1#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
2#    not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
3#    a copy of the License at
5#         http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
8#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
9#    WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
10#    License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
11#    under the License.
13import logging
14import sys
15import textwrap
16import warnings
17import yaml
19from oslo_config import cfg
20from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
21import stevedore
23from oslo_policy import policy
25LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
28    cfg.StrOpt('output-file',
29               help='Path of the file to write to. Defaults to stdout.'),
33    cfg.MultiStrOpt('namespace',
34                    help='Option namespace(s) under "oslo.policy.policies" in '
35                         'which to query for options.'),
36    cfg.StrOpt('format',
37               deprecated_for_removal=True,
38               deprecated_since='Victoria',
39               deprecated_reason="""
40``policy_file`` support for JSON formatted file is deprecated.
41So these tools also deprecate the support of generating or
42upgrading policy file in JSON format.
44               help='Desired format for the output.',
45               default='yaml',
46               choices=['json', 'yaml']),
50    cfg.StrOpt('namespace',
51               help='Option namespace under "oslo.policy.enforcer" in '
52                    'which to look for a policy.Enforcer.'),
56    cfg.StrOpt('policy',
57               required=True,
58               help='Path to the policy file which need to be updated.')
62    cfg.MultiStrOpt('namespace',
63                    required=True,
64                    help='Option namespace(s) under "oslo.policy.policies" in '
65                         'which to query for options.'),
66    cfg.StrOpt('policy-file',
67               required=True,
68               help='Path to the policy file which need to be converted to '
69                    'yaml format.')
73def get_policies_dict(namespaces):
74    """Find the options available via the given namespaces.
76    :param namespaces: a list of namespaces registered under
77                       'oslo.policy.policies'
78    :returns: a dict of {namespace1: [rule_default_1, rule_default_2],
79                         namespace2: [rule_default_3]...}
80    """
81    mgr = stevedore.named.NamedExtensionManager(
82        'oslo.policy.policies',
83        names=namespaces,
84        on_load_failure_callback=on_load_failure_callback,
85        invoke_on_load=True)
86    opts = {ep.name: ep.obj for ep in mgr}
88    return opts
91def _get_enforcer(namespace):
92    """Find a policy.Enforcer via an entry point with the given namespace.
94    :param namespace: a namespace under oslo.policy.enforcer where the desired
95                      enforcer object can be found.
96    :returns: a policy.Enforcer object
97    """
98    mgr = stevedore.named.NamedExtensionManager(
99        'oslo.policy.enforcer',
100        names=[namespace],
101        on_load_failure_callback=on_load_failure_callback,
102        invoke_on_load=True)
103    if namespace not in mgr:
104        raise KeyError('Namespace "%s" not found.' % namespace)
105    enforcer = mgr[namespace].obj
107    return enforcer
110def _format_help_text(description):
111    """Format a comment for a policy based on the description provided.
113    :param description: A string with helpful text.
114    :returns: A line wrapped comment, or blank comment if description is None
115    """
116    if not description:
117        return '#'
119    formatted_lines = []
120    paragraph = []
122    def _wrap_paragraph(lines):
123        return textwrap.wrap(' '.join(lines), 70, initial_indent='# ',
124                             subsequent_indent='# ')
126    for line in description.strip().splitlines():
127        if not line.strip():
128            # empty line -> line break, so dump anything we have
129            formatted_lines.extend(_wrap_paragraph(paragraph))
130            formatted_lines.append('#')
131            paragraph = []
132        elif len(line) == len(line.lstrip()):
133            # no leading whitespace = paragraph, which should be wrapped
134            paragraph.append(line.rstrip())
135        else:
136            # leading whitespace - literal block, which should not be wrapping
137            if paragraph:
138                # ...however, literal blocks need a new line before them to
139                # delineate things
140                # TODO(stephenfin): Raise an exception here and stop doing
141                # anything else in oslo.policy 2.0
142                warnings.warn(
143                    'Invalid policy description: literal blocks must be '
144                    'preceded by a new line. This will raise an exception in '
145                    'a future version of oslo.policy:\n%s' % description,
146                    FutureWarning)
147                formatted_lines.extend(_wrap_paragraph(paragraph))
148                formatted_lines.append('#')
149                paragraph = []
151            formatted_lines.append('# %s' % line.rstrip())
153    if paragraph:
154        # dump anything we might still have in the buffer
155        formatted_lines.extend(_wrap_paragraph(paragraph))
157    return '\n'.join(formatted_lines)
160def _format_rule_default_yaml(default, include_help=True, comment_rule=True,
161                              add_deprecated_rules=True):
162    """Create a yaml node from policy.RuleDefault or policy.DocumentedRuleDefault.
