1 #ifndef _GridCtrl_GridCtrl_h_
2 #define _GridCtrl_GridCtrl_h_
3 #include <CtrlLib/CtrlLib.h>
4 #ifdef flagGRIDSQL
5 #include <Sql/Sql.h>
6 #endif
8 namespace Upp {
10 #include "GridUtils.h"
11 #include "GridDisplay.h"
13 #define FOREACH_ROW(x) for(x.Begin(); x.IsEnd(); x.Next())
14 #define FOREACH_SELECTED_ROW(x) FOREACH_ROW(x) if(x.IsSelected())
15 #define FOREACH_MODIFIED_ROW(x) FOREACH_ROW(x) if(x.IsUpdatedRow())
16 #define FOREACH_ROW_NOT_CURRENT(x) FOREACH_ROW(x) if(!x.IsCurrentRow())
18 namespace GF
19 {
20 	enum {
23 	};
24 };
26 class GridFind : public EditString
27 {
28 	private:
29 		MultiButtonFrame button;
30 	public:
32 		GridFind();
34 		Event<> WhenEnter;
35 		Callback1<Bar &> WhenBar;
37 		virtual bool Key(dword key, int count);
38 		virtual Size GetMinSize() const;
39 		void Push();
41 		typedef GridFind CLASSNAME;
43 };
45 class GridPopUpHeader : public Ctrl
46 {
47 	private:
48 		bool open;
49 	public:
51 		GridDisplay *display;
52 		Value val;
53 		int sortmode;
54 		int sortcol;
55 		int sortcnt;
56 		bool chameleon;
GridPopUpHeader()58 		GridPopUpHeader() : open(false) {}
60 		virtual void Paint(Draw &w);
61 		void PopUp(Ctrl *owner, int x, int y, int width, int height);
62 		virtual void Close();
63 };
65 class GridButton : public Ctrl
66 {
67 	private:
68 		int img;
69 		int n;
71 	public:
72 		typedef GridButton CLASSNAME;
73 		GridButton();
74 		virtual void Paint(Draw& w);
75 		virtual void LeftDown(Point p, dword flags);
76 		virtual void LeftUp(Point p, dword flags);
77 		virtual void MouseEnter(Point p, dword flags);
78 		virtual void MouseLeave();
79 		virtual void State(int reason);
80 		virtual Size GetStdSize() const;
81 		void SetButton(int n);
82 };
84 class GridResizePanel : public FrameBottom<Ctrl>
85 {
86 	private:
87 		GridButton close;
88 		Point pos;
89 		Rect r;
90 		Size minsize;
91 	public:
93 		typedef GridResizePanel CLASSNAME;
94 		GridResizePanel();
95 		virtual void Paint(Draw& w);
96 		virtual Image CursorImage(Point p, dword flags);
97 		virtual void LeftDown(Point p, dword flags);
98 		virtual void LeftUp(Point p, dword flags);
99 		virtual void MouseMove(Point p, dword flags);
100 		bool MouseOnGrip(const Point &p);
101 		void SetMinSize(Size sz);
103 		Event<> WhenClose;
104 };
106 class GridPopUp : public Ctrl
107 {
108 	public:
110 		bool open;
111 		Value val;
112 		Ctrl* ctrl;
113 		GridDisplay* gd;
114 		Color fg, bg;
115 		Font fnt;
116 		dword style;
GridPopUp()118 		GridPopUp() : open(false) {}
119 		Point Offset(Point p);
121 		virtual void  Paint(Draw &w);
122 		virtual void  LeftDown(Point p, dword flags);
123 		virtual void  LeftDrag(Point p, dword flags);
124 		virtual void  LeftDouble(Point p, dword flags);
125 		virtual void  RightDown(Point p, dword flags);
126 		virtual void  LeftUp(Point p, dword flags);
127 		virtual void  MouseWheel(Point p, int zdelta, dword flags);
128 		virtual void  MouseLeave();
129 		virtual void  MouseEnter(Point p, dword flags);
130 		virtual void  MouseMove(Point p, dword flags);
131 	    virtual Image CursorImage(Point p, dword flags);
132 	    virtual void  LostFocus();
133 		void PopUp(Ctrl *owner, int x, int y, int width, int height);
134 		virtual void Close();
135 };
137 class GridOperation
138 {
139 	public:
141 		enum
142 		{
143 			INSERT,
144 			UPDATE,
145 			REMOVE,
146 			NONE
147 		};
149 	private:
151 		int operation;
152 		int version;
154 	public:
GridOperation()156 		GridOperation() : operation(NONE), version(1) {}
SetOperation(int op)158 		void SetOperation(int op)
159 		{
160 			switch(operation)
161 			{
162 				case NONE: operation = op; ++version; break;
163 				case UPDATE:
164 					if(op == REMOVE || op == NONE)
165 						Clear();
166 					break;
167 				case INSERT:
168 					if(op == REMOVE || op == NONE)
169 						Clear();
170 					break;
171 			}
172 		}
Clear()174 		void Clear()        { operation = NONE; }
ClearVersion()175 		void ClearVersion() { version = 0;      }
GetVersion()176 		int  GetVersion()   { return version;   }
178 		GridOperation& operator=(const int op)
179 		{
180 			SetOperation(op);
181 			return *this;
182 		}
184 		operator int()          { return operation;       }
185 		bool operator!=(int op) { return operation != op; }
186 		bool operator==(int op) { return operation == op; }
187 };
190 class CtrlsHolder : public Ctrl
191 {
192 	private:
193 		Ctrl &parent;
194 		Point offset;
195 	public:
CtrlsHolder(Ctrl & p)196 		CtrlsHolder(Ctrl &p) : parent(p)
197 		{
198 			Transparent();
199 			WantFocus(false);
200 		}
LeftUp(Point p,dword flags)201 		virtual void  LeftUp(Point p, dword flags)      { parent.LeftUp(p + offset, flags);      }
LeftDown(Point p,dword flags)202 		virtual void  LeftDown(Point p, dword flags)    { parent.LeftDown(p + offset, flags);    }
LeftDouble(Point p,dword flags)203 		virtual void  LeftDouble(Point p, dword flags)  { parent.LeftDouble(p + offset, flags);  }
RightUp(Point p,dword flags)204 		virtual void  RightUp(Point p, dword flags)     { parent.RightUp(p + offset, flags);     }
RightDown(Point p,dword flags)205 		virtual void  RightDown(Point p, dword flags)   { parent.RightDown(p + offset, flags);   }
RightDouble(Point p,dword flags)206 		virtual void  RightDouble(Point p, dword flags) { parent.RightDouble(p + offset, flags); }
MouseMove(Point p,dword flags)207 		virtual void  MouseMove(Point p, dword flags)   { parent.MouseMove(p + offset, flags);   }
MouseLeave()208 		virtual void  MouseLeave()                      { parent.MouseLeave();                   }
CursorImage(Point p,dword flags)209 	    virtual Image CursorImage(Point p, dword flags) { return parent.CursorImage(p + offset, flags); }
ChildMouseEvent(Ctrl * child,int event,Point p,int zdelta,dword keyflags)211 		virtual void ChildMouseEvent(Ctrl *child, int event, Point p, int zdelta, dword keyflags)
212 		{
213 			Ctrl::ChildMouseEvent(child, event, p, zdelta, keyflags);
214 		}
Paint(Draw & w)215 	    virtual void  Paint(Draw &w)
216 		{
217 			//DrawFrame(w, GetSize(), Red);
218 		}
MouseWheel(Point p,int zdelta,dword keyflags)220 		virtual void  MouseWheel(Point p, int zdelta, dword keyflags)
221 		{
222 			parent.MouseWheel(p + offset, zdelta, keyflags);
223 		}
SetOffset(Point p)225 		void SetOffset(Point p)
226 		{
227 			offset = p;
228 		}
229 };
231 class GridClipboard : Moveable<GridClipboard>
232 {
233 	public:
234 		rval_default(GridClipboard);
GridClipboard()235 		GridClipboard() {}
237 		struct ClipboardData : Moveable<ClipboardData>
238 		{
239 			int col, row;
240 			Value v;
SerializeAttrTextClipboardData242 			void SerializeAttrText(Stream& s, AttrText& a)
243 			{
244 				s % a.text;
245 				s % a.font;
246 				s % a.ink;
247 				s % a.normalink;
248 				s % a.paper;
249 				s % a.align;
250 				s % a.img;
251 				s % a.imgspc;
252 			}
SerializeClipboardData254 			void Serialize(Stream &s)
255 			{
256 				s % col % row;
257 				dword type = IsType<AttrText>(v) ? 1 : 0;
258 				s / type;
259 				if(type == 1)
260 				{
261 					if(s.IsStoring())
262 					{
263 						SerializeAttrText(s, (AttrText&) ValueTo<AttrText>(v));
264 					}
265 					else
266 					{
267 						AttrText a;
268 						SerializeAttrText(s, a);
269 						v = RawToValue<AttrText>(a);
270 					}
271 				}
272 				else
273 					s % v;
274 			}
275 		};
277 		Vector<ClipboardData> data;
278 		Point minpos, maxpos;
279 		bool shiftmode;
Serialize(Stream & s)281 		virtual void Serialize(Stream &s)
282 		{
283 			s % shiftmode;
284 			s % minpos % maxpos;
285 			s % data;
286 		}
287 };
289 class GridCtrl : public Ctrl
290 {
291 	friend class DropGrid;
293 	public:
295 		int GD_COL_WIDTH;
296 		int GD_ROW_HEIGHT;
297 		int GD_HDR_HEIGHT;
298 		int GD_IND_WIDTH;
300 		enum GridOrder
301 		{
302 			SORT_ID   = 0,
303 			SORT_UP   = 1,
304 			SORT_DOWN = 2
305 		};
307 	private:
309 		enum GridCursor
310 		{
311 			GO_PREV,
312 			GO_NEXT,
313 			GO_LEFT,
314 			GO_RIGHT,
315 			GO_BEGIN,
316 			GO_END,
317 			GO_PAGEUP,
318 			GO_PAGEDN
319 		};
321 		enum GridControlState
322 		{
323 			UC_SHOW      = BIT(0),
324 			UC_HIDE      = BIT(1),
325 			UC_FOCUS     = BIT(2),
326 			UC_NOFOCUS   = BIT(3),
327 			UC_GOFIRST   = BIT(4),
328 			UC_SCROLL    = BIT(5),
329 			UC_NEXT      = BIT(6),
330 			UC_CTRLS     = BIT(7),
331 			UC_CURSOR    = BIT(8),
332 			UC_CHECK_VIS = BIT(9),
333 			UC_MOUSE     = BIT(10),
334 			UC_CTRLS_OFF = BIT(11),
335 			UC_UPDATES   = BIT(12),
