1 /*
2   cntr.c
3   General purpose contour tracer for quadrilateral meshes.
4   Handles single level contours, or region between a pair of levels.
6     The routines that do all the work, as well as the explanatory
7     comments, came from gcntr.c, part of the GIST package. The
8     original mpl interface was also based on GIST.  The present
9     interface uses parts of the original, but places them in
10     the entirely different framework of a Python type.  It
11     was written by following the Python "Extending and Embedding"
12     tutorial.
13  */
15 /*
17 --------------------------------------
19 1. This LICENSE AGREEMENT is between John D. Hunter ("JDH"), and the
20 Individual or Organization ("Licensee") accessing and otherwise using
21 matplotlib software in source or binary form and its associated
22 documentation.
24 2. Subject to the terms and conditions of this License Agreement, JDH
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26 to reproduce, analyze, test, perform and/or display publicly, prepare
27 derivative works, distribute, and otherwise use matplotlib 0.84
28 alone or in any derivative version, provided, however, that JDH's
29 License Agreement and JDH's notice of copyright, i.e., "Copyright (c)
30 2002-2005 John D. Hunter; All Rights Reserved" are retained in
31 matplotlib 0.84 alone or in any derivative version prepared by
32 Licensee.
34 3. In the event Licensee prepares a derivative work that is based on or
35 incorporates matplotlib 0.84 or any part thereof, and wants to
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38 the changes made to matplotlib 0.84.
40 4. JDH is making matplotlib 0.84 available to Licensee on an "AS
53 6. This License Agreement will automatically terminate upon a material
54 breach of its terms and conditions.
56 7. Nothing in this License Agreement shall be deemed to create any
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62 8. By copying, installing or otherwise using matplotlib 0.84,
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65 */
67 #include <Python.h>
68 #include "structmember.h"
69 #include <stdlib.h>
70 #include <stdio.h>
74 #include "numpy/arrayobject.h"
76 /* Note that all arrays in these routines are Fortran-style,
77    in the sense that the "i" index varies fastest; the dimensions
78    of the corresponding C array are z[jmax][imax] in the notation
79    used here.  We can identify i and j with the x and y dimensions,
80    respectively.
82 */
84 /* What is a contour?
85  *
86  * Given a quadrilateral mesh (x,y), and values of a z at the points
87  * of that mesh, we seek a set of polylines connecting points at a
88  * particular value of z.  Each point on such a contour curve lies
89  * on an edge of the mesh, at a point linearly interpolated to the
90  * contour level z0 between the given values of z at the endpoints
91  * of the edge.
92  *
93  * Identifying these points is easy.  Figuring out how to connect them
94  * into a curve -- or possibly a set of disjoint curves -- is difficult.
95  * Each disjoint curve may be either a closed circuit, or it may begin
96  * and end on a mesh boundary.
97  *
98  * One of the problems with a quadrilateral mesh is that when the z
99  * values at one pair of diagonally opposite points lie below z0, and
100  * the values at the other diagonal pair of the same zone lie above z0,
101  * all four edges of the zone are cut, and there is an ambiguity in
102  * how we should connect the points.  I call this a saddle zone.
103  * The problem is that two disjoint curves cut through a saddle zone
104  * (I reject the alternative of connecting the opposite points to make
105  * a single self-intersecting curve, since those make ugly contour plots
106  * -- I've tried it).  The real problem with saddle zones is that you
107  * need to communicate the connectivity decision you make back to the
108  * calling routine, since for the next contour level, we need to tell
109  * the contour tracer to make the same decision as on the previous
110  * level.  The input/output triangulation array is the solution to this
111  * nasty problem.
112  *
113  * Another complicating factor is that there may be logical holes in
114  * the mesh -- zones which do not exist.  We want our contours to stop
115  * if they hit the edge of such a zone, just as if they'd hit the edge
116  * of the whole mesh.  The input region array addresses this issue.
117  *
118  * Yet another complication: We may want a list of closed polygons which
119  * outline the region between two contour levels z0 and z1.  These may
120  * include sections of the mesh boundary (including edges of logical
121  * holes defined by the region array), in addition to sections of the
122  * contour curves at one or both levels.  This introduces a huge
123  * topological problem -- if one of the closed contours (possibly
124  * including an interior logical hole in the mesh, but not any part of
125  * the boundary of the whole mesh) encloses a region which is not
126  * between z0 and z1, that curve must be connected by a slit (or "branch
127  * cut") to the enclosing curve, so that the list of disjoint polygons
128  * we return is each simply connected.
129  *
130  * Okay, one final stunning difficulty: For the two level case, no
131  * individual polygon should have more than a few thousand sides, since
132  * huge filled polygons place an inordinate load on rendering software,
133  * which needs an amount of scratch space proportional to the number
134  * of sides it needs to fill.  So in the two level case, we want to
135  * chunk the mesh into rectangular pieces of no more than, say, 30x30
136  * zones, which keeps each returned polygon to less than a few thousand
137  * sides (the worst case is very very bad -- you can easily write down
138  * a function and two level values which produce a polygon that cuts
139  * every edge of the mesh twice).
140  */
142 /*
143  * Here is the numbering scheme for points, edges, and zones in
144  * the mesh -- note that each ij corresponds to one point, one zone,
145  * one i-edge (i=constant edge) and one j-edge (j=constant edge):
146  *
147  *             (ij-1)-------(ij)-------(ij)
148  *                |                     |
149  *                |                     |
150  *                |                     |
151  *             (ij-1)       (ij)       (ij)
152  *                |                     |
153  *                |                     |
154  *                |                     |
155  *           (ij-iX-1)----(ij-iX)----(ij-iX)
156  *
157  * At each point, the function value is either 0, 1, or 2, depending
158  * on whether it is below z0, between z0 and z1, or above z1.
159  * Each zone either exists (1) or not (0).
160  * From these three bits of data, all of the curve connectivity follows.
161  *
162  * The tracing algorithm is naturally edge-based: Either you are at a
163  * point where a level cuts an edge, ready to step across a zone to
164  * another edge, or you are drawing the edge itself, if it happens to
165  * be a boundary with at least one section between z0 and z1.
166  *
167  * In either case, the edge is a directed edge -- either the zone
168  * you are advancing into is to its left or right, or you are actually
169  * drawing it.  I always trace curves keeping the region between z0 and
170  * z1 to the left of the curve.  If I'm tracing a boundary, I'm always
171  * moving CCW (counter clockwise) around the zone that exists.  And if
172  * I'm about to cross a zone, I'll make the direction of the edge I'm
173  * sitting on be such that the zone I'm crossing is to its left.
174  *
175  * I start tracing each curve near its lower left corner (mesh oriented
176  * as above), which is the first point I encounter scanning through the
177  * mesh in order.  When I figure the 012 z values and zonal existence,
178  * I also mark the potential starting points: Each edge may harbor a
179  * potential starting point corresponding to either direction, so there
180  * are four start possibilities at each ij point.  Only the following
181  * possibilities need to be marked as potential starting edges:
182  *
183  *     +-+-+-+
184  *     | | | |
185  *     A-0-C-+    One or both levels cut E and have z=1 above them, and
186  *     | EZ| |    0A is cut and either 0C is cut or CD is cut.
187  *     +-B-D-+    Or, one or both levels cut E and E is a boundary edge.
188  *     | | | |    (and Z exists)
189  *     +-+-+-+
190  *
191  *     +-+-+-+
192  *     | | | |
193  *     +-A-0-C    One or both levels cut E and have z=1 below them, and
194  *     | |ZE |    0A is cut and either 0C is cut or CD is cut.
195  *     +-+-B-D    Or, one or both levels cut E and E is a boundary edge.
196  *     | | | |    (and Z exists)
197  *     +-+-+-+
198  *
199  *     +-+-+-+
200  *     | | | |
201  *     +-+-+-+    E is a boundary edge, Z exists, at some point on E
202  *     | |Z| |    lies between the levels.
203  *     +-+E+-+
204  *     | | | |
205  *     +-+-+-+
206  *
207  *     +-+-+-+
208  *     | | | |
209  *     +-+E+-+    E is a boundary edge, Z exists, at some point on E
210  *     | |Z| |    lies between the levels.
