1 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
2 /*  NOMAD - Nonlinear Optimization by Mesh Adaptive Direct search - version 3.7.2      */
3 /*                                                                                     */
4 /*  Copyright (C) 2001-2015  Mark Abramson        - the Boeing Company, Seattle        */
5 /*                           Charles Audet        - Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal      */
6 /*                           Gilles Couture       - Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal      */
7 /*                           John Dennis          - Rice University, Houston           */
8 /*                           Sebastien Le Digabel - Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal      */
9 /*                           Christophe Tribes    - Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal      */
10 /*                                                                                     */
11 /*  funded in part by AFOSR and Exxon Mobil                                            */
12 /*                                                                                     */
13 /*  Author: Sebastien Le Digabel                                                       */
14 /*                                                                                     */
15 /*  Contact information:                                                               */
16 /*    Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal - GERAD                                          */
17 /*    C.P. 6079, Succ. Centre-ville, Montreal (Quebec) H3C 3A7 Canada                  */
18 /*    e-mail: nomad@gerad.ca                                                           */
19 /*    phone : 1-514-340-6053 #6928                                                     */
20 /*    fax   : 1-514-340-5665                                                           */
21 /*                                                                                     */
22 /*  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the  */
23 /*  terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software   */
24 /*  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later         */
25 /*  version.                                                                           */
26 /*                                                                                     */
27 /*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY    */
28 /*  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A    */
29 /*  PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.   */
30 /*                                                                                     */
31 /*  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along     */
32 /*  with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                     */
33 /*                                                                                     */
34 /*  You can find information on the NOMAD software at www.gerad.ca/nomad               */
35 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
36 /**
37  \file   Evaluator_Control.hpp
38  \brief  Control of the blackbox evaluations (headers)
39  \author Sebastien Le Digabel
40  \date   2010-04-15
41  \see    Evaluator_Control.cpp
42  */
43 #ifndef __EVALUATOR_CONTROL__
44 #define __EVALUATOR_CONTROL__
46 #include "Barrier.hpp"
47 #include "Pareto_Front.hpp"
48 #include "Slave.hpp"
49 #include "Quad_Model.hpp"
51 #ifdef USE_TGP
52 #include "TGP_Model.hpp"
53 #endif
55 #ifdef R_VERSION
56 extern "C" {
57 #include <Rinternals.h>
58 }
59 #endif
62 namespace NOMAD {
64     /// Control of the blackbox evaluations.
65     /**
66      This class allows the evaluation of a list of trial point.
67      */
68     class Evaluator_Control : private NOMAD::Uncopyable {
70     private:
72         static bool       _force_quit;  ///< Forces NOMAD to terminate if Ctrl-C is pressed.
73         static bool       _force_evaluation_failure;  ///< Forces an evaluation failure.
75         const NOMAD::Parameters &  _p;  ///< Parameters.
76         NOMAD::Evaluator        * _ev;  ///< The evaluator.
78         NOMAD::Cache * _cache;       ///< Cache for true function evaluations.
79         NOMAD::Cache * _sgte_cache;  ///< Cache for surrogate evaluations.
81         /// List of points to be evaluated.
82         std::set<NOMAD::Priority_Eval_Point> _eval_lop;
84         /// Flag to enable or disable the model ordering.
85         bool _model_eval_sort;
87         /// Flag equal to \c true if the destructor has to delete \c this->_ev.
88         bool _del_ev;
90         /// Flag equal to \c true if the destructor has to erase the cache.
91         bool _del_cache;
93         /// Flag equal to \c true if the destructor has to erase the cache for surrogates.
94         bool _del_sgte_cache;
96 #ifdef USE_MPI
97         NOMAD::Eval_Point ** _eval_in_progress;  ///< List of evaluations in progress.
98         int                  _nb_in_progress;    ///< Number of evaluations in progress.
100         /// Elop tag.
101         /**
102          Unique tag associated to \c this->eval_lop().
103          */
104         int _elop_tag;
106         /// Elop tag for each slave.
107         /**
108          _slaves_elop_tags[k] corresponds to the Elop tag for slave \c k.
