1import os
2import weakref
3from collections import defaultdict
4from contextlib import contextmanager
6import numpy as np
8from yt.data_objects.field_data import YTFieldData
9from yt.data_objects.profiles import create_profile
10from yt.fields.field_exceptions import NeedsGridType
11from yt.frontends.ytdata.utilities import save_as_dataset
12from yt.funcs import get_output_filename, is_sequence, iter_fields, mylog
13from yt.units.yt_array import YTArray, YTQuantity, uconcatenate
14from yt.utilities.amr_kdtree.api import AMRKDTree
15from yt.utilities.exceptions import (
16    YTCouldNotGenerateField,
17    YTException,
18    YTFieldNotFound,
19    YTFieldNotParseable,
20    YTFieldTypeNotFound,
21    YTNonIndexedDataContainer,
22    YTSpatialFieldUnitError,
24from yt.utilities.object_registries import data_object_registry
25from yt.utilities.parameter_file_storage import ParameterFileStore
28def sanitize_weight_field(ds, field, weight):
29    field_object = ds._get_field_info(field)
30    if weight is None:
31        if field_object.sampling_type == "particle":
32            if field_object.name[0] == "gas":
33                ptype = ds._sph_ptypes[0]
34            else:
35                ptype = field_object.name[0]
36            weight_field = (ptype, "particle_ones")
37        else:
38            weight_field = ("index", "ones")
39    else:
40        weight_field = weight
41    return weight_field
44def _get_ipython_key_completion(ds):
45    # tuple-completion (ftype, fname) was added in IPython 8.0.0
46    # with earlier versions, completion works with fname only
47    # this implementation should work transparently with all IPython versions
48    tuple_keys = ds.field_list + ds.derived_field_list
49    fnames = list({k[1] for k in tuple_keys})
50    return tuple_keys + fnames
53class YTDataContainer:
54    """
55    Generic YTDataContainer container.  By itself, will attempt to
56    generate field, read fields (method defined by derived classes)
57    and deal with passing back and forth field parameters.
58    """
60    _chunk_info = None
61    _num_ghost_zones = 0
62    _con_args = ()
63    _skip_add = False
64    _container_fields = ()
65    _tds_attrs = ()
66    _tds_fields = ()
67    _field_cache = None
68    _index = None
70    def __init__(self, ds, field_parameters):
71        """
72        Typically this is never called directly, but only due to inheritance.
73        It associates a :class:`~yt.data_objects.static_output.Dataset` with the class,
74        sets its initial set of fields, and the remainder of the arguments
75        are passed as field_parameters.
76        """
77        # ds is typically set in the new object type created in
78        # Dataset._add_object_class but it can also be passed as a parameter to the
79        # constructor, in which case it will override the default.
80        # This code ensures it is never not set.
81        if ds is not None:
82            self.ds = ds
83        else:
84            if not hasattr(self, "ds"):
85                raise RuntimeError(
86                    "Error: ds must be set either through class type "
87                    "or parameter to the constructor"
88                )
90        self._current_particle_type = "all"
91        self._current_fluid_type = self.ds.default_fluid_type
92        self.ds.objects.append(weakref.proxy(self))
93        mylog.debug("Appending object to %s (type: %s)", self.ds, type(self))
94        self.field_data = YTFieldData()
95        if self.ds.unit_system.has_current_mks:
96            mag_unit = "T"
97        else:
98            mag_unit = "G"
99        self._default_field_parameters = {
100            "center": self.ds.arr(np.zeros(3, dtype="float64"), "cm"),
101            "bulk_velocity": self.ds.arr(np.zeros(3, dtype="float64"), "cm/s"),
102            "bulk_magnetic_field": self.ds.arr(np.zeros(3, dtype="float64"), mag_unit),
103            "normal": self.ds.arr([0.0, 0.0, 1.0], ""),
104        }
105        if field_parameters is None:
106            field_parameters = {}
107        self._set_default_field_parameters()
108        for key, val in field_parameters.items():
109            self.set_field_parameter(key, val)
111    def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
112        super().__init_subclass__(*args, **kwargs)
113        if hasattr(cls, "_type_name") and not cls._skip_add:
114            name = getattr(cls, "_override_selector_name", cls._type_name)
115            data_object_registry[name] = cls
117    @property
118    def pf(self):
119        return getattr(self, "ds", None)
121    @property
122    def index(self):
123        if self._index is not None:
124            return self._index
125        self._index = self.ds.index
126        return self._index
128    def _debug(self):
129        """
130        When called from within a derived field, this will run pdb.  However,
131        during field detection, it will not.  This allows you to more easily
132        debug fields that are being called on actual objects.
133        """
134        import pdb
136        pdb.set_trace()
138    def _set_default_field_parameters(self):
139        self.field_parameters = {}
140        for k, v in self._default_field_parameters.items():
141            self.set_field_parameter(k, v)
143    def _is_default_field_parameter(self, parameter):
144        if parameter not in self._default_field_parameters:
145            return False
146        return (
147            self._default_field_parameters[parameter]
148            is self.field_parameters[parameter]
149        )
151    def apply_units(self, arr, units):
152        try:
153            arr.units.registry = self.ds.unit_registry
154            return arr.to(units)
155        except AttributeError:
156            return self.ds.arr(arr, units=units)
158    def _first_matching_field(self, field):
159        for ftype, fname in self.ds.derived_field_list:
160            if fname == field:
161                return (ftype, fname)
163        raise YTFieldNotFound(field, self.ds)
165    def _set_center(self, center):
166        if center is None:
167            self.center = None
168            return
169        elif isinstance(center, YTArray):
170            self.center = self.ds.arr(center.astype("float64"))
171            self.center.convert_to_units("code_length")
172        elif isinstance(center, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
173            if isinstance(center[0], YTQuantity):
174                self.center = self.ds.arr([c.copy() for c in center], dtype="float64")
175                self.center.convert_to_units("code_length")
176            else:
177                self.center = self.ds.arr(center, "code_length", dtype="float64")
178        elif isinstance(center, str):
179            if center.lower() in ("c", "center"):
180                self.center = self.ds.domain_center
181            # is this dangerous for race conditions?
182            elif center.lower() in ("max", "m"):
183                self.center = self.ds.find_max(("gas", "density"))[1]
184            elif center.startswith("max_"):
185                field = self._first_matching_field(center[4:])
186                self.center = self.ds.find_max(field)[1]
187            elif center.lower() == "min":
188                self.center = self.ds.find_min(("gas", "density"))[1]
189            elif center.startswith("min_"):
190                field = self._first_matching_field(center[4:])
191                self.center = self.ds.find_min(field)[1]
192        else:
193            self.center = self.ds.arr(center, "code_length", dtype="float64")
195        if self.center.ndim > 1:
196            mylog.debug("Removing singleton dimensions from 'center'.")