336 			UC_OLDCUR    = BIT(13)
337 		};
339 		enum GridRepaintOpts
340 		{
341 			RP_TOOLBAR   = BIT(0),
342 			RP_UPDCTRLS  = BIT(1),
343 			RP_ALL       = BIT_ALL
344 		};
346 		enum GridCursorState
347 		{
348 			CU_MOUSE     = BIT(0),
349 			CU_HIGHLIGHT = BIT(1),
350 			CU_CTRLMODE  = BIT(2),
351 			CU_HIDECTRLS = BIT(3)
352 		};
354 		enum GridSummaryOperation
355 		{
356 			SOP_NONE = 0,
357 			SOP_MIN = 1,
358 			SOP_MAX = 2,
359 			SOP_SUM = 3,
360 			SOP_CNT = 4,
361 			SOP_AVG = 5,
362 		};
364 		enum GridState
365 		{
366 			GS_UP     = 0,
367 			GS_MOVE   = 1,
368 			GS_DOWN   = 2,
369 			GS_BORDER = 3,
370 			GS_POPUP  = 4
371 		};
373 		enum GridEdit
374 		{
375 			GE_ROW  = 0,
376 			GE_CELL = 1
377 		};
379 		enum GridItemCtrl
380 		{
381 			IC_INIT = BIT(1),
382 			IC_MANUAL = BIT(2),
383 			IC_FACTORY = BIT(3),
384 			IC_OWNED = BIT(4)
385 		};
387 		struct CurState
388 		{
389 			bool newx;
390 			bool newy;
391 			bool accepted;
392 			bool valid;
CurStateCurState394 			CurState() { Clear(); }
IsNewRowCurState395 			bool IsNewRow()   { return newy;         }
IsNewColCurState396 			bool IsNewCol()   { return newx;         }
IsNewCurState397 			bool IsNew()      { return newx || newy; }
IsAcceptedCurState398 			bool IsAccepted() { return accepted;     }
IsValidCurState399 			bool IsValid()    { return valid;        }
ClearCurState401 			void Clear()
402 			{
403 				newx = newy = false;
404 				accepted = false;
405 				valid = true;
406 			}
408 			operator bool() { return IsNew() && IsAccepted(); }
409 		};
411 		struct Edit : Moveable<Edit>
412 		{
413 			Ptr<Ctrl> ctrl;
414 			Convert * convert;
415 			Callback1<One<Ctrl>&> factory;
EditEdit417 			Edit()
418 			{
419 				ctrl = NULL;
420 				convert = NULL;
421 			}
422 		};
424 		class Item : Moveable<Item>
425 		{
426 			public:
427 				friend class ItemRect;
428 				friend class GridCtrl;
Item()430 				Item()
431 				{
432 					ctrl    = NULL;
433 					convert = NULL;
434 					display = NULL;
436 					fs = fe = 0;
437 					style = 0;
438 					editable = true;
439 					clickable = true;
440 					idx = 0;
441 					idy = 0;
442 					cx = 0;
443 					cy = 0;
444 					group = -1;
445 					isjoined = false;
447 					rcx = 0;
448 					rcy = 0;
450 					modified = false;
451 					sync_flag = -1;
452 					paint_flag = -1;
453 					ctrl_flag = 0;
454 				}
~Item()455 				~Item()
456 				{
457 					if(ctrl_flag & IC_OWNED)
458 						delete ctrl;
459 				}
461 				void SetCtrl(Ctrl& ctrl, bool owned);
462 				void ClearCtrl();
464 				void SetDisplay(GridDisplay& display);
465 				void NoDisplay();
467 			private:
InvertSelect()469 				bool InvertSelect() { return BitInverse(style, GD::SELECT); }
IsSelect()470 				bool IsSelect() { return style & GD::SELECT; }
IsLive()471 				bool IsLive()   { return style & GD::LIVE;   }
IsCursor()472 				bool IsCursor() { return style & GD::CURSOR; }
IsFound()473 				bool IsFound()  { return style & GD::FOUND;  }
Select(bool s)475 				void Select(bool s) { BitSet(style, GD::SELECT, s); }
Cursor(bool s)476 				void Cursor(bool s) { BitSet(style, GD::CURSOR, s); }
Live(bool s)477 				void Live(bool s)   { BitSet(style, GD::LIVE, s);   }
Found(bool s)478 				void Found(bool s)  { BitSet(style, GD::FOUND, s);  }
IsJoined()480 				bool IsJoined() { return isjoined; }
482 				int idx, idy, cx, cy, group;
483 				int rcx, rcy;
484 				bool isjoined:1;
485 				int fs, fe;
486 				dword style;
487 				bool editable:1;
488 				bool clickable:1;
489 				bool modified:1;
490 				int sync_flag;
491 				int paint_flag;
492 				int ctrl_flag;
494 				Ptr<Ctrl> ctrl;
496 				Convert     *convert;
497 				GridDisplay *display;
499 			public:
500 				Value val;
502 				Item& Editable(bool b);
503 				Item& NoEditable();
Clickable(bool b)505 				Item& Clickable(bool b)  { clickable = b;     return *this; }
NoClickable()506 				Item& NoClickable()      { clickable = false; return *this; }
507 		};
509 		typedef Vector< Vector<Item> > Items;
510 		typedef Vector< Edit > Edits;
512 		struct JoinRect : Moveable<JoinRect>
513 		{
514 			Rect r;
515 			int group;
516 			int idx, idy;
517 		};
519 		public: class ItemRect : public Moveable<ItemRect>
520 		{
521 			friend class GridCtrl;
523 			public:
ItemRect()524 				ItemRect()
525 				{
526 					min = 5; max = 1000000;
527 					pos = npos = 0;
528 					id = uid = n = 0;
529 					prop = 1;
530 					size = nsize = 0;
531 					tsize = 0;
532 					sortmode = 0;
533 					hidden = false;
534 					index = false;
535 					convertion = true;
536 					editable = true;
537 					edit_insert = true;
538 					edit_update = true;
539 					sortable = true;
540 					clickable = true;
541 					locked = false;
542 					skip = false;
543 					ignore_display = false;
544 					style = 0;
546 					calign = 0;
547 					sl = sr = st = sb = 0;
548 					sx = sy = 0;
549 					join = 0;
551 					ismin = false;
552 					ismax = false;
554 					fnt = Null;
555 					hfnt = Null;
556 					balign = halign = GD::LEFT | GD::VCENTER;
557 					wrap = false;
558 					fg = Null;
559 					bg = Null;
561 					ctrl    = NULL;
562 					convert = NULL;
563 					display = NULL;
565 					found = false;
567 					level = 0;
568 					sop = SOP_NONE;
570 					operation = GridOperation::NONE;
571 				}
573 			private:
575 				Items *items;
576 				GridCtrl *parent;
577 				Edits *edits;
579 				int level;
581 				Ptr<Ctrl>   ctrl;
582 				Convert     *convert;
583 				GridDisplay *display;
585 				Callback1<One<Ctrl>&> factory;
587 				static VectorMap<Id, int> *aliases;
589 				double pos, size, prop;
590 				int npos, nsize;
591 				int min, max;
592 				int id, uid, n;
593 				int sl, sr, st, sb, sx, sy;
595 				double tsize;
596 				int  join;
598 				int sop;
599 				String sopfrm;
601 				bool hidden;
602 				bool index;
603 				bool convertion;
604 				bool editable;
605 				bool sortable;
606 				bool clickable;
607 				bool locked;
608 				bool found:1;
609 				bool skip:1;
610 				bool edit_insert:1;
611 				bool edit_update:1;
613 				Value defval;
615 				dword style;
617 				bool ismin;
618 				bool ismax;
620 				/* operatory typu friend moga odwolywac sie tylko do zmiennych statycznych klasy */
622 				static int sortCol;
623 				static int sortMode;
625 				int sortcol;
626 				int sortmode;
628 				int balign, halign, calign;
629 				bool wrap;
630 				Font fnt, hfnt;
631 				Color fg, bg;
632 				Image img;
634 				GridOperation operation;
636 				bool ignore_display:1;
638 				double Left(int scroll = 0)    { return pos - scroll;          }
639 				double Right(int scroll = 0)   { return pos + size - scroll;   }
640 				double Top(int scroll = 0)     { return pos - scroll;          }
641 				double Bottom(int scroll = 0)  { return pos + size - scroll;   }
Width()642 				double Width()                 { return size;                  }
Height()643 				double Height()                { return size;				   }
InvertSelect()645 				bool   InvertSelect()          { return BitInverse(style, GD::SELECT); }
IsSelect()646 				bool   IsSelect()              { return style & GD::SELECT;    }
IsLive()647 				bool   IsLive()                { return style & GD::LIVE;      }
IsCursor()648 				bool   IsCursor()              { return style & GD::CURSOR;    }
IsHighlight()649 				bool   IsHighlight()           { return style & GD::HIGHLIGHT; }
IsFound()651 				bool   IsFound()               { return found;                 }
Select(bool s)653 				void   Select(bool s)          { BitSet(style, GD::SELECT, s);    }
Cursor(bool s)654 				void   Cursor(bool s)          { BitSet(style, GD::CURSOR, s);    }
Live(bool s)655 				void   Live(bool s)            { BitSet(style, GD::LIVE, s);      }
Highlight(bool s)656 				void   Highlight(bool s)       { BitSet(style, GD::HIGHLIGHT, s); }
658 				int    nLeft(int scroll = 0)   { return npos - scroll;         }
659 				int    nRight(int scroll = 0)  { return npos + nsize - scroll; }
660 				int    nTop(int scroll = 0)    { return npos - scroll;         }
661 				int    nBottom(int scroll = 0) { return npos + nsize - scroll; }
nWidth()662 				int    nWidth()                { return nsize;                 }
nHeight()663 				int    nHeight()               { return nsize;				   }
665 				ItemRect& Size(int n, bool hv = false);
IsMin()667 				bool IsMin()   { return ismin; }
IsMax()668 				bool IsMax()   { return ismax; }
IsFixed()669 				bool IsFixed() { return ismin && ismax; }