109          */
110         int * _slaves_elop_tags;
112         NOMAD::Slave * _slave; // Slave object for master process
113 #endif
115 #ifdef USE_TGP
116         NOMAD::TGP_Model   * _last_TGP_model;       ///< Last TGP model from the model search.
117 #endif
119         NOMAD::Model_Stats   _model_ordering_stats; ///< Model ordering stats.
120         NOMAD::Stats       & _stats;                ///< Algorithm stats.
122         /**
123          - Lattest tag of a point that has been written for \c display_stats
124          or \c stats_file.
125          - It is used to avoid any double display at the end of a run.
126          */
127         mutable int _last_stats_tag;
129         /// Same as \c this->_last_stats_bbe for the number of blackbox evaluations.
130         mutable int _last_stats_bbe;
132         /// Last entry in the history file to avoid cache hits.
133         mutable int _last_history_bbe;
135         /// Process an already evaluated Eval_Point.
136         /**
137          \param x            The point        -- \b IN.
138          \param barrier      The barrier      -- \b IN/OUT.
139          \param pareto_front The Pareto front -- \b IN/OUT
140          (may be NULL).
141          */
142         void process_eval_point ( const NOMAD::Eval_Point & x            ,
143                                  NOMAD::Barrier          & barrier      ,
144                                  NOMAD::Pareto_Front     * pareto_front   ) const;
146         /// Save the solution file or update the history file.
147         /**
148          \param file_name		Name of the file -- \b IN.
149          \param x				Lattest solution -- \b IN.
150          \param is_sol		Flag equal to \c true if the file is
151          a solution file; otherwise it is a history file.
152          \param display_bimv	Display best infeasible (min. viol.) if \c true
153          */
154         void write_sol_or_his_file ( const std::string        & file_name ,
155                                     const NOMAD::Eval_Point  & x         ,
156                                     bool                       is_sol    ,
157                                     bool                       display_bimv=false) const;
159         /// Display evaluation result.
160         /**
161          \param x                Lattest evaluation                  -- \b IN.
162          \param display_degree   Display degree                      -- \b IN.
163          \param search           Search type                         -- \b IN.
164          \param one_eval_success Success for one evaluation          -- \b IN.
165          \param success          Success for a series of evaluations -- \b IN.
166          */
167         void display_eval_result ( const NOMAD::Eval_Point  & x                ,
168                                   NOMAD::dd_type             display_degree   ,
169                                   NOMAD::search_type         search           ,
170                                   NOMAD::success_type        one_eval_success ,
171                                   NOMAD::success_type        success            ) const;
173         /// Check if evaluations have to be stopped.
174         /**
175          Checks the opportunistic strategy stopping criterion.
176          \param x                The lattest evaluation                     -- \b IN.
177          \param search           Search type                                -- \b IN.
178          \param k                Evaluation index                           -- \b IN.
179          \param nb_points        Number of points to evaluate               -- \b IN.
180          \param stop             \c true if the algorithm has to be stopped -- \b IN.
181          \param display_degree   Display degree                             -- \b IN.
182          \param one_eval_success Success for one evaluation                 -- \b IN.
183          \param success          Success for a series of evaluations        -- \b IN.
184          \param init_nb_eval     Initial number of evaluations              -- \b IN.
185          \param f0               Initial value of the objective function    -- \b IN
186          (may be undefined).
187          \param barrier          Barrier                                    -- \b IN.
188          \param nb_success       Number of successes                        -- \b IN/OUT.
189          \param one_for_luck     \c true if one additional evaluation is made
190          according to parameter \c OPPORTUNISTIC_LUCKY_EVAL
191          -- \b IN/OUT.
192          */
193         bool stop_evaluations ( const NOMAD::Eval_Point & x                ,
194                                NOMAD::search_type        search           ,
195                                int                       k                ,
196                                int                       nb_points        ,
197                                bool                      stop             ,
198                                NOMAD::dd_type            display_degree   ,
199                                NOMAD::success_type       one_eval_success ,
200                                NOMAD::success_type       success          ,
201                                int                       init_nb_eval     ,
202                                const NOMAD::Double     & f0               ,
203                                const NOMAD::Barrier    & barrier          ,
204                                int                     & nb_success       ,
205                                bool                    & one_for_luck       ) const;
207         /// Check the opportunistic strategy stopping criterion.
