1 /*
2   Teem: Tools to process and visualize scientific data and images             .
3   Copyright (C) 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009  University of Chicago
4   Copyright (C) 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005  Gordon Kindlmann
5   Copyright (C) 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1998  University of Utah
7   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
9   (LGPL) as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11   The terms of redistributing and/or modifying this software also
12   include exceptions to the LGPL that facilitate static linking.
14   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17   Lesser General Public License for more details.
19   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20   along with this library; if not, write to Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
21   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
22 */
24 #include "echo.h"
25 #include "privateEcho.h"
27 char _echoBuff[128] = "";
29 char *
_echoDot(int depth)30 _echoDot(int depth) {
31   int i;
33   _echoBuff[0] = '\0';
34   for (i=1; i<=depth; i++) {
35     strcat(_echoBuff, ".  ");
36   }
37   return _echoBuff;
38 }
40 void
echoTextureLookup(echoCol_t rgba[4],Nrrd * ntext,echoPos_t u,echoPos_t v,echoRTParm * parm)41 echoTextureLookup(echoCol_t rgba[4], Nrrd *ntext,
42                   echoPos_t u, echoPos_t v, echoRTParm *parm) {
43   int su, sv, ui, vi;
44   float uf, vf;
45   unsigned char *tdata00, *tdata10, *tdata01, *tdata11;
47   su = ntext->axis[1].size;
48   sv = ntext->axis[2].size;
49   if (parm->textureNN) {
50     ui = airIndex(0.0, u, 1.0, su);
51     vi = airIndex(0.0, v, 1.0, sv);
52     tdata00 = (unsigned char*)(ntext->data) + 4*(ui + su*vi);
53     ELL_4V_SET_TT(rgba, echoCol_t,
54                   tdata00[0]/255.0, tdata00[1]/255.0,
55                   tdata00[2]/255.0, tdata00[3]/255.0);
56   } else {
57     u = AIR_AFFINE(0.0, u, 1.0, 0.0, su-1);  u = AIR_CLAMP(0, u, su-1);
58     v = AIR_AFFINE(0.0, v, 1.0, 0.0, sv-1);  v = AIR_CLAMP(0, v, sv-1);
59     u -= (u == su-1);  ui = (int)u;  uf = AIR_CAST(float, u - ui);
60     v -= (v == sv-1);  vi = (int)v;  vf = AIR_CAST(float, v - vi);
61     tdata00 = (unsigned char*)(ntext->data) + 4*(ui + su*vi);
62     tdata01 = tdata00 + 4;
63     tdata10 = tdata00 + 4*su;
64     tdata11 = tdata10 + 4;
65     ELL_4V_SET_TT(rgba, echoCol_t,
66                   ((1-vf)*(1-uf)*tdata00[0] + (1-vf)*uf*tdata01[0] +
67                    vf*(1-uf)*tdata10[0] + vf*uf*tdata11[0])/255.0,
68                   ((1-vf)*(1-uf)*tdata00[1] + (1-vf)*uf*tdata01[1] +
69                    vf*(1-uf)*tdata10[1] + vf*uf*tdata11[1])/255.0,
70                   ((1-vf)*(1-uf)*tdata00[2] + (1-vf)*uf*tdata01[2] +
71                    vf*(1-uf)*tdata10[2] + vf*uf*tdata11[2])/255.0,
72                   ((1-vf)*(1-uf)*tdata00[3] + (1-vf)*uf*tdata01[3] +
73                    vf*(1-uf)*tdata10[3] + vf*uf*tdata11[3])/255.0);
74   }
75 }
77 void
