1 /*-
2  * Copyright (c) 2009, 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * See the file LICENSE for license information.
5  *
6  */
7 using System;
8 using System.Collections.Generic;
9 using System.Text;
11 namespace BerkeleyDB {
12     /// <summary>
13     /// A class representing configuration parameters for a
14     /// <see cref="DatabaseEnvironment"/>'s replication subsystem.
15     /// </summary>
16     public class ReplicationConfig {
18         /// <summary>
19         /// Instantiate a new ReplicationConfig object with default
20         /// configuration values.
21         /// </summary>
ReplicationConfig()22         public ReplicationConfig() {
23             AutoInit = true;
24             Elections = true;
25             RepmgrSitesConfig = new List<DbSiteConfig>();
26         }
28         #region Config Flags
29         /// <summary>
30         /// If true, the replication master sends groups of records to the
31         /// clients in a single network transfer
32         /// </summary>
33         public bool BulkTransfer;
34         /// <summary>
35         /// If true, the client delays synchronizing to a newly declared
36         /// master (defaults to false). Clients configured in this way
37         /// remain unsynchronized until the application calls
38         /// <see cref="DatabaseEnvironment.RepSync"/>.
39         /// </summary>
40         public bool DelayClientSync;
41         /// <summary>
42         /// If true, replication only stores the internal information in-memory
43         /// and cannot keep persistent state across a site crash or reboot. By
44         /// default, it is false and replication creates files in the
45         /// environment home directory to preserve the internal information.
46         /// This configuration flag can only be set before the
47         /// <see cref="DatabaseEnvironment"/> is opened.
48         /// </summary>
49         public bool InMemory;
50         /// <summary>
51         /// If true, master leases are used for this site (defaults to
52         /// false).
53         /// </summary>
54         /// <remarks>
55         /// Configuring this option may result in a
56         /// <see cref="LeaseExpiredException"/> when attempting to read entries
57         /// from a database after the site's master lease has expired.
58         /// </remarks>
59         public bool UseMasterLeases;
60         /// <summary>
61         /// If true, the replication master automatically re-initializes
62         /// outdated clients (defaults to true).
63         /// </summary>
64         public bool AutoInit;
65         /// <summary>
66         /// If true, Berkeley DB method calls that would normally block while
67         /// clients are in recovery will return errors immediately (defaults to
68         /// false).
69         /// </summary>
70         public bool NoBlocking;
71         /// <summary>
72         /// If true, the Replication Manager observes the strict "majority"
73         /// rule in managing elections, even in a group with only 2 sites. This
74         /// means the client in a 2-site group is unable to take over as
75         /// master if the original master fails or becomes disconnected. (See
76         /// the Elections section in the Berkeley DB Reference Guide for more
77         /// information.) Both sites in the replication group should have the
78         /// same value for this parameter.
79         /// </summary>
80         public bool Strict2Site;
81 	/// <summary>
82 	/// If true, then prevents the use of poll() for polling network events
83 	/// </summary>
84 	public bool DisablePoll;
85         /// <summary>
86         /// If true, then prevents the use of SSL for securing messages shared
87         /// between nodes of a replication group.
88         /// </summary>
89         public bool DisableSSL;
90         /// <summary>
91         /// If true, Replication Manager automatically runs elections to
92         /// choose a new master when the old master appears to
93         /// have become disconnected (defaults to true).
94         /// </summary>
95         public bool Elections;
96 	/// <summary>
97 	/// If true, then forces the use of Epoll for polling of network events
98 	/// </summary>
99 	public bool EnableEpoll;
100         /// <summary>
101         /// This flag is used to specify the preferred master site in a
102         /// replication group operating in preferred master mode. A preferred
103         /// master replication group must contain only two sites, with one site
104         /// specified as the preferred master site and the other site specified
105         /// as the client site. The preferred master site operates as the
106         /// master site whenever possible.
107         /// </summary>
108         public bool PrefmasMaster;
109         /// <summary>
110         /// This flag is used to specify the client site in a replication group
111         /// operating in preferred master mode. A preferred master replication
112         /// group must contain only two sites, with one site specified as the
113         /// preferred master site and the other site specified as the client
114         /// site. The client site in a preferred master replication group takes
115         /// over temporarily as master when the preferred master site is
116         /// unavailable.
