2(c) The GRASP/AQUA Project, Glasgow University, 1993-1998
4\section[WwLib]{A library for the ``worker\/wrapper'' back-end to the strictness analyser}
9module WwLib ( mkWwBodies, mkWWstr, mkWorkerArgs
10             , deepSplitProductType_maybe, findTypeShape
11             , isWorkerSmallEnough
12 ) where
14#include "HsVersions.h"
16import GhcPrelude
18import CoreSyn
19import CoreUtils        ( exprType, mkCast, mkDefaultCase, mkSingleAltCase )
20import Id
21import IdInfo           ( JoinArity )
22import DataCon
23import Demand
24import MkCore           ( mkAbsentErrorApp, mkCoreUbxTup
25                        , mkCoreApp, mkCoreLet )
26import MkId             ( voidArgId, voidPrimId )
27import TysWiredIn       ( tupleDataCon )
28import TysPrim          ( voidPrimTy )
29import Literal          ( absentLiteralOf, rubbishLit )
30import VarEnv           ( mkInScopeSet )
31import VarSet           ( VarSet )
32import Type
33import Predicate        ( isClassPred )
34import RepType          ( isVoidTy, typePrimRep )
35import Coercion
36import FamInstEnv
37import BasicTypes       ( Boxity(..) )
38import TyCon
39import UniqSupply
40import Unique
41import Maybes
42import Util
43import Outputable
44import DynFlags
45import FastString
46import ListSetOps
50*                                                                      *
52*                                                                      *
55Here's an example.  The original function is:
58g :: forall a . Int -> [a] -> a
60g = \/\ a -> \ x ys ->
61        case x of
62          0 -> head ys
63          _ -> head (tail ys)
66From this, we want to produce:
68-- wrapper (an unfolding)
69g :: forall a . Int -> [a] -> a
71g = \/\ a -> \ x ys ->
72        case x of
73          I# x# -> $wg a x# ys
74            -- call the worker; don't forget the type args!
76-- worker
77$wg :: forall a . Int# -> [a] -> a
79$wg = \/\ a -> \ x# ys ->
80        let
81            x = I# x#
82        in
83            case x of               -- note: body of g moved intact
84              0 -> head ys
85              _ -> head (tail ys)
88Something we have to be careful about:  Here's an example:
91-- "f" strictness: U(P)U(P)
92f (I# a) (I# b) = a +# b
94g = f   -- "g" strictness same as "f"
97\tr{f} will get a worker all nice and friendly-like; that's good.
98{\em But we don't want a worker for \tr{g}}, even though it has the
99same strictness as \tr{f}.  Doing so could break laziness, at best.
101Consequently, we insist that the number of strictness-info items is
102exactly the same as the number of lambda-bound arguments.  (This is
103probably slightly paranoid, but OK in practice.)  If it isn't the
104same, we ``revise'' the strictness info, so that we won't propagate
105the unusable strictness-info into the interfaces.
109*                                                                      *
110\subsection{The worker wrapper core}
111*                                                                      *
114@mkWwBodies@ is called when doing the worker\/wrapper split inside a module.
117type WwResult
118  = ([Demand],              -- Demands for worker (value) args
119     JoinArity,             -- Number of worker (type OR value) args
120     Id -> CoreExpr,        -- Wrapper body, lacking only the worker Id
121     CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)  -- Worker body, lacking the original function rhs
123mkWwBodies :: DynFlags
124           -> FamInstEnvs
125           -> VarSet         -- Free vars of RHS
126                             -- See Note [Freshen WW arguments]
127           -> Id             -- The original function
128           -> [Demand]       -- Strictness of original function
129           -> DmdResult      -- Info about function result
130           -> UniqSM (Maybe WwResult)
132-- wrap_fn_args E       = \x y -> E
133-- work_fn_args E       = E x y
135-- wrap_fn_str E        = case x of { (a,b) ->
136--                        case a of { (a1,a2) ->
137--                        E a1 a2 b y }}
138-- work_fn_str E        = \a1 a2 b y ->
139--                        let a = (a1,a2) in
140--                        let x = (a,b) in
141--                        E
143mkWwBodies dflags fam_envs rhs_fvs fun_id demands res_info
144  = do  { let empty_subst = mkEmptyTCvSubst (mkInScopeSet rhs_fvs)
145                -- See Note [Freshen WW arguments]
147        ; (wrap_args, wrap_fn_args, work_fn_args, res_ty)
148             <- mkWWargs empty_subst fun_ty demands
149        ; (useful1, work_args, wrap_fn_str, work_fn_str)
150             <- mkWWstr dflags fam_envs has_inlineable_prag wrap_args
152        -- Do CPR w/w.  See Note [Always do CPR w/w]
153        ; (useful2, wrap_fn_cpr, work_fn_cpr, cpr_res_ty)
154              <- mkWWcpr (gopt Opt_CprAnal dflags) fam_envs res_ty res_info
156        ; let (work_lam_args, work_call_args) = mkWorkerArgs dflags work_args cpr_res_ty
157              worker_args_dmds = [idDemandInfo v | v <- work_call_args, isId v]
158              wrapper_body = wrap_fn_args . wrap_fn_cpr . wrap_fn_str . applyToVars work_call_args . Var
159              worker_body = mkLams work_lam_args. work_fn_str . work_fn_cpr . work_fn_args
161        ; if isWorkerSmallEnough dflags work_args
162             && not (too_many_args_for_join_point wrap_args)
163             && ((useful1 && not only_one_void_argument) || useful2)
164          then return (Just (worker_args_dmds, length work_call_args,
165                       wrapper_body, worker_body))
166          else return Nothing
167        }
168        -- We use an INLINE unconditionally, even if the wrapper turns out to be
169        -- something trivial like
170        --      fw = ...
