt to open the glob as a literal path, which of course will fail
2422  * anyway if no file exists at that path.  No effect if
2423  * ::WIMLIB_REF_FLAG_GLOB_ENABLE is not also specified.  Ignored by
2424  * wimlib_reference_resources().  */
2425 #define WIMLIB_REF_FLAG_GLOB_ERR_ON_NOMATCH	0x00000002
2427 /** @} */
2428 /** @addtogroup G_modifying_wims
2429  * @{ */
2431 /** The specific type of update to perform. */
2432 enum wimlib_update_op {
2433 	/** Add a new file or directory tree to the image.  */
2436 	/** Delete a file or directory tree from the image.  */
2439 	/** Rename a file or directory tree in the image.  */
2441 };
2443 /** Data for a ::WIMLIB_UPDATE_OP_ADD operation. */
2444 struct wimlib_add_command {
2445 	/** Filesystem path to the file or directory tree to add.  */
2446 	wimlib_tchar *fs_source_path;
2448 	/** Destination path in the image.  To specify the root directory of the
2449 	 * image, use ::WIMLIB_WIM_ROOT_PATH.  */
2450 	wimlib_tchar *wim_target_path;
2452 	/** Path to capture configuration file to use, or @c NULL if not
2453 	 * specified.  */
2454 	wimlib_tchar *config_file;
2456 	/** Bitwise OR of WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_* flags. */
2457 	int add_flags;
2458 };
2460 /** Data for a ::WIMLIB_UPDATE_OP_DELETE operation. */
2461 struct wimlib_delete_command {
2463 	/** The path to the file or directory within the image to delete.  */
2464 	wimlib_tchar *wim_path;
2466 	/** Bitwise OR of WIMLIB_DELETE_FLAG_* flags.  */
2467 	int delete_flags;
2468 };
2470 /** Data for a ::WIMLIB_UPDATE_OP_RENAME operation. */
2471 struct wimlib_rename_command {
2473 	/** The path to the source file or directory within the image.  */
2474 	wimlib_tchar *wim_source_path;
2476 	/** The path to the destination file or directory within the image.  */
2477 	wimlib_tchar *wim_target_path;
2479 	/** Reserved; set to 0.  */
2480 	int rename_flags;
2481 };
2483 /** Specification of an update to perform on a WIM image. */
2484 struct wimlib_update_command {
2486 	enum wimlib_update_op op;
2488 	union {
2489 		struct wimlib_add_command add;
2490 		struct wimlib_delete_command delete_; /* Underscore is for C++
2491 							 compatibility.  */
2492 		struct wimlib_rename_command rename;
2493 	};
2494 };
2496 /** @} */
2497 /** @addtogroup G_general
2498  * @{ */
2500 /**
2501  * Possible values of the error code returned by many functions in wimlib.
2502  *
2503  * See the documentation for each wimlib function to see specifically what error
2504  * codes can be returned by a given function, and what they mean.
2505  */
2506 enum wimlib_error_code {
2507 	WIMLIB_ERR_SUCCESS                            = 0,
2508 	WIMLIB_ERR_ALREADY_LOCKED                     = 1,
2509 	WIMLIB_ERR_DECOMPRESSION                      = 2,
2510 	WIMLIB_ERR_FUSE                               = 6,
2511 	WIMLIB_ERR_GLOB_HAD_NO_MATCHES                = 8,
2512 	WIMLIB_ERR_IMAGE_COUNT                        = 10,
2513 	WIMLIB_ERR_IMAGE_NAME_COLLISION               = 11,
2515 	WIMLIB_ERR_INTEGRITY                          = 13,
2517 	WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_CHUNK_SIZE                 = 15,
2519 	WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_HEADER                     = 17,
2520 	WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_IMAGE                      = 18,
2524 	WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_OVERLAY                    = 23,
2525 	WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM                      = 24,
2526 	WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PART_NUMBER                = 25,
2527 	WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PIPABLE_WIM                = 26,
2528 	WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_REPARSE_DATA               = 27,
2529 	WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_RESOURCE_HASH              = 28,
2530 	WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_UTF16_STRING               = 30,
2531 	WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_UTF8_STRING                = 31,
2532 	WIMLIB_ERR_IS_DIRECTORY                       = 32,
2533 	WIMLIB_ERR_IS_SPLIT_WIM                       = 33,
2534 	WIMLIB_ERR_LINK                               = 35,
2535 	WIMLIB_ERR_METADATA_NOT_FOUND                 = 36,
2536 	WIMLIB_ERR_MKDIR                              = 37,
2537 	WIMLIB_ERR_MQUEUE                             = 38,
2538 	WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM                              = 39,
2539 	WIMLIB_ERR_NOTDIR                             = 40,
2540 	WIMLIB_ERR_NOTEMPTY                           = 41,
2541 	WIMLIB_ERR_NOT_A_REGULAR_FILE                 = 42,
2542 	WIMLIB_ERR_NOT_A_WIM_FILE                     = 43,
2543 	WIMLIB_ERR_NOT_PIPABLE                        = 44,
2544 	WIMLIB_ERR_NO_FILENAME                        = 45,
2545 	WIMLIB_ERR_NTFS_3G                            = 46,
2546 	WIMLIB_ERR_OPEN                               = 47,
2547 	WIMLIB_ERR_OPENDIR                            = 48,
2548 	WIMLIB_ERR_PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST                = 49,
2549 	WIMLIB_ERR_READ                               = 50,
2550 	WIMLIB_ERR_READLINK                           = 51,
2551 	WIMLIB_ERR_RENAME                             = 52,
2553 	WIMLIB_ERR_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND                 = 55,
2554 	WIMLIB_ERR_RESOURCE_ORDER                     = 56,
2555 	WIMLIB_ERR_SET_ATTRIBUTES                     = 57,
2556 	WIMLIB_ERR_SET_REPARSE_DATA                   = 58,
2557 	WIMLIB_ERR_SET_SECURITY                       = 59,
2558 	WIMLIB_ERR_SET_SHORT_NAME                     = 60,
2559 	WIMLIB_ERR_SET_TIMESTAMPS                     = 61,
2560 	WIMLIB_ERR_SPLIT_INVALID                      = 62,
2561 	WIMLIB_ERR_STAT                               = 63,
2562 	WIMLIB_ERR_UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE             = 65,
2564 	WIMLIB_ERR_UNKNOWN_VERSION                    = 67,
2565 	WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED                        = 68,
2566 	WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FILE                   = 69,
2567 	WIMLIB_ERR_WIM_IS_READONLY                    = 71,
2568 	WIMLIB_ERR_WRITE                              = 72,
2569 	WIMLIB_ERR_XML                                = 73,
2570 	WIMLIB_ERR_WIM_IS_ENCRYPTED                   = 74,
2571 	WIMLIB_ERR_WIMBOOT                            = 75,
2572 	WIMLIB_ERR_ABORTED_BY_PROGRESS                = 76,
2574 	WIMLIB_ERR_MKNOD                              = 78,
2575 	WIMLIB_ERR_MOUNTED_IMAGE_IS_BUSY              = 79,
2576 	WIMLIB_ERR_NOT_A_MOUNTPOINT                   = 80,
2578 	WIMLIB_ERR_FVE_LOCKED_VOLUME                  = 82,
2580 	WIMLIB_ERR_WIM_IS_INCOMPLETE                  = 84,
2585 	WIMLIB_ERR_SNAPSHOT_FAILURE                   = 89,
2586 	WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_XATTR                      = 90,
2587 	WIMLIB_ERR_SET_XATTR                          = 91,
2588 };
2591 /** Used to indicate no image or an invalid image. */
2592 #define WIMLIB_NO_IMAGE		0
2594 /** Used to specify all images in the WIM. */
2595 #define WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES	(-1)
2597 /** @}  */
2599 /**
2600  * @ingroup G_modifying_wims
2601  *
2602  * Append an empty image to a ::WIMStruct.
2603  *
2604  * The new image will initially contain no files or directories, although if
2605  * written without further modifications, then a root directory will be created
2606  * automatically for it.
2607  *
2608  * After calling this function, you can use wimlib_update_image() to add files
2609  * to the new image.  This gives you more control over making the new image
2610  * compared to calling wimlib_add_image() or wimlib_add_image_multisource().
2611  *
2612  * @param wim
2613  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct to which to add the image.
2614  * @param name
2615  *	Name to give the new image.  If @c NULL or empty, the new image is given
2616  *	no name.  If nonempty, it must specify a name that does not already
2617  *	exist in @p wim.
2618  * @param new_idx_ret
2619  *	If non-<c>NULL</c>, the index of the newly added image is returned in
2620  *	this location.
2621  *
2622  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
2623  *
2625  *	The WIM already contains an image with the requested name.
2626  */
2627 extern int
2628 wimlib_add_empty_image(WIMStruct *wim,
2629 		       const wimlib_tchar *name,
2630 		       int *new_idx_ret);
2632 /**
2633  * @ingroup G_modifying_wims
2634  *
2635  * Add an image to a ::WIMStruct from an on-disk directory tree or NTFS volume.
2636  *
2637  * The directory tree or NTFS volume is scanned immediately to load the dentry
2638  * tree into memory, and file metadata is read.  However, actual file data may
2639  * not be read until the ::WIMStruct is persisted to disk using wimlib_write()
2640  * or wimlib_overwrite().
2641  *
2642  * See the documentation for the @b wimlib-imagex program for more information
2643  * about the "normal" capture mode versus the NTFS capture mode (entered by
2644  * providing the flag ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_NTFS).
2645  *
2646  * Note that no changes are committed to disk until wimlib_write() or
2647  * wimlib_overwrite() is called.
2648  *
2649  * @param wim
2650  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct to which to add the image.
2651  * @param source
2652  *	A path to a directory or unmounted NTFS volume that will be captured as
2653  *	a WIM image.
2654  * @param name
2655  *	Name to give the new image.  If @c NULL or empty, the new image is given
2656  *	no name.  If nonempty, it must specify a name that does not already
2657  *	exist in @p wim.
2658  * @param config_file
2659  *	Path to capture configuration file, or @c NULL.  This file may specify,
2660  *	among other things, which files to exclude from capture.  See the
2661  *	documentation for <b>wimcapture</b> (<b>--config</b> option) for details
2662  *	of the file format.  If @c NULL, the default capture configuration will
2663  *	be used.  Ordinarily, the default capture configuration will result in
2664  *	no files being excluded from capture purely based on name; however, the
2666  *	the default.
2667  * @param add_flags
2668  *	Bitwise OR of flags prefixed with WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG.
2669  *
2670  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
2671  *
2672  * This function is implemented by calling wimlib_add_empty_image(), then
2673  * calling wimlib_update_image() with a single "add" command, so any error code
2674  * returned by wimlib_add_empty_image() may be returned, as well as any error
2675  * codes returned by wimlib_update_image() other than ones documented as only
2676  * being returned specifically by an update involving delete or rename commands.
2677  *
2678  * If a progress function is registered with @p wim, then it will receive the
2680  * In addition, if ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_VERBOSE is specified in @p add_flags, it
2681  * will receive ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_SCAN_DENTRY.
2682  */
2683 extern int
2684 wimlib_add_image(WIMStruct *wim,
2685 		 const wimlib_tchar *source,
2686 		 const wimlib_tchar *name,
2687 		 const wimlib_tchar *config_file,
2688 		 int add_flags);
2690 /**
2691  * @ingroup G_modifying_wims
2692  *
2693  * This function is equivalent to wimlib_add_image() except it allows for
2694  * multiple sources to be combined into a single WIM image.  This is done by
2695  * specifying the @p sources and @p num_sources parameters instead of the @p
2696  * source parameter of wimlib_add_image().  The rest of the parameters are the
2697  * same as wimlib_add_image().  See the documentation for <b>wimcapture</b> for
2698  * full details on how this mode works.
2699  */
2700 extern int
2701 wimlib_add_image_multisource(WIMStruct *wim,
2702 			     const struct wimlib_capture_source *sources,
2703 			     size_t num_sources,
2704 			     const wimlib_tchar *name,
2705 			     const wimlib_tchar *config_file,
2706 			     int add_flags);
2708 /**
2709  * @ingroup G_modifying_wims
2710  *
2711  * Add the file or directory tree at @p fs_source_path on the filesystem to the
2712  * location @p wim_target_path within the specified @p image of the @p wim.
2713  *
2714  * This just builds an appropriate ::wimlib_add_command and passes it to
2715  * wimlib_update_image().