117         /// </summary>
118         public bool PrefmasClient;
119         /// <summary>
120         /// Enable simple write forwarding for this site. By default, write
121         /// operations cannot be performed on a replication client site. This
122         /// option enables forwarding of simple client put and delete operations
123         /// to the master site for processing. These operations must use an implicit
124         /// NULL transaction ID to be forwarded. Any other write operation that
125         /// specifies a non-NULL transaction throws a DatabaseException. The master
126         /// must have an open database handle for the database on which a forwarded
127         /// write operation is being performed. All sites in the replication group
128         /// should have the same value for this configuration option.
129         /// </summary>
130         public bool ForwardWrites;
131         #endregion Config Flags
133         #region Timeout Values
134         private uint _ackTimeout;
135         internal bool ackTimeoutIsSet;
136         /// <summary>
137         /// The amount of time the replication manager's transport function
138         /// waits to collect enough acknowledgments from replication group
139         /// clients, before giving up and returning a failure indication. The
140         /// default wait time is 1 second.
141         /// </summary>
142         public uint AckTimeout {
143             get { return _ackTimeout; }
144             set {
145                 _ackTimeout = value;
146                 ackTimeoutIsSet = true;
147             }
148         }
150         private uint _checkpointDelay;
151         internal bool checkpointDelayIsSet;
152         /// <summary>
153         /// The amount of time a master site delays between completing a
154         /// checkpoint and writing a checkpoint record into the log.
155         /// </summary>
156         /// <remarks>
157         /// This delay allows clients to complete their own checkpoints before
158         /// the master requires completion of them. The default is 30 seconds.
159         /// If all databases in the environment, and the environment's
160         /// transaction log, are configured to reside in-memory (never preserved
161         /// to disk), then, although checkpoints are still necessary, the delay
162         /// is not useful and should be set to 0.
163         /// </remarks>
164         public uint CheckpointDelay {
165             get { return _checkpointDelay; }
166             set {
167                 _checkpointDelay = value;
168                 checkpointDelayIsSet = true;
169             }
170         }
172         private uint _connectionRetry;
173         internal bool connectionRetryIsSet;
174         /// <summary>
175         /// The amount of time the replication manager waits before trying
176         /// to re-establish a connection to another site after a communication
177         /// failure. The default wait time is 30 seconds.
178         /// </summary>
179         public uint ConnectionRetry {
180             get { return _connectionRetry; }
181             set {
182                 _connectionRetry = value;
183                 connectionRetryIsSet = true;
184             }
185         }
187         private uint _electionTimeout;
188         internal bool electionTimeoutIsSet;
189         /// <summary>
190         /// The timeout period for an election. The default timeout is 2
191         /// seconds.
192         /// </summary>
193         public uint ElectionTimeout {
194             get { return _electionTimeout; }
195             set {
196                 _electionTimeout = value;
197                 electionTimeoutIsSet = true;
198             }
199         }
201         private uint _electionRetry;
202         internal bool electionRetryIsSet;
203         /// <summary>
204         /// Configure the amount of time the replication manager waits
205         /// before retrying a failed election. The default wait time is 10
206         /// seconds.
207         /// </summary>
208         public uint ElectionRetry {
209             get { return _electionRetry; }
210             set {
211                 _electionRetry = value;
212                 electionRetryIsSet = true;
213             }
214         }
216         private uint _fullElectionTimeout;
217         internal bool fullElectionTimeoutIsSet;
218         /// <summary>
219         /// An optional configuration timeout period to wait for full election
220         /// participation the first time the replication group finds a master.
221         /// By default this option is turned off and normal election timeouts
222         /// are used. (See the Elections section in the Berkeley DB Reference
223         /// Guide for more information.)
224         /// </summary>
225         public uint FullElectionTimeout {
226             get { return _fullElectionTimeout; }
227             set {
228                 _fullElectionTimeout = value;
229                 fullElectionTimeoutIsSet = true;
230             }
231         }
233         private uint _heartbeatMonitor;
234         internal bool heartbeatMonitorIsSet;
235         /// <summary>
236         /// The amount of time the replication manager, running at a client
237         /// site, waits for some message activity on the connection from the
238         /// master (heartbeats or other messages) before concluding that the
239         /// connection has been lost. When 0 (the default), no monitoring is
240         /// performed.
241         /// </summary>
242         public uint HeartbeatMonitor {
243             get { return _heartbeatMonitor; }
244             set {
245                 _heartbeatMonitor = value;
246                 heartbeatMonitorIsSet = true;
247             }
248         }
250         private uint _heartbeatSend;
251         internal bool heartbeatSendIsSet;
252         /// <summary>
253         /// The frequency at which the replication manager, running at a master
254         /// site, broadcasts a heartbeat message in an otherwise idle system.