208         /**
209          \param display_degree   Display degree                             -- \b IN.
210          \param one_eval_success Success for one evaluation                 -- \b IN.
211          \param init_nb_eval     Initial number of evaluations              -- \b IN.
212          \param f0               Initial value of the objective function    -- \b IN
213          (may be undefined).
214          \param barrier          Barrier                                    -- \b IN.
215          \param nb_success       Number of successes                        -- \b IN/OUT.
216          \param one_for_luck     \c true if one additional evaluation is made
217          according to parameter OPPORTUNISTIC_LUCKY_EVAL
218          -- \b IN/OUT.
219          \return A boolean equal to \c true to stop the evaluations;
220          Otherwise, continue the evaluations.
221          */
222         bool check_opportunistic_criterion ( NOMAD::dd_type         display_degree   ,
223                                             NOMAD::success_type    one_eval_success ,
224                                             int                    init_nb_eval     ,
225                                             const NOMAD::Double  & f0               ,
226                                             const NOMAD::Barrier & barrier          ,
227                                             int                  & nb_success       ,
228                                             bool                 & one_for_luck ) const;
230         /// Quadratic model ordering (parameter \c MODEL_EVAL_SORT).
231         /**
232          \param display_degree Display degree                              -- \b IN.
233          \param modified_list  To indicate a change in the evaluation list -- \b OUT.
234          */
235         void quad_model_ordering ( NOMAD::dd_type   display_degree ,
236                                   bool           & modified_list    );
238         /// TGP model ordering (parameter \c MODEL_EVAL_SORT).
239         /**
240          \param display_degree Display degree                              -- \b IN.
241          \param modified_list  To indicate a change in the evaluation list -- \b OUT.
242          */
243         void TGP_model_ordering ( NOMAD::dd_type   display_degree ,
244                                  bool           & modified_list    );
246         /// Count the output stats (STAT_SUM and STAT_AVG).
247         /**
248          \param x Lattest evaluation -- \b IN.
249          */
250         void count_output_stats ( const NOMAD::Eval_Point & x );
252         /// Search a point in the cache.
253         /**
254          \param x              The point                           -- \b IN/OUT.
255          \param true_barrier   Barrier for true evaluations        -- \b IN/OUT.
256          \param sgte_barrier   Barrier for surrogate evaluations   -- \b IN/OUT.
257          \param pareto_front   A pointer to the Pareto front       -- \b IN/OUT
258          (may be \c NULL).
259          \param count_eval     Count or not a simulated evaluation -- \b OUT.
260          \param h_max          Maximal feasibility value           -- \b IN.
261          \param display_degree Display degree                      -- \b IN.
262          \return A boolean equal to \c true if the point is in cache.
263          */
264         bool cache_check ( const NOMAD::Eval_Point *& x              ,
265                           NOMAD::Barrier           & true_barrier   ,
266                           NOMAD::Barrier           & sgte_barrier   ,
267                           NOMAD::Pareto_Front      * pareto_front   ,
268                           bool                     & count_eval     ,
269                           const NOMAD::Double      & h_max          ,
270                           NOMAD::dd_type             display_degree   ) const;
272         /// Evaluate a point.
273         /*
274          \param x            The point                         -- \b IN/OUT.
275          \param true_barrier Barrier for true evaluations      -- \b IN/OUT.
276          \param sgte_barrier Barrier for surrogate evaluations -- \b IN/OUT.
277          \param pareto_front A pointer to the Pareto front     -- \b IN/OUT
278          (may be \c NULL).
279          \param count_eval   Count or not the evaluation       -- \b OUT.
280          \param stop         Stop flag                         -- \b IN/OUT.
281          \param stop_reason  Stop reason                       -- \b OUT.
282          \param h_max        Maximal feasibility value         -- \b IN.
283          */
284         void eval_point ( NOMAD::Eval_Point       & x            ,
285                          NOMAD::Barrier          & true_barrier ,
286                          NOMAD::Barrier          & sgte_barrier ,
287                          NOMAD::Pareto_Front     * pareto_front ,
288                          bool                    & count_eval   ,
289                          bool                    & stop         ,
290                          NOMAD::stop_type        & stop_reason  ,
291                          const NOMAD::Double     & h_max          );
295         /// Evaluate points.