171        --      f = __inline__ (coerce T fw)
172        -- The point is to propagate the coerce to f's call sites, so even though
173        -- f's RHS is now trivial (size 1) we still want the __inline__ to prevent
174        -- fw from being inlined into f's RHS
175  where
176    fun_ty        = idType fun_id
177    mb_join_arity = isJoinId_maybe fun_id
178    has_inlineable_prag = isStableUnfolding (realIdUnfolding fun_id)
179                          -- See Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
181    -- Note [Do not split void functions]
182    only_one_void_argument
183      | [d] <- demands
184      , Just (arg_ty1, _) <- splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
185      , isAbsDmd d && isVoidTy arg_ty1
186      = True
187      | otherwise
188      = False
190    -- Note [Join points returning functions]
191    too_many_args_for_join_point wrap_args
192      | Just join_arity <- mb_join_arity
193      , wrap_args `lengthExceeds` join_arity
194      = WARN(True, text "Unable to worker/wrapper join point with arity " <+>
195                     int join_arity <+> text "but" <+>
196                     int (length wrap_args) <+> text "args")
197        True
198      | otherwise
199      = False
201-- See Note [Limit w/w arity]
202isWorkerSmallEnough :: DynFlags -> [Var] -> Bool
203isWorkerSmallEnough dflags vars = count isId vars <= maxWorkerArgs dflags
204    -- We count only Free variables (isId) to skip Type, Kind
205    -- variables which have no runtime representation.
208Note [Always do CPR w/w]
210At one time we refrained from doing CPR w/w for thunks, on the grounds that
211we might duplicate work.  But that is already handled by the demand analyser,
212which doesn't give the CPR proprety if w/w might waste work: see
213Note [CPR for thunks] in DmdAnal.
215And if something *has* been given the CPR property and we don't w/w, it's
216a disaster, because then the enclosing function might say it has the CPR
217property, but now doesn't and there a cascade of disaster.  A good example
218is #5920.
220Note [Limit w/w arity]
222Guard against high worker arity as it generates a lot of stack traffic.
223A simplified example is #11565#comment:6
225Current strategy is very simple: don't perform w/w transformation at all
226if the result produces a wrapper with arity higher than -fmax-worker-args=.
228It is a bit all or nothing, consider
230        f (x,y) (a,b,c,d,e ... , z) = rhs
232Currently we will remove all w/w ness entirely. But actually we could
233w/w on the (x,y) pair... it's the huge product that is the problem.
235Could we instead refrain from w/w on an arg-by-arg basis? Yes, that'd
236solve f. But we can get a lot of args from deeply-nested products:
238        g (a, (b, (c, (d, ...)))) = rhs
240This is harder to spot on an arg-by-arg basis. Previously mkWwStr was
241given some "fuel" saying how many arguments it could add; when we ran
242out of fuel it would stop w/wing.
243Still not very clever because it had a left-right bias.
246*                                                                      *
247\subsection{Making wrapper args}
248*                                                                      *
251During worker-wrapper stuff we may end up with an unlifted thing
252which we want to let-bind without losing laziness.  So we
253add a void argument.  E.g.
255        f = /\a -> \x y z -> E::Int#    -- E does not mention x,y,z
257        fw = /\ a -> \void -> E
258        f  = /\ a -> \x y z -> fw realworld
260We use the state-token type which generates no code.
263mkWorkerArgs :: DynFlags -> [Var]
264             -> Type    -- Type of body
265             -> ([Var], -- Lambda bound args
266                 [Var]) -- Args at call site
267mkWorkerArgs dflags args res_ty
268    | any isId args || not needsAValueLambda
269    = (args, args)
270    | otherwise
271    = (args ++ [voidArgId], args ++ [voidPrimId])
272    where
273      -- See "Making wrapper args" section above
274      needsAValueLambda =
275        lifted
276        -- We may encounter a levity-polymorphic result, in which case we
277        -- conservatively assume that we have laziness that needs preservation.
278        -- See #15186.
279        || not (gopt Opt_FunToThunk dflags)
280           -- see Note [Protecting the last value argument]
282      -- Might the result be lifted?
283      lifted =
284        case isLiftedType_maybe res_ty of
285          Just lifted -> lifted
286          Nothing     -> True
289Note [Protecting the last value argument]
291If the user writes (\_ -> E), they might be intentionally disallowing
292the sharing of E. Since absence analysis and worker-wrapper are keen
293to remove such unused arguments, we add in a void argument to prevent
294the function from becoming a thunk.
296The user can avoid adding the void argument with the -ffun-to-thunk
297flag. However, this can create sharing, which may be bad in two ways. 1) It can
298create a space leak. 2) It can prevent inlining *under a lambda*. If w/w
299removes the last argument from a function f, then f now looks like a thunk, and
300so f can't be inlined *under a lambda*.
302Note [Join points and beta-redexes]
305Originally, the worker would invoke the original function by calling it with
306arguments, thus producing a beta-redex for the simplifier to munch away:
308  \x y z -> e => (\x y z -> e) wx wy wz
310Now that we have special rules about join points, however, this is Not Good if
311the original function is itself a join point, as then it may contain invocations
312of other join points:
314  join j1 x = ...
315  join j2 y = if y == 0 then 0 else j1 y
317  =>
319  join j1 x = ...
320  join $wj2 y# = let wy = I# y# in (\y -> if y == 0 then 0 else jump j1 y) wy
321  join j2 y = case y of I# y# -> jump $wj2 y#
323There can't be an intervening lambda between a join point's declaration and its
324occurrences, so $wj2 here is wrong. But of course, this is easy enough to fix:
326  ...
327  let join $wj2 y# = let wy = I# y# in let y = wy in if y == 0 then 0 else j1 y
328  ...
330Hence we simply do the beta-reduction here. (This would be harder if we had to
331worry about hygiene, but luckily wy is freshly generated.)
333Note [Join points returning functions]
336It is crucial that the arity of a join point depends on its *callers,* not its
337own syntax. What this means is that a join point can have "extra lambdas":
339f :: Int -> Int -> (Int, Int) -> Int
340f x y = join j (z, w) = \(u, v) -> ...
341        in jump j (x, y)
343Typically this happens with functions that are seen as computing functions,
344rather than being curried. (The real-life example was GraphOps.addConflicts.)