255         /// When 0 (the default), no heartbeat messages are sent.
256         /// </summary>
257         public uint HeartbeatSend {
258             get { return _heartbeatSend; }
259             set {
260                 _heartbeatSend = value;
261                 heartbeatSendIsSet = true;
262             }
263         }
265         private uint _leaseTimeout;
266         internal bool leaseTimeoutIsSet;
267         /// <summary>
268         /// The amount of time a client grants its master lease to a master.
269         /// When using master leases all sites in a replication group must use
270         /// the same lease timeout value. There is no default value. If leases
271         /// are desired, this method must be called prior to calling
272         /// <see cref="DatabaseEnvironment.RepStartClient"/> or
273         /// <see cref="DatabaseEnvironment.RepStartMaster"/>.
274         /// </summary>
275         public uint LeaseTimeout {
276             get { return _leaseTimeout; }
277             set {
278                 _leaseTimeout = value;
279                 leaseTimeoutIsSet = true;
280             }
281         }
283         private uint _writeForwardTimeout;
284         internal bool writeForwardTimeoutIsSet;
285         /// <summary>
286         /// Configure the amount of time a Replication Manager client waits
287         /// for a response from a forwarded write operation before returning
288         /// a failure indication. The default value is 5 seconds.
289         /// </summary>
290         public uint WriteForwardTimeout {
291             get { return _writeForwardTimeout; }
292             set {
293                 _writeForwardTimeout = value;
294                 writeForwardTimeoutIsSet = true;
295             }
296         }
297         #endregion Timeout Values
299         private uint _clockskewFast;
300         private uint _clockskewSlow;
301         internal bool clockskewIsSet;
302         /// <summary>
303         /// The value, relative to <see cref="ClockskewSlow"/>, of the fastest
304         /// clock in the group of sites.
305         /// </summary>
306         public uint ClockskewFast { get { return _clockskewFast; } }
307         /// <summary>
308         /// The value of the slowest clock in the group of sites.
309         /// </summary>
310         public uint ClockskewSlow { get { return _clockskewSlow; } }
311         /// <summary>
312         /// Set the clock skew ratio among replication group members based on
313         /// the fastest and slowest measurements among the group for use with
314         /// master leases.
315         /// </summary>
316         /// <remarks>
317         /// <para>
318         /// Calling this method is optional, the default values for clock skew
319         /// assume no skew. The user must also configure leases via
320         /// <see cref="UseMasterLeases"/>. Additionally, the user must also
321         /// set the master lease timeout via <see cref="LeaseTimeout"/> and
322         /// the number of sites in the replication group via
323         /// <see cref="NSites"/>. These settings may be configured in any
324         /// order. For a description of the clock skew values, see Clock skew
325         /// in the Berkeley DB Programmer's Reference Guide. For a description
326         /// of master leases, see Master leases in the Berkeley DB Programmer's
327         /// Reference Guide.
328         /// </para>
329         /// <para>
330         /// These arguments can be used to express either raw measurements of a
331         /// clock timing experiment or a percentage across machines. For
332         /// instance a group of sites have a 2% variance, then
333         /// <paramref name="fast"/> should be set to 102, and
334         /// <paramref name="slow"/> should be set to 100. Or, for a 0.03%
335         /// difference, you can use 10003 and 10000 respectively.
336         /// </para>
337         /// </remarks>
338         /// <param name="fast">
339         /// The value, relative to <paramref name="slow"/>, of the fastest clock
340         /// in the group of sites.
341         /// </param>
342         /// <param name="slow">
343         /// The value of the slowest clock in the group of sites.
344         /// </param>
Clockskew(uint fast, uint slow)345         public void Clockskew(uint fast, uint slow) {
346             clockskewIsSet = true;
347             _clockskewSlow = slow;
348             _clockskewFast = fast;
349         }
351         private uint _nsites;
352         internal bool nsitesIsSet;
353         /// <summary>
354         /// The total number of sites in the replication group.
355         /// </summary>
356         /// <remarks>
357         /// <para>
358         /// This setting is typically used by applications which use the
359         /// Berkeley DB library "replication manager" support. (However, see
360         /// also <see cref="DatabaseEnvironment.RepHoldElection"/>, the
361         /// description of the nsites parameter.)
