1 // This file is part of libigl, a simple c++ geometry processing library.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2017 Sebastian Koch <s.koch@tu-berlin.de> and Daniele Panozzo <daniele.panozzo@gmail.com>
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License
6 // v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
7 // obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
8 const char *__doc_igl_active_set = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Known Bugs: rows of [Aeq;Aieq] **must** be linearly independent. Should be
9   // using QR decomposition otherwise:
10   //   http://www.okstate.edu/sas/v8/sashtml/ormp/chap5/sect32.htm
11   //
12   // ACTIVE_SET Minimize quadratic energy
13   //
14   // 0.5*Z'*A*Z + Z'*B + C with constraints
15   //
16   // that Z(known) = Y, optionally also subject to the constraints Aeq*Z = Beq,
17   // and further optionally subject to the linear inequality constraints that
18   // Aieq*Z <= Bieq and constant inequality constraints lx <= x <= ux
19   //
20   // Inputs:
21   //   A  n by n matrix of quadratic coefficients
22   //   B  n by 1 column of linear coefficients
23   //   known  list of indices to known rows in Z
24   //   Y  list of fixed values corresponding to known rows in Z
25   //   Aeq  meq by n list of linear equality constraint coefficients
26   //   Beq  meq by 1 list of linear equality constraint constant values
27   //   Aieq  mieq by n list of linear inequality constraint coefficients
28   //   Bieq  mieq by 1 list of linear inequality constraint constant values
29   //   lx  n by 1 list of lower bounds [] implies -Inf
30   //   ux  n by 1 list of upper bounds [] implies Inf
31   //   params  struct of additional parameters (see below)
32   //   Z  if not empty, is taken to be an n by 1 list of initial guess values
33   //     (see output)
34   // Outputs:
35   //   Z  n by 1 list of solution values
36   // Returns true on success, false on error
37   //
38   // Benchmark: For a harmonic solve on a mesh with 325K facets, matlab 2.2
39   // secs, igl/min_quad_with_fixed.h 7.1 secs
40   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
41 const char *__doc_igl_adjacency_list = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Constructs the graph adjacency list of a given mesh (V,F)
42   // Templates:
43   //   T  should be a eigen sparse matrix primitive type like int or double
44   // Inputs:
45   //   F       #F by dim list of mesh faces (must be triangles)
46   //   sorted  flag that indicates if the list should be sorted counter-clockwise
47   // Outputs:
48   //   A  vector<vector<T> > containing at row i the adjacent vertices of vertex i
49   //
50   // Example:
51   //   // Mesh in (V,F)
52   //   vector<vector<double> > A;
53   //   adjacency_list(F,A);
54   //
55   // See also: edges, cotmatrix, diag)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
56 const char *__doc_igl_arap_precomputation = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute necessary information to start using an ARAP deformation
57   //
58   // Inputs:
59   //   V  #V by dim list of mesh positions
60   //   F  #F by simplex-size list of triangle|tet indices into V
61   //   dim  dimension being used at solve time. For deformation usually dim =
62   //     V.cols(), for surface parameterization V.cols() = 3 and dim = 2
63   //   b  #b list of "boundary" fixed vertex indices into V
64   // Outputs:
65   //   data  struct containing necessary precomputation)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
66 const char *__doc_igl_arap_solve = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Inputs:
67   //   bc  #b by dim list of boundary conditions
68   //   data  struct containing necessary precomputation and parameters
69   //   U  #V by dim initial guess)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
70 const char *__doc_igl_avg_edge_length = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute the average edge length for the given triangle mesh
71   // Templates:
72   //   DerivedV derived from vertex positions matrix type: i.e. MatrixXd
73   //   DerivedF derived from face indices matrix type: i.e. MatrixXi
74   //   DerivedL derived from edge lengths matrix type: i.e. MatrixXd
75   // Inputs:
76   //   V  eigen matrix #V by 3
77   //   F  #F by simplex-size list of mesh faces (must be simplex)
78   // Outputs:
79   //   l  average edge length
80   //
81   // See also: adjacency_matrix)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
82 const char *__doc_igl_barycenter = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Computes the barycenter of every simplex
83   //
84   // Inputs:
85   //   V  #V x dim matrix of vertex coordinates
86   //   F  #F x simplex_size  matrix of indices of simplex corners into V
87   // Output:
88   //   BC  #F x dim matrix of 3d vertices
89   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
90 const char *__doc_igl_barycentric_coordinates = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute barycentric coordinates in a tet
91   //
92   // Inputs:
93   //   P  #P by 3 Query points in 3d
94   //   A  #P by 3 Tet corners in 3d
95   //   B  #P by 3 Tet corners in 3d
96   //   C  #P by 3 Tet corners in 3d
97   //   D  #P by 3 Tet corners in 3d
98   // Outputs:
99   //   L  #P by 4 list of barycentric coordinates
100   //   )igl_Qu8mg5v7";
101 const char *__doc_igl_barycentric_to_global = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Converts barycentric coordinates in the embree form to 3D coordinates
102   // Embree stores barycentric coordinates as triples: fid, bc1, bc2
103   // fid is the id of a face, bc1 is the displacement of the point wrt the
104   // first vertex v0 and the edge v1-v0. Similarly, bc2 is the displacement
105   // wrt v2-v0.
106   //
107   // Input:
108   // V:  #Vx3 Vertices of the mesh
109   // F:  #Fxe Faces of the mesh
110   // bc: #Xx3 Barycentric coordinates, one row per point
111   //
112   // Output:
113   // #X: #Xx3 3D coordinates of all points in bc)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
115 const char *__doc_igl_bbw = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute Bounded Biharmonic Weights on a given domain (V,Ele) with a given
116   // set of boundary conditions
117   //
118   // Templates
119   //   DerivedV  derived type of eigen matrix for V (e.g. MatrixXd)
120   //   DerivedF  derived type of eigen matrix for F (e.g. MatrixXi)
121   //   Derivedb  derived type of eigen matrix for b (e.g. VectorXi)
122   //   Derivedbc  derived type of eigen matrix for bc (e.g. MatrixXd)
123   //   DerivedW  derived type of eigen matrix for W (e.g. MatrixXd)
124   // Inputs:
125   //   V  #V by dim vertex positions
126   //   Ele  #Elements by simplex-size list of element indices
127   //   b  #b boundary indices into V
128   //   bc #b by #W list of boundary values
129   //   data  object containing options, initial guess --> solution and results
130   // Outputs:
131   //   W  #V by #W list of *unnormalized* weights to normalize use
132   //    igl::normalize_row_sums(W,W);
133   // Returns true on success, false on failure)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
134 const char *__doc_igl_boundary_conditions = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute boundary conditions for automatic weights computation. This
135   // function expects that the given mesh (V,Ele) has sufficient samples
136   // (vertices) exactly at point handle locations and exactly along bone and
137   // cage edges.
138   //
139   // Inputs:
140   //   V  #V by dim list of domain vertices
141   //   Ele  #Ele by simplex-size list of simplex indices
142   //   C  #C by dim list of handle positions
143   //   P  #P by 1 list of point handle indices into C
144   //   BE  #BE by 2 list of bone edge indices into C
145   //   CE  #CE by 2 list of cage edge indices into *P*
146   // Outputs:
147   //   b  #b list of boundary indices (indices into V of vertices which have
148   //     known, fixed values)
149   //   bc #b by #weights list of known/fixed values for boundary vertices
150   //     (notice the #b != #weights in general because #b will include all the
151   //     intermediary samples along each bone, etc.. The ordering of the
152   //     weights corresponds to [P;BE]
153   // Returns false if boundary conditions are suspicious:
154   //   P and BE are empty
155   //   bc is empty
156   //   some column of bc doesn't have a 0 (assuming bc has >1 columns)
157   //   some column of bc doesn't have a 1 (assuming bc has >1 columns))igl_Qu8mg5v7";
158 const char *__doc_igl_boundary_facets = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// BOUNDARY_FACETS Determine boundary faces (edges) of tetrahedra (triangles)
159   // stored in T (analogous to qptoolbox's `outline` and `boundary_faces`).
160   //
161   // Templates:
162   //   IntegerT  integer-value: e.g. int
163   //   IntegerF  integer-value: e.g. int
164   // Input:
165   //  T  tetrahedron (triangle) index list, m by 4 (3), where m is the number of tetrahedra
166   // Output:
167   //  F  list of boundary faces, n by 3 (2), where n is the number of boundary faces
168   //
169   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
170 const char *__doc_igl_boundary_loop = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute list of ordered boundary loops for a manifold mesh.
171   //
172   // Templates:
173   //  Index  index type
174   // Inputs:
175   //   F  #V by dim list of mesh faces
176   // Outputs:
177   //   L  list of loops where L[i] = ordered list of boundary vertices in loop i
178   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
179 const char *__doc_igl_cat = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Perform concatenation of a two matrices along a single dimension
180   // If dim == 1, then C = [A;B]. If dim == 2 then C = [A B]
181   //
182   // Template:
183   //   Scalar  scalar data type for sparse matrices like double or int
184   //   Mat  matrix type for all matrices (e.g. MatrixXd, SparseMatrix)
185   //   MatC  matrix type for output matrix (e.g. MatrixXd) needs to support
186   //     resize
187   // Inputs:
188   //   A  first input matrix
189   //   B  second input matrix
190   //   dim  dimension along which to concatenate, 1 or 2
191   // Outputs:
192   //   C  output matrix
193   //   )igl_Qu8mg5v7";
194 const char *__doc_igl_collapse_edge = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(See collapse_edge for the documentation.)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
195 const char *__doc_igl_colon = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Colon operator like matlab's colon operator. Enumerats values between low
196   // and hi with step step.