211  *     +-+-+-+
212  *     | | | |
213  *     +-+-+-+
214  *
215  * During the first tracing pass, the start mark is erased whenever
216  * any non-starting edge is encountered, reducing the number of points
217  * that need to be considered for the second pass.  The first pass
218  * makes the basic connectivity decisions.  It figures out how many
219  * disjoint curves there will be, and identifies slits for the two level
220  * case or open contours for the single level case, and removes all but
221  * the actual start markers.  A second tracing pass can perform the
222  * actual final trace.
223  */
225 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
227 /* the data about edges, zones, and points -- boundary or not, exists
228  * or not, z value 0, 1, or 2 -- is kept in a mesh sized data array */
229 typedef short Cdata;
231 /* here is the minimum structure required to tell where we are in the
232  * mesh sized data array */
233 typedef struct Csite Csite;
234 struct Csite
235 {
236     long edge;                  /* ij of current edge */
237     long left;                  /* +-1 or +-imax as the zone is to right, left, below,
238                                  * or above the edge */
239     long imax;                  /* imax for the mesh */
240     long jmax;                  /* jmax for the mesh */
241     long n;                     /* number of points marked on this curve so far */
242     long count;                 /* count of start markers visited */
243     double zlevel[2];           /* contour levels, zlevel[1]<=zlevel[0]
244                                  * signals single level case */
245     short *triangle;            /* triangulation array for the mesh */
246     char *reg;                   /* region array for the mesh (was int) */
247     Cdata *data;                /* added by EF */
248     long edge0, left0;          /* starting site on this curve for closure */
249     int level0;                 /* starting level for closure */
250     long edge00;                /* site needing START_ROW mark */
252     /* making the actual marks requires a bunch of other stuff */
253     const double *x, *y, *z;    /* mesh coordinates and function values */
254     double *xcp, *ycp;          /* output contour points */
255 };
257 #if 0
258 static void print_Csite(Csite *Csite)
259 {
260     Cdata *data = Csite->data;
261     int i, j, ij;
262     int nd = Csite->imax * (Csite->jmax + 1) + 1;
263     printf("zlevels: %8.2lg %8.2lg\n", Csite->zlevel[0], Csite->zlevel[1]);
264     printf("edge %ld, left %ld, n %ld, count %ld, edge0 %ld, left0 %ld\n",
265             Csite->edge, Csite->left, Csite->n, Csite->count,
266             Csite->edge0, Csite->left0);
267     printf("  level0 %d, edge00 %ld\n", Csite->level0, Csite->edge00);
268     printf("%04x\n", data[nd-1]);
269     for (j = Csite->jmax; j >= 0; j--)
270     {
271         for (i=0; i < Csite->imax; i++)
272         {
273             ij = i + j * Csite->imax;
274             printf("%04x ", data[ij]);
275         }
276         printf("\n");
277     }
278     printf("\n");
279 }
280 #endif
282 /* triangle only takes values of -1, 0, 1, so it could be a signed char. */
283 /* most or all of the longs probably could be converted to ints with no loss */
285 /* the Cdata array consists of the following bits:
286  * Z_VALUE     (2 bits) 0, 1, or 2 function value at point
287  * ZONE_EX     1 zone exists, 0 zone doesn't exist
288  * I_BNDY      this i-edge (i=constant edge) is a mesh boundary
289  * J_BNDY      this j-edge (i=constant edge) is a mesh boundary
290  * I0_START    this i-edge is a start point into zone to left
291  * I1_START    this i-edge is a start point into zone to right
292  * J0_START    this j-edge is a start point into zone below
293  * J1_START    this j-edge is a start point into zone above
294  * START_ROW   next start point is in current row (accelerates 2nd pass)
295  * SLIT_UP     marks this i-edge as the beginning of a slit upstroke
296  * SLIT_DN     marks this i-edge as the beginning of a slit downstroke
297  * OPEN_END    marks an i-edge start point whose other endpoint is
298  *             on a boundary for the single level case
299  * ALL_DONE    marks final start point
300  */
301 #define Z_VALUE   0x0003
302 #define ZONE_EX   0x0004
303 #define I_BNDY    0x0008
304 #define J_BNDY    0x0010
305 #define I0_START  0x0020
306 #define I1_START  0x0040
307 #define J0_START  0x0080
308 #define J1_START  0x0100
309 #define START_ROW 0x0200
310 #define SLIT_UP   0x0400
311 #define SLIT_DN   0x0800
312 #define OPEN_END  0x1000
313 #define ALL_DONE  0x2000
315 /* some helpful macros to find points relative to a given directed
316  * edge -- points are designated 0, 1, 2, 3 CCW around zone with 0 and
317  * 1 the endpoints of the current edge */
318 #define FORWARD(left,ix) ((left)>0?((left)>1?1:-(ix)):((left)<-1?-1:(ix)))
319 #define POINT0(edge,fwd) ((edge)-((fwd)>0?fwd:0))
320 #define POINT1(edge,fwd) ((edge)+((fwd)<0?fwd:0))
321 #define IS_JEDGE(edge,left) ((left)>0?((left)>1?1:0):((left)<-1?1:0))
323 #define START_MARK(left) \
324   ((left)>0?((left)>1?J1_START:I1_START):((left)<-1?J0_START:I0_START))
326 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
328 /* these actually mark points */
329 static int zone_crosser (Csite * site, int level, int pass2);
330 static int edge_walker (Csite * site, int pass2);
331 static int slit_cutter (Csite * site, int up, int pass2);
333 /* this calls the first three to trace the next disjoint curve
334  * -- return value is number of points on this curve, or
335  *    0 if there are no more curves this pass
336  *    -(number of points) on first pass if:
337  *      this is two level case, and the curve closed on a hole
338  *      this is single level case, curve is open, and will start from
339  *      a different point on the second pass
340  *      -- in both cases, this curve will be combined with another
341  *         on the second pass */
342 static long curve_tracer (Csite * site, int pass2);
344 /* this initializes the data array for curve_tracer */
345 static void data_init (Csite * site, int region, long nchunk);
347 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
349 /* zone_crosser assumes you are sitting at a cut edge about to cross
350  * the current zone.  It always marks the initial point, crosses at
351  * least one zone, and marks the final point.  On non-boundary i-edges,
352  * it is responsible for removing start markers on the first pass.  */
353 static int
zone_crosser(Csite * site,int level,int pass2)354 zone_crosser (Csite * site, int level, int pass2)
355 {
356     Cdata * data = site->data;
357     long edge = site->edge;
358     long left = site->left;
359     long n = site->n;
360     long fwd = FORWARD (left, site->imax);
361     long p0, p1;
362     int jedge = IS_JEDGE (edge, left);
363     long edge0 = site->edge0;
364     long left0 = site->left0;
365     int level0 = site->level0 == level;
366     int two_levels = site->zlevel[1] > site->zlevel[0];
367     short *triangle = site->triangle;
369     const double *x = pass2 ? site->x : 0;
370     const double *y = pass2 ? site->y : 0;
371     const double *z = pass2 ? site->z : 0;
372     double zlevel = pass2 ? site->zlevel[level] : 0.0;
373     double *xcp = pass2 ? site->xcp : 0;
374     double *ycp = pass2 ? site->ycp : 0;
376     int z0, z1, z2, z3;
377     int keep_left = 0;          /* flag to try to minimize curvature in saddles */
378     int done = 0;
380     if (level)
381         level = 2;
383     for (;;)
384     {
385         /* set edge endpoints */
386         p0 = POINT0 (edge, fwd);
387         p1 = POINT1 (edge, fwd);
389         /* always mark cut on current edge */
390         if (pass2)
391         {
392             /* second pass actually computes and stores the point */
393             double zcp = (zlevel - z[p0]) / (z[p1] - z[p0]);
394             xcp[n] = zcp * (x[p1] - x[p0]) + x[p0];
395             ycp[n] = zcp * (y[p1] - y[p0]) + y[p0];
396         }
397         if (!done && !jedge)
398         {
399             if (n)
400             {
401                 /* if this is not the first point on the curve, and we're
402                  * not done, and this is an i-edge, check several things */
403                 if (!two_levels && !pass2 && (data[edge] & OPEN_END))
404                 {
405                     /* reached an OPEN_END mark, skip the n++ */
406                     done = 4;   /* same return value 4 used below */
407                     break;
408                 }
410                 /* check for curve closure -- if not, erase any start mark */
411                 if (edge == edge0 && left == left0)
412                 {
413                     /* may signal closure on a downstroke */
414                     if (level0)
415                         done = (!pass2 && two_levels && left < 0) ? 5 : 3;
416                 }
417                 else if (!pass2)
418                 {
419                     Cdata start =
420                         data[edge] & (fwd > 0 ? I0_START : I1_START);
421                     if (start)