2716  */
2717 extern int
2718 wimlib_add_tree(WIMStruct *wim, int image,
2719 		const wimlib_tchar *fs_source_path,
2720 		const wimlib_tchar *wim_target_path, int add_flags);
2722 /**
2723  * @ingroup G_creating_and_opening_wims
2724  *
2725  * Create a ::WIMStruct which initially contains no images and is not backed by
2726  * an on-disk file.
2727  *
2728  * @param ctype
2729  *	The "output compression type" to assign to the ::WIMStruct.  This is the
2730  *	compression type that will be used if the ::WIMStruct is later persisted
2731  *	to an on-disk file using wimlib_write().
2732  *	<br/>
2733  *	This choice is not necessarily final.  If desired, it can still be
2734  *	changed at any time before wimlib_write() is called, using
2735  *	wimlib_set_output_compression_type().  In addition, if you wish to use a
2736  *	non-default compression chunk size, then you will need to call
2737  *	wimlib_set_output_chunk_size().
2738  * @param wim_ret
2739  *	On success, a pointer to the new ::WIMStruct is written to the memory
2740  *	location pointed to by this parameter.  This ::WIMStruct must be freed
2741  *	using using wimlib_free() when finished with it.
2742  *
2743  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
2744  *
2746  *	@p ctype was not a supported compression type.
2747  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM
2748  *	Insufficient memory to allocate a new ::WIMStruct.
2749  */
2750 extern int
2751 wimlib_create_new_wim(enum wimlib_compression_type ctype, WIMStruct **wim_ret);
2753 /**
2754  * @ingroup G_modifying_wims
2755  *
2756  * Delete an image, or all images, from a ::WIMStruct.
2757  *
2758  * Note that no changes are committed to disk until wimlib_write() or
2759  * wimlib_overwrite() is called.
2760  *
2761  * @param wim
2762  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct from which to delete the image.
2763  * @param image
2764  *	The 1-based index of the image to delete, or ::WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES to
2765  *	delete all images.
2766  *
2767  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
2768  *
2769  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_IMAGE
2770  *	@p image does not exist in the WIM.
2771  *
2772  * This function can additionally return ::WIMLIB_ERR_DECOMPRESSION,
2775  * indicate failure (for different reasons) to read the metadata resource for an
2776  * image that needed to be deleted.
2777  *
2778  * If this function fails when @p image was ::WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES, then it's
2779  * possible that some but not all of the images were deleted.
2780  */
2781 extern int
2782 wimlib_delete_image(WIMStruct *wim, int image);
2784 /**
2785  * @ingroup G_modifying_wims
2786  *
2787  * Delete the @p path from the specified @p image of the @p wim.
2788  *
2789  * This just builds an appropriate ::wimlib_delete_command and passes it to
2790  * wimlib_update_image().
2791  */
2792 extern int
2793 wimlib_delete_path(WIMStruct *wim, int image,
2794 		   const wimlib_tchar *path, int delete_flags);
2796 /**
2797  * @ingroup G_modifying_wims
2798  *
2799  * Export an image, or all images, from a ::WIMStruct into another ::WIMStruct.
2800  *
2801  * Specifically, if the destination ::WIMStruct contains <tt>n</tt> images, then
2802  * the source image(s) will be appended, in order, starting at destination index
2803  * <tt>n + 1</tt>.  By default, all image metadata will be exported verbatim,
2804  * but certain changes can be made by passing appropriate parameters.
2805  *
2806  * wimlib_export_image() is only an in-memory operation; no changes are
2807  * committed to disk until wimlib_write() or wimlib_overwrite() is called.
2808  *
2809  * A limitation of the current implementation of wimlib_export_image() is that
2810  * the directory tree of a source or destination image cannot be updated
2811  * following an export until one of the two images has been freed from memory.
2812  *
2813  * @param src_wim
2814  *	The WIM from which to export the images, specified as a pointer to the
2815  *	::WIMStruct for a standalone WIM file, a delta WIM file, or part 1 of a
2816  *	split WIM.  In the case of a WIM file that is not standalone, this
2817  *	::WIMStruct must have had any needed external resources previously
2818  *	referenced using wimlib_reference_resources() or
2819  *	wimlib_reference_resource_files().
2820  * @param src_image
2821  *	The 1-based index of the image from @p src_wim to export, or
2823  * @param dest_wim
2824  *	The ::WIMStruct to which to export the images.
2825  * @param dest_name
2826  *	For single-image exports, the name to give the exported image in @p
2827  *	dest_wim.  If left @c NULL, the name from @p src_wim is used.  For
2828  *	::WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES exports, this parameter must be left @c NULL; in
2829  *	that case, the names are all taken from @p src_wim.  This parameter is
2830  *	overridden by ::WIMLIB_EXPORT_FLAG_NO_NAMES.
2831  * @param dest_description
2832  *	For single-image exports, the description to give the exported image in
2833  *	the new WIM file.  If left @c NULL, the description from @p src_wim is
2834  *	used.  For ::WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES exports, this parameter must be left @c
2835  *	NULL; in that case, the description are all taken from @p src_wim.  This
2836  *	parameter is overridden by ::WIMLIB_EXPORT_FLAG_NO_DESCRIPTIONS.
2837  * @param export_flags
2838  *	Bitwise OR of flags prefixed with WIMLIB_EXPORT_FLAG.
2839  *
2840  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
2841  *
2843  *	One or more of the source images had already been exported into the
2844  *	destination WIM.
2846  *	One or more of the names being given to an exported image was already in
2847  *	use in the destination WIM.
2848  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_IMAGE
2849  *	@p src_image does not exist in @p src_wim.
2851  *	At least one of @p src_wim and @p dest_wim does not contain image
2852  *	metadata; for example, one of them represents a non-first part of a
2853  *	split WIM.
2855  *	A file data blob that needed to be exported could not be found in the
2856  *	blob lookup table of @p src_wim.  See @ref G_nonstandalone_wims.
2857  *
2858  * This function can additionally return ::WIMLIB_ERR_DECOMPRESSION,
2861  * indicate failure (for different reasons) to read the metadata resource for an
2862  * image in @p src_wim that needed to be exported.
2863  */
2864 extern int
2865 wimlib_export_image(WIMStruct *src_wim, int src_image,
2866 		    WIMStruct *dest_wim,
2867 		    const wimlib_tchar *dest_name,
2868 		    const wimlib_tchar *dest_description,
2869 		    int export_flags);
2871 /**
2872  * @ingroup G_extracting_wims
2873  *
2874  * Extract an image, or all images, from a ::WIMStruct.
2875  *
2876  * The exact behavior of how wimlib extracts files from a WIM image is
2877  * controllable by the @p extract_flags parameter, but there also are
2878  * differences depending on the platform (UNIX-like vs Windows).  See the
2879  * documentation for <b>wimapply</b> for more information, including about the
2880  * NTFS-3G extraction mode.
2881  *
2882  * @param wim
2883  *	The WIM from which to extract the image(s), specified as a pointer to the
2884  *	::WIMStruct for a standalone WIM file, a delta WIM file, or part 1 of a
2885  *	split WIM.  In the case of a WIM file that is not standalone, this
2886  *	::WIMStruct must have had any needed external resources previously
2887  *	referenced using wimlib_reference_resources() or
2888  *	wimlib_reference_resource_files().
2889  * @param image
2890  *	The 1-based index of the image to extract, or ::WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES to
2891  *	extract all images.  Note: ::WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES is unsupported in NTFS-3G
2892  *	extraction mode.
2893  * @param target
2894  *	A null-terminated string which names the location to which the image(s)
2895  *	will be extracted.  By default, this is interpreted as a path to a
2896  *	directory.  Alternatively, if ::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_NTFS is specified in
2897  *	@p extract_flags, then this is interpreted as a path to an unmounted
2898  *	NTFS volume.
2899  * @param extract_flags
2900  *	Bitwise OR of flags prefixed with WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG.
2901  *
2902  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
2903  *
2905  *	The WIM file contains invalid compressed data.
2906  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_IMAGE
2907  *	@p image does not exist in @p wim.
2909  *	The metadata for an image to extract was invalid.
2910  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM
2911  *	The extraction flags were invalid; more details may be found in the
2912  *	documentation for the specific extraction flags that were specified.  Or
2913  *	@p target was @c NULL or an empty string, or @p wim was @c NULL.
2915  *	The data of a file that needed to be extracted was corrupt.
2916  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_LINK
2917  *	Failed to create a symbolic link or a hard link.
2919  *	@p wim does not contain image metadata; for example, it represents a
2920  *	non-first part of a split WIM.
2921  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_MKDIR
2922  *	Failed create a directory.
2923  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_NTFS_3G
2924  *	libntfs-3g reported that a problem occurred while writing to the NTFS
2925  *	volume.
2926  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_OPEN
2927  *	Could not create a file, or failed to open an already-extracted file.
2928  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_READ
2929  *	Failed to read data from the WIM.
2930  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_READLINK
2931  *	Failed to determine the target of a symbolic link in the WIM.
2933  *	Failed to fix the target of an absolute symbolic link (e.g. if the
2934  *	target would have exceeded the maximum allowed length).  (Only if
2935  *	reparse data was supported by the extraction mode and
2936  *	::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_STRICT_SYMLINKS was specified in @p
2937  *	extract_flags.)
2939  *	A file data blob that needed to be extracted could not be found in the
2940  *	blob lookup table of @p wim.  See @ref G_nonstandalone_wims.
2942  *	Failed to set attributes on a file.
2944  *	Failed to set reparse data on a file (only if reparse data was supported
2945  *	by the extraction mode).
2946  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_SET_SECURITY
2947  *	Failed to set security descriptor on a file.
2948  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_SET_SHORT_NAME
2949  *	Failed to set the short name of a file.
2951  *	Failed to set timestamps on a file.
2953  *	Unexpected end-of-file occurred when reading data from the WIM.
2954  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED
2955  *	A requested extraction flag, or the data or metadata that must be
2956  *	extracted to support it, is unsupported in the build and configuration
2957  *	of wimlib, or on the current platform or extraction mode or target
2958  *	volume.  Flags affected by this include ::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_NTFS,
2963  *	::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_STRICT_SHORT_NAMES is specified in @p
2964  *	extract_flags, ::WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED will be returned if the WIM
2965  *	image contains one or more files with short names, but extracting short
2966  *	names is not supported --- on Windows, this occurs if the target volume
2967  *	does not support short names, while on non-Windows, this occurs if
2968  *	::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_NTFS was not specified in @p extract_flags.
2969  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_WIMBOOT
2970  *	::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_WIMBOOT was specified in @p extract_flags, but
2971  *	there was a problem creating WIMBoot pointer files or registering a
2972  *	source WIM file with the Windows Overlay Filesystem (WOF) driver.
2973  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_WRITE
2974  *	Failed to write data to a file being extracted.
2975  *
2976  * If a progress function is registered with @p wim, then as each image is
2977  * extracted it will receive ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_EXTRACT_IMAGE_BEGIN, then
2978  * zero or more ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_EXTRACT_FILE_STRUCTURE messages, then zero
2979  * or more ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_EXTRACT_STREAMS messages, then zero or more
2982  */
2983 extern int
2984 wimlib_extract_image(WIMStruct *wim, int image,
2985 		     const wimlib_tchar *target, int extract_flags);
2987 /**
2988  * @ingroup G_extracting_wims
2989  *
2990  * Extract one image from a pipe on which a pipable WIM is being sent.
2991  *
2992  * See the documentation for ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_PIPABLE, and @ref
2993  * subsec_pipable_wims, for more information about pipable WIMs.
2994  *
2995  * This function operates in a special way to read the WIM fully sequentially.
2996  * As a result, there is no ::WIMStruct is made visible to library users, and
2997  * you cannot call wimlib_open_wim() on the pipe.  (You can, however, use
2998  * wimlib_open_wim() to transparently open a pipable WIM if it's available as a
2999  * seekable file, not a pipe.)
3000  *
3001  * @param pipe_fd
3002  *	File descriptor, which may be a pipe, opened for reading and positioned
3003  *	at the start of the pipable WIM.
3004  * @param image_num_or_name
3005  *	String that specifies the 1-based index or name of the image to extract.
3006  *	It is translated to an image index using the same rules that
3007  *	wimlib_resolve_image() uses.  However, unlike wimlib_extract_image(),
3008  *	only a single image (not all images) can be specified.  Alternatively,
3009  *	specify @p NULL here to use the first image in the WIM if it contains
3010  *	exactly one image but otherwise return ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_IMAGE.
