1 /*
2  * This software has been licensed to the Centre of Speech Technology, KTH
3  * by Microsoft Corp. with the terms in the accompanying file BSD.txt,
4  * which is a BSD style license.
5  *
6  *    "Copyright (c) 1990-1996 Entropic Research Laboratory, Inc.
7  *                   All rights reserved"
8  *
9  * Written by:  David Talkin
10  * Checked by:
11  * Revised by:
12  * @(#)f0.h	1.4 9/9/96 ERL
13  * Brief description:
14  *
15  */
19 /* f0.h */
20 /* Some definitions used by the "Pitch Tracker Software". */
22 typedef struct f0_params {
23 float cand_thresh,	/* only correlation peaks above this are considered */
24       lag_weight,	/* degree to which shorter lags are weighted */
25       freq_weight,	/* weighting given to F0 trajectory smoothness */
26       trans_cost,	/* fixed cost for a voicing-state transition */
27       trans_amp,	/* amplitude-change-modulated VUV trans. cost */
28       trans_spec,	/* spectral-change-modulated VUV trans. cost */
29       voice_bias,	/* fixed bias towards the voiced hypothesis */
30       double_cost,	/* cost for octave F0 jumps */
31       mean_f0,		/* talker-specific mean F0 (Hz) */
32       mean_f0_weight,	/* weight to be given to deviations from mean F0 */
33       min_f0,		/* min. F0 to search for (Hz) */
34       max_f0,		/* max. F0 to search for (Hz) */
35       frame_step,	/* inter-frame-interval (sec) */
36       wind_dur;		/* duration of correlation window (sec) */
37 int   n_cands,		/* max. # of F0 cands. to consider at each frame */
38       conditioning;     /* Specify optional signal pre-conditioning. */
39 } F0_params;
41 /* Possible values returned by the function f0(). */
42 #define F0_OK		0
43 #define F0_NO_RETURNS	1
44 #define F0_TOO_FEW_SAMPLES	2
45 #define F0_NO_INPUT	3
46 #define F0_NO_PAR	4
47 #define F0_BAD_PAR	5
48 #define F0_BAD_INPUT	6
49 #define F0_INTERNAL_ERR	7
51 /* Bits to specify optional pre-conditioning of speech signals by f0() */
52 /* These may be OR'ed together to specify all preprocessing. */
53 #define F0_PC_NONE	0x00		/* no pre-processing */
54 #define F0_PC_DC	0x01		/* remove DC */
55 #define F0_PC_LP2000	0x02		/* 2000 Hz lowpass */
56 #define F0_PC_HP100	0x04		/* 100 Hz highpass */
57 #define F0_PC_AR	0x08		/* inf_order-order LPC inverse filter */
58 #define F0_PC_DIFF	0x010		/* 1st-order difference */
60 extern F0_params *new_f0_params();
61 extern int atoi(), eround(), lpc(), window(), get_window();
62 extern void get_fast_cands(), a_to_aca(), cross(), crossf(), crossfi(),
63            autoc(), durbin();
65 #define Fprintf (void)fprintf
67 /* f0_structs.h */
69 #define BIGSORD 100
71 typedef struct cross_rec { /* for storing the crosscorrelation information */
72 	float	rms;	/* rms energy in the reference window */
73 	float	maxval;	/* max in the crosscorr. fun. q15 */
74 	short	maxloc; /* lag # at which max occured	*/
75 	short	firstlag; /* the first non-zero lag computed */
76 	float	*correl; /* the normalized corsscor. fun. q15 */
77 } Cross;
79 typedef struct dp_rec { /* for storing the DP information */
80 	short	ncands;	/* # of candidate pitch intervals in the frame */
81 	short	*locs; /* locations of the candidates */
82 	float	*pvals; /* peak values of the candidates */
83 	float	*mpvals; /* modified peak values of the candidates */
84 	short	*prept; /* pointers to best previous cands. */
85 	float	*dpvals; /* cumulative error for each candidate */
86 } Dprec;
88 typedef struct windstat_rec {  /* for lpc stat measure in a window */
89     float rho[BIGSORD+1];
90     float err;
91     float rms;
92 } Windstat;
94 typedef struct sta_rec {  /* for stationarity measure */
95   float *stat;
96   float *rms;
97   float *rms_ratio;
98 } Stat;
101 typedef struct frame_rec{
102   Cross *cp;
103   Dprec *dp;
104   float rms;
105   struct frame_rec *next;
106   struct frame_rec *prev;
107 } Frame;
109 extern   Frame *alloc_frame();