671 				void ChangeSortMode(bool idsort = true);
673 				friend bool operator<(const ItemRect& a, const ItemRect& b)
674 				{
675 					if(sortMode)
676 						return (StdValueCompare(a.ExtractValue(a.id, sortCol), b.ExtractValue(b.id, sortCol), 0) < 0);
677 					else
678 						return a.id < b.id;
679 				}
680 				friend bool operator>(const ItemRect& a, const ItemRect& b)
681 				{
682 					if(sortMode)
683 						return (StdValueCompare(a.ExtractValue(a.id, sortCol), b.ExtractValue(b.id, sortCol), 0) > 0);
684 					else
685 						return a.id > b.id;
686 				}
688 				Callback1<int> SyncCtrls;
690 			public:
692 				ItemRect& Alias(Id id);
693 				ItemRect& Alias(const char * s);
694 				ItemRect& Name(String &s);
695 				ItemRect& Name(const char * s);
696 				ItemRect& Hidden(bool b = true);
697 				ItemRect& Width(int n);
698 				ItemRect& Height(int n);
699 				ItemRect& Min(int n);
700 				ItemRect& Max(int n);
701 				ItemRect& Fixed(int n);
702 				ItemRect& FixedAuto();
703 				ItemRect& Edit(Ctrl &ctrl, bool b = true);
704 				template<typename T>
705 				ItemRect& EditConvert(T &ctrl, bool b = true)    { return Edit(ctrl, b).SetConvert(ctrl); }
706 				template<typename T>
EditConvertDisplay(T & ctrl)707 				ItemRect& EditConvertDisplay(T &ctrl)            { return Edit(ctrl).SetConvert(ctrl).SetDisplay(ctrl); }
708 				ItemRect& EditInsert(bool b = true);
709 				ItemRect& EditUpdate(bool b = true);
710 				ItemRect& SetConvert(Convert &c);
711 				ItemRect& NoConvert();
712 				ItemRect& SetFormat(const char *fmt);
713 				ItemRect& SetDisplay(GridDisplay &gd);
714 				ItemRect& IgnoreDisplay();
715 				ItemRect& NoConvertion();
716 				ItemRect& Default(Value v);
717 				ItemRect& Index(bool b = true);
719 				String GetName() const;
720 				Id     GetAlias() const;
AlignTop()722 				ItemRect& AlignTop()                             { balign = GD::TOP     | GD::LEFT;                return *this; }
AlignBottom()723 				ItemRect& AlignBottom()                          { balign = GD::BOTTOM  | GD::LEFT;                return *this; }
AlignLeft()724 				ItemRect& AlignLeft()                            { balign = GD::LEFT    | GD::VCENTER;             return *this; }
AlignRight()725 				ItemRect& AlignRight()                           { balign = GD::RIGHT   | GD::VCENTER;             return *this; }
AlignTopLeft()726 				ItemRect& AlignTopLeft()                         { balign = GD::LEFT    | GD::TOP;                 return *this; }
AlignTopRight()727 				ItemRect& AlignTopRight()                        { balign = GD::RIGHT   | GD::TOP;                 return *this; }
AlignTopCenter()728 				ItemRect& AlignTopCenter()                       { balign = GD::HCENTER | GD::TOP;                 return *this; }
AlignCenterLeft()729 				ItemRect& AlignCenterLeft()                      { balign = GD::VCENTER | GD::LEFT;                return *this; }
AlignCenterRight()730 				ItemRect& AlignCenterRight()                     { balign = GD::VCENTER | GD::RIGHT;               return *this; }
AlignCenter()731 				ItemRect& AlignCenter()                          { balign = GD::HCENTER | GD::VCENTER;             return *this; }
AlignBottomLeft()732 				ItemRect& AlignBottomLeft()                      { balign = GD::LEFT    | GD::BOTTOM;              return *this; }
AlignBottomRight()733 				ItemRect& AlignBottomRight()                     { balign = GD::RIGHT   | GD::BOTTOM;              return *this; }
AlignBottomCenter()734 				ItemRect& AlignBottomCenter()                    { balign = GD::HCENTER | GD::BOTTOM;              return *this; }
HeaderAlignTop()736 				ItemRect& HeaderAlignTop()                       { halign = GD::TOP     | GD::LEFT;                return *this; }
HeaderAlignBottom()737 				ItemRect& HeaderAlignBottom()                    { halign = GD::BOTTOM  | GD::LEFT;                return *this; }
HeaderAlignLeft()738 				ItemRect& HeaderAlignLeft()                      { halign = GD::LEFT    | GD::VCENTER;             return *this; }
HeaderAlignRight()739 				ItemRect& HeaderAlignRight()                     { halign = GD::RIGHT   | GD::VCENTER;             return *this; }
HeaderAlignTopLeft()740 				ItemRect& HeaderAlignTopLeft()                   { halign = GD::LEFT    | GD::TOP;                 return *this; }
HeaderAlignTopRight()741 				ItemRect& HeaderAlignTopRight()                  { halign = GD::RIGHT   | GD::TOP;                 return *this; }
HeaderAlignTopCenter()742 				ItemRect& HeaderAlignTopCenter()                 { halign = GD::HCENTER | GD::TOP;                 return *this; }
HeaderAlignCenterLeft()743 				ItemRect& HeaderAlignCenterLeft()                { halign = GD::VCENTER | GD::LEFT;                return *this; }
HeaderAlignCenterRight()744 				ItemRect& HeaderAlignCenterRight()               { halign = GD::VCENTER | GD::RIGHT;               return *this; }
HeaderAlignCenter()745 				ItemRect& HeaderAlignCenter()                    { halign = GD::HCENTER | GD::VCENTER;             return *this; }
HeaderAlignBottomLeft()746 				ItemRect& HeaderAlignBottomLeft()                { halign = GD::LEFT    | GD::BOTTOM;              return *this; }
HeaderAlignBottomRight()747 				ItemRect& HeaderAlignBottomRight()               { halign = GD::RIGHT   | GD::BOTTOM;              return *this; }
HeaderAlignBottomCenter()748 				ItemRect& HeaderAlignBottomCenter()              { halign = GD::HCENTER | GD::BOTTOM;              return *this; }
750 				ItemRect& CtrlAlignTop(int t = 0, int s = 0)     { calign |= GD::TOP;     st = t; sy = s;         return *this; }
751 				ItemRect& CtrlAlignBottom(int b = 0, int s = 0)  { calign |= GD::BOTTOM;  sb = b; sy = s;         return *this; }
752 				ItemRect& CtrlAlignLeft(int l = 0, int s = 0)    { calign |= GD::LEFT;    sl = l; sx = s;         return *this; }
753 				ItemRect& CtrlAlignRight(int r = 0, int s = 0)   { calign |= GD::RIGHT;   sr = r; sx = s;         return *this; }
754 				ItemRect& CtrlAlignHorzCenter(int s = 0)         { calign |= GD::HCENTER; sx = s;                 return *this; }
755 				ItemRect& CtrlAlignVertCenter(int s = 0)         { calign |= GD::VCENTER; sy = s;                 return *this; }
756 				ItemRect& CtrlAlignCenter(int s = 0, int d = 0)  { calign |= GD::VCENTER | GD::HCENTER; sx = s; sy = d; return *this; }
757 				ItemRect& CtrlAlignHorzPos(int l = 0, int r = 0) { calign |= GD::HPOS;    sl = l; sr = r; sx = 1; return *this; }
758 				ItemRect& CtrlAlignVertPos(int t = 0, int b = 0) { calign |= GD::VPOS;    st = t; sb = b; sy = 1; return *this; }
GetAlign()760 				int       GetAlign() const                       { return balign; }
GetHeaderAlign()761 				int       GetHeaderAlign() const                 { return halign; }
GetCtrlAlign()762 				int       GetCtrlAlign() const                   { return calign; }
WrapText()764 				ItemRect& WrapText()                             { wrap = true; return *this; }
SetFont(Font & f)766 				ItemRect& SetFont(Font& f)                       { fnt = f;    return *this; }
SetHeaderFont(Font & f)767 				ItemRect& SetHeaderFont(Font& f)                 { hfnt = f;   return *this; }
Bg(Color c)768 				ItemRect& Bg(Color c)                            { bg = c;     return *this; }
Fg(Color c)769 				ItemRect& Fg(Color c)                            { fg = c;     return *this; }
SetImage(const Image & i)770 				ItemRect& SetImage(const Image& i)               { img = i;    return *this; }
ClearImage()771 				ItemRect& ClearImage()                           { img = Null; return *this; }
772 				ItemRect& Ctrls(Callback1<One<Ctrl>&> _factory);
Ctrls(void (* factory)(One<Ctrl> &))773 				ItemRect& Ctrls(void (*factory)(One<Ctrl>&))     { return Ctrls(callback(factory)); }
Ctrls()774 				template<class T> ItemRect&  Ctrls()             { return Ctrls(DefaultCtrlFactory<T>()); }
775 				ItemRect& NoCtrls();
776 				ItemRect& Option();
777 				ItemRect& ThreeStateOption();
779 				ItemRect& Editable(bool b);
780 				ItemRect& NoEditable();
Sortable(bool b)782 				ItemRect& Sortable(bool b)                       { sortable = b;      return *this; }
NoSortable()783 				ItemRect& NoSortable()                           { sortable = false;  return *this; }
Clickable(bool b)785 				ItemRect& Clickable(bool b)                      { clickable = b;     return *this; }
NoClickable()786 				ItemRect& NoClickable()                          { clickable = false; return *this; }
