1 #ifndef _RIGIDBODY_HPP
2 #define _RIGIDBODY_HPP
3 #include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
4 #include "Vector.hpp"
5 #include "Math.hpp"
7 namespace yasim {
9 //
10 // A RigidBody object maintains all "internal" state about an object,
11 // accumulates force and torque information from external sources, and
12 // calculates the resulting accelerations.
13 //
14 //
15 // Units note: obviously, the choice of mass, time and distance units
16 // is up to the user.  If you provide mass in kilograms, forces in
17 // newtons, and torques in newton-meters, you'll get your
18 // accelerations back in m/s^2.  The angular units, however, are
19 // UNIFORMLY radians.  Angular velocities are radians per <time unit>,
20 // the angular acceleration you get back is radians per <time unit>^2,
21 // and the angular momenta supplied to setGyro must be in radians,
22 // too.  Radians, not degrees.  Don't forget.
23 //
24 class RigidBody
25 {
26     SGPropertyNode_ptr _bodyN;
27 public:
28     RigidBody();
29     ~RigidBody();
31     // Adds a point mass to the system.  Returns a handle so the gyro
32     // can be later modified via setMass().
33     int addMass(float mass, const float* pos, bool isStatic = false);
35     // Modifies a previously-added point mass (fuel tank running dry,
36     // gear going up, swing wing swinging, pilot bailing out, etc...)
37     void setMass(int handle, float mass);
38     void setMass(int handle, float mass, const float* pos, bool isStatic = false);
numMasses() const40     int numMasses() const { return _nMasses; }
getMass(int handle) const41     float getMass(int handle) const { return _masses[handle].m; }
42     void getMassPosition(int handle, float* out) const;
getTotalMass() const43     float getTotalMass() const { return _totalMass; }
45     // The velocity, in local coordinates, of the specified point on a
46     // body rotating about its c.g. with velocity rot.
47     void pointVelocity(const float* pos, const float* rot, float* out);
49     // Sets the "gyroscope" for the body.  This is the total
50     // "intrinsic" angular momentum of the body; that is, rotations of
51     // sub-objects, NOT rotation of the whole body within the global
52     // frame.  Because angular momentum is additive in this way, we
53     // don't need to specify specific gyro objects; just add all their
54     // momenta together and set it here.
setGyro(const float * angularMomentum)55     void setGyro(const float* angularMomentum) { Math::set3(angularMomentum, _gyro); }
58     // When masses are moved or changed, this object needs to
59     // regenerate its internal tables.  This step is expensive, so
60     // it's exposed to the client who can amortize the call across
61     // multiple changes. see also _recalcStatic()
62     /// calculate the total mass, centre of gravity and inertia tensor
63     void recalc();
65     /// Resets the current force/torque parameters to zero.
66     void reset();
68     /// Applies a force at the center of gravity.
addForce(const float * force)69     void addForce(const float* force) { Math::add3(_force, force, _force); }
71     /// Applies a force at the specified position.
72     void addForce(const float* pos, const float* force);
74     /// Adds a torque with the specified axis and magnitude
addTorque(const float * torque)75     void addTorque(const float* torque) { Math::add3(_torque, torque, _torque); }
setTorque(const float * torque)76     void setTorque(const float* torque) { Math::set3(torque, _torque); }
78     // Sets the rotation rate of the body (about its c.g.) within the
79     // surrounding environment.  This is needed to compute torque on
80     // the body due to the centripetal forces involved in the
81     // rotation.  NOTE: the rotation vector, like all other
82     // coordinates used here, is specified IN THE LOCAL COORDINATE
83     // SYSTEM.
setBodySpin(const float * rotation)84     void setBodySpin(const float* rotation) { Math::set3(rotation, _spin); }
86     // Returns the center of gravity of the masses, in the body
87     // coordinate system. valid only after recalc()
getCG(float * cgOut) const88     void getCG(float* cgOut) const { Math::set3(_cg, cgOut); }
90     // Returns the acceleration of the body's c.g. relative to the
91     // rest of the world, specified in local coordinates.
getAccel(float * accelOut) const92     void getAccel(float* accelOut) const { Math::mul3(1/_totalMass, _force, accelOut); }
94     // Returns the acceleration of a specific location in local
95     // coordinates.  If the body is rotating, this will be different
96     // from the c.g. acceleration due to the centripetal accelerations
97     // of points not on the rotation axis.
98     void getAccel(const float* pos, float* accelOut) const;
100     // Returns the instantaneous rate of change of the angular
101     // velocity, as a vector in local coordinates.
102     void getAngularAccel(float* accelOut) const;
104     // Returns the intertia tensor in a float[9] allocated by caller.
105     void getInertiaMatrix(float* inertiaOut) const;
107 private:
108     /**
109     Most of the mass points do not change after compilation of the aircraft so
110     they can be replaced by one aggregated mass at the c.g. of the static masses.
111     The isStatic flag is used to mark those masses.
112     */
113     struct Mass { float m; float p[3]; bool isStatic; };
114     void _recalcStatic(); /// aggregate static masses
115     Mass  _staticMass;		/// aggregated static masses, calculated once
116     Mass* _masses;        /// mass elements
117     int   _nMasses;       /// number of masses
118     int   _massesAlloced; /// counter for memory allocation
120     float _totalMass;
121     float _cg[3];
122     float _gyro[3];
124     // Inertia tensor, and its inverse.  Computed from the above.
125     float _tI_static[9];
126     float _tI[9];
127     float _invI[9];
129     // Externally determined quantities
130     float _force[3];
131     float _torque[3];
132     float _spin[3];
133 };
135 }; // namespace yasim
136 #endif // _RIGIDBODY_HPP