296         /*
297          \param list_x			The list of points						-- \b IN/OUT.
298          \param true_barrier		Barrier for true evaluations			-- \b IN/OUT.
299          \param sgte_barrier		Barrier for surrogate evaluations		-- \b IN/OUT.
300          \param pareto_front		A pointer to the Pareto front			-- \b IN/OUT
301          (may be \c NULL).
302          \param list_count_eval	A list of bool for counted evaluations	-- \b OUT.
303          \param stop				Stop flag								-- \b IN/OUT.
304          \param stop_reason		Stop reason								-- \b OUT.
305          \param h_max				Maximal feasibility value				-- \b IN.
306          */
307         void eval_points ( std::list<NOMAD::Eval_Point *>	& list_x            ,
308                           NOMAD::Barrier					& true_barrier ,
309                           NOMAD::Barrier					& sgte_barrier ,
310                           NOMAD::Pareto_Front				* pareto_front ,
311                           std::list<bool>					& list_count_eval   ,
312                           bool							& stop         ,
313                           NOMAD::stop_type				& stop_reason  ,
314                           const NOMAD::Double				& h_max          );
319         /// Check if a search is opportunistic or not.
320         /**
321          \param t Search type -- \b IN.
322          \return A boolean equal to \c true if the search is opportunistic.
323          */
324         bool is_opportunistic ( NOMAD::search_type t ) const;
326         /// Check stopping criteria.
327         /**
328          \param search       Search type                 -- \b IN.
329          \param count_eval   Count or not the evaluation -- \b IN.
330          \param x            Lattest evaluation          -- \b IN/OUT.
331          \param stop         Stop flag                   -- \b IN/OUT.
332          \param stop_reason  Stop reason                 -- \b OUT.
333          */
334         void check_stopping_criteria ( NOMAD::search_type        search      ,
335                                       bool                      count_eval  ,
336                                       const NOMAD::Eval_Point & x           ,
337                                       bool                    & stop        ,
338                                       NOMAD::stop_type        & stop_reason   ) const;
340 #ifdef USE_MPI
342         /// Receive an evaluation result from a slave.
343         /**
344          \param search       Search type                       -- \b IN.
345          \param x            A pointer to the evaluation       -- \b OUT.
346          \param true_barrier Barrier for true evaluations      -- \b IN/OUT.
347          \param sgte_barrier Barrier for surrogate evaluations -- \b IN/OUT.
348          \param pareto_front A pointer to the Pareto front     -- \b IN/OUT
349          (may be \c NULL).
350          \param slave_rank   Slave rank                        -- \b IN.
351          \param stop         Stop flag                         -- \b IN/OUT.
352          \param stop_reason  Stop reason                       -- \b OUT.
353          */
354         void receive_eval_result ( NOMAD::search_type    search       ,
355                                   NOMAD::Eval_Point   * x            ,
356                                   NOMAD::Barrier      & true_barrier ,
357                                   NOMAD::Barrier      & sgte_barrier ,
358                                   NOMAD::Pareto_Front * pareto_front ,
359                                   int                   slave_rank   ,
360                                   bool                & stop         ,
361                                   NOMAD::stop_type    & stop_reason    );
363         /// Check if the evaluation of a point is already in progress.
364         /**
365          \param x The point -- \b IN.
366          \return A boolean equal to \c true if the evaluation
367          of the point is already in progress.
368          */
369         bool already_in_progress ( const NOMAD::Eval_Point & x ) const;
371 #endif
373         /// Evaluate a list of points.
374         /**
375          - "Evaluate a list of points" is abbreviated with "eval_lop".
376          - This method is private and is called by the public eval_lop method.
377          - This method is defined twice in the .cpp for scalar and parallel versions.
378          - The method clears the list of points \c this->_eval_lop.
379          \param search         Search type                             -- \b IN.
380          \param true_barrier   Barrier for true evaluations            -- \b IN/OUT.
381          \param sgte_barrier   Barrier for surrogate evaluations       -- \b IN/OUT.
382          \param pareto_front   A pointer to the Pareto front           -- \b IN/OUT
383          (may be \c NULL).