346When we create the wrapper, it *must* be in "eta-contracted" form so that the
347jump has the right number of arguments:
349f x y = join $wj z' w' = \u' v' -> let {z = z'; w = w'; u = u'; v = v'} in ...
350             j (z, w)  = jump $wj z w
352(See Note [Join points and beta-redexes] for where the lets come from.) If j
353were a function, we would instead say
355f x y = let $wj = \z' w' u' v' -> let {z = z'; w = w'; u = u'; v = v'} in ...
356            j (z, w) (u, v) = $wj z w u v
358Notice that the worker ends up with the same lambdas; it's only the wrapper we
359have to be concerned about.
361FIXME Currently the functionality to produce "eta-contracted" wrappers is
362unimplemented; we simply give up.
365*                                                                      *
366\subsection{Coercion stuff}
367*                                                                      *
370We really want to "look through" coerces.
371Reason: I've seen this situation:
373        let f = coerce T (\s -> E)
374        in \x -> case x of
375                    p -> coerce T' f
376                    q -> \s -> E2
377                    r -> coerce T' f
379If only we w/w'd f, we'd get
380        let f = coerce T (\s -> fw s)
381            fw = \s -> E
382        in ...
384Now we'll inline f to get
386        let fw = \s -> E
387        in \x -> case x of
388                    p -> fw
389                    q -> \s -> E2
390                    r -> fw
392Now we'll see that fw has arity 1, and will arity expand
393the \x to get what we want.
396-- mkWWargs just does eta expansion
397-- is driven off the function type and arity.
398-- It chomps bites off foralls, arrows, newtypes
399-- and keeps repeating that until it's satisfied the supplied arity
401mkWWargs :: TCvSubst            -- Freshening substitution to apply to the type
402                                --   See Note [Freshen WW arguments]
403         -> Type                -- The type of the function
404         -> [Demand]     -- Demands and one-shot info for value arguments
405         -> UniqSM  ([Var],            -- Wrapper args
406                     CoreExpr -> CoreExpr,      -- Wrapper fn
407                     CoreExpr -> CoreExpr,      -- Worker fn
408                     Type)                      -- Type of wrapper body
410mkWWargs subst fun_ty demands
411  | null demands
412  = return ([], id, id, substTy subst fun_ty)
414  | (dmd:demands') <- demands
415  , Just (arg_ty, fun_ty') <- splitFunTy_maybe fun_ty
416  = do  { uniq <- getUniqueM
417        ; let arg_ty' = substTy subst arg_ty
418              id = mk_wrap_arg uniq arg_ty' dmd
419        ; (wrap_args, wrap_fn_args, work_fn_args, res_ty)
420              <- mkWWargs subst fun_ty' demands'
421        ; return (id : wrap_args,
422                  Lam id . wrap_fn_args,
423                  apply_or_bind_then work_fn_args (varToCoreExpr id),
424                  res_ty) }
426  | Just (tv, fun_ty') <- splitForAllTy_maybe fun_ty
427  = do  { uniq <- getUniqueM
428        ; let (subst', tv') = cloneTyVarBndr subst tv uniq
429                -- See Note [Freshen WW arguments]
430        ; (wrap_args, wrap_fn_args, work_fn_args, res_ty)
431             <- mkWWargs subst' fun_ty' demands
432        ; return (tv' : wrap_args,
433                  Lam tv' . wrap_fn_args,
434                  apply_or_bind_then work_fn_args (mkTyArg (mkTyVarTy tv')),
435                  res_ty) }
437  | Just (co, rep_ty) <- topNormaliseNewType_maybe fun_ty
438        -- The newtype case is for when the function has
439        -- a newtype after the arrow (rare)
440        --
441        -- It's also important when we have a function returning (say) a pair
442        -- wrapped in a  newtype, at least if CPR analysis can look
443        -- through such newtypes, which it probably can since they are
444        -- simply coerces.
446  = do { (wrap_args, wrap_fn_args, work_fn_args, res_ty)
447            <-  mkWWargs subst rep_ty demands
448       ; let co' = substCo subst co
449       ; return (wrap_args,
450                  \e -> Cast (wrap_fn_args e) (mkSymCo co'),
451                  \e -> work_fn_args (Cast e co'),
452                  res_ty) }
454  | otherwise
455  = WARN( True, ppr fun_ty )                    -- Should not happen: if there is a demand
456    return ([], id, id, substTy subst fun_ty)   -- then there should be a function arrow
457  where
458    -- See Note [Join points and beta-redexes]
459    apply_or_bind_then k arg (Lam bndr body)
460      = mkCoreLet (NonRec bndr arg) (k body)    -- Important that arg is fresh!
461    apply_or_bind_then k arg fun
462      = k $ mkCoreApp (text "mkWWargs") fun arg
463applyToVars :: [Var] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
464applyToVars vars fn = mkVarApps fn vars
466mk_wrap_arg :: Unique -> Type -> Demand -> Id
467mk_wrap_arg uniq ty dmd
468  = mkSysLocalOrCoVar (fsLit "w") uniq ty
469       `setIdDemandInfo` dmd
471{- Note [Freshen WW arguments]
473Wen we do a worker/wrapper split, we must not in-scope names as the arguments
474of the worker, else we'll get name capture.  E.g.
476   -- y1 is in scope from further out
477   f x = ..y1..
479If we accidentally choose y1 as a worker argument disaster results:
481   fww y1 y2 = let x = (y1,y2) in ...y1...
483To avoid this:
485  * We use a fresh unique for both type-variable and term-variable binders
486    Originally we lacked this freshness for type variables, and that led
487    to the very obscure #12562.  (A type variable in the worker shadowed
488    an outer term-variable binding.)
490  * Because of this cloning we have to substitute in the type/kind of the
491    new binders.  That's why we carry the TCvSubst through mkWWargs.
493    So we need a decent in-scope set, just in case that type/kind
494    itself has foralls.  We get this from the free vars of the RHS of the
495    function since those are the only variables that might be captured.
