1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright 2014-2018,2021 The PySCF Developers. All Rights Reserved.
4# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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16# Author: Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>
19'''Analytic PP integrals.  See also pyscf/pbc/gto/pesudo/pp.py
21For GTH/HGH PPs, see:
22    Goedecker, Teter, Hutter, PRB 54, 1703 (1996)
23    Hartwigsen, Goedecker, and Hutter, PRB 58, 3641 (1998)
26import ctypes
27import copy
28import numpy
29import scipy.special
30from pyscf import lib
31from pyscf import gto
33libpbc = lib.load_library('libpbc')
35def get_pp_loc_part1(cell, kpts=None):
36    '''PRB, 58, 3641 Eq (1), integrals associated to erf
37    '''
38    raise NotImplementedError
40def get_gth_vlocG_part1(cell, Gv):
41    '''PRB, 58, 3641 Eq (5) first term
42    '''
43    from pyscf.pbc import tools
44    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, Gv=Gv)
45    G2 = numpy.einsum('ix,ix->i', Gv, Gv)
46    G0idx = numpy.where(G2==0)[0]
48    if cell.dimension != 2 or cell.low_dim_ft_type == 'inf_vacuum':
49        vlocG = numpy.zeros((cell.natm, len(G2)))
50        for ia in range(cell.natm):
51            Zia = cell.atom_charge(ia)
52            symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
53            # Note the signs -- potential here is positive
54            vlocG[ia] = Zia * coulG
55            if symb in cell._pseudo:
56                pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
57                rloc, nexp, cexp = pp[1:3+1]
58                vlocG[ia] *= numpy.exp(-0.5*rloc**2 * G2)
59                # alpha parameters from the non-divergent Hartree+Vloc G=0 term.
60                vlocG[ia,G0idx] = -2*numpy.pi*Zia*rloc**2
62    elif cell.dimension == 2:
63        # The following 2D ewald summation is taken from:
64        # Minary, Tuckerman, Pihakari, Martyna J. Chem. Phys. 116, 5351 (2002)
65        vlocG = numpy.zeros((cell.natm,len(G2)))
66        b = cell.reciprocal_vectors()
67        inv_area = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.cross(b[0], b[1]))/(2*numpy.pi)**2
68        lzd2 = cell.vol * inv_area / 2
69        lz = lzd2*2.
71        G2[G0idx] = 1e200
72        Gxy = numpy.linalg.norm(Gv[:,:2],axis=1)
73        Gz = abs(Gv[:,2])
75        for ia in range(cell.natm):
76            Zia = cell.atom_charge(ia)
77            symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
78            if symb not in cell._pseudo:
79                vlocG[ia] = Zia * coulG
80                continue
82            pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
83            rloc, nexp, cexp = pp[1:3+1]
85            ew_eta = 1./numpy.sqrt(2)/rloc
86            JexpG2 = 4*numpy.pi / G2 * numpy.exp(-G2/(4*ew_eta**2))
87            fac = 4*numpy.pi / G2 * numpy.cos(Gz*lzd2)
88            JexpG2 -= fac * numpy.exp(-Gxy*lzd2)
89            eta_z1 = (ew_eta**2 * lz + Gxy) / (2.*ew_eta)
90            eta_z2 = (ew_eta**2 * lz - Gxy) / (2.*ew_eta)
91            JexpG2 += fac * 0.5*(numpy.exp(-eta_z1**2)*scipy.special.erfcx(eta_z2) +
92                                 numpy.exp(-eta_z2**2)*scipy.special.erfcx(eta_z1))
93            vlocG[ia,:] = Zia * JexpG2
95            JexpG0 = ( - numpy.pi * lz**2 / 2. * scipy.special.erf( ew_eta * lzd2 )
96                       + numpy.pi/ew_eta**2 * scipy.special.erfc(ew_eta*lzd2)