echoIntxMaterialColor(echoCol_t rgba[4],echoIntx * intx,echoRTParm * parm)78 echoIntxMaterialColor(echoCol_t rgba[4], echoIntx *intx, echoRTParm *parm) {
80   if (intx->obj->ntext) {
81     _echoRayIntxUV[intx->obj->type](intx);
82     echoTextureLookup(rgba, intx->obj->ntext, intx->u, intx->v, parm);
83     rgba[0] *= intx->obj->rgba[0];
84     rgba[1] *= intx->obj->rgba[1];
85     rgba[2] *= intx->obj->rgba[2];
86     rgba[3] *= intx->obj->rgba[3];
87   } else {
88     ELL_4V_COPY(rgba, intx->obj->rgba);
89   }
90 }
92 /*
93 ******** echoIntxLightColor
94 **
95 ** determines ambient, diffuse, and (Phong) specular contributions to lighting
96 ** a given intersection.  "ambi" and "diff" MUST be given as non-NULL,
97 ** "spec" can be given as NULL in order to bypass specular computations
98 */
99 void
echoIntxLightColor(echoCol_t ambi[3],echoCol_t diff[3],echoCol_t spec[3],echoCol_t sp,echoIntx * intx,echoScene * scene,echoRTParm * parm,echoThreadState * tstate)100 echoIntxLightColor(echoCol_t ambi[3], echoCol_t diff[3], echoCol_t spec[3],
101                    echoCol_t sp,
102                    echoIntx *intx, echoScene *scene, echoRTParm *parm,
103                    echoThreadState *tstate) {
104   unsigned int Lidx;
105   int blocked;
106   echoRay shadRay;
107   echoIntx shadIntx;
108   echoPos_t Ldist, Ldir[3], Lpos[3], Ldot;
109   echoCol_t Lcol[3], fracseen;
111   if (parm->shadow) {
112     /* from, neer, shadow */
113     shadRay.shadow = AIR_TRUE;
114     ELL_3V_COPY(shadRay.from, intx->pos);
115     /* HEY: this has to be fixed: shadow rays were getting aborted
116        because of this in a scene of instanced superquadrics, and
117        so epsilon had to be increased.  Something about this epsilon
118        has to be adjusted according to the instancing matrix */
119     shadRay.neer = 30*ECHO_EPSILON;
120   }
122   /* set ambient (easy) */
123   ELL_3V_COPY(ambi, scene->ambi);
125   /* environment contributes only to diffuse */
126   if (scene->envmap) {
127     echoEnvmapLookup(diff, intx->norm, scene->envmap);
128   } else {
129     ELL_3V_SET(diff, 0, 0, 0);
130   }
132   /* lights contribute to diffuse and specular */
133   if (spec) {
134     ELL_3V_SET(spec, 0, 0, 0);
135   }
136   for (Lidx=0; Lidx<scene->lightArr->len; Lidx++) {
137     echoLightPosition(Lpos, scene->light[Lidx], tstate);
138     ELL_3V_SUB(Ldir, Lpos, intx->pos);
139     ELL_3V_NORM(Ldir, Ldir, Ldist);
140     Ldot = ELL_3V_DOT(Ldir, intx->norm);
141     /* HEY: HACK: we have to general per-object-type flag that says,
142        this kind of object has no notion of in-versus-out facing . . . */
143     if (echoTypeRectangle == intx->obj->type) {
144       Ldot = AIR_ABS(Ldot);
145     }
146     if (Ldot <= 0) {
147       continue;
148       /* to next light, we aren't facing this one.  NB: this means
149          that there aren't diffuse or specular contributions on the
150          backsides of even semi-transparent surfaces */
151     }
152     if (parm->shadow) {
153       ELL_3V_COPY(shadRay.dir, Ldir);
154       shadRay.faar = Ldist;
155       if (echoRayIntx(&shadIntx, &shadRay, scene, parm, tstate)) {