3011  * @param target
3012  *	Same as the corresponding parameter to wimlib_extract_image().
3013  * @param extract_flags
3014  *	Same as the corresponding parameter to wimlib_extract_image().
3015  *
3016  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.  The possible
3017  * error codes include those returned by wimlib_extract_image() and
3018  * wimlib_open_wim() as well as the following:
3019  *
3021  *	Data read from the pipable WIM was invalid.
3022  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_NOT_PIPABLE
3023  *	The WIM being piped over @p pipe_fd is a normal WIM, not a pipable WIM.
3024  */
3025 extern int
3026 wimlib_extract_image_from_pipe(int pipe_fd,
3027 			       const wimlib_tchar *image_num_or_name,
3028 			       const wimlib_tchar *target, int extract_flags);
3030 /**
3031  * @ingroup G_extracting_wims
3032  *
3033  * Same as wimlib_extract_image_from_pipe(), but allows specifying a progress
3034  * function.  The progress function will be used while extracting the image and
3035  * will receive the normal extraction progress messages, such as
3038  */
3039 extern int
3040 wimlib_extract_image_from_pipe_with_progress(int pipe_fd,
3041 					     const wimlib_tchar *image_num_or_name,
3042 					     const wimlib_tchar *target,
3043 					     int extract_flags,
3044 					     wimlib_progress_func_t progfunc,
3045 					     void *progctx);
3047 /**
3048  * @ingroup G_extracting_wims
3049  *
3050  * Similar to wimlib_extract_paths(), but the paths to extract from the WIM
3051  * image are specified in the ASCII, UTF-8, or UTF-16LE text file named by @p
3052  * path_list_file which itself contains the list of paths to use, one per line.
3053  * Leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.  Empty lines and lines beginning
3054  * with the ';' or '#' characters are ignored.  No quotes are needed, as paths
3055  * are otherwise delimited by the newline character.  However, quotes will be
3056  * stripped if present.
3057  *
3058  * If @p path_list_file is @c NULL, then the pathlist file is read from standard
3059  * input.
3060  *
3061  * The error codes are the same as those returned by wimlib_extract_paths(),
3062  * except that wimlib_extract_pathlist() returns an appropriate error code if it
3063  * cannot read the path list file (e.g. ::WIMLIB_ERR_OPEN, ::WIMLIB_ERR_STAT,
3064  * ::WIMLIB_ERR_READ).
3065  */
3066 extern int
3067 wimlib_extract_pathlist(WIMStruct *wim, int image,
3068 			const wimlib_tchar *target,
3069 			const wimlib_tchar *path_list_file,
3070 			int extract_flags);
3072 /**
3073  * @ingroup G_extracting_wims
3074  *
3075  * Extract zero or more paths (files or directory trees) from the specified WIM
3076  * image.
3077  *
3078  * By default, each path will be extracted to a corresponding subdirectory of
3079  * the target based on its location in the image.  For example, if one of the
3080  * paths to extract is <c>/Windows/explorer.exe</c> and the target is
3081  * <c>outdir</c>, the file will be extracted to
3082  * <c>outdir/Windows/explorer.exe</c>.  This behavior can be changed by
3083  * providing the flag ::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_NO_PRESERVE_DIR_STRUCTURE, which
3084  * will cause each file or directory tree to be placed directly in the target
3085  * directory --- so the same example would extract <c>/Windows/explorer.exe</c>
3086  * to <c>outdir/explorer.exe</c>.
3087  *
3088  * With globbing turned off (the default), paths are always checked for
3089  * existence strictly; that is, if any path to extract does not exist in the
3090  * image, then nothing is extracted and the function fails with
3091  * ::WIMLIB_ERR_PATH_DOES_NOT_EXIST.  But with globbing turned on
3092  * (::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_GLOB_PATHS specified), globs are by default permitted
3093  * to match no files, and there is a flag (::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_STRICT_GLOB) to
3094  * enable the strict behavior if desired.
3095  *
3096  * Symbolic links are not dereferenced when paths in the image are interpreted.
3097  *
3098  * @param wim
3099  *	WIM from which to extract the paths, specified as a pointer to the
3100  *	::WIMStruct for a standalone WIM file, a delta WIM file, or part 1 of a
3101  *	split WIM.  In the case of a WIM file that is not standalone, this
3102  *	::WIMStruct must have had any needed external resources previously
3103  *	referenced using wimlib_reference_resources() or
3104  *	wimlib_reference_resource_files().
3105  * @param image
3106  *	The 1-based index of the WIM image from which to extract the paths.
3107  * @param paths
3108  *	Array of paths to extract.  Each element must be the absolute path to a
3109  *	file or directory within the image.  Path separators may be either
3110  *	forwards or backwards slashes, and leading path separators are optional.
3111  *	The paths will be interpreted either case-sensitively (UNIX default) or
3112  *	case-insensitively (Windows default); however, the case sensitivity can
3113  *	be configured explicitly at library initialization time by passing an
3114  *	appropriate flag to wimlib_global_init().
3115  *	<br/>
3116  *	By default, "globbing" is disabled, so the characters @c * and @c ? are
3117  *	interpreted literally.  This can be changed by specifying
3118  *	::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_GLOB_PATHS in @p extract_flags.
3119  * @param num_paths
3120  *	Number of paths specified in @p paths.
3121  * @param target
3122  *	Directory to which to extract the paths.
3123  * @param extract_flags
3124  *	Bitwise OR of flags prefixed with WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG.
3125  *
3126  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.  Most of the
3127  * error codes are the same as those returned by wimlib_extract_image().  Below,
3128  * some of the error codes returned in situations specific to path-mode
3129  * extraction are documented:
3130  *
3132  *	::WIMLIB_EXTRACT_FLAG_TO_STDOUT was specified in @p extract_flags, but
3133  *	one of the paths to extract did not name a regular file.
3135  *	One of the paths to extract does not exist in the image; see discussion
3136  *	above about strict vs. non-strict behavior.
3137  *
3138  * If a progress function is registered with @p wim, then it will receive
3140  */
3141 extern int
3142 wimlib_extract_paths(WIMStruct *wim,
3143 		     int image,
3144 		     const wimlib_tchar *target,
3145 		     const wimlib_tchar * const *paths,
3146 		     size_t num_paths,
3147 		     int extract_flags);
3149 /**
3150  * @ingroup G_wim_information
3151  *
3152  * Similar to wimlib_get_xml_data(), but the XML document will be written to the
3153  * specified standard C <c>FILE*</c> instead of retrieved in an in-memory
3154  * buffer.
3155  *
3156  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.  This may
3157  * return any error code which can be returned by wimlib_get_xml_data() as well
3158  * as the following error codes:
3159  *
3160  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_WRITE
3161  *	Failed to write the data to the requested file.
3162  */
3163 extern int
3164 wimlib_extract_xml_data(WIMStruct *wim, FILE *fp);
3166 /**
3167  * @ingroup G_general
3168  *
3169  * Release a reference to a ::WIMStruct.  If the ::WIMStruct is still referenced
3170  * by other ::WIMStruct's (e.g. following calls to wimlib_export_image() or
3171  * wimlib_reference_resources()), then the library will free it later, when the
3172  * last reference is released; otherwise it is freed immediately and any
3173  * associated file descriptors are closed.
3174  *
3175  * @param wim
3176  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct to release.  If @c NULL, no action is taken.
3177  */
3178 extern void
3179 wimlib_free(WIMStruct *wim);
3181 /**
3182  * @ingroup G_general
3183  *
3184  * Convert a ::wimlib_compression_type value into a string.
3185  *
3186  * @param ctype
3187  *	The compression type value to convert.
3188  *
3189  * @return
3190  *	A statically allocated string naming the compression type, such as
3191  *	"None", "LZX", or "XPRESS".  If the value was unrecognized, then
3192  *	the resulting string will be "Invalid".
3193  */
3194 extern const wimlib_tchar *
3195 wimlib_get_compression_type_string(enum wimlib_compression_type ctype);
3197 /**
3198  * @ingroup G_general
3199  *
3200  * Convert a wimlib error code into a string describing it.
3201  *
3202  * @param code
3203  *	An error code returned by one of wimlib's functions.
3204  *
3205  * @return
3206  *	Pointer to a statically allocated string describing the error code.  If
3207  *	the value was unrecognized, then the resulting string will be "Unknown
3208  *	error".
3209  */
3210 extern const wimlib_tchar *
3211 wimlib_get_error_string(enum wimlib_error_code code);
3213 /**
3214  * @ingroup G_wim_information
3215  *
3216  * Get the description of the specified image.  Equivalent to
3217  * <tt>wimlib_get_image_property(wim, image, "DESCRIPTION")</tt>.
3218  */
3219 extern const wimlib_tchar *
3220 wimlib_get_image_description(const WIMStruct *wim, int image);
3222 /**
3223  * @ingroup G_wim_information
3224  *
3225  * Get the name of the specified image.  Equivalent to
3226  * <tt>wimlib_get_image_property(wim, image, "NAME")</tt>, except that
3227  * wimlib_get_image_name() will return an empty string if the image is unnamed
3228  * whereas wimlib_get_image_property() may return @c NULL in that case.
3229  */
3230 extern const wimlib_tchar *
3231 wimlib_get_image_name(const WIMStruct *wim, int image);
3233 /**
3234  * @ingroup G_wim_information
3235  *
3236  * Since wimlib v1.8.3: get a per-image property from the WIM's XML document.
3237  * This is an alternative to wimlib_get_image_name() and
3238  * wimlib_get_image_description() which allows getting any simple string
3239  * property.
3240  *
3241  * @param wim
3242  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct for the WIM.
3243  * @param image
3244  *	The 1-based index of the image for which to get the property.
3245  * @param property_name
3246  *	The name of the image property, for example "NAME", "DESCRIPTION", or
3247  *	"TOTALBYTES".  The name can contain forward slashes to indicate a nested
3248  *	XML element; for example, "WINDOWS/VERSION/BUILD" indicates the BUILD
3249  *	element nested within the VERSION element nested within the WINDOWS
3250  *	element.  Since wimlib v1.9.0, a bracketed number can be used to
3251  *	indicate one of several identically-named elements; for example,
3252  *	"WINDOWS/LANGUAGES/LANGUAGE[2]" indicates the second "LANGUAGE" element
3253  *	nested within the "WINDOWS/LANGUAGES" element.  Note that element names
3254  *	are case sensitive.
3255  *
3256  * @return
3257  *	The property's value as a ::wimlib_tchar string, or @c NULL if there is
3258  *	no such property.  The string may not remain valid after later library
3259  *	calls, so the caller should duplicate it if needed.
3260  */
3261 extern const wimlib_tchar *
3262 wimlib_get_image_property(const WIMStruct *wim, int image,
3263 			  const wimlib_tchar *property_name);
3265 /**
3266  * @ingroup G_general
3267  *
3268  * Return the version of wimlib as a 32-bit number whose top 12 bits contain the
3269  * major version, the next 10 bits contain the minor version, and the low 10
3270  * bits contain the patch version.
3271  *
3272  * In other words, the returned value is equal to <c>((WIMLIB_MAJOR_VERSION <<
3273  * 20) | (WIMLIB_MINOR_VERSION << 10) | WIMLIB_PATCH_VERSION)</c> for the
3274  * corresponding header file.
3275  */
3276 extern uint32_t
3277 wimlib_get_version(void);
3279 /**
3280  * @ingroup G_general
3281  *
3282  * Since wimlib v1.13.0: like wimlib_get_version(), but returns the full
3283  * PACKAGE_VERSION string that was set at build time.  (This allows a beta
3284  * release to be distinguished from an official release.)
3285  */
3286 extern const wimlib_tchar *
3287 wimlib_get_version_string(void);
3289 /**
3290  * @ingroup G_wim_information
3291  *
3292  * Get basic information about a WIM file.
3293  *
3294  * @param wim
3295  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct to query.  This need not represent a
3296  *	standalone WIM (e.g. it could represent part of a split WIM).
3297  * @param info
3298  *	A ::wimlib_wim_info structure that will be filled in with information
3299  *	about the WIM file.
3300  *
3301  * @return 0
3302  */
3303 extern int
3304 wimlib_get_wim_info(WIMStruct *wim, struct wimlib_wim_info *info);
3306 /**
3307  * @ingroup G_wim_information
3308  *
3309  * Read a WIM file's XML document into an in-memory buffer.