Locked(bool b)788 				ItemRect& Locked(bool b)                         { locked = b;        return *this; }
NoLocked(bool b)789 				ItemRect& NoLocked(bool b)                       { locked = false;    return *this; }
Skip(bool b)791 				ItemRect& Skip(bool b)                           { skip = b;          return *this; }
793 				ItemRect& DoAvg(const char *s = "")              { sop = SOP_AVG; sopfrm = s; return *this; }
794 				ItemRect& DoSum(const char *s = "")              { sop = SOP_SUM; sopfrm = s; return *this; }
795 				ItemRect& DoMin(const char *s = "")              { sop = SOP_MIN; sopfrm = s; return *this; }
796 				ItemRect& DoMax(const char *s = "")              { sop = SOP_MAX; sopfrm = s; return *this; }
797 				ItemRect& DoCount(const char *s = "")            { sop = SOP_CNT; sopfrm = s; return *this; }
GetId()799 				int  GetId()                                     { return id;                       }
GetNumber()800 				int  GetNumber()                                 { return id - parent->fixed_cols;  }
IsConvertion()802 				bool IsConvertion() const                        { return convertion; }
IsHidden()803 				bool IsHidden() const                            { return hidden;     }
IsSortOrg()805 				bool IsSortOrg() const                           { return sortmode == 0; }
IsSortAsc()806 				bool IsSortAsc() const                           { return sortmode == 1; }
IsSortDsc()807 				bool IsSortDsc() const                           { return sortmode == 2; }
809 				Value ExtractValue(int r, int c) const;
811 				void Serialize(Stream &s);
812 				void Clear();
813 		};
815 		typedef Vector<ItemRect> RectItems;
816 		typedef Vector<ItemRect> VItems;
817 		typedef Vector<ItemRect> HItems;
818 		typedef Vector<JoinRect> JItems;
820 		typedef GridCtrl CLASSNAME;
822 		Items  items;
823 		HItems hitems;
824 		VItems vitems;
825 		JItems joins;
827 		Vector<Item> summary;
828 		Vector<Value> rowbkp;
830 		VectorMap<Id, int> aliases;
831 		Edits edits;
833 		CtrlsHolder holder;
835 		ScrollBar      sbx;
836 		ScrollBar      sby;
837 		ToolBar        bar;
839 		GridResizePanel resize_panel;
840 		GridPopUp popup;
842 		bool resize_panel_open:1;
844 		GridFind find;
845 		Label info;
846 		Button close;
848 		GridDisplay *display;
849 		GridDisplay *orgdisp;
851 		/* Properties */
853 		bool select_row:1;
854 		bool multi_select:1;
855 		bool indicator:1;
856 		bool resizing_cols:1;
857 		bool resizing_rows:1;
858 		bool moving_cols:1;
859 		bool moving_rows:1;
860 		bool resizing_fixed_cols:1;
861 		bool resizing_fixed_rows:1;
862 		bool dragging:1;
863 		bool horz_grid:1;
864 		bool vert_grid:1;
865 		bool draw_last_horz_line:1;
866 		bool draw_last_vert_line:1;
867 		bool sorting:1;
868 		bool sorting_multicol:1;
869 		bool header:1;
870 		bool live_cursor:1;
871 		bool row_changing:1;
872 		int  coloring_mode;
874 		int  resize_paint_mode;
875 		int  resize_col_mode;
876 		int  resize_row_mode;
877 		int  edit_mode;
878 		bool one_click_edit:1;
879 		bool goto_first_edit:1;
881 		bool inserting:1;
882 		bool appending:1;
883 		bool duplicating:1;
884 		bool removing:1;
885 		bool accepting:1;
886 		bool canceling:1;
887 		bool moving:1;
888 		bool navigating:1;
889 		bool searching:1;
890 		bool closing:1;
891 		bool editing:1;
892 		bool edits_in_new_row:1;
893 		bool hiding:1;
894 		bool clipboard:1;
895 		bool extra_paste:1;
896 		bool fixed_paste:1;
897 		bool copy_allowed:1;
898 		bool cut_allowed:1;
899 		bool paste_allowed:1;
900 		bool copy_column_names:1;
901 		bool draw_focus:1;
902 		bool cancel_all:1;
903 		bool ask_remove:1;
905 		bool reject_null_row:1;
906 		bool tab_changes_row:1;
907 		bool tab_adds_row:1;
908 		bool enter_like_tab:1;
909 		bool keep_last_row:1;
910 		bool remove_hides:1;
912 		bool full_col_resizing:1;
913 		bool full_row_resizing:1;
915 		bool chameleon:1;
916 		bool summary_row:1;
917 		bool update_summary:1;
918 		bool popups:1;
919 		bool focus_lost_accepting:1;
921 		bool search_hide:1;
922 		bool search_highlight:1;
923 		bool search_highlight_first:1;
924 		bool search_immediate:1;
925 		bool search_case:1;
926 		bool search_move_cursor:1;
927 		bool search_display:1;
928 		int  find_offset;
930 		static bool index_as_column;
931 		static bool reverse_sort_icon;
933 		/* States */
935 		bool newrow_inserted:1;
936 		bool newrow_appended:1;
937 		int  row_modified;
938 		bool row_removed:1;
939 		bool sel_begin:1;
940 		bool sel_end:1;
941 		bool moving_header:1;
942 		bool moving_body:1;
943 		bool moving_allowed:1;
944 		bool row_order:1;
945 		bool row_data:1;
946 		bool scrollLeftRight:1;
947 		bool doscroll:1;
948 		bool ready:1;
949 		bool isedit:1;
950 		int  genr_ctrls;
951 		bool edit_ctrls:1;
952 		bool shiftmode:1;
953 		bool recalc_cols;
954 		bool recalc_rows;
955 		bool cancel_update_cell:1;
956 		bool cancel_update:1;
957 		bool cancel_insert:1;
958 		bool cancel_remove:1;
959 		bool cancel_accept:1;
960 		bool cancel_duplicate:1;
961 		bool cancel_cursor:1;
962 		bool cancel_move:1;
963 		bool mouse_move:1;
964 		bool is_clipboard:1;
965 		bool selecting:1;
966 		bool enabled:1;
968 		bool call_whenchangecol:1;
969 		bool call_whenchangerow:1;
970 		bool call_whenremoverow:1;
971 		bool call_whenupdaterow:1;
972 		bool call_wheninsertrow:1;
974 		bool resizing;
975 		bool fixed_click;
976 		bool fixed_top_click;
977 		bool fixed_left_click;
978 		bool size_changed;
979 		bool top_click;
980 		bool just_clicked;
981 		bool synced;
983 		bool valid_cursor;
986 		/* Values */
988 		int  curSplitCol, curSplitRow;
989 		int  firstRow,    lastRow;
990 		int  firstCol,    lastCol;
991 		int  firstVisCol, lastVisCol;
992 		int  firstVisRow, lastVisRow;
993 		int  moveCol,     oldMoveCol;
994 		int  moveRow,     oldMoveRow;
995 		int  total_cols,  total_rows;
996 		int  fixed_cols,  fixed_rows;
997 		int  total_width, total_height;
998 		int  fixed_width, fixed_height;
999 		int  summary_height;
1001 		int  oldSplitCol, oldSplitRow;
1003 		int  selected_rows;
1004 		int  selected_items;
1005 		int  colidx;
1006 		int  rowidx;
1007 		int  bains;
1008 		int  coluid;
1009 		int  rowuid;
1010 		int  rowfnd;
1012 		int  bkp_rowidx;
1014 		int  minRowSelected;
1015 		int  maxRowSelected;
1017 		int  sc_fr;
1018 		int  sc_lr;
1020 		int  join_group;
1022 		int  sync_flag;
1023 		int  paint_flag;
1025 		/* Points */
1027 		Point oldpos;
1028 		Point curpos;
1029 		Point oldcur;
1030 		Point curid;
1031 		Point livecur;
1032 		Point ctrlpos;
1033 		Point ctrlid;
1034 		Point shiftpos;
1035 		Point leftpnt;
1036 		Size  osz;
1038 		/* Others */
1040 		Ctrl * focused_ctrl;
1041 		int    focused_ctrl_id;
1042 		Value  focused_ctrl_val;
1043 		int    focused_col;
1045 		WString search_string;
1047 		bool curResizeCol;
1048 		bool curResizeRow;
1050 		bool resizeCol;
1051 		bool resizeRow;
1053 		int splitCol, splitRow;
1054 		int firstColPos, firstRowPos;
1055 		int hcol, hrow;
1056 		int dx, dy;
1058 		GridPopUpHeader pophdr;
1059 		FrameRight<StaticRect> scrollbox;
1061 		int sortCol;
1062 		Vector<int> sortOrder;
1064 	public:
1066 		struct SortOrder : Moveable<SortOrder>
1067 		{
1068 			int id;
1069 			Id name;
1070 			bool ascending;
1071 			bool descending;
1072 		};
1074 	public:
1076 		/* Colors */
1078 		Color fg_focus,  bg_focus;
1079 		Color fg_select, bg_select;
1080 		Color fg_live,   bg_live;
1081 		Color fg_found,  bg_found;
1082 		Color fg_even,   bg_even;
1083 		Color fg_odd,    bg_odd;
1084 		Color fg_grid;
1087 	public:
1088 		GridCtrl();
1089 		~GridCtrl();
1091 		/* Properties */
1092 		GridCtrl& HorzGrid(bool b = true) 	      { horz_grid           = b; return *this; }
1093 		GridCtrl& VertGrid(bool b = true) 	      { vert_grid           = b; return *this; }
1094 		GridCtrl& DrawLastHorzLine(bool b = true) { draw_last_horz_line = b; return *this; }
1095 		GridCtrl& DrawLastVertLine(bool b = true) { draw_last_vert_line = b; return *this; }
1096 		GridCtrl& MultiSelect(bool b = true)      { multi_select        = b; return *this; }
1097 		GridCtrl& ResizingCols(bool b = true) 	  { resizing_cols       = b; return *this; }
1098 		GridCtrl& ResizingRows(bool b = true) 	  { resizing_rows       = b; return *this; }
1099 		GridCtrl& MovingCols(bool b = true)   	  { moving_cols         = b; return *this; }
1100 		GridCtrl& MovingRows(bool b = true)   	  { moving_rows         = b; return *this; }
