1 /*
2  * This file is part of OpenTTD.
3  * OpenTTD is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2.
4  * OpenTTD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
5  * See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenTTD. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
6  */
8 /** @file yapf_rail.cpp The rail pathfinding. */
10 #include "../../stdafx.h"
12 #include "yapf.hpp"
13 #include "yapf_cache.h"
14 #include "yapf_node_rail.hpp"
15 #include "yapf_costrail.hpp"
16 #include "yapf_destrail.hpp"
17 #include "../../viewport_func.h"
18 #include "../../newgrf_station.h"
20 #include "../../safeguards.h"
DumpState(Tpf & pf1,Tpf & pf2)22 template <typename Tpf> void DumpState(Tpf &pf1, Tpf &pf2)
23 {
24 	DumpTarget dmp1, dmp2;
25 	pf1.DumpBase(dmp1);
26 	pf2.DumpBase(dmp2);
27 	FILE *f1 = fopen("yapf1.txt", "wt");
28 	FILE *f2 = fopen("yapf2.txt", "wt");
29 	assert(f1 != nullptr);
30 	assert(f2 != nullptr);
31 	fwrite(dmp1.m_out.c_str(), 1, dmp1.m_out.size(), f1);
32 	fwrite(dmp2.m_out.c_str(), 1, dmp2.m_out.size(), f2);
33 	fclose(f1);
34 	fclose(f2);
35 }
37 template <class Types>
38 class CYapfReserveTrack
39 {
40 public:
41 	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;                     ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
42 	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
43 	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
45 protected:
46 	/** to access inherited pathfinder */
Yapf()47 	inline Tpf& Yapf()
48 	{
49 		return *static_cast<Tpf *>(this);
50 	}
52 private:
53 	TileIndex m_res_dest;         ///< The reservation target tile
54 	Trackdir  m_res_dest_td;      ///< The reservation target trackdir
55 	Node      *m_res_node;        ///< The reservation target node
56 	TileIndex m_res_fail_tile;    ///< The tile where the reservation failed
57 	Trackdir  m_res_fail_td;      ///< The trackdir where the reservation failed
58 	TileIndex m_origin_tile;      ///< Tile our reservation will originate from
FindSafePositionProc(TileIndex tile,Trackdir td)60 	bool FindSafePositionProc(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
61 	{
62 		if (IsSafeWaitingPosition(Yapf().GetVehicle(), tile, td, true, !TrackFollower::Allow90degTurns())) {
63 			m_res_dest = tile;
64 			m_res_dest_td = td;
65 			return false;   // Stop iterating segment
66 		}
67 		return true;
68 	}
70 	/** Reserve a railway platform. Tile contains the failed tile on abort. */
ReserveRailStationPlatform(TileIndex & tile,DiagDirection dir)71 	bool ReserveRailStationPlatform(TileIndex &tile, DiagDirection dir)
72 	{
73 		TileIndex     start = tile;
74 		TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(dir);
76 		do {
77 			if (HasStationReservation(tile)) return false;
78 			SetRailStationReservation(tile, true);
79 			MarkTileDirtyByTile(tile);
80 			tile = TILE_ADD(tile, diff);
81 		} while (IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(tile, start) && tile != m_origin_tile);
83 		TriggerStationRandomisation(nullptr, start, SRT_PATH_RESERVATION);
85 		return true;
86 	}
88 	/** Try to reserve a single track/platform. */
ReserveSingleTrack(TileIndex tile,Trackdir td)89 	bool ReserveSingleTrack(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
90 	{
91 		if (IsRailStationTile(tile)) {
92 			if (!ReserveRailStationPlatform(tile, TrackdirToExitdir(ReverseTrackdir(td)))) {
93 				/* Platform could not be reserved, undo. */
94 				m_res_fail_tile = tile;
95 				m_res_fail_td = td;
96 			}
97 		} else {
98 			if (!TryReserveRailTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(td))) {
99 				/* Tile couldn't be reserved, undo. */
100 				m_res_fail_tile = tile;
101 				m_res_fail_td = td;
102 				return false;
103 			}
104 		}
106 		return tile != m_res_dest || td != m_res_dest_td;
107 	}
109 	/** Unreserve a single track/platform. Stops when the previous failer is reached. */
UnreserveSingleTrack(TileIndex tile,Trackdir td)110 	bool UnreserveSingleTrack(TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
111 	{
112 		if (IsRailStationTile(tile)) {
113 			TileIndex     start = tile;
114 			TileIndexDiff diff = TileOffsByDiagDir(TrackdirToExitdir(ReverseTrackdir(td)));
115 			while ((tile != m_res_fail_tile || td != m_res_fail_td) && IsCompatibleTrainStationTile(tile, start)) {
116 				SetRailStationReservation(tile, false);
117 				tile = TILE_ADD(tile, diff);
118 			}
119 		} else if (tile != m_res_fail_tile || td != m_res_fail_td) {
120 			UnreserveRailTrack(tile, TrackdirToTrack(td));
121 		}