384          \param stop           Stop flag                               -- \b IN/OUT.
385          \param stop_reason    Stop reason                             -- \b OUT.
386          \param new_feas_inc   Pointer to the new feasible incumbent   -- \b OUT.
387          \param new_infeas_inc Pointer to the new infeasible incumbent -- \b OUT.
388          \param success        Success for these evaluations           -- \b OUT.
389          \param evaluated_pts  List of processed points                -- \b OUT.
390          */
391         void private_eval_list_of_points
392         ( NOMAD::search_type                     search         ,
393          NOMAD::Barrier                       & true_barrier   ,
394          NOMAD::Barrier                       & sgte_barrier   ,
395          NOMAD::Pareto_Front                  * pareto_front   ,
396          bool                                 & stop           ,
397          NOMAD::stop_type                     & stop_reason    ,
398          const NOMAD::Eval_Point             *& new_feas_inc   ,
399          const NOMAD::Eval_Point             *& new_infeas_inc ,
400          NOMAD::success_type                  & success        ,
401          std::list<const NOMAD::Eval_Point *> & evaluated_pts    );
404 #ifdef MODEL_STATS
405         /// Display stats on an evaluation for which a model has been used.
406         /**
407          \param evaluated_pts List of evaluated points -- \b IN.
408          */
409         void display_model_stats
410         ( const std::list<const NOMAD::Eval_Point *> & evaluated_pts ) const;
411 #endif
413     public:
415         /// Constructor.
416         /**
417          \param p          Parameters                     -- \b IN.
418          \param stats      Stats                          -- \b IN/OUT.
419          \param ev         Pointer to the Evaluator       -- \b IN     (may be \c NULL).
420          \param cache      Pointer to the cache           -- \b IN/OUT (may be \c NULL).
421          \param sgte_cache Pointer to the surrogate cache -- \b IN/OUT (may be \c NULL).
422          */
423         Evaluator_Control ( const NOMAD::Parameters & p          ,
424                            NOMAD::Stats            & stats      ,
425                            NOMAD::Evaluator        * ev         ,
426                            NOMAD::Cache            * cache      ,
427                            NOMAD::Cache            * sgte_cache   );
429         /// Destructor.
430         virtual ~Evaluator_Control ( void );
432         /// Force quit (called by pressing Ctrl-C).
force_quit(void)433         static void force_quit ( void )
434         {
435             Evaluator_Control::_force_quit = true;
436         }
438         /// Force evaluation failure.
force_evaluation_failure(void)439         static void force_evaluation_failure ( void )
440         {
441             Evaluator_Control::_force_evaluation_failure = true;
442         }
445         /// Display in stats file according to parameter \c STATS_FILE.
446         /**
447          \param file_name Name of the output file              -- \b IN.
448          \param x         Pointer to the lattest evaluation    -- \b IN (may be \c NULL).
449          \param feasible  Equal to \c true if \c x is feasible -- \b IN.
450          \param multi_obj Pointer to several objective values  -- \b IN (may be \c NULL).
451          */
452         void stats_file ( const std::string       & file_name ,
453                          const NOMAD::Eval_Point * x         ,
454                          bool                      feasible  ,
455                          const NOMAD::Point      * multi_obj   ) const;
457         /// Display stats during NOMAD::Mads::run() for minimal and normal display.
458         /**
459          \param header    Boolean equal to \c true if a header has to be displayed
460          -- \b IN.
461          \param out       Display                              -- \b IN.
462          \param stats     List of stats to display             -- \b IN.
463          \param x         Pointer to the lattest evaluation    -- \b IN (may be \c NULL).
464          \param feasible  Equal to \c true if \c x is feasible -- \b IN.
465          \param multi_obj Pointer to several objective values  -- \b IN (may be \c NULL).
466          */
467         void display_stats ( bool                           header    ,
468                             const NOMAD::Display         & out       ,
469                             const std::list<std::string> & stats     ,
470                             const NOMAD::Eval_Point      * x         ,
471                             bool                           feasible  ,
472                             const NOMAD::Point           * multi_obj   ) const;
474         /// Display a real according to parameter \c DISPLAY_STATS.
475         /**
476          \param out    Display             -- \b IN.