1101 		GridCtrl& Dragging(bool b = true)         { dragging            = b; return *this; }
1102 		GridCtrl& ResizePaintMode(int m = 0) 	  { resize_paint_mode   = m; return *this; }
1103 		GridCtrl& LiveCursor(bool b = true)   	  { live_cursor         = b; return *this; }
1104 		GridCtrl& Sorting(bool b = true)      	  { sorting             = b; return *this; }
1105 		GridCtrl& MultiSorting(bool b = true) 	  { sorting_multicol    = b; return *this; }
1106 		GridCtrl& Header(bool b = true)           { header              = b; return *this; }
EditMode(int m)1107 		GridCtrl& EditMode(int m)      			  { edit_mode           = m; return *this; }
EditRow()1108 		GridCtrl& EditRow()         			  { edit_mode           = GE_ROW;  return *this; }
EditCell()1109 		GridCtrl& EditCell()         			  { edit_mode           = GE_CELL; return *this; }
1110 		GridCtrl& OneClickEdit(bool b = true)     { one_click_edit      = b; return *this; }
1111 		GridCtrl& GotoFirstEdit(bool b = true)    { goto_first_edit     = b; return *this; }
Absolute()1112 		GridCtrl& Absolute()					  { return ResizeColMode(0);               }
Proportional()1113 		GridCtrl& Proportional()				  { return ResizeColMode(1);               }
1114 		GridCtrl& SelectRow(bool b = true)        { select_row          = b; return *this; }
1115 		GridCtrl& AutoHideHorzSb(bool b = true)   { sbx.AutoHide(b);         return *this; }
1116 		GridCtrl& AutoHideVertSb(bool b = true)   { sby.AutoHide(b);         return *this; }
1117 		GridCtrl& AutoHideSb(bool b = true)       { sbx.AutoHide(b);
1118 		                                            sby.AutoHide(b);         return *this; }
1120 		GridCtrl& ResizeColMode(int m = 0);
1121 		GridCtrl& ResizeRowMode(int m = 0);
1123 		GridCtrl& Indicator(bool b = true, int size = -1);
1125 		GridCtrl& GridColor(Color fg = SColorShadow);
1126 		GridCtrl& FocusColor(Color fg = SColorHighlightText, Color bg = SColorHighlight);
1127 		GridCtrl& LiveColor(Color fg = SColorText, Color bg = SColorHighlight);
1128 		GridCtrl& OddColor(Color fg = SColorText, Color bg = SColorInfo);
1129 		GridCtrl& EvenColor(Color fg = SColorText, Color bg = Blend(SColorHighlight, SColorPaper, 220));
1130 		GridCtrl& ColoringMode(int m);
1132 		GridCtrl& ColorRows(bool b = true) { return ColoringMode(2 * b).EvenColor(); }
1133 		GridCtrl& ColorCols(bool b = true) { return ColoringMode(1 * b).EvenColor(); }
SetDefaultRowHeight(int h)1136 		GridCtrl& SetDefaultRowHeight(int h)    { GD_ROW_HEIGHT = h; sby.SetLine(h); return *this; }
1137 		GridCtrl& SetColWidth(int n, int width, bool recalc = true);
1138 		GridCtrl& SetRowHeight(int n, int height, bool recalc = true);
1139 		GridCtrl& SetColsMin(int size);
1140 		GridCtrl& SetColsMax(int size);
GetDefaultRowHeight()1142 		int GetDefaultRowHeight() { return GD_ROW_HEIGHT; }
1144 		GridCtrl& Inserting(bool b = true)          { inserting            = b;  return *this; }
1145 		GridCtrl& Appending(bool b = true)          { appending            = b;  return *this; }
1146 		GridCtrl& Duplicating(bool b = true)        { duplicating          = b;  return *this; }
1147 		GridCtrl& Moving(bool b = true)             { moving               = b;  return *this; }
1148 		GridCtrl& Removing(bool b = true)           { removing             = b;  return *this; }
1149 		GridCtrl& Accepting(bool b = true)          { accepting            = b;  return *this; }
1150 		GridCtrl& Canceling(bool b = true)          { canceling            = b;  return *this; }
1151 		GridCtrl& Navigating(bool b = true)         { navigating           = b;  return *this; }
1152 		GridCtrl& Searching(bool b = true)          { searching            = b;  return *this; }
1153 		GridCtrl& Closing(bool b = true)            { closing              = b;  return *this; }
1154 		GridCtrl& Editing(bool b = true)            { editing              = b;  return *this; }
1155 		GridCtrl& EditsInNewRow(bool b = true)      { edits_in_new_row     = b;  return *this; }
1156 		GridCtrl& Hiding(bool b = true)             { hiding               = b;  return *this; }
1157 		GridCtrl& Clipboard(bool b = true)          { clipboard            = b;  return *this; }
1158 		GridCtrl& ExtraPaste(bool b = true)         { extra_paste          = b;  return *this; }
1159 		GridCtrl& FixedPaste(bool b = true)         { fixed_paste          = b;  return *this; }
1160 		GridCtrl& ClipboardCopy(bool b = true)		{ copy_allowed         = b;  return *this; }
1161 		GridCtrl& ClipboardCut(bool b = true)		{ cut_allowed          = b;  return *this; }
1162 		GridCtrl& ClipboardPaste(bool b = true)		{ paste_allowed        = b;  return *this; }
1163 		GridCtrl& CopyColumnNames(bool b = true)    { copy_column_names    = b;  return *this; }
1164 		GridCtrl& AskRemove(bool b = true)          { ask_remove           = b;  return *this; }
1165 		GridCtrl& RowChanging(bool b = true)        { row_changing         = b;  return *this; }
1167 		GridCtrl& DrawFocus(bool b = true)          { draw_focus           = b;  return *this; }
1169 		GridCtrl& RejectNullRow(bool b = true)      { reject_null_row      = b;  return *this; }
1170 		GridCtrl& KeepLastRow(bool b = true)        { keep_last_row        = b;  return *this; }
1171 		GridCtrl& RemoveHides(bool b = true)        { remove_hides         = b;  return *this; }
1172 		GridCtrl& TabChangesRow(bool b = true)      { tab_changes_row      = b;  return *this; }
1173 		GridCtrl& TabAddsRow(bool b = true)         { tab_adds_row         = b;  return *this; }
1174 		GridCtrl& EnterLikeTab(bool b = true)       { enter_like_tab       = b;  return *this; }
1175 		GridCtrl& FullColResizing(bool b = true)    { full_col_resizing    = b;  return *this; }
1176 		GridCtrl& FullRowResizing(bool b = true)    { full_row_resizing    = b;  return *this; }
1177 		GridCtrl& Chameleon(bool b = true)          { chameleon            = b;  return *this; }
1178 		GridCtrl& SummaryRow(bool b = true)         { summary_row          = b;  return *this; }
1179 		GridCtrl& Popups(bool b = true)             { popups               = b;  return *this; }
1180 		GridCtrl& FocusLostAccepting(bool b = true) { focus_lost_accepting = b;  return *this; }
SearchOffset(int offset)1182 		GridCtrl& SearchOffset(int offset)          { find_offset     = offset;  return *this; }
1183 		GridCtrl& SearchMoveCursor(bool b = true)   { search_move_cursor   = b;  return *this; }
1184 		GridCtrl& SearchImmediate(bool b = true)    { search_immediate     = b;  return *this; }
1185 		GridCtrl& SearchHideRows(bool b = true)     { search_hide          = b;  return *this; }
1186 		GridCtrl& SearchDisplay(bool b = true)      { search_display       = b;  return *this; }
1187 		static void IndexAsColumn(bool b = true)	{ index_as_column      = b;                }
1188 		static void ReverseSortIcon(bool b = true)	{ reverse_sort_icon    = b;                }
1190 		GridCtrl& SetToolBar(bool b = true, int align = BarCtrl::BAR_BOTTOM, int frame = 1);
GetToolBar()1191 		ToolBar&  GetToolBar() { return bar; }
1193 		GridCtrl& ResizePanel(bool b = true);
BeforeAfterInserting()1195 		GridCtrl& BeforeAfterInserting()     { bains = 1; return *this; }
AfterBeforeInserting()1196 		GridCtrl& AfterBeforeInserting()     { bains = 2; return *this; }
1198 		GridCtrl& HideColumn(int n = -1, bool refresh = true);
1199 		GridCtrl& ShowColumn(int n, bool refresh = true);
1201 		GridCtrl& HideRow(int n = -1, bool refresh = true);
1202 		GridCtrl& ShowRow(int n, bool refresh = true);
1204 		void MenuHideColumn(int n);
1206 		void HideRows(bool repaint = false);
1207 		void ShowRows(bool repaint = false);
1209 		/* Virutals */
1211 		virtual void Paint(Draw &w);
1212 		virtual void MouseMove(Point p, dword keyflags);
1213 		virtual void LeftDown(Point p, dword keyflags);
1214 		virtual void LeftUp(Point p, dword keyflags);
1215 	    virtual void LeftDouble(Point p, dword keyflags);
1216 	    virtual void LeftRepeat(Point p, dword keyflags);
1217 	    virtual void RightDown(Point p, dword keyflags);
1218 		virtual void Layout();
1219 	    virtual void MouseLeave();
1220 	    virtual bool Key(dword key, int);
1221 		virtual void GotFocus();
1222 		virtual void LostFocus();
1223 		virtual void ChildGotFocus();
1224 		virtual void ChildLostFocus();
1225 		virtual void MouseWheel(Point p, int zdelta, dword keyflags);
1226 	    virtual Image CursorImage(Point p, dword);
1227 	    virtual void State(int reason);