197            self.center = np.squeeze(self.center)
198            if self.center.ndim > 1:
199                msg = (
200                    "center array must be 1 dimensional, supplied center has "
201                    f"{self.center.ndim} dimensions with shape {self.center.shape}."
202                )
203                raise YTException(msg)
205        self.set_field_parameter("center", self.center)
207    def get_field_parameter(self, name, default=None):
208        """
209        This is typically only used by derived field functions, but
210        it returns parameters used to generate fields.
211        """
212        if name in self.field_parameters:
213            return self.field_parameters[name]
214        else:
215            return default
217    def set_field_parameter(self, name, val):
218        """
219        Here we set up dictionaries that get passed up and down and ultimately
220        to derived fields.
221        """
222        self.field_parameters[name] = val
224    def has_field_parameter(self, name):
225        """
226        Checks if a field parameter is set.
227        """
228        return name in self.field_parameters
230    def clear_data(self):
231        """
232        Clears out all data from the YTDataContainer instance, freeing memory.
233        """
234        self.field_data.clear()
236    def has_key(self, key):
237        """
238        Checks if a data field already exists.
239        """
240        return key in self.field_data
242    def keys(self):
243        return self.field_data.keys()
245    def _reshape_vals(self, arr):
246        return arr
248    def __getitem__(self, key):
249        """
250        Returns a single field.  Will add if necessary.
251        """
252        f = self._determine_fields([key])[0]
253        if f not in self.field_data and key not in self.field_data:
254            if f in self._container_fields:
255                self.field_data[f] = self.ds.arr(self._generate_container_field(f))
256                return self.field_data[f]
257            else:
258                self.get_data(f)
259        # fi.units is the unit expression string. We depend on the registry
260        # hanging off the dataset to define this unit object.
261        # Note that this is less succinct so that we can account for the case
262        # when there are, for example, no elements in the object.
263        try:
264            rv = self.field_data[f]
265        except KeyError:
266            if isinstance(f, tuple):
267                fi = self.ds._get_field_info(*f)
268            elif isinstance(f, bytes):
269                fi = self.ds._get_field_info("unknown", f)
270            rv = self.ds.arr(self.field_data[key], fi.units)
271        return rv
273    def _ipython_key_completions_(self):
274        return _get_ipython_key_completion(self.ds)
276    def __setitem__(self, key, val):
277        """
278        Sets a field to be some other value.
279        """
280        self.field_data[key] = val
282    def __delitem__(self, key):
283        """
284        Deletes a field
285        """
286        if key not in self.field_data:
287            key = self._determine_fields(key)[0]
288        del self.field_data[key]
290    def _generate_field(self, field):
291        ftype, fname = field
292        finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(*field)
293        with self._field_type_state(ftype, finfo):
294            if fname in self._container_fields:
295                tr = self._generate_container_field(field)
296            if finfo.sampling_type == "particle":
297                tr = self._generate_particle_field(field)
298            else:
299                tr = self._generate_fluid_field(field)
300            if tr is None:
301                raise YTCouldNotGenerateField(field, self.ds)
302            return tr
304    def _generate_fluid_field(self, field):
305        # First we check the validator
306        ftype, fname = field
307        finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(ftype, fname)
308        if self._current_chunk is None or self._current_chunk.chunk_type != "spatial":
309            gen_obj = self
310        else:
311            gen_obj = self._current_chunk.objs[0]
312            gen_obj.field_parameters = self.field_parameters
313        try:
314            finfo.check_available(gen_obj)
315        except NeedsGridType as ngt_exception:
316            rv = self._generate_spatial_fluid(field, ngt_exception.ghost_zones)
317        else:
318            rv = finfo(gen_obj)
319        return rv
321    def _generate_spatial_fluid(self, field, ngz):
322        finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(*field)
323        if finfo.units is None:
324            raise YTSpatialFieldUnitError(field)
325        units = finfo.units
326        try:
327            rv = self.ds.arr(np.zeros(self.ires.size, dtype="float64"), units)
328            accumulate = False
329        except YTNonIndexedDataContainer:
330            # In this case, we'll generate many tiny arrays of unknown size and
331            # then concatenate them.
332            outputs = []
333            accumulate = True
334        ind = 0
335        if ngz == 0:
336            deps = self._identify_dependencies([field], spatial=True)
337            deps = self._determine_fields(deps)
338            for _io_chunk in self.chunks([], "io", cache=False):
339                for _chunk in self.chunks([], "spatial", ngz=0, preload_fields=deps):
340                    o = self._current_chunk.objs[0]
341                    if accumulate:
342                        rv = self.ds.arr(np.empty(o.ires.size, dtype="float64"), units)
343                        outputs.append(rv)
344                        ind = 0  # Does this work with mesh?
345                    with o._activate_cache():
346                        ind += o.select(
347                            self.selector, source=self[field], dest=rv, offset=ind
348                        )
349        else:
350            chunks = self.index._chunk(self, "spatial", ngz=ngz)
351            for chunk in chunks:
352                with self._chunked_read(chunk):
353                    gz = self._current_chunk.objs[0]
354                    gz.field_parameters = self.field_parameters
355                    wogz = gz._base_grid
356                    if accumulate:
357                        rv = self.ds.arr(
358                            np.empty(wogz.ires.size, dtype="float64"), units
359                        )
360                        outputs.append(rv)
361                    ind += wogz.select(
362                        self.selector,
363                        source=gz[field][ngz:-ngz, ngz:-ngz, ngz:-ngz],
364                        dest=rv,
365                        offset=ind,
366                    )
367        if accumulate:
368            rv = uconcatenate(outputs)
369        return rv
371    def _generate_particle_field(self, field):
372        # First we check the validator
373        ftype, fname = field
374        if self._current_chunk is None or self._current_chunk.chunk_type != "spatial":
375            gen_obj = self
376        else:
377            gen_obj = self._current_chunk.objs[0]
378        try:
379            finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(*field)
380            finfo.check_available(gen_obj)
381        except NeedsGridType as ngt_exception:
382            if ngt_exception.ghost_zones != 0:
383                raise NotImplementedError from ngt_exception
384            size = self._count_particles(ftype)
385            rv = self.ds.arr(np.empty(size, dtype="float64"), finfo.units)
386            ind = 0
387            for _io_chunk in self.chunks([], "io", cache=False):
388                for _chunk in self.chunks(field, "spatial"):
389                    x, y, z = (self[ftype, f"particle_position_{ax}"] for ax in "xyz")
390                    if x.size == 0:
391                        continue
392                    mask = self._current_chunk.objs[0].select_particles(
393                        self.selector, x, y, z
394                    )
395                    if mask is None:
396                        continue
397                    # This requests it from the grid and does NOT mask it
398                    data = self[field][mask]
399                    rv[ind : ind + data.size] = data
400                    ind += data.size
401        else:
402            with self._field_type_state(ftype, finfo, gen_obj):
403                rv = self.ds._get_field_info(*field)(gen_obj)
404        return rv
406    def _count_particles(self, ftype):
407        for (f1, _f2), val in self.field_data.items():
408            if f1 == ftype:
409                return val.size
410        size = 0
411        for _io_chunk in self.chunks([], "io", cache=False):
412            for _chunk in self.chunks([], "spatial"):
413                x, y, z = (self[ftype, f"particle_position_{ax}"] for ax in "xyz")
414                if x.size == 0:
415                    continue
416                size += self._current_chunk.objs[0].count_particles(
417                    self.selector, x, y, z
418                )
419        return size
421    def _generate_container_field(self, field):
422        raise NotImplementedError
424    def _parameter_iterate(self, seq):
425        for obj in seq:
426            old_fp = obj.field_parameters
427            obj.field_parameters = self.field_parameters
428            yield obj
429            obj.field_parameters = old_fp
431    _key_fields = None
433    def write_out(self, filename, fields=None, format="%0.16e"):
434        """Write out the YTDataContainer object in a text file.