164    :param default: A policy.RuleDefault or policy.DocumentedRuleDefault object
165    :param comment_rule: By default rules will be commented out in generated
166                         yaml format text. If you want to keep few or all rules
167                         uncommented then pass this arg as False.
168    :param add_deprecated_rules: Whether to add the deprecated rules in format
169                                 text.
170    :returns: A string containing a yaml representation of the RuleDefault
171    """
172    text = ('"%(name)s": "%(check_str)s"\n' %
173            {'name': default.name,
174             'check_str': default.check_str})
176    if include_help:
177        op = ""
178        if hasattr(default, 'operations'):
179            for operation in default.operations:
180                if operation['method'] and operation['path']:
181                    op += ('# %(method)s  %(path)s\n' %
182                           {'method': operation['method'],
183                            'path': operation['path']})
184        intended_scope = ""
185        if getattr(default, 'scope_types', None) is not None:
186            intended_scope = (
187                '# Intended scope(s): ' + ', '.join(default.scope_types) + '\n'
188            )
189        comment = '#' if comment_rule else ''
190        text = ('%(op)s%(scope)s%(comment)s%(text)s\n' %
191                {'op': op,
192                 'scope': intended_scope,
193                 'comment': comment,
194                 'text': text})
195        if default.description:
196            text = _format_help_text(default.description) + '\n' + text
198    if add_deprecated_rules and default.deprecated_for_removal:
199        text = (
200            '# DEPRECATED\n# "%(name)s" has been deprecated since '
201            '%(since)s.\n%(reason)s\n%(text)s'
202        ) % {'name': default.name,
203             'since': default.deprecated_since,
204             'reason': _format_help_text(default.deprecated_reason),
205             'text': text}
206    elif add_deprecated_rules and default.deprecated_rule:
207        deprecated_reason = (
208            default.deprecated_rule.deprecated_reason or
209            default.deprecated_reason
210        )
211        deprecated_since = (
212            default.deprecated_rule.deprecated_since or
213            default.deprecated_since
214        )
216        # This issues a deprecation warning but aliases the old policy name
217        # with the new policy name for compatibility.
218        deprecated_text = (
219            '"%(old_name)s":"%(old_check_str)s" has been deprecated '
220            'since %(since)s in favor of "%(name)s":"%(check_str)s".'
221        ) % {
222            'old_name': default.deprecated_rule.name,
223            'old_check_str': default.deprecated_rule.check_str,
224            'since': deprecated_since,
225            'name': default.name,
226            'check_str': default.check_str,
227        }
228        text = '%(text)s# DEPRECATED\n%(deprecated_text)s\n%(reason)s\n' % {
229            'text': text,
230            'reason': _format_help_text(deprecated_reason),
231            'deprecated_text': _format_help_text(deprecated_text)
232        }
234        if default.name != default.deprecated_rule.name:
235            text += ('"%(old_name)s": "rule:%(name)s"\n' %
236                     {'old_name': default.deprecated_rule.name,
237                      'name': default.name})
238        text += '\n'
240    return text
243def _format_rule_default_json(default):
244    """Create a json node from policy.RuleDefault or policy.DocumentedRuleDefault.
246    :param default: A policy.RuleDefault or policy.DocumentedRuleDefault object
247    :returns: A string containing a json representation of the RuleDefault
248    """
249    return ('"%(name)s": "%(check_str)s"' %
250            {'name': default.name,
251             'check_str': default.check_str})
254def _sort_and_format_by_section(policies, output_format='yaml',
255                                include_help=True):
256    """Generate a list of policy section texts
258    The text for a section will be created and returned one at a time. The
259    sections are sorted first to provide for consistent output.
261    Text is created in yaml format. This is done manually because PyYaml
262    does not facilitate outputing comments.
264    :param policies: A dict of {section1: [rule_default_1, rule_default_2],
265                                section2: [rule_default_3]}
266    :param output_format: The format of the file to output to.