1228 	    virtual void ChildMouseEvent(Ctrl *child, int event, Point p, int zdelta, dword keyflags);
1229 		virtual void ChildFrameMouseEvent(Ctrl *child, int event, Point p, int zdelta, dword keyflags);
1230 		virtual bool Accept();
1231 		virtual void Reject();
1233 		virtual void DragAndDrop(Point p, PasteClip& d);
1235 		void ChildAction(Ctrl *child, int event);
1236 		void RestoreFocus();
1238 		/* Methods */
1240 		ItemRect& InsertColumn(int pos, const char *name = "", int size = -1, bool idx = false);
1241 		ItemRect& AddColumn(const Id id, const char *name = "", int size = -1, bool idx = false);
1242 		ItemRect& AddColumn(const String& name, int size = -1, bool idx = false);
1243 		ItemRect& AddColumn(const char *name = "", int size = -1, bool idx = false);
1245 		void RemoveColumn(int n, int count = 1);
AddHiddenColumn()1247 		ItemRect& AddHiddenColumn()                 { return AddColumn(0, 0);    }
AddHiddenColumn(const char * name)1248 		ItemRect& AddHiddenColumn(const char *name) { return AddColumn(name, 0); }
AddHiddenColumn(String & name)1249 		ItemRect& AddHiddenColumn(String &name)     { return AddColumn(name, 0); }
AddIndex()1251 		ItemRect& AddIndex()                        { return AddColumn("", 0, true);    }
AddIndex(Id id)1252 		ItemRect& AddIndex(Id id)                   { return AddColumn(id, ~id, 0, true); }
AddIndex(const char * name)1253 		ItemRect& AddIndex(const char *name)        { return AddColumn(name, 0, true); }
AddIndex(String & name)1254 		ItemRect& AddIndex(String &name)            { return AddColumn(name, 0, true); }
1256 		ItemRect& AddRow(int n = 1, int size = -1);
Add()1257 		GridCtrl& Add() { AddRow(); return *this; }
1259 		//$-GridCtrl& Add(const Value& [, const Value& ]...);
1260 		#define  E__Add(I)      GridCtrl& Add(__List##I(E__Value));
1261 			__Expand(E__Add)
1262 		#undef   E__Add
1263 		//$+
1265 		//$-ItemRect& AddRow(const Value& [, const Value& ]...);
1266 		#define  E__Add(I)      ItemRect& AddRow(__List##I(E__Value));
1267 			__Expand(E__Add)
1268 		#undef   E__Add
1269 		//$+
1271 		GridCtrl& AddSeparator(Color c);
GetColumnCount()1273 		int       GetColumnCount() const      { return total_cols - fixed_cols; }
GetFixedColumnCount()1274 		int       GetFixedColumnCount() const { return fixed_cols;              }
1276 		ItemRect& GetColumn(int n);
1277 		ItemRect& GetColumn();
1278 		ItemRect& GetRow(int n);
1279 		ItemRect& GetRow();
1280 		Item&     GetCell(int n, int m);
1281 		Item&     GetCell(int n, Id id);
1283 		bool IsColumn(const Id& id);
1285 		int  GetCurrentRow() const;
1286 		bool IsCurrentRow() const;
1287 		void RestoreCurrentRow();
1289 		int GetWidth(int n = -1);
1290 		int GetHeight(int n = -1);
1291 		int GetFixedWidth();
1292 		int GetFixedHeight();
1294 		void Set(int r, int c, const Value &val);
1295 		void Set(int r, Id id, const Value &val);
1296 		void Set(int r, const char *s, const Value &val);
1297 		void Set(int c, const Value &val);
1298 		void Set(Id id, const Value &val);
1299 		void Set(int r, const Vector<Value> &v, int data_offset = 0, int column_offset = 0);
1300 		void Set(const Vector<Value> &v, int data_offset = 0, int column_offset = 0);
1301 		void SetAny(int r, int c, const Value &val);
1302 		void SetRaw(int r, int c, const Value &val);
1303 		void SetIndicator(int r, const Value &val);
1305 		void SetCtrl(int r, int c, Ctrl& ctrl);
1306 		void SetCtrl(int r, int c, Ctrl* ctrl);
1307 		void SetCtrl(int c, Ctrl& ctrl);
1308 		void SetCtrl(int c, Ctrl* ctrl);
1310 		void ClearCtrl(int r, int c);
1311 		void SetCtrlValue(int r, int c, const Value &val);
1312 		void SetCtrlValue(int c, const Value &val);
1314 		void   SetLast(int c, const Value &val);
1315 		void   SetFixed(int r, int c, const Value &val);
1316 		Value  GetFixed(int r, int c) const;
1317 		Value  GetFixed(int c) const;
1318 		Value  Get(int r, int c) const;
1319 		Value  Get(int c) const;
1320 		Value  Get(Id id) const;
1321 		Value  Get(int r, Id id) const;
1322 		Value  Get() const;
1323 		Value  Get(const char * alias) const;
1324 		Value  Get(int r, const char * alias) const;
1325 		Value  GetRaw(int r, int c) const;
1326 		Value  GetNew(int c) const;
1327 		Value  GetFirst(int c) const;
1328 		Value  GetLast(int c) const;
1329 		Value  GetPrev(Id id) const;
1330 		Value  GetPrev(int c) const;
1331 		Value& operator() (int r, int c);
1332 		Value& operator() (int c);
1333 		Value& operator() (Id id);
1334 		Value& operator() (int r, Id id);
1335 		Value& operator() (const char * alias);
1336 		Value& operator() (int r, const char * alias);
1337 		void   SetSummary(int c, const Value& val);
1338 		void   SetSummary(Id id, const Value& val);
1339 		Value  GetSummary(int c);
1340 		Value  GetSummary(Id id);
1342 		Vector< Vector<Value> > GetValues();
1343 		void SetValues(const Vector< Vector<Value> >& v);
1345 		using Ctrl::IsModified;
1347 		bool IsModified(int r, int c);
1348 		bool IsModified(int c);
1349 		bool IsModified(int r, Id id);
1350 		bool IsModified(Id id);
1352 		/* valid only in callbacks */
IsNewRow()1354 		bool IsNewRow()         { return newrow_inserted || newrow_appended; }
IsNewRowInserted()1355 		bool IsNewRowInserted() { return newrow_inserted; }
IsNewRowAppended()1356 		bool IsNewRowAppended() { return newrow_appended; }
IsModifiedRow()1357 		bool IsModifiedRow()    { return row_modified > 0; }
CommitNewRow()1358 		void CommitNewRow()     { newrow_inserted = newrow_appended = false; }
IsUpdatedRow()1360 		bool IsUpdatedRow()     { return vitems[rowidx].operation == GridOperation::UPDATE; }
IsInsertedRow()1361 		bool IsInsertedRow()    { return vitems[rowidx].operation == GridOperation::INSERT; }
IsRemovedRow()1362 		bool IsRemovedRow()     { return vitems[rowidx].operation == GridOperation::REMOVE; }
IsChangedRow()1363 		bool IsChangedRow()     { return IsUpdatedRow() || IsInsertedRow();                 }
IsVersionedRow()1364 		bool IsVersionedRow()   { return vitems[rowidx].operation.GetVersion() > 0;         }
GetRowOperation()1365 		int  GetRowOperation()  { return vitems[rowidx].operation;                          }
1367 		Vector<Value> ReadCol(int n = -1, int start_row = -1, int end_row = -1) const;
1368 		Vector<Value> ReadRow(int n = -1, int start_col = -1, int end_col = -1) const;
1369 		GridCtrl& Add(const Vector<Value> &v, int offset = 0, int count = -1, bool hidden = false);
1371 		void SetFixedRows(int n = 1);
1372 		void SetFixedCols(int n = 1);
GetStdRowHeight()1374 		int  GetStdRowHeight() { return GD_ROW_HEIGHT; }
1376 		void RefreshRow(int n = -1, bool relative = true, bool fixed = false);
1377 		void RefreshCol(int n = -1, bool relative = true, bool fixed = false);
1378 		void RefreshRows(int from, int to, bool relative = true, bool fixed = false);
1379 		void RefreshItem(int r, int c, bool relative = true);
1380 		void RefreshNewRow();
1381 		void RefreshFrom(int from);
1383 		void RefreshTop();
1384 		void RefreshLeft();
1385 		void RefreshSummary();
1387 		void Repaint(bool recalc_cols = false, bool recalc_rows = false, int opt = RP_ALL);
1388 		void Ready(bool b);
1390 		int  GetMouseRow(Point &p, bool relative = true, bool fixed = false, bool full = true);
1391 		int  GetMouseCol(Point &p, bool relative = true, bool fixed = false, bool full = true);
1393 		void UpdateCursor();
1395 		int Find(const Value &v, int col = 0, int start_from = 0, int opt = 0) const;
1396 		int Find(const Value &v, Id id, int opt = 0) const;
1397 		int Find(const Value &v0, Id id0, const Value &v1, Id id1, int opt = 0) const;
1398 		int FindCurrent(Id id, int opt = GF::SKIP_CURRENT_ROW) const;
1399 		int FindCurrent(Id id0, Id id1, int opt = GF::SKIP_CURRENT_ROW) const;
1401 		int FindInRow(const Value& v, int row = 0, int start_from = 0) const;
GetDisplay()1403 		GridDisplay& GetDisplay() { return *display; }
SetDisplay(GridDisplay & gd)1404 		GridCtrl&    SetDisplay(GridDisplay &gd) { display = &gd; return *this; }
1406 		void SetDisplay(int r, int c, GridDisplay& gd);
IsEdit()1408 		bool IsEdit()  { return isedit; }
1409 		bool StartEdit();
1410 		bool SwitchEdit();
1411 		bool EndEdit(bool accept = true, bool doall = false, bool remove_row = true);
1412 		bool CancelEdit(bool remove_row = true) { return EndEdit(false, false, remove_row); }
1414 		int  Append(int cnt = 1, bool refresh = true, int height = -1);
1415 		void Insert(int i, int cnt = 1);
1416 		void Remove(int i = -1, int cnt = 1);
