1 /* ===========================================================================
2  *  $Id: bisi_writer.hpp 609535 2020-06-03 16:00:59Z saprykin $
3  * ===========================================================================
4  *
5  *                            PUBLIC DOMAIN NOTICE
6  *               National Center for Biotechnology Information
7  *
8  *  This software/database is a "United States Government Work" under the
9  *  terms of the United States Copyright Act.  It was written as part of
10  *  the author's official duties as a United States Government employee and
11  *  thus cannot be copyrighted.  This software/database is freely available
12  *  to the public for use. The National Library of Medicine and the U.S.
13  *  Government have not placed any restriction on its use or reproduction.
14  *
15  *  Although all reasonable efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy
16  *  and reliability of the software and data, the NLM and the U.S.
17  *  Government do not and cannot warrant the performance or results that
18  *  may be obtained by using this software or data. The NLM and the U.S.
19  *  Government disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including
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21  *  purpose.
22  *
23  *  Please cite the author in any work or product based on this material.
24  *
25  * ===========================================================================
26  *
27  * Authors: Dmitri Dmitrienko
28  *
29  * File Description:
30  *
31  *  Class to produce change log write queries
32  *
33  */
38 #include <string>
40 #include <objtools/pubseq_gateway/impl/cassandra/cass_driver.hpp>
41 #include <objtools/pubseq_gateway/impl/diag/AppLog.hpp>
43 #include <objtools/pubseq_gateway/impl/cassandra/changelog/bisi_record.hpp>
48 class CBiSiChangelogWriter
49 {
50  public:
51     CBiSiChangelogWriter() = default;
WriteSiEvent(CCassQuery & query,string const & keyspace,CSiChangelogRecord const & record,int64_t ttl) const52     void WriteSiEvent(CCassQuery& query, string const & keyspace, CSiChangelogRecord const & record, int64_t ttl) const
53     {
54         query.SetSQL(
55             "INSERT INTO " + keyspace + ".si2csi_change_log (updated_time, seq_id, seq_id_type, op)"
56             " VALUES (?,?,?,?) USING TTL " + NStr::NumericToString(ttl), 4);
57         query.BindInt64(0, record.GetPartition());
58         query.BindStr(1, record.GetSeqId());
59         query.BindInt16(2, record.GetSeqIdType());
60         query.BindInt8(3, record.GetOperationBase());
61         query.Execute(CASS_CONSISTENCY_LOCAL_QUORUM, true);
62     }
WriteSiPartition(CCassQuery & query,string const & keyspace,int64_t partition,int64_t ttl) const64     void WriteSiPartition(CCassQuery& query, string const & keyspace, int64_t partition, int64_t ttl) const
65     {
66         query.SetSQL(
67             "INSERT INTO " + keyspace + ".si2csi_change_log (updated_time, seq_id, seq_id_type, op)"
68             " VALUES (?,'',0,?) USING TTL " + NStr::NumericToString(ttl), 2);
69         query.BindInt64(0, partition);
70         query.BindInt8 (1, static_cast<TBiSiChangelogOperationBase>(TBiSiChangelogOperation::eChangeLogOpBeacon));
71         query.Execute(CASS_CONSISTENCY_LOCAL_QUORUM, true);
72     }
WriteBiEvent(CCassQuery & query,string const & keyspace,CBiChangelogRecord const & record,int64_t ttl) const74     void WriteBiEvent(CCassQuery& query, string const & keyspace, CBiChangelogRecord const & record, int64_t ttl) const
75     {
76         query.SetSQL(
77             "INSERT INTO " + keyspace + ".bioseq_info_change_log"
78             " (updated_time, accession, version, seq_id_type, gi, op)"
79             " VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"
80             " USING TTL " + NStr::NumericToString(ttl), 6);
81         query.BindInt64(0, record.GetPartition());
82         query.BindStr(1, record.GetAccession());
83         query.BindInt16(2, record.GetVersion());
84         query.BindInt16(3, record.GetSeqIdType());
85         query.BindInt64(4, record.GetGi());
86         query.BindInt8(5, static_cast<TBiSiChangelogOperationBase>(TBiSiChangelogOperation::eChangeLogOpInsert));
87         query.Execute(CASS_CONSISTENCY_LOCAL_QUORUM, true);
88     }
WriteBiPartition(CCassQuery & query,string const & keyspace,int64_t partition,int64_t ttl) const90     void WriteBiPartition(CCassQuery& query, string const & keyspace, int64_t partition, int64_t ttl) const
91     {
92         query.SetSQL(
93             "INSERT INTO " + keyspace + ".bioseq_info_change_log"
94             " (updated_time, accession, version, seq_id_type, gi, op)"
95             " VALUES (?,'',0,0,0,?)"
96             " USING TTL " + NStr::NumericToString(ttl), 2);
97         query.BindInt64(0, partition);
98         query.BindInt8 (1, static_cast<TBiSiChangelogOperationBase>(TBiSiChangelogOperation::eChangeLogOpBeacon));
99         query.Execute(CASS_CONSISTENCY_LOCAL_QUORUM, true);
100     }
101 };