4 #include <QObject>
5 #include <QFont>
6 #include <QString>
8 #include "Radio.hpp"
9 #include "models/IARURegions.hpp"
10 #include "Audio/AudioDevice.hpp"
11 #include "Transceiver/Transceiver.hpp"
13 #include "pimpl_h.hpp"
15 class QSettings;
16 class QWidget;
17 class QAudioDeviceInfo;
18 class QDir;
19 class QNetworkAccessManager;
20 class Bands;
21 class FrequencyList_v2;
22 class StationList;
23 class QStringListModel;
24 class LotWUsers;
25 class DecodeHighlightingModel;
26 class LogBook;
28 //
29 // Class Configuration
30 //
31 //  Encapsulates the control, access  and, persistence of user defined
32 //  settings for the wsjtx GUI.  Setting values are accessed through a
33 //  QDialog window containing concept orientated tab windows.
34 //
35 // Responsibilities
36 //
37 //  Provides management of  the CAT and PTT  rig interfaces, providing
38 //  control access  via a minimal generic  set of Qt slots  and status
39 //  updates via Qt signals.  Internally  the rig control capability is
40 //  farmed out  to a  separate thread  since many  of the  rig control
41 //  functions are blocking.
42 //
43 //  All user  settings required by  the wsjtx GUI are  exposed through
44 //  query methods.  Settings only become  visible once they  have been
45 //  accepted by the user which is  done by clicking the "OK" button on
46 //  the settings dialog.
47 //
48 //  The QSettings instance  passed to the constructor is  used to read
49 //  and write user settings.
50 //
51 //  Pointers to three QAbstractItemModel  objects are provided to give
52 //  access to amateur band  information, user working frequencies and,
53 //  user operating  band information.  These porovide  consistent data
54 //  models that can  be used in GUI lists or  tables or simply queried
55 //  for user defined bands, default operating frequencies and, station
56 //  descriptions.
57 //
58 class Configuration final
59   : public QObject
60 {
63 public:
64   using MODE = Transceiver::MODE;
65   using TransceiverState = Transceiver::TransceiverState;
66   using Frequency = Radio::Frequency;
67   using port_type = quint16;
69   enum DataMode {data_mode_none, data_mode_USB, data_mode_data};
70   Q_ENUM (DataMode)
71   enum Type2MsgGen {type_2_msg_1_full, type_2_msg_3_full, type_2_msg_5_only};
72   Q_ENUM (Type2MsgGen)
74   explicit Configuration (QNetworkAccessManager *, QDir const& temp_directory, QSettings * settings,
75                           LogBook * logbook, QWidget * parent = nullptr);
76   ~Configuration ();
78   void select_tab (int);
79   int exec ();
80   bool is_active () const;
82   QDir temp_dir () const;
83   QDir doc_dir () const;
84   QDir data_dir () const;
85   QDir writeable_data_dir () const;
87   QAudioDeviceInfo const& audio_input_device () const;
88   AudioDevice::Channel audio_input_channel () const;
89   QAudioDeviceInfo const& audio_output_device () const;
90   AudioDevice::Channel audio_output_channel () const;
92   // These query methods should be used after a call to exec() to
93   // determine if either the audio input or audio output stream
94   // parameters have changed. The respective streams should be
95   // re-opened if they return true.