156         if (1.0 == parm->shadow) {
157           /* skip to next light, this one is obscured by something,
158              and we don't do any partial shadowing */
159           continue;
160         }
161         blocked = AIR_TRUE;
162       } else {
163         blocked = AIR_FALSE;
164       }
165     } else {
166       blocked = AIR_FALSE;
167     }
168     fracseen = AIR_CAST(echoCol_t, blocked ? 1.0 - parm->shadow : 1.0);
169     echoLightColor(Lcol, Ldist, scene->light[Lidx], parm, tstate);
170     ELL_3V_SCALE_INCR_TT(diff, echoCol_t, fracseen*Ldot, Lcol);
171     if (spec) {
172       Ldot = ELL_3V_DOT(Ldir, intx->refl);
173       if (echoTypeRectangle == intx->obj->type) {
174         Ldot = AIR_ABS(Ldot);
175       }
176       if (Ldot > 0) {
177         Ldot = pow(Ldot, sp);
178         ELL_3V_SCALE_INCR_TT(spec, echoCol_t, fracseen*Ldot, Lcol);
179       }
180     }
181   }
182   return;
183 }
185 void
_echoIntxColorPhong(INTXCOLOR_ARGS)186 _echoIntxColorPhong(INTXCOLOR_ARGS) {
187   echoCol_t ambi[3], diff[3], spec[3], ka, kd, ks, sp;
189   ka = intx->obj->mat[echoMatterPhongKa];
190   kd = intx->obj->mat[echoMatterPhongKd];
191   ks = intx->obj->mat[echoMatterPhongKs];
192   sp = intx->obj->mat[echoMatterPhongSp];
194   echoIntxMaterialColor(rgba, intx, parm);
195   ELL_3V_SET(spec, 0, 0, 0);
196   echoIntxLightColor(ambi, diff, ks ? spec : NULL, sp,
197                      intx, scene, parm, tstate);
198   rgba[0] = rgba[0]*(ka*ambi[0] + kd*diff[0]) + ks*spec[0];
199   rgba[1] = rgba[1]*(ka*ambi[1] + kd*diff[1]) + ks*spec[1];
200   rgba[2] = rgba[2]*(ka*ambi[2] + kd*diff[2]) + ks*spec[2];
201   return;
202 }
204 void
_echoIntxColorMetal(INTXCOLOR_ARGS)205 _echoIntxColorMetal(INTXCOLOR_ARGS) {
206   echoCol_t ka, kd, kp, RA, RD, RS, ambi[3], diff[3], spec[4];
207   echoPos_t c;
208   echoRay reflRay;
210   if (0 && tstate->verbose) {
211     fprintf(stderr, "%s%s: t = %g\n",
212             _echoDot(tstate->depth), "_echoIntxColorMetal", intx->t);
213   }
215   ELL_3V_SET(spec, 0, 0, 0);
216   echoIntxMaterialColor(rgba, intx, parm);
217   c = ELL_3V_DOT(intx->view, intx->norm);
218   if (c <= 0) {
219     /* see only surface color on backside of metal */
220     return;
221   }
222   c = 1 - c;
223   c = c*c*c*c*c;
224   RS = intx->obj->mat[echoMatterMetalR0];
225   RS = AIR_CAST(echoCol_t, RS + (1 - RS)*c);
226   ka = intx->obj->mat[echoMatterMetalKa];
227   kd = intx->obj->mat[echoMatterMetalKd];
228   kp = ka + kd;
229   /* neer, faar, shadow, from, dir */
230   ELL_3V_COPY(reflRay.from, intx->pos);
231   ELL_3V_COPY(reflRay.dir, intx->refl);
232   reflRay.neer = ECHO_EPSILON;
233   reflRay.faar = ECHO_POS_MAX;
234   reflRay.shadow = AIR_FALSE;
235   echoRayColor(spec, &reflRay, scene, parm, tstate);
236   if (kp) {
237     RA = (1 - RS)*ka/kp;
238     RD = (1 - RS)*kd/kp;
239     echoIntxLightColor(ambi, diff, NULL, 0.0,
240                        intx, scene, parm, tstate);
241     /* NB: surface color does attenuate reflected color (unlike phong) */
242     rgba[0] *= RA*ambi[0] + RD*diff[0] + RS*spec[0];
