1 #ifndef _Paint_h
2 #define _Paint_h
4 /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
5 /* | Copyright 1992, 1993, David Koblas (koblas@netcom.com)            | */
6 /* | Copyright 1995, 1996 Torsten Martinsen (bullestock@dk-online.dk)  | */
7 /* |                                                                   | */
8 /* | Permission to use, copy, modify, and to distribute this software  | */
9 /* | and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without   | */
10 /* | fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all       | */
11 /* | copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission    | */
12 /* | notice appear in supporting documentation.  There is no           | */
13 /* | representations about the suitability of this software for        | */
14 /* | any purpose.  this software is provided "as is" without express   | */
15 /* | or implied warranty.                                              | */
16 /* |                                                                   | */
17 /* +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ */
19 /* $Id: Paint.h,v 1.17 2005/03/20 20:15:32 demailly Exp $ */
21 /****************************************************************
22  *
23  * Paint widget
24  *
25  ****************************************************************/
27 /* Resources:
29    Name              Class              RepType         Default Value
30    ----              -----              -------         -------------
31    background        Background         Pixel           XtDefaultBackground
32    border            BorderColor        Pixel           XtDefaultForeground
33    borderWidth       BorderWidth        Dimension       1
34    destroyCallback   Callback           Pointer         NULL
35    height            Height             Dimension       0
36    mappedWhenManaged MappedWhenManaged  Boolean         True
37    sensitive         Sensitive          Boolean         True
38    width             Width              Dimension       0
39    x                 Position           Position        0
40    y                 Position           Position        0
42  */
44 /* define any special resource names here that are not in <X11/StringDefs.h> */
46 #define XtNpaintResource "paintResource"
47 #define XtNpattern	 "pattern"
48 #define XtNmenubar	 "menubar"
49 #define XtNfullmenu	 "fullmenu"
50 #define XtNgrid	 	 "grid"
51 #define XtNgridmode 	 "gridmode"
52 #define XtNgridcolor 	 "gridcolor"
53 #define XtNinterpolation "interpolation"
54 #define XtNtransparent   "transparent"
55 #define XtNsnapX 	 "snapX"
56 #define XtNsnapY 	 "snapY"
57 #define XtNsnapOn 	 "snapOn"
58 #define XtNlineWidth	 "lineWidth"
59 #define XtNfatBack	 "fatBack"
60 #define XtNsizeChanged	 "sizeChanged"
61 #define XtNundoSize	 "undoSize"
62 #define XtNlocked 	 "locked"
63 #define XtNzoom	 	 "zoom"
64 #define XtNpaint	 "paint"
65 #define XtNzoomX	 "zoomX"
66 #define XtNzoomY	 "zoomY"
67 #define XtNdrawWidth	 "drawWidth"
68 #define XtNdrawHeight	 "drawHeight"
69 #define XtNcompress	 "compress"
70 #define XtNdirty	 "dirty"
71 #define XtNfillRule	 "fillRule"
72 #define XtNregionCallback	"regionSetCallback"
73 #define XtNdownX		"downX"
74 #define XtNdownY		"downY"
75 #define XtNlineForeground	"lineForeground"
76 #define XtNlinePattern		"linePattern"
77 #define XtNlineFillRule		"lineFillRule"
78 #ifndef XtNreadOnly
79 #define XtNreadOnly		"readOnly"
80 #endif
81 #ifndef XtNcursor
82 #define XtNcursor		"cursor"
83 #endif
84 #define XtNfilename		"filename"
85 #define XtNmenuwidgets		"menuwidgets"
87 #define XtCPaintResource "PaintResource"
88 #define XtCPattern	 "Pattern"
89 #define XtCMenubar	 "Menubar"
90 #define XtCFullMenu	 "FullMenu"
91 #define XtCGrid		 "Grid"
92 #define XtCGridMode	 "GridMode"
93 #define XtCGridColor	 "GridColor"
94 #define XtCInterpolation "Interpolation"
95 #define XtCTransparent   "Transparent"
96 #define XtCSnapX	 "SnapX"
97 #define XtCSnapY	 "SnapY"
98 #define XtCSnapOn	 "SnapOn"
99 #define XtCLineWidth	 "LineWidth"
100 #define XtCFatBack	 "FatBack"
101 #define XtCSizeChanged	 "SizeChanged"
102 #define XtCLocked	 "Locked"
103 #define XtCUndoSize	 "UndoSize"