122 		return (tile != m_res_dest || td != m_res_dest_td) && (tile != m_res_fail_tile || td != m_res_fail_td);
123 	}
125 public:
126 	/** Set the target to where the reservation should be extended. */
SetReservationTarget(Node * node,TileIndex tile,Trackdir td)127 	inline void SetReservationTarget(Node *node, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td)
128 	{
129 		m_res_node = node;
130 		m_res_dest = tile;
131 		m_res_dest_td = td;
132 	}
134 	/** Check the node for a possible reservation target. */
FindSafePositionOnNode(Node * node)135 	inline void FindSafePositionOnNode(Node *node)
136 	{
137 		assert(node->m_parent != nullptr);
139 		/* We will never pass more than two signals, no need to check for a safe tile. */
140 		if (node->m_parent->m_num_signals_passed >= 2) return;
142 		if (!node->IterateTiles(Yapf().GetVehicle(), Yapf(), *this, &CYapfReserveTrack<Types>::FindSafePositionProc)) {
143 			m_res_node = node;
144 		}
145 	}
147 	/** Try to reserve the path till the reservation target. */
TryReservePath(PBSTileInfo * target,TileIndex origin)148 	bool TryReservePath(PBSTileInfo *target, TileIndex origin)
149 	{
150 		m_res_fail_tile = INVALID_TILE;
151 		m_origin_tile = origin;
153 		if (target != nullptr) {
154 			target->tile = m_res_dest;
155 			target->trackdir = m_res_dest_td;
156 			target->okay = false;
157 		}
159 		/* Don't bother if the target is reserved. */
160 		if (!IsWaitingPositionFree(Yapf().GetVehicle(), m_res_dest, m_res_dest_td)) return false;
162 		for (Node *node = m_res_node; node->m_parent != nullptr; node = node->m_parent) {
163 			node->IterateTiles(Yapf().GetVehicle(), Yapf(), *this, &CYapfReserveTrack<Types>::ReserveSingleTrack);
164 			if (m_res_fail_tile != INVALID_TILE) {
165 				/* Reservation failed, undo. */
166 				Node *fail_node = m_res_node;
167 				TileIndex stop_tile = m_res_fail_tile;
168 				do {
169 					/* If this is the node that failed, stop at the failed tile. */
170 					m_res_fail_tile = fail_node == node ? stop_tile : INVALID_TILE;
171 					fail_node->IterateTiles(Yapf().GetVehicle(), Yapf(), *this, &CYapfReserveTrack<Types>::UnreserveSingleTrack);
172 				} while (fail_node != node && (fail_node = fail_node->m_parent) != nullptr);
174 				return false;
175 			}
176 		}
178 		if (target != nullptr) target->okay = true;
180 		if (Yapf().CanUseGlobalCache(*m_res_node)) {
181 			YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(INVALID_TILE, INVALID_TRACK);
182 		}
184 		return true;
185 	}
186 };
188 template <class Types>
189 class CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT
190 {
191 public:
192 	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;                     ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
193 	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
194 	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
195 	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables
197 protected:
198 	/** to access inherited path finder */
Yapf()199 	inline Tpf& Yapf()
200 	{
201 		return *static_cast<Tpf *>(this);
202 	}
204 public:
205 	/**
206 	 * Called by YAPF to move from the given node to the next tile. For each
207 	 *  reachable trackdir on the new tile creates new node, initializes it
208 	 *  and adds it to the open list by calling Yapf().AddNewNode(n)
209 	 */
PfFollowNode(Node & old_node)210 	inline void PfFollowNode(Node &old_node)
211 	{
212 		TrackFollower F(Yapf().GetVehicle());
213 		if (F.Follow(old_node.GetLastTile(), old_node.GetLastTrackdir())) {
214 			Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);
215 		}
216 	}
218 	/** return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
TransportTypeChar() const219 	inline char TransportTypeChar() const
220 	{
221 		return 't';
222 	}
stFindNearestDepotTwoWay(const Train * v,TileIndex t1,Trackdir td1,TileIndex t2,Trackdir td2,int max_penalty,int reverse_penalty)224 	static FindDepotData stFindNearestDepotTwoWay(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int max_penalty, int reverse_penalty)
225 	{
226 		Tpf pf1;
227 		/*
228 		 * With caching enabled it simply cannot get a reliable result when you
229 		 * have limited the distance a train may travel. This means that the
230 		 * cached result does not match uncached result in all cases and that
231 		 * causes desyncs. So disable caching when finding for a depot that is
232 		 * nearby. This only happens with automatic servicing of vehicles,
233 		 * so it will only impact performance when you do not manually set
234 		 * depot orders and you do not disable automatic servicing.