3310  *
3311  * The XML document contains metadata about the WIM file and the images stored
3312  * in it.
3313  *
3314  * @param wim
3315  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct to query.  This need not represent a
3316  *	standalone WIM (e.g. it could represent part of a split WIM).
3317  * @param buf_ret
3318  *	On success, a pointer to an allocated buffer containing the raw UTF16-LE
3319  *	XML document is written to this location.
3320  * @param bufsize_ret
3321  *	The size of the XML document in bytes is written to this location.
3322  *
3323  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
3324  *
3325  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_NO_FILENAME
3326  *	@p wim is not backed by a file and therefore does not have an XML
3327  *	document.
3328  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_READ
3329  *	Failed to read the XML document from the WIM file.
3331  *	Failed to read the XML document from the WIM file.
3332  */
3333 extern int
3334 wimlib_get_xml_data(WIMStruct *wim, void **buf_ret, size_t *bufsize_ret);
3336 /**
3337  * @ingroup G_general
3338  *
3339  * Initialization function for wimlib.  Call before using any other wimlib
3340  * function (except possibly wimlib_set_print_errors()).  If not done manually,
3341  * this function will be called automatically with a flags argument of 0.  This
3342  * function does nothing if called again after it has already successfully run.
3343  *
3344  * @param init_flags
3345  *	Bitwise OR of flags prefixed with WIMLIB_INIT_FLAG.
3346  *
3347  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
3348  *
3352  *	init_flags, but the corresponding privileges could not be acquired.
3353  */
3354 extern int
3355 wimlib_global_init(int init_flags);
3357 /**
3358  * @ingroup G_general
3359  *
3360  * Cleanup function for wimlib.  You are not required to call this function, but
3361  * it will release any global resources allocated by the library.
3362  */
3363 extern void
3364 wimlib_global_cleanup(void);
3366 /**
3367  * @ingroup G_wim_information
3368  *
3369  * Determine if an image name is already used by some image in the WIM.
3370  *
3371  * @param wim
3372  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct to query.  This need not represent a
3373  *	standalone WIM (e.g. it could represent part of a split WIM).
3374  * @param name
3375  *	The name to check.
3376  *
3377  * @return
3378  *	@c true if there is already an image in @p wim named @p name; @c false
3379  *	if there is no image named @p name in @p wim.  If @p name is @c NULL or
3380  *	the empty string, then @c false is returned.
3381  */
3382 extern bool
3383 wimlib_image_name_in_use(const WIMStruct *wim, const wimlib_tchar *name);
3385 /**
3386  * @ingroup G_wim_information
3387  *
3388  * Iterate through a file or directory tree in a WIM image.  By specifying
3389  * appropriate flags and a callback function, you can get the attributes of a
3390  * file in the image, get a directory listing, or even get a listing of the
3391  * entire image.
3392  *
3393  * @param wim
3394  *	The ::WIMStruct containing the image(s) over which to iterate.  This
3395  *	::WIMStruct must contain image metadata, so it cannot be the non-first
3396  *	part of a split WIM (for example).
3397  * @param image
3398  *	The 1-based index of the image that contains the files or directories to
3399  *	iterate over, or ::WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES to iterate over all images.
3400  * @param path
3401  *	Path in the image at which to do the iteration.
3402  * @param flags
3403  *	Bitwise OR of flags prefixed with WIMLIB_ITERATE_DIR_TREE_FLAG.
3404  * @param cb
3405  *	A callback function that will receive each directory entry.
3406  * @param user_ctx
3407  *	An extra parameter that will always be passed to the callback function
3408  *	@p cb.
3409  *
3410  * @return Normally, returns 0 if all calls to @p cb returned 0; otherwise the
3411  * first nonzero value that was returned from @p cb.  However, additional
3412  * ::wimlib_error_code values may be returned, including the following:
3413  *
3414  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_IMAGE
3415  *	@p image does not exist in @p wim.
3417  *	@p path does not exist in the image.
3419  *	::WIMLIB_ITERATE_DIR_TREE_FLAG_RESOURCES_NEEDED was specified, but the
3420  *	data for some files could not be found in the blob lookup table of @p
3421  *	wim.
3422  *
3423  * This function can additionally return ::WIMLIB_ERR_DECOMPRESSION,
3426  * indicate failure (for different reasons) to read the metadata resource for an
3427  * image over which iteration needed to be done.
3428  */
3429 extern int
3430 wimlib_iterate_dir_tree(WIMStruct *wim, int image, const wimlib_tchar *path,
3431 			int flags,
3432 			wimlib_iterate_dir_tree_callback_t cb, void *user_ctx);
3434 /**
3435  * @ingroup G_wim_information
3436  *
3437  * Iterate through the blob lookup table of a ::WIMStruct.  This can be used to
3438  * directly get a listing of the unique "blobs" contained in a WIM file, which
3439  * are deduplicated over all images.
3440  *
3441  * Specifically, each listed blob may be from any of the following sources:
3442  *
3443  * - Metadata blobs, if the ::WIMStruct contains image metadata
3444  * - File blobs from the on-disk WIM file (if any) backing the ::WIMStruct
3445  * - File blobs from files that have been added to the in-memory ::WIMStruct,
3446  *   e.g. by using wimlib_add_image()
3447  * - File blobs from external WIMs referenced by
3448  *   wimlib_reference_resource_files() or wimlib_reference_resources()
3449  *
3450  * @param wim
3451  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct for which to get the blob listing.
3452  * @param flags
3453  *	Reserved; set to 0.
3454  * @param cb
3455  *	A callback function that will receive each blob.
3456  * @param user_ctx
3457  *	An extra parameter that will always be passed to the callback function
3458  *	@p cb.
3459  *
3460  * @return 0 if all calls to @p cb returned 0; otherwise the first nonzero value
3461  * that was returned from @p cb.
3462  */
3463 extern int
3464 wimlib_iterate_lookup_table(WIMStruct *wim, int flags,
3465 			    wimlib_iterate_lookup_table_callback_t cb,
3466 			    void *user_ctx);
3468 /**
3469  * @ingroup G_nonstandalone_wims
3470  *
3471  * Join a split WIM into a stand-alone (one-part) WIM.
3472  *
3473  * @param swms
3474  *	An array of strings that gives the filenames of all parts of the split
3475  *	WIM.  No specific order is required, but all parts must be included with
3476  *	no duplicates.
3477  * @param num_swms
3478  *	Number of filenames in @p swms.
3479  * @param swm_open_flags
3480  *	Open flags for the split WIM parts (e.g.
3482  * @param wim_write_flags
3483  *	Bitwise OR of relevant flags prefixed with WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG, which will
3484  *	be used to write the joined WIM.
3485  * @param output_path
3486  *	The path to write the joined WIM file to.
3487  *
3488  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.  This function
3489  * may return most error codes that can be returned by wimlib_open_wim() and
3490  * wimlib_write(), as well as the following error codes:
3491  *
3492  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_SPLIT_INVALID
3493  *	The split WIMs do not form a valid WIM because they do not include all
3494  *	the parts of the original WIM, there are duplicate parts, or not all the
3495  *	parts have the same GUID and compression type.
3496  *
3497  * Note: wimlib is generalized enough that this function is not actually needed
3498  * to join a split WIM; instead, you could open the first part of the split WIM,
3499  * then reference the other parts with wimlib_reference_resource_files(), then
3500  * write the joined WIM using wimlib_write().  However, wimlib_join() provides
3501  * an easy-to-use wrapper around this that has some advantages (e.g.  extra
3502  * sanity checks).
3503  */
3504 extern int
3505 wimlib_join(const wimlib_tchar * const *swms,
3506 	    unsigned num_swms,
3507 	    const wimlib_tchar *output_path,
3508 	    int swm_open_flags,
3509 	    int wim_write_flags);
3511 /**
3512  * @ingroup G_nonstandalone_wims
3513  *
3514  * Same as wimlib_join(), but allows specifying a progress function.  The
3515  * progress function will receive the write progress messages, such as
3516  * ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_WRITE_STREAMS, while writing the joined WIM.  In
3517  * addition, if ::WIMLIB_OPEN_FLAG_CHECK_INTEGRITY is specified in @p
3518  * swm_open_flags, the progress function will receive a series of
3519  * ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_VERIFY_INTEGRITY messages when each of the split WIM
3520  * parts is opened.
3521  */
3522 extern int
3523 wimlib_join_with_progress(const wimlib_tchar * const *swms,
3524 			  unsigned num_swms,
3525 			  const wimlib_tchar *output_path,
3526 			  int swm_open_flags,
3527 			  int wim_write_flags,
3528 			  wimlib_progress_func_t progfunc,
3529 			  void *progctx);
3532 /**
3533  * @ingroup G_mounting_wim_images
3534  *
3535  * Mount an image from a WIM file on a directory read-only or read-write.
3536  *
3537  * @param wim
3538  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct containing the image to be mounted.  This
3539  *	::WIMStruct must have a backing file.
3540  * @param image
3541  *	The 1-based index of the image to mount.  This image cannot have been
3542  *	previously modified in memory.
3543  * @param dir
3544  *	The path to an existing empty directory on which to mount the image.
3545  * @param mount_flags
3546  *	Bitwise OR of flags prefixed with WIMLIB_MOUNT_FLAG.  Use
3547  *	::WIMLIB_MOUNT_FLAG_READWRITE to request a read-write mount instead of a
3548  *	read-only mount.
3549  * @param staging_dir
3550  *	If non-NULL, the name of a directory in which a temporary directory for
3551  *	storing modified or added files will be created.  Ignored if
3552  *	::WIMLIB_MOUNT_FLAG_READWRITE is not specified in @p mount_flags.  If
3553  *	left @c NULL, the staging directory is created in the same directory as
3554  *	the backing WIM file.  The staging directory is automatically deleted
3555  *	when the image is unmounted.
3556  *
3557  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
3558  *
3560  *	Another process is currently modifying the WIM file.
3561  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_FUSE
3562  *	A non-zero status code was returned by @c fuse_main().
3564  *	There are currently multiple references to the image as a result of a
3565  *	call to wimlib_export_image().  Free one before attempting the
3566  *	read-write mount.
3567  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_IMAGE
3568  *	@p image does not exist in @p wim.
3569  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM
3570  *	@p wim was @c NULL; or @p dir was NULL or an empty string; or an
3571  *	unrecognized flag was specified in @p mount_flags; or the image has
3572  *	already been modified in memory (e.g. by wimlib_update_image()).
3573  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_MKDIR
3574  *	::WIMLIB_MOUNT_FLAG_READWRITE was specified in @p mount_flags, but the
3575  *	staging directory could not be created.
3576  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_WIM_IS_READONLY
3577  *	::WIMLIB_MOUNT_FLAG_READWRITE was specified in @p mount_flags, but the
3578  *	WIM file is considered read-only because of any of the reasons mentioned
3579  *	in the documentation for the ::WIMLIB_OPEN_FLAG_WRITE_ACCESS flag.
3580  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED
3581  *	Mounting is not supported in this build of the library.
3582  *
3583  * This function can additionally return ::WIMLIB_ERR_DECOMPRESSION,
3586  * indicate failure (for different reasons) to read the metadata resource for
3587  * the image to mount.
3588  *
3589  * The ability to mount WIM images is implemented using FUSE (Filesystem in
3590  * UserSpacE).  Depending on how FUSE is set up on your system, this function
3591  * may work as normal users in addition to the root user.
3592  *
3593  * Mounting WIM images is not supported if wimlib was configured
3594  * <c>--without-fuse</c>.  This includes Windows builds of wimlib;
3595  * ::WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED will be returned in such cases.
3596  *
3597  * Calling this function daemonizes the process, unless
3598  * ::WIMLIB_MOUNT_FLAG_DEBUG was specified or an early error occurs.
3599  *
3600  * It is safe to mount multiple images from the same WIM file read-only at the
3601  * same time, but only if different ::WIMStruct's are used.  It is @b not safe
3602  * to mount multiple images from the same WIM file read-write at the same time.
3603  *
3604  * To unmount the image, call wimlib_unmount_image().  This may be done in a
3605  * different process.
3606  */
3607 extern int
3608 wimlib_mount_image(WIMStruct *wim,
3609 		   int image,
3610 		   const wimlib_tchar *dir,
3611 		   int mount_flags,
3612 		   const wimlib_tchar *staging_dir);
3614 /**
3615  * @ingroup G_creating_and_opening_wims
3616  *
3617  * Open a WIM file and create a ::WIMStruct for it.