197   // Templates:
198   //   L  should be a eigen matrix primitive type like int or double
199   //   S  should be a eigen matrix primitive type like int or double
200   //   H  should be a eigen matrix primitive type like int or double
201   //   T  should be a eigen matrix primitive type like int or double
202   // Inputs:
203   //   low  starting value if step is valid then this is *always* the first
204   //     element of I
205   //   step  step difference between sequential elements returned in I,
206   //     remember this will be cast to template T at compile time. If low<hi
207   //     then step must be positive. If low>hi then step must be negative.
208   //     Otherwise I will be set to empty.
209   //   hi  ending value, if (hi-low)%step is zero then this will be the last
210   //     element in I. If step is positive there will be no elements greater
211   //     than hi, vice versa if hi<low
212   // Output:
213   //   I  list of values from low to hi with step size step)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
214 const char *__doc_igl_column_to_quats = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// "Columnize" a list of quaternions (q1x,q1y,q1z,q1w,q2x,q2y,q2z,q2w,...)
215   //
216   // Inputs:
217   //   Q  n*4-long list of coefficients
218   // Outputs:
219   //   vQ  n-long list of quaternions
220   // Returns false if n%4!=0)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
221 const char *__doc_igl_comb_cross_field = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Inputs:
222   //   V          #V by 3 eigen Matrix of mesh vertex 3D positions
223   //   F          #F by 4 eigen Matrix of face (quad) indices
224   //   PD1in      #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the first per face cross field vector
225   //   PD2in      #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the second per face cross field vector
226   // Output:
227   //   PD1out      #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the first combed cross field vector
228   //   PD2out      #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the second combed cross field vector
229   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
230 const char *__doc_igl_comb_frame_field = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Inputs:
231   //   V            #V by 3 eigen Matrix of mesh vertex 3D positions
232   //   F            #F by 4 eigen Matrix of face (quad) indices
233   //   PD1          #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the first per face cross field vector
234   //   PD2          #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the second per face cross field vector
235   //   BIS1_combed  #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the first combed bisector field vector
236   //   BIS2_combed  #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the second combed bisector field vector
237   // Output:
238   //   PD1_combed  #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the first combed cross field vector
239   //   PD2_combed  #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the second combed cross field vector
240   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
241 const char *__doc_igl_compute_frame_field_bisectors = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute bisectors of a frame field defined on mesh faces
242   // Inputs:
243   //   V     #V by 3 eigen Matrix of mesh vertex 3D positions
244   //   F     #F by 3 eigen Matrix of face (triangle) indices
245   //   B1    #F by 3 eigen Matrix of face (triangle) base vector 1
246   //   B2    #F by 3 eigen Matrix of face (triangle) base vector 2
247   //   PD1   #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the first per face frame field vector
248   //   PD2   #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the second per face frame field vector
249   // Output:
250   //   BIS1  #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the first per face frame field bisector
251   //   BIS2  #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the second per face frame field bisector
252   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
253 const char *__doc_igl_copyleft_cgal_mesh_boolean = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(//  MESH_BOOLEAN Compute boolean csg operations on "solid", consistently
254       //  oriented meshes.
255       //
256       //  Inputs:
257       //    VA  #VA by 3 list of vertex positions of first mesh
258       //    FA  #FA by 3 list of triangle indices into VA
259       //    VB  #VB by 3 list of vertex positions of second mesh
260       //    FB  #FB by 3 list of triangle indices into VB
261       //    type  type of boolean operation
262       //  Outputs:
263       //    VC  #VC by 3 list of vertex positions of boolean result mesh
264       //    FC  #FC by 3 list of triangle indices into VC
265       //    J  #FC list of indices into [FA;FA.rows()+FB] revealing "birth" facet
266       //  Returns true if inputs induce a piecewise constant winding number
267       //  field and type is valid
268       //
269       //  See also: mesh_boolean_cork, intersect_other,
270       //  remesh_self_intersections)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
271 const char *__doc_igl_copyleft_cgal_remesh_self_intersections = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Given a triangle mesh (V,F) compute a new mesh (VV,FF) which is the same
272       // as (V,F) except that any self-intersecting triangles in (V,F) have been
273       // subdivided (new vertices and face created) so that the self-intersection
274       // contour lies exactly on edges in (VV,FF). New vertices will appear in
275       // original faces or on original edges. New vertices on edges are "merged"
276       // only across original faces sharing that edge. This means that if the input
277       // triangle mesh is a closed manifold the output will be too.
278       //
279       // Inputs:
280       //   V  #V by 3 list of vertex positions
281       //   F  #F by 3 list of triangle indices into V
282       //   params  struct of optional parameters
283       // Outputs:
284       //   VV  #VV by 3 list of vertex positions
285       //   FF  #FF by 3 list of triangle indices into VV
286       //   IF  #intersecting face pairs by 2  list of intersecting face pairs,
287       //     indexing F
288       //   J  #FF list of indices into F denoting birth triangle
289       //   IM  #VV list of indices into VV of unique vertices.
290       //
291       // Known bugs: If an existing edge in (V,F) lies exactly on another face then
292       // any resulting additional vertices along that edge may not get properly
293       // connected so that the output mesh has the same global topology. This is
294       // because
295       //
296       // Example:
297       //     // resolve intersections
298       //     igl::copyleft::cgal::remesh_self_intersections(V,F,params,VV,FF,IF,J,IM);
299       //     // _apply_ duplicate vertex mapping IM to FF
300       //     for_each(FF.data(),FF.data()+FF.size(),[&IM](int & a){a=IM(a);});
301       //     // remove any vertices now unreferenced after duplicate mapping.
302       //     igl::remove_unreferenced(VV,FF,SV,SF,UIM);
303       //     // Now (SV,SF) is ready to extract outer hull
304       //     igl::copyleft::cgal::outer_hull(SV,SF,G,J,flip);
305       //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
306 const char *__doc_igl_copyleft_comiso_miq = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Inputs:
307     //   V              #V by 3 list of mesh vertex 3D positions
308     //   F              #F by 3 list of faces indices in V
309     //   PD1            #V by 3 first line of the Jacobian per triangle
310     //   PD2            #V by 3 second line of the Jacobian per triangle
311     //                  (optional, if empty it will be a vector in the tangent plane orthogonal to PD1)
312     //   scale          global scaling for the gradient (controls the quads resolution)
313     //   stiffness      weight for the stiffness iterations
314     //   direct_round   greedily round all integer variables at once (greatly improves optimization speed but lowers quality)
315     //   iter           stiffness iterations (0 = no stiffness)
316     //   local_iter     number of local iterations for the integer rounding
317     //   do_round       enables the integer rounding (disabling it could be useful for debugging)
318     //   round_vertices id of additional vertices that should be snapped to integer coordinates
319     //   hard_features  #H by 2 list of pairs of vertices that belongs to edges that should be snapped to integer coordinates
320     //
321     // Output:
322     //   UV             #UV by 2 list of vertices in 2D
323     //   FUV            #FUV by 3 list of face indices in UV
324     //
325     // TODO: rename the parameters name in the cpp consistently
326     //       improve the handling of hard_features, right now it might fail in difficult cases)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
327 const char *__doc_igl_copyleft_comiso_nrosy = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Generate a N-RoSy field from a sparse set of constraints
328     //
329     // Inputs:
330     //   V       #V by 3 list of mesh vertex coordinates
331     //   F       #F by 3 list of mesh faces (must be triangles)
332     //   b       #B by 1 list of constrained face indices
333     //   bc      #B by 3 list of representative vectors for the constrained
334     //     faces
335     //   b_soft  #S by 1 b for soft constraints
336     //   w_soft  #S by 1 weight for the soft constraints (0-1)
337     //   bc_soft #S by 3 bc for soft constraints
338     //   N       the degree of the N-RoSy vector field
339     //   soft    the strength of the soft constraints w.r.t. smoothness
340     //           (0 -> smoothness only, 1->constraints only)
341     // Outputs:
342     //   R       #F by 3 the representative vectors of the interpolated field
343     //   S       #V by 1 the singularity index for each vertex (0 = regular))igl_Qu8mg5v7";
344 const char *__doc_igl_copyleft_marching_cubes = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// marching_cubes( values, points, x_res, y_res, z_res, vertices, faces )
345     //
346     // performs marching cubes reconstruction on the grid defined by values, and
347     // points, and generates vertices and faces
348     //
349     // Input:
350     //  values  #number_of_grid_points x 1 array -- the scalar values of an
351     //    implicit function defined on the grid points (<0 in the inside of the
352     //    surface, 0 on the border, >0 outside)
353     //  points  #number_of_grid_points x 3 array -- 3-D positions of the grid
354     //    points, ordered in x,y,z order:
355     //      points[index] = the point at (x,y,z) where :
356     //      x = (index % (xres -1),
357     //      y = (index / (xres-1)) %(yres-1),
358     //      z = index / (xres -1) / (yres -1) ).
359     //      where x,y,z index x, y, z dimensions
360     //      i.e. index = x + y*xres + z*xres*yres
361     //  xres  resolutions of the grid in x dimension
362     //  yres  resolutions of the grid in y dimension
363     //  zres  resolutions of the grid in z dimension
364     // Output:
365     //   vertices  #V by 3 list of mesh vertex positions
366     //   faces  #F by 3 list of mesh triangle indices
367     //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
368 const char *__doc_igl_copyleft_swept_volume = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute the surface of the swept volume of a solid object with surface
369     // (V,F) mesh under going rigid motion.