267    """
268    for section in sorted(policies.keys()):
269        rule_defaults = policies[section]
270        for rule_default in rule_defaults:
271            if output_format == 'yaml':
272                yield _format_rule_default_yaml(rule_default,
273                                                include_help=include_help)
274            elif output_format == 'json':
275                LOG.warning(policy.WARN_JSON)
276                yield _format_rule_default_json(rule_default)
279def _generate_sample(namespaces, output_file=None, output_format='yaml',
280                     include_help=True):
281    """Generate a sample policy file.
283    List all of the policies available via the namespace specified in the
284    given configuration and write them to the specified output file.
286    :param namespaces: a list of namespaces registered under
287                       'oslo.policy.policies'. Stevedore will look here for
288                       policy options.
289    :param output_file: The path of a file to output to. stdout used if None.
290    :param output_format: The format of the file to output to.
291    :param include_help: True, generates a sample-policy file with help text
292                         along with rules in which everything is commented out.
293                         False, generates a sample-policy file with only rules.
294    """
295    policies = get_policies_dict(namespaces)
297    output_file = (open(output_file, 'w') if output_file
298                   else sys.stdout)
300    sections_text = []
301    for section in _sort_and_format_by_section(policies, output_format,
302                                               include_help=include_help):
303        sections_text.append(section)
305    if output_format == 'yaml':
306        output_file.writelines(sections_text)
307    elif output_format == 'json':
308        LOG.warning(policy.WARN_JSON)
309        output_file.writelines((
310            '{\n    ',
311            ',\n    '.join(sections_text),
312            '\n}\n'))
314    if output_file != sys.stdout:
315        output_file.close()
318def _generate_policy(namespace, output_file=None):
319    """Generate a policy file showing what will be used.
321    This takes all registered policies and merges them with what's defined in
322    a policy file and outputs the result. That result is the effective policy
323    that will be honored by policy checks.
325    :param output_file: The path of a file to output to. stdout used if None.
326    """
327    enforcer = _get_enforcer(namespace)
328    # Ensure that files have been parsed
329    enforcer.load_rules()
331    file_rules = [policy.RuleDefault(name, default.check_str)
332                  for name, default in enforcer.file_rules.items()]
333    registered_rules = [policy.RuleDefault(name, default.check_str)
334                        for name, default in enforcer.registered_rules.items()
335                        if name not in enforcer.file_rules]
336    policies = {'rules': file_rules + registered_rules}
338    output_file = (open(output_file, 'w') if output_file
339                   else sys.stdout)
341    for section in _sort_and_format_by_section(policies, include_help=False):
342        output_file.write(section)
344    if output_file != sys.stdout:
345        output_file.close()
348def _list_redundant(namespace):
349    """Generate a list of configured policies which match defaults.
351    This checks all policies loaded from policy files and checks to see if they
352    match registered policies. If so then it is redundant to have them defined
353    in a policy file and operators should consider removing them.
354    """
355    enforcer = _get_enforcer(namespace)
356    # NOTE(bnemec): We don't want to see policy deprecation warnings in the
357    # output of this tool. They tend to overwhelm the output that the user
358    # actually cares about, and checking for deprecations isn't the purpose of
359    # this tool.
360    enforcer.suppress_deprecation_warnings = True
361    # Ensure that files have been parsed
362    enforcer.load_rules()
364    for name, file_rule in enforcer.file_rules.items():
365        reg_rule = enforcer.registered_rules.get(name)
366        if reg_rule:
367            if file_rule == reg_rule:
368                print(reg_rule)
371def _validate_policy(namespace):
372    """Perform basic sanity checks on a policy file
374    Checks for the following errors in the configured policy file:
376    * A missing policy file
377    * Rules which have invalid syntax
378    * Rules which reference non-existent other rules
379    * Rules which form a cyclical reference with another rule
380    * Rules which do not exist in the specified namespace
382    :param namespace: The name under which the oslo.policy enforcer is
383                      registered.
384    :returns: 0 if all policies validated correctly, 1 if not.
385    """
386    return_code = 0
387    enforcer = _get_enforcer(namespace)
388    # NOTE(bnemec): We don't want to see policy deprecation warnings in the
389    # output of this tool. They tend to overwhelm the output that the user
390    # actually cares about. If we check for deprecated rules in this tool,
391    # we need to do it another way.
392    enforcer.suppress_deprecation_warnings = True
393    # Disable logging from the parser code. We'll be printing any errors we
394    # find below.
