1 /***********************************(GPL)********************************
2 *   wxHexEditor is a hex edit tool for editing massive files in Linux   *
3 *   Copyright (C) 2010  Erdem U. Altinyurt                              *
4 *                                                                       *
5 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or       *
6 *   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License         *
7 *   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2      *
8 *   of the License.                                                     *
9 *                                                                       *
10 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,     *
11 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of      *
13 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                        *
14 *                                                                       *
15 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License   *
16 *   along with this program;                                            *
17 *   if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                *
18 *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA        *
19 *                                                                       *
20 *               home  : www.wxhexeditor.org                             *
21 *               email : spamjunkeater@gmail.com                         *
22 *************************************************************************/
24 #ifndef __wxHexCtrl__
25 #define __wxHexCtrl__
26 #include <stdint.h>
27 #include <wx/defs.h>
28 #include <wx/buffer.h>
29 #include <wx/graphics.h>
30 #include <wx/textctrl.h>
31 #include <wx/caret.h>
32 #include <wx/wx.h>
33 #include <wx/config.h>
34 #include <wx/fileconf.h>
35 #include <wx/dcbuffer.h>
36 #include <wx/clipbrd.h>
38 #include "Tag.h"
40 #define __idTagAddSelect__ 1500
41 #define __idTagEdit__ 1501
42 #define __idOffsetHex__ 1502
44 //#define _Use_Graphics_Contex_
45 wxArrayString GetSupportedEncodings();
46 inline wxChar CP473toUnicode( unsigned char ch );
47 inline wxString CP473toUnicode( wxString& line );
48 int atoh( const char );
50 WX_DEFINE_ARRAY(TagElement*, ArrayOfTAG);
52 class wxHexCtrl : public wxScrolledWindow{
53 	public:
54 //		wxHexCtrl() { }
wxHexCtrl(wxWindow * parent)55 		wxHexCtrl( wxWindow *parent ){};
57 		wxHexCtrl( wxWindow *parent,
58 				wxWindowID id,
59 				const wxString &value = wxEmptyString,
60 				const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition,
61 				const wxSize &size = wxDefaultSize,
62 				long style = 0,
63 				const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator);
64 		~wxHexCtrl();
CharAt(unsigned offset)65 		wxChar CharAt(unsigned offset){
66 			if( offset >= m_text.Len() ){
67 				//std::cout << "Buff lower for offset : " << offset << std::endl;
68 				return 0;
69 				}
70 		return m_text.GetChar(offset);}
72 		// Operations
73 		void SetFormat( wxString fmt );
74 		wxString GetFormat( void );
75 virtual void SetDefaultStyle( wxTextAttr& new_attr );
76 		void SetSelectionStyle( wxTextAttr& new_attr );
77 virtual void CreateCaret( void );
78 		void MoveCaret( int x );
79 		void MoveCaret( wxPoint p );
80 		void Clear( bool ClearDC=true, bool cursor_reset=true );
81 		void SetBinValue( wxString buffer, bool repaint = true );
82 		void SetBinValue( char* buffer, int byte_count, bool repaint = true );
83 		void SetValue( wxString buffer, bool repaint = true );
84 		wxString GetValue( void );
85 		long ReadBytes( char* buffer, int start_location, int byte_count, bool no_repaint = false );
86 		char ReadByte(int byte_location);
87 static wxMemoryBuffer HexToBin(const wxString& HexValue);
88 virtual void Replace(unsigned from, unsigned to, const wxString& value);
89 virtual void Replace(unsigned hex_location, const wxChar& value, bool paint=true);
90 		void WriteByte( const unsigned char& byte );
91 		void WriteHex( const wxString& text_value );
93 		// Caret Movement
94 		wxCaret* mycaret;
95 		void Home( bool MoveCaret = true );
96 		void End( bool MoveCaret = true );
97 		void FirstLine( bool MoveCaret = true );
98 		void PrevChar( bool MoveCaret = true );
99 		void NextChar( bool MoveCaret = true );
100 		void PrevLine( bool MoveCaret = true );
101 		void NextLine( bool MoveCaret = true );
102 		void LastLine( bool MoveCaret = true );
103 		void DoMoveCaret();		// move the caret to m_Caret.x, m_Caret.y
105 		// Shaper Classes, All other classes has to be depended to this function for proper action!
106 		bool IsDeniedCache[1024];//cache, Enought for this days...