370     //
371     // Inputs:
372     //   V  #V by 3 list of mesh positions in reference pose
373     //   F  #F by 3 list of mesh indices into V
374     //   transform  function handle so that transform(t) returns the rigid
375     //     transformation at time t∈[0,1]
376     //   steps  number of time steps: steps=3 --> t∈{0,0.5,1}
377     //   grid_res  number of grid cells on the longest side containing the
378     //     motion (isolevel+1 cells will also be added on each side as padding)
379     //   isolevel  distance level to be contoured as swept volume
380     // Outputs:
381     //   SV  #SV by 3 list of mesh positions of the swept surface
382     //   SF  #SF by 3 list of mesh faces into SV)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
383 const char *__doc_igl_copyleft_tetgen_tetrahedralize = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Mesh the interior of a surface mesh (V,F) using tetgen
384       //
385       // Inputs:
386       //   V  #V by 3 vertex position list
387       //   F  #F list of polygon face indices into V (0-indexed)
388       //   switches  string of tetgen options (See tetgen documentation) e.g.
389       //     "pq1.414a0.01" tries to mesh the interior of a given surface with
390       //       quality and area constraints
391       //     "" will mesh the convex hull constrained to pass through V (ignores F)
392       // Outputs:
393       //   TV  #V by 3 vertex position list
394       //   TT  #T by 4 list of tet face indices
395       //   TF  #F by 3 list of triangle face indices
396       // Returns status:
397       //   0 success
398       //   1 tetgen threw exception
399       //   2 tetgen did not crash but could not create any tets (probably there are
400       //     holes, duplicate faces etc.)
401       //   -1 other error)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
402 const char *__doc_igl_cotmatrix = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Constructs the cotangent stiffness matrix (discrete laplacian) for a given
403   // mesh (V,F).
404   //
405   // Templates:
406   //   DerivedV  derived type of eigen matrix for V (e.g. derived from
407   //     MatrixXd)
408   //   DerivedF  derived type of eigen matrix for F (e.g. derived from
409   //     MatrixXi)
410   //   Scalar  scalar type for eigen sparse matrix (e.g. double)
411   // Inputs:
412   //   V  #V by dim list of mesh vertex positions
413   //   F  #F by simplex_size list of mesh faces (must be triangles)
414   // Outputs:
415   //   L  #V by #V cotangent matrix, each row i corresponding to V(i,:)
416   //
417   // See also: adjacency_matrix
418   //
419   // Note: This Laplacian uses the convention that diagonal entries are
420   // **minus** the sum of off-diagonal entries. The diagonal entries are
421   // therefore in general negative and the matrix is **negative** semi-definite
422   // (immediately, -L is **positive** semi-definite)
423   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
424 const char *__doc_igl_covariance_scatter_matrix = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Construct the covariance scatter matrix for a given arap energy
425   // Inputs:
426   //   V  #V by Vdim list of initial domain positions
427   //   F  #F by 3 list of triangle indices into V
428   //   energy  ARAPEnergyType enum value defining which energy is being used.
429   //     See ARAPEnergyType.h for valid options and explanations.
430   // Outputs:
431   //   CSM dim*#V/#F by dim*#V sparse matrix containing special laplacians along
432   //     the diagonal so that when multiplied by V gives covariance matrix
433   //     elements, can be used to speed up covariance matrix computation)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
434 const char *__doc_igl_cross_field_mismatch = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Inputs:
435   //   V         #V by 3 eigen Matrix of mesh vertex 3D positions
436   //   F         #F by 3 eigen Matrix of face (quad) indices
437   //   PD1       #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the first per face cross field vector
438   //   PD2       #F by 3 eigen Matrix of the second per face cross field vector
439   //   isCombed  boolean, specifying whether the field is combed (i.e. matching has been precomputed.
440   //             If not, the field is combed first.
441   // Output:
442   //   Handle_MMatch    #F by 3 eigen Matrix containing the integer mismatch of the cross field
443   //                    across all face edges
444   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
445 const char *__doc_igl_cut_mesh_from_singularities = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Given a mesh (V,F) and the integer mismatch of a cross field per edge
446   // (mismatch), finds the cut_graph connecting the singularities (seams) and the
447   // degree of the singularities singularity_index
448   //
449   // Input:
450   //   V  #V by 3 list of mesh vertex positions
451   //   F  #F by 3 list of faces
452   //   mismatch  #F by 3 list of per corner integer mismatch
453   // Outputs:
454   //   seams  #F by 3 list of per corner booleans that denotes if an edge is a
455   //     seam or not
456   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
457 const char *__doc_igl_deform_skeleton = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Deform a skeleton.
458   //
459   // Inputs:
460   //   C  #C by 3 list of joint positions
461   //   BE  #BE by 2 list of bone edge indices
462   //   vA  #BE list of bone transformations
463   // Outputs
464   //   CT  #BE*2 by 3 list of deformed joint positions
465   //   BET  #BE by 2 list of bone edge indices (maintains order)
466   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
467 const char *__doc_igl_directed_edge_orientations = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Determine rotations that take each edge from the x-axis to its given rest
468   // orientation.
469   //
470   // Inputs:
471   //   C  #C by 3 list of edge vertex positions
472   //   E  #E by 2 list of directed edges
473   // Outputs:
474   //   Q  #E list of quaternions
475   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
476 const char *__doc_igl_directed_edge_parents = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Recover "parents" (preceding edges) in a tree given just directed edges.
477   //
478   // Inputs:
479   //   E  #E by 2 list of directed edges
480   // Outputs:
481   //   P  #E list of parent indices into E (-1) means root
482   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
483 const char *__doc_igl_doublearea = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// DOUBLEAREA computes twice the area for each input triangle[quad]
484   //
485   // Templates:
486   //   DerivedV  derived type of eigen matrix for V (e.g. derived from
487   //     MatrixXd)
488   //   DerivedF  derived type of eigen matrix for F (e.g. derived from
489   //     MatrixXi)
490   //   DeriveddblA  derived type of eigen matrix for dblA (e.g. derived from
491   //     MatrixXd)
492   // Inputs:
493   //   V  #V by dim list of mesh vertex positions
494   //   F  #F by simplex_size list of mesh faces (must be triangles or quads)
495   // Outputs:
496   //   dblA  #F list of triangle[quad] double areas (SIGNED only for 2D input)
497   //
498   // Known bug: For dim==3 complexity is O(#V + #F)!! Not just O(#F). This is a big deal
499   // if you have 1million unreferenced vertices and 1 face)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
500 const char *__doc_igl_doublearea_single = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Single triangle in 2D!
501   //
502   // This should handle streams of corners not just single corners)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
503 const char *__doc_igl_doublearea_quad = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// DOUBLEAREA_QUAD computes twice the area for each input quadrilateral
504   //
505   // Inputs:
506   //   V  #V by dim list of mesh vertex positions
507   //   F  #F by simplex_size list of mesh faces (must be quadrilaterals)
508   // Outputs:
509   //   dblA  #F list of quadrilateral double areas
510   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
511 const char *__doc_igl_dqs = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Dual quaternion skinning
512   //
513   // Inputs:
514   //   V  #V by 3 list of rest positions
515   //   W  #W by #C list of weights
516   //   vQ  #C list of rotation quaternions
517   //   vT  #C list of translation vectors
518   // Outputs:
519   //   U  #V by 3 list of new positions)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
520 const char *__doc_igl_edge_lengths = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Constructs a list of lengths of edges opposite each index in a face
521   // (triangle/tet) list
522   //
523   // Templates:
524   //   DerivedV derived from vertex positions matrix type: i.e. MatrixXd
525   //   DerivedF derived from face indices matrix type: i.e. MatrixXi
526   //   DerivedL derived from edge lengths matrix type: i.e. MatrixXd
527   // Inputs:
528   //   V  eigen matrix #V by 3
529   //   F  #F by 2 list of mesh edges
530   //    or
531   //   F  #F by 3 list of mesh faces (must be triangles)
532   //    or
533   //   T  #T by 4 list of mesh elements (must be tets)
534   // Outputs:
535   //   L  #F by {1|3|6} list of edge lengths
536   //     for edges, column of lengths
537   //     for triangles, columns correspond to edges [1,2],[2,0],[0,1]
538   //     for tets, columns correspond to edges
539   //     [3 0],[3 1],[3 2],[1 2],[2 0],[0 1]
540   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
541 const char *__doc_igl_edge_topology = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Initialize Edges and their topological relations (assumes an edge-manifold
542   // mesh)
543   //
544   // Output:
545   // EV  : #Ex2, Stores the edge description as pair of indices to vertices
546   // FE : #Fx3, Stores the Triangle-Edge relation
547   // EF : #Ex2: Stores the Edge-Triangle relation
548   //
549   // TODO: This seems to be a inferior duplicate of edge_flaps.h:
550   //   - unused input parameter V
551   //   - roughly 2x slower than edge_flaps
552   //   - outputs less information: edge_flaps reveals corner opposite edge
553   //   - FE uses non-standard and ambiguous order: FE(f,c) is merely an edge
554   //     incident on corner c of face f. In contrast, edge_flaps's EMAP(f,c) reveals
555   //     the edge _opposite_ corner c of face f)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
556 const char *__doc_igl_eigs = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(See eigs for the documentation.)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
557 const char *__doc_igl_embree_ambient_occlusion = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute ambient occlusion per given point
558     //
559     // Inputs:
560     //    ei  EmbreeIntersector containing (V,F)
561     //    P  #P by 3 list of origin points
562     //    N  #P by 3 list of origin normals
563     // Outputs:
564     //    S  #P list of ambient occlusion values between 1 (fully occluded) and
565     //      0 (not occluded)
566     //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
567 const char *__doc_igl_embree_line_mesh_intersection = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Project the point cloud V_source onto the triangle mesh
568     // V_target,F_target.
569     // A ray is casted for every vertex in the direction specified by
570     // N_source and its opposite.