3618  *
3619  * @param wim_file
3620  *	The path to the WIM file to open.
3621  * @param open_flags
3622  *	Bitwise OR of flags prefixed with WIMLIB_OPEN_FLAG.
3623  * @param wim_ret
3624  *	On success, a pointer to a new ::WIMStruct backed by the specified
3625  *	on-disk WIM file is written to the memory location pointed to by this
3626  *	parameter.  This ::WIMStruct must be freed using using wimlib_free()
3627  *	when finished with it.
3628  *
3629  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
3630  *
3631  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_IMAGE_COUNT
3632  *	The number of metadata resources found in the WIM did not match the
3633  *	image count specified in the WIM header, or the number of &lt;IMAGE&gt;
3634  *	elements in the XML data of the WIM did not match the image count
3635  *	specified in the WIM header.
3636  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INTEGRITY
3637  *	::WIMLIB_OPEN_FLAG_CHECK_INTEGRITY was specified in @p open_flags, and
3638  *	the WIM file failed the integrity check.
3640  *	The library did not recognize the compression chunk size of the WIM as
3641  *	valid for its compression type.
3643  *	The library did not recognize the compression type of the WIM.
3645  *	The header of the WIM was otherwise invalid.
3647  *	::WIMLIB_OPEN_FLAG_CHECK_INTEGRITY was specified in @p open_flags and
3648  *	the WIM contained an integrity table, but the integrity table was
3649  *	invalid.
3651  *	The lookup table of the WIM was invalid.
3652  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM
3653  *	@p wim_ret was @c NULL; or, @p wim_file was not a nonempty string.
3654  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_IS_SPLIT_WIM
3655  *	The WIM was a split WIM and ::WIMLIB_OPEN_FLAG_ERROR_IF_SPLIT was
3656  *	specified in @p open_flags.
3657  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_NOT_A_WIM_FILE
3658  *	The file did not begin with the magic characters that identify a WIM
3659  *	file.
3660  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_OPEN
3661  *	Failed to open the WIM file for reading.  Some possible reasons: the WIM
3662  *	file does not exist, or the calling process does not have permission to
3663  *	open it.
3664  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_READ
3665  *	Failed to read data from the WIM file.
3667  *	Unexpected end-of-file while reading data from the WIM file.
3669  *	The WIM version number was not recognized. (May be a pre-Vista WIM.)
3671  *	The WIM cannot be opened because it contains encrypted segments.  (It
3672  *	may be a Windows 8 "ESD" file.)
3674  *	The WIM file is not complete (e.g. the program which wrote it was
3675  *	terminated before it finished)
3676  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_WIM_IS_READONLY
3677  *	::WIMLIB_OPEN_FLAG_WRITE_ACCESS was specified but the WIM file was
3678  *	considered read-only because of any of the reasons mentioned in the
3679  *	documentation for the ::WIMLIB_OPEN_FLAG_WRITE_ACCESS flag.
3680  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_XML
3681  *	The XML data of the WIM was invalid.
3682  */
3683 extern int
3684 wimlib_open_wim(const wimlib_tchar *wim_file,
3685 		int open_flags,
3686 		WIMStruct **wim_ret);
3688 /**
3689  * @ingroup G_creating_and_opening_wims
3690  *
3691  * Same as wimlib_open_wim(), but allows specifying a progress function and
3692  * progress context.  If successful, the progress function will be registered in
3693  * the newly open ::WIMStruct, as if by an automatic call to
3694  * wimlib_register_progress_function().  In addition, if
3695  * ::WIMLIB_OPEN_FLAG_CHECK_INTEGRITY is specified in @p open_flags, then the
3696  * progress function will receive ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_VERIFY_INTEGRITY
3697  * messages while checking the WIM file's integrity.
3698  */
3699 extern int
3700 wimlib_open_wim_with_progress(const wimlib_tchar *wim_file,
3701 			      int open_flags,
3702 			      WIMStruct **wim_ret,
3703 			      wimlib_progress_func_t progfunc,
3704 			      void *progctx);
3706 /**
3707  * @ingroup G_writing_and_overwriting_wims
3708  *
3709  * Commit a ::WIMStruct to disk, updating its backing file.
3710  *
3711  * There are several alternative ways in which changes may be committed:
3712  *
3713  *   1. Full rebuild: write the updated WIM to a temporary file, then rename the
3714  *	temporary file to the original.
3715  *   2. Appending: append updates to the new original WIM file, then overwrite
3716  *	its header such that those changes become visible to new readers.
3717  *   3. Compaction: normally should not be used; see
3719  *
3720  * Append mode is often much faster than a full rebuild, but it wastes some
3721  * amount of space due to leaving "holes" in the WIM file.  Because of the
3722  * greater efficiency, wimlib_overwrite() normally defaults to append mode.
3723  * However, ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_REBUILD can be used to explicitly request a full
3724  * rebuild.  In addition, if wimlib_delete_image() has been used on the
3725  * ::WIMStruct, then the default mode switches to rebuild mode, and
3726  * ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_SOFT_DELETE can be used to explicitly request append
3727  * mode.
3728  *
3729  * If this function completes successfully, then no more functions can be called
3730  * on the ::WIMStruct other than wimlib_free().  If you need to continue using
3731  * the WIM file, you must use wimlib_open_wim() to open a new ::WIMStruct for
3732  * it.
3733  *
3734  * @param wim
3735  *	Pointer to a ::WIMStruct to commit to its backing file.
3736  * @param write_flags
3737  *	Bitwise OR of relevant flags prefixed with WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG.
3738  * @param num_threads
3739  *	The number of threads to use for compressing data, or 0 to have the
3740  *	library automatically choose an appropriate number.
3741  *
3742  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.  This function
3743  * may return most error codes returned by wimlib_write() as well as the
3744  * following error codes:
3745  *
3747  *	Another process is currently modifying the WIM file.
3748  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_NO_FILENAME
3749  *	@p wim is not backed by an on-disk file.  In other words, it is a
3750  *	::WIMStruct created by wimlib_create_new_wim() rather than
3751  *	wimlib_open_wim().
3752  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_RENAME
3753  *	The temporary file to which the WIM was written could not be renamed to
3754  *	the original file.
3755  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_WIM_IS_READONLY
3756  *	The WIM file is considered read-only because of any of the reasons
3757  *	mentioned in the documentation for the ::WIMLIB_OPEN_FLAG_WRITE_ACCESS
3758  *	flag.
3759  *
3760  * If a progress function is registered with @p wim, then it will receive the
3764  */
3765 extern int
3766 wimlib_overwrite(WIMStruct *wim, int write_flags, unsigned num_threads);
3768 /**
3769  * @ingroup G_wim_information
3770  *
3771  * (Deprecated) Print information about one image, or all images, contained in a
3772  * WIM.
3773  *
3774  * @param wim
3775  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct to query.  This need not represent a
3776  *	standalone WIM (e.g. it could represent part of a split WIM).
3777  * @param image
3778  *	The 1-based index of the image for which to print information, or
3779  *	::WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES to print information about all images.
3780  *
3781  * @return This function has no return value.  No error checking is done when
3782  * printing the information.  If @p image is invalid, an error message is
3783  * printed.
3784  *
3785  * This function is deprecated; use wimlib_get_xml_data() or
3786  * wimlib_get_image_property() to query image information instead.
3787  */
3788 extern void
3789 wimlib_print_available_images(const WIMStruct *wim, int image);
3791 /**
3792  * @ingroup G_wim_information
3793  *
3794  * Print the header of the WIM file (intended for debugging only).
3795  */
3796 extern void
3797 wimlib_print_header(const WIMStruct *wim);
3799 /**
3800  * @ingroup G_nonstandalone_wims
3801  *
3802  * Reference file data from other WIM files or split WIM parts.  This function
3803  * can be used on WIMs that are not standalone, such as split or "delta" WIMs,
3804  * to load additional file data before calling a function such as
3805  * wimlib_extract_image() that requires the file data to be present.
3806  *
3807  * @param wim
3808  *	The ::WIMStruct for a WIM that contains metadata resources, but is not
3809  *	necessarily "standalone".  In the case of split WIMs, this should be the
3810  *	first part, since only the first part contains the metadata resources.
3811  *	In the case of delta WIMs, this should be the delta WIM rather than the
3812  *	WIM on which it is based.
3813  * @param resource_wimfiles_or_globs
3814  *	Array of paths to WIM files and/or split WIM parts to reference.
3815  *	Alternatively, when ::WIMLIB_REF_FLAG_GLOB_ENABLE is specified in @p
3816  *	ref_flags, these are treated as globs rather than literal paths.  That
3817  *	is, using this function you can specify zero or more globs, each of
3818  *	which expands to one or more literal paths.
3819  * @param count
3820  *	Number of entries in @p resource_wimfiles_or_globs.
3821  * @param ref_flags
3822  *	Bitwise OR of ::WIMLIB_REF_FLAG_GLOB_ENABLE and/or
3824  * @param open_flags
3825  *	Additional open flags, such as ::WIMLIB_OPEN_FLAG_CHECK_INTEGRITY, to
3826  *	pass to internal calls to wimlib_open_wim() on the reference files.
3827  *
3828  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
3829  *
3831  *	One of the specified globs did not match any paths (only with both
3833  *	specified in @p ref_flags).
3834  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_READ
3835  *	I/O or permissions error while processing a file glob.
3836  *
3837  * This function can additionally return most values that can be returned by
3838  * wimlib_open_wim().
3839  */
3840 extern int
3841 wimlib_reference_resource_files(WIMStruct *wim,
3842 				const wimlib_tchar * const *resource_wimfiles_or_globs,
3843 				unsigned count,
3844 				int ref_flags,
3845 				int open_flags);
3847 /**
3848  * @ingroup G_nonstandalone_wims
3849  *
3850  * Similar to wimlib_reference_resource_files(), but operates at a lower level
3851  * where the caller must open the ::WIMStruct for each referenced file itself.
3852  *
3853  * @param wim
3854  *	The ::WIMStruct for a WIM that contains metadata resources, but is not
3855  *	necessarily "standalone".  In the case of split WIMs, this should be the
3856  *	first part, since only the first part contains the metadata resources.
3857  * @param resource_wims
3858  *	Array of pointers to the ::WIMStruct's for additional resource WIMs or
3859  *	split WIM parts to reference.
3860  * @param num_resource_wims
3861  *	Number of entries in @p resource_wims.
3862  * @param ref_flags
3863  *	Reserved; must be 0.
3864  *
3865  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
3866  */
3867 extern int
3868 wimlib_reference_resources(WIMStruct *wim, WIMStruct **resource_wims,
3869 			   unsigned num_resource_wims, int ref_flags);
3871 /**
3872  * @ingroup G_modifying_wims
3873  *
3874  * Declare that a newly added image is mostly the same as a prior image, but
3875  * captured at a later point in time, possibly with some modifications in the
3876  * intervening time.  This is designed to be used in incremental backups of the
3877  * same filesystem or directory tree.
3878  *
3879  * This function compares the metadata of the directory tree of the newly added
3880  * image against that of the old image.  Any files that are present in both the
3881  * newly added image and the old image and have timestamps that indicate they
3882  * haven't been modified are deemed not to have been modified and have their
3883  * checksums copied from the old image.  Because of this and because WIM uses
3884  * single-instance streams, such files need not be read from the filesystem when
3885  * the WIM is being written or overwritten.  Note that these unchanged files
3886  * will still be "archived" and will be logically present in the new image; the
3887  * optimization is that they don't need to actually be read from the filesystem
3888  * because the WIM already contains them.
3889  *
3890  * This function is provided to optimize incremental backups.  The resulting WIM
3891  * file will still be the same regardless of whether this function is called.
3892  * (This is, however, assuming that timestamps have not been manipulated or
3893  * unmaintained as to trick this function into thinking a file has not been
3894  * modified when really it has.  To partly guard against such cases, other
3895  * metadata such as file sizes will be checked as well.)
3896  *
3897  * This function must be called after adding the new image (e.g. with
3898  * wimlib_add_image()), but before writing the updated WIM file (e.g. with
3899  * wimlib_overwrite()).
3900  *
3901  * @param wim
3902  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct containing the newly added image.
3903  * @param new_image
3904  *	The 1-based index in @p wim of the newly added image.
3905  * @param template_wim
3906  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct containing the template image.  This can be,
3907  *	but does not have to be, the same ::WIMStruct as @p wim.