477          \param d      The real to display -- \b IN.
478          \param format The format
479          -- \b IN -- \b optional (default = empty string).
480          */
481         void display_stats_real ( const NOMAD::Display & out    ,
482                                  const NOMAD::Double  & d      ,
483                                  const std::string    & format = ""  ) const;
485         /// Display a number according to its type \c DISPLAY_STATS.
486         /**
487          \param out    Display             -- \b IN.
488          \param d      The number to display -- \b IN.
489          \param bbType The type to display -- \b IN.
490          */
491         void display_stats_type ( const NOMAD::Display & out         ,
492                                  const NOMAD::Double  & d          ,
493                                  const NOMAD::bb_input_type  & bbType ) const;
495         /// Display an integer according to parameter \c DISPLAY_STATS.
496         /**
497          \param out    Display                -- \b IN.
498          \param i      The integer to display -- \b IN.
499          \param max_i  Maximal value of \c i used to determine the display width
500          -- \b IN -- \b optional (default = \c -1).
501          \param format The format
502          -- \b IN -- \b optional (default = empty string).
503          */
504         void display_stats_int ( const NOMAD::Display & out         ,
505                                 int                    i           ,
506                                 int                    max_i  = -1 ,
507                                 const std::string    & format = ""   ) const;
509         /// Display a point according to parameter \c DISPLAY_STATS.
510         /**
511          \param out           Display                        -- \b IN.
512          \param display_stats List of stats to display       -- \b IN.
513          \param it            Iterator for the list \c stats -- \b IN/OUT.
514          \param x             Pointer to the point           -- \b IN (may be \c NULL).
515          \param bbType        Vector of input type           -- \b IN -- \b optional (default = \c empty vector).
516          */
517         void display_stats_point ( const NOMAD::Display        & out           ,
518                                   const std::list<std::string>            & display_stats ,
519                                   std::list<std::string>::const_iterator  & it            ,
520                                   const NOMAD::Point                      * x             ,
521                                   const std::vector<NOMAD::bb_input_type> & bbType = std::vector<NOMAD::bb_input_type> (0)      ) const;
523         /// Display model ordering stats ( parameter \c MODEL_EVAL_SORT ).
524         /**
525          \param out Display -- \b IN.
526          */
display_model_ordering_stats(const NOMAD::Display & out) const527         void display_model_ordering_stats ( const NOMAD::Display & out ) const
528         {
529             out << _model_ordering_stats << std::endl;
530         }
532         /// Save the caches.
533         /**
534          \param overwrite A boolean equal to \c true if the cache files
535          may be overwritten -- \b IN.
536          \return A boolean equal to \c true if the caches could be saved.
537          */
538         bool save_caches ( bool overwrite );
540         /// Update the solution file.
541         /**
542          \param x				The lattest solution									-- \b IN.
543          \param display_bimv	Required to display least infeasible (default=false)	-- \b IN
544          */
545         void write_solution_file ( const NOMAD::Eval_Point & x , bool display_bimv=false) const;
547         /// Update a barrier from another barrier.
548         /**
549          Update barrier \c b1 from points in barrier \c b2 and treat
550          these points as evaluations (used in VNS search).
551          \param b1             First barrier                 -- \b IN/OUT.
552          \param b2             Second barrier                -- \b IN.
553          \param pareto_front   A pointer to the Pareto front -- \b IN/OUT
554          (may be \c NULL).
555          \param display_degree Display degree                -- \b IN.
556          \param search         Search type                   -- \b IN.
557          \return Success for these simulated evaluations.
558          */
559         NOMAD::success_type process_barrier_points ( NOMAD::Barrier       & b1             ,
560                                                     const NOMAD::Barrier & b2             ,
561                                                     NOMAD::Pareto_Front  * pareto_front   ,
562                                                     NOMAD::dd_type         display_degree ,
563                                                     NOMAD::search_type     search  ) const;
564         /// Access to the cache (#1).
565         /**
566          Non-const version.
567          \return The cache.
568          */
get_cache(void)569         NOMAD::Cache & get_cache ( void ) { return *_cache; }
571         /// Access to the cache (#2).
572         /**
573          Const version.
574          \return The cache.