436        This function will take a data object and produce a tab delimited text
437        file containing the fields presently existing and the fields given in
438        the ``fields`` list.
440        Parameters
441        ----------
442        filename : String
443            The name of the file to write to.
445        fields : List of string, Default = None
446            If this is supplied, these fields will be added to the list of
447            fields to be saved to disk. If not supplied, whatever fields
448            presently exist will be used.
450        format : String, Default = "%0.16e"
451            Format of numbers to be written in the file.
453        Raises
454        ------
455        ValueError
456            Raised when there is no existing field.
458        YTException
459            Raised when field_type of supplied fields is inconsistent with the
460            field_type of existing fields.
462        Examples
463        --------
464        >>> ds = fake_particle_ds()
465        >>> sp = ds.sphere(ds.domain_center, 0.25)
466        >>> sp.write_out("sphere_1.txt")
467        >>> sp.write_out("sphere_2.txt", fields=["cell_volume"])
468        """
469        if fields is None:
470            fields = sorted(self.field_data.keys())
472        if self._key_fields is None:
473            raise ValueError
475        field_order = [("index", k) for k in self._key_fields]
476        diff_fields = [field for field in fields if field not in field_order]
477        field_order += diff_fields
478        field_order = sorted(self._determine_fields(field_order))
480        field_shapes = defaultdict(list)
481        for field in field_order:
482            shape = self[field].shape
483            field_shapes[shape].append(field)
485        # Check all fields have the same shape
486        if len(field_shapes) != 1:
487            err_msg = ["Got fields with different number of elements:\n"]
488            for shape, these_fields in field_shapes.items():
489                err_msg.append(f"\t {these_fields} with shape {shape}")
490            raise YTException("\n".join(err_msg))
492        with open(filename, "w") as fid:
493            field_header = [str(f) for f in field_order]
494            fid.write("\t".join(["#"] + field_header + ["\n"]))
495            field_data = np.array([self.field_data[field] for field in field_order])
496            for line in range(field_data.shape[1]):
497                field_data[:, line].tofile(fid, sep="\t", format=format)
498                fid.write("\n")
500    def to_dataframe(self, fields):
501        r"""Export a data object to a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`.
503        This function will take a data object and an optional list of fields
504        and export them to a :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` object.
505        If pandas is not importable, this will raise ImportError.
507        Parameters
508        ----------
509        fields : list of strings or tuple field names
510            This is the list of fields to be exported into
511            the DataFrame.
513        Returns
514        -------
515        df : :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`
516            The data contained in the object.
518        Examples
519        --------
520        >>> dd = ds.all_data()
521        >>> df = dd.to_dataframe([("gas", "density"), ("gas", "temperature")])
522        """
523        from yt.utilities.on_demand_imports import _pandas as pd
525        data = {}
526        fields = self._determine_fields(fields)
527        for field in fields:
528            data[field[-1]] = self[field]
529        df = pd.DataFrame(data)
530        return df
532    def to_astropy_table(self, fields):
533        """
534        Export region data to a :class:~astropy.table.table.QTable,
535        which is a Table object which is unit-aware. The QTable can then
536        be exported to an ASCII file, FITS file, etc.
538        See the AstroPy Table docs for more details:
539        http://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/table/
541        Parameters
542        ----------
543        fields : list of strings or tuple field names
544            This is the list of fields to be exported into
545            the QTable.
547        Examples
548        --------
549        >>> sp = ds.sphere("c", (1.0, "Mpc"))
550        >>> t = sp.to_astropy_table([("gas", "density"), ("gas", "temperature")])
551        """
552        from astropy.table import QTable
554        t = QTable()
555        fields = self._determine_fields(fields)
556        for field in fields:
557            t[field[-1]] = self[field].to_astropy()
558        return t
560    def save_as_dataset(self, filename=None, fields=None):
561        r"""Export a data object to a reloadable yt dataset.
563        This function will take a data object and output a dataset
564        containing either the fields presently existing or fields
565        given in the ``fields`` list.  The resulting dataset can be
566        reloaded as a yt dataset.
568        Parameters
569        ----------
570        filename : str, optional
571            The name of the file to be written.  If None, the name
572            will be a combination of the original dataset and the type
573            of data container.
574        fields : list of string or tuple field names, optional
575            If this is supplied, it is the list of fields to be saved to
576            disk.  If not supplied, all the fields that have been queried
577            will be saved.