3908  * @param template_image
3909  *	The 1-based index in @p template_wim of the template image.
3910  * @param flags
3911  *	Reserved; must be 0.
3912  *
3913  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
3914  *
3915  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_IMAGE
3916  *	@p new_image does not exist in @p wim or @p template_image does not
3917  *	exist in @p template_wim.
3919  *	At least one of @p wim and @p template_wim does not contain image
3920  *	metadata; for example, one of them represents a non-first part of a
3921  *	split WIM.
3922  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM
3923  *	Identical values were provided for the template and new image; or @p
3924  *	new_image specified an image that had not been modified since opening
3925  *	the WIM.
3926  *
3927  * This function can additionally return ::WIMLIB_ERR_DECOMPRESSION,
3930  * indicate failure (for different reasons) to read the metadata resource for
3931  * the template image.
3932  */
3933 extern int
3934 wimlib_reference_template_image(WIMStruct *wim, int new_image,
3935 				WIMStruct *template_wim, int template_image,
3936 				int flags);
3938 /**
3939  * @ingroup G_general
3940  *
3941  * Register a progress function with a ::WIMStruct.
3942  *
3943  * @param wim
3944  *	The ::WIMStruct for which to register the progress function.
3945  * @param progfunc
3946  *	Pointer to the progress function to register.  If the WIM already has a
3947  *	progress function registered, it will be replaced with this one.  If @p
3948  *	NULL, the current progress function (if any) will be unregistered.
3949  * @param progctx
3950  *	The value which will be passed as the third argument to calls to @p
3951  *	progfunc.
3952  */
3953 extern void
3954 wimlib_register_progress_function(WIMStruct *wim,
3955 				  wimlib_progress_func_t progfunc,
3956 				  void *progctx);
3958 /**
3959  * @ingroup G_modifying_wims
3960  *
3961  * Rename the @p source_path to the @p dest_path in the specified @p image of
3962  * the @p wim.
3963  *
3964  * This just builds an appropriate ::wimlib_rename_command and passes it to
3965  * wimlib_update_image().
3966  */
3967 extern int
3968 wimlib_rename_path(WIMStruct *wim, int image,
3969 		   const wimlib_tchar *source_path, const wimlib_tchar *dest_path);
3971 /**
3972  * @ingroup G_wim_information
3973  *
3974  * Translate a string specifying the name or number of an image in the WIM into
3975  * the number of the image.  The images are numbered starting at 1.
3976  *
3977  * @param wim
3978  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct for a WIM.
3979  * @param image_name_or_num
3980  *	A string specifying the name or number of an image in the WIM.  If it
3981  *	parses to a positive integer, this integer is taken to specify the
3982  *	number of the image, indexed starting at 1.  Otherwise, it is taken to
3983  *	be the name of an image, as given in the XML data for the WIM file.  It
3984  *	also may be the keyword "all" or the string "*", both of which will
3985  *	resolve to ::WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES.
3986  *	<br/> <br/>
3987  *	There is no way to search for an image actually named "all", "*", or an
3988  *	integer number, or an image that has no name.  However, you can use
3989  *	wimlib_get_image_name() to get the name of any image.
3990  *
3991  * @return
3992  *	If the string resolved to a single existing image, the number of that
3993  *	image, indexed starting at 1, is returned.  If the keyword "all" or "*"
3994  *	was specified, ::WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES is returned.  Otherwise,
3995  *	::WIMLIB_NO_IMAGE is returned.  If @p image_name_or_num was @c NULL or
3996  *	the empty string, ::WIMLIB_NO_IMAGE is returned, even if one or more
3997  *	images in @p wim has no name.  (Since a WIM may have multiple unnamed
3998  *	images, an unnamed image must be specified by index to eliminate the
3999  *	ambiguity.)
4000  */
4001 extern int
4002 wimlib_resolve_image(WIMStruct *wim,
4003 		     const wimlib_tchar *image_name_or_num);
4005 /**
4006  * @ingroup G_general
4007  *
4008  * Set the file to which the library will print error and warning messages.
4009  *
4010  * This version of the function takes a C library <c>FILE*</c> opened for
4011  * writing (or appending).  Use wimlib_set_error_file_by_name() to specify the
4012  * file by name instead.
4013  *
4014  * This also enables error messages, as if by a call to
4015  * wimlib_set_print_errors(true).
4016  *
4017  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
4018  *
4019  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED
4020  *	wimlib was compiled using the <c>--without-error-messages</c> option.
4021  */
4022 extern int
4023 wimlib_set_error_file(FILE *fp);
4025 /**
4026  * @ingroup G_general
4027  *
4028  * Set the path to the file to which the library will print error and warning
4029  * messages.  The library will open this file for appending.
4030  *
4031  * This also enables error messages, as if by a call to
4032  * wimlib_set_print_errors(true).
4033  *
4034  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
4035  *
4036  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_OPEN
4037  *	The file named by @p path could not be opened for appending.
4038  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED
4039  *	wimlib was compiled using the <c>--without-error-messages</c> option.
4040  */
4041 extern int
4042 wimlib_set_error_file_by_name(const wimlib_tchar *path);
4044 /**
4045  * @ingroup G_modifying_wims
4046  *
4047  * Change the description of a WIM image.  Equivalent to
4048  * <tt>wimlib_set_image_property(wim, image, "DESCRIPTION", description)</tt>.
4049  *
4050  * Note that "description" is misspelled in the name of this function.
4051  */
4052 extern int
4053 wimlib_set_image_descripton(WIMStruct *wim, int image,
4054 			    const wimlib_tchar *description);
4056 /**
4057  * @ingroup G_modifying_wims
4058  *
4059  * Change what is stored in the \<FLAGS\> element in the WIM XML document
4060  * (usually something like "Core" or "Ultimate").  Equivalent to
4061  * <tt>wimlib_set_image_property(wim, image, "FLAGS", flags)</tt>.
4062  */
4063 extern int
4064 wimlib_set_image_flags(WIMStruct *wim, int image, const wimlib_tchar *flags);
4066 /**
4067  * @ingroup G_modifying_wims
4068  *
4069  * Change the name of a WIM image.  Equivalent to
4070  * <tt>wimlib_set_image_property(wim, image, "NAME", name)</tt>.
4071  */
4072 extern int
4073 wimlib_set_image_name(WIMStruct *wim, int image, const wimlib_tchar *name);
4075 /**
4076  * @ingroup G_modifying_wims
4077  *
4078  * Since wimlib v1.8.3: add, modify, or remove a per-image property from the
4079  * WIM's XML document.  This is an alternative to wimlib_set_image_name(),
4080  * wimlib_set_image_descripton(), and wimlib_set_image_flags() which allows
4081  * manipulating any simple string property.
4082  *
4083  * @param wim
4084  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct for the WIM.
4085  * @param image
4086  *	The 1-based index of the image for which to set the property.
4087  * @param property_name
4088  *	The name of the image property in the same format documented for
4089  *	wimlib_get_image_property().
4090  *	<br/>
4091  *	Note: if creating a new element using a bracketed index such as
4092  *	"WINDOWS/LANGUAGES/LANGUAGE[2]", the highest index that can be specified
4093  *	is one greater than the number of existing elements with that same name,
4094  *	excluding the index.  That means that if you are adding a list of new
4095  *	elements, they must be added sequentially from the first index (1) to
4096  *	the last index (n).
4097  * @param property_value
4098  *	If not NULL and not empty, the property is set to this value.
4099  *	Otherwise, the property is removed from the XML document.
4100  *
4101  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
4102  *
4104  *	The user requested to set the image name (the <tt>NAME</tt> property),
4105  *	but another image in the WIM already had the requested name.
4106  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_IMAGE
4107  *	@p image does not exist in @p wim.
4108  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM
4109  *	@p property_name has an unsupported format, or @p property_name included
4110  *	a bracketed index that was too high.
4111  */
4112 extern int
4113 wimlib_set_image_property(WIMStruct *wim, int image,
4114 			  const wimlib_tchar *property_name,
4115 			  const wimlib_tchar *property_value);
4117 /**
4118  * @ingroup G_general
4119  *
4120  * Set the functions that wimlib uses to allocate and free memory.
4121  *
4122  * These settings are global and not per-WIM.
4123  *
4124  * The default is to use the default @c malloc(), @c free(), and @c realloc()
4125  * from the standard C library.
4126  *
4127  * Note: some external functions, such as those in @c libntfs-3g, may use the
4128  * standard memory allocation functions regardless of this setting.
4129  *
4130  * @param malloc_func
4131  *	A function equivalent to @c malloc() that wimlib will use to allocate
4132  *	memory.  If @c NULL, the allocator function is set back to the default
4133  *	@c malloc() from the C library.
4134  * @param free_func
4135  *	A function equivalent to @c free() that wimlib will use to free memory.
4136  *	If @c NULL, the free function is set back to the default @c free() from
4137  *	the C library.
4138  * @param realloc_func
4139  *	A function equivalent to @c realloc() that wimlib will use to reallocate
4140  *	memory.  If @c NULL, the free function is set back to the default @c
4141  *	realloc() from the C library.
4142  *
4143  * @return 0
4144  */
4145 extern int
4146 wimlib_set_memory_allocator(void *(*malloc_func)(size_t),
4147 			    void (*free_func)(void *),
4148 			    void *(*realloc_func)(void *, size_t));
4150 /**
4151  * @ingroup G_writing_and_overwriting_wims
4152  *
4153  * Set a ::WIMStruct's output compression chunk size.  This is the compression
4154  * chunk size that will be used for writing non-solid resources in subsequent
4155  * calls to wimlib_write() or wimlib_overwrite().  A larger compression chunk
4156  * size often results in a better compression ratio, but compression may be
4157  * slower and the speed of random access to data may be reduced.  In addition,
4158  * some chunk sizes are not compatible with Microsoft software.
4159  *
4160  * @param wim
4161  *	The ::WIMStruct for which to set the output chunk size.
4162  * @param chunk_size
4163  *	The chunk size (in bytes) to set.  The valid chunk sizes are dependent
4164  *	on the compression type.  See the documentation for each
4165  *	::wimlib_compression_type constant for more information.  As a special
4166  *	case, if @p chunk_size is specified as 0, then the chunk size will be
4167  *	reset to the default for the currently selected output compression type.
4168  *
4169  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
4170  *
4172  *	@p chunk_size was not 0 or a supported chunk size for the currently
4173  *	selected output compression type.
4174  */
4175 extern int
4176 wimlib_set_output_chunk_size(WIMStruct *wim, uint32_t chunk_size);
4178 /**
4179  * @ingroup G_writing_and_overwriting_wims
4180  *
4181  * Similar to wimlib_set_output_chunk_size(), but set the chunk size for writing
4182  * solid resources.
4183  */
4184 extern int
4185 wimlib_set_output_pack_chunk_size(WIMStruct *wim, uint32_t chunk_size);
4187 /**
4188  * @ingroup G_writing_and_overwriting_wims
4189  *
4190  * Set a ::WIMStruct's output compression type.  This is the compression type
4191  * that will be used for writing non-solid resources in subsequent calls to
4192  * wimlib_write() or wimlib_overwrite().
4193  *
4194  * @param wim
4195  *	The ::WIMStruct for which to set the output compression type.
4196  * @param ctype
4197  *	The compression type to set.  If this compression type is incompatible
4198  *	with the current output chunk size, then the output chunk size will be
4199  *	reset to the default for the new compression type.
4200  *
4201  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
4202  *
4204  *	@p ctype did not specify a valid compression type.
4205  */
4206 extern int
4207 wimlib_set_output_compression_type(WIMStruct *wim,
4208 				   enum wimlib_compression_type ctype);
4210 /**
4211  * @ingroup G_writing_and_overwriting_wims
4212  *
4213  * Similar to wimlib_set_output_compression_type(), but set the compression type
4214  * for writing solid resources.  This cannot be ::WIMLIB_COMPRESSION_TYPE_NONE.
4215  */
4216 extern int
4217 wimlib_set_output_pack_compression_type(WIMStruct *wim,
4218 					enum wimlib_compression_type ctype);
4220 /**
4221  * @ingroup G_general
4222  *
4223  * Set whether wimlib can print error and warning messages to the error file,
4224  * which defaults to standard error.  Error and warning messages may provide
4225  * information that cannot be determined only from returned error codes.
4226  *
4227  * By default, error messages are not printed.
4228  *
4229  * This setting applies globally (it is not per-WIM).
4230  *
4231  * This can be called before wimlib_global_init().