395    logging.disable(logging.ERROR)
396    # Ensure that files have been parsed
397    enforcer.load_rules()
399    if enforcer._informed_no_policy_file:
400        print('Configured policy file "%s" not found' % enforcer.policy_file)
401        # If the policy file is completely missing then the rest of our checks
402        # don't make sense.
403        return 1
405    # Re-enable logging so we get messages for things like cyclical references
406    logging.disable(logging.NOTSET)
407    result = enforcer.check_rules()
408    if not result:
409        print('Invalid rules found')
410        return_code = 1
412    # TODO(bnemec): Allow this to handle policy_dir
413    with open(cfg.CONF.oslo_policy.policy_file) as f:
414        unparsed_policies = yaml.safe_load(f.read())
415    for name, file_rule in enforcer.file_rules.items():
416        reg_rule = enforcer.registered_rules.get(name)
417        if reg_rule is None:
418            print('Unknown rule found in policy file:', name)
419            return_code = 1
420        # If a rule has invalid syntax it will be forced to '!'. If the literal
421        # rule from the policy file isn't '!' then this means there was an
422        # error parsing it.
423        if str(enforcer.rules[name]) == '!' and unparsed_policies[name] != '!':
424            print('Failed to parse rule:', unparsed_policies[name])
425            return_code = 1
426    return return_code
429def _convert_policy_json_to_yaml(namespace, policy_file, output_file=None):
430    with open(policy_file, 'r') as rule_data:
431        file_policies = jsonutils.loads(rule_data.read())
433    yaml_format_rules = []
434    default_policies = get_policies_dict(namespace)
435    for section in sorted(default_policies):
436        default_rules = default_policies[section]
437        for default_rule in default_rules:
438            if default_rule.name not in file_policies:
439                continue
440            file_rule_check_str = file_policies.pop(default_rule.name)
441            # Some rules might be still RuleDefault object so let's prepare
442            # empty 'operations' list and rule name as description for
443            # those.
444            operations = [{
445                'method': '',
446                'path': ''
447            }]
448            if hasattr(default_rule, 'operations'):
449                operations = default_rule.operations
450            # Converting JSON file rules to DocumentedRuleDefault rules so
451            # that we can convert the JSON file to YAML including
452            # descriptions which is what 'oslopolicy-sample-generator'
453            # tool does.
454            file_rule = policy.DocumentedRuleDefault(
455                default_rule.name,
456                file_rule_check_str,
457                default_rule.description or default_rule.name,
458                operations,
459                default_rule.deprecated_rule,
460                default_rule.deprecated_for_removal,
461                default_rule.deprecated_reason,
462                default_rule.deprecated_since,
463                scope_types=default_rule.scope_types)
464            if file_rule == default_rule:
465                rule_text = _format_rule_default_yaml(
466                    file_rule, add_deprecated_rules=False)
467            else:
468                # NOTE(gmann): If json file rule is not same as default
469                # means rule is overridden then do not comment out it in
470                # yaml file.
471                rule_text = _format_rule_default_yaml(
472                    file_rule, comment_rule=False,
473                    add_deprecated_rules=False)
474            yaml_format_rules.append(rule_text)
476    extra_rules_text = ("# WARNING: Below rules are either deprecated rules\n"
477                        "# or extra rules in policy file, it is strongly\n"
478                        "# recommended to switch to new rules.\n")
479    # NOTE(gmann): If policy json file still using the deprecated rules which
480    # will not be present in default rules list. Or it can be case of any
481    # extra rule (old rule which is now removed) present in json file.
482    # so let's keep these as it is (not commented out) to avoid breaking
483    # existing deployment.
484    if file_policies:
485        yaml_format_rules.append(extra_rules_text)
486    for file_rule, check_str in file_policies.items():
487        rule_text = ('"%(name)s": "%(check_str)s"\n' %
488                     {'name': file_rule,
489                      'check_str': check_str})
490        yaml_format_rules.append(rule_text)
492    if output_file:
493        with open(output_file, 'w') as fh:
494            fh.writelines(yaml_format_rules)
495    else:
496        sys.stdout.writelines(yaml_format_rules)
499def on_load_failure_callback(*args, **kwargs):
500    raise
503def _check_for_namespace_opt(conf):
504    # NOTE(bnemec): This opt is required, but due to lp#1849518 we need to
505    # make it optional while our consumers migrate to the new method of
506    # parsing cli args. Making the arg itself optional and explicitly checking
507    # for it in the tools will allow us to migrate projects without breaking
508    # anything. Once everyone has migrated, we can make the arg required again
509    # and remove this check.