579        Returns
580        -------
581        filename : str
582            The name of the file that has been created.
584        Examples
585        --------
587        >>> import yt
588        >>> ds = yt.load("enzo_tiny_cosmology/DD0046/DD0046")
589        >>> sp = ds.sphere(ds.domain_center, (10, "Mpc"))
590        >>> fn = sp.save_as_dataset(fields=[("gas", "density"), ("gas", "temperature")])
591        >>> sphere_ds = yt.load(fn)
592        >>> # the original data container is available as the data attribute
593        >>> print(sds.data[("gas", "density")])
594        [  4.46237613e-32   4.86830178e-32   4.46335118e-32 ...,   6.43956165e-30
595           3.57339907e-30   2.83150720e-30] g/cm**3
596        >>> ad = sphere_ds.all_data()
597        >>> print(ad[("gas", "temperature")])
598        [  1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00 ...,   4.40108359e+04
599           4.54380547e+04   4.72560117e+04] K
601        """
603        keyword = f"{str(self.ds)}_{self._type_name}"
604        filename = get_output_filename(filename, keyword, ".h5")
606        data = {}
607        if fields is not None:
608            for f in self._determine_fields(fields):
609                data[f] = self[f]
610        else:
611            data.update(self.field_data)
612        # get the extra fields needed to reconstruct the container
613        tds_fields = tuple(("index", t) for t in self._tds_fields)
614        for f in [f for f in self._container_fields + tds_fields if f not in data]:
615            data[f] = self[f]
616        data_fields = list(data.keys())
618        need_grid_positions = False
619        need_particle_positions = False
620        ptypes = []
621        ftypes = {}
622        for field in data_fields:
623            if field in self._container_fields:
624                ftypes[field] = "grid"
625                need_grid_positions = True
626            elif self.ds.field_info[field].sampling_type == "particle":
627                if field[0] not in ptypes:
628                    ptypes.append(field[0])
629                ftypes[field] = field[0]
630                need_particle_positions = True
631            else:
632                ftypes[field] = "grid"
633                need_grid_positions = True
634        # projections and slices use px and py, so don't need positions
635        if self._type_name in ["cutting", "proj", "slice", "quad_proj"]:
636            need_grid_positions = False
638        if need_particle_positions:
639            for ax in self.ds.coordinates.axis_order:
640                for ptype in ptypes:
641                    p_field = (ptype, f"particle_position_{ax}")
642                    if p_field in self.ds.field_info and p_field not in data:
643                        data_fields.append(field)
644                        ftypes[p_field] = p_field[0]
645                        data[p_field] = self[p_field]
646        if need_grid_positions:
647            for ax in self.ds.coordinates.axis_order:
648                g_field = ("index", ax)
649                if g_field in self.ds.field_info and g_field not in data:
650                    data_fields.append(g_field)
651                    ftypes[g_field] = "grid"
652                    data[g_field] = self[g_field]
653                g_field = ("index", "d" + ax)
654                if g_field in self.ds.field_info and g_field not in data:
655                    data_fields.append(g_field)
656                    ftypes[g_field] = "grid"
657                    data[g_field] = self[g_field]
659        extra_attrs = {
660            arg: getattr(self, arg, None) for arg in self._con_args + self._tds_attrs
661        }
662        extra_attrs["con_args"] = repr(self._con_args)
663        extra_attrs["data_type"] = "yt_data_container"
664        extra_attrs["container_type"] = self._type_name
665        extra_attrs["dimensionality"] = self._dimensionality
666        save_as_dataset(
667            self.ds, filename, data, field_types=ftypes, extra_attrs=extra_attrs
668        )
670        return filename
672    def to_glue(self, fields, label="yt", data_collection=None):
673        """
674        Takes specific *fields* in the container and exports them to
675        Glue (http://glueviz.org) for interactive
676        analysis. Optionally add a *label*. If you are already within
677        the Glue environment, you can pass a *data_collection* object,
678        otherwise Glue will be started.
679        """
680        from glue.core import Data, DataCollection
682        from yt.config import ytcfg
684        if ytcfg.get("yt", "internals", "within_testing"):
685            from glue.core.application_base import Application as GlueApplication
686        else:
687            try:
688                from glue.app.qt.application import GlueApplication
689            except ImportError:
690                from glue.qt.glue_application import GlueApplication
691        gdata = Data(label=label)
692        for component_name in fields:
693            gdata.add_component(self[component_name], component_name)
695        if data_collection is None:
696            dc = DataCollection([gdata])
697            app = GlueApplication(dc)
698            try:
699                app.start()
700            except AttributeError:
701                # In testing we're using a dummy glue application object
702                # that doesn't have a start method
703                pass
704        else:
705            data_collection.append(gdata)
707    def create_firefly_object(
708        self,
709        path_to_firefly,
710        fields_to_include=None,
711        fields_units=None,
712        default_decimation_factor=100,
713        velocity_units="km/s",
714        coordinate_units="kpc",
715        show_unused_fields=0,
716        dataset_name="yt",
717    ):
718        r"""This function links a region of data stored in a yt dataset
719        to the Python frontend API for [Firefly](github.com/ageller/Firefly),
720        a browser-based particle visualization platform.
722        Parameters
723        ----------
724        path_to_firefly : string
725            The (ideally) absolute path to the direction containing the index.html
726            file of Firefly.
728        fields_to_include : array_like of strings
729            A list of fields that you want to include in your
730            Firefly visualization for on-the-fly filtering and
731            colormapping.
733        default_decimation_factor : integer
734            The factor by which you want to decimate each particle group
735            by (e.g. if there are 1e7 total particles in your simulation
736            you might want to set this to 100 at first). Randomly samples
737            your data like `shuffled_data[::decimation_factor]` so as to
738            not overtax a system. This is adjustable on a per particle group
739            basis by changing the returned reader's
740            `reader.particleGroup[i].decimation_factor` before calling
741            `reader.dumpToJSON()`.
743        velocity_units : string
744            The units that the velocity should be converted to in order to
745            show streamlines in Firefly. Defaults to km/s.
746        coordinate_units : string
747            The units that the coordinates should be converted to. Defaults to
748            kpc.
749        show_unused_fields : boolean
750            A flag to optionally print the fields that are available, in the
751            dataset but were not explicitly requested to be tracked.
752        dataset_name : string
753            The name of the subdirectory the JSON files will be stored in
754            (and the name that will appear in startup.json and in the dropdown
755            menu at startup). e.g. `yt` -> json files will appear in
756            `Firefly/data/yt`.