571     //
572     // Input:
573     // V_source: #Vx3 Vertices of the source mesh
574     // N_source: #Vx3 Normals of the point cloud
575     // V_target: #V2x3 Vertices of the target mesh
576     // F_target: #F2x3 Faces of the target mesh
577     //
578     // Output:
579     // #Vx3 matrix of baricentric coordinate. Each row corresponds to
580     // a vertex of the projected mesh and it has the following format:
581     // id b1 b2. id is the id of a face of the source mesh. b1 and b2 are
582     // the barycentric coordinates wrt the first two edges of the triangle
583     // To convert to standard global coordinates, see barycentric_to_global.h)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
584 const char *__doc_igl_embree_reorient_facets_raycast = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Orient each component (identified by C) of a mesh (V,F) using ambient
585     // occlusion such that the front side is less occluded than back side, as
586     // described in "A Simple Method for Correcting Facet Orientations in
587     // Polygon Meshes Based on Ray Casting" [Takayama et al. 2014].
588     //
589     // Inputs:
590     //   V  #V by 3 list of vertex positions
591     //   F  #F by 3 list of triangle indices
592     //   rays_total  Total number of rays that will be shot
593     //   rays_minimum  Minimum number of rays that each patch should receive
594     //   facet_wise  Decision made for each face independently, no use of patches
595     //     (i.e., each face is treated as a patch)
596     //   use_parity  Use parity mode
597     //   is_verbose  Verbose output to cout
598     // Outputs:
599     //   I  #F list of whether face has been flipped
600     //   C  #F list of patch ID (output of bfs_orient > manifold patches))igl_Qu8mg5v7";
601 const char *__doc_igl_exact_geodesic = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(
602     // Exact geodesic algorithm for triangular mesh with the implementation from https://code.google.com/archive/p/geodesic/,
603     // and the algorithm first described by Mitchell, Mount and Papadimitriou in 1987
604     //
605     // Inputs:
606     //   V  #V by 3 list of 3D vertex positions
607     //   F  #F by 3 list of mesh faces
608     //   VS #VS by 1 vector specifying indices of source vertices
609     //   FS #FS by 1 vector specifying indices of source faces
610     //   VT #VT by 1 vector specifying indices of target vertices
611     //   FT #FT by 1 vector specifying indices of target faces
612     // Output:
613     //   D  #VT+#FT by 1 vector of geodesic distances of each target w.r.t. the nearest one in the source set
614     //
615     // Note:
616     //      Specifying a face as target/source means its center.
617     //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
618 const char *__doc_igl_heat_geodesics_precompute = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(
619     // Precompute factorized solvers for computing a fast approximation of
620     // geodesic distances on a mesh (V,F). [Crane et al. 2013]
621     //
622     // Inputs:
623     //   V  #V by dim list of mesh vertex positions
624     //   F  #F by 3 list of mesh face indices into V
625     // Outputs:
626     //   data  precomputation data (see heat_geodesics_solve)
627     //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
628 const char *__doc_igl_heat_geodesics_solve = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(
629     // Compute fast approximate geodesic distances using precomputed data from a
630     // set of selected source vertices (gamma)
631     //
632     // Inputs:
633     //   data  precomputation data (see heat_geodesics_precompute)
634     //   gamma  #gamma list of indices into V of source vertices
635     // Outputs:
636     //   D  #V list of distances to gamma
637     //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
638 const char *__doc_igl_find_cross_field_singularities = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Inputs:
639   //   V                #V by 3 eigen Matrix of mesh vertex 3D positions
640   //   F                #F by 3 eigen Matrix of face (quad) indices
641   //   Handle_MMatch    #F by 3 eigen Matrix containing the integer mismatch of the cross field
642   //                    across all face edges
643   // Output:
644   //   isSingularity    #V by 1 boolean eigen Vector indicating the presence of a singularity on a vertex
645   //   singularityIndex #V by 1 integer eigen Vector containing the singularity indices
646   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
647 const char *__doc_igl_fit_rotations = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Known issues: This seems to be implemented in Eigen/Geometry:
648   // Eigen::umeyama
649   //
650   // FIT_ROTATIONS Given an input mesh and new positions find rotations for
651   // every covariance matrix in a stack of covariance matrices
652   //
653   // Inputs:
654   //   S  nr*dim by dim stack of covariance matrices
655   //   single_precision  whether to use single precision (faster)
656   // Outputs:
657   //   R  dim by dim * nr list of rotations
658   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
659 const char *__doc_igl_fit_rotations_planar = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// FIT_ROTATIONS Given an input mesh and new positions find 2D rotations for
660   // every vertex that best maps its one ring to the new one ring
661   //
662   // Inputs:
663   //   S  nr*dim by dim stack of covariance matrices, third column and every
664   //   third row will be ignored
665   // Outputs:
666   //   R  dim by dim * nr list of rotations, third row and third column of each
667   //   rotation will just be identity
668   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
669 const char *__doc_igl_fit_rotations_SSE = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(See fit_rotations_SSE for the documentation.)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
670 const char *__doc_igl_floor = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Floor a given matrix to nearest integers
671   //
672   // Inputs:
673   //   X  m by n matrix of scalars
674   // Outputs:
675   //   Y  m by n matrix of floored integers)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
676 const char *__doc_igl_forward_kinematics = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Given a skeleton and a set of relative bone rotations compute absolute
677   // rigid transformations for each bone.
678   //
679   // Inputs:
680   //   C  #C by dim list of joint positions
681   //   BE  #BE by 2 list of bone edge indices
682   //   P  #BE list of parent indices into BE
683   //   dQ  #BE list of relative rotations
684   //   dT  #BE list of relative translations
685   // Outputs:
686   //   vQ  #BE list of absolute rotations
687   //   vT  #BE list of absolute translations)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
688 const char *__doc_igl_gaussian_curvature = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute discrete local integral gaussian curvature (angle deficit, without
689   // averaging by local area).
690   //
691   // Inputs:
692   //   V  #V by 3 eigen Matrix of mesh vertex 3D positions
693   //   F  #F by 3 eigen Matrix of face (triangle) indices
694   // Output:
695   //   K  #V by 1 eigen Matrix of discrete gaussian curvature values
696   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
697 const char *__doc_igl_get_seconds = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Return the current time in seconds since program start
698   //
699   // Example:
700   //    const auto & tictoc = []()
701   //    {
702   //      static double t_start = igl::get_seconds();
703   //      double diff = igl::get_seconds()-t_start;
704   //      t_start += diff;
705   //      return diff;
706   //    };
707   //    tictoc();
708   //    ... // part 1
709   //    cout<<"part 1: "<<tictoc()<<endl;
710   //    ... // part 2
711   //    cout<<"part 2: "<<tictoc()<<endl;
712   //    ... // etc)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
713 const char *__doc_igl_grad = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Gradient of a scalar function defined on piecewise linear elements (mesh)
714   // is constant on each triangle [tetrahedron] i,j,k:
715   // grad(Xijk) = (Xj-Xi) * (Vi - Vk)^R90 / 2A + (Xk-Xi) * (Vj - Vi)^R90 / 2A
716   // where Xi is the scalar value at vertex i, Vi is the 3D position of vertex
717   // i, and A is the area of triangle (i,j,k). ^R90 represent a rotation of
718   // 90 degrees
719   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
720 const char *__doc_igl_harmonic = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute k-harmonic weight functions "coordinates".
721   //
722   //
723   // Inputs:
724   //   V  #V by dim vertex positions
725   //   F  #F by simplex-size list of element indices
726   //   b  #b boundary indices into V
727   //   bc #b by #W list of boundary values
728   //   k  power of harmonic operation (1: harmonic, 2: biharmonic, etc)
729   // Outputs:
730   //   W  #V by #W list of weights
731   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
732 const char *__doc_igl_hsv_to_rgb = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Convert RGB to HSV
733   //
734   // Inputs:
735   //   h  hue value (degrees: [0,360])
736   //   s  saturation value ([0,1])
737   //   v  value value ([0,1])
738   // Outputs:
739   //   r  red value ([0,1])
740   //   g  green value ([0,1])
741   //   b  blue value ([0,1]))igl_Qu8mg5v7";
742 const char *__doc_igl_internal_angles = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute internal angles for a triangle mesh
743   //
744   // Inputs:
745   //   V  #V by dim eigen Matrix of mesh vertex nD positions
746   //   F  #F by poly-size eigen Matrix of face (triangle) indices
747   // Output:
748   //   K  #F by poly-size eigen Matrix of internal angles
749   //     for triangles, columns correspond to edges [1,2],[2,0],[0,1]
750   //
751   // Known Issues:
752   //   if poly-size ≠ 3 then dim must equal 3.)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
753 const char *__doc_igl_internal_angles_using_squared_edge_lengths = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Inputs:
754   //   L_sq  #F by 3 list of squared edge lengths
755   // Output:
756   //   K  #F by poly-size eigen Matrix of internal angles
757   //     for triangles, columns correspond to edges [1,2],[2,0],[0,1]
758   //
759   // Note:
760   //   Usage of internal_angles_using_squared_edge_lengths is preferred to internal_angles_using_squared_edge_lengths)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
761 const char *__doc_igl_internal_angles_using_edge_lengths = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Inputs:
762   //   L  #F by 3 list of edge lengths
763   // Output:
764   //   K  #F by poly-size eigen Matrix of internal angles
765   //     for triangles, columns correspond to edges [1,2],[2,0],[0,1]
766   //
767   // Note:
768   //   Usage of internal_angles_using_squared_edge_lengths is preferred to internal_angles_using_squared_edge_lengths
769   //   This function is deprecated and probably will be removed in future versions)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
770 const char *__doc_igl_invert_diag = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Templates:
771   //   T  should be a eigen sparse matrix primitive type like int or double
772   // Inputs:
773   //   X  an m by n sparse matrix
774   // Outputs:
775   //   Y  an m by n sparse matrix)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
776 const char *__doc_igl_is_irregular_vertex = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Determine if a vertex is irregular, i.e. it has more than 6 (triangles)
777   // or 4 (quads) incident edges. Vertices on the boundary are ignored.
