1 //#***************************************************************************************
2 //#
3 //# filename:             element.h
4 //#
5 //# author:               Gerstmayr Johannes
6 //#
7 //# generated:						July 2004
8 //# description:
9 //#
10 //# remarks:
11 //#
12 //# Copyright (c) 2003-2013 Johannes Gerstmayr, Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH, Austrian
13 //# Center of Competence in Mechatronics GmbH, Institute of Technical Mechanics at the
14 //# Johannes Kepler Universitaet Linz, Austria. All rights reserved.
15 //#
16 //# This file is part of HotInt.
17 //# HotInt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
18 //# the HOTINT license. See folder 'licenses' for more details.
19 //#
20 //# bug reports are welcome!!!
21 //# WWW:		www.hotint.org
22 //# email:	bug_reports@hotint.org or support@hotint.org
23 //#***************************************************************************************
25 #ifndef ELEMENT__H
26 #define ELEMENT__H
28 #include "mbs_interface.h"
30 #include "FieldVariableDescriptor.h"
31 #include "mbsload.h"		// elements need to deal with loads
33 class ReadWriteElementDataVariableType;
35 class Constraint;
38 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
39 //                                  ELEMENT
40 //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
42 typedef enum {TElement=1, TConstraint=2, TBody=4,/* TFFRF=8, TBody2D=16, TBody3D=32,*/
43 TCMS = 64, TCMSflag = 128, TController = 256, TFiniteElement = 512, TGCMS = 1024, TParticle = 2048, TIOElementDataModifier = 4096} TMBSElement;
44 // TCMSflag ... set if the Element is a BaseCMSElement
45 // TCMS ....... set if the Element is a finite element belonging to a BaseCMSElement (i.e. CMS *OR* GCMS)
46 // TGCMS ...... set if the Element is a finite element belonging to a GCMSElement
47 // TParticle... set if the Element is a particle (e.g., of a fluid, see the classes SPHParticle2D, SPHParticle3D, SPHMass2D, SPHMass3D)
49 //definition of element equations structure:
50 //this information is for element description and for decision of solvers which method to use
51 typedef enum {TET_algebraic=1, TET_algebraic_linear=2,
52 TET_first_order_ODE=4, TET_first_order_ODE_linear=8,
53 TET_second_order_ODE=16, TET_second_order_ODE_linear=32,
54 TET_discontinuous=64, TET_fixedpoint_iteration=128,
55 TET_delay_equation=256, TET_stochastic_process=512,
56 TET_constant_mass_matrix=1024, TET_constant_stiffness_matrix=2048,
57 TET_Lagrange_multipliers=4096	} TEquationType;
59 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
60 //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
61 //new position, displacement, velocity ... access functions
62 typedef enum{TKAF_none=0,															//dummy for initialization
63 TKAF_position=1,																			//GetPos
64 TKAF_displacement=2,																	//GetDisplacement
65 TKAF_ref_conf_position=131072,												//GetRefConfPos
66 TKAF_ref_position=4194304,														//GetRefPos
67 TKAF_node_position = 4,																//GetNodePos
68 TKAF_node_ref_conf_position = 262144,									//GetNodeRefPos
69 TKAF_global_to_local_position=8,
70 TKAF_velocity=16,																			//GetVel
71 TKAF_node_velocity=32,																//GetNodeVel
72 TKAF_acceleration=64,
73 TKAF_angular_velocity=128,														//GetAngularVel
74 TKAF_rotation_matrix=256,															//GetRotMatrix
75 TKAF_rotation_matrix_P=512,														//GetRotMatrixP
76 TKAF_D_pos_D_q=1024,																	//GetdPosdqT
77 TKAF_D_pos_D_x=2048,																	//GetdPosdx
78 TKAF_D_node_pos_D_q = 4096,														//GetNodedPosdqT
79 TKAF_D_ang_vel_D_q =8192,															//GetdAngVeldqpT
80 TKAF_D_rot_D_q=16384,																	//GetdRotdqT
81 TKAF_D_rot_v_D_q=32768,																//GetdRotvdqT
82 TKAF_int_D_u_D_q =65536,															//GetIntDuDq
83 TKAF_position_2D =524288,															//GetPos2D
84 TKAF_velocity_2D =1048576,														//GetVel2D
85 TKAF_D_pos_D_q_2D =2097152,														//GetdPosdqT2D
88 //GetIntDuDqFCentrifugal
89 TKAF_maximum=8388608} TKinematicsAccessFunctions;		//always update maximum, such that it is still the maximum, used in Constraint:IsSuitableElement
91 //flag T_compute, T_draw, T_reference_configuration and T_initial_values decides, where to retrieve the system coordinate
92 	//flag T_draw_magnified decides, whether the displacment is magnified or not in the drawing function (e.g. GetPos_dc)
93 	//flag T_reference_configuration returns zero under the assumption that in reference configuration the coordinates are zero (especially for rigid bodies and classical displacement based finite elements)
94 	//flag  are not implemented yet
95 typedef enum {TCD_compute=1, TCD_draw=2, TCD_reference_configuration=4, TCD_initial_values=8, TCD_draw_magnified=16, TCD_cached=32} TComputeDrawInitFlag;
97 class Element //$EDC$[beginclass,classname=Element]
98 {
100 public:
Element()101 	Element():ltg(), ltgdata(), constraintindices(), loads(), constraints(), constraints_nodouble(), drawelements(), sensors(), elements(), x_init(), data_init()
102 	{
103 		Element::ElementDefaultConstructorInitialization();
104 		//damping_m=0;
105 		//altshape = 0;
106 		//type = TElement;
107 		//elementname = GetElementSpec();
108 		//rho = 0;
109 		//materialnum = 0;
110 		//draw_element = 1;
111 	};
Element(MBS * mbsi)112 	Element(MBS* mbsi):ltg(), ltgdata(), constraintindices(), loads(), constraints(), constraints_nodouble(), drawelements(), sensors(), elements(), x_init(), data_init()
113 	{
114 		Element::ElementDefaultConstructorInitialization();
115 		mbs=mbsi;
116 		//damping_m=0;
117 		//altshape = 0;
118 		//type = TElement;
119 		//elementname = GetElementSpec();
120 		//rho = 0;
121 		//materialnum = 0;
122 		//draw_element = 1;
123 	};
Element(const Element & e)124 	Element(const Element& e):ltg(), ltgdata(), constraintindices(), loads(), constraints(), constraints_nodouble(), drawelements(), sensors(), elements(), x_init(), data_init()
125 	{
126 		CopyFrom(e);
127 	};
128 	Element& operator=(const Element& e)
129 	{
130 		if (this == &e) {return *this;}
131 		CopyFrom(e);
132 		return *this;
133 	}
134 	//To be overwritten in derived class:
135 	virtual Element* GetCopy();
137 	virtual ~Element();
139 	//To be overwritten in derived class:
140 	virtual void CopyFrom(const Element& e);
143 	//this function assigns default values to the element variables
ElementDefaultConstructorInitialization()144 	virtual void ElementDefaultConstructorInitialization()
145 	{
146 		damping_m=0;
147 		altshape = 0;
148 		type = TElement;
149 		elementname = GetElementSpec();
150 		//rho = 0;
151 		materialnum = 0;
152 		draw_element = 1;
153 		mass = 0;
154 		elnum = 0;
155 		col = Vector3D(0.1,0.1,0.8); //default body color
156 		//col = Vector3D(-1,-1,-1); //default body color
158 		x_init = Vector(2*SOS()+ES()+IS());   //initial conditions
159 		data_init = Vector(DataS());   //initial conditions for data variables
161 		loads.SetLen(0);	//$ DR 2012-10
163 		//not initilized: TArray<int> ltg; //local to global dof reference vector;
164 		//not initilized: TArray<int> ltgdata; //local to global data reference vector;
165 		//not initilized: TArray<int> constraintindices; //index of this element in the constraint (mostly 1 or 2)
166 		//not initilized: TArray<char> dependencies; //contains dependencies to coordinates
167 		//not initilized: TArray<Constraint*> constraints; //this constraint list might be double!
168 		//not initilized: TArray<Constraint*> constraints_nodouble; //one constraint is only added once to an element
169 		//not initilized: TArray<int> sensors; //EDC[varaccess,EDCvarname="sensors",EDCfolder="Info",tooltiptext="attached sensors",readonly]//if the element equations of motion are dependent on sensor values (e.g. as an input), then add the sensor numbers here
170 		//not initilized: TArray<int> elements; //dependent elements (mainly for contraints, but also for follower loads!)