422                     {
423                         data[edge] &= ~start;
424                         site->count--;
425                     }
426                     if (!two_levels)
427                     {
428                         start = data[edge] & (fwd > 0 ? I1_START : I0_START);
429                         if (start)
430                         {
431                             data[edge] &= ~start;
432                             site->count--;
433                         }
434                     }
435                 }
436             }
437         }
438         n++;
439         if (done)
440             break;
442         /* cross current zone to another cut edge */
443         z0 = (data[p0] & Z_VALUE) != level;     /* 1 if fill toward p0 */
444         z1 = !z0;               /* know level cuts edge */
445         z2 = (data[p1 + left] & Z_VALUE) != level;
446         z3 = (data[p0 + left] & Z_VALUE) != level;
447         if (z0 == z2)
448         {
449             if (z1 == z3)
450             {
451                 /* this is a saddle zone, need triangle to decide
452                  * -- set triangle if not already decided for this zone */
453                 long zone = edge + (left > 0 ? left : 0);
454                 if (triangle)
455                 {
456                     if (!triangle[zone])
457                     {
458                         if (keep_left)
459                             triangle[zone] = jedge ? -1 : 1;
460                         else
461                             triangle[zone] = jedge ? 1 : -1;
462                     }
463                     if (triangle[zone] > 0 ? !jedge : jedge)
464                         goto bkwd;
465                 }
466                 else
467                 {
468                     if (keep_left)
469                         goto bkwd;
470                 }
471             }
472             /* bend forward (right along curve) */
473             keep_left = 1;
474             jedge = !jedge;
475             edge = p1 + (left > 0 ? left : 0);
476             {
477                 long tmp = fwd;
478                 fwd = -left;
479                 left = tmp;
480             }
481         }
482         else if (z1 == z3)
483         {
484           bkwd:
485             /* bend backward (left along curve) */
486             keep_left = 0;
487             jedge = !jedge;
488             edge = p0 + (left > 0 ? left : 0);
489             {
490                 long tmp = fwd;
491                 fwd = left;
492                 left = -tmp;
493             }
494         }
495         else
496         {
497             /* straight across to opposite edge */
498             edge += left;
499         }
500         /* after crossing zone, edge/left/fwd is oriented CCW relative to
501          * the next zone, assuming we will step there */
503         /* now that we've taken a step, check for the downstroke
504          * of a slit on the second pass (upstroke checked above)
505          * -- taking step first avoids a race condition */
506         if (pass2 && two_levels && !jedge)
507         {
508             if (left > 0)
509             {
510                 if (data[edge] & SLIT_UP)
511                     done = 6;
512             }
513             else
514             {
515                 if (data[edge] & SLIT_DN)
516                     done = 5;
517             }
518         }
520         if (!done)
521         {
522             /* finally, check if we are on a boundary */
523             if (data[edge] & (jedge ? J_BNDY : I_BNDY))
524             {
525                 done = two_levels ? 2 : 4;
526                 /* flip back into the zone that exists */
527                 left = -left;
528                 fwd = -fwd;
529                 if (!pass2 && (edge != edge0 || left != left0))
530                 {
531                     Cdata start = data[edge] & START_MARK (left);
532                     if (start)
533                     {
534                         data[edge] &= ~start;
535                         site->count--;
536                     }
537                 }
538             }
539         }
540     }
542     site->edge = edge;
543     site->n = n;
544     site->left = left;
545     return done > 4 ? slit_cutter (site, done - 5, pass2) : done;
546 }
548 /* edge_walker assumes that the current edge is being drawn CCW
549  * around the current zone.  Since only boundary edges are drawn
550  * and we always walk around with the filled region to the left,
551  * no edge is ever drawn CW.  We attempt to advance to the next
552  * edge on this boundary, but if current second endpoint is not
553  * between the two contour levels, we exit back to zone_crosser.
554  * Note that we may wind up marking no points.
555  * -- edge_walker is never called for single level case */
556 static int
edge_walker(Csite * site,int pass2)557 edge_walker (Csite * site,  int pass2)
558 {
559     Cdata * data = site->data;
560     long edge = site->edge;
561     long left = site->left;
562     long n = site->n;
563     long fwd = FORWARD (left, site->imax);
564     long p0 = POINT0 (edge, fwd);
565     long p1 = POINT1 (edge, fwd);
566     int jedge = IS_JEDGE (edge, left);
567     long edge0 = site->edge0;
568     long left0 = site->left0;
569     int level0 = site->level0 == 2;
570     int marked;
572     const double *x = pass2 ? site->x : 0;
573     const double *y = pass2 ? site->y : 0;
574     double *xcp = pass2 ? site->xcp : 0;
575     double *ycp = pass2 ? site->ycp : 0;
577     int z0, z1, heads_up = 0;
579     for (;;)
580     {
581         /* mark endpoint 0 only if value is 1 there, and this is a
582          * two level task */
583         z0 = data[p0] & Z_VALUE;
584         z1 = data[p1] & Z_VALUE;
585         marked = 0;
586         if (z0 == 1)
587         {
588             /* mark current boundary point */
589             if (pass2)
590             {
591                 xcp[n] = x[p0];
592                 ycp[n] = y[p0];
593             }
594             marked = 1;
595         }
596         else if (!n)
597         {
598             /* if this is the first point is not between the levels
599              * must do the job of the zone_crosser and mark the first cut here,
600              * so that it will be marked again by zone_crosser as it closes */
601             if (pass2)
602             {
603                 double zcp = site->zlevel[(z0 != 0)];
604                 zcp = (zcp - site->z[p0]) / (site->z[p1] - site->z[p0]);
605                 xcp[n] = zcp * (x[p1] - x[p0]) + x[p0];
606                 ycp[n] = zcp * (y[p1] - y[p0]) + y[p0];
607             }
608             marked = 1;
609         }
610         if (n)
611         {
612             /* check for closure */
613             if (level0 && edge == edge0 && left == left0)
614             {
615                 site->edge = edge;
616                 site->left = left;
617                 site->n = n + marked;
618                 /* if the curve is closing on a hole, need to make a downslit */
619                 if (fwd < 0 && !(data[edge] & (jedge ? J_BNDY : I_BNDY)))
620                     return slit_cutter (site, 0, pass2);
621                 return 3;
622             }
623             else if (pass2)
624             {
625                 if (heads_up || (fwd < 0 && (data[edge] & SLIT_DN)))
626                 {
627                     site->edge = edge;
628                     site->left = left;
629                     site->n = n + marked;
630                     return slit_cutter (site, heads_up, pass2);
631                 }
632             }
633             else
634             {
635                 /* if this is not first point, clear start mark for this edge */
636                 Cdata start = data[edge] & START_MARK (left);
637                 if (start)
638                 {
639                     data[edge] &= ~start;
640                     site->count--;
641                 }
642             }
643         }
644         if (marked)
645             n++;
647         /* if next endpoint not between levels, need to exit to zone_crosser */
648         if (z1 != 1)
649         {
650             site->edge = edge;
651             site->left = left;
652             site->n = n;
653             return (z1 != 0);   /* return level closest to p1 */
654         }
656         /* step to p1 and find next edge
657          * -- turn left if possible, else straight, else right
658          * -- check for upward slit beginning at same time */
659         edge = p1 + (left > 0 ? left : 0);
660         if (pass2 && jedge && fwd > 0 && (data[edge] & SLIT_UP))
661         {
662             jedge = !jedge;
663             heads_up = 1;
664         }
665         else if (data[edge] & (jedge ? I_BNDY : J_BNDY))
666         {
667             long tmp = fwd;
668             fwd = left;
669             left = -tmp;
670             jedge = !jedge;
671         }
672         else
673         {
674             edge = p1 + (fwd > 0 ? fwd : 0);
675             if (pass2 && !jedge && fwd > 0 && (data[edge] & SLIT_UP))
676             {
677                 heads_up = 1;