243     rgba[1] *= RA*ambi[1] + RD*diff[1] + RS*spec[1];
244     rgba[2] *= RA*ambi[2] + RD*diff[2] + RS*spec[2];
245   } else {
246     rgba[0] *= RS*spec[0];
247     rgba[1] *= RS*spec[1];
248     rgba[2] *= RS*spec[2];
249   }
251   return;
252 }
254 /*
255 ** "th" = theta = angle of incidence
256 ** "ph" = phi = angle of refraction
257 ** "index" = (index of outgoing material)/(index of incoming material)
258 */
259 int
_echoRefract(echoPos_t T[3],echoPos_t V[3],echoPos_t N[3],echoCol_t indexr,echoThreadState * tstate)260 _echoRefract(echoPos_t T[3], echoPos_t V[3],
261              echoPos_t N[3], echoCol_t indexr, echoThreadState *tstate) {
262   echoPos_t cosTh, cosPh, sinPhSq, cosPhSq, tmp1, tmp2;
264   cosTh = ELL_3V_DOT(V, N);
265   sinPhSq = (1 - cosTh*cosTh)/(indexr*indexr);
266   cosPhSq = 1 - sinPhSq;
267   if (cosPhSq < 0) {
268     if (tstate->verbose) {
269       fprintf(stderr, "%s%s: cosTh = %g --%g--> TIR!!\n",
270               _echoDot(tstate->depth), "_echoRefract",
271               cosTh, indexr);
272     }
273     return AIR_FALSE;
274   }
275   /* else we do not have total internal reflection */
276   cosPh = sqrt(cosPhSq);
277   if (tstate->verbose) {
278     fprintf(stderr, "%s%s: cosTh = %g --%g--> cosPh = %g\n",
279             _echoDot(tstate->depth), "_echoRefract",
280             cosTh, indexr, cosPh);
281   }
282   tmp1 = -1.0/indexr; tmp2 = cosTh/indexr - cosPh;
283   ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD2(T, tmp1, V, tmp2, N);
284   ELL_3V_NORM(T, T, tmp1);
285   return AIR_TRUE;
286 }
288 void
_echoIntxColorGlass(INTXCOLOR_ARGS)289 _echoIntxColorGlass(INTXCOLOR_ARGS) {
290   char me[]="_echoIntxColorGlass";
291   echoCol_t
292     ambi[3], diff[3],
293     ka, kd, RP, RS, RT, R0,
294     indexr,        /* (index of material we're going into) /
295                       (index of material we're leaving) */
296     k[3],          /* attenuation of color due to travel through medium */
297     matlCol[4],    /* inherent color */
298     reflCol[4],    /* color from reflected ray */
299     tranCol[4];    /* color from transmitted ray */
300   echoPos_t tmp,
301     negnorm[3];
302   double c;
303   echoRay tranRay, reflRay;
305   echoIntxMaterialColor(matlCol, intx, parm);
307   /* from, neer, faar, shadow */
308   ELL_3V_COPY(tranRay.from, intx->pos);
309   ELL_3V_COPY(reflRay.from, intx->pos);
310   tranRay.neer = reflRay.neer = ECHO_EPSILON;
311   tranRay.faar = reflRay.faar = ECHO_POS_MAX;
312   tranRay.shadow = reflRay.shadow = AIR_FALSE;
313   ELL_3V_COPY(reflRay.dir, intx->refl);
314   /* tranRay.dir set below */
315   indexr = intx->obj->mat[echoMatterGlassIndex];
317   RS = 0.0;  /* this is a flag meaning: "AFAIK, there's no total int refl" */
318   tmp = ELL_3V_DOT(intx->norm, intx->view);
319   if (tmp > 0) {
320     /* "d.n < 0": we're coming from outside the glass, and we
321        assume this means that we're going into a HIGHER index material,
322        which means there is NO total internal reflection */
323     _echoRefract(tranRay.dir, intx->view, intx->norm, indexr, tstate);
324     if (tstate->verbose) {