171 		//not initilized: TArray<int> drawelements;
172 	}
Initialize()174 	virtual void Initialize() //initialize after initial conditions are set!!!
175 	{
176 	};
GetMBS()178 	virtual const MBS* GetMBS() const {return mbs;}
GetMBS()179 	virtual MBS* GetMBS() {return mbs;}
180 	//virtual UserOutput& UO() {return mbs->uout;};
181 	//virtual UserOutput& UO(int message_level = UO_LVL_all) { mbs->uout.SetLocalMessageLevel(message_level); return mbs->uout;}; //(AD)
182 	//$ YV 2012-11-28
183 	//virtual UserOutput& UO(int message_level = UO_LVL_all, int output_prec = -1) { mbs->uout.SetLocalMessageLevel(message_level); mbs->uout.SetOutputPrec(output_prec); return mbs->uout;}; //$ AD 2011-02 output_prec
184 	virtual UserOutputInterface& UO(int message_level = UO_LVL_all, int output_prec = -1) const { return mbs->UO(message_level,output_prec); }
MaxIndex()185 	virtual int MaxIndex() const {return mbs->MaxIndex();}
187 	//$ JG 2011-02: compute index 3 constraint drift, only for postprocessing! (evaluate sensors)
188 	virtual double GetConstraintDrift(double t) const;
GetOwnNum()190 	virtual int GetOwnNum() const {return elnum;}
SetOwnNum(int i)191 	virtual void SetOwnNum(int i) {elnum = i;}
GetElementName()193 	virtual const mystr& GetElementName() const {return elementname;}
GetElementName()194 	virtual mystr& GetElementName() {return elementname;}
SetElementName(const char * name)195 	virtual void SetElementName(const char* name) {elementname = name;}
GetElementSpec()196 	virtual const char* GetElementSpec() const {return "Element";}	//$ DR this is implemented already in many elements and used at multiple places
GetElementSpecification()197 	virtual mystr GetElementSpecification() //$EDC$[funcaccess,EDCvarname="element_type",tooltiptext="specification of element type. Once the element is added to the mbs, you MUST NOT change this type anymore!"]
198 	{
199 		mystr type = GetElementSpec();	//$ DR this is necessary for the skript language
200 		return type;
201 	}
IsType(TMBSElement te)203 	virtual int IsType(TMBSElement te) const
204 	{
205 		return (te&type) != 0;
206 	}
SetType(TMBSElement te)207 	virtual void SetType(TMBSElement te) {type = te;}
GetType()209 	virtual TMBSElement GetType() const {return type;} //return element type (e.g. for knowing if element is a constraint, etc.)
210 	//the following string returns a list of strings which contains main specification of the element
211 	//virtual MyStrList GetType_String() const
212 	//{
213 	//	MyStrList strlist;
214 	//	if (IsType(TElement)) {strlist.Add("connector element");}
215 	//	if (IsType(TConstraint)) {strlist.Add("connector element");}
216 	//	if (IsType(TBody) && !IsType(TFiniteElement)) {strlist.Add("body");}
217 	//	if (IsType(TFiniteElement)) {strlist.Add("finite element");}
218 	//	if (IsType(TCMS)) {strlist.Add("finite element belonging to a CMS reference frame");}
219 	//	if (IsType(TCMSflag)) {strlist.Add("reference frame for component mode synthesis (CMS)\n");}
220 	//	if (IsType(TGCMS)) {strlist.Add("GCMS modally reduced element\n");}
221 	//	if (IsType(TController)) {strlist.Add("control element (with input and output)\n");}
222 	//	if (IsType(TParticle)) {strlist.Add("particle for sph simulation\n");}
224 	//	return str;
225 	//}
AddType(TMBSElement te)227 	virtual void AddType(TMBSElement te)
228 	{
229 		type = (TMBSElement)(type|te);
230 	}
IsRigid()231 	virtual int IsRigid() const {return 0;} //$EDC$[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="is_rigid",EDCfolder="Info",tooltiptext="flag if body is a rigid body"]//default value
IsFiniteElement()232 	virtual int IsFiniteElement() const {return 0;} //$EDC$[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="is_finite_element",EDCfolder="Info",tooltiptext="flag if body is a finite element"] //if is of type "FiniteElement" 2D or 3D
234 	////return the information about the equations type of the element
235 	//virtual TElementEquationType GetEquationsType() const
236 	//{
237 	//	TElementEquationType eet = 0;
238 	//	if (IS() != 0) eet += TET_algebraic;
239 	//	if (ES() != 0) eet += TET_first_order_ODE;
240 	//	if (SOS() != 0) eet += TET_second_order_ODE;
241 	//	if (IS() != 0) eet += TET_Lagrange_multipliers;
243 	//	return eet;
244 	//}
245 	//return stringlist containing the possible types of the equation that apply
246 	//virtual MyStrList GetEquationsType_String() const
247 	//{
248 	//	MyStrList strlist;
249 	//	if ((GetEquationsType()&TET_algebraic != 0) && (GetEquationsType()&TET_algebraic_linear != 0)) {strlist.Add("linear algebraic equations");}
250 	//	else if ((GetEquationsType()&TET_algebraic != 0)) {strlist.Add("nonlinear algebraic equations");}
252 	//	if ((GetEquationsType()&TET_first_order_ODE != 0) && (GetEquationsType()&TET_first_order_ODE_linear != 0)) {strlist.Add("linear first order differential equations");}
253 	//	else if ((GetEquationsType()&TET_first_order_ODE != 0)) {strlist.Add("nonlinear first order differential equations");}
255 	//	if ((GetEquationsType()&TET_second_order_ODE != 0) && (GetEquationsType()&TET_second_order_ODE_linear != 0)) {strlist.Add("linear second order differential equations");}
256 	//	else if ((GetEquationsType()&TET_second_order_ODE != 0)) {strlist.Add("nonlinear second order differential equations");}
258 	//	if (GetEquationsType()&TET_discontinuous != 0) {strlist.Add("discontinuous equations (switches, jumps, etc.)");}
259 	//	if (GetEquationsType()&TET_fixedpoint_iteration != 0) {strlist.Add("fixed point iteration for discontinuous equations");}
261 	//	if (GetEquationsType()&TET_delay_equation != 0) {strlist.Add("delay equations (storage and retrieving of data)");}
262 	//	if (GetEquationsType()&TET_stochastic_process != 0) {strlist.Add("stochastic process (solution might be non-deterministic)");}
263 	//	if (GetEquationsType()&TET_constant_mass_matrix != 0) {strlist.Add("second order equations contain a constant mass matrix");}
264 	//	if (GetEquationsType()&TET_constant_stiffness_matrix != 0) {strlist.Add("second order equations contain a constant stiffness matrix");}
265 	//	if (GetEquationsType()&TET_Lagrange_multipliers != 0) {strlist.Add("Lagrange multipliers are used and forces added to other elements");}
266 	//}
268 #pragma endregion
PerformNodeCheck()270 	virtual int PerformNodeCheck() const {return 1;} //node number are not checked for CMS-elements ...
271 	virtual int CheckConsistency(mystr& errorstr); //rv==0 --> OK, rv==1 --> can not compute, rv==2 --> can not draw and not compute
273 	//the following functions are for reading/writing the whole element data including the necessary initialization after setting the element data
274 	virtual void GetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc); 		//fill in all element data
275 	virtual int SetElementData(ElementDataContainer& edc); //set element data acc. to ElementDataContainer, return 0 if failed or values invalid!
276 	virtual void GetElementDataAuto(ElementDataContainer& edc); 		//fill in all element data
277 	virtual int SetElementDataAuto(ElementDataContainer& edc); //set element data acc. to ElementDataContainer, return 0 if failed or values invalid!