496    It's a lazy thunk, which will only be poked if the type/kind has a forall.
498    Another tricky case was when f :: forall a. a -> forall a. a->a
499    (i.e. with shadowing), and then the worker used the same 'a' twice.
502*                                                                      *
503\subsection{Strictness stuff}
504*                                                                      *
508mkWWstr :: DynFlags
509        -> FamInstEnvs
510        -> Bool    -- True <=> INLINEABLE pragma on this function defn
511                   -- See Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
512        -> [Var]                                -- Wrapper args; have their demand info on them
513                                                --  *Includes type variables*
514        -> UniqSM (Bool,                        -- Is this useful
515                   [Var],                       -- Worker args
516                   CoreExpr -> CoreExpr,        -- Wrapper body, lacking the worker call
517                                                -- and without its lambdas
518                                                -- This fn adds the unboxing
520                   CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)        -- Worker body, lacking the original body of the function,
521                                                -- and lacking its lambdas.
522                                                -- This fn does the reboxing
523mkWWstr dflags fam_envs has_inlineable_prag args
524  = go args
525  where
526    go_one arg = mkWWstr_one dflags fam_envs has_inlineable_prag arg
528    go []           = return (False, [], nop_fn, nop_fn)
529    go (arg : args) = do { (useful1, args1, wrap_fn1, work_fn1) <- go_one arg
530                         ; (useful2, args2, wrap_fn2, work_fn2) <- go args
531                         ; return ( useful1 || useful2
532                                  , args1 ++ args2
533                                  , wrap_fn1 . wrap_fn2
534                                  , work_fn1 . work_fn2) }
537Note [Unpacking arguments with product and polymorphic demands]
539The argument is unpacked in a case if it has a product type and has a
540strict *and* used demand put on it. I.e., arguments, with demands such
541as the following ones:
543   <S,U(U, L)>
544   <S(L,S),U>
546will be unpacked, but
548   <S,U> or <B,U>
550will not, because the pieces aren't used. This is quite important otherwise
551we end up unpacking massive tuples passed to the bottoming function. Example:
553        f :: ((Int,Int) -> String) -> (Int,Int) -> a
554        f g pr = error (g pr)
556        main = print (f fst (1, error "no"))
558Does 'main' print "error 1" or "error no"?  We don't really want 'f'
559to unbox its second argument.  This actually happened in GHC's onwn
560source code, in Packages.applyPackageFlag, which ended up un-boxing
561the enormous DynFlags tuple, and being strict in the
562as-yet-un-filled-in pkgState files.
566-- mkWWstr_one wrap_arg = (useful, work_args, wrap_fn, work_fn)
567--   *  wrap_fn assumes wrap_arg is in scope,
568--        brings into scope work_args (via cases)
569--   * work_fn assumes work_args are in scope, a
570--        brings into scope wrap_arg (via lets)
571-- See Note [How to do the worker/wrapper split]
572mkWWstr_one :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs
573            -> Bool    -- True <=> INLINEABLE pragma on this function defn
574                       -- See Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
575            -> Var
576            -> UniqSM (Bool, [Var], CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
577mkWWstr_one dflags fam_envs has_inlineable_prag arg
578  | isTyVar arg
579  = return (False, [arg],  nop_fn, nop_fn)
581  | isAbsDmd dmd
582  , Just work_fn <- mk_absent_let dflags arg
583     -- Absent case.  We can't always handle absence for arbitrary
584     -- unlifted types, so we need to choose just the cases we can
585     -- (that's what mk_absent_let does)
586  = return (True, [], nop_fn, work_fn)
588  | isStrictDmd dmd
589  , Just cs <- splitProdDmd_maybe dmd
590      -- See Note [Unpacking arguments with product and polymorphic demands]
591  , not (has_inlineable_prag && isClassPred arg_ty)
592      -- See Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
593  , Just stuff@(_, _, inst_con_arg_tys, _) <- deepSplitProductType_maybe fam_envs arg_ty
594  , cs `equalLength` inst_con_arg_tys
595      -- See Note [mkWWstr and unsafeCoerce]
596  = unbox_one dflags fam_envs arg cs stuff
598  | isSeqDmd dmd   -- For seqDmd, splitProdDmd_maybe will return Nothing, but
599                   -- it should behave like <S, U(AAAA)>, for some suitable arity
600  , Just stuff@(_, _, inst_con_arg_tys, _) <- deepSplitProductType_maybe fam_envs arg_ty
601  , let abs_dmds = map (const absDmd) inst_con_arg_tys
602  = unbox_one dflags fam_envs arg abs_dmds stuff
604  | otherwise   -- Other cases
605  = return (False, [arg], nop_fn, nop_fn)
607  where
608    arg_ty = idType arg
609    dmd    = idDemandInfo arg
611unbox_one :: DynFlags -> FamInstEnvs -> Var
612          -> [Demand]
613          -> (DataCon, [Type], [(Type, StrictnessMark)], Coercion)
614          -> UniqSM (Bool, [Var], CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
615unbox_one dflags fam_envs arg cs
616          (data_con, inst_tys, inst_con_arg_tys, co)
617  = do { (uniq1:uniqs) <- getUniquesM
618        ; let   -- See Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
619                cs'       = addDataConStrictness data_con cs
620                unpk_args = zipWith3 mk_ww_arg uniqs inst_con_arg_tys cs'
621                unbox_fn  = mkUnpackCase (Var arg) co uniq1
622                                         data_con unpk_args
623                arg_no_unf = zapStableUnfolding arg
624                             -- See Note [Zap unfolding when beta-reducing]
625                             -- in Simplify.hs; and see #13890
626                rebox_fn   = Let (NonRec arg_no_unf con_app)
627                con_app    = mkConApp2 data_con inst_tys unpk_args `mkCast` mkSymCo co
628         ; (_, worker_args, wrap_fn, work_fn) <- mkWWstr dflags fam_envs False unpk_args
629         ; return (True, worker_args, unbox_fn . wrap_fn, work_fn . rebox_fn) }
630                           -- Don't pass the arg, rebox instead
631  where
632    mk_ww_arg uniq ty sub_dmd = setIdDemandInfo (mk_ww_local uniq ty) sub_dmd
635nop_fn :: CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
636nop_fn body = body
638addDataConStrictness :: DataCon -> [Demand] -> [Demand]
639-- See Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
640addDataConStrictness con ds
641  = ASSERT2( equalLength strs ds, ppr con $$ ppr strs $$ ppr ds )
642    zipWith add ds strs
643  where
644    strs = dataConRepStrictness con
645    add dmd str | isMarkedStrict str = strictifyDmd dmd
646                | otherwise          = dmd
648{- Note [How to do the worker/wrapper split]
650The worker-wrapper transformation, mkWWstr_one, takes into account
651several possibilities to decide if the function is worthy for
6541. If an argument is absent, it would be silly to pass it to
655   the worker.  Hence the isAbsDmd case.  This case must come
656   first because a demand like <S,A> or <B,A> is possible.