325       fprintf(stderr, "%s%s: V=(%g,%g,%g),N=(%g,%g,%g),n=%g -> T=(%g,%g,%g)\n",
326               _echoDot(tstate->depth), me,
327               intx->view[0], intx->view[1], intx->view[2],
328               intx->norm[0], intx->norm[1], intx->norm[2], indexr,
329               tranRay.dir[0], tranRay.dir[1], tranRay.dir[2]);
330     }
331     c = tmp;
332     ELL_3V_SET(k, 1, 1, 1);
333   } else {
334     /* we're coming from inside the glass */
335     /* the reasoning for my Beer's law implementation is this: if a
336        channel (r, g, or b) is full on (1.0), then there should be no
337        attenuation in its color.  The more the color is below 1.0, the
338        more it should be damped with distance. */
339     k[0] = AIR_CAST(echoCol_t, exp(parm->glassC*(matlCol[0]-1)*intx->t));
340     k[1] = AIR_CAST(echoCol_t, exp(parm->glassC*(matlCol[1]-1)*intx->t));
341     k[2] = AIR_CAST(echoCol_t, exp(parm->glassC*(matlCol[2]-1)*intx->t));
342     if (tstate->verbose) {
343       fprintf(stderr, "%s%s: internal refl @ t = %g -> k = %g %g %g\n",
344               _echoDot(tstate->depth), me, intx->t, k[0], k[1], k[2]);
345     }
346     ELL_3V_SCALE(negnorm, -1, intx->norm);
347     if (_echoRefract(tranRay.dir, intx->view, negnorm, 1/indexr, tstate)) {
348       c = -ELL_3V_DOT(tranRay.dir, negnorm);
349     } else {
350       /* its total internal reflection time! */
351       c = 0.0;
352       RS = 1.0;
353     }
354   }
356   if (RS) {
357     /* total internal reflection */
358     RT = 0;
359   } else {
360     R0 = (indexr - 1)/(indexr + 1);
361     R0 *= R0;
362     c = 1 - c;
363     c = c*c*c*c*c;
364     RS = AIR_CAST(echoCol_t, R0 + (1-R0)*c);
365     RT = 1 - RS;
366   }
367   ka = intx->obj->mat[echoMatterMetalKa];
368   kd = intx->obj->mat[echoMatterMetalKd];
369   RP = ka + kd;
370   if (RP) {
371     RS *= 1 - RP;
372     RT *= 1 - RP;
373     echoIntxLightColor(ambi, diff, NULL, 0.0,
374                        intx, scene, parm, tstate);
375   } else {
376     ELL_3V_SET(ambi, 0, 0, 0);
377     ELL_3V_SET(diff, 0, 0, 0);
378   }
379   if (tstate->verbose) {
380     fprintf(stderr, "%s%s: --- reflRay (reflected)\n",
381             _echoDot(tstate->depth), me);
382   }
383   echoRayColor(reflCol, &reflRay, scene, parm, tstate);
384   if (RT) {
385     if (tstate->verbose) {
386       fprintf(stderr, "%s%s: --- tranRay (refracted)\n",
387               _echoDot(tstate->depth), me);
388     }
389     echoRayColor(tranCol, &tranRay, scene, parm, tstate);
390   } else {
391     ELL_3V_SET(tranCol, 0, 0, 0);
392   }
393   rgba[0] = (matlCol[0]*(ka*ambi[0] + kd*diff[0])  +
394              k[0]*(RS*reflCol[0] + RT*tranCol[0]));
395   rgba[1] = (matlCol[1]*(ka*ambi[1] + kd*diff[1])  +
396              k[1]*(RS*reflCol[1] + RT*tranCol[1]));
397   rgba[2] = (matlCol[2]*(ka*ambi[2] + kd*diff[2])  +
398              k[2]*(RS*reflCol[2] + RT*tranCol[2]));
399   rgba[3] = 1.0;
400   return;
401 }
403 void
_echoIntxColorLight(INTXCOLOR_ARGS)404 _echoIntxColorLight(INTXCOLOR_ARGS) {
406   AIR_UNUSED(scene);
407   AIR_UNUSED(tstate);