280 	//the following functions are for read/write access to single variables or functions (mapped to EDC-style-variables)
281 	//these functions should be implemented in all derived classes
282 	virtual int ReadSingleElementData(ReadWriteElementDataVariableType& RWdata); 		//retrieve value of element variable/function named RWdata.variable_name with specified components (vector/matrix); return 1, if variable found and read; 0 if not found, -1 if no readaccess, -2 if range-fault
283 	virtual int WriteSingleElementData(const ReadWriteElementDataVariableType& RWdata); //write value of element variable/function named RWdata.variable_name with specified components (vector/matrix); return 1, if variable found and written; 0 if not found, -1 if no writeaccess, -2 if range-fault
284   virtual int GetAvailableSpecialValues(TArrayDynamic<ReadWriteElementDataVariableType>& available_variables); //$ DR 2012-10
286 	virtual int ReadSingleElementDataAuto(ReadWriteElementDataVariableType& RWdata); 		//automatically generated function from EDC_converter
287 	virtual int WriteSingleElementDataAuto(const ReadWriteElementDataVariableType& RWdata); //automatically generated function from EDC_converter
288   virtual int GetAvailableSpecialValuesAuto(TArrayDynamic<ReadWriteElementDataVariableType>& available_variables); //automatically generated function from EDC_converter
290 	//virtual int IsConstraint() const {return 0;}
PrecomputeEvalFunctions()292 	virtual void PrecomputeEvalFunctions() {}; //PG: precomputation for EvalF(), EvalF2(), EvalM(), and also for EvalG() and AddElementCqTLambda() in case of constraints
EvalF(Vector & f,double t)293 	virtual void EvalF(Vector& f, double t) {};  //first order equations: \dot q=f(q,t), return vector:  len(q)
EvalG(Vector & f,double t)294 	virtual void EvalG(Vector& f, double t) {};  //evaluate constraints: len(z)
295 	//second order equations: M \ddot u = F2(u,\dot u,t), len(u)
EvalM(Matrix & m,double t)296 	virtual void EvalM(Matrix& m, double t) {};  //evaluate mass matrix
297 	//Element-elastic forces+external forces+Cq^T*lambda
298 	virtual void EvalF2(Vector& f, double t);
299 	virtual void EvalMinvF2(Vector& f, double t);
300 	//Jacobian for F2, compute element Jacobian m, LTGVector ref
301 	virtual void JacobianF2(double t, Matrix& m, IVector& colref);
302 	virtual void JacobianG(double t, Matrix& m, IVector& colref);
GetKineticEnergy()303 	virtual double GetKineticEnergy() {return 0;};   //compute kinetic energy of system
304 	virtual double GetPotentialEnergy(); //compute potential (strain) energy of system
FastStiffnessMatrix()306 	virtual int FastStiffnessMatrix() const {return 0;}
StiffnessMatrix(Matrix & m)307 	virtual void StiffnessMatrix(Matrix& m) {assert(0 && "ERROR: StiffnessMatrix() not defined"); }; //fill in sos x sos components, m might be larger
GyroscopicMatrix(SparseMatrix & gy)309 	virtual void GyroscopicMatrix(SparseMatrix& gy)const  // $ MSax 2013-07-25 : added
310 	{
311 		// gyroscopic matrix for rotordynamic elements. Used e.g. for computation of eigenmodes (campbell)
312 		gy = SparseMatrix();
313 		gy.SetSize(SOS(),SOS());
314 		gy.FillWithZeros();
315 	};
317 	//to be activated, MBS->SetTransformJacApply must be set:
TransformJacApply()318 	virtual int TransformJacApply() const {return 0;}; //transform jacobian in solver (x = x_0 + A*J^(-1)*B * f)
ApplyTransform(const Vector & v,Vector & Av,int mode)319 	virtual void ApplyTransform(const Vector& v, Vector& Av, int mode) {}; //compute Av=A^T*v in mode==0 and Av=A*v in mode==1
321 	//sparse jacobian operations:
AddMSparse(SparseMatrix & m,double t)322 	virtual void AddMSparse(SparseMatrix& m, double t) {};  //add sparse mass matrix into full system matrix
AddKSparse(SparseMatrix & m,double t)323 	virtual void AddKSparse(SparseMatrix& m, double t) {};  //add sparse stiffness matrix into full system matrix
AddDSparse(SparseMatrix & m,double t)324 	virtual void AddDSparse(SparseMatrix& m, double t) {};  //add sparse damping matrix into full system matrix (at sosmbs)
UseSparseM()325 	virtual int UseSparseM() const {return 0;};
UseSparseK()326 	virtual int UseSparseK() const {return 0;};
327 	virtual void SetUseSparseM(int i=1) {};
328 	virtual void SetUseSparseK(int i=1) {};
330 	//floating frame of reference formulation: for FFRF elements
GetI1(Vector & I1)331 	virtual void GetI1(Vector& I1) {assert(0);}; //Shabana p. 209-211
GetIkl(int k,int l)332 	virtual double GetIkl(int k, int l) {assert(0);return 0;};
GetIbarkl(int k,int l,Vector & I1)333 	virtual void GetIbarkl(int k, int l, Vector& I1) {assert(0);};
GetSbar(Matrix & Sbar)334 	virtual void GetSbar(Matrix& Sbar) {assert(0);};
GetSbarkl(int k,int l,Matrix & Sbar)335 	virtual void GetSbarkl(int k, int l, Matrix& Sbar) {assert(0);};
EvalMff(Matrix & m,double t)336 	virtual void EvalMff(Matrix& m, double t) {assert(0);}; //matrix without rigid body motion, only flexible part
GetH(Matrix & H)337 	virtual void GetH(Matrix& H)  {assert(0);};
NCMSNodes()338 	virtual int NCMSNodes() const {mbs->UO() << "Element::NCMSNodes() called, should be called for FFRFElement only!!\n"; return 0;}
340 	//dir: normal == 0=X, 1=-X, 2=Y, 3=-Y, 4=Z, 5=-Z
AddSurfacePressure(Vector & f,double pressure,int dir)341 	virtual void AddSurfacePressure(Vector& f, double pressure, int dir) {assert(0);}
GetSurfaceNormalD(int dir)342 	virtual Vector3D GetSurfaceNormalD(int dir) { assert(0); return Vector3D(); }		// AH: get normal to a specfied surface in order to plot surface pressure
IS()344 	virtual int IS() const {return 0;};  //$EDC$[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="n_algebraic_equations",EDCfolder="Info",tooltiptext="number of algebraic equations"] //implicit (algebraic) size
SOS()345 	virtual int SOS() const {return 0;}; //$EDC$[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="n_second_order_ODEs",EDCfolder="Info",tooltiptext="number of second order ODEs in which the element contributes with some terms to the mass matrix and RHS"] //size of second order components (size of M and EvalF2=^=K)
SOSowned()346 	virtual int SOSowned() const {return SOS();}; //$EDC$[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="n_second_order_ODE_unknowns",EDCfolder="Info", tooltiptext="number of second order ODE unknowns, which are owned (caused) by one element (not borrowed e.g. from another element or node)] //size of second order unknowns, len(u) or len(v)
ES()347 	virtual int ES() const {return 0;};  //$EDC$[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="n_first_order_ODEs",EDCfolder="Info",tooltiptext="number of first order ODEs"] //size of first order explicit equations
SS()348 	virtual int SS() const {return 2*SOS()+ES()+IS();};  //$EDC$[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="element_equation_size",EDCfolder="Info",tooltiptext="element system size=2*SOS()+ES()+IS()"]//system size
DataS()349 	virtual int DataS() const {return 0;} //$EDC$[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="data_size",EDCfolder="Info",tooltiptext="number of data variables (e.g. plastic strains), for which there are no separate equations"] //Data size for non-state variables (contact condition, plastic strains, discrete states, etc.)
IS_RS()351   virtual int IS_RS() const {return IS();};  //implicit (algebraic) size
SOSowned_RS()352   virtual int SOSowned_RS() const {return SOSowned();}; //for resort, the implicit element variables belong to SOS2
FlexDOF()353   virtual int FlexDOF() const {return SOS();}
355    //# Timeint specific derived functions: for discontinuities
StartTimeStep()356   virtual void StartTimeStep() {}; //function is called when computation of time step is started
EndTimeStep()357   virtual void EndTimeStep() {}; //function is called when computation of time step is started
ComputationFinished()358   virtual void ComputationFinished() {}; //function is called when computation is finished (e.g. in order to free memory, write results, close connections, etc.)