758        Returns
759        -------
760        reader : firefly_api.reader.Reader object
761            A reader object from the firefly_api, configured
762            to output
764        Examples
765        --------
767            >>> ramses_ds = yt.load(
768            ...     "/Users/agurvich/Desktop/yt_workshop/"
769            ...     + "DICEGalaxyDisk_nonCosmological/output_00002/info_00002.txt"
770            ... )
772            >>> region = ramses_ds.sphere(ramses_ds.domain_center, (1000, "kpc"))
774            >>> reader = region.create_firefly_object(
775            ...     path_to_firefly="/Users/agurvich/research/repos/Firefly",
776            ...     fields_to_include=[
777            ...         "particle_extra_field_1",
778            ...         "particle_extra_field_2",
779            ...     ],
780            ...     fields_units=["dimensionless", "dimensionless"],
781            ...     dataset_name="IsoGalaxyRamses",
782            ... )
784            >>> reader.options["color"]["io"] = [1, 1, 0, 1]
785            >>> reader.particleGroups[0].decimation_factor = 100
786            >>> reader.dumpToJSON()
787        """
789        ## attempt to import firefly_api
790        try:
791            from firefly_api.particlegroup import ParticleGroup
792            from firefly_api.reader import Reader
793        except ImportError as e:
794            raise ImportError(
795                "Can't find firefly_api, ensure it "
796                "is in your python path or install it with "
797                "`python -m pip install firefly_api`. It is also available "
798                "on github at github.com/agurvich/firefly_api"
799            ) from e
801        ## handle default arguments
802        fields_to_include = [] if fields_to_include is None else fields_to_include
803        fields_units = [] if fields_units is None else fields_units
805        ## handle input validation, if any
806        if len(fields_units) != len(fields_to_include):
807            raise RuntimeError("Each requested field must have units.")
809        ## for safety, in case someone passes a float just cast it
810        default_decimation_factor = int(default_decimation_factor)
812        ## initialize a firefly reader instance
813        reader = Reader(
814            JSONdir=os.path.join(path_to_firefly, "data", dataset_name),
815            prefix="ytData",
816            clean_JSONdir=True,
817        )
819        ## create a ParticleGroup object that contains *every* field
820        for ptype in sorted(self.ds.particle_types_raw):
821            ## skip this particle type if it has no particles in this dataset
822            if self[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].shape[0] == 0:
823                continue
825            ## loop through the fields and print them to the screen
826            if show_unused_fields:
827                ## read the available extra fields from yt
828                this_ptype_fields = self.ds.particle_fields_by_type[ptype]
830                ## load the extra fields and print them
831                for field in this_ptype_fields:
832                    if field not in fields_to_include:
833                        mylog.warning(
834                            "detected (but did not request) %s %s", ptype, field
835                        )
837            ## you must have velocities (and they must be named "Velocities")
838            tracked_arrays = [
839                self[ptype, "relative_particle_velocity"].in_units(velocity_units)
840            ]
841            tracked_names = ["Velocities"]
843            ## explicitly go after the fields we want
844            for field, units in zip(fields_to_include, fields_units):
845                ## determine if you want to take the log of the field for Firefly
846                log_flag = "log(" in units
848                ## read the field array from the dataset
849                this_field_array = self[ptype, field]
851                ## fix the units string and prepend 'log' to the field for
852                ##  the UI name
853                if log_flag:
854                    units = units[len("log(") : -1]
855                    field = f"log{field}"
857                ## perform the unit conversion and take the log if
858                ##  necessary.
859                this_field_array.in_units(units)
860                if log_flag:
861                    this_field_array = np.log10(this_field_array)
863                ## add this array to the tracked arrays
864                tracked_arrays += [this_field_array]
865                tracked_names = np.append(tracked_names, [field], axis=0)
867            ## flag whether we want to filter and/or color by these fields
868            ##  we'll assume yes for both cases, this can be changed after
869            ##  the reader object is returned to the user.
870            tracked_filter_flags = np.ones(len(tracked_names))
871            tracked_colormap_flags = np.ones(len(tracked_names))
873            ## create a firefly ParticleGroup for this particle type
874            pg = ParticleGroup(
875                UIname=ptype,
876                coordinates=self[ptype, "relative_particle_position"].in_units(
877                    coordinate_units
878                ),
879                tracked_arrays=tracked_arrays,
880                tracked_names=tracked_names,
881                tracked_filter_flags=tracked_filter_flags,
882                tracked_colormap_flags=tracked_colormap_flags,
883                decimation_factor=default_decimation_factor,
884            )
886            ## bind this particle group to the firefly reader object
887            reader.addParticleGroup(pg)
889        return reader
891    # Numpy-like Operations
892    def argmax(self, field, axis=None):
893        r"""Return the values at which the field is maximized.
895        This will, in a parallel-aware fashion, find the maximum value and then
896        return to you the values at that maximum location that are requested
897        for "axis".  By default it will return the spatial positions (in the
898        natural coordinate system), but it can be any field
900        Parameters
901        ----------
902        field : string or tuple field name
903            The field to maximize.
904        axis : string or list of strings, optional
905            If supplied, the fields to sample along; if not supplied, defaults
906            to the coordinate fields.  This can be the name of the coordinate
907            fields (i.e., 'x', 'y', 'z') or a list of fields, but cannot be 0,
908            1, 2.
910        Returns
911        -------
912        A list of YTQuantities as specified by the axis argument.
914        Examples
915        --------
917        >>> temp_at_max_rho = reg.argmax(
918        ...     ("gas", "density"), axis=("gas", "temperature")
919        ... )
920        >>> max_rho_xyz = reg.argmax(("gas", "density"))
921        >>> t_mrho, v_mrho = reg.argmax(
922        ...     ("gas", "density"),
923        ...     axis=[("gas", "temperature"), ("gas", "velocity_magnitude")],
924        ... )
925        >>> x, y, z = reg.argmax(("gas", "density"))
927        """
928        if axis is None:
929            mv, pos0, pos1, pos2 = self.quantities.max_location(field)
930            return pos0, pos1, pos2
931        if isinstance(axis, str):
932            axis = [axis]
933        rv = self.quantities.sample_at_max_field_values(field, axis)
934        if len(rv) == 2:
935            return rv[1]
936        return rv[1:]
938    def argmin(self, field, axis=None):
939        r"""Return the values at which the field is minimized.
941        This will, in a parallel-aware fashion, find the minimum value and then
942        return to you the values at that minimum location that are requested
943        for "axis".  By default it will return the spatial positions (in the
944        natural coordinate system), but it can be any field
946        Parameters
947        ----------
948        field : string or tuple field name
949            The field to minimize.
950        axis : string or list of strings, optional
951            If supplied, the fields to sample along; if not supplied, defaults
952            to the coordinate fields.  This can be the name of the coordinate
953            fields (i.e., 'x', 'y', 'z') or a list of fields, but cannot be 0,
954            1, 2.