778   //
779   // Inputs:
780   //   V  #V by dim list of vertex positions
781   //   F  #F by 3[4] list of triangle[quads] indices
782   // Returns #V vector of bools revealing whether vertices are singular
783   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
784 const char *__doc_igl_jet = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// JET like MATLAB's jet
785   //
786   // Inputs:
787   //   m  number of colors
788   // Outputs:
789   //   J  m by list of RGB colors between 0 and 1
790   //
791 //#ifndef IGL_NO_EIGEN
792 //  void jet(const int m, Eigen::MatrixXd & J);
793 //#endif
794   // Wrapper for directly computing [r,g,b] values for a given factor f between
795   // 0 and 1
796   //
797   // Inputs:
798   //   f  factor determining color value as if 0 was min and 1 was max
799   // Outputs:
800   //   r  red value
801   //   g  green value
802   //   b  blue value)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
803 const char *__doc_igl_lbs_matrix = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// LBS_MATRIX Linear blend skinning can be expressed by V' = M * T where V' is
804   // a #V by dim matrix of deformed vertex positions (one vertex per row), M is a
805   // #V by (dim+1)*#T (composed of weights and rest positions) and T is a
806   // #T*(dim+1) by dim matrix of #T stacked transposed transformation matrices.
807   // See equations (1) and (2) in "Fast Automatic Skinning Transformations"
808   // [Jacobson et al 2012]
809   //
810   // Inputs:
811   //   V  #V by dim list of rest positions
812   //   W  #V+ by #T  list of weights
813   // Outputs:
814   //   M  #V by #T*(dim+1)
815   //
816   // In MATLAB:
817   //   kron(ones(1,size(W,2)),[V ones(size(V,1),1)]).*kron(W,ones(1,size(V,2)+1)))igl_Qu8mg5v7";
818 const char *__doc_igl_lbs_matrix_column = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// LBS_MATRIX  construct a matrix that when multiplied against a column of
819   // affine transformation entries computes new coordinates of the vertices
820   //
821   // I'm not sure it makes since that the result is stored as a sparse matrix.
822   // The number of non-zeros per row *is* dependent on the number of mesh
823   // vertices and handles.
824   //
825   // Inputs:
826   //   V  #V by dim list of vertex rest positions
827   //   W  #V by #handles list of correspondence weights
828   // Output:
829   //   M  #V * dim by #handles * dim * (dim+1) matrix such that
830   //     new_V(:) = LBS(V,W,A) = reshape(M * A,size(V)), where A is a column
831   //     vectors formed by the entries in each handle's dim by dim+1
832   //     transformation matrix. Specifcally, A =
833   //       reshape(permute(Astack,[3 1 2]),n*dim*(dim+1),1)
834   //     or A = [Lxx;Lyx;Lxy;Lyy;tx;ty], and likewise for other dim
835   //     if Astack(:,:,i) is the dim by (dim+1) transformation at handle i)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
836 const char *__doc_igl_local_basis = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute a local orthogonal reference system for each triangle in the given mesh
837   // Templates:
838   //   DerivedV derived from vertex positions matrix type: i.e. MatrixXd
839   //   DerivedF derived from face indices matrix type: i.e. MatrixXi
840   // Inputs:
841   //   V  eigen matrix #V by 3
842   //   F  #F by 3 list of mesh faces (must be triangles)
843   // Outputs:
844   //   B1 eigen matrix #F by 3, each vector is tangent to the triangle
845   //   B2 eigen matrix #F by 3, each vector is tangent to the triangle and perpendicular to B1
846   //   B3 eigen matrix #F by 3, normal of the triangle
847   //
848   // See also: adjacency_matrix)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
849 const char *__doc_igl_lscm = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute a Least-squares conformal map parametrization (equivalently
850   // derived in "Intrinsic Parameterizations of Surface Meshes" [Desbrun et al.
851   // 2002] and "Least Squares Conformal Maps for Automatic Texture Atlas
852   // Generation" [Lévy et al. 2002]), though this implementation follows the
853   // derivation in: "Spectral Conformal Parameterization" [Mullen et al. 2008]
854   // (note, this does **not** implement the Eigen-decomposition based method in
855   // [Mullen et al. 2008], which is not equivalent). Input should be a manifold
856   // mesh (also no unreferenced vertices) and "boundary" (fixed vertices) `b`
857   // should contain at least two vertices per connected component.
858   //
859   // Inputs:
860   //   V  #V by 3 list of mesh vertex positions
861   //   F  #F by 3 list of mesh faces (must be triangles)
862   //   b  #b boundary indices into V
863   //   bc #b by 3 list of boundary values
864   // Outputs:
865   //   UV #V by 2 list of 2D mesh vertex positions in UV space
866   // Returns true only on solver success.
867   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
868 const char *__doc_igl_map_vertices_to_circle = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Map the vertices whose indices are in a given boundary loop (bnd) on the
869   // unit circle with spacing proportional to the original boundary edge
870   // lengths.
871   //
872   // Inputs:
873   //   V  #V by dim list of mesh vertex positions
874   //   b  #W list of vertex ids
875   // Outputs:
876   //   UV   #W by 2 list of 2D position on the unit circle for the vertices in b)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
877 const char *__doc_igl_massmatrix = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Constructs the mass (area) matrix for a given mesh (V,F).
878   //
879   // Templates:
880   //   DerivedV  derived type of eigen matrix for V (e.g. derived from
881   //     MatrixXd)
882   //   DerivedF  derived type of eigen matrix for F (e.g. derived from
883   //     MatrixXi)
884   //   Scalar  scalar type for eigen sparse matrix (e.g. double)
885   // Inputs:
886   //   V  #V by dim list of mesh vertex positions
887   //   F  #F by simplex_size list of mesh faces (must be triangles)
888   //   type  one of the following ints:
889   //     MASSMATRIX_TYPE_BARYCENTRIC  barycentric
890   //     MASSMATRIX_TYPE_VORONOI voronoi-hybrid {default}
891   //     MASSMATRIX_TYPE_FULL full {not implemented}
892   // Outputs:
893   //   M  #V by #V mass matrix
894   //
895   // See also: adjacency_matrix
896   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
897 const char *__doc_igl_min_quad_with_fixed_precompute = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Known Bugs: rows of Aeq **should probably** be linearly independent.
898   // During precomputation, the rows of a Aeq are checked via QR. But in case
899   // they're not then resulting probably will no longer be sparse: it will be
900   // slow.
901   //
902   // MIN_QUAD_WITH_FIXED Minimize a quadratic energy of the form
903   //
904   // trace( 0.5*Z'*A*Z + Z'*B + constant )
905   //
906   // subject to
907   //
908   //   Z(known,:) = Y, and
909   //   Aeq*Z = Beq
910   //
911   // Templates:
912   //   T  should be a eigen matrix primitive type like int or double
913   // Inputs:
914   //   A  n by n matrix of quadratic coefficients
915   //   known list of indices to known rows in Z
916   //   Y  list of fixed values corresponding to known rows in Z
917   //   Aeq  m by n list of linear equality constraint coefficients
918   //   pd flag specifying whether A(unknown,unknown) is positive definite
919   // Outputs:
920   //   data  factorization struct with all necessary information to solve
921   //     using min_quad_with_fixed_solve
922   // Returns true on success, false on error
923   //
924   // Benchmark: For a harmonic solve on a mesh with 325K facets, matlab 2.2
925   // secs, igl/min_quad_with_fixed.h 7.1 secs
926   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
927 const char *__doc_igl_min_quad_with_fixed_solve = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Solves a system previously factored using min_quad_with_fixed_precompute
928   //
929   // Template:
930   //   T  type of sparse matrix (e.g. double)
931   //   DerivedY  type of Y (e.g. derived from VectorXd or MatrixXd)
932   //   DerivedZ  type of Z (e.g. derived from VectorXd or MatrixXd)
933   // Inputs:
934   //   data  factorization struct with all necessary precomputation to solve
935   //   B  n by k column of linear coefficients
936   //   Y  b by k list of constant fixed values
937   //   Beq  m by k list of linear equality constraint constant values
938   // Outputs:
939   //   Z  n by k solution
940   //   sol  #unknowns+#lagrange by k solution to linear system
941   // Returns true on success, false on error)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
942 const char *__doc_igl_min_quad_with_fixed = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(See min_quad_with_fixed for the documentation.)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
943 const char *__doc_igl_normalize_row_lengths = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Obsolete: just use A.rowwise().normalize() or B=A.rowwise().normalized();
944   //
945   // Normalize the rows in A so that their lengths are each 1 and place the new
946   // entries in B
947   // Inputs:
948   //   A  #rows by k input matrix
949   // Outputs:
950   //   B  #rows by k input matrix, can be the same as A)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
951 const char *__doc_igl_normalize_row_sums = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Normalize the rows in A so that their sums are each 1 and place the new
952   // entries in B
953   // Inputs:
954   //   A  #rows by k input matrix
955   // Outputs:
956   //   B  #rows by k input matrix, can be the same as A
957   //
958   // Note: This is just calling an Eigen one-liner.)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
959 const char *__doc_igl_parula = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// PARULA like MATLAB's parula
960   //
961   // Inputs:
962   //   m  number of colors
963   // Outputs:
964   //   J  m by list of RGB colors between 0 and 1
965   //
966   // Wrapper for directly computing [r,g,b] values for a given factor f between
967   // 0 and 1
968   //
969   // Inputs:
970   //   f  factor determining color value as if 0 was min and 1 was max
971   // Outputs:
972   //   r  red value
973   //   g  green value
974   //   b  blue value)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
975 const char *__doc_igl_per_corner_normals = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute vertex normals via vertex position list, face list
976   // Inputs:
977   //   V  #V by 3 eigen Matrix of mesh vertex 3D positions
978   //   F  #F by 3 eigne Matrix of face (triangle) indices
979   //   corner_threshold  threshold in degrees on sharp angles
980   // Output:
981   //   CN  #F*3 by 3 eigen Matrix of mesh vertex 3D normals, where the normal
982   //     for corner F(i,j) is at CN(i*3+j,:) )igl_Qu8mg5v7";
983 const char *__doc_igl_per_edge_normals = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute face normals via vertex position list, face list
984   // Inputs:
985   //   V  #V by 3 eigen Matrix of mesh vertex 3D positions
986   //   F  #F by 3 eigen Matrix of face (triangle) indices
987   //   weight  weighting type
988   //   FN  #F by 3 matrix of 3D face normals per face
989   // Output:
990   //   N  #2 by 3 matrix of mesh edge 3D normals per row
991   //   E  #E by 2 matrix of edge indices per row
992   //   EMAP  #E by 1 matrix of indices from all edges to E
993   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
994 const char *__doc_igl_per_face_normals = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute face normals via vertex position list, face list
995   // Inputs:
996   //   V  #V by 3 eigen Matrix of mesh vertex 3D positions
997   //   F  #F by 3 eigen Matrix of face (triangle) indices
998   //   Z  3 vector normal given to faces with degenerate normal.