97                       - numpy.sqrt(numpy.pi)*lz/ew_eta * numpy.exp( - (ew_eta*lzd2)**2 ) )
98            vlocG[ia,G0idx] = -2*numpy.pi*Zia*rloc**2 + Zia*JexpG0
99    else:
100        raise NotImplementedError('Low dimension ft_type %s'
101                                  ' not implemented for dimension %d' %
102                                  (cell.low_dim_ft_type, cell.dimension))
103    return vlocG
105# part2 Vnuc - Vloc
106def get_pp_loc_part2(cell, kpts=None):
107    '''PRB, 58, 3641 Eq (1), integrals associated to C1, C2, C3, C4
108    '''
109    from pyscf.pbc.df import incore
110    if kpts is None:
111        kpts_lst = numpy.zeros((1,3))
112    else:
113        kpts_lst = numpy.reshape(kpts, (-1,3))
114    nkpts = len(kpts_lst)
116    intors = ('int3c2e', 'int3c1e', 'int3c1e_r2_origk',
117              'int3c1e_r4_origk', 'int3c1e_r6_origk')
118    kptij_lst = numpy.hstack((kpts_lst,kpts_lst)).reshape(-1,2,3)
119    buf = 0
120    for cn in range(1, 5):
121        fakecell = fake_cell_vloc(cell, cn)
122        if fakecell.nbas > 0:
123            v = incore.aux_e2(cell, fakecell, intors[cn], aosym='s2', comp=1,
124                              kptij_lst=kptij_lst)
125            buf += numpy.einsum('...i->...', v)
127    if isinstance(buf, int):
128        if any(cell.atom_symbol(ia) in cell._pseudo for ia in range(cell.natm)):
129            pass
130        else:
131            lib.logger.warn(cell, 'cell.pseudo was specified but its elements %s '
132                             'were not found in the system.', cell._pseudo.keys())
133        vpploc = [0] * nkpts
134    else:
135        buf = buf.reshape(nkpts,-1)
136        vpploc = []
137        for k, kpt in enumerate(kpts_lst):
138            v = lib.unpack_tril(buf[k])
139            if abs(kpt).sum() < 1e-9:  # gamma_point:
140                v = v.real
141            vpploc.append(v)
142    if kpts is None or numpy.shape(kpts) == (3,):
143        vpploc = vpploc[0]
144    return vpploc
147def get_pp_nl(cell, kpts=None):
148    if kpts is None:
149        kpts_lst = numpy.zeros((1,3))
150    else:
151        kpts_lst = numpy.reshape(kpts, (-1,3))
152    nkpts = len(kpts_lst)
154    fakecell, hl_blocks = fake_cell_vnl(cell)
155    ppnl_half = _int_vnl(cell, fakecell, hl_blocks, kpts_lst)
156    nao = cell.nao_nr()
157    buf = numpy.empty((3*9*nao), dtype=numpy.complex128)
159    # We set this equal to zeros in case hl_blocks loop is skipped
160    # and ppnl is returned
161    ppnl = numpy.zeros((nkpts,nao,nao), dtype=numpy.complex128)
162    for k, kpt in enumerate(kpts_lst):
163        offset = [0] * 3
164        for ib, hl in enumerate(hl_blocks):
165            l = fakecell.bas_angular(ib)
166            nd = 2 * l + 1
167            hl_dim = hl.shape[0]
168            ilp = numpy.ndarray((hl_dim,nd,nao), dtype=numpy.complex128, buffer=buf)
169            for i in range(hl_dim):
170                p0 = offset[i]
171                ilp[i] = ppnl_half[i][k][p0:p0+nd]
172                offset[i] = p0 + nd
173            ppnl[k] += numpy.einsum('ilp,ij,jlq->pq', ilp.conj(), hl, ilp)
175    if abs(kpts_lst).sum() < 1e-9:  # gamma_point:
176        ppnl = ppnl.real
178    if kpts is None or numpy.shape(kpts) == (3,):
179        ppnl = ppnl[0]
180    return ppnl
183def fake_cell_vloc(cell, cn=0):
184    '''Generate fake cell for V_{loc}.