510    if conf.namespace is None:
511        raise cfg.RequiredOptError('namespace', 'DEFAULT')
514def generate_sample(args=None, conf=None):
515    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN)
516    # Allow the caller to pass in a local conf object for unit testing
517    if conf is None:
518        conf = cfg.CONF
519    conf.register_cli_opts(GENERATOR_OPTS + RULE_OPTS)
520    conf.register_opts(GENERATOR_OPTS + RULE_OPTS)
521    conf(args)
522    _check_for_namespace_opt(conf)
523    _generate_sample(conf.namespace, conf.output_file, conf.format)
526def generate_policy(args=None):
527    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN)
528    conf = cfg.CONF
529    conf.register_cli_opts(GENERATOR_OPTS + ENFORCER_OPTS)
530    conf.register_opts(GENERATOR_OPTS + ENFORCER_OPTS)
531    conf(args)
532    _check_for_namespace_opt(conf)
533    _generate_policy(conf.namespace, conf.output_file)
536def _upgrade_policies(policies, default_policies):
537    old_policies_keys = list(policies.keys())
538    for section in sorted(default_policies.keys()):
539        rule_defaults = default_policies[section]
540        for rule_default in rule_defaults:
541            if (rule_default.deprecated_rule and
542                    rule_default.deprecated_rule.name in old_policies_keys):
543                policies[rule_default.name] = policies.pop(
544                    rule_default.deprecated_rule.name)
545                LOG.info('The name of policy %(old_name)s has been upgraded to'
546                         '%(new_name)',
547                         {'old_name': rule_default.deprecated_rule.name,
548                          'new_name': rule_default.name})
551def upgrade_policy(args=None, conf=None):
552    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN)
553    # Allow the caller to pass in a local conf object for unit testing
554    if conf is None:
555        conf = cfg.CONF
556    conf.register_cli_opts(GENERATOR_OPTS + RULE_OPTS + UPGRADE_OPTS)
557    conf.register_opts(GENERATOR_OPTS + RULE_OPTS + UPGRADE_OPTS)
558    conf(args)
559    _check_for_namespace_opt(conf)
560    with open(conf.policy, 'r') as input_data:
561        policies = policy.parse_file_contents(input_data.read())
562    default_policies = get_policies_dict(conf.namespace)
564    _upgrade_policies(policies, default_policies)
566    if conf.output_file:
567        with open(conf.output_file, 'w') as fh:
568            if conf.format == 'yaml':
569                yaml.safe_dump(policies, fh, default_flow_style=False)
570            elif conf.format == 'json':
571                LOG.warning(policy.WARN_JSON)
572                jsonutils.dump(policies, fh, indent=4)
573    else:
574        if conf.format == 'yaml':
575            sys.stdout.write(yaml.safe_dump(policies,
576                                            default_flow_style=False))
577        elif conf.format == 'json':
578            LOG.warning(policy.WARN_JSON)
579            sys.stdout.write(jsonutils.dumps(policies, indent=4))
582def list_redundant(args=None):
583    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN)
584    conf = cfg.CONF
585    conf.register_cli_opts(ENFORCER_OPTS)
586    conf.register_opts(ENFORCER_OPTS)
587    conf(args)
588    _check_for_namespace_opt(conf)
589    _list_redundant(conf.namespace)
592def validate_policy(args=None):
593    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN)
594    conf = cfg.CONF
595    conf.register_cli_opts(ENFORCER_OPTS)
596    conf.register_opts(ENFORCER_OPTS)
597    conf(args)
598    sys.exit(_validate_policy(conf.namespace))
601def convert_policy_json_to_yaml(args=None, conf=None):
602    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN)
603    # Allow the caller to pass in a local conf object for unit testing
604    if conf is None:
605        conf = cfg.CONF
606    conf.register_cli_opts(GENERATOR_OPTS + CONVERT_OPTS)
607    conf.register_opts(GENERATOR_OPTS + CONVERT_OPTS)
608    conf(args)
609    _check_for_namespace_opt(conf)
610    _convert_policy_json_to_yaml(conf.namespace, conf.policy_file,
611                                 conf.output_file)