4232  *
4233  * @param show_messages
4234  *	@c true if messages are to be printed; @c false if messages are not to
4235  *	be printed.
4236  *
4237  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
4238  *
4239  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED
4240  *	wimlib was compiled using the <c>--without-error-messages</c> option.
4241  */
4242 extern int
4243 wimlib_set_print_errors(bool show_messages);
4245 /**
4246  * @ingroup G_modifying_wims
4247  *
4248  * Set basic information about a WIM.
4249  *
4250  * @param wim
4251  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct for a WIM.
4252  * @param info
4253  *	Pointer to a ::wimlib_wim_info structure that contains the information
4254  *	to set.  Only the information explicitly specified in the @p which flags
4255  *	need be valid.
4256  * @param which
4257  *	Flags that specify which information to set.  This is a bitwise OR of
4260  *
4261  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
4262  *
4263  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_IMAGE_COUNT
4264  *	::WIMLIB_CHANGE_BOOT_INDEX was specified, but
4265  *	::wimlib_wim_info.boot_index did not specify 0 or a valid 1-based image
4266  *	index in the WIM.
4267  */
4268 extern int
4269 wimlib_set_wim_info(WIMStruct *wim, const struct wimlib_wim_info *info,
4270 		    int which);
4272 /**
4273  * @ingroup G_nonstandalone_wims
4274  *
4275  * Split a WIM into multiple parts.
4276  *
4277  * @param wim
4278  *	The ::WIMStruct for the WIM to split.
4279  * @param swm_name
4280  *	Name of the split WIM (SWM) file to create.  This will be the name of
4281  *	the first part.  The other parts will, by default, have the same name
4282  *	with 2, 3, 4, ..., etc.  appended before the suffix.  However, the exact
4283  *	names can be customized using the progress function.
4284  * @param part_size
4285  *	The maximum size per part, in bytes.  Unfortunately, it is not
4286  *	guaranteed that this will really be the maximum size per part, because
4287  *	some file resources in the WIM may be larger than this size, and the WIM
4288  *	file format provides no way to split up file resources among multiple
4289  *	WIMs.
4290  * @param write_flags
4291  *	Bitwise OR of relevant flags prefixed with @c WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG.  These
4292  *	flags will be used to write each split WIM part.  Specify 0 here to get
4293  *	the default behavior.
4294  *
4295  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.  This function
4296  * may return most error codes that can be returned by wimlib_write() as well as
4297  * the following error codes:
4298  *
4299  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM
4300  *	@p swm_name was not a nonempty string, or @p part_size was 0.
4301  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED
4302  *	The WIM contains solid resources.  Splitting a WIM containing solid
4303  *	resources is not supported.
4304  *
4305  * If a progress function is registered with @p wim, then for each split WIM
4306  * part that is written it will receive the messages
4309  */
4310 extern int
4311 wimlib_split(WIMStruct *wim,
4312 	     const wimlib_tchar *swm_name,
4313 	     uint64_t part_size,
4314 	     int write_flags);
4316 /**
4317  * @ingroup G_general
4318  *
4319  * Perform verification checks on a WIM file.
4320  *
4321  * This function is intended for safety checking and/or debugging.  If used on a
4322  * well-formed WIM file, it should always succeed.
4323  *
4324  * @param wim
4325  *	The ::WIMStruct for the WIM file to verify.  Note: for an extra layer of
4326  *	verification, it is a good idea to have used
4327  *	::WIMLIB_OPEN_FLAG_CHECK_INTEGRITY when you opened the file.
4328  *	<br/>
4329  *	If verifying a split WIM, specify the first part of the split WIM here,
4330  *	and reference the other parts using wimlib_reference_resource_files()
4331  *	before calling this function.
4332  * @param verify_flags
4333  *	Reserved; must be 0.
4334  *
4335  * @return 0 if the WIM file was successfully verified; a ::wimlib_error_code
4336  * value if it failed verification or another error occurred.
4337  *
4339  *	The WIM file contains invalid compressed data.
4341  *	The metadata resource for an image is invalid.
4343  *	File data stored in the WIM file is corrupt.
4345  *	The data for a file in an image could not be found.  See @ref
4346  *	G_nonstandalone_wims.
4347  *
4348  * If a progress function is registered with @p wim, then it will receive the
4349  * following progress messages: ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_BEGIN_VERIFY_IMAGE,
4352  */
4353 extern int
4354 wimlib_verify_wim(WIMStruct *wim, int verify_flags);
4356 /**
4357  * @ingroup G_mounting_wim_images
4358  *
4359  * Unmount a WIM image that was mounted using wimlib_mount_image().
4360  *
4361  * When unmounting a read-write mounted image, the default behavior is to
4362  * discard changes to the image.  Use ::WIMLIB_UNMOUNT_FLAG_COMMIT to cause the
4363  * image to be committed.
4364  *
4365  * @param dir
4366  *	The directory on which the WIM image is mounted.
4367  * @param unmount_flags
4368  *	Bitwise OR of flags prefixed with @p WIMLIB_UNMOUNT_FLAG.
4369  *
4370  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
4371  *
4373  *	There is no WIM image mounted on the specified directory.
4375  *	The read-write mounted image cannot be committed because there are file
4376  *	descriptors open to it, and ::WIMLIB_UNMOUNT_FLAG_FORCE was not
4377  *	specified.
4378  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_MQUEUE
4379  *	Could not create a POSIX message queue.
4381  *	The image was mounted by a different user.
4382  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED
4383  *	Mounting is not supported in this build of the library.
4384  *
4385  * Note: you can also unmount the image by using the @c umount() system call, or
4386  * by using the @c umount or @c fusermount programs.  However, you need to call
4387  * this function if you want changes to be committed.
4388  */
4389 extern int
4390 wimlib_unmount_image(const wimlib_tchar *dir, int unmount_flags);
4392 /**
4393  * @ingroup G_mounting_wim_images
4394  *
4395  * Same as wimlib_unmount_image(), but allows specifying a progress function.
4396  * The progress function will receive a ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_UNMOUNT_BEGIN
4397  * message.  In addition, if changes are committed from a read-write mount, the
4398  * progress function will receive ::WIMLIB_PROGRESS_MSG_WRITE_STREAMS messages.
4399  */
4400 extern int
4401 wimlib_unmount_image_with_progress(const wimlib_tchar *dir,
4402 				   int unmount_flags,
4403 				   wimlib_progress_func_t progfunc,
4404 				   void *progctx);
4406 /**
4407  * @ingroup G_modifying_wims
4408  *
4409  * Update a WIM image by adding, deleting, and/or renaming files or directories.
4410  *
4411  * @param wim
4412  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct containing the image to update.
4413  * @param image
4414  *	The 1-based index of the image to update.
4415  * @param cmds
4416  *	An array of ::wimlib_update_command's that specify the update operations
4417  *	to perform.
4418  * @param num_cmds
4419  *	Number of commands in @p cmds.
4420  * @param update_flags
4422  *
4423  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.  On failure,
4424  * all update commands will be rolled back, and no visible changes will have
4425  * been made to @p wim.
4426  *
4428  *	Windows-only: One of the "add" commands attempted to add files from an
4429  *	encrypted BitLocker volume that hasn't yet been unlocked.
4431  *	There are currently multiple references to the image as a result of a
4432  *	call to wimlib_export_image().  Free one before attempting the update.
4434  *	The contents of a capture configuration file were invalid.
4435  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_IMAGE
4436  *	@p image did not exist in @p wim.
4438  *	An add command with ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_NO_REPLACE specified attempted to
4439  *	replace an existing nondirectory file.
4440  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM
4441  *	An unknown operation type was provided in the update commands; or
4442  *	unknown or incompatible flags were provided in a flags parameter; or
4443  *	there was another problem with the provided parameters.
4445  *	While executing an add command, a reparse point had invalid data.
4446  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_IS_DIRECTORY
4447  *	An add command attempted to replace a directory with a non-directory; or
4448  *	a delete command without ::WIMLIB_DELETE_FLAG_RECURSIVE attempted to
4449  *	delete a directory; or a rename command attempted to rename a directory
4450  *	to a non-directory.
4451  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_NOTDIR
4452  *	An add command attempted to replace a non-directory with a directory; or
4453  *	an add command attempted to set the root of the image to a
4454  *	non-directory; or a rename command attempted to rename a directory to a
4455  *	non-directory; or a component of an image path that was used as a
4456  *	directory was not, in fact, a directory.
4457  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_NOTEMPTY
4458  *	A rename command attempted to rename a directory to a non-empty
4459  *	directory; or a rename command would have created a loop.
4460  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_NTFS_3G
4461  *	While executing an add command with ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_NTFS specified, an
4462  *	error occurred while reading data from the NTFS volume using libntfs-3g.
4463  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_OPEN
4464  *	Failed to open a file to be captured while executing an add command.
4465  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_OPENDIR
4466  *	Failed to open a directory to be captured while executing an add
4467  *	command.
4469  *	A delete command without ::WIMLIB_DELETE_FLAG_FORCE specified was for a
4470  *	WIM path that did not exist; or a rename command attempted to rename a
4471  *	file that does not exist.
4472  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_READ
4473  *	While executing an add command, failed to read data from a file or
4474  *	directory to be captured.
4475  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_READLINK
4476  *	While executing an add command, failed to read the target of a symbolic
4477  *	link, junction, or other reparse point.
4478  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_STAT
4479  *	While executing an add command, failed to read metadata for a file or
4480  *	directory.
4482  *	A capture configuration file could not be read.
4483  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_UNSUPPORTED
4484  *	A command had flags provided that are not supported on this platform or
4485  *	in this build of the library.
4487  *	An add command with ::WIMLIB_ADD_FLAG_NO_UNSUPPORTED_EXCLUDE specified
4488  *	discovered a file that was not of a supported type.
4489  *
4490  * This function can additionally return ::WIMLIB_ERR_DECOMPRESSION,
4493  * indicate failure (for different reasons) to read the metadata resource for an
4494  * image that needed to be updated.
4495  */
4496 extern int
4497 wimlib_update_image(WIMStruct *wim,
4498 		    int image,
4499 		    const struct wimlib_update_command *cmds,
4500 		    size_t num_cmds,
4501 		    int update_flags);
4503 /**
4504  * @ingroup G_writing_and_overwriting_wims
4505  *
4506  * Persist a ::WIMStruct to a new on-disk WIM file.
4507  *
4508  * This brings in file data from any external locations, such as directory trees
4509  * or NTFS volumes scanned with wimlib_add_image(), or other WIM files via
4510  * wimlib_export_image(), and incorporates it into a new on-disk WIM file.
4511  *
4512  * By default, the new WIM file is written as stand-alone.  Using the
4513  * ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_SKIP_EXTERNAL_WIMS flag, a "delta" WIM can be written
4514  * instead.  However, this function cannot directly write a "split" WIM; use
4515  * wimlib_split() for that.
4516  *
4517  * @param wim
4518  *	Pointer to the ::WIMStruct being persisted.
4519  * @param path
4520  *	The path to the on-disk file to write.
4521  * @param image
4522  *	Normally, specify ::WIMLIB_ALL_IMAGES here.  This indicates that all
4523  *	images are to be included in the new on-disk WIM file.  If for some
4524  *	reason you only want to include a single image, specify the 1-based
4525  *	index of that image instead.
4526  * @param write_flags
4527  *	Bitwise OR of flags prefixed with @c WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG.
4528  * @param num_threads
4529  *	The number of threads to use for compressing data, or 0 to have the
4530  *	library automatically choose an appropriate number.
4531  *
4532  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
4533  *
4535  *	A file that had previously been scanned for inclusion in the WIM was
4536  *	concurrently modified.
4537  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_IMAGE
4538  *	@p image did not exist in @p wim.
4540  *	A file, stored in another WIM, which needed to be written was corrupt.
4541  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM
4542  *	@p path was not a nonempty string, or invalid flags were passed.
4543  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_OPEN
4544  *	Failed to open the output WIM file for writing, or failed to open a file
4545  *	whose data needed to be included in the WIM.
4546  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_READ
4547  *	Failed to read data that needed to be included in the WIM.
4549  *	A file data blob that needed to be written could not be found in the
4550  *	blob lookup table of @p wim.  See @ref G_nonstandalone_wims.
4551  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_WRITE
4552  *	An error occurred when trying to write data to the new WIM file.
4553  *
4554  * This function can additionally return ::WIMLIB_ERR_DECOMPRESSION,
4557  * indicate failure (for different reasons) to read the data from a WIM file.