186    Each term of V_{loc} (erf, C_1, C_2, C_3, C_4) is a gaussian type
187    function.  The integral over V_{loc} can be transfered to the 3-center
188    integrals, in which the auxiliary basis is given by the fake cell.
190    The kwarg cn indiciates which term to generate for the fake cell.
191    If cn = 0, the erf term is generated.  C_1,..,C_4 are generated with cn = 1..4
192    '''
193    fake_env = [cell.atom_coords().ravel()]
194    fake_atm = cell._atm.copy()
195    fake_atm[:,gto.PTR_COORD] = numpy.arange(0, cell.natm*3, 3)
196    ptr = cell.natm * 3
197    fake_bas = []
198    half_sph_norm = .5/numpy.sqrt(numpy.pi)
199    for ia in range(cell.natm):
200        if cell.atom_charge(ia) == 0:  # pass ghost atoms
201            continue
203        symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
204        if cn == 0:
205            if symb in cell._pseudo:
206                pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
207                rloc, nexp, cexp = pp[1:3+1]
208                alpha = .5 / rloc**2
209            else:
210                alpha = 1e16
211            norm = half_sph_norm / gto.gaussian_int(2, alpha)
212            fake_env.append([alpha, norm])
213            fake_bas.append([ia, 0, 1, 1, 0, ptr, ptr+1, 0])
214            ptr += 2
215        elif symb in cell._pseudo:
216            pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
217            rloc, nexp, cexp = pp[1:3+1]
218            if cn <= nexp:
219                alpha = .5 / rloc**2
220                norm = cexp[cn-1]/rloc**(cn*2-2) / half_sph_norm
221                fake_env.append([alpha, norm])
222                fake_bas.append([ia, 0, 1, 1, 0, ptr, ptr+1, 0])
223                ptr += 2
225    fakecell = copy.copy(cell)
226    fakecell._atm = numpy.asarray(fake_atm, dtype=numpy.int32)
227    fakecell._bas = numpy.asarray(fake_bas, dtype=numpy.int32)
228    fakecell._env = numpy.asarray(numpy.hstack(fake_env), dtype=numpy.double)
229    return fakecell
231# sqrt(Gamma(l+1.5)/Gamma(l+2i+1.5))
232_PLI_FAC = 1/numpy.sqrt(numpy.array((
233    (1, 3.75 , 59.0625  ),  # l = 0,
234    (1, 8.75 , 216.5625 ),  # l = 1,
235    (1, 15.75, 563.0625 ),  # l = 2,
236    (1, 24.75, 1206.5625),  # l = 3,
237    (1, 35.75, 2279.0625),  # l = 4,
238    (1, 48.75, 3936.5625),  # l = 5,
239    (1, 63.75, 6359.0625),  # l = 6,
240    (1, 80.75, 9750.5625))))# l = 7,
242def fake_cell_vnl(cell):
243    '''Generate fake cell for V_{nl}.
245    gaussian function p_i^l Y_{lm}
246    '''
247    fake_env = [cell.atom_coords().ravel()]
248    fake_atm = cell._atm.copy()
249    fake_atm[:,gto.PTR_COORD] = numpy.arange(0, cell.natm*3, 3)
250    ptr = cell.natm * 3
251    fake_bas = []
252    hl_blocks = []
253    for ia in range(cell.natm):
254        if cell.atom_charge(ia) == 0:  # pass ghost atoms
255            continue
257        symb = cell.atom_symbol(ia)
258        if symb in cell._pseudo:
259            pp = cell._pseudo[symb]
260            # nproj_types = pp[4]
261            for l, (rl, nl, hl) in enumerate(pp[5:]):
262                if nl > 0:
263                    alpha = .5 / rl**2
264                    norm = gto.gto_norm(l, alpha)
265                    fake_env.append([alpha, norm])
266                    fake_bas.append([ia, l, 1, 1, 0, ptr, ptr+1, 0])
269# Function p_i^l (PRB, 58, 3641 Eq 3) is (r^{2(i-1)})^2 square normalized to 1.