1417 		void RemoveFirst(int cnt = 1);
1418 		void RemoveLast(int cnt = 1);
1419 		void Duplicate(int i, int cnt = 1);
CancelRemove()1421 		void CancelRemove()     { cancel_remove      = true; }
CancelUpdate()1422 		void CancelUpdate()     { cancel_update      = true; }
CancelInsert()1423 		void CancelInsert()     { cancel_insert      = true; }
CancelUpdateCell()1424 		void CancelUpdateCell() { cancel_update_cell = true; }
CancelAccept()1425 		void CancelAccept()     { cancel_accept      = true; }
CancelDuplicate()1426 		void CancelDuplicate()  { cancel_duplicate   = true; }
CancelCursor()1427 		void CancelCursor()     { cancel_cursor      = true; }
CancelMove()1428 		void CancelMove()       { cancel_move        = true; }
1430 		void ClearCursor(bool remove = false);
1431 		void ClearRow(int r = -1, int column_offset = 0);
1432 		void Clear(bool columns = false);
1433 		void Reset();
1435 		void ClearOperations();
1436 		void ClearVersions();
1438 		void Begin();
1439 		void Next();
1440 		void Prev();
1441 		void End();
1442 		void Move(int r);
1443 		bool IsEnd();
1445 		bool IsFirst();
1446 		bool IsLast();
1447 		bool IsNext();
1448 		bool IsPrev();
1450 		int  SetCursor(int n);
1451 		void SetCursor(const Point& p);
1452 		int  SetCursorId(int n);
1453 		int  GetCursor(bool rel = false) const;
1454 		int  GetPrevCursor(bool rel = false) const;
1455 		int  GetCursor(int uid) const;
1456 		Point GetCursorPos() const;
1457 		void CenterCursor();
IsCursor()1458 		bool IsCursor() const      { return valid_cursor; }
IsCursorBegin()1459 		bool IsCursorBegin() const { return curpos.y == fixed_rows; }
IsCursorEnd()1460 		bool IsCursorEnd() const   { return curpos.y == total_rows - 1; }
1462 		int  GetNewRowPos();
1463 		int  GetNewRowId();
1464 		int  GetRemovedRowPos();
GetCursorId()1466 		int  GetCursorId() const { return GetCursor(true); }
GetPrevCursorId()1467 		int  GetPrevCursorId() const { return GetPrevCursor(true); }
1468 		int  GetColId() const;
1469 		int  GetRowId() const;
1470 		int  GetColId(int n) const;
1471 		int  GetRowId(int n) const;
1472 		int  GetColUId() const;
1473 		int  GetRowUId() const;
1474 		int  FindCol(int id) const;
1475 		int  FindCol(const Id& id) const;
1476 		int  FindCol(const String& s) const;
1477 		int  FindRow(int id) const;
1479 		int  GetNextRow(int n);
1480 		int  GetPrevRow(int n);
1482 		bool GoBegin(bool scroll = true);
1483 		bool GoEnd(bool scroll = true, bool goleft = false);
1484 		bool GoNext(bool scroll = true);
1485 		bool GoPrev(bool scroll = true);
1486 		bool GoLeft(bool scroll = true, bool ctrlmode = false);
1487 		bool GoRight(bool scroll = true, bool ctrlmode = false);
1488 		bool GoPageUp(bool scroll = true);
1489 		bool GoPageDn(bool scroll = true);
1490 		bool GoFirstVisible(bool scroll = true);
1491 		void GoTo(int r, bool setcursor = true, bool scroll = true);
1492 		void GoTo(int r, int c, bool setcursor = true, bool scroll = true);
GoTop()1493 		bool GoTop() { return GoBegin(); }
1495 		void SwapCols(int n, int m);
1496 		bool SwapRows(int n, int m, bool repaint = true);
1498 		void SwapUp(int cnt = 1);
1499 		void SwapDown(int cnt = 1);
1501 		bool CanMoveCol(int n, int m);
1503 		void MoveCol(int n, int m);
1504 		bool MoveRow(int n, int m, bool repaint = true);
1506 		void MoveRows(int n, bool onerow = false);
1508 		int  GetCount() const;
GetRowCount()1509 		int  GetRowCount() const { return GetCount(); }
1510 		int  GetVisibleCount() const;
1511 		int  GetFixedCount() const;
1512 		int  GetTotalCount() const;
1514 		void SetRowCount(int n, int size = -1);
1515 		void SetColCount(int n, int size = 100);
1517 		void Select(int n, int cnt = 1);
1518 		void ClearSelection();
IsSelection()1519 		bool IsSelection()           { return selected_rows > 0; }
IsSelectionBegin()1520 		bool IsSelectionBegin()      { return sel_begin;         }
IsSelectionEnd()1521 		bool IsSelectionEnd()        { return sel_end;           }
GetSelectedCount()1522 		int  GetSelectedCount()      { return selected_rows;     }
GetSelectedItemsCount()1523 		int  GetSelectedItemsCount() { return selected_items;    }
1524 		bool IsSelected(int n, bool relative = true);
1525 		bool IsSelected(int n, int m, bool relative = true);
1526 		bool IsSelected();
1528 		void Copy(bool all = false)  { SetClipboard(all, true);  }
CopyAll()1529 		void CopyAll()               { Copy(true);               }
1531 		void DoInsert0(bool edit, bool after);
1532 		void DoInsertBefore0(bool edit);
1533 		void DoInsertBefore();
1534 		void DoInsertBeforeNoEdit();
1535 		void DoInsertAfter0(bool edit);
1536 		void DoInsertAfter();
1537 		void DoInsertAfterNoEdit();
1538 		void DoRemove();
1539 		void DoAppend0(bool edit);
1540 		void DoAppend();
1541 		void DoAppendNoEdit();
1542 		void DoDuplicate0();
1543 		void DoDuplicate();
1544 		void DoEdit();
1545 		void DoEndEdit();
1546 		void DoCancelEdit();
1547 		void DoSelectAll();
1548 		void DoSwapUp();
1549 		void DoSwapDown();
1550 		void DoShiftSelect();
1551 		void DoCtrlSelect();
1552 		void DoGoBegin();
1553 		void DoGoEnd();
1554 		void DoGoNext();
1555 		void DoGoPrev();
1556 		void DoGoLeft();
1557 		void DoGoRight();
1558 		void DoGoPageUp();
1559 		void DoGoPageDn();
1560 		void DoFind();
1562 		void StdMenuBar(Bar &bar);
1563 		void StdToolBar(Bar &bar);
1564 		void FindOptsBar(Bar &bar);
1565 		void FindBar(Bar &bar, int cx);
1566 		void InfoBar(Bar &bar, int cx);
1567 		void NavigatingBar(Bar &bar);
1568 		void RemovingMenu(Bar &bar);
1569 		void MovingMenu(Bar &bar);
1570 		void SelectMenu(Bar &bar);
1571 		void ColumnsMenu(Bar &bar);
1572 		void ColumnList(Bar &bar);
1573 		void ClipboardMenu(Bar &bar);
1574 		void PasteAsMenu(Bar &bar);
RebuildToolBar()1576 		void RebuildToolBar() { bar.Set(WhenToolBar); }
1577 		void SetToolBarInfo(String inf);
1579 		void ClearFound(bool showrows = true, bool clear_string = true);
IsEmpty()1581 		bool IsEmpty()        { return total_rows <= fixed_rows; }
IsFilled()1582 		bool IsFilled()       { return total_rows > fixed_rows;  }
IsOrderChanged()1583 		bool IsOrderChanged() { return row_order; }
IsDataChanged()1584 		bool IsDataChanged()  { return row_data; }
IsChanged()1585 		bool IsChanged()      { return row_order || row_data; }
ClearChanged()1586 		void ClearChanged()   { row_order = row_data = false; ClearModify(); }
1588 		bool IsRowEditable(int r = -1);
1589 		bool IsRowClickable(int r = -1);
1591 		void Serialize(Stream &s);
1593 		Ctrl * GetCtrl(int r, int c); // checks visibility - if widget is out of view, returns NULL
1594 		Ctrl * GetCtrlAt(int r, int c); // does not check visibility
1595 		Ctrl * GetCtrl(int c); // checks visibility - if widget is out of view, returns NULL
GetStdHeight()1597 		static int GetStdHeight() { return Draw::GetStdFontCy() + 4; }
1599 		void Debug(int n = 0);
UpdateScrollbars()1600 		void UpdateScrollbars() { UpdateSb(); }
1602 		void JoinCells(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, bool relative = true);
1603 		void JoinFixedCells(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
1604 		void JoinRow(int n, int left, int right);
1605 		void JoinRow(int left = -1, int right = -1);
1606 		void UpdateJoins(int row, int col, int cnt = 1);
1608 		GridCtrl& Sort(int sort_col, int sort_mode = SORT_UP, bool multisort = false, bool repaint = true);
1609 		GridCtrl& Sort(Id id, int sort_mode = SORT_UP, bool multisort = false, bool repaint = true);
1610 		GridCtrl& MultiSort(int sort_col, int sort_mode = SORT_UP);
1611 		GridCtrl& MultiSort(Id id, int sort_mode = SORT_UP);
1612 		void ClearSort();
1613 		void ReSort();
1614 		void MarkSort(int col, int sort_mode);
1615 		void MarkSort(Id id, int sort_mode);
1617 		Vector<SortOrder> GetSortOrder() const;
1618 		Vector<Id> GetSortOrderId() const;
HorzScroll()1620 		ScrollBar& HorzScroll() { return sbx; }
VertScroll()1621 		ScrollBar& VertScroll() { return sby; }
1623 		Value GetStdConvertedValue(const Value& v) const;
1624 		Value GetConvertedColumn(int col, const Value& v) const;
1625 		Value GetStdConvertedColumn(int col, const Value& v) const;
1626 		String GetString(Id id) const;
1628 		bool Search(dword key);
1629 		int GetResizePanelHeight() const;
1630 		String GetColumnName(int n) const;
1631 		Id GetColumnId(int n) const;
1633 		void SetCtrlFocus(int col);
1634 		void SetCtrlFocus(Id id);
1636 		String GetColumnWidths();
1637 		void ColumnWidths(const char* s);