235 		 */
236 		if (max_penalty != 0) pf1.DisableCache(true);
237 		FindDepotData result1 = pf1.FindNearestDepotTwoWay(v, t1, td1, t2, td2, max_penalty, reverse_penalty);
239 		if (_debug_desync_level >= 2) {
240 			Tpf pf2;
241 			pf2.DisableCache(true);
242 			FindDepotData result2 = pf2.FindNearestDepotTwoWay(v, t1, td1, t2, td2, max_penalty, reverse_penalty);
243 			if (result1.tile != result2.tile || (result1.reverse != result2.reverse)) {
244 				Debug(desync, 2, "CACHE ERROR: FindNearestDepotTwoWay() = [{}, {}]",
245 						result1.tile != INVALID_TILE ? "T" : "F",
246 						result2.tile != INVALID_TILE ? "T" : "F");
247 				DumpState(pf1, pf2);
248 			}
249 		}
251 		return result1;
252 	}
FindNearestDepotTwoWay(const Train * v,TileIndex t1,Trackdir td1,TileIndex t2,Trackdir td2,int max_penalty,int reverse_penalty)254 	inline FindDepotData FindNearestDepotTwoWay(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int max_penalty, int reverse_penalty)
255 	{
256 		/* set origin and destination nodes */
257 		Yapf().SetOrigin(t1, td1, t2, td2, reverse_penalty, true);
258 		Yapf().SetDestination(v);
259 		Yapf().SetMaxCost(max_penalty);
261 		/* find the best path */
262 		if (!Yapf().FindPath(v)) return FindDepotData();
264 		/* Some path found. */
265 		Node *n = Yapf().GetBestNode();
267 		/* walk through the path back to the origin */
268 		Node *pNode = n;
269 		while (pNode->m_parent != nullptr) {
270 			pNode = pNode->m_parent;
271 		}
273 		/* if the origin node is our front vehicle tile/Trackdir then we didn't reverse
274 		 * but we can also look at the cost (== 0 -> not reversed, == reverse_penalty -> reversed) */
275 		return FindDepotData(n->GetLastTile(), n->m_cost, pNode->m_cost != 0);
276 	}
277 };
279 template <class Types>
280 class CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT : public CYapfReserveTrack<Types>
281 {
282 public:
283 	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;                     ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
284 	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
285 	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
286 	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables
288 protected:
289 	/** to access inherited path finder */
Yapf()290 	inline Tpf& Yapf()
291 	{
292 		return *static_cast<Tpf *>(this);
293 	}
295 public:
296 	/**
297 	 * Called by YAPF to move from the given node to the next tile. For each
298 	 *  reachable trackdir on the new tile creates new node, initializes it
299 	 *  and adds it to the open list by calling Yapf().AddNewNode(n)
300 	 */
PfFollowNode(Node & old_node)301 	inline void PfFollowNode(Node &old_node)
302 	{
303 		TrackFollower F(Yapf().GetVehicle(), Yapf().GetCompatibleRailTypes());
304 		if (F.Follow(old_node.GetLastTile(), old_node.GetLastTrackdir()) && F.MaskReservedTracks()) {
305 			Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);
306 		}
307 	}
309 	/** Return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
TransportTypeChar() const310 	inline char TransportTypeChar() const
311 	{
312 		return 't';
313 	}
stFindNearestSafeTile(const Train * v,TileIndex t1,Trackdir td,bool override_railtype)315 	static bool stFindNearestSafeTile(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td, bool override_railtype)
316 	{
317 		/* Create pathfinder instance */
318 		Tpf pf1;
319 		bool result1;
320 		if (_debug_desync_level < 2) {
321 			result1 = pf1.FindNearestSafeTile(v, t1, td, override_railtype, false);
322 		} else {
323 			bool result2 = pf1.FindNearestSafeTile(v, t1, td, override_railtype, true);
324 			Tpf pf2;