107 		int CPL;
IsDenied()108 virtual bool IsDenied() { return IsDenied( m_Caret.x );}
109 virtual bool IsDenied( int x );
110 virtual bool IsDenied_NoCache( int x );
111 virtual bool IsAllowedChar(const char& chr);
112 //virtual	const char Filter(const char& ch);
113 		int xCountDenied( int x );
GetCharSize()114 		wxSize GetCharSize(){return m_CharSize;}
116 		// Movement Support
117 virtual void DrawCursorShadow(wxDC*);
118 virtual int CharacterPerLine( bool NoCache=false );
BytePerLine(void)119 virtual int BytePerLine( void ){ return CharacterPerLine() / 2; }
ByteCapacity(void)120 virtual int ByteCapacity( void ){ return m_Window.y*BytePerLine(); }
GetByteCount(void)121 virtual int GetByteCount( void ){ return m_text.Length()/2;	}
LineCount(void)122 		int LineCount( void )	{ return m_Window.y; }
ActiveLine(void)123 		int ActiveLine( void )	{ return m_Caret.y+1; } //ReAllocated, start from 1, NOT 0
124 		int GetInsertionPoint( void );
125 virtual void SetInsertionPoint( unsigned int pos );
GetLastPosition(void)126 		int GetLastPosition( void ){ return m_text.Length() - 1; }
127 virtual int ToVisiblePosition( int InternalPosition );
128 virtual int ToInternalPosition( int VisiblePosition );
129 virtual int PixelCoordToInternalPosition( wxPoint mouse );
130 		wxPoint InternalPositionToVisibleCoord( int position );
131 		wxPoint PixelCoordToInternalCoord( wxPoint mouse );
133 		// TAG Support and Selection
134 		ArrayOfTAG TagArray;
135 		wxArrayInt ThinSeparationLines;
136 		TagElement* GetTagByPix( wxPoint PixelCoord );
137 		void SetSelection( unsigned start, unsigned end );
138 		void ClearSelection( bool RePaint = true );
139 		struct selector: public TagElement{		//select
140 			bool selected;		//select available variable
141 			} select;
142 virtual void TagPainter( wxDC* DC, TagElement& TG );
143 virtual void TagPainterGC( wxGraphicsContext* gc, TagElement& TG );
144 		void RePaint( void );
146 inline void DrawSeperationLineAfterChar( wxDC* DC, int offset );
147 		void OnTagHideAll( void );
148 		bool *TagMutex;
149 		int *ZebraStriping;
151 	protected:
152 		wxDC* UpdateDC( wxDC* dc=NULL);
153 		wxMemoryDC* CreateDC( void );
154 		wxMemoryDC* internalBufferDC;
155 		wxBitmap*   internalBufferBMP;
156 		wxString	HexFormat;
157 		bool		DrawCharByChar;
158 		int CtrlType;
159 		// event handlers
160 		wxPoint LastRightClickPosition;	//Holds last right click for TagEdit function
161 		void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent &event );
162 		void OnSize( wxSizeEvent &event );
163 		void OnChar( wxKeyEvent &event );
164 virtual void OnMouseLeft( wxMouseEvent& event );
165 virtual void OnMouseRight( wxMouseEvent& event );
166 		virtual void OnMouseMove( wxMouseEvent& event );
167 		void OnKillFocus( wxFocusEvent& event ); //tempotarily publicized
168 		void OnFocus( wxFocusEvent& event );
170 		void OnTagAddSelection( wxCommandEvent &event );
171 		void OnTagEdit( wxCommandEvent &event );
172 		void ShowContextMenu( wxPoint pos );
175 		void OnTestCall(void); // 4 Test
176 	public:
177 virtual void ChangeSize();	// update the geometry
178 	protected:
179 		wxPoint   m_Margin;	// the margin around the text (looks nicer)
180 		wxPoint   m_Caret;	// position (in text coords) of the caret
181 		wxPoint   m_Window;	// the size (in text coords) of the window
182 		wxString  m_text;
183 		wxTextAttr HexDefaultAttr;
184 		wxMutex PaintMutex;
185 		//wxTextAttr HexSelectAttr;
187 		wxSize  m_CharSize;	// size (in pixels) of one character
188 	   // DECLARE_DYNAMIC_CLASS(wxHexCtrl)
189 	};
191 ///Wrapper for Portable vs Registry configbase.
192 //if there are wxHexEditor.cfg file exits on current path, wxHexEditor switches to portable version.
