1 //
2 // Copyright 2016 Pixar
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "Apache License")
5 // with the following modification; you may not use this file except in
6 // compliance with the Apache License and the following modification to it:
7 // Section 6. Trademarks. is deleted and replaced with:
8 //
9 // 6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
10 //    names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor
11 //    and its affiliates, except as required to comply with Section 4(c) of
12 //    the License and to reproduce the content of the NOTICE file.
13 //
14 // You may obtain a copy of the Apache License at
15 //
16 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
17 //
18 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
19 // distributed under the Apache License with the above modification is
21 // KIND, either express or implied. See the Apache License for the specific
22 // language governing permissions and limitations under the Apache License.
23 //
24 // threadLimits.cpp
25 //
27 #include "pxr/pxr.h"
28 #include "pxr/base/work/threadLimits.h"
30 #include "pxr/base/tf/envSetting.h"
32 #include <tbb/task_scheduler_init.h>
33 #include <tbb/task_arena.h>
35 #include <algorithm>
36 #include <atomic>
40 // The environment variable used to limit the number of threads the application
41 // may spawn:
42 //           0 - no change, i.e. defaults to maximum physical concurrency
43 //           1 - single-threaded mode
44 //  positive n - limit to n threads
45 //  negative n - limit to all but n machine cores (minimum 1).
46 //
47 // Note that the environment variable value always wins over any value passed to
48 // the API calls below. If PXR_WORK_THREAD_LIMIT is set to a non-zero value, the
49 // concurrency limit cannot be changed at runtime.
50 //
53     "Limits the number of threads the application may spawn. 0 (default) "
54     "allows for maximum concurrency as determined by the number of physical "
55     "cores, or the process's affinity mask, whichever is smaller. Note that "
56     "the environment variable (if set to a non-zero value) will override any "
57     "value passed to Work thread-limiting API calls.");
61 // We create a task_scheduler_init instance at static initialization time if
62 // PXR_WORK_THREAD_LIMIT is set to a nonzero value.  Otherwise this stays NULL.
63 static tbb::task_scheduler_init *_tbbTaskSchedInit;
65 unsigned
WorkGetPhysicalConcurrencyLimit()66 WorkGetPhysicalConcurrencyLimit()
67 {
68     // Use TBB here, since it pays attention to the affinity mask on Linux and
69     // Windows.
70     return tbb::task_scheduler_init::default_num_threads();
71 }
73 // This function always returns an actual thread count >= 1.
74 static unsigned
Work_NormalizeThreadCount(const int n)75 Work_NormalizeThreadCount(const int n)
76 {
77     // Zero means "no change", and n >= 1 means exactly n threads, so simply
78     // pass those values through unchanged.
79     // For negative integers, subtract the absolute value from the total number
80     // of available cores (denoting all but n cores). If n == number of cores,
81     // clamp to 1 to set single-threaded mode.
82     return n >= 0 ? n : std::max<int>(1, n + WorkGetPhysicalConcurrencyLimit());
83 }
85 // Returns the normalized thread limit value from the environment setting. Note
86 // that 0 means "no change", i.e. the environment setting does not apply.
87 static unsigned
Work_GetConcurrencyLimitSetting()88 Work_GetConcurrencyLimitSetting()
89 {
90     return Work_NormalizeThreadCount(TfGetEnvSetting(PXR_WORK_THREAD_LIMIT));
91 }
93 // Overrides weakValue with strongValue if strongValue is non-zero, and returns
94 // the resulting thread limit.
95 static unsigned
Work_OverrideConcurrencyLimit(unsigned weakValue,unsigned strongValue)96 Work_OverrideConcurrencyLimit(unsigned weakValue, unsigned strongValue)
97 {
98     // If the new limit is 0, i.e. "no change", simply pass the weakValue
99     // through unchanged. Otherwise, the new value wins.