956        Returns
957        -------
958        A list of YTQuantities as specified by the axis argument.
960        Examples
961        --------
963        >>> temp_at_min_rho = reg.argmin(
964        ...     ("gas", "density"), axis=("gas", "temperature")
965        ... )
966        >>> min_rho_xyz = reg.argmin(("gas", "density"))
967        >>> t_mrho, v_mrho = reg.argmin(
968        ...     ("gas", "density"),
969        ...     axis=[("gas", "temperature"), ("gas", "velocity_magnitude")],
970        ... )
971        >>> x, y, z = reg.argmin(("gas", "density"))
973        """
974        if axis is None:
975            mv, pos0, pos1, pos2 = self.quantities.min_location(field)
976            return pos0, pos1, pos2
977        if isinstance(axis, str):
978            axis = [axis]
979        rv = self.quantities.sample_at_min_field_values(field, axis)
980        if len(rv) == 2:
981            return rv[1]
982        return rv[1:]
984    def _compute_extrema(self, field):
985        if self._extrema_cache is None:
986            self._extrema_cache = {}
987        if field not in self._extrema_cache:
988            # Note we still need to call extrema for each field, as of right
989            # now
990            mi, ma = self.quantities.extrema(field)
991            self._extrema_cache[field] = (mi, ma)
992        return self._extrema_cache[field]
994    _extrema_cache = None
996    def max(self, field, axis=None):
997        r"""Compute the maximum of a field, optionally along an axis.
999        This will, in a parallel-aware fashion, compute the maximum of the
1000        given field.  Supplying an axis will result in a return value of a
1001        YTProjection, with method 'mip' for maximum intensity.  If the max has
1002        already been requested, it will use the cached extrema value.
1004        Parameters
1005        ----------
1006        field : string or tuple field name
1007            The field to maximize.
1008        axis : string, optional
1009            If supplied, the axis to project the maximum along.
1011        Returns
1012        -------
1013        Either a scalar or a YTProjection.
1015        Examples
1016        --------
1018        >>> max_temp = reg.max(("gas", "temperature"))
1019        >>> max_temp_proj = reg.max(("gas", "temperature"), axis=("index", "x"))
1020        """
1021        if axis is None:
1022            rv = tuple(self._compute_extrema(f)[1] for f in iter_fields(field))
1023            if len(rv) == 1:
1024                return rv[0]
1025            return rv
1026        elif axis in self.ds.coordinates.axis_name:
1027            r = self.ds.proj(field, axis, data_source=self, method="mip")
1028            return r
1029        else:
1030            raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown axis {axis}")
1032    def min(self, field, axis=None):
1033        r"""Compute the minimum of a field.
1035        This will, in a parallel-aware fashion, compute the minimum of the
1036        given field.  Supplying an axis is not currently supported.  If the max
1037        has already been requested, it will use the cached extrema value.
1039        Parameters
1040        ----------
1041        field : string or tuple field name
1042            The field to minimize.
1043        axis : string, optional
1044            If supplied, the axis to compute the minimum along.
1046        Returns
1047        -------
1048        Scalar.
1050        Examples
1051        --------
1053        >>> min_temp = reg.min(("gas", "temperature"))
1054        """
1055        if axis is None:
1056            rv = tuple(self._compute_extrema(f)[0] for f in iter_fields(field))
1057            if len(rv) == 1:
1058                return rv[0]
1059            return rv
1060        elif axis in self.ds.coordinates.axis_name:
1061            raise NotImplementedError("Minimum intensity projection not implemented.")
1062        else:
1063            raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown axis {axis}")
1065    def std(self, field, weight=None):
1066        """Compute the standard deviation of a field.
1068        This will, in a parallel-ware fashion, compute the standard
1069        deviation of the given field.
1071        Parameters
1072        ----------
1073        field : string or tuple field name
1074            The field to calculate the standard deviation of
1075        weight : string or tuple field name
1076            The field to weight the standard deviation calculation
1077            by. Defaults to unweighted if unset.
1079        Returns
1080        -------
1081        Scalar
1082        """
1083        weight_field = sanitize_weight_field(self.ds, field, weight)
1084        return self.quantities.weighted_standard_deviation(field, weight_field)[0]
1086    def ptp(self, field):
1087        r"""Compute the range of values (maximum - minimum) of a field.
1089        This will, in a parallel-aware fashion, compute the "peak-to-peak" of
1090        the given field.
1092        Parameters
1093        ----------
1094        field : string or tuple field name
1095            The field to average.
1097        Returns
1098        -------
1099        Scalar
1101        Examples
1102        --------
1104        >>> rho_range = reg.ptp(("gas", "density"))
1105        """
1106        ex = self._compute_extrema(field)
1107        return ex[1] - ex[0]
1109    def profile(
1110        self,
1111        bin_fields,
1112        fields,
1113        n_bins=64,
1114        extrema=None,
1115        logs=None,
1116        units=None,
1117        weight_field=("gas", "mass"),
1118        accumulation=False,
1119        fractional=False,
1120        deposition="ngp",
1121    ):
1122        r"""
1123        Create a 1, 2, or 3D profile object from this data_source.
1125        The dimensionality of the profile object is chosen by the number of
1126        fields given in the bin_fields argument.  This simply calls
1127        :func:`yt.data_objects.profiles.create_profile`.
1129        Parameters
1130        ----------
1131        bin_fields : list of strings
1132            List of the binning fields for profiling.
1133        fields : list of strings
1134            The fields to be profiled.
1135        n_bins : int or list of ints
1136            The number of bins in each dimension.  If None, 64 bins for
1137            each bin are used for each bin field.
1138            Default: 64.
1139        extrema : dict of min, max tuples
1140            Minimum and maximum values of the bin_fields for the profiles.
1141            The keys correspond to the field names. Defaults to the extrema
1142            of the bin_fields of the dataset. If a units dict is provided, extrema
1143            are understood to be in the units specified in the dictionary.
1144        logs : dict of boolean values
1145            Whether or not to log the bin_fields for the profiles.
1146            The keys correspond to the field names. Defaults to the take_log
1147            attribute of the field.
1148        units : dict of strings
1149            The units of the fields in the profiles, including the bin_fields.
1150        weight_field : str or tuple field identifier
1151            The weight field for computing weighted average for the profile
1152            values.  If None, the profile values are sums of the data in
1153            each bin.
1154        accumulation : bool or list of bools
1155            If True, the profile values for a bin n are the cumulative sum of
1156            all the values from bin 0 to n.  If -True, the sum is reversed so
1157            that the value for bin n is the cumulative sum from bin N (total bins)
1158            to n.  If the profile is 2D or 3D, a list of values can be given to
1159            control the summation in each dimension independently.
1160            Default: False.
1161        fractional : If True the profile values are divided by the sum of all
1162            the profile data such that the profile represents a probability
1163            distribution function.
1164        deposition : Controls the type of deposition used for ParticlePhasePlots.