270# But here the fake basis is square normalized to 1.  A factor ~ p_i^l / p_1^l
271# is attached to h^l_ij (for i>1,j>1) so that (factor * fake-basis * r^{2(i-1)})
272# is normalized to 1.  The factor is
273#       r_l^{l+(4-1)/2} sqrt(Gamma(l+(4-1)/2))      sqrt(Gamma(l+3/2))
274#     ------------------------------------------ = ----------------------------------
275#      r_l^{l+(4i-1)/2} sqrt(Gamma(l+(4i-1)/2))     sqrt(Gamma(l+2i-1/2)) r_l^{2i-2}
277                    fac = numpy.array([_PLI_FAC[l,i]/rl**(i*2) for i in range(nl)])
278                    hl = numpy.einsum('i,ij,j->ij', fac, numpy.asarray(hl), fac)
279                    hl_blocks.append(hl)
280                    ptr += 2
282    fakecell = copy.copy(cell)
283    fakecell._atm = numpy.asarray(fake_atm, dtype=numpy.int32)
284    fakecell._bas = numpy.asarray(fake_bas, dtype=numpy.int32)
285    fakecell._env = numpy.asarray(numpy.hstack(fake_env), dtype=numpy.double)
286    return fakecell, hl_blocks
288def _int_vnl(cell, fakecell, hl_blocks, kpts):
289    '''Vnuc - Vloc'''
290    rcut = max(cell.rcut, fakecell.rcut)
291    Ls = cell.get_lattice_Ls(rcut=rcut)
292    nimgs = len(Ls)
293    expkL = numpy.asarray(numpy.exp(1j*numpy.dot(kpts, Ls.T)), order='C')
294    nkpts = len(kpts)
296    fill = getattr(libpbc, 'PBCnr2c_fill_ks1')
297    intopt = lib.c_null_ptr()
299    def int_ket(_bas, intor):
300        if len(_bas) == 0:
301            return []
302        intor = cell._add_suffix(intor)
303        atm, bas, env = gto.conc_env(cell._atm, cell._bas, cell._env,
304                                     fakecell._atm, _bas, fakecell._env)
305        atm = numpy.asarray(atm, dtype=numpy.int32)
306        bas = numpy.asarray(bas, dtype=numpy.int32)
307        env = numpy.asarray(env, dtype=numpy.double)
308        natm = len(atm)
309        nbas = len(bas)
310        shls_slice = (cell.nbas, nbas, 0, cell.nbas)
311        ao_loc = gto.moleintor.make_loc(bas, intor)
312        ni = ao_loc[shls_slice[1]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[0]]
313        nj = ao_loc[shls_slice[3]] - ao_loc[shls_slice[2]]
314        out = numpy.empty((nkpts,ni,nj), dtype=numpy.complex128)
315        comp = 1
317        fintor = getattr(gto.moleintor.libcgto, intor)
319        drv = libpbc.PBCnr2c_drv
320        drv(fintor, fill, out.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p),
321            ctypes.c_int(nkpts), ctypes.c_int(comp), ctypes.c_int(nimgs),
322            Ls.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p),
323            expkL.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p),
324            (ctypes.c_int*4)(*(shls_slice[:4])),
325            ao_loc.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), intopt, lib.c_null_ptr(),
326            atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(natm),
327            bas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(nbas),
328            env.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), ctypes.c_int(env.size))
329        return out
331    hl_dims = numpy.asarray([len(hl) for hl in hl_blocks])
332    out = (int_ket(fakecell._bas[hl_dims>0], 'int1e_ovlp'),
333           int_ket(fakecell._bas[hl_dims>1], 'int1e_r2_origi'),
334           int_ket(fakecell._bas[hl_dims>2], 'int1e_r4_origi'))
335    return out