678             }
679             else if (!(data[edge] & (jedge ? J_BNDY : I_BNDY)))
680             {
681                 edge = p1 - (left < 0 ? left : 0);
682                 jedge = !jedge;
683                 {
684                     long tmp = fwd;
685                     fwd = -left;
686                     left = tmp;
687                 }
688             }
689         }
690         p0 = p1;
691         p1 = POINT1 (edge, fwd);
692     }
693 }
695 /* -- slit_cutter is never called for single level case */
696 static int
slit_cutter(Csite * site,int up,int pass2)697 slit_cutter (Csite * site, int up, int pass2)
698 {
699     Cdata * data = site->data;
700     long imax = site->imax;
701     long n = site->n;
703     const double *x = pass2 ? site->x : 0;
704     const double *y = pass2 ? site->y : 0;
705     double *xcp = pass2 ? site->xcp : 0;
706     double *ycp = pass2 ? site->ycp : 0;
708     if (up)
709     {
710         /* upward stroke of slit proceeds up left side of slit until
711          * it hits a boundary or a point not between the contour levels
712          * -- this never happens on the first pass */
713         long p1 = site->edge;
714         int z1;
715         for (;;)
716         {
717             z1 = data[p1] & Z_VALUE;
718             if (z1 != 1)
719             {
720                 site->edge = p1;
721                 site->left = -1;
722                 site->n = n;
723                 return (z1 != 0);
724             }
725             else if (data[p1] & J_BNDY)
726             {
727                 /* this is very unusual case of closing on a mesh hole */
728                 site->edge = p1;
729                 site->left = -imax;
730                 site->n = n;
731                 return 2;
732             }
733             xcp[n] = x[p1];
734             ycp[n] = y[p1];
735             n++;
736             p1 += imax;
737         }
739     }
740     else
741     {
742         /* downward stroke proceeds down right side of slit until it
743          * hits a boundary or point not between the contour levels */
744         long p0 = site->edge;
745         int z0;
746         /* at beginning of first pass, mark first i-edge with SLIT_DN */
747         data[p0] |= SLIT_DN;
748         p0 -= imax;
749         for (;;)
750         {
751             z0 = data[p0] & Z_VALUE;
752             if (!pass2)
753             {
754                 if (z0 != 1 || (data[p0] & I_BNDY) || (data[p0 + 1] & J_BNDY))
755                 {
756                     /* at end of first pass, mark final i-edge with SLIT_UP */
757                     data[p0 + imax] |= SLIT_UP;
758                     /* one extra count for splicing at outer curve */
759                     site->n = n + 1;
760                     return 4;   /* return same special value as for OPEN_END */
761                 }
762             }
763             else
764             {
765                 if (z0 != 1)
766                 {
767                     site->edge = p0 + imax;
768                     site->left = 1;
769                     site->n = n;
770                     return (z0 != 0);
771                 }
772                 else if (data[p0 + 1] & J_BNDY)
773                 {
774                     site->edge = p0 + 1;
775                     site->left = imax;
776                     site->n = n;
777                     return 2;
778                 }
779                 else if (data[p0] & I_BNDY)
780                 {
781                     site->edge = p0;
782                     site->left = 1;
783                     site->n = n;
784                     return 2;
785                 }
786             }
787             if (pass2)
788             {
789                 xcp[n] = x[p0];
790                 ycp[n] = y[p0];
791                 n++;
792             }
793             else
794             {
795                 /* on first pass need to count for upstroke as well */
796                 n += 2;
797             }
798             p0 -= imax;
799         }
800     }
801 }
803 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
805 /* curve_tracer finds the next starting point, then traces the curve,
806  * returning the number of points on this curve
807  * -- in a two level trace, the return value is negative on the
808  *    first pass if the curve closed on a hole
809  * -- in a single level trace, the return value is negative on the
810  *    first pass if the curve is an incomplete open curve
811  * -- a return value of 0 indicates no more curves */
812 static long
curve_tracer(Csite * site,int pass2)813 curve_tracer (Csite * site, int pass2)
814 {
815     Cdata * data = site->data;
816     long imax = site->imax;
817     long edge0 = site->edge0;
818     long left0 = site->left0;
819     long edge00 = site->edge00;
820     int two_levels = site->zlevel[1] > site->zlevel[0];
821     int level, level0, mark_row;
822     long n;
824     /* it is possible for a single i-edge to serve as two actual start
825      * points, one to the right and one to the left
826      * -- for the two level case, this happens on the first pass for
827      *    a doubly cut edge, or on a chunking boundary
828      * -- for single level case, this is impossible, but a similar
829      *    situation involving open curves is handled below
830      * a second two start possibility is when the edge0 zone does not
831      * exist and both the i-edge and j-edge boundaries are cut
832      * yet another possibility is three start points at a junction
833      * of chunk cuts
834      * -- sigh, several other rare possibilities,
835      *    allow for general case, just go in order i1, i0, j1, j0 */
836     int two_starts;
837     /* printf("curve_tracer pass %d\n", pass2); */
838     /* print_Csite(site); */
839     if (left0 == 1)
840         two_starts = data[edge0] & (I0_START | J1_START | J0_START);
841     else if (left0 == -1)
842         two_starts = data[edge0] & (J1_START | J0_START);
843     else if (left0 == imax)
844         two_starts = data[edge0] & J0_START;
845     else
846         two_starts = 0;
848     if (pass2 || edge0 == 0)
849     {
850         /* zip up to row marked on first pass (or by data_init if edge0==0)
851          * -- but not for double start case */
852         if (!two_starts)
853         {
854             /* final start point marked by ALL_DONE marker */
855             int first = (edge0 == 0 && !pass2);
856             long e0 = edge0;
857             if (data[edge0] & ALL_DONE)
858                 return 0;
859             while (!(data[edge0] & START_ROW))
860                 edge0 += imax;
861             if (e0 == edge0)
862                 edge0++;        /* two starts handled specially */
863             if (first)
864                 /* if this is the very first start point, we want to remove
865                  * the START_ROW marker placed by data_init */
866                 data[edge0 - edge0 % imax] &= ~START_ROW;
867         }
869     }
870     else
871     {
872         /* first pass ends when all potential start points visited */
873         if (site->count <= 0)
874         {
875             /* place ALL_DONE marker for second pass */
876             data[edge00] |= ALL_DONE;
877             /* reset initial site for second pass */
878             site->edge0 = site->edge00 = site->left0 = 0;
879             return 0;
880         }
881         if (!two_starts)
882             edge0++;
883     }
885     if (two_starts)
886     {
887         /* trace second curve with this start immediately */
888         if (left0 == 1 && (data[edge0] & I0_START))
889         {
890             left0 = -1;
891             level = (data[edge0] & I_BNDY) ? 2 : 0;
892         }
893         else if ((left0 == 1 || left0 == -1) && (data[edge0] & J1_START))
894         {
895             left0 = imax;
896             level = 2;
897         }
898         else
899         {
900             left0 = -imax;
901             level = 2;
902         }
904     }
905     else
906     {
907         /* usual case is to scan for next start marker
908          * -- on second pass, this is at most one row of mesh, but first
909          *    pass hits nearly every point of the mesh, since it can't
910          *    know in advance which potential start marks removed */
911         while (!(data[edge0] & ANY_START))
912             edge0++;
914         if (data[edge0] & I1_START)
915             left0 = 1;
916         else if (data[edge0] & I0_START)
917             left0 = -1;
918         else if (data[edge0] & J1_START)
919             left0 = imax;
920         else                    /*data[edge0]&J0_START */
921             left0 = -imax;
923         if (data[edge0] & (I1_START | I0_START))
924             level = (data[edge0] & I_BNDY) ? 2 : 0;
925         else
926             level = 2;
927     }
929     /* this start marker will not be unmarked, but it has been visited */
930     if (!pass2)
931         site->count--;
933     /* if this curve starts on a non-boundary i-edge, we need to
934      * determine the level */
935     if (!level && two_levels)
936         level = left0 > 0 ?