193 class myConfigBase{
194 	public:
Get()195 	static wxConfigBase* Get(){
196 		static wxFileConfig* AppConfigFile=new wxFileConfig("", "","wxHexEditor.cfg", "",  wxCONFIG_USE_RELATIVE_PATH);
197 		if( wxFileExists ("wxHexEditor.cfg") )
198 			return AppConfigFile;
199 		else
200 			return wxConfigBase::Get();
201 		}
202 	};
204 class wxHexTextCtrl : public wxHexCtrl{
205 	public:
206 		wxString CodepageTable;
207 		wxString Codepage;
208 		wxFontEncoding FontEnc;
209 //		wxHexTextCtrl():wxHexCtrl(){}
wxHexTextCtrl(wxWindow * parent)210 		wxHexTextCtrl( wxWindow *parent ): wxHexCtrl( parent ){CtrlType=1;}
211 		wxHexTextCtrl( wxWindow *parent,
212 				wxWindowID id,
213 				const wxString &value = wxEmptyString,
214 				const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition,
215 				const wxSize &size = wxDefaultSize,
216 				long style = 0,
217 				const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator) :
wxHexCtrl(parent,id,value,pos,size,style,validator)218 				wxHexCtrl(parent, id, value, pos, size, style, validator){
219 				CtrlType=1;
220 				wxWindow::SetCursor( wxCURSOR_CHAR );
224 				wxString cp;
225 				myConfigBase::Get()->Read( _T("CharacterEncoding"), &cp, wxT("DOS CP437") );
226 				PrepareCodepageTable(cp);
227 				};
229 //wxArrayString GetSupportedEncodings(void);
230 		wxString PrepareCodepageTable(wxString);
IsDenied()231 inline bool IsDenied(){ return false; }
IsDenied(int x)232 inline bool IsDenied( int x ){ return false; }
CharacterPerLine(void)233 inline int CharacterPerLine( void ){ return m_Window.x; }
BytePerLine(void)234 inline int BytePerLine( void ){ return CharacterPerLine(); }
GetByteCount(void)235 inline int GetByteCount( void ){ return m_text.Length(); }
236 		void Replace(unsigned text_location, const wxChar& value, bool paint);
237 		void ChangeValue( const wxString& value, bool paint );
238 		void SetBinValue( char* buffer, int len, bool paint );
239 		void SetDefaultStyle( wxTextAttr& new_attr );		//For caret diet (to 1 pixel)
240 		int PixelCoordToInternalPosition( wxPoint mouse );
ToVisiblePosition(int InternalPosition)241 		int ToVisiblePosition( int InternalPosition ){ return InternalPosition; }
ToInternalPosition(int VisiblePosition)242 		int ToInternalPosition( int VisiblePosition ){ return VisiblePosition; }
243 //		bool IsAllowedChar(const unsigned char& chr);
244 		int GetInsertionPoint( void );
245 		void SetInsertionPoint( unsigned int pos );
246 		void ChangeSize();
247 		wxChar Filter(const unsigned char& chr);
248 		wxString FilterMBBuffer(const char *str, int len, int fontenc);
249 virtual void DrawCursorShadow(wxDC* dcTemp);
251 	};
253 class wxHexOffsetCtrl : public wxHexCtrl{
254 	public:
255 //		wxHexOffsetCtrl():wxHexCtrl(){ hex_offset=false;offset_position=0; }
wxHexOffsetCtrl(wxWindow * parent)256 		wxHexOffsetCtrl(wxWindow *parent): wxHexCtrl( parent ){
257 			offset_mode='u';
258 			offset_position=0;
259 			digit_count=6;
260 			}
262 		wxHexOffsetCtrl(wxWindow *parent,
263 				wxWindowID id,
264 				const wxString &value = wxEmptyString,
265 				const wxPoint &pos = wxDefaultPosition,
266 				const wxSize &size = wxDefaultSize,
267 				long style = 0,
268 				const wxValidator& validator = wxDefaultValidator) :
wxHexCtrl(parent,id,value,pos,size,style,validator)269 				wxHexCtrl(parent, id, value, pos, size, style, validator){
270 				wxCaret *caret = GetCaret();
271 				if(caret)
272 					GetCaret()->Hide();
273 				SetCaret( NULL );
275             //offset_mode='u';
276             CtrlType=2;
277             offset_mode=myConfigBase::Get()->Read( _T("LastOffsetMode"), wxT("u") )[0];
278             if( offset_mode=='s' )	// No force to sector mode at startup.
279 					offset_mode='u';
281 				offset_position=0;
282 				digit_count=6;
283 				};
284 		wxString GetFormatString( bool minimal=false );
285 		wxString GetFormatedOffsetString( uint64_t c_offset, bool minimal=false );
SetOffsetLimit(uint64_t max_offset)286 		void SetOffsetLimit( uint64_t max_offset ){offset_limit = max_offset;}
287 		unsigned GetDigitCount( void );
288 		unsigned GetLineSize( void );  //Digit count plus Formating chars like h,o if required
IsDenied()289 inline bool IsDenied(){ return false; }
IsDenied(int x)290 inline bool IsDenied( int x ){ return false; }
ToVisiblePosition(int InternalPosition)291 		int ToVisiblePosition( int InternalPosition ){ return InternalPosition; }
ToInternalPosition(int VisiblePosition)292 		int ToInternalPosition( int VisiblePosition ){ return VisiblePosition; }
293 		void SetValue( uint64_t position );
294 		void SetValue( uint64_t position, int byteperline );
295 		void OnMouseRight( wxMouseEvent& event );
296 		void OnMouseLeft( wxMouseEvent& event );
OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent & event)297 		void OnMouseMove( wxMouseEvent& event ){event.Skip(false);}
298 		char offset_mode;
299 		uint64_t offset_position;
300 		int BytePerLine;
301 		int sector_size;
303 	private:
304 		uint64_t offset_limit;
305 		unsigned digit_count;
DrawCursorShadow(wxDC * dcTemp)306 inline void DrawCursorShadow(wxDC* dcTemp){}
307 	};
308 #endif