1165            Valid choices are 'ngp' and 'cic'. Default is 'ngp'. This parameter is
1166            ignored the if the input fields are not of particle type.
1169        Examples
1170        --------
1172        Create a 1d profile.  Access bin field from profile.x and field
1173        data from profile[<field_name>].
1175        >>> ds = load("DD0046/DD0046")
1176        >>> ad = ds.all_data()
1177        >>> profile = ad.profile(
1178        ...     ad,
1179        ...     [("gas", "density")],
1180        ...     [("gas", "temperature"), ("gas", "velocity_x")],
1181        ... )
1182        >>> print(profile.x)
1183        >>> print(profile["gas", "temperature"])
1184        >>> plot = profile.plot()
1185        """
1186        p = create_profile(
1187            self,
1188            bin_fields,
1189            fields,
1190            n_bins,
1191            extrema,
1192            logs,
1193            units,
1194            weight_field,
1195            accumulation,
1196            fractional,
1197            deposition,
1198        )
1199        return p
1201    def mean(self, field, axis=None, weight=None):
1202        r"""Compute the mean of a field, optionally along an axis, with a
1203        weight.
1205        This will, in a parallel-aware fashion, compute the mean of the
1206        given field.  If an axis is supplied, it will return a projection,
1207        where the weight is also supplied.  By default the weight field will be
1208        "ones" or "particle_ones", depending on the field being averaged,
1209        resulting in an unweighted average.
1211        Parameters
1212        ----------
1213        field : string or tuple field name
1214            The field to average.
1215        axis : string, optional
1216            If supplied, the axis to compute the mean along (i.e., to project
1217            along)
1218        weight : string, optional
1219            The field to use as a weight.
1221        Returns
1222        -------
1223        Scalar or YTProjection.
1225        Examples
1226        --------
1228        >>> avg_rho = reg.mean(("gas", "density"), weight="cell_volume")
1229        >>> rho_weighted_T = reg.mean(
1230        ...     ("gas", "temperature"), axis=("index", "y"), weight=("gas", "density")
1231        ... )
1232        """
1233        weight_field = sanitize_weight_field(self.ds, field, weight)
1234        if axis in self.ds.coordinates.axis_name:
1235            r = self.ds.proj(field, axis, data_source=self, weight_field=weight_field)
1236        elif axis is None:
1237            r = self.quantities.weighted_average_quantity(field, weight_field)
1238        else:
1239            raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown axis {axis}")
1240        return r
1242    def sum(self, field, axis=None):
1243        r"""Compute the sum of a field, optionally along an axis.
1245        This will, in a parallel-aware fashion, compute the sum of the given
1246        field.  If an axis is specified, it will return a projection (using
1247        method type "sum", which does not take into account path length) along
1248        that axis.
1250        Parameters
1251        ----------
1252        field : string or tuple field name
1253            The field to sum.
1254        axis : string, optional
1255            If supplied, the axis to sum along.
1257        Returns
1258        -------
1259        Either a scalar or a YTProjection.
1261        Examples
1262        --------
1264        >>> total_vol = reg.sum("cell_volume")
1265        >>> cell_count = reg.sum(("index", "ones"), axis=("index", "x"))
1266        """
1267        # Because we're using ``sum`` to specifically mean a sum or a
1268        # projection with the method="sum", we do not utilize the ``mean``
1269        # function.
1270        if axis in self.ds.coordinates.axis_name:
1271            with self._field_parameter_state({"axis": axis}):
1272                r = self.ds.proj(field, axis, data_source=self, method="sum")
1273        elif axis is None:
1274            r = self.quantities.total_quantity(field)
1275        else:
1276            raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown axis {axis}")
1277        return r
1279    def integrate(self, field, weight=None, axis=None):
1280        r"""Compute the integral (projection) of a field along an axis.
1282        This projects a field along an axis.
1284        Parameters
1285        ----------
1286        field : string or tuple field name
1287            The field to project.
1288        weight : string or tuple field name
1289            The field to weight the projection by
1290        axis : string
1291            The axis to project along.
1293        Returns
1294        -------
1295        YTProjection
1297        Examples
1298        --------
1300        >>> column_density = reg.integrate(("gas", "density"), axis=("index", "z"))
1301        """
1302        if weight is not None:
1303            weight_field = sanitize_weight_field(self.ds, field, weight)
1304        else:
1305            weight_field = None
1306        if axis in self.ds.coordinates.axis_name:
1307            r = self.ds.proj(field, axis, data_source=self, weight_field=weight_field)
1308        else:
1309            raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown axis {axis}")
1310        return r
1312    @property
1313    def _hash(self):
1314        s = f"{self}"
1315        try:
1316            import hashlib
1318            return hashlib.md5(s.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
1319        except ImportError:
1320            return s
1322    def __reduce__(self):
1323        args = tuple(
1324            [self.ds._hash(), self._type_name]
1325            + [getattr(self, n) for n in self._con_args]
1326            + [self.field_parameters]
1327        )
1328        return (_reconstruct_object, args)
1330    def clone(self):
1331        r"""Clone a data object.
1333        This will make a duplicate of a data object; note that the
1334        `field_parameters` may not necessarily be deeply-copied.  If you modify
1335        the field parameters in-place, it may or may not be shared between the
1336        objects, depending on the type of object that that particular field
1337        parameter is.
1339        Notes
1340        -----
1341        One use case for this is to have multiple identical data objects that
1342        are being chunked over in different orders.
1344        Examples
1345        --------
1347        >>> ds = yt.load("IsolatedGalaxy/galaxy0030/galaxy0030")
1348        >>> sp = ds.sphere("c", 0.1)
1349        >>> sp_clone = sp.clone()
1350        >>> sp[("gas", "density")]
1351        >>> print(sp.field_data.keys())
1352        [("gas", "density")]
1353        >>> print(sp_clone.field_data.keys())
1354        []
1355        """
1356        args = self.__reduce__()
1357        return args[0](self.ds, *args[1][1:])
1359    def __repr__(self):
1360        # We'll do this the slow way to be clear what's going on
1361        s = f"{self.__class__.__name__} ({self.ds}): "
1362        for i in self._con_args:
1363            try:
1364                s += ", {}={}".format(
1365                    i,
1366                    getattr(self, i).in_base(unit_system=self.ds.unit_system),
1367                )
1368            except AttributeError:
1369                s += f", {i}={getattr(self, i)}"
1370        return s
1372    @contextmanager
1373    def _field_parameter_state(self, field_parameters):
1374        # What we're doing here is making a copy of the incoming field
1375        # parameters, and then updating it with our own.  This means that we'll
1376        # be using our own center, if set, rather than the supplied one.  But
1377        # it also means that any additionally set values can override it.