96   bool restart_audio_input () const;
97   bool restart_audio_output () const;
99   QString my_callsign () const;
100   QString my_grid () const;
101   QString Field_Day_Exchange() const;
102   QString RTTY_Exchange() const;
103   void setEU_VHF_Contest();
104   QFont text_font () const;
105   QFont decoded_text_font () const;
106   qint32 id_interval () const;
107   qint32 ntrials() const;
108   qint32 aggressive() const;
109   qint32 RxBandwidth() const;
110   double degrade() const;
111   double txDelay() const;
112   bool id_after_73 () const;
113   bool tx_QSY_allowed () const;
114   bool spot_to_psk_reporter () const;
115   bool psk_reporter_tcpip () const;
116   bool monitor_off_at_startup () const;
117   bool monitor_last_used () const;
118   bool log_as_RTTY () const;
119   bool report_in_comments () const;
120   bool prompt_to_log () const;
121   bool autoLog() const;
122   bool decodes_from_top () const;
123   bool insert_blank () const;
124   bool DXCC () const;
125   bool ppfx() const;
126   bool clear_DX () const;
127   bool miles () const;
128   bool quick_call () const;
129   bool disable_TX_on_73 () const;
130   bool force_call_1st() const;
131   bool alternate_bindings() const;
132   int watchdog () const;
133   bool TX_messages () const;
134   bool split_mode () const;
135   bool enable_VHF_features () const;
136   bool decode_at_52s () const;
137   bool single_decode () const;
138   bool twoPass() const;
139   bool bFox() const;
140   bool bHound() const;
141   bool bLowSidelobes() const;
142   bool x2ToneSpacing() const;
143   bool x4ToneSpacing() const;
144   bool MyDx() const;
145   bool CQMyN() const;
146   bool NDxG() const;
147   bool NN() const;
148   bool EMEonly() const;
149   bool post_decodes () const;
150   QString opCall() const;
151   void opCall (QString const&);
152   QString udp_server_name () const;
153   port_type udp_server_port () const;
154   QStringList udp_interface_names () const;
155   int udp_TTL () const;
156   QString n1mm_server_name () const;
157   port_type n1mm_server_port () const;
158   bool valid_n1mm_info () const;
159   bool broadcast_to_n1mm() const;
160   bool lowSidelobes() const;
161   bool accept_udp_requests () const;
162   bool udpWindowToFront () const;
163   bool udpWindowRestore () const;
164   Bands * bands ();
165   Bands const * bands () const;
166   IARURegions::Region region () const;
167   FrequencyList_v2 * frequencies ();
168   FrequencyList_v2 const * frequencies () const;
169   StationList * stations ();
170   StationList const * stations () const;
171   QStringListModel * macros ();
172   QStringListModel const * macros () const;
173   QDir save_directory () const;
174   QDir azel_directory () const;
175   QString rig_name () const;
176   Type2MsgGen type_2_msg_gen () const;
177   bool pwrBandTxMemory () const;
178   bool pwrBandTuneMemory () const;
179   LotWUsers const& lotw_users () const;
180   DecodeHighlightingModel const& decode_highlighting () const;
181   bool highlight_by_mode () const;
182   bool highlight_only_fields () const;
183   bool include_WAE_entities () const;
184   // Z
185   QString qrzComUn () const;
186   QString qrzComPw () const;
187   bool disableWriteALL() const;
188   bool disableWriteFoxQSO() const;
189   bool colourAll() const;
190   bool autoCQfiltering() const;
191   bool rxTotxFreq() const;
192   bool udpFiltering() const;
193   bool highlightDX() const;
194   void setSpecial_Hound() ;
195   void setSpecial_Fox() ;
196   void setSpecial_None() ;
197   bool dbgScreen () const;
198   bool dbgFile () const;
199   bool dbgBoth () const;
200   bool wdResetAnywhere() const;
201   int wd_FT8() const ;
202   int wd_FT4() const;
203   bool wd_Timer() const;
204   bool processTailenders() const;
205   QString permIgnoreList() const;
206   bool showDistance() const ;
207   bool showBearing() const ;
208   bool autoTune() const;
209   bool showState() const;
210   bool rawViewDXCC() const;
211   bool clearRX() const;
212   int ignoreListReset() const;
213   QString separatorColor() const;
215   enum class SpecialOperatingActivity {NONE, NA_VHF, EU_VHF, FIELD_DAY, RTTY, WW_DIGI, FOX, HOUND};
216   SpecialOperatingActivity special_op_id () const;
218   struct CalibrationParams
219   {
CalibrationParamsConfiguration::CalibrationParams220     CalibrationParams ()
221       : intercept {0.}
222       , slope_ppm {0.}
223     {
224     }
CalibrationParamsConfiguration::CalibrationParams226     CalibrationParams (double the_intercept, double the_slope_ppm)
227       : intercept {the_intercept}
228       , slope_ppm {the_slope_ppm}
229     {
230     }
232     double intercept;           // Hertz
233     double slope_ppm;           // Hertz
234   };
236   // Temporarily enable or disable calibration adjustments.