360 	//$!LA 2011-02-16: NonlinStep was replaced by PostNewtonStep
361 	// virtual double NonlinStep(double t) {return 0;};
PostNewtonStep(double t)362   virtual double PostNewtonStep(double t) {return 0;};
363 	//$!LA 2011-02-16: FixNonlinStep was replaced by PostprocessingStep
364 	// virtual void FixNonlinStep() {};
PostprocessingStep()365 	virtual void PostprocessingStep() {};
GetError()366 	virtual double GetError() const
367 	{
368 		double err = 0;
369 		for (int i=1; i<=SS()-IS(); i++)
370 		{
371 			//err += fabs(XG(i));
372 			err += Sqr(XG(i));
373 		}
374 		return err;
375 	};
SetGlobalInitConditions(Vector & x_glob)377 	virtual void SetGlobalInitConditions(Vector& x_glob)
378 	{
379 		for (int i=1; i<=SS(); i++)
380 		{
381 // (AD) changed () to .Get()
382 			x_glob(ltg.Get(i)) = x_init(i);
383 //			x_glob(ltg(i)) = x_init(i);
384 		}
385 	}
SetGlobalInitData(Vector & data_glob)387 	virtual void SetGlobalInitData(Vector& data_glob)
388 	{
389 		for (int i=1; i<=DataS(); i++)
390 		{
391 // (AD) changed () to .Get()
392 			data_glob(ltgdata.Get(i)) = data_init(i);
393 //			data_glob(ltgdata(i)) = data_init(i);
394 		}
395 	}
Dim()397 	virtual int Dim() const {return 2;} //$EDC$[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="element_dimension",EDCfolder="Info",tooltiptext="dimensionality of element (2D/3D)"]//default value
GetXact(int i)398 	virtual const double& GetXact(int i) const {return mbs->GetXact(i);}
GetXact(int i)399 	virtual double& GetXact(int i) {return mbs->GetXact(i);}
400 	//virtual const Vector& GetXact() const {return mbs->GetXact();}
401 	//virtual Vector& GetXact() {return mbs->GetXact();}
402 	//
SetInitConditions(const Vector & x0)403 	virtual void SetInitConditions(const Vector& x0) {x_init = x0;}
GetXInit()404 	virtual const Vector& GetXInit() const {return x_init;}
GetXInit(int i)406 	virtual const double& GetXInit(int i) const {return x_init.Get(i);} // $ MSax 2013-07-12 : added
SetDataInit(const Vector & data_initI)408 	virtual void SetDataInit(const Vector& data_initI) {data_init = data_initI;}
GetDataInit()409 	virtual const Vector& GetDataInit() const {return data_init;}
411 	//compute things which should be actualized after every change of xact
Update()412 	virtual void Update() {};
413 	//local to global transformation, for positions, velocities, first order ODE and algebraic variables
415 	virtual double GetOutput(double t, int i=1) const {return 0;}
ElementBandwidth()417 	virtual int ElementBandwidth() const {return SS();}
420 	//local to global transformation variables
421 // (AD) changed () to .Get() & Elem()
LTG(int iloc)422 	virtual int LTG(int iloc) const {return ltg.Get(iloc);}
LTG(int iloc)423 	virtual int& LTG(int iloc) {return ltg.Elem(iloc);}
424 //	virtual int LTG(int iloc) const {return ltg(iloc);}
425 //	virtual int& LTG(int iloc) {return ltg(iloc);}
GetLTGArray()426 	virtual const TArray<int>& GetLTGArray() const {return ltg;}
AddLTG(int gi)427 	virtual void AddLTG(int gi)	{ltg.Add(gi);}
LTGlength()428 	virtual int LTGlength() const {return ltg.Length();}
LTGreset()429 	virtual void LTGreset() {ltg.Flush();}
431 	//local to global transformation variables for data elements:
432 // (AD) changed () to .Get() & Elem()
LTGdata(int iloc)433 	virtual int LTGdata(int iloc) const {return ltgdata.Get(iloc);}
LTGdata(int iloc)434 	virtual int& LTGdata(int iloc) {return ltgdata.Elem(iloc);}
435 //	virtual int LTGdata(int iloc) const {return ltgdata(iloc);}
436 //	virtual int& LTGdata(int iloc) {return ltgdata(iloc);}
GetLTGdataArray()437 	virtual const TArray<int>& GetLTGdataArray() const {return ltgdata;}
AddLTGdata(int gi)438 	virtual void AddLTGdata(int gi)	{ltgdata.Add(gi);}
LTGdataReset()439 	virtual void LTGdataReset() {ltgdata.Flush();}
441 	//tell loads the element reference pointer
LinkLoads()442 	virtual void LinkLoads()
443 	{
444 		for (int i=1; i <= loads.Length(); i++)
445 		{
446 			//loads(i)->SetElement(this); //$ DR 2012-10: loads moved from element to mbs, old code
447 			//mbs->GetLoad(loads(i)).SetElement(this); //$ DR 2012-10: loads moved from element to mbs, old code
448 			mbs->GetLoad(loads(i)).SetMBS(mbs); //$ DR 2012-10: loads moved from element to mbs
449 			mbs->GetLoad(loads(i)).SetDim(this->Dim()); //$ DR 2012-10: loads moved from element to mbs
450 		}
451 	}
452 	//Link element to other elements if necessary (e.g. constraints)
LinkToElements()453 	virtual void LinkToElements() {};
455 	virtual void BuildDependencies();
457 	//$ YV 2011-08-02:
458 	// the following function can be implemented by elements,
459 	// which wish to perform some actions just before the system is assembled
PreAssemble()460 	virtual void PreAssemble() {}
IsDependent(int i)462 	virtual int IsDependent(int i) const
463 	{
464 		if (i == 0 || !GetMBS()->UseDependencies()) return 1;
465 #ifdef _DEBUG
466 		if (i > dependencies.Length())
467 		{
468 			mbs->UO() << "Error in IsDependent!!!!\n";
469 			mbs->UO() << "deplen=" << dependencies.Length() << ", i=" << i << "\n";
470 			return 1;
471 		}
472 #endif
473 		return dependencies(i);
474 	};
476 	//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
477 	//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
478 	//get system coordinate of actual state (must be set in EvalF, EvalG, EvalF2, EvalM)
XG_dc(int iloc,TComputeDrawInitFlag flag)479 	virtual const double XG_dc(int iloc, TComputeDrawInitFlag flag) const
480 	{
481 		if(flag & TCD_compute)
482 		{
483 			return GetXact(ltg.Get(iloc));
484 		}
485 		else if(flag & TCD_draw)
486 		{
487 			return GetDrawValue(ltg.Get(iloc));
488 		}
489 		else if(flag & TCD_reference_configuration)
490 		{
491 			return 0;
492 		}
493 		else if(flag & TCD_initial_values)
494 		{
495 			return GetXInit(iloc);
496 		}
497 		else
498 		{
499 			assert("XG_dc called with illegal flag" && 0);
500 			return 0;
501 		}
502 	}
505 	//get system coordinate of actual state (must be set in EvalF, EvalG, EvalF2, EvalM)
XG(int iloc)506 	virtual const double& XG(int iloc) const {return GetXact(ltg.Get(iloc));}
507 	//EDC Vector XG(); //$EDC[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="SOS_ODE_GC_poslevel",EDCfolder="Debug",condition=SOS()>0,vecstart=1,vecend=SOS(),tooltiptext="second order size state variables at position level (XG(i))"]//default value
XG(int iloc)508 	virtual double& XG(int iloc) {return GetXact(ltg(iloc));}
XGP(int iloc)509 	virtual const double& XGP(int iloc) const {return GetXact(ltg.Get(iloc+SOS()));}
510 	//EDC Vector XGP(); //$EDC[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="SOS_ODE_GC_vellevel",EDCfolder="Debug",condition=SOS()>0,vecstart=1,vecend=SOS(),tooltiptext="second order size state variables at velocity level (XGP(i))"]//default value
XGP(int iloc)511 	virtual double& XGP(int iloc) {return GetXact(ltg(iloc+SOS()));}
512 	//EDC Vector XG(); //$EDC[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="FOS_ODE_GC",EDCfolder="Debug",condition=ES()>0,vecstart=2*SOS()+1,vecend=2*SOS()+ES(),tooltiptext="first order size state variables (XG(2*SOS()+i))"]//default value
513 	//EDC Vector XG(); //$EDC[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="AE_lagrange_multipliers",EDCfolder="Debug",condition=IS()>0,vecstart=2*SOS()+ES()+1,vecend=SS(),tooltiptext="first order size state variables (XG(2*SOS()+ES()+i))"]//default value
514 	//virtual const double& XGPP(int iloc) const {return mbs->GetVelocityAndAcceleration(ltg.Get(iloc+SOS()));} //this retrieves the acceleration values; only with implicit time integration! // $ MSax 2013-07-16 : removed
XGPP(int iloc)515 	virtual double XGPP(int iloc) const  // $ MSax 2013-07-16 : added, returns the acceleration in dynamic case, returns zero in static case
516 	{
517 		if(mbs->DoStaticComputation()) return 0;
518 		double xgpp = mbs->GetVelocityAndAcceleration(ltg.Get(iloc+SOS())); //this retrieves the acceleration values; only with implicit time integration!