1638 		#ifdef flagGRIDSQL
1639 		void FieldLayout(FieldOperator& f);
Fields()1640 		operator Fields() { return THISBACK(FieldLayout); }
SqlSet()1641 		operator SqlSet() const { return GetColumnList(); }
1642 		SqlSet GetColumnList(bool skip_hidden = false) const;
1643 		#endif
1645 		void UpdateSummary(bool b = true);
1647 	private:
1649 		bool TabKey(bool enter_mode);
1651 		bool Go0(int jump, bool scroll = true, bool goleft = false, bool ctrlmode = false);
1653 		CurState SetCursor0(Point p, int opt = 0, int dirx = 0, int diry = 0);
1654 		CurState SetCursor0(int x, int y, int opt = 0, int dirx = 0, int diry = 0);
1655 		int SetCursor0(int n);
1657 		bool IsValidCursor(const Point &p, int fc, int lc, int fr, int lr) const;
1658 		bool IsValidCursorVis(const Point &p) const;
1659 		bool IsValidCursorAll(const Point &p) const;
1660 		bool IsValidCursor(const Point &p) const;
1661 		bool IsValidCursor(int c) const;
1663 		void SetItemCursor(Point p, bool b, bool highlight);
1665 		void Insert0(int row, int cnt = 1, bool recalc = true, bool refresh = true, int size = -1);
1666 		bool Remove0(int row, int cnt = 1, bool recalc = true, bool refresh = true, bool whens = true);
1667 		bool Duplicate0(int row, int cnt = 1, bool recalc = true, bool refresh = true);
1668 		int  Append0(int cnt = 1, int size = -1, bool refresh = true);
1670 		void GoCursorLeftRight();
1672 		void UpdateSb(bool horz = true, bool vert = true);
1673 		void UpdateHolder(bool force = false);
1674 		bool UpdateCols(bool force = false);
1675 		bool UpdateRows(bool force = false);
1676 		bool UpdateSizes();
1677 		void UpdateHighlighting(int mode, Point p = Null);
1678 		void UpdateVisColRow(bool col);
1680 		bool HasCtrls();
1681 		bool ShowNextCtrl();
1682 		bool ShowPrevCtrl();
1683 		public:
1684 		void SyncCtrls(int r = -1, int c = -1);
1685 		private:
1686 		void UpdateCtrls(int opt = UC_CHECK_VIS | UC_SHOW | UC_CURSOR | UC_FOCUS);
1687 		void SyncSummary();
1688 		void SyncPopup();
1690 		void SetCtrlsData();
1691 		bool GetCtrlsData(bool samerow = false, bool doall = false, bool updates = true);
1692 		bool CancelCtrlsData(bool all = false);
1693 		void UpdateDefaults(int ri);
1695 		int  GetFocusedCtrlIndex();
1696 		Point GetCtrlPos(Ctrl * ctrl);
1698 		void Split(int state = 0, bool sync = false);
1699 		void Scroll();
IsTopHeader()1701 		bool IsTopHeader()  { return fixed_rows > 0; }
IsLeftHeader()1702 		bool IsLeftHeader() { return fixed_cols > 1 || indicator; }
1704 		bool IsMouseBody(Point &p);
1706 		void DrawLine(bool iniLine, bool delLine);
1708 		Rect GetItemRect(int r, int c, bool hgrid = false, bool vgrid = false, bool hrel = false, bool vrel = false);
1710 		bool Match(const WString &f, const WString &s, int &fs, int &fe);
1711 		int  ShowMatchedRows(const WString &f);
1713 		void SelectCount(int i, int cnt = 1, bool sel = true);
1714 		void SelectRange(int from, int to, bool sel = true);
1715 		void SelectRange(Point from, Point to, bool sel = true, bool fullrow = false);
1716 		void ShiftSelect(int from, int to);
1717 		void ShiftSelect(Point from, Point to);
1718 		void SelectInverse(int from, int to);
1719 		int  GetMinRowSelected();
1720 		int  GetMaxRowSelected();
1722 		void CloseGrid();
1723 		String RowFormat(const char *s);
1725 		void SetFindOpts(int n);
GetItem(const Point & p)1727 		Item& GetItem(const Point &p) { return GetItem(p.y, p.x); }
GetItem(int n,int m)1728 		Item& GetItem(int n, int m)   { return items[vitems[n].id][hitems[m].id]; }
1730 		void Set0(int r, int c, const Value &val, bool paste = false);
1731 		Value Get0(int r, int c) const;
1733 		int GetSplitCol(const Point &p, int splitSize = 5, bool full = false);
1734 		int GetSplitRow(const Point &p, int splitSize = 5, bool full = false);
1736 		int GetFirst0(Vector<ItemRect> &its, int total, int sb, int diff);
1737 		int GetFirstVisCol(int diff);
1738 		int GetFirstVisRow(int diff);
1740 		bool SetDiffItemSize(bool horizontal, RectItems &its, int n, int diff, bool newsize = true);
1741 		void Recalc(bool horizontal, RectItems &its, int n, double size, double diff);
1742 		bool Recalc(bool horizontal, RectItems &its, int mode = -1);
1743 		bool RecalcCols(int mode = -1);
1744 		bool RecalcRows(int mode = -1);
1745 		void CalcIntPos(RectItems &its, int n, int maxsize, int cnt, int resize_mode, bool renumber = false);
1747 		Rect& AlignRect(Rect &r, int i);
1749 		void MouseAccel(const Point &p, bool horz, bool vert, dword keyflags);
1751 		void GSort(int scol = -1);
1752 		void GSort(int col, int order, int from, int count = -1);
1753 		void Multisort();
1754 		int  InMultisort(int col);
1755 		void ClearMultisort(int n = 0);
1756 		bool IsSorted();
1757 		void MarkSort(int col, int sort_mode, bool refresh);
1759 		void DrawHorzDragLine(Draw &w, int pos, int cx, int size, Color c);
1760 		void DrawVertDragLine(Draw &w, int pos, int size, int dx, Color c);
1762 		void SetOrder();
1764 		void Nothing();
1765 		void Init();
1767 		Ctrl * GetCtrl(int x, int y, bool check_visibility, bool hrel = false, bool vrel = false, bool check_edits = true);
1768 		Ctrl * GetCtrl(const Point &p, bool check_visibility, bool hrel = false, bool vrel = false, bool check_edits = true);
1769 		bool IsCtrl(Point &p, bool check_visibility = true);
1771 		GridClipboard GetClipboard();
1772 		void SetClipboard(bool all = false, bool silent = false);
1773 		bool IsClipboardAvailable();
1774 		void PasteCallbacks(bool new_row);
1775 		void Paste(int mode = 0);
1776 		void DoCopy();
1777 		void DoPaste();
1778 		void DoPasteInsertedRows();
1779 		void DoPasteAppendedRows();
1781 		Point GetBarOffset();
1782 		void ClearModified();
1784 		int  GetIdCol(int id, bool checkall = false) const;
1785 		int  GetIdRow(int id, bool checkall = false) const;
1786 		Value GetItemValue(const Item& it, int id, const ItemRect& hi, const ItemRect& vi);
1787 		void  GetItemAttrs(const Item& it, const Value& val, int r, int c, const ItemRect& vi, const ItemRect& hi, dword& style, GridDisplay*& gd, Color& fg, Color& bg, Font& fnt);
1788 		Item& GetItemSize(int &r, int &c, int &x, int &y, int &cx, int &cy, bool &skip, bool relx = true, bool rely = true);
1789 		Value GetAttrTextVal(const Value& val);
1791 		Image HorzPosImage();
1792 		Image VertPosImage();
1794 	private:
1795 		bool WhenInsertRow0();
1797 	public:
1799 		Event<Bar&> WhenMenuBar;
1800 		Event<Bar&> WhenToolBar;
1802 		Event<> WhenLeftDouble;
1803 		Event<> WhenLeftClick;
1804 		Event<> WhenEnter;
1805 		Event<> WhenEscape;
1807 		Event<> WhenStartEdit;
1808 		Event<> WhenEndEdit;
1810 		Event<> WhenCreateRow;
1812 		Event<> WhenAcceptRow;
1813 		Event<> WhenAcceptedRow;
1815 		Event<> WhenInsertRow;
1816 		Event<> WhenUpdateRow;
1817 		Event<> WhenRemoveRow;
1818 		Event<> WhenRemovedRow;
1819 		Event<> WhenDuplicateRow;
1821 		Callback2<int, int> WhenMoveRow;
1823 		Event<> WhenCancelNewRow;
1825 		Event<> WhenUpdateCell;
1827 		Event<> WhenUpdateSummary;
1829 		Event<> WhenNewRow;
1830 		Event<> WhenChangeCol;
1831 		Event<> WhenBeforeChangeCol;
1832 		Event<> WhenChangeRow;
1833 		Event<> WhenBeforeChangeRow;
1834 		Event<> WhenCursor;
1835 		Event<> WhenEmpty;
1837 		Event<> WhenCtrlAction;
1838 		Event<> WhenCtrlsAction;
1840 		Event<> WhenSearchCursor;
1841 		Event<> WhenClose;
1842 		Event<> WhenChangeOrder;
1844 		Event<> StdInsert;
1845 		Event<> StdAppend;
1846 		Event<> StdRemove;
1847 		Event<> StdDuplicate;
1848 		Event<> StdEdit;
1850 		Event<> WhenSort;
1851 		Event<> WhenSorted;
1853 		Event<Value&> ProcessSummaryValue;
1855 		Event<int, int, Value&> WhenPasteCell;
1856 		Event<> WhenPaste;
1857 };
1859 class GridText : Ctrl
1860 {
1861 	private:
1862 		GridDisplay display;
1863 		GridCtrl* parent;
1864 		const Id* column;
1865 		Color fg, bg;
1866 		Font fnt;
1868 	public:
GridText()1870 		GridText() {}
Paint(Draw & w)1872 		virtual void Paint(Draw& w)
1873 		{
1874 			Rect r = GetRect();
1875 			display.Paint(w, r.left, r.top, r.Width(), r.Height(), parent->Get(*column), 0, fg, bg, fnt);
1876 		}
Ink(Color c)1878 		void Ink(Color c)    { fg = c;  }
Paper(Color c)1879 		void Paper(Color c)  { bg = c;  }
SetFont(Font f)1880 		void SetFont(Font f) { fnt = f; }
Column(const Id & c)1881 		void Column(const Id& c) { column = &c; }
1882 };
1884 template<> void Xmlize(XmlIO& xml, GridCtrl& g);
1885 template<> void Jsonize(JsonIO& json, GridCtrl& g);
1887 }
1889 #endif