325 			pf2.DisableCache(true);
326 			result1 = pf2.FindNearestSafeTile(v, t1, td, override_railtype, false);
327 			if (result1 != result2) {
328 				Debug(desync, 2, "CACHE ERROR: FindSafeTile() = [{}, {}]", result2 ? "T" : "F", result1 ? "T" : "F");
329 				DumpState(pf1, pf2);
330 			}
331 		}
333 		return result1;
334 	}
FindNearestSafeTile(const Train * v,TileIndex t1,Trackdir td,bool override_railtype,bool dont_reserve)336 	bool FindNearestSafeTile(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td, bool override_railtype, bool dont_reserve)
337 	{
338 		/* Set origin and destination. */
339 		Yapf().SetOrigin(t1, td);
340 		Yapf().SetDestination(v, override_railtype);
342 		bool bFound = Yapf().FindPath(v);
343 		if (!bFound) return false;
345 		/* Found a destination, set as reservation target. */
346 		Node *pNode = Yapf().GetBestNode();
347 		this->SetReservationTarget(pNode, pNode->GetLastTile(), pNode->GetLastTrackdir());
349 		/* Walk through the path back to the origin. */
350 		Node *pPrev = nullptr;
351 		while (pNode->m_parent != nullptr) {
352 			pPrev = pNode;
353 			pNode = pNode->m_parent;
355 			this->FindSafePositionOnNode(pPrev);
356 		}
358 		return dont_reserve || this->TryReservePath(nullptr, pNode->GetLastTile());
359 	}
360 };
362 template <class Types>
363 class CYapfFollowRailT : public CYapfReserveTrack<Types>
364 {
365 public:
366 	typedef typename Types::Tpf Tpf;                     ///< the pathfinder class (derived from THIS class)
367 	typedef typename Types::TrackFollower TrackFollower;
368 	typedef typename Types::NodeList::Titem Node;        ///< this will be our node type
369 	typedef typename Node::Key Key;                      ///< key to hash tables
371 protected:
372 	/** to access inherited path finder */
Yapf()373 	inline Tpf& Yapf()
374 	{
375 		return *static_cast<Tpf *>(this);
376 	}
378 public:
379 	/**
380 	 * Called by YAPF to move from the given node to the next tile. For each
381 	 *  reachable trackdir on the new tile creates new node, initializes it
382 	 *  and adds it to the open list by calling Yapf().AddNewNode(n)
383 	 */
PfFollowNode(Node & old_node)384 	inline void PfFollowNode(Node &old_node)
385 	{
386 		TrackFollower F(Yapf().GetVehicle());
387 		if (F.Follow(old_node.GetLastTile(), old_node.GetLastTrackdir())) {
388 			Yapf().AddMultipleNodes(&old_node, F);
389 		}
390 	}
392 	/** return debug report character to identify the transportation type */
TransportTypeChar() const393 	inline char TransportTypeChar() const
394 	{
395 		return 't';
396 	}
stChooseRailTrack(const Train * v,TileIndex tile,DiagDirection enterdir,TrackBits tracks,bool & path_found,bool reserve_track,PBSTileInfo * target)398 	static Trackdir stChooseRailTrack(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool &path_found, bool reserve_track, PBSTileInfo *target)
399 	{
400 		/* create pathfinder instance */
401 		Tpf pf1;
402 		Trackdir result1;
404 		if (_debug_desync_level < 2) {
405 			result1 = pf1.ChooseRailTrack(v, tile, enterdir, tracks, path_found, reserve_track, target);
406 		} else {
407 			result1 = pf1.ChooseRailTrack(v, tile, enterdir, tracks, path_found, false, nullptr);
408 			Tpf pf2;
409 			pf2.DisableCache(true);
410 			Trackdir result2 = pf2.ChooseRailTrack(v, tile, enterdir, tracks, path_found, reserve_track, target);
411 			if (result1 != result2) {
412 				Debug(desync, 2, "CACHE ERROR: ChooseRailTrack() = [{}, {}]", result1, result2);
413 				DumpState(pf1, pf2);
414 			}
415 		}
417 		return result1;
418 	}