237   void enable_calibration (bool = true);
239   // Set the calibration parameters and enable calibration corrections.
240   void set_calibration (CalibrationParams);
242   // Set the dynamic grid which is only used if configuration setting is enabled.
243   void set_location (QString const&);
245   // This method queries if a CAT and PTT connection is operational.
246   bool is_transceiver_online () const;
248   // Start the rig connection, safe and normal to call when rig is
249   // already open.
250   bool transceiver_online ();
252   // check if a real rig is configured
253   bool is_dummy_rig () const;
255   // Frequency resolution of the rig
256   //
257   //  0 - 1Hz
258   //  1 - 10Hz rounded
259   // -1 - 10Hz truncated
260   //  2 - 100Hz rounded
261   // -2 - 100Hz truncated
262   int transceiver_resolution () const;
264   // Close down connection to rig.
265   void transceiver_offline ();
267   // Set transceiver frequency in Hertz.
268   Q_SLOT void transceiver_frequency (Frequency);
270   // Setting a non zero TX frequency means split operation
271   // rationalise_mode means ensure TX uses same mode as RX.
272   Q_SLOT void transceiver_tx_frequency (Frequency = 0u);
274   // Set transceiver mode.
275   Q_SLOT void transceiver_mode (MODE);
277   // Set/unset PTT.
278   //
279   // Note that this must be called even if VOX PTT is selected since
280   // the "Emulate Split" mode requires PTT information to coordinate
281   // frequency changes.
282   Q_SLOT void transceiver_ptt (bool = true);
284   // Attempt to (re-)synchronise transceiver state.
285   //
286   // Force signal guarantees either a transceiver_update or a
287   // transceiver_failure signal.
288   //
289   // The enforce_mode_and_split parameter ensures that future
290   // transceiver updates have the correct mode and split setting
291   // i.e. the transceiver is ready for use.
292   Q_SLOT void sync_transceiver (bool force_signal = false, bool enforce_mode_and_split = false);
294   Q_SLOT void invalidate_audio_input_device (QString error);
295   Q_SLOT void invalidate_audio_output_device (QString error);
297   //
298   // These signals indicate a font has been selected and accepted for
299   // the application text and decoded text respectively.
300   //
301   Q_SIGNAL void text_font_changed (QFont) const;
302   Q_SIGNAL void decoded_text_font_changed (QFont) const;
304   //
305   // This signal is emitted when the UDP server changes
306   //
307   Q_SIGNAL void udp_server_changed (QString& udp_server_name, QStringList const& network_interfaces) const;
308   Q_SIGNAL void udp_server_port_changed (port_type server_port) const;
309   Q_SIGNAL void udp_TTL_changed (int TTL) const;
310   Q_SIGNAL void accept_udp_requests_changed (bool checked) const;
312   // signal updates to decode highlighting
313   Q_SIGNAL void decode_highlighting_changed (DecodeHighlightingModel const&) const;
315   //
316   // These signals are emitted and reflect transceiver state changes
317   //
319   // signals a change in one of the TransceiverState members
320   Q_SIGNAL void transceiver_update (Transceiver::TransceiverState const&) const;
322   // Signals a failure of a control rig CAT or PTT connection.
323   //
324   // A failed rig CAT or PTT connection is fatal and the underlying
325   // connections are closed automatically. The connections can be
326   // re-established with a call to transceiver_online(true) assuming
327   // the fault condition has been rectified or is transient.
328   Q_SIGNAL void transceiver_failure (QString const& reason) const;
330   // signal announces audio devices are being enumerated
331   //
332   // As this can take some time, particularly on Linux, consumers
333   // might like to notify the user.
334   Q_SIGNAL void enumerating_audio_devices ();
336   // Z
337   Q_SIGNAL void qrz_config_changed () const;
339 private:
340   class impl;
341   pimpl<impl> m_;
342 };
344 ENUM_QDATASTREAM_OPS_DECL (Configuration, DataMode);
345 ENUM_QDATASTREAM_OPS_DECL (Configuration, Type2MsgGen);
347 ENUM_CONVERSION_OPS_DECL (Configuration, DataMode);
348 ENUM_CONVERSION_OPS_DECL (Configuration, Type2MsgGen);
350 #endif