937             ((data[edge0 - imax] & Z_VALUE) !=
938              0) : ((data[edge0] & Z_VALUE) != 0);
940     /* initialize site for this curve */
941     site->edge = site->edge0 = edge0;
942     site->left = site->left0 = left0;
943     site->level0 = level0 = level;      /* for open curve detection only */
945     /* single level case just uses zone_crosser */
946     if (!two_levels)
947         level = 0;
949     /* to generate the curve, alternate between zone_crosser and
950      * edge_walker until closure or first call to edge_walker in
951      * single level case */
952     site->n = 0;
953     for (;;)
954     {
955         if (level < 2)
956             level = zone_crosser (site, level, pass2);
957         else if (level < 3)
958             level = edge_walker (site, pass2);
959         else
960             break;
961     }
962     n = site->n;
964     /* single level case may have ended at a boundary rather than closing
965      * -- need to recognize this case here in order to place the
966      *    OPEN_END mark for zone_crosser, remove this start marker,
967      *    and be sure not to make a START_ROW mark for this case
968      * two level case may close with slit_cutter, in which case start
969      *    must also be removed and no START_ROW mark made
970      * -- change sign of return n to inform caller */
971     if (!pass2 && level > 3 && (two_levels || level0 == 0))
972     {
973         if (!two_levels)
974             data[edge0] |= OPEN_END;
975         data[edge0] &= ~(left0 > 0 ? I1_START : I0_START);
976         mark_row = 0;           /* do not mark START_ROW */
977         n = -n;
978     }
979     else
980     {
981         if (two_levels)
982             mark_row = !two_starts;
983         else
984             mark_row = 1;
985     }
987     /* on first pass, must apply START_ROW mark in column above previous
988      * start marker
989      * -- but skip if we just did second of two start case */
990     if (!pass2 && mark_row)
991     {
992         data[edge0 - (edge0 - edge00) % imax] |= START_ROW;
993         site->edge00 = edge0;
994     }
996     return n;
997 }
999 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1001 /* The sole function of the "region" argument is to specify the
1002    value in Csite.reg that denotes a missing zone.  We always
1003    use zero.
1004 */
1006 static void
data_init(Csite * site,int region,long nchunk)1007 data_init (Csite * site, int region, long nchunk)
1008 {
1009     Cdata * data = site->data;
1010     long imax = site->imax;
1011     long jmax = site->jmax;
1012     long ijmax = imax * jmax;
1013     const double *z = site->z;
1014     double zlev0 = site->zlevel[0];
1015     double zlev1 = site->zlevel[1];
1016     int two_levels = zlev1 > zlev0;
1017     char *reg = site->reg;
1018     long count = 0;
1019     int started = 0;
1020     int ibndy, jbndy, i_was_chunk;
1022     long icsize = imax - 1;
1023     long jcsize = jmax - 1;
1024     long ichunk, jchunk, irem, jrem, i, j, ij;
1026     if (nchunk && two_levels)
1027     {
1028         /* figure out chunk sizes
1029          * -- input nchunk is square root of maximum allowed zones per chunk
1030          * -- start points for single level case are wrong, so don't try it */
1031         long inum = (nchunk * nchunk) / (jmax - 1);
1032         long jnum = (nchunk * nchunk) / (imax - 1);
1033         if (inum < nchunk)
1034             inum = nchunk;
1035         if (jnum < nchunk)
1036             jnum = nchunk;
1037         /* ijnum= actual number of chunks,
1038          * ijrem= number of those chunks needing one more zone (ijcsize+1) */
1039         inum = (imax - 2) / inum + 1;
1040         icsize = (imax - 1) / inum;
1041         irem = (imax - 1) % inum;
1042         jnum = (jmax - 2) / jnum + 1;
1043         jcsize = (jmax - 1) / jnum;
1044         jrem = (jmax - 1) % jnum;
1045         /* convert ijrem into value of i or j at which to begin adding an
1046          * extra zone */
1047         irem = (inum - irem) * icsize;
1048         jrem = (jnum - jrem) * jcsize;
1049     }
1050     else
1051     {
1052         irem = imax;
1053         jrem = jmax;
1054     }
1056     /* do everything in a single pass through the data array to
1057      * minimize cache faulting (z, reg, and data are potentially
1058      * very large arrays)
1059      * access to the z and reg arrays is strictly sequential,
1060      * but we need two rows (+-imax) of the data array at a time */
1061     if (z[0] > zlev0)
1062         data[0] = (two_levels && z[0] > zlev1) ? 2 : 1;
1063     else
1064         data[0] = 0;
1065     jchunk = 0;
1066     for (j = ij = 0; j < jmax; j++)
1067     {
1068         ichunk = i_was_chunk = 0;
1069         for (i = 0; i < imax; i++, ij++)
1070         {
1071             /* transfer zonal existence from reg to data array
1072              * -- get these for next row so we can figure existence of
1073              *    points and j-edges for this row */
1074             data[ij + imax + 1] = 0;
1075             if (reg)
1076             {
1077                 if (region ? (reg[ij + imax + 1] == region)
1078                     : (reg[ij + imax + 1] != 0))
1079                     data[ij + imax + 1] = ZONE_EX;
1080             }
1081             else
1082             {
1083                 if (i < imax - 1 && j < jmax - 1)
1084                     data[ij + imax + 1] = ZONE_EX;
1085             }
1087             /* translate z values to 0, 1, 2 flags */
1088             if (ij < imax)
1089                 data[ij + 1] = 0;
1090             if (ij < ijmax - 1 && z[ij + 1] > zlev0)
1091                 data[ij + 1] |= (two_levels && z[ij + 1] > zlev1) ? 2 : 1;
1093             /* apply edge boundary marks */
1094             ibndy = i == ichunk
1095                 || (data[ij] & ZONE_EX) != (data[ij + 1] & ZONE_EX);
1096             jbndy = j == jchunk
1097                 || (data[ij] & ZONE_EX) != (data[ij + imax] & ZONE_EX);
1098             if (ibndy)
1099                 data[ij] |= I_BNDY;
1100             if (jbndy)
1101                 data[ij] |= J_BNDY;
1103             /* apply i-edge start marks
1104              * -- i-edges are only marked when actually cut
1105              * -- no mark is necessary if one of the j-edges which share
1106              *    the lower endpoint is also cut
1107              * -- no I0 mark necessary unless filled region below some cut,
1108              *    no I1 mark necessary unless filled region above some cut */
1109             if (j)
1110             {
1111                 int v0 = (data[ij] & Z_VALUE);
1112                 int vb = (data[ij - imax] & Z_VALUE);
1113                 if (v0 != vb)
1114                 {               /* i-edge is cut */
1115                     if (ibndy)
1116                     {
1117                         if (data[ij] & ZONE_EX)
1118                         {
1119                             data[ij] |= I0_START;
1120                             count++;
1121                         }
1122                         if (data[ij + 1] & ZONE_EX)
1123                         {
1124                             data[ij] |= I1_START;
1125                             count++;
1126                         }
1127                     }
1128                     else
1129                     {
1130                         int va = (data[ij - 1] & Z_VALUE);
1131                         int vc = (data[ij + 1] & Z_VALUE);