ChooseRailTrack(const Train * v,TileIndex tile,DiagDirection enterdir,TrackBits tracks,bool & path_found,bool reserve_track,PBSTileInfo * target)420 	inline Trackdir ChooseRailTrack(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool &path_found, bool reserve_track, PBSTileInfo *target)
421 	{
422 		if (target != nullptr) target->tile = INVALID_TILE;
424 		/* set origin and destination nodes */
425 		PBSTileInfo origin = FollowTrainReservation(v);
426 		Yapf().SetOrigin(origin.tile, origin.trackdir, INVALID_TILE, INVALID_TRACKDIR, 1, true);
427 		Yapf().SetDestination(v);
429 		/* find the best path */
430 		path_found = Yapf().FindPath(v);
432 		/* if path not found - return INVALID_TRACKDIR */
433 		Trackdir next_trackdir = INVALID_TRACKDIR;
434 		Node *pNode = Yapf().GetBestNode();
435 		if (pNode != nullptr) {
436 			/* reserve till end of path */
437 			this->SetReservationTarget(pNode, pNode->GetLastTile(), pNode->GetLastTrackdir());
439 			/* path was found or at least suggested
440 			 * walk through the path back to the origin */
441 			Node *pPrev = nullptr;
442 			while (pNode->m_parent != nullptr) {
443 				pPrev = pNode;
444 				pNode = pNode->m_parent;
446 				this->FindSafePositionOnNode(pPrev);
447 			}
448 			/* return trackdir from the best origin node (one of start nodes) */
449 			Node &best_next_node = *pPrev;
450 			next_trackdir = best_next_node.GetTrackdir();
452 			if (reserve_track && path_found) this->TryReservePath(target, pNode->GetLastTile());
453 		}
455 		/* Treat the path as found if stopped on the first two way signal(s). */
456 		path_found |= Yapf().m_stopped_on_first_two_way_signal;
457 		return next_trackdir;
458 	}
stCheckReverseTrain(const Train * v,TileIndex t1,Trackdir td1,TileIndex t2,Trackdir td2,int reverse_penalty)460 	static bool stCheckReverseTrain(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int reverse_penalty)
461 	{
462 		Tpf pf1;
463 		bool result1 = pf1.CheckReverseTrain(v, t1, td1, t2, td2, reverse_penalty);
465 		if (_debug_desync_level >= 2) {
466 			Tpf pf2;
467 			pf2.DisableCache(true);
468 			bool result2 = pf2.CheckReverseTrain(v, t1, td1, t2, td2, reverse_penalty);
469 			if (result1 != result2) {
470 				Debug(desync, 2, "CACHE ERROR: CheckReverseTrain() = [{}, {}]", result1 ? "T" : "F", result2 ? "T" : "F");
471 				DumpState(pf1, pf2);
472 			}
473 		}
475 		return result1;
476 	}
CheckReverseTrain(const Train * v,TileIndex t1,Trackdir td1,TileIndex t2,Trackdir td2,int reverse_penalty)478 	inline bool CheckReverseTrain(const Train *v, TileIndex t1, Trackdir td1, TileIndex t2, Trackdir td2, int reverse_penalty)
479 	{
480 		/* create pathfinder instance
481 		 * set origin and destination nodes */
482 		Yapf().SetOrigin(t1, td1, t2, td2, reverse_penalty, false);
483 		Yapf().SetDestination(v);
485 		/* find the best path */
486 		bool bFound = Yapf().FindPath(v);
488 		if (!bFound) return false;
490 		/* path was found
491 		 * walk through the path back to the origin */
492 		Node *pNode = Yapf().GetBestNode();
493 		while (pNode->m_parent != nullptr) {
494 			pNode = pNode->m_parent;
495 		}
497 		/* check if it was reversed origin */
498 		Node &best_org_node = *pNode;
499 		bool reversed = (best_org_node.m_cost != 0);
500 		return reversed;
501 	}
502 };
504 template <class Tpf_, class Ttrack_follower, class Tnode_list, template <class Types> class TdestinationT, template <class Types> class TfollowT>
505 struct CYapfRail_TypesT
506 {
507 	typedef CYapfRail_TypesT<Tpf_, Ttrack_follower, Tnode_list, TdestinationT, TfollowT>  Types;
509 	typedef Tpf_                                Tpf;
510 	typedef Ttrack_follower                     TrackFollower;
511 	typedef Tnode_list                          NodeList;