657   E.g. <B,A> comes from a function like
658       f x = error "urk"
659   and <S,A> can come from Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
6612. If the argument is evaluated strictly, and we can split the
662   product demand (splitProdDmd_maybe), then unbox it and w/w its
663   pieces.  For example
665    f :: (Int, Int) -> Int
666    f p = (case p of (a,b) -> a) + 1
667  is split to
668    f :: (Int, Int) -> Int
669    f p = case p of (a,b) -> $wf a
671    $wf :: Int -> Int
672    $wf a = a + 1
674  and
675    g :: Bool -> (Int, Int) -> Int
676    g c p = case p of (a,b) ->
677               if c then a else b
678  is split to
679   g c p = case p of (a,b) -> $gw c a b
680   $gw c a b = if c then a else b
6822a But do /not/ split if the components are not used; that is, the
683   usage is just 'Used' rather than 'UProd'. In this case
684   splitProdDmd_maybe returns Nothing.  Otherwise we risk decomposing
685   a massive tuple which is barely used.  Example:
687        f :: ((Int,Int) -> String) -> (Int,Int) -> a
688        f g pr = error (g pr)
690        main = print (f fst (1, error "no"))
692   Here, f does not take 'pr' apart, and it's stupid to do so.
693   Imagine that it had millions of fields. This actually happened
694   in GHC itself where the tuple was DynFlags
6963. A plain 'seqDmd', which is head-strict with usage UHead, can't
697   be split by splitProdDmd_maybe.  But we want it to behave just
698   like U(AAAA) for suitable number of absent demands. So we have
699   a special case for it, with arity coming from the data constructor.
701Note [Worker-wrapper for bottoming functions]
703We used not to split if the result is bottom.
704[Justification:  there's no efficiency to be gained.]
706But it's sometimes bad not to make a wrapper.  Consider
707        fw = \x# -> let x = I# x# in case e of
708                                        p1 -> error_fn x
709                                        p2 -> error_fn x
710                                        p3 -> the real stuff
711The re-boxing code won't go away unless error_fn gets a wrapper too.
712[We don't do reboxing now, but in general it's better to pass an
713unboxed thing to f, and have it reboxed in the error cases....]
715Note [Add demands for strict constructors]
717Consider this program (due to Roman):
719    data X a = X !a
721    foo :: X Int -> Int -> Int
722    foo (X a) n = go 0
723     where
724       go i | i < n     = a + go (i+1)
725            | otherwise = 0
727We want the worker for 'foo' too look like this:
729    $wfoo :: Int# -> Int# -> Int#
731with the first argument unboxed, so that it is not eval'd each time
732around the 'go' loop (which would otherwise happen, since 'foo' is not
733strict in 'a').  It is sound for the wrapper to pass an unboxed arg
734because X is strict, so its argument must be evaluated.  And if we
735*don't* pass an unboxed argument, we can't even repair it by adding a
736`seq` thus:
738    foo (X a) n = a `seq` go 0
740because the seq is discarded (very early) since X is strict!
742So here's what we do
744* We leave the demand-analysis alone.  The demand on 'a' in the
745  definition of 'foo' is <L, U(U)>; the strictness info is Lazy
746  because foo's body may or may not evaluate 'a'; but the usage info
747  says that 'a' is unpacked and its content is used.
749* During worker/wrapper, if we unpack a strict constructor (as we do
750  for 'foo'), we use 'addDataConStrictness' to bump up the strictness on
751  the strict arguments of the data constructor.
753* That in turn means that, if the usage info supports doing so
754  (i.e. splitProdDmd_maybe returns Just), we will unpack that argument
755  -- even though the original demand (e.g. on 'a') was lazy.
757* What does "bump up the strictness" mean?  Just add a head-strict
758  demand to the strictness!  Even for a demand like <L,A> we can
759  safely turn it into <S,A>; remember case (1) of
760  Note [How to do the worker/wrapper split].
762The net effect is that the w/w transformation is more aggressive about
763unpacking the strict arguments of a data constructor, when that
764eagerness is supported by the usage info.
766There is the usual danger of reboxing, which as usual we ignore. But
767if X is monomorphic, and has an UNPACK pragma, then this optimisation
768is even more important.  We don't want the wrapper to rebox an unboxed
769argument, and pass an Int to $wfoo!
771This works in nested situations like
773    data family Bar a
774    data instance Bar (a, b) = BarPair !(Bar a) !(Bar b)
775    newtype instance Bar Int = Bar Int
777    foo :: Bar ((Int, Int), Int) -> Int -> Int
778    foo f k = case f of BarPair x y ->
779              case burble of
780                 True -> case x of
781                           BarPair p q -> ...
782                 False -> ...
784The extra eagerness lets us produce a worker of type:
785     $wfoo :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int -> Int
786     $wfoo p# q# y# = ...
788even though the `case x` is only lazily evaluated.