1132                         int vd = (data[ij - imax + 1] & Z_VALUE);
1133                         if (v0 != 1 && va != v0
1134                             && (vc != v0 || vd != v0) && (data[ij] & ZONE_EX))
1135                         {
1136                             data[ij] |= I0_START;
1137                             count++;
1138                         }
1139                         if (vb != 1 && va == vb
1140                             && (vc == vb || vd == vb)
1141                             && (data[ij + 1] & ZONE_EX))
1142                         {
1143                             data[ij] |= I1_START;
1144                             count++;
1145                         }
1146                     }
1147                 }
1148             }
1150             /* apply j-edge start marks
1151              * -- j-edges are only marked when they are boundaries
1152              * -- all cut boundary edges marked
1153              * -- for two level case, a few uncut edges must be marked
1154              */
1155             if (i && jbndy)
1156             {
1157                 int v0 = (data[ij] & Z_VALUE);
1158                 int vb = (data[ij - 1] & Z_VALUE);
1159                 if (v0 != vb)
1160                 {
1161                     if (data[ij] & ZONE_EX)
1162                     {
1163                         data[ij] |= J0_START;
1164                         count++;
1165                     }
1166                     if (data[ij + imax] & ZONE_EX)
1167                     {
1168                         data[ij] |= J1_START;
1169                         count++;
1170                     }
1171                 }
1172                 else if (two_levels && v0 == 1)
1173                 {
1174                     if (data[ij + imax] & ZONE_EX)
1175                     {
1176                         if (i_was_chunk || !(data[ij + imax - 1] & ZONE_EX))
1177                         {
1178                             /* lower left is a drawn part of boundary */
1179                             data[ij] |= J1_START;
1180                             count++;
1181                         }
1182                     }
1183                     else if (data[ij] & ZONE_EX)
1184                     {
1185                         if (data[ij + imax - 1] & ZONE_EX)
1186                         {
1187                             /* weird case of open hole at lower left */
1188                             data[ij] |= J0_START;
1189                             count++;
1190                         }
1191                     }
1192                 }
1193             }
1195             i_was_chunk = (i == ichunk);
1196             if (i_was_chunk)
1197                 ichunk += icsize + (ichunk >= irem);
1198         }
1200         if (j == jchunk)
1201             jchunk += jcsize + (jchunk >= jrem);
1203         /* place first START_ROW marker */
1204         if (count && !started)
1205         {
1206             data[ij - imax] |= START_ROW;
1207             started = 1;
1208         }
1209     }
1211     /* place immediate stop mark if nothing found */
1212     if (!count)
1213         data[0] |= ALL_DONE;
1215     /* initialize site */
1216     site->edge0 = site->edge00 = site->edge = 0;
1217     site->left0 = site->left = 0;
1218     site->n = 0;
1219     site->count = count;
1220 }
1222 /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1223    Original (slightly modified) core contour generation routines are above;
1224    below are new routines for interfacing to mpl.
1226  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
1228 /* Note: index order gets switched in the Python interface;
1229    python Z[i,j] -> C z[j,i]
1230    so if the array has shape Mi, Nj in python,
1231    we have iMax = Nj, jMax = Mi in gcntr.c.
1232    On the Python side:  Ny, Nx = shape(z),
1233    so in C, the x-dimension is the first index, the y-dimension
1234    the second.
1235 */
1237 /* reg should have the same dimensions as data, which
1238    has an extra iMax + 1 points relative to Z.
1239    It differs from mask in being the opposite (True
1240    where a region exists, versus the mask, which is True
1241    where a data point is bad), and in that it marks
1242    zones, not points.  All four zones sharing a bad
1243    point must be marked as not existing.
1244 */
1245 static void
mask_zones(long iMax,long jMax,char * mask,char * reg)1246 mask_zones (long iMax, long jMax, char *mask, char *reg)
1247 {
1248     long i, j, ij;
1249     long nreg = iMax * jMax + iMax + 1;
1251     for (ij = iMax+1; ij < iMax*jMax; ij++)
1252     {
1253         reg[ij] = 1;
1254     }
1256     ij = 0;
1257     for (j = 0; j < jMax; j++)
1258     {
1259         for (i = 0; i < iMax; i++, ij++)
1260         {
1261             if (i == 0 || j == 0) reg[ij] = 0;
1262             if (mask[ij] != 0)
1263             {
1264                 reg[ij] = 0;
1265                 reg[ij + 1] = 0;
1266                 reg[ij + iMax] = 0;
1267                 reg[ij + iMax + 1] = 0;
1268             }
1269         }
1270     }
1271     for (; ij < nreg; ij++)
1272     {
1273         reg[ij] = 0;
1274     }
1275 }
1277 static Csite *
cntr_new(void)1278 cntr_new(void)
1279 {
1280     Csite *site;
1281     site = (Csite *) PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(Csite));
1282     if (site == NULL) return NULL;
1283     site->data = NULL;
1284     site->reg = NULL;
1285     site->triangle = NULL;
1286     site->xcp = NULL;
1287     site->ycp = NULL;
1288     site->x = NULL;
1289     site->y = NULL;
1290     site->z = NULL;
1291     return site;
1292 }
1294 static int
cntr_init(Csite * site,long iMax,long jMax,double * x,double * y,double * z,char * mask)1295 cntr_init(Csite *site, long iMax, long jMax, double *x, double *y,
1296                 double *z, char *mask)
1297 {
1298     long ijmax = iMax * jMax;
1299     long nreg = iMax * jMax + iMax + 1;
1300     long i;
1302     site->imax = iMax;
1303     site->jmax = jMax;
1304     site->data = (Cdata *) PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(Cdata) * nreg);
1305     if (site->data == NULL)
1306     {
1307         PyMem_Free(site);
1308         return -1;
1309     }
1310     site->triangle = (short *) PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(short) * ijmax);
1311     if (site->triangle == NULL)
1312     {
1313         PyMem_Free(site->data);
1314         PyMem_Free(site);
1315         return -1;
1316     }
1317     for (i = 0; i < ijmax; i++) site->triangle[i] = 0;
1318     site->reg = NULL;
1319     if (mask != NULL)
1320     {
1321         site->reg = (char *) PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(char) * nreg);
1322         if (site->reg == NULL)
1323         {
1324             PyMem_Free(site->triangle);
1325             PyMem_Free(site->data);
1326             PyMem_Free(site);
1327             return -1;
1328         }
1329         mask_zones(iMax, jMax, mask, site->reg);
1330     }
1331     /* I don't think we need to initialize site->data. */
1332     site->x = x;
1333     site->y = y;
1334     site->z = z;
1335     site->xcp = NULL;
1336     site->ycp = NULL;
1337     return 0;
1338 }
cntr_del(Csite * site)1340 static void cntr_del(Csite *site)
1341 {
1342     PyMem_Free(site->triangle);
1343     PyMem_Free(site->reg);
1344     PyMem_Free(site->data);
1345     PyMem_Free(site);
1346     site = NULL;
1347 }
1349 /* Build a list of lists of points, where each point is an (x,y)
1350    tuple.