512 	typedef Train                               VehicleType;
513 	typedef CYapfBaseT<Types>                   PfBase;
514 	typedef TfollowT<Types>                     PfFollow;
515 	typedef CYapfOriginTileTwoWayT<Types>       PfOrigin;
516 	typedef TdestinationT<Types>                PfDestination;
517 	typedef CYapfSegmentCostCacheGlobalT<Types> PfCache;
518 	typedef CYapfCostRailT<Types>               PfCost;
519 };
521 struct CYapfRail1         : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfRail1        , CFollowTrackRail    , CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT> > {};
522 struct CYapfRail2         : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfRail2        , CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationTileOrStationRailT, CYapfFollowRailT> > {};
524 struct CYapfAnyDepotRail1 : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfAnyDepotRail1, CFollowTrackRail    , CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT     , CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT> > {};
525 struct CYapfAnyDepotRail2 : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfAnyDepotRail2, CFollowTrackRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnyDepotRailT     , CYapfFollowAnyDepotRailT> > {};
527 struct CYapfAnySafeTileRail1 : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfAnySafeTileRail1, CFollowTrackFreeRail    , CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT , CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT> > {};
528 struct CYapfAnySafeTileRail2 : CYapfT<CYapfRail_TypesT<CYapfAnySafeTileRail2, CFollowTrackFreeRailNo90, CRailNodeListTrackDir, CYapfDestinationAnySafeTileRailT , CYapfFollowAnySafeTileRailT> > {};
YapfTrainChooseTrack(const Train * v,TileIndex tile,DiagDirection enterdir,TrackBits tracks,bool & path_found,bool reserve_track,PBSTileInfo * target)531 Track YapfTrainChooseTrack(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, DiagDirection enterdir, TrackBits tracks, bool &path_found, bool reserve_track, PBSTileInfo *target)
532 {
533 	/* default is YAPF type 2 */
534 	typedef Trackdir (*PfnChooseRailTrack)(const Train*, TileIndex, DiagDirection, TrackBits, bool&, bool, PBSTileInfo*);
535 	PfnChooseRailTrack pfnChooseRailTrack = &CYapfRail1::stChooseRailTrack;
537 	/* check if non-default YAPF type needed */
538 	if (_settings_game.pf.forbid_90_deg) {
539 		pfnChooseRailTrack = &CYapfRail2::stChooseRailTrack; // Trackdir, forbid 90-deg
540 	}
542 	Trackdir td_ret = pfnChooseRailTrack(v, tile, enterdir, tracks, path_found, reserve_track, target);
543 	return (td_ret != INVALID_TRACKDIR) ? TrackdirToTrack(td_ret) : FindFirstTrack(tracks);
544 }
YapfTrainCheckReverse(const Train * v)546 bool YapfTrainCheckReverse(const Train *v)
547 {
548 	const Train *last_veh = v->Last();
550 	/* get trackdirs of both ends */
551 	Trackdir td = v->GetVehicleTrackdir();
552 	Trackdir td_rev = ReverseTrackdir(last_veh->GetVehicleTrackdir());
554 	/* tiles where front and back are */
555 	TileIndex tile = v->tile;
556 	TileIndex tile_rev = last_veh->tile;
558 	int reverse_penalty = 0;
560 	if (v->track == TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) {
561 		/* front in tunnel / on bridge */
562 		DiagDirection dir_into_wormhole = GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile);
564 		if (TrackdirToExitdir(td) == dir_into_wormhole) tile = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile);
565 		/* Now 'tile' is the tunnel entry/bridge ramp the train will reach when driving forward */
567 		/* Current position of the train in the wormhole */