999   // Output:
1000   //   N  #F by 3 eigen Matrix of mesh face (triangle) 3D normals
1001   //
1002   // Example:
1003   //   // Give degenerate faces (1/3,1/3,1/3)^0.5
1004   //   per_face_normals(V,F,Vector3d(1,1,1).normalized(),N);)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1005 const char *__doc_igl_per_face_normals_stable = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Special version where order of face indices is guaranteed not to effect
1006   // output.)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1007 const char *__doc_igl_per_vertex_normals = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute vertex normals via vertex position list, face list
1008   // Inputs:
1009   //   V  #V by 3 eigen Matrix of mesh vertex 3D positions
1010   //   F  #F by 3 eigne Matrix of face (triangle) indices
1011   //   weighting  Weighting type
1012   // Output:
1013   //   N  #V by 3 eigen Matrix of mesh vertex 3D normals)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1014 const char *__doc_igl_planarize_quad_mesh = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Inputs:
1015   //   Vin        #V by 3 eigen Matrix of mesh vertex 3D positions
1016   //   F          #F by 4 eigen Matrix of face (quad) indices
1017   //   maxIter    maximum numbers of iterations
1018   //   threshold  minimum allowed threshold for non-planarity
1019   // Output:
1020   //   Vout       #V by 3 eigen Matrix of planar mesh vertex 3D positions
1021   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1022 const char *__doc_igl_png_readPNG = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Read an image from a .png file into 4 memory buffers
1023     //
1024     // Input:
1025     //  png_file  path to .png file
1026     // Output:
1027     //  R,G,B,A texture channels
1028     // Returns true on success, false on failure
1029     //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1030 const char *__doc_igl_png_writePNG = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Writes an image to a png file
1031     //
1032     // Input:
1033     //  R,G,B,A texture channels
1034     // Output:
1035     //  png_file  path to .png file
1036     // Returns true on success, false on failure
1037     //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1038 const char *__doc_igl_point_mesh_squared_distance = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute distances from a set of points P to a triangle mesh (V,F)
1039   //
1040   // Inputs:
1041   //   P  #P by 3 list of query point positions
1042   //   V  #V by 3 list of vertex positions
1043   //   Ele  #Ele by (3|2|1) list of (triangle|edge|point) indices
1044   // Outputs:
1045   //   sqrD  #P list of smallest squared distances
1046   //   I  #P list of primitive indices corresponding to smallest distances
1047   //   C  #P by 3 list of closest points
1048   //
1049   // Known bugs: This only computes distances to given primitivess. So
1050   // unreferenced vertices are ignored. However, degenerate primitives are
1051   // handled correctly: triangle [1 2 2] is treated as a segment [1 2], and
1052   // triangle [1 1 1] is treated as a point. So one _could_ add extra
1053   // combinatorially degenerate rows to Ele for all unreferenced vertices to
1054   // also get distances to points.)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1055 const char *__doc_igl_polar_svd = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Computes the polar decomposition (R,T) of a matrix A using SVD singular
1056   // value decomposition
1057   //
1058   // Inputs:
1059   //   A  3 by 3 matrix to be decomposed
1060   // Outputs:
1061   //   R  3 by 3 rotation matrix part of decomposition (**always rotataion**)
1062   //   T  3 by 3 stretch matrix part of decomposition
1063   //   U  3 by 3 left-singular vectors
1064   //   S  3 by 1 singular values
1065   //   V  3 by 3 right-singular vectors
1066   //
1067   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1068 const char *__doc_igl_principal_curvature = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute the principal curvature directions and magnitude of the given triangle mesh
1069   //   DerivedV derived from vertex positions matrix type: i.e. MatrixXd
1070   //   DerivedF derived from face indices matrix type: i.e. MatrixXi
1071   // Inputs:
1072   //   V       eigen matrix #V by 3
1073   //   F       #F by 3 list of mesh faces (must be triangles)
1074   //   radius  controls the size of the neighbourhood used, 1 = average edge length
1075   //
1076   // Outputs:
1077   //   PD1 #V by 3 maximal curvature direction for each vertex.
1078   //   PD2 #V by 3 minimal curvature direction for each vertex.
1079   //   PV1 #V by 1 maximal curvature value for each vertex.
1080   //   PV2 #V by 1 minimal curvature value for each vertex.
1081   //
1082   // See also: average_onto_faces, average_onto_vertices
1083   //
1084   // This function has been developed by: Nikolas De Giorgis, Luigi Rocca and Enrico Puppo.
1085   // The algorithm is based on:
1086   // Efficient Multi-scale Curvature and Crease Estimation
1087   // Daniele Panozzo, Enrico Puppo, Luigi Rocca
1088   // GraVisMa, 2010)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1089 const char *__doc_igl_quad_planarity = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute planarity of the faces of a quad mesh
1090   // Inputs:
1091   //   V  #V by 3 eigen Matrix of mesh vertex 3D positions
1092   //   F  #F by 4 eigen Matrix of face (quad) indices
1093   // Output:
1094   //   P  #F by 1 eigen Matrix of mesh face (quad) planarities
1095   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1096 const char *__doc_igl_randperm = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Like matlab's randperm(n) but minus 1
1097   //
1098   // Inputs:
1099   //   n  number of elements
1100   // Outputs:
1101   //   I  n list of rand permutation of 0:n-1)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1102 const char *__doc_igl_readDMAT = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(See readDMAT for the documentation.)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1103 const char *__doc_igl_readMESH = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// load a tetrahedral volume mesh from a .mesh file
1104   //
1105   // Templates:
1106   //   Scalar  type for positions and vectors (will be read as double and cast
1107   //     to Scalar)
1108   //   Index  type for indices (will be read as int and cast to Index)
1109   // Input:
1110   //   mesh_file_name  path of .mesh file
1111   // Outputs:
1112   //   V  double matrix of vertex positions  #V by 3
1113   //   T  #T list of tet indices into vertex positions
1114   //   F  #F list of face indices into vertex positions
1115   //
1116   // Known bugs: Holes and regions are not supported)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1117 const char *__doc_igl_readOBJ = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Read a mesh from an ascii obj file, filling in vertex positions, normals
1118   // and texture coordinates. Mesh may have faces of any number of degree
1119   //
1120   // Templates:
1121   //   Scalar  type for positions and vectors (will be read as double and cast
1122   //     to Scalar)
1123   //   Index  type for indices (will be read as int and cast to Index)
1124   // Inputs:
1125   //  str  path to .obj file
1126   // Outputs:
1127   //   V  double matrix of vertex positions  #V by 3
1128   //   TC  double matrix of texture coordinats #TC by 2
1129   //   N  double matrix of corner normals #N by 3
1130   //   F  #F list of face indices into vertex positions
1131   //   FTC  #F list of face indices into vertex texture coordinates
1132   //   FN  #F list of face indices into vertex normals
1133   // Returns true on success, false on errors)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1134 const char *__doc_igl_readOFF = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Read a mesh from an ascii OFF file, filling in vertex positions, normals
1135   // and texture coordinates. Mesh may have faces of any number of degree
1136   //
1137   // Templates:
1138   //   Scalar  type for positions and vectors (will be read as double and cast
1139   //     to Scalar)
1140   //   Index  type for indices (will be read as int and cast to Index)
1141   // Inputs:
1142   //  str  path to .obj file
1143   // Outputs:
1144   //   V  double matrix of vertex positions  #V by 3
1145   //   F  #F list of face indices into vertex positions
1146   //   N  list of vertex normals #V by 3
1147   //   C  list of rgb color values per vertex #V by 3
1148   // Returns true on success, false on errors)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1149 const char *__doc_igl_readTGF = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// READTGF
1150   //
1151   // [V,E,P,BE,CE,PE] = readTGF(filename)
1152   //
1153   // Read a graph from a .tgf file
1154   //
1155   // Input:
1156   //  filename  .tgf file name
1157   // Output:
1158   //  V  # vertices by 3 list of vertex positions
1159   //  E  # edges by 2 list of edge indices
1160   //  P  # point-handles list of point handle indices
1161   //  BE # bone-edges by 2 list of bone-edge indices
1162   //  CE # cage-edges by 2 list of cage-edge indices
1163   //  PE # pseudo-edges by 2 list of pseudo-edge indices
1164   //
1165   // Assumes that graph vertices are 3 dimensional)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1166 const char *__doc_igl_read_triangle_mesh = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// read mesh from an ascii file with automatic detection of file format.