790--------- Historical note ------------
791We used to add data-con strictness demands when demand analysing case
792expression. However, it was noticed in #15696 that this misses some cases. For
793instance, consider the program (from T10482)
795    data family Bar a
796    data instance Bar (a, b) = BarPair !(Bar a) !(Bar b)
797    newtype instance Bar Int = Bar Int
799    foo :: Bar ((Int, Int), Int) -> Int -> Int
800    foo f k =
801      case f of
802        BarPair x y -> case burble of
803                          True -> case x of
804                                    BarPair p q -> ...
805                          False -> ...
807We really should be able to assume that `p` is already evaluated since it came
808from a strict field of BarPair. This strictness would allow us to produce a
809worker of type:
811    $wfoo :: Int# -> Int# -> Int# -> Int -> Int
812    $wfoo p# q# y# = ...
814even though the `case x` is only lazily evaluated
816Indeed before we fixed #15696 this would happen since we would float the inner
817`case x` through the `case burble` to get:
819    foo f k =
820      case f of
821        BarPair x y -> case x of
822                          BarPair p q -> case burble of
823                                          True -> ...
824                                          False -> ...
826However, after fixing #15696 this could no longer happen (for the reasons
827discussed in ticket:15696#comment:76). This means that the demand placed on `f`
828would then be significantly weaker (since the False branch of the case on
829`burble` is not strict in `p` or `q`).
831Consequently, we now instead account for data-con strictness in mkWWstr_one,
832applying the strictness demands to the final result of DmdAnal. The result is
833that we get the strict demand signature we wanted even if we can't float
834the case on `x` up through the case on `burble`.
837Note [mkWWstr and unsafeCoerce]
839By using unsafeCoerce, it is possible to make the number of demands fail to
840match the number of constructor arguments; this happened in #8037.
841If so, the worker/wrapper split doesn't work right and we get a Core Lint
842bug.  The fix here is simply to decline to do w/w if that happens.
844Note [Record evaluated-ness in worker/wrapper]
846Suppose we have
848   data T = MkT !Int Int
850   f :: T -> T
851   f x = e
853and f's is strict, and has the CPR property.  The we are going to generate
854this w/w split
856   f x = case x of
857           MkT x1 x2 -> case $wf x1 x2 of
858                           (# r1, r2 #) -> MkT r1 r2
860   $wfw x1 x2 = let x = MkT x1 x2 in
861                case e of
862                  MkT r1 r2 -> (# r1, r2 #)
864Note that
866* In the worker $wf, inside 'e' we can be sure that x1 will be
867  evaluated (it came from unpacking the argument MkT.  But that's no
868  immediately apparent in $wf
870* In the wrapper 'f', which we'll inline at call sites, we can be sure
871  that 'r1' has been evaluated (because it came from unpacking the result
872  MkT.  But that is not immediately apparent from the wrapper code.
874Missing these facts isn't unsound, but it loses possible future
875opportunities for optimisation.
877Solution: use setCaseBndrEvald when creating
878 (A) The arg binders x1,x2 in mkWstr_one
879         See #13077, test T13077
880 (B) The result binders r1,r2 in mkWWcpr_help
881         See Trace #13077, test T13077a
882         And #13027 comment:20, item (4)
883to record that the relevant binder is evaluated.
887*                                                                      *
888         Type scrutiny that is specific to demand analysis
889*                                                                      *
892Note [Do not unpack class dictionaries]
894If we have
895   f :: Ord a => [a] -> Int -> a
896   {-# INLINABLE f #-}
897and we worker/wrapper f, we'll get a worker with an INLINABLE pragma
898(see Note [Worker-wrapper for INLINABLE functions] in WorkWrap), which
899can still be specialised by the type-class specialiser, something like
900   fw :: Ord a => [a] -> Int# -> a
902BUT if f is strict in the Ord dictionary, we might unpack it, to get
903   fw :: (a->a->Bool) -> [a] -> Int# -> a
904and the type-class specialiser can't specialise that.  An example is
907But in any other situation a dictionary is just an ordinary value,
908and can be unpacked.  So we track the INLINABLE pragma, and switch
909off the unpacking in mkWWstr_one (see the isClassPred test).
911Historical note: #14955 describes how I got this fix wrong
912the first time.
916    :: FamInstEnvs -> Type
917    -> Maybe (DataCon, [Type], [(Type, StrictnessMark)], Coercion)
918-- If    deepSplitProductType_maybe ty = Just (dc, tys, arg_tys, co)
919-- then  dc @ tys (args::arg_tys) :: rep_ty
920--       co :: ty ~ rep_ty
921-- Why do we return the strictness of the data-con arguments?
922-- Answer: see Note [Record evaluated-ness in worker/wrapper]
923deepSplitProductType_maybe fam_envs ty
924  | let (co, ty1) = topNormaliseType_maybe fam_envs ty
925                    `orElse` (mkRepReflCo ty, ty)
926  , Just (tc, tc_args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty1
927  , Just con <- isDataProductTyCon_maybe tc
928  , let arg_tys = dataConInstArgTys con tc_args
929        strict_marks = dataConRepStrictness con
930  = Just (con, tc_args, zipEqual "dspt" arg_tys strict_marks, co)
931deepSplitProductType_maybe _ _ = Nothing
934    :: FamInstEnvs -> ConTag -> Type
935    -> Maybe (DataCon, [Type], [(Type, StrictnessMark)], Coercion)
936-- If    deepSplitCprType_maybe n ty = Just (dc, tys, arg_tys, co)
937-- then  dc @ tys (args::arg_tys) :: rep_ty
938--       co :: ty ~ rep_ty
939-- Why do we return the strictness of the data-con arguments?