575          */
get_cache(void) const576         const NOMAD::Cache & get_cache ( void ) const { return *_cache; }
578         /// Access to the surrogate cache (#1).
579         /**
580          Non-const version.
581          \return The surrogate cache.
582          */
get_sgte_cache(void)583         NOMAD::Cache & get_sgte_cache ( void ) { return *_sgte_cache; }
585         /// Access to the surrogate cache (#2).
586         /**
587          Const version.
588          \return The surrogate cache.
589          */
get_sgte_cache(void) const590         const NOMAD::Cache & get_sgte_cache ( void ) const { return *_sgte_cache; }
592         /// Access to the evaluator.
593         /**
594          \return The evaluator.
595          */
get_evaluator(void) const596         NOMAD::Evaluator * get_evaluator ( void ) const { return _ev; }
598         /// Access to \c _last_stats_tag.
599         /**
600          \return \c _last_stats_tag.
601          */
get_last_stats_tag(void) const602         int get_last_stats_tag ( void ) const { return _last_stats_tag; }
604         /// Access to _last_stats_bbe.
605         /**
606          \return _last_stats_bbe.
607          */
get_last_stats_bbe(void) const608         int get_last_stats_bbe ( void ) const { return _last_stats_bbe; }
610         /// Set the evaluator.
611         /**
612          \param e A pointer to the evaluator -- \b IN.
613          */
set_evaluator(NOMAD::Evaluator * e)614         void set_evaluator ( NOMAD::Evaluator * e ) { _ev = e; }
616 #ifdef USE_TGP
617         /// Set the last TGP model from the model search.
618         /**
619          \param m The last TGP model -- \b IN.
620          */
set_last_TGP_model(NOMAD::TGP_Model * m)621         void set_last_TGP_model ( NOMAD::TGP_Model * m ) { _last_TGP_model = m; }
622 #endif
624         /// Reset.
625         void reset ( void );
628         /// Order eval list of points based on surrogate (1st) or model (2nd)
629         /**
630          \param search         Search type                             -- \b IN.
631          \param stop           Stop flag                               -- \b IN/OUT.
632          \param stop_reason    Stop reason                             -- \b OUT.
633          \param true_barrier   Barrier for true evaluations            -- \b IN/OUT.
634          \param sgte_barrier   Barrier for surrogate evaluations       -- \b IN/OUT.
635          */
636         void ordering_lop
637         ( NOMAD::search_type              search             , // IN    : search type
638          bool                                 & stop           ,
639          NOMAD::stop_type                     & stop_reason    ,
640          NOMAD::Barrier                & true_barrier       , // IN/OUT: truth barrier
641          NOMAD::Barrier                & sgte_barrier        // IN/OUT: surrogate barrier
642         );
647         /// Evaluation of a list of points (public version that calls the private version).
648         /**
649          \param search         Search type                             -- \b IN.
650          \param true_barrier   Barrier for true evaluations            -- \b IN/OUT.
651          \param sgte_barrier   Barrier for surrogate evaluations       -- \b IN/OUT.
652          \param pareto_front   A pointer to the Pareto front           -- \b IN/OUT
653          (may be \c NULL).
654          \param stop           Stop flag                               -- \b IN/OUT.
655          \param stop_reason    Stop reason                             -- \b OUT.
656          \param new_feas_inc   Pointer to the new feasible incumbent   -- \b OUT.
657          \param new_infeas_inc Pointer to the new infeasible incumbent -- \b OUT.
658          \param success        Success for this series of evaluations  -- \b OUT.
659          \param evaluated_pts  List of processed points                -- \b OUT.
660          */
661         void eval_list_of_points
662         ( NOMAD::search_type                     search         ,
663          NOMAD::Barrier                       & true_barrier   ,
664          NOMAD::Barrier                       & sgte_barrier   ,
665          NOMAD::Pareto_Front                  * pareto_front   ,
666          bool                                 & stop           ,
667          NOMAD::stop_type                     & stop_reason    ,
668          const NOMAD::Eval_Point             *& new_feas_inc   ,
669          const NOMAD::Eval_Point             *& new_infeas_inc ,
670          NOMAD::success_type                  & success        ,
671          std::list<const NOMAD::Eval_Point *> * evaluated_pts = NULL );
673         /// Add a point to the list of points to be evaluated.