519 		return xgpp;
520 	}
523 	//global functions
XGG(int iglob)524 	virtual const double& XGG(int iglob) const {return GetXact(iglob);}
XGG(int iglob)525 	virtual double& XGG(int iglob) {return GetXact(iglob);}
527 	//functions with values for drawing:
528 	//get coordinate of actual state (must be set in EvalF, EvalG, EvalF2, EvalM)
529 // (AD) changed () to .Get()
XGD(int iloc)530 	virtual const double& XGD(int iloc) const {return GetDrawValue(ltg.Get(iloc));}
XGD(int iloc)531 	virtual double& XGD(int iloc) {return GetDrawValue(ltg.Get(iloc));}
532 //	virtual const double& XGD(int iloc) const {return GetDrawValue(ltg(iloc));}
533 	//virtual double& XGD(int iloc) {return GetDrawValue(ltg(iloc));}
534 // (AD) changed () to .Get()
XGPD(int iloc)535 	virtual const double& XGPD(int iloc) const {return GetDrawValue(ltg.Get(iloc+SOS()));}
536 ///	virtual const double& XGPD(int iloc) const {return GetDrawValue(ltg(iloc+SOS()));}
537 	//virtual double& GetDrawValue(int iloc) {return mbs->GetDrawValue(iloc);}
GetDrawValue(int iloc)538 	virtual const double& GetDrawValue(int iloc) const {return mbs->GetDrawValue(iloc);}
GetDrawValue(int iloc)539 	virtual double& GetDrawValue(int iloc) {return mbs->GetDrawValue(iloc);}
541 // (AD) changed () to .Get()
XData(int iloc)542 	virtual const double& XData(int iloc) const {return GetMBS()->GetDataAct(ltgdata.Get(iloc));}
543 //	virtual const double& XData(int iloc) const {return GetMBS()->GetDataAct(ltgdata(iloc));}
XData(int iloc)544 	virtual double& XData(int iloc) {return GetMBS()->GetDataAct(ltgdata(iloc));}
546 // (AD) changed () to .Get()
XDataD(int iloc)547 	virtual const double& XDataD(int iloc) const {return GetMBS()->GetDataDraw(ltgdata.Get(iloc));}
548 //	virtual const double& XDataD(int iloc) const {return GetMBS()->GetDataDraw(ltgdata(iloc));}
XDataD(int iloc)549 	virtual double& XDataD(int iloc) {return GetMBS()->GetDataDraw(ltgdata(iloc));}
551 	//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
552 	//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
554 	//Get rot matrix in 2D and 3D
555 	//rot matrix A describes the transformation of the local(body) to the
556 	//global coordinate system, such that r_g=R_g+A_bg*u_b
GetRotMatrix()557 	virtual Matrix3D GetRotMatrix() const {return Matrix3D(1);};
GetRotMatrixP()558 	virtual Matrix3D GetRotMatrixP() const {return Matrix3D();};
GetRotMatrix(const Vector3D & ploc)559 	virtual Matrix3D GetRotMatrix(const Vector3D& ploc) const {return Matrix3D(1);};
560 	//virtual const Matrix& GetRotMatrix2D() {return rot;};
562 	//Get roation matrix in 2D or 3D
GetRotMatrixD()563 	virtual Matrix3D GetRotMatrixD() const {return Matrix3D(1);};
GetRotMatrixInit()565 	virtual Matrix3D GetRotMatrixInit() const {return Matrix3D(1);};
566 	//virtual const Matrix& GetRotMatrix2DD() {return rot;};
567 	//get a reference position of the body in 3d
569 	// in specialized classes: keep this function up to date for consistency check with constraints, see Constraint::IsSuitableElement(..)
570 	// add all kinematic access functions available to those of the base class
571 	virtual TKinematicsAccessFunctions GetKinematicsAccessFunctions(int mode = 1) const
572 	{
573 		return TKinematicsAccessFunctions(TKAF_position+TKAF_displacement+TKAF_velocity);
574 	}
577 	//virtual Vector3D GetPos_dc(const Vector3D& ploc, TComputeDrawInitFlag flag) const
578 	//{
579 	//	return GetRefPos_dc(flag)+ploc;
580 	//}
582 	//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
583 	//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
GetRefPos()585 	virtual Vector3D GetRefPos() const
586 	{
587 		if (Dim()==3)
588 		{
589 			return Vector3D(XG(1),XG(2),XG(3));
590 		}
591 		else
592 		{
593 			return Vector3D(XG(1),XG(2),0.);
594 		}
595 	}
GetRefPosInit()596 	virtual Vector3D GetRefPosInit() const
597 	{
598 		if (Dim()==3)
599 		{
600 			return Vector3D(x_init(1),x_init(2),x_init(3));
601 		}
602 		else
603 		{
604 			return Vector3D(x_init(1),x_init(2),0.);
605 		}
606 	}
GetRefVel()607 	virtual Vector3D GetRefVel() const
608 	{
609 		if (Dim()==3)
610 		{
611 			return Vector3D(XGP(1),XGP(2),XGP(3));
612 		}
613 		else
614 		{
615 			return Vector3D(XGP(1),XGP(2),0.);
616 		}
617 	}
618 	//$ PG 2013-3-28: added GetRefConfPos to Element (for calling Constraint::GetBody3D(..).GetRefConfPos(...))
GetRefConfPos(const Vector3D & p_loc)619 	virtual Vector3D GetRefConfPos(const Vector3D& p_loc) const
620 	{
621 		assert(0);
622 		return Vector3D(0);  //maby no assert and return GetRefPosInit()+ploc; ???
623 	}
GetPos(const Vector3D & ploc)624 	virtual Vector3D GetPos(const Vector3D& ploc) const
625 	{
626 		return GetRefPos()+ploc;
627 	}
GetVel(const Vector3D & ploc)628 	virtual Vector3D GetVel(const Vector3D& ploc) const
629 	{
630 		return GetRefVel();
631 	}
632 	//$ PG 2013-6-25: added for availablility in Element::GetFieldVariableValue(..), since displacement is added via Element::GetAvailableFieldVariables(..)
GetDisplacement(const Vector3D & ploc)633 	virtual Vector3D GetDisplacement(const Vector3D& ploc) const
634 	{
635 		return ploc;
636 	}
637 	//$ YV: sensors should use field variables, and the function below should be eliminated
GetAcceleration(const Vector3D & ploc)638 	virtual Vector3D GetAcceleration(const Vector3D& ploc) const // global acceleration vector used in MBSSensor
639 	{
640 		assert(0);
641 		return Vector3D(0.);
642 	}
644 	//draw-functions:
GetPosD(const Vector3D & ploc)645 	virtual Vector3D GetPosD(const Vector3D& ploc) const
646 	{
647 		return GetRefPosD()+ploc;
648 	}
GetVelD(const Vector3D & ploc)649 	virtual Vector3D GetVelD(const Vector3D& ploc) const
650 	{
651 		return GetRefVelD();
652 	}
653 	//$ PG 2013-6-25: added for availablility in Element::GetFieldVariableValue(..), since displacement is added via Element::GetAvailableFieldVariables(..)