940-- Answer: see Note [Record evaluated-ness in worker/wrapper]
941deepSplitCprType_maybe fam_envs con_tag ty
942  | let (co, ty1) = topNormaliseType_maybe fam_envs ty
943                    `orElse` (mkRepReflCo ty, ty)
944  , Just (tc, tc_args) <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty1
945  , isDataTyCon tc
946  , let cons = tyConDataCons tc
947  , cons `lengthAtLeast` con_tag -- This might not be true if we import the
948                                 -- type constructor via a .hs-bool file (#8743)
949  , let con = cons `getNth` (con_tag - fIRST_TAG)
950        arg_tys = dataConInstArgTys con tc_args
951        strict_marks = dataConRepStrictness con
952  = Just (con, tc_args, zipEqual "dsct" arg_tys strict_marks, co)
953deepSplitCprType_maybe _ _ _ = Nothing
955findTypeShape :: FamInstEnvs -> Type -> TypeShape
956-- Uncover the arrow and product shape of a type
957-- The data type TypeShape is defined in Demand
958-- See Note [Trimming a demand to a type] in Demand
959findTypeShape fam_envs ty
960  | Just (tc, tc_args)  <- splitTyConApp_maybe ty
961  , Just con <- isDataProductTyCon_maybe tc
962  = TsProd (map (findTypeShape fam_envs) $ dataConInstArgTys con tc_args)
964  | Just (_, res) <- splitFunTy_maybe ty
965  = TsFun (findTypeShape fam_envs res)
967  | Just (_, ty') <- splitForAllTy_maybe ty
968  = findTypeShape fam_envs ty'
970  | Just (_, ty') <- topNormaliseType_maybe fam_envs ty
971  = findTypeShape fam_envs ty'
973  | otherwise
974  = TsUnk
978*                                                                      *
979\subsection{CPR stuff}
980*                                                                      *
984@mkWWcpr@ takes the worker/wrapper pair produced from the strictness
985info and adds in the CPR transformation.  The worker returns an
986unboxed tuple containing non-CPR components.  The wrapper takes this
987tuple and re-produces the correct structured output.
989The non-CPR results appear ordered in the unboxed tuple as if by a
990left-to-right traversal of the result structure.
993mkWWcpr :: Bool
994        -> FamInstEnvs
995        -> Type                              -- function body type
996        -> DmdResult                         -- CPR analysis results
997        -> UniqSM (Bool,                     -- Is w/w'ing useful?
998                   CoreExpr -> CoreExpr,     -- New wrapper
999                   CoreExpr -> CoreExpr,     -- New worker
1000                   Type)                     -- Type of worker's body
1002mkWWcpr opt_CprAnal fam_envs body_ty res
1003    -- CPR explicitly turned off (or in -O0)
1004  | not opt_CprAnal = return (False, id, id, body_ty)
1005    -- CPR is turned on by default for -O and O2
1006  | otherwise
1007  = case returnsCPR_maybe res of
1008       Nothing      -> return (False, id, id, body_ty)  -- No CPR info
1009       Just con_tag | Just stuff <- deepSplitCprType_maybe fam_envs con_tag body_ty
1010                    -> mkWWcpr_help stuff
1011                    |  otherwise
1012                       -- See Note [non-algebraic or open body type warning]
1013                    -> WARN( True, text "mkWWcpr: non-algebraic or open body type" <+> ppr body_ty )
1014                       return (False, id, id, body_ty)
1016mkWWcpr_help :: (DataCon, [Type], [(Type,StrictnessMark)], Coercion)
1017             -> UniqSM (Bool, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, CoreExpr -> CoreExpr, Type)
1019mkWWcpr_help (data_con, inst_tys, arg_tys, co)
1020  | [arg1@(arg_ty1, _)] <- arg_tys
1021  , isUnliftedType arg_ty1
1022        -- Special case when there is a single result of unlifted type
1023        --
1024        -- Wrapper:     case (..call worker..) of x -> C x
1025        -- Worker:      case (   ..body..    ) of C x -> x
1026  = do { (work_uniq : arg_uniq : _) <- getUniquesM
1027       ; let arg       = mk_ww_local arg_uniq arg1
1028             con_app   = mkConApp2 data_con inst_tys [arg] `mkCast` mkSymCo co
1030       ; return ( True
1031                , \ wkr_call -> mkDefaultCase wkr_call arg con_app
1032                , \ body     -> mkUnpackCase body co work_uniq data_con [arg] (varToCoreExpr arg)
1033                                -- varToCoreExpr important here: arg can be a coercion
1034                                -- Lacking this caused #10658
1035                , arg_ty1 ) }
1037  | otherwise   -- The general case
1038        -- Wrapper: case (..call worker..) of (# a, b #) -> C a b
1039        -- Worker:  case (   ...body...  ) of C a b -> (# a, b #)
1040  = do { (work_uniq : wild_uniq : uniqs) <- getUniquesM
1041       ; let wrap_wild   = mk_ww_local wild_uniq (ubx_tup_ty,MarkedStrict)
1042             args        = zipWith mk_ww_local uniqs arg_tys
1043             ubx_tup_ty  = exprType ubx_tup_app
1044             ubx_tup_app = mkCoreUbxTup (map fst arg_tys) (map varToCoreExpr args)
1045             con_app     = mkConApp2 data_con inst_tys args `mkCast` mkSymCo co
1046             tup_con     = tupleDataCon Unboxed (length arg_tys)
1048       ; return (True
1049                , \ wkr_call -> mkSingleAltCase wkr_call wrap_wild
1050                                                (DataAlt tup_con) args con_app
1051                , \ body     -> mkUnpackCase body co work_uniq data_con args ubx_tup_app
1052                , ubx_tup_ty ) }
1054mkUnpackCase ::  CoreExpr -> Coercion -> Unique -> DataCon -> [Id] -> CoreExpr -> CoreExpr
1055-- (mkUnpackCase e co uniq Con args body)
1056--      returns
1057-- case e |> co of bndr { Con args -> body }
1059mkUnpackCase (Tick tickish e) co uniq con args body   -- See Note [Profiling and unpacking]
1060  = Tick tickish (mkUnpackCase e co uniq con args body)
1061mkUnpackCase scrut co uniq boxing_con unpk_args body
1062  = mkSingleAltCase casted_scrut bndr
1063                    (DataAlt boxing_con) unpk_args body
1064  where
1065    casted_scrut = scrut `mkCast` co
1066    bndr = mk_ww_local uniq (exprType casted_scrut, MarkedStrict)
1069Note [non-algebraic or open body type warning]
1072There are a few cases where the W/W transformation is told that something
1073returns a constructor, but the type at hand doesn't really match this. One
1074real-world example involves unsafeCoerce:
1075  foo = IO a
1076  foo = unsafeCoerce c_exit
1077  foreign import ccall "c_exit" c_exit :: IO ()
1078Here CPR will tell you that `foo` returns a () constructor for sure, but trying
1079to create a worker/wrapper for type `a` obviously fails.