362         /// </para>
363         /// </remarks>
364         public uint NSites {
365             get { return _nsites; }
366             set {
367                 _nsites = value;
368                 nsitesIsSet = true;
369             }
370         }
371         private uint _priority;
372         internal bool priorityIsSet;
373         /// <summary>
374         /// The database environment's priority in replication group elections.
375         /// A special value of 0 indicates that this environment cannot be a
376         /// replication group master. If not configured, then a default value
377         /// of 100 is used.
378         /// </summary>
379         public uint Priority {
380             get { return _priority; }
381             set {
382                 _priority = value;
383                 priorityIsSet = true;
384             }
385         }
387         private ReplicationViewDelegate replicationView;
388         internal bool repViewIsSet;
389         /// <summary>
390         /// Create a replication view and specify the function to determine
391         /// whether a database file is replicated to the local site.
392         /// </summary>
393         /// <remarks>
394         /// If it is null, the replication view is a full view and all database
395         /// files are replicated to the local site. Otherwise it is a partial
396         /// view and only some database files are replicated to the local site.
397         /// </remarks>
398         public ReplicationViewDelegate ReplicationView {
399             get { return replicationView; }
400             set {
401                 repViewIsSet = true;
402                 replicationView = value;
403             }
404         }
406         private uint _retransmissionRequestMin;
407         private uint _retransmissionRequestMax;
408         internal bool retransmissionRequestIsSet;
409         /// <summary>
410         /// The minimum number of microseconds a client waits before requesting
411         /// retransmission.
412         /// </summary>
413         public uint RetransmissionRequestMin {
414             get { return _retransmissionRequestMin; }
415         }
416         /// <summary>
417         /// The maximum number of microseconds a client waits before requesting
418         /// retransmission.
419         /// </summary>
420         public uint RetransmissionRequestMax {
421             get { return _retransmissionRequestMax; }
422         }
423         /// <summary>
424         /// Set a threshold for the minimum and maximum time that a client waits
425         /// before requesting retransmission of a missing message.
426         /// </summary>
427         /// <remarks>
428         /// <para>
429         /// If the client detects a gap in the sequence of incoming log records
430         /// or database pages, Berkeley DB waits for at least
431         /// <paramref name="min"/> microseconds before requesting retransmission
432         /// of the missing record. Berkeley DB doubles that amount before
433         /// requesting the same missing record again, and so on, up to a
434         /// maximum threshold of <paramref name="max"/> microseconds.
435         /// </para>
436         /// <para>
437         /// These values are thresholds only. Replication Manager applications
438         /// use these values to determine when to automatically request
439         /// retransmission of missing messages. For Base API applications,
440         /// Berkeley DB has no thread available in the library as a timer, the
441         /// threshold is only checked when a thread enters the Berkeley DB
442         /// library to process an incoming replication message. Any amount of
443         /// time may have passed since the last message arrived and Berkeley DB
444         /// only checks whether the amount of time since a request was made is
445         /// beyond the threshold value or not.
446         /// </para>
447         /// <para>
448         /// By default the minimum is 40000 and the maximum is 1280000 (1.28
449         /// seconds). These defaults are fairly arbitrary and the application
450         /// likely needs to adjust these. The values should be based on expected
451         /// load and performance characteristics of the master and client host
452         /// platforms and transport infrastructure as well as round-trip message
453         /// time.
454         /// </para></remarks>
455         /// <param name="min">
456         /// The minimum number of microseconds a client waits before requesting
457         /// retransmission.
458         /// </param>
459         /// <param name="max">
460         /// The maximum number of microseconds a client waits before requesting
461         /// retransmission.
462         /// </param>
RetransmissionRequest(uint min, uint max)463         public void RetransmissionRequest(uint min, uint max) {
464             retransmissionRequestIsSet = true;
465             _retransmissionRequestMin = min;
466             _retransmissionRequestMax = max;
467         }
469         private uint _gbytes;
470         private uint _bytes;
471         internal bool transmitLimitIsSet;
472         /// <summary>
473         /// The gigabytes component of the byte-count limit on the amount of
474         /// data that is transmitted from a site in response to a single
475         /// message processed by
476         /// <see cref="DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage"/>.
477         /// </summary>
478         public uint TransmitLimitGBytes { get { return _gbytes; } }
479         /// <summary>
480         /// The bytes component of the byte-count limit on the amount of data
481         /// that is transmitted from a site in response to a single
482         /// message processed by
483         /// <see cref="DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage"/>.