104 #define XtCZoom	  	 "Zoom"
105 #define XtCPaint	 "Paint"
106 #define XtCZoomX	 "ZoomX"
107 #define XtCZoomY	 "ZoomY"
108 #define XtCDrawWidth	 "DrawWidth"
109 #define XtCDrawHeight	 "DrawHeight"
110 #define XtCCompress	 "Compress"
111 #define XtCDirty	 "Dirty"
112 #define XtCEditable	 "Editable"
113 #define XtCFillRule	 "FillRule"
114 #define XtCRegionCallback	"RegionSetCallback"
115 #define XtCDownX		"DownX"
116 #define XtCDownY		"DownY"
117 #define XtCLineForeground	"LineForeground"
118 #define XtCLinePattern		"LinePattern"
119 #define XtCLineFillRule		"LineFillRule"
120 #ifndef XtCReadOnly
121 #define XtCReadOnly		"ReadOnly"
122 #endif
123 #define XtCfilename		"Filename"
124 #define XtCmenuwidgets		"Menuwidgets"
126 #define XtRXFTFontStruct "XFTFontStruct"
128 /* declare specific PaintWidget class and instance datatypes */
130 typedef struct _PaintClassRec *PaintClass;
131 typedef struct _PaintRec *PaintWidget;
133 /* declare the class constant */
135 extern WidgetClass paintWidgetClass;
137 /*
138 **  Operation callback information
139  */
141 typedef struct {
142     Pixmap pixmap;
143     unsigned char *alpha;
144 } AlphaPixmap;
146 typedef enum {
147     opPixmap = 0x01, opWindow = 0x02
148 } OpSurface;
150 typedef struct {
151     int refCount;
152     OpSurface surface;
153     Drawable drawable;
154     GC first_gc, second_gc, base_gc;
155     void *data;
156     int isFat;
157     int x, y;
158     int realX, realY;
159     int zoom;
160     Pixmap base;
161 } OpInfo;
163 typedef double pwMatrix[2][2];
165 /* Brush Item structure */
166 typedef struct {
167     int width, height;
168     int numpixels;		/* Total number of set pixels */
169     char *brushbits;
170     Pixmap pixmap, bw;
171     Cursor cursor;
172     Widget icon;
173 } BrushItem;
175 typedef void (*OpEventProc) (Widget, void *, XEvent *, OpInfo *);
176 void OpRemoveEventHandler(Widget, int, int, Boolean, OpEventProc, void *);
177 void OpAddEventHandler(Widget, int, int, Boolean, OpEventProc, void *);
178 void UndoStart(Widget, OpInfo *);
179 void UndoStartRectangle(Widget, OpInfo *, XRectangle *);
180 void UndoStartPoint(Widget, OpInfo *, int, int);
181 void UndoSetRectangle(Widget, XRectangle *);
182 void UndoGrow(Widget, int, int);
184 AlphaPixmap PwUndoStart(Widget, XRectangle *);
185 void PwUndoSetRectangle(Widget, XRectangle *);
186 void PwUndoAddRectangle(Widget, XRectangle *);
187 void Undo(Widget);
188 void Redo(Widget);
189 void UndoInitialize(PaintWidget pw, int n);
191 #define PwZoomParent	((int) -10000)
193 /*
194 **  Public functions
195  */
197 void PwUpdate(Widget, XRectangle *, Boolean);
198 void PwUpdateDrawable(Widget, Drawable, XRectangle *);
199 void PwSetDrawn(Widget, Boolean);
200 void PwGetPixmap(Widget, Pixmap *, int *, int *);
201 void PwPutPixmap(Widget w, Pixmap pix);
202 XRectangle *PwScaleRectangle(Widget, XRectangle *);
203 XImage *PwGetImage(Widget, XRectangle *);
204 void zoomUpdate(PaintWidget pw, Boolean isExpose, XRectangle * rect);
205 Pixel AlphaTwistPixel(Pixel p, unsigned char *u);
206 Pixel AlphaTwistPixel8(Pixel p, unsigned char *u);
207 void AlphaTwistImage(PaintWidget w, XImage *xim,
208                      unsigned char *alpha, int width,
209                      int dx, int dy, int ax, int ay);
211 /*
212 **  Region routines
213  */
214 void PwDrawVisibleGrid(PaintWidget, Widget, Boolean, int, int, int, int);
215 void PwRegionExpose(Widget, PaintWidget, XEvent *, Boolean *);
216 void PwRegionSet(Widget, XRectangle *, Pixmap, Pixmap);
217 void PwRegionSetRawPixmap(Widget, Pixmap);
218 void PwRegionTear(Widget);
219 Boolean PwRegionGet(Widget, Pixmap *, Pixmap *);
220 Pixmap PwGetRawPixmap(Widget);
221 void PwRegionSetMatrix(Widget, pwMatrix);
222 void PwRegionAppendMatrix(Widget, pwMatrix);
223 void PwRegionAddScale(Widget, double *, double *);
224 void PwRegionSetScale(Widget, double *, double *);
225 void PwRegionReset(Widget, Boolean);
226 void PwRegionClear(Widget);
227 void PwRegionFinish(Widget, Boolean);
228 Boolean PwRegionOff(Widget w, Boolean flag);
230 typedef Pixmap(*pwRegionDoneProc) (Widget, XImage *, pwMatrix);
232 void PwRegionSetDone(Widget, pwRegionDoneProc);
234 #endif				/* _Paint_h */