4558  *
4559  * If a progress function is registered with @p wim, then it will receive the
4563  */
4564 extern int
4565 wimlib_write(WIMStruct *wim,
4566 	     const wimlib_tchar *path,
4567 	     int image,
4568 	     int write_flags,
4569 	     unsigned num_threads);
4571 /**
4572  * @ingroup G_writing_and_overwriting_wims
4573  *
4574  * Same as wimlib_write(), but write the WIM directly to a file descriptor,
4575  * which need not be seekable if the write is done in a special pipable WIM
4576  * format by providing ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_PIPABLE in @p write_flags.  This can,
4577  * for example, allow capturing a WIM image and streaming it over the network.
4578  * See @ref subsec_pipable_wims for more information about pipable WIMs.
4579  *
4580  * The file descriptor @p fd will @b not be closed when the write is complete;
4581  * the calling code is responsible for this.
4582  *
4583  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.  The possible
4584  * error codes include those that can be returned by wimlib_write() as well as
4585  * the following:
4586  *
4587  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM
4588  *	@p fd was not seekable, but ::WIMLIB_WRITE_FLAG_PIPABLE was not
4589  *	specified in @p write_flags.
4590  */
4591 extern int
4592 wimlib_write_to_fd(WIMStruct *wim,
4593 		   int fd,
4594 		   int image,
4595 		   int write_flags,
4596 		   unsigned num_threads);
4598 /**
4599  * @defgroup G_compression Compression and decompression functions
4600  *
4601  * @brief Functions for XPRESS, LZX, and LZMS compression and decompression.
4602  *
4603  * These functions are already used by wimlib internally when appropriate for
4604  * reading and writing WIM archives.  But they are exported and documented so
4605  * that they can be used in other applications or libraries for general-purpose
4606  * lossless data compression.  They are implemented in highly optimized C code,
4607  * using state-of-the-art compression techniques.  The main limitation is the
4608  * lack of sliding window support; this has, however, allowed the algorithms to
4609  * be optimized for block-based compression.
4610  *
4611  * @{
4612  */
4614 /** Opaque compressor handle.  */
4615 struct wimlib_compressor;
4617 /** Opaque decompressor handle.  */
4618 struct wimlib_decompressor;
4620 /**
4621  * Set the default compression level for the specified compression type.  This
4622  * is the compression level that wimlib_create_compressor() assumes if it is
4623  * called with @p compression_level specified as 0.
4624  *
4625  * wimlib's WIM writing code (e.g. wimlib_write()) will pass 0 to
4626  * wimlib_create_compressor() internally.  Therefore, calling this function will
4627  * affect the compression level of any data later written to WIM files using the
4628  * specified compression type.
4629  *
4630  * The initial state, before this function is called, is that all compression
4631  * types have a default compression level of 50.
4632  *
4633  * @param ctype
4634  *	Compression type for which to set the default compression level, as one
4635  *	of the ::wimlib_compression_type constants.  Or, if this is the special
4636  *	value -1, the default compression levels for all compression types will
4637  *	be set.
4638  * @param compression_level
4639  *	The default compression level to set.  If 0, the "default default" level
4640  *	of 50 is restored.  Otherwise, a higher value indicates higher
4641  *	compression, whereas a lower value indicates lower compression.  See
4642  *	wimlib_create_compressor() for more information.
4643  *
4644  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
4645  *
4647  *	@p ctype was neither a supported compression type nor -1.
4648  */
4649 extern int
4650 wimlib_set_default_compression_level(int ctype, unsigned int compression_level);
4652 /**
4653  * Return the approximate number of bytes needed to allocate a compressor with
4654  * wimlib_create_compressor() for the specified compression type, maximum block
4655  * size, and compression level.  @p compression_level may be 0, in which case
4656  * the current default compression level for @p ctype is used.  Returns 0 if the
4657  * compression type is invalid, or the @p max_block_size for that compression
4658  * type is invalid.
4659  */
4660 extern uint64_t
4661 wimlib_get_compressor_needed_memory(enum wimlib_compression_type ctype,
4662 				    size_t max_block_size,
4663 				    unsigned int compression_level);
4667 /**
4668  * Allocate a compressor for the specified compression type using the specified
4669  * parameters.  This function is part of wimlib's compression API; it is not
4670  * necessary to call this to process a WIM file.
4671  *
4672  * @param ctype
4673  *	Compression type for which to create the compressor, as one of the
4674  *	::wimlib_compression_type constants.
4675  * @param max_block_size
4676  *	The maximum compression block size to support.  This specifies the
4677  *	maximum allowed value for the @p uncompressed_size parameter of
4678  *	wimlib_compress() when called using this compressor.
4679  *	<br/>
4680  *	Usually, the amount of memory used by the compressor will scale in
4681  *	proportion to the @p max_block_size parameter.
4682  *	wimlib_get_compressor_needed_memory() can be used to query the specific
4683  *	amount of memory that will be required.
4684  *	<br/>
4685  *	This parameter must be at least 1 and must be less than or equal to a
4686  *	compression-type-specific limit.
4687  *	<br/>
4688  *	In general, the same value of @p max_block_size must be passed to
4689  *	wimlib_create_decompressor() when the data is later decompressed.
4690  *	However, some compression types have looser requirements regarding this.
4691  * @param compression_level
4692  *	The compression level to use.  If 0, the default compression level (50,
4693  *	or another value as set through wimlib_set_default_compression_level())
4694  *	is used.  Otherwise, a higher value indicates higher compression.  The
4695  *	values are scaled so that 10 is low compression, 50 is medium
4696  *	compression, and 100 is high compression.  This is not a percentage;
4697  *	values above 100 are also valid.
4698  *	<br/>
4699  *	Using a higher-than-default compression level can result in a better
4700  *	compression ratio, but can significantly reduce performance.  Similarly,
4701  *	using a lower-than-default compression level can result in better
4702  *	performance, but can significantly worsen the compression ratio.  The
4703  *	exact results will depend heavily on the compression type and what
4704  *	algorithms are implemented for it.  If you are considering using a
4705  *	non-default compression level, you should run benchmarks to see if it is
4706  *	worthwhile for your application.
4707  *	<br/>
4708  *	The compression level does not affect the format of the compressed data.
4709  *	Therefore, it is a compressor-only parameter and does not need to be
4710  *	passed to the decompressor.
4711  *	<br/>
4712  *	Since wimlib v1.8.0, this parameter can be OR-ed with the flag
4713  *	::WIMLIB_COMPRESSOR_FLAG_DESTRUCTIVE.  This creates the compressor in a
4714  *	mode where it is allowed to modify the input buffer.  Specifically, in
4715  *	this mode, if compression succeeds, the input buffer may have been
4716  *	modified, whereas if compression does not succeed the input buffer still
4717  *	may have been written to but will have been restored exactly to its
4718  *	original state.  This mode is designed to save some memory when using
4719  *	large buffer sizes.
4720  * @param compressor_ret
4721  *	A location into which to return the pointer to the allocated compressor.
4722  *	The allocated compressor can be used for any number of calls to
4723  *	wimlib_compress() before being freed with wimlib_free_compressor().
4724  *
4725  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
4726  *
4728  *	@p ctype was not a supported compression type.
4729  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM
4730  *	@p max_block_size was invalid for the compression type, or @p
4731  *	compressor_ret was @c NULL.
4732  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM
4733  *	Insufficient memory to allocate the compressor.
4734  */
4735 extern int
4736 wimlib_create_compressor(enum wimlib_compression_type ctype,
4737 			 size_t max_block_size,
4738 			 unsigned int compression_level,
4739 			 struct wimlib_compressor **compressor_ret);
4741 /**
4742  * Compress a buffer of data.
4743  *
4744  * @param uncompressed_data
4745  *	Buffer containing the data to compress.
4746  * @param uncompressed_size
4747  *	Size, in bytes, of the data to compress.  This cannot be greater than
4748  *	the @p max_block_size with which wimlib_create_compressor() was called.
4749  *	(If it is, the data will not be compressed and 0 will be returned.)
4750  * @param compressed_data
4751  *	Buffer into which to write the compressed data.
4752  * @param compressed_size_avail
4753  *	Number of bytes available in @p compressed_data.
4754  * @param compressor
4755  *	A compressor previously allocated with wimlib_create_compressor().
4756  *
4757  * @return
4758  *	The size of the compressed data, in bytes, or 0 if the data could not be
4759  *	compressed to @p compressed_size_avail or fewer bytes.
4760  */
4761 extern size_t
4762 wimlib_compress(const void *uncompressed_data, size_t uncompressed_size,
4763 		void *compressed_data, size_t compressed_size_avail,
4764 		struct wimlib_compressor *compressor);
4766 /**
4767  * Free a compressor previously allocated with wimlib_create_compressor().
4768  *
4769  * @param compressor
4770  *	The compressor to free.  If @c NULL, no action is taken.
4771  */
4772 extern void
4773 wimlib_free_compressor(struct wimlib_compressor *compressor);
4775 /**
4776  * Allocate a decompressor for the specified compression type.  This function is
4777  * part of wimlib's compression API; it is not necessary to call this to process
4778  * a WIM file.
4779  *
4780  * @param ctype
4781  *	Compression type for which to create the decompressor, as one of the
4782  *	::wimlib_compression_type constants.
4783  * @param max_block_size
4784  *	The maximum compression block size to support.  This specifies the
4785  *	maximum allowed value for the @p uncompressed_size parameter of
4786  *	wimlib_decompress().
4787  *	<br/>
4788  *	In general, this parameter must be the same as the @p max_block_size
4789  *	that was passed to wimlib_create_compressor() when the data was
4790  *	compressed.  However, some compression types have looser requirements
4791  *	regarding this.
4792  * @param decompressor_ret
4793  *	A location into which to return the pointer to the allocated
4794  *	decompressor.  The allocated decompressor can be used for any number of
4795  *	calls to wimlib_decompress() before being freed with
4796  *	wimlib_free_decompressor().
4797  *
4798  * @return 0 on success; a ::wimlib_error_code value on failure.
4799  *
4801  *	@p ctype was not a supported compression type.
4802  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_INVALID_PARAM
4803  *	@p max_block_size was invalid for the compression type, or @p
4804  *	decompressor_ret was @c NULL.
4805  * @retval ::WIMLIB_ERR_NOMEM
4806  *	Insufficient memory to allocate the decompressor.
4807  */
4808 extern int
4809 wimlib_create_decompressor(enum wimlib_compression_type ctype,
4810 			   size_t max_block_size,
4811 			   struct wimlib_decompressor **decompressor_ret);
4813 /**
4814  * Decompress a buffer of data.
4815  *
4816  * @param compressed_data
4817  *	Buffer containing the data to decompress.
4818  * @param compressed_size
4819  *	Size, in bytes, of the data to decompress.
4820  * @param uncompressed_data
4821  *	Buffer into which to write the uncompressed data.
4822  * @param uncompressed_size
4823  *	Size, in bytes, of the data when uncompressed.  This cannot exceed the
4824  *	@p max_block_size with which wimlib_create_decompressor() was called.
4825  *	(If it does, the data will not be decompressed and a nonzero value will
4826  *	be returned.)
4827  * @param decompressor
4828  *	A decompressor previously allocated with wimlib_create_decompressor().
4829  *
4830  * @return 0 on success; nonzero on failure.
4831  *
4832  * No specific error codes are defined; any nonzero value indicates that the
4833  * decompression failed.  This can only occur if the data is truly invalid;
4834  * there will never be transient errors like "out of memory", for example.
4835  *
4836  * This function requires that the exact uncompressed size of the data be passed
4837  * as the @p uncompressed_size parameter.  If this is not done correctly,
4838  * decompression may fail or the data may be decompressed incorrectly.
4839  */
4840 extern int
4841 wimlib_decompress(const void *compressed_data, size_t compressed_size,
4842 		  void *uncompressed_data, size_t uncompressed_size,
4843 		  struct wimlib_decompressor *decompressor);
4845 /**
4846  * Free a decompressor previously allocated with wimlib_create_decompressor().
4847  *
4848  * @param decompressor
4849  *	The decompressor to free.  If @c NULL, no action is taken.
4850  */
4851 extern void
4852 wimlib_free_decompressor(struct wimlib_decompressor *decompressor);
4855 /**
4856  * @}
4857  */
4860 #ifdef __cplusplus
4861 }
4862 #endif
4864 #endif /* _WIMLIB_H */