1167   // supported: obj, off, stl, wrl, ply, mesh)
1168   //
1169   // Templates:
1170   //   Scalar  type for positions and vectors (will be read as double and cast
1171   //     to Scalar)
1172   //   Index  type for indices (will be read as int and cast to Index)
1173   // Inputs:
1174   //   str  path to file
1175   // Outputs:
1176   //   V  eigen double matrix #V by 3
1177   //   F  eigen int matrix #F by 3
1178   // Returns true iff success)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1179 const char *__doc_igl_remove_duplicate_vertices = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// REMOVE_DUPLICATE_VERTICES Remove duplicate vertices upto a uniqueness
1180   // tolerance (epsilon)
1181   //
1182   // Inputs:
1183   //   V  #V by dim list of vertex positions
1184   //   epsilon  uniqueness tolerance (significant digit), can probably think of
1185   //     this as a tolerance on L1 distance
1186   // Outputs:
1187   //   SV  #SV by dim new list of vertex positions
1188   //   SVI #V by 1 list of indices so SV = V(SVI,:)
1189   //   SVJ #SV by 1 list of indices so V = SV(SVJ,:)
1190   //
1191   // Example:
1192   //   % Mesh in (V,F)
1193   //   [SV,SVI,SVJ] = remove_duplicate_vertices(V,1e-7);
1194   //   % remap faces
1195   //   SF = SVJ(F);
1196   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1197 const char *__doc_igl_rotate_vectors = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Rotate the vectors V by A radiants on the tangent plane spanned by B1 and
1198   // B2
1199   //
1200   // Inputs:
1201   //   V     #V by 3 eigen Matrix of vectors
1202   //   A     #V eigen vector of rotation angles or a single angle to be applied
1203   //     to all vectors
1204   //   B1    #V by 3 eigen Matrix of base vector 1
1205   //   B2    #V by 3 eigen Matrix of base vector 2
1206   //
1207   // Output:
1208   //   Returns the rotated vectors
1209   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1210 const char *__doc_igl_setdiff = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Set difference of elements of matrices
1211   //
1212   // Inputs:
1213   //   A  m-long vector of indices
1214   //   B  n-long vector of indices
1215   // Outputs:
1216   //   C  (k<=m)-long vector of unique elements appearing in A but not in B
1217   //   IA  (k<=m)-long list of indices into A so that C = A(IA)
1218   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1219 const char *__doc_igl_shape_diameter_function = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Compute shape diamater function per given point. In the parlence of the
1220   // paper "Consistent Mesh Partitioning and Skeletonisation using the Shape
1221   // Diameter Function" [Shapiro et al. 2008], this implementation uses a 180°
1222   // cone and a _uniform_ average (_not_ a average weighted by inverse angles).
1223   //
1224   // Inputs:
1225   //    shoot_ray  function handle that outputs hits of a given ray against a
1226   //      mesh (embedded in function handles as captured variable/data)
1227   //    P  #P by 3 list of origin points
1228   //    N  #P by 3 list of origin normals
1229   // Outputs:
1230   //    S  #P list of shape diamater function values between bounding box
1231   //    diagonal (perfect sphere) and 0 (perfect needle hook)
1232   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1233 const char *__doc_igl_signed_distance = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Computes signed distance to a mesh
1234   //
1235   // Inputs:
1236   //   P  #P by 3 list of query point positions
1237   //   V  #V by 3 list of vertex positions
1238   //   F  #F by ss list of triangle indices, ss should be 3 unless sign_type ==
1240   //   sign_type  method for computing distance _sign_ S
1241   // Outputs:
1242   //   S  #P list of smallest signed distances
1243   //   I  #P list of facet indices corresponding to smallest distances
1244   //   C  #P by 3 list of closest points
1245   //   N  #P by 3 list of closest normals (only set if
1247   //
1248   // Known bugs: This only computes distances to triangles. So unreferenced
1249   // vertices and degenerate triangles are ignored.)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1250 const char *__doc_igl_signed_distance_pseudonormal = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Computes signed distance to mesh
1251   //
1252   // Inputs:
1253   //   tree  AABB acceleration tree (see AABB.h)
1254   //   F  #F by 3 list of triangle indices
1255   //   FN  #F by 3 list of triangle normals
1256   //   VN  #V by 3 list of vertex normals (ANGLE WEIGHTING)
1257   //   EN  #E by 3 list of edge normals (UNIFORM WEIGHTING)
1258   //   EMAP  #F*3 mapping edges in F to E
1259   //   q  Query point
1260   // Returns signed distance to mesh
1261   //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1262 const char *__doc_igl_signed_distance_winding_number = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Inputs:
1263   //   tree  AABB acceleration tree (see cgal/point_mesh_squared_distance.h)
1264   //   hier  Winding number evaluation hierarchy
1265   //   q  Query point
1266   // Returns signed distance to mesh)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1267 const char *__doc_igl_slice = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Act like the matlab X(row_indices,col_indices) operator, where
1268   // row_indices, col_indices are non-negative integer indices.
1269   //
1270   // Inputs:
1271   //   X  m by n matrix
1272   //   R  list of row indices
1273   //   C  list of column indices
1274   // Output:
1275   //   Y  #R by #C matrix
1276   //
1277   // See also: slice_mask)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1278 const char *__doc_igl_slice_into = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Act like the matlab Y(row_indices,col_indices) = X
1279   //
1280   // Inputs:
1281   //   X  xm by xn rhs matrix
1282   //   R  list of row indices
1283   //   C  list of column indices
1284   //   Y  ym by yn lhs matrix
1285   // Output:
1286   //   Y  ym by yn lhs matrix, same as input but Y(R,C) = X)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1287 const char *__doc_igl_slice_mask = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Act like the matlab X(row_mask,col_mask) operator, where
1288   // row_mask, col_mask are non-negative integer indices.
1289   //
1290   // Inputs:
1291   //   X  m by n matrix
1292   //   R  m list of row bools
1293   //   C  n list of column bools
1294   // Output:
1295   //   Y  #trues-in-R by #trues-in-C matrix
1296   //
1297   // See also: slice_mask)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1298 const char *__doc_igl_marching_tets = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// SLICE_TETS Slice through a tet mesh (V,T) along a given plane (via its
1299   // implicit equation).
1300   //
1301   // Inputs:
1302   //   V  #V by 3 list of tet mesh vertices
1303   //   T  #T by 4 list of tet indices into V
1304   //   plane  list of 4 coefficients in the plane equation: [x y z 1]'*plane = 0
1305   //   Optional:
1306   //     'Manifold' followed by whether to stitch together triangles into a
1307   //       manifold mesh {true}: results in more compact U but slightly slower.
1308   // Outputs:
1309   //   U  #U by 3 list of triangle mesh vertices along slice
1310   //   G  #G by 3 list of triangles indices into U
1311   //   J  #G list of indices into T revealing from which tet each faces comes
1312   //   BC  #U by #V list of barycentric coordinates (or more generally: linear
1313   //     interpolation coordinates) so that U = BC*V
1314   // )igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1315 const char *__doc_igl_sortrows = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Act like matlab's [Y,I] = sortrows(X)
1316   //
1317   // Templates:
1318   //   DerivedX derived scalar type, e.g. MatrixXi or MatrixXd
1319   //   DerivedI derived integer type, e.g. MatrixXi
1320   // Inputs:
1321   //   X  m by n matrix whose entries are to be sorted
1322   //   ascending  sort ascending (true, matlab default) or descending (false)
1323   // Outputs:
1324   //   Y  m by n matrix whose entries are sorted (**should not** be same
1325   //     reference as X)
1326   //   I  m list of indices so that
1327   //     Y = X(I,:);)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1328 const char *__doc_igl_streamlines_init = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Given a mesh and a field the function computes the /data/ necessary for tracing the field'
1329     // streamlines, and creates the initial /state/ for the tracing.
1330     // Inputs:
1331     //   V             #V by 3 list of mesh vertex coordinates
1332     //   F             #F by 3 list of mesh faces
1333     //   temp_field    #F by 3n list of the 3D coordinates of the per-face vectors
1334     //                    (n-degrees stacked horizontally for each triangle)
1335     //   treat_as_symmetric
1336     //              if true, adds n symmetry directions to the field (N = 2n). Else N = n
1337     //   percentage    [0-1] percentage of faces sampled
1338     // Outputs:
1339     //   data          struct containing topology information of the mesh and field
1340     //   state         struct containing the state of the tracing)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1341 const char *__doc_igl_streamlines_next = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// The function computes the next state for each point in the sample
1342     //   V             #V by 3 list of mesh vertex coordinates
1343     //   F             #F by 3 list of mesh faces
1344     //   data          struct containing topology information
1345     //   state         struct containing the state of the tracing)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1346 const char *__doc_igl_triangle_triangle_adjacency = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Constructs the triangle-triangle adjacency matrix for a given
1347   // mesh (V,F).
1348   //
1349   // Templates:
1350   //   Scalar derived type of eigen matrix for V (e.g. derived from
1351   //     MatrixXd)
1352   //   Index  derived type of eigen matrix for F (e.g. derived from
1353   //     MatrixXi)
1354   // Inputs:
1355   //   F  #F by simplex_size list of mesh faces (must be triangles)
1356   // Outputs:
1357   //   TT   #F by #3 adjacent matrix, the element i,j is the id of the triangle adjacent to the j edge of triangle i
1358   //   TTi  #F by #3 adjacent matrix, the element i,j is the id of edge of the triangle TT(i,j) that is adjacent with triangle i
1359   // NOTE: the first edge of a triangle is [0,1] the second [1,2] and the third [2,3].