GetDisplacementD(const Vector3D & ploc)654 	virtual Vector3D GetDisplacementD(const Vector3D& ploc) const
655 	{
656 		return ploc;
657 	}
GetRefPosD()659 	virtual Vector3D GetRefPosD() const
660 	{
661 		if (Dim()==3)
662 		{
663 			return Vector3D(XGD(1),XGD(2),XGD(3));
664 		}
665 		else
666 		{
667 			return Vector3D(XGD(1),XGD(2),0.);
668 		}
669 	}
GetRefVelD()670 	virtual Vector3D GetRefVelD() const
671 	{
672 		if (Dim()==3)
673 		{
674 			return Vector3D(XGPD(1),XGPD(2),XGPD(3));
675 		}
676 		else
677 		{
678 			return Vector3D(XGPD(1),XGPD(2),0.);
679 		}
680 	}
GetDOFPosD(int idof)681 	virtual Vector3D GetDOFPosD(int idof) const //returns postion of i-th DOF
682 	{
683 		return GetRefPosD();
684 	}
GetDOFDirD(int idof)685 	virtual Vector3D GetDOFDirD(int idof) const //returns direction of action of i-th DOF
686 	{
687 		return Vector3D(0.,0.,0.);
688 	}
NNodes()691 	virtual int NNodes() const {return 0; }; //$EDC$[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="number_of_nodes",EDCfolder="Info",tooltiptext="number of nodes in finite elements"]
NodeNum(int i)692 	virtual const int& NodeNum(int i) const {assert(0); return altshape;}
NodeNum(int i)693 	virtual int& NodeNum(int i) {assert(0); return altshape;}
GetNode(int i)695 	virtual const Node& GetNode(int i) const {return GetMBS()->GetNode(NodeNum(i));} //get local node number i
GetNode(int i)696 	virtual Node& GetNode(int i) {
697 		int j = NodeNum(i);
698 		return GetMBS()->GetNode(j);
699 	} //get local node number i
GetNodeLocPos(int i)700 	virtual Vector3D GetNodeLocPos(int i) const {assert(0); return Vector3D(0.,0.,0.);} //local position of node
GetNodePos(int i)702 	virtual Vector3D GetNodePos(int i) const {return GetPos(GetNodeLocPos(i));}
GetNodePosD(int i)704 	virtual Vector3D GetNodePosD(int i) const {return GetPosD(GetNodeLocPos(i));}
GetNodeVel(int i)706 	virtual Vector3D GetNodeVel(int i) const {return GetVel(GetNodeLocPos(i));}
GetNodeVelD(int i)708 	virtual Vector3D GetNodeVelD(int i) const {return GetVelD(GetNodeLocPos(i));}
GetNodeLocPos2D(int i)710 	virtual Vector2D GetNodeLocPos2D(int i) const {assert(0); return Vector2D(0.,0.);} //local position of node
GetNodePos2D(int i)712 	virtual Vector2D GetNodePos2D(int i) const {return GetPos2D(GetNodeLocPos2D(i));}
GetNodePos2DD(int i)714 	virtual Vector2D GetNodePos2DD(int i) const {return GetPos2DD(GetNodeLocPos2D(i));}
GetNodeVel2D(int i)716 	virtual Vector2D GetNodeVel2D(int i) const {return GetVel2D(GetNodeLocPos2D(i));}
718 	//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
719 	//2D:
GetRefPosInit2D()720 	virtual Vector2D GetRefPosInit2D() const
721 	{
722 		return Vector2D(x_init(1),x_init(2));
723 	}
GetRefPos2D()724 	virtual Vector2D GetRefPos2D() const
725 	{
726 		return Vector2D(XG(1),XG(2));
727 	}
GetRefVel2D()728 	virtual Vector2D GetRefVel2D() const
729 	{
730 		return Vector2D(XGP(1),XGP(2));
731 	}
GetPos2D(const Vector2D & ploc)733 	virtual Vector2D GetPos2D(const Vector2D& ploc) const
734 	{
735 		return GetRefPos2D()+ploc;
736 	}
GetVel2D(const Vector2D & ploc)737 	virtual Vector2D GetVel2D(const Vector2D& ploc) const
738 	{
739 		return GetRefVel2D();
740 	}
741 	//$ PG 2013-6-25: added for availablility in Element::GetFieldVariableValue(..), since displacement is added via Element::GetAvailableFieldVariables(..)
GetDisplacement2D(const Vector2D & ploc)742 	virtual Vector2D GetDisplacement2D(const Vector2D& ploc) const
743 	{
744 		return ploc;
745 	}
747 	//draw-functions 2D:
GetRefPos2DD()748 	virtual Vector2D GetRefPos2DD() const
749 	{
750 		return Vector2D(XGD(1),XGD(2));
751 	}
GetRefVel2DD()752 	virtual Vector2D GetRefVel2DD() const
753 	{
754 		return Vector2D(XGPD(1),XGPD(2));
755 	}
GetPos2DD(const Vector2D & ploc)757 	virtual Vector2D GetPos2DD(const Vector2D& ploc) const
758 	{
759 		return GetRefPos2DD()+ploc;
760 	}
GetVel2DD(const Vector2D & ploc)761 	virtual Vector2D GetVel2DD(const Vector2D& ploc) const
762 	{
763 		return GetRefVel2DD();
764 	}
765 	//$ PG 2013-6-25: added for availablility in Element::GetFieldVariableValue(..), since displacement is added via Element::GetAvailableFieldVariables(..)
GetDisplacement2DD(const Vector2D & ploc)766 	virtual Vector2D GetDisplacement2DD(const Vector2D& ploc) const
767 	{
768 		return ploc;
769 	}
772 	//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
775 	//Add load to Element
776 	//$ DR 2012-10:[ loads moved from element to mbs
777 	// old code:
778 	//virtual void AddLoad(const MBSLoad& li);
779 	//virtual int NLoads() const {return loads.Length();} //EDC$[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="number_of_loads",EDCfolder="Info"]
780 	//virtual const MBSLoad& GetLoad(int i) const {return *loads(i);}
781 	//virtual MBSLoad& GetLoad(int i) {return *loads(i);}
782 	//virtual void DeleteLoad(int i)
783 	//{
784 	//	delete loads(i);
785 	//	for (int j=i; j < NLoads(); j++)
786 	//	{
787 	//		loads(j) = loads(j+1);
788 	//	}
789 	//	loads.SetLen(loads.Length()-1);
790 	//}
792 	// new code:
793 	virtual void AddLoad(const MBSLoad& li);
NLoads()794 	virtual int NLoads() const {return loads.Length();} //$EDC$[funcaccess,readonly,EDCvarname="number_of_loads",EDCfolder="Info"]
GetLoad(int i)795 	virtual const MBSLoad& GetLoad(int i) const {return mbs->GetLoad(loads(i));}
GetLoad(int i)796 	virtual MBSLoad& GetLoad(int i) {return mbs->GetLoad(loads(i));}
797 	virtual void DeleteLoad(int i);
GetLoadNr(int i)798 	virtual int GetLoadNr(int i) {return loads(i);}
GetLoadNrs()799 	virtual TArray<int> GetLoadNrs() {return loads;}
SetLoadNrs(TArray<int> load_nrs)800 	virtual void SetLoadNrs(TArray<int> load_nrs) {loads = load_nrs;}
802 	//$ DR 2012-10:] loads moved from element to mbs
806 	//Add constraint, do not copy!!!
AddConstraint(Constraint * c,int lind)807 	virtual void AddConstraint(Constraint* c, int lind)
808 	{
809 		constraints.Add(c);
810 		constraintindices.Add(lind);
812 		int found = 0;
813 		for (int i=1; i <= constraints_nodouble.Length(); i++)
814 		{
815 			if (constraints_nodouble(i) == c) {found = 1; break;}
816 		}
817 		if (!found) constraints_nodouble.Add(c);
818 	}
RemoveConstraints()819 	virtual void RemoveConstraints()
820 	{
821 		constraints.SetLen(0);
822 		constraints_nodouble.SetLen(0);
823 		constraintindices.SetLen(0);
824 	}
AddSensor(int sensornum)825 	virtual int AddSensor(int sensornum) {return sensors.Add(sensornum);}
NSensors()826 	virtual int NSensors() const {return sensors.Length();}
GetSensorNum(int i)828 	virtual int GetSensorNum(int i) const {return sensors(i);}
SetSensorNum(int i,int sensnum)829 	virtual void SetSensorNum(int i, int sensnum) {sensors(i) = sensnum;}
GetSensor(int i)830 	virtual const Sensor& GetSensor(int i) const {return mbs->GetSensor(sensors(i));}
GetSensor(int i)831 	virtual Sensor & GetSensor(int i) {return mbs->GetSensor(sensors(i));}
GetSpecialSensorValue(int nr,double time)832 	virtual double GetSpecialSensorValue(int nr, double time) const {return 0;}	// DR 2012-01-12: has to be overwritten in derived class
834 	//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
835 	//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
836 	//access functions for constraints
837 	virtual void AddElement(int en);
NE()838 	virtual int NE() const {return elements.Length();}
GetElnum(int i)840 	virtual int GetElnum(int i) const {return elements(i);}
SetElnum(int i,int elnum)841 	virtual void SetElnum(int i, int elnum) {elements(i) = elnum;}
GetElem(int i)843 	virtual const Element& GetElem(int i) const {return mbs->GetElement(elements(i));}
GetElem(int i)844 	virtual Element& GetElem(int i) {return mbs->GetElement(elements(i));}
GetDirectFeedThroughElements(TArray<int> & elnums)846 	virtual void GetDirectFeedThroughElements(TArray<int>& elnums) const {} //add all elements which are depending on this element by direct feed through to list
848 	// functions to catch the input - implemented in derived class
RespondToKey(int key)849 	virtual int RespondToKey(int key) {return false;}
851 	//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
852 	//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
NC()854 	virtual int NC() const {return constraints.Length();}
GetConstraint(int i)855 	virtual Constraint* GetConstraint(int i) const {return constraints(i);}
ExternalSetRefCoord(double val)856 	virtual void ExternalSetRefCoord(double val) {} //assigns an external input value to an element data --> used in rotactor and in LinearTransformation element
GetSize()858 	virtual const Vector3D& GetSize() const {assert(0); return col;}
GetMaterialNum()860 	virtual const int& GetMaterialNum() const {return materialnum;}
GetMaterialNum()861 	virtual int& GetMaterialNum() {return materialnum;}
862 	virtual void SetMaterialNum(int mnum);
863 	virtual void AddMaterial(const Material& m);
GetMaterial()864 	virtual const Material& GetMaterial() const {return GetMBS()->GetMaterial(materialnum);}
GetMaterial()865 	virtual Material& GetMaterial() {return GetMBS()->GetMaterial(materialnum);}
867 	//virtual double GetRho() const {return rho;} //old version, should vanish in new or revised elements!