100     return strongValue ? strongValue : weakValue;
101 }
103 static void
Work_InitializeThreading()104 Work_InitializeThreading()
105 {
106     // Get the thread limit from the environment setting. Note that this value
107     // can be 0, i.e. the environment setting does not apply.
108     const unsigned settingVal = Work_GetConcurrencyLimitSetting();
110     // Threading is initialized with maximum physical concurrency.
111     const unsigned physicalLimit = WorkGetPhysicalConcurrencyLimit();
113     // To assign the thread limit, override the initial limit with the
114     // environment setting. The environment setting always wins over the initial
115     // limit, unless it has been set to 0 (default). Semantically, 0 means
116     // "no change".
117     unsigned threadLimit =
118         Work_OverrideConcurrencyLimit(physicalLimit, settingVal);
120     // Only eagerly grab TBB if the PXR_WORK_THREAD_LIMIT setting was set to
121     // some non-zero value. Otherwise, the scheduler will be default initialized
122     // with maximum physical concurrency, or will be left untouched if
123     // previously initialized by the hosting environment (e.g. if we are running
124     // as a plugin to another application.)
125     if (settingVal) {
126         _tbbTaskSchedInit = new tbb::task_scheduler_init(threadLimit);
127     }
128 }
129 static int _forceInitialization = (Work_InitializeThreading(), 0);
131 void
WorkSetConcurrencyLimit(unsigned n)132 WorkSetConcurrencyLimit(unsigned n)
133 {
134     // We only assign a new concurrency limit if n is non-zero, since 0 means
135     // "no change". Note that we need to re-initialize the TBB
136     // task_scheduler_init instance in either case, because if the client
137     // explicitly requests a concurrency limit through this library, we need to
138     // attempt to take control of the TBB scheduler if we can, i.e. if the host
139     // environment has not already done so.
140     unsigned threadLimit = 0;
141     if (n) {
142         // Get the thread limit from the environment setting. Note this value
143         // may be 0 (default).
144         const unsigned settingVal = Work_GetConcurrencyLimitSetting();
146         // Override n with the environment setting. This will make sure that the
147         // setting always wins over the specified value n, but only if the
148         // setting has been set to a non-zero value.
149         threadLimit = Work_OverrideConcurrencyLimit(n, settingVal);
150     }
151     else {
152         // Use the current thread limit.
153         threadLimit = WorkGetConcurrencyLimit();
154     }
156     // Note that we need to do some performance testing and decide if it's
157     // better here to simply delete the task_scheduler_init object instead
158     // of re-initializing it.  If we decide that it's better to re-initialize
159     // it, then we have to make sure that when this library is opened in
160     // an application (e.g., Maya) that already has initialized its own
161     // task_scheduler_init object, that the limits of those are respected.
162     // According to the documentation that should be the case, but we should
163     // make sure.  If we do decide to delete it, we have to make sure to
164     // note that it has already been initialized.
165     if (_tbbTaskSchedInit) {
166         _tbbTaskSchedInit->terminate();
167         _tbbTaskSchedInit->initialize(threadLimit);
168     } else {
169         _tbbTaskSchedInit = new tbb::task_scheduler_init(threadLimit);
170     }
171 }
173 void
WorkSetMaximumConcurrencyLimit()174 WorkSetMaximumConcurrencyLimit()
175 {
176     WorkSetConcurrencyLimit(WorkGetPhysicalConcurrencyLimit());
177 }
179 void
WorkSetConcurrencyLimitArgument(int n)180 WorkSetConcurrencyLimitArgument(int n)
181 {
182     WorkSetConcurrencyLimit(Work_NormalizeThreadCount(n));
183 }
185 unsigned
WorkGetConcurrencyLimit()186 WorkGetConcurrencyLimit()
187 {
188     return tbb::this_task_arena::max_concurrency();
189 }
191 bool
WorkHasConcurrency()192 WorkHasConcurrency()
193 {
194     return WorkGetConcurrencyLimit() > 1;
195 }