484         /// </summary>
485         public uint TransmitLimitBytes { get { return _bytes; } }
486         /// <summary>
487         /// Set a byte-count limit on the amount of data that is
488         /// transmitted from a site in response to a single message processed by
489         /// <see cref="DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage"/>. The limit is
490         /// not a hard limit, and the record that exceeds the limit is the last
491         /// record to be sent.
492         /// </summary>
493         /// <remarks>
494         /// <para>
495         /// Record transmission throttling is turned on by default with a limit
496         /// of 10MB.
497         /// </para>
498         /// <para>
499         /// If both <paramref name="GBytes"/> and <paramref name="Bytes"/> are
500         /// zero, then the transmission limit is turned off.
501         /// </para>
502         /// </remarks>
503         /// <param name="GBytes">
504         /// The number of gigabytes which, when added to
505         /// <paramref name="Bytes"/>, specifies the maximum number of bytes that
506         /// are sent in a single call to
507         /// <see cref="DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage"/>.
508         /// </param>
509         /// <param name="Bytes">
510         /// The number of bytes which, when added to
511         /// <paramref name="GBytes"/>, specifies the maximum number of bytes
512         /// that are sent in a single call to
513         /// <see cref="DatabaseEnvironment.RepProcessMessage"/>.
514         /// </param>
TransmitLimit(uint GBytes, uint Bytes)515         public void TransmitLimit(uint GBytes, uint Bytes) {
516             transmitLimitIsSet = true;
517             _gbytes = GBytes;
518             _bytes = Bytes;
519         }
521         private uint _inqmaxgbytes;
522         private uint _inqmaxbytes;
523         internal bool repmgrIncomingQueueMaxIsSet;
524         /// <summary>
525         /// The gigabytes component of the maximum amount of dynamic memory
526         /// used by the Replication Manager incoming queue.
527         /// </summary>
528         public uint RepmgrIncomingQueueMaxGBytes { get { return _inqmaxgbytes; } }
529         /// <summary>
530         /// The bytes component of the maximum amount of dynamic memory
531         /// used by the Replication Manager incoming queue.
532         /// </summary>
533         public uint RepmgrIncomingQueueMaxBytes { get { return _inqmaxbytes; } }
534         /// <summary>
535         /// Set a byte-count limit on the maximum amount of dynamic memory
536         /// used by the Replication Manager incoming queue.
537         /// </summary>
538         /// <remarks>
539         /// <para>
540         /// By default, the Replication Manager incoming queue size has a
541         /// limit of 100MB.
542         /// </para>
543         /// <para>
544         /// If both <paramref name="GBytes"/> and <paramref name="Bytes"/> are
545         /// zero, then the Replication Manager incoming queue size is limited
546         /// by available heap memory.
547         /// </para>
548         /// </remarks>
549         /// <param name="GBytes">
550         /// The number of gigabytes which, when added to
551         /// <paramref name="Bytes"/>, specifies the maximum amount of dynamic
552         /// memory used by the Replication Manager incoming queue.
553         /// </param>
554         /// <param name="Bytes">
555         /// The number of bytes which, when added to
556         /// <paramref name="GBytes"/>, specifies the maximum amount of dynamic
557         /// memory used by the Replication Manager incoming queue.
558         /// </param>
RepmgrIncomingQueueMax(uint GBytes, uint Bytes)559         public void RepmgrIncomingQueueMax(uint GBytes, uint Bytes) {
560             repmgrIncomingQueueMaxIsSet = true;
561             _inqmaxgbytes = GBytes;
562             _inqmaxbytes = Bytes;
563         }
565         /// <summary>
566         /// The delegate used to transmit data using the replication
567         /// application's communication infrastructure.
568         /// </summary>
569         public ReplicationTransportDelegate Transport;
571         /// <summary>
572         /// Specify how master and client sites handle the acknowledgment of
573         /// replication messages which is necessary for "permanent" records.
574         /// The current implementation requires all sites in a replication group
575         /// to configure the same acknowledgement policy.
576         /// </summary>
577         /// <seealso cref="AckTimeout"/>
578         public AckPolicy RepMgrAckPolicy;
580         /// <summary>
581         /// A list of site configurations.
582         /// </summary>
583         public List<DbSiteConfig> RepmgrSitesConfig;
584     }
585 }