674         /**
675          - The point has to be a dynamic object.
676          - It can be deleted into the method and be \c NULL after that.
677          - The point is also snapped to bounds.
678          - Periodic variables are checked.
679          \param x              The point                           -- \b IN/OUT.
680          \param display_degree Display degree                      -- \b IN.
681          \param snap_to_bounds Boolean equal to \c true if the
682          point has to be snapped to bounds   -- \b IN.
683          \param f_sgte         Objective value for the surrogate   -- \b IN
684          (may be undefined).
685          \param h_sgte         Feasibility value for the surrogate -- \b IN
686          (may be undefined).
687          \param f_model        Objective value for the model       -- \b IN
688          (may be undefined).
689          \param h_model        Feasibility value for the model     -- \b IN
690          (may be undefined).
692          */
693         void add_eval_point ( NOMAD::Eval_Point  *& x              ,
694                              NOMAD::dd_type        display_degree ,
695                              bool                  snap_to_bounds ,
696                              const NOMAD::Double & f_sgte         ,
697                              const NOMAD::Double & h_sgte         ,
698                              const NOMAD::Double & f_model        ,
699                              const NOMAD::Double & h_model          );
701         /// Display the list of evaluation points \c _eval_lop.
702         /**
703          \param t Search type -- \b IN
704          -- \b optional (default = NOMAD::UNDEFINED_SEARCH ).
705          */
706         void display_eval_lop ( NOMAD::search_type t = NOMAD::UNDEFINED_SEARCH ) const;
708         /// Access to the number of evaluation points.
709         /**
710          \return The number of evaluation points.
711          */
get_nb_eval_points(void) const712         int get_nb_eval_points ( void ) const
713         {
714             return static_cast<int> ( _eval_lop.size() );
715         }
717         /// Access to the list of evaluation points.
718         /**
719          \return The list of evaluation points.
720          */
get_eval_lop(void) const721         const std::set<NOMAD::Priority_Eval_Point> & get_eval_lop ( void ) const
722         {
723             return _eval_lop;
724         }
726         /// Clear the list of evaluation points.
clear_eval_lop(void)727         void clear_eval_lop ( void ) { reduce_eval_lop(0); }
729         /// Reduce the list of evaluation points.
730         /**
731          \param n New size of the list -- \b IN.
732          */
733         void reduce_eval_lop ( int n );
735         /// Enable the model ordering.
enable_model_eval_sort(void)736         void enable_model_eval_sort ( void ) { _model_eval_sort = true; }
738         /// Disable the model ordering.
disable_model_eval_sort(void)739         void disable_model_eval_sort ( void ) { _model_eval_sort = false; }
741 #ifdef USE_MPI
743         /// Access to the number of evaluations in progress.
744         /**
745          \return the number of evaluations in progress.
746          */
get_nb_eval_in_progress(void) const747         int get_nb_eval_in_progress ( void ) const { return _nb_in_progress; }
749         /// Wait for evaluations in progress.
750         /**
751          \param search        Search type                       -- \b IN.
752          \param true_barrier  Barrier for true evaluations      -- \b IN/OUT.
753          \param sgte_barrier  Barrier for surrogate evaluations -- \b IN/OUT.
754          \param pareto_front  A pointer to the Pareto front     -- \b IN/OUT
755          (may be \c NULL).
756          \param stop          Stop flag                         -- \b IN/OUT.
757          \param stop_reason   Stop reason                       -- \b OUT.
758          \param success       Success for these evaluations     -- \b OUT.
759          \param evaluated_pts List of processed points          -- \b OUT.
760          */
761         void wait_for_evaluations ( NOMAD::search_type              search         ,
762                                    NOMAD::Barrier                & true_barrier   ,
763                                    NOMAD::Barrier                & sgte_barrier   ,
764                                    NOMAD::Pareto_Front           * pareto_front   ,
765                                    bool                          & stop           ,
766                                    NOMAD::stop_type              & stop_reason    ,
767                                    NOMAD::success_type           & success        ,
768                                    std::list<const NOMAD::Eval_Point *>
769                                    & evaluated_pts    );
770 #endif
771     };
772 }
773 #endif