1351 */
1352 static PyObject *
build_cntr_list_p(long * np,double * xp,double * yp,int nparts,long ntotal)1353 build_cntr_list_p(long *np, double *xp, double *yp, int nparts, long ntotal)
1354 {
1355     PyObject *point, *contourList, *all_contours;
1356     int start = 0, end = 0;
1357     int i, j, k;
1359     all_contours = PyList_New(nparts);
1360     if (all_contours == NULL) return NULL;
1362     for (i = 0; i < nparts; i++)
1363     {
1364         start = end;
1365         end += np[i];
1366         contourList = PyList_New(np[i]);
1367 	if (contourList == NULL) goto error;
1368         for (k = 0, j = start; j < end; j++, k++)
1369         {
1370             point = Py_BuildValue("(dd)", xp[j], yp[j]);
1371             if (PyList_SetItem(contourList, k, point)) goto error;
1372         }
1373         if (PyList_SetItem(all_contours, i, contourList)) goto error;
1374     }
1375     return all_contours;
1377     error:
1378     Py_XDECREF(all_contours);
1379     return NULL;
1380 }
1382 /* Build a list of tuples (X, Y), where X and Y are 1-D arrays. */
1383 #if 0
1384 static PyObject *
1385 build_cntr_list_v(long *np, double *xp, double *yp, int nparts, long ntotal)
1386 {
1387     PyObject *point, *all_contours;
1388     PyArrayObject *xv, *yv;
1389     npy_intp dims[1];
1390     int i;
1391     long j, k;
1393     all_contours = PyList_New(nparts);
1395     k = 0;
1396     for (i = 0; i < nparts; i++)
1397     {
1398         dims[0] = np[i];
1399         xv = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1, dims, NPY_DOUBLE);
1400         yv = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(1, dims, NPY_DOUBLE);
1401         if (xv == NULL || yv == NULL)  goto error;
1402         for (j = 0; j < dims[0]; j++)
1403         {
1404             ((double *)xv->data)[j] = xp[k];
1405             ((double *)yv->data)[j] = yp[k];
1406             k++;
1407         }
1408         point = Py_BuildValue("(NN)", xv, yv);
1409         /* "O" increments ref count; "N" does not. */
1410         if (PyList_SetItem(all_contours, i, point)) goto error;
1411     }
1412     return all_contours;
1414     error:
1415     Py_XDECREF(all_contours);
1416     return NULL;
1417 }
1418 #endif
1420 /* Build a list of XY 2-D arrays, shape (N,2) */
1421 static PyObject *
build_cntr_list_v2(long * np,double * xp,double * yp,int nparts,long ntotal)1422 build_cntr_list_v2(long *np, double *xp, double *yp, int nparts, long ntotal)
1423 {
1424     PyObject *all_contours;
1425     PyArrayObject *xyv;
1426     npy_intp dims[2];
1427     int i;
1428     long j, k;
1430     all_contours = PyList_New(nparts);
1431     if (all_contours == NULL) return NULL;
1433     k = 0;
1434     for (i = 0; i < nparts; i++)
1435     {
1436         double *data;
1437         dims[0] = np[i];
1438         dims[1] = 2;
1439         xyv = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_SimpleNew(2, dims, NPY_DOUBLE);
1440         if (xyv == NULL)  goto error;
1441 	data = (double*)PyArray_DATA(xyv);
1442         for (j = 0; j < dims[0]; j++)
1443         {
1444             data[2*j] = xp[k];
1445             data[2*j+1] = yp[k];
1446             k++;
1447         }
1448         if (PyList_SetItem(all_contours, i, (PyObject *)xyv)) goto error;
1449     }
1450     return all_contours;
1452     error:
1453     Py_XDECREF(all_contours);
1454     return NULL;
1455 }
1459 /* cntr_trace is called once per contour level or level pair.
1460    If nlevels is 1, a set of contour lines will be returned; if nlevels
1461    is 2, the set of polygons bounded by the levels will be returned.
1462    If points is True, the lines will be returned as a list of list
1463    of points; otherwise, as a list of tuples of vectors.
1464 */
1466 static PyObject *
cntr_trace(Csite * site,double levels[],int nlevels,int points,long nchunk)1467 cntr_trace(Csite *site, double levels[], int nlevels, int points, long nchunk)
1468 {
1469     PyObject *c_list;
1470     double *xp0;
1471     double *yp0;
1472     long *nseg0;
1473     int iseg;
1475     /* long nchunk = 30; was hardwired */
1476     long n;
1477     long nparts = 0;
1478     long ntotal = 0;
1479     long nparts2 = 0;
1480     long ntotal2 = 0;
1482     site->zlevel[0] = levels[0];
1483     site->zlevel[1] = levels[0];
1484     if (nlevels == 2)
1485     {
1486         site->zlevel[1] = levels[1];
1487     }
1488     site->n = site->count = 0;
1489     data_init (site, 0, nchunk);
1491     /* make first pass to compute required sizes for second pass */
1492     for (;;)
1493     {
1494         n = curve_tracer (site, 0);
1496         if (!n)
1497             break;
1498         if (n > 0)
1499         {
1500             nparts++;
1501             ntotal += n;
1502         }
1503         else
1504         {
1505             ntotal -= n;
1506         }
1507     }
1508     xp0 = (double *) PyMem_Malloc(ntotal * sizeof(double));
1509     yp0 = (double *) PyMem_Malloc(ntotal * sizeof(double));
1510     nseg0 = (long *) PyMem_Malloc(nparts * sizeof(long));
1511     if (xp0 == NULL || yp0 == NULL || nseg0 == NULL)
1512     {
1513 	PyErr_NoMemory();
1514 	goto error;
1515     }
1517     /* second pass */
1518     site->xcp = xp0;
1519     site->ycp = yp0;
1520     iseg = 0;
1521     for (;;iseg++)
1522     {
1523         n = curve_tracer (site, 1);
1524         if (ntotal2 + n > ntotal)
1525         {
1526             PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError,
1527                 "curve_tracer: ntotal2, pass 2 exceeds ntotal, pass 1");
1528             goto error;
1529         }
1530         if (n == 0)
1531             break;
1532         if (n > 0)
1533         {
1534             /* could add array bounds checking */
1535             nseg0[iseg] = n;
1536             site->xcp += n;
1537             site->ycp += n;
1538             ntotal2 += n;
1539             nparts2++;
1540         }
1541         else
1542         {
1543             PyErr_SetString(PyExc_RuntimeError,
1544                 "Negative n from curve_tracer in pass 2");
1545             goto error;
1546         }
1547     }
1550     if (points)
1551     {
1552         c_list = build_cntr_list_p(nseg0, xp0, yp0, nparts, ntotal);
1553     }
1554     else
1555     {
1556         c_list = build_cntr_list_v2(nseg0, xp0, yp0, nparts, ntotal);
1557     }
1558     PyMem_Free(xp0); PyMem_Free(yp0); PyMem_Free(nseg0);
1559     site->xcp = NULL; site->ycp = NULL;
1560     return c_list;
1562     error:
1563     PyMem_Free(xp0); PyMem_Free(yp0); PyMem_Free(nseg0);
1564     site->xcp = NULL; site->ycp = NULL;
1565     return NULL;
1566 }
1568 /******* Make an extension type.  Based on the tutorial.************/
1570 /* site points to the data arrays in the arrays pointed to
1571    by xpa, ypa, zpa, and mpa, so we include them in the
1572    structure so we can ensure they are not deleted until
1573    we have finished using them.