1378        old_field_parameters = self.field_parameters
1379        new_field_parameters = field_parameters.copy()
1380        new_field_parameters.update(old_field_parameters)
1381        self.field_parameters = new_field_parameters
1382        yield
1383        self.field_parameters = old_field_parameters
1385    @contextmanager
1386    def _field_type_state(self, ftype, finfo, obj=None):
1387        if obj is None:
1388            obj = self
1389        old_particle_type = obj._current_particle_type
1390        old_fluid_type = obj._current_fluid_type
1391        fluid_types = self.ds.fluid_types
1392        if finfo.sampling_type == "particle" and ftype not in fluid_types:
1393            obj._current_particle_type = ftype
1394        else:
1395            obj._current_fluid_type = ftype
1396        yield
1397        obj._current_particle_type = old_particle_type
1398        obj._current_fluid_type = old_fluid_type
1400    def _tupleize_field(self, field):
1402        try:
1403            ftype, fname = field.name
1404            return ftype, fname
1405        except AttributeError:
1406            pass
1408        if is_sequence(field) and not isinstance(field, str):
1409            try:
1410                ftype, fname = field
1411                if not all(isinstance(_, str) for _ in field):
1412                    raise TypeError
1413                return ftype, fname
1414            except TypeError as e:
1415                raise YTFieldNotParseable(field) from e
1416            except ValueError:
1417                pass
1419        try:
1420            fname = field
1421            finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(field)
1422            if finfo.sampling_type == "particle":
1423                ftype = self._current_particle_type
1424                if hasattr(self.ds, "_sph_ptypes"):
1425                    ptypes = self.ds._sph_ptypes
1426                    if finfo.name[0] in ptypes:
1427                        ftype = finfo.name[0]
1428                    elif finfo.alias_field and finfo.alias_name[0] in ptypes:
1429                        ftype = self._current_fluid_type
1430            else:
1431                ftype = self._current_fluid_type
1432                if (ftype, fname) not in self.ds.field_info:
1433                    ftype = self.ds._last_freq[0]
1434            return ftype, fname
1435        except YTFieldNotFound:
1436            pass
1438        if isinstance(field, str):
1439            return "unknown", field
1441        raise YTFieldNotParseable(field)
1443    def _determine_fields(self, fields):
1444        explicit_fields = []
1445        for field in iter_fields(fields):
1446            if field in self._container_fields:
1447                explicit_fields.append(field)
1448                continue
1450            ftype, fname = self._tupleize_field(field)
1451            # print(field, " : ",ftype, fname)
1452            finfo = self.ds._get_field_info(ftype, fname)
1454            # really ugly check to ensure that this field really does exist somewhere,
1455            # in some naming convention, before returning it as a possible field type
1456            if (
1457                (ftype, fname) not in self.ds.field_info
1458                and (ftype, fname) not in self.ds.field_list
1459                and fname not in self.ds.field_list
1460                and (ftype, fname) not in self.ds.derived_field_list
1461                and fname not in self.ds.derived_field_list
1462                and (ftype, fname) not in self._container_fields
1463            ):
1464                raise YTFieldNotFound((ftype, fname), self.ds)
1466            # these tests are really insufficient as a field type may be valid, and the
1467            # field name may be valid, but not the combination (field type, field name)
1468            particle_field = finfo.sampling_type == "particle"
1469            local_field = finfo.local_sampling
1470            if local_field:
1471                pass
1472            elif particle_field and ftype not in self.ds.particle_types:
1473                raise YTFieldTypeNotFound(ftype, ds=self.ds)
1474            elif not particle_field and ftype not in self.ds.fluid_types:
1475                raise YTFieldTypeNotFound(ftype, ds=self.ds)
1476            explicit_fields.append((ftype, fname))
1477        return explicit_fields
1479    _tree = None
1481    @property
1482    def tiles(self):
1483        if self._tree is not None:
1484            return self._tree
1485        self._tree = AMRKDTree(self.ds, data_source=self)
1486        return self._tree
1488    @property
1489    def blocks(self):
1490        for _io_chunk in self.chunks([], "io"):
1491            for _chunk in self.chunks([], "spatial", ngz=0):
1492                # For grids this will be a grid object, and for octrees it will
1493                # be an OctreeSubset.  Note that we delegate to the sub-object.
1494                o = self._current_chunk.objs[0]
1495                cache_fp = o.field_parameters.copy()
1496                o.field_parameters.update(self.field_parameters)
1497                for b, m in o.select_blocks(self.selector):
1498                    if m is None:
1499                        continue
1500                    yield b, m
1501                o.field_parameters = cache_fp
1504# PR3124: Given that save_as_dataset is now the recommended method for saving
1505# objects (see Issue 2021 and references therein), the following has been re-written.
1507# Original comments (still true):
1509# In the future, this would be better off being set up to more directly
1510# reference objects or retain state, perhaps with a context manager.
1512# One final detail: time series or multiple datasets in a single pickle
1513# seems problematic.
1516def _get_ds_by_hash(hash):
1517    from yt.data_objects.static_output import Dataset
1519    if isinstance(hash, Dataset):
1520        return hash
1521    from yt.data_objects.static_output import _cached_datasets
1523    for ds in _cached_datasets.values():
1524        if ds._hash() == hash:
1525            return ds
1526    return None
1529def _reconstruct_object(*args, **kwargs):
1530    # returns a reconstructed YTDataContainer. As of PR 3124, we now return
1531    # the actual YTDataContainer rather than a (ds, YTDataContainer) tuple.
1533    # pull out some arguments
1534    dsid = args[0]  # the hash id
1535    dtype = args[1]  # DataContainer type (e.g., 'region')
1536    field_parameters = args[-1]  # the field parameters
1538    # re-instantiate the base dataset from the hash and ParameterFileStore
1539    ds = _get_ds_by_hash(dsid)
1540    override_weakref = False
1541    if not ds:
1542        override_weakref = True
1543        datasets = ParameterFileStore()
1544        ds = datasets.get_ds_hash(dsid)
1546    # instantiate the class with remainder of the args and adjust the state
1547    cls = getattr(ds, dtype)
1548    obj = cls(*args[2:-1])
1549    obj.field_parameters.update(field_parameters)
1551    # any nested ds references are weakref.proxy(ds), so need to ensure the ds
1552    # we just loaded persists when we leave this function (nosetests fail without
1553    # this) if we did not have an actual dataset as an argument.
1554    if hasattr(obj, "ds") and override_weakref:
1555        obj.ds = ds
1557    return obj