868 	virtual const double& Rho() const; //link to material data
869 	virtual const double& Em() const;  //link to material data
870 	virtual const double& Nu() const;  //link to material data
871 	virtual double& Rho(); //link to material data
872 	virtual double& Em();  //link to material data
873 	virtual double& Nu();  //link to material data
GetMass()875 	virtual double GetMass() const {return mass;}
GetVolume()876 	virtual double GetVolume() const {return mass/Rho();}
GetMassDamping()877 	virtual double GetMassDamping() const {return damping_m;}
SetMassDamping(double d)878 	virtual void SetMassDamping(double d) {damping_m = d;}
880 	//for loads, rigid bodies:
GetDuxDq(Vector & dudq)881 	virtual void GetDuxDq(Vector& dudq) {assert(0);};
GetDuyDq(Vector & dudq)882 	virtual void GetDuyDq(Vector& dudq) {assert(0);};
GetDuzDq(Vector & dudq)883 	virtual void GetDuzDq(Vector& dudq) {assert(0);};
GetDrotxDq(Vector & dudq)884 	virtual void GetDrotxDq(Vector& dudq) {assert(0);};
GetDrotyDq(Vector & dudq)885 	virtual void GetDrotyDq(Vector& dudq) {assert(0);};
GetDrotzDq(Vector & dudq)886 	virtual void GetDrotzDq(Vector& dudq) {assert(0);};
887 	//volume loads for flexible bodies:
GetIntDuDq(Matrix & dudq)888 	virtual void GetIntDuDq(Matrix& dudq) {assert(0);}; //in fact it is DuDq Transposed
889 	// gravity load for flexible bodies
GetIntRhoDuDq(Matrix & rhodudq)890 	virtual void GetIntRhoDuDq(Matrix& rhodudq)  //in fact it is Int_V Rho DuDq Transposed
891 	{
892 		GetIntDuDq(rhodudq);
893 		rhodudq *= Rho();
894 	}
GetIntDkappaDq2D(Vector & dudq)895 	virtual void GetIntDkappaDq2D(Vector& dudq) {assert(0);};
896 	// centrifugal load for flexible bodies
GetIntDuDqFCentrifugal(Matrix & dudq,const Vector3D & omega,const Vector3D & r0)897 	virtual void GetIntDuDqFCentrifugal(Matrix& dudq, const Vector3D& omega, const Vector3D& r0) {assert(0);};
SetAltShape(int truefalse)899 	virtual void SetAltShape(int truefalse) {altshape = truefalse;}
GetAltShape()900 	virtual int GetAltShape() const {return altshape;}
NGeomElements()902 	virtual int NGeomElements() {return drawelements.Length();}
AddGeomElement(int i)903 	virtual int AddGeomElement(int i) {return drawelements.Add(i);}
GetGeomElementNum(int i)904 	virtual const int& GetGeomElementNum(int i) const {return drawelements(i);}
GetGeomElementNum(int i)905 	virtual int& GetGeomElementNum(int i) {return drawelements(i);}
DeleteGeomElement(int i)906 	virtual void DeleteGeomElement(int i) {drawelements.Erase(i);}
GetGeomElement(int i)907 	virtual GeomElement* GetGeomElement(int i) {return GetMBS()->GetDrawElement(drawelements(i));}
Add(const GeomElement & de)908 	virtual int Add(const GeomElement& de) //adds GeomElement to MBS and adds index to drawelments list
909 	{
910 		int i = GetMBS()->Add(de, GetOwnNum());
911 		return drawelements.Add(i);
913 		//GeomElement* den = de.GetCopy(); //old version!
914 		//drawelements.Add(den);
915 	}
917 	virtual Box3D GetBoundingBox() const;
918 	virtual Box3D GetBoundingBoxD() const;
919 	virtual Box2D GetBoundingBox2D() const;
920 	virtual Box2D GetBoundingBox2DD() const;
GetElementBox()922 	virtual Box3D GetElementBox() const
923 	{
924 		return Box3D(GetRefPos(),GetRefPos());
925 	}
GetElementBoxD()927 	virtual Box3D GetElementBoxD() const
928 	{
929 		return Box3D(GetRefPosD(),GetRefPosD());
930 	}
GetElementBox2D()932 	virtual Box2D GetElementBox2D() const
933 	{
934 		return Box2D((const Vector2D&) GetRefPos(), (const Vector2D&) GetRefPos());
935 	}
GetElementBox2DD()937 	virtual Box2D GetElementBox2DD() const
938 	{
939 		return Box2D((const Vector2D&) GetRefPosD(), (const Vector2D&) GetRefPosD());
940 	}
942 	virtual void DrawElementAdd();
944 	// the derived classes may fill in this list to inform the system
945 	// which field variables they can produce for contour plotting and for sensors
946 	virtual void GetAvailableFieldVariables(TArray<FieldVariableDescriptor> & variables);
947 	// computes a value of a given field variable at a given point;
948 	// flagD is true for drawing (contour plotting) and false for sensing (computation),
949 	// and the actual computation should be based either on XG() or XGD()
950 	// three versions are available with different definitions of the point, in which the field variable is computed:
951 	// 3D local coordinates, 2D local coordinates, and local node number
953 	//$ PG 2013-6-25:[ return position by GetPos(), displacement by GetDisplacemenet(), and velocity by GetVel(), those functions have to be implemented in the inherited element classes, though.
954 	//virtual double GetFieldVariableValue(const FieldVariableDescriptor & fvd, const Vector3D & local_position, bool flagD) { assert(0); return 0; }
955 	//virtual double GetFieldVariableValue(const FieldVariableDescriptor & fvd, const Vector2D & local_position, bool flagD) { assert(0); return 0; }
956 	virtual double GetFieldVariableValue(const FieldVariableDescriptor & fvd, const Vector3D & local_position, bool flagD);
957 	virtual double GetFieldVariableValue(const FieldVariableDescriptor & fvd, const Vector2D & local_position, bool flagD);
GetFieldVariableValue(const FieldVariableDescriptor & fvd,const double & local_position,bool flagD)958 	virtual double GetFieldVariableValue(const FieldVariableDescriptor & fvd, const double  & local_position, bool flagD) { assert(0); return 0; }; //$ DR 2013-06: added
959 	//$ PG 2013-6-25:]
GetFieldVariableValue(const FieldVariableDescriptor & fvd,int local_node_number,bool flagD)960 	virtual double GetFieldVariableValue(const FieldVariableDescriptor & fvd, int local_node_number, bool flagD) { assert(0); return 0; }			//$ YV 2012-06: added
DrawElementPreProc()963 	virtual void DrawElementPreProc() {};
965 	virtual void DrawElement();
966 	virtual void DrawElement2D();
967 	virtual void DrawElementLocalFrame();
968 	virtual void DrawElementVelocityVector();
DrawElementFlag()969 	virtual const int& DrawElementFlag() const {return draw_element;}
DrawElementFlag()970 	virtual int& DrawElementFlag() {return draw_element;}
GetCol()972 	virtual const Vector3D& GetCol() const {return col;}
GetCol()973 	virtual Vector3D& GetCol() {return col;}
GetAngularMomentum()975 	virtual Vector3D GetAngularMomentum() const { return GetAngularMomentum(Vector3D(0.,0.,0.)); }
GetAngularMomentum(const Vector3D & p_ref)976 	virtual Vector3D GetAngularMomentum(const Vector3D& p_ref) const { assert(0); return Vector3D(0.,0.,0.); }
978 	//$ YV 2013-01-03: for constraint elements this function adds the global numbers of constrained
979 	// dofs to the list (i.e. the old contents of the list remains in there!);
980 	// the function is used by the eigenmodes solver
GetGlobalConstrainedDOFs(TArray<int> & dofs)981 	virtual void GetGlobalConstrainedDOFs(TArray<int>& dofs) const {}
983 //$ AD 2013-01-20: added functions to write name of ouput (load) to list available in InputOutputElement
GetNOutputs()984 	virtual int GetNOutputs() const {return 0;}
SetOutputName(int output_nr,mystr & str)985 	virtual void SetOutputName(int output_nr, mystr& str) {}
987 	//$ AD 2013-07-08: added functions to maniputlate the connection lines between the IOElements
InsertConNode(int list_idx,int input_nr,Vector2D & node)988 	virtual void InsertConNode(int list_idx, int input_nr, Vector2D& node) {}
DeleteConNode(int list_idx)989 	virtual void DeleteConNode(int list_idx) {}
990 //$AD 2013-07-10: Change Position of a single element (MBS element, conNode, ...)