1360   //       this convention is DIFFERENT from cotmatrix_entries.h
1361   // Known bug: this should not need to take V as input.)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1362 const char *__doc_igl_triangle_triangle_adjacency_preprocess = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Preprocessing)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1363 const char *__doc_igl_triangle_triangle_adjacency_extractTT = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Extract the face adjacencies)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1364 const char *__doc_igl_triangle_triangle_adjacency_extractTTi = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Extract the face adjacencies indices (needed for fast traversal))igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1365 const char *__doc_igl_triangle_triangulate = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Triangulate the interior of a polygon using the triangle library.
1366     //
1367     // Inputs:
1368     //   V #V by 2 list of 2D vertex positions
1369     //   E #E by 2 list of vertex ids forming unoriented edges of the boundary of the polygon
1370     //   H #H by 2 coordinates of points contained inside holes of the polygon
1371     //   flags  string of options pass to triangle (see triangle documentation)
1372     // Outputs:
1373     //   V2  #V2 by 2  coordinates of the vertives of the generated triangulation
1374     //   F2  #F2 by 3  list of indices forming the faces of the generated triangulation
1375     //)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1376 const char *__doc_igl_unique = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Act like matlab's [C,IA,IC] = unique(X)
1377   //
1378   // Templates:
1379   //   T  comparable type T
1380   // Inputs:
1381   //   A  #A vector of type T
1382   // Outputs:
1383   //   C  #C vector of unique entries in A
1384   //   IA  #C index vector so that C = A(IA);
1385   //   IC  #A index vector so that A = C(IC);)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1386 const char *__doc_igl_unique_rows = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Act like matlab's [C,IA,IC] = unique(X,'rows')
1387   //
1388   // Templates:
1389   //   DerivedA derived scalar type, e.g. MatrixXi or MatrixXd
1390   //   DerivedIA derived integer type, e.g. MatrixXi
1391   //   DerivedIC derived integer type, e.g. MatrixXi
1392   // Inputs:
1393   //   A  m by n matrix whose entries are to unique'd according to rows
1394   // Outputs:
1395   //   C  #C vector of unique rows in A
1396   //   IA  #C index vector so that C = A(IA,:);
1397   //   IC  #A index vector so that A = C(IC,:);)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1398 const char *__doc_igl_unproject_onto_mesh = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Unproject a screen location (using current opengl viewport, projection, and
1399   // model view) to a 3D position _onto_ a given mesh, if the ray through the
1400   // given screen location (x,y) _hits_ the mesh.
1401   //
1402   // Inputs:
1403   //    pos        screen space coordinates
1404   //    model      model matrix
1405   //    proj       projection matrix
1406   //    viewport   vieweport vector
1407   //    V   #V by 3 list of mesh vertex positions
1408   //    F   #F by 3 list of mesh triangle indices into V
1409   // Outputs:
1410   //    fid  id of the first face hit
1411   //    bc  barycentric coordinates of hit
1412   // Returns true if there's a hit)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1413 const char *__doc_igl_upsample = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Subdivide without moving vertices: Given the triangle mesh [V, F],
1414   // where n_verts = V.rows(), computes newV and a sparse matrix S s.t.
1415   // [newV, newF] is the subdivided mesh where newV = S*V.
1416   //
1417   // Inputs:
1418   //   n_verts  an integer (number of mesh vertices)
1419   //   F  an m by 3 matrix of integers of triangle faces
1420   // Outputs:
1421   //   S  a sparse matrix (will become the subdivision matrix)
1422   //   newF  a matrix containing the new faces)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1423 const char *__doc_igl_winding_number = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// WINDING_NUMBER Compute the sum of solid angles of a triangle/tetrahedron
1424   // described by points (vectors) V
1425   //
1426   // Templates:
1427   //   dim  dimension of input
1428   // Inputs:
1429   //  V  n by 3 list of vertex positions
1430   //  F  #F by 3 list of triangle indices, minimum index is 0
1431   //  O  no by 3 list of origin positions
1432   // Outputs:
1433   //  S  no by 1 list of winding numbers
1434   //
1435   // 3d)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1436 const char *__doc_igl_winding_number_3 = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Inputs:
1437   //   V  pointer to array containing #V by 3 vertex positions along rows,
1438   //     given in column major order
1439   //   n  number of mesh vertices
1440   //   F  pointer to array containing #F by 3 face indices along rows,
1441   //     given in column major order
1442   //   m  number of faces
1443   //   O  pointer to array containing #O by 3 query positions along rows,
1444   //     given in column major order
1445   //   no  number of origins
1446   // Outputs:
1447   //   S  no by 1 list of winding numbers)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1448 const char *__doc_igl_winding_number_2 = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(//// Only one evaluation origin
1449   //template <typename DerivedF>
1450   //IGL_INLINE void winding_number_3(
1451   //  const double * V,
1452   //  const int n,
1453   //  const DerivedF * F,
1454   //  const int m,
1455   //  const double * O,
1456   //  double * S);
1457   // 2d)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1458 const char *__doc_igl_writeMESH = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// save a tetrahedral volume mesh to a .mesh file
1459   //
1460   // Templates:
1461   //   Scalar  type for positions and vectors (will be cast as double)
1462   //   Index  type for indices (will be cast to int)
1463   // Input:
1464   //   mesh_file_name  path of .mesh file
1465   //   V  double matrix of vertex positions  #V by 3
1466   //   T  #T list of tet indices into vertex positions
1467   //   F  #F list of face indices into vertex positions
1468   //
1469   // Known bugs: Holes and regions are not supported)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1470 const char *__doc_igl_writeOBJ = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Write a mesh in an ascii obj file
1471   // Inputs:
1472   //   str  path to outputfile
1473   //   V  #V by 3 mesh vertex positions
1474   //   F  #F by 3|4 mesh indices into V
1475   //   CN #CN by 3 normal vectors
1476   //   FN  #F by 3|4 corner normal indices into CN
1477   //   TC  #TC by 2|3 texture coordinates
1478   //   FTC #F by 3|4 corner texture coord indices into TC
1479   // Returns true on success, false on error
1480   //
1481   // Known issues: Horrifyingly, this does not have the same order of
1482   // parameters as readOBJ.)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1483 const char *__doc_igl_writePLY = R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Write a mesh in an ascii ply file
1484   // Inputs:
1485   //   str  path to outputfile
1486   //   V  #V by 3 mesh vertex positions
1487   //   F  #F by 3 mesh indices into V
1488   //   N  #V by 3 normal vectors
1489   //   UV #V by 2 texture coordinates
1490   // Returns true on success, false on error)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1491 const char *__doc_igl_readPLY= R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Read a mesh from an ascii ply file, filling in vertex positions,
1492   // mesh indices, normals and texture coordinates
1493   // Inputs:
1494   //  str path to .obj file
1495   // Outputs:
1496   //   V  double matrix of vertex positions  #V by 3
1497   //   F  #F list of face indices into vertex positions
1498   //   N  double matrix of corner normals #N by 3
1499   //   UV #V by 2 texture coordinates
1500   // Returns true on success, false on errors)igl_Qu8mg5v7";
1501 const char *__doc_igl_seam_edges=R"igl_Qu8mg5v7(// Finds all UV-space boundaries of a mesh.
1502   //
1503   // Inputs:
1504   //   V  #V by dim list of positions of the input mesh.
1505   //   TC  #TC by 2 list of 2D texture coordinates of the input mesh
1506   //   F  #F by 3 list of triange indices into V representing a
1507   //     manifold-with-boundary triangle mesh
1508   //   FTC  #F by 3 list of indices into TC for each corner
1509   // Outputs:
1510   //   seams  Edges where the forwards and backwards directions have different
1511   //     texture coordinates, as a #seams-by-4 matrix of indices. Each row is
1512   //     organized as [ forward_face_index, forward_face_vertex_index,
1513   //     backwards_face_index, backwards_face_vertex_index ] such that one side
1514   //     of the seam is the edge:
1515   //         F[ seams( i, 0 ), seams( i, 1 ) ], F[ seams( i, 0 ), (seams( i, 1 ) + 1) % 3 ]
1516   //     and the other side is the edge:
1517   //         F[ seams( i, 2 ), seams( i, 3 ) ], F[ seams( i, 2 ), (seams( i, 3 ) + 1) % 3 ]
1518   //   boundaries  Edges with only one incident triangle, as a #boundaries-by-2
1519   //     matrix of indices. Each row is organized as
1520   //         [ face_index, face_vertex_index ]
1521   //     such that the edge is:
1522   //         F[ boundaries( i, 0 ), boundaries( i, 1 ) ], F[ boundaries( i, 0 ), (boundaries( i, 1 ) + 1) % 3 ]
1523   //   foldovers  Edges where the two incident triangles fold over each other
1524   //     in UV-space, as a #foldovers-by-4 matrix of indices.
1525   //     Each row is organized as [ forward_face_index, forward_face_vertex_index,
1526   //     backwards_face_index, backwards_face_vertex_index ]
1527   //     such that one side of the foldover is the edge:
1528   //       F[ foldovers( i, 0 ), foldovers( i, 1 ) ], F[ foldovers( i, 0 ), (foldovers( i, 1 ) + 1) % 3 ]
1529   //     and the other side is the edge:
1530   //       F[ foldovers( i, 2 ), foldovers( i, 3 ) ], F[ foldovers( i, 2 ), (foldovers( i, 3 ) + 1) % 3 ])igl_Qu8mg5v7";