408   echoIntxMaterialColor(rgba, intx, parm);
409 }
411 void
_echoIntxColorUnknown(INTXCOLOR_ARGS)412 _echoIntxColorUnknown(INTXCOLOR_ARGS) {
414   AIR_UNUSED(rgba);
415   AIR_UNUSED(intx);
416   AIR_UNUSED(scene);
417   AIR_UNUSED(parm);
418   fprintf(stderr, "%s%s: can't color intx with object with unset material\n",
419           _echoDot(tstate->depth), "_echoIntxColorNone");
420 }
422 _echoIntxColor_t
423 _echoIntxColor[ECHO_MATTER_MAX+1] = {
424   _echoIntxColorUnknown,
425   _echoIntxColorPhong,
426   _echoIntxColorGlass,
427   _echoIntxColorMetal,
428   _echoIntxColorLight,
429 };
431 /*
432 ******** echoIntxFuzzify()
433 **
434 ** this modifies the refl and norm fields of a given intx
435 */
436 void
echoIntxFuzzify(echoIntx * intx,echoCol_t fuzz,echoThreadState * tstate)437 echoIntxFuzzify(echoIntx *intx, echoCol_t fuzz, echoThreadState *tstate) {
438   echoPos_t tmp, *jitt, oldNorm[3], perp0[3], perp1[3], jj0, jj1;
439   int side;
441   /* at some point I thought this was important to avoid bias when
442      going through glass, but now I'm not so sure . . . It is likely
443      totally moot if jitter vectors are NOT reused between pixels. */
444   if (ELL_3V_DOT(intx->norm, intx->view) > 0) {
445     jitt = tstate->jitt + 2*echoJittableNormalA;
446   } else {
447     jitt = tstate->jitt + 2*echoJittableNormalB;
448   }
449   jj0 = fuzz*jitt[0];
450   jj1 = fuzz*jitt[1];
451   ELL_3V_COPY(oldNorm, intx->norm);
452   side = ELL_3V_DOT(intx->refl, oldNorm) > 0;
453   ell_3v_PERP(perp0, oldNorm);
454   ELL_3V_NORM(perp0, perp0, tmp);
455   ELL_3V_CROSS(perp1, perp0, oldNorm);
456   ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD3(intx->norm, 1, oldNorm, jj0, perp0, jj1, perp1);
457   ELL_3V_NORM(intx->norm, intx->norm, tmp);
458   _ECHO_REFLECT(intx->refl, intx->norm, intx->view, tmp);
459   if (side != (ELL_3V_DOT(intx->refl, oldNorm) > 0)) {
460     ELL_3V_SCALE_ADD3(intx->norm, 1, oldNorm, -jj0, perp0, -jj1, perp1);
461     ELL_3V_NORM(intx->norm, intx->norm, tmp);
462     _ECHO_REFLECT(intx->refl, intx->norm, intx->view, tmp);
463   }
464   if (tstate->verbose) {
465     fprintf(stderr, "%s%s: fuzz[%g](%g,%g,%g) --> (%g,%g,%g)\n",
466             _echoDot(tstate->depth), "echoIntxFuzzify", fuzz,
467             oldNorm[0], oldNorm[1], oldNorm[2],
468             intx->norm[0], intx->norm[1], intx->norm[2]);
469   }
470   return;
471 }
473 void
echoIntxColor(echoCol_t rgba[4],echoIntx * intx,echoScene * scene,echoRTParm * parm,echoThreadState * tstate)474 echoIntxColor(echoCol_t rgba[4], echoIntx *intx,
475               echoScene *scene, echoRTParm *parm, echoThreadState *tstate) {
476   echoCol_t fuzz;
478   switch(intx->obj->matter) {
479   case echoMatterGlass:
480     fuzz = intx->obj->mat[echoMatterGlassFuzzy];
481     break;
482   case echoMatterMetal:
483     fuzz = intx->obj->mat[echoMatterMetalFuzzy];
484     break;
485   default:
486     fuzz = 0;
487     break;
488   }
489   if (fuzz) {
490     echoIntxFuzzify(intx, fuzz, tstate);
491   }
492   _echoIntxColor[intx->obj->matter](rgba, intx, scene, parm, tstate);
493 }