1080(This was a real example until ee8e792  in libraries/base.)
1082It does not seem feasible to avoid all such cases already in the analyser (and
1083after all, the analysis is not really wrong), so we simply do nothing here in
1084mkWWcpr. But we still want to emit warning with -DDEBUG, to hopefully catch
1085other cases where something went avoidably wrong.
1088Note [Profiling and unpacking]
1090If the original function looked like
1091        f = \ x -> {-# SCC "foo" #-} E
1093then we want the CPR'd worker to look like
1094        \ x -> {-# SCC "foo" #-} (case E of I# x -> x)
1095and definitely not
1096        \ x -> case ({-# SCC "foo" #-} E) of I# x -> x)
1098This transform doesn't move work or allocation
1099from one cost centre to another.
1101Later [SDM]: presumably this is because we want the simplifier to
1102eliminate the case, and the scc would get in the way?  I'm ok with
1103including the case itself in the cost centre, since it is morally
1104part of the function (post transformation) anyway.
1108*                                                                      *
1110*                                                                      *
1113Note [Absent errors]
1115We make a new binding for Ids that are marked absent, thus
1116   let x = absentError "x :: Int"
1117The idea is that this binding will never be used; but if it
1118buggily is used we'll get a runtime error message.
1120Coping with absence for *unlifted* types is important; see, for
1121example, #4306 and #15627.  In the UnliftedRep case, we can
1122use LitRubbish, which we need to apply to the required type.
1123For the unlifted types of singleton kind like Float#, Addr#, etc. we
1124also find a suitable literal, using Literal.absentLiteralOf.  We don't
1125have literals for every primitive type, so the function is partial.
1127Note: I did try the experiment of using an error thunk for unlifted
1128things too, relying on the simplifier to drop it as dead code.
1129But this is fragile
1131 - It fails when profiling is on, which disables various optimisations
1133 - It fails when reboxing happens. E.g.
1134      data T = MkT Int Int#
1135      f p@(MkT a _) = ...g p....
1136   where g is /lazy/ in 'p', but only uses the first component.  Then
1137   'f' is /strict/ in 'p', and only uses the first component.  So we only
1138   pass that component to the worker for 'f', which reconstructs 'p' to
1139   pass it to 'g'.  Alas we can't say
1140       ...f (MkT a (absentError Int# "blah"))...
1141   bacause `MkT` is strict in its Int# argument, so we get an absentError
1142   exception when we shouldn't.  Very annoying!
1144So absentError is only used for lifted types.
1147-- | Tries to find a suitable dummy RHS to bind the given absent identifier to.
1149-- If @mk_absent_let _ id == Just wrap@, then @wrap e@ will wrap a let binding
1150-- for @id@ with that RHS around @e@. Otherwise, there could no suitable RHS be
1151-- found (currently only happens for bindings of 'VecRep' representation).
1152mk_absent_let :: DynFlags -> Id -> Maybe (CoreExpr -> CoreExpr)
1153mk_absent_let dflags arg
1154  -- The lifted case: Bind 'absentError'
1155  -- See Note [Absent errors]
1156  | not (isUnliftedType arg_ty)
1157  = Just (Let (NonRec lifted_arg abs_rhs))
1158  -- The 'UnliftedRep' (because polymorphic) case: Bind @__RUBBISH \@arg_ty@
1159  -- See Note [Absent errors]
1160  | [UnliftedRep] <- typePrimRep arg_ty
1161  = Just (Let (NonRec arg unlifted_rhs))
1162  -- The monomorphic unlifted cases: Bind to some literal, if possible
1163  -- See Note [Absent errors]
1164  | Just tc <- tyConAppTyCon_maybe arg_ty
1165  , Just lit <- absentLiteralOf tc
1166  = Just (Let (NonRec arg (Lit lit)))
1167  | arg_ty `eqType` voidPrimTy
1168  = Just (Let (NonRec arg (Var voidPrimId)))
1169  | otherwise
1170  = WARN( True, text "No absent value for" <+> ppr arg_ty )
1171    Nothing -- Can happen for 'State#' and things of 'VecRep'
1172  where
1173    lifted_arg   = arg `setIdStrictness` botSig
1174              -- Note in strictness signature that this is bottoming
1175              -- (for the sake of the "empty case scrutinee not known to
1176              -- diverge for sure lint" warning)
1177    arg_ty       = idType arg
1178    abs_rhs      = mkAbsentErrorApp arg_ty msg
1179    msg          = showSDoc (gopt_set dflags Opt_SuppressUniques)
1180                          (ppr arg <+> ppr (idType arg))
1181              -- We need to suppress uniques here because otherwise they'd
1182              -- end up in the generated code as strings. This is bad for
1183              -- determinism, because with different uniques the strings
1184              -- will have different lengths and hence different costs for
1185              -- the inliner leading to different inlining.
1186              -- See also Note [Unique Determinism] in Unique
1187    unlifted_rhs = mkTyApps (Lit rubbishLit) [arg_ty]
1189mk_ww_local :: Unique -> (Type, StrictnessMark) -> Id
1190-- The StrictnessMark comes form the data constructor and says
1191-- whether this field is strict
1192-- See Note [Record evaluated-ness in worker/wrapper]
1193mk_ww_local uniq (ty,str)
1194  = setCaseBndrEvald str $
1195    mkSysLocalOrCoVar (fsLit "ww") uniq ty