MoveConNode2D(int list_idx,double delta_x,double delta_y)991 	virtual void MoveConNode2D(int list_idx, double delta_x, double delta_y) {}
MoveElement(double delta_x,double delta_y,double delta_z)992 	virtual void MoveElement(double delta_x, double delta_y, double delta_z) {}
994 //$ AD 2013-02-22: added functions to manipulate an internal variable of InputOutputElement - increase or decrease the current value of IOGUIResponse
Increase()995 	virtual void Increase() {};
Decrease()996 	virtual void Decrease() {};
998 protected:
999 	mystr elementname; //$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="name",EDCfolder="",tooltiptext="name of the element"]
1000 	mutable MBS* mbs; //$!JG 2011-02: switched to mutable in order to modify e.g. in GetConstraintDrift
1001 	Vector x_init;   //initial conditions
1002 	Vector data_init;   //initial conditions for data variables
1003 	//Matrix rot;			//temporal matrix, 2D
1005 	TArray<int> ltg; //local to global dof reference vector;
1006 	TArray<int> ltgdata; //local to global data reference vector;
1008 	TArray<int> constraintindices; //index of this element in the constraint (mostly 1 or 2)
1009 	TArray<char> dependencies; //contains dependencies to coordinates
1010 	int elnum; //$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="element_number",EDCfolder="",readonly,tooltiptext="number of the element in the mbs"] //number in MBS-system
1011 	TMBSElement type;
1014 	//TArray<MBSLoad*> loads; //$ DR 2012-10: loads moved from element to mbs
1015 	TArray<int> loads;  //$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="loads",variable_length_vector,condition=!IsType(TConstraint),tooltiptext="Set loads attached to this element: 'nr_load1, nr_load2, ...' or empty"]
1016 	TArray<Constraint*> constraints; //this constraint list might be double!
1017 	TArray<Constraint*> constraints_nodouble; //one constraint is only added once to an element
1019 	TArray<int> sensors; //$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="sensors",EDCfolder="Info",variable_length_vector,tooltiptext="attached sensors",readonly]//if the element equations of motion are dependent on sensor values (e.g. as an input), then add the sensor numbers here
1020 											 //this improves the Jacobian; otherwise, convergence might fail
1021 	TArray<int> elements; //dependent elements (mainly for contraints, but also for follower loads!)
1023 	//density for gravitational force ==> erase!!!:
1024 	//double rho;   	 //JG+DR: should not be accessible! EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="density",EDCfolder="Physics",condition=GetMaterialNum()==0,tooltiptext="density of simple bodies, which do not obtain density from material"]
1026 	int materialnum; //JG+DR: should not be accessible! EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="material_number",EDCfolder="Physics",tooltiptext="material number which contains the main material properties of the body or element"] //material number in MBS which contains material information
1028 	double mass;			//JG+DR: should not be accessible! EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="mass",EDCfolder="Physics",tooltiptext="for rigid bodies and FFRF bodies, not available for constraints"]	//mass, for rigid bodies and FFRF bodies	// DR 2012-07
1029 	double damping_m; //JG+DR: should not be accessible! EDC[varaccess,EDCvarname="mass_prop_damping",EDCfolder="Physics",tooltiptext="only for bodies, not available for constraints"] //damping constant for mass proportional damping
1031 	Vector3D col; //$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="RGB_color",EDCfolder="Graphics",tooltiptext="[red, green, blue] color of element, range = 0..1, use default color:[-1,-1,-1]"] //color for body
1033 	//geomelements are managed in MBS main class
1034 	TArray<int> drawelements; //$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="geom_elements",EDCfolder="Graphics",variable_length_vector,condition=!IsType(TConstraint),tooltiptext="Set Geometric elements to represent body 'geomelem1, geomelem2, ...' or empty"]
1035 	int altshape; //$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="use_alternative_shape",EDCfolder="Graphics",int_bool,condition=!IsType(TConstraint),tooltiptext="Graphical representation of element with geom-objects that are attached to the element"]
1037 	int draw_element; //$EDC$[varaccess,EDCvarname="show_element",EDCfolder="Graphics",int_bool,tooltiptext="Flag to draw element"]
1038 }; //$EDC$[endclass,Element]
1041 typedef enum {TRWElementDataNoAccess=0, TRWElementDataRead=1, TRWElementDataWrite=2, TRWElementDataReadWrite=3} TReadWriteElementDataVariableAccess;
1043 class ReadWriteElementDataVariableType
1044 {
1045 public:
ReadWriteElementDataVariableType()1046 	ReadWriteElementDataVariableType():variable_name(),comp1(0),comp2(0),value(0.),tooltiptext()/*, RWaccess(1)*/ {RWaccess = TRWElementDataRead;}; // default constructor
ReadWriteElementDataVariableType(const mystr & full_string)1047 	ReadWriteElementDataVariableType(const mystr& full_string) { GetVariableNameAndComponents(full_string); };
1048 	ReadWriteElementDataVariableType(const mystr& name, int c1, int c2, double val, const mystr& tooltip, TReadWriteElementDataVariableAccess RWaccessI = TRWElementDataRead) // used in function GetAvailableSpecialValuesAuto
1049 	{
1050 		RWaccess = RWaccessI;
1051 	  variable_name = name;
1052 		comp1 = c1;
1053 		comp2 = c2;
1054 		value = 0.;
1055 		tooltiptext = tooltip;
1056 	}
1057 	//possibly needed in future: copy-constructor, destructor
1058   // convert an full string that CAN contain [] into desired parts ( variable_name / component1 / component2 )
1059 	// example  "MassMatrix[2,2]" is converted to: { variable_name = "MassMatrix", comp1 = 2, comp2 = 2 }
1060 public:
GetVariableNameAndComponents(const mystr & full_string)1061 	int GetVariableNameAndComponents(const mystr& full_string) //initialization from string (for access by sensor)
1062 	{
1063 		//initialize with defaults:
1064 		value = 0.;
1065 		RWaccess = TRWElementDataRead;
1066 		//tooltiptext = ""; //not needed!
1068 // --> MYSTR function
1069 		variable_name = full_string;
1070 		int n_comp = variable_name.Trim_And_Get_Indices(comp1,comp2);
1072 		if(n_comp>=0)	{return 1;}		// parsed successfully
1073 		else {return 0;}						// error
1074 	}
1076 	// YV 2012-11-5: comparison, e.g. for checking consistensy of a sensor
1077 	// JG 2013-01-11: changed to function which checks range
1078 	//int operator==(const ReadWriteElementDataVariableType & RWdata) const
1079 	//{
1080 	//	return variable_name == RWdata.variable_name && comp1 == RWdata.comp1 && comp2 == RWdata.comp2;
1081 	//}
1082 	//this function checks, if the RWdata provided fits into the name and range (comp1 for maximum range of comp1 and comp2 for maximum range of comp2)
1083 	//and if RWaccess fits
IsAvailable(const ReadWriteElementDataVariableType & RWdata)1084 	int IsAvailable(const ReadWriteElementDataVariableType & RWdata) const
1085 	{
1086 		if (variable_name == RWdata.variable_name)
1087 		{
1088 			if (comp1 != 0)
1089 			{
1090 				if (RWdata.comp1 </*=*/ 0 || RWdata.comp1 > comp1) return 0;
1091 			}
1092 			if (comp2 != 0)
1093 			{
1094 				if (RWdata.comp2 </*=*/ 0 || RWdata.comp2 > comp2) return 0;
1095 			}
1097 			if (((int)RWdata.RWaccess & (int)RWaccess) == 0) return 0; //does not work for case that (int)RWdata.RWaccess == 3, but should not occur
1099 			return 1;
1100 		}
1102 		return 0;
1103 	}
1105 public:
1106 	mystr variable_name; //name of variable for read/write access
1107 	int comp1; //component for vector variables or matrix row
1108 	int comp2; //second component for matrix variable (column)
1109 	TReadWriteElementDataVariableAccess RWaccess; //binary flags: 0==no access, 1==read access, 2==write access, 3==read and write access
1110 	double value; //read/write value
1111 	mystr tooltiptext; //short description matching the variable name - to be filled  ONLY by function GetAvailableSpecialValues
1112 	double time; // time for evaluation
1113 };
1115 #endif