568 		TileIndex cur_tile = TileVirtXY(v->x_pos, v->y_pos);
570 		/* Add distance to drive in the wormhole as penalty for the forward path, i.e. bonus for the reverse path
571 		 * Note: Negative penalties are ok for the start tile. */
572 		reverse_penalty -= DistanceManhattan(cur_tile, tile) * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;
573 	}
575 	if (last_veh->track == TRACK_BIT_WORMHOLE) {
576 		/* back in tunnel / on bridge */
577 		DiagDirection dir_into_wormhole = GetTunnelBridgeDirection(tile_rev);
579 		if (TrackdirToExitdir(td_rev) == dir_into_wormhole) tile_rev = GetOtherTunnelBridgeEnd(tile_rev);
580 		/* Now 'tile_rev' is the tunnel entry/bridge ramp the train will reach when reversing */
582 		/* Current position of the last wagon in the wormhole */
583 		TileIndex cur_tile = TileVirtXY(last_veh->x_pos, last_veh->y_pos);
585 		/* Add distance to drive in the wormhole as penalty for the revere path. */
586 		reverse_penalty += DistanceManhattan(cur_tile, tile_rev) * YAPF_TILE_LENGTH;
587 	}
589 	typedef bool (*PfnCheckReverseTrain)(const Train*, TileIndex, Trackdir, TileIndex, Trackdir, int);
590 	PfnCheckReverseTrain pfnCheckReverseTrain = CYapfRail1::stCheckReverseTrain;
592 	/* check if non-default YAPF type needed */
593 	if (_settings_game.pf.forbid_90_deg) {
594 		pfnCheckReverseTrain = &CYapfRail2::stCheckReverseTrain; // Trackdir, forbid 90-deg
595 	}
597 	/* slightly hackish: If the pathfinders finds a path, the cost of the first node is tested to distinguish between forward- and reverse-path. */
598 	if (reverse_penalty == 0) reverse_penalty = 1;
600 	bool reverse = pfnCheckReverseTrain(v, tile, td, tile_rev, td_rev, reverse_penalty);
602 	return reverse;
603 }
YapfTrainFindNearestDepot(const Train * v,int max_penalty)605 FindDepotData YapfTrainFindNearestDepot(const Train *v, int max_penalty)
606 {
607 	const Train *last_veh = v->Last();
609 	PBSTileInfo origin = FollowTrainReservation(v);
610 	TileIndex last_tile = last_veh->tile;
611 	Trackdir td_rev = ReverseTrackdir(last_veh->GetVehicleTrackdir());
613 	typedef FindDepotData (*PfnFindNearestDepotTwoWay)(const Train*, TileIndex, Trackdir, TileIndex, Trackdir, int, int);
614 	PfnFindNearestDepotTwoWay pfnFindNearestDepotTwoWay = &CYapfAnyDepotRail1::stFindNearestDepotTwoWay;
616 	/* check if non-default YAPF type needed */
617 	if (_settings_game.pf.forbid_90_deg) {
618 		pfnFindNearestDepotTwoWay = &CYapfAnyDepotRail2::stFindNearestDepotTwoWay; // Trackdir, forbid 90-deg
619 	}
621 	return pfnFindNearestDepotTwoWay(v, origin.tile, origin.trackdir, last_tile, td_rev, max_penalty, YAPF_INFINITE_PENALTY);
622 }
YapfTrainFindNearestSafeTile(const Train * v,TileIndex tile,Trackdir td,bool override_railtype)624 bool YapfTrainFindNearestSafeTile(const Train *v, TileIndex tile, Trackdir td, bool override_railtype)
625 {
626 	typedef bool (*PfnFindNearestSafeTile)(const Train*, TileIndex, Trackdir, bool);
627 	PfnFindNearestSafeTile pfnFindNearestSafeTile = CYapfAnySafeTileRail1::stFindNearestSafeTile;
629 	/* check if non-default YAPF type needed */
630 	if (_settings_game.pf.forbid_90_deg) {
631 		pfnFindNearestSafeTile = &CYapfAnySafeTileRail2::stFindNearestSafeTile;
632 	}
634 	return pfnFindNearestSafeTile(v, tile, td, override_railtype);
635 }
637 /** if any track changes, this counter is incremented - that will invalidate segment cost cache */
638 int CSegmentCostCacheBase::s_rail_change_counter = 0;
YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(TileIndex tile,Track track)640 void YapfNotifyTrackLayoutChange(TileIndex tile, Track track)
641 {
642 	CSegmentCostCacheBase::NotifyTrackLayoutChange(tile, track);
643 }