1574 */
1575 typedef struct {
1576     PyObject_HEAD
1577     PyArrayObject *xpa, *ypa, *zpa, *mpa;
1578     Csite *site;
1579 } Cntr;
1582 static int
Cntr_clear(Cntr * self)1583 Cntr_clear(Cntr* self)
1584 {
1585     PyArrayObject *tmp;
1587     cntr_del(self->site);
1589     tmp = self->xpa;
1590     self->xpa = NULL;
1591     Py_XDECREF(tmp);
1593     tmp = self->ypa;
1594     self->ypa = NULL;
1595     Py_XDECREF(tmp);
1597     tmp = self->zpa;
1598     self->zpa = NULL;
1599     Py_XDECREF(tmp);
1601     tmp = self->mpa;
1602     self->mpa = NULL;
1603     Py_XDECREF(tmp);
1604     return 0;
1605 }
1607 static void
Cntr_dealloc(Cntr * self)1608 Cntr_dealloc(Cntr* self)
1609 {
1610     Cntr_clear(self);
1611     Py_TYPE(self)->tp_free((PyObject*)self);
1612 }
1614 static PyObject *
Cntr_new(PyTypeObject * type,PyObject * args,PyObject * kwds)1615 Cntr_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
1616 {
1617     Cntr *self;
1619     self = (Cntr *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
1620     if (self != NULL)
1621     {
1622         self->site = cntr_new();
1623         if (self->site == NULL)
1624         {
1625             PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError,
1626                 "Memory allocation failed in cntr_new.");
1627             Py_XDECREF(self);
1628             return NULL;
1629         }
1630         self->xpa = NULL;
1631         self->ypa = NULL;
1632         self->zpa = NULL;
1633         self->mpa = NULL;
1634     }
1636     return (PyObject *)self;
1637 }
1639 static int
Cntr_init(Cntr * self,PyObject * args,PyObject * kwds)1640 Cntr_init(Cntr *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
1641 {
1642     static char *kwlist[] = {"x", "y", "z", "mask", NULL};
1643     PyObject *xarg, *yarg, *zarg, *marg;
1644     PyArrayObject *xpa, *ypa, *zpa, *mpa;
1645     long iMax, jMax;
1646     char *mask;
1648     marg = NULL;
1650     if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "OOO|O", kwlist,
1651                                       &xarg, &yarg, &zarg, &marg))
1652         return -1;
1653     if (marg == Py_None)
1654         marg = NULL;
1656     if (!PyArray_Check(xarg) || !PyArray_Check(yarg) ||
1657         !PyArray_Check(zarg) || (marg && !PyArray_Check(marg)))
1658     {
1659         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError,
1660             "Arguments x, y, z, (optional) mask  must be arrays.");
1661         return -1;
1662     }
1664     xpa = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(xarg,
1665 							 NPY_DOUBLE, 2, 2);
1666     ypa = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(yarg,
1667 							 NPY_DOUBLE,
1668 							 2, 2);
1669     zpa = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(zarg, NPY_DOUBLE,
1670 							 2, 2);
1671     if (marg)
1672         mpa = (PyArrayObject *) PyArray_ContiguousFromObject(marg,
1673 							     NPY_BYTE,
1674 							     2, 2);
1675     else
1676         mpa = NULL;
1678     if (xpa == NULL || ypa == NULL || zpa == NULL || (marg && mpa == NULL))
1679     {
1680         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
1681             "Arguments x, y, z, mask (if present) must be 2D arrays.");
1682         goto error;
1683     }
1684     iMax = PyArray_DIMS(zpa)[1];
1685     jMax = PyArray_DIMS(zpa)[0];
1686     if (PyArray_DIMS(xpa)[0] != jMax || PyArray_DIMS(xpa)[1] != iMax ||
1687         PyArray_DIMS(ypa)[0] != jMax || PyArray_DIMS(ypa)[1] != iMax ||
1688         (mpa && (PyArray_DIMS(mpa)[0] != jMax || PyArray_DIMS(mpa)[1] != iMax)))
1689     {
1690         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
1691             "Arguments x, y, z, mask (if present)"
1692              " must have the same dimensions.");
1693         goto error;
1694     }
1695     if (mpa) mask = PyArray_DATA(mpa);
1696     else     mask = NULL;
1697     if ( cntr_init(self->site, iMax, jMax, (double *)PyArray_DATA(xpa),
1698 		   (double *)PyArray_DATA(ypa),
1699 		   (double *)PyArray_DATA(zpa), mask))
1700     {
1701         PyErr_SetString(PyExc_MemoryError,
1702             "Memory allocation failure in cntr_init");
1703         goto error;
1704     }
1705     self->xpa = xpa;
1706     self->ypa = ypa;
1707     self->zpa = zpa;
1708     self->mpa = mpa;
1709     return 0;
1711     error:
1712     Py_XDECREF(xpa);
1713     Py_XDECREF(ypa);
1714     Py_XDECREF(zpa);
1715     Py_XDECREF(mpa);
1716     return -1;
1717 }
1719 static PyObject *
Cntr_trace(Cntr * self,PyObject * args,PyObject * kwds)1720 Cntr_trace(Cntr *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
1721 {
1722     double levels[2] = {0.0, -1e100};
1723     int nlevels = 2;
1724     int points = 0;
1725     long nchunk = 0L;
1726     static char *kwlist[] = {"level0", "level1", "points", "nchunk", NULL};
1728     if (! PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords(args, kwds, "d|dil", kwlist,
1729                                       levels, levels+1, &points, &nchunk))
1730     {
1731         return NULL;
1732     }
1733     if (levels[1] == -1e100 || levels[1] <= levels[0])
1734         nlevels = 1;
1735     return cntr_trace(self->site, levels, nlevels, points, nchunk);
1736 }
1738 static PyMethodDef Cntr_methods[] = {
1739     {"trace", (PyCFunction)Cntr_trace, METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS,
1740      "Return a list of contour line segments or polygons.\n\n"
1741      "    Required argument: level0, a contour level\n"
1742      "    Optional argument: level1; if given, and if level1 > level0,\n"
1743      "        then the contours will be polygons surrounding areas between\n"
1744      "        the levels.\n"
1745      "    Optional argument: points; if 0 (default), return a list of\n"
1746      "        vector pairs; otherwise, return a list of lists of points.\n"
1747      "    Optional argument: nchunk; approximate number of grid points\n"
1748      "        per chunk. 0 (default) for no chunking.\n"
1749     },
1750     {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
1751 };
1753 static PyTypeObject CntrType = {
1754     PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
1755     "_nc_cntr.Cntr",           /*tp_name*/
1756     sizeof(Cntr),              /*tp_basicsize*/
1757     0,                         /*tp_itemsize*/
1758     (destructor)Cntr_dealloc,  /*tp_dealloc*/
1759     0,                         /*tp_print*/
1760     0,                         /*tp_getattr*/
1761     0,                         /*tp_setattr*/
1762     0,                         /*tp_compare*/
1763     0,                         /*tp_repr*/
1764     0,                         /*tp_as_number*/
1765     0,                         /*tp_as_sequence*/
1766     0,                         /*tp_as_mapping*/
1767     0,                         /*tp_hash */
1768     0,                         /*tp_call*/
1769     0,                         /*tp_str*/
1770     0,                         /*tp_getattro*/
1771     0,                         /*tp_setattro*/
1772     0,                         /*tp_as_buffer*/
1773     Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,        /*tp_flags*/
1774     "Contour engine",          /* tp_doc */
1775     0,                         /* tp_traverse */
1776     (inquiry)Cntr_clear,       /* tp_clear */
1777     0,                         /* tp_richcompare */
1778     0,                         /* tp_weaklistoffset */
1779     0,                         /* tp_iter */
1780     0,                         /* tp_iternext */
1781     Cntr_methods,              /* tp_methods */
1782     0,                         /* tp_members */
1783     0,                         /* tp_getset */
1784     0,                         /* tp_base */
1785     0,                         /* tp_dict */
1786     0,                         /* tp_descr_get */
1787     0,                         /* tp_descr_set */
1788     0,                         /* tp_dictoffset */
1789     (initproc)Cntr_init,       /* tp_init */
1790     0,                         /* tp_alloc */
1791     Cntr_new,                  /* tp_new */
1792 };
1794 static PyMethodDef module_methods[] = {
1795   {NULL}  /* Sentinel */
1796 };
1798 /* see http://python3porting.com/cextensions.html */
1799 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
1800 # define MOD_ERROR_VAL NULL
1801 # define MOD_SUCCESS_VAL(val) val
1802 # define MOD_INIT(name) PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_##name(void)
1803 # define MOD_DEF(ob, name, doc, methods) \
1804   {  \
1805   static struct PyModuleDef moduledef = {		      \
1806     PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, name, doc, -1, methods, };	      \
1807   ob = PyModule_Create(&moduledef);  \
1808   }
1809 #else
1810 # define MOD_ERROR_VAL
1811 # define MOD_SUCCESS_VAL(val)
1812 # define MOD_INIT(name) void init##name(void)
1813 # define MOD_DEF(ob, name, doc, methods) \
1814   ob = Py_InitModule3(name, methods, doc)
1815 #endif
1817 /* returns different type depending on python version */
1818 #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3
donumpyinit(void)1819 static void* donumpyinit(void) { import_array(); return NULL; }
1820 #else
donumpyinit(void)1821 static void donumpyinit(void) { import_array(); }
1822 #endif
MOD_INIT(_nc_cntr)1824 MOD_INIT(_nc_cntr)
1825 {
1826   PyObject *m;
1828   if( PyType_Ready(&CntrType) < 0 )
1829     return MOD_ERROR_VAL;
1831   MOD_DEF(m, "_nc_cntr", "Contour 2D data", module_methods);
1833   if( m == NULL )
1834     return MOD_ERROR_VAL;
1836   donumpyinit();
1838   Py_INCREF(&CntrType);
1839   PyModule_AddObject(m, "Cntr", (PyObject *)&CntrType);
1841   return MOD_